#heartless mode: ON
rhythmmortis · 5 months
kh1 is the best kh game because it lets you go Creature Mode
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gummi-ships · 8 months
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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Anti-Saïx
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darkvolley · 3 months
Oh wow I first tried Ansem-Riku and I'm not even excited about it cuz it was way easier than I expected it to be for proud mode 😶
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mawbwehownets · 2 years
do you have the other games? if you're enjoying hl you'll Love hl2 im sure!! what's been your favorite chapter so far? sorry about xen also . fdsgkjhfshkdj
i have a good amount of them! steam was offering a bundle of the older ones for Dirt Cheap, including hl2, so i snatched up all of em
im tempted to say on a rail is my favorite without having beat the whole game yet n revisited the chapters?? from the impression i get thats an unpopular opinion BGKJERG and it did get VERY long + i had to pull up a guide a few times since i struggle w direction but. idk for the most part i enjoyed it ! fuck the troops --(。・∀・)ノ゙
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lesbianraskolnikov · 16 days
My touy my silly miserable freak
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simonrileysfavteacup · 3 months
The Scare
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x gf!reader
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: Angst (ooooo, my first time writing angst), comfort, break in, attempted kidnapping, simon in ghost mode, graves being a pussy, simon being a good bf
Summary: You thought it was Simon, he had come home early from his mission, but there were 2 pairs of footsteps walking around your home.
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Everyone knew Lieutenant Riley was cold. He was ruthless, cruel, heartless, and so much more. 
But there was one thing that made him soft. One person. 
Barely anyone knew that the Lieutenant had picked himself up a hot little thing and managed to keep her. The two of you had been together for 3 years now and he was so close to proposing. He was ready to spend his life with you. He was ready to make you his and give you his last name. 
But what happens when someone who shouldn’t know about you finds out about you?
Graves knew. Somehow he knew. He mentioned your name to Simon, “Ghost, that is not nice. How would your pretty little (Y/N) think of that?”
Simon shivered. 
And then he realised. 
Graves was coming for you.
You were curled up in bed, music playing in the background as you read one of your favourite romance books Simon had bought you. The lights were off, a single three-wick Bath and Body Works candle on your bedside table. It was peaceful. Cosy. 
You were on the 15th chapter before you head footsteps and your front door opening. 
Simon isn’t supposed to be home yet.
You check your phone. 
Simon would’ve messaged if he was coming home.
There was no message. And he wouldn’t surprise you like this. 
You sit up, turning off the music. The footsteps are doubled. There’s two people. 
Simon wouldn’t come home with someone else. This wasn’t Simon walking around your apartment. 
With trembling hands, you reach for Simon’s hidden knife, concealed under his side of the bed. You clutch in it a sweaty palm, silent praying that the person walking around your apartment is a friend, not a foe. The footsteps get closer. You take a deep breath.
The doorknob jiggles. Your anxiety skyrockets. There’s murmurs before a foot hits the door. 
1 kick…
2 kicks…
3 kicks before the door finally busts open, shattering the lock. 2 men, dressed in black military uniform, hold up their guns to aim for your head. You suck in a breath. 
“That her?” The first man asks. 
“Think so. She fits the description,” the other one responds.
You shiver. They barely acknowledge you as they speak. 
One of them steps closer to you, reaching for the knife in your hand. You strike, stabbing his wrist through the jacket he wears. He yells, “Bitch stabbed me!”
He pushes you, reaching down to grab his wrist, pulling out the knife. The other one walks over while you’re distracted, talking a hold of your arms and tying them behind your back. You yell before you hear the sound of duct tape ripping. Within seconds, there’s a piece over your mouth. You try to yell. No use.
They begin to speak to each other fast, so fast you can barely catch their words. 
Help me…
The one you stabbed wraps up his wrist with a cloth, before picking up your legs. The other picks up your torso. 
You thrash around in their arms, trying to get free as you kick the one you stabbed, He holds your feet together with one hand, barking out a quick, “Stop it!”
He has an American accent, you notice. They carry you out of your bedroom as you continue to thrash around. They almost make it to the front door. 
But the door is wide open. And in the door frame stands a tree of a man, face covered by a mask of a skull. 
Your eyes fill with tears of joy. 
Simon’s eyes are as dark as the night as he stares at the scene. 
The men immediately drop you, making you hit your head on the floor, a cry of pain dropping from your lips. Your vision goes blurry as you hear Simon step closer, fists clenched. 
You roll over onto your side, trying to get your hands out of their bonds, trying to grab your head to ease the pain. You suck in a sharp breath. Your vision stays blurry, barely making out the black blobs fighting in front of you. 
From the blobs you see, the one with the mask is bigger. And he’s winning. 
You think… 
One of the men drop down next to you, a new red blob on the ground making it’s way into your vision. You count to fifteen before the other man drops down too. 
You count to eight before you feel a hand pull the duct tape off your mouth. You let out a loud sob of relief. Simon…
He unties your wrists, gently massaging them as you roll over again, grabbing your head. You close your eyes as you let out cries of pain. 
It hurts. Your wrists hurt. Your mouth hurts. 
But the pain in your head is indescribable. It shoots from the back to the front, meeting at the centre of your forehead. It shoots back. And then back to the front again. And back again. And front again. And over and over. 
You can barely hear your cries anymore over the feeling of pain. 
A pair of arms pick you up bridal style, as if you weigh nothing. The black blob holding you takes you to the bedroom, setting you down on the bed. The blob walks away again. 
You count to thirty before it-he-returns, holding an ice pack, a glass of water, and a few advil pills. He sits on the edge of the bed, setting down the items. 
He takes off his mask, vest, gear, and everything else until nothing remains but a shirt and his tactical pants. Simon tips up your chin, placing one of the pills on your tongue, pushing it back with some water. “Swallow.”
You do as he says. 
A deep exhale leaves your body. 
He presses the ice pack to your head. “How bad is i’? Do I need to call a’ ambulance?” 
“N-no…” you blink back tears.
“You sure, lovie? ‘t was a bad fall,” he sighs, smiling sadly at you. “‘m so sorry ‘is happened to ya. Ya are the most important thin’ to me and Graves, bitch that ‘e is, took advantage of tha’. Soap and Gaz ‘re in the kitchen, gettin’ rid of the garbage. Tol’ them not to come in ‘ere. Ya need rest, okay? Bu’ don’ fall ‘sleep, ya migh’ have a concussion.” 
You nod to the best of your ability. He takes a hold of your hand, kissing your wrist. “‘M so so so sorry. Ya didn’ deserve ‘hat, okay? Ya so perfec’ and special to me…”
He looks down at the bloody knife on the ground.
“Ya try to protec’ yourself?” You nod in response to his words. “Good girl. Ya atleas’ did some damage…slowed them down enough jus’ in time for me to get ‘ere.” 
“Ho-how did you know I w-was in…” you don’t bother to finish your sentence. 
“Graves sai’ ya name to me. I took a guess ‘e was gone go for ya. Rushed here with the other three. They gone go on the mission without me. Need to stay ‘ere, make sure ya okay.” 
He presses a kiss to your forehead. You smile, softly. 
“Thank you…Si…” you nod. “For everything.”
“Always gone be there to save ya,” He nods. “When ya get bette’, I gone teach ya how to properly use that knife…and a few more things, just in case.”
“Sounds good, Si,” you hold back a giggle. 
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anisdolly · 5 months
・ 。.・゜✭・.・✫ . ✭・.・✫・✭ .・゜・。.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ STRICTLY 18+.
dom!anakin, lightsaber hilt used…wrongly, dirty talking, degrading
・ 。.・゜✭・.・✫ . ✭・.・✫・✭ .・゜・。.
anakin would be the most unhinged bastard you ever met, honestly. i have this thing in my mind that while you’re spread upon his messy bed, open and ready for him to take what’s rightfully his, he would look down at that body that’s damn perfect to his eyes—doesn’t fucking matter how you see yourself—and snarl in the vain attempt to not groan at the simple sight. his hands would travel everywhere, trying to feel a bit satiated but vainly. and then a bulb would lit in his mind. with a grin that told more than you needed to know, this insatiable fucker would reach for the lightsaber hanging from that utility belt you find so damn arousing from some reason, put it in safe mode and grind the metal against your pussy that was just made to fit him—no, to be fair, it barely fit him.
“you like it, yeah? that’s what i thought.” he would taunt, glancing at how your legs spread beneath each slide and pressure of the weapon that, in a different way than it’s usual usage, was becoming your damn death. “mmhm, i can smell how fucking horny you are. realize you’re this creamy from being touched by a weapon that slaughtered many? you’re such a pathetic, little and heartless slut for that.” the way his voice would sound low despite it being always whiny…so fucking hot. though, it was a whiny that made your legs tighten each time you heard it, even during council meetings. god, you’d really be such a whore for feeling like that, and that bastard of anakin would’ve known.
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risuola · 5 months
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Sukuna would never say out loud that he enjoys taking care of you but he cannot deny it before himself.
cw: suggestive, mostly Sukuna being confused with his own feelings, smut... happened, but is not described, Sukuna has his own body, reader discretion is advised — 1,1k words
a/n: this one is a part of my kinktober prototype that didn't make a cut into the final lineup, but I thought I'll share it anyway :3
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Ryomen Sukuna was never a man of excessive affection. Things such as love and care made for the foreign concept for the majority of his existence and it’s no wonder why when his heart, that he was certain was frozen for the last millennium, discovered the warmth of your existence right next to him, he was confused, to say the least. Unable to fully comprehend the reason standing behind his will to stay by your side after getting his own release.
“It could’ve hurt more,” he mumbled, smoothing his fingers over the aching muscles of your shoulder. In his head, it sounded reassuring – he wasn’t intending to hurt you, but his sheer power over your human body always caused some damage and it honestly made him wonder why he would even agree to be with you. 
You were drained, completely exhausted, half-conscious and panting over his chest where your head rested. It was one of those nights that from the very beginning foreshadowed some violence. That day Sukuna got home possessed by burning fury. It wasn’t often, he usually was good at managing his anger, at least to the point of not causing any damage to you, but sometimes, on the days like this, he was too gone for any kind of self-control. To his defense, first he declined your suggestion to take this to the bed where you wanted to make sure he’s going to let the steam off. He pushed you away saying that he will hurt you if he fucks you in that state, but you insisted that he’s not going to harm you.
And of course, he did. After many long and rough hours of the ruthless, punishing pace of his thrusts, after every harsh slap and strong grip, after all of the bites, sucks and scratches, your body was aching. It gave up under the sheer pressure of his demonic stamina and strength, and by no means you ever considered yourself weak physically. You were not some fragile human, but in the grasp of the king of curses, you were not much more than a mere mortal.
That night, Sukuna fucked a hole through your soul, with ease turning your brain into a boiling flurry, pushing your edges further and further until they snapped like a rubber band that’s been stretched a little too much. It hurt, but at the same time, there was a pleasure impossible to describe with words. Your body never failed to react to Ryomen, almost sadistically seeking lust where others would see malice and even in the state of absolute distress, he’s instinctively forcing those mind-numbing gestures all over the act. He knew how to angle his hips to hit the right spots inside of you, he knew how to operate along the sensitive places all over your skin to drive you crazy. Even while in the middle of releasing his anger, he unknowingly cared for you.
That care always become more vibrant when everything’s done. When you fall over his strong, toned frame breathless and sore, his mind immediately switches into the aftercare mode, which got installed into his software forcefully, violating every rule of being a heartless monster.
“It could have hurt more,” he cooed softly, failing to recognize his own voice, but it was alright. He accepted it long time ago. Somehow, to pamper you after he nearly broke you to pieces added up in his head and the absolute pliability of your body in his hands, the control he had tickled his ego. For Sukuna, it felt like a duty, like an inseparable part of the whole act of sex. When you two first started hooking up, he felt incomplete leaving you in the bed after he sucked out all of your life energy.
“That’s reassuring, ‘kuna,” you croaked out, your voice bearing a little bit of rasp from all the sounds he forced out of your mouth, and all the length that you took down your throat.
“I warned you,” he sighed, pulling you even closer before wrapping his hands around you in a way that allowed him to scoop you up from the bed. “Let me clean you up and you’ll rest, how’s that sound?”
“Will you stay with me?”
“Of course I will,” he reassured, turning on the water, somehow keeping you up in his embrace with just one of his arms. The strength his form held was unmatched, really. “I live here, after all.” Sukuna added, matter-of-factly, but truth was it wasn’t as obvious as it sounded. Even though your apartment was now a permanently shared space with the curse, he had no muscle memory to lay down every night to sleep. He was still learning how to act like a human, after a thousand years of living as a curse.
“Then, it sounds perfect,” you smiled softly and exhaled deeper feeling the hot water hitting your aching muscles. Relaxation began filling your system, the knots all over your body began to untie themselves and you wondered sometimes, how much of that relief was caused by the warm shower and how much of it was due to strong, manly hands that kept you up. You knew his abilities to heal and also, you knew that often he was using them to repair some damages you took during fights or due to your clumsiness – usually though, he would act like he didn’t do anything, brushing any questions off because admitting to willingly helping a human, even the one he loves, was still a little too much for him to settle for. So, you learned to ask no questions, only sometimes feeling a little playful to tease him about it, but overall, you chose not to bring up the topic.
Although Sukuna would never say out loud that he enjoys taking care of you, he couldn’t deny it before himself. It felt new to him to carry you so delicately and yet he was feeling the little contented sparks lighting up in his mind when he did that. He found it prideful to know you put your life entirely in his hands, that even though he’s a curse, you trust him with yourself when you’re vulnerable.
Washed and dried, the king laid you back down onto the bed as the procedure of aftercare continued. He allowed you to cuddle to his warm body, skin in full contact to skin and only then you began to fully relax, breathing in his presence and feeling the love he would probably never word right inside your veins. His calloused fingertips were painting shapes over the delicate skin of your body as he listened to your steady breath and the softest purrs, barely hearable through the sound of your exhales. He slowly circled around every bruise and bitemark he’s left on you that he had now access to and as he brushed over them, he made sure to heal them just enough for you to not feel any pain.
Sukuna’s aftercare isn’t all vibrant and flashy. He’s not the one to jump around you with blankets and hot chocolate, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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canthelpit0 · 26 days
Pairing: Chris x reader
Wordcount: 3k+
Summary: Chris used to drink back in high school. And now being rich and in his early 20s he started back up again.
Warnings: angst (if u squint), relapse, drinking, alcohol addiction, weed, mentioned drugs, slight use of y/n, Chris pov, (slight) unreliable narrator, model!reader, no smut, kissing
(A/N: possible ooc. I don’t do drugs, so I don’t know how realistic this is.)
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Chris PoV
I feel dizzy.
But I love it, I love this.
I take another sip of my solo cup looking at all the people.
Back in high school I used to drink and smoke, and I even did some drugs at some point. But I had stopped after high school, after all, I thought that I could let loose and have fun, but that after high school that I’d start working.
Having been partying and drinking for my junior and senior year, staying sober for over two days was hard, but in the end I’d managed to stay sober for a whole year.
I wasn’t even the legal age to drink yet anyway.
I started smoking occasionally though, just to hold me off from alcohol.
Somehow we managed to become famous YouTubers, moving out to LA and living our dreams.
But being in LA meant getting invited to all sorts of parties. We usually just said no and that we wouldn’t go, mainly because of my past habits. But after a while our manager started to force us to, to make connections.
However being so close to alcohol, and being offered drinks and blunts all the time was fucking with me.
I started to smoke more, going from around one cigarette every two days to five a day.
It was a common fact that I’m a smoker in our fanbase. And I wasn’t proud of it. It is disgusting. But I would rather do that, before relapse back into my drinking habits. That’s at least what I told myself.
I started to unconsciously get colder towards Nick and Matt. I couldn’t help it.
So when an influencer texted me inviting me to some party, I agreed. I snuck out of the house at night, walked around the corner to the gas station, got an Uber and went to the party.
I put my phone on silent, turned off all trackers and snap map, as well as put it on airplane mode just to be sure.
But deep down I always knew that at the end of the day, if I do manage to get home without Matt’s help, I’ll still be drunk, they’ll know I relapsed.
But at this moment, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting drunk tonight.
This is the second drink I’ve had tonight. And I wasn’t even close to tipsy. Maybe I should play some drinking game?
I shrug to myself scanning the crowd of people. All people with faces that look like influencers. If that even makes sense. They just look like they do TikTok.
I shrug to myself. I glance over at the window to the backyard porch, seeing the backs of a few girls sitting there. I can’t see their faces and I don’t care to.
I look down at my drink, seeing the way it’s half empty now. I huff. Bringing the cup back to my lips again, I down the whole cup.
Jake and Johnnie come up to me. I make eye contact with Jake and purse my lips.
It’s a commonly known fact that I smoke tobacco, yes. But to everyone’s knowledge I don’t drink, and have never touched a drink In My life.
Well Matt and Nick haven’t, I never said I haven’t, but I wasn’t exactly open about my past with alcohol either.
Matt and Nick said they’ve never drank, wich is true. Yet I never agreed. I did say on that podcast that I do smoke.
“Yo Chris” Jake greets dapping me up. I give him a weak smile. “Hi guys” I respond with a slight smile.
I wish I didn’t know anyone here and could just get wasted in peace. I’d get wasted at home but I literally can’t buy alcohol
“I didn’t know you drink?” Johnnie asks taking a sip of a water bottle. I don’t know if they drink, all I know is that they’re old enough to. Unlike me.
“Well.” I shrug. I’m still standing in the kitchen so I just put down my empty solo cup for the time being.
“Aren’t you underage tho?” Jake asks raising an eyebrow down at me. He shifts on his feet. He wouldn’t stop me per se, he’d just quietly disapprove.
“Yeah” I shrug. I lick my lips glancing at the half empty beer bottle on the counter. I purse my lips contemplating if I should pour my solo cup full again.
Because on one hand I want to make it seem like this is the first time I’m drinking and that I’m innocent, but then again the temptation is too strong, and before I realize it I’m pouring my cup full again.
Both the boys in front of me were saying something about not drinking too much, but I wasn’t even paying it attention.
“-Just don’t drink too much, right, you can get drunk really fast.” Jake rambles on a smile present on his lips like he thought this was an innocent joke. Not like I just relapsed or anything.
I take a sip from the beer, feeling it burn down my throat. I don’t even make a face at it, if anything I relax more when the taste hits my tongue.
“You handle your alcohol well, wow.” Jake says half joking, having finally stopped his rant.
“Anyway, where are Nick and Matt?” Johnnie asks cutting Jake off before he can start yapping again.
“Home.” I mumble taking another sip.
“Oh why’s that?” He asks back his words questioning as he tilts his head slightly.
His eyes look really dark with the dark eyeliner he’s wearing, in the dimmed room.
“They just didn’t want to come.” I shrug. I feel like I’m being too direct and rude.
It’s funny. Whenever I’m sober, I act more cheery and extroverted. But I don’t feel good. When I’m drunk or drinking it’s the opposite.
“Huh?” Jake huffs questioningly. “Well this is the first time you’re drinking right? Were you planning to, or how did that happen?”
I think he thought that maybe some person gave a drink to me and that’s how I started drinking tonight. Because god forbid I wanted to get drunk and was planning on drinking here because shady parties like this are the only places I can get my hands on alcohol.
“No,” I pause making eye contact with both of them, before my eyes meet the beer in my cup again.
“It’s not.” I shrug.
They glance at each other before looking back at me and I feel their eyes burn through my skin.
“Well, drink responsibly.” Jake says again slowly. He wasn’t going to stop me. They were all for ‘you do you’. And besides it’s not that bad anyway it’s not like I’m alcoholic or something. “And don’t drive.” He chuckled jokingly, winking.
I let a slight smile take over my face. I close my eyes and shake my head slightly, letting out a dry chuckle.
Johnnie waves back at me as they start to walk off into the crowd of people in the living room.
Time flies.
I drink some more, wander around and what not.
I’ve taken a bunch of drugs before. Asides from the obvious like coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, I also used to smoke a lot of weed. I’ve done lsd, cocaine, ecstasy. A lot of ecstasy. And Xanax.
Well I took Xanax kind of on accident in sophomore year. Matt has anxiety, and it used to be really bad so he had prescribed pills to take. And one day I thought they were pain killers and took them.
It made me feel very euphoric but calm and relaxed at the same time. That was the first big deal drug I ever took.
I was never interested in not being sober. But when junior year hit, and I started to go to parties, I tried verity’s kinds of drugs because if the high Xanax put me on was great, how would stronger drugs be.
Tho at the end of the day I did that way less than just drinking.
I look around getting bored of just standing around. I walk out to the backyard porch to get some air. There is a couch in the corner on both sides.
What’s wired about these types of parties is that there are not just influences or that type of people here, but also low ranking celebrities.
Like actors and actresses with low status, up in coming singers, low ranking models and what not.
There is a girl all alone on the couch to my right. I glance at her, scanning her features. Our eyes meet. I’m not as drunk as I was planning to be, but the night is still young so whatever.
She looks like she could be a model. But for all I know she could be a really pretty YouTuber too.
She takes the blunt from between her lips breathing out a puff of the toxic smoke. She was smiling, the weed rolled into a perfect blunt.
“Hi?” She asks. Have I been staring? I purse my lips staring back at her. I kind of forget to respond before I see her raise an eyebrow at me.
“Hey.” I respond simply shifting on my feet to turn to face her. She nods to the couch next to her and I take the hint and sit down next to her.
I take a deep breath in, closing my eyes slightly. The cold LA air feels so good against my burning hot skin.
“You smoke?” She asks offeringthe blunt to me.
I lick my lips slightly. She seems pretty faded, she must’ve been smoking for a while here now.
I look over her features,my eyes taking in every detail.
I him in response, watching the way she holds out the blunt for me. I take it and put it between my lips. As soon as I feel the weed fill up my lungs I can feel my body relax.
I slump back into the couch giving her the blunt back while I breathe out the smoke.
“What’s your name?” She asks putting the blunt back between her lips and smoking it.
“Chris.” I say simply. She hands me the blunt once again. And oh, I didn’t realize we’d be sharing now, but oh well.
“You look like a YouTuber.” She says bluntly, tilting her head at me.
We get that a lot, we look like ‘generic tiktokers’.
I shrug. I turn my face to the side and blow out the smoke before looking back at her and offering her the blunt again. “Maybe because I am?”
She chuckles dryly and takes the blunt. She puts it between her plump pink lips. “I’m y/n” she mumbles around the weed before inhaling again. I watch the way she holds the blunt between her pointer and middle finger.
The way her hands look so delicate. The way her acrylic nails look.
“And what do you do for a living?” I ask rhetorically. A slight grin threatens to spread on my face.
“I model.”
“Never thought models smoke?”
“Well I do.”
She offers me the blunt again.
We talk for even longer. We both seem to be blunt and direct people. there was no messing around and beating around the bush.
After a while silence falls upon us again. This is the second blunt we’d lit by this point. She leans over and puts that blunt out on the ashtray on the couch table.
“You’re pretty you know that.” I blurt out. She sits back raising an eyebrow. Her body is turned to me and she just looks so pretty. If I could have my way and we weren’t at some LA house party right now, I’d eat her out right here on the backyard porch.
“Thank you?” She chuckles. And god how good she sounds.
Her words sound like silk. They flow so well together and her voice 100% fits her face.
While we were talking she said she’s from New York. Wich is great. I love meeting east coast people. There are not a lot in California.
She’s apparently from manhattan. I’d been there before.
She turns to me more and tilts her head teasingly. I lean in my eyes staying locked on hers.
I can’t help the huge grin growing on my face.
“Yeah” I breathe out. By now we’re so painfully close. I put my hand on her jaw holding her in place. I can’t help it when I glance down at her lips for a second.
She does the same tho and looks down at my lips.
So why would I draw out this moment any longer? I crash my lips on hers and feel her immediately react and kiss back.
The kiss is gentle but hard at the same time.
By this point I can barely feel the alcohol in my system, only the weed. And with us kissing that’s all I’m focused on. I can’t think straight, and not because I’m cross faded.
My eyes are shut trying to feel this as much as I can. This feels like a high. Whether that be because I am actually high, or if kissing her just naturally feels good.
I tilt my head slightly in an effort to deepen the kiss, feeling the way her arms wrap around my neck and pull me closer.
My hands go to her waist holding onto her.
But suddenly, before things can escalate, I feel my phone ring.
I pull away slightly our faces still close. I groan in Annoyance. I lick my swollen lips glancing back down at y/n’s that are also plump and kiss swollen.
I pull out my phone from my back pocked seeing Matt’s caller ID.
I purse my lips and hang up the call. I crash my lips back onto y/n’s. She sighs into the kiss and kisses back just as intensely.
But my phone goes off again. We ignore it just continuing to make out.
That is until she pulls away and licks her lips. Our eyes lock again, silence falling upon us, until she breaks it.
“Whoever is calling you really wants to talk.” I purse my lips looking at my phone on the couch between us.
I pick it up with a sigh. I sit back and turn back forward. I pick up the call and it’s Nick.
“Christopher Owen.” I hear nicks pissed off firm voice through the other line.
“Turn your location on right the fuck now.”
I sigh. I take the phone from my face turning off airplane mode and turning my location back on. After I do that I put the phone back to my ear.
“We’ll be there in 5” I hear Matt say loudly. He sounds mildly pissed off too.
“Whatever.” I groan dramatically. Why do they always have to hold me off from having fun.
I was just drinking a little bit. Like I didn’t even get drunk yet.
“Go to the front door, we’re almost there.” Nick says firmly to wich I reluctantly hum an argument.
I hang up the phone after it’s silent. I roll my eyes. I let my hand drop from my face to my lap, still holding my phone. I look over at y/n who is looking at me with a curious expression, but she wasn’t going to push it.
“I gotta go.” I say simply and get up.
I don’t glance back before i open the door inside again. I walk through the crowd of people pushing my way to the front door.
★ ★ ★
I sit at the front porch steps waiting for Matt to pull up.
When he pulls up mere seconds later Nick gets out of the passenger seat walking over to me. He looks more worried than angry.
I reluctantly get up. Nick keeps holding my arm just in case, but I really wasn’t that drunk. Sure I was not walking too straight, but it wasn’t like I was at risk of falling over.
He sits me down in the passenger seat Matt watching.
Nick himself gets into the backseat.
No word is said. Matt pulls into drive and starts to drive down the road. I close my eyes awaiting the eventual questioning and rants and whatever.
“Why’d you relapse?” Matt ask, simply getting straight to the point. Ripping the band aid right off.
“Sorry” I mumble. I open my eyes and turn my head to stare out of the window.
No song is playing, it’s just eerily quiet.
“No. Why did you relapse?” Nick asks his tone more firm. “Yeah you were doing so good” Matt adds with a sigh.
I let out my own sigh at the questions.
I don’t know why I relapsed.
It’s just something about LA that is so tempting. Partying is fun, and so is being drunk.
I’m pretty sure Jake and Johnnie must’ve told them. Somehow. After all, at this party, they were the only ones I actually knew. They must’ve texted or called one of them for some reason, resulting in waking them up.
And as soon as they were awake and checked my bed, they started to call me. Makes sense, whatever.
“Chris, you know, you need to talk.” Nick sighs frustrated.
“Why did you relapse?” Matt asks again glancing over at me for a second before going right back to staring at the road. “Is it the temptations of LA, is it your mental health,” he lists off the top of his head before sighing again. “What is it?”
“Chris we need you to tell us the root cause of this.” Nick says firmly. Honestly i should play drunk and pretend I don’t understand what they want from me, but I think they can tell I’m not legit drunk, just because of the fact that they’ve seen me actually blackout drunk before.
“I don’t know.” I say simply my tone staying low. It feels like my words cut straight through the thick tension in the room.
It’s like a re-opened wound.
“What do you mean you don’t know.” Nick scoffs. He was getting worked up, and I know that. I close my eyes for a second bracing myself.
“We thought you were better.”
We- it wasn’t just Nick that thought I got better, but also Matt, mom, dad and Justin.
“I did too.”
A/N: I hope you guys liked this.. I hope it’s realistic enough. But yeah, this was fun to write, tho I do know that it did kind of drift from the actual theme of the song. Tell me if u guys want a part 2 and my asks and requests are open <3
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh , @tillies33ssss , @sturncakez , @strnilo , @somegirlfromasgard , @mattslovelygf , @sturnsmaeve , @sturnstvr , @lucianastrun , @jnkvivi , @jamiesturniolo
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tryingtofindava · 1 month
May I ask for Ticci Toby with a proxy S/O? Who's personality is completely different from him like quieter, calmer, heartless yet in private is like soft on him and gives his probably touch starved self the affection that he never got
── 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐰 𝐚 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨’𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐦*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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He’s actually quite observant, and noticed immediately that the two of you don’t have much in common personality wise.
Opposite attract ig. It honestly gives black cat x golden retriever dynamic vibes.
He rambles your ears off when you lock into quiet mode, and when you let him yap away the conversations be changing up so quickly.
On the rare occasion you guys get partnered together for a mission, he’s twitching in excitement while you stand right next to him being the quiet level headed person you are (both being covered in gallons of blood).
HAULS your ass to go and do something either stupid or chaotic, and even though he’d be doing the most wildest shit ever you’d be next to him so underwhelmed by everything.
His red flag is that he’s sees murder sprees as dates. He’s also trying into impress you with cool ways to off someone with his trusty hatchets, trying to get at least some form of reaction outta you.
Speaking of murder, he LOVES watching you end people’s subscriptions to life without a second thought. No guilt or hesitance hanging over your head. (he thinks it’s hot af.)
“Duh-damn, wish y-you’d choke muh-me like that.”
He loves when nobody else’s around you become much super lovey dovey. He also likes that you only show this side of yourself to him and no one else. (HE’S POSSESSIVE AND GETS JELLY EASILY!!)
God knows this deprived bitch needs affection like that.
It’s canon that he doesn’t remember his past, (but he does get bits of déjà vu or small flashback memories) So he probably doesn’t even know he’s touch starved until you come into his life.
He thrives off the attention you give him, even if it’s only behind closed doors.
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pinkslaystation · 2 months
[Part 2] If I meant something to you.
toxic!Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Here's part 1 hee hee hee hee Here's part 3 You believe Simon's changed his ways after your sister's engagement. After his actions, you still want him, but does he want you? Word Count: 3.6k
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A half naked woman running out of Simon's flat? A surprise indeed it was.
You really thought he reciprocated the same feelings as you did at one point, for once in your life feeling as if someone truly did want you for you, but that fantasy had dried out, and it was clear Simon had no intentions with you.
Your replacement proved it.
Before you began to weep in front of the Brit again, you hurried to your flat door, rummaging through your sweatshirt pockets for your key, wanting to wallow back into a state of depression in the comfort in your own home.
Simon didn't follow you, instead he just leaned against his door frame, sexily might I add, intensely watching you clumsily rip out past receipts and snotty used tissues from your pockets. He wanted to say something, ask you how your day had been, even thought it just turned 9 A.M.
Then it hit you.
You think back to your previous steps. You woke up at 8:30, you read the texts from your sister, made yourself some coffee, which you definitely think had gone off, and left your home, feigning a state of happiness.
You didn't take your keys with you. They sat on your kitchen counter, almost like they were mocking you for being so careless.
Banging your head against the door, you curse, "Fuck's sake...."
You mentally note that this is probably one of the most humiliating scenes you've found yourself in, nearly as bad enough as your 18th birthday, when your parents congratulated your younger brother instead of you accidently.
Simon exhales a puff of smoke towards your direction, you were so fixed on trying to get inside, you didn't catch him lazily eyeing you whilst lighting a cigarette into his mouth.
"You...wanna come inside?" He asks nonchalantly, looking at the sky, avoiding your gaze as if to seem cooler than you.
"Why would I do that? I don't wanna know where that bitch has been..." You scoff, referring to the girl. You want to look away from him, but his blonde chest hair glistens in the sunlight, enticing you to follow his instructions. He's not even all military mode on you but you already find yourself acting submissive around his presence again.
He grunts, thinking about what to say next, "Well for starters, Francesca's no one...and, where else are ya gonna go?" The sarcasm is sharp in his voice.
So you were replaced by a Francesca.
"And listen love, face it, you need something from me, come in so we can talk. Can't guarantee we'll do a lot of talkin' though..." His words trails off, trying to convince you. Boy, is it working...
His eyebrows are raised, and he purposely flexes his still wet pecs.
Fuck it. You think, barging into his room, purposely bumping shoulders.
You finally enter Simon's room for the first time.
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Simon wasn't completely heartless.
Yes, his childhood trauma resulted in his avoidant nature, ignoring his team in order to work alone on the field, disobeying his Captain to do what he'd deemed as best, and even ghosting you ever time you tried reaching out to you. What you didn't know though, was that Simon had given you his previous phone number, one he doesn't use anymore...
Late nights in his hospital bed led him trying to stalk you through Facebook, which no one your age uses by the way (don't tell him that), and every time his searches led him to nothing.
Had he not been so foolish, he would have manned up and straight up demanded you for your number. But he didn't, instead he told you he'd find you if he needed you, which was becoming more and more infrequent.
Yet here he lies, now clad in a loose black top and sweatpants, sitting across from you on his couch in his oddly empty room, hearing you out.
"'Kay so, your sister wants you at her engagement and you need a date, and you have no other friends but me, and you want me to be your fake date." He repeats back to you.
You hum, "For someone that didn't finish secondary school, you're quite smart."
Simon chuckles at the reciprocates banter, "And...what's in it for me?"
You scrunch your nose, "What?"
"What's in it for me." He enunciates his word, as if speaking to a baby, "What do I benefit from this?"
"Are you fuckin' for real, you've basically used me for your own pleasure, and you can't even fake a relationship in front of my family for like a couple of hours?"
You stand up, ready to leave, not willing to be disrespected again.
"Love, listen," Simon pulls on your arms, and you begin to notice the fresh scars decorating his forearms.
"Our relationship...platonic of course, it's like a business. You want something, you gotta work for it."
You're stunned, did he just insinuate that you were merely a business partner to you? Can this man be anymore of an ass, than he already is, reducing your relationship to a step below a 'situation-ship'.
"What possibly could I have that you need?"
"Yeah," he gruffs out, contemplating his decision, "not money 'cos I got more of that than you..."
He sits there in mock confusion, but you had a feeling he knew what he wanted from you the moment you spat out your request at his door earlier.
Before you try cursing him out again, your attention shifts to the ping from your phone, another unfamiliar number, but not from your sister.
10:32 A.M. ####:- Hey kiddo, how's life been treating you. ####:- Finally gotta a job? ####:- Can't wait to see you, your brother's been waiting to introduce you to his new girlfriend, good addition to the family this time I think. ####:- You're getting older now, unmarried and unemployed. Chop Chop.
Great, just a monthly reminder from your father that you've already been replaced by your brother's new fling for the week.
Now you really needed that date.
"I'll fuck you." You state.
Simon stares at your new found dominance, standing up to purposely look down at you and tower over you, disliking the sense of authority shifting between you two.
"Once again, dove."
"Just. Fuck. Me. Simon. Get this shit over with." You command.
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Okay, now you actually felt used. Blackmailed into having sex with Simon, just for him to get what he wants really was the all time low for you. And you've hit rock bottom multiple times.
You wake up light-headed, in Simon's empty bed. The bedside table held a small note in messy handwriting and a singular key.
Headed out to the pub, got a spare key for your room. You better be out of there by the time I get back. Jesus, you got the hint.
You wonder why and where Simon got a spare key from, realising that this situation could have been rectified from the beginning, instead he basically coerced you into sex just to fulfill his needs.
Your mother would die if she knew what your life was like.
Walking back into your room, you shoot a text to Simon, your now fake date, informing him of the fool-proof plan you'd come up with.
As you rest on your couch, thinking about the future ahead of you, and your head unconsciously drifts to that dreaded question:
What if you hurt Simon like he's hurt you?
The next few days was filled with your evenings trying to explain the dynamics of your family to Simon and teaching him more about you.
"And what, they went to the theme park and just left you there? Ain't that borderline abuse?" He questions, a small guilty feeling arising in the pit of your stomach learning about how similar both of yours fucked childhood was like.
You shrug, used to being kicked to the curb. You stop yourself before making some remark that he has no right to act upset about your parents behaviour when he's acting no better.
You tell him your middle name, hell, you tell him the correct spelling of your first name, and you stare at him, embarrassed that this hunk has pounded at your core but doesn't even know the vowels in your name.
"And last week was my birthday if they ask, and you better tell them I celebrated it by going to the cinema with my friends." You inform him, hoping some of this information gets retained into his pea sized head.
Simon cringes, unaware of your birthday, recalling the numerous amount times you'd shot him a smile that day, urging at least one person to wish you a happy birthday. He cocks his head, "What friends?" before correctly himself, "I mean, names wise."
"....you gotta make them up."
Note to self: Make new friends.
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The big day comes and you and Simon had driven to the venue of your sister's engagement party. Extravagant was an understatement. Anyone that would look at this event would assume your parents were millionaires, but they're not considering only 2 out of 3 children received trust funds.
You wore a sleek black dress with a slit by your right leg, and Simon matched with a clean black suit which, by the way, you paid for.
Though you would usually drink in his appearance, his recent brooding behaviour gnawed in your mind, so no matter how many smiles he sent your direction, they couldn't dispel the unease settling in your gut.
The first hour consisted of the pair of you awkwardly standing around, drinking numerous glasses of the finest champagne, with his broad arm hovering over your shoulder.
"Where's the family?" He asks eyeing every guy that even so glances your direction.
You shrug, glancing at your unread messages to your sister.
1:00 P.M. You:- hey :) made it, wru??? You:- looks very grand btw!! 1:29 A.M. You:- hello? where's ma? 1:37 A.M. You:- champagne's tastyyy You:- hi wru 1:59 A.M. You:- bruh did you rly invite me just to ignore me???
Simon winces at your phone, reminding himself to finally get your number so at least someone would reply to your messages.
"You made it!"
You both turn around at the chirpy voice, instantly locking eyes with your sister.
"Hey, you didn't read my texts, been here for an hour now." You question, as you're being pulled into a hug.
"Oh that was you? Sorry, I haven't saved you on my phone," she laughs. You glance at Simon almost offended by that, even though you hadn't saved her number either.
"Introduce me to the big guy!" She nudges you, and Simon interrupts you before you open your mouth.
"Lieutenant Simon Riley, and uh- also boyfriend." He extends his arm, and you can't tell whether he's faking his grin or not.
She drags his forearms, yanking him away from you and ushering him along eagerly., "You need to meet my family, come come!", as they walk off together, and you find yourself standing there, left to socialise with someone else.
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At 3 P.M., you navigate yourself to your family and your 'boyfriend', whom at this point, had really seemed to fit in with the community. Your father hadn't believed that you scored a buff military commander, and if he wasn't unhappily married to your mother, you'd bet 10 quid that he'd be all over Simon.
"Served in Afghanistan huh?" He chuckles boisterously.
"Yes sir." Simon actually looks like he's having fun, displaying the look of admiration for having an almost father-like figure in his life. He begins you question why you dislike your family so much, they're great!
"And you watch football lad?" He pats Simon on his back.
"Avid fan, sir."
Your father shakes Simon's hand, immediately surprised by his firm grip, "Good man. Don't let go of this one, love." He nods towards you, his smile twitching at Simon, who's basically gripping the bones through his wrist.
You force a smile hugging into your boyfriend's side, shouldn't he be saying that to your Simon, rather than you? I mean it's either your biological daughter you've sort of brought up her entire life versus a solider you've known for about an hour.
"Son, take some notes from your sister, no wonder you're single every other day." Your father reprimands your brother, who flinches from the sudden sound of disapproval and grips his girlfriend's forearm tighter. For sure the first time you're actually than him, at finding a better fake partner.
Your mother, on the other hand, was virtually glued to the other side of Simon, gripping his biceps and fawning over his muscles to your brother, who's actually looked like the only one who saw through your facade.
"Wow, you must really enjoy the gym, sweetie." She bags her eyes, disgustingly.
"Yes ma'am."
She addresses you, for what you think was the first time in over a year, and mouths sternly, "I was wrong, I approve."
The entire event was a drag to you, something you weren't used to at all, considering the majority of your childhood was mainly you being left home during such big events, but Simon managed to enjoy the evening whilst successfully lying to your entire family.
"Me and the missus have been together for 10 months now. She's very happy." He raises his glass to you, eliciting a genuine smile from you. It was times like this that you wished that you and Simon just tied the knot and just began dating. However, you couldn't ignore those underlying feelings of a simmering anger, a desire to confront him publicly for using you for so long.
"I am..." It sounds more like a question than a reply, kissing him, in mock affection.
"You need to stay over our place, Simon darling," Your mother gleams, with your father agreeing, "You can stay in the study!"
"You mean my old bedroom?"
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It's midnight, and your family have finally fell asleep in the place you once called home.
You lay next to Simon on your old bed, inspecting your previous room. The walls were no longer painted your favourite colour, but now was coated in a dull grey, your desk now replaced by a vintage looking oak table, definitely all to accommodate your father's taste. Any speck of 'you' had been wiped out from the room, and Simon wonders what young you was like.
"That was very fun...I like 'em, your family." He whispers almost inaudibly, fatigue evident in his words. His arm is draped comfortably around your neck, your head resting in the nook of his armpit.
You hum. The unfamiliar attention Simon had brought up on the two of you exhausted you, though a small part of you liked it, that now your mother actually cared about what you got up with him on a daily basis.
"Simon..." You begin, "What- what are we? If anything..."
You're anticipating his rejection.
"Neighbours..." He mouths silently.
You nod at him, hoisting yourself up on your elbows, although his eyes are closed.
"Simon. It's just that. I know it's all a show...but today it didn't feel like pretend...And when you said you wanted to marry me to my mum, it's just, I don't know, didn't feel fake you know. Felt real..Simon...Simon?"
He snores in response.
Great. You're just confessing to the thin air.
If he doesn't take you out, socialising for almost 9 hours straight will. You pass out next to him, no longer under his arm. Simon lays next to you, watching the slow rise of fall of your chest, after faking a snore.
He stares at the ceiling thinking about the day.
Come morning, and you find yourself sitting at the dining table next to Simon, who'd found himself in a hearty conversation with your parents, sister and future brother in law.
Across from you is your brother, whom you're sure didn't fall for your ruse.
His expression reveals concern as he gazes at you, almost as if he's silently urging you to unravel the tangled web of lies you've woven.
With a swift motion, he picks up his phone, arching an eyebrow in your direction, just as your phone chimes with a notification.
9:12 A.M. ####:- ik you two aren't dating. ####:- better fess up before i do
He smirks at you, your expression mirrors one of close defeat.
9:13 A.M. You:- ik you mad that she cheats on you every friday. You:- better check her private 2nd insta account before i do
Your brother looks up, hesitant to curse you out in front of everyone.
You 1, your brother 0.
Breakfast was served at this time you actually got the same amount of food as your siblings did, although Simon beat all 3 of you for it. Even though your sister was celebrating her engagement, the entire conversation was stuck on you and Simon.
Credits to your parents, because you were actually learning things about Simon, and you wonder if he thinks you're self-obsessed given that you've forced every fact about you down his throat and you haven't even given a minute for him.
"...and my Captain John Price, great guy. She loves him actually." He nudges you, breaking you from your trance.
Everyone on the table turn to you as Simon rubs your knee softly.
"OH. Um, yeah. Mr Price, John, um, great guy, handsome and so hot. Love him. The best really."
As you stumbled over your words, trying to cover up the slip, Simon gave you a reassuring squeeze on your knee. His eyes conveyed a silent message, telling you that it was okay and that they didn't catch you in a lie.
Your brother, however, shot you a knowing look, his expression a mix of amusement and annoyance. It was clear that he had caught onto your the slip up.
"Alright, enough about work," your mother interjected, steering the conversation away from Simon's military life. "Let's talk about something more fun. Like the wedding!"
The topic shifted to your sister's upcoming wedding, and you found yourself for once engaged in a lively discussion with your family about venues, dresses, and guest lists. Simon chimes in, his comments light-hearted and filled with humor.
As the breakfast progressed, you couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt gnawing at you. Your brother's text had reminded you that you were deceiving your family, and although it had started as a harmless ruse, it was beginning to feel like a weight on your shoulders.
After the meal, you and Simon got ready to depart, and as Simon and the rest of your family went to his car, you stood back at the front door, watching how perfect Simon fit in with them.
"It's obvious you don't like him."
You turn to the voice: your brother.
Your groan, "You again? Can't you just leave me alone, God's sake..."
"Aren't you a 'lil worried about how easily he lies though?" he taunts, "how'd you get him here? Money? Or you hold him over a secret? Maybe...sex?"
"What's your problem? Can't you just be happy I'm with someone?" You step back from him.
"Of course I am, if he doesn't like who, who else will, no? I'm just looking out for you bro. It's not gonna last, take it from someone who's in and out of relationships like your guy's in and out of other women."
You squint your eyes at him, confused.
"Grace, Josie, Francesca..." he trails off walking slowly towards the rest of the group. Francesca? That name rings a bell...
"Word of advice, don't leave your phone out in the open, I mean the amount of nudes on there, you'd think his gallery was a porn site! And without a password? Didn't know you were into whores, sis." He cackles.
And here you thought the trip had altered the dynamic.
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The ride home was 2 hours too long and too silent. You contemplated your next move. Do you beat around the bush or straight up ask him if he's still seeing other people behind your back? You know he doesn't owe you anything, he is your FAKE boyfriend, right? But, why did it feel so real?
"So..." he starts.
You rest your head on the window, "So..."
His hand moves to your thigh, squeezing gently before moving towards your core slowly.
"That was fun." He states.
You hum.
"Real cool family, huh."
You hum once again, unsure what to say.
"We should do that again..."
You look at him confused.
"Are you serious? I think they still think that they have 2 kids, they focused on you the entire time-"
"Well, it's not like you put in much effort to talk, love."
That shuts you up.
He sighs at your silence, "Listen, I've been thinking."
You glance at him, hoping he'd kick you out of his car and let you walk the rest of the way home, too ashamed to be in his vicinity.
"Your parents were hinting us to take the next move you know..."
"Neighbours to friends?" You question.
He laughs, "Your family's great, your sister's and her lad, real cute couple you know, I felt at home...so I was thinking...we should try it you know, going out I guess."
You scrunch your face at him, was he really convinced into asking you out because your parents asked him? And here you were, months of trying to hint to wanting more, and the moment your demanding parents butt in, he's just going to do what they say? And the fact that he couldn't even say the word relationship.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
You cross your arms in annoyance. You were tired of being pushed around like a doormat.
Your brother's words ring through your head, as Simon drives.
It's not gonna last, take it from someone who's in and out of relationships like your guy's in and out of other women.
All the signs point towards rejecting his proposal. He doesn't want you, he just wants the safest route. You being in a relationship with him isn't going to stop him fucking other women.
Why would you waste your time with a guy to whom you meant nothing to?
So you decide to give it to him directly.
"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend."
Thank you all so much for the interactions on part 1! Means a lot :D THERE WILL BE A PART 3 LMAOOO i did not intend for this fic to be long but here we are. lemme know you're interested to be tagged in my future posts! tags -> @lilliumrorum, @kxtz3, @poohkie90, @rainlovesyou12, @restrictionsapply, @lunamoonbby, @nigthmar3moon, @thychuvaluswife, @itsnourm, @bubusi11, @owkittie
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odditycircus-2002 · 7 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros with Medusa!Reader
Spoilers for Story mode: Proceed with caution
Yourself (Mirror Match)
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Y/N: How could you possibly willingly marry that snake?!?
Y/N 2: My dear snake gave me the fruits of knowledge you could never imagine. /
Y/N 1: Ugh, let me guess, you’re also married to Shang Tsung? Y/N 2: No, I am happily married to Syzoth. /
Y/N 2: Such a disappointment looking at my carbon copy. Y/N 1: It isss more disappointing that you are as insanely depraved as you are!
Y/N 2: Have you considered the benefits of Kytinn royal jelly for your cure?
Y/N 1: Ha! As I- Mmmhhh, You may be on to something. /
Y/N 1: I thought Lord Lui Kang turned you to dust! Y/N 2: Do you really think my husband and I would not have any contingencies? /
Y/N 1: You made Empress Sindel do WHAT? Y/N 2 gives a malicious chuckle: Pulling her strings was some of the most fun I had in a long time.
Y/N 1: You have some rather questionable taste in bedfellows.
Y/N 2: At least I can hold mine without fear of being stabbed instantly.
/ Shang Tsung
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Shang Tsung: Across all timelines, we were meant to be.
Y/N: Never in this one or the next will I ever belong to you!
Shang Tsung: You have to understand what you saw in my lab is what true progress looks like.
Y/N: To think, I ever marveled at watching you work with your magic.
Shang Tsung: I know you would love the rare flora that can be found on my island-
Y/N: I rather see a carnivorous plant digest you slowly.
Y/N: I regret not ending you when I had the chance.
Shang Tsung: Don’t blame yourself too much, my sweet. I know you still hold a torch for me.
Y/N: You will NOT lay a hand on Baraka!
Shang Tsung: I will not let a filthy beast get in between us!
Y/N angrily: Every day, I wake up to find a stranger in the mirror.
Shang Tsung softly: And yet, you're the same clever woman as always.
Shang Tsung angrily: It wasn't enough to steal my birthright, but you also had to take away my soul mate?
Lui Kang: I did nothing of the sort, YOU drove her away.
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Y/N coquettishly: Do not go easy on me, Baraka.
Baraka: I know how you like it rough.
Y/N: So we are in agreement?
Baraka: Only IF you win, I'll stomach any greens you want me to eat for the next 3 moons.
Y/N: Sometimes, I wish we could-
Baraka: So do I, Y/N
Y/N: I heard from Ashrah that you asked her to end your life if you were to lose your mind.
Baraka: I did not want to burden your soul by having you take my life.
Baraka: How close are you to finding a cure?
Y/N: As much as I loathed to admit it, Shang Tsung's research has put me even closer to finding a permanent one.
Baraka: If you want to enter the Kytinn Hive, you’ll need to fight harder than ever before.
Y/N: I know I can trust you to watch my back, my friend.
Baraka: Stay away from Y/N, Sorcerer!
Shang Tsung: You cannot stop destiny, savage!
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Y/N: I have so much to thank you for, Syzoth.
Syzoth: It's the least I can do for all I've been complicit in.
Syzoth: Does your skin still burn, Y/N?
Y/N: Not really, but my skin has been itching and flaking like mad.
Y/N: If I had known what Shang was doing to you, Syzoth-
Syzoth: Then you probably would been given a worse fate.
Syzoth: Zikandar barely survived the Kytinn's attack, and you want to follow them to their hive???
Y/N: If my theory about Kytinn royal jelly is correct, I could finally cure Tarkat!
Y/N gives a smug grin: Think you can slip out of my constricting hold?
Syzoth grins in return: If I can slip past Shao's forces, I'll have no trouble doing the same with you.
Syzoth teasingly: I believe you and Baraka would make a tremendous mated pair.
Y/N: Th-th-that'sss very kind of you to say, Syzoth.
Syzoth: I know what you did to her wasn't an accident.
Shang Tsung: I am not as heartless as to do that to my precious flower.
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Mileena: Why did you not tell me or Mother sooner about what happened?
Y/N: By then, your mother would not hear anything I had to say.
Mileena: Don't you regret being unable to save Mother?!
Y/N: My regret haunts me no matter the hour.
Mileena with desperate hope: Are you really close to a cure???
Y/N: I'm close to a breakthrough, but I will need a legion of soldiers to collect the most important ingredient.
Y/N: You did not happen to skip your required meditative exercises to sparr with Tanya again, did you?
Mileena: And what if I did? Skipping one session won't kill me.
Y/N: If I had found a way to treat your symptoms sooner, your mother would never have welcomed Shang Tsung into her court.
Mileena: One way or another, that Snake would have found some way to slither into the court.
Y/N: For what you did for the Tarkatans, you are already proving to be a fine Empress.
Mileena: It warms my heart to hear such praise from you.
Y/N: We are both trapped in bodies not our own.
Mileena: I pray to the gods that we may one day find a cure for you as well.
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Shao: I almost regret not inviting you to join my cause.
Y/N: Your father should have let you die as a child!
Y/N: Your so-called "Patriotism" is nothing but a ruse to hide your lust for power.
Shao: And here I thought you were clever as your reputation says.
Y/N: I was tempted to leave you to die of your wounds, countless times.
Shao: Hah! For a Healer you are rather callous.
Y/N: I have to say, Reiko makes a far better statue than he ever did as a soldier.
Shao: Reverse your curse, witch!
Y/N: In hindsight, it is not so ssssurprising that your pride would have you betray the Empire.
Shao: I fight against the Royal Family for the sake of Outworld!
Shao: What in the Netherrealm did you do to my troops?!?
Y/N: I simply had the wildlife you hunt around your camp eat some special shrooms.
Shao: What do you truly know of War, Little Healer?
Y/N: Enough to know every possible way the mightiest can break.
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Y/N: I cannot fathom you as some vile harpy.
Sindel: Nor I with you as a heartless mad woman.
Y/N: I have deeply missed your hanging gardens.
Sindel: Perhaps later we may visit them together for old times sake.
Y/N: I am happy to report that Mileena is improving in mind and spirit
Sindel: I hope the same could be said for her body.
Sindel hurt: Why did you not come to me after what Shang Tsung did to you?
Y/N: I feared you would turn me away like you did with Lei Mei once you saw my visage.
Sindel: Care to explain the statue that strongly resembles Reiko in the middle of my garden?
Y/N: He had it coming to him.
Sindel: I am sorry, Y/N, the answer is still no. As Empress, I can not risk catching Tarkat.
Y/N hissing: If you only ssssaw what disgraceful conditions you forced the afflicted to live with!
Sindel: I am happy you found joy as I did with Jerrod, even with his disease.
Y/N surprised: What has Mileena been telling you now?
Johnny Cage
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Johnny: Seriously, what did you see in Shang Tsung?!?
Y/N, with an exasperated sigh: Only what he wanted me to see.
Johnny: You will NOT believe how much my fans ship you and Baraka.
Y/N: Ship? Do they plan on building a boat for us?
Johnny: I totally have a chance with Katana... Don't I?
Y/N: *Hisses in amusement before responding* Ahhh, you are amusing Earthrealmer but no.
Y/N: Dammit Earthrealmer! I'm a healer, not an actress!
Johnny: But you already have the part down to a T!
Y/N: I too am something of a jokester.
Johnny: Ehhh no offense beautiful, but I'm not one for your brand of dark comedy.
Y/N: Why would you show me such a film???
Johnny: I swear, I forgot that's what happened to Medusa in that scene!
Baraka: Care to explain why Y/N seemed so frightened when she returned from your abode?
Johnny: Wait, wait, wait! I can explain!
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Y/N almost smugly: So I resemble a demon?
Ashrah: That’s not exactly a good thing, Y/N.
Y/N: Baraka asked you to do what now?!
Ashrah: I pray you can find a cure for his condition before it comes down to that.
Y/N bashfully: Wh-what has Syzoth been telling you?
Ashrah: So are you and Baraka not a couple?
Y/N: I will gladly help you put down Quan-chi, as long as you do the same with Shang Tsung.
Ashrah: Together, we will put a permanent stop to both our tormentors.
Ashrah: My kris appears rather split with you.
Y/N: Considering some of things I’ve done, that doesn’t surprise me.
Ashrah: I am grateful you support Syzoth and I.
Y/N in a happy tone: Just be aware that if you hurt him any way, you’ll be begging for death. /
Ashrah: For a healer, you’re rather…
Y/N: Violent? That's always just been me.
A/N: Don't forget to like, reblog, and comment as I love hearing from y'all! Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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sugarlywhispers · 7 months
Yk that lava girl fix you made? I thought about how she can cover herself in lava..what if rain and water hurt her?
During fighting a super evil villain with bakugou (they're married) he starts speeding out rain and it injured her badly turning parts of her skin that was touched into sort of obsidian?
✨️these are really good questions that made me think of them for a few days so i could imagine the actual answers~
This is mostly what I took as inspiration for Y/N in this drabble:
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Her body elevates in temperature to the point were you can see the lava running through her body, and her hair becomes complete lava, long locks or stings of lava she can use as weapon to capture things or villains (if the villain is something like those monsters of metal–she is not that heartless to burn people alive, even if they are villains).
Because she is basivally lava, the general answer is yes, Y/N can't fight in her lava form when it's raining. It actually hurts when her body transforms into obsidian–which is hard rock. I imagine that she becomes really good at fighting in her normal-human body so when this type of weather comes, she actually doesn't need to use her lava–if it's not for forming some kind of refugee or it's actually useful to help other heroes and civilians. She just stays on the helping civilians and rescue team during that kind of weather.
But I also imagined the first time Bakugou saw Y/N become obsidian because a villain threw water at her. He almost lost it when he heard your painful scream as you suddenly became rock. Like a statue, figure laying on the floor, hugging yourself in fetal position because of the pain. And nothing but simple rock.
He saw red. He went on a rampage, vengeance mode, so ready to tear and break and kill, that Deku and Red Riot had to interfere.
The villain was sent to the hospital, with custody of course. And Dynamight... he fell to his knees by your side, tears streaming down his face, body trembling with adrenaline and pain. You have told him water was your weakness, but he had never imagined it to this point. He didn't know it could kill you. He could have been more conscious, more careful of what villains crossed your path. He could have done so many things. He could–
The rock that surrounds you starts to break, the sound making everyone at the scene gasp as it moves. Bakugou doesn't understand what's happening...until it finally breaks completely and you emerge, taking a deep, long breath, in your normal form.
He watches you with big, wet eyes, almost not believing what he's seeing, as you say, "Fuck! Well that fucking hurt..."
People around start to clap and laugh because you're so... you.
And Bakugou feels... like he can breathe again. Like all that pain he felt seconds ago just dissipates in the air like the smoke that came from the rock breaking and making you born again, like a Phoenix rebirth from its ashes, so beautiful and so majestic.
He looks down and sobs, which immediately alerts the rest of the heroes and they start to pull everybody away from the scene.
"Oh, baby, I'm okay..." your arms surround his neck and he instantly reacts, hugging you back and hidding his face in your chest and neck.
Least to say, that image, Dynamight kneeling on the ground crying, with his wife comforting him, were the talk of the month. And what actually gave him the stop of Number One Pro Hero on the list for almost six months, until Deku beat him again with some other bullshit he did. But at this point, no one is concerned about the spots on that list. Dynamight and Deku go up and down between the first and second place all the time.
That is, until Y/N finally gets her breakthrough and wins first place for almost 5 years in a row.
And Bakugou can't shup up about how awesome his wife is.
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al1v3cvp1d2 · 1 year
The Man Behind the mask||Ethan Landry
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Summary: Once tara leaves you start to settle yourself down for a "soothing" night, before it gets interrupt. 1.4k word <3 also not proofread.
Warnings: p in v unprotected, fingering, praises, please let me know if there's more.
Just as Tara leaves the apartment you feel excitement course through your body. You grab your phone as you walk back to your bedroom. You scroll through your Spotify playlist trying to find the perfect song.
You soon pick out "Heartless" by The Weeknd. After you pick out the song you turn on your tv and put on Stab 1 . It was stupid how hot a guy could be in a mask and a stupid sexy voice.
Something about it just made you go mad. You pull out a box from under your bed. You take the lid off it and grabbed the vibrator. you felt embarrassed as you looked at it knowing where it would be going.
Your heart skipped multiple beats as Ghostface came on screen. You slowly start removing your short shorts along with your shirt. You run you hand along your thighs as you gently rub at your clit.
You let out soft moans as you add more pressure on your clit. You remove your silk panties.
fuck Ethan please you breathe out. You had known him for 2 years already and still haven't confessed.
You slowly start to insert the vibrator, grabbing the remote from the box then gently put it the ground.
You softly moan out his name as you put the vibrator on its lowest mode. You slowly thrust the vibrator in out of you. Letting out higher moans as you put the vibrator a level higher than before.
You feel yourself getting closer as you thrust the vibrator in and out. Just as you almost reach your climax you get a phone call from a random number. You heart drops deep into your stomach. You turn off your vibrator and place it on your bed. Picking up your phone you answer it.
You wince at the cold feeling of your phone against your hot body.
"hello y/n" you feel your inside twist as you hear you name said. You knew how wrong it was to love every moment the man was talking to you.
"What the fuck do you want" you say breathless. Your heart is still running a mile as you speak.
"I think you already know what I want." Its the last word that truly freaks you out. You didn't even have a clue what he could want.
"and what is that mr ghost face." You say standing up from your bed to lock the door, just in case. You slowly bend down to check under the bed to see if he was there.
''You' You hear the voice from the phone and right behind you.
just as he said the word you get yanked up from the floor. You let out a scream just as he covers your mouth. Still even then something about him getting you like this made you feel so hot inside.
"Isn't this what you want ghost face to be here and fuck you." he saids it right next to your ear as he removes the hand from your mouth down to your chest groping it.
You let out a low moan as he massages your boobs.
"please" you whine out.
"Please what y/n" he turned off the voice changer so you could hear his voice. God something about it you knew you heard the voice before but you couldn't tell who.
'please fuck me mr ghost face.' Your face was beat red as you said this. Everything inside of you was telling you to run and scream but somewhere deep inside of you wanted this to happen.
You hear him mutter fuck as you start grinding yourself on him. One of his hands pull away from your chest and down to your ass. You moan out as he slaps it leaving a red mark.
You can feel your silk cum soaking onto his robes as you grind harder onto them. He lets out louder groans as you do so.
"Fuck y/n why are you.. so beautiful" He breathe out, muttering praises falling right into your neck as he left dark red hickeys along with them.
You let out a low moan just as he saids that. Listening ever so carefully to other praises that come out of his mouth.
He drops his hand from your chest down to your cunt. He gently rubs at your clit as you continue to grind on his clothe cock. You turn your head around to see him. You put one of your hands on his mask and gently pull it off.
You gasp as you see who it is. Ethan Landry the man you had been crushing on since forever. You place the mask on the bed as you turn your body so you were facing him. You grab the back of his neck and pull him into a sloppily kiss.
You break away from the kiss, as you let out a loud moan as he thrust one of his fingers into you. Slowly in and out of your body, teasing you in a way you couldn't handle.
Ethan.. fuck.. please. His slow pace was killing you.
"Beg for it y/n I wanna hear you say it." his voice deep and demanding turning you on even more.
"Ethan please..ahg.. fuck me.. with your...cock." you say feeling your cheeks bright red filled with embarrassment.
He lets out a deep chuckle as he looks at your flushed face.
"Since you ask so nicely y/n of course I will" something about this dominating side if Ethan made you core do flip flops. He picks you up and gentle places you down on the edge of the bed leaving him between your thighs.
you wrap your legs around his waist as he attacks you collar bone with his stupidly sharp canines. You take in a sharp breath just as he unclips your bra and gently sucks one of your nipples, while his other hand gropes harshly at your other boob.
Your hands find purchase on his soft curly hair.
"Ethan please stop teasing me...and fuck me already." You say as you pussy aches for some form of release. His eyes lock onto yours just as he takes off the robes to reveal his toned muscles hiding under them.
"Good girl." he saids as he unbuckles his belt and throws it aside. You grab at his waist band as you pull them down to his knees.
You slowly start palming his dick through the boxers. He lets out whimpers as you start palming him faster.
You can feel his hips thrust into your hand as play with his tip.
"so needy aren't you" You say as he whines into your ear, acting like you just weren't the one begging for him.
"please y/n.. I need you" he whispers the last part next to you. You gently pull down his boxers and start to gently start to stroke rubbing your thumb against his tip. Ethan lets out low moans into you ear as you do so.
Your eyes lock with his as he slowly removes your hand and guides his cock gently right next to your entrance. Teasing you gently by rubbing his tip along your clit, making you let out low moans as he does so.
Your breath hitches as he finally thrusts inside of you. You let out a loud moan as he thrust in and out of you brutally. You wrap your legs around his waist as he rubs at your clit with his ring finger.
You can only moan out 'fuck' and groans of his name as he terrorizes your body.
Your arms wrap around his back scratching at it with you long nails. He hid his low moans and groans into your neck as he leaves marks all over your collar bone.
You tug at his hair as you reach closer to your climax. You let out higher moans as he adds more pressure down to your clit.
"Ethan im so.. close please.. holy shitt" You felt yourself clench around his cock as your heart raced faster as your core fluttered.
"cum y/n.. cum for me" he saids looking deeply into your eyes. Letting out a loud moan, you feel yourself clench around him one more time as you cum on his cock.
You feel something sticky run down your thighs as he moans out your name. you hear him mutter out I love you y/n, as he falls down onto your chest arms wrapped around you.
Your hands play with his hair as you whisper
"I love you too."
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darin-nidk · 2 months
Prettier when quiet. | Male!Reader x Vox.
Content: R18. Implied vouyerism, blowjobs, male genitalia, dom/sub undertones, service bottom M.Reader, submissive top Vox.
"— currently Vox is busy, if it's an emergency then tell me your name and contact information so I write it down". (Y/N) was Vox's righthand, cold and heartless secretary that gave away their soul in order to secure protection, a roof over their head and a job in exchange for their skills (or newfound demonic powers). Not to mention, working for Vox meant working for the rest of the Vee's to some extent — mostly calming down Valentino's tantrums and nonsensical unfiltered wrath when one little thing went wrong; since Velvette was a sweetheart in comparisson to those other manchild two overlords.
However, as of now, (Y/N) was sitting on the big boss' business chair and taking phonecalls while having said boss underneath the office desk and in between their legs, gripping their thighs and forcefully keeping them appart. The secretary in question was using one hand to write down the information from the caller while the other was gripping tightly the edges of Vox's screen, fingers curling as they found their way into some sensitive ports causing the overloard to twitch and moan around their cock, (Y/N) is sure they heard Vox's knee hitting a side of the desk.
To think (Y/N) was initially unwilling to start this extremely unprofessional office romance fuckbuddy situation... Whether Vox had used hypnosis, or spiked their drink (or whether (Y/N) had purposedly wore tight clothing without underwear to leave no place for imagination, among other less than noble tactics), it didn't matter when his generous sized cock was buried ballsdeep inside their needy hole, arching their back when his cock was slightly curved an angled at the right sweet spot making (Y/N) see stars, cumming shamefully quicky upon feeling pleasant vibrations hitting their prostate — fucking Hell, how did (Y/N) reach their high without Vox's dreamy cock that rearranged their insides, stretching their hole, shaping their gummy walls entirely to Vox's demanding cock. Toys weren't the same, and their fingers were no longer satisfying.
(Y/N) needed to get dicked down by their narcissistic egocentric boss.
"Thank you for trusting our services, sir, we'd love to keep our business on float. Have a lovely day", hanging up by practically slamming the phone down, (Y/N) moaned loudly as they felt Vox's long tongue wrapping itself around their sensitive member. The secretary was delirious with pleasure, Vox had initiated a vibrating mode of sorts, such pleasant vibrations sending waves of pleasure through their feverish body. "Ah, fuck! You mn, you are so good for me sir, haah".
Thrusting their hips upwards, (Y/N) was fucking their boss' throat, feeling the ocasional zap and electric shocks that made their balls feel close to release though all of that wasn't enough, tears were present in the corner of their eyes as they tried to pull away their boss from their weeping cock. "Shit, ah, Vox please, sir, I need, mngh..! Nno, I don't wanna cum like this, sir I need you ah, inside—".
Nonsensical blabbering left their lips, drool rolling down their chin as they felt oh so close — yet it abruptly stopped. Vox had pulled away and wipped his screen with a handkerchief that (Y/N) had prepared with anticipation. Standing up, the overlord had an evident bulge in his pants. The sight alone making his secretary swallow saliva, (Y/N) never pegged themselves as someone to like to suck cock, but Vox's? Neatly trimmed pubic hair, the way the tip had a bright cyan color. Truly a mystery as to why they liked to wrap their lips around his cock, taking it down their throat as much as they could yet enjoying inmensely when Vox would push their head down to take more, regardless of gagging and feeling tears in their eyes—
"As much as I'd love to have you on your knees worshipping my cock", that seductive voice of his, his claws gripping their face and forcing them to look directly onto his eyes, the sharp edges of his claws pressing painfully against the skin of their cheeks yet not quite tearing it. "I need you to bend over my desk, I've got a meeting in an hour and oh, believe me... I have to ruin that pretty face of yours or I won't be able to focus".
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hypewinter · 1 year
Dick heard sniffling coming from somewhere. Which was weird to say the least. It couldn't be Bruce. Dick has just finished storming out of his study after another argument and this sniffling was coming from the opposite direction. Besides Bruce didn't cry. He frowned and grunted in displeasure. At most he would get this pathetic kicked puppy in the rain look that always weakened Dick's resolve but he never cried. And it definitely couldn't be Alfred. Dick had never seen the old butler show anything beyond mild disdain in ways of negative emotions. Even when he was angry at Bruce.
So then who was crying? Dick immediately switched to detective mode. He lightened his footsteps and carefully followed the sound down the hall. He crept closer and closer to the noise until he arrived at a door where he could hear hiccupping. The boy prayed that this wasn't one of the creakier doors of the manor as he opened it. It creaked but thankfully not loudly. At least not enough to notify the stranger as the noises didn't let up.
Dick slowly clicked the door closed and waited patiently for his eyes to adjust somewhat to the newfound darkness. Judging by all of the boxes placed all around, this must be one of the many storage rooms around the manor. Dick's mouth set in a firm line as he tiptoed around the boxes, looking for the source of the sound.
As he rounded the corner of one particular stack he caught a flash of green. The sniffling abruptly stopped but the intruder could not stop his hiccups, which had become more frequent. He was panicking. Dick put his hands up in a placating manner, hoping the figure could see his silhouette.
"I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't know anyone lived here," came a whimper. It was low but not deep or gravelly. So a teenage boy? What was he doing here?
Dick took a hesitant step forward but immediately stopped once he saw the boy scramble back. His eyes were adjusting more now aided in the fact that the boy's eyes cast a faint blue glow. Odd. He could have sworn the boy's eyes were green a second ago. One thing at a time.
"Nope, I live here with my d- guardian and butler. Though between you and me, he's more like my grandfather." That earned him a weak chuckle. That was good. He could work with that.
After a beat Dick asked, "Mind if I join you? It feels weird towering over you like this."
The boy shrugged. " 's your house," he replied. Dick took this as another good sign and carefully sat next to the boy.
"Soooo-" he started- "any reason you're crying in a storage room at my home?" It wasn't exactly the most tactful way to go about it but the boy wonder had a feeling that trying to beat around the bush wouldn't work out so great.
He moved to get up but Dick quickly stopped him. "It's okay. You can stay. It'd be pretty heartless to throw you out right now when you clearly have nowhere to go."
"I just- I needed a place to lay low. I thought an abandoned mansion would be a good place." That tripped quite a few red flags in Dick's mind. "Bu- But I'll leave now," the boy quickly said, scrubbing at his eyes.
The boy flinched at that. Okay that was a sensitive topic. Got it. The young hero redirected the boy to a different topic. "What's your name?" he asked. "Mine's Richard Grayson by the way. But you can call me Dick."
"Dick?" the boy repeated.
"Yep," Dick replied, popping the p.
"I.... see."
Dick was honestly surprised the boy hadn't made fun of his name. Many his age often did but then again, not many his age snuck into gothic manors to cry their eyes out.
The boy rubbed at his eyes again before saying, "I'm Danny."
"Nice ta meet ya Danny," Dick said with a beam. He got a nod in return.
Another silence lapsed between the two before Dick spoke up and said, "Say are you hungry? Alfred will probably be preparing dinner around this time. You can join us if you want."
Even in the darkest he could tell Danny's eyes grew round like saucers. "Really?" he asked, incredulous. "But why?"
"Well because you look like you could use some food." And seeing the look on Bruce's face would be priceless.
Danny hesitated a little but after his stomach made up his mind for him by growling, he agreed.
Dick guided Danny out of the room. Once they were in the well lit hallway, he could finally see that the boy was only wearing some tattered jeans and a well loved hoodie. In the middle of Gotham winter. How was this kid not a popsicle? Even his shoes were just some beat up converses. Dick was desperate to know Danny's story but decided to at least wait till after dinner. As to not overwhelm him.
He led Danny to the dinning room where Alfred was already setting out the plates. The old butler took one look at the boys before silently going to the kitchen. He returned a minute later with an extra set of plates.
"Shall I also prepare a guest room?" he asked.
When Danny's only response was his mouth hanging open, Dick couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah Alfred, I think you'd better prepare one," he said, clapping Danny on the back.
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