#hera frens
saeshiraw · 8 months
i have just finished exams and ended my four day flu streak!! 🤧 HOW ABOUT U !!
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444names · 1 year
roman emperor and swedish forenames + snakes BUT excluding "k"
Adder Agettleo Agnustra Alba Albinder Albius Aldamba Aleianio Aleoppa Alero Alfra Alfreeba Alive Ally Allyinus Almvipsna Alvine Amboa Amelie Amulus Anor Antianus Arpecobus Arry Artaina Asdosef Asian Asius Augo Augus Bachnorne Bacrowne Balmandan Basna Belin Birichn Blaclisa Blagarrot Blannes Blarian Blucian Bludvis Blundsna Bluni Blus Boah Bran Bratin Brown Bulis Bulucia Buluntina Cadratsna Caldsna Cale Calinos Calten Cara Carcel Carfboa Carros Carta Casigge Casix Casta Cate Catius Cattle Cattos Cenos Centa Chwhichn Chwhiper Cleaddius Clix Coah Coan Cobratin Cobrommy Cobus Colentas Commax Conda Condria Cong Conine Conius Cons Coppedia Cron Cronthed Crown Dadralie Dant Dercenta Dian Ditildsna Dius Doma Dwartiant Eboa Ebros Edvinus Edwathea Elia Elian Elingo Elisagne Ellaudid Elleo Elly Elsaacon Elva Elvid Emelma Emilda Emitus Emius Emmodos Emmoni Emmout Eyel Eyelian Fela Felia Felie Feliper Feliv Felte Fian Fianus Filibint Filin Fisa Fisalvisa Fisevia Flormsna Flova Flybra Flyra Fora Formsla Frale Freebrast Freenja Freenus Frelan Fren Gabel Gabra Gabron Garlinus Glovirius Glyin Gorie Gosssa Gotsna Gradria Gredvidid Greeboa Greelma Green Greevid Greja Grejas Grelliver Gres Griantno Grius Griv Grongcon Gulacasta Hadda Hadder Hadiosef Hadius Hadra Haemili Harlisan Harrowneo Heafvitus Heattle Heatton Heda Hedvid Heophiper Hera Hildadda Hilerte Hognoa Hognor Hondriver Honstile Hordier Horeento Horius Horne Hosius Hugus Idav Inigrius Inus Iraycar Irdid Irdie Irdius Ireja Isamarry Isar Isecobro Issysna Ivid Iviper Jacius Jaclia Jambasid Joelarl Johadder Joseviper Jova Jovitus Jula Julaura Julin Juliviper Junte Ledder Lenos Leonsna Lexanus Lian Liano Lianstius Lielma Lier Lige Linthemmy Liot Lius Liver Losed Loser Lout Lovalia Lovilia Lovin Lucasius Ludius Lunbon Lybra Lyinus Macian Majacrius Majoa Majons Malbius Maliamba Maliviper Mamantia Mamboan Manta Mantilia Mara Maron Marown Marut Matin Mauda Maxelius Maxen Maxios Mejanier Melienry Michwhil Milie Milmviper Mitilis Mius Mocater Moclis Modos Mohadder Molercian Mondviper Monja Mount Mudan Mudav Muelian Märte Nesp Nian Nicot Nignus Nioccarta Nius Noan Nosef Noselsna Noviper Oleo Oletreja Ollus Olyinelie Oscus Osedvis Oses Otheatin Palmalm Patenus Patsnasio Pertdera Petainne Pheo Pher Philgo Phiper Phores Pier Piper Piter Pitus Pronius Prosin Prosterus Protham Prown Pupinn Pytheopho Queelisan Quellius Raspin Rathor Rian Riandan Rius Rongot Roscus Rowcob Rust Sabeadda Sale Samba Sandria Seda Sedvian Sedviper Septin Sesef Sider Sigra Sigrelba Sigus Silie Simian Sios Sius Siustince Sixtel Smingo Smus Spally Ster Stian Stin Sting Streddera Strius Stron Stus Suna Sundboa Suntimoah Sver Tastabe Thalexan Thamba Thar Thel Thellsna Themilter Thentonie Ther Thon Thondan Thornesp Tian Tibe Tibius Tilie Tilis Tilly Tilos Timios Tinerichn Tinus Treen Trie Trostinus Trown Twilis Tyras Valvia Vanna Vara Vertasin Veta Vida Vidercor Vine Vino Vinoser Vinus Viperiam Vipes Viscus Vitus Ward Wardithan Warius Warowns Warus Water Waterius Watillan Watsna Watter Wattlea Whicia Whin Wigger Wigus Wildav Willybra Wilter Wolinus Woly Yella Yelmvippa Zebra Zebro Zoeasta Zoel Zoela
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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        damn it, discord.
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dyrwoodan · 5 years
tagged by @noonvraith thank youuu !! 💖💖💖 tagging [if y’all want to]: @weisshavpt @henantier @lucinx @nordxz @readceras @lavellane @blckwall @watcherofsouls
gonna pay some attention to my dh witch for once 🐁🌫️🗡️
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Full name: helena mara glynn Gender: female Sexuality: bisexual Pronouns: she/her
Family: nathaniel glynn [father], jacqueline avery [mother; deceased], and like the brigmore witches were her family mostly since she grew up with them Birthplace: dunwall, gristol Job(s): officially painter, secretly assassin and a witch Phobias: nothingness, being left alone Guilty pleasures: / Hobbies: painting, gardening, writing, travelling, attending lavish banquets
Morality alignment: / Sins: lust/greed/envy/gluttony/pride/wrath/sloth Virtues: charity/chastity/diligence/humility/justice/kindness/patience
introvert / extrovert organized / disorganized close-minded / open-minded calm / anxious / restless disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient outspoken / reserved leader / follower / flexible empathetic / unempathetic optimistic / pessimistic / realistic traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / unmotivated
OTP: toying with the idea of her and the outsider. Acceptable ships: hera x lizzy stride, hera x an unnamed whaler oc i'm working on lmao, hera x billie lurk, ?? OT3: hera x the outsider x someone from the list above. it's an idea BroTP: i'm also working on making her a friend, i'm thinking some tailor's daughter, some noble woman but actually nice. but thatse it so far NOTP: hm. no idea
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Hera brainstorming ways to protect her momma and Papa with her new friend courage?
Such a cute crossover! It’s.... kind of a shame that it took me so long to get to writing, but now felt like a good time to post it now... given Thea White’s recent passing.
"Arf arf abubala! bubulla abba abbabbla ahbahbahbah!”
Hera was laying down patiently as she watched her new fren ranting and raving in front of her, speaking in gibberish, yet she seemed to understand it all. She wasn’t even weirded out when the pink dog pulled a chalkboard out of nowhere and began drawing things on it, laying out a detailed plan of different ways she could protect Papa and Mama from meanies.
Jaune and Pyrrha watched on, sitting next to the nice elderly couple they had met in the dog park. Jaune spoke, saying what was on both of their minds, “He’s certainly a talented dog.”
The kind lady, a woman by the name of Muriel who was wearing mostly yellow to go with her cheerful aura, clasped her hands together and nodded. “Oh yes. Courage is such a wonderful dog, he does things like this all the time. He is just so lively. Isn’t that right, Eustace?”
The old grouch next to her just adjusted his baseball hat and grunted. “Baaah. That dog is too darn loud.”
Muriel didn’t seem phased by what he said, so Jaune and Pyrrha didn’t say anything and just looked back at the two dogs.
When they looked back, Hera had gotten up off the ground and padded forward towards the large board and lifted up one of her front paws, then tapped the board. “Arf! Rowrf rowrf! Iiep!”
Courage nodded along with what she was apparently saying and made some adjustment to the chalk markings.
Jaune and Pyrrha just looked away again, this time at each other. This had certainly been an interesting outing to the dog park. 
Rest in peace, Thea White. Thank you for contributing to one of my favorite shows from my childhood. Muriel was great at showing me how to be compassionate and caring, and some of that had to do with her sweet and kind voice.
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lol-jackles · 3 years
That’s some shit I can ‘forgive’ writers for when I take away my Sam colored glasses, but the one thing I can’t is how they made Sam join, help and support his abusers again and again. To me it was disgusting and repulsive. Like WTF they’re thinking?
Its what heroes are supposed to do for the greater good. In some cases the heroes will even help their enemy reform and become better people (last season of Lucifer).  
Jack Bauer worked with the woman who murdered his wife in order to get information on terrorists he’s hunting.  Every other time Dr. Who and the Master meet up they’re killing or helping each other.  Hera murdered Hercules' entire family and tried to kill him all through 6 seasons, then suddenly one day Hera decided not to hurt humanity anymore and she and Hercules worked together to save Xena and her unborn child.  Kung Fu Panda offered to help the White Peacock even though he killed Po’s mother and countless other pandas.
What heroes don't do is grieve when their fren/enemy dies.  Hercules didn't grieve when Hera died, and Sam never grieve for his frenemies, instead it was Dean who was made to express grief over Crowley and Cas's death.  It was Hercules best friend Iolas who said Hera isn’t so bad after all and she’s alright (you should have seen epic my eye rolls back then).
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@catgirl-techsupport @robotics5 @hera-the-something @mitzo @parotcardsroxy @official-megumin @lillyshouldbequiet @stressoespreso @raidendotcom @dededyke @guiltiest-gear @kelthedenmarkinvader @arbielikestrains @damicantcope @ari-is-lonely @human-south-of-north-pole @imaveryevilgirl @stalegranolabar @wyrm-in-a-closet @tasty-fren
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doodlesandanxiety · 5 years
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I’m currently trying to draw all the zodiac This is Cancer the Crab
I freakin’ love this crab though, like, for real. The mythos that I vibe with most is that while Hercules was fighting a big ol’ monster, he came and nipped Hercules in the foot. Hercules promptly stepped on him. And then, Hera, who freakin’ hated her Husband’s bastard lovechild, honored this noble crab by putting them in the stars. Just a regular ol’ feet snippering crab. Who is now forever in the stars. And I love that. 
He just a fren, looking to snip and have a good time, ready for the beach, listening to Jimmy Buffet, livin’ life.
Edit: Dark Secrets
I was thinking. Cancer is also a word for one of the worst medical conditions facing this planet. There must be a dark side to this fellow. Something truly horrible. And a thought came. A terrible thought. Cancer was nipping at feet. He was stomped to death by a foot. Crabs don’t normally let that happen. Did Cancer want to get stomped? Did he see Hercules and think “Whoah, hot babe alert, look at them toes”
Was Cancer the Crab... a foot fetishist?
This information will not be discussed again. I can’t bear the thought of this adorable little bean being such a creature of terror.
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percyinpanties · 6 years
I just saw you're open and I don't remember following you but your url is all the motivation I needed to ask for a headcannon (also I spent quite some time reading your past hcs and 👌👌 bruv) I don't know what you will or won't do, but may I ask for some quality jercico hc? preferably all aged up! thanks fren 😊 love your blog!
hmm... i used to be olympusdrabbles and (years ago by now) jercydrabbles before that - but since i’ve had this url for quite some time now i’m not sure that’s the reason you don’t remember following :D either way - thanks for the praise & welcome to the dumpster fire that is my blog, friend. ♥
percy is in utter and absolute denial about his attraction to Jason. He refuses to believe it, and just gets a bit pissy if someone points out that he’s been checking Jason out (again)
but after boo, they don’t see each other all that much for a while and absence makes the heart grow fonder percy pushes his feelings back down.
It’s not an immediate thing, but Percy and Annabeth are growing more apart and maybe now with the constant threat to their lives gone they have time to realise that they would have been better off staying friends. there are some things annabeth needs to work through - concerning herself and her feelings and orientation - and she thinks it wouldn’t be fair on percy to make him wait through that.
their break up is amicable, they’ve been friends since they were ~ 12 after all and that’s not just going to stop because they spent some time as a couple. 
(I have a lot of feelings about jasiper and most of them aren’t good, so because I do whatever I want, I’m gonna pretend they didn’t get together right away again after the lost hero, but decided to put a pause on their relationship to actually get to know each other and not hera’s fake memories. also they’re gay fight me.)
Jason, meanwhile, does a lot of self-searching while fulfilling his promise and travelling between the two camps.  there are still things he’s fuzzy on after hera forcibly taking his memories, but certain things are coming back to him that make him question things he thought he knew about himself (i.e. he’s coming to realise he likes boys.)
fast forward to percy and nico spending quite some time together, finally talking about the mountain of unresolved issues between them and, unsurprisingly, growing quite close now that they’re actually giving it a chance.
the next time jason comes to chb and they’re both they’re is the summer after and he sees them sparring in the arena and feels genuinely happy because he thinks they’ve finally gotten over all the problems between them and become actual close friends.
but then nico disarms percy, who laughs and instead of stepping back, pushes right into Nico’s space and pulls him into a kiss. (they think they’re alone, nico isn’t much of a fan of pda and percy can respect that.)
and wow if that sight doesn’t do things to jason’s stomach and his heart that he isn’t sure he really wants to think about too closely.
percy is still fully trying to convince himself he’s never thought about jason this way and anyway, he’s got nico now and he’s not about to run off at the first sight of an old crush (not that he admits that jason was just that)
 nico knows he finds jason attractive, because, i mean, he’s built like a fucking marble statue and nico’s poor gay heart can only take so much, but it’s also something he’s never once planned on acting on. (then again, he also never thought he’d be in a position where he was dating percy of all people)
it’s a painfully slow burn, because jason becomes more and more away over the course of that summer that he very much likes not just one but both of them and he feels so guilty about the entire thing
nico deserves to be happy, to have percy, that’s what jason reasons to himself, and he has no right to come between them
meanwhile, percy and nico have been dancing around the topic while at the same time trying to gauge the other’s possible interest in jason (there is only so long even percy can deny it, especially after nico playfully calls him out for staring at one point.)
but the summer is almost at its end and jason hadn’t even meant to stay at camp half-blood this long, but he can’t bring himself to leave nico and percy and they’re essentially spending most of their time together at this point
and percy, because he is a little shit and finally knows that yeah, nico loves him but he certainly has a thing for jason, starts pushing their buttons (i.e. pushing them into each other, just dropping nico off into jason’s lap, goading them into activities with way too much physical contact for the tension building up)
until one of the last evenings of that summer, jason is standing way too close to nico, and nico is looking up at him with a certain expectation in his eyes and there is clearly no thinking involved when Jason leans down and just...kisses him. (percy laughs because finally, he’s been running out of ideas and he could tell nico was on the brink of just giving it up maybe jason had no interest after all...)
but jason, hearing percy and realising what he’s doing almost falls over himself trying to pull away and apologising in the same breath because  to him this is still intruding, this is still getting between two people that he wants to be happy more than he wants his own happiness.
percy is having none of it, grabs jason before he can run off, tells him to shut up and calm the fuck down for just a minute.
and they do what, realisitcally, they should have done in the first place, which is telling jason the truth and making sure he knows that nico’s been wanting to be kissed by him quite badly.
(it’s a rocky road after that for a while, especially with percy leaving at the end of summer and jason needing to go back to new rome for a little while, but they make it work, somehow.)
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444names · 1 year
basque forenames
Abalbo Aballosu Aber Adabe Adamu Agar Agin Aginhoar Aguin Agunara Aider Aiderea Aiderikol Aime Aina Ainasoa Ainini Aintxo Aintxoles Ainues Aite Aitutxo Aitz Aitzason Akeli Aketa Alar Alarra Alaste Alazone Alen Alorka Aloñaka Amallo Andes Andi Andia Andiarlo Andobi Andor Andres Andue Andurri Andurtún Anti Antsente Antsu Anttalen Anttibeta Antxi Antxol Antxone Antzeatxa Antzentxux Antzi Arasoaki Arate Araxeta Arga Argara Arginas Argorrego Arigot Arikoia Aritale Aritza Aritze Arizkantz Arna Arne Arni Arra Arragoia Arramun Arranete Arranol Arrederra Arremendun Arri Arria Arrioa Arriz Asen Atarberria Baiton Baiz Balber Bale Balindrexu Balinhoa Balura Baras Barizane Barmen Barne Basoa Beagoiton Beakoldon Beatz Bego Begoiar Beli Beri Berrane Berta Beña Beñako Bilaio Bite Bito Bitxe Bitxetaro Bitxoka Bitz Bitzolaone Bixa Bixaberen Bixe Bize Bizka Catz Dane Danti Deio Deiz Dier Dieraca Dome Eder Ederen Ederigo Edon Edrea Edresi Eduesasa Edun Edurtxa Egut Elaon Elaoniana Elin Elisane Elitz Elixari Elixe Elurgo Enaga Enri Enritz Erraga Errameli Erramer Errate Erre Erri Erriz Este Esti Estixesaga Etxatta Etxe Etxo Fordera Freme Fren Frentti Frutxemen Gabe Gaberra Gabi Gabia Gabikomin Gabin Gabo Gaide Gaider Galberber Galen Galensue Garamen Garanatxer Garaxilbo Garrene Garrentz Gartxarmer Gartxetx Gasaste Gechia Gogonete Goton Gotziore Gutxe Gutxoki Hera Herra Herraitxes Hokin Huar Huardia Huaxin Ibona Ibone Idor Idorinder Idorrexol Igoia Igoitzia Igoitzon Igotzane Ikerexo Iketzi Iligon Ilin Ilisa Imal Imarre Iritzon Irra Irraxepa Irrazu Irro Iruin Iruitza Irut Itsagatxe Itsebautsa Itseneka Itsueta Itsuga Itsugara Itxakarri Itxatzibe Itzon Ixallale Ixara Izan Izarlo Izasone Iñakin Iñigon Iñigorria Jaiar Jaka Jakan Jaskomer Jasoniz Jexu Joardi Joka Joki Jokindreko Joneta Joseberazu Joxazu Joxes Julenden Julerexo Juleta Jullaia Julluri Julo Karamu Karaxi Karikerexo Karrikuaxe Kate Katxakina Katzenti Kaxendene Keme Kolain Kolaion Kontton Larramel Lautsaga Lautsuga Lautxa Leio Leioa Leion Leizon Lilber Loorago Lorgina Luagoitxel Luaxi Luzeagoitz Luzeba Luzena Luzentxi Maia Maiariza Main Mainue Maitz Maitzi Maizaga Maramene Mariakan Marrabier Mata Mate Matxemullo Matzane Meartxara Merandia Merutxa Mikelloña Miko Mikoia Mikomin Miquesi Mirane Mire Mirea Mires Mirre Mirri Mirrikeli Mita Mitz Mitzi Molaona Molari Moldo Nagar Nahiaki Nahiane Nahin Naia Naiaki Naiaraxe Naitxale Naza Nazon Nazu Nazubaliz Nazubikele Nekaraiden Neki Neko Neri Nikelinixi Oiea Oihan Oihanolo Oina Olaiari Oroia Oros Orra Oska Ospina Ospindia Pale Panaskarai Pauntsene Pellurtzo Periko Piegoñat Pier Pierear Pierrazu Remen Remindret Reminelisa Sabe Saberede Saberro Sabieaga Sabone Sana Sane Sanolartún Santsen Santziakar Santzone Sebane Sebaua Sebe Seberane Semu Suga Sugeir Telen Teta Tetxe Tetz Titz Titza Todo Todobier Tusteio Tustixe Txaka Txatxo Txel Txene Tximaia Txon Txotone Udabete Udamel Udiales Udiardere Udina Ugutsaste Unaga Urka Urra Urre Urretagat Urri Urroa Xabentsun Xaber Xabiane Xabika Xane Xaneltxete Xanolen Xaxelin Xaxepa Ximaligo Ximonti Xixe Xorixakin Xorka Yerbi Yeresa Yonton Zado Zadorena Zigo Zigotz Zigu Zika Zortxi Zubi Zubiea Zuitxo Zumarroitz Zuze Zuzeaka
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boricuagoblin · 7 years
All™ creatures, heroes, magical items, and places
GODS: Life
Zeus: What’s your name or nickname?
u kno dAM well what my name is
Hera: Where are you from?
Athena: How old are you?
u kno...DAnh well
Hephaestus: When is your birthday?
Aphrodite: What’s your relationship status?
TAKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poseidon: What are your pronouns?
she/her but tbh idrc laksfnkjd
Dionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert?
Demeter: Do you have any pets?
yes my best babie boy kcat
Apollo: What kind of music are you into?
Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?
idk,,mostly what their wearing, and then their facial features and how they communicate idk
Hades: What’s a big fear of yours?
Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?
when people assume shit abt me w.o asking??>>?/ abt anything??? like that literally will get me so pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont act like u kno me fam!!! tf
Hestia: Where do you consider home?
lmfao idk
Pegasus: Last movie you watched?
Mermaid: Last tv show you finished?
mm i think Chewing Gum! i need a new seasonnnnn
Centaur: Last book you read?
flowers for algernon...
Siren: Last song you listened to?
Gorgon: Last thing you ate?
sdmfksj the rest of my scone
Cyclops: Last time you cried?
ksjd a couple days ago?? probably
Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy?
Sphynx: Last text you sent?
“gnight sweatie”
Chimera: Last call you made?
uhh last person i called was my grandpa coz it was his birthday yesterday
Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night?
watch a compilation of the eric andre show
Nymph: Last dream you remember?
last night lshfdkjshiujdfhoi 
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?
HEROES: Experiences
Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true?
kinda in a deja vu kind of way
Theseus: What is your worst regret?
my life!!!
Perseus: Have you ever been arrested?
Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?
y u p
Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized?
not yet lfmoa
Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget.
too many lol
Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out?
uhhh.yes i think
Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?
Oedipus: Have you ever been in love?
Jason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where?
mmm no? that means outside the country right?? so no...WELL ACTUALLY i was out in the ocean at San Juan islands off of the state of washington and we technically were eventually in canadian waters /???? so maybe :)
Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else?
Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.
idk ajksfh
MAGICAL ITEMS: Favorites  
Trident: Who are your favorite people?
frens including my gf
Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies?
oh goggod kfhsdj i have too many :(( i guess...mm Her, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close,,and uhh hsdkfhajdhg idk ...mm Pariah?? i have so many,.
Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature?
IDK THAT MANY! mm pegasus?
Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs?
right now... Glitter - Tyler the Creator, 911/Mr. Lonely - Tyler the Creator &The Moon Song - Karen O, 
Caduceus: What is your favorite color?
mmmm idk lol pinkish purple!???1??? bluueeS??
Aegis: What is your favorite book or series?
skjddsf the last book i read was flowers for algernon so that one is my fave atm lmfao
Scythe: What is your favorite tv show?
i dont have favorite shows ...thehyre burdens.... (but if i had to choose twd and spn)
Bident: What is your favorite way to spend free time?
chillin w gf tbh...also watching youtube ksdhfahf
Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places?
the train when its empty (so not very often), the plant section in any store??, and like ..my gfs bed kasjhfuhd guidj nap time
Cornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat?
idk??? i dont eat out that much i guess ihop lol
Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends?
FOOD and idk
Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal?
kittie cat and doggo
PLACES: Goals and Wishes
Olympus: Describe your dream job.
oh god ok b ye
Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve?
get a f ucking  JOB
Underworld: Describe your dream vacation.
tour of fucking europe okfgm
Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years?
either....de ad.....or out of the house and living reasonably comfortable w the loml. which ever comes first
Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?
honestly seattle lol
Sparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?
so many
Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
telepathy and invisible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! teleportation....
Ogygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?
someone who tolerates me and like i have tht already
Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die?
try like every food kajshfgadfjk
The Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire?
of course
Delphi: Are you currently doing anything to pursue your dreams?
i mean no slkdfnjyuGLDIFK
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dyrwoodan · 4 years
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saw this picrew going around and wanted to join in on the fun as well with my precious bastards
ravell x2 because she is special. kaz and wren, the watchers. einär (kaz’s companion) and hera
i’m gonna tag some frens :3c @cheydinhaal @weisshavpt @rebelfatebinder @bosmerie @ayleid @nordxz
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444names · 2 years
(short and excluding Y) american, german and roman emperor forenames
Aario Adelie Adia Adra Agan Alda Alene Ales Alie Alin Alinus Aliza Aller Alphil Alvid Alvina Amelor Amilie Ammaus Ance Anda Andise Angene Ania Anie Aniva Annio Annu Apritz Ardosa Arie Aritus Arlan Arlaus Arrie Arta Ashard Audin Avelf Bale Bard Basie Bealus Becca Belian Bell Belma Bena Beret Beri Berik Beron Bertia Betrud Bobenz Bobia Bona Brace Bral Bram Braude Bredra Brice Brie Brus Brutz Calber Cale Caris Carlia Caroth Carred Carta Cate Chan Checto Chel Chelia Chelie Chen Cheraf Cherha Cheros Choch Chri Chrid Cian Claina Cleodo Clia Clian Clice Cline Cobel Cold Cona Coram Cord Corick Dagort Daran Darin Darmer Deber Derd Deria Deris Dick Died Dius Dold Dose Duarst Eathen Edger Edra Eida Ekkene Elin Ellarl Ellie Ellind Ellius Elois Elsopa Elvin Emald Emard Emie Emieth Emilte Emine Enjan Erida Erta Eteda Eteph Eugen Eulah Evite Fana Fanth Ferd Fered Ferise Flon Frada Frakie Freen Fren Frenn Frice Frie Fris Gaben Gabros Ganne Gari Gelse Gena Genna Genuel Genus Genz Gerti Gete Getth Ginata Glane Glanne Gradeb Grades Grald Greenz Gren Guin Gwes Günt Günth Güntie Hand Hane Hanger Haren Hean Heid Heigh Heila Hein Heinah Heine Heite Heitus Helf Hemirl Heon Hera Hereg Hernd Herri Hert Herta Hola Hold Huann Hunda Hundre Hune Hunth Hured Illie Inrius Inusta Ista Iste Iveria Ivin Ivirge Jacan Jacla Jacrie Janda Jannes Jasie Jear Jeffor Jenian Jenus Jert Jesle Jestan Jimil Jimodo Joelm Joha Johan Johawn Jora Josea Josius Joss Jula Julra Julria Julris Kath Kato Katrah Katri Keina Kella Kena Kene Keph Kios Klius Kria Krie Krina Lane Lankar Leild Lene Lenie Lenus Leret Levet Lexan Lian Liase Libia Lice Lifto Like Linne Llen Lorel Louge Lulria Lulusa Mabric Majon Mand Mange Manne Mareal Mared Mari Marl Marlor Marna Marra Marsus Mart Masius Mato Maxio Medned Megh Mela Melipp Melli Melsig Micard Mich Mickio Mild Mine Minne Mirk Mith Mitus Mius Monias Moth Neta Nian Nicher Niel Niette Niste Notte Nuelle Olline Ollott Ordick Orenn Orio Othero Pastin Patas Path Pathel Patheo Pather Paud Paurie Pegane Pegia Penie Perta Pete Pett Petta Phang Phia Phian Phiane Rach Rajoan Rale Rath Riko Robela Robus Roca Rodius Rold Roli Romaus Rona Ronann Ronie Ronine Rosios Rosth Rother Rucil Ruste Saard Sabal Salex Sanne Sarrie Seld Seve Sevia Shadel Shan Shard Sheina Shel Shelis Sher Shiana Shunt Sickie Siete Sight Silie Sonina Sons Sophil Stanna Stever Stha Stia Stie Stin Stus Susa Sveran Svetac Tace Talte Tanike Tedd Terith Tert Teva Thelde Tindsa Tomine Tona Tora Tran Tria Trie Ulado Uligus Vald Valina Verne Vesich Vich Vina Vine Vined Vios Vista Vona Waline Wara Warie Wartra Wene Wergus Whil Wigina Wilo Wola Wolius Xenda Zellex
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