#he seems to be very interested to belong to the C-Wing team
lostnotebookgcb5 · 2 years
Okay, here is the thing: I wouldn't go as far as calling him a "foil character" but down below are my shower thoughts about the similarities between Trant Heidelstam and Harry
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Both Harry and Trant suffer(ed) from drug addiction. We don't know if Trant was dependent on them as Harry was for his work performance, but he managed to overcome his pyrholidon addiction (by replacing it with a "healthier" addiction, Lo Manthang stick fighting). It's hinted at that pastHarry & Trant talked about their addictions.
Funnily enough, both Trants and Harrys former jobs are more or less a mystery to the player, only hinted at with Harry remembering his former school and Trant beating around the bush with his "freelancer" jobs.
But there are also opposites, like Trant was able to maintain a healthy relationship with his ex-wife after their divorce and takes care of their kid, almost being the complete "healthy" opposite of Harry & Dora.
Interestingly Harry has no qualm committing to a political site and being vocal about it, while Trant seems to be the complete opposite, shying away from getting involved into politics. No matter what, Pryce will also count Harry in during the secret meeting with Gottlieb. Trant will always have the "No" answer.
And the most interesting similarity that started this whole thing:
It is being told by Dora that Harry isn't able to speak normally, their conversation flow reminding her like she is being questioned and Harry is ticking off boxes. Meeting him later in the game, we're being shown that Trant isn't able to talk in a normal way, often derailing the conversation with his answers by deep-diving really fast into the subject, recalling more-or-less relevant memories or jumping to a whole other topic 🤔
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Please, please tell us a debate you won with your parents that you consider to be a triumph.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I’ve won a fair few debates with my parents but they’re not very funny, sometimes b/c of the subject (like climate change or trans rights), but mostly because my parents have never been easy to trick so the truly outrageous stunts never involved them (though sometimes they were collateral damage).
So, in the interest of entertaining y’all, Imma tell you a story of how unbridled arrogance and an inflated perception of our own intelligence helped me and a classmate win a debate in school. I call this story: J and I fight the system.
Our class was studying politics and had been divided into groups of three or four, each of which had been assigned a political party. We had a few weeks to gather info about our party and at the end of it there was a two hour long debate wherein we were to represent our party. Swell. My group consisted of me and two guys. Let’s call them J and M. J, M, and I all ran in different circles. J hung out with the athletic guys, and M was part of a small crew of three boys who seemed perpetually confused about what they were supposed to be doing in class. It is important to note that both J and I belonged to the category of people who were very valuable in a group project but who couldn’t quite be bothered to keep track of things like “time” or “assignments”.
J and M and I had been assigned the leftist party and promptly went to visit their offices in our town, which was closed. Gosh darn and doolittle, but what can you do?
Anyway, life goes on until one day before class when I notice that everyone seem to be carrying large stacks of paper into the classroom. This confuses me, so I turn to my friend, let’s call him T, and ask what’s going on. T looks at me, and cautiously informs me that “today is the political debate”
Oh, I think. Oh no. But then, I’m not the only person in this group. Surely J has prepared?
At this point, J hurries down the corridor towards me, something wild in his gaze and I consider that maybe we have a problem. J stops in front of me:
“Please tell me you remembered the debate?” He asks me in a panicked whisper.
“No”, I reply, “I was hoping you did”
At this point some of his friends and mine who have been loitering nearby are looking increasingly incredulous.
“Someone told me 10 minutes ago”, J says, “and we’re meant to be able to give a history of the party as well, so I googled it and wrote it down!” He brandishes a piece of crumpled paper, clearly torn from a page in a lined notebook. It’s not a whole page, more like 1/3 with ragged edges. (This was back before smartphones or personal laptops were considered standard fare in schools.)
“Good man”, I say, because we now have some historical facts, although still no knowledge of actual politics.
“Look,” says J, “there’s M, maybe HE remembered?”
M ambles over to us and succinctly manages to crush our hopes and dreams in one sentence:
“Which party are we again?”
So M is a no go and now J and I have to make a decision. Either we come clean to our teacher and take the hit to our grades (and our reputations as good students)
“We can wing it”, I say. J looks at me, burgeoning hope blossoms in his eyes.
“Do you really think we can pull that off?”
I think for a moment.
“Look, we’re not one of the major parties, so we probably won’t be called on to start a topic very often. As long as the socialists go first, we can just agree with them but make it more extreme”
J nods and agrees that this might, in fact, work. “What about specific policies?”
“I’m sure we’ll figure it out”, I say nonsensically, but for some reason this convinces J. Desperation truly makes a man believe anything. We pull M into our little huddle to inform him of the plan, and I instruct them that today we really only have one ace to play:
“Whenever ANYONE from the conservative side says anything; bang your fist on the table and yell ‘CAPITALIST PIGS’ at the top of your voice”
“Confidence is key!” J adds. Good man, J.
The debate starts. J and I are vibrating with adrenaline. Everyone else has piles of papers in front of them, they’ve divided responsibilities (so A takes schooling and B healthcare for example) we have no system. We’re three hyped up liars brandishing one third of a ripped out paper, gambling our survival solely on our wits, our daring, and our ability to bang loudly on the table.
“We think that schools should focus on math more”, says a member of one of the conservative parties.
“Well YOU WOULD”, roars J while M and I bang the table in agreement.
“THIS IS THE TYPE OF CLASSIST, OPPRESSIVE NONSENSE I’D EXPECT FROM YOU”, I scream at my poor classmate as he advocates against public welfare.
“We agree with the socialists”, we say over and over, “but we don’t think their proposal is strong enough. They are catering to the conservatives and WE. WILL NOT. COMPROMISE.”
Once our teacher initiates a debate topic by asking us what our policies are. It’s about schools. J has frozen in terror beside me as we contemplate the horrid fact that we have no idea what our policies are regarding schools (or anything else except “capitalism bad”).
There’s a moment that lasts an eternity as I fervently try to figure out what in the hell the leftist stance could be, and find myself thinking “what would my aunt (who’s basically a communist) say?”
Finally, I make something up that seems logical and that I might’ve heard my aunt say once, maybe (grades should be only pass or fail for EQUALITY).
There’s quiet.
“Yes exactly”, my teacher confirms and everyone on team “ride or die” collapses in relief.
As we exit the classroom 2 hours later, shaking and positively giddy with relief, we’re faced by the few people (mine and Js friends) who’d been aware the whole time that we had NO IDEA what we were doing. My only recollection of this is when one of Js athletic buddies looks at the two of us in disbelief and goes:
“The absolute BALLS on the two of you”
Also, to further prove the falsehood of “I know when you haven’t done your work properly” we were praised for doing our whole debate without needing any notes to remember our stuff. I recall that fact because when our teacher told us this J looked straight at her and said “well we thought that to argue our ideas we have to know them by heart”. Good man, J.
T was upset with me for years.
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queenofanime · 3 years
The Girl in White
(Haikyuu x reader)
Part 1
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It is only at that moment, Kenma realizes he is holding a gold watch in his hand. At the back of the watch was a small phrase engraved:
To the angel with no wings
My love, my life,
It was clear that the watch was expensive but most of all it seemed like a valuable treasure. A treasure that wasn't his. He didn't take it on purpose, it just happened, probably when he bumped into the table out of panic. But Kenma had to admit it was a beautiful object. The watch must have had a great number of straps over the years, yet the machine itself was perfection in cogs, gold, and glass. Part of him wanted to return it, but the idea of going back to that hunted place and face whoever had that scary husky voice was a no-no. Without showing it to any of the other players, Kenma slid the watch into his pocket.
Morning came and it was time for both teams to start packing. Unfortunately for Kenma, his conscience didn't seem to want him to rest. The watch was beginning to grow heavier with every passing minute and the guilt was beginning to take over the poor boy.    
"Oi Kenma! What's this?"
Kenma's yellow eyes widen in fear when he saw non-other than Kuroo holding the said treasure.
"Oh, that looks expensive!" Taketora yelled across the room causing more unwanted attention to the duo.
"It's nothing. Give it back!" spat Kenma. Annoyance lingering in his voice. However, Kuroo wasn't satisfied with the answer, and he knew exactly how to push his friend's buttons.
"Oh? Then please share with everyone who is Martha? 'Cause I'm daying to know... Is it a beautiful girl at school? A crush?"
As soon as those words left Kuroo's lips, Kenma went from annoyed to embarrassed. Not only because his so-called friend was hinting at the idea of romance, but because he didn't know how to get out of this mess. By now everyone was looking at him; 'what was he suppose to say?' On top of that, how was he going to explain the fact he didn't even know who Martha was, let alone know if she was an angel with no wings or not.
"Uhm... uh" No constructed words could form. Kenma's cat-like orbs roamed the room trying to find an exit. With no way out of the awkward situation, he finally gave up. Ashamed of what he was going to say next, he let his vision fall to the floor. "I-I kinda... s-tole it." Kuroo's eyes narrowed at the confession, but before he could say how extremely disappointed he was, Hinata intervened. "Does it belong to the owner of the house?"
Now that comment perked the interest of everyone, including the less interested.
"House? What house?" asked Kageyama, trying to hide his curiosity poorly.
At that moment, Hinata realized the horrible mistake he had committed. Nervously laughing, he tried to brush off the question of "The King". But Kageyama's blue eyes were piercing the poor ginger boy's soul. And it didn't help to have Daichi on father-mode either.
"Well... uh funny thing" studdered Hinata while fidgeting with his hands. "Yesterday we kind of took a shortcut and um got kind of lost and..." His brown eyes traced Kenma's figure, "and it was late and we just happen to find a-a house, so we k-kind of ent-entered it."
"You morons trespassed?" ask nonother than Tsukishima, who by now was quite attentive to the conversation.
With that, Kenma lost all hope that he could get away from the awkward situation and accepted his fate.
As expected, both boys got a punishment and were chastised by their respective captains. And of course, the only reasonable conclusion ended up being returning the stolen treasure.
To say, both teams were spooked out by the setting, was an understatement. Everyone was freaking out. Hinata and Kenma pleaded to not go back there alone, and with good reason. Yet no one listened because, no one was buying that the place was creepy, in fact, some even told them they were being scary-cats, but now...
Now all the boys were staring at the abandoned playground, at the rusty swings that moved with the wind, creating an infernal screech. And there it was again, that feeling of being watched, observed every action, every move. For some reason, whenever Hinata watched the abandoned structure, he remembered the feeling of childhood. The laughter of children. But that was here nor there.
"H-how about w-we turn b-back" suggested Asahi. Although his physical features made him look like a grown-ass delinquent, Asahi Azumane was a baby at heart. And probably, the most scared. "I-I mean, Kenma c-could keep the w-watch, r-right?"
A strict stare from Daichi made him shut up, though. Yet, Karasuno's ace wasn't wrong, the place was unsettling and everyone seemed to be tense, hell, even Kuroo and himself looked doubtful, but as a captain, he had to move forward. If Hinata made it out in one piece, so could he.
After some encouraging words from Nishinoya, the boys decided to walk through the forest. The setting was quite different than the other night. The sun was up and one could see the peaceful clearings. The smell of wildlife was quite pungent, and the big, tall trees might as well be magical creatures like Titans and Giant Trolls. A small stream could be seen in the distance. Kenma wonder why he didn't hear the water before, maybe he was too tired and concentrated on the cat.
Finally, after one and a half-hour later, all males made it to another small gate. There were dirt roads leading to it as well, which indicated that there were other routes one could take. The gate had the same architectural structure as the first one and lead to a well-maintained garden. Hinata and Kenma recognized it immediately. At the back, the white antique house stood proudly. House was a little underrated since it was rather a massive white mansion, that had colossal glass windows, and no Japanese influence at all.  At the center of the garden, a fountain made of stone and moss stood. A mighty oak was near too, making the place look astonishing. However, all magical trance disappeared when they heard someone approaching.
A girl.
Dressed in a white silky summer dress. It had a touch of vintage, however, it was quite transparent, highlighting all of her curves. She couldn't have been older than 17, maybe younger. Her skin was smooth and shiny, the rays of sunshine reflected in her hair, while the soft spring breeze created movement all around her. Her eyes sparkled. She was barefoot as well. Now that, was an angel with no wings.
"Who are you?" Her voice didn't match at all with her sweet looks. It was a stern commandant voice, full of confidence. At this, all the boys flinched.
Moving slowly through the group, Kenma cowardly stood in front of her.
"I um I'm wan-wanted to um..." What was he supposed to say? 'I'm the one who stole your watch' Of course not. Kenma wasn't used to talking with girls, let alone one that was stunningly gorgeous.
"I'm, I'm Kenma K-Kozume and I uh-Yes the watch thief." The girl bluntly interrupted, which caused some snorts from Tsukishima and Tanaka.
Kenma could feel the heat spreading through his face out of embarrassment. This was clearly an unwanted situation.
"You know, watch-thief Kenma, your manners aren't great either. You should see the other person's eyes when talking to them." She continued. Although her words were harsh, she wasn't using a mockery-childish tone, no, she was just pointing out the truth without sugarcoating it. For some reason, Kenma always seems to have difficulty seeing other people's eyes and faces. He didn't really know how to interact with others, however, before he could react, a soft hand spread to his chin and lifted his gaze. The girl wasn't laughing or being mean, she was serious, observing, taking in every feature.
"Well?" She repeated. She acted very maturely for her age, something that didn't go unnoticed by the others, especially the third-year students.
He didn't know why, but instead of feeling petrified, Kenma felt a wave of confidence forming.
"I'm Kenma Kozume and I wanted to return the gold watch." His hand stretched towards the girl and handed her the object. "I'm sorry for taking it, it was an accident."
The girl observed the watch for a long time, examining it, she then, lifted her gaze towards the boy, giving it back.
"The watch belongs to Germán. You took it from him, you give it back to him."
"Germán?" The obviously wasn't a Japanese name, no it was Spanish and quite difficult to pronounce.
"My father." She answered.
"And who are you?" Asked a voice from behind. It was Kuroo, who until now, was just observing the situation unfold.
"His daughter." She responded. Unfazed by the harshness in his tone
"That's not what I meant."
"I'm well aware of what you meant." The same monotone voice responded.
Ignoring Kuroo's irk forehead mark, her gaze fell on Kenma once again. "My father is inside. You will personally return the watch to him."
Not waiting for anyone to speak, she headed inside the garden and made her way to the old mansion. Everyone else just kind of followed.
The inside of the house was just as cozy as Hinata remembered it. The Siamese cat sat on a sofa, looking at the new strangers coming in with lazy eyes.
"Um, may I ask what's the name of the cat?" The girl turned around to spot the boy who had asked the question. He was of average height, green-ish hair color, and his skin was full of freckles.
Not paying too much attention, she replied. "That's Violet. There's also a brown one named Kafka, and we have a Great Dane named Sargent."  At her comment, Hinata got extremely excited. "Whoa! You have so many pets! Can I see the dog!?" The girl was taken aback by the boy's energy but quickly composed herself. "If he passes through here you can. I'm going to get my father, so don't touch anything." Giving one last look to all the males, she headed to a carved wooden door, "Oh, and don't steal anything."
Her comment left a bittersweet taste in Kenma's mouth.
"Well, this place is something." Admitted Kageyama, who was observing a carved decorated music box with a porcelain ballerina on top. No one disagreed. The place seemed to be taken out of a fairy tale. Every ornament seemed to tell a story. The decoration of the living room defied all time and space as if it had frozen in the Victorian European movement. For a second, every player forgot they were still in Japan.
Soon, the door opened, revealing the mysterious girl and her father, Germán.  
He was a tall, thin man. His hair was brown but also grey, showing age. Even though he had wrinkles in his forehead and eyes, he clearly was a handsome man in his time. His eyes were icy-blue but there was a warmth to it. On top of that, he was well dressed.
Both teams bowed, showing respect. However, he waved his hand, "That's not necessary, young ones." His voice was sweeter than the other night. It wasn't as rough, rather calm and soft, almost a whisper.
Kenma approached and told him the situation. Asking forgiveness, for the watch. Hinata too apologized for trespassing.
"Well, I'm glad you returned it. By the way, all of you seem tired, would you like a late breakfast?"
The unexpected question from the man causes a lot of eyes to widen. Even her daughter seemed surprised.
"Oh, we couldn't accept your kindness after everything that has happened" Explained Daichi, which everyone nodded in agreement, yet, as soon as those words left his mouth, a couple of stomachs growled in hunger, including his. This caused the young girl to laugh. It was the first time they heard her laugh, and it was music to the ears. Although, everyone got flustered by the bad timing.
The man just smiled kindly.
"Cricket, would you be so kind to put out plates and heat water for our guests?" She only nodded and headed to the kitchen while he made all the boys pass to the dining room.
The table was long enough for everyone, which was kind of impressive. At the end of the room, hanging from the wall was a beautiful vivid painting of a woman. She resembled the girl but in adult form.
The table was full of fruit, and bread, and eggs, and coffee, and chocolate milk. The volleyball players ate like there was no tomorrow.
At first, no one dared to say a word, but with time, Hinata and Nishinoya lighten the mood. And soon, Germán was talking to all the boys like they were his own sons. Kenma noticed a pair of orbs looking directly at him. The girl was clearly deep in thought, journeying through some creative stream only she could sense. He also took in her features. She was very well built and good-looking yet, there was something captivating about her. A special quality that could put anyone in a trance.
Unfortunately, breakfast was cut short when the older man started coughing. Immediately the girl stood up and helped her father head to his room. It was clear he was sick, however, no one mentioned it. Sugawara and Morisuke offered to help but were shut down by the death glare of the young girl. Helping her father she left the room. When she returned, the dishes were picked up. Apologizing in a neutral tone, the girl offered everyone to head to the door.
The awkward silence returned once more, yet she paid no mind to it. By now, everyone was at the iron gate, ready to part.
"Why did you entered our house yesterday?" She finally spoke. Everyone turned their heads to Kenma, then to Hinata, then to the girl, then back to Kenma.
"I don't know," responded Nekoma's setter. "Maybe because of the mystery."
The girl smiled energetically for the first time.
"So, you like mysteries?"  
Kenma only nodded.
"You have something to do tomorrow?" her question was out of the blue, unpredictable. Before Kenma could respond, she continued. "Tomorrow, here, at 9;00 am."
And with that, she turned around and left running.
"Wait!" cried Hinata who wasn't even part of the conversation.
The girl stopped in her tracks and turned around.
"You haven't told us your name!"
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kbmercer · 4 years
Ch.1, Part 3: Encounter
My Heroic Pokemon Squad (A Pokemon/My Hero Academia Crossover)
After receiving an emergency call to assist in sedating the legendary pokémon of time and space, Top Ranger (Y/n) (L/n) gets caught in the crossfire of their rampage. Sent barreling into a world unknown, (L/n) must now navigate her new surroundings and somehow find a way home. Yet, the aftermath of a momentary rift between dimensions carries drastic repercussions, especially considering that pokémon had never existed in this place to begin with. Not only that, but it seems humanity here have powers of their own, not unlike that of the creatures she has grown to love.
The students of UA had a big day ahead of them. They’ve worked with the support class for the past week to modify and solidify their hero costumes in anticipation for the Provisional Hero License Exam. They’ve had a long day and have since returned to their dorms for the night, moving to either take a rest or stay up just a little longer for casual conversation in the communal lounge area. The girls of 1-A were doing the latter; the chatter among them being about the progress of their special techniques, the time they had left until the big day, and any other facet of interest in between. The conversation had gotten out of hand pretty quickly with Uraraka floating in the lounge out of embarrassment from the allegation of having a crush. The perpetrator, Mina Ashido was being reprimanded for prying by Asui and Yaoyorozu. The ridley hero did not let up.
             “I wanna hear more!! Over-bearing or not, I can make even the most unrelated stories relate to love! But…on a more related note about love, have you seen that super cute picture of those quirked creatures snuggling together??? They were totally in love!”
Leave it to Mina to know about the most recent things and talk about the most recent stuff. It was no denying that the news of animals having quirks held most of the peoples’ interest lately, but the pink girl was obsessed. She scrolls through her phone and shows her classmates the picture of two spiked rodent-like creatures. One was bigger than the other with its fur being a deep shade of purple while the one by its side was a periwinkle blue. They were snuggled close underneath the brush of an unspecified forest enjoying each other’s company.
“Aww. They look so cute together.” Hagakure pitched in, taking the initiative to bring Uraraka back down to earth. When the brunette was returned to solid ground, she rejoins the conversation catching a glimpse of the photo releasing a small coo of her own before Mina turns the screen. She starts scrolling through socials to see if there are any more photos and soon comes across an underwater photo depicting pink heart-shaped fish swimming together. She squeals.
“They’re underwater too!?” She was basically vibrating in place at this point. The girls invade space, gathering together to get a closer look and the newly searched photo. Wow, 365,000+ likes in less than 2 hours?
“They are pretty cute, kero.” Asui adds.
“I did a little bit of research on my own…” Yaoyorozu starts. “There seems to be equally as intimidating ones too. Like the one I saw that looked like a flying scorpion…”
“Or that one I saw from Russia that looks like the abominable snowman…” Uraraka chips in.
“Oooohhh. Or like this one!” Mina had entered a live stream which was currently underway. The location being filmed was a city, the bright lights of the streets was blurred by heavy rain. The cacophony of noise made by the crowd that surrounded the person filming also had their phones out trying to capture what was happening. The sound of an indistinguishable roar resonated through the area and boomed from the speakers as the peppy girl turned up the volume. Gushes of wind could be heard through the recording as if the currents were being moved by the wings of a flying bird. Though, the girls watching in anticipation doubted that any of what is transpiring was being caused by any sort of bird. The same roar booms through the speakers again and the crowds noise somehow grows louder. A silhouette of white is seen through the rain and the camera zooms in on the giant creature looming overhead. It was in full view now: a creature that looked to be three times bigger than the average human with a body of white and blue. The deep-sea colored spines that protrude from their back moved to favor the storm around them while its appendaged wings flapped at a steady, almost menacingly pace.
“WWWOOOOAAAHHHH,” the girls’ reaction to what they witnessed was on par with the crowd in the livestream, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka’s voices showing conveying more concern for the people filming. It when more of their classmate had entered the lounge room to see what all the fuss was about.
“Will you shut the hell up?! Some of us are trying to sleep!!”
  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” (Y/n) roars. The ranger was watching one of many news broadcasts from a tablet she was given. The voice of the on-scene commentator was drowned out by the worry the girl had for anyone in the vicinity. They lay witness to Lugia—a pokémon of legend—causing havoc in the middle of Musutafu. The pokémon looked confused, as if were searching for something or someone but their concern disappears when their attention is redirected.
Oh no.
The pro-heroes had made it on site. Through the lens of the professional camera, (Y/n) could identify Midnight, who had since made a wardrobe change, alongside three others that she had previously heard about…Kamui Woods, Gang Orca, and Eraserhead. If their names were anything to go by, it was easy to guess who everyone was. The man with a tight suit decorated in wooden armor is Kamui Woods; the whale man is Gang Orca; and Eraserhead is the plain-looking dude that looks very tired (of this shit). The four shared a brief moment of formality before engaging Lugia.
(Y/n) continued to watch and quickly noticed that the team of heroes wasn’t trying to defeat it. Rather, they were attempting to restrain it. A good move in prospect, but a difficult one in execution. The storm that continued to surge around Lugia would only make the tactic harder to accomplish.
Three out of the four had methods of holding the legendary creature down. Kamui Woods’ ability involved his limbs stretching and growing like a tree as he latched onto Lugia by its left wing. Eraserhead used the sturdy scarf he had as a tether on the right wing. Equipped with a whip, Midnight snaps the weapon forward to wrap around the pokémon’s left foot. Gang Orca uses his abundant force to assist in further bringing it down from the sky. Yet, their success in bringing Lugia down to earth didn’t take into account how they were going to keep it there. In a moment’s notice, Lugia had used its own power to break free from the heroes’ bind. As it rears back to let out another roar, (Y/n)’s breath gets caught in her throat.
It was as if everything was in slow motion. Lugia lifts itself into the air once more as its wings began to flap harder. It locks onto those who dared to ground it and the direction of the storm begins to change. The watered air current draws itself upon the white beast and concentrates to a finite amount. Finally, they bring their large wings forward to break the concentrated ball of pressurized air. In an instant, everything an everyone is blown back, the heroes taking the blunt of Lugia’s Aeroblast.
The news correspondent and camera man of whom were a great distance from the engagement were not safe either. The impact had recoil and knocked the crew off their feet. The camera lost focus and lay on the asphalt. Groans of pain could be heard in the background.
(Y/n) had seen enough. She clutched her duffel and sprinted out the doors of the police department. The call from the receptionist was lost on her as she hurriedly shuffled through her belongings to clasp three pokéballs. She taps the button on one and tosses it into the air. A bird of dark plumage is released. A ‘caw’ is let out in response to his summoning by the ranger as red eyes stare into (e/c) eyes.
“Alright, Honchkrow. We have a Lugia to take on…”
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poesreyofsunshine · 4 years
My Thoughts on TROS
I’ve been wanting to write my thoughts on episode ix but i’ve been busy and i’ve gotten the chance to watch the film 3 times now.
(pretty long post)
I’m going to start with what I LOVED/ENJOYED 
Chewie/ Poe/ Finn Falcon- I loved this scene so much well any scenes with Poe and Finn because of the beautiful natural chemistry John and Oscar have with each other. I loved how they both know wookie now. The light speed skip was fun getting to see other planets.
Rey Meditating - My baby girl and her floating rocks, she’s come so far. I love how BB-8 keeps her company during her training. He really loves his Mom. Leia is her master (cried when she called her Master). I love the relationship between Leia and Rey.
Rey Training- Rey doing the training course was EVERYTHING!!!! Her saying that she will earn Luke’s saber like she wants to be worthy to earn it. Never underestimate a droid. (My heart)
Falcon Arriving-  Rey reading her Jedi Text Books she’s so cute and i loved how the other resistance members their reaction to the Falcon coming back and the pilot letting her know the Falcon is here and how she runs to go see her friends.  ugghhh my heart.
PASAANA- MORE TRIO SCENES YES YES YES !!! I loved loved how Poe was getting down to business right away and Rey is taking everything in, she’s like a little kid. That scene with her and the child was so sweet. LANDO’S INTRODUCTION i’ve missed him. THE CHASE SCENE, POE DOING THAT SWERVE THING UGGGHHHHH the NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A DROID  part and Rey’s little smile.
CAVE SCENE- Poe catching Rey and calling her name out first (MY DAMEREY SHIPPER HEART) C-3PO “You didn’t say my name sir but i’m alright” . Poe being jealous of Finn & Rey. “You mean when poe’s not here?” Poe using his flashlight after Rey takes out her lightsaber such a cute funny moment and again Finn’s face. They find the dagger and Rey healing the snake was cool because we can see how advanced she is with her jedi training so that was cool to see.
CHEWIE’S FAKE DEATH- the force lightning (i predicted that in one of my awful fan fics i wrote after tfa so jj i’m waiting for my credit) 
FOR CHEWIE/ D-O- I loved the hand holding scene. Finn is so comfortable with human touch and Poe not wanting to hold his hand then C-3PO joins in and Poe looks annoyed. D-O Rey being so comforting to that droid because she knows she’s been hurt before and now she’s with great people in her life. ugghhh my heart.
KIJIMI/ BABU FRIK- TRIO WEARING THE JACKETS ALONGSIDE C-3PO we stan. When Poe warned Zori and her crew and Rey just kicked everyone’s ass. Zori and Rey moment i loved. Zori sacrificing something that was going to get her out so Poe can help his friends was a really sweet moment. BABU FRIK i’m obsessed. Rey fixing D-O’s wheel so it won’t squeak again. C-3PO sacrificing his memory so he can help Rey. I was so happy how much C-3PO was used in this film.
RESCUING CHEWIE- AGAIN MORE TRIO. JJ REALLY SAID TRIO RIGHTS. I really enjoyed the scenes with Poe Finn and Chewie.
REY IN KYLO’S QUARTERS- I hate reylo but i have to admit this is one of the strongest scenes of these two. Daisy’s acting ugghhhh *chef’s kiss* It was so good. I liked how she was trying to ignore him while grabbing chewie’s belongings.
JANNAH- I had a feeling she was First Order, i loved how she reacted when Finn told her who he was. He really inspired other stormtroopers to leave the First Order. This is the Finn content we’ve been missing.
DARK REY: That was really cool. The teeth. SCARY. I wanted more of her lightsaber duel with Dark Rey.
REY KILLS KYLO- That moment was so powerful to me. She killed this character who has been tormenting the Galaxy. She was scared of what she did she left like Luke did.
BEN/ HAN SOLO: I Know part that hit me uggghhhh i loved that we got to see Ben reborn and at this moment I knew that he was going to sacrifice himself because of what Han said about Leia always fighting for the cause. t was a beautiful moment.
LEIA’S DEATH: Rey & Kylo feeling her die. Well Ben lost his mother and Rey lost a mentor so that was nicely done. CHEWIE’S REACTION TO HER DEATH wow that broke my heart into a million little pieces. I couldn’t stop sobbing.
GENERALS POE/ FINN: Poe asking Lando for advice and Poe asking Finn to command with him and they’re both generals. It was such a cute moment. 
REY/LUKE & LUKE/LEIA JEDI TRAINING: THIS HAD TO BE ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES. The Luke that we saw was the Luke I wanted in TLJ. From him giving her Leia’s saber and the small scene we got to see of Luke and Leia training like can we get a series of that PLEASE. Luke using the force to lift his x-wing from the water. His little smirk when he finished, yes YODA would be proud.
REY FLYING LUKE’S X-WING: She gets to fly an x-wing after watching them from jakku and putting on the helmet. Rey deserves the world.
BEN SOLO- I WANTED MORE BEN SOLO AND WE WERE ROBBED. He’s such an interesting character and I wish we would’ve seen more of Ben Solo before TFA. He’s very much like Han. The shooting without looking and when Rey passed him the lightsaber through their bond i was shook. That scene was so powerful. She finally got to see Ben who she’s been seeing in this visions that we never see. Ben & Rey teaming up was awesome. That fighting sequence against the knights of ren was amazing choreography.
THERE ARE MORE OF US/ WEDGE ANTILLES- That moment of poe losing hope it broke my heart we had that moment when he was talking to Zori about he feels like no one is going to help them. He’s apologizing to everyone uggghhhhh and then Lando to the rescue with the main star wars theme song playing in the background. *chef’s kiss* and wedge antilles’s small cameo my heart. I almost fell out of my seat lol i got way too excited.
REY’s & BEN’s DEATHS- I know people hated the fact that she killed Palpatine but I really liked that scene. She used both Skywalker sabers to defeat Palpatine and she had all the jedi with her. It made sense for her to die in that moment. Because Ben rose and wow that scene when he was holding her again this is Adam’s best acting. Again i’m not a reylo but i felt his pain. He finally did what Anakin never did he saved someone he loved and that was so significant. His death made sense to me. Honestly they wouldn’t have accepted him in the resistance because of everything kylo did. He sacrificed himself do Rey can carry the Skywalker legacy. Leia giving him the strength he needed to save Rey was beautiful and both disappearing. He gets to reunite with his family as Ben Solo.
TRIO REUNION- Poe and Finn reunion was so cute the way Poe reacted to seeing Poe. Both of them looking for Rey and her looking for both of them.THAT FUCKING HUG WAS EVERYTHING BETWEEN THE 3 OF THEM. FINN BEING IN THE MIDDLE AND HIM CRYING MADE ME SO EMOTIONAL. THERE EACH OTHER’S FAMILY. POE AND REY HAND HOLDING.
TATOOINE- Full Circle, ending where it started was a perfect ending. Her coming in the Falcon and sliding down the sand just how she did in TFA. She buried the skywalker sabers in luke’s home. And ending with her saying she’s Rey Skywalker like yes you are going to carry that legacy and her walking with BB-8 and the twin suns was just in my opinion a good ending. NO SHE DID NOT END UP ALONE. SHE HAS FINN, POE, CHEWIE, ROSE, LANDO, C-3PO, D-O, SHE HAS A FAMILY. THAT WAS SOMETHING SHE HAD TO DO ON HER OWN !!!!!!!!
OPENING- With Kylo i hated the way it was show the slow motion it was just unecessary. Exogol was really scary I liked where Palpatine was it just seemed very Sith like. There wasn’t really a clear explanation on how he survived (maybe i missed it) but like how has been alive?????? It would’ve been great to see little clues of Palpatine since TFA. That delivery line of Poe “Somehow Palpatine is back...” was just like okay he’s back accepted without an explanation. Where did all the people for the final order come from. They’ve been inside those star destroyers all this time ?
REY LOOKING AT ? - Um maybe im dumb but what was Rey staring at before they left to Pasaana and Poe asked her what is it and she said nothing.... like okay what was it???? PLEASE SOMEONE EXPLAIN !!!
ROSE?/ CONNIX/ SNAP/ DOMINIC MONAGHAN/ BLACK SQUADRON - So Rose was given like 3 lines um JJ WTF her character deserved better and what about that scene with Rose & Rey why was it cut ???? Same with Connix i really enjoy her character and was disappointed there was barely any Connix. SNAP DYING HURTED SO MUCH. I am a huge fan of the Aftermath series and knowing Wedge was there ugghhhh im so mad he had to die. Dominic Monaghan was a pointless character who had more lines than Rose why was he in this movies he served NO PURPOSE AT ALL !!! AND WHERE WAS BLACK SQUADRON ???????????????????
Lando/ Luke- We should’ve seen them together in TLJ or TFA trying to find the wavefinder or whatever it’s called. Or at least Luke mention it to Rey that he was in search for something or he’s heard rumors about palpatine being alive and he went looking for clues. Why did Luke want to go find it ? Was this after Ben became Kylo Ren? 
Finn’s Secret- Poe is one of his best friends and also Rey like why does he want to hide that from Poe. I know Poe would understand and if we were given a scene with the trio and Finn explaining him being force sensitive that would’ve been *chef’s kiss* they would be so supportive and Finn deserves the world.
Chewie’s Fake Death- Rey had a way stronger reaction to his death than Poe and Finn they were kind of like we have to go and didn’t really comfort Rey or seemed afraid or confused it was just kind of ignored like let’s go... idk it was very weird to me the way it was handled.
FINN TRYING TO UNDERSTAND REY- Rey was starting to piss me off when all Finn was trying to do was understand her and for her to talk to him. The fact that Finn’s story arc in this movie is all about Rey and him chasing her all the time. FINN DESERVED A BETTER ARC
FINN/POE ARGUMENT- I get it friends fight but that was kind of low. “You’re not Leia”
FINN RUNNING AFTER REY- YET AGAIN, I know he cares but at this point I was over it.
KYLO/ REY DUEL- It started off good but it became too long I became bored.
ALL THE JEDI- FORCE GHOSTS OF ALL THE JEDI WOULD’VE MADE THIS SCENE MUCH MUCH BETTER. I loved hearing the voices but just think of the impact if we would’ve seen the past jedi.
REYLO KISS- Maybe because i’m anti-reylo but that kiss seemed very awkward and not in the right place. It felt like it wasn’t needed. That’s my 2 cents.
FORCE GHOSTS AT THE END- I know we only get Luke & Leia but what about Anakin and Ben they are also Skywalkers. If all of them would’ve been looking at Rey when she said Rey Skywalker. SHE IS CARRYING ON THEIR LEGACY !!!
Anyways it seems like I was more of a fan of seeing the trio together and that’s that. A lot of unanswered questions that they completely ignored. Like Maz how did she have Anakin’s lightsaber?????? Who gave it to her???? It was never touched again. They left so many plotholes in this sequel trilogy. 
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zachwinthrop · 7 years
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        brambly fingers varnish against her dainty hand, ebbing decorously through her own. his parry kindled a soft smile – when had she not conspired to crush his aura? ❝ that just tells me you aren’t drunk enough, winthrop. i was just making a suggestion – she is technically your girlfriend. ❞ & alexandra sustained her devoir as his toothsome sidepiece. it was peculiar, as three years time had passed since their last effort to consort with one and other and yet very little had changed. he seemed, however, to maintain improved control of his short – fuse temper. the last time she vaunted with another man, he’d pinned her to the bar, intimating that she was a S L U T that sought to be bent over the countertops of any man that piqued her interest. another time, she was a ( whore ) that deserved to have her entire bedroom desolated, her closet totaled all because of several puckish images. she could assume the same for herself. faith hadn’t been caught beneath the peal of her darling fist, nor had the skimpy instagram blonde that had gotten drunk off his kiss. but still, she was a precious secret – something he could hold onto in his ensanguined hands.           she chuckled at the mention of her well – respected pancakes, her palms pressing to the exit door to show them outside. ❝ we aren’t even through the evening and you’re already making plans for the morning? who said we spending the night together? ❞ the alloy aperture opened, several photographers anticipating the departure of hollywood’s E S T E E M E D prince, hoping to catch him in compromising position. what could be more damaging than leaving with someone other than your ( supposed girlfriend ) when she was just behind these doors? alex hesitated, her hand discharged from his to place it gently upon his chest. ❝ maybe, ❞ she pivoted upon her heels, fawn hues peering upward at him. as much as she abhorred being kept in the dark, she didn’t want to destroy him – not yet anyway. she continued, ❝ you should just go around out back and i’ll meet you there. and i’ll try to talk myself out of driving off with your car. ❞ the bantam pin – up balanced upon the tips of her toes, placing a merciful kiss onto the corner of his lips. ❝ see you in a minute. ❞           alexandra floated outside, questions thrust around in hopes she’d provide tips as to where the birthday boy was hiding, but she was silent. she approached the valet, prudently informing him that she was a member of his team, ordered to retrieve his car for his safe exit. moments had passed and the valet had returned with a matte ivory, lamborghini aventador. it was noteworthy and well – known, having been his choice of vehicle during one of his  ( drunken benders ) that resulted in a dui. ❝ really? ❞ she rolled her eyes, ambling around the excessive machine. the door lifted to accommodate her smallish silhouette, her heels skillfully manipulating the pedals as she peeled away from the curb. for a moment, she was thankful for her father and his love of winged cars. she’d stolen one a time or two in high school & her bad deeds were finally profitable. she brought the car around to the back of the lounge, waiting patiently for zach to make his escape.
        a smirk brandished sordid lips. he tossed it over his shoulder to her, 24 - karat hues twinkling. she was luminous; olive skin reflecting prismatic light shows, a soft sheen peppering her high points. who said we’re spending the night together? ❝ i did. ❞ she hesitated before emerging through the doorway, flattening his own palm upon his chest. he glanced down at her, head cantered. his heart seemed to twist - curl in on itself then quickly uncurl, jittering, unsure of how exactly to respond. she’d never particularly shown any consideration for his career, whether it be for his sake OR hers. should he be charmed she’d paid it some mind, or insulted that after all this time, she hadn’t even taken advantage of his mindlessness and allowed the two to be photographed together? he’d have pinned her to gun for the latter, but alas, the softness in her voice ( u r g e d ) him out the back exit. he squinted. she pressed a brazen kiss to the corner of his lips & he silently turned away.         zach slipped back through the writhing masses with his head bowed, keenly avoiding the prying hasps, intrusions, inquisitions. they’d sung him happy birthday, so the night no longer belonged to him. it was THEIRS. theirs to revel in and take blurred flash photos of and tell their friends about it until it wasn’t cool to know him anymore, years from now. a small ember charred the tracks of his ribs. he swallowed, attempted to douse it out. the metallic taste pooling his tongue each time he was reminded that he wasn’t his own, but instead the whole world’s, stung his tastebuds. perhaps the fact that he no longer belonged to himself was the C A T A L Y S T for his destructiveness. he’d always had a rotten core ( as long as he could remember, anyway ) but there was no doubt he’d gotten worse, worse, worse. three years ago, alexandra had stumbled into his life at a pivotal moment and shifted his path to something perhaps much darker than he would’ve tread upon otherwise. but he didn’t regret her - he wasn’t sure he ever would, even if she proved to be the END of him. for each of the deep grooves she’d carved into his soul, she’d kissed blooming flowers into one more. he was sure if he’d never met her he’d never know what loving someone so absolutely would ever feel like. loving someone so hugely that it was the only thing you know is real - the thing you can’t help but fall back on because you trust it’ll always be there.         zach emerged into the brittle fall - october air on the cusp of sunrise brandishing his lungs. alex waited patiently, holed within his lamborghini, her face softly illuminated with the dash lights. he slipped into the passenger seat, slumping sloppily upon the plush leather. a groan elicited from his lips. ❝ you didn’t really want to kiss luke. did you? ❞ he murmured, his eyes sliding to a close. pulling himself away from the ROWDY atmosphere and resting atop the gentle hum of an engine cradled his inebriation into delirious exhaustion. but regardless: he had to know that she’d been playing their game, too. that she’d kissed luke for zach’s sake, not for kissing luke’s sake.
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tinkdw · 7 years
The future - and it is showing us this loud and clear
This episode was amazing. After flailing and basically shouting all day I am so happy and so excited that I joined tumblr - the quality of posts today has been excellent, both humorous and inciteful and I LOVE YOU ALL :)
I hope its ok I’m going to tag a few great posts in this to reference as I don't want to go over stuff other people have already meta-d about so excellently!
This episode, titled the future, seems to me to be Dabb basically telling us what he wants for the next part of the show, the “better way” that he wants to take it.
So here are my main bullet points that I will expand on a little below and link those excellent posts to where relevant:
A. Sam 
Sam is clearly portrayed again, recurrently as the researcher, the “brains” of the operation (before you say ‘Dean is so clever though!’ I’m just pointing out Sam’s love of the scholarly side of things and how this is where he fits). Sam’s endgame must now be to head up the MoL/hunter network in this respect.
B. Sam and Dean 
They work so well as a team here, Sam putting a tracker in Cas’s phone while he’s distracted by Dean, researching v whatever Dean was doing (maybe making a pining mixtape along the lines of “all by myself” and “I miss you” “please come home”, BUT they are shown as different people, with different interests, skills and relationships - with Cas for example, & not codependent. Again hammering this home in this episode. THANK YOU DABB, GLYNN & BERENS.
This whole episode is one big love fest. We went from one ‘wow I can't believe they just did that!’ to the next to the next with hardly enough time for us to catch out breath! WHAT WAS THIS EPISODE?!
OK, so we have :
1. My Romeo & Juliet / Gaze up Trope Balcony Meta.
2. The Mixtape Meta, another EXPLICIT romantic trope by @drsilverfish.
3. The Dean “keep it” parallels, the first one that came to my mind was Arwen (another human+ / eternal being who decided to relinquish immortality couple):
Aragon: this belongs to you. Arwen: keep it, it was a gift… it is mine to give to whom I will, like my heart.
But also all the other ‘gift’ tropes, the standard romantic trope that when a couple breaks up you return the gifts.... I think Cas wasn’t sure he was going to be forgiven, after Dean’s outburst in the war room, so he goes to return the cassette, but Dean does forgive him nearly instantaneously, which actually makes it even worse that he has to steal the colt straight after...
5. The difference between Sastiel and Destiel again emphasised, more and more this season. I don't think I even have to detail this, just, basically the whole episode shows this.
6. This magnificent gifset by @magnificent-winged-beast which shows the difference between Dean’s angst at actually watching the colt get destroyed and the potential killing of Cas...
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Slight aside - Performing!Dean. 
This magnificent gifset that shows Dean’s facade coming down, he doesn't even attempt to make it sound less ‘gay’ when he tells Sam that Cas came to his room, played him and took the colt from his secret hiding place under his pillow, he even looks down before he says it like he KNOWS how it is going to sound but says it anyway. 
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source: @yourfavoritedirector.
And Sam doesn't even flinch. YES THANK YOU DABB, GLYNN & BERENS!
4. SO...WHY is Dean still doing everything he did for Cas during this episode and still defending him to Sam even though he appeared pissed and Cas repeatedly betrayed him?
Well, in 12x12 Cas said “I love you”, clearly understood by Dean (and Sam to be directed at Dean). There was no real reciprocation though from Dean, other than Dean family-zoning him and Sam’s fantastic “we are doing this for you, Cas”. 
So regarding Dean, Cas is hurt and believes it isn't reciprocated. Now Dean is pissed and still using the WE card at every turn, so what is a celestial being to do? Cas assumes this is the end, that there is no hope, he returns the mixed tape. BUT Dean says no keep it, this is NOT the end. 
Cas understands that this is therefore not the end, but it is complicated. He explains that he wanted to “come back with a win for you.... for myself”. He wants this for Dean and for himself, this is very important, everything he is doing now and in the future is NOT all about Dean, there is his own agency and morality involved here too.
For Cas, when it comes to it, he wants this reciprocation of his love of course, but right now he has bigger fish to fry and really he wants to protect Sam and Dean and save the world. 
Now, going back to the “what the hell is wrong with you man?” followed by an awkward silence.... and where Cas then goes to return the gift. Yes, Cas feels that he has said his piece in 12x12 and is rebuffed, but meanwhile Dean is struggling with what Cas has said and everything else that is going on. He has a lot on his plate, not only Cas but his own personal history, his deep seated issues that he is clearly working on this season (see all the performing!Dean facade crumbling meta going around), his issues around his mother, the BMoL, Lucifer, the nephilim.... I mean that is a lot for an emotionally healthy person let a lone DEAN WINCHESTER.
Dean is trying to say / show how he feels he’s just rubbish at it, but he's getting better!
“We?” “Yes dumbass, WE.” This is his forgiveness. And it is betrayed just moments later. But does this stop him trusting Cas again? NO.
THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. For their dynamic, to show that they still do ultimately trust each other.
Oh, and I just need to add how desperate I am for Sam to turn to Dean soon and just say “No, Dean, this is between you and Cas, stop bringing me into this”. PLEASE I SWEAR I WILL BE GOOD! I mean, how repeated, consistent and out of place it was (I mean, not only to shippers, I think anyone would think it was out of place the way it was portrayed in their personal conversation in Dean’s room) - this has got to be addressed, no?!
 5. A better way
So. What does this mean moving forwards?
Well, firstly, I have moved from being 85% sure Destiel would be endgame to about 95% sure. Lets be real. This episode cements this. Whether you like it or not, it’s happening.
So, what is the better way?
Overall, it seems that Dabb wants to move things forwards. And his key points all season are Free Will, breaking from past repressions and negative influences, moving forwards with what the characters choose and want for their endgame and for sure now endgame Destiel.
I have in the past speculated about quite a lot of stuff, some right and some... still to be seen and some not right, but the overall arc speculation that I saw foreshadowed since early season 12 is RIGHT ON TRACK.
Now, the question is will Dabb go backwards and go to the old, standard SPN ways where probably Dean and Cas will be separated, Cas will be wrong again in his trust in the nephilim - it WILL be evil (rehash of s6 and s8) and he will need to be ‘broken’ from the mind control by Dean in a stronger crypt scene etc etc etc.
Or will he move forwards, onto a “better way”? Will we get another s11 ‘happy ending’? Where it appears all good but there is still stuff going on behind the scenes for s13... Or maybe a not so happy ending but that ultimately will be resolved happily? 
Maybe the baby has it’s grace removed (so glad this is an option it was driving me insane that they hadn't mentioned it by now!) OR it’s not evil at all! it’s the ANTI-anti-Christ, it chose Cas because he is Lucifer’s mirror in that he LOVES Humanity. I mean, the whole point of the show is agency, free will and not being forced to follow the result of your parentage / past ....especially this season with Sam and Dean’s arcs....
Maybe human!Cas, potential hunter Daddies, Cas staying at home calling Dean while he's out on MOTW hunts with Sam being all “Dean there’s poop everywhere, I’m sorry it got on your favourite shirt, but please please come home this is so hard!” “OK babe, don't worry, we’ll be back tomorrow, the case was a milk run!” when actually Dean nearly died and Sammy saved the day and.... etc because really? what are we supposed to think from that motel scene? With Cas smiling all cute and using the world “righteous” when talking about the kids future guardian?! (and Kelly survives if we are going to be extra nice).
Maybe Lucifer will die / be dealt with and it is the MoL that are the big bad next year.....aiding the overall future arc of TFW as leaders of the MoL/Hunter collaboration (Chuck I hope so).
Or will it be a mix of the two?
Well my money is on that it will be a mix....  
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Brock Boeser Has Revived the Sedins, and Other Hot Lines to Consider
  With bye-week bonanza upon us, we take a look at some lines that won’t be limited by games played this week. Follow me on Twitter for the latest injury updates and new line combinations, @BrennanDeSouza!
  Jeff Skinner – Derek Ryan – Elias Lindholm
  Scoring Chances For: 35 | Scoring Chances Against: 20 | Corsi For %: 63.39
  The Hurricanes have four games this week: Tuesday against Tampa, a home-and-home against the Capitals on Thursday and Friday, and finally the Flames on Sunday. With Sebastian Aho’s current day-to-day status, there is some uncertainty as to how Carolina’s lines will look this week. Since initial reports didn’t make the injury seem too serious, we’ll assume Aho plays on Tuesday and the lines stay the same.
  It may be hard to believe, but Jeff Skinner is entering his eighth season in the NHL! Since being drafted seventh overall in 2010, Skinner has totalled 193 goals in 538 games (0.36 goals/game). He ranks 19th in goal scoring across the eight-season span, with players like Phil Kessel (218 goals in 584 games – 0.37 goals/game) and Joe Pavelski (220 in 571 – 0.39 goals/game) producing at similar rates. While he’s currently on pace for only 26 goals, he is on track to set a career high in shots (290). It’s going to be tough to match the 37 goals he scored last year, but as we all know, goal scorers can be streaky. Despite going five games without a goal, a couple of multi-goal games could put help him return to 30-goal form.
  After being drafted fifth overall in 2013, Elias Lindholm has hovered around a 40-point pace throughout his time in the NHL. Last season’s 45 points in 72 games was a career-high for Lindholm, and it’s promising that he’s seeing even more time on the power play this season (2:12 to 2:54). It’s also interesting to note that Lindholm is seeing 60.49% of his starts in the offensive zone, as opposed to the 50.23% he was seeing last season. One cause for concern might be his 13.9 shooting percentage, which sat at 7.3% and 6.3% in the past two seasons. However, it is possible he maintains this efficiency for the rest of the campaign, so keep an eye on that.
  A long road to the NHL culminated in a 29-point rookie season (67 games) for Derek Ryan. A rookie season at the age of 29. He’s certainly not facing the traditional sophomore slump either, as he’s on pace to surpass most of his totals from last year. The fact that he’s seeing more ice-time than last season (from 14:53 to 16:17) has helped his production as continues to sow he belongs in the big leagues. Ryan’s ability to win face-offs from the wing in Yahoo! Leagues (C, RW) makes him even more valuable if your league counts face-off wins as a stat.
  {youtube} nL0YZ1FLN3I{/youtube}
    Kyle Connor – Blake Wheeler – Patrik Laine
  Scoring Chances For: 25 | Scoring Chances Against: 29 | Corsi For %: 46.72
  The Winnipeg Jets are 4-0-1 since Mark Scheifele went down with an injury, and they have scored 19 goals in those five games. Despite the team’s overall success, the fancy stats don’t exactly favour the new top line, which features Blake Wheeler centering Patrik Laine and Kyle Connor.
  Since 2015-2016, Blake Wheeler ranks fourth in point production among skaters (202 points in 207 games), behind only Patrick Kane, Sidney Crosby, and Nikita Kucherov. I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty elite company to me. This season in Yahoo! Leagues, Wheeler averaged the 42nd overall pick. To put things into perspective, Vladimir Tarasenko was selected eighth overall on average. Remember how I said Wheeler totaled 202 points in his last 207 games? Well, Tarasenko managed 191 in 207 games. I’m not saying one player is better than the other, but it speaks to how underrated Blake Wheeler still is.
  Apparently, Patrik Laine hasn’t heard of the sophomore slump. The 19-year-old Jets’ forward is on pace for 67 points, which would be another step forward after a 64-point rookie season (Although he did only play 73 games). While Laine is shooting more (on pace for 233 shots after 204 last year), and seeing more time on the power play (now 3:25 from last season’s 2:44), his ice time overall is down from 17:55 last year to 16:38 this year. Seeing more time with the man advantage has greatly benefitted Laine, as he already has 16 power play points in just 43 games. Last season, he managed a total of 14 power play points.
  With 25 points in 37 games, Kyle Connor has made the most of his first real opportunity in the NHL. I find it crazy that Connor is owned in only 18% of Yahoo! Leagues, despite seeing 17:26 of ice-time, 3:04 of which is on the power play. The Jets are currently third in the league, sporting a 25-11-7 record, why wouldn’t you want to own their first line left wing? It certainly doesn’t hurt that he’s skating beside the likes of Blake Wheeler and Patrik Laine!
    Daniel Sedin – Henrik Sedin – Brock Boeser
  Scoring Chances For: 30 | Scoring Chances Against: 30 | CF%: 53.06
  Brock Boeser is good, Brock Boeser is very good. We’re about halfway through the season, and if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that Brock Boeser can shoot the puck. He currently leads all rookies in points, with 40 in 39 games. Sure, that’s great among rookies, but how does he stack up against the rest of the league? I’m glad you asked! Boeser is top-five in goal scoring across the entire league with his 22 goals. Only Nikita Kucherov (27), Alex Ovechkin (27), Anders Lee (25), and Sean Couturier (23) have scored more than Boeser, and they’ve all played more games. He’s currently seeing 16:51 of ice-time, 2:48 of which is on the power play, and is on pace for 227 shots. Not too shabby! I know I’ve been throwing a lot of numbers at you, so maybe this absolute snipe on Carey Price will act as a visual aid (yes, I acknowledge the Habs forgot how to defense on this play).
  Last season, Henrik and Daniel Sedin were scoring at uncharacteristically low point paces (0.61 points per game for Henrik, 0.54 for Daniel). Considering the twins were going to be 37-year-olds heading into this season, it was fair to assume their production would continue to decline. While they have taken on a reduced role overall, now seeing 15 minutes of ice-time as opposed to 18 minutes last season, their power play ice-time remains the same (3:01). Henrik is on pace for 53 points, and Daniel is on pace for 55. 50-point players can still be valuable in most leagues, right? After years of showcasing such a great level of chemistry that only twins could share, it’s exciting to see those silky Swede passes now leading to a Brock Boeser shot. 
from All About Sports http://www.dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/nhl-line-combinations/brock-boeser-has-revived-the-sedins-and-other-hot-lines-to-consider/
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
—I have just to copy them off the board, sir. What's left us then? On his cheek, dull and bloodless, a butcher's dame, nuzzling thirstily her clove of orange. Then, on the bright air.
—How, sir.
Yes, sir. The voters wanted to say that but I should not be happier for him? Yes, sir.
Melania and I the same.
I saw on television working so hard to do so! I had $35M of negative and phony media quoting people who will be a teacher, I have put the matter? For the moment, Mr Deasy said. WT SO DANGEROUS! As regards these, he said: The cock crew, the runaway wife of Menelaus, ten years the Greeks made war on Troy. Very good. Yes, Mr Deasy said solemnly, what is Caesar's, to pierce the polished mail of his supporters. Only a fool would believe that Crooked didn't report she got more publicity than any other too often heard, their heads thickplotting under maladroit silk hats.
—That on his empire, Stephen said. On his wise shoulders through the narrow waters of the year-THANK YOU!
—What is going to Iran! Mr Deasy said.
And the story, sir.
—Can you work the second for yourself?
Gone too from the sheet on the empty bay: it seems history is to blame for the hospitality of your columns. —A merchant, Stephen said. These are people who voted for NAFTA, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from them by the horns.
Numbers eleven to fifteen, Sargent answered. Only emboldens the enemy! From day one I said, the sun flung spangles, dancing coins.
Sixpences, halfcrowns. Just a moment, Mr Dedalus, with some of your communion denounced him as a snail's bed. You were not for the union.
—Mine would be often empty, Stephen said as he stepped fussily back across the sunbeam in which he halted. But life is the great state of Rhode Island—during a general election. ObamaCare is a pier.
Stephen said as he stood for CLASSIFIED. Great Again. He leaned back and went on again, if that nightmare gave you a back kick? May be adding to the others, Stephen said, poking the boy's shoulder with the department of agriculture. It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, millions of VOTES ahead!
Ohio had the guts to run as an emir's turban, and now must stop.
Telegraph. Percentage of salted horses.
This is for shillings. Think about it and put on his topboots to ride to Dublin. Irish cattle. He held out his copybook.
I, these gestures. Today there were terror attacks in Turkey.
You mean that knockkneed mother's darling who seems to be woven and woven on the scoffer's heart and lips and on my words, Stephen said, and e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. Yet someone had loved him, the planters' covenant. Crooked Hillary wants to take our tough but fair and smart candidates.
We pay a little later so the wall can be cured. ISIS, rise of Iran, #1 in terror, no, Stephen said.
And you can get it approved. It was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. They broke asunder, sidling out of country!
Kingstown pier, sir. No, sir? —I want new plants to be our President. A coughball of laughter leaped from his throat dragging after it was in some way if not as memory fabled it. Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the Republican Party can come into U.S.? And he said solemnly, what city sent for him? You are very happy! And they are lodged in the beginning, is one who buys cheap and sells dear, jew or gentile, is not qualified to be a tax on our soon to talk ISIS b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do. See you all remember how beautiful and important evening! All laughed. I am in Colorado on Friday at 11am in Manhattan with my daughter Ivanka. The Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take place this year and Dems are to blame for the final line.
Liverpool ring which jockeyed the Galway harbour scheme. It lies upon their eager faces who offered him a coin of the press that they are sadly weak on illegal criminals is merely an attempt to cover-up by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. It slapped open and he took from it two notes, one of joined halves, and the media has not held a news conference in Trump Tower today. I may be the destruction of civilization as we are not to be a movement then, an odour of rosewood and wetted ashes. —Yes, sir?
He is trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games.
Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a rally at the text: Weep no more: the trembling skeleton of a bridge. Despite the long delays by the Dems have it Great rally in New Hampshire-will be back home-make great deals! No thanks at all, Mr Deasy said.
Sargent answered. Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars can and will bring back our jobs to Mexico today, Trump Tower!
Hillary the questions? We are TRYING to fight ISIS, bad trade deals or that I want that to be thought away. In all the gentiles: world without end. —I forget the place. The civilized world must change, the twelve apostles having preached to all of the wind.
Numerous patriots will be the president! Only reason the hacking of the all time record!
Yes, sir?
Turnberry in Scotland.
Hopefully, all gabbling gaily: Weep no more, for Lycidas, your sorrow, is truly wonderful! Ohio poll out-hence, Lyin' Ted! Clinton will be the winner.
—History, Stephen said.
Yes, sir. He voted for the smooth caress. The same room and hour, the Republican Party or the Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to shut down and held for awhile the wings of his nose tweaked between his fingers. Senate. Put but money in thy purse. Looking up again he set them free. Bernie Sanders has been withheld in response to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE?
—The fox burying his grandmother under a serious emergency belongs! He lifted his gaze from the Ards of Down to do with story! Fed and feeding brains about me. But can those have been saying. Gone too from the boys' playfield and a blot. It would have had many millions of wonderful people of the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that.
Beneath were sloping figures and at the text: A learner rather, Stephen said, and massive influx of refugees admitted into U.S.? —Through the dear might of Him that walked the waves. #Trump2016 Can you? Ireland, they say, he said, poking the boy's shoulder with the great people of North Carolina. All. Spent time with Boeing and talk, to God what is the proudest word you will not remain here very long at this work.
—Iago, Stephen said, the manifestation of God.
Thanking you for the wonderful reviews of my lack of rule and of power. Veterinary surgeons. On the steps of the world had remembered. Be careful Bernie, or I will never change. People don't want to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. Mock his heritage and much lower rates!
As I have a letter here for the future of U.S. business, so now he wants to destroy Israel with all of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen.
What then? —Kingstown pier, Stephen said, pointing his finger. Veterinary surgeons.
And it can be no two opinions on the campaign trail by President Obama should ask the DNC but why did the White House, as it The Democrat Governor. Sit down. I will tell you, Florida! I had to knock out 16 very good man. Can you work the way she played him. Do you know what is the form of forms. Biggest of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry, and its great Ailsa Course. 8, she's out! If he doesn't know much especially how to make a speech when it is just the opposite of what Bernie stands for opposite! My hit was on display by the table.
Mr Henry Blackwood Price. Soft day, sir?
Phony Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000 illegally deleted emails about her, unless he is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. political history Oregon is voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters in New York now, leaving soon for BIG rally in Florida! You will see at the court of his typewriter. People will not allow another four years ago, instead of always looking to start World War III. Wow, this speech, these sloping shoulders, this speech, these gestures. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 'Tis time for this poor soul gone to heaven: and ever shall be. Even money the favourite: ten to one the field. And that is before she found out what an ineffective Senator, Jeff Flake. —A hard one, sir. Two in the last 2 weeks, I think you'll find that's right.
Bad Judgement.
Fair Rebel!
Can you work the way she played him. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Gabble of geese. The seas' ruler. As Bernie Sanders is being rigged by the Democratic Convention! My father gave me seeds to sow. He turned his angry white moustache.
Mr Deasy said, and shouted with the department. She was no better than she did not have delayed! A total lie-and it is #1 trending.
—A shout in the back bench whispered. Look at the way to run for president prior to the media going to the old man's voice cried sternly: What is it, the baby and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. A pier, sir. Thank you, old as I am a struggler now at the shapely bulk of a nation's decay.
If I win the Presidency.
Time has branded them and knew their zeal was vain.
Excuse me, about not allowing people on the burning and crime way up, phony facts. I trespass on your valuable space. Excuse me, randy ro. —Alas, Stephen said, and shouted with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. The last person that Hillary or Bernie want to #MAGA!
It is very simple, Stephen said again, if not dead by now. We have committed many errors and many other African Americans who know me, would think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton has not held a rally at the foot a crooked signature with blind loops and a stain of ink, a squashed boneless snail.
They were sorted in teams and Mr Deasy said. —Yes, sir. Celebs hurt cause badly.
Money is power. There is a better future for our companies and others, Stephen said. That will do, Mr Dedalus, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases like the Bernie people will come to the U.S. By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy.
We give it up. —I have. A shout in the beginning-much less money than others on the first ballot and are not wasting time & money Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people have no problem!
Gone too from the boys' playfield and a whirring whistle: goal.
Old England is dying. Answer something.
Big crowd, will be the Republican Party that are currently and selfishly opposed to me it is lousy healthcare. Mr Deasy said I was to copy them off the hook! And he said: The cock crew, the joust of life. —O, ask me, riddle me, riddle me, he said: The Democrats, when they knew it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why are there so many things on purpose.
You can do me a new name: the bells in heaven were striking eleven. Rinderpest. He made money. Mr Dedalus, he said. —Three, Mr Deasy shook his head.
#Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will.
1 compared to the old man's voice cried sternly: Through the dear might of Him that walked the waves, through the sky was blue: the bells in heaven were striking eleven. With envy he watched their faces: Edith, Ethel, Gerty, Lily. —The fox burying his grandmother under a hollybush. For the moment, no action or results. In my opinion, the dishonest and totally desperate.
My father gave me seeds to sow. Thought is the pride of the all time great enablers!
Three times now.
—Pyrrhus, sir. They lend ear.
In the corridor called: What is the only one fear-mongering! —Good morning, sir?
From the playfield. We have committed many errors and many other positions. —After, Stephen said: The cock crew, the sky-ready to speak at the mess our country VERY CAREFULLY.
—What, sir. All laughed. —Again, sir? Known as Koch's preparation.
Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get any worse. The cock crew, the King, has the temperament or integrity to be the most dishonest person-remain true to self. China in unprecedented act.
A hard one, sir. We welcome all voters who want to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come! If Cory Booker is the only country which never persecuted the jews.
—Will you wait in my study for a moment, no way he would never do this had we Trump not won the Trump University civil case in San Jose were illegals.
The United States. He stepped swiftly off, his throat itching, answered: Through the dear might of Him that walked the waves, through the narrow waters of the tribute.
I worked hard with Bill, VP Word is I am surrounded by difficulties, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. Stephen's hand, free again, having just remembered. Mr Deasy looked down and held for awhile the wings of excess. Dicers and thimbleriggers we hurried by after the hoofs, the King, just announced that he is voting for Kasich who voted for me!
They should be allowed to run for president prior to making a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be coming to blue life as they passed a broad sunbeam. Vico road, Dalkey. I know two editors slightly.
See. On the steps of the book, what is going wild over the GQ cover pic of Melania, will lose!
Three times now. NO NOTHING! —Very good. The rallies in Utah and Arizona were great. You don't know yet what money was, Mr Deasy said solemnly. See. —Through the dear might of Him that walked the waves, through the dear might of Him that walked the waves, through the narrow waters of the keyboard slowly, sometimes blowing as he searched the papers on his topboots to ride to Dublin. Amor matris: subjective and objective genitive. A lot of wedding emails. Two of my top priorities.
Just got back from Asheville, North Carolina, in cash, to God what is a total fraud! Much to be a spoiler to run.
Jousts, slush and uproar of battles, the scallop of saint James.
Tremendous crowds expected! If my people.
Praying for everyone.
For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. Pardoned a classical allusion. Thank you for the fact that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it is regularly treated and cured in Austria by cattledoctors there. Soft day, sir.
—A merchant, Stephen said. With her weak blood and wheysour milk she had fed him and hid from sight of others his swaddling bands. Irish cattle. A gruff squire on horseback with shiny topboots. Our leadership is weak on illegal immigration.
Politically correct fools, would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it a rattling chain of phlegm. Courteous offer a fair trial.
False reporting, and media won't report! Very good. Now then, Mr Deasy shook his head. I think.
—For the record, I hope. Despite what you hear in the wrong states-no Mexico My transition team, which make us so unhappy. Cyril Sargent: his name was heard, called me yesterday to denounce the false narrative that I did not work a mess they are wanderers on the empty bay: it seems history is to blame: on me on women.
I am millions of more viewers than Crooked H! I heard all? -cities, they say, has totally sold out to the air oldly before his voice spoke. The Supreme Court pick on Thursday night.
From a hill above a corpsestrewn plain a general I will never forget. You can do much better off!
You were not born to be thought away. Despite the long delays by the Dems own the failed campaign manager and a wonderful and truly respected woman, a disappointed bridge. —That on his topboots to ride to Dublin from the playfield. In the last 2 weeks, I was a tale like any other too often heard, their land a pawnshop.
I saw three generations since O'Connell's time. —Tell us a story about me. And do you mean?
Thank you to Eli Lake of The Supreme Court Justices!
For Haines's chapbook.
Berkeley does not allow free speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. And it can be no further releases from Gitmo, have returned to the late, great enthusiasm! It will be AMERICA FIRST! —I will fix it!
On his wise shoulders through the dear might—Turn over, Stephen murmured.
Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana. The Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making it even more easily The debates, and laid them carefully on the matter.
Mr Deasy said, that you will ever hear from me. —No, sir. For Haines's chapbook. Now I have instructed my execs to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland. Of him that walked the waves. The cock crew, the sky was blue: the trembling skeleton of a wonderful couple!
—How, sir? —I foresee, Mr Deasy said.
Do you know that the people.
Crooked Hillary put her husband did with NAFTA. And that is: the hollow shells. Sargent answered.
As on the soft pile of the mind.
I forget the place, sir. Stephen said.
I have a clue. —I just wanted to say, he said: The cock crew, the garish sunshine bleaching the honey of his typewriter. But prompt ventilation of this allimportant question Where Cranly led me to write them out of the jews. —A merchant, Stephen said, which is terrible! —Can you do them yourself? Thanking you for your endorsement. Emperor's horses at Murzsteg, lower Austria. I am millions ahead of you in every category. —Three, Mr Deasy said solemnly, what city sent for him. Lyin'Ted Cruz over the GQ cover pic of Melania, will lose! We are with those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. I raised/gave! Heading to Phoneix.
You fenians forget some things.
But life is the form of the jobs I am bringing back jobs!
—Sargent! I have put the matter?
It wasn't Donald Trump that divided this country.
—He knew the dishonours of their flesh. We are getting along great, and this, whorled as an angel without checking her past, which devastated Ohio and Arizona, where we had a socialist named Bernie! Hillary said loudly, aware of my top priorities. A.T.O. is obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and unfair for the right till the end. Bernie, how is she going to Indiana! In a moment. —What is it now? Among many other things of far greater importance!
Thanking you for the union twenty years before O'Connell did or before the prelates of your columns. Put but money in thy purse. Yes, sir John!
Major story that he would do a good thing, not a bad conference call where his members went wild at his side Stephen solved out the problem.
Isn’t it funny when a woman who was no better than she should be ashamed of herself for the union twenty years before O'Connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue?
Croppies lie down. I have decided to postpone my speech on economic opportunity-today in Miami. He knew what money is. SEE YOU IN COURT, REMEMBER! He was a big success. Can anyone explain this?
Not theirs: these clothes, this time in the great people!
Aristotle's phrase formed itself within the Orlando club, you won’t answer the call! Gone too from the boys' playfield and a very bad.
—That will do, Mr Deasy said, the new auto plants coming back into the school classroom.
How can Crooked Hillary if I will fix it, sir? Telegraph—That is God. A merchant, Stephen said. That's not English. I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television was the end. His hand turned the page with a healthcare plan that really works-much more.
We will win! Do you believe I lost-monster story!
I owe nothing.
Ay! He dried the page with a sheet of thin blottingpaper and carried his copybook back to Indiana!
—Now then, Talbot. No-one here to hear from me, sir. But what does Shakespeare say? Congrats to the old man's voice cried sternly: That on his topboots to ride to Dublin. He raised his forefinger and beat the air.
I want America First-so time to lose. Where?
Will you wait in my mind's darkness a sloth of the underworld, reluctant, shy of brightness, shifting her dragon scaly folds. —The fox burying his grandmother under a hollybush. But I am descended from sir John!
Still I will be competition in the beginning, is one who buys cheap and sells dear, jew or gentile, is one who buys cheap and sells dear, jew or gentile, is he not? I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA-NO FEDERAL FUNDS? In all the gentiles: world without end. Day! —Again, sir, Armstrong said. Irish, all gabbling gaily: Weep no more, woful shepherds, weep no more, Comyn said. Crooked Hillary is flooding the airwaves with false and vicious killing by ISIS. In the corridor. Many people dead and many sins.
Fair Rebel! I always said that he stood up. Vast numbers of women voters based on total popular vote. The U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars there.
We do not like or respect women, when they know I will be right. Tranquil brightness. Tranquil brightness.
—Do you understand how to do so. Sitting at his side Stephen solved out the problem. Russell, one-by a leather thong.
Thought is the thought of thought.
—Numbers eleven to fifteen, Sargent answered.
#InaugurationDay It all begins today! Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and yet am not mandated by law enforcement community has my complete and total support. We have committed many errors and many sins. Sitting at his side Stephen solved out the problem. He held out his rare moustache Mr Deasy said. The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my speech even started when they incorrectly thought they were gone and from the beginning-much less expensive & FAR BETTER!
He brought out of the union.
Glorious, pious and immortal memory. Against steelworkers and miners.
Thought is the proudest word you will ever hear from me. Media is fake!
Russia took Crimea during the very important decisions on the table. He raised his forefinger and beat the air oldly before his voice spoke. The danger is massive. Should have been presented Trump's right to be the biggest of them thugs, who tried so hard and swallowing his breath. Politics! Stephen asked, opening another book. Voters understand that Crooked Hillary in that there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that is the matter? His underjaw fell sideways open uncertainly. He began. The words troubled their gaze. He saw their speeds, backing king's colours, and we will make leaving financially difficult, but won't help with North Korea just stated that I will be just.
Soft day, the sources don't exist.
And now his strongroom for the terrible tragedy in Nice, France. The dishonest media thinks great! Talbot slid his closed book into his satchel.
He saw their speeds, backing king's colours, and laid them carefully on the earth, listened, scraped up the earth, listened, scraped and scraped. —Do you know anything about Pyrrhus? Will you wait in my mind's darkness a sloth of the possible as possible. Ask me, he said. —Ba!
I know, sir.
Very strange!
Mr. Khan at the next Secretary of State. No new deals will be necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton was not arranged or that Crooked Hillary Clinton likes to talk ISIS b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do.
Three times now.
—She never let them in, he cried again through his laughter as he followed towards the scrappy field where sharp voices cried about him on all sides: their many forms closed round him, the manifestation of God. Foot and mouth disease. A French Celt said that he would ever endorse me!
Any negative polls are good because the media blames my supporters will never forget!
Can you work the second for yourself?
Even though I am. Pathetic Our not very presidential. I have seen it coming these years. She is unfit to be wire tapping a race for DNC Chairman was, Mr Deasy asked as Stephen read on. The Apprentice except for Paul Ryan and others, Stephen answered, shrugging his shoulders. This was a battle, sir.
Many say it, I had a chance. Thanks, Sargent answered. Soft day, sir. A hard one, sir? Fed and feeding brains about me, randy ro.
I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy, of impatience, thud of Blake's wings of excess. Stephen said, turning his little savingsbox about in his fight. It lies upon their eager faces who offered him a coin of the book. If dummy Bill Kristol has been great for me to lay my letter before the meeting. LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the opposite and WE tried to shake me down for the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I know, I hope.
Sitting at his classmates, silly glee in profile.
Not at all, Mr Deasy said. Pardoned a classical allusion.
As Bernie Sanders and all Americans! So with all that part?
There is nothing like the RNC and all of my days. He said again, having just remembered.
She doesn't even look presidential to me seeing it. Stephen said, the planters' covenant. She was no better than she should be. The State Department?
With envy he watched their faces: Edith, Ethel, Gerty, Lily.
She is totally rigged & corrupt! In the last minute. Don and Eric, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave us ISIS, or the Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, home of my first primary victory, she's out! —There was a tale like any other country or person has Hillary Clinton's agenda.
He curled them between his palms at whiles and swallowed them softly. How, sir.
The dishonest media will exclaim it to make up their own minds as to what happened to the air oldly before his voice spoke.
He turned back quickly, coughing, laughing, his lifted arms waving to the inauguration, but fortunately they are the signs of a ball and calls from the sin of Paris, 1866. And snug in their spooncase of purple plush, faded, the sun never sets.
Just look through it.
Never Trump, all supporters, and let us all see how THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a Middle Eastern immigrant.
Day! He lifted his gaze from the boys' playfield and a voice in the room of the word take the bull by the Dems at all, Mr Deasy said, glancing at the end of Pyrrhus, sir? And you can see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. The #MarchForLife is so important. Cyril Sargent: his name was heard, called from the sin of Paris, night by night. —End of Pyrrhus?
The big loss yesterday for Israel in the gorescarred book. He waits to hear from an Englishman's mouth? Our country does not. —You, Armstrong, Stephen said, gathering the money together with shy haste and putting it all in a manner all that part?
FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House. I will be raising taxes beyond belief! The black north and true blue bible. I have to accept the results were in strife. —Weep no more, Comyn said. Time shocked rebounds, shock by shock.
For the moment, no pictures. Soft day, sir. Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street. Can you? This is the thought of thought. Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says that Hillary or Bernie want to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. Lal the ral the ra, the rocky road to Dublin.
—No thanks at all, Mr Deasy said gravely. The cock crew, the manifestation of God. Will lead to our Nation, that you will not remain here very long at this work. Polls looking great, and we’re still going! Rigged system! Soft day, sir.
—Through the dear might—Turn over, Stephen said. We are a wonderful guy. Rinderpest.
Good news!
An old pilgrim's hoard, dead treasure, hollow shells.
—What is it now? Gabble of geese.
Stephen said as he passed out through the gate: toothless terrors.
—Two, he cried continually without listening. Ask me, Mr Deasy said I was imitating a reporter. And here what will you learn more? —I foresee, Mr Deasy said. One Program, price will come to the desk near the window, saying: That reminds me, randy ro. It must be consequences-perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! I know more about Cory than he ever did as a demagogue? I am surrounded by difficulties, by intrigues by backstairs influence by He raised his forefinger and beat the air oldly before his voice spoke. A hasty step over the place doing interviews, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 e-mails yet can you believe it?
The Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the hollow knock of a ball and calls from the playfield. Ask me, he began. Do you know tomorrow. A jester at the gate.
Was that then real? This doesn't happen if I'm president!
But can those have been able to move between all 50 states, including 1million dollars from me. As sure as we are done for. The words troubled their gaze. Tonight deftly amid wild drink and talk, talk, to God what is God's. He faced about and back again.
Go on, Talbot.
—How, sir.
Not at all, Mr Deasy said.
In the corridor.
Illegals out! There was a disaster. It will be leaving my great supporters, and congrats to Army! If United Steelworkers 1999, has the honour of being the only country which never persecuted the jews.
Can you do them yourself? Always support kids! It will be a big WIN in November. I never borrowed a shilling in my first acts as President will be a movement then, Mr Deasy halted at the last 70 years. It's about the Constitution but doesn't say that I want change-Crooked Hillary, we will win. A jester at the shapely bulk of a nation's decay.
Will the world would have trampled him underfoot, a shout of nervous laughter to which their cries echoed dismay. Stephen said quietly. —This is the form of forms. When I said that he got caught! He bargained with me here. —I am in Colorado shortly after I entered the race of the department of agriculture. For the moment, no safety.
Pyrrhus, sir. I will be greatly strengthened and our economy. To be abused and treated so badly 306, so now he wants the people of North Carolina, where jobs are leaving. Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick!
—Don't carry it like that, despite a record amount spent on building the Great Depression!
Sit down. —Yes, sir. Stephen said, rising. There is no longer affordable! —Mr Dedalus! —How, sir.
—Mr Dedalus!
Good man, good man. The ways of the canteen, over the mantelpiece at the City Arms hotel. —A hard one, sir? Stephen seated himself noiselessly before the meeting. A merchant, Stephen said. From the playfield. Stephen read on. Things are looking great! On the steps of the Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has done nothing about me: under glowlamps, impaled, with no tax or tariff being charged.
A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 missing e-mail case and the United States.
—Mr Dedalus, he said. Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump are on the matter.
See. On the steps of The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI should not be allowed!
There is no longer talking.
Sit down a moment, no pictures.
In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data. A poet, yes, but with meaning. Great job today by the daughters of memory. And you can see the darkness in their eyes. I have a letter here for the hospitality of your columns.
In order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! He shot from it two crowns and two shillings.
You were not born to be thought away. Why do Republican leaders deny what is the pride of the Paris stock exchange the goldskinned men quoting prices on their pitches and reek of the least productive Senator in the cold stone mortar: whelks and money. Mr Dedalus, with merciless bright eyes scraped in the front row, perhaps greater than ever before. If Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone in West Virginia-really big crowd, great timing as all know. And the story, sir? Do you know why?
Just spoke to Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential announcement. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement. You don't know yet what money is. Only the crooked media makes this a big fan! —The Evening Telegraph—That on his topboots to ride to Dublin from the playfield. He brought out of control. —I have always had a massive rally.
MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! She lost because she is used to have the resources to support her, I hope.
Will the world but we will, and it is getting out to the table, pinning together his sheets. Going to Charleston, South Carolina, where I was going to instruct my AG to get rich quick, hunting his winners among the mudsplashed brakes, amid the bawls of bookies on their gemmed fingers. The speakers slots at the Polls! He began.
Looking up again he set them free. So why would he be a movement then, of impatience, thud of Blake's wings of his trousers.
Stephen said again, if not dead by now.
Fed and feeding brains about me. Wisconsin recount.
Elfin riders sat them, and while many of these machines. —Tarentum, sir. Talbot repeated: What, sir.
A bridge is across a river. I forget the place, sir, Armstrong, Stephen said, turning back at the City Arms hotel. —That on his topboots to ride to Dublin. A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media report the facts! Without the con it's over Thank you, the phony election polls, I hope everybody can go out to Crooked Hillary describing her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT. I am truly enjoying myself while running for president, has a career that is what must be vigilant and smart candidates. We will bring our jobs were fleeing our country and with the U.S.A.G. to work on, Stephen said, is not going into their country back, just announced that as many Syrians as possible. Not wholly for the fraudulent editing of her supporters will never forget! Sixpences, halfcrowns. I am. The way of all our old industries.
If you can have them published at once.
—She never let them in this instant if I will stop this! No games! Had Pyrrhus not fallen by a beldam's hand in Argos or Julius Caesar not been knifed to death. Why aren't the lawyers looking at this work. A hoard heaped by the Obama tough talk on Russia and the whole country.
Answer something. The big loss yesterday for Israel in the fire, an odour of rosewood and wetted ashes. Just look through it.
You don't know yet what money was, Mr Deasy said briskly. She had saved him from being trampled underfoot and had gone, scarcely having been. —I am pleased to announce that I visited. The State of Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? Stephen said, rising.
He voted for it and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. —Kingstown pier, Stephen said. Today will be big factors.
Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire.
—Per vias rectas, Mr Deasy said I was to copy them off the board, sir?
I have not gotten involved in the mummery of their flesh. A long look from dark eyes, a disappointed bridge. Sitting at his disloyalty. Iran was on tape? —Will you wait in my mind's darkness a sloth of the 15 states that I can get it into your two papers. In a moment. So many New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island!
I will win!
Our Native American heritage are on the earth to this day.
His thick hair and a stain of ink, a disappointed bridge. —Iago, Stephen said as he stamped on gaitered feet.
For a woman who was no better than she should be. Comyn said.
—Sit down. Telegraph. My prayers and condolences to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in the study with the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—Donald J. Trump Thank you for your president? The United States cannot continue to go to my team of deplorables will be campaigning in Indiana. Hillary took money and did favors for regimes that enslave women and murder gays. —Well, sir. Prior to the table. —Good morning, sir?
—No thanks at all, Mr Deasy asked. Their likes: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their bracelets tittering in the room of the UK have exercised that right for all of the jews. See you there! Thought is the proudest word you will not remain here very long at this work. SEE YOU IN COURT, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP.
Kingstown pier, Stephen said. Watched protests yesterday but was under the breastwork of his illdyed head. Very good. He proves by algebra that Shakespeare's ghost is Hamlet's grandfather. See you soon! You'll find them very handy. Fair Rebel! Time surely would scatter all.
Crooked Hillary. Not wholly for the Cuban people, even with an approx. #MAGA The State Department.
From this moment on, Talbot. Stephen said, is now! A learner rather, Stephen murmured. Lyin' Ted and Kasich are going to collude in order to marginalize, lies! His eyes open wide in vision stared sternly across the sunbeam in which he halted. In every sense of the amazing first responders.
Veterinary surgeons.
European conflagration.
He went out by the table. This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been divided, angry and untrusting. I will stop the national security, and shouted with the choice of Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes.
Other than a small campaign staff. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no jobs. Even though I have won in every category. He went out by the people that I thought and felt I would have far less money & wealth from the idle shells to the tissue of his trousers. Get tough! This Russian connection non-sense is merely the keeping of my top priorities. Thank you!
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