#he fucking posted CP online
myyoungroyalsblog · 3 months
Wilhelm had every fucking right in pointing that riffle at August and I would support him if he did it again
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casuallyferal · 9 months
It's been announced that Elon is reflecting on making X membership exclusive, ie where you pay to have an X membership.
With the upcoming death of X, I find myself having meta thoughts about my fandoms, the art community, and where they intersect; and, how much those things radically-and-completely changed after the death of Tumblr -- and still haven't recovered.
(this does relate to Cross!Sans' recent win I prommy just give me a minute)
To start off with an example:
Some folks still remember the mass death of Tumblr.
It's hard to describe it to people who didn't see it.
There were actual casualties. Y'all remember that, too? The deaths?
Most of them were because for many people, their ~5-10 years of portfolio disappeared overnight with no recovery. Even for folks who had backups, the little things that mattered most, like reblog-chains, had been compromised. I remember reading a vent post that stuck w/ me of a college applicant sobbing because their blog was going to be their portfolio to apply, and the needed morning, it was gone. They lived through an abusive home and lost their out. They stopped posting after that.
There are keystone works that now only exist in our minds.
Cornerstones of both fandom and people's real lives were erased by a mega corp afraid of organic Human sensuality, the artist's familiar muse. A kiss, a shirtless photo, a man lounging in the sun, didn't matter. Gone with no explanatory messages. Everything was very unstable about the rules for a disturbingly long time with ghost-edits to the sitewide rules, and vague lettering. If you posted a single dangly bit, you're out. If you posted male or female nypples at any point, you're out. The rules now aren't the rules that were for a little while, long enough to carve up careers and sink fandoms.
As a case study:
Try to understand that if you're a new arrival into an old fandom from the Before Times, like say Undertale,
... you arrived into a fandom carved into quarters.
Everything we cared about and definitive blogs & art pieces vanished. I was temporarily surprised that Cross!Sans won the AU contest instead of the longtime fandom favorites like G!Sans.
For years, he was our fandom mascot.
I had a harrowing realization and began doomscrolling to confirm that nobody can find 👌the showstopping sensuality 👌😩 of G!Sans. It's gone.
G-o-n-e gone, can't find it anywhere, like that mfker into his smoke.
Our fandom values and cultural pillars that we built ourselves were deleted off-site by some Suits.
Everything the young people inherited was bleached-out and fucking sanitized by a corporation. We had no choice but to tolerate that, even as self aware as we were about it.
...this cultural-drift was not because of natural evolution, but because we weren't sterile enough to "make the cut;" and now, it's definitive with a clear before/after gap.
I'm of the opinion that the online art community has never really recovered from these repeat events.
It's never been the same:
I see a lot less WIPs unless it's teasing a piece.
I see less reckless abbandon in artwork. There's less scribbles.
There's less breath on the canvas.
People tightened their shit up into hyper polished presentation-pieces.
There's less shitposting in general. People used to post doodles and silly faces and polished pieces were in between.
I think this new media relationship comes from a place of collective hurt. I think many of us realized all society gives a fuck about is money money money money for something that for many of us is a necessary biproduct of being alive. The people who couldn't handle that never came back. They Told Us So when they left, and coincidentally, never came back -- or came back different.
❕ (brief cw cp)
As necessary aside, I'm not lumping in the CP -- it's that every platform has CP, and addressing CP head-on on a platform like Tumblr also meant having regulations that corporate with legal, consensual sensuality, and that's not feasible without endorsing that exists... AND, is deeply influential to many artists. Tumblr wasn't willing to do that.
Tumblr wasn't willing to accept ads from orgs that are okay with that, either.
❕ (cw over)
I feel like this keeps happening... Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter/X... because it comes from a cultural climate of fear towards the veritable Human qualities, some raw, beastial, or even vestigial, of which is the Creative's foundational wellspring. What inspires is often transgressive, and there's no room for such things on a corporate level due to the sterile inhumanity of present day economics. If it's not palettable enough that it can be sold to stockholders with polished floors and dry-cleaned suits, we're a weed between the concrete.
Get too tall and we're seen as a disordered presentation of society instead of just... just, Human. Raw, beastial, vestigially Human.
At the end of the day,
our inherently-self-expressive Human potential keeps getting butchered alive by fear of sex & sensuality and love, and the bitter taste of culturally dominant hatespeech; to really spit on the situation, the biggest driver behind both of those is economic. There's a desire knit into the social fabric to squeeeeeeze every fkn penny possible out of an inherently involuntary part of the Creative's experience.
For many, creating freely is a necessary part of a Creative's self-regulation, regardless of whether it's just a hobby or a career path. Creatives create things. We have to or we wilt. It is counter-intuitive to the nature of Wall Street, as it stands, and so it will never favor us -- let alone begin to understand that, without overhaul.
For me, painting is like breathing, I have to do it or I become ill.
...It's like... they bottled our air.
Dammed our wellsprings and sell our own work back to us in plastic jugs. Elusive, ominous "they," vague because it's a lottery for whoever plays "them" next; executioner with hanging-rope in hand to strange the creative experience.
There's nothing sacred left when it's all about making money.
...so, where's next?
(: Might as well grit our teeth about it and stay organized. Mastodon, I think? Dreamwidth also? Misskey? Where have you heard? Where do I go, now?
I miss the reblog-artfights and having Tumblr friends before it was deleted by a suit, and I don't want to lose that.
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zhongwans · 1 year
You guys must have seen that article from Vox that was filled with misinformation about ZZH's case written by someone called Aja Romano.
The article was very hostile towards Junzhe CP fans, which is actually not that strange knowing how RPS fandoms are seen, but since Romano herself was part of RPS fandoms and even believes that Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are in a secret relatonship, you've got to wonder where all the hostility is coming from. It's also very interesting that she never once showed any interest in WOH ever since it aired, but then suddenly appears and writes a scathing article about Junzhe CP fans a full year later, even regurgitating anti talking points from weibo beat by beat. So when I first read it I suspected that it wasn't written by a passerby journalist, but rather by someone who was very familiar with the WOH fandom and specifically with Junzhe CP fans. Someone who was keeping an eye on the fandom's conversations. And also possibly, someone who has something against us or ZZH and GJ.
On June 2022, an article that was published on The China Story finally laid out the facts about ZZH's case: that he wasn't banned by the CN government, that CAPA wasn't a government entity and therefore had absolutely no right to issue a boycott, that ZZH was the victim of a vicious smear campain that must have taken millions to fund. After the horrible articles Aja Romano wrote for Vox, it was a welcome relief.
Well now some amazing people over on twitter found out that Aja Romano actually emailed the editors of The China Story, asking to retract the article. It's the ONLY article that contains the truth about his case, and has all the facts that Li Xuezheng himself stated. And she asked for it to be taken down.
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She claimed that the article was filled with misinformation, even though the article was based only on facts that were verified during the time Li Xuezheng was active. Aja insisted that ZZH was banned by the government, even though that was debunked three times, twice by the NRTA and once by the MCT. Since when did a chronically online waste of space and human equivalent of watery diarrhea like Aja Romano have more say about ZZH's case than the literal Chinese government?
Like what you like, ship what you ship. Mind your own fucking business. There's no rule saying you must stuck your rancid dick in other fandoms just to enjoy your own.
Full post about Aja Romano's email here:
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mal3vol3nt · 2 years
ik i’m gonna sound like a dick for saying this, but it’s not too crazy that i feel literally zero sympathy for august right?
like before the ending of the 4th episode, i was able to feel sympathy for the struggles he went through and honestly appreciated him for the talk he had with wille when they were high (tho i definitely didnt like him. he’s always been annoying and classist), but after he recorded the video i was immediately done. i knew at that point that no matter what direction the show went with his character, even if he had a coming to jesus moment and started donating to charities for children, i was never going to be able to see pass what he did. he literally created cp.
and then he fucking released it to the internet. he outed wille to not only his parents but to an entire country as well. he literally distributed a sextape with two 16 year old boys. and ppl online were calling it hot and sexy while under the impression that it was of the underaged prince and another underaged boy. that’s so gross??
ik august has baggage and i see a ton of posts that are like “i hope he gets a support system one day” and that’s great, but y’all are so much better than me because i want nothing good for him. nobody deserves to go through what he goes through with his biological dad and his addiction and his body issues, but i truly struggle to sympathize with him because he’s vile.
i appreciate that he’s nuanced and isn’t a cartoon villain, but i childishly want to watch him lose everything.
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tallsuperstar · 10 months
I probably shouldn't talk about stuff but that post I just reblogged struck a chord with me and I wanna kinda just type it out and get it out of my system. So if you don't wanna see my "not as bad as it could have been" rant about my parents you can just ignore the rest of this post.
A bit ago, I asked my parents why they take me to see any kind of doctor or psychologist when I was a kid despite my very obvious problems.
And they didn't answer the question. My mom gave a non apology about it saying she was "sorry" that she didn't know I needed help when I was a kid. Which...is factually incorrect, sorry?
My brother got diagnosed with ADHD when he was a very young child. Like, he was that stereotypical "boy with adhd," very rambunctious, couldn't sit still, etc. And my mom did everything she could to help mitigate it, with this being the start of her caring about physical health and trying to give us a more balanced diet. No more instant ramen every night.
But I didn't get any of that? And to be clear, I wasn't a quiet kid. It's actually insane that they did completely nothing about my behavior as a kid. I was violent! A bully! I destroyed school property to the point that my parents were fined! I got suspended for physically beating up one of my classmates, getting so worked up by the tiniest thing that I would break down into tears and lash out at anyone who got too close. You know those jokes about how as a kid you would poke your eraser with your pencil and create a bunch of holes in it? I never did that. I used scissors. And not on erasers.
But my brother was the one who needed the psychologist bc he was hyperactive.
I don't blame my brother. I wouldn't live with him if that were the case. It's not like this was her fault. But what kind of parents just choose not to do anything when they have a kid who is clear a danger to their peers and themself?
It's this clear favoritism that annoys me.
They instead opted to doing nothing. Actually, nothing isn't the right word for it. I was punished very harshly when I was young. I don't remember it, though. I get a headache if I try to think about it which probably isn't good. They just didn't do anything about my behavior outside of the home. No fucking wonder one of my teachers tried to call CPS.
I think, they realized that there was something a little wrong with me when I developed trichotillomania. I guess ripping out my own hair to the point of bald spots was when they thought "hey, maybe we should get this one tested for anxiety." I guess stabbing myself with scissors wasn't a VERY OBVIOUS ISSUE. By that point, I was no longer the bratty, overactive child who my parents recorded whenever I angry cried over the stupidest things. I was a kid who hid in oversized sweatshirts and locked themselves in their room and only came out when strictly necessary and roleplayed pokemon hunger games online and was in "special" classes that taught how to talk to people and had detention once a week. Not like my parents cared. If they cared, then they would've realized me not doing schoolwork but still doing well on tests was for a completely different reason than why that was the case for my brother and sister...
Skipping past high school, at least I was finally able to get out once college rolled around...being out on my own has done a lot for me to better understand myself.
I still don't even hate my parents...this is just a small snippet from one specific angle about my childhood, but typing it out...helps.
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hii, kind soul you are doing great job.
Can you answer these questions of mine.
Who are those people who have done live today and exposed relationship? Why people are asking them question related to BJYX and others? And also believing the answer they are giving. How they know those people will tell the truth?
Sorry but these things are new to me.
And do they really tell truth?
Hi, Anon!
Thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! 😊
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Who is this?
A well-known bottom-feeding-parasite paparazzo in China, Li Dachui, who makes his living by stalking people, clandestinely photographing them and then exposing their relationships.
As I've mentioned in the past, the entertainment industry in China trades on fantasies of romantic availability. It's common for stars to hide their relationships because being exposed is a direct threat to their careers (and also for the protection of their romantic partners, because fans have been known to harass and stalk them as well).
Andy Lau famously kept his relationship a secret for 24 years.
So for someone to make it their business to stalk people like this, and try to gain attention and popularity via outing celebrity relationships - it's not just 'gossip' - it crosses over into harming the lives, security and privacy of individuals and endangering careers.
But people love this garbage. He creates a buzz around 'an announcement he's going to make exposing a couple'. He'll give a date and time for when it's going to be exposed, and some tidbits hinting at who is involved - initials, year of birth, tier of fame, whatever - to get people excited and speculating.
Then he'll hold a livestream and expose it all online. Disgusting.
What happened?
The pap held a livestream where he was exposing information about a famous couple (a straight couple I won't name because fuck him).
In the livestream the pap was asked if BJYXSZD and he and his associate (who was offscreen but sticking their hand out in front of the camera) 'thumbs upped' the relationship and said, "BJYXSZD, guaranteed."
When asked later why GG isn't seen with a girlfriend he said GG is already in love.
And apparently in a different part of the stream he told a solo GG was single, so he was inconsistent in his claims and seems to have just been telling people whatever they wanted to hear.
And it seems that some turtles are treating it as exciting candy, which annoys me to no end.
Just a couple months ago this same creep was claiming 'all GG's CP are fake' (you can read more about that here), and turtles didn't want to believe him, and now he's saying it's real and they are lapping it up?
This is why we can't have nice things.
Why are people asking them questions about BJYX?
Because they are irresponsible, that's why. Whether they are solos or really, really misguided turtles, no one should be bringing GG and DD's names - nor their relationship - within 100 miles of that creep. It's the responsibility of every fan - solo or turtle - to try to protect GG and DD, and trying to get a stalker interested in exposing them, or even bringing their names into a creepy discussion like that, is pretty much the exact opposite of that.
By mentioning their names in this context they are inviting more rumors and claims to be made about them.
Do they tell the truth?
Unfortunately, this is a guy who makes his living exposing relationships via hard evidence - photos and video - and some of those relationships have been forced out of the closet by his behavior. So he has 'proved' himself in a lot of people's eyes. Some people just don't have the cognitive sophistication to realize that someone is capable of being correct/truthful about some things while being incorrect/lying about others.
Please understand, this is someone who makes a living harming others. He is not credible, no matter how many claims he's backed up in the past. And @potteresque-ire made a great post a while back explaining why these people aren't credible.
And this should be abundantly obvious, since the guy has contradicted his own claims from before, and even contradicted himself within the same livestream.
A couple months ago he was claiming GG's CP were all fake, and causing a huge stir and uproar, trending GG's name on Weibo, etc. and now suddenly he's saying that BJYX is real, and saying GG has a romantic partner.
Let me be really clear: This isn't candy. This is awful. He needs to 'keep GG and DD's names out of his f'n mouth'.
We don't need some stalker creep to tell us BJYXSZD. We have plenty of legitimate information showing us GGDD are real.
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antiradqueer · 9 months
Dunno if this is the right place to ask this, but I need some advice.
So there's this guy in an online writing group I was previously in that writes straight-up, really bad CSA material on AO3, and no matter how much I try to tell other people in the group what he's doing, nobody believes me or fucking does anything because "aw, you've got it all wrong, he's a great guy he's just going through some stuff, and it's not like it's real anyway."
He is not just "going through some stuff", he's a 30-something self-admitted pedophile who assaulted his own teenaged sister and almost assaulted his own child niece, and feels zero shame or guilt about any of it. I don't know who he is offline so it's not like I can contact the police, but anyone who interacts with this guy regularly and considers him harmless has a right to know he's really, really not. Which is why I'm sending you this, in the hope that you might know a way for me to get the word out about him without having to post on my own blog and have him and his friends come and harass me for "making shit up".
The only reason I even dug around and found out what he was doing is because some of the stuff he said reminded me of the man who hurt me as a child, and there's no mistaking that once you know what it sounds like. I am NOT "making shit up".
first of all, I believe you. I want to put this first.
I don't have the best advice ever, but if you know he did those things, you must have proof in some way? (/genq) screenshots, audios, etc? I'm talking about the rl assault, the AO3 content prooves itself of course.
I understand you don't want to call him out on your main blog, but maybe you could make an entirely seperate Blog (like, a seperate main, not a side blog) and post proof there?
unfortunately, depending on where you live, fictional content dealing with CP doesn't have to be explicitely illegal - I'm not from the US and Idk if you are, but just as an example, from what I understand: fictional CP is not covered by federal law in the US (feel free to correct me on this!). So, while I very much agree that what he does on AO3 is not okay, it doesn't have to be something you can hold against him legally.
but honestly, my biggest advice would be to distance yourself from him, his friends and that group entirely. sounds like a very toxic place, enabling harmful behaviour and I don't want to imagine what could happen there. stay safe anon!
for real, always remember, your own safety comes first. always. and this goes for everyone! if you feel like something is putting you in physical danger, like it takes too much of a toll on your mental health or is otherwise harmful - take care of yourself <33
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liu-yu-xin · 7 months
I think that type of extremely graphic fetish and gore and pedo manga and anime has been normalized to such an extent in east asia that many of their brains are fucking rotted just mush and maggots in the brain. i just saw MULTIPLE comments with tens of thousands of likes under a weibo post about the situation that say "theres nothing wrong with that manga lol what did that manga ever do to u" and "everyone knows u can leave ur morals at the door when u consume mangas but i guess he shouldn't recommend this one to his fans who are children" i feel fucking insane i hope these ppl all die im not kidding. the absolute insanity of every chinese kpop fan dragging karina through the mud for recommending a manga that one point had pro japanese imperialism connotations the spectacle and public humiliation and think pieces that came out of that for WEEKS vs not even a PEEP about several male idols from the most popular groups literally consuming gory fetish child p*rn. its fucking disgusting. quite a significant portion of east asian anime consumers think this is normal and that u can separate the "art" from the "artists" (saw comments that knew the author is a confirmed p*dophile and think it doesnt affect his work) and separate the content's morals and messaging from their own morals like in what world does looking at cp not make u a fucking p*dophile. Which is what all these commenters And the kpop idols listed are. By the way. and also what fucking useless censorship laws china has u cant even say the words death or sex but all of this is lazily edited to censor the "worst" of it and accessible in china as well. u cant see grown consenting adults make out on tv but u can just find casual cp online. kill yourselves kill yourselves kill yourselves kill ur whole family too. i hope every single person involved in this gets their brains blown out
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petalilly · 1 year
Has it ever occurred to anyone that mental health isn't an immediate fix thing?
One talking to does a small amount, but it adds up whether for better or for worse.
You can't just throw a few resources at a person and expect them to stfu about a serious mental health issue. For a physical example, if I stub my toe I don't just scream "ow" and then suddenly shut up. I will bitch and moan about it for at least a few minutes until I emotionally feel better about my toe being stubbed and/or the pain goes away, but never before the pain is gone. Same with mental health. Whether it's abuse or past trauma haunting you or even undiagnosed mental health issues, we will still bitch and moan about an issue actively causing our quality of life to be worse.
If a person complains online that cps won't stop their dad from beating them because he puts on a smile and looks like a nice guy. You posting resources that might help will do some good, but don't expect it to be soon. It might take that person years to stop complaining because they need to find a way to stop the active problem, cope with the aftereffects of the trauma, and start living in a world where the trauma isn't active anymore. Not everyone is malicious because they made you feel bad and that includes trauma victims.
I'm not saying you need to listen to their story or even care. If you do let them talk then you'll give them relief for a period of time which you can do with that information what you will. If you don't then they'll go somewhere else to let out the pain. You can't stop them or the pain. You can only make it better or worse.
I don't know if ignoring them is good or bad. I know it did a mix for me. The good ones gave me hope for humanity. The ones who told me to fuck off gave me disdain for them although if they were polite enough then I felt they were at least trying to be good.
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lemon-pilled · 2 years
Similarities between TF2 and Splatoon (2)
by me (a sploon 2 player) and @d-9542 (a tf2 player) (they barely ever post tho and anyways this was my idea lol)
i cant cut posts in half on mobile sorry
TLDR, splatoon and tf2 are very similar in many ways
team vs team (turf wars and regular tf2 battles idk what theyre called)
team vs game (salmon run and MvM)
COSMETICS AND GUNS (self explanatory.)
events (idk if they count as seasonal lol but splatfests and scream fortress)
(i almost spelled fortrass in that last one LMAO oh my god im so sleep deprived)
stupidly elaborate lore (my friend isnt wrong ngl)
something something, precious resource stolen (zapfish and australium)
GMOD + SFM communities (i think splatoon has the biggest sfm community that isnt for a valve thing but dont quote me on this)
competitive scene (lots of games have this but honorable mention or something anyways ranked battles/league battles and competitive mode)
similar game modes (will elaborate later)
color themes woo (red vs blu, the iconic orange vs blue from splatoon 1, green vs pink in splatoon 2 and yellow vs purple in splatoon 3)
family rivalry i guess (like theres the whole mann brothers thing and i guess the sploon 1 final splatfest counts as well as the whole plot of sploon 2 hero mode? idk.)
'voice commands' (tf2 has A LOT. splatoon has like.....4. and they display as text with inkling/octoling noises. but they all have a different versions in different languages i think)
shinies (the australiam weapons and gold frying pan for tf2, and the stupid fucking golden toothpick from the DLC that im never getting because i absolutely cannot figure out how to beat girl power station someone send help)
bombs (literally demoman and the different bomb sub weapons in splatoon 2. i think he would have fun with those, especially fizzy bombs. im getting distracted fuck)
main and sub weapons (technically tf2 has a lot more categories but for the sake of my sanity im seperating them like this. sub weapons in splatoon ARENT limited to bombs only, for those of you who dont play.)
special abilities (while splatoon specials are different for each weapon, the abilities are dependant on the class in tf2. eg, ink armour and ubercharge, both of which makes you temporarily invincible and can affect teammates. but ink armour is the whole team, while uber is like, yourself and one other person. also charge times lmao the bane of my existance. the pain when you really need to use your special but the gauge isnt filled yet :[ )
"Cut off from developer support 😔" (my friends words. also technically not true because tf2 got updates about like last week as of posting, while splatoon is getying a THIRD GAME IN SEPTEMBER LETS FUCKING GO.)
stories! (tf2 has the comics, and splatoon has official short stories on their site.)
similar(?) gamemodes time pog
(a lot of the splatoon gamemodes can be compared to multiple tf2 gamemodes so thsy may show up several times lol)
online gameplay
online gameplay woo basically the same thing? the goals are a bit different cause in splatoon youre trying to get the most turf inked but literally you just shoot at people. pew pew.
salmon run and mann vs machine
this is like literally the same thing. the goals are different but basically a team of players have to fight against several waves of salmonoids/robots. you get stuff by beating the waves (i think?????? i dont play tf2 and my brain is, again, too tired to comprehend what the wiki is trying to say) and stuff and you win ONLY if you get all of them.
control points and tower control/splat zones
i think symmetrical cp is closer to tower control than the other ones. like, all of the splatoon maps are symmetrical so....
both teams have to take over a certain amount of spots to win. in splatoon 2 this is done by riding the tower (which is more like a payload thing but i think rainmaker is more similar to that than tower control) while in tf2 this is done by standing at the capture point. it takes a while to capture each point for both games, tho in splatoon you dont have to recapture, since it isnt exactly like capture points? thats more of a splat zones thing.
speking of splat zones this one is similar to cp in the fact that you have to literaly capture zones. usually1, but there may be 2. capturning the zones is similar to how its done in tf2, except instead of just standing there you have to cover the area with your teams ink. the counter only goes down if your ink is majority and you have all the zones.
im too tired to do all the big brain thinking to explain this more so MOVING ON
payload and rainmaker (and also the peristalsis stage in octo expansion)
you move a thing to a goal. you win if you get that thing to the goal! thats the very basics but while payload is like a move the cart via a track thing rainmaker is literally just grabbing the rainmaker and getting it to (or as close as possible) to the podium on the opposing teams aide of the map and actually i take back my earlier statment payload is quite similar to tower control.
HOWEVER. in splatoon both teams are fighting to get the rainmaker to their respective podiums. in payload, only one team moves the cart, while the other team tries to stop them.
the peristalsis stage is basically the same thing but with 1 player only cos the octo expansion DLC is a single player campaign. that and you have to shoot at it to get it to move.
king of the hill and splat zones
literally the exact same thing????? like im not even kidding. theres a certain area you have to capture, and once you have that area a timer starts to count down. but if the enemy captures it from you the timer for your team pauses and the enemys counter starts. this is kinda short cause theres not that much for me to point out lol
PASS time and clam blitz
theyre both semi based off of irl sports? except in passtime theres only one ball i think, while in clam blitz you have to collect clams to make a bigger football clam to throw at the enemys basket to break it so you can throw clams into it before it repairs itself
anyways i think this is everything? man idk i did this on a whim cause i was bored.
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traumatizeddfox · 2 years
NOMAP pride tw:
I don’t care what people say when they compare NPD/BPD/ASPD to pedophilia or zoophilia, it’s not the same. I know ASPD can have sadistic traits or NPD and BPD people can be controlling but it’s literally not the same don’t compare me to these fucks.
I fucking hate maps and nomaps idc that it’s “ableism” it honestly isn’t in my mind because the DSM will change in another 14, 30, 50 fucking years from now, drastically might I add, and I don’t fucking support creeps and disgusting people like MAPS (adults attracted to children.)
I used to talk to NOMAPS/MAPS online all the time when I was a minor/teenager (with my age in my bio) and mentioning it too, and they were like NOMAP PRIDE/Yayyyy fucking children pride yayyy!!! And trying to persuade me to accept them and I honestly felt groomed as fuck by them. They were persuading me that all MAPS are good people and they don’t do harm but some were posting drawings of CP and talking about fantasizing fucking children or animals all the time… that’s a little bit too far?? Like all the NOMAPS had pride flags and trued to ruin the queer community like wtf?? This was before the massive sweep Tumblr staff did when they cleaned out the pxrn and made tags like that unable to get through anymore. So this was when tumblr still had a lot of child sex rings going on. Hmm wonder who did it?
I came across one I scrolled by and read quick that said he hates even going to the store because he will inevitably see children and he fantasized about them while he’s in there and I’m like???? Um, yeah stay out of stores forever then bro… idk maybe I’m an asshole or some shit (DNI : MAPS) lol
honestly i do not care about MAPS, if they want to try and act like theyre just apart of the lgbtq+ community..i just block them. its gross and i hate them.
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
17 year old sexting a 21 year old is 1) not a crime
legally a 17 year old sexting anyone is a crime. a 17 year old sexting another 17 year old is a crime can get both 17 year olds child pornography charges. like, i understand where you're coming from, but the laws surrounding sexting for people under 18 are wonky at best and considering how in a LOT of places (florida and new jersey included, since theyre the relevant states) a 17 year old and a 21 year old having PHYSICAL sex is NOT a crime (physical sex arguably being more serious than sexting) i don't think that's a good metric to be using. i'm not even saying i think it's morally right because i don't it just kind of negates your point when physical sex would be legal but online sex isnt due to the absolute shit nature of laws
you have to take what i said in context. i said the idiot i rbed from was implying that what happened wasn't a crime with how nonchalant they were being about the situation. obviously i know the alleged sexting was a crime, that's part of why i'm so angry about this.
as you pointed out, the laws are different and just because they're different doesn't make it right either way. even tho it's technically legal for a 16 yo and a 23 yo to have physical sex, it's not legal for a 17 yo and a 21 yo to sext (because that's possession and distribution of cp). i'd also argue that a 17 yo and 21 yo shouldn't be having sex either (or be in a relationship), and just because it's legal doesn't make it right. however, the allegations are not and should not be negated simply because the laws are weird. if true, dream committed a crime because the age difference between him and amanda isn't covered by the romeo and juliet laws OR the mistake of fact defense.
what i was trying to say with my original post, however, was that the criminal nature of the situation shouldn't necessarily be the determining factor for whether or not this is wrong. the developmental gap between 17 and 20 is drastic enough to where you cannot have good, safe communication between both partners. the 20 yo with the more developed prefrontal cortex will just naturally have better reasoning and decision-making skills, as well as a better perspective on life. the 17 yo can't reasonable compete with a 20 yo brain, which makes complete sense! and it's the reason you don't see most 17 yo's dating 20 yo's, and vice versa. the same goes for a 19/24 age gap, for example. sure, it's completely legal, but if you've already graduated college and have been working for a few years or are in graduate school, do you really want to date a college freshman? obviously there comes a time when age gaps matter less and less, but the development between the ages of 16 and 25 is so fucking critical that i believe it's dangerous for people to date more than a year or two outside their own age. not necessarily because every older person is predatory towards younger people (although i believe that IS a concern) but because it's difficult to maintain effective communication between two people who have such different understandings of the world. and if you don't communicate well or aren't experienced enough to recognize the signs of a bad person/relationship, things can go very south very fast.
so yeah tl;dr the fuckiness of the laws don't matter. if the allegations are true (which i believe they are) dream committed a crime full stop. even if he didn't, he shouldn't be talking to a 17 year old in private dms in the first place because a 17 yo simply doesn't have the experience to properly handle themselves in that kind of situation
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jakeowen · 1 year
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I posted 3,771 times in 2022
That's 1,583 more posts than 2021!
1,531 posts created (41%)
2,240 posts reblogged (59%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,773 of my posts in 2022
#spotify - 74 posts
#prev - 8 posts
#me - 8 posts
#yeah - 8 posts
#a man can laugh but a woman may only chuckle - 5 posts
#literally - 5 posts
#👀👀👀 - 5 posts
#litchrally - 5 posts
#literally though - 4 posts
#thanks i hate it - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#he was like ‘i’m moving to the south’ and i was like ‘me too’ and we were like ‘aight let’s be intentional and meet up in october’ lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
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35 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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54 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
i just would like to say this: teachers were and are some of the staunchest advocates for in-person learning, and the first people to tell you how vital it is for students’ wellbeing. but it’s blatantly hypocritical the way that governments (at various local & federal levels) suddenly care about students’ wellbeing in this one aspect after years and years of ignoring schools and children. ctu wasn’t striking because the teachers didn’t care about the kids, they were striking because their schools did not meet the standards that would ensure in-person learning would be safe for students, teachers, and other school staff. the concern was never “i don’t want to go to work,” it was schools that have been ignored for decades to the point where they have serious ventilation issues, overcrowding, and inadequate resources to provide ppe or meet appropriate cleanliness standards. public officials have been ignoring student wellbeing for a very long time and it’s disingenuous for them to turn around and accuse teachers of doing the same when they ask for basic health and safety in their workplace. ctu said “we are prepared to teach remotely for the next two weeks out of safety concerns” and cps said “if you won’t come to work we’ll suspend your email access and all online teaching/learning resources” rendering students unable to turn in work, contact their teachers, or access any instruction in the last 3 weeks of their semester. so tell me who in this equation cares about student wellbeing
72 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
leftist men who describe themselves as cynics are truly so annoying, especially because they are fucking lying. sorry, but actually the belief that if things get bad enough the revolution will finally come to free us all is just grimdark idealism. talk to a woman once. the true cynics are the moms who turn out to every single legislative meeting of their city and state to lobby for a gun reform bill that will maybe make gun violence 1% less deadly, and then gear up to do it all over again for the next bill. they don’t hold out hope for a mythical revolution (of which by the way, they’re smart enough to know they and their children would suffer more consequences than they’d reap rewards). they’re the cynics. they know that they are near powerless in a system that’s against them. but instead of believing in fairy tales they use their fragments of power to fight back anyway. cynicism is key to any successful movement, which is why women power movements.
130 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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reblog if mike i love you because you’re gay and cause you’re dangerous
156 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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averys-happy-space · 2 years
club penguin rambles
there are a LOT of images bc the post is abt cp outfits. but also a ton of text bc i talk way too much. also I POSTED THIS ON THE WRONG ACC. I POSTED IT ON MY THEME TESTING BLOG BY ACCIDENT SO I HAD TO REPOST THIS. its the 11pm brain fog getting to me
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okay so club penguin released a new clothing catalogue for november and here's my hippie fall outfit i came up with. it's designed around the sweater bc i thought the sweater was super cute but there wasn't any other hand item except guitar that really matched with the outfit. and like yes i could have it without the guitar (which i did do to take the 2nd pic) but i wanna equip a hand item!!! which sounds really stupid bc it is stupid but i'm picky and idc. the sweater IS adorable tho like look at it, its got little puffles on it and shit!!!! fucking adorable!!! and the colour is so pretty and nice too :3c i would buy that sweater if it existed irl. also look at the cool ass ghost puffle!!! their name is goober LMAO i dont rmb why i named them that. i think i was thinking like goofy goober but i already have an orange puffle named goofy ah so i guess thats why i just named this ghost puffle goober? genuinely i have no fucking clue. but i'm gonna keep them around cuz they look dope as fuck and also they match my penguins purple skin colour which i think is neat.
other outfits
since i am making a post abt cp outfits i also decided to add my previous outfits (that i have screenshots of) to this post too just to archive them so i can come back in 10 yrs and be like wow 16 yr old me had horrible fashion taste. (i hope tumblr is still around in 10 yrs. i mean, its lasted 15 yrs, so like whats another 10 right?)
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for context:
the first one is one of my earliest outfits which i made with help & advice from moose bc i suck at fashion (thank u moose). i think it looks cool, tho there wasnt like a theme or anything that i was going for. i just liked the hair + jacket and wanted to make an outfit with it lol
the pizza one is from the pizza party event. do not ask me why they had a pizza party event. i have no idea. anyway it was really stupid but fun and i suck at the pizzatron 3000 minigame. i wanted to use a mouse for it but my mom took my mouse when she took my gaming pc so i had to use mac trackpad to play and boy it was Not good. also i gave my puffle jellybean a sombrero which i know is mexican and pizzas are from italy but i didnt know what else to give him!!! plus he looks really stupid cuz the sombrero is massive which i think is cute. oh yea, also i met rookie during the pizza party and i wanted to equip his background but my penguin covers half of rookies body and it didnt look good so i ended up going for this bg instead. its kinda lame but whatever, i still got to meet rookie and thats all that matters <3 (btw, for context, theres lots of npc mascots in the game and every so often they "come online" (its just a bot walking around really) and if u join the same area as them, u get a stamp + bg gift. i met rookie & jetpack guy during the pizza party and got their stamps and gifts but i love rookie more lol, hence why i wanted to use his bg. its too sad it didnt fit nicely bc i think its a p cool bg but oh well)
the bottom two are just variations of each other. basically for the sept or oct catalogue (i forgot which), the cp team added a bunch of punk stuff and i bought all of it bc it actually looked dope as hell. the one on the left came first but i didnt rlly vibe w the hair which is why i ended up changing it. also, the wings are a neck item which is why the first outfit doesn't have the dog tags even tho i wanted them. couldn't have both ): anyway, the second one came about after i got to meet cadence during the music party and i LOVE cadence (i had a massive crush on her when i was younger. like literally shes so pretty?!!) so i got rid of the raven wings so u can see her face in the bg. i can't lie i do think the bg is a bit lame bc its completely empty on the right which makes it feel kinda unbalanced, also u can see i have the cadence signature pin equipped. u can't change the positioning of the pin which sucks bc i would've put it on the right if i could but oh well. and yea i added the dog tags since no more wings. i accidentally clicked jellybean before taking this pic so it sent him home LMAOOO and i couldnt be bothered to get him back at the time so thats why hes missing from the pic. overall i think this outfit is def my favourite, the vibes are just so good. i love punk. oh and also the vampire teeth are bc the catalogue was mainly a halloween theme and well, they looked cool lol
for the record, jellybean is my favourite puffle hence why hes in all these pics. idk why but i just love white puffles, theyre so adorable and smiley despite being shy. also white puffles are slightly smaller than all other puffles which makes them 10x cuter. but i'm gonna keep goober around for a while just cuz they look cool as fuck. but i'll prob switch over back to jellybean when its closer to xmas. anyway its now 1120pm (i spent like half an hour writing this) so im going to sleep. goodnight
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chimerahazard · 5 months
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zeph 𖦹 they/it/he/she 𖦹 22 𖦹 PLUR
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heres my basic intro post that i'll probably redo later once I've broken in this blog more.
hi!!! my sona/online name is zephyr but ppl im close to can also call me quinn. I really like splatoon, web graphics + old web (basically anything pre-2013 honestly), biology, stuffed animals, rave culture, + more. im a proud autist, boydyke, and snail enthusiast.
im into a lot of sfw and nsfw kink stuff, though whats on here will be mostly SFW. im a furry + therian (goat/sheep, cat, bug + more) and often refer to myself as a chimera :3 being fictionkin/otherkin is so fun without a bitch in your ear telling u youre cringe
DNI if under 18, anti-kink, if you dont tag incest/fauxcest/rape . cp (whether illustrated or irl), terfs + proana can fuck off and will be reported and dropped into the tiger pit
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zeph txt ⇾ original text posts
journal ⇾ will probably overlap w zeph txt, basically any time i make any kind of update/post about my life. will likely decorate entries with lots of blinkies
ae ⇾ aesthetics!! i love images and pictures and gifs.
my art ⇾ my art! im planning on making a sideblog for art here but am unsure whether it'll be completely sfw or also have anything suggestive. I'm also considering posting photography and poetry as well. basically whatever art I do end up posting will be tagged as such
that's all for now. thanks for stopping by!
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msbarrows · 7 months
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Finally had walk #77, a month and a half after the previous one (and two years plus two weeks since I first started counting them). Been trying to stay off my bad right foot, since not being able to tell when I'm damaging it is apparently the source of many of its problems.
But I wanted to get the annual flu shot at the pharmacy, and stop in at the post office to top up my phone minutes, so off I went. Got maybe a quarter of a mile along the one mile walk down before my brother drove by, saw me, turned around and came back to ask if I needed a lift. Which got me downtown a good half hour before my appointment for the shot, so he dropped me off at the post office.
Except our local post office is closed on Thursdays from 2:00 to 2:20, in addition to their normal break for lunch. Which I should have remembered, since I've run into this before. Argh. So I stood in the lobby where the boxes are* and read on my phone for the 15+ minutes until they reopened, topped up the phone, and then hurried over to the pharmacy for the shot. After which my brother kindly picked me up and took me back home again.
So today's walk was mostly a long stand, but walking around outdoors did occur.
(* We've never, afaik, had delivery to people's doors in most of the smaller towns around here, except maybe on some of the rural routes where there are mail boxes at driveways. Mostly if you live in a town, you rent a box at the local post office and have to go fetch it yourself. When I'm ordering online I often have to sneak in the box number somewhere (usually making it look like it's an apartment number) so if the delivery service is Canada Post (which it is about half the time) the nice post office ladies aren't being aggravated by a lack of box number. Because fuck you and "we can't deliver to post office boxes", if it's coming via CP they're not bringing it to my door, and I'm more concerned about the good will of my local posties than your delivery rules.)
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