#hey guys! vote for cove
short-honey-badger · 5 months
Peppermint Tea 20 - Lavender 3
So. I know in my vote post. I mentioned that it probably won't have any Mihawk/Shanks. HOWEVER! My ass went and had to read some MiShanks stuff and now I can't get them out of my head. But I also do not want to leave Peppermint Tea behind because I love my little islander and her snowy devil fruit.
Anyways! I hope you enjoy the direction that I've chosen to go! I promise this will have a happy ending!
Warnings! Drinking! Shanks and Mihawk are mean and their past is peeked into!
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A week is all it takes for Mihawk to track Shanks and his crew down. He finds the redhead in the cove of a chain of merchant islands near Sabaody and flairs his haki to get the Emperor’s attention. Shanks jerked his head up from where he’d been dozing in the mid-day sun. He rubs the crust from his eyes and gives the warlord a wide smile in greeting as he approaches.
“Hey, you! Just the guy I wanted to talk to,” Shanks smirks at his old friend, and he pushes himself up, leaning heavily on the tree he’d been dozing under. The warlord looks immaculate as usual, and Shanks doesn’t hide the way he casts his eyes over his bare chest.
Mihawk comes to a stop a foot away from the other man, far closer than he would usually deem to get nowadays. Dracule narrows his eyes at the other man, mood already soured.
“If you weren’t such a drunk buffoon, I would suggest a duel, if only so I could kick your ass,” Drcaule sneers at the redhead. The Emporer looks tired and hungover, not an unusual sight, though at least Shanks seemed sober enough to pay attention. It’s more of a struggle than it should be for him to keep his stance relaxed and nonchalant. Shanks knew more than anyone on the Grand Line how to push Mihawk’s buttons.
“Ohh, now you want to fight? You know I’d win, right?” Shanks sways straight, feet planted as his hand lands on the hilt of Griffon. The tension in the air skyrockets, getting the attention of the rest of the crew that lazes around.
The two of them had not fought since Shanks lost his arm, so having the Hawk's attention on him was riveting. He grins at Dracule, his own haki flaring in response to Mihawk's that is still raging at the redhead.
Beckman takes one look at the two men and rounds everyone up, directing them back to the Red Force. Who knew what was about to happen, and the first mate would rather not have any possible casualties if Mihawk and Shanks decided to actually duke it out.
Mihawk takes a half step forward, not backing down from the challenge that Shanks presents.
“I would like to see you try,” He sneers. Lip curling as he looks down his nose at the bum. The only thing that is keeping him from making mince meat of the younger man is a tiny voice in the back of his mind that sounds oddly like you, telling him how bad of an idea it would be to cause a scene. His snow angel surely wouldn’t be happy with him.
The two powerful men eye each other for a while, ready for the other to make the first move. Shanks sighs and removes his hand from his sword, shifting to gesture at the port town down the beach.
“How about we act like adults and go have a drink? My treat?” Shanks suggests, and Dracule huffs at him but dips his head in agreement. He follows Shanks back into town and to the first bar they come across. They order, and Dracule picks a table in the back, away from the rest of the patrons. Shanks pays like he agrees, and Mihawk takes that as a win.
“This is about that treasure, huh?” Shanks starts after taking a deep pull of his ale, “I just want to go ahead and let you know that you can’t make me stay away. She said that we’re more than welcome to come by her island.”
Dracule could strangle the smug prick across from him. Shanks speaks nothing but the truth, but Mihawk can’t help but bare his teeth in a silent snarl at the redhead’s self-satisfied tone, acting like he had already won whatever argument that had yet to be had. He hadn’t expected Shanks to bestow you with such a familiar nickname, and the older man doesn’t know how he feels about it right now.
“I’m not here to warn you to stay away from the island, Shanks,” Mihawk clears his expression back to one of uninterest and shelves the earlier thought for later. The Emperor can see the displeasure lurking in Dracule’s ringed eyes despite his best efforts, “I’m here to tell you to stay away from,_.”
“I found her first, she is mine, and I am not going to let you of all people ruin the relationship I have with them,” Dracule continues, tone deadly and not booking any kind of room for argument. He sips his wine, finding it subpar, “That girl is worth more to me than any treasure in this miserable world.”
Shanks watches his old friend. He commends the usually monotone man for speaking about his feelings, but the redhead has a stubborn streak bigger than an island, “We’re pirates, Hawkeye. I don’t think I should have to remind you what we do with treasure.”
He lets the threat linger in the air, the tension borderline suffocating, before Shanks breaks it by sipping from his mug once more, “Anyone else I wouldn’t have any kind of reservations about taking what I want, but we’ve been rivals for a long time, and we’ve known each other for even longer Mihawk. What’s one more thing for us to scuffle over?”
“_ is not some kind of prize to be won,” Dracule grumbles, anger leaking over as his hand tightens around his glass. He must consciously think about loosening his grip, or else he would have sent wine and glass exploding everywhere, “And if she were, I have already won.”
Shanks purses his lips and sits back in his seat, amused at having gotten such a rise out of Hawkeye. He wasn’t about to give up, though, but also wouldn’t go behind the warlord’s back. He had too much respect for the other man. He sips his ale and then sets the tankard away.
“You can't be there all the time, Mihawk,” Shanks points out quietly, and his tone has shifted, more to one of careful understanding, “Your duties as a warlord pull you away from her, don't they? Leaving her vulnerable and alone for longer stretches of time than you like.”
Dracule says nothing even as Shanks lays his greatest fears on the table for all to see. The redhead isn't wrong, and just admitting that rankles the warlord in the worst of ways. However, Mihawk wasn't above putting your safety above everything else in his life. There would only be so much he and perhaps Perona could do if Big Mom somehow found out that you still lived.
“Do you know who she is? Her connections?” Mihawks asks the redhead and gets his answer when a dark expression crosses Shanks’ face, “And my involvement?”
“I knew the moment she introduced herself. Is that your reason for wanting her, Mihawk? Are you trying to atone for your sins?” Shanks sends the other man a mean grin, and Dracule matches the look with a glare of his own. Shanks can remember the day of your island's destruction and can remember the disappointment he felt when he found out that Dracule had left to help Big Mom. It's mean, and he feels guilty for bringing it up, but Shanks invested himself into your happiness the moment you told him that he and his crew were welcome back to your island.
“I don't have to explain my actions to you,” Mihawk sets his empty glass away, leaning back in his seat to cross his arms over his chest, “Besides, you have no right to judge any of what I do.”
Shanks is an emperor for a reason. He answered to no one, and while he wasn't a monster like Kaido or Big Mom, the redhead had skeletons in his closet like everyone else. He raises his hand in surrender, reluctantly agreeing with Dracule on the subject.
“Does she know about it?” Shanks pressed, and his brows shot up in surprise when the warlord sniffed and looked away from him. Shanks narrows his eyes, disbelief thick in his tone, “You really haven't told her?”
“No, and I have no plans of doing so, either. Why should I bring up painful memories when she doesn't even remember what happened to her?” Dracule draws and crosses his legs like he has done no wrong in the world, “It's best that she never finds out.”
“Oh, that way she can't get upset with you and tell you to leave,” Shanks summarizes and nods like it makes all the sense in the world, but Mihawk can see the tension in his smile and the sarcastic way he slaps his knee, “Smart man, Mihawk, keeping that away from someone you love.”
“I do not love her. She interests me, and we have a mutually beneficial relationship,” Mihawk snaps at the redhead. Panic had swept through him the second Shanks had dropped the L word. Dracule Mihawk loved nothing in this world. He only invested his time into interesting subjects, and you were the most mysterious by far.
Shanks snorts in amusement, eyes rolling skyward at how stubborn his old friend was. This song and dance were familiar, one that Shanks had the displeasure of knowing intimately. The Emperor can't keep the bitter tone out of his voice when he next speaks. Shanks can't help but want to be mean right now.
“Of course you don't,” He hums and sweeps his hand through his hair, leaving the red strands tussled, “Then you shouldn't have any problem with me wanting her, then, right? Since she just interests you.”
An image of Shanks and his angel curled up together in front of the fireplace in his home, you leaning into the bare chest of the redhead as he helps you sip from a shallow bowl of sake. He sees you pulling Shanks in for a kiss, a sweet one full of yearning.
The imagery has Dracule seething with a feeling he hasn't felt in longer than he would care to remember, though any normal person would call it jealousy. He sucks in a sharp breath and shuts his eyes, fighting to control his breathing and his growing annoyance. This insolence that Shanks wears like a second skin has always been able to set Mihawk off. How he once called this man more than a friend, Dracule didn't know.
Shanks smirks, self-satisfied at seeing the other man break even further at his scathing remarks. He thinks that Mihawk deserves it. He also thinks that the other man is a big idiot for not telling you about your past. That information belonged to you. You deserved to know about it.
“You will not touch her, Shanks,” Mihawk repeated, tone laced with finality. He was done with this sham of a conversation. He should have known that Shanks would push on this. The Emperor matched his own stubbornness.
“I won't do anything that _ doesn't want,” Shanks snapped right back, dark eyes narrowed on the other man. Dracule wasn't the only one tired of this back-and-forth. He softened after half a second, shoulders relaxing as he leaned forward and rested his upper body on the table between them.
“I'm not trying to take her away from you, Dracule. I want to help you keep her safe, but I'm not doing it for free,” Shanks murmurs, and Mihawk sighs heavily when he feels defeat creeping in. He does not want to admit that Shanks makes nothing but good points. Mihawk may not trust the other pirate, not any longer, but it could have been someone far more ill-mannered than the laid-back Emperor.
“I want you to tell me when you will visit her island. I want your word that this is for her, Shanks. That you are not just doing this to spite me. That you aren’t going to run away from her like you’re known to do” Mihawk demands, and leans forward, voice dropping and becoming deadly, “Swear it to me.”
The warlord is bringing up the past. A gamble, but it gets the younger man’s attention, and Dracule feels a dark satisfaction rip through him when Shanks sits up straight and looks at him in surprise, though hurt swims in his dark eyes.
Mihawk knows how much he is giving in and giving up with this, but your happiness and your safety mean more to him than little else. He would have to contend with Shanks for your attention, and he despises the hurt and anxiety that curdled in his stomach at the thought of you leaving him for the redhead. Shanks was nothing but selfish, a problem that Mihawk knew too well. Dracule didn’t want to have to share you with the other man, but this wasn’t about him. If you wanted Shanks around, then the warlord would not keep him away.
Shanks meets his golden gaze, any trace of humor or teasing attitude gone from his expression, and he offers Dracule his hand. He thinks back to a time before none of this would ever be necessary, a time when he and Mihawk trusted one another explicitly, and the Emperor dearly wishes for that closeness. Shanks wonders if the older man ever wants the same, “I swear that this is for _.”
Dracule eyes the hand that is placed in front of him. An old tension had settled in the back of his mind, one that Mihawk hadn’t felt in well over twenty years when the two of them had been far closer. He feels that tension shimmer between them, and Shanks’ hand is familiar and warm when Mihawk finally takes it.
Shanks curls his hand tight around his old friends, holding on far longer than necessary just to feel the heat of Mihawk’s palm against his own. He grins when he catches sight of the dusting of red on the Hawk’s cheeks when he extracts his hand. While there is still much to hash out between the two of them, the air has settled, and their haki smooths along one another as if greeting an old friend. Shanks leans forward, eyes mischievous, “Let’s have another drink, Hawkeye. My treat.”
Dracule hears that little voice in his head again, though this time it matches the troublesome tone that lingers in Shanks’ voice, but Mihawk finds himself listening to it once again as he leans back in the creaky bench and crosses his legs.
“Get me something better this time.”
@writingmysanity @djbumblebee @goth-mami-writer @myradiaz @fluffybunnyu @bookandstar @foggyturtleknightangel @browneyedhufflepuff @anastasiyax
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Hey, are tumblr brackets still a thing? Well, I'm doing another.
The point of this blog will be to have multiple polls for voting on your favorite internet horror that's at least a decade old. Submissions for other contestants are now open, and the list will be updated as time goes on.
Nothing with real gore is allowed (ogrish, rotten . com, funky town, etc.)
Try to avoid big-name mascott creepy pastas (Slenderman, Jeff The Killer, etc.)
Most, if not all entries, will include subject matter of varying levels of sensitivity so viewer discretion is advised.
No porn based shock videos (lemon party, 2 girls 1 cup, BME pain Olympics, etc.)
First come, first serve
Under the cut will be already suggested/accepted into the bracket submissions. Google at your own risk.
Update: Thank you guys for all the nominations! I'm going to keep the submissions open until Saturday, May 4th 2024, or until we hit 40 nominees. I'm not familiar with all of the submissions but I've been googling them as I go and will try and update myself on the ones that are new to me.
Watchmerot . com
There Is Nothing (Dining Room)
I Feel Fantastic
Maze Game Jump Scare
Peaceful Car Ride Jump Scare
Lavendertown Syndrome
Blank Room Soup
Ted The Caver
Salad Fingers
Username 666
Shay Saint John
Bongcheon-Dong Ghost
Possibly In Michigan
Russian Sleep Experiment
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (2011)
No Through Road
Treats For Beasts
theholders . org
Marble Hornets
Monument Mythos
Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv (cursed video of man behind a red filter smiling at the camera)
SCP Foundation
The Dionaea House
Godzilla NES
Candle Cove
Normal Porn For Normal People
Goat Valley Campgrounds
Penpals (r/nosleep)
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iamatinydinosaur · 4 months
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First time
Throughout your relationship for the past few months it was always Bruce making the first step. You were naturally shy so of course he would make the first steps. So you thought for your guys first time you wanted to make the effort.
The next few days were spent organizing everything. You decided you would do it at the cove where you first met. You made a really nice dinner. By the water you had made a really romantic setting for your dinner.
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You told Bruce to come to your cove at 7. It was current 6:55 and you were so nervous. "Hey baby. So what thi-" Bruce started but froze when he saw the date you had set up. "This is beautiful!" He exclaimed slowly turning to you but froze again when seeing your appearance.
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"But you are more beautiful." He whispered walking over to you, then kissing your cheek. "Thank you. You always make the effort so I wanted to show you how much you mean to me." You said taking him by the hand and leading him to your dinner. You had made a 3 course meal and chocolate covered strawberries.
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A/N: I've been in bed sick all day. I haven't eaten all day and finding those pictures has made me so hungry.
"That was amazing, I didn't know you could cook and bake like that." Bruce said feeding you the last chocolate covered strawberry. You smiled and got up. You slowly took his hand. "That's not it." You smiled leading him up to the cave at the back of the cove. However, you had made a shield of hanging flowers at the entrance for privacy. You separated so you can walk in. Bruce gasped seeing what you had prepared.
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"I love you. I want to take it to the next level." You whispered, pulling him in for a deep kiss. It took Bruce a few moments to realize what was happening, but he kissed you back passionately. He picked you up by your waist, making you wrap you legs around his waist. He carried you over to the bed. He placed you down and crawled on top of you.
That night you two were finally one in every aspect of your relationship.
A/N: I hope you like it. Last day for the vote. Get your votes in quick!!
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jaxu21976 · 2 years
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@americasfavoritepet Hey, everyone!! 😃😎Asking for your help!! Zeus is competing in a contest and the prize is a magazine shoot and $10,000! All you need to do is vote here every 24 hours: https://tinyurl.com/3wv75esn It’s free to vote daily or you can chose to donate $ with your vote. The $ goes to help animals in need through the charity PAWS. TIP: After selecting daily free vote, select vote through Facebook, the 2nd choice. Also want you guys to know that it is up to you if you would like to vote for Zeus or not. It's also up to you if you donate or not. Would never force anyone to do what they don't want to do. I have been accused of forcing people to vote for Zeus or forcing people to donate and I would never ever force anyone to do anything. It is 100% your choice.Thank you all for your help!! #americasfavpet2022 #americasfavpet #rescuedog #rescuedoglover #dutchshepherdmix (at Tufts Cove, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chv3vBhAvKh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bluerene · 6 years
river, part four [starx]
whew, okay, I’m home, it’s late, but I’m putting this out anyways. Linking parts one, two and three, aaaaaand dividing this chapter up a little bit because formatting and length were bothering me. Next chapter should be up by Tuesday night. I work both jobs back-to-back tomorrow so no chances of updates then.  As always, all my love for @fireflyxrebel who literally inspired this whole thing and is practically the only reason I wrote it (the other being a sad lack of StarX content and my need to change that).
Let me know what y’all think! 
bless <3 
Friday didn’t go by fast enough. I woke up and called in sick to work, first thing, intent on decrypting the files I’d stolen the night before. Made myself some eggs and toast, turned on the TV for morning news, set up my laptop, and plugged in the flash drive. Well, no, not true - I burned the toast, forgot to replace the batteries in the remote, and tried to set up the drive incorrectly. Twice. I was distracted. I had a date in twenty-six hours and nothing was ready.
I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous, or why I was so invested in making my time with her perfect.
It didn’t help that I hadn’t stopped thinking about the kiss since it happened.
The thing about fireworks erupting in the background and angels singing is complete bullshit, by the way. There’s nothing earthshaking about it. The kiss didn’t send me to the heavens and back. It just felt right. There was this feeling of comfort that gripped me. She was warm and lovely. Her mouth moved agonizingly slowly against mine. It was torture and bliss and everything I imagined it would be.
And then it was over. She ended it, blushing as she unwound her arms from around my neck. Starfire stammered something about seeing me later and backed away, before shooting into the air.
I waited to hear the tell-tale raven’s call that so often signaled their departure, before teleporting back to my room and flopping onto my bed.
Needless to say, I didn’t get a lot of sleep. I drafted the same text about fifty times, hoping to engage her in conversation.
hey babe. Gross, delete.
that was some kiss. Too forward, she’ll get skittish, delete.
i had a really nice time last night. Where’s the charm? Delete.
i can’t stop thinking about you. It’s not a lie, but it might freak her out. Delete.
saturday, 11 am, key cove. see you there. A little dull, but it’s effective. Sent.
So yeah, stressful evening. Nervous morning. Once the files were finished loading I focused on combing through them. I didn’t like what I saw.
There were blueprints and notes, pdf versions of hastily scribbled equations and messy theories. Plans for some kind of incubation chamber. A complex formula for what appeared to be a chemical virus that could eradicate mutations in DNA. Footnotes that listed the unpredictable factors that could occur, and the ones that had occurred in test subjects.
Where they saw the likelihood of medical innovation, my clients would see the potential for biological warfare.
I disconnected the flash-drive and wiped the files from my laptop, initiating a self-diagnostic run to sweep for any bugs that may have come with the folder. Not good, not good at all. The trade was supposed to go down later tonight. There wasn’t enough time for me to come up with an alibi or skip town.
I grimaced, already imagining the beating I would take for backing out of the exchange.
Laptop was clean, so there was a silver lining. I still had to destroy both drives and set some sort of trap for the meetup. I needed that money. I wasn’t going away from this without it.
There was a beep coming from my bedroom, which meant my burner phone had received a message. I put my laptop away and shoved the flash-drives into my pocket, curious as to who had contacted me.
12:34 pm - unknown: bring the drives tonight @ 2 am, 811 lilac rd, construction zone. we have the money.
I knew better than to respond.
My cell rang not long after, and for a moment, I was struck with the fear that they’d somehow gotten my private number and figured out who I was and where I was staying.
But the ID was different. I couldn’t help but grin as I lifted the phone to my ear.
“Oh...Red X?” Starfire confirmed, sounding a bit taken aback.
“The one and only, cutie.”
“Your voice is different.”
“I don’t live in the suit,” I replied, amused by her curiosity, “why are you calling?”
“I would like to see you tonight.”
Ahhhhh, no, beautiful, we can’t do that.
“I thought you couldn’t sneak out at night.”
“It will be difficult, but I believe I can make it work. If it is convenient for you,” she added hastily.
It really wasn’t, but how could I tell her that?
“Not a problem,” I said smoothly, “meet me at Key Cove tonight, whenever your patrol gets done. Wear something comfortable.”
“Very well. I shall see you then.”
“Sounds good.”
“X? Thank you,” she said softly.
I hung up without another word.
It was not turning out to be my day.
I took a couple of deep breaths and set my phone down, thinking hard about what I was going to do. As far as the date went, I had most things prepared. There was an Italian restaurant down the road, a little bistro called Vinum Domum. It was locally owned by an elderly couple, who were more than happy to offer me a free meal on account of the fact that it was for a date and I apparently needed all the help I could get.
Patrols usually ended between nine and eleven, depending on the route taken and the amount of crime occurring. Jump had a fairly quiet night-life. Starfire would probably show meet me around ten. I’d take her to the planetarium, we’d have a nice dinner, watch the movie I’d selected, hopefully kiss again, and wrap up just in time for me to make the deal. I had enough hours before to try and edit the files so that they were missing the doomsday parts. It would be shitty, and probably a bit obvious that I’d tampered with the drives, but it was significantly better than handing over Jump City’s death certificate.
Plan set, I put it all in motion.
I called Rosalie and Pietro Alexander right away, requesting a bottle of cider and two meals for pick-up in the evening. They made me swear to bring her by the restaurant the next time I had the chance. I laughed, trying not to entertain the idea because if I did, it would be stuck in my head forever.
I retrieved various things from around my apartment - a couple of blankets and pillows, plates, cups, utensils, the DVD I was planning on playing, popcorn, candy, and a pack of battery-operated candles. Stuffed most of it into a bag and set aside the rest to load onto my motorcycle when it came time to leave.
I worked on the files for a couple of hours. Chopped up the uglier parts, patching it up with glitching copies that (hopefully) looked like a virus had eaten away at the documents. I redacted portions of the formula, fiddled with the numbers. Deleted a couple of footnotes, added a few that emphasized the unpredictability of the science and made the data look less reliable. I kept enough information to satisfy them but removed enough to keep people safe. That was all I could really do.
I showered at eight and got a little dressed up. Black fitted jeans and shoes, a maroon button-down, an old woven bracelet that belonged to my mother around my wrist. Packed the Red X suit into the bag I had already filled, keeping the mask and belt ready for use.
All that was left was for me to wait, and I did.
An hour later, I got her message.
10:12 pm - unknown: i will see you shortly
Okay, fuck.
It was now or never.
Raven was quick to notice the scarlet blush I was undoubtedly wearing but knew better than to comment until we were safely in the confines of her room.
We teleported to the common room, where Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy were still waiting.
“All good?” Robin asked, rising from the couch.
Raven shrugged, sparing me the trouble of responding.
“Didn’t catch him, he was long gone by the time we arrived. Nothing was stolen, but the security officers received an alert that the main lab was breached so there’s a chance some research may have been copied.”
Robin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “okay, we’ll have to deal with that later. Thanks, guys.”
He was rarely so collected when an instance like this occurred. I couldn’t help the warmth that filled me when he turned my way.
“You okay, Star?”
“Hmm?” my blush deepened as I realized what he was asking, “oh, yes, I am the o and the k.”
“Lookin’ a little flushed, princess.” Cyborg teased, nudging Beast Boy with a grin.
“I am simply tired. I would like to turn in for the evening,” I replied in my most dignified tone.
“Good idea, I vote we all do it,” Raven said.
Beast Boy raised an eyebrow, “it’s not even midnight.”
“You could use the beauty sleep,” she shot back.
I giggled behind my hand, grateful for her ability to distract while I composed myself. Cyborg laughed loudly while they bickered, which had become rather frequent as of late. I believe all of us were waiting for them to ‘kiss and make up’, as Cyborg so often told them.
“Guys,” Robin interrupted, shaking his head, “it’s late. If you’re tired, go to bed, if not, make sure you lock the tower down before you leave the common room.”
“Sure thing, Dad.” Beast Boy replied, flopping back onto the couch.
Robin grumbled under his breath and cast me one more glance, before turning and exiting the room.
Raven curled her fingers around my wrist and tugged gently, “we should talk.”
“I believe that would be prudent,” I said, following her into the hallway.
She pulled me into her bedroom and onto the floor, crossing her legs and looking at me expectantly.
I touched my fingers to my lips and smiled faintly, “he kissed me.”
The lights flickered and Raven’s eyes flared for a moment.
“What?” She asked in a dangerously quiet voice.
I explained that I had messed with his belt and arrived at his home, where we had a short conversation.
She waited until I was finished speaking, her mouth pressed in a thin line by the end of my narrative.
“So you guys are dating?”
“We are going on a date,” I corrected, “it may not lead anywhere.”
“But you kissed.”
“And you enjoyed it,” she confirmed.
I blushed, “surprisingly, yes, very much.”
She leaned back on her hands and sighed, “wow, okay, that’s a lot.”
“I do not mean to burden you-”
“It’s not that,” Raven reassured me, “it’s just...what about Robin?”
My heart fluttered, my stomach churned, my head ached at the sound of his name.
Raven’s eyes widened as I let my emotions flow through me, “I see.”
“Indeed,” I murmured, “my feelings for Robin are complicated. They are still there. I do not think I will ever be rid of them. But Red X makes me feel...desired. Powerful, even. He sees me differently.”
“I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how terrible of an idea this is?”
I smile, “I am well aware of the repercussions at hand, Raven. I will be discreet.”
“Azar, I hope so,” she muttered, allowing a half-smile to quirk upon her lips, “If this is what you want, I have your back.”
I squeezed her hand gratefully and stayed with her for a little while after, eager to chat about her developing relationship with Beast Boy. She kicked me out of her room shortly after, advising that I go to sleep, warning me that it would not come to me easily.
She was correct. I tossed and turned, contemplating various messages I could send him. Nothing came out of it, except for a single, full thought - I wanted to see him soon.
Just as my eyes gave way to heaviness, the sound of a message pinged from my phone, jolting me awake.
3:26 am - unknown: saturday, 11 am, key cove. see you there.
I bit my lip, thumbs hovering over the digital keyboard. X’hal, how could I possibly wait another day and a half? I could barely make it through this night, let alone another.
If I could establish a means of escape, I could attempt to see him tomorrow.
I opted to set my phone aside and try to sleep. I hoped the next morning would bring some clarity.
I continued to fret quietly for an hour, recalling the kiss over and over in my mind until it was seared in place.
I had never been kissed properly. The others might tell you they witnessed it in Tokyo with the boy on the street, or when I assimilated Atlantean from Aqualad, or when I first met Robin, but that is not true. Language transference, while not unpleasant, does not evoke any enjoyment from me. It is a skill I have used many times with many beings, regardless of how I might feel about them.
But kissing was different. It was not the hard connection between unmoving mouths, guided by a tight grip on the person’s shoulder or neck. There was no rush of thought, no compounded headache as a side-effect.
It was much softer and gentler, like the first kisses I saw so often in films and on television.
One of Red X’s hands had found my waist while the other held my wrist, rubbing circles on my skin with his thumb. His mouth moved sweetly against mine, coaxing movement from my frozen state.
I tugged my hand from his grip and wound my arms around his neck, sliding my fingers along the bottom of his mask to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. He squeezed my hips and pulled me closer, drawing a squeal of surprise from my lips. He deepened the kiss, shaking with silent laughter at my enthusiasm.
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew it was not the time, nor the place. Reluctantly, I drew back, stumbling through a goodbye before darting into the air, fighting the urge to look back at him.
I felt angry with myself afterward, for too many reasons. Angry because in a way, I had betrayed Robin. Angry because I had let it go farther than I intended. Angry because somewhere, I knew with full certainty, Raven was correct. Somewhere, something in me had attached itself to Red X. And I was happy because of it.
I slept fitfully through the night, coming in and out of lustful dreams that left me flushed and nervous and exhausted. I was no stranger to these feelings, but with Robin I felt in control, certain of the boundaries and lines we had drawn, comfortable in our established relationship. Now, every rule I had given myself had vanished. I did not know where X’s feelings stretched or where his walls were built; I did not know where he felt comfortable being touched or what he saw in me. It was unexplored territory, and it ignited a delicious fear in me that I could not help but enjoy.
Now, I suppose this was a side-effect of the many romance books I indulged in, where heroines had their hearts stolen by handsome thieves as they were rushed into a whirlwind love story. It was an idea that I found both charming and delightful on so many levels.
I woke when the first rays of sunlight peeked through my curtains. I opted to stay in my room and observe the sunrise on my own. Robin usually liked to join me on the roof most mornings, but I could not bear to be around him while I was feeling so guilty and confused and struck with the love.
Not that I was in love. But I have learned, despite what the phrase implies, that you do not have to mean you love something just because you say you do.
Once dawn had fully broken through the clouds, I considered going back to sleep, but I was too restless to crawl into bed. So I began the day.
I selected some casual garments from my closet - a pair of cropped running pants, a bright purple sports bra with black straps, and a soft blue zippered sweatshirt - and changed out of my sleepwear. It seemed like a pleasant day for a run around Titan Island. Perhaps I could practice training in the simulation hall. I felt charged by the sun, my fingertips tingling with unspent energy.
Quietly, so I would not disturb the others, I slipped out of my room and made my way to the stairwell that led to the rooftop. Robin did not usually linger there unless I was also with him.
I spent a few hours outside. I have always loved the cool taste of the air, salted by the sea breeze. I dove from the tower and allowed myself to fall until I caught onto a large gust of wind and flowed in its direction. I twisted and turned through the air, pushing myself to go faster until everything around me blurred into unfamiliar shapes.
My communicator beeped loudly from my waist and I stopped immediately, hovering in the clouds while I flipped my device open.
“Starfire, where are you?” she asked impatiently, raising a hand to quiet someone beside her.
“I went out for a morning flight. Why?”
She sighed and shook her head, “Robin got worried when you didn’t join him on the roof this morning. And you weren’t at breakfast, and your communicator indicated you were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.”
I blushed, averting my gaze, “I may have flown farther than I intended. Please do not worry, I will return shortly.”
“You know,” Raven said quickly, before I could hang up on the call, “Things will never be the same between you two, but you should probably talk to him. Avoiding an issue doesn’t make it go away. He’s starting to feel like he’s losing you.”
“You cannot lose what you never had,”  I said, smiling sadly, “I will see you soon.”
I did not rush back to the Tower. An ugly feeling had settled in the pit of my stomach at the prospect of seeing Robin, who would undoubtedly be frustrated and concerned for my well-being. Raven did the lessening of the situation when she explained it to me - she would only ever call to check on me if something serious motivated her.
I let myself drop lower, nearer to the surface of the water, and dipped my hands in, enjoying the cool after-splash that followed. I spied a trio of dolphins surfacing in the distance, their glistening fins cutting through the rippling sea before they burst through the blue.
I sighed, envious of their freedom. To be with the one you wanted, free to go as you pleased, unburdened by who you might hurt, or who you already have.
I knew I could not delay the inevitable for much longer.
I landed on the rooftop of the tower almost thirty minutes later and hurried to the common room, biting my lip as the doors slid open.
Raven and Robin were in a deep, seemingly heated conversation at the breakfast table, while Beast Boy and Cyborg were cooking something at the stove, their backs turned to me.
I plastered on a cheerful smile and threw my hands into the air.
“Good morning friends!”
Robin’s head snapped up at the sound of my voice, his expression alarmingly blank.
“Good morning to you too, lil’ lady,” Cyborg said with a grin, “where have you been?”
“I merely went for a flight. I apologize, I did not mean to travel so far.” I said, smiling back, “I hope I did not cause any of you concern”
Robin pushed back his chair and stood up.
“Don’t worry, Starfire, you didn’t.”
I dropped to the ground, abandoning all pretenses of happiness as he stalked past me.
“I’m not very hungry, Cy. Got work to catch up on,” he said loudly.
The doors slid shut as soon as he exited the common room, and I felt three pairs of eyes lock on me.
I slid into a seat at the kitchen counter and sighed, resting my chin against my fist.
“He is angry,” I murmured.
Cyborg and Beast Boy exchanged a glance.
“Well, y’know, Star, you’ve been kinda weird around him lately,” Beast Boy offered, rubbing the back of his neck, “he’s probably just worried about you.”
“Is everythin’ okay between you two?” Cyborg asked, touching my shoulder.
I wanted to laugh. Things had never been less okay or more uncertain with Robin and I. I felt sick to my stomach when I thought about where things were headed for us. And worse, the guilt I had felt when I kissed Red X was fading, vanishing so quickly it was as if there had only ever been happiness.
I did not tell Cyborg this. I promised him things were the O and K, and that I was the same, and we would be as well. I excused myself from breakfast quickly and hurried towards my room. I could hear heavy, angry grunts from the gym when I passed it, and the muffled sound of fists attacking a weighted bag. Robin was undoubtedly in there, forcing his fury out in a way that would protect him. I lingered by the doorway for a moment, recalling all the times when I pulled him away from his training or studied his movements with undisguised admiration.
Now it is easy for me to float by, barely sparing a glance as I catch the shadows of his form in the pale lights. This is what it feels like to bury your love so deep it cannot break from your chest. I wonder if this is what Robin feels when he glances at me, in all the moments he thinks I have not noticed his attention.
X’hal, what was I doing to myself? It was not fair to me or Robin or Red X. I could not continue to pine for one boy while tempting the other. It was not right.
The pit in my stomach grew heavier.
NEXT: what’s up with Starfire?, some Robin insight, and (finally!!!) the date
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alteredrp · 6 years
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here with another subplot group for you to consider! while our site doesn’t have an overarching plot, we have created several subplots for you to choose from. The subplots will develop over time and are influenced by YOU the writer and how your interactions develop with other members. we might throw some curve-balls and start up discussions between members, but ultimately we’d love to see where you guys take your characters on their journeys! by suggestion, we’ve decided to start releasing groups first to our members! this includes covens, packs, nests, and so on. keep in mind we will not be accepting any groups made by members. haling cove is a small town and we’d like to keep the groups to a minimum to ensure that the number of groups doesn’t get out of hand. however, in the future if the site grows significantly, we will consider opening up more groups. but in the mean time, please consider joining these groups! this is an excellent way to start plotting with others and becoming involved with the subplots! now for our second release, we’re here to introduce to you our werewolf packs! keep in mind there might be a term, a group, a detail that you might not understand as it may be a connected to another subplot you will see in the future. by all means if you want more information or have any questions, send us a message or join us on discord! overall, there are three packs that reside in haling cove, each one distinctly different from the other and hold their own beliefs and attitudes which may conflict with the other packs. packs are made up of only werewolves. despite what most thing, werewolves do not run on a alpha, beta, omega system. instead they run very much like a family, with older members in charge and usually two of them overseeing the others much like parents would. while these two werewolves might speak for the rest of the pack, they do not get to decide everything alone. packs allow everyone to have their say. here are the three werewolf packs:
THE FOUND FAMILY PACK all are welcome within this pack. there is no one that cannot fit into the found family that they have created. as one of the oldest packs in haling cove, they have always run their pack with a desire to be a place for wandering wolves. due to the nature of the pack, a lot of werewolves use this as an almost interim pack; they stop here for comfort and rest for however long is necessary, and they move onto the next part of their lives. some have and will always remain in this pack, but it is known for being a revolving door, and this is no problem to them. as one of the older and most respected packs in haling cove, they encourage their members to abide by the law so they can keep their good reputation, and they believe other werewolves should do the same.this pack functions with two in leadership roles, where issues are brought up within an open forum and the two discuss. If they cannot come to an agreement, it goes to an open vote. they reside in everton. THE BITTEN PACK where some werewolves are created through birth or hex, this is a pack made of those who were turned via bite. unlike vampires, a werewolf that creates another werewolf does not often stay with their creation. when that happens, newly bitten wolves are often left with no understanding of their new powers. this pack was started by a group of bitten werewolves who decided to help each other with their newfound abilities and changing skin. they are welcoming to any bitten werewolf, new or old. many of them have conflicting feelings over their abilities and many of are strong advocates against biting/hexing new werewolves. they have an extremely rocky relationship with many of the pack members of PURITY. they run on a completely democratic system where the popular vote is what the pack decides. they reside in black hollow. THE PURITY PACK where there are those that hate their are species, there are others who believe that they are the greatest of the rest. this pack truly believes that werewolves are the superior species; they are purists that believe everyone should be turned. obviously, this belief does not go very well received, especially not by packs such as BITTEN. while many of them believe that those who are born werewolves are more powerful than those who were bitten/hexed, they believe that being a werewolf automatically makes you better than anyone else.their views have gotten them in significant trouble SCPT and have brought them underground. now they function more as criminals, gaining their income through illegal activities. they reside in torrine.
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magickalmenagerie · 7 years
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Hey guys! We have been putting in a lot of man hours to get some new things rolling for you all. We have 6 new workbooks on the way (a few of them free!), and some new services we are going to be offering.
The first service is Discord ‘office hours.’ These hours are for you to ask questions about your personal entity connections, spiritual questions in general, or just anything you want to know about what we do, or any advice you could think to ask for!
We will be on Discord answering questions for patrons for 3-8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and will schedule more office hours if we have to be away from our desks at a later time!
This Patreon/Discord hybrid is known as our Curiosity Cove and will feature, depending on tier: advance releases of workbooks, patron-only lessons and video-lectures, video/phone counseling, VIP discounts for the store, voting and personal input on all releases and programmes, free monthly pathworking guides and videos, and even spell-kits and enchantments!
You can join us for just $1, though if you like to share more with us, the perks are there to match! 
Don’t worry, our Support Channel will still be there for order concerns and questions, and we will be working on revamping that as well to make the process quicker and easier!
Click here to access Curiosity Cove!
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Cozzi Cove by Joe Cosentino Blitz
Title:  Cozzi Cove: New Beginnings
Series: Cozzi Cove, book 4
Author: Joe Cosentino
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: March 27
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 55600
Genre: Romance, LGBT, gay, romance, contemporary, humor, disability, vacation resort, New Jersey, beach/shore, religion, children
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Cozzi Cove, Book 4 Welcome back to the romantic and magical place called Cozzi Cove, seven guest bungalows on the New Jersey Shore. This summer, Cal and his new husband, Michael, along with sister, Taylor, and her wife, Carla, prepare for the first in the next generation of Cozzis. To add to the action: Cal finds his great-grandfather’s diary, exposing a shocking surprise; Michael and Taylor weigh new job opportunities that could take them far away from Cozzi Cove; red-letter Christian and new houseboy, Billy Dean, gets his wish when meeting Jesus and John at the cove; summer guest, Nijad, can’t decide which sibling he prefers—Annabel or Andrew; and Jonathan, an occult enthusiast, encounters a sexy vampire. As usual, nothing is as it seems when romance blossoms once again at Cozzi Cove. What secrets, mysteries, and passions lie waiting to unfold? Find out in Book Four of the Cozzi Cove series.
Cozzi Cove: New Beginnings Joe Cosentino © 2017 All Rights Reserved The sun rose like an erupting volcano filling the sky with shafts of violet, magenta, and gold, which ultimately turned to clear blue. Cal Cozzi stood on the white sand and gazed at the old lighthouse in the distance. At thirty-three, he was in the prime of his life, with thick auburn hair, clear green eyes, and a trim athletic build. Life was good, and as he smiled at the foamy waves teasing the craggy shore, Cal basked in the morning sun and in the beauty of his home. Cal’s great-grandfather, Calvin Cozzi I, had built the resort at Cozzi Cove and had had a big hand in the development of the town of Cozzi. It had always been home for Cal, and proved to be a solid oasis when as a young man his football and later restaurant careers failed, and nine years ago when his parents died in a car accident. He’d especially felt its comfort when he later lost his husband of five years to cancer. Like the bay water rejuvenated by the golden rays of each sunrise, Cal had put his life back together by managing Cozzi Cove and marrying Michael Rodgers. Michael, clad in a T-shirt and shorts like Cal, appeared at the front doorway of the main bungalow. His stocky build, caramel-colored skin, exotic eyes, and warm smile still caused Cal’s heart to beat faster. “I’m hungry.” “Then you’d better make breakfast.” Cal enjoyed playing with Michael. Michael liked it too. “If you make blueberry buckwheat pancakes, I’ll give you a massage.” “You massaged something pretty well last night.” They shared a knowing smile. Michael said, “I know how to get you inside.” “How?” “The guests will be arriving soon.” At these words, Cal hurried inside the glass-enclosed porch, scooped the twenty-two-year-old into his arms, squeezed Michael’s bubble butt, and gave him a good morning kiss. Then Cal went through the living room, passing the doorway to their front bedroom, and into the kitchen, glancing through the entrances to the rear bedroom and bathroom on the way. Cal was glad his brother’s renovations of the bungalows had kept his great-grandfather’s layout while expanding the rooms, including cathedral ceilings lined with white pine beams. As he gazed at the white wicker and oak furniture laden with flower-print cushions, Cal was thankful his great-grandfather’s heavy nautical-themed furniture had found a home in a local museum. He smiled proudly at his own additions: the prints on the walls depicting lighthouses, seashells, and rocky beaches. As usual, Michael leaned on the granite-topped island while Cal made breakfast. “Aren’t you going to put more blueberries in the batter?” Cal raised the mixing spoon. “Do you want to make these yourself?” “I prefer to critique.” Cal mixed the buckwheat flour, buttermilk, egg, honey, coconut oil, and blueberries in a large bowl. “Your college degree is in photojournalism, not the culinary arts.” “A lot of good it did me.” “Your degree?” Michael nodded and his soft chestnut bedhead fell into place. “Four years of college to be a bartender.” “You’re only a bartender while Tommy is in New York City.” “Yeah, and when Tommy comes back from visiting Blue, it’s bartender’s assistant time again for me.” Cal poured the batter in circular mounds on the warm oiled skillet. “What about that gay magazine?” “It was one freelance job!” “Something else will turn up.” “Tell that to my resume on the web. It’s beginning to feel like a wallflower at a party.” “It takes time. Photojournalism is a specialty field.” Michael pouted. That turned Cal on every time. He wrapped his arms around Michael and squeezed him into his chest. After a few wet kisses, Cal said, “You can always help me around Cozzi Cove.” “I thought you hired a new houseboy when Connor and his husband opened their bed and breakfast in town.” “I’m interviewing him this morning.” Cal smelled the pancakes starting to burn. He grabbed the spatula and quickly flipped them. Michael licked his lips. “You flipped me over like that last night.” “And you loved it.” They kissed again. Cal felt Michael’s erection pressing against his own. “I’d better concentrate on these pancakes.” He slapped Michael’s backside. “Instead of these cakes.” “That’s not what you said last night.” Cal giggled and served the pancakes. They sat at the white oak kitchen table, feeding each other and intermittently licking maple syrup off each other’s chins. Just as they were finishing breakfast, Carla Mangione lumbered through the back kitchen door and announced, “If this watermelon doesn’t come out of the patch soon, I’m going to kill someone.” “Hey, you’re talking about our watermelon!” Cal replied as he got up to help her to the table. He put pancakes on a plate as Michael went to pour juice and milk for her. “It won’t be soon enough for me.” Carla rubbed her enormous stomach; she was only thirty-five, but these days looked more like fifty-five. “I never knew you could get varicose veins on your stomach.” “And I’m sure yours are beautiful.” Cal served Carla breakfast, kissed the top of her dark hair, and took a seat across from her at the table. Carla leaned forward to massage her lower back. “I must be the biggest pregnant woman ever.” “That’s because you’re carrying our big, beautiful baby,” Michael said, joining them. After taking a sip of juice, Carla gagged. “Why does everything taste like fish or liverwurst?” “Maybe our baby is the antichrist,” Cal offered. Carla took a bite of the pancakes. “What kind of huge genes do you two guys have?” “Don’t blame us.” Cal put his arm around Michael. “It must have been the egg-donor.” “She must have donated ostrich eggs.” Carla pushed her plate away. Michael pushed it back in front of her. “Eat up, honey. You’re having breakfast for two.” She looked down at her enormous stomach. “Really? Do you think?” Cal finished his juice. “Whatever happened to, ‘As your dear old friend and sister-in-law, it would be my honor to help you and Michael bring a child into this world. I can’t think of anyone who’d make better parents’?” “That was before I gained forty pounds and my back started aching constantly—before my breasts swelled up like helium balloons and my ankles expanded faster than a conservative politician’s pocket after meeting with a Super PAC.” Cal fed her another piece of pancake. “But isn’t it all worth it to bring a new life into the world?” Carla groaned. “I used to get offended when people said God was a man. Now I’m sure of it. No woman would put another woman through this.” “Did you do your exercises this morning?” Michael asked. Carla laughed. “I stopped being able to see my toes weeks ago.” “Have you been meditating with your crystals?” Michael sounded like a teacher with a lazy student. “I think I threw them at your pictures when the baby kicked me like a Radio City Rockette. Meanwhile, you two were no doubt going at it last night like a running back and a wide receiver.” “A tight end, please,” Michael said as he handed Carla her glass of milk.
NineStar Press | Amazon | Kobo | Smashwords
Meet the Author
Joe Cosentino was voted 2nd Place Favorite MM Author of the Year in Divine Magazine’s Readers’ Choice Awards. He is the author of the Cozzi Cove series: Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back (Rainbow Award Honorable Mention/TBR Pile Favorite Book of the Month), Cozzi Cove: Moving Forward, Cozzi Cove: Stepping Out, Cozzi Cove: New Beginnings (NineStar Press); the Nicky and Noah mysteries: Drama Queen (Divine Magazine Readers’ Favorite LGBT Mystery Novel, Humorous Novel, and Contemporary Novel), Drama Muscle (Rainbow Award Honorable Mention), Drama Cruise, Drama Luau, Drama Detective (Lethe Press); the Dreamspinner Press novellas: In My Heart/An Infatuation & A Shooting Star (Rainbow Award Honorable Mention), The Naked Prince and Other Tales from Fairyland (Open Skye Book Reviews Favorite Audiobook of the Month), A Home for the Holidays; and the Jana Lane mysteries: Paper Doll, Porcelain Doll, Satin Doll, China Doll, Rag Doll (The Wild Rose Press). He has appeared in principal acting roles in film, television, and theatre, opposite stars such as Bruce Willis, Rosie O’Donnell, Nathan Lane, Holland Taylor, and Jason Robards. Joe is currently Head of the Department/Professor at a college in upstate New York, and is happily married.
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bluerene · 6 years
river, part four [starx] PREVIEW
Hey all! 
So I said that after RobStar Week 2018 I’d focus on some content that should have been published ages ago but for various reasons (excuses) did not get finished. By this I meant wrapping up “river” (starx) and a story I started about a year ago called “Liability” (robstar). Since “river” is the shorter of the two and closest to completion, I’ll be finishing + uploading it in next week or so. It was originally intended to be around 5 chapters + a bonus scene inspired by @fireflyxrebel (!!!! ILY!!!!!) but I don’t know how keep things short and sweet so it’ll be closer to 6 or 7 OOPS
Anyways, I figured I owed some people a bit of an update. If you need a refresher, visit the links for chapters one, two, and three. Without further ado, here’s a preview of river, part four. 
peace & love, 
Raven was quick to notice the scarlet blush I was undoubtedly wearing, but knew better than to comment until we were safely in the confines of her room.
We teleported to the common room, where Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy were still waiting.
“All good?” Robin asked, rising from the couch.
Raven shrugged, sparing me the trouble of responding.
“Didn’t catch him, he was long gone by the time we arrived. Nothing was stolen, but the security officers received an alert that the main lab was breached so there’s a chance some research may have been copied.”
Robin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “okay, we’ll have to deal with that later. Thanks, guys.”
He was rarely so collected when an instance like this occurred. I couldn’t help the warmth that filled me when he turned my way.
“You okay, Star?”
“Hmm?” my blush deepened as I realized what he was asking, “oh, yes, I am the o and the k.”
“Lookin’ a little flushed, princess.” Cyborg teased, nudging Beast Boy with a grin.
“I am simply tired. I would like to turn in for the evening,” I replied in my most dignified tone.
“Good idea, I vote we all do it,” Raven said.
Beast Boy raised an eyebrow, “it’s not even midnight.”
“You could use the beauty sleep,” she shot back.
I giggled behind my hand, grateful for her ability to distract while I composed myself. Cyborg laughed loudly while they bickered, which had become rather frequent as of late. I believe all of us were waiting for them to ‘kiss and make up’, as Cyborg so often told them.
“Guys,” Robin interrupted, shaking his head, “it’s late. If you’re tired, go to bed, if not, make sure you lock the tower down before you leave the common room.”
“Sure thing, Dad.” Beast Boy replied, flopping back onto the couch.
Robin grumbled under his breath and cast me one more glance, before turning and exiting the room.
Raven curled her fingers around my wrist and tugged gently, “we should talk.”
“I believe that would be prudent,” I said, following her into the hallway.
She pulled me into her bedroom and onto the floor, crossing her legs and looking at me expectantly.
I touched my fingers to my lips and smiled faintly, “he kissed me.”
The lights flickered and Raven’s eyes flared for a moment.
“What?” She asked in a dangerously quiet voice.
I explained that I had accidentally interfered with his belt and arrived at his home, and after a brief conversation, returned to the rooftop, where he then kissed me.
She waited until I was finished speaking, her mouth pressed in a thin line by the end of my narrative.
“So you guys are dating?”
“We are going on a date,” I corrected, “it may not lead anywhere.”
“But you kissed.”
“And you enjoyed it,” she confirmed.
I blushed, “surprisingly, yes, very much.”
She leaned back on her hands and sighed, “wow, okay, that’s a lot.”
“I do not mean to burden you-”
“It’s not that,” Raven reassured me, “it’s just...what about Robin?”
My heart fluttered, my stomach churned, my head ached at the sound of his name.
Raven’s eyes widened as I let my emotions flow through me, “I see.”
“Indeed,” I murmured, “my feelings for Robin are complicated. They are still there. I do not think I will ever be rid of them. But Red X makes me feel...desired. Powerful, even. He sees me differently.”
“I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how terrible of an idea this is?”
I smile, “I am well aware of the repercussions at hand, Raven. I will be discreet.”
“Azar, I hope so,” she muttered, allowing a half-smile to quirk up on her lips, “If this is what you want, I have your back.”
I squeezed her hand gratefully and stayed with her for a little while after, eager to chat about her developing relationship with Beast Boy. She kicked me out of her room shortly after, advising that I go to sleep, warning me that it would not come to me easily.
She was correct. I tossed and turned, contemplating various messages I could send him. Nothing came out of it, except for a single, full thought - I wanted to see him soon.
Just as my eyes gave way to heaviness, the sound of a message pinged from my phone, jolting me awake.
3:26 am - unknown: saturday, 11 am, key cove. see you there.
I bit my lip, thumbs hovering over the digital keyboard. X’hal, how could I possibly wait another day and a half? I could barely make it through this night, let alone another.
If I could establish a means of escape, I could attempt to see him tomorrow.
I opted to set my phone aside and try to sleep. I hoped the next morning would bring some clarity.
I continued to fret quietly for an hour, recalling the kiss over and over in my mind until it was seared in place.
I had never been kissed properly. The others might tell you they witnessed it in Tokyo with the boy on the street, or when I assimilated Atlantean from Aqualad, or when I first met Robin, but that is not true. Language transference, while not unpleasant, does not evoke any enjoyment from me. It is a skill I have used many times with many beings, regardless of how I might feel about them.
But kissing was different. It was not the hard connection between unmoving mouths, guided by a tight grip on the person’s shoulder or neck. There was no rush of thought, no compounded headache as a side-effect.
It was much softer and gentler, like the first kisses I saw so often in films and on television.
One of Red X’s hands had found my waist while the other held my wrist, rubbing circles on my skin with his thumb. His mouth moved sweetly against mine, coaxing movement from my frozen state.
I tugged my hand from his grip and wound my arms around his neck, sliding my fingers along the bottom of his mask to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. He squeezed my hips and pulled me closer, drawing a squeal of surprise from my lips. He deepened the kiss, shaking with silent laughter at my enthusiasm.
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew it was not the time, nor the place. Reluctantly, I drew back, stumbling through a goodbye before darting into the air, fighting the urge to look back at him.
I felt angry with myself afterward, for too many reasons. Angry because in a way, I had betrayed Robin. Angry because I had let it go farther than I intended. Angry because somewhere, I knew with full certainty, Raven was correct. Somewhere, something in me had attached itself to Red X. And I was happy because of it.
I slept fitfully through the night, coming in and out of lustful dreams that left me flushed and nervous and exhausted. I was no stranger to these feelings, but with Robin I felt in control, certain of the boundaries and lines we had drawn, comfortable in our established relationship. Now, every rule I had given myself had vanished. I did not know where X’s feelings stretched or where his walls were built; I did not know where he felt comfortable being touched or what he saw in me. It was unexplored territory, and it ignited a delicious fear in me that I could not help but enjoy.
Now, I suppose this was a side-effect of the many romance books I indulged in, where heroines had their hearts stolen by handsome thieves as they were rushed into a whirlwind love story. It was an idea that I found both charming and delightful on so many levels.
I woke when the first rays of sunlight peeked through my curtains. I opted to stay in my room and observe the sunrise on my own. Robin usually liked to join me on the roof most mornings, but I could not bear to be around him while I was feeling so guilty and confused and struck with the love.
Not that I was in love. But I have learned, despite what the phrase implies, that you do not have to mean you love something just because you say you do.
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jaxu21976 · 3 years
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Hey, guys! Need your help! Head in over to https://www.YouTube.com/c/JackieHerouxFoodReviews and vote on the community tab! Thank you! 😃😎 #youtubereviewer #youtubereviews #food #foodporn #youtubefood #youtubefoodreview #halifax #halifaxfoodie #foodreview #foodie #foodvideo #JackieHerouxFoodReviews #burlingtonontario #foodreview #foodreviewer #fastfood #fastfoodreview #Foodreview #foodie #youtuber #foodpic #youtubecanada #fastfood #fastfoodreview #halifaxblogger #halifaxbloggers #foodiesofinstagram #youtube #youtubefood #YouTubeFoodie #cheetosmacncheese #cheetosflamminhot #cheetos (at Tufts Cove, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHLJ_Qg69z/?igshid=1m4hcf4usag97
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magickalmenagerie · 7 years
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Hey guys! We have been putting in a lot of man hours to get some new things rolling for you all. We have 6 new workbooks on the way (a few of them free!), and some new services we are going to be offering.
The priority of this patreon+discord arrangement is that everyone can ask the questions they need answers to in regard to spirituality -- specific or vague, and we will help them during our daily office hours in-between readings, summoning, and writing other materials for you all.
The first service is Discord ‘office hours.’ These hours are for you to ask questions about your personal entity connections, spiritual questions in general, or just anything you want to know about what we do, or any advice you could think to ask for!
We will be on Discord answering questions for patrons for 3-8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and will schedule more office hours if we have to be away from our desks at a later time!
This Patreon/Discord hybrid is known as our Curiosity Cove and will feature, depending on tier: advance releases of workbooks, patron-only lessons and video-lectures, video/phone counseling, VIP discounts for the store, voting and personal input on all releases and programmes, free monthly pathworking guides and videos, and even spell-kits and enchantments!
You can join us for just $1, though if you like to share more with us, the perks are there to match!
Don’t worry, our Support Channel will still be there for order concerns and questions, and we will be working on revamping that as well to make the process quicker and easier!
Click here to access Curiosity Cove!
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