#he'll definitely divorce him...... any day now
cemetery14 · 3 months
its mayuzumis idea to marry akashi cause "the money will be good in the divorce"
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kokomos · 11 months
au! no apocalypse abby anderson relationship headcanons
tags: no outbreak, college student abby, fluff
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+ The beginning of Abby's life started out like one from the movies. For a while, life for the Andersons was perfect, until her mother tragically passed away. It was a shock to the whole family, but Abby barely remembered the woman by the time she had turned four and those few memories were now lost for good.
+ Since Jerry raised her by himself, practically since birth, Abby evidently lacked a mother figure. There were the other kids' moms but not one she could call her own. The fact that she had no mother hadn't bothered her much before, actually she rarely ever thought about that part of her life. Until middle school when she hit puberty and Jerry realized that no amount of effort he put in could match that of a woman, someone who knew exactly what Abby was going through. Consequently, Marlene started coming around more to help out; Jerry regarded her as his closest friend and believed she would be a good role model for his daughter.
+ Abby went on to pursue medicine, more specifically surgery but she's still wondering which branch. It's leaning towards neurological surgery, the same as her father.
+ Aside from her medical studies, she plays for the college's lacrosse team. Needless to say, she's the best on the team. Teammates love her, coaches, student fans... Hell even the other team can't help but practically swoon over her. She's just so naturally charismatic and considerate, it doesn't matter if she's on the field. You can catch her checking up on the other players to ask how they're feeling or to give them borderline unwarranted praise. It's just a game at the end of the day, and although she wants to win, enjoying the sport with everyone is more important.
+ You and Abby literally run into each other when meeting for the first time. She's rushing to class because for the one time ever she's late; when suddenly she turns a corner and bumps right into you. For some reason, she disregards all previous efforts in favor of asking you out.
+ She lives at home with her dad, opting to commute rather than dorm. Given that it's been just the two of them for so long, leaving Jerry behind would fill her with too much guilt. Abby doesn't care about living away from campus, especially since Jerry respects her and every part of her life, even the parts he may disapprove of.
+ Don't let Jerry catch you with Abby when she's skipping class. Once or twice is a lapse in judgement, but any more is a pattern and it'll make him think you're a bad influence. He'll scold her in front of you, no shame.
+ Jerry secretly enjoys your presence in the house, noticing how it seems more full of life when you're over. Try to study with Abby, medical terminology is the easiest to help with being that it requires nothing but a term and definition to teach. A couple flashcards later and Jerry will practically give you his blessing.
+ Speaking of, she can't wait to get married. It's something she's dreamed of since she was a little girl; to be so in love with someone that you decide you'll be together for the rest of your joint lives... It was a cute belief until she learned about divorce. Still, she remains overly optimistic in terms of love, believing that whoever she's meant to be with will find her.
+ And you, you really make her happy. She's always been a joyful individual but you've taken that tendency to new extremes.
+ Abby uses old-fashioned dating moves like the ones she's observed from all the classics her dad made her watch in order to 'educate' her. Out of the blue, she'll show up on your doorstep with flowers and chocolate; it's a timeless gift. Takes you on surprise dates when you let her. One time she took it too far and surprised you with dinner to some high-end restaurant you've been wanting to try. Thoughtful idea with an awful execution since you didn't dress for the occasion at all. She didn't even notice until you pointed it out, she was too busy looking at your pretty face to care about anything else.
+ Does not let you pay for stuff! Jerry gave her a card under his name when she turned 18 because he wanted Abby to have total focus on her education and extracurriculars (alongside an active social life). He trusts her completely and knows she's not the type to abuse his kindness by making useless and/or expensive purchases.
+ Dates with you are a necessity, though; it's a weekly thing the two of you committed to within the first month of getting together. Abby thinks it's crucial to set aside one night to eat together face-to-face, she finds the whole ordeal intimate and domestic in an unexpected way.
+ It's probably a month or two in the relationship that she asks if you want to spend the night. In the morning she's almost begging you to sleep over again that night, telling you she'll order in your favorite food and the two of you can watch a movie before a fuck cuddle sesh.
+ The smartest gf ever, she likes keeping you informed on the subjects she's learning about in class. It actually helps increase some of your medical knowledge just by being around her, she's a natural teacher after all.
+ She tries to see you as much as she can around her busy schedule. If she can't see you that day she calls and texts when she's got a second to be on her phone; And she always makes up for lost time. After a quick reunion, she'll lock the two of you in her room for hours, letting you know exactly just how much she missed you.
+ Abby has a bright future ahead of her in this world, one she plans on sharing with you.
— ♡☆
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mothercetrion · 9 months
it's Johnshi time (again!). here's the OTP meme I used. brief mentions of MK1 story spoilers in answers for 3, 9, 17, and 19. enjoy!
1) who can outdrink the other? Kenshi. Johnny has had his fair share of alcohol, but Kenshi built up a tolerance for it while he was in the Yakuza. now, unless it's something incredibly strong, he can hold his own longer than Johnny can.
2) who says “I love you” more? Johnny. he's better with his words and is very vocal about how he feels. he tells Kenshi he loves him at least three times a day without fail. Kenshi loves the assurance <3
3) who has trouble sleeping alone? Johnny. he can sleep alone, but it just takes longer. it's because he was in a relationship for quite a long time before his divorce and went from sleeping with his wife every night to having an empty bed. it's an adjustment, and then it's a blessing once Kenshi starts sleeping over.
4) who swears more? JOHNNY. good god, Johnny swears constantly. Kenshi swears on occasion, but it's rarely more than something like "damn" or "ass" whereas Johnny probably says "fuck" and "shit" every single day.
5) who does more of the housework? Kenshi. Johnny generally keeps a tidy space, as does Kenshi, but Kenshi is more likely to clean up if needed. Johnny isn't lazy, just busy, so he almost always helps if he's home.
6) who forgets their anniversary? Johnny. his memory is nearly impeccable until it comes to a specific date, and then he struggles. if he's reminded, like with a calendar or a notification in his phone, then he's good.
7) who steals the duvet in their sleep? it is an intense brawl every night until Johnny invests in a massive blanket. even then, the brawl continues, and it's usually started by Kenshi. Johnny will wake up to barely any blanket and Kenshi nearly fully covered from head to toe. he calls foul!
8) who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring? Kenshi; Johnny doesn't really snore. he's not consistently snoring, but he can get pretty loud sometimes. thankfully, Johnny got used to it quickly.
9) who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them? Kenshi has never had a pet before and wants one so badly. I love the idea of Johnny growing up with cats, though he doesn't have one now, but he imagines that he will have one very soon. Kenshi always pets stray cats if he sees them when he's out somewhere. (Johnny has a parakeet according to an intro with Rain, so he lets Kenshi hang out with her a lot. Kenshi adores her <3 and she definitely seems to like him too, always chirping like crazy when he's over.)
10) who usually makes dinner? Johnny. he loves cooking and is very good at it. Kenshi doesn't know much about cooking but Johnny is always happy to teach him.
11) who plays their music out loud? Johnny. if he's working out at home or cooking, he'll play music on a Bluetooth speaker. their music tastes mostly align, so Kenshi has no problem with it.
12) who hogs the bathroom? Johnny. this man's skin routine is in-depth and lengthy. it's no wonder he looks so damn good! Kenshi's bathroom routine is usually short unless he needs to shave, then it can take some time. even then, Johnny takes longer.
13) who gives the most compliments? Johnny. again, he is a lot more vocal about how he feels, and he will gladly shower Kenshi with compliments, ranging from his abilities to his looks (heavily on the looks; Kenshi is damn sexy!). he always knows just what to say to get Kenshi to blush.
14) skipping
15) who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public? Johnny will unintentionally embarrass Kenshi with the attention he gets in public alone. Kenshi does not like the intense public attention; he's not built for the celebrity life. Johnny understands that and knows it's not for everyone, so he won't ever embarrass him on purpose, but it still happens from time to time, and he's always sorry. however, if they're not in public, Johnny will do and say anything to get Kenshi embarrassed.
16) who gives the other cringeworthy pet names? Johnny. he loves calling Kenshi something absolutely ridiculous and seeing his reaction to it. he sticks with "Ken doll" or just his name for the most part, but every now and then, he'll change it up.
17) who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick? while they will both take care of one another, Johnny is more likely to get fussy with Kenshi. we saw in the story for MK1 that when Kenshi is vulnerable and injured, he takes on a softer voice and is a lot more gentle than I would argue he is normally. the same applies when Kenshi is feeling under the weather. he's bad to get up and wander around, and Johnny is always there to help him back to bed. he'll sit on the bed with him with a cold rag and keep him company until he falls asleep, holding his hand the entire time. Kenshi doesn't like carrying Sento around when he feels sick, so Johnny has to give him an extra hand. he's thankfully very patient and would do anything Kenshi needs him to do!
18) who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long? Kenshi. he loves Johnny more than anyone in the world, and there's very little that Johnny could do to make him angry for too long. Johnny isn't perfect, and he does stupid things often, but Kenshi hates being mad at him. they try to be strong communicators when things go south.
19) who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared? when Kenshi has a nightmare, often about his blinding or their brief time in Shang Tsung's laboratory, or possibly even something he went through when he was part of the Yakuza, he needs to know that Johnny is there with his own senses. he is usually panicking and frazzled, and all he wants is Johnny. he will hold him as tightly as possible until what he's feeling eases up, and even then, he refuses to let go for quite some time. Johnny would let him hold on forever.
20) who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…) Kenshi. he's always touching Johnny in some way, whether it's hand-holding, a hand on his shoulder, or a gentle hand on his face when they're kissing. his use of touch is something he takes seriously, and it's important for him to utilize touch to bond with Johnny. Johnny absolutely loves it when Kenshi has his hands on him and will gladly let Kenshi do what he wants.
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freyito · 6 months
Let’s see those Johnshi headcanons
MEEEE ??? YOU WANNA HEAR MYYYYYY JOHNSHI HEADCANONS?? (specifically asked for people to ask about them) TWIRLS HAIR...
anyways. building off the fact that I headcanon Johnny as Jewish... he's jewish by blood, right? like mother dearest was jewish (and we know hes got daddy issues...) but didnt really like practice much? like Chanukah was about as far as she'd go. HOWEVER. Johnny carries her Matzoh Ball Soup recipe with him at all times. Like it's a little faded list of ingredients in a lockbox with his social security card and birth certificate or something lmfao.
Johnny's got such a mediocre grip on cooking. But obviously you can't just live off of takeout and fancy restaurants your entire life. Johnny also really enjoys cooking but he also thinks cooking together is like real intimate and just a fun date. Kenshi and Johnny have definitely tried to cook together ONCE with Sento by so Kenshi can see... but then Kenshi like nicked his finger and Johnny freaked out so Johnny decided that was that. He'll cook Matzoh Ball soup for Kenshi like once a week but especially during the colder months cause it reminds him of the good parts of his childhood.
Johnny actually really loved Chanukah as a kid cause it was like a second christmas, so he celebrates it every year. The first Chanukah with Kenshi, Johnny was like super giddy... history nerd 100% so Johnny will like hype it up and tell him why Chanukah is important all day until finally it's time to light the candles!!! And Johnny doesn't know like ANY HEBREW... besides the Chanukah chant. Kenshi loves it when Johnny speaks in different languages (I imagine he knows a little cause of his career, but also like he's not fluent in like any of them) so to hear Johnny speak in Hebrew, Kenshi is like !!! WOAH!!! Probably asks Johnny to repeat it again and again...
[Spoilers for Johnny and Kenshi's Tower Ending] Johnny definitely bought Kenshi's groceries a LOT after coming back from outworld. Yeah yeah, they were most definitely in different countries but nothing a little modern day technology can't fix. Johnny also 100% pays Kenshi "surprise visits". Will drop way too much money on a ticket to Japan, do MORE shopping for Kenshi there, then show up at his door. Will also visit Kenshi at work as well, since I assume with both Johnny and Kenshi have such busy schedules, being a director and a OIA agent, they don't get much time together.
On that note, eventually when Johnny's whole divorce is settled and he's on his way to like a third Mortal Kombat movie and an animated film or something, Kenshi requests a transfer to California. Goes through EASILY, and that's when they start living together. By then, Johnny's gotten much better at cooking and like cooks for Kenshi whenever he can.
WE ALL KNOW Johnny's a certified yapper. And Kenshi's a listener, specifically for him. Kenshi will bring up stuff Johnny's said once upon a time and Johnny's like "you remembered!!!" cause not a lot of people really listen to Johnny...
Also. Johnny's got daddy issues. Kenshi's got mommy issues. They complete eachother.
I think a lot of people brush over the fact that Kenshi's definitely fuckin loaded too. Like he was a Yakuza, and now he's a government agent. He's got MONEY MONEY MONEY. So all the time after everything, Kenshi would send over gifts upon gifts to Johnny. They gradually decline in price. Not because he's getting cheaper, no! Kenshi's not much of a gift giver but I can imagine he feels pretty bad for Johnny cause he KNOWS Johnny STILL feels guilty about Kenshi losing his eyesight. Kenshi also believes the small things matter the most, and he starts sending over little things that remind him of Johnny. Only when he moves in with Johnny is when he stops gift giving. But we'll get to why later.
Neither are super picky with their food. But, Johnny hates tomatoes and pickles on burgers. Kenshi will eat them regardless. So Johnny purposefully makes sure that tomatoes and pickles are on whatever burgers he gets. (OLIVE THEORYYYY)
Also since I hced both w/ depression... Johnny normally just kind of. Can't function during hard episodes. He really just prefers to stay in bed and let it pass, cry it out a little. Kenshi on the other hand NEEDS something to do cause it helps him get it out, and he's got a pretty active mind, so a distraction is always needed. So Kenshi LOVES cleaning for Johnny during his episodes, he'll get so much laundry done, everything will like practically spotless. And it kind of helps Johnny's mood get better, too.
Kenshi sets aside like at least a week a month when he has time off to just. live life without Sento, if that makes sense? He'll set Sento aside and just deal with life with a cane, he doesn't mind it like at all. He wants to get comfortable with a cane as well because for very very very obvious reasons he can't bring Sento with him everywhere. Face Mapping also. Like every night. Johnny might complain a little cause Kenshi does it so often but he really loves it. Kenshi's got Johnny's face down, like absolutely down. But does it regardless cause he KNOWS Johnny loves it.
I'm still like 90% sure Kenshi is insecure of his tattoos but doesn't talk about them like at all and I mean I think he's pretty comfortable about his past completely. We hear him joke about it for fucks sake. But he does have a habit of covering up what he can of his tattoos. So on the days where Kenshi's just wearing like a tanktop or even no shirt at all, Johnny's all over his arms tracing his tattoos. Like they will be trapped laying on the couch for HOURS. Cause Johnny has to finish tracing EVERY INCH of Kenshi's tattoos. Kenshi won't ever admit that he likes it. And it's not like... erotic either. It's soft and tender. Johnny's just kind of fascinated. (Johnny also probably will take off his shirt like "now trace mine". he will always and forever have his name tattooed across his chest in my heart)
Their love resembles Ludus (Playful Love) the most. They definitely have some pretty tender and passionate moments, but I think Johnny just in general sets the tone for the relationship. Even if Kenshi is more Pragma (Enduring Love) aligned. Johnny kind of lets his humor take the lead, and Kenshi kind of enjoys it.
When Kenshi moved in, he brought Johnny some konpeitō. Johnny was hooked. Now Johnny has like 3 1lbs packs in the cabinets.
Kenshi 100% has a guide dog. And Johnny dotes on that thing and spoils that thing like a motherfucker...
And finally. After like atleast a year and a half of them living together, Kenshi proposes. Johnny HAD a ring and was ready to propose but he was so worried about it and about the time and he let his nerves get the best of him each and every time. Kenshi doesn't make it a big show... probably after a nice dinner and maybe some dancing. But he definitely set the whole day up. Johnny tries so hard not to cry at his proposal.
anyways. gay losers.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
if one wants to read most of the (primary-tertiary) team members + affiliates as queer/queer adjacent, which I do for the heck of it:
obviously colin and trent are gay. will's just had his first threesome. keeley's been openly bi for awhile
ted's figuring himself out later in life, after thinking he was straight for a long time and now firmly divorced. higgins surprises everyone by casually mentioning he had a thing with a guy way back before he got married and of course his wife knows. jamie's been feeling more confident as a bisexual man (did keeley know is the question) once his dad is out of the picture. roy's been pushing that shit down for years, because he's slightly older than the rest of the players and his time was way more mired in homophobia than even today
isaac's questioning some things, mainly if all this dating and sex is really as interesting as the football. bumbercatch is unclear, since he just goes on a rant about how current-day sexuality and gender are constructs that need to be torn down and rebuilt in order to fight capitalist colonialist fascism. zoreaux/van damme mostly agrees with bumbercatch and high-fives him. montlaur says that he doesn't discriminate, because sex is a beautiful thing with any model. dani rojas semi-misunderstands montlaur and agrees with a "love is love, no matter who it is with" and he definitely had an intense homoerotic friendship in mexico (he relates to almodóvar films)
the rest of the team for the most part are unclear, due to the fact that most of them decide to give their queer credentials at the exact same time in response to colin's coming out, but the cacophony is cheerful
which leaves beard, rebecca, nate, and sam. I kind of like the idea of beard being someone who's confidently straight, because he went out and gave sex with men a go. he's also got that cis+ thing going for him, in that once he learned about trans theory he read all the books and was like. "hmm" for a couple of days, before going "yeah, bein a dude is good for me." rebecca is mostly straight, but if the right girl came along (the right girl would be butch + in her 40s-60s, because really what she's into is competency and a certain kind of masculinity) + she and sassy used to casually make out sometimes. nate is a flipping mess in terms of self-awareness, he could go any way at this point in his life. has he stared at a footballer for longer than is considered "strictly chill"? maybe, but he'll never tell
sam is straight, but he's the one who gets everyone's shit together and organises the pride work they do, because he's also the guy who inspires the rest of the team to get fucking organised (next to jamie)
jan maas is also straight. maybe. who knows - the rest of the team think, considering what was experienced in amsterdam - if any dutch people are straight...
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heartscrypt · 10 months
Hii! I have a question about your thoughts on jamiazu.
Do you think that Azul would ever be able to confess any romantic feelings for Jamil? If so, how? And if not, would they be able to get together in any other way?
Sorry if this is a weird question, just curious.
thanks for your question! it is SO not weird at all i really enjoy stuff like this. actually i am going to go on a huge ramble that goes on a little tangent so like. LONG POST AHEAD!!!! be warned!!!!!
anyways. azul is always confessing his romantic feelings for jamil whether he knows it or not. in every interaction. because he's so damn obvious. hope this helps LOL
in all seriousness though. i really like to think that azul is kind of cursed to be a hopeless romantic despite it going against all of his pragmatic sense. i mean. he's a child of divorce who hates leaving things up to chance and he believes in getting something back whenever he gives something away. being head over heels with someone goes against his whole nature, so i think it's definitely a new thing for him. he won't recognize that his feelings are romantic right away because he'll be too busy trying to justify to himself why he's investing so much time and energy into a guy that Clearly wants nothing to do with him and won't give him the time of day. its business, guys, i swear.... stonks.....
i think once he does come to terms with it though. it starts leaking through in Every Interaction he has w/jamil. in every encounter, azul basically ends up saying I Love You without actually ever speaking it out loud. whether it's through his actions (like getting jamil gifts / offering to help out without any genuine expectation of repayment) or or his words (like implying things about them being good together / complimenting jamil excessively). things he did before he realized, but they just have so much more Weight to them now that he Knows he likes the other in a very Non-Platonic-Business-Partners way. he doesn't intend for it to have that emotional weight but its fucking impossible for him to hide and he does NOT know what to do with himself.
he keeps pushing forward regardless because some part of him hopes that his feelings will reach jamil but he also does it with the expectation that jamil will push back like he always has and that's completely fine by him because never actually directly admitting that these feelings are romantic means that the rejections also stay platonic and that is. Way easier to bounce back from. because god forbid jamil sees at who he is behind all the walls he's put up to protect his most vulnerable and emotional self and ends up hating the real azul too.
tl;dr: i don't think azul would go out of his way to make a real, honest confession of his feelings. but he's so obvious it actually hurts to watch
ok so. as for jamiazu get-together:
maybe im like super biased b/c im a sucker for narratives that involve jamil learning to shake his passivity and going ahead and Taking what he wants. but i always think that any scenario where jamiazu gets together has to be initiated by jamil somehow. azul can make the first move and several moves after that but jamil has to be the one to make the Final move if that makes sense.
i don't have like. one set get-together scenario but i have a couple that i like to rotate in my head sometimes. most of them involve azul being a failgirl and getting caught off guard because i think it's funny and jamil also thinks it's funny. here are two for your viewing pleasure:
azul makes a pass at jamil that is romantic-coded but could be interpreted as platonic. jamil seizes the opportunity to turn it Explicitly into a romantic thing and fluster azul to no end about it.
azul: there's a new tasting menu at the mostro lounge if you'd like to come with me and try, i'd love to see what your discerning palette makes of it ^__^!
jamil, very casually: yeah sure. why not. i'll go on a date with you
azul, who did NOT expect a yes so his head is about to explode in t-minus 5 seconds: oh, uh. that's .fantastic, actually— wait. ....DATE?!?!?;!?
jamil corners azul and admits romantic feelings first. bonus points if it's a situation where any romantic confession would be incredibly out of the blue. and the way that jamil says it is like dropping a bomb on azul
like in potions lab. azul's concentrating very hard on pouring an exact amount of a substance. jamils watching him and at some point out of nowhere he breaks the silence in between them by going "i think i like you. in the romantic sense". azul's concentration snaps immediately and he fumbles the beaker into the cauldron out of sheer WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. it explodes in both of their faces. they both have no chance to address what jamil said because crewel is chewing them out for the next 15 minutes about lab safety. during the entire 15 minutes azul looks like he's been hit over the head with several bricks. Repeatedly. jamil's smirking the whole time though he dgaf. takes pleasure in flustering azul
anyways. im insane about these guys ♥️ if you stuck around and read the entire post im really sorry for writing so much i just have a lot of thoughts
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distort-opia · 1 year
What is your ideal ghostbat dynamic?
Oh it's definitely the thrice-divorced snarky middle-aged men performing intricate rituals thing they currently got going on.
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Batman 2022 Annual
Bruce Wayne, being a character with almost a century of history, has beein paired with so many individuals. There's a lot of relationships he's formed over time, but a particularly interesting type is the people-who-knew-him-before-Batman category. Harvey Dent, Thomas Eliot, Zatanna Zatara, Talia al Ghul... and now Minhkhoa Khan. Obviously, quite a lot of these characters ended up as unequivocal villains Batman has had to fight (Two-Face, Hush) while Zatanna remained a childhood-friend-and-almost-lover. Talia and Khoa are more complicated; they're definitely not heroes, not exactly on the same side as Bruce. But they aren't downright villains either. The waters are more muddled. In Talia's case there's the conflict between her loyalty and love for her father, duty and legacy; this opposition to Bruce's own goals was there from the start. But (to finally get to my point with this tangent) there was no such thing with Khoa, and that's basically my main draw to the ship. Bruce has other people that know him as just Bruce and not Batman, or as the in-between (all unique and complex relationships in their own right), but I can only think of Khoa as someone who was present for Batman being forged. While Talia was there when Bruce was training, she didn't share the same goal of combating crime, but Khoa did. For someone so desperately lonely as Bruce is, having someone to share that road with meant so much. Not only that, Khoa contributed to the formation of Batman by engaging him in the wild competitive streak they share, by pushing Bruce to rise to his level.
Hence... the unique kind of familiarity they have even decades later, despite the numerous betrayals along the way. That's an ideal component to me-- Bruce feeling like he can easily be himself. It's a rarity to him, since he plays so many different roles to many different people. And after Alfred's death, someone so important who knew him utterly and supported him from the start, he clearly missed it. It didn't really matter that Khoa killed dozens of people when he showed up in Gotham and literally declared he'll traumatize Bruce by killing a kid in front of him (which he probably would have done, if Harley hadn't managed to be as persuasive as she was). After Selina leaving him, Dick getting shot, his own father and Bane taking his city away, Alfred dying, losing his fortune and Joker War happening... myeah, I really feel like Khoa showed up at the perfect moment.
Which leads me to another component of their dynamic that I favor, and that's both of them being manipulative assholes and equals capable of kicking each other's asses. Why did Khoa show up with all of his resources after Joker War specifically? Why did Bruce ask him to stay so readily, forgoing the things Khoa had done? Hah. Khoa's undoubtedly been obsessed with Bruce, if keeping tabs on him and seeking out Jonathan Crane to learn fear and hell, even getting a sidekick to mirror Batman having a Robin is any indication. He gets to be close to Bruce and potentially ingratiate himself to him while fully knowing Bruce is using him, and Bruce knows it too-- but he's still allowing himself to depend on Khoa's resources and on him becoming part of Batman Incorporated and the more extended Bat-team. Khoa's always been manipulative; wonder if Bruce ever found out that in The Knight #4, Khoa was the one to tell those assassins Bruce's location, thus orchestrating a situation in which Bruce would finally accept to take him with him. But then, while they were training with Avery, Bruce was manipulative back, and you can literally see Khoa falling in love over it in The Knight #5, after Bruce distracts him with flirting and then steals the book.
At the end of the day, Khoa is a psychopath; perhaps not the sadistic kind, but he still operates as one, and Bruce can not only handle it, but he can handle it well. He's proven himself to be an equal, someone who challenges Khoa to improve and become better. Thing is, psychopaths overlap with narcissists a lot due to a basic reason. For neurotypical individuals, empathy acts as a way to see conspecifics as others, but like-minded others. You see other people think and emote like you, and you register them as human beings just like you. 'I feel what you feel, therefore we are the same.' But psychopaths work differently, in the sense that they often have excellent cognitive empathy, but a dulled affective one. They can tell how people think, but emotionally these things don't resonate with them-- the consequence being that they don't easily register others as equals, like-minded others. It's easy to then see yourself as the most valuable individual ever, as the center of the world, because you haven't truly ever shared that world. Which is why, when a psychopath meets someone they can relate to... they don't just relate, they become obsessed. Much like Khoa has. If all your life you felt you're separate from everyone else, having this kind of connection is life-changing, and you'll do whatever you need to preserve it. Including manipulative and murderous acts. But that's fine, because Bruce is attracted to this kind of thing. He himself has thought at some point about a woman (Jezebel Jet) that he should've known she was villainous and would betray him, because he had been attracted to her. I could get into Bruce's dating history and what it says about his preferences, but 'nuff said.
...Anyway, this got away from me, Anon :)) You probably didn't expect a whole-ass essay, but I hope you enjoyed reading through my personal take on them. I really like Khoa's character, since it's not often you get a morally-grey and complex psychopath like him, in comics. But to summarize my answer, my ideal Ghostbat dynamic is definitely one based on them being equals who know each other on a fundamental level, capable of handling both the good parts and the bad parts of the other; the one that solidified after decades of a push-and-pull between their core principles and ideals.
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
I'm thinking about Aaron/Greg being so overwhelmed (in a good way) when their s/o is so clingy! Like them just koala hugging the boys when they're home and giving them kisses on their cheek/lip/neck any chance they get. Coming home from the mall and getting them something because "this reminded me of you and wanted to give it to you, Aar/Greg." Or when they're away them just being flooded with texts about how much the reader misses them and can't wait to see them! Just them feeling so happy because they feel so loved and wanted 🥺
this may or may not had just turned into an essay about aaron IM SORRY BUT ONCE THE BALL WAS ROLLING I COULDN'T STOP <3 but hehe clingy for greg you're so right <333
cw; mentions of divorce, angst if you squint
bye can you imagine just jumping into aaron's arms as soon as he opens the door because you just missed him oh so badly 🥺<3333 like literally- he barely has a foot through the door and something just slams into him immediately 😳 BUT it's you hehe 🥰 instantly all the tension from the past few days drains from his shoulders and he just melts in your embrace 🥹 with a job like his, it's so easy to forget that there is good in the world, BUT all he needs to be reminded that there is - just the thought of you 🥹 that's it. ps this happens even when he's not on a case hehe, the man could just go anywhere, for no more than five minutes, and be welcomed back by the same energy <3
plus can we discuss that you taught aaron how much he loves the feeling of being needed??? 🥺 i think it's kinda plausible that yeah, he's always felt needed. he's needed in the field, to the team as a leader, he's needed in the whole fbi department and such as a whole. everyone knows who he is, he has endless connections, but it's different. it all relates to his work ethic and professionalism. it's how people view him, and so he forgot what it was like to feel needed in a more personal and intimate way :((( so more often than not he isn't able to just let go, give in, feel vulnerable, to be human, because he never felt like he had the room to. his divorce with haley also contributes. like she's the one who initiated she wanted the divorce first, so just imagine how he must've felt in that moment :( def not needed :( that he wasn't worth it :( or when he came home to her being gone :(((((( so when you immediately meet him at the door when he gets home, it means so so so so much more to him than you know :(((( because part of him fears that at some point, you won't need him anymore too :(
so at first when you expressed clinginess, the man is confused as hell :( it's something he's never received to this extent, and oh my god he had no idea how much he needed it. he's genuinely shocked when you come home from the mall or whatnot and you've gotten him something that reminded you of him. he's like?? you thought of me?? his reaction breaks your heart a bit, because no one has really ever made him special and :((( how could they do that??? he's this amazing man and here he is questioning whether or not he deserves something as little as socks or something :(. BUT now you have even more of a reason to spoil him and make him feel so so so so so loved🥰 and soon enough, he's equally as clingy 🥺 when he's home, he's glued to your side, which you definitely can't complain about 🥰 AND AND AND he's always telling you how much he loves you 🥺 he reciprocates every!!!! kiss you give him 🥺 just all that fluffy goodness hehe <3
if he's gone on a case, your many texts are what gets him through every single second of the day 😭 especially with those rough cases :( plus!!! hehe each text of yours just motivates him so so much <333 he's tired and doesn't particularly want to give the profile? rereading a sweet text of yours gives him the instant boost he needs <3 he has to deal irritating detectives who don't listen to him/the rest of the team and ughgbdbd he's just about had it with them? he'll look at a selfie of you and jackers that you sent him and his mind is so so much more clear <3 plus, neither of you can sleep at night without talking to each other on the phone 🥺 both of you just need to hear each other's voices daily.
to sum it up, he really becomes dependent on your clinginess 😭 it's like a lifeline for him; ughgbljdg you just make him feel so needed, and so so very happy 🥺
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
Any Black Cat heroine recs? I don’t necessarily care if the hero is a “golden retriever” or whatever but I want to read a good heroine who’s just plain mean.
aaaabsolutely, I love mean heroines
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole is always my go-to. It's paranormal, with the set-up of "the hero and heroine are fated mates, but she doesn't super care about that part and kidnaps him (on her brother's orders) and edges him in an attempt to get him to agree to marry and impregnate her for the evil because he is indeed a demon king". Sabine is literally evil lol. The hero is nOT evil, but he does have a secret dom side that comes out to play... and he doesn't fuck around on vengeance-related things, as she finds out. Super hot, and one of my favorite things is that, while Sabine does fall in love for real and does have a loved one prior to that (her sister) she doesn't stop being a bitch. She loves that all his associates hate her. She enjoys a good torture. She's also a *technical* virgin (like she hasn't had p in v sex but she does give an amazing BJ, much to his agony), and her virginity is magically connected to this altar, so that when she loses it the altar will break.... and that is so funny.
For My Lady's Heart by Laura Kinsale. A Medieval historical. Melanthe is a stone cold bitch and doesn't really care who knows it. She has her reasons (she's lived a very traumatic life) but she's hardcore, she's scheming, she's political, and again--her hero isn't a golden retriever type (he definitely has his moral issues) but damn if he isn't kinda awestruck and horrified by her icy brain lol. Melanthe is a survivor and she'll use whoever she must to stay alive and accomplish her goals.
Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas. This one errs more on the "hardened by the situation" side, but the heroine definitely isn't afraid to be a bitch when she needs to be. She and her husband have been separated since the day after their wedding, now for ten years. She asks him for a divorce so she can marry her lover, and he agrees on the condition that she gives him an heir first.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez. Contemporary. The heroine is a billionaire who wants a baby that's smart and ideally heir to a minor kingdom (why not?) so she offers a prince with a genius-level IQ a deal: she'll bail out his country financially if he marries her for a year and gets her pregnant. She does NOT fuck around.
You know... I'd actually also recommend Salt in the Wound and then Salt Kiss (the next book in the series) by Sierra Simone. Isolde doesn't start off as mean, exactly, so much as cold--but you definitely see why, in Salt in the Wound, she is a much harsher, colder, bitchier figure by the time she rolls around in Salt Kiss (she's not in the book until the last third, but there are two more books set in the series so we will for sure see A LOT more of her). She's downright dangerous, and definitely a black cat. It's MMF, so the first book (novella technically, but it's amazing and necessary) is centered on her relationship with fellow black cat Mark (her arranged fiance) and the second, for her at least, is more about her relationship with Tristan (PUPPY, Mark's bodyguard and lovah). I adore her.
Once More, My Darling Rogue by Lorraine Heath. This is less black cat and more spoiled brat, but she's definitely mean lol. The heroine is basically a bitch who hates the hero, a man who was born illegitimate and was adopted by a duke and duchess. Then she falls into a river and gets amnesia, after which he rescues her and decides that for some light revenge, he'll tell her she's his housekeeper. (It's an Overboard! retelling lol.) She definitely maintains her bite despite the amnesia lmao.
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certified-sloth · 1 year
Hey!! I was wondering if u could do headcanons with all the boys (especially Lucifer and Diovolo🥰) with an S/O who’s parents got divorced when they were super hound but still get saddened by it? Their S/O sometimes thinks that it’s because of them too.
U don’t have to do this if it makes u uncomfortable tho! Have a great day/night (love your work btw)!😊😊😊
Why did it take so long for me to finally finish this TT
Thank you! Have a great day/night for you, too ^^
To say the least, he definitely knew about your parents divorced through your paper when they were picking out an exchange student
He tries to avoid talking about your parents. He really does, but he can't help but falter whenever you have that sad look
For example— you walk into his office while he was working away the neverending pile of paperwork
And you just smile at him and accompany him in silence
Lucifer would look up from his work every now and then to see you spacing out
"You really do look like you have something to tell me." Is what he points out to snap you back to reality
"...please don't be mad."
"Why would I be?"
"I just... wonder, you know- you and your brothers had God as your dad, right? Did you ever have a mother?"
Well, he doesn't really know about that. He simply existed to play his part as an angel back then
"What is this about?"
When you refuse to answer, is when he stops his work completely, puts his pen down, and sits beside you
It was his way of telling you that you had his full attention
"Did you remember your parents?"
It was a wild guess, but Lucifer is very observant
The eldest had a habit of noticing even the smallest things that it's very easy to read people like a book
Upon the mention of your parents, you simply lay your head on his shoulder, smiling almost bitterly
"I can't really forget, no, I'm just... sometimes, I wonder if it was my fault that they divorced."
"No, whatever happened, it was never your fault. You were a child, you knew no better."
The mighty avatar of pride held you close
Instead of letting it get to your head, he answered your former question
It ended up with him telling you stories of back in the celestial realm
He admitted that even without a proper, physical parent like humans do, it was a little lonely
The avatar of pride admits things he never normally does, and all of that was just to help you feel better
If it helps, he'll take you out somewhere nice or anywhere you want
He'll be willing to play both roles of a parental figure if it makes you feel any better
He's just... There
I like to think he gives great hugs
So whenever you have a flashback about your parents and you blank out while he tells you details of his schemes, he just stops talking and pulls you into a hug
He didn't really know what got you spacing out this time, but it wasn't the first
But he does know how to comfort you
No matter how scummy his brothers call him, he's the next person to look for comfort from aside from Beel
"you scared me for a second there, spacin' out like that..."
He tries to keep up his act of being reluctant, but he really was worried for you
"Do you... Ever feel like it's your fault that people drift away from each other?"
He'd flinch at that
He'd sputter in slight panic, but when you hold onto him closer—when you hold him so desperately...
He just... Freezes, and all train of thought is out of the window
"I feel like... I feel like I was responsible for what happened to my parents—"
"stop that."
He won't let you finish, he'd stop you
He doesn't mean for you to misunderstand, he just hates it that you're guilty for something you couldn't control
"I don't get it with you humans, if it don't work then, there's no point! But don't put yer kid in a position where they gotta be the one guilty?"
Is what he rants, but in the end he just scoops you up in his arms
He has like... A few grimm to spare from his modeling gig
...do you want anything? He'll buy it for you
To Levi, he only knows a decent amount of why divorce happens through anime
He was an angel once, he wasn't created the way humans do
So, for him... he didn't really know how to console you
Especially now that you and him are practically a thing, he'd feel how envious you were whenever you see a family so happy...
Unlike your family, who was broken for a long time
Sometimes, he thought that the reason you desperately tried to fix his relationship with his brothers
Was because you couldn't fix your own
He'd notice how sad you look whenever you have an anime marathon with him about family
And whenever it happens, he'll silently scoot closer and hesitantly hold you
He's clumsy with affection and comfort
He doesn't know what to do but follow how fictional people do it
He can't even say any generic words that he listened to before
It makes him sound so fake when that's the last thing he'd want to do to you at a time like this
He ends up listening to you and nervously rubs your arm with his thumb lightly in comfort
And if you don't want to talk about it—
Both of you just stay there in silence
Just holding each other like it was the end of the world or something
"Not the day?"
Is what he asks, and if you nod in confirmation
He'll push through and hold you tighter in an attempt of security
It was a reminder that he was going to be there for you for a long time
"Ok... let's stop watching for today."
Of course, divorced parents come with trauma and other issues /lh
So, he practically notices these little quirks of yours
He already took notice of them the first time you came to the Devildom
It made him curious, but he didn’t pry, and frankly, he didn't really care that much at first
But as time grew by, he just happens to take more care with you and topics about family
He's careful of the topics you two talk about, but not too careful to the point that it'll make you misunderstand his intentions in a bad way
He just didn't want to make it uncomfortable for you.
If given the chance, he'd likely take you to places where you could heal your inner child when you didn't have the time due to how your parents divorcing had occupied your mind for all those years
If you're comfortable enough, he'll read out wholesome family stories for you until you fall asleep
And if it ever crosses your mind that you and him would end up separated like your parents did...
He won't promise you emptily, no
He'll take you in his arms, telling you that it'll work out somehow
He won't promise with words, he'll live up to you each day to make sure the worst never comes
Because truth be told, he's just as afraid of separation as you are.
Asmo never had to worry in all honesty
But sometimes, he'd see you in places that Belphie usually frequents
Either the attic, or the planetarium...
You mostly slip away from crowded areas, moving to places that give you a slither of comforting silence.
"Darling? Why are you out in the cold?"
Is what he'd ask you, approaching you and carefully putting his scarf around you as you looked up at the stars from the Planetarium
"Have you ever had that one place you run to whenever you feel the need to run away?"
When you don't receive on answer from him, you look away from the stars and hug your knees closer to your chest
"My parents aren't together anymore, but I think they gave me this awful habit of slipping away whenever things got overwhelming."
"But there isn't anything wrong with that?"
He doesn't understand why there should be anything wrong with avoiding overwhelming situations, he thinks it's a way of self-care
"I mean the overwhelmingly loud arguments... Back when I was younger, I'd slip away when things progressively get worse."
It was like a coping mechanism, when the brothers argue, it reminds you of the old times you had to slip away to protect yourself
Even if it wasn't directly about you
"Oh honey..."
Asmo would wrap his arms around you and you stay like that as he keeps you company
Or if you're not fond of skinship, he'd sit beside you, also hugging his knees against his chest as he watches the stars with you
Both of you silently sat there most of the time but he makes sure you're alright, telling you things that he know would brighten up the mood
He doesn't know
He probably finds out later when you're comfortable enough to tell him though
It happens on your late-night kitchen journeys
He'll stop eating for a moment, a bit upset that he can't hold you immediately with how greasy his hands were from the food
I like to think he's conscious of touching you while he's eating, so he takes a moment to wipe his hands with a clean napkin
He picks you up, and sits you on the kitchen counter
"It must've been hard for you."
You were practically trying to smile at him, a helpless way to assure him.
"It was a cold home. My parents were barely present emotionally. They were there for me physically, but it felt like they weren't my parents with how they talked each other down whenever it was their turn to take care of me."
He doesn't know how to comfort with words, he knows he won't be much of help on that regard
So he leaves you sitting on the counter, shuffling across the kitchen to make do with what's left to make you a simple samdwich
And if he were drooling at the sight, he'd wipe it away and brush it off
It was for you, so when he finishes, he'll give it to you, hopeful that maybe it would make you feel better.
You know how he's this spoiled brat who always does what he wants?
Well, that's exactly the case as to how he finds out about your parents
He just joins you in bed that one time, eventually invading your dream
Of course, he was expecting you to be somewhat conscious in your dream so that both of you could spend time together compared to real life
But what he didn't expect was to see you in such a young state, trying to understand the situation of your parents arguing
He saw you just standing there, helplessly trying to call out to your parents who were busy fighting over who takes custody over you after the divorce
Quietly, he moves closer behind you, covering up your eyes with the palm of his hand as he manipulates your dream into something happier
Something... that you knew would never happen again
He turned the dream into the happiest moment you could've been with your parents
It was when you cried again that he started to panic and approached you with a troubled look
He liked taking care of you in your dreams, he was the closest to humans before, and he still couldn't grasp how complex human emotions were
"Was this too much...? Should I have changed it into something else?" He asks you worriedly
The illusion of your parents disappeared from the bed of flowers you stood on
All that's left of the huge space, was you and Belphie.
Wordlessly, you came up to hug him instead of asking him to console you with meaningless words
Both of you know that Belphie can't do that, even if he tries, he's bad at it
So both of you resorted into silence as your best way of comfort.
Belphie hugs you, and let's you have his way with him, patient, and always willing to wait until you're ready
Yours and his situation wasn't far off
Although it was like yours, he was still raised with emotional neglect
The demon prince wasn't attached to his father per se. He was confused with the king's intentions of his future.
The moment they chose you as the exchange student, he knew that both of you felt this connection like a flick of the switch
He grew up lonely, and if you had your parents present without an ounce of emotional comfort
Both of you would ride the same boat
In rare moments of exclusion, the both of you just sit together, childishly trying to create a fantasy where both of you had parents that actually catered to your needs
"It must've been hard."
"Me? No, no— I had Barbatos with me. But what about you? Did you have anyone?"
"I'd like to think that I did."
In moments of vulnerability, the both of you filled the room with "what-ifs" for your childhood.
"I think I'd handle my emotions better if I were taught well."
In moments so rare, both of you would ask each other questions of worth
"Do you think I'd be a fit ruler to substitute my father if I had molded myself exactly the way he wanted?"
"...no. You're doing great even without it."
And in moments so quiet, you'd end up asking...
"I still wonder if it was my fault."
"I don't think it was."
In such precious moments, both of you revel in each other’s comfort
Practically assuring the other, getting a laugh or two
And sometimes, bitterly ask for things you know you couldn't have
It was a moment where both of you had to accept that it was reality, and you can't change that reality without the consequence of guilt and sorrow in the end.
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the-crow-binary · 9 months
Top 5 CV ships >:3c
Nnnnnngh most difficult choice EVER
5. Dracastle for that deep, abstract love/bond Dracula and his Castle share, in my head <3 (i am NOT ASHAMED TO PUT IT IN MY TOP 5.) I think I'll put Dreath ex aequo with it because there's definitely a deep bond between those two as well. <3 Death being Dracula's biggest simp confidant and the only companion that he constantly had because he doesn't have any other immortal friend and MAN their bond is something that only immortals can understad and that no mortal could ever. 🥺
4.Isaavor/Isaactor LISTEN I CAN'T CHOOSE. THINGS ARE JUST THE WAY THEY ARE OKAY. I love them both equally for different reasons. <3 Isaactor because TWO LOST SOULS SHUNNED BY THE WORLDS FINDING EACH OTHER AND LOVING EACH OTHER IN THE ONLY WAYS THEY KNOW AND THEY'RE TRAGIC AND SO DIVORCED AND MARRIED AT THE SAME TIME AND AAAAAAAAAA and Isaavor because hot. ;) (ennemies to lovers trope except it's more like ennemies AND lovers).
3. Dramont because OF COURSE DRAMONT HOW COULD I NOT PUT THE DARK LORD X HIS ETERNAL ENNEMIES THEY ARE SO COOL (but choosing it's place in my top with very hard). Tbh I see it as.... Dracula feeling like their bond is similar to the one he shares with Death. Everytime he'll come back, there will be a Belmont (except the few times there wasn't but tbf he wasn't resurrected fully so let's ignore that for a sec). There's two consistant things in Dracula's lives, Death, and the Belmonts. Though the bond Dracula thought he had with the clan was only one sided :) Because they're mortals. :) They can't understand. :) Sure, they understand how they were linked to Dracula, fated to defeat him. But they could never truly understand the bond that linked two immortal souls together. :)
2. Mactor. I fell in this hell made out of our respective blorbos and I AIN'T COMING BACK UP AGAIN. I am so ready to burn with them <3 Oh and, of course, Hecula. :) What do you mean "two ships in one again"? Aren't they technnically the same ship? :) Just with a different name? :)
Some honorable mentions before revealing the top 1 (though i bet you already know what it's gonna be <3):
Hectaly (THE BELOVEDS) - Isaadict (literally so niche but idc i love them :'<) - Isaacula - Maleon - Malter - Wachim - Deathias - Hevor (I'M SORRY I LOVE THEM BUT I HAD TO MAKE SACRIFICES FOR THIS TOP)
Alright, and now, the top of the top, the best of the best, the one and only...
1. Macula. Because NO NO BECAUSE- LISTEN- NO IT'S DEEPER THAN YOU THINK LISTEN I swear I'll finish writing that Macula one day. (at least now I can say that, instead of "i swear i will write it one day" <3 it's called progress, babyyyyy) Anyway I just love the Horrors, Mathias, the pious man, seeing what he's fated to become and being disgusted by it, denying reality, hating everything, yet slowly coming to accept it. Dracula seeing what he used to be and ALSO being disgusted by it but learning to heal through Mathias. Dracula being everything Mathias despises, Mathias being everything Dracula rejected so long ago... all the DRAMA. All the POTENTIAL. AAAAAAA (also it's hot idc)
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apocalypticavolition · 10 months
Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 33: The Dark Waits
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Here be spoilers! Not just spoilers for this whole book (they don't resolve every conflict in this one) but spoilers for the whole damn book series (at least some characters are definitely alive or dead by the end). If anything more explicit than my entirely unsurprising parentheticals would bother you, go read the books and then come back!
This chapter has another heron-marked sword icon, which is rather interesting this time around! Rand's sword is primarily a liability this time, something he keeps hidden from prying eyes now that he understands just how much it makes him stand out, but it's also something he won't let Mat take from him out of fear he'll lose his connection to Tam.
Maybe they were all townsmen and local farmfolk. Does that make any difference?
Rand is definitely succumbing to the paranoia of the situation. I wonder if the little tastes of the taint he's been getting are helping him along on that front, or if it's purely a natural reaction. It certainly is understandable either way.
Mat turned on the seat beside the farmer and leaned back until he found Rand’s eyes. The scarf that did duty for dust, when need be, shaded his own eyes, folded over thickly and tied low around his forehead.
God these scarves make everything confusing. So, chapter 31 started at the end of this three chapter sequence but Rand reflected on getting the scarves. We then jumped back to the immediate aftermath of Whitebridge when they did not have the scarves and continued forward in time through chapter 32 to the escape from Four Kings. Then (now) we've jumped a little forward, to when they do have the scarves, and will shortly be jumping back to where chapter 32 left off. They'll get the scarves then. At the end of this chapter we'll catch up to... *drinks*... the start of this chapter, and then we'll skip ahead to where 31 started the flashback.
I hope my explanation made sense of the chronology for anyone still confused though I fear the reasoning for this bizarre presentation of events in an order that Homestuck author Andrew Hussie would call "fucking needlessly convoluted" is lost to time if it ever existed at all.
“Queen’s Guards,” Master Kinch said around his pipe. He kept his eyes on the road ahead. “Won’t go much further than Breen’s Spring, ’less they’re called for. Not like the old days.” He sucked on his pipe, then added, “I suppose, these days, there’s parts of the Realm don’t see the Guards in a year or more. Not like the old days.”
Understatement of the year. Master Kinch wasn't even alive the last time the Guards might have been in the Two Rivers! His grandpa may not have been alive then.
Rand wondered what Master al’Vere would say if someone told him the Two Rivers was part of some Queen’s Realm. The Queen of Andor, he supposed. Perhaps the Mayor did know—he knew a lot of things that surprised Rand—and maybe others did, too, but he had never heard anyone mention it. The Two Rivers was the Two Rivers. Each village handled its own problems, and if some difficulty involved more than one village the Mayors, and maybe the Village Councils, solved it between them.
Some - like myself - would argue that if the Two Rivers is so completely divorced from the realm that it is completely oblivious to its status, receives no benefits from it, and avoids the cost, that they aren't part of the realm, no matter what any old map says. They absolutely deserve their independence and it's a travesty they didn't get it. And yes, I'm going to complain about this every time it even tangentially comes up.
Makes me wonder though if there are corners of the other nations that are as oblivious as the Two Rivers to external affairs. I mean, Altara is obviously a state in maps only, but what about the others? Will they ever get their independence, or did the Dragon's Peace damn them to eternal bondage under monarchies that don't give a fuck?
“How would you know what Darkfriends look like?” Mat demanded. He backed away from the cart, and his hand went under his coat. “What do you know about Darkfriends?”
Finally, Mat's showing some paranoia that's actually alarming.
“Rand,” he said, “you won’t leave me, will you? If I can’t keep up?” His voice quavered. “I won’t leave you.” Rand tightened his grip on his friend’s hand. “I won’t leave you no matter what.”
Rand and Mat have a better-written romance than virtually every other couple in this series. Change my mind!
When he turned back, Ba’alzamon’s outstretched hand had become a fist. “You are mine, youngling, alive or dead. The Eye of the World will never serve you. I mark you as mine.” His fist opened, and a ball of flame shot out. It struck Rand in the face, exploding, searing.
I think on my earliest readings I assumed this dream of Rand and Mat's was supposed to line up with Perrin's somehow, but chronologically speaking it absolutely does not. Perrin's been captured at this point. I wonder if he is getting a dream at this point, or if his close association with the wolves led Ishy to rule him out.
“My eyes! Oh, Light, my eyes! He took my eyes!” Rand held him close, cradling him against his chest as if he were a baby. “You’re all right, Mat. You’re all right. He can’t hurt us. We won’t let him.” He could feel Mat shaking, sobbing into his coat. “He can’t hurt us,” he whispered, and wished he believed it. What protects you makes you vulnerable. I am going mad.
F- f- f- foreshadowing! Also more on the Rand/Mat front. These two boys are practically closer than Frodo and Sam.
“If I was a good man,” Mull said, “I’d offer a couple of lads soaked to the skin a place to dry out and get warm in front of my fire. But it’s hard times, and strangers . . . . I don’t know what you’re running from, and I don’t want to. You understand? My family.” Suddenly he pulled two long, woolen scarves, dark and thick, out of his coat pocket. “It’s not much, but here. Belong to my boys. They have others. You don’t know me, understand? It’s hard times.”
Damn these scarves. They're so poorly knitted they tangled up time itself!
The innkeeper was as clean as his inn, with a gleaming white apron around his bulk. Rand was glad to see he was a stout man; he doubted if he would ever again trust a skinny innkeeper. 
It's true, if you're skinny and in hospitality you're clearly evil! Or at least your establishment serves shitty food, and in a way, isn't that the same thing?
“Hey,” Mat exclaimed, “I can see!” He sat up on his bed, squinting around the room. “Some, anyway. Your face is still a little blurry, but I can tell who you are. I knew I’d be all right. By tonight I’ll see better than you do. Again.”
Enjoy it while you can, Mat, because you're ironically setting up your own injury later down the line.
Light, when I see Moiraine again, I’ll kiss her!
Ah heck, I'll ship this too. Rand's already canonically an easy lay, I'm just widening his net to obscene proportions.
“My name? My name. Ah . . .  call me Paitr.” His eyes shifted nervously. “Ah . . .  this is not my idea, you understand. I have to do it. I didn’t want to, but they made me. You have to understand that. I don’t—”
Paitr isn't quite the poster child for why being a Darkfriend doesn't pay, but damn if he's not going to be an effective demonstration. He's also not remotely competent, is he?
Paitr seemed to take the threat seriously. His face grew pale. “I . . .  I heard what happened at Four Kings. Some of it, anyway. Word travels. We have ways of hearing things. But there’s nobody here to trap you. I’m alone, and . . .  and I just want to talk.”
Dana from the TV show is kind of a mishmash of every antagonist on the road (especially since it's really clear that they'd hoped to have another episode for the travel but couldn't get it and had to trim even further). Where Paitr only hints at it, Dana's much more explicit: orders are being transmitted through the World of Dreams.
Maybe Paitr already knew about it; maybe Gode had told Ba’alzamon, and Ba’alzamon had told Paitr; but he did not think so. He thought Paitr had only the vaguest idea of what had happened in Four Kings. That was why he was so frightened.
In particular, I think Rand's suppositions aren't quite true here. Gode is dead and so not a useful informant; he's nowhere near connected enough to offer anything more than a few parting words on his way out the door. But I don't think all of Gode's men died and I do think they were all Darkfriends, so Ish was able to get a barebones account from somebody. However, either the witnesses wouldn't be able to explain much and Paitr is thus left with only vague impressions or Ish was able to piece together that Rand was channeling... leaving Paitr genuinely concerned for his life.
Images spun in his head. The Trolloc, Narg, leaping at him in his own home. The Myrddraal threatening at the Stag and Lion in Baerlon. Halfmen everywhere, Fades chasing them to Shadar Logoth, coming for them in Whitebridge. Darkfriends everywhere. He whirled, his hand balling up. “I said, leave us alone!” His fist took Paitr flush on the nose.
Rand's already got that tasty, tasty PTSD. Poor boy.
Twenty Darkfriends had held a gathering in Market Sheran. Men with twisted bodies, and the women worse, all dirty and in rags. They could make your knees grow weak and your stomach heave just by looking at you, and when they laughed, the filthy cackles rang in your ears for hours and your head felt as if it were splitting open. He had seen them himself, just at a distance, far enough off to be safe. If the Queen would not do something, then somebody ought to ask the Children of the Light for help. Somebody should do something.
It's terrifying that the tale grew this much in the telling and genuinely sad that the wagonwright is the sort of guy who would lie about being an eyewitness and want the Children to step in.
It's also funny because the Queen absolutely won't do anything about Paitr and the Children do.
From the way the serving maids scurried between the tables with harried looks—and the landlord, too—it was a larger crowd than they were used to.
Okay I don't wanna mention Jordan's gender norms every time they come up but in every town since Four Kings it's been serving maids and landlords. No dudes waiting tables on the road at all, nor ladies running the establishments. Not very equal! (At least the cooks have some variety; in Four Kings it was a lady but the one in this inn is a gent).
“Not a bit of it,” Mat said. He was trying to sound cheerful, but Rand could hear the hidden worry. “He was scared the other folk would find out there was somebody sick in his inn. I told him if he kicked us out, I’d take you into the common room. That’d empty half his rooms in ten minutes. For all his talk about fools, he doesn’t want that.”
This chapter shows what a beautiful friendship these boys have. They're all kinds of traumatized, including supernaturally, and here's Mat refusing to leave Rand's side or let him be denied shelter anyway. And since Rand's having his channeling chills just a couple days later, we're very close to his internal death clock going off - and frankly I'm not at all sure when he resolves it. No later than Asmodean's tutoring, I would say, but it's possible he'd figured himself out by Tear.
The night deepened, and the stable shifted in the flickering lantern light. Shadows took shape and moved on their own. Then he saw Ba’alzamon striding down the stable, eyes burning, a Myrddraal at either side with faces hidden in the depths of their black cowls.
Moiraine doesn't explicitly mention crazy hallucinations as part of the sparking process. Are they common, something unique to Rand's situation because he's sparking in such a miserable state of affairs, or something that's relatively common to dude sparkers because they're reacting to the taint on top of everything else? Is Ish reaching into his mind again? This is the first time that Rand hears the term "Black Ajah" - Elyas mentioned it once to Perrin, but otherwise the only color he's heard discussed is red.
“There’s nobody but us,” Mat said. “Here, let me take that.” He reached for Rand’s sword belt, but Rand tightened his grip on the hilt. “No. No. I have to keep it. He’s my father. You understand? He’s m-my f-father!” The shivering swept over him once more, but he clung to the sword as if to a lifeline. “M-my f-father!” Mat gave up trying to take it and pulled the cloaks back over him.
Mat must be so hella confused but he's just helping his buddy.
But the worst was Tam. Tam stood over him, frowning and shaking his head, and said not a word. “You have to tell me,” Rand begged him. “Who am I? Tell me, please. Who am I? Who am I?” he shouted.
This is more proof to me that Rand's in denial about his circumstances, with the fever dream showing his true state of mind. He knows he ain't Tam's biological son.
She was about the same age as Nynaeve, he thought, but she was no village woman. The pale green silk of her dress shimmered as she moved. Her cloak was a rich, soft gray, and a frothy net of lace caught up her hair. She fingered a heavy gold necklace as she looked thoughtfully at Mat and him.
You can tell that Mili isn't an Aes Sedai despite Rand's uncertainty by the way that she isn't wearing black despite being a Darkfriend. Made her very unhappy, not being able to channel.
Licking his lips, Rand stared at the tableau above him. Even if he had not been so weak, he did not believe he could have moved. Then his eyes fell on her dagger, and his mouth went dry. The wood around the blade was blackening; thin tendrils of smoke rose from the char.
So what's up with Mili's dagger? Is it a power-wrought weapon of some kind? I don't think it comes up again - the wiki doesn't mention it on Mili's page nor does it include it in a list of items with articles in the page for chapter 33 - but weird shit like this is supposed to be hella rare! I want to know more... I just doubt I will. Can anyone with an extraordinary memory for trivialities fill me in if I'm just blanking?
“She tried to kill me, Rand. She’d have killed you, too. She’s a Darkfriend.” Mat spat the word. “But we’re not,” Rand said. The woman gasped as if she had just realized what Mat had intended. “We are not, Mat.”
Mat being so blase about killing a woman must be the dagger's influence in much the same way that Rand's madness will lead to him killing that Darkfriend gal on the road in a couple books.
Also, while like most people I hate the "If you kill me you'll be just like me," trope, I'm absolutely here for the "If we kill them we'll be just like them" variant.
The man blew a streamer of smoke from the corner of his mouth. “Going to Caemlyn, are you? Was your age, I expect I might be off to see this false Dragon myself.” “Yes.” Mat nodded. “That’s right. We’re going to see the false Dragon.”
Funny how it's a lie now but won't be a lie for Rand by the time all this is done.
In any event, this is another chapter done. Chapter 34 will finally have us resuming linear time, thank goodness. Damn those scarves!!!
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leomlarson · 2 months
Tumblr media
full name: leonard "leo" michael larson
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man
birthday & birthplace: february 9, 1996 (28); ann arbor, mi
location: ocean crest apartments
time in aurora bay: since august 2019
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: art teacher at aurora bay high school
leo is a midwestern boy through and through. he was born and raised in ann arbor, michigan (go blue!) and really prides himself on that. he'll go to bat for the midwest any day.
he's the oldest of three, with two younger sisters who he'd literally die for. his extended family on his mom's side is incredibly tight; his mom and all of her siblings actually bought up a lot of the houses in the same little cul-de-sac, so leo grew up seeing his cousins more like his siblings. lots of game day barbecues that spilled out into the street, riding bikes around town, driving around because there was nothing else to do, the whole suburban experience really
his parents split up when he was nine and he has little to no contact with his dad, who moved across the country after the divorce. he loves his mom but she went through a long period of dating bad guys that hasn't really ended, so he definitely has daddy issues
he's loved art for as long as he can remember, and he was always gifted with it. it started with chalk drawings in the driveway and went from there. he went to a progressive, hippy dippy high school in ann arbor that allowed him to specialize and get together a portfolio for college
leo is. not smart lmao. but he is talented, which is what got him into a joint brown university/rhode island school of design program. doing the whole ivy league thing was really not leo's jam. he felt like he was too far from his family and had a hard time fitting in to the kind of upper class vibe at an ivy, but he was able to find his niche and really focus on his work because of it.
after college, a fellowship brought him out to san francisco. he loved sf, but the kind of snobbery that really repulsed him in college just came out in full force when he was trying to break into the art world. the fellowship was supposed to last two years, but he gave it up after one and packed up his whole life to move south to aurora bay
he's been in town for four years now, and during that time he worked on teaching certifications, sort of because he didn't know exactly what else to do. all he wants to do all day is paint, but he developed such an imposter syndrome on top of a distaste for the established art world, so he figured that teaching art would allow him to do what he loves everyday while also giving him a lot of time to work on his own projects
he got a job at aurora bay high school and lives to project the kind of cool, gay, tattooed hippie teacher vibe that his teachers in high school had. he still does his own stuff and shows at local galleries/maintains a website where he sells pieces. he also does murals all over town, in storefronts, on the sides of businesses, for anyone who wants one at affordable prices. he sells handmade jewelry at local artisan markets. he just loves to make art!
leo is a very simple guy. the only things that really get through into his brain are pretty things. flowers, trinkets, etc. his apartment is immaculately designed, he's always looking out for a cute new piece for his mantel.
he has a dilute tortoiseshell cat named robert, after robert rauschenberg, who he mostly just calls bob
he actually speaks fluent irish but hardly ever has a chance to use it. his mom is a first generation american and her parents were basically irish nationalists who only came to the states because they were so poor in ireland. they were all about keeping the irish language alive, so his whole family spoke irish growing up
he's a bit of a slut! he is ACTIVE on grindr and tinder and all the things. if your character is too, they've probably hooked up
basically, he's just a sunshiny pretty boy
party buds, hopeless wingman case for @heyits-asher
intrigued by, highkey crushin on @paxton-brady
art friends w/ @cherryxkoch, @maura-cortes, @cassidyxcooke
internet turned irl art friends w/ @lennonhansley
past fwb/on weird terms with @dancingdanvers
neighbors who leo drags into impromptu board game/wine/craft nights @emersonxcassidy, @cricketcampbell
went on a few dates with @atticus-cortes before they both accidentally ghosted each other
ex hookup/helped @esmaxdemirci cheat on her husband in sf
friend/former camper of @caleb-majhi
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valdiis · 11 months
What is your favorite thing about each of your (main / ffxiv) characters? What is something you hope will change about them in time?
Oh goodness, I have definitely A Few characters... >.> I guess I'll go in order.
Aeluan Hoshinata - He's the first character I've ever played that I have intentionally tried to make Lawful Good. He's just so stinking golden. He doesn't follow the laws quiiiite as much as I would like, but I try. I hope that over time, he'll become a little less morally grey - just because I'm so used to grey characters.
Lhys Onde - As a Shroud witch, I love her aesthetic. Even though she's completely adopted standard Eorzean fashion, she still has that link to the dark woods. I hope to see her lighten up a little; she's very grumpy right now.
Zheyn'a Lihuel - I love that he's a street musician. It's an archetype I don't see often. Sure, there's tons of midi-bards in the game, but very few people RP as actual musicians. I would love to get to a point where I actually play music with him.
Vy'thanis Lusignon - My favorite thing about him is his cheer. He's irrepressibly happy nearly all of the time, despite his sad past. I'd love to see more of him connecting to people and making friends.
Calleis An'aidei - Hm, I don't know what my favorite thing about him actually is. He's kind of a horrible person. I think maybe having that outlet for being horrible is what I like about him. I want to see him face some consequences one day.
Mathaes Silverton - He's born from a discussion I once saw about how scary magical healing is and how it could be difficult to divorce reality from delusion when you don't have any scars to show for your pains. I love exploring that concept through him. I hope to just plain see him more. He's linked to someone who doesn't really play anymore.
Daephrin Astramente - He has such, such a big heart. He's filled with love to overflowing and he desperately seeks someone worthy of it. I want to see him find that person to shower his love upon.
L'coreus Tia - My favorite thing about Cori is his resilience. He's been abandoned more than once now, and he keeps coming back and learning to trust anyway. I want to see him learning to read.
Kazuya Ryouichi - Kaz is my outlet for being extra-social, which actually makes him really hard to play because I'm not a social creature. He's a courtesan and that's a theme that fascinates me. I'd like to see him actually get real clients.
Aidoneus Forgeron - As my newest character, I'm still working on Aidon, but I love his strategic mind. He's impossible for me to play as smart as he actually is, but he's meant to be three steps ahead of everyone. I'd like to see him really address his conflicted feelings about the end of the Dragonsong War.
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
horny ask is hard cause i feel like you've covered a significant amount of ground already, but your (Leon)ardo DiCaprio take on Leon was very funny. so, does current Leon (Death Island let's say) have a Tinder profile and how would that go in your mind? Any stupid pick-up line he uses, does he make a total fool of himself, what's his age range set to
once he goes full DiCaprio, his age range is set to 18-25, so he's shocked if he ever gets matches at all -- because, really, there's girls out there who are actively looking for a man his age??? but it makes for such an easy icebreaker that it's key to his success -- because if he had to try to DM women closer to his age, his cringelord nature would take over and he would just strike out every single time.
but it's very easy to DM a girl with something like "did Tinder glitch, or are you actually looking for a guy my age?" and get a response -- especially since his pfp is angled in such a way that you really can't tell how old he is at a glance, so most girls have to actually go into his profile and look at the rest of his info/pics in order to understand what the fuck he's talking about.
and, for as much as Leon is a depressed sack of shit who hates himself, he's also very vain when it comes to his appearance if he's not balls deep into a depressive episode. and I'm sure that there's been more than one occasion where a girl has accused him of something like "lol whats the name of the model you stole your pics from?" to which he responds with an offer to video call her on the spot in order to prove that he is who he claims he is.
shockingly, he has a 60% success rate on Tinder. when he messages a girl, he has a better chance than not of actually fucking her -- and not a single fucking girl that he ends up with understands him or believes that he's fully telling the truth, but they don't care because he's hot and willing to roleplay out their daddy issues.
like, it doesn't make sense to any of them how this guy, who looks like he does, with as much money as he seems to have, with the way he respects their boundaries and treats them with respect (unless explicitly requested otherwise) is really:
not married or not recently divorced or not currently in a relationship and also completely childless
like, that doesn't make any sense to them. that doesn't real. he's got to be lying, in some way, shape, or form.
but, like. they're not looking for a boyfriend in him. so it doesn't really matter, in the long run. but it is definitely a thing -- all of them think he's a fucking liar, when he's really not LOL
well. for the most part, at least, he's not lying. he does lie a little bit.
he doesn't actually go by "Leon" on Tinder; he goes by "Scott." and he's never honest about what he actually does for work. he just nebulously says that he works "for the government." and if she presses hard enough, he'll lie and say he's an IRS agent. but he's pretty sure that if any of those girls find out that they're about to jump in bed with a strange man some 20 years older than them who has actually killed people before and will definitely kill again, he'll never actually get laid. so. he lies.
but because of all of this, it's very, very, very rare that he ends up meeting up/hooking up with them the same day/night he messages them. there's usually a whole "building up of trust" period that he has to clear first -- which is anywhere from a few days to a week or two. there's some "getting to know you" talk that happens during this period, but the conversations are mostly sexual.
he'll ask simple questions at first like "are you a virgin?" (and if she says yes, he'll actually break it off with her; violating that seems like a step too far, for him -- which is VERY FUNNY because some girls tell him "yes" even if the truth is actually "no" just because they think that that's what he wants to hear, and now they've just iced themselves out of getting laid LOL) and "have you ever been with an older man before?" before slowly working up to asking how she likes to be touched and how she wants him to treat her and what gets her off the hardest, etc, etc. maybe some light sexting and/or phone sex happens before they actually meet up in person.
but here's a fun thing about DiCaprio Leon -- before he actually turns the conversation in a sexual direction, he will fucking card the girl that he's talking to. like, straight up, he'll ask her for ID. and if she gets weird or defensive about it, he's just like "if you're ever talking to a guy my age and he doesn't ask you for ID, that's not a guy you want to be talking to." which usually gets him an "ok ok, sorry, dad" in return LMAO
the biggest issue for him is what to do after the fact. he doesn't want any of these girls to get attached to him, but he also hates the idea of just ghosting them. so he just kind of... tries to be nice if they contact him again, until he can actually gauge what their intentions are for doing it. if he has to let them down, he tries to be as kind but firm as possible.
every once in a while, he'll find a girl that he does go back for seconds -- and maybe even thirds or fourths -- with. like, it's someone who literally only ever texts him because she wants to get fucked that night and seems completely disinterested in him outside of the bedroom. but girls at that age who are like that are unicorns, so he makes sure that they know how special they are every time he finds one.
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trickstertox · 10 months
On the OC ask game: 18!
I just now realized this was #18 and not #8 and I'm a wee bit silly. I answer to #8 below the cut because I like all that I typed.
I'm gonna repeat a little bit what I said under the cut, but typically I label my OCs when they "tell" me. I only semi-recently started doing questioning/unlabeled characters because I'm letting them be uncertain. Sometimes I just don't know what to slap on them, and that's okay.
As for changing based on circumstances, not really. It rarely happens because I usually build my characters around each other. If I want two characters to be in a relationship, I determine what kind and work around that. I typically have bi and pan (sometimes omni) dating because I believe in bi-pan solidarity. If anything, it's relationships that change rather than identities. Friends to lovers, lovers to enemies, lovers to friends, polycules and mono... cules. And as an aroace dating an aro, I'm not afraid of having arospec OCs be in relationships, whether romantic or not.
No OC was specified, so I'll do a general rundown.
I don't typically have OCs that struggle with their identities, and semi-recently started having characters that are questioning. The main reason for questioning characters is because I just haven't decided a label for them, yet. I let my characters "tell" me what they are, and some just don't know, yet. Most of the time it's not knowing what name they want because I know too many words (/lh), but I get there eventually, usually with help.
But there IS one OC who struggled with his identity, and I only ever really drew him once or twice in the Old Days before this Tumblr blog. He'll probably be found on my Instagram, though, if you're determined to dig for old art.
His name is Beau and he is gay. His mom took awhile to come around because she was angry she wouldn't have a "normal" son marrying a woman and having kids. But her definition of being supportive was getting to choose her son's boyfriends to ensure money stays good (wealthy family, by the way). This led to an abusive relationship I won't get into, but yeah. He struggles because he just wants his mom to love him, and he has the unfortunate circumstance of having her hair colour, so looking in the mirror is almost like looking at her (metaphorically speaking). His dad is supportive, though, and even has his own casual boyfriend (divorced biological parents). What more, I decided he'd have an exception (because I was evil and tormented my OCs, and sometimes still do), and he fell head over heels for a girl, Chrysanthemum. That certainly threw him through a loop because he 100% isn't attracted to women, 100% is attracted to men, and yet 100% attracted to this one woman. But that happens, sometimes an exception is found, and they don't make you any less whatever you are. He's a gay with an exception.
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