#hence why he has to be literally knocked unconscious and dragged away
tabbyrocks · 10 months
My fun fact is that monoma name is (possibly) based off of the word monomaniac which basically means "exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing"
and that makes me go "This is literally just the description of a special interest monoma is literally autistic"
Im sure it just means his obsession with 1-a but actually suddenly i cant hear the people telling me that lalalallalalallala
hes SO autistic guys real not fake
also i like thinking abt his struggles to fit in with his class (them often telling other people around him when hes being overly silly that monoma is just a lot to deal with and to tone him out) is also so autistic.
i wish he had more screentime and character so he could be more autistic coded like izuku.
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candyradium · 3 years
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Finally got around to typing up my Technoblade D&D build!!! I’ve been working on making these for a lot of the Dream SMP characters, and I thought it would be fun to have him in stat block format, so you too can throw c!Technoblade at your players as a final boss! (Disclaimer: I don’t know how accurate the CR level is, I just set it to 8 since the build is a lv8 build PC build.)
Image description and explanation/rambling below the cut!
[Image ID: A D&D stat block for Technoblade. It reads:
Medium humanoid (firbolg), Lawful Neutral
Armor Class: 18 (Half plate, defense fighting style)
Hit Points: 72 (8d12+24)
Speed: 40 ft.
STR: 18 (+4)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 16 (+3)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 13 (+1)
CHA: 6 (-2)
Saving Throws: Str +7, Con +6
Skills: Athletics +7, Intimidation +1, Perception +4, Survival +4
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Senses: passive Perception 14
Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant, Goblin
Challenge: 8 (3,900 XP)
Innate spellcasting. Technoblade's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
1/short rest each: detect magic, disguise self
Speech of beast and leaf. Technoblade has the ability to communicate in a limited manner with beasts and plants. They can understand the meaning of his words, though he has no special ability to understand them in return. He has advantage on all Charisma checks he makes to influence them.
Powerful build. Technoblade counts as one size larger when determining his carrying capacity and the weight he can push, drag, or lift.
Unarmoured defense. When not wearing any armour, Technoblade's defense equals 15. He can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Reckless. At the start of his turn, Technoblade can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls he makes during that turn, but attack rolls against him have advantage until the start of his next turn.
Great weapon master. When Technoblade scores a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduces a creature to 0 hit points with one, he can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action. Additionally, before Technoblade makes a melee weapon attack with a heavy weapon that he is proficient with, he can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, he adds +10 to the attack's damage.
Warrior of the Gods. If a spell, such as Raise Dead, has the sole effect of restoring Technoblade to life (but not undeath), the caster doesn't need material components to cast the spell on Technoblade.
Divine fury. While Technoblade is raging, the first creature he hits on each of his turns with a weapon attack takes extra necrotic damage equal to 1d6 + 3.
Action surge (1/rest). Technoblade takes one additional action on his turn.
Combat superiority (4/rest). Technoblade can apply the following maneuvers using his four superiority die (d8s):
Feinting attack: Technoblade expends one superiority die and uses a bonus action on his turn to feint, choosing one creature within 5 feet of his as his target. He has advantage on his next attack roll against that creature before the end of his turn. If that attack hits, add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll.
Menacing attack: When Technoblade hits a creature with a weapon attack, he can expend one superiority die to attempt to frighten the target. He adds the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened of him until the end of his next turn.
Trip attack: When Technoblade hits a creature with a weapon attack, he can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. He adds the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw (DC 15). On a failed save, he knocks the target prone.ActionsHidden step (1/rest).
As a bonus action, Technoblade can magically turn invisible until the start of his next turn or until he attacks, makes a damage roll, or forces someone to make a saving throw.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Multiattack. Technoblade can make 2 weapon attacks.
Rage (4/day). As a bonus action, Technoblade enters a rage that lasts for 1 minute, ending early if knocked unconscious or if Technoblade's turn ends and he hasn't attacked a hostile creature since his last turn or taken damage since then. He can also end his rage on his turn as a bonus action. While raging, Technoblade deals +2 damage, has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, and has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. Technoblade cannot cast spells during a rage.
End ID.]
Okay. Rambling time.
Holy SHIT I loved making this. I tend to play spellcasters or dex based characters, so it was a lot of fun to make a str character for once.
Stats first. As a barbarian/fighter and also as a force of nature, str is his highest stat. I could have made it 20, but I have a weird aversion to writing up characters with maxed out stats for some reason? Anyway, that’s what he has. He can always boost it if he takes another level in fighter. I also decided to give him pretty high intelligence and wisdom, which are rare in barbarian characters, since, y’know, their main point is to hit things very hard. But Techno is so, SO resourceful, and one of the main reasons that he’s so good at fighting is because he does his research and acquires the best items for it and puts himself in the right place at the right time. Hence the high-ish int. I feel a little bad making his charisma so low, but cha represents several things, most notably the ability to talk to people and force of personality. Also known as: how hard it is to be swayed or controlled, magically or otherwise. Remember what happened at the festival? That’s low charisma. Also I had to give him a low stat to balance the fact that he’s insanely good at so many fucking things. Why.
As a side note, when picking his proficiencies, I was using the homebrew rule that you can use your strength modifier when you roll for intimidation. So his Strength (Intimidation) check would actually have a +7, which is MUCH better than the Charisma (Intimidation) check of +1. Big strong characters are absolutely scary, damnit, and I will die on that hill.
Next up: race. I HAD to make him a firbolg. They’re connected with nature and are often portrayed with animalistic features (e.g. Caduceus Clay from Critical Role), and it means we can have both pig Techno and anime Techno, since firbolgs naturally have the disguise self spell. I just think that’s neat. They also get the ability to turn invisible! Which Techno has been doing a LOT recently! Sure, firbolgs can only do it for a turn, but it still fits.
Onto classes. Barbarian was a dead certain for Techno, honestly - his battle prowess, how he acts when he fights, it just fits so well. Even his use of potions - he gets a lot of buffs from them, increased damage and damage resistance being the two most notable and the two that best translate to D&D rage. Even speed potions - barbarians get +10ft movement speed at level 5. And barbarians are made for two-handed weapons, so obviously I HAD to give him a greatsword. The Orphan Obliterator is a deadly weapon. He also still favours swords even when axes are better in the newest version, so a greatsword was a must. Also I just really like greatswords.
I wavered a bit when picking a subclass, to be honest. I’m not really a big fan of any of the official subclasses (they don’t really fir my playstyle, which is why I homebrewed an entire new subclass for my barbarian character, but that’s a post for another day), but looking through, there were a few that could work. Originally, I picked Juggernaut - this was because of how he fought during the Dream battle, moving Dream around the arena into a more advantageous position for Techno, which is the Juggernaut’s 3rd level ability in a nutshell. They also can’t be knocked prone, and both of these things work INCREDIBLY well for skywars/bedwars style combat - staying put on this island and knocking off your opponents.
However, in the end, I decided to go with Zealot. It was inevitable after he REALLY started building his character on the Dream SMP, which is what this is mostly based on. Zealots have two main points: they follow a God, and it’s very, VERY hard to kill them.
Sound familiar?
Techno isn’t just a barbarian - he also has three levels of Battlemaster fighter. The barbarian/fighter combo is one of the best there is for sheer combat power (bested only, in my opinion, by barbarian/moon druid - those characters are actually unkillable) and the choice of Battlemaster specifically opened up so many options in combat. I had debated going with champion, just for the crit probability boost, but ultimately decided that Battlemaster was infinitely more fun. The three maneuvers were picked for a combination of reasons - they’re all incredibly useful in combat, but I also just thought they were thematically accurate and/or funny. I just had to give him Menacing Attack, because one of the few constants in Technoblade’s combat is people running the hell away from him during competitions. Feinting is for pure combat ability, and Trip is just. Really funny to me. It worked better when he was Juggernaut and literally couldn’t be knocked prone, but I just like the idea of someone using their full action to try and knock over this eight foot tall firbolg (they’re so fucking tall! This bitch is massive!) Technoblade just. Looking down at them before knocking them clean off of their feet with one swing of his Greatsword.
And finally, weapons and magical items. The magic ones didn’t actually make it onto the stat block, because I wanted it to be purely basic character building, but I absolutely had some ideas. Some of these were rolled on loot tables, some were completely homebrewed to fit Techno’s canon weapons. Guess which ones lmao.
magical heavy crossbow (use charge to fire 3 bolts simultaneously, using only one arrow, rolling an attack for each. Each target must be within 10ft of each other. 7 charges per day)
explosive bolts (10ft radius, double dice of the weapon it’s fired from, dex save)
mithral half-plate
ring of feather falling
trident of flight (attunement) (30ft swim and flight speed, 120ft flight speed when its raining)
upgraded cape of the mountebank (8 charges, 2 for misty step, 4 for dimension door) (yes it looks like his normal cape)
bag of holding
sword of life-stealing (attunement) (I don’t know why I added this except Techno’s canon sword would be VERY hard to homebrew and also he can do enough damage with a normal one so he could literally just have like a +2 or something. Do what you want)
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Beaten To It
Summary: You were the victim of bullying that had been instigated by Liz Allen. Living across from Peter didn’t mean that he noticed you, even though you had a massive crush on him. One day when the bullying all got too much, you met a stranger who would save you from yourself… 
Warning: Bullying (could be uncomfortable to read) and some mild swearing.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader.
Word Count: 3,879.
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Peter Parker had lived with a secret for a long time. Using the Stark Internship as an excuse to leave dinner, school and social occasions early. That was if he turned up in the first place.
You’d known Peter for a very long time. You lived next to him in the apartment building. But that didn’t mean that he spoke to you. He wasn’t a bad kid, or ignorant for that fact. You were simply cursed. Boys just never noticed you. Whether that be in school or outside, or right under their perfect noses as you peacefully slept against the wall to his bedroom.
Let’s just say you were known in school by pretty much everybody. Although you hated to admit that it wasn’t for the reasons that you would have liked. You were the brunt of the popular kids jokes. They would use you in multiple ways to let off some built up rage inside of them.
It often started with making fun of your looks. Calling you all the names under the sun. To taking it up a notch where they often took it far, but not far enough that would result in teachers suspecting anything. They had their ‘most loved’ reputations to think about. Especially if they wanted to land their picture under a complimentary status in the yearbook.
You’d often have to sit in the classroom hiding your true feelings of depression as yet another threatening note was passed to you. Problem was you knew exactly who the culprit was which didn’t help. Liz Allen, also known as Peter Parker’s biggest crush.
The one boy who couldn’t see her for who she truly was. A glorified bully. It’s not like she acted out in front of him. She always hid that narcissistic side from him.
The night before, he invited her back to the apartment, you assumed for a study date. She was completely fake to you when you bumped into the pair of them as you were walking to your apartment. However, her switch flipped entirely when Peter’s front door shut, separating the pair of them.
Let’s just say, you’d wished Peter was there to see his ‘girlfriend’s’ next actions. Immediately she taunted you with words. Then when that wasn’t enough she plucked your bag from your shoulder and dumped the contents on the floor.
It could have been worse, god it has been way worse than that. You knew as you had experienced violence from her before hand. Both verbal and physical. It actually surprised you that her bag incident was as far as she had taken it that night.
“Earth to Y/N?” Your best friend Michelle nudged you as you hadn’t moved from your locker, shaking you from your thoughts.
You’d been freaking out since your encounter with Liz yesterday in the hallway. The last thing she mentioned before she trudged down your floor wasn’t pleasant. “Just you wait.”
It wasn’t exactly a deadly threat, or a massive threat when you’d thought about it. But the more you did think about it, the more it kept you awake. Hence the coffee cup in your hand which so happened to be your third of the day and first period hadn’t even started yet.
“Sorry MJ. I’m a little unfocused today.” You shook the empty paper cup, gesturing it to your friend. “I could use another one of these. How about you?”
She scoffed. You were never able to hide much from her. Ever since you became friends, you could read the other like a book. “Y/N you don’t need another coffee. Caffeine is a gateway drug, and I think you’ve already had enough for the day.” Michelle caught the twitch in your eye then snatched the cup from your grasp and threw it into the appropriate recycling bin. “Are you going to tell me what is going on with you?”
You broke from her intimidating stare. Soon enough she would have to learn that she couldn’t do that with every secret you were hiding. You devoured everything. From Liz’s weird behaviour in front of Peter. Although, this didn’t surprise Michelle. She knew that Peter adored her.
Besides yourself, Michelle knew quite a lot about the boy you crushed on hard. She’d argue that she was not obsessed with him, that she was just very observant. You’d eventually lead up to the threat that you had received the night before..
Within seconds, your friend’s arm was adhesively attached around your shoulders. As if it was a defensive barrier that would protect you from Liz and her minions. You couldn’t help but smile at her attempt to shield you. Both of you knew that Liz hated Michelle just as much as she did you.
Her arm remained around your back as she guided you towards her locker. That was when you saw Ned talking with the owner of the most beautiful pair of eyes that you’d ever seen. The one and only Peter Parker.
Unsure whether he had noticed you or not. You still couldn’t fight the blush that rose to your cheeks. Peter was the cutest boy in this damn school. It definitely helped that he was possibly the nicest guy too. Whether that was to you personally or in general. Focussing more on the latter.
A lucky convenience for you, Michelle’s locker was opposite Peter’s which often meant that you’d often catch his eye once or twice. Pretty hard not to when you stood directly in his eye line. Michelle knew all about your crush, hence why she always took longer than necessary to gather her belongings.
Something felt different today. Which was more than likely due to the anxiety you felt of what was to come. Avoiding any eye contact, you leaned against the locker and stared into space rather than those comforting eyes. Not being able to hide how terrified and drained you felt any longer.
Suddenly, the lockers in front of your eyes appeared to be rotating rather than sitting still. “Michelle, I do-” The room was spinning which only meant one thing. Before you could finish, your body began to fall.
You waited to feel the impact of the floor that would knock you unconscious. Only that never happened, your body didn’t come into contact with the cold and dirty floor. Your body collapsed into a steady pair of arms cradling you.
Logically, you believed that the arms belonged to Michelle. She was the closest person to you. It only made sense that she could have been the one to get to you that fast.
But once your vision focused slightly, the hero wasn’t female. Those eyes that locked onto yours weren’t as familiar as Michelle’s. They were the beautiful pair that you had always wanted to gaze into. For them to lock onto yours the way that they were. Only in a different circumstance.
“Um are you okay?” Peters hoarse voice pushed through the piercing ringing that filled your ears from almost passing out. When you didn’t answer, he pushed you back onto your feet and draped his arm under your shoulders to hold you up. “I think I’d better get you to the nurse.” He said to both you and Michelle, who’s scared expression was the last thing you saw as he practically dragged you from the hallway.
“Thanks Peter.” You mumble, your own words hurt your head.
“You actually know who I am?” He questioned, causing your feet to stop corroborating. Freezing on the spot. “What? Is there something wrong?” Fear crossed his mind as you refused to walk, “I can carry you if your legs are hurting too much?” If he weren’t just trying to be nice, you would have surrendered to the butterflies in your stomach and practically jump into his arms.
“How can I not know who you are? You live right next to me.” You crossed your arms across your chest. “Plus you’re one of the smartest kids in the school. You have a bit of a reputation.”
He sort of laugh snorted at your testimony. “Is that so?” You nodded, “Can I ask you something?” Again you nodded, relishing in getting to talk to your crush. All it took was a slight fainting spell. “What happened? People don’t just faint.”
A small sigh left your lips. Do you tell him? What was the right thing to say? Your girlfriend is a psychopath? First you cleared you throat. “I haven’t been sleeping. I’m getting bullied okay?”
He was left stunned and so were you. Michelle was the only one you told this to. It wasn’t as if he could do anything to make it stop. It’s not like he is some superhero or something. He was just Peter Parker, the boy you were crushing on.
He didn’t say anything, he didn’t know what to say. What do you say when you hear something like that? Taking his silence as a queue, you turned and left him behind. He didn’t follow or protest.
It was the end of the day and you hadn’t seen or spoken to Peter since you stormed off to the nurse after telling him you were the victim of bullying. He didn’t know who it was. You’d thought it would be best to leave that but out. It would probably make things worse if you’d tried to confess.
Michelle had left a little early to go to the dentist. Leaving you behind to walk home alone. And just like that, as if you were in movie, there she was. Liz and her army were waiting for you by the gate. You’d tried to hide away as long as you could. Hoping they would have thought that you’d left already. No such luck.
“Well what do we have here?” All of her followers giggled as if she was the funniest person on the planet. “Oh yeah, nobody important. It’s just our little toy girls.”
Instantly you were surrounded. Putting you in the centre of a circle with Liz, trapped. If you yelled, it would only encourage them. They loved it when they knew you were in pain.
Staying silent you received your kicking. Quite literally. Liz had slapped you so hard that you had fallen onto the concrete. Still lacking sleep, you couldn’t fight back even if you wanted to. So you just laid there, curled in a ball. Feeling more than one pair of feet make impact on your small frame.
No one came to your rescue. You just laid there until everything stopped. Crying as each blow hurt like a bitch. You struggled to pick yourself up from the floor once they had all left. It wasn’t as if there weren’t still other students walking passed you, cause there were. They just didn’t care. You didn’t matter to them. If they were given the opportunity, they may have joined in.
You wiped the tears from your face as you grabbed the strap of your bag. Wincing as it rested on your bruised shoulder.
Guess I’m still not good enough. Nothing matters, I don’t matter. Your own thoughts filled your mind as you quietly cried during your long walk home. I just want it all to go away. I want all the pain to go away.
What if you told Peter it was Liz, would he have stopped it? Would he have stayed behind a little longer to make sure that you would be okay? It was stupid to think that he would have been able to do anything. Today was the first time that he had said anything other than an unregistered ‘hi’ in the halls in the building as he passed.
Why would he risk himself getting involved in shit that didn’t concern him for a nobody like you.
It hadn’t occurred to you that you hadn’t taken a left turn a few blocks back. Resulting in putting you completely off route, thanks to the distraction of pain in your head and on your body. “Fuck!” You cursed yourself under your breath.
Turning around sharply, you heard a loud cry from above you. “Watch out!” You’d turned around too fast and stepped right into the line of traffic. Like a deer in headlights, you froze. That was the second impact that never came that day. You were back in the arms of someone unexpected, shooting up into the air.
Spider-Man had witnessed the near deadly accident from on top of a building next to the scene. Instantly dropping to the ground to retrieve you. Landing safely on top of the building where he had been observing previously.
Examining the figure, you’d identified the red and blue spandex model straight away. That and the fact that you had just defied the laws of gravity. Focusing on the black spider on the suit. You avoided his mask, finding the eyes to be a little too creepy. Especially when they squinted.
“Um are you okay?” There was something familiar about his voice, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
Your small frame sat on top of the building. Your thoughts all over the place. You’d almost passed out, you’d successfully talked to your crush who saved you from a concussion, you’d been beaten up, and almost died. Possibly.
Tucking your knees into your chest, resting your head on top of them. Spider-Man mirrored you, sitting opposite watching your every move. He was clearly worried about you and your frame of mind at this point. “I don’t think so.”
There was something about him that made you feel slightly at ease. It didn’t feel like you were confessing to a legend that lived and protected Queens.
Even in the late afternoon lighting, the masked hero could make out all of the cuts across your face. One of the abilities he had, helped him sense danger. There was something dark about you, something dark was rooted inside. He instantly recognised the struggle in your eyes. The struggle to continue when you so badly wanted to give up.
His eyes travelled down to your arms, observing the bruises that covered them. He couldn’t help but think that even though he had saved you from the car, he hadn’t saved you from all of your other suffering.
“Who did that to you?” Again there was some familiarity there. “The bruises.” His disturbing mask nodded to your arms and face. The only marks that he could see. But you both knew that there were way more. The worst of the injuries were just lucky enough to be covered.
“Some girl at school.” You sighed, more tears filled your eyes. You weren’t aware that you had been crying after the car incident. “It doesn’t matter. It seems to be a common occurrence lately.”
You started to roll the sleeves of your jumper down your arms. Trying to at least conceal some of the marks on your body. “Of course it matters. You’re being attacked at school!”
“Not the first time. I’ll live, I always do.” You weren’t looking at him, you didn’t really want to. Staring at him in his costume, made all of this seem fake. You wished this was real, that you had finally told someone about all of this. But it was fucking Spider-Man, he couldn’t do anything about a girl making your life miserable in school.
His masked hands gripped onto yours. “You need to tell someone.”
“What I need is to go home and hide in my room before my parents come home. They’ll only worry if they see me like this.” You observed your current location. It wasn’t as if you could leave at your own free will. “Would you mind?” You gestured over the building.
At first he was resistant, he didn’t want you to leave. Not like this, not when he didn’t know what you were going to do next. You were in a bad way, and he feared you may try to ease the pain with something other than prescription pain killers.
Although he could see that you were hurting, he knew better than to argue. Spider-Man’s arms were soon wrapped around your waist as he leapt from the edge with you held close to him. Well you can now tick jumping from a building from your bucket list. That and meeting Spider-Man.
“Can I take you home?” You raised an eyebrow once your feet rested safely on the sidewalk. “I need to make sure you get home safe.” He shrugged his shoulders, and through his mask you could have sworn that you heard a little giggle. “What? I’m a good guy and I’ll only worry about you all night. You wouldn’t want me distracted on the job now would you?”
“You’d be the first person to worry about me.” The floor suddenly becoming more interesting than the person who saved your life. You couldn’t help but smile when your brain replayed the words in your head. “I guess Queens needs you fully focused to protect us all and not just worry about little ol’ damaged me.”
“Well in that case.” He wrapped you in his arms and lifted you off of the floor for the second time that night.
After washing up most of the blood on your body, you waltzed into the kitchen to find a handwritten note from your mum accompanied by a 20 dollar bill.
Looks like it’s a meal for one, or just an extra 20 to spend on more foundation to cover up the blotchy purple mess that had become your face. You didn’t feel like eating, your stomach pulsing from the kicking it received earlier. So you found refuge in the only place that you felt safe.
Plucking the fabric at the end of your blanket, you stepped through your bedroom window onto the fire escape. This wasn’t unusual for you. After a rough day, you’d often find yourself out there tucked under a blanket. The busy city of Queens was fascinating to watch at night. Everything was more beautiful in the dark. If only you held the same ideals of the city.
“With your dizzy spells, I don’t think you should be out here.” Peter’s voice interrupted you as he poked his head through his window. Soon he was outside, nestling down to form a mirror of you on his own fire escape directly opposite. “Sorry I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“You didn’t. I’m just a little jumpy today.” Your busted lip didn’t feel so good when you talked. It was slowly trying its hardest to heal.
Even with the dark scenery, Peter noticed it all. From the busted lip, to the bumps that covered your forehead. The light from your room lit up every little imperfection. His voice turned softer as he knew it would be best to proceed with caution at this point. “Who did this to you Y/N?”
“You know who I am?” You played the card he played this morning. Preciously wanting the attention to not be on you and your current state. He gave a half hearted laugh, before falling silent when he realised what he did. “It doesn’t matter who did it. It’ll only happen again tomorrow if I snitch.”
“This is serious! You have to tell someone! You’re being attacked at school!” He yelled across to you. There it was again, that familiarity. He sighed, rubbing at his face with his hands. “If you’re not going to do or say anything, then please just let me come and check on you. Some of those cuts could get infected.”
For some reason you found yourself agreeing. Today was getting weirder by the second. No matter how many times you tried to overlook it, there was something niggling at you about both Spider-Man and Peter.
Slowly you edged inside your room. Opening the front door to Peter who was gripping a green first aid kit. He frowned immediately when he saw how bad you looked up close. “You know I have one of those.” You nodded towards the kit that he had hooked onto his person. “You didn’t have to waste your own.”
Dismissing your comment he got started by patching you up as best he could. Taking on the worst injuries first, your stomach and back. Not once did you think that the first time that you were going to be exposed to Peter would be for him to rub some antiseptic cream on some torn skin.
As un-idealistic as it was for this to be occurring.you couldn’t help but feel disappointed when his contact stopped. Wait he stopped, why did he stop?
As you turned around, you clocked Peter holding his head in his hands. Currently unaware that you had noticed his stature. He could no longer look at you, not like this. He couldn’t help but feel responsible for what had happened. You said you were being bullied and yet he let you move away from him. He let this happen, this was practically his fault.
“Peter?” You whispered as you leaned over to him, assessing his own situation. “Peter what’s wrong?”
When his head lifted, you wished he hadn’t. His eyes were filled with tears and remorse. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have left you all alone.” The tears were threatening to pool over as the guilt overcame him.
“Hey! You weren’t to know.” Ever so slowly, you reached for him. Holding your hands close to his cheeks to keep his head steady as he tried to turn away. “It’s not your job to save people.”
“But it is. I am meant to look out for the little people.” That was when it clicked in your head. All those repeated phrases. Spider-Man’s voice and how it was so similar to one that you’d heard before.
Peter’s eyes widened as he couldn’t believe that he had just potentially exposed his biggest secret. You didn’t freak out, or even over react when you had figured it all out. You remained as calm as you had been countless times before, while you observed the chaos below on your fire escape. “But you did save me Peter. You saved me tonight from something far worse than Liz Allen.”
“Liz did that to you?” He reached towards the cut in your eyebrow that was still leaking some blood. The cold skin rested quite contently against your burning features. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I should have been there to protect you.”
You didn’t know why you were leaning in closer to him, but you also knew that you had to. You couldn’t stand seeing Peter this torn up over something that he couldn’t control. Closing the distance between him and yourself, you leaned in so that your forehead was resting on his. His eyes glued to yours like magnets. “It’s not your fault Parker.”
The only time his eyes broke away from yours was when they dropped to look at your lips. Practically begging you to let him kiss them. Unknown to you, this was the closest Peter had ever gotten with a girl. This would be his first kiss, he wanted it to be perfect.
His hand slipped from your cheek to the back of your head. Brushing away strands of hair that had fallen to you cheek when you placed your forehead against his. Delicately, Peter guided his lips onto yours.
You’d dreamt of kissing Peter for a long as you could imagine. But it was nothing compared to the real life experience that was enfolding before your very eyes. It was both bittersweet and painful at the same time. You had so desperately wanted to kiss Peter over the years that you couldn’t quite believe it was happening and that he would be the one instigating it. The only thing stopping you from kissing him all night, was the busted lip that stung every time his lips fell onto yours.
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suckonmybalz · 5 years
Nightmares - VM
It was super late. All day, he'd been out. From friends, to friend groups, to a mini-party and home. The time currently read 3:05 AM. Which was way past his common bedtime.
Vinny was a man of fun, a man of the hour or most hours at a party. He enjoyed being with friends, and liked to live the party life when he wouldn't be robbed of too much. It was exciting to even be on the guest lists, even if no one wrote those out anymore. It made him feel special, at the least.
Point being, undressing and showering rapidly was not his forté at such an ungodly hour like this. Hence why he referred to it as something to be acted upon quickly. Once he was done, he was bound to knockout. That was his favorite part of cleaning himself up before bed. The bed part.
Sliding his shorts off, and his hoodie off over his head, Vinny crawled into the shower. It was a bathtub, with a shower head that could be detached and used as a hand held, but he preferred it to remain on it's hook. There was also a huge spout for the bath! Crazy idea, using a bathtub for actually bathing. Wow, things never ceased to amaze. There was three bottles in the shower and a few shaving razors. A shampoo and a conditioner that were all nice and natural, rose scented. For some reason, he couldn't find the chamomile one he'd bought last time. It smelt like the perfect nap, or something along those lines. Beside the conditioner sat his little tube of shaving cream. Scented like lavender and vanilla, it was purple and it helped save his life so often. Shaving your crotch was scary enough, but have you ever tried to do it without any cream? We don't even talk about what happens when he forgot to buy shaving cream. Not appropriate, and there's no need to dig up old traumatic showering moments. Stepping into a cold shower after a super physically hot day was quite literally better than having a massage. It felt similar to one, in Vinny's case. So he aimed the little shower head at him, and made sure his hair was evenly soaked before pumping the shampoo to lather some up for his hair. Running his hands through his hair, and evenly getting that squeak from all sections was how he knew he was good to rinse. A nice sigh escaped his lips, when he stood there rinsing his hair. The solitude and the comfort of showering was an art. No one could judge his thighs that he disliked, or his messy hair that when wet made him looked like a trampled rat. It was so cold, too, perfect on his disgustingly and once awfully sweaty skin. Sweat like that risked acne, and he didn't even suffer that bad since tenth grade. Now moving onto conditioner, and making sure to use just a single pump of it. The reason being that when he used far too much, he couldn't stand his hair. It flew all over, and would end up even frizzier. He wasn't a hair specialist, but driving with windows down still requires you see the road to drive. He pressed it into his hair, making sure that he felt his scalp occasionally to check that he was evenly getting his head. The dude was a slight perfectionist when it came to his hygiene, what was wrong with that? After letting that rinse, he squeezed extra water out and gently tied it with a little hair tie to keep it away from his neck and back. So he could dry his body easier. The dripping hair only made things rough.
Leaving the shower was so awful. He was always left shaking and cold, regardless of the temperature of his shower and the rush for some clothing was traumatic. Grabbing his big hoodie, and a nice pair of sweatpants with new and clean boxers of course, he got all ready for comfortability in his bed. After making his way into the bathroom again, he brushed his teeth. Of course, making sure to clean every nook and cranny he could see and comprehend in his mouth— including his tongue. Before spitting and washing out the yucky water in his mouth. Yawning was the final straw. He needed to rest now.
Crawling into his bed, he tucked himself in with his comforter on top and his sheet close underneath. His feet under his comforter too, to keep the heat in. Not to mention, his cozy and fluffy special grey blanket his mother bought for him around his arms, chest and neck. It was a good babushka disguise when he needed one, too. He wrapped the fluffy blanket around himself too, and closed his eyes to rest. He was turned on his side into his big pillow, so he didn't deal with the sunlight of the next day.
The second he fell asleep, he wasn't aware he'd regret it.
The second he awoke, he'd never hated closing his eyes so violently.
The same scene to his fraction of his dream replayed in his eyes, like a broken player.
The man who visited the store he also visited had begun yelling at him. A customer who happened to get mad at him, while he was also a customer. After Vinny tried his hardest to calm the circumstance, and make enough light jokes to distract without being fully dismissive.
Yet this had turned out to be a crappy tactic, considering that this angry customer had hit him. Slapped him right across the face, his right palm colliding into his left cheek and making a nice noise too when it happened. It nearly knocked Vinny back, the shock alone could have completed that job though.
"You didn't have to do that dude, I didn't do anything wrong. I'm just being patient as you are—" On that note, Vinny can see himself in third person now, as if he's floating over his own self and watching these awful things happen as a ghostly figure would. The man had hit him right on the back of his head in the most accurate spot to directly knock him unconscious. With that, the man drags him right out of the building through the open back entrance. That very second the two leave, a worker of the store returns to the front desk. To see a dropped lightbulb, and a few PVC connector pieces on the counter. The lightbulb was Vinny's, and the PVC connectors and pieces were belongings or possible belongings of the other customer who had hit him.
The worker casually takes the connectors and tosses them into the restock bin, while the other grabs a broom and a little sweep pan. They work together, one holding the pan and the other gently and carefully sweeping the lightbulb's remains into the pan. One of them empties the pan, and unhooks the tiny to go vacuum from the wall to hand it to the other worker. They vacuum right over the area, and empty the vacuum's canister into the trash as well. The cardboard label to the lightbulb is scanned, and the bulb was damaged out. Not a single acknowledgement of anything wrong. No one saw anything.
What are the odds? Totally not in Vinny's favor.
This customer has Vinny in the back of his large van, a construction type van. The customer had clearly been some sort of worker, he had paint and dirt on his clothing and to be knowledgable about his purchase. If he needed PVC connectors, Vinny could guarantee having no knowledge about it whatsoever. The truck was speeding down a highway that they'd managed to get onto only moments ago. The leave from the store had been twenty minutes or so towards the highway.
Vinny lay limp, and weak in the back of this van. Which smelled of cigarettes, and very passionately of it too. His head hurt so terribly, and from the moment he'd gained any sense of not being stable and alone, he whimpered. His hands weren't to his own access, and his upper body swung so roughly with the car's motions. This highway was so torn up, and all the shaking was amplified by the speeding. It didn't help.
Like a dead pig in storage similar some sort of animal or such produce, his arms were hog tied up. Mass immobilization was the key here, and he’d no clue how long they’d really been in this van. Point being, he wasn’t stoked. Thankfully, his phone was in his pocket and shortly he’d request an update on the circumstance but couldn’t count on survival. This moment in time had to be the weakest one he’d physically suffered. There was no blood in his upper body, there was nowhere to go. The back doors to this truck had huge locks on it. Ropes and blood spatters from what he assumed were other cases where other people happened to have pushed their luck.
The van stopped and before he could say anything, the back doors were unlocked and popped open. A sharp inhale was managed, and...
He woke up, with a fit of heavy breathing and wide eyes.
Not a bone in his body desired to find out whether he lived through that or not, and he wasn’t seeking answers in a part two either.
Rushing to his bathroom to wake himself up became crucial. As he washed his face in cold water, he hoped that it was over. Nothing could hurt him now, generously did the man practically pray.
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gunterfan1992 · 7 years
Episode Reviews: ‘Two Swords’/’Do No Harm’ (S08E14-15)
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Airdate: January 23, 2017
Story by: Ashly Burch, Adam Muto, Jack Pendarvis
Storyboarded by: Tom Herpich and Steve Wolfhard (”Two Swords”), Laura Ketzger and Emily Partridge (”Do No Harm”)
Directed by: Andres Salaff (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
When I was a kid, I always found the topic of identical twins to be fascinating. Here you have two people who, in terms of physical substance, are as identical as possible. What were to happen if two twins were born, who, by circumstance, had all the same types of atoms in all the same types of places? In other words, what would happen if two individuals were born that were literally identical? Would those two people really just be one?
It would argue that this is unlikely, given that each of us seems to have some part of our very being that does not just simply reduce to the atoms out of which we are made (of course, this is a huge philosophical point of contention). Call it what you want (the je ne sais pas, the soul, the life-force), but I prefer “essence”. I truly believe that if two individuals were born with the same material makeup, their essences would be different, and hence they would be different people.
What what if two people are created who, in terms of material, are different, but in terms of essence are the same? This is the issue that plagues Finn in “Two Swords”/”Do No Harm”.
Following the events of the season 7 finale “Reboot”, Finn discovers that his grass-arm and his Finn-Sword have combined to form a new entity: Grass-Finn. We the audience are treated to an artful depiction of how this entity came to be: when the grass-sword pierced the Finn-Sword, the grass-curse (depicted as a cute little Cthulhu-spider-demon) that has been attached to Finn since the season 5 episode “Blade of Grass” ensnared the alternate reality Finn that (for lack of a better term) inhabited the Finn-Sword. The two merged into one being, resulting in Grass-Finn coming into existence.
At first, Grass-Finn thinks that he is Finn himself, but he quickly realizes that this is not the case. There’s something ‘off’ about him, and he cannot seem to do anything right. Eventually he accepts the fact that he is Other Finn, and as such he falls into a deep depression. This is understandable, given the existential issues that are at play here. Who is he exactly? Where did he come from? Why did all of this happen?
While Grass-Finn mopes about, the ‘main’ Finn goes to the hospital to check on Susan Strong. He apologizes to her unconscious self, admitting that the reason she is in the hospital is because of his actions. Dr. Princess hears this and demands that he take over as the hospital doctor to make up for his actions. Thus begins a cute but not entirely essential plot wherein Finn does a labcoat and goes to work trying (and ultimately) failing to give medical aid to those around him. As I said, while this plot isn’t really essential to understanding the two episodes as a whole, it is nevertheless pretty funny.
Meanwhile, the Grass-Finn and Jake locate the Grass Wizard, who placed the original curse on Finn in “Blade of Grass”. Grass-Finn confronts the wizard and begins to somewhat mercilessly beat him. Jake steps in, telling Grass-Finn that the wizard has taken enough abuse, and it is at that point that Grass-Finn realizes that, while he is alive, he doesn’t really know who he is. At the end of the episode, he tells Finn and Jake to call him “Fern”. He then steals Starchie’s motorcycle (”No! Starchie’s mid-life crisis!”) and drives away into the sunset.
And with that, “Do No Harm” ends on a very existential note. While it’s undeniable that Fern’s essence (i.e. the alternate reality Finn located in the Finn-Sword) was in existence before Fern came into being, this does not provide Fern with an answers as to who he is anymore than saying that he is simply grass material. To find out who he really is, Fern must go out and live his life. In this way, Fern's actions echo the key existentialist idea that existence than essence is more important in defining one’s identity.
Let us go back to our opening question. If two beings are made out of different material but the same essence, I would argue that they are still not the same being, because they have separate existences which will lead them to develop different identities.
Enough philosophical mumbo jumbo.
“Two Swords”/”Do No Harm” are a nice way to open season 8. Tonally, the two episodes feel reminiscent of the season 7 finale, and this continuity is appreciated. I’m curious if the entirety of season 8 will take on the tone as laid down by these episodes. In other words, will they be soul-search-y in a funny and amusing way (as opposed to soul-search-y in a dark and somewhat depressing way, cf. season 6)? Given that Islands is going to address some big questions about Finn’s origins, I assume that the existential elements that are to be found in “Two Swords”/”Do No Harm” will crop up now and again throughout this season. There’s also the fact that Fern will almost certainly show up again, meaning that the ‘search for meaning’ theme is far from over.
But, like I said, these two episodes were quite funny. From Jake knocking Bubblegum over and jettisoning out a window, to Mr. Fox simply just existing, these episodes had their fair share of funny jokes and amusing set pieces. You all know how much I love it when the show can balance humor with serious topics, so you probably aren’t surprised to hear me writing positively about “Two Swords”/”Do No Harm” in that regard.
In terms of art and design, the show has undergone a subtle but noticeable change. I chalk this up to the fact that the show does not (currently) have a lead character designer (both Joy Ang and Michael DeForge are jointed listed as character and prop designers) and has a new background supervisor (Jacob Winkler). The changes are most noticeable to my eye in the background pieces, as they seem to be reminiscent of Ghostshrimp in that they are full of fun bits of clutter, but they are also somewhat more detailed. This is not a bad thing at all, but just something I feel I should mention.
(Also, it looks like Ako Castuera’s back, only now she’s doing storyboard revisions. Cool!)
If there are any issues with these episodes, it simply that the pacing was, at times, all over the place. Finn-as-doctor, for instance, was really funny, but it was kind of oddly inserted into an otherwise completely story. Since everything worked on a humorous level, I don’t see the pacing to be a major issue, but it does drag the episode down a bit.
Mushroom War Evidence: There is debris in the Grass-Wizard’s hedge maze. It’s unclear if it’s pre-Mushroom War or not.
Final Grade:
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