#he's also a divorcee and the father of three
starvedofdreams · 24 days
was going through my likes and good lord the amount of chilchuck that's in there.
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threadbaresweater · 1 year
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As a recent divorcee, you're eager for a chance to spend a summer alone, finding who you are apart from your asshole ex-husband. Your best friend surprises you with the trip of a lifetime, and you spend a blissful three months walking along the beaches of a quaint coastal town. Enter Nanami Kento, widower of two years, his name on the lips of every woman in town. He's never shown interest in anyone until you come along. What blossoms between the two of you is more than either of you could ever hope for.
The details: 8.5k words, slow-burn romance, NSFW for eventual smut (oral sex, vanilla sex). Reader is divorced and has a child. This is a repost from a collab I did last summer.
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The divorce was…well, it was. 
You had married your high school sweetheart– first love, first kiss, first time. Now, you chuckled dryly to yourself while driving from the courthouse, I can call him my first husband.
You had no plans to marry again anytime soon…or, ever for that matter. The freedom you had experienced the past few months was more than wonderful– enough to convince you that staying single was the way to go. You didn't need a man. You were a strong, independent woman with ample free time, a job you loved, hobbies and friends and a beautiful child you got to dote on every other week.
The custody arrangement also allowed for summers spent with each parent on alternating years. The first summer belonged to your now ex-husband, which meant you had three months alone to spend however you pleased.
It was an emotional goodbye with your daughter, who didn't quite understand why you had to leave and why she had to spend the entire summer with her father. You reassured her that you could FaceTime every day, that she would have loads of fun with her dad and his new girlfriend, and that she could write and call anytime she wanted. The poor girl wasn’t convinced in the least, and you watched– tearful, behind your oversized sunglasses– as her father ushered her into the back of his car. The guilt ate at you long after they drove away, but you knew she would be safe with him. A little bored, most likely, but safe.
On the drive back home, your best friend called; all you could hear was excited squealing on the other end.
“What’s going on?” you shouted, laughing.
“I have a surprise for you!” she boasted; you could almost hear her bouncing up and down. You rolled your eyes and sighed, though your grin remained plastered on your face. “Oh yeah? Let me guess: a vacation house full of hot bachelors who are going to attend to my every need, all summer long.”
She gasped dramatically. “How did you know?”
“It’s my wildest fantasy. You’re my best friend, therefore you’re in my head and know exactly what I want, all the time.” You signaled a turn, driving away from the sunset. “But seriously, what’s the surprise? You know I hate surprises.”
“How rude!” she scoffed. “I’ll have you know that you were at least partially correct with your wild guess.”
You raised a brow. “Oh yeah? Which part? Please tell me it’s the hot bachelors. God knows I could use a personal massage with a happy ending.”
“Nope. Sorry, babe. But! My mom and dad said they’re not using their vacation property this summer. I told them about your divorce and they insisted that I give you the key to their house!” She squealed again, and you could hear the patter of her feet on the floor, wherever she was sitting. “Girl, you get a whole summer to yourself in a little house by the sea. Ah, I used to love going there when I was a kid! We used to have the best time, just hanging out by the water every day, riding bikes, eating ice cream…” She trailed off, her voice sounding wistful and far-away. “Seriously, you’re going to love it. Wanna stop by and grab the key?”
“Really? I.. well…” You were speechless. Though you really hadn’t made any plans yet, you knew that most of the summer would be spent practicing some much-needed self care. You had just planned on doing it at your own place, alone. But a vacation house close to the ocean sounded like something out of a romance novel–  a place where you could re-center and learn about yourself again. A place to work through the pain of the past and learn to slow down and appreciate the little things in life.
"You still with me?" your friend laughed.
"Yeah, I– yeah. I'll be over in a few."
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The day you arrived was picture perfect in every way. Warm sunlight and a gentle breeze streamed through your open car windows, and you could smell the sea as soon as you reached the quaint little town. Most people walked or rode bikes, and you slowed to a snail's pace, taking in the sights. Everyone seemed relaxed– laughter rang throughout the town, children shouted, bicycle bells rang, and the scent of cotton candy and sea breeze seemed to permeate the air. You knew instantly that this summer would be exactly what you needed, and you told yourself right then and there that you’d spend it in the most leisurely way possible.
The house was furnished, so all you really had to bring was personal effects– clothes, toiletries, a few good reads you’d picked up at the bookseller back home. The cupboards boasted plenty of space for food, and you planned to go grocery shopping later in the evening, as soon as you got everything else settled. You spent a little bit of time exploring the house, then opened the back doors that led directly to a boardwalk to the ocean. The view was immaculate– soft sand slipped beneath your bare feet as you walked toward the shoreline, a heavy wind whipping your hair around your face. Holding onto your oversized sun hat so it didn’t blow away, you took in a deep, cleansing breath and closed your eyes, a languid smile curling its way onto your lips.
A summer alone wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all.
Later, after a bike ride to the market, you hummed to yourself as you perused the narrow aisles, delighting in the cute brand names and marveling at the freshness of the produce. It seemed that everything was made and packaged locally, which made your heart happy. Focused on how plump and ripe the plums you picked out were, you didn’t notice the man standing in front of the tomatoes and ran straight into his side. He didn’t move– in fact, you don’t think he even stumbled in the least. He just stood there like a pillar and stared at you– expressionless, if not a little bored and annoyed. 
You laughed sheepishly and took a step back, dropping your plums into your basket. “Sorry about that,” you said, looking into his brown eyes that seemed to hold nothing but disdain for your clumsiness.
“It’s alright,” he responded, turning back to inspect the tomatoes. “You should be more careful, though. Some might not be as forgiving as I am.” 
Nodding, you turned to walk in the opposite direction, avoiding eye contact and feeling like a fool. “Right. Sorry again,” you mumbled. Wonder if he’s a local, you thought as you grabbed a few more vegetables and made your way to the cash register. Just as you were finishing up, he came to stand in line behind you and actually gave you a thin, tight smile when you looked back at him. Why did you blush? You turned away quickly and paid the sweet cashier, then hurried out to your bike, your heart pounding. Not out of fear, but for some reason you couldn’t quite explain. You secured your little bag of groceries in the basket on the front of your bike and pushed off, your eye on the sky. It looked like rain, and you needed to pedal fast.
Just as the first few drops of rain began to fall, you arrived home and scurried inside before getting completely drenched, then set about making dinner for one. You were used to only cooking for yourself during the weeks your daughter wasn’t home, but for some reason this meal felt particularly empty. Music will help, you thought, so you streamed some music from your phone onto the little speaker mounted under one of the cupboards and tried your best to quell the loneliness. Tomorrow would be better. Once you were settled in, had a good night’s sleep, and spent some time on the water, the whole idea would be much easier to stomach. You made plans to visit the rest of town tomorrow, to see what it had to offer. 
It was nice, when you really sat down and thought about it. No routine, no deadlines. No rigorous schedule to keep or meetings to attend. It had been a long time since you’d been alone with your thoughts, and while at first it felt uncomfortable, it seemed to be exactly what the doctor had ordered.
You spent the first few days wandering through town, walking on the beach collecting shells, and devouring both books you’d brought along. You discovered all sorts of boutiques, art co-ops, coffee shops, even a pottery studio. It felt like something out of a daydream. Everyone was kind and pleasant, even the tourist families who tore through on weekends and laughed loud and hearty along the boardwalk.  There was also a small library in town, and you spent an entire afternoon perusing the shelves and ended up getting a membership card to keep your appetite for reading satiated.
You found the library to be your favorite place to visit. Of all the little shops and public places, the atmosphere was exactly what you were looking for, what you craved. Quaint, quiet, and full of all the books you could ever want to read and then some, you visited often, especially on days when it rained. 
The summer was one of the rainiest on record, according to some of the locals. You recalled something your grandmother had told you about rain meaning good luck and good fortune, so you didn’t get too disappointed when the weather didn’t bode well for outdoor days. 
The handsome stranger from the market seemed to enjoy it as well. You’d find him in the same corner nearly every time you visited, his nose in a new book, blonde hair hanging over his forehead, an air of importance hanging around him. One afternoon, you perused the shelves near his seat and accidentally dropped the book in your hand. “Sorry,” you offered, sheepishly kneeling to pick up the paperback that had fallen to the floor. 
He responded with a grunt, not even bothering to look up at you.
Well, you thought. Could be worse. He could have shushed me or gotten up to move to another area. 
At the checkout desk, the friendly clerk gave you a conspiratorial smile. “I see you’ve met Mr. Kento.”
“Hm?” You glanced back at the man and found him looking at you, but as soon as you made eye contact, he looked back down at his book, turning the page and crossing his legs the opposite way. “Oh, him? Nah, we don’t know each other.”
The clerk chuckled as she scanned your books. “Honey, he’s here just as much as you are. I’m sure you two have had some kind of conversation in the couple of weeks you’ve been around.”
You shook your head. “I mean, we run into each other sometimes. At the market, mostly. I think I’ve seen him once or twice at the cafe, but–” You stopped short, watching her expression change into something akin to amusement. “Yeah, I guess we do run in similar circles. I don’t know his name, though. We’ve barely spoken two words to each other.” Leaning in, you lowered your voice. “Do you know his story?”
“Oh, honey, he’s a widower. His wife and daughter– bless their sweet souls– passed away in a terrible car accident years ago. He’s been around here ever since. The house he lives in was their family home.” She threw him a sympathetic look. “It’s been a long time, and I never really see him talking to anyone. To me, it’s a little sad. I think he’s still grieving.” 
Nodding, you gathered your books and threw another glance in his direction before heading out the door. As you straddled your bike, you heard the bell on the door and looked up to find none other than Mr. Kento himself, sliding his sunglasses down off his head and onto his face. A brief moment of eye contact gave you pause, and you lifted a hand in greeting, hoping he wouldn’t blow you off.
“Are you a spy?” he called, stepping down the concrete stairs.
You had to laugh. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you!”
“So you are.” He pursed his lips, then stopped. “Tell me something about yourself so I don’t have to keep up this wild guessing game I’ve been playing with myself.”
“Guessing game? Are you really that suspicious of me?” You tilted your head to the side and offered him a small smirk– one which he did not return, nor did he look even the least bit amused.
Nanami crossed his arms and frowned. “I don’t have all day.”
“Fine. I’m a teacher, not a spy. And I’m just here for the summer.”
“That will suffice. Thank you,” he said, then strolled off in the opposite direction. You stood in place for a few moments, watching him leave, then headed home.
In the days following, you saw him in passing several times in town and on the beach. He always looked deep in thought; a dismal melancholy seemed to hang around him, as if he might have been carrying the spirit of his daughter and wife everywhere he went. Perhaps he did– you knew firsthand what it was like to be away from your daughter, but the depth of the pain of losing her forever was something you couldn't fathom, nor did you particularly want to. 
He carried himself with a fatigued kind of poise– like a man who had worked so long and so hard to move on with his life but was still dragged down by his own personal demons that he felt there might be no escaping them. Tall and broad shouldered, you found yourself sometimes staring at him a little too long, thankful for the shield of your sunglasses so he didn't notice. Sometimes, he would find you and look back in your direction, but he'd never smile or wave. Just stare. You wanted to know what he was thinking when he watched you like that. You wanted a chance to talk more with him than just in passing. 
One morning, your neighbor coaxed you into taking a hot yoga class. At first, you had balked at the idea. Yoga was supposed to be relaxing, not sweaty and uncomfortable. She convinced you somehow, touting the benefits and the promise of pure, unadulterated relaxation. Sweating out toxins and stress, letting your body really feel the burn in a climate-controlled studio where they cranked up the heat and the humidity. 
The class was mind blowing. You really felt as if you had transcended to another plane. The instructor was kind and knowledgeable, the classmates respectful and attuned to their own needs. As you and your neighbor were chatting on your way out, using fresh, cool towels to dab at the sweat on your face and chest, you looked up and came face to face with a familiar face.
“You’re here,” he said, matter-of-fact, almost disinterested. 
You raised a brow at him. “Well, um, yeah. I am.” You chuckled lightly and looked at your friend, who smiled back at you with a look that spoke of confusion and intrigue. “I’ve never done this before. Do you, ah, come here often?” The way you said it, it sounded like a corny pick-up line and you rolled your eyes at yourself, puffing out your cheeks in embarrassment. 
He huffed something akin to a breathy laugh which felt strangely out of character, looking between the two of you; you were suddenly distracted by a bead of sweat that ran down his neck and settled into the curve above his collarbone, and barely heard his response. Totally bewildered now, you looked up at him, jaw slack, eyes wide. “Twice a week,” he answered, looking incredibly bemused. 
Nodding, you looked at your friend and laughed a little at yourself. Oh God, this was nerve wracking in a way you felt embarrassed about. It felt like talking to your high school crush– the familiar jolt of adrenaline made your heart pump a little faster and your head tingle. You know your cheeks were flushed bright, and it had absolutely nothing to do with yoga.  “It’s an intense experience. I never thought I’d enjoy sweating on purpose.”
The man offered a thin, strained smile. “How were the plums?”
“I beg your pardon?” you asked.
“The plums. From the market the other day? Did you enjoy them?”
He remembered. Which meant one of two things: he had been thinking of you, or he just had an incredible memory for details. You looked into his brown eyes for the answers but found him hard to read. “I– yes. They were delicious. I bought more the other day but you weren’t there to approve,” you said with a grin. 
By now, your friend had quietly retreated to the shower room, leaving you with this handsome stranger again. An awkward air of uncertainty hung between you, and he nodded once, taking a step toward you. You took a step toward him for some reason, then you both stopped. A sheepish laugh filled the void, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “You know, if we keep meeting like this, people are going to talk."
You wished you could stop laughing at everything he said, but it was a knee-jerk reaction– one that made you sound like a total ditz. The more you did, though, the more he seemed to relax in your presence, as if your teenage girl behavior made him less self-conscious about his own rigid demeanor. “I guess that’s their problem, isn’t it?”
“I suppose it is.”
You shrugged and dabbed at the back of your neck with your towel. “I mean at this point, we might as well give them something to talk about and exchange numbers, huh?” A bold move, one you had no idea how it would be received. You knew what you hoped for, but you didn’t want to be presumptuous. You took a step back to reclaim your own space and kept smiling that same nervous smile you’re sure had been plastered onto your face during this whole encounter. 
It obviously took him by surprise, but he nodded once, signaling that he agreed with your sentiment. “I’ll meet you out front after I’ve had a chance to shower,” he said, hooking his thumb over his shoulder toward the bathrooms. 
True to his word, he waited for you at the entrance, leaning casually on one of the support beams outside. After exchanging numbers came another loaded, awkward silence before he extended a hand. “My name’s Kento. Nanami Kento.”
You accepted his handshake and nodded. “I know.” You gave him your name as well, not missing the way his brow quirked and his lip curled ever so slightly.
“You know?”
There went your heart again, skipping a couple of beats as you realized there should be no way in hell you already knew his name unless you’d been doing some recon. “I, well– I found out at the library the other day. The woman at the desk asked me if I knew you and she told me a little bit about you.” There. Blame it on the librarian. 
“Oh. I see.” He pursed his lips and seemed to close off, the little progress you’d made in cracking him all but closed up now.
“She didn’t reveal much.” Lies. “Just told me your name!”
“I see,” he repeated, a little quieter. 
You decided it was best to take your leave at that point and offered him a quick goodbye, followed by an exuberant “Call me!” before meeting your neighbor where she stood waiting by the bike rack, rolling with laughter at the show she’d just witnessed.
Not surprisingly, he wasn’t the first to text or call. You gave it two days and mulled over dozens of possible opening lines, then finally decided to break the ice on a rainy, mid-week afternoon. 
Lovely weather we’re having, huh? 
It took him two hours to text back. You only checked your phone 47 times while waiting.
DelightfulI fell asleep watching the rainWhat’s exciting in your world today besides the weather?You smiled and texted back right away:
A good book and even better wineI’ve been reading most of the afternoon. Not much else to doYou mean to tell me you don’t enjoy long walks in a torrential downpour?
Not particularly lolWhat about you?
You don’t see me out there, do you? 
I’d need an awfully good reason to be walking in this weather
Would be a shame if someone invited you out for dinner
Yeah, I wouldn’t goNot tonight
There was a bit of a pause. A few minutes ticked by, and you stared at your screen with bated breath, wondering if maybe he got a phone call or fell asleep again.
What about tomorrow? Forecast looks sunny 
Are you asking me to dinner?
I suppose I am
Giddy, you covered your mouth and squealed, pattering your feet on the floor before shooting back a response.
What time?
Sounds like a date!
You sent it without thinking, but it was too late. You slapped a hand to your forehead and felt your fingers tremble, waiting for his reply.
YesA date… see you then.
If you had overstepped some kind of unspoken boundary, he didn’t acknowledge it, but that didn’t make you feel any less nervous or worried. You spent the rest of the afternoon putting together an outfit, anticipating dinner tomorrow night with more excitement than you’d felt for anything in a long time.
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At seven o’clock on the dot, you arrived at his house, which ended up just being a short walk away from yours. Really, everything in this little community was reachable by a walk or a bike ride, so you weren’t too surprised when only ten minutes into your walk, you had found his address. The main door was open, leaving only a wood frame screen door as a barrier between his home and the outside world. Warm yellow light spilled from the entryway, and you could already smell whatever he was cooking. In your hand you carried a bottle of wine, and he pushed the door open for you before you even had a chance to knock or ring the bell.
“Ah, you’re punctual. I like that,”  he said, lifting his arm so that you could duck under it and step inside. He took the wine from you and headed toward the kitchen; you had no choice but to trail behind, taking quick stock of his house. Tidy, but homey. Touches of seaside decor, a handmade afghan on the back of a rather elegant looking couch. Soft music played on the stereo, and there was no sign of children or pets anywhere.
“You live alone?” you asked, then reprimanded yourself. You sure had grown bold in the type of questions you’d been asking lately. Though it didn’t seem to bother him, because he set the wine down in the middle of his kitchen table and went about his business as you took a seat.
“I do. No children, no pets. No surprise wife.” Turning his attention to the stove, he seemed to find your question amusing and hid his smile. “What about you?”
You thought about your daughter back home. “Ex-husband. I have a daughter, too– she’s eight. Spending the summer with her dad.”
He nodded, then turned to you. Somehow in those few seconds that passed, he’d managed to open the bottle of wine and pour two glasses. Handing one over to you, he studied your face. You wish you could say you knew what he was looking for, but whatever it was he seemed satisfied once he found it. He raised the glass and took a sip of his wine, seeming to mull over the flavor; he swallowed and made a deep hum in his throat, “Excellent selection. You’re a wine lover, yes?”
A little bit of your nervousness began to dissipate, and you took a drink, too, mainly to wet your lips and tongue, which had been bone dry since you set foot on his porch. “Wine enthusiast, foodie, woman who desires a vacation away from her sad life on the mainland.”
He grunted a little at that, then continued his work with food preparation. “Your life doesn’t sound so sad. A child? That’s one of life’s greatest joys, isn’t it?”
Nanami had you there, and you knew it. Nodding, you fiddled nervously with one of the linen napkins he’d set out. “You’re right. She’s really special. Makes life worth living sometimes, you know?”
You couldn’t see it– not with his back turned to you– but pain shot through his gaze and he faltered while plating your dinner. “I do know,” he murmured under his breath.
“Beg your pardon?”
Plates in hand, he turned and set them down on the table in front of you, then slipped into the chair across from you. “I said I do know. About children making life worth living.”
“Oh! So you do have children?” You hoped that the tone of your voice didn't give away the fact that you already knew.
“Had. A daughter. She and my wife…” he trailed off, finding the napkin in his lap of great interest now. 
His expression spoke of deep anguish, of unresolved guilt and overwhelming grief. Out of reflex, you reached across the table to cover his hand with yours. He was warm and soft, his hand trembling slightly. “I didn’t mean to pry,” you said.
“No, no. It’s alright. It’s been two years now. I need to learn to talk about it. Just not right now.” His demeanor shifted again, and he looked up at you with a soft smile. “I’d like to not talk about such heavy things while we get to know each other, wouldn’t you agree?”
“It doesn’t matter to me what we talk about,” you said with a shrug. “I’m just thankful for a meal I didn’t have to cook and some new company.” Lifting your glass, you smiled at him. “To new adventures. May we be fruitful in our pursuits.”
Nanami stared at you and raised his glass to toast. “To new adventures.”
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Dinner led to a walk on the beach, which led to another bottle of wine on his back porch, which led to your head drooping onto his shoulder at some point well past midnight. He stiffened at first, the touch of a woman something he didn't feel was right to enjoy. The simple weight of you there made his stomach flutter, and he turned his head, tapping your chin with his index finger.
He said your name and you looked up at him, a lazy, drunken smile making its way across your face. "Don't fall asleep on me. I'm not done talking yet."
You lifted your head, widening your eyes. "What if I'm done listening?" you teased, feeling woozy and silly.
"Then I'll walk you home, if that's what you want. I wouldn't want to bore you any longer than necessary."
"You're not boring me, Nanami. I'm just relaxed. For the first time in ages, I feel like I can finally just rest," you said, turning to look out at the sea again. "For months I've just felt like I was running from something. And I was, really. From my ex husband, from a life that I didn't want, from my fears and my insecurities. I'm so goddamn tired and I just want to lie down and sleep." Tears fell unchecked down your cheeks and you sniffled, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. "I'm so tired," you repeated, your voice weary and thin.
There was a beat of silence, then you felt his weight shift beside you and he stood up, extending a hand to you. "If you're tired, let's walk," he said.
He wasn't ready to take you home. Not yet.
Another hour of conversation and you felt like you'd known him your entire life. The alcohol began to wear off and you found yourself more coherent, if not experiencing a bit of that weird, hollow feeling of being drunk and sleep deprived at the same time. At some point he held your hand, and you didn't remember when or how– just that it felt right and good, as natural as breathing. 
Your walk took you to your own back porch, where he lingered for another hour saying good night. The sun peeking over the horizon brought you back down to earth and suddenly ready to go inside and try to catch a few winks of sleep.
"Thank you for your company," he said earnestly, picking a stray lock of hair away from your forehead. "It's been a long time since I've indulged in the company of a woman." Guilt flashed through his eyes, glassy from lack of sleep. "Since my wife passed, if I'm being totally honest. I– I've avoided getting to know someone… because I still love her," he said, his voice thick and quiet. 
You squeezed his hand and watched as a single tear escaped from his left eye, daylight filling the space between you with each passing moment. "I understand," you whispered, unsure of what else to say.
"I'd like to see you again. Whenever you're free." It wasn't a question. He squeezed your hand this time and watched you closely as if calculating the odds of you saying yes.
"Sure, I'd love that." How about tomorrow? "Maybe the weekend? There's a little restaurant on the pier that I'd like to try. There's live music, too, if you're keen on dancing."
For the first time, he smiled. Genuinely, a bit uncomfortably– but a smile nonetheless. Nanami nodded and let go of your hand as you walked side by side up to your back porch. "I would enjoy that. I'll meet you there, say…seven thirty on Saturday?"
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Dinner on the pier was a dream. Of course there were drinks as well, so by the time you finished eating, you were more than ready to take to the dance floor and finally move to the lively music the house band had been playing all evening. Namami surprised you here, too. For all of his stoicism and uptight demeanor, he was a skilled dancer. You struggled to keep up with him at times, but his broad hand at the small of your back and his confident steps kept you from making a total and utter fool of yourself. Even during the slower numbers, he held you with poise and confidence, and though you knew in your heart he wasn't interested in a romantic connection, you couldn't help but hope for something magical to happen tonight. 
"You dance well," you said, halfway through one particular song in which you could feel the bassline pumping through your veins. That soft, barely-there smile of his made a delightful reappearance, and he studied your face with those deep brown eyes.
"My wife was a dancer," he said, spinning you out, then back in to fold his arms around your waist, your back to his chest. "She had students, one of which was the man you're dancing with now."
A moment passed, and you felt his warm breath on your ear, stirring a wisp of your hair as he exhaled. "I see," you breathed, trying desperately to quell the desire you felt building from the pit of your stomach. Though you wanted to live very much in the present with him– here and now– you found yourself thinking about what his life must have been like before the accident. A million and one questions came to mind, but you had no idea just how much or how little he wanted to talk about her. "She must have taught you well."
He chuckled, low and thoughtful, and the sound of it vibrated against your back. "I'm just a good student. Observant. Intuitive." He spun you around so that you had no choice but to look up at him again, nearly nose to nose. "I've always been very good at predicting people's behavior."
Your breath hitched. He was so close, yet you still felt some kind of invisible barrier between yourself and him. You imagined his wife, disappointed to know that the two of you were dancing like this– so close, so casually intimate. 
"She would want me to live a happy life without her," he said, as if he'd read your thoughts somehow. Startled, you looked straight into his eyes and knew that this was your moment.
Your body seemed to move of its own accord and before you knew it, your lips met the plush softness of his. Eyes closed, you breathed him in, the heady taste of wine a subtle backdrop to the taste of his kiss. Dancing all but forgotten, you opened your mouth to deepen the contact, tongue touching just beyond his teeth until he made a low, soft moan and pulled back suddenly, drawing in a deep breath. 
"I– "
"I'm sorry, I–" you began, only to be cut off by a firm press of his mouth against yours again. This kiss was a little more hungry, a little more insistent. You threaded your fingers through his hair and held him a little closer. The music seemed to stop, the world around you stilled, and you lost yourself in him. 
You couldn’t remember the last time your ex-husband kissed you with so much reverence and care. In fact, you couldn’t recall a time he had kissed you, period. Nanami’s lips seemed custom made for slotting over your own mouth, however, and the longer you kissed him, the more you realized that you’d been starved of affection for so long it had begun to harden your heart. Somewhere deep inside, that shell began to crack, and when his lips fell down along the line of your jaw, you positively melted against him, mouth open in a breathless expression of pure pleasure– something you hadn’t allowed yourself to feel in months. 
He walked you home under the pale moonlight, stars blinking overhead to further light your way. You’d swear you could hear the whispers of some of the women in town, but you paid them no mind. Tonight would be all about you and Nanami sharing yourselves with one another in the way you craved– the way you needed him and he needed you.
In the soft light of his bedroom he kissed and kissed you as if he couldn’t possibly get enough. He didn’t attempt to take off your clothes, nor did you try to undress him. The contact was enough, though you could feel the heat from his body radiating against yours, the energy of a man who had been two years without the touch of a woman. He took his time, though you could sense that he wanted more, so you took one of his hands and pressed it tentatively against your breast, looking him deep in the eye as you did. 
Nanami broke the kiss, watching you intently as he pressed tentative fingertips into the soft flesh beneath your dress, a long exhale issuing from his kiss-swollen mouth. “It’s– I…” He found your nipple, taut and firm, and rolled it between his thumb and finger before pressing a reverent kiss to the skin just above your cleavage. You pressed a kiss to the top of his head and held him there, encouraging him to explore further. 
Perhaps it was the wine. Perhaps it was the festive atmosphere you’d just spent endless hours enjoying. Perhaps it was a pure, unadulterated need that you felt for one another, but you knew then that he wanted you as much as you wanted him. You didn’t want to push, though. Not in the least. You wanted him to explore at his own pace, to find his way around your body and map it out, inch by beautiful inch.
“It’s been so long,” he whispered, pushing one of the delicate straps of your dress down off your shoulder to drop a kiss against the now exposed skin. You closed your eyes and breathed deep, already blissfully aroused, careful not to move too fast lest he decide this wasn’t a good idea.
“Take your time. There’s no rush.” Your voice was calm and reassuring as you felt his mouth pull in the skin just above your nipple, sucking a tiny mark before he pulled away again, stormy eyes drinking in your features, your reaction, your flushed face and glistening eyes. 
Nanami backed you up to the bed, and when the back of your knees hit the blankets, you sat down, lifting your arms around his neck to pull him down into another kiss. He shifted his weight over you and lowered himself, lips trailing down across your jaw, down to your neck, tongue laving across your collarbone as he pulled down the other strap of your dress. Somehow, you worked your hands between you to begin undoing the buttons of his shirt, one by one. He allowed it, and you heard his heart begin to pick up its already frantic rhythm as you lifted your hips to graze his, desperate for friction between your legs. 
He pulled away fast, panting, standing at the edge of the bed with a hand carded through his hair and his eyes wild. You sat up just as quickly, a little dizzy from the rush, and reached out a hand, your own eyes filled with concern. “Did I do something wrong?”
Nanami shook his head, a nervous laugh escaping his already open mouth. He took a few deep breaths and a step backwards, his legs visibly trembling. "No, you did everything right. I just– I need a moment. I'm sorry." 
You didn't understand why he felt the need to apologize, and you told him so. "You’re fine. It’s fine. We don’t have to do this,” you cooed, crossing your legs under you and fixing your hair a little. 
His eyes welled with tears and he looked away from you, his face flushing bright red as he inhaled sharply, pressing a tight fist to his mouth to quell his sadness. Before he spoke again, he seemed to center himself, then sat down beside you, resting his hand on your knee. “I haven’t been with a woman since my wife and daughter have been gone, and I don’t– I don’t think I should. I carry around far too much baggage to ask anyone else to help me shoulder it. And if we were to be intimate, I…well I know it sounds strange, but I’d feel as if I was betraying her somehow.” Nanami sighed heavily afterward, unable to meet your tender gaze.
“You said before that you think she’d want you to live a happy, fulfilling life. I’m not asking you to do this– we don’t have to do anything besides sit here and talk, but…consider that happiness might mean moving on with someone else, eventually. Doesn’t even have to be me–”
“But I want it to be you,” he blurted, startling both of you. He lowered his voice and took your chin between his thumb and forefinger and repeated it, softer this time, more intentional. “I want it to be you.” 
The rest of the night, you held him in your arms while he told you the story of his wife– the love of his life– their daughter, their picture perfect life together before tragedy struck and took them away from him. You learned that he was out of town the day they were killed and harbored so much guilt and still hadn’t forgiven himself from being away on business. It took him two days to get back to them– between delayed flights and traffic patterns, he slept little and grieved painfully, thoughts of what he would possibly do without them pervading his mind. He told you that his wife had just been promoted in her line of work and his daughter was about to enter the third grade, that she was the brightest student in her class and had a talent for dancing and eating ice cream. 
Nanami talked himself to sleep on your shoulder as the sun rose, his voice raspy and thick with exhaustion and raw emotion. He kissed you just before he succumbed to his dreams, appearing more content than you’d seen him in the short weeks you’d known him. You slept with him, in his bed, your own mind laden with the story of his lost love and with the hope that he could find it again.
You slept well past noon the next day, waking to the sound of sizzling bacon and the smell of a strong brewed coffee. At first you were a little disoriented, waking up in a bed that wasn’t your own, but you soon realized as you looked down at your disheveled dress that last night, you’d slept next to Nanami. The thought alone made your head spin, and you sat up slowly, stretching on your way down the hall into the kitchen to find him at the stove with a pair of tongs in his hand, humming along to a song on the radio. 
A far cry from the vulnerable man you cradled in your arms last night, he turned to you with a soft, sleepy smile, the bags under his eyes looking a little less burdensome than before. He offered a quiet Good morning and handed you a cup of coffee, which you graciously accepted before sliding into a seat at his little table.
“I need to thank you,” he said, cracking an egg into the same pan where the bacon was frying.
You sipped your coffee, then tilted your head. “Thank me? For what?”
“For listening to me. For allowing me to release all that I’ve been holding in. I…I’ve never confided all of that in anyone before, and I have to admit– it feels good. So thank you." He sat down in the seat across from you and offered you a plate, which you graciously accepted. "I did want to ask you, though, how long you're going to be here. In town, I mean. I assume you have to leave at some point."
You nodded while chewing a bite, then swallowed, following it with a sip of coffee. "Three more weeks," you said. I have to go back and reset my classroom. What about you? Is this a permanent home for you, or is there somewhere else?"
Nanami shook his head. "Nowhere else. This is home. It has been since the accident. We used to vacation here as a family, and I can't bring myself to return to the house in the city." He paused to sip his coffee. "I sold it last year, actually. It wasn't home to me any longer."
Over breakfast, you made plans. Tentative plans at best, but plans to reunite in the summers– if not for anything romantic, at least to spend some time together near the water and nurture the friendship you’d built. You helped him clean up, then lingered in the doorway, caught between wanting to stay longer and wanting to go home and change your clothes and freshen up after last night’s activities.
But you found yourself reluctant to leave. Nanami knew it and reached for your hand, thumb running over your knuckles. “You can stay, if that’s what you’re thinking. I have a shower too, you know.”
The next few moments were a blur of lips, fingers, tongue and flesh. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you deeply, lifting you off the floor so that you could wrap your legs around his waist and hang on. He carried you to his bedroom where he took his time taking you apart, memorizing you inch by inch, just like he had started to do last night. 
“I don’t” – he began, hooking his fingers under the elastic of your panties to peel them down and away from your body– “want you to think that I’m doing this out of some desire to forget.” He looked deep into your eyes while nimble fingers spread your thighs apart. You opened them willingly, reveling in the feel of his flesh on yours in such an intimate area. 
“I know you aren’t.” And you did. Though much of your conversation had been about his past, you knew two things: one, he’d been needing to confide in someone for a long, long time; two, he desired you. You knew he did by the way he looked at you, the way he held your hand, the way his kisses felt like summer rain and his fingers between your legs felt like they belonged there. 
“Good. I like you. I like you a lot,” he implored, lowering himself so that you felt his warm breath on the meat of your inner thigh just before his tongue licked a broad stripe right up your slit, making you arch your back clean off the bed and grip his hair in frantic fists. You closed your eyes as he explored you, his nose nudging the curls at the top of your slit, fingers delving just inside to provide extra stimulation in addition to his tongue. 
You cried out his name as he took care of you, pulling him by the hair to hear him chuckle at your enthusiasm. With gentle suction, he pulled your clit between his lips and flicked his tongue over the sensitive bud, causing you to twitch and beg for mercy, please God please oh don’t stop don’t stop. At your command, he hooked his hands over the top of your thighs and dove in for the kill, licking at you like a man deprived of his favorite meal for far too long. Your climax hit you hard and fast, and it took you several minutes to recover, breathing deep, a sheen of sweat across your brow and chest.
Nanami gave you a few moments to breathe before he climbed over top of you, his cock pressing insistently on the inside of your wet thigh. You opened yourself to him willingly, without protest, and he slipped inside with a long, low moan, pushing his face into the space between your neck and shoulder. 
No one had ever touched you the way he did. He cradled your head in his hands as he thrust in and out with slow, controlled motions, his girth stretching you in a most delicious way that had your eyes rolling back in your head and your jaw permanently slack. He pressed kisses along your neck and chest, his breath hot and steady, face never more than a few inches from yours. When he feared he might come too soon, he lifted you into his lap and had you straddle him; down onto his length you sank again, arms linked around his shoulders, each breath a low, wanton moan as you felt his long strokes inside you, filling you to the hilt with his impressive size. 
He was quiet for the most part– a grunt here, a low rumble there, but he didn't speak. He was focused on your pleasure and his own, wanting to prolong it as much as possible until he couldn't hold back anymore. 
The buildup was almost too much for you to bear, and when you felt him begin to twitch and pulse inside you, you came again, this time a more profound sense of euphoria making your head spin and your body tense until you scaled that peak. "I've got you," he whispered upon your ear, one hand at the back of your head and the other grabbing a handful of your ass, pushing you against him with incredible strength despite his own loss of muscle control. 
The room was filled with the lewd sounds of wet flesh, of the evidence of your lovemaking between your legs and his, of breath and hushed voices and tender kisses. He took his time riding out your orgasm, in no hurry to take himself out of you. Nanami gently guided you back onto the now missed blankets of the bed and rolled you both on your side, facing each other so that he could look into your eyes and find your reaction, your look of blissed-out euphoria. No longer did he carry the guilt of moving on, of taking another woman into his bed. You made him feel comfortable and secure, and he wasn't sure words could convey his gratitude.
You spent the afternoon dozing, eating, drinking wine and toeing along the sand, totally immersed in his company. The last few weeks of your visit were spent in his company as well, the days just as magical as the nights.
And when it came time for you to return home, he took you to dinner, a hopeful look in his eyes as you discussed the possibility of returning each summer. You knew that the chances were slim– you explained that the house where you had stayed wasn't yours to rent, that your best friend had arranged the whole thing.
He reached across the table and covered your hand with his. "Come and stay with me." Ah, his way of presenting ideas was direct and to the point. It was something you'd come to admire about him– how no nonsense he was when it had to do with something he cared deeply about. 
Your expression softened when you considered the possibility. You hadn't been hopeful of a love connection when you took this trip, and you had to be honest with him– you still weren't sure you were ready for another full-fledged commitment just yet. The wound of your divorce was still fresh, still painful, and you wanted to spend some more time getting to know the woman you were without your ex-husband, without the baggage you'd carried around for so long. 
And when you divulged this to him, he drew back his hand, taking a long drink from his glass. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do." He threw your own words right back at you, and you had to smile. "I enjoy your company regardless."
Your daughter was overjoyed the day you pulled into her father's driveway. She came skipping out of his house and you caught her in your arms, spinning her around in a tight, tearful hug. Your ex husband stared at you and smiled softly in a way that told you he saw a difference in your demeanor.
"Restful vacation?" he asked, his jealousy barely masked.
"Oh, you have no idea."
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honey-beann · 7 months
🐾 - Pet names
Thanks for the drabble request, anon! I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun writing something this lighthearted :)
Also I totally went over the word count here but since it took me less than an hour I've decided no one can question or judge me about this >:)
Honeyed Words (I'm Yours)
rk boys (Nines, Connor, Sixty) x Reader
Word Count: 1,849 (yeah... I know)
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Leaning forward against the back of Hank's sofa with your arms folded over one another, you couldn't help but roll your eyes and fight back a sigh at the sight of the movies that Gavin, Tina, and Chris were saving to tonight's potential watch list.
"All rom coms? Seriously guys?"
You scoffed, watching as Gavin all but sneered in response, turning slightly to face you as you continued.
"Come on dude, where's your Halloween spirit?"
You teased, nudging him with your knuckles gently as he rolled his eyes at your antics, clearly far less amused than you were.
"It's September 23rd, don't you talk to me about Halloween until the month is over."
Groaning, you flung your body to the side, pressing your spine against the back of the couch and extending your arms straight out to either side of you as you pouted exaggeratedly,
"C'mon Reed, do you have to be such a stickler for seasonal deadlines?"
Instead of responding, your coworker just flipped you off, opening his mouth to call into the kitchen where all three of your boyfriends and their familiarly gruff father figure were standing around like divorcees at a barbecue.
"Hey robo cops, could you please come get your feral creature before I put it down myself?!"
He shouted, a smirk crossing his features when you pulled away from the couch to glare at him, already hearing the familiar sound of slightly swishing fabric and nearly silent footsteps that signaled the oncoming arrival of one of your partners.
"Y'know Reed, if you're really so worried about her being feral, you could consider getting a rabies shot. You've been looking a little sickly lately."
Sixty countered easily in response to your coworker's previous quip as he flung his arm across your shoulders, pulling you against him with a slight smirk.
You smiled at his easy embrace, nearly vibrating with joy as he kissed the top of your head, smiling down at you with that lopsided grin that always made you feel so giddy inside.
"Oh fuck off bullet brain, you're the one who let her do three shots of tequila tonight, don't act like I'm not allowed to be annoyed by her weird ass antics."
Sixty hummed in response, clearly feeling no urge to argue as he began guiding you towards the kitchen.
"C'mon Sugar, lets get some real food in you hmm?"
He purred against the shell of your ear, instantly lighting your cheeks on fire both with his proximity and his use of one of his favorite pet names for you, which never failed to give you butterflies.
As you grew closer to the dining area, he pressed gently on the small of your back to urge you past the threshold, though clearly you were a bit more tipsy than he'd realized, because you absolutely would've toppled over if not for the pair of familiarly strong hands that caught you by your shoulders.
You looked up slightly, taking in the sight of pale arms dotted with freckles that were barren of sleeves all the way up until just above the elbow, kept in place solely by the incredibly thorough job this individual had done while rolling them upward.
And that could only be...
You breathed out softly, feeling yourself melt a bit as you looked up into his eyes.
After well over a year of affection from all three of your partners, you just never got used to the way they all looked at you, or the sweet and familiar things they would call you in favor of your name.
And speaking of...
"Well hello there, Darling."
Nines spoke gently, quirking a brow at you in minor amusement as he looked you over for any signs of injury just in case he'd missed something during your brief fall.
You felt your cheeks grow warmer as the sound of his affectionate pet name for you passed his lips, making you melt even further beneath his persistent gaze.
"I uh, got kicked out of the living room."
You explained quietly, watching as Nines tilted his head slightly in response before looking towards Sixty, who shrugged before taking a few steps closer and placing his palm on top of your head affectionately.
"Gavin wasn't impressed at her input regarding tonight's films of choice. I figured if she was being that disruptive she likely needed something to eat. Isn't that right, Sweetheart?"
You blushed harder as yet another pet name passed his lips, but nodded nonetheless, hoping they hadn't noticed just how much you enjoyed it when they spoke of you so sweetly.
Of course, they had long since noticed your reactions, in fact, it was almost a bit of a game now to see who could get you to blush the hardest with affectionate nicknames alone.
Not that they would ever tell you that.
"Is that so?"
Nines questioned gently, his hand raising to your face to push a stray hair of yours behind your ear before his thumb and index finger trailed down to your chin, which he caught with ease between the two, tilting your face upwards to make sure you were looking at him as he spoke.
"Have you been up to no good, Little one?"
He all but purred, making you squeak a bit in response as you attempted to find words that just wouldn't come.
Thankfully though, you did have one saving grace, and his name was Connor.
"Are you two tormenting her again?"
He asked as he stepped away from the stove, wiping his hands off on a nearby dish rag before he moved closer to you, offering his open arms for you to all but leap into, happy to have the opportunity to hug the one android who you hadn't gotten the chance to be affectionate with since before you'd even arrived at the house earlier.
Sixty scoffed at Connor's question, but Nines simply gave a dismissive hum, leaning back against the counter and watching as you nuzzled against his predecessor's chest with a content sigh.
Meanwhile, Connor glared at his successors with mock disappointment, hoping to appease you and your childish attitude (tipsiness) by offering them a fake scolding.
"You both know better, look at her, she's being perfectly good tonight."
He said pseudo-sternly, smiling down at you with a grin that immediately left you breathless the moment that you looked up and took it in.
God, why were they all so damn beautiful?
At the sight of your eyes meeting his own, Connor leaned down to kiss your forehead, bringing one of his hands up to palm your cheek lovingly as he did so, stroking is softly with his thumb all the while.
He continued this in silence for a few moments before giving you yet another reason to attempt melting into the grout marks in Hank's kitchen floor.
"Don't you worry about them Honey, they're just being difficult because they want to see you squirm."
You swallowed thickly at the familiar and yet still immensely impactful nickname, which never failed to make your heart leap in your chest.
You whispered, watching as Connor nodded in satisfaction at your response before guiding you back into the waiting arms of your other two android partners, who were watching you with marked amusement.
"I'll bring dinner out to you in just a few minutes."
Connor murmured against the back of your head as he pressed another gentle kiss to it.
"I was thinking you could go pick a comfy spot in the living room for all of us to sit together while you wait though. Does that sound alright, Baby?"
He asked gently, taking you by surprise yet again with his use of another pet name that made you feel like you were left gasping for air.
Still, you managed a floundering nod in spite of yourself, and followed Nines and Sixty out into the living room, where they helped you make a rather comfortable seating area on the floor, one that consisted of two huge bean bags, several couch pillows that no one was using, and at least four big blankets, one of which was for you to lay under.
And with that, the seating arrangements were completed, and all that was left to do was actually use them, which with how dizzy you were beginning to feel from the tequila earlier, was something you were quite eager for.
Nines chuckled as he took a seat a bit further back on one of the beanbags, spreading his legs apart for you to sit in between as he held himself up on his palms so that you could lean against his chest.
This was a fairly normal position for the two of you, but even so, it made your heart race as you felt his firm chest press against your back, solidly holding you up without any issue.
Still, even with this added distraction, your persistent urge to celebrate the upcoming holiday had you complaining to Gavin once more about his list of potential options, although this time you were hoping that at least one of your loving boyfriends would consider helping you out.
Sadly though, they seemed far too amused by your insistence to actually say anything, instead choosing to press gentle kisses against your head and the back of your hand as they laid the blanket over you wordlessly.
"Aww c'mon you guys, do you really wanna watch any of this junk?"
You asked, motioning towards the screen with a grumble of annoyance.
From the left of you, Sixty chuckled and raised your knuckles to his lips without a word.
Nines on the other hand, did speak up, placing a kiss to your cheek just before he did so, a certain level of amusement to his tone that had you squirming between his strong legs.
"I couldn't care less about what we watch, Sweetling."
He murmured against the shell of your ear, immediately causing you to shiver.
"And honestly, I think these are all movies Connor has mentioned wanting to see. Don't you want to make him happy?"
He teased, running a finger up and down your cheek as you nodded almost dreamily, sinking into his touch as if your body were suddenly weighed down by bricks.
"Y-yeah, sure, okay."
You said quietly, hearing Nines hum from above you just as Connor came out of the kitchen with a steaming bowl of food to offer you, Hank hot on his heels with a large bowl of popcorn for him and the other couch users to share.
You dug in immediately, not paying any attention to the movie choice debate until it was basically over, and by that point, you were already so sleepy that you hardly realized anyone was talking at all.
Drowsy and more than a little bit intoxicated, you sighed contentedly as you moved to squeeze between Nines and Sixty, allowing Connor to rest his head upon your lap as you played with his hair all the way up until you lost consciousness entirely.
Yeah, okay. Maybe rom com movie nights weren't so bad after all.
I hope you enjoyed this little drabble fic! If you want to request one for yourself feel free to check out this post :)
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dormarunt · 4 months
Berlin, episode 1 - a spoiler-filled live reaction/commentary 
Spoilers ahoy under the cut!
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Our man wears a turtleneck from the get-go, which I find hilarious.
"This is my team - one of the three I've robbed with in my life - but this one is special to me as it's from my golden age". Maybe season 2 - if it exists - will focus on that other team? Or? The other 2 teams are The Cormorants and the Mint gangs? What do you guys think?
Also this is set before Berlin knew of his Helmers Myopathy (lol I took Liberties in my latest fic, I won't let something like canon change that)
Roi sees him as the father he never had, while Berlin sees Roi as "a loyal dog he walks every day" -- right, I'm totally going to write these two, and not just because Roi calls him "sir" and shines his shoes.
Damien is a Professor but for real.
During the first heist we see of the gang, a random guest clocks the team as "not police " in about a minute, seemingly based on Keyla's glasses/fidgeting -- okay I guess?? Make that conflict, Pina & Co!
Also iirc Berlin pulls out a bag to put the stolen artifact out of his ass thin air. 
Losing my mind at the smashed phone bit though, the panto is chef's kiss. (points pinky)
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Berlin has TERRIBLE gun etiquette/safety OMG???
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"Love doesn't last", says the three-times-divorcee. Believe him, before he marries two more times and unhinges his jaw to eat his beat friend's face. 
"What name did you choose?" "Cameron" -- the old gang's names are also chosen.
Pedro Alonso learned French for this okay? And he did a fine job ngl, much better than his Danish of S5.
Keyla is (at least partially) a plot device/Deus Ex literal Machina with her generating 650 pages of content about their made-up archeological gang ---- hopefully priest dude doesn't know how to double check stuff like awards because then Keyla would have to ~hack loads of sites/databases okay I'll stop but seriously 
He calls himself Berlin already. How or why? Unclear yet. 
Based on the iPod shuffle that Keyla's wearing the series takes place after 2010-2012 (so before he met Martin according to the little timeline I made a while ago)
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The Berlin-Roi talk about a particular woman (Cameron) gives me Berlin-RIO (heheh) talk about Tokio
Oh no tell the guy who lusts over a girl to act as her dad instead - that's going to go WELL
The door hacking (Panasonic) device with Matrix-style flowing numbers and letters is PRIMO and not hilarious at all. (Rafael's hacking device was marginally more believable)
Three home invaders vs one angry little pup - I'm in the pup's corner!
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Not a huge fan of Cameron just yet, she gives me Tokio vibes and not in a good way. She IS hot though. 
Come on Cameron, when a guy says not to touch his ass you don't take it personally?? Girl, that's not cute irl. If you wanna help him open that lock, warn him. Touching people without their consent is No Bueno. I get that she's supposed to be mentally ill but bit a creep?
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Berlin is possibly an insomniac. He's not changed from the Berlin I know and love in that he feels that: 1) he's in any position to give advice, let alone about love 2) he knows all about love his experiences are universal 
(I trust Damian's take on love and kinda agree with him)
OMG THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED!!! --- and Berlin said "ew no?"
Oh Jesus Christ we were spared from another poop particle conversation but just barely (since when is the guy who fucks in stench-filled basements all squeamish?)
Period-inappropriate Imagine Dragons cover
That's why I started learning the guitar in high school, this scene right here, to have someone look at me with that wonder in their eyes. (all the boys learned to play guitar to pick up girls, years later I figured out that so did I lol)
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The sights in this episode are beautiful though! <3
Berlin's philosophy on courting women is, according to my headcanon, stolen from Martín who's "an infantry general by vocation" and NO ONE can change my mind
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Roi's sincere WTF look here is priceless 
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All in all - yep, i'm watching the rest too (lol). Can't guarantee live reactions for the next episodes (unless requested/I have the time)
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
ARC Review: Any Duke in a Storm by Amalie Howard
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4.25/5. Releases 1/09/2023.
Vibes: romance on the high seas, badass heroines, ridiculously besotted heroes, and sword fight boners
Heat Index: 7/10.
Lady Lisbeth, countess, divorcee, and spy, is on the run. She's taken on the persona of Bonnie Bess, feared by all--except her new sailing master, the infuriating Raphael Saint. Problem one: Raphael may be a part of the smuggling ring Lisbeth is attempting to infiltrate. Problem two: she is, sadly, both extremely annoyed by and extremely attracted to him. Problem three: she may just have to rely on him if they're going to get away from the people pursuing her in one piece.
I was, to be honest, a little worried about how Amalie would pull this off. A lot of pirate-adjacent romances can get super fetishistic super fast. Plus, Raphael (who is of mixed-race ancestry) could easily dip into the Exotic Brown Man caricature. However, after I let her do her thing, I was pleasantly surprised with a romance that is both heartfelt and ridiculously sexy, with a solid dose of adventure. It's worth the risk!
Quick Takes:
--If you're a fan of "man falls first and harder" in romance... You'll love this. Lisbeth is a very guarded, icy heroine who's here to do a job and doesn't have time for nonsense. Raphael... is so naturally flirtatious, first off--but he's also much more in touch with his emotions and isn't afraid of letting Lisbeth know that he's interested. The sexual tension is THICK, but their banter and interplay is another huge part of the fun. They play off each other so well, and it all begins with a SWORDFIGHT!
--Raphael does bring a lot of humor to the story. In a lot of ways, he reminds me (and this is a compliment) of Prince Naveen from The Princess and The Frog? Like, he's very consciously leaning into being FRANCH, and he never misses an opportunity to hit on Lisbeth, but he also genuinely appreciates her talents and abilities and has a lot of really sweet moments.
He's also super secure in himself, which brings up another thing I loved about this. Raphael isn't by any means "feminine", and he definitely has several scenes wherein he takes a dominant role in his dynamic with Lisbeth. But he's also very comfortable with being, like... pretty. And delicate. He's a swashbuckler, but he'll also joke about wearing her blouses, and revel in the newfound possibilities of her taking control in the bedroom. There's a very "local man realizes he may have a bit of a submissive side and he's GOOD with it" vibe to it all.
--I don't usually like kids in romance, but here we have a legitimately good one! Lisbeth comes into the story familiar with Narina, a twelve-year-old girl whose mother she was friends with. Narina becomes a part of their adventures, and she's... fucking hilarious? Like, a foul-mouthed, snarky young girl who has a knack for piracy. And it's one of those things where Lisbeth is always like "DECORUM" because she's attempting to save this child's manners, and Raphael (who of course has an immediate affinity with Narina, NATURALLY) can't help but indulge her and encourage her wrongs. It's adorable, it makes him even hotter in a "doting father" kind of way and I loved the conclusion it reached.
--I'm really not an expert on this particular part of history, so correct me if my impression is wrong. But it felt like Howard made an effort to represent the unique interplay of cultures across the islands, as well as how one really isn't that different from the other. Raphael, as I mentioned, is French--but he's also of Indian and Creole descent. The novel doesn't delve too deeply into the complexities there, but you do get the sense from Raphael that he hasn't really fit into any of the boxes offered to him by nineteenth century society, as a French duke who isn't white and is very much his father's legitimate heir.
But I really appreciate seeing a book that really didn't take place in the ballroom, or ballroom adjacent, or really in England at all. You have a great sense of life at sea here, as well as some island-hopping, a detour to America, and so on. It offers a much bigger, grander world than a lot of conventional Victorian romances.
--There's a great emotional beating heart here, and you really feel Lisbeth falling for this man, essentially against her will, while he steadfastly waits for her to recognize her own feelings. It leads to a great culmination, and some truly swoony emotions.
The Sex:
Um, really good. I do want to call out that Lisbeth is pansexual, and the book doesn't shy away from that; one of the supporting characters is her ex-lover, and at one point another friend is outright like "oh wait, you like dudes too?" I loved that, and I loved that it's seriously not a big deal, just this known thing about her and her experiences.
But yeah. This shit is hot. There's not a huge emphasis on penetrative sex. Like it, happens, but there are a lot of other things that happen, and they do not feel any less like sex. (Including one scene that I don't want to spoil, but you don't see a lot of that exact configuration in historical romance, and..... it's so good.)
Raphael has piercing(s!) and tattoos, and Lisbeth's obsession with them is certainly incorporated. And like I mentioned earlier--there's some exploration of both of them discovering New Things about themselves together. Essentially, they both go into this believing they prefer to be dominant, and realize that they're both, perhaps... switch-y. This leads up to a scene towards the very end that delighted me Very Much. Put simply: the sex in this book is REALLY great.
Like I said, I was at first a little worried about how this one would turn out. However, I was ultimately really happy with where it went. Seeking a "woman and her overeager dangerous himbo go do piracy together" book? This is it.
Thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Man whose own sister described him as 'socially awkward', 'paranoid' and prone to 'frequent anger fits'. He also 'has a history of being cruel to animals'. was able to hire a surrogate mother to have biological children. And when triplets were conceived he tried to pressure her into aborting one and then tried to keep the cost of care for her and them down.
My 'womb for hire' nightmare: Surrogate mother discovered the father was single, deaf and living in his parents' basement - before he demanded she ABORT one of the triplets she was carrying for him
Melissa Cook became a surrogate mother to help pay her bills after divorce
She discovered the father was single, deaf 51-year-old living with his parents
He then demanded she ABORT one baby because he couldn't afford it
He asked clinic staff to limit her visits despite complications such as hypotension 
Believing passionately that bringing new life into the world 'is the greatest gift you could give anyone', Melissa Cook became a surrogate mother.
'When I became pregnant with triplets, I was thrilled,' she reflects. 'I believed then that everyone has the right to be a parent.'
However, six years on, she thinks very differently. For not only did she never see the three babies after they were born, but she has no idea where they now live.
Long-running legal efforts to get access to the children have failed and she is profoundly worried that they are not safe.
'Little did I know what a nightmare it would become,' Melissa says, distraught. 
'It's a nightmare that never ends. When the triplets were born, they were taken away before I could even look at them. It's heartbreaking.'
Her story has shocked America and casts a deeply disturbing light on the surrogacy industry, which, however well regulated parts of it might be, can have devastating consequences.
The fact is that commercial surrogacy in the US has become a Wild West, where money tends to trump everything and little is done to protect mothers or the children they bring into this world if things go wrong.
Melissa's story, too, has important lessons for Britain – not only on the dangers of changing the law to make surrogacy easier, but also because many childless couples from the UK seek children from America.
Different states have different laws, but American surrogates can receive handsome payment, whereas in Britain only expenses are allowed.
Melissa, 54, urges would-be parents to think long and hard before they consider a surrogate from across the Atlantic.
Her story began on May 31, 2015, when she signed a surrogacy agreement with a California agency, Surrogacy International. 
A divorcee with four of her own children, she freely admits she needed the money – and was to be paid $33,000 (£26,000).
In Britain, expenses for a surrogate typically range from £12,000 to £18,000 – not insubstantial, but leaving little or nothing as profit.
Although Melissa works as a 'mobile notary', travelling to clients' homes and offices to help them with legal documents, she was not well paid. 
'As a single mum, money was tight,' she concedes. So she had, once before, become a surrogate to a gay couple – successfully carrying a baby for them. 
She says: 'It was a positive experience. One of the dads came to all my doctors' appointments. I felt part of their family. When the baby was born I was happy to hand the little boy to his daddies.'
But Melissa says her second experience as a surrogate was nothing short of a disaster.
She admits she was concerned from the outset, saying the agency gave her minimal information about the family she thought she would be helping, citing client confidentiality. 
It was only when she persisted that she discovered the truth: rather than acting as a surrogate mother for a couple, she would be doing so for a 51-year-old single man who was deaf and living in his parents' basement.
For legal reasons, the postal worker from Georgia can only be referred to as 'C. M.'
She wished to keep an open mind, however, saying: 'The warning bells rang but I thought, 'Why should a disability prevent someone from becoming a parent?' So I signed the contract.'
Eggs from a 20-year-old donor were fertilised with sperm from the intended father, with whom she communicated only by email. 
Then, on August 17, 2015, three embryos were transferred into Melissa's body.
'I have four children of my own, but this pregnancy was far more difficult than the others,' she continues. 
'I suffered from hypotension [low blood pressure] and was placed on medication and a special diet. I also developed gestational diabetes.'
And there was another shock to come. As is often the case with IVF procedures, more than one fertilised embryo is implanted in the surrogate so as to maximise the chances of success.
When C. M. learned there were three viable embryos now growing inside Melissa, however, he asked her to abort one, she says.
'He sent me a text saying, 'I'm not sure I can have three kids. Can you think about aborting?' I was like, 'Are you kidding?' '
Also, court records show emails from C. M. to the clinic monitoring Melissa's pregnancy, in which he asks staff to help him to keep the costs down.
'Please try to make her visits [to the clinic] less often because I get a bill that costs me a lot of money… it causes me financial problems... [I can't] afford triplets… that worries me so bad for real.'
Tears fill Melissa's eyes as she recalls: 'It became obvious to me that this man wasn't capable of raising triplets.
'He demanded I have an abortion. I didn't want one. When I spoke to the doctors, they told me they would inject one of the triplets, who would die, but he would stay in my womb alongside his brothers until their birth.
'It was like something from a horror story.'
The more Melissa learned about the man for whom she was bearing the children, the worse she felt.
He was taking care of his elderly parents (who have since died), both invalided.
 According to a sworn affidavit from the man's sister, part of later legal action, a heroin-addicted nephew allegedly sold drugs out of the house at the time.
In court documents seen by The Mail on Sunday, C. M.'s sister describes him as 'socially awkward', 'paranoid' and prone to 'frequent anger fits'. He also 'has a history of being cruel to animals'.
Melissa says: 'I became filled with anxiety. It affected my pregnancy. I could feel all three babies inside me. C. M. kept demanding I abort one of the babies. I wrote back to him saying I would keep one myself and raise it myself.
'The agency owner, who was also his lawyer, said 'These are his children' and I told him, 'I don't care. They're mine while they are in me and I'm protecting them.' '
It is at this point that her lawyer, Harold Cassidy, who is sitting by her side during our interview, interjects. 
'The nightmare here begins at the very start of the process, because the rights of the children and the surrogate mother are not protected under American law. It's all about who pays the bills. 
'The constitutional rights of children are being violated and women are being exploited,' he says, adding: 'They are treated as nothing more than a womb for hire, a chattel to be discarded once business is concluded.'
Melissa took legal action before the babies were born. She says: 'I was an emotional wreck. 
'I went public because I didn't want to abort one of the babies. As a mother, I felt protective towards them. I still do. 
'I have never seen the boys, who are six now, but I want them to know I am here for them. My door is always open.'
The triplets were born at 30 weeks in a Los Angeles hospital on February 22, 2016. 
Melissa says: 'They were delivered by caesarean section and there was a screen halfway down my body. I heard them but never saw them.
'There was a guard posted at my door. I offered breast milk but was told the father declined that offer. 
'I had a friend who wanted to be there with me in the delivery room but the doctors refused because the babies' daddy said he didn't want anyone else in the delivery room.'
The intended father, C. M., meanwhile, stayed at home 2,000 miles away in Georgia.
'No one at the hospital would even tell me how they were doing.'
The babies spent weeks in hospital before a medical team of three nurses and a doctor flew back to Georgia with C. M. and the triplets.
Melissa says she eventually turned down all offers of payment from C. M. 'because it would have felt like blood money'.
Her lawyer Harold Cassidy filed lawsuit after lawsuit in an attempt to establish her maternal rights to the babies. 
Melissa's case was thrown out by the District Court of California and the Appeals Court. A request for it to be heard by the Supreme Court was denied.
'All this has been devastating. It's affected my own children and my boyfriend, too,' she says. 'I think about the triplets all the time, wondering how they are.
'Commercial surrogacy shouldn't be allowed. The mother has no rights. No one ever checked the home of the intended father before the triplets were born.
'He didn't even have to go through a psychological background check like I did. When we went to court, the judge said the contract I signed basically gave the father all rights to the children. 
'The judge said what happens to those children is none of the court's business. When I signed that contract, I terminated any of my parental rights.
'During one hearing, the judge said, 'What is going to happen to these children once they are handed over to C. M., that's none of my business. That's not part of my job.'
'I feel bad every day for those babies. I wonder what he tells them about their mother? They are six years old now. I know they will be starting to ask about where they came from. I feel so bad for them. The babies never deserved this.'
The affidavit filed by C. M.'s sister in support of Melissa's case accused him of being an unfit parent. 
'It claims C. M. has been known to leave the children unattended 'for hours at a time' and that the triplets had allegedly been obliged to eat food from a dirty floor.
His sister told the court: 'If C. M. applied to adopt a child and a home inspection was conducted, he would never have qualified to be an adoptive parent.'
Of course, there are two sides to every story. Robert Walmsley, the lawyer who represents him and also owns Surrogacy International, denied Melissa's claims that the children are not being cared for properly, insisting: 'My client is a good and caring father. He loves those children. He owns his own house and the children are being very well looked after.
'Of course, caring for triplets would be a challenge for anyone, but he's doing a great job. He sends me pictures and videos and the children are smiling, happy and healthy. 
'He's a doting father and any suggestion otherwise is totally wrong.'
When asked about Melissa's court fight, he retorts: 'The courts backed C. M. every step of the way, as they should have done. 
'His sister said what she did because sadly there is a rift within the family. C. M. is a private man who never wished to be in the limelight.'
As for Melissa, she 'is not the most stable of women', he suggests. 'I've been in the surrogacy business for 30 years and 99.9 per cent of cases have no issues.
'There were medical reasons C. M. and the doctors recommended the abortion. They are not her children, they never were her children. So she had no right to see them in hospital.
'To be honest, by that stage she was in litigation with my client, so why would he want anything to do with her? She was trying to block him becoming a father.
'He is devoted to those boys. He's loving being a father. He's coping very well.'
None of this helps comfort Melissa, who today remains haunted by thoughts of the triplets she carried.
She says it's her priority to ensure they're being treated well. 'If I find out they are not being cared for properly, I will take further legal action,' she adds.
And what about commercial surrogacy generally? After her shocking experience, she tells me: 'It's not only disreputable – it's evil.'
She adds: 'When I went into it, I'd read all those stories about celebrities having children via surrogates and they had all apparently had happy endings. I had no doubts.
'But now, I would urge people in the UK to think very seriously before thinking of getting surrogate babies from abroad. In America it's a free-for-all.
'You always hear the 'happy' stories, but people are never told horror stories like mine.'
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pink-heart-jam · 8 hours
Age Gap Recs - Pt 1
Anyone else craving some good age gap? 👀 this is my kryptonite in fic but due to the usual amount of dub-con in BL I often struggle to find something that checks all my boxes when it comes to manga/manhwa. I decided to compile my favourites in two lists - the first will focus on Koran titles and I’ll follow up with another list of Japanese titles. These are all explicit works (as they should be 🫡) and include different tropes. Most are WIPs so buckle up for the ride! Among the finished works I highly recommend Love for Sale as an incredible thought-provoking and cathartic love story :)
An Abyss by Cha ji-ahn
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Kinard has lived for revenge after the incident that took place ten years ago. Despite his longtime friend Raman's worries for him, he and Yesing hid their identities under the alias, "chaff", and strived for revenge. In doing so, he runs into Alvin, who was certain that he was fated to die.
Daily Part Time Job by Danbi
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Joo Yeomin is a hardworking college student that works day and night. He's also becoming an expert at running away from the loan sharks. One day, a suspicious man starts showing up at Yeomin's part-time jobs. "We know each other, right?" "No, we don't! Why do you keep following me?"
Love For Sale by Dal Hyeon Ji
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Even in his wildest dreams, all Namwoo wants is to have enough money to survive each month. Si-eon, on the other hand, has everything he could ever want except happiness. Intrigued by Namwoo’s humble wishes, Si-eon offers him the money he wants – the catch being, he has to date him.
Lover Boy by Zec
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Eunho Jung proposed to Jaeha Yoo, the older boy next door, for the first time when he was three. It stopped being cute when he confessed his feelings again in high school, and once Jaeha got married, the two lost touch. They're reunited by chance years later, Eunho as a university student, and Jaeha, a jaded divorcee. Eunho's determined to prove he’s not a kid anymore, but does Jaeha’s self-destructive spiral allow for feelings?
On or Off by A1
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They say all's fair in love... and work?! After joining his friend's startup, university student Ahn Yiyoung never imagined he'd end up presenting their work directly to SJ Corporation, a major company headed by one of the most sought-after talents in the country: Kang Daehyung. It certainly doesn't help that, on top of being a bigshot executive, strikingly handsome Director Kang is his ideal type.
Onward by Hongssona
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Swimming prodigy Woo Seungwon, whose very being is vast and endless like the ocean, runs into former a-list singer Doh Si-on. Si-on, now a businessman trying to stay afloat, is doing his best to move forward with his life; but the weight of the world only drags him down, as if he is struggling to crawl through a swamp. Taking an interest in Seungwon, Si-on offers him the opportunity to make some extra money as his housekeeper.
Our Sunny Days by Jeong seokchan
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Sung Ho’s not the kind you’d typically expect to settle down in the countryside. He’s in his late 20s, ex-military, and… a single father with a year-old baby. Jobless and without any prospects but a house, Sung Ho hopes the peaceful Nuldongmae village will make a good new home for him and his daughter. Rumor has it that the head of the village, despite his young age, is a real jerk… But he won’t have to deal with that, will he?
Tender Night by Tan
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All his life, Sungwon has known that he must follow certain expectations: dress well, be polite, and most importantly…be an alpha. Cruelly born a beta, Sungwon spends his days living a lie, presenting himself as the hardworking, accomplished, recessive alpha he wishes he could be. But once he meets college student-slash-bartender Park Hansol, things start to change.
The Dangerous Convenience Store by Gusao
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Danger can come in many shapes and sizes, and the kind of danger Yeo Eui-joon has to deal with comes as buff, brash, and belligerent gangsters. He knew that working nights in a shifty neighborhood wouldn’t be the safest job on the planet, but reality sure does exceed expectations. However, it looks like Eui-joon’s days as the neighborhood punching bag are coming to a close when Gunwoo steps into his small store.
Under the Greenlight: In Dreams by Jaxx
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Jin is the most beautiful man Matthew’s ever seen. He’s also a high-ranking and violent criminal full of frustrated ambitions and equally frustrated appetites. But Matthew, a sculpture student prodigy, can only see the beauty—not the darkness. One way or another, Matthew will pay the price for his muse, either with his body... or something far more costly.
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thequilandpaperwriter · 9 months
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Heirs of The Kingdom of Spain 1907-2023
1) Alfonso, Prince of Asturias (10 May 1907 – 6 September 1938), was heir apparent to the throne of Spain from birth until the abolition of the monarchy in 1931. He renounced his rights to the defunct throne in 1933. Alfonso was the eldest son of King Alfonso XIII of Spain and his wife, Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg. Alfonso's renunciation of his rights as heir to the Spanish throne in order to marry Cuban commoner Edelmira Sampedro caused controversy at the time. A similar situation would take place three years later in Britain with his second cousin Edward VIII, who would abdicate as King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India to wed American divorcee Wallis Simpson.
2) Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona- Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona (Juan Carlos Teresa Silverio Alfonso de Borbón y Battenberg; 20 June 1913 – 1 April 1993), also known as Don Juan, was a claimant to the Spanish throne as Juan III. He was the third son and designated heir of King Alfonso XIII of Spain and Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg. His father was replaced by the Second Spanish Republic in 1931. Juan's son Juan Carlos I became king when Spain's constitutional monarchy was restored in 1975.
3) Juan Carlos I- Juan Carlos is the grandson of Alfonso XIII, the last king of Spain before the abolition of the monarchy in 1931 and the subsequent declaration of the Second Spanish Republic. Juan Carlos was born in Rome during his family's exile. Francisco Franco took over the government of Spain after his victory in the Spanish Civil War in 1939, yet in 1947 Spain's status as a monarchy was affirmed and a law was passed allowing Franco to choose his successor. Franco in 1969 declared Juan Carlos his successor as head of state. Juan Carlos was expected to continue Franco's legacy, but instead introduced reforms to dismantle the Francoist regime and to begin the Spanish transition to democracy soon after his accession. This led to the approval of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 in a referendum which re-established a constitutional monarchy. He abdicated on 19 June 2014.
4) Felipe VI. (1977-2014)- 1977, Felipe was formally proclaimed Prince of Asturias. the heir to the throne, a carefully regulated and structured plan was laid out for Felipe's military training. In August 1985, a Royal Decree named Felipe as officer at the General Military Academy in Zaragoza.He began his military training there in September.He completed the first phase of his formation in October.In July 1986, he was promoted to Cadet 2nd Lieutenant. He was also named as Midshipman. In September 1986, he began his naval training at the Escuela Naval Militar in Marin (Pontevedra), joining the Third Brigade.In January 1987, he continued his naval training on board the training ship Juan Sebastián Elcano. Since 19 June 2014, after his ascension to the throne, he acquired the rank of Capitán General (Commander-in-chief) of all the Spanish armies.
5) Princess Leonor of Asturias and Girona. (2014-present) Princess Leonor was born to crown prince Felipe of Asturias and princess Letizia on 31st October 2005. As the daughter of the heir apparent she was an Infanta and second in line to throne. Leonor was initially styled, “Her royal highness Infanta Leonor of Spain”. Upon her father’s accession to the throne she became known as “Her Royal highness The Princess of Asturias”. When Leonor accedes to the throne she will be the first queen regnant since Isabella II (1833-1868).
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Overworked Mascots Family in my AUs
Okay so this is to explain the whole dynamic of the whole entire family tree when it comes to this Universe
My Universe is also known as Three Toons and a Baby just a hilarious play on Three Men and a Baby,
Mickeys Eldest is Eleanor Patsy born to him and Minnie in 1975, she is MtF Trans she is a joyful sort that will remind you of Lottie from Princess and the Frog she seems spoiled at first but really it's just because she's overly exuberant as Mickey jokes you can hear her excited squeal 3 miles away
She is also the most powerful tune in Hollywood merely because she knows everybody from the janitors to the big CEOs she may gossip at times, but she is known for treating everybody equally. She may have a giant mansion behind wrought iron gates, but even her servants, Maids Butlers, ect, are living the high life while taking care of her and Oliver
One of their Butler's retired and they asked him what he wanted to do he wanted to cruise around the world for the rest of his life so they literally paid him over $200k so he could do that
Eleanor is what we wish Billionares would be, in her world once Elon Musk dropped out of paying for the EU world hunger thing she stepped up and was like Hey I will pay it for him,
Yeah she's a force to be reckoned with her cute little thing is that if she tweaks her nose it activates her magic which she inherited from her parents, but she can do it with a hand wave,
Their second daughter is Marian born right in the middle of the divorce in 2023 although she's biologically Minnies, she doesn't see Minerva as her mother at all since she was raised like Walter with Bugs and Daffy
She is a genius when I am saying this she graduated by the age of 15 from high school she is a leader, very inquisitive, just like Mickey she likes to be challenged to solve problems,
Bugs and Daffys kids are Dorothy Eileen and Oliver a set of twins, Oliver is unique in his albinism being the only Warner toon with it
Oliver is complex as he is with Eleanor but they got together before Mickey, Bugs and Daffy did, so it really doesn't bother anybody despite the weird circumstances that they should by technicality be step siblings,
Oliver has more Daffy in him than his twin he's a gossip who knows his fashion like the back of his hand but his real specialty is Nails he's a nail tech, which is how he hears about the latest gossip in Hollywood.
Dorothy is known as Dolly and she's definitely more of bugs then Daffy, she's the one playing poker on Friday nights living a relatively calm life she's a divorcee with one child named Viola, she's suburban mom wine aunt vibes,
However the real wild card is Louis, he is a donor baby. Anyone remember Honey Bunny before Lola?
As Honey was getting less and less work from Warner, she was planning for her future which included wanting to be a single parent. She was one who wanted a kid, but not the partner. However it was the 90s and nobody would give her the chance so Bugs talked to Daffy and then donated, leading to Louis.
So Louis really wasn't connected to his other siblings as Honey raised him on her own across the country. He didn't even know Bugs was his donor until he was 18 and getting into acting,
Louis is also deaf, he was born this way this didn't change Honeys love at all for him. Fortunately by the time Walter is born in 2027 his mother has dissappeared if you don't understand she's dead because she was forgotten completely. So he does rely as an adult very much on his father's side.
As for the children between Mickey and Bugs that's Walter Fredrick, a mischievous Scamp with a penchant for trouble he's got a brilliant mind and a creative streak as big as his namesakes,
Eventually Walter even does something that no Toon has ever been able to achieve when working with animators one day he is entrusted with a project bringing a Cartoon to life, they do it thinking he can't yes they were trying to be mean
But he teaches them all a lesson when he actually brings a Toon to life, they do not know if this is a part of his gags and ability which he received from Mickey however it is still a shocking turn of events.
He prefers a quiet Studio though and a canvas he's always got paint on him somehow with his paintbrush behind his ear he's definitely like Walt in the sense of he can be larger than life but when alone he's humble gentle and kind
The other three you may see but these guys are not original characters is the Animaniacs Yakko Wakko and Dot Warner however they do have biological ties because of my headcanons and thoughts to Mickey they are his nephews and niece
They are the only three children of Oswald in Ortensia who were forcibly locked away after getting pissed off at the treatment of their family and causing the 1934 fire which took out 15 Acres of the Warner Bros Lots this is why they were locked in the tower
The damage they did was equal to 34 million nowadays. But if you ask them they will still look at you and say it was worth it,
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tatya-time · 1 year
Mamma Mia Essence!!!
Out there there is a musical little Greek island and a small hotel managed by a Retired Starlet and her daughter. Yet, The Daughter has always wondered who her real father is, as her mom has never talked about him. After going through her mother’s diary she finds out that within a span of twenty-five days, her mom had a fling with three different men and all three have the possibility to be her father! What does she do? She invites them to her upcoming wedding of course…
The Retired Starlet- Tatya Baudelaire- This Character is aged up!- A woman who used to live the wildlife of a musician, but is now a retired single mom who raised her adult daughter on a small Greek Island. She is happy to watch her daughter’s love life blossom, but perhaps her happy ending is not so far off…
The Daughter -Andromachi (@askthemanorresidents) - A sweet young woman who is soon to marry the love of her life on the island she’s always cared for. However, she’s never met her father, and her mother, The Retired Starlet, refuses to talk about him. She manages to track down names by stealing her mom’s diary. Perhaps she can figure out the truth if she invites all three of her possible dads to her wedding…
The Lost Love - Ivy Nettle (@manor-tea-time) - This character can be aged up depending on how old your OC is! - An older woman who once visited the island and met the Starlet, the two falling deeply in love. However, when The Starlet found out she was engaged, the woman was enraged and broke it off. Perhaps they will meet again someday…
The Ex Rocker - Veron O’Connor (@idv-fifis-toybox) This character can be aged up depending on how old your OC is! - An older man who was also a lover of The Starlet for a short time back in the day. In his later years, he is now a banker and returned to the island, leaving his husband back at home at the invite of a woman claiming to be his daughter…
The Sailor - OPEN - This character can be aged up depending on how old your OC is! - An older man who was another lover of The Retired Starlet in her youth for a short while. He is a well-known womanizer, but still a good friend to those he loves. Strangely enough, he recently got a letter from someone claiming to be the daughter of his past flings… (This character is implied to get into a relationship with the Celebrity Chef)
The Fiance - Jane Doe (@askthesurvivors) - A young woman who is coming into her own and soon-to-be marrying her loving fiancee. However, she is a little concerned about her schemes…
The Divorcee - OPEN - This character can be aged up depending on how old your OC is! - An old bandmate of The Retired Starlet and an Auntie of The Daughter who has come to visit for the wedding. She insists that everyone needs to live a little bit more and let go of the past.
The Celebrity Chef - Finality (@finality-and-origin) - This character can be aged up depending on how old your OC is! -Another old Bandmate of The Retired Starlet! She has a very dry sense of humor and is exceedingly independent, but deeply loves her friends. (This character is implied to get into a relationship with the Sailor)
DM me, or send me an ask asking for the part you want! I’m doing a first come first serve system for my first essence! 
Be patient with me! This is my first essence!
I will communicate with you about your character’s outfits and such! If there’s something you don’t want let me know, please!
If you don’t get the role you want, do not fret! If all of the roles are closed, I will be having an “Extras” list where your character will be drawn in the background of scenes from the essence!
The usual: Be Kind. Be courteous!
Characters will have multiple outfits for different scenes like in the movie/play! However only one will be super fancy for the essence!!!
All characters can be gender-bent (even the dads, trust me I can figure it out.)
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castellcnos · 6 months
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [RICARDO CASTELLANOS]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [PEDRO PASCAL]. You must be the [FORTY THREE] year old [DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES]. Word is you’re [INTELLIGENT] but can also be a bit [RIGID] and your favorite song is [OCEAN AVENUE BY YELLOWCARD]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [CRYSTAL COVE CONDOMINIUMS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
TW: Affair, alcohol abuse
Name: Ricardo Castellanos Gender/Pronouns: Cismale/He&Him Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual Age: 43 Birthdate: 28th August Occupation: Director of Public Services
Ricardo grew up in Dallas, Texas to a working class family. His father was an engineer while his mother prided herself on being head of the PTA at his school. Something which Ric would have rather preferred her not to be, as it made for some highly embarrassing moments, especially when he attempted his rebel phase.
In high school, he was an avid swimmer and on the track team. Despite giving off an unbothered appearance, he actually did care about his grades and was able to earn himself a scholarship to Berkeley, California. He enrolled onto the Management, Entrepreneurship, & Technology Program in hopes of one day making a name for himself, and being responsible for some change in the world.
Similar to high school, he seemed unphased about academics whilst at college and would often be found passed out around and on campus benches or barely conscious in his lectures, after too many keg competitions the night before. He became known as the party king and if you ever even suggested a get together, he would be there and probably providing the booze.
He met his college sweetheart in his third year, and they both thought it was true love. She was the only one that could out drink him, so he decided he'd marry the girl one day. And it didn't take them long, because a year after graduation, they did.
During this point, they had settled down in Aurora Bay, California, after much deliberation on finding a town that was idyllic, and could provide safety any children they chose to have to grow and thrive.
He got a job interning alongside the local government, learning everything he could in hopes of one day potentially running for mayor — simply to be on top.
However, things took a different path when several years later he was offered the role of becoming the director of public services. He didn't necessarily care too much about the botanical gardens, the parks, museums, anything else that provided joy to the people — but the money was good, and it was a step in the right direction. He'd still have some power, and he could use it to his advantage.
He wasn't a good husband, and he'd have numerous affairs. There was a time when he'd been so in love with his wife, but as the years went on, he'd grown bored and her lack of enjoyment in their relationship mirrored his, and it got to a point where they were purely just co-existing together.
However, there was still a possessiveness there. When she began coming home late herself, as he did some nights, Ric would become jealous — knowing that she'd found company, other than his desolate one.
They would argue terribly, both accusing the other of cheating and when they'd finally reached some sort of conclusion, that yes, they were both as bad as each other, they decided to file for divorce the next day.
Although he knew this was for the best, he still was saddened by the wasted years and not having someone at home waiting for him, as toxic as they were. He fell into a depression of sorts, and he'd often choose to battle his demons with a bottle of whiskey at whichever bar was willing to serve him.
He moved in with his college roommate and best friend, Ben, at Crystal Cove Condominiums, and tried to carry on as though he wasn't affected by this transition into divorcee life. But he didn't do a very good job at hiding it.
He swore to Ben that he'd only be crashing in his spare room for a month while him and his ex-wife sold their house and he found somewhere new. He paid his own way, sharing in rent and bills. But he enjoyed the company too much and before he knew it, six months had flown by and he hadn't even began researching properties to move into. He hoped Ben hadn't noticed.
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costelhateaccount · 9 months
Luna Maximoff; matchmaker extraordinaire.
A/N: yeah so I'm a quicktaser stan and wanted to do a Little Something! I firmly believe Luna deserves more love and wanted to include her so!! A parent trappy au where Luna attempts to set up her dad with her teacher! No powers au bc that's fun too uwu! I might post this elsewhere but we'll see! I wrote this in the one and on mobile, so if there's any major errors lmk!! I also had struggles doing italics on mobile, anyone else had that problem? It just highlights the whole para after I've done one word in italics and even when changing everything else BACK it just reverts back to italics?? Idk fellas
Anyway!!! Pls enjoy this self indulgent fic of Luna trying to set up Pietro and Darcy!! It's not finished and I'll prolly do a part 2 for this!
Luna Maximoff is seven years old and an expert in love, thank you very much.
She's watched basically all the Disney movies, how can't she be after that? Plus Anastasia, which is one of her absolute favourite movies of all time. Which is why, of course, she totally believes that her dad is giving Miss Lewis goo goo eyes.
Her mother and father had split up two years ago now. It had been a tumultuous marriage, doomed to fail from the very start. Her parents had loved each other, once. Before the arguing started, and then her dad leaving every other night to sleep at auntie Wanda's, and then her mother no longer wearing her wedding ring.
Custody was 50/50, with Luna spending two weeks with her mother, and then two with her father. It had been rocky, at first, with her mother demanding more time with Luna, despite the fact that she was an incredibly politician who more often than not left Luna with either a nanny or her uncle. She didn't mind too much, she still loved her mother despite the busy schedule... and her new boyfriend, the real estate agent.
He wasn't bad. Just incredibly boring. She was incredibly confused about just what her mother saw in him.
Her father, on the other hand, hasn't dated much at all. Not to her expert knowledge, of course. Her auntie Wanda, upon being grilled by a seven year old girl, just told her that her father was happy being single and focusing his attention on his job and his daughter.
Luna thought that was stupid, to be honest. Because her dad was great and deserved to be happy!
Which brings her to Miss Lewis. Her totally rad and pretty teacher, who gave them movie days every other week to "decompress" and relax, and who drew the best smiley faces on papers and tests, and who was always willing to listen and help her students as best as she can.
She used to have a boyfriend, maybe, Luna remembers her wearing a ring on her left hand like her mom and dad used to. But, as of three months ago, it had disappeared. Strange!
So, naturally, this totally means her dad should ask her out. Obviously. It's a win win! They'd both be super happy, and Luna would maybe get more of those baked goods Miss Lewis brought in for movie days.
Everybody wins!
Mr Maximoff was, in all honesty, the most painfully handsome man Darcy Lewis had ever clapped eyes upon.
Totally unprofessional thought, but who fucking cares, not like the staff didn't gossip about parents. Namely how smokin' divorcee single dad Maximoff was.
Occasionally, his sister would appear to pick up little Luna, and the woman was also drop dead gorgeous in a way that had Darcy questioning her sexuality for about an hour after pick up. What the hell was up with their gene pool? Who just IS that attractive?
But, this is Darcy Lewis. She keeps her cool, keeps professional.
Until, that is, it comes crumbling down.
His mouth is hot on hers, his hands even hotter. Pietro Maximoff is a fucking furnace and she feels as though he's setting her ablaze.
She can't bring herself to care.
It had started in a bar. Her, out celebrating her BFF Jane's engagement to totally hot Scandi Thor. Him, stood up on some date.
Laughable, really. How the hell do you stand up-
A soft moan escapes her as Pietro tugs on her hair to tilt her head back, moving his kisses down from her lips to her neck.
"Do you think we should be doing this?" she asks, clutching onto his shoulders- good god they're broad- and meeting his eyes with her own wide ones. "Objectively, it's probably not very smart of me to sleep with one of my students parents-"
"Probably not," he agrees, humming against her throat. "But we're both mature adults, are we not? I think we can keep this between ourselves-"
At her silence, he pulls back, eyes searching her face. God, they're so blue.
His hands leave her waist. "Unless you don't want-?"
At that, she pulls him closer, nudging her nose against his. "Oh, I want," she assures him, nodding her head. "That's not up for debate, far from it, I'll be kicking myself in the teeth if I don't-"
"I think I get the picture, no need for teeth kicking," he says, mirth shining in his eyes as he returns his hands to her waist, thumbs rubbing gentle circles against her skin.
Sweet jesus.
"So?" He prompts, giving her a lopsided smile.
"Yeah," she nods, giving his lips a peck. "Yeah, we're doing this, oh my god-" she breathes, squeaking at the nip to her neck. "You're such a tease." she pouts, being met with a cheeky grin as she pulls him by the shirt and walks backwards to her bedroom.
"You like that I am, no?"
"It keeps a lady on her toes, has to be said." Darcy snorts, sitting on the bed once she feels the back of her knees hit it.
Pietro grins down at her, brushing his fingers along her jaw. "Good," he drops to his knees, reaching out to help her shimmy out of her skirt. "I hate to be predictable." He informs her, hooking his thumbs underneath her underwear and sliding them down her legs, promptly tossing them to some corner of her bedroom.
"I think it goes against your nature," Darcy says, breathless, as he's currently kissing his way up her thighs.
He looks up at her from between her legs, a smirk curling on his lips. "Quite."
Something is strange.
Luna squints at Miss Lewis, who seems to be avoiding looking at her in particular as she finishes up the lesson for the day. Something something about multiplication.
She's more curious about whatever is going on with her teacher.
Luna is excellent at reading people, always has been. A peculiar little talent of hers that often times came in handy.
The bell rings, and slowly, she starts packing away her things, as Miss Lewis informs them of homework and tells them to have a good weekend.
Luna slowly puts away her scented colouring pencils, narrowing her eyes as Miss Lewis's eyes dart to her before skipping over to the rest of the class.
"Miss Lewis!" she pipes up as she slings her backpack over her shoulders, marching her way over to Miss Lewis's desk.
"Luna," the woman smiles, but it's almost... panicky. Interesting. "What can I help you with?"
"My parents night slip is done." Luna informs her, beaming and proudly brandishing the envelope.
"Oh, super!" the woman smiles, taking it from her and scanning over the contents for a moment. "Your mom's coming, that's-"
"Cool, right? She got time off for it!" Luna beams, rocking back and forth on her heels.
Miss Lewis nods, smiling fondly at her. "It is. You can show her that painting you've been working on, can't you? I bet she'll totes dig the rainbow glitter."
"You think?"
"Who wouldn't?" Miss Lewis retorts, arching a brow. Luna nods, as duh, everyone should love rainbow glitter.
"Miss Lewis," Luna begins again, tilting her head. "You've been ac-"
"Luna?" Her father calls out from the doorway, arms crossed and a bemused smile on his lips. "What we said about keeping Miss Lewis back with the bucket of questions?"
"Oh, I don't mind!" the woman quickly interjects, giving Luna another smile. "You come up with the wildest things, Luna, keeps me on my toes."
"Much like she does at home, then," her father sighs, but there's a smile on his face, one which Luna returns. Shortly, she looks back at Miss Lewis, furrowing her brow as the woman looks almost... flushed.
"Are you okay?" she asks, bluntly, and Miss Lewis blinks at her, startled.
"Just hot, is all."
Luna squints at her, glancing to the snow falling softly outside. Right.
She looks to her dad, seeing if he has caught onto the lie too, only... his cheeks are also a shade darker, his eyes not quite on Miss Lewis.
Adults. What weirdos.
"Come on, Luna," her father hums, holding out his hand. She eagerly skips her way over, clinging onto his arm. "Your aunt is making dinner tonight."
"Yeah!" she cheers, because Auntie Wanda is the best cook she knows. "Bye Miss Lewis!"
"Bye, Luna. See you next Monday, remember your homework this time, kay?"
"She'll get it done," her father says, looking to Miss Lewis again. "Promise. You'll have no problems with her."
Miss Lewis's lips twitch into a little grin. "Oh, I rarely do. But I can't spoil the contents of parents night, what else will I have to talk about?"
Her father snorts, running his hand through his hair. Miss Lewis's eyes follow the hand, and Luna squints again.
"Then I shan't dig for too many spoilers. Now! Let's go, Luna. Miss Lewis." He nods at his daughter's teacher, and Luna waves, following her father out of the door. There's a muffled thump behind them, and what sounds like Miss Leeis talking to herself. Luna glances up at her father, pausing at the odd smile on his lips.
Seriously, adults are strange.
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inky-duchess · 2 years
hello ! i have three questions and an additional one for the second: one, what do you call the nephew of a king through his sister and said nephew is a Duke whose father just passed, would he still be addressed by his title as duke?
two, can the nephew, who has not been married before, marry a widow or a divorcée though she does not have any children from her previous marriage? also, if it is allowed, how would she be addressed if ever the nephew’s wife had a title before?
last but not the least, if the nephew got betrothed to an heiress with a title and an enormous amount of fortune, what could possibly happen if they were to be married?
all of these are set in the regency era. thank you !!
He is Duke. As a son of a female child of a monarch, he is not permitted the style of Prince. He is His Grace, Duke of X.
He could marry a widow without much fuss. A divorcee on the other hand, is trickier. As long as there are no laws barring him from marrying her and he has his aunt's permission as Queen, he can marry her. She would be Her Grace, Duchess of X.
They would carry both titles and be massively wealthy.
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
time passes
I write this when I should be writing the new chapter of RJ, which is called "Families". In my little family, we're spending the Sunday like this: my boyfriend—my partner, my love—is playing the guitar in his studio, and the music fills our home and mixes with the chirping of the birds outside and the sun that glazes through the windows. I am in my own studio, dark except for the light in the screen of my computer, in a—futile—attempt to preserve some of the cold of the room. Our cat lays in the hallway, after biting (I hope it doesn't get infected. I can't bear another infection). He seems calmed, or bored.
But, yesterday, I got to join my other family, too—the one that made me grown and think and took care of me for more than twenty years. My younger sister was graduating. I couldn't attend (covid specifications, only two people) but my father, who lives three hours away from us and almost never comes to the capital, took the train and spent Friday in my home he hadn't seen so that he could be on the graduation first thing in the morning. It was strange, welcoming him to our new flat that we've been living in for two years but he had only seen in pictures. Making him meet our cat, too. His authoritarian façade probably scared the cat, because he ignored my father—to our luck.
Yesterday morning, I went with my father to my mom's and sister's, to pick them up. I had things to do in their neighborhood, too. My dad entered their (also new) flat, and my mom and him commented on how it was while we joked about my sister getting ready.
They went to the graduation and in the middle of the morning I received a picture with my sister wearing the band, surrounded by my mom and dad. We had lunch together—the four of us, and my boyfriend and my sister's boyfriend. The six. And it was a family.
We have always been, I guess. I am one of those lucky people to have divorced parents who still call each other, get worried for the other. Sometimes, they're stuck with financial misunderstandings, and granted, their relationship as divorcees hasn't always been easy. But even if they have their own separate lives, now, they have been trying, endlessly, always.
That's the key to family, maybe. To keep on trying, even if you don't wanna see them. To not lose their respect, to speak things out. I do this with them both, too. They've never been ones to share what they think, but I try to take them out of them, so that they understand—you've been the ones taking care of me, but I am grown-up, too, now you can rely on me as well.
I have been blessed by incredible, hard-working, reliable, understanding, prone to respect parents. When they divorced, and I was a teenager, I was angry the first time they met in Christmas, and I remember writing in my blog on how "they were pretending to still be a family". How wrong I was—how utterly wrong—to think that it was pretend. They had always been a family. But families are also torn apart for some years, they reunite, they get back together or never at all. But family is always there, despite the circumstances (or this is how I understand family.)
Also, in another news, we kinda sporadically decided a name if our baby is a girl. No, I'm not pregnant. No, we're not trying. But it somehow clicked. He said: "Emma". And I said: "Yep, that's it." Until I'm pregnant and I have to decide, there are still several years. But, somehow, yesterday was also the clearest time—while not the first—I could envision another little family.
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anniecstark · 2 years
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Introduction Post
Name: Anna Cecelia Stark
Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender woman, she/her/hers
Date of Birth: May 25, 1993
Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington, United States
Current Location: Barton Point, Maine, United States
Positive Traits: Independent, Logical, Resilient
Negative Traits: Arrogant, Secretive, Vain
If you ask Annie about her past, the answer you’ll receive will be far from the truth. She’ll tell you she’s from Tucson, Arizona, and that she’s an only child whose parents died in a plane crash when she was in her first year of college. She’ll tell you that she was married and divorced, and that she left Arizona to get away from her cheating piece of shit ex-husband. She’ll talk about how she’s always wanted to live in a coastal town, but the west coast was too expensive for a jobless divorcee and she wanted to escape the southern heat waves, so Maine felt like a great option to her. However, the truth of her past is much, much darker. 
Anastasia Ivanovna Belyaev was born in Seattle, Washington, to Ivan Belyaev and Anya Belyaeva. Growing up, she and her three brothers never knew exactly what their father did for a living, but they knew that his job was the reason they lived in a nice house and got everything they ever wanted. They also knew better than to question him, lest he get violent. Ivan was violent towards the Belyaev kids regardless, but the less they questioned him and his authority, the safer they were. By the time Anastasia turned sixteen, she was well aware that her father was engaged in drug and arms trafficking for the Russian mafia and had been since the 1980′s. By that time, her two older brothers, Mikhail and Yuri, were following in their father’s footsteps. Anya tried to shield Anastasia and her younger brother, Lev, from the grim reality of Ivan’s “job,” but Anastasia was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Once she was an adult, she began dealing drugs supplied to her by her father and brothers. She became a popular supplier amongst college students and socialites. 
When she was twenty-four, Anastasia met the first and (so far) only love of her life, Benito Vasquez. Benny was a bartender with tattoos, a motorcycle, and a hatred for authority. Anastasia thought he was arrogant upon first meeting him, but soon enough, the two entered into a whirlwind romance. For the first few years, she was hesitant to introduce Benny to her family--she knew they would disapprove of her dating anyone who wasn’t Russian--but two and a half years into the relationship, after they moved in together, she could no longer keep it a secret. Following the discovery of the relationship, Ivan plotted to remove Benny from the picture; meanwhile, Benny and Annie plotted to leave the family business behind, and start new lives in another state. Unfortunately for the young lovers, Ivan’s plan was triumphant. 
On February 1, 2021, while they were asleep in their apartment, a mob hitman broke in and shot the young lovers in their sleep. Annie came out of the ordeal with only a bullet in the shoulder, but Benny’s wounds were fatal. A few days later, at her father’s warehouse, she overheard a conversation between her father and cousin, discussing how their plan had been successful. Once she knew who was responsible for the heinous act that took her lover away, Annie had no other choice than to burn the whole operation down. Taking down a drug and arms trafficking ring wasn’t an easy task. As much as she hated the authorities, she had to get them involved. After giving the Seattle Police Department, Federal Bureau of Investigations, and Drug Enforcement Administration all the information she could, they got her in contact with the U.S. Marshals Service to get her enrolled in the Witness Security Program. Once the arrests were made and the trial concluded in July 2022, Annie officially adopted her new identity as Anna Cecelia Stark and, thanks to the Marshals, faked her death and relocated to Barton Point, Maine, a small town where no one from her former life would likely ever find her. 
Connections || Character Questionnaire
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butwhatifitis · 9 days
A mysterious damsel in her 30s venting about her life in #secret. The #manifestations. The #love. The #situationship. The #heartbreaks. The #healing. The #mania. All in little snippets. #TTPD has inspired the spilling of my real life because maybe, just maybe, someone can relate.
BACK STORY - Mom. Divorcee. Two kids. Who can handle her shit and always comes back from the lowest of the low like a phoenix. No parents, grandparents or siblings. Raised by a beautiful single mother who has passed on. My father is non-existent in my life, but lives 5 minutes away. Ex-husband was a controlling, narcissistic emotional abuser but we’ve learned to co-parent well after time.
Here we go. I met someone who has added so much happiness to my life but has also broken my heart more than once. We met four years ago but COVID killed the opportunity to be together. After a year of no communication, he found me again at random. This time? It was beautiful. The only way to describe how much he means to me is…home. A short 8 months later, he ended things with what I’ve come to know now as excuses. He’s never left his childhood home. The man has commitment issues. My suspicions are he can’t picture a future with his living situation with anyone. No matter how much he wants them..so he runs. He doesn’t keep exes around, but I’m the exception. It’s a true definition of a situationship. #imgonnagetyouback is quite literally applied to my “ship” as I’ve been #downbad for quite some time. He decided last year that he had found someone that he wanted to give a real chance to and he couldn’t do that with how we are. He told me this the morning after my first suicide attempt. No, he didn’t know. I was already broken, but that obliterated me. I was already no longer in control of my mind or body. Ive hid my manic depression very, very well to everyone in my life. I wore an invisible mask daily. I tried again after I begged him not to stop being my friend...but I’m still here.
Those three months of no communication were one of the worst times of my life. He never left my mind. I thought I was delusional because if he felt the same way as I do…how could he leave me safe and stranded? I convinced myself he hated me, that I annoyed him and was a burden. It was the only way I could cope. But he came back, admitting I was always on his mind. That his feelings for me had never left and were so strong he couldn’t have a real relationship with me in his life. Our #alchemy wasn’t just my imagination. Our attempt to be back together failed because I had a close friend that I considered a sister betray me. Things I’d told her in confidence were told to him behind my back. The drama of that situation was too much. But we never stopped talking. Let’s fast forward to the present.
I’ve met lifelong friends because of him. His mother loves me and I love her. His sister is now my best friend after starting to work with me. Due to this, we see each other quite often. We dance with our hands tied constantly. We’re playful in front of everyone but oh…if you could only see what happens when they aren’t looking. #Illicitaffairs can be applied as well. The longing and stolen stares are incredibly real. But we’re both seeing other people (nothing official…just dating so far) and I’ve come to my own crossroads after being able to see the other side of him that I’d never seen before. The at home life. I love him and I’ve told him this once. He didn’t say it back all that time ago but damnit I know in my bones he loves me and it scares him because being with me pushes him out of what he’s known and is comfortable with. I’m independent, strong willed and have my own home that I manage well. Hes never done what we consider normal. I’m intimidating it seems. The person I’m seeing is everything I’ve wanted and could picture developing into something great but it’s hurts so much that he could…no I absolutely know…he will realize what he’s lost once I fully commit to this new man. That what if is what keeps me apprehensive but I can’t wait anymore. I have no more sad in me. He will always be in my life which is why this is so hard and hurts but this new man deserves to be treated so, so good.
…okay I’m done for now. I need to touch grass and be social. We will continue pouring out my soul soon.
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