#he’s simultaneously charismatic and pathetic
changeling-fae · 8 months
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This screenshot is from @rauzagel (hope that’s ok) but I needed to talk about it because out of all the words they could have chosen, they chose inconsolable, like not enraged or furious but inconsolable.
The mental image that conjures for me is Raphael sobbing into a tub of ice cream because he thought Tav and him had something special.
Larian, you can’t use that word right after saying “you don’t realize quite how much you mean to the master”. You can’t use these words and not expect me to assume that Raphael has the cambion equivalent of a crush on Tav. Especially given everything else you can find in the HoH and just by talking to the people he’s acquainted with.
This is just so funny and I love how Raphael is in universe both a very successful and powerful cambion but also he gets a crush and he becomes an obsessive weirdo who can’t pretend to be normal.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
what's your read, is Gil meant to come across as genuinely charismatic? especially what we see of his campaign material seemed to take the piss, (so to speak) and make him look intentionally cringe talking about how fighting inequality is like a war??? but the US political rhetoric is pretty bizarre for me anyways
no, he's not charismatic, and that's a major part of his problem as a candidate. like you said, his campaign ad basically combines the swaglessness of milquetoast academic socialism with the imperialist core framing of usamerican 'war on x' rhetoric. in his interview with atn, he manages to come off as simultaneously robotic and over-sensitive. even gil himself recognises he has this problem: when he asks shiv for dirt on waystar, he says it's because his speeches have been too boring. like, his most charismatic moment is in the dc hearings and that's only because tom shits the bed so hard. even kendall manages to get a Le Epic Pwn on gil, which.... pathetic, because kendall himself is not charismatic and does not instinctively know how to work a crowd, lol
in addition to gil as an individual candidate having this problem, it's also an issue for the american 'left' (i'm using actors' categories) in general. like, people enjoy having their emotions stirred up by military parades and racist slogans and synchronised sporting events and shit. it's all very libidinal. there's no real left-leaning answer to atn/fox news, because these types of spectacles are so simpatico with fascism. the american electorate simply does not have the same appetite for a 60 y/o telling them statistics about poverty—as roman puts it, "people don't like to be taught."
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detectivehole · 3 years
lotta members lupin gang are funny bc they're all characters written to fill specific archetypes, and also written to be characters who actively want to fill these specific archetypes- are characterized as people who are aware of these tropes and desperately want to be Cool enough to fit them, like a kid who just got out of a movie and spends the next week emulating the main character. and it makes them almost really bad at it, almost
lupin wants to be the charismatic playboy master thief and he is a good chunk of the time, but he's also more annoying than charismatic, constantly getting rejected, and though he always wins the challenge he still regularly loses the actual loot
jigen very very obviously wants to be a ocassionaly-chivalrous, mysterious, gruff and cool gunslinger. and technically is- he helps his occasional sobstory, his history is genuinly black and murky, and he is literally The best shot. but he's also bitchy, boring, desperately and very obviously wants to be needed, and is so transparent in his efforts of I Must Be Cool it's basically pathetic
goemon is a little more... genuine in his interests, but i think the trend still stands. what he wants is to be professional, disciplined, honorable and powerful. and overall he is, relatively speaking. he's also betrayed his partner(s) multiple times for incredibly shallow reasons, is a thief for anything but necessary reasons, and a huge goddamn baby who throws tantrums worth thousands in property damage any time he gets in a mood. he sucks as much as the rest
and like this is all done on purpose (at least part 2 and onwards) because it's funny, and lupin III is a comedy first and foremost. there's a lot of humor that comes from the protagonist being presented as as X right off the bat, and then letting the audience watch as they hopelessly fail at being X. but i guess i noticed it as sorta unique in lupin III bc for once it's not just the characters failing at being X, it's the characters simultaneously failing at being X from the viewers perspective while technically succeeding at being X from the fictions perspective. which is actually infinitely funnier
(oh yea imo fujiko knows exactly what she is and has executed it perfectly. she's fine. built to be a materialistic and untrustworthy fem fatal. she clearly knows this and generally entirely embraces it- it's not so much that she's striving for something that's unattainable to her as it is shes embracing the what she is and going "yea i can make this work". she remains significantly more competent than the rest of the gang who woulda thought
zenigata too as characterization isn't really going for any sort of archetypes (his character absolutely fits a good handful of tropes obvs). he wants to be the "good guy", but most people want to be the "good guy," so it's hardly unique or inof itself comedy fuel)
and this isn't all to say i think lupin III characters are... deep. (because while time and attempts have undoubtedly given them some depth let's be real, none of them are deep. if they were honestly the whole thing would be ruined; zero continuity, lots of character mailability, minimal depth- it's all important to keeping a very loose, fast, and fun kinda story working). what this is is a.... compliment, i guess, to the various writers that have cultivated this. its good, they did good, it's really fucking funny
it's not entirely unique i'm sure but it's undoubtedly the best example of this... subversion of subversion of a trope i can think of. i guess. or maybe it's just the only one that's stood out to me
i want to make it clear zenigata and fujiko both do fit character archetypes! what i mean is that as characters they are not particularly motivated by a conscious desire to fit them. fujiko is a fem fatal, but it's not as if she wants to be one and is actively pursuing it, she just is. zenigata isn't exactly a hardboild cop, but it's certainly the roll his character is poking fun at- but as a character he isn't trying to be a hard boiled cop, he's just. a cop. he wants to do well and be liked but that's not particularly unique
they are unlike the rest of guys because the guys, as characters, consciously want to be and work towards their archetypes (which is why it's funny when they fail). fujiko just is a fem fatal. jigen wants to be a mysterious gunslinger. zenigata just happens to sorta fit the hardboiled cop persona. lupin wants to be the charismatic playboy. ya see the difference?
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itswildwinters · 4 years
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Hello lovelies and welcome to my October 2020 fic recs. These are the fics that I read these last few months. The main pairing is Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles.
This is also an appreciation post to all writers out there. Thank you for contributing so much to the fandom, for making all these incredible pieces of work for us all to read!
I’m wishing you all a happy Halloween in advance!
If you check out any of those incredible fics below, don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show your appreciation!
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From What I’ve Tasted of Desire by @evilovesyou 
When Louis moves to the small Scottish town of Fortrose to spend some time with his father, he thinks he's come to terms with the fact that the next two years of his life will be rainy and dull. That changes when he meets the ever-elusive Harry Styles in his Biology class and he makes it his goal to find out the big secret surrounding him and his family. Louis unexpectedly finds himself in the eye of a storm of secrecy, age-old myths, friendship and romance.
Twilight AU / Vampires / Werewolves / Slow Burn / Highschool & College AU
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eyes off you by @soldouthaz
“Just promise me you’ll do whatever it takes to keep us all safe while we’re in there,” Liam says.
Through the crack in the door, Louis can just barely make out the broad curve of Harry’s back, the slope of his curls as they tumble down all sleep-soft and lazy, and the sharp twist of his arm - all leading down to where he’s got his pointer and middle finger crossed over each other behind his back.
“I promise,” he tells Liam firmly, “I promise.”
or; a charlie’s angels inspired fic where louis is the brains, harry is the charm, liam is the muscle, and niall drives the getaway car - and zayn is there, too. sometimes.
Action / Pining / Assassins (kill bad people)
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Walls by Travis_Crux 
Following his line of sight, he frowned and shook his head, "What's wrong?"
"Wasn't your timer on your ring finger?" Liam asked, at that the Alpha immediately swapped the tumbler and looked down at his finger which sported a string of tiny blue flowers on the underside of his ring finger.
The two of them looked at one another.
"You could've touched nearly fifty people by the time you grew delirious," Liam advocated, always the voice of reason. "Comrades, nurses, doctors."
Sighing, he turned away and continued drinking the water. Literally, the only fucking thing remaining in the middle of a fucking war.
Harry has his soulmate timer stuck at zero from the beginning of time but suddenly the fates show mercy and a lovely forget-me-not takes the place of his timer. In between finding his soulmate in a war camp and solving the puzzle of the charismatic doctor who is treating him, all he can hope for is to live.
ABO / World War I / Soulmates / Angst / Hurt-Comfort
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works like a charm by @falsegoodnight
Ever since Louis joined the team in fifth year, a few facts have become set in stone.
One: Louis is the best chaser in Hogwarts.
Two: Harry is the best beater in Hogwarts.
Three: They do not get along.
So it’s really unfair of Liam to think that forcing them to spend time together as Louis recovers from his injury will make them the best of friends. The last thing Louis would do is get along with that git.
Harry Potter Setting / Porn With Plot / Enemies to Lovers
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(quiet like a fight) fingers laced together by @letthemkissyou
It’s a thin hope, frail and as thin as the silver strands of a spider web, desperate in the way Louis keeps clinging onto it even when he’s already expecting and preparing for the worst. Maybe one day, he’ll have a home, a place where he can feel safe and sound, tucked away safely from the world that has the tendency to treat him horribly and then even worse, that maybe there will be someone in his life who cares for him, even if in the smallest of ways, and does not just use him for whatever they tend to need at the moment.
Or, the one where Harry is gifted a hybrid and it's a whole new world for the both of them.
Hybrid Louis / Past Abuse / Fluff / Angst 
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We’ll Cast Some Light (You’ll Be Alright) by fondleeds 
There’s tense silence, the whole room completely hushed. The other teams on surrounding tables look between each other. Then, Louis pushes himself away from the table noisily, chair scraping. His face is angered and crumpled, red at the ears. The door slams behind him as he rushes out. The surrounding teams look at Harry simultaneously.
“God, Simon is going to kill us if we don’t die on this mission first,” Niall moans into his hands.
There’s a standard procedure for this. Scan, track, kill. But with a solar eclipse and a Greater Demon with unfinished business looming, the path to keeping England safe from harm becomes complicated and shadowed by mystery and secrets. For Harry and his team, times have never been harder, especially when a few old friends turned foes show up. Harry is left with just over forty days to overcome the hurdle of tension between them and reconcile their past, and figure out just what Louis is hiding from him before it’s too late.
Demons / Enemies to Lovers / Violence / Angst / Fluff / Demon Hunters / Smut
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Three Days in February by @mercurial-madhouse
“We have to get out of here, outside,” Harry whispered, turning his hand in Louis’s grip to hold on and pull them both to their feet. “And how do we fucking do that?” Louis hissed, carefully rising and pulling Harry to his feet before Harry could do it. His gaze darted to the front then back of the arena. “None of the doors are where they’re supposed to be.” “What?” Harry looked around again too, couldn’t see any doors, only knew that they must be there, somewhere. “How do you know?” Confusion slid over Louis's features. “Because we’ve been here before, Haz. It’s the O2.” The show. It must be the first night of their tour. They were too late; they were out of time.
Louis is cursed after a night out with the lads and the five have just three days to figure out what happened and how to break it before Harry and Louis both lose their sanity and maybe something more. Louis can hear everything Harry thinks and Harry isn’t sure he can keep his feelings for Louis a secret from his own mind.
Ridiculous amounts of banter and angst, a lot of Harry and Louis alone together, a healthy dose of OT5 friendship, and one very magical weekend.
Friends to Lovers / Fluff / Angst / Action / Adventure / Magical Realism / Hurt-Comfort / Slow Burn
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Soaked In The Blood Of Angels by @crazyupsetter
The boy looks drugged, caught between a man who’s almost twice his size and a girl who looks like she wouldn’t even break a sweat snapping him in half despite her small stature, eyes closed and mouth open as he pants, arching up between them almost as if he’s trying to escape.
Normally, Harry would ignore it and continue on his search for someone to drink from, someone who wouldn’t mind his sharp teeth and rough hands. He’s seen plenty of boys like this one, ones who picked the wrong playmates, and if he stopped to rescue every single one of them he would have died from thirst a long time ago.
This one, though. There’s something about this one, the sheen of his bright blue eyes as he blinks slowly, looks around as though he doesn’t know where he is, the weakness of his hands as he tries to push the girl off of him and make his escape.
Explicit Sexual Content / Vampires / Incubus / Dubious Consent / Blood / Violence
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The Compulsion to Find Love by Toomanytears
The most prestigious English third-level institution, Candling University, accepts omega students for the first time and Louis Tomlinson applies with bright eyes and brighter ambitions. There he encounters personal obstacles, traditional mindsets and a beautiful boy who inverts every prejudice Louis has ever known.
ABO / Omega Louis / Alpha Harry / Worldbuilding / Slow Burn / Fluff / Angst
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Just a bit of work by missyoutoosweetscheeks
It was quite painfully pathetic, really. Twenty five, stable job, stable flat, stable mind (well, quite), a painfully non-existent love life with an even more painfully intact virginity.
Marcel didn't think his life was going to get better with his painfully aparent sociopathic tendencies to block anyone who showed interest in him.
Until, of course, he became Louis Tomlinson's next prey.
In which Marcel is a virgin, and becomes his office's amorous co-worker's next big conquest.
Top Harry / Bottom Louis / Office Sex / Dubious Consent / Porn Without Plot 
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Fuck U Betta by @jacaranda-bloom
There’s something about having Louis like this, exposed and desperate, that makes a primal urge bubble up from deep inside Harry’s chest. Desire mixed with something else, something unquantifiable. It’s the thing that makes them want this, need this. Nothing else will satisfy them or quench their thirst.
OR the one where Harry likes the thrill of the chase, Louis likes to be chased, and everyone gets what they need… in the end.
Porn Without Plot / Light BDSM / Top Harry / Bottom Louis
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push you out, pull you back in by @behisoneandonly
Harry grips his head in his hands helplessly, yanking the base of his dark curls and squeezing his eyes shut.
“Fucking hell,” he whispers, knuckles turning white from how hard he’s gripping the strands of his hair.
“Hey, hey,” says the petite stranger in front of him, quickly standing up. “Stop, you’re hurting yourself.”
Or Harry hates feeling vulnerable. Louis is set on breaking through his tough facade.
College/University AU / medical student Harry / Fashion student Louis / Strangers to Lovers / Pining / fluff / slight angst / Hut-Comfort / Anger Management
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might we be stardust stories by ryanreynolds
"It was easier being at war."
In which werewolves and vampires have been fighting each other for a century, and Harry and Louis' marriage is what's gonna bring peace to the realm. Hopefully.
Werewolves / Vampires / Arranged Marriage / Slow Burn / Falling in Love / Pining / Fantasy
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Like Candy In My Veins by littlelouishiccups
“Um…” Harry said slowly after a moment. “Okay. That’s… this is… Let me get this straight.” He lifted up a hand and swallowed. “You told your family that you have a boyfriend… and my name was the first one you thought of?” “Harry Potter was on TV, alright? It wasn’t that much of a stretch.” Louis pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t believe he was explaining himself to Harry fucking Styles. He couldn’t believe he was stooping this low. “Forget it. I’m sorry I even thought about bringing you into this.”
Harry snorted. “What? Did you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend or something?”
(Basically the A/B/O, enemies to lovers, fake relationship, Christmas AU that nobody asked for.)
ABO / Fake-Pretend Relationship
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until this blood runs cold by @soldouthaz
In a town as small as Louis’, everybody knows everybody and gossip spreads faster than the wildfires that rage on just outside their backdoors in the sweltering heat of summer. When something happens here everyone knows about it within seconds. Neighbors call neighbors and notes are left on doorsteps, old telephone lines ringing until there isn’t a single person who is left in the unknown.
So it’s definitely hot gossip when a vampire moves in across the street from him, the very same one who’s just become Louis’ boss.
Vampire Harry / Frottage / Blood Drinking
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call you mine by @falsegoodnight
“I have a request.”
That’s what Louis Tomlinson says to Harry when he opens the front door a bit too aggressively. The latter feels justified after a round of annoyingly incessant knocking that was much too loud in the drowsy sludge of early Saturday morning.
“Zayn’s asleep,” is Harry’s tired, hoarse reply, irritation prickling at his skin. Less than a minute ago he was in bed, feeling perfectly content sprawled out on the mattress with the chilled air from the fan cool against his bare skin. And now he’s leaning up against the wooden door frame in nothing but his briefs because Zayn’s best mate decided that showing up unannounced at seven in the fucking morning was a brilliant idea.
“I’m not here for him,” says Louis curtly.
Or, Louis’ curious about how it feels to be bitten. Harry’s going to need more than just one bite.
Plot What Porn / Vampire Harry / Bottom Louis
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your biggest fan by @soldouthaz​
Just like everyone else, Louis has a few habits that he can’t seem to break. Guilty pleasures, rather. His nails are perpetually short because he can’t quit biting them, the bottom of his shoes scuffed from tapping his foot constantly. Sometimes his leg gets a cramp from bouncing it so often underneath his desk. That isn't too bad, he reckons, just some average teenage coping mechanisms.
And also, occasionally, minor instances of theft.
Top Harry / Bottom Louis / Porn What Plot / Nerd Louis / Jock Harry
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give me love by @falsegoodnight​ & @soldouthaz​
Despite being an omega, Louis’ always had a blatant dislike of alphas.
Or, Louis doesn't feel like a good omega, Harry doesn't remember how to be an alpha, and they figure it out together.
ABO / Alpha Harry / Omega Louis / Bottom Louis / Past Relationship Trauma / Slow Burn / Angst / Fluff
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The Stars Look Very Different Today by @kingsofeverything​
For Harry Styles, child genius turned glorified spaceship mechanic, rescuing lost or broken down ships is a fairly common occurrence.
There’s nothing common about his latest mission, the ship, or that ship’s captain.
The last thing he expects to find in a distant galaxy is the one thing he’s been missing on Earth.
Space / Time-Travel / Science Fiction & Fantasy / Enemies to Lovers
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The cat is out of the bag by 28sunflowers
Harry somehow gets himself stuck as a black cat on Halloween and needs help from Louis to change back into his human form.
The problem is: Louis doesn’t even know witches exist, much less that Harry is one. And there’s also the fact he thinks Harry is ghosting him after they had sex for the first time.
So the situations isn’t ideal. But it’s okay. Harry will figure something out.
Light angst / Witch Harry / Potions Accident / Fluff and Humour 
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spidersfanfics · 4 years
False Thoughts
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Author's Note: To any Homestucks reading this, their relationship *is* a kissmesistude and you can't stop me. To anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry about it and enjoy the story.
Remus slumped to the ground, once again banished to the far edges of Thomas' subconscious. Why didn't they get it, he had just as much to offer as Roman did but they simply refused to see it. In fact, not only did they completely dismiss his ideas, they weren't even scared of him anymore.
He screamed in frustration, causing the air around him to ripple and distort. Not that it accomplished anything. He was left simply feeling tired and annoyed.
But it wasn't his fault. No. Making himself known to Thomas, was Deceit's idea.
Remus sat up straighter at this sudden realisation. Yes, he had nothing wrong. He, along with all the other dark sides, had been mostly in favour of staying hidden. Manipulating Thomas behind the scenes. But then Deceit had to come along and suggest that they make themselves known.
"Duke? How did it go?" Speak of the devil.
Remus spun around to find Deceit staring at him with that insufferable smile. Cocky and charismatic, like he was simultaneously better than you and also your best friend. "You told me Patton would be easy to exploit," he said, jabbing Deceit accusingly in the chest. "You told me our presence had thrown of Virgil enough that he wouldn't be a problem. You were wrong on both accounts."
Deceit raised an eyebrow, "I take it things went poorly."
"That's one way to put it," Remus scoffed, "And Roman. Everyone's golden boy. Even when I was right there in front of him, he will always be their Creativity." Remus forced the last of his words out and deflated. He let his hand slide pathetically off of Deceit's chest and hung his head in defeat.
"Are you done?" Deceit asked patiently. When Remus nodded softly, Deceit lifted Remus' head so that the two were eye to eye. "Now listen to me. We may have misjudged them this time but the so-called good sides can only stay together for so long. You've seen how they squabble amongst themselves. Given enough time, we can and will win this."
Remus blinked, "Promise?"
For a moment, Remus took on a hopeful look before he shook his head and tore himself away from Deceit's piercing gaze. "Why should I believe you? All you do is lie. You only ever let us call you Deceit for god's sake."
Deceit put a hand to his chest and gasped dramatically, "Duke I'm hurt. Just because I like to lie, doesn't mean I have to. And I assure you I am not lying right now."
"Prove it," Remus said crossing his arms, "What colours am I wearing?"
"Green and black."
"What's my real name?"
"What's your real name?"
"Ooh clever, but not clever enough," Deceit said with a wink.
Remus bit back a laugh and Deceit raised an eyebrow in question. Remus sighed begrudgingly, "Okay, I guess you are telling the truth."
Deceit smiled smugly and held out his hand, "So are we cool?"
After only a moment of hesitation, Remus accepted the handshake, "Yeah, we're cool."
"Oh goody," Deceit said as he clapped his hands with almost giddy excitement. "Now listen closely Duke, I've got such plans for next time."
Remus grimaced, "I don't know if there will be a next time. Logan really slapped me around and not in a good way. Besides, I really do my best work when no one notices it's me..."
He trailed off awkwardly as Deceit stared him down with a look of blatant unamusement. He scrambled to explain himself, "Look I just. I just mean that maybe, it's not the best strategy..." Another withering stare from Deceit and his words died in his throat once more.
There was a moment of silence as Deceit seemed to make sure that Remus wasn't going to speak again. Then he smiled and continued to speak. "Duke, don't tell me you didn't enjoy your time in the spotlight. I know I certainly did."
"Well I did I guess, I-" Remus cut himself off this time, "Wait, you enjoyed your time in the spotlight or mine?"
Deceit shrugged mischievously, "Why can't it be both?"
Remus smirked, "Remind me to look more into that later." He then huffed and ran a hand through his hair,  "Anyway, as I was saying, I did have fun up until the end but I just don't know if it's worth it."
Deceit leaned forward and smiled wide, showing off his teeth, "Oh come on Duke, next time will be different, trust me. I've got plans. So many plans."
"Do you have plans that involve us and an empty room?" Remus murmured, his eyes drifting.
Deceit laughed, "I might, but do try and focus," he chided, snapping his fingers next to Remus' face.
Remus rolled his eyes, "Fine, plans, hit me."
"Literally, or figuratively?"
"Up to you," Remus said with a sly smile.
"That's what I assumed," Deceit said nodding in satisfaction. He then opened his jacket and pulled out a folded u piece of paper. Two more hands appeared and unfolded the paper while the other two fixed his jacket. "Look here."
A fifth hand gestured for Remus to walk closer which he did and the two of them looked at this sheet of paper which was covered in near-illegible scrawling. "I've been brainstorming ideas on how to take down each of the main sides," he explained. "But I can't do it without the help of everyone else."
Deceit looked at Remus, "So, are you in?"
Remus scanned the list of ideas eagerly and grinned deviously, "Yeah, I'm in."
"Wonderful," Deceit said. His many hands retracted in a flurry of motion until he was once again sporting a normal amount of limbs. The two hands which remained held a rose and stick of deodorant respectively, both of which he offered out to Remus. "Now, how's about we discuss this over some dinner."
Remus took both items and smiled, "I thought you'd never ask."
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ohshcscenerios · 4 years
Tamaki x Renge One-Shot
I apologize for my tardiness to the Anon I promised this story to. It is finally ready to be posted! I hope you enjoy. 
Tamaki pulled out the padded chair with a slight bow, keeping his eyes lowered in respect. She gratefully nodded with a broad smile and sat down. Tamaki took his seat across the table and waived for a waiter’s attention.
Renge seemed a little surprised by his impatience, “You already decided what you want to eat? You haven’t even looked at the menu.” She picked up her menu and quickly scanned through the list, hoping to make a decision before the waiter arrived.
Tamaki chuckled, “Please Renge, take your time. I only wanted to order our drinks.”
Renge sighed in relief and set her menu down. She plucked the beverage menu from its stand and studied it, her eyes growing wide once she recognized a particular brand name.
“I didn’t know they served Mariage Frères here! Oh, this brings back so many memories of afternoon tea with my father.” Her cheeks blushed pink as she happily replayed those wonderful moments in her mind; sitting around a small patio table with her father, sipping on fragrant tea beneath a sunny sky.
Tamaki smiled at her adorable expression and nodded, “I, too, enjoyed that tea with my mother when I lived in France. That is why I had a case sent to this restaurant this morning.”
His words snapped Renge from her relived memories and for a moment all she could do was watch him. Renge knew of Tamaki’s past and knew to be weary of the subject. She was outspoken, blunt, and at times ferocious but she also knew when to hold her tongue. She didn’t expect Tamaki to open that door himself; the door she dared not knock.
The waiter came around to their table and bowed their apology for making them wait.
“How may I serve you?” They asked as they pulled out a small pad of paper and a thin pen.
“I will have èros by Mariage Frères.” Renge said, handing the beverage menu to Tamaki.
“I will have bourbon vanilla rooibos by Mariage Frères, please.” He said and gave the beverage menu to the waiter.
“Would you like a complimentary biscuits with you teas?” the waiter asked as he wrote down their tea orders.
Renge winked at Tamaki, silently telling him her preference, and he smiled in return.
“Yes, thank you. That would be lovely.” He answered.
“Thank you, right away.” He said with a bow and left with their orders.
Renge unfolded her cloth napkin and patted it down across her lap, simultaneously fixing a few creases in her dress. “So Tamaki,” she began without looking up from her lap, “what convinced you to take me out this afternoon?” Her curious eyes met with his, noting the slight confusion staining his blue irises.
Tamaki cleared his throat as he too unfolded his cloth napkin and placed it on his lap. “Well, if you want to know the truth -.”
“I do want to know the truth.” Renge interrupted, not considering her rudeness. During her first year at Ouran Academy – and in Japan – she grew to adore the charismatic blonde. The more she learned about him the more she craved his attention. At first she considered her affections a curse since she originally fell in love with Kyoya – or at least her version of Kyoya – but as time passed her heart wouldn’t relinquish her newfound feelings. She never confessed to Tamaki which made their afternoon date all the more suspicious. Her heart was burning to know his intentions; if he could return her love or not. The very question made her anxious but unfortunately, his answer was the only cure for her wracked emotions.
Tamaki took a moment to gather his thoughts, fanning the nervous tension burning behind her chest, and after a few minutes finally broke the silence.
“I suppose I’ll tell you bluntly. The twins and I made a bet on whether Haruhi would accept Mori-senpai’s confession. I voted she wouldn’t… and I lost.”
Renge nodded, disappointment seeping into her frown, “I see, and because you lost you had to go on a date with the lady manager.”
Tamaki’s eyes shied away from her sad voice, beginning to feel ashamed of himself for going through with the bet. He quietly scolded himself for putting Renge in such a position. A gentleman shouldn’t toy with a woman’s emotions and yet that’s exactly what he just did.
“I’m very sorry Renge, I didn’t mean to offend you. I hope we can make the most of this afternoon together, that is if you would like to continue.” Tamaki allowed his guilt to resonate with his words, proving his shame to Renge. By judging her widened eyes, he could tell she heard his silver lining.
Renge told herself she should stand up and leave the pathetic phony prince, to walk away from his shameless endeavors, but she couldn’t find the strength to move her legs. For a reason beyond her own understanding she couldn’t find the will to stand up for herself. She surmised the shock from his confession stunned her poor body into involuntary submission. Perhaps if she gave herself a few minutes to collect her thoughts she could try again.
“I’m very disappointed in you, Tamaki. I thought you of all people would know how to treat a lady.” Renge snipped.
Tamaki slumped into his chair, “I understand if you want to leave. I will call for a car to take you home you wish.”
Just as the words left his mouth the waiter returned with their teas and hot biscuits and served them with care. Without noticing the tension growing between the couple he emptied his tray and promptly left. Tamaki and Renge couldn’t ignore the floral scents wafting from their teacups. Their aroma and rich color was so tempting that they momentarily forgot their argument.
Tamaki dared a glance at Renge and to his dismay saw a single tear trail her blushed cheek. Shame darkened his enthusiasm for the delectable tea resting before him and found his appetite fading.
“I’m truly sorry for offending you Renge…”
“No.” Her soft voice startled him. “It’s not that… It’s… I would drink this tea with my father when he came back from long business trips. We would have the maids reserve this tea specifically for those afternoons. And now… I’m reminded of him… and I miss him.”
She hung her head in a way that draped her bangs over her sad eyes, shielding her tears from Tamaki.
He reached across the table and took hold her hand, startling her enough to meet his eyes, “I am also reminded of my mother. When I was young she told me my father would drink this tea with her. After he was forced to leave she continued to drink it, in honor of him. In truth, she drank this tea for my father but I drink this tea for my mother.”
Renge noticed tears welling in his blue eyes and his hand tightening ever so slightly around hers. The powerful emotion behind his honesty broke through her previous anger and resettled her heart to continue adoring the man who sat before her.
“Shall we enjoy this afternoon then… together?” She nearly whispered, wiping away her salty tears with her free hand.
Tamaki nodded, allowing his own to fall without guilt, “I would love that, princess.”
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studiobeebo · 6 years
Okay, hear me out, but I would like to see a scenario with Bakugou and Mirio in love with the same girl. The two have so far never interacted in canon, so I understand if it may be a bit challenging! Bakugou is talented, powerful, and very stubborn, but Mirio is the top student of UA and his quirk makes him very difficult to eliminate, so I think this has potential for an interesting rivalry. Bakugou's demeaning nickname for him would probably be 'the nudist' though, you know it's true!
skjhskdjf this is so cute and i am HERE for this rivalry!! Hope ya like it anon!
“A nine?! You’re blind man, she’s an 11/10 in the least, right Bakugou?”
“Shut the fuck up, Kaminari.”
Bakugou huffed out, his eyes set in a glare and his lips in a mild pout as he stared across the cafeteria in an annoyed trance, his chin resting on his palm as he blatantly ignored the food in front of him. While it was very easy to tick him off, nothing ground his gears more than seeing you hanging out with that third year idiot. It just didn’t make any fucking sense to him. I mean, he’d never met the guy, but from what he’d heard and seen, he was just like any other overly-happy dumbass and he absolutely hated the way he could always get that gorgeous laugh of yours to come bubbling past your lips. Not only that,  but his quirk was pathetic too, no matter how many times he heard ‘Oh, Mirio’s the best’ or ‘Oh, isn’t he in the big three!?’. The guy was half naked all the time, what was so appealing about a damned nudist?!
“Is he smoking?”
“Yeah, I think so. Hey, Bakug-”
“I said shut the fuck up.” He grumbled, gathering all of his things and getting ready to leave. He was already sick of watching that jackass flirt with you like there was no tomorrow and it made him lose his appetite and his ‘friends’ pestering didn’t exactly help either.
“But that was, like, ten minutes ago!” Kaminari complained, but his words fell upon deaf ears and Bakugou’s only response was his lovely middle finger.
He didn’t really know when, or how, since none of the first years had much contact with second years such as yourself, but somewhere along the way Bakugou had developed a…liking for you and it didn’t take long for others to notice his fuming jealousy anytime you were talking with other guys, especially Mirio Togata. Despite all of that, he hardly ever made much of an effort to talk to you himself. While Kaminari and Sero had already voiced their suspicions that Bakugou was just too nervous to have much of a conversation with you, he’d never even dream of actually admitting it, no matter how true it was.
Unfortunately for him, the ever charismatic Mirio was never afraid to show his friendliness to the world, and that was even more true when it came to you. The moment he first met you, he knew you were someone special and from then on, he didn’t even bother trying to stop his erratic heartbeat every time you’d smile his way or the blush that would form on his cheeks whenever you’d compliment his accomplishments. He was never one who cared all that much about his title in ‘The Big Three’, but if it impressed you, he was happy to shamelessly milk the ‘fame’ and show off every once in a while
Of course with you being, well, you, he wasn’t surprised to notice that someone else had their eyes on you as well. While he hadn’t had much contact with the first year Bakugou other than visiting his class, he’d heard and seen plenty of him and knew from his aggressive display at the Sport’s Festival that he wasn’t exactly good news. Despite knowing that, he had seen you around him here or there, and maybe you didn’t hang around Bakugou as much as you hung around him, but when he did see you too together he always saw an intrigued sparkle in your eyes as if he was some impressive artifact or something. It annoyed him to no end, but he always tried his best not to linger too much on it. When he noticed your eyes trailing after the young blonde as he made his way out of the cafeteria, though, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy shoot through his chest considering he was currently talking to you, but your attention seemed to be on him.
It was at this same time that Bakugou was going over his interest for you in his head as he began to realize that sitting around all day pining over you was getting him nowhere. At the same time, Mirio was starting to think that he needed to make some quick actions if he wanted your relationship going in a favorable direction. This simultaneous revelation lead to one thought that they both settled on: If your love could start a war, you were damn sure they were both willing to fight it, and oh, what a war it would be.
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Welcome Home
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"Welcome Home" is part of a long tradition of thrillers about devil figures who amplify tension in a couple's relationship, hoping to steal one half of the couple away, or simply torment (and maybe kill) both of them. 
The couple here is Cassie and Bryan (Emily Ratajkowski and Aaron Paul), good-looking young Americans who rent a spacious villa in Italian farm country, hoping to repair a relationship damaged by Cassie's infidelity. The devil figure is Federico (Riccardo Scamarcio, last seen in "John Wick: Chapter Two"). He's eloquent, charming, faintly sinister man who, as Bryan points out, seems to magically appear in their lives at moments of crisis.
The movie fills in the details of Cassie's betrayal in a series of flash cuts synced up with Bryan's moments of anguish. Federico simultaneously stokes Bryan's feelings of emasculation and resentment and starts hanging around Cassie, acting like a gentlemanly Prince Charming and giving her a rugged shoulder to cry on. 
You know where this is all headed, although there are a few strong scenes along the way (particularly Federico and Bryan's drunken night out) that let the actors zero in on psychological details and make a meal of a moment. The otherwise appealing Ratajkowski is a bit vague in certain scenes, and she seems so sweet and loving that it's sometimes hard to square Cassie's demeanor with her indiscretion, even after the script has spelled it out for us. But Paul gives Bryan an arrogant, self-loathing, resentful edge that makes him into something more than a tortured boyfriend (and hints at why Cassie cheated); he's particularly good in scenes where Bryan takes a hard look at his own weaknesses. 
Scamarcio has the trickiest role, and he doesn't disappoint. Scamarcio is spot-on as a man who presents himself to others as a charismatic, confident, Big Bad Wolf-type, but is privately disturbed and pathetic. The character is the star as well as the writer-director of a melodrama he created, but there has to be something defective in a personality that needs to create melodrama in the first place. Scarmacio's performance is so intricate that he somehow manages to suggest a backstory for Federico even though the film is mostly mum on where this man came from and what drives him. His darkly handsome features and boyish sense of menace evoke Javier Bardem and Ray Liotta in villain roles. You feel sorry for him even when you're rooting for his violent death.
As directed by George Ratliff and written by David Levinson, the movie unfolds along fairly predictable lines. The minute you see the couple settling into that beautiful house, you know that the story has to end there, probably with several prolonged acts of gruesome violence, because that's how these movies resolve. It's a built-in aspect of the genre, like the gunfights that end Westerns. What really matters is what the filmmakers do with the standard elements, and how they get to the ending. 
And on that score, unfortunately, "Welcome Home" has to be considered a missed opportunity. Directed with panache by Ratliff, with widescreen images by Shelly Johnson that use negative space to isolate and target the characters, the movie showcases a group of artists pouring their hearts into a work whose storytelling emphasis is misguided. "Welcome Home" is way too interested in things we've seen before—chiefly, anything having to do with the setup of troubled couple/devil figure—but not interested enough in things that we almost never see in thrillers, such as the microscopic details of Cassie and Bryan's unhappiness, which are woven into the expected thriller plot points and sensitively acted by the leads; and the ending, which is unexpectedly a knockout. 
The last 15 minutes of "Welcome Home" are vastly superior to everything that precedes it. Audacious and cheeky, twisting the plot in unexpected directions, the final section nails a tone of delighted black humor that can hold its own with the best thrillers by Alfred Hitchcock, Brian De Palma and David Fincher; in contrast to the earnest anguish and terror of the rest of the picture, it's a black comedy setpiece that dares you to laugh at shocking behavior. It goes too far, then way too far, in a good way, putting a weird new frame around the movie you've been watching. But once the buzz from the ending fades, you may find yourself resenting "Welcome Home" for not figuring out that it could've been a classic until it was too late to be one.
from All Content https://ift.tt/2FAajsF
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nieladasdenani · 7 years
The Walking Dead 7x11 - Hostiles and Calamities
I mean, I’d say ‘poor Dwight’, but, no? Float him. What a pathetic spineless dude. I’m just... Listen I get why we all suspected Sherry instantly, but that’s because we’ve seen it. But Negan, having all this people oppressed and most of them probably suffer a lot under his colonization, is it really that absolutely obvious it would be her?
Oh, Easy Street. What’s with the song? It probably wouldn’t work with Eugene anyway. I guess Negan saw Eugene is just a coward, and also not a threat to anyone. Unlike rebellious, fierce Daryl? No need for dog-food sandwiches and dark cells, I guess.
So, the deal is, if you bend to Negan you are part of the cronies who can take whatever they want and just be general assshats, but if you have morals you get to be a slave. Geez, what a message TWD people.
I wonder if Negan plans with the designed jailer how to deal with the prisoners? Is this girl following a premeditated scheme to bend Eugene? Or does she have free will and hoping for the best?
Negan is, simultaneously, the most charismatic and the most despicable villain. Eugene continues to be pathetic. Yikes. I mean, I guess we’ll end up having a ‘wow, Eugene did that’, if it turns out he’s being smart and playing double agent?
It is, though, kind of genius to cover the walkers with metal. 
So, was there premeditation on Negan’s part to have a wife with each hair color: Blond, Black, Red, Brunette (Sherry, who’s no longer), or was it coincidence? 
Yeah, I still can’t feel bad for Dwight, sorry. She tried, Sherry, to change my mind. But only cemented that she’s the better one. The fact that she doesn’t know if he’s coming to her or for her? Meaning, to be with her or to take her back (possibly kill her).
I get it, she’s not free of guilt. They both decided to get back to Negan, despite having the chance to either try and flee or join Daryl, back last season. I’ve never get the going back, specially if the sister died, what did they thought was going to happen?
Are they... Are they plotting to kill the blonde girl, or is this genuine? It’s kind of fishy.
Wha... Why would he get the only doctor killed? What the... I don’t get why Dwight or Negan, for that matter, would sacrifice the doctor. Because he was not completely horrible?
Oh, I knew it was fishy, just a good fishy. Yeah, I gotta agree with Eugene. Kind of hard to see them getting away with it, tbh. I mean is risky, and desperate. Desperate is not good for this. If you want to kill Negan, poison is probably not going to work well. I think, maybe? I mean he is not stupid, he must know these girls despise him and are not with him by choice.
Which is why I think Eugene could be actually doing something intelligent. he certainly is a guy who has to rely on his quick thinking, Because he is indeed a coward, and pretty much useless in any physical activity. So he must use his brains and learn how to use others to his advantage.
He did it before, with Abraham and Rosita. But we saw he’s actually a good hearted guy. He confessed and then he got mercy... well, sort of. Abe’s lost it but the rest pretty much protected him. 
So I don’t see him actually being turning to the dark side. At least not definitely. It probably be a master plan. That said, it could very well be he turning, or rather, finding his place. Here covered by this huge crowd of despicables. 
But ultimately I think he is smart enough to realize that, with people like Negan, you’re never safe. He could turn at any given moment. Unless you manage to be always irreplaceable to him, which, how? It’s kind of a matter of time, because he doesn’t actually care for anyone. At all. So even if you are useful to him, he wouldn’t go to great measures to actually keep you safe and happy. It more like an ‘oh, well. Shame. Let’s find a new oe’.
I wonder if Dwight and Eugene will team up, or will be a rival thing. You know, for tension. I also wonder if we’d actually see Sherry again, or even know what did happened to her, eventually. I mean wouldn’t be crazy to never hear from her ever again, and not knowing if she made or not. But it seems like to much of a token at this point.
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cummunication · 6 years
Don’t do me any favors
Many men hold their heads high due to the fact they never hit a girl. They feel a sense of pride & superiority because they’re not like “those guys.” Guys walk around, thinking they’re God’s gift, all because they can say “I don’t hit women.” As if not hitting women is good enough. Don’t do me any favors fellas… Not hitting girls is great, and yes I obviously care if you have. But do we applaud people if say, they've never robbed a bank? No, because it’s common sense. If you’re reading this, and you have deliberately shoved, slapped, smacked, hit, punched, kick, threatened to hurt, threatened with a weapon, refrained from escaping, repeatedly made her uncomfortable on purpose in any physical manner, then you, my friend were physically abusive. One form of abuse is not worse or better than the other. They are all unacceptable but sadly, physical violence is the only punishable type. I ask myself if our society is conditioning more males to grow up and be dominant, not take no for an answer, be egotistical and aggressive, or if it’s in their very nature. I have faith not all men are naturally controlling, rough and power seeking. But I was highly disturbed when a study was done and the question was asked “if you could rape a woman with nobody finding out, and no circumstances” the majority of men said yes. I know countless amazing men and am in no way dissing them. Yet as an activist for intimate partner violence, mental health advocate and feminist, this needs to be addressed. I do not believe all men are bad, or abusive. I blame a large part of it on culture which tells men to not be “pussys” and take charge, constantly bombarding us with music that refers to women as bitches and hoes. Let’s not forget the videos, movies, porn and ads that seem to normalize sexually violent behavior. At the same time, lack of education plays a huge role in this epidemic. Since we are usually only shown one side of rape and domestic violence, we become ignorant and in denial these problems could impact us. The first thing that comes to mind when you think of rape is a man jumping out of a bush attacking a stranger; usually a female in provocative clothing. She then gets blamed and asked, why were you drinking? Why were you walking alone? Why were you wearing that? Why does it matter? If a guy was drinking, doing drugs, walking home alone at night etc would anyone question him? Does it make a difference? Nobody deserves this. Not a person, no matter their gender. Just because I had sex with you last week, doesn’t necessarily mean I want to this week, or again at all. Just because we started having sex, doesn’t mean I’m required to finish. People have the right to change their mind. It’s that simple. Simultaneously, when we think of dating violence, more often than not we get an image of a woman with a black eye. We ask, why didn’t she just leave? Why did she stay? She deserves it or should’ve saw it coming. People who say this are simply uneducated. We’ve all been there, making assumptions because, well, stereotypes; thinking we know something when in actuality, we don’t. You can never truly know the extent of what someone’s feeling, unless you have experienced it also. Domestic violence is less of an issue of “why did they stay?” or “they must like it if they put up with it” and more a matter of brainwashing. (look up trauma bonding) This brings me to my point, “if you’re not going to beat me, don’t do me any favors.” Beating someone isn’t the only way you can abuse them. You can still be an abuser if you’ve NEVER put your finger on someone. Truthfully, from my own experience and what I’ve heard volunteering at a rape crisis center, verbal abuse is more insidious, painful and the effects are longer lasting. Personally, I would much rather a guy beat me senseless, before ever undergoing emotional abuse again. These forms of abuse are invisible, so nobody feels bad for you. Nobody knows what’s going on, except you. It’s like a slow form of being stoned to death & no one sees you suffering. What’s worse, the men in these relationships who are psychologically abusing their wives/girlfriends, think to themselves “at least I never laid my hands on her, I’m a great boyfriend.” No you’re not, you’re a pathetic piece of shit. When I disclosed to my ex that I was sexually assaulted, he reacted very poorly. Not only did he yell at me, but the next day when I was noticeably upset with him, he told me it was only because “he loved me that he got so angry I would let someone do that to me” Can you say victim blaming? He said he hates guys who hurt girls and wish he could meet the guy who did it, so he could kick his ass. I’m not particularly a masochist, but I despised the fact that most of our relationship, my ex didn’t hit me. I wanted him to. Before you go judging me, know that the majority of other domestic abuse survivors feel the same way. Not because we want a broken bone, but so we have evidence. So we don’t think it’s “all in our heads” & so we can prove to others that he isn’t what he seems. Abusers are typically charming, charismatic and well liked. Nobody knows what happens behind closed doors except their significant other. The fact my ex said this to me at the start of our relationship, made it even more difficult, since I figured I was overreacting & being too sensitive. Abusers want you to be convinced they’ve done nothing wrong. They are master manipulators. Being controlling, possessive, yelling at your partner, gas-lighting,  calling them names, cursing at them, excessive jealously; are all forms of abuse. Not taking no for an answer, coercing someone, drugging or intoxicating them, pressuring them, making them feel bad if they say no; are all forms of sexual assault. Nobody is perfect, and sometimes we really are clueless to what we are doing. I’m not trying to make you feel like a terrible person if you’ve done one of these things. But I invite you to educate yourself & keep an open mind, because in the case of sexual abuse (like rape and assault) these crimes happen between friends, acquaintances, coworkers, more than with strangers. Be informed and know the facts so you can make better decisions and treat people around you, as well as yourself kinder. You are no better if you fat shame your gf/bf, than if you yanked them by the hair [this excludes consensual BDSM, if that’s what you’re into]. The main takeaway is to not listen to what people say & instead, pay attention to what they do. “Actions speak louder than words” could not be more true. “Real men don’t hit women” is a load of crap because as much as I may not like it, men hit women. I think the saying should be “good men don’t hurt women” or “a good man never abuses or tries to control a woman.” Same goes for “men who hit women are cowards.” Guess what ? Some men that don’t hit women are also cowards; they are toxic to their partners mental health & that can be just as dangerous. That goes for women too. Ladies, don’t think it’s okay to abuse a man. I know several men who have underwent abuse and it breaks my heart. Girls sometimes think they have the right to put their hands on a man because “they can take it”, but I highly disagree. There is no excuse for abuse. People try to make excuses “I was drunk, had a bad day, bad childhood.” Guess what, I’ve had all those things and I’m sure many of you did too, yet we don’t go around destroying others [consciously at-least]. If you or someone you know is being abused I suggest you call the-hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit www.ncadv.org to learn more about unhealthy relationships.
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