#he did give it a heart but gurl this is NOT gonna work. all because im weird im weirdo i don't fit in and i dintywant to fit it. have you
misfortunegirl · 1 year
i can fuck everything up boss just give me a second 🫡
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chelsea-xxx2003 · 9 months
Chapter 7
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Aaron POV
Did I mention the I'm acting like a complete fool. Not once have I ever frozen over like this. I force myself to answer her question.
"I'm doing good."
"That's good."
The next thing that comes out of my mouth is out my control. I wasn't thinking at all. It's like brain went into auto pilot.
"I missed you."
She gives her sweet smile.
"I missed you too."
She then goes from looking at me to behind me.
"Oh my goodness, is that MILES?"
And with that her attention shifts to Miles. I turn to them.
"Oh jeez, you have grown so much. Look at you, you're a young man now. How are doin?"
"I'm doing good actually. It's nice to see you again but how is work?"
"Ugh so busy but not anymore. I have decided to move back here in New York. I can still work here. Travelling is fun but exhausting."
Did I hear that correctly. She's moving back. Yeah, but for how long. It's like I'm intellectually linked with my nephew right now because he asks her the question I've been thinking.
"For how long?"
"Oh for good. I missed everyone here."
"Maya, have you eaten? I know you had a long flight and plane food is tasteless." Rio drags Maya to the tables filled with food and serves her a plate.
"Yooo uncle Aaron, what happened man? I thought you were gonna put your rizz game on. She had you stuttering." Miles laughs at me.
"Man hush."
People continue as they were, dancing and eating. Maya and Rio are talking their girl talk. Jeff is still barbecuing and Miles had probably ran off to his room with his other cousins.
"So Maya, what are the men around the world like?"
This hooks mine and Jeff attention. The whole place is on mute but their convo. I look at Jeff and he's facing that table too. We are close enough to hear their talk but not to be noticed.
"Gurl, I seen em all. Especially the rich ones. Let me tell you something. As a global estate agent I have seen all kinds of celebrities. Ive sold places to artists, actors, athletes, models, CEO's and top business people . Rappers especially. You know how they like to flaunt their money."
"Tell me."
"So, you know 50 cent right?"
"You met 50 cent? Do tell."
Are you kidding me right now? Freakin' 50 cent? For a winter in Brooklyn, it's getting pretty warm right now. I want to hear the story but not at the same time.
"Yeah, I sold him a villa in the Bahamas. I was showing him the place and he was being a flirt the whole time. He said he brought the place because a fine woman showed him around. He even asked me to be one of his video babes and act as his wifey in his music video."
I'm so close to walking out and gearing up in my suit and hunting the man down.
"Well what did you say?"
"I said nah."
"Because....... I told him that I already have a man. Chile you know rappers, they just wanna get in your pants."
There's a warm feeling in my heart when she says that. I relax back in my seat.
"Aww look at you. He's got you starstruck."
I can hear someone approach me from behind.
"You almost had her stollen from you by 50 cent, personally I don't think I would recover from that." Jeff says.
"Don't try it man."
Maya's loyalty to me was beyond my mind. I mean I would do the same by probably rejecting Beyoncé or something. She's amazing and talented and all but she just wasn't Maya. I honesty don't see what she sees in me.
The day seems to come to an end with people going home and the sun disappearing with them. The rooftop is illuminated with fairy light and many light bulbs. From where I am sitting I can see Maya yawn. Jet-lag must be catching up for her.
"I didn't see you come with any luggage. Just your handbag."
"Oh yeah about that, my stuff is in another state. The baggage handlers put everyones luggage in the wrong plane. I'll probably get it delivered tomorrow or the day after. It's really annoying, I had some presents for people."
"Are you kidding me, you making it for Christmas is a present its self especially for a certain someone."
Maybe I should stop eavesdropping on Maya and Rio's conversation.
"How could I not, after you told me about Miles and Aaron talking about me, I had to come back." She turns around her seat to look at me and wink. I swear Miles has a big mouth sometimes but at least it made her come over.
Now it’s dark and some people have left. Meanwhile Maya and Rio were in the kitchen finishing up some dishes.
"Ok, we are finished. There was a lot of stuff to wash. I guess this goodnight."
"What? Already? But it's only......1:30am."
"Exactly Rio, it's late. I'm sure Miles has passed out in his room." Jeff announces.
Speak of the devil, Miles shows up from his room. He deffo looked like he took a nap cuz he has drool and pillow marking on the side of his face.
"Are you leaving already?"
"Oh Miles don't make me laugh. It's late. I'll see you again soon ok. You can visit anytime too. You know where I’ll be. Come here give me a hug."
He walks up to her and hugs her and she returns the hug but tighter. Call me crazy but I swear he just turned his head to give me a sly smirk. This kid knows exactly what he's doing. Lucky for me I will have her to myself.
"Ok we gotta get going. I'm sure Maya could also pass out at any moment."
"Thanks for coming over Maya, it's been a while and it was nice to catch up." Jeff says.
Rio and Miles escort us to the door after Maya put on he her jacket and took her bag.
"Thanks for the invite to this Christmas party. See you soon and take care. Bye"
And with that it's finally just me and her. We walk in the nearly empty streets of Brooklyn to our place. The air is freezing to the touch and can see that she's shivering. Without a thought I wrap my arm around her and bring her closer to me.
"Your warm. I probably won't let go."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
"You know I know Miles was tryna piss you off with the hug earlier. I could tell you were slightly irritated but brushed off."
"I may have told him about how you gave him all of your attention when he was a baby and how it almost made me jealous."
"You being jealous of a kid now and then is so petty. Well I'm here now."
"Yeah and you're mine. I really don't like sharing."
She stops in front of me and makes me stop. She looks up.
"Jealousy looks funny on you."
"I think it's only acceptable if it's for you."
She gives that smile again. I give her a smirk back. This makes her bite her lip and look away. Before she changes the subject, I place both my hands to each side of her side to make her look at me again. Her big brown eyes twinkle with the Christmas lights around us. Her nose and cheeks a light shade of pink from the cold.
I leaned over and both of our lips connect. It's a passionate and love filled kiss. She's stiff at the beginning because it was unexpected but she quickly relaxes into it. She lifts her arms to hold on to me as I move my hands to her waist. I lift her until her feet are off the ground for two seconds and then I put her down. We break apart from the kiss. She looks dazed and as do I.
"I was waiting to do that for so long."
She laughs and I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. She's squealing as she hold on. We both continue until we get home. I scan the key and the door opens. We climb up the stairs. We reach the door but that's when I remember a slight flaw.
"The place is kinda not clean. I mean I didn't know you were coming. J-just wait here."
I speed walk in and do what I can. Remove pizza and Chinese takeaway boxes. Pick up a few boxers and socks. Especially hide the gadgets in a box. I was working on my suit and left it out. That needs to go. I do a mental checklist as I go back to open the door, where she's standing.
"Ron, I'm sure it's not too bad. Nothing I can't clean up."
She trots in like she wasn't away for eight years. She looks around the place and my heart start to pick up.
"Oh my God."
Oh God help me.
"You have a new car?"
Huh? What car? She jiggle some keys in my face. Oh.
"Not a car but a motorcycle."
Her eyes widen and they have a twinkle in them.
"Wha- since when?"
"Since you left. I gave away that old car."
She looks around some more. I did get the motorcycle some time after she left. It was easier for me to travel to my missions.
She takes off her jacket and hangs with my other ones. Some thing catches her eyes and I follow where she's looking.
"Oh damn. I didn't know you where into swords and stuff. It looks real."
She goes to touch it but they are very much real and very much sharp.
"Wait! Ummm did you see my punching bag."
She turns to the side and focuses on that. She starts giving it punches and kicks.
"Since when where you into boxing?"
"I used to do underground boxing remember. But now I just do it to keep in shape."
“Oh right. Almost forgot you used to fight.”
She does she eyebrow thing showing that she's impressed.
"It's like I'm getting to know you from beginning again or I'm finding out about this new side of you. Do you still do graffiti?"
"At my big age? Nah"
A/N - Yep kinda went over board with this one. Being a Christmas chapter and all. I aspire to write this much or more in the upcoming chapters. The starts ones were a bit shorter. I kinda end the chapter when I run out of ideas.
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hi!! can i please get a matchup for haikyuu? i don’t really have a gender preference :)
my love languages are physical affection & gifts! both on giving and receiving hehe. my pet peeves are people that are overly rude, slow walkers (at least when i have somewhere to be), & spiders!! im scared of them. in a friend or partner, i first notice their mannerisms! i like to make note of how people act and if they’re introverted or extroverted and then i try to introduce myself! im fairly sensitive and extroverted most of the time because i love people but sometimes they don’t always love me back ajsjdjwjdk. my clothing style tends to be very soft and feminine, i also really like to dress fairly showy sometimes! my music taste varies a lot… but recently i’ve really liked some punk and metal songs! it’s funny because my friends say i don’t look anything like my music taste at all. my hobbies include baking, gardening, yoga, shopping, makeup, and reading! my beliefs or opinions on life tend to be very carefree and romantic, i love to keep an open mind and an open heart.
please and thank you!!
Hi, Thank you so much for Checking The Weather, Your forecast is...
Nishinoya Yu
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oh yeah, it's all coming together- 
forgive me but this would be such a wholesome relationship I'm honestly just fangirling writing this ngl. Noya fricken adores you. I believe noya is sorta underrated sometimes but honestly would be a really good partner, not only in a relationship, but as your very best friend. I headcanon he was caught off guard by you walking up to him at first cause he doesn't exactly have his energy in check. 
I'll be honest, your people-watching is probably what got his attention and your musical taste is what got him hooked. . He always thought you were extremely pretty, but found your friendship much more important than his feelings and really didn't wanna ruin it. He loved being around you, and if that meant he never confess, that was fine with him.
I don't think Noya would be rude at all! He loves you as a friend and partner. I think his love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. He'd totally be the kinda guy to get you an extra thing whenever he goes out. He loves your baked gifts and actually teared up when you made him a birthday cake your first year of friendship. He thinks it's adorable that you look so cute yet still listen to punk and metal with him. Ngl, if he saw a spider, he'd lift you bridal style and set you on a chair before lifting it by it's legs and yeeting it into the bushes.
I didn't even mention how much physical affection would be there, You'd be the one to have to set boundaries regarding it ngl. you know those hoodies with the pocket for a cat? yeah, that's what he wants except to be person sized for you. Also Your gonna have to teach this boy to bake cause... he can't... 
Second: You'd melt Kuroos heart gurl, it was honestly super cute, and I think you might feel like he doesn't like you sometimes, he does he just has trouble showing it. He loves you but I think he'd be too scared of hurting you to make a move
Third: Oikawa, this was my first thought honestly, but I think his constant mocking nature would wear away at you, and he's just as scared of spiders. I do think that you have chemistry, definitely, but I'm not sure if you could keep the balance of friendship without a lot of work.
I hope you liked it, please let me know if you did! And Thanks for checking your Weather Report
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jxngh · 3 years
JK HAS A TOUNGE PIERCING IN YESTERDAYS VLIVE!!! SO JK WITH a Tongue piercing WITH (F)oral recieving lol your works are just *chefs kiss*
i couldn't resist to this request it's just *chef's kiss" indeed, plus ur gurl is tryin something new in this hehe, enjoy✨
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he texted you this after their dance practice ended. it's been a while since you met with your boyfriend nearly 2 weeks and it was hard for both of you.
he was feeling guilty because he thought he didn't give you enough attention.
the truth is you were talking daily, facetiming most of the nights, talking about everything like you're together. but you needed more.
after you guys talked you just didn't know what to expect. you were like 'is he gonna take me out for dinner?' nope, you two agreed that you're gonna be at home, he promised to kiss you 'till he feels like he gave you enough attention.
'did he buy something for me?' could be. you always told him that you didn't want something big, he always understood.
then your mind went dirtier. 'a toy?' well, he wasn't so into those, thought his body is enough to play and pleasure you anyway you want. yup. he said that while he's inside you, fucking your brains out. you came so fast that night.
you couldn't stop thinking about it whole day. then he came.
the moment he got into the house he just threw his big black bag away and got you between his arms, hands easily finding your waist and pulling your body close to his. his big doe eyes and loving gaze was on you, leaving a small kiss to your forehead before his lips finding yours. you didn't even notice that you two hadn't talked yet until he did.
"hi" he cooed, looking too lost in you. your faces were too close due to the kiss you just had.
"hi koo" you replied hazily, hands finding his chest. you were analyzing his face while you're playing with his frizzled hair, realizing how much you missed him.
then your eyes found your boyfriends piercing and you felt the need of checking it because it looked so real even though he mentioned it's fake. when your hands found it you noticed that it's not fake at all.
"baby?" you asked, mouth gaping with shock.
he grinned and tilted his head, making your heart throb.
" you just saw surprise 1, baby." he said taking you a second kiss.
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you two ate dinner, sat and talked while you're drinking the wine he brought thinking today. you were simply enjoying each others presence. then you slowly found your bodies getting closer, started kissing.
his body was getting top of you while he slowly pushes your body to the couch, your heart was fluttering with the way he shovers you with love with every touch of him. you could feel it every inch of your body.
"as much as i would like to be inside that pretty cunt of yours, i won't...for now." he said going lower on your body, undressing you between the kisses. you looked at him with questioning eyes.
"but...why?" you pouted to your boyfriend involuntarily.
"don't worry angel, you don't wanna see the surprise 2?" he said while he's leaving you only with your lace pair of bra and panties.
you giggled at his expression cause his eyes got bigger for a moment, seemed like he's enjoying it.
"i wanted to surprise you too." you giggled. "like it?"
his fingers found the waistband of your panties and pulled them down. "let me show you how much babygirl."
he kissed your inner thighs at first, then left messy kisses to your already wet cunt. after he gave you a long lick you left out a small moan while you're biting your lip.
he was so concentrated on your pleasure, that he always made you cum several times. and today was no different.
he kept licking your sensitive bud, kissing and sucking when he gets closer to your entrance, you were trying to hard to not move that made him chuckle deeply, sending vibrations to your lower body.
"my baby's eager isn't she?" he said giving bold licks to your entrance, not sending his tongue in, making you moan deeply.
"koo-uh d-don't tease." you replied, barely opening your eyes. and he didn't wait any longer.
he sent his tongue inside, keeping it inside and moving it. you felt a cold thing hitting your walls and it made you moan his name louder.
"jeongguk-uh is this... f-fuck mmmh...another piercing?" you said sending your head back.
he chuckled and told you "uh-huh" then he kept fucking you with his tongue, getting rougher. you could feel the metal hitting you in every move.
"mmmh, so sweet." he whispered while adding two fingers to your dripping hole. "so tight." he continued like he sings.
after that his touch got faster, pumping his tongue and fingers inside of you with a new rhythm. you were unable to stay still.
"i'm close ngh...don't stop." you moaned and he made you cum so many times that night, mostly with his tongue.
.·´ i'm so curious about if you liked this one because of the message thing i tried to make 🤔 let me know/ask in here
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thefloorisbalaclava · 3 years
hi lovie how r u? I dunno if u r taking requests, but maybe... I was thinking something where Javier starts to get a little bit cold towards y/n cos he saw horrible things that the narcos, pablo sicarios, did to some woman's relative to some other guys, including to Connie's cat and he's scared as hell they do something to y/n but when he realizes she's so sad and down, peña stars to show little acts of love in secrecy, like a note, one flower, a ring, just I don't know some angst and fluffy sorry for this long ass ask. thank you for your good posts ♡
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of violence, flashbacks, trauma, mentions of sex
A/N: My friend and I have been talking about Javi a lot lately so you sent this at the perfect time! Thanks!
[Javier Peña masterlist]
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“Are you coming to see me today?” you asked Javier over the phone. He looked around the office then lowered his voice.
“I’ll see what I can do.” He regretted it almost immediately.
“I haven’t seen you in a week, Javi,” you reminded him. It was becoming plainly obvious that he was trying to avoid you or at least distance himself from you. What had you done wrong?
“I’ve been...busy,” he said. It wasn’t exactly a lie but just a few weeks ago, he had made time to see you almost every day.
“Right,” you sighed. You looked at the bags of groceries you bought to make dinner for you and him tonight. “Whatever.”
Javier sighed loudly. “I’ll call you later. I-” You hung up before he could finish whatever it was he was going to say. He slammed the phone down on the receiver and put his head in his hands. “Fuck,” he whispered.
He knew getting involved with you was a bad idea and not because you weren’t good or anything like that. If anything, you were too good. Fucking perfect. You were his safe haven, his softness, his saving grace. And that was the problem. You saved him but what if he couldn’t save you? He had seen what could happen to you. If anyone wanted to hurt him, you’re the first person they would go after and he couldn’t have that. He experienced firsthand with someone he loved and, God, he couldn’t live through that again. So he had to leave you.
Because he loved you.
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You stared at him in awe as he stood in front of you and told you this. Then you scoffed and turned away. It was all you could do to stop yourself from slapping him in his stupid, beautiful face.
“To protect me?” you repeated bitterly. “Just say that you don’t wanna be with me and stop using work as an excuse.”
“I’m not here to argue with you,” he said calmly.
“No, you’re only here to break my heart,” you snapped. “Well...you can go.”
“Okay but-”
“No! Just go...please.” You couldn’t look at him mostly because you were so angry but also because you didn’t want him to see the tears in your eyes. “I’m sure there’s a woman out there who will happily welcome you back into her bed.”
“Maybe you’re right,” he said and finally you whipped around to look at him.
“Fuck you, Javier.” You didn’t care if he saw the tears now. “If you’re being cold and indifferent to try and make this easier...fine. It worked. Get out. I never want to see you again.” You stormed away only to grab the pack of cigarettes he left on your table for when he came over. “Don’t forget these.” You threw the pack, hitting him directly in the face.
He scoffed and picked the cigarettes up then turned to the door. He stopped as if he was going to say something but then you heard the door close behind you and he was gone. Only when he was back in his car did he let his emotions show. His eyes filled with tears and he hit the steering wheel over and over again before putting his head against it. He tried lighting a cigarette but his hands shook so badly that it was impossible. Another burst of anger as he threw his lighter somewhere in his car.
He had to do it. Right? He had to. He couldn’t stand having another one of those dreams about finding Helena only for her to change into you when he got close enough.
There were plenty of nights where he would sit outside your place in his car just to make sure you got home okay. He was dreading the day he saw a man following you inside. He also wondered if you got any of the notes and gifts he left for you. This was the safest thing for now. 
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You sighed and rolled your eyes when you found another note from Javier slipped under your door, another little gift for you on the table, and a bottle of your favorite wine. The first time it happened you could only laugh to yourself when you remembered that he still had a key to your place.
As always, you threw everything in the garbage.
Except for the notes. For some reason you couldn’t part with them. Maybe because they smelled like him--that faint smell of his soap mixed with the smell of his cigarettes. Maybe because when you read them you did so in his voice. That goddamn voice of his and how it could change so quickly. Sometimes it was sweet and welcoming with just enough rasp to give him that air of that bad boy type. Other times it was low and growly which was usually reserved for when he was inside you, talking dirty to you, calling you a bad girl but how you were so good for taking him so well.
You closed your eyes and bit your lip at the thought.
“Enough,” you said quietly, walking over to grab that unopened bottle of wine from the top of the trash.
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Some nights you felt like you were being watched when you walked home from work but not in a threatening way. If Javier was watching you he kept himself hidden well because you could never find his car when you stopped to look for it.
You touched the necklace you wore as you turned the corner to your apartment and Javier watched. It made him sit up a bit when he noticed you were wearing it. He waited until he was sure you were settled down--he knew you had to ear dinner, shower, then watch a little television before you really got ready for bed.
Then he called.
“Hello.” You answered on the third ring like you always did. He didn’t know what to say. Hey, I’m sorry I was an idiot? Hey, I’ve been watching you come home every night like some creep? “Hello?” He could hear the slight annoyance in your tone.
“I-It’s me. It’s Javi,” he finally said.
“Don’t hang up!” He added quickly.
“I want my key back,” you said.
“So you’ve been getting them?” he asked.
“Getting what?” You looked down at the necklace then touched it.
“The gifts I’ve been leaving you.” He looked up at your window and could see your silhouette through the curtains.
“I throw them all away,” you lied.
“I don’t blame you.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I miss you.”
You were quiet for a long time--afraid to speak because you knew what would happen if you did. “I miss you too,” you cried, sniffling quietly. Javier’s heart ached. He wanted nothing more than to run up those stairs and into your arms. But as soon as he closed his eyes he could only see you lying there, beaten and bloody, all because he couldn’t leave you alone.
“I’m gonna hold you again one day,” he said. “I promise. We’re both gonna get the fuck outta here...so far away. No one will be able to find us.” His throat tightened as his own tears threatened to spill over. “Look out the window...”
“Just look out the window.” He looked up at your window just in time to see you carefully pull the curtains back slightly. “Hey hermosa.”
“Hey handsome,” you said tearfully.
“No llores,” he said although there was a tear rolling down his cheek now. “Please, don’t cry.”
“Promise me you’ll hold me again, you’ll kiss me again, you’ll make love to me again,” you cried.
“I promise. I swear to you.” He looked up and saw that you put your hand against the window so he put his against the car window. “I love you.”
“I love you too...you asshole.” You laughed through your tears and it made him smile.
“Goodnight,” he said quietly, not wanting to let you go.
“Goodnight, Javi.” You hung up and walked away from the window. It would hurt too much to watch him drive away.
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javi taglist: @allthingsnarcos @josepedropascal  @oof-dindjarin @xjustmenobodyelse @rach7 @limenlimon @windfallss @findhimfives @the-bird-suit @oldstuffnewstuff @hoodedbirdie @fakenoods @nathan-bateman @helga1031 @triggerhappyflygirl @master-obi-wan-kenboneme @ladybeediva @heythere80sbaby @16boyfriends-and-me @laymegentlytorest @jeeperky @dee-rosemary @stanfordscrush @panda-angela @dindjstarin @simsiddy @deserttastesbitter @lightan117 @terrormonster55 @darnitdraco @dindjarinneedsahug @queenbbarnes @hells-bells-x @elizabeth-von-winken-universe @dodgerandevans @slugbuggie @allmahfeels @nemo-my-name-forevermore @marvelousmermaid @queridopascal
permanent taglist: @magicsuperheroes @feelmyroarrrr @the-dazzling-urbanite @phoenixhalliwell @liveloudwriteloud @tumblogbykarapaloma @jaime1110 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pascal-isaac @dazedrhapsody @pascalisthepunkest @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @tiffdawg @freak-of-nature2002 @kingpascals @saltywintersoldat @theocatkov @mandilflorian @cyaredindjarin @themarcusmoreno @the-feckless-wonder @loki-098 @arabellathorne @dindisneydjarin @punkpascal @opheliaelysia @takens-world @huliabitch @stardelic @kandomeresbitch @havenforafrazzledmind @thisis-theway @stardust-galaxies @mrsparknuts @jedi-mando @frankiemorales @edencherries @lilkermit14 @virtualxjournality @thirstworldproblemss @emesispo @heresathreebee @tangledlove27 @marvgrrl @hayley-the-comet @insoucianttt @witchyavenger @coaaster @starless-eyes-remain @wanderlustmags @wonderfulfluffer @lv7867 @pedropasscals @pedroepascal @wigwitch @seasonschange-butpeopledont @theoria850 @roxypeanut @autumnleaves1991-blog @kenedyybrooklin @artsymaddie @dindjareen @silverfish-kingdom @heyitmelexie @gredandfeorgesgirl @mandaloriandindjarin @moonlight-prose @rosiefridayrogersunday @ssppoorrkk @amalie-buch @lucifer- @mstgsmy @randomness501 @darthadeline @youarenewformetoo @thehippiequilter @whovian-gurl @neverlandlibrarian @chibi-liz05 @dragons-of-the-usa @over300books @borderlinedindjarin @mudhornchronicles @cosmoschick @linkpk88 @lovingramsey @djvrins @escapedthesarlacc @coni-martina @pedrospunk @burrshottfirstt @jitterbugs927 @xserenax-13 @anatanotegami @doin-stuff @djarinsruni @aerolanya @icanbeyourjedi @bison-writes @strangelittlenobody @dinsbeskar @sarahjkl82-blog @neontiiger @houseofthirst @intu-witch-tion @ennuiandthebourgeoisie @littlebopper96 @boxdyeblonde @empressamidala @myheart-pedro @mtjoi @purplepascal042 @goalkeepernerd @rebelliouscat @leaiorganas @eternallyvenus @mandocrest @kellyozz @the-wishmonger @maythxthirstbxwithyou @andiebell2023 @moonlightburned @videogamesandpoorlifechoices @leonieb @freeshavocadoooo @auroraariza @kalimont83 @notabotiswear @martellthemandalor @beesting77 @medeasmiles @diaryofkali @mando-amando @venusdjarin @mystical-934 @blackmarketmummy @hauntedmama @mamacitapascal @insomniamamma @pedro4ever @greeneyedblondie44 @mitchi-c @prideandpascal
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Voltron Part 38
Yes, the season 7 wrap-up gets to be it’s own post. Why? Because I said so. Fuck you.
(If y'all expect a literary analysis: Please don't. I just want to share my dumb thoughts)
Honestly. I expected worse
It may just be, because I was warned of the last two seasons so many times. But it wasn’t that bad. Still liked it more then season 4
[It *was* a mediocre season right after a really good season. So maybe the general dislike came from that?]
The episodes at the beginning were the better ones. I’m not really a huge fan of this “Keeping up with the Garrison”-thing
I don’t think that the battles are interesting. I’m here for the characters. So the last battle just was dragging on and on and on...
This season also really liked killing off characters and fake-deaths
And it kinda felt like they reused a lot of the animated shots
Also it kept on introducing new character to which I have no attachment to (Looking at you, 4-eyes and Random ass children)
4-eyes.... Yeeeeaah.
They did a “Bury your gays”, I didn’t really recognise his and Shiro’s realationship as romantic and he basically had no screentime. So. Bad Rep. (The goddamn COW had more screentime than he did!)
My favourite episode was “Sheith flashback! Flasback! Honey, Moustache man shrunk the kids! Flashback! Oh yeah, Allura’s there too”
(Also they actively parraleled 4-eyes with Keith. Which is just another huge Sheith thing. Which I very much enjoyed)
Shiro: Look at how they massacred my boy! He's now more of a mentor-role than one of the core-members. Kinda like moustache man. And I think that’s pretty stupid. I liked him more as a Paladin (Why did he leave the Black Lion? We’ll never know) (The answer’s, Bad Writing)
Keith has kinda grown into his leadership role? It was nice to see him being soft with characters other than Shiro. But it’s weird that he kept on making references to the Red Lion. 
Lance is the Sharpshooter.
But also he had his whole “homesick”-thing since the very first season. And it kinda felt like he should have been the main-focus, when they returned to earth
Hunk finally got the screentime he deserves! He had some angst, some heroic moments... Good for my boy!
Pidge fucking finally got her whole family back. Which I guess is really the end of her arc then... Gurl, you gotta get a new motivation for the last season.
Allura. I’ve got nothing to say really. The season focused on “returning to earth” and she really has no association with that.
Moustache man is honestly still one of my faves. He just want’s to be a Dad to Allura. And I respect that
(He's a single dad, who works two jobs. Who loves his kids and never stops. With gentle hands and the heart of a fighter. He's a survivor)
Sailor Moon and space wolf were just completly forgotten about in the last couple episodes. But I like them. Maybe next season, they'll get more screentime
Krolia’s gone, but at the very end, she was there again? If she’s still in S8, why did they make her temporarely leave?
Klance had some moments. If you squint really, really hard...
Sheith. Aaaah yes, my favourite. Not as many moments as I hoped for but still pretty significant ones
Coming out of the right corner is Shallura! What an unexpected return! With such moments as “being worried space parents together” and “gifting a really fucking ugly arm” !
Allurance kinda seems inevitable now. It’s obviously the ship the show pushes the most. (And it’s straight, so thats a huge factor). I think it’s cute, but if it does become canon it better fucking be not as one-sided as before!
Plance! Plance! PLANCE! Gosh, I live for Plance. They’re just so cute together!
Adashi? Why does this exist? We literally know nothing about 4-eyes?
But, whatever makes you happy (And I’m really sorry for you)
Romura is really fucking cute. And even though it has basically no scenes, it's still somehow one of my favourite ships
Shidge. (I’ve got nothing to say. I just want to make a joke.) Shidge-shipper’s ideal realationship-dynamic is that picture of a small hamster trying to eat a banana
Hunelle came out of nowhere, and I kinda dig it...
Predictions for the last season:
They gotta solve the space witch-problem (After she was literally only in the gameshow episode)
They’ll probably still want us to care about the Random ass children somehow
Give me Furry back. I don’t care how they do it, just make it happen. She deserved better then to be killed off by Lotor
I demand more cute slice of life-episodes!
And either an anime-trope Beach-episode. Or an american cartoon-trope Bodyswitch/ Shopping-episode
It’s probably just gonna end in another big robot battle in which I have no interest in. Won’t it?
Remember when these post were really short? Yeah, me neither.... Only one season left! Once agagin, I just wanna thank everybody for putting up with my bullshit, that are these posts. Glad some of you think I’m funny! And thanks to everyone commenting, liking and reblogging! (Especially the comments explaining some background-infos are nice) Love you all❤!!!
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ultimatetornshipper · 3 years
To bee or not to bee - a Jasonette fic
@moonlitceleste I almost let this die, I honestly really wanted it dead but alas it was clearly meant to bee 
(WARNING: contains puns, angst, crack and fluff. You have been warned)
If you don’t want to read my sarcastic/funny/fangirl commentary, skip the brackets
I have another bee movie au, i didn't plan it ("I don't claim to be proud. But my head won't be hung in shame. I didn't plan it. But the light turned red, and I ran it. And I'm still standing. It's not what I wanted, but now that it's right here. I understand it. A story written by my own hand" as quoted from Waitress), it just happened and i just couldn't resist. I'm not sorry
So what if instead of dying Joker turned Jason into a bee. Because Harley convinced him and told him that people were talking shit about him because he's named the Joker and they don't think he's funny. It surprisingly works. (Obviously Harley was the one who made the plan and did the magic I mean really what do u expect of Joker?)
Ok so now Jason’s a bee right? And he’s like 15 because .~:°*plot*°:~.
They look for him and Jason’s like flying around like, “Guys! Guys I’m right here!” Poor kid. (I mean I would make it funny but like angst)
Obviously they don’t understand him because he’s a fucking bee and Joker cackles madly and Harley laughs too but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes and it's kinda that laugh u do when ur supes overwhelmed and sound maniacal but like soft (I’m a simp for Harley being portrayed as the complex and beautiful character she id leave me be)
Jason is very sad. And also quite pissed
Not knowing what else to do he follows Batman home, he listens to them trying to find him, watches Dick freak out and Alfred wipe a tear the rest of the family doesn’t see.
Jason tries to approach Alfred, hoping he somehow recognizes what happened
He doesn’t, Alfred closes him in a glass and paper and takes him outside.
He sneaks back into the manor and sleeps in one of the flowers (it's a red tulip because aesthetic) next to his bed. He cries himself to sleep. (Can bees cry? Is this possible? Is this like a thing??? I don't need sleep i need answers)
The thing is even tho he's now a bee, he still has the durability of a human, so even stepping on him won’t crush him and he still has a human lifespan
Because Harley isn’t a monster and what Puddin didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. (Simping for Harley Quinn strike 2)
After a while at the manor and following them he decides he can’t stand it anymore. Alfred has thrown him out three times and Dick freaks out each time he sees him as he’s a tad allergic (read: he would die if stung)
Which is how Jason found out that getting hit with a newspaper wouldn’t kill him.
He leaves.
He’s a bee and it’s not like he knows about a way to reverse it.
But there was someone who might.
He goes to Arkham.
Luckily, Harley was still there. (YAY we get to see mah gurl)
He flies into her cell and she just watches him, then she seems to click. She gives him a small smile, “Hi birdie,” (she puns, honestly would make for a better clown of Gotham and I saw an idea for that once where she steals Joker’s title once and I’ve been yearning for it ever since)
She holds out a finger and he lands on it, she laughs but tears come to her eyes,” Hey at least you’re not dead. That was his original plan you know? To kill you with a crowbar. I convinced him this would be a cruller fate. I guess maybe it is, but at least this way... Ugh how the hell did I get here,” (Harley angst, honestly it’s all just self service at this point)
He simply stared at her as she cried, and he felt his heart clench. From here she looked so sad... not crazy, just broken.
She took a deep breath and looked at him seriously, “Look kid, there’s a way to get you back to normal, you just need to find someone, they’re called the Guardian of the Miraculous. They can help, I don’t know who or where they are, just follow your instincts. And come say hi when you get back, yeah? I could do with the... healthier company. And remember, I bee-lieve in you,” (Gasp what a shock, you mean to tell me Miraculous magic is gonna be involved in this Maribat au. Well I never what a shock. Also puns. Oh and she’s so nice to him. We love Harley in this house)
He sat there and studied her for a while more, there was more to her than it seemed. Than what he’d assumed.
But for now, he had his own problems to deal with.
She gave him a small wave as he left. (Adorable)
He left and started considering his options, as a bee, it would probably be safest to stay inside, away from birds and things that would view him as a snack.
Staying in Arkham seemed like his best option, as bad an option as it was.
Most of the prisoners wouldn’t have a second thought about trying to crush him.
A strong scent of flowers and plants suddenly came to his attention.
Of course! Poison Ivy. (Round 2 of me simping for beautiful, complex, badass women. Too bad Catwoman ain’t here.)
He followed the smell to her cell and saw her staring out of her small window. He was still taking a chance, but she loved plants and flowers and bees were important to those, weren’t they?
He flew to the window bars and sat on one. The moment she spotted him she smiled widely, in a soft way he hadn’t seen on her before. (Ahhhhh my darling plant redhead. I love writing the Sirens as soft badasses. Also has anyone noticed how rare brunettes are in superhero worlds? Like both in Marvel and DC but like irl brown is like a pretty damn common)
She held out her finger, “Hey there, little guy. A little far from home, aren’t we?”
She had no idea.
He landed on her fingertip and watched in awe as a flower and a few leaves formed on her hand. She let the flower grow itself around one of her window bars and held her finger next to one of the petals.
“There you go, it’s all I can manage with my power dampers. I haven’t had company in a while,” she said softly as he crawled into the flower. He made himself comfortable.
She laughed to herself and he saw her shaking her head, “Talking to a bee, well, I guess stranger things have happened,” (yeah ur crush is dating a green haired murderous psychopath and you get beat up by a billionaire in a batsuit on like a biweekly basis)
The flower was soft and warm and felt safer than he expected it to. He found that he could move between the petals but decided to curl up in the middle. (It's a pink rose this time because fuck yeah flowers)
He slept better than he had in days.
The next morning he took his leave, stopping only at the manor to say a mental goodbye.
Then he headed off.
Jason flew a lot the first few months, our boy was smart at least, travelling with a cruise ship on its way to Europe.
It was Spring in the Northern Hemisphere so he had until Autumn until it was in his best interest to head south to avoid the snow. He decided to head towards Africa when summer started coming to an end. (I have no reasoning for this, just that I want to)
His first spot would be the United Kingdom. Then he'd go through the rest of Europe following his instincts.
At least it was Spring.
Jason diligently searched through England, Scotland and Ireland but found nothing.
By the time he was done he realized it was time to start heading South. He’d decided to take another cruise to South-Africa, where it would be summer, he searched through the country until April. He would admit that he didn’t feel drawn to anything in any of their 9 provinces so his search wasn’t as diligent as in England. He didn’t feel anymore drawn to the neighbouring countries like Namibia or Botswana either.
(Once again no reasoning for why I picked these countries, I mean the French Hugonotes went there when they were fleeing from the French Catholics who wanted them dead so I guess I could make up some bullshit about Mari having an ancestor in common with someone there or maybe it was just the ship he could easiest get access I don’t know, you make something up)
Which was why he decided to go back to Europe as soon as April hit.
He hitched another ride on a cruise headed for France.
It’s been a year since he got turned into a damn bee.
He was sixteen now and while he’d seen some amazing things all through South-Africa (a place that proves that humans really do have a weirdly obvious way of naming things I mean the Amazon river and Chad Lake are just more examples really) as well as the United Kingdom, all he really wanted was to go back home, to be human again.
When he gets there he diligently makes his way through France, eventually arriving in Paris.
He lands on the tip top of the Eiffel Tower. As in the point of the antenna because why not.
During his year he realized that birds and other animals tended to avoid him, sensing his strangeness so that was at least one positive.
He stared out over the city. Well, the one good thing about this was definitely the views he’s been allowed to see.
That was until a massive explosion hit.
“What the fuck?” he said out loud, searching for the source. No one understood him, human or bee, but talking to himself reminded him of his humanity.
He found the source of the explosion but just as he started flying to its general direction, a blinding white light shone followed by a horde of ladybugs that were fixing everything that was wrong. (Imagine how scary this would lowkey be irl tho? Just a shit ton of Ladybugs descending on Paris my dude)
He decided that he needed a night’s sleep before he could even begin an attempt at deciphering what had just happened. He flew lower, finding a nice little balcony right above a bakery. And it had flowers. (I’ll give u five seconds to guess who this balcony belongs to)
He flew down, exploring.
He turned around when he heard a loud thump from behind him. What appeared to be a super heroine in red spandex with black spots had landed on the balcony.
She detransformed and started to talking to a floating bug- fairy thing. Strange. Though it wasn’t like he could judge, as an ex superhero sidekick who was thought to be dead but was actually a bee.
She disappeared down her trapdoor and he made himself comfortable in one of her flowers.
He slept soundly until somewhere during a night another thump woke him. He looked out of his sleeping spot to see a cat superhero stand on her balcony. He leaned down and knocked on her small trapdoor.
Ah, a teammate of hers, they were probably meeting about something, he thought as he heard her open up.
It didn’t take him long to realize that even though they were teammates, the cat, Chat Noir he later learned, was not aware of this fact.
Oh this was rich.
He couldn’t bee-lieve his eyes. (ok so Jason used self-referential puns but can you really blame him? It’s really just me and my pun problem so don’t blame the kid)
He was going on and on about his feelings for Ladybug, the girl’s hero form, that were clashing with his feelings for another girl he fenced with, while she listened, clearly fed up with it.
He also claimed that he thought that maybe they were one and the same. Which, to Jason, was hilarious as he was literally saying this to the actual Ladybug’s face.
Marinette- he learned from the Cat’s ongoing blabbering, he was a real blab-bee mouth, - was clearly tired, nodding half asleep, probably having heard it all before.
When he finally left Jason went to sleep again, incredibly amused and even more thankful that he was fluent in French. ( u think this is plot convenience? Just u wait mah dude iz about to get worse)
The next morning he decided to follow her to school. Which was how he learned of her huge crush on a boy named Adrien Agreste.
After learning the boy could fence thanks to Marinette’s obsession interest in him, he got suspicious.
Could it really bee? (not a typo)
After seeing the boy transform a month or two later for patrol he laughed like he hadn’t for over a year. It very much was. He'd spent the time staying on Marinette's balcony and decided to stay another week before moving on and continuing his search, after all, he couldn't stop now that he finally felt like he was getting close.
The next day she got home crying, claiming that Adrien had started dating someone else.
Kagami, she called the girl. Probably the fencer if he had to place a bet.
“I’m sorry, Marinette,” Tikki told the girl.
“That boy's an idiot,” he said, speaking his mind, another thing he’d gotten use to being allowed to do without consequence.
Marinette nearly jumped out of her skin, she looked around and he realized that she could hear him. He hadn’t really spoken too much before, at least not when she was around. He was usually content with watching her do whatever she was doing that day.
“Tikki, did you hear that?” she asked, Tikki nodded, her eyes landing on him.
“Oh,” the kwami said softly, flying over to him, “Oh, you poor thing, who did this to you?” (Tikki is the first ever mom friend and u can fight me on this)
He stared up at her, flying so that they were eye level.
Marinette gaped at them, heartbreak seemingly forgotten, “Tik- Tikki, are- who are you talking- are you talking to a – Tikki is that a bee?!” she finally spluttered out.
“No,” Tikki said, studying him, he felt his heart twist in hope and his stomach roll in surprise. Did she know?
“I mean yes, but no. He’s a boy whose been turned into a bee,” Tikki explained, turning back to Marinette.
“Oh,” Marinette said softly, turning to him. She held her hand out and after some hesitation he landed on her finger. She looked at him then back to Tikki.
How did they know? Would he really be that lucky? Was this real?
“Uhm, how?” she said, staring at him in disbelief. He tried shrugging but realized he couldn’t anymore- beecause of his- well if you haven’t caught on to the fact that he’s a bee by now you should really start from the beginning of this story.
“I don’t know, but Joker and Harley Quinn were involved,” he said.
Marinette stared at him in disbelief, blinking a few times. She sat in shock a few moments longer. (Our darling is an awkward lil bean, and while in media awkward is portrayed as cute, irl it isn’t, it’s just well… awkward. And we’re writing a serious and realistic fic about this sidekick of guy who wears a batsuit/billionaire's ward getting turned into a bee and falling in love with a magical girl fighting a butterfly man- none of this unrealistic nonsense)
Tikki flew over and sat on Marinette’s shoulder while her holder processed the information, the kwami stared at him sweetly, “What’s your name?”
He swallowed, he hadn’t said his name in ages, it stirred up something (emotion, it’s called emotion, Jason, you know? The thing Batman can’t process??) in him, “Jason Todd,”
Marinette seemed to finally snap out of her daze, “That sounds American. Are you American? Wait if Joker and Harley are involved then you’re probably from Gotham. Are you? Wait I’ve seen the name Jason Todd somewhere. Weren’t you some rich guy’s ward? It was all over the news last year, Alya wouldn’t stop talking about it for a month, she had a million theories. He was – you were announced dead two months after Robin was taken captive by Joker, everyone thought he was – you were killed. Joker made outrageous claims as they arrested him... saying that they’d never find Robin... that he’d all but disappeared in thin air... that he wouldn’t be the only one wearing stripes... I remember because he put a really weird emphasis on the words be and stripes and...,” her eyes widened and she gasped as she looked at him in what could only be described as pure shock. (Yes this happens, people can talk for this long and since I personally know headcannon that Marinette is ADHD this long ass paragraph is just another Tuesday bud)
He sat there, surprised that she figured it all out so quickly. (yeah bub it’s called plot convenience and it’s because of me, the writer, I don’t wanna focus on secret ID shenanigans, I got other plans for yall, also Mari is smart, don’t underestimate her)
“You’re Robin,” she breathed, “they turned you into a bee. Wait- How the hell did they turn you into a bee?!”
He chuckled, “Bee-lieve me I’ve been asking myself that question for more than a year,”
She bit her lip, seemingly contemplating his words and ignoring his pun, “Tikki do you know anything that could help? Do you think Miraculous magic-,”
He felt his heart stop, he flew up to her face, flying at eye level, “Wait, did you just say Miraculous? Harley said if I could find the Guardian of the miraculous, they could help me, do you know where they are? I’ve been looking for so long,” (‘°;~*.plot convenience.*~;°’)
Marinette blinked at him and Tikki's face dawned with realization.
“I’m the guardian of the miraculous,” Marinette said softly, “Tikki, that means I can help him, right?”
Tikki nodded and he had to dial down the hope in his heart because the look on her face told him there was a Kim Kardashian sized butt on the way.
“We can help him, but we’re gonna have to wait. (don’t look at me like that, do u want them to have time to bond or not?) You’re not trained enough to pull it off yet. If you were to do it now, all three of us would be out of commission for far too long, especially with Hawkmoth on the prowl,” Tikki said.
They must’ve been able to sense his sadness because they were staring at him with an incredible amount of pity. The amount was quite unsettling actually and he suddenly felt a primal like urge to pun. (An extract from my book: “My unhealthy coping mechanisms and how to use them,” specifically Chapter 8: “Humor hides the pain”)
Suddenly Tikki’s face lit up, the whiplash of her expression change throwing any notion of punning out the window.
“Well, there’s one thing we could do,” she said, excitedly, zipping buzzing around “If he wears a miraculous, he'll return back to human form while transformed,”
Marinette perked up at the idea, but confusion soon overtook her features, “But Tikki, most of the miraculous are bigger than he is,”
Tikki waved her away,” It’s fine it’ll work,”
“Ok,” Marinette said after a bit of thought. She stood and he followed while she started climbing down her skylight,” I’m thinking you can try each of them out for different patrols and then we’ll see which one matches you best. This could be fun, having some fun sized company while figuring out how to defeat Hawkmoth,”
He laughed, flying near her ear, “Fun sized, huh? I’ll have you know I’m considered tall in human form, unlike some of us,”
She laughed and rolled her still tear stained eyes, and so, the beginning of a bee-autiful friendship bloomed.
Marinette walked to her closet and Jason took in her room. It was very pink, but in a well-balanced way - it wasn’t completely overbearing. His eye caught on a few pictures of Adrien Agreste on her wall but figured now wouldn’t be a great time to bring it up. (Look he’s already more emotionally aware, #foreshadowing of character development)
She removed a big box from her closet. She opened it and it was filled with what appeared to be a bunch of scrap materials. At the bottom she removed a bigger bundle of black and red fabric and he flew closer.
She put it in her lap and Jason had to do a double take when he realized that her hands were glowing and what the actual fuck- it was a box now -fuck fuck fuck- why was it a box? How? What- Jason was pretty sure he did not sign up for this.
She put the box down in front of her and to his relief she opened her mouth to speak as she lifted the lid, so he’d understand everyth- and its jewellery.
The box contained jewellery. Animal themed jewellery by the looks of things.
He then realized that these were probably the other miraculous.
She looked over each artefact before handing him the yellow and black hairclip.
Out of all of them, she picked the bee miraculous.
“Hilarious,” he replied dryly, giving her a look, he realized too late she wouldn’t be able to register- on account of, well you know… (if u don’t know by now, you don’t get to find out anymore)
She gave him a grin and replied, “I certainly think it is,”
Her teasing expression turned into one of worry, “I mean we could switch it out if it makes you uncomfortable-,” (being a sassy people pleaser with no filters really do be like this tho)
He laughed, “Don’t worry, I’m only teasing. What do I do?”
Marinette opened her mouth to answer before obviously realizing that she didn’t have an answer. She turned to Tikki and the kwami had a fond smile on her face before turning to Jason. (Just Tikki casually mentor- moming Mari because Fu is useless)
“Just step on the miraculous, it’ll sense that you’re human,” the creature replied.
When he stepped onto the bee miraculous, its kwami appeared.
Pollen stared at him for a few seconds before she realized what was happening.
After an explanation about her power set and what exactly he could do in suit, he transformed.
He felt his human body appearing. He was taller and more built than he remembered being. His flying clearly had physical consequences then, not that he was complaining.
His suit included a pair of bee wings. His hair was longer than he remembered it being too.
He had a black leather jacket and combat boots. With it was a pair of practical black leggings and a yellow t-shirt with three thick black stripes. (The three stripes represent each one of his families, the Todds, the Waynes and The Dupain-Chengs, because I can) He also had a pair of black gloves. His boots had yellow laces. On his face was a black and yellow striped domino mask. The top sat on his hip. The bee miraculous sat on the middle of his chest in the form of a broach.
He all but sprinted to the mirror. He stared at his face, his blue eyes and his nose that never healed quite right after breaking it that one time. His black hair was messy and stuck up every which way, his cheekbones were as high as always, and he had a little bit of stubble and it was so familiar and so new all at once.
He touched his face, barely registering the tears flowing down his cheeks and laughed in relief. He was human again. This was real! He could- he was closer to normal than he ever thought he’d get to be.
He turned to Marinette who was staring up at him in shock. He picked her up and spun her around, laughing in joy. And after a moment she joined in. He put her down and put his hands on her shoulders, smiling widely, “Thank you. Thank you so much,”
She smiled up at him, a slightly sad look on her face, “I’m sorry, it’s not permanent,”
“Don’t be sorry. For the first time I have hope. It will be permanent eventually, and till then, I have you with me, right?” he squeezed her shoulder, still high on the feeling of hope and warmth and familiarity.
When he was overcome with the sudden urge to pull her into a hug, he didn’t resist.
He held her close, resting his chin on her head, “Damn, I missed this. Hugging, I mean. I haven’t... it’s been so long,” (not that he got all that many hugs from Bruce “emotionally constipated” Wayne)
She wrapped her arms around him, “I can imagine,”
They stood there a while before the time for patrol came along. She transformed and they made their way to the Eiffel tower, where they met Chat.
The cat themed hero rose his brow questioningly, “I thought we didn’t recruit new heroes unless it was an emergency?”
Ladybug smiled nonchalantly, “It’s Guardian business, he’s gonna be a permanent fixture in our team for at least a few months so we might as well get used to working as a team,”
Chat Noir eyed him wearily and he stepped forward, sticking his hand out, “Hi, I’m Blackback, nice to meet you,”
Chat Noir shook his hand and gave Ladybug a sceptical look, “An American? Really?”
“Please Chat, he's not American, it’s just the glamour hiding his actual accent,” she replied simply, shooting Jason a worried look.
He couldn’t give away his identity, but he was also technically a bee, he didn’t really have an identity to give away. So, her behaviour was strange. Unless she wanted to give him an identity somehow?
He couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of patrol.
When they got home Marinette revealed that she wanted to give him the fox miraculous. If they asked Trixx she would be able to design the costume in a way that allowed him to look like a normal civilian, without the mask.
Trixx's glamour was also stronger than the rest so his true identity as Jason Todd would be protected.
And she could help him fake an accent.
Since Marinette was a year younger than him he could just pick up where he left off school wise.
She convinced her parents that he was an exchange student in desperate need of a place to stay because the person he would’ve stayed with backed out last minute.
They agreed easily and Jason decided to not question it.
It was his third family. His second if you only counted non abusive ones. First if you wanted one with a healthy family dynamic.
They got him a fake birth certificate and name. He went with the alias Thomas Grayson. He thought it was kind of funny, and it paid homage to both Bruce and Dick. It gave him something from home to hold on to. (Jason isn’t really salty about not being avenged in this au, he didn’t die and Talia and the pit madness wasn’t there to egg on his anger. But maybe if I ever get back to this au we could do a thing with it… guess we’ll have to wait and see ;-) no promises tho)
He built himself another home with Marinette and her family. And before he knew it, he was happy again. He felt secure.
Through the weeks, he ingrained himself into Marinette's life. In a blink of an eye, they were best friends, and he couldn’t imagine life without her.
He loved living with her family as she trained to be strong enough to turn him back to normal.
He grew close to Marinette’s friends and was her shoulder to cry on about Adrien. He and Adrien got along pretty well, and he and Marc and Rose traded Literature jokes. Max would join in when it involved Shakespeare.
Then Lila happened. (She’s a staple in Maribat fiction. U can’t have Maribat without Lila. Or well u can but that’s usually a very specific au)
Her lies started out simple enough. Then she started manipulating everyone and he, Marinette, Chloe and Adrien were one scheme away from being ostracized. They sat in the back row.
They ignored her sneers and let her lie to her heart’s content. Then one day she said something that made both Marinette and Jason freeze.
“You know, I was childhood friends with Jason Todd (I know she usually gets the names wrong but like her knowing the name just makes this next bit better) You know, Bruce Wayne’s ward who died a while ago? It was just so sad. He grew up in a nice family but his parents both died in a car accident and Brucie took pity on him. He even let us keep in contact afterwards, since our parents were such good friends. We all miss them dearly of course. We were neighbours the year we lived in Gotham, you know? We'd play every day-,” she started fake crying, “Oh it just gets too much sometimes,”
But to Jason’s shock Alya didn’t move to console Lila, in fact, she was staring at the brunette in shock.
He turned his gaze to Marinette to see the girl wearing the biggest, coldest, most satisfied smirk. She rested her chin on her hands and grinned at Lila in a way that made shivers go down his spine.
He turned back, this ought to be good.
And it was.
Alya absolutely lost it.
She ripped Lila a new one and frankly? Jason was impressed. (Alya has a temper and she’s a fangirl, and we all know how we get when someone gets something wrong about one of our hyperfixations, even if it’s an old one so like yall can imagine how bad Lila had fucked up)
When an akuma flew in towards Lila, Alya grabbed it, staring the girl down with a fury he didn’t know she could possess, “Don’t you dare! Do you think I’m blind? I’ve seen how easily you get akumatized and this time I’m not letting it happen!”
Of course, Alya then got akumatized but hey it beat another version of Lila.
Everyone made up but they weren’t quite as close as before. Their group tended to consist mostly out of him, Marinette, Chloe, Adrien, Kagami and Luka.
Other than that incident and akuma attacks, life was pretty good.
In fact, it was great.
He and Marinette would spend nights on her balcony, laughing and slow dancing. They star gazed and went on patrols. He helped her when she got nightmares and she returned the favour. They went on long walks and spent the holidays together. They crammed for tests and he played model for her designs. They worked in the bakery and hung out with their friends both in and out of suit. They’d joke about his technical bee-ness and he and Chat drove her mad with puns. In retaliation she’d introduce him as her bee friend to people or only give him honey and bee themed things. (ok this sentence sounds weird but I mean like when she brings them sweets from the bakery to snack on while working and stuff.)
And one laugh, memory and fight at a time, he started to fall. (I just want good things for Jason, and really can you blame me?)
Through the months, he kept up to date on the news about Bruce Wayne and Marinette held his hand each time a new kid joined his brood. She reminded him that no child could be replaced and reassured him that of course Bruce would want him back when they figured everything out.
And if he didn’t, she’d kick his ass into space, and he’d stay with her family in Paris- a family she made sure he knew he was a part of.
He helped Sabine in the kitchen and was the only one who came closest to beating Marinette’s Ultimate Mega Strike 3 record. Tom taught him to shave and bake. He was integrated into their family and they treated him as part of the family.
But even if they were giving him everything they were, he missed Bruce. And Dick. And Alfred. And Barbara. And Gotham. He missed them all so much. He missed home.
So, 14 months later, when Marinette told him they had a meeting with the Justice League about the Hawkmoth situation, Jason felt his heart skip a beat.
“What?” he asked softly, his eyes brimming with tears (Marinette taught him how to emotion, you see. So Jason is emotionally stable-ish enough to cry without feeling embarrassed about it), “I get to see him again?”
Marinette nodded and hugged him from behind, “I’m planning on telling him what happened. Is there anything you can tell him to verify who you are?”
Memories from a million years ago entered his mind, “Yes,”
She took his hand and took a step back, “And I think I can fix you before we go, I’m strong enough. But I’d still like your help in the final battle, I mean I know you’re going home but...,”
He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled, “Of course, Pixie. I’ll always be there for you when you need me,”
He pressed a kiss against her forehead, a movement so familiar it was practically a part of him. He pulled her close and cried into her hair.
“What if he doesn’t believe me?” he asked softly, after a while, resting his chin on top of her head.
“He will,” she replied, tightening her grip around his waist.
They both knew she had no guarantee of that. That she had no way of knowing for sure. Neither of them did.  And it scared him more than he wanted to admit.
The next day they do the magic turning back thing. It freaks him out quite a bit but not as much as her revealing the miraculous freaked him out the first time, you get kinda used to the magic shenaniganary. They’re both passed out for an hour afterwards and when they wake up, he holds her, crying, because he was finally, finally back to normal and this was real and permanent, and it was over.
She cried with him and held him, and they then went out and he wore a shirt she made for him, and they got ice cream the next day. They celebrated some more and went to the park with the squad and they had a picnic.
It was better than he ever could've imagined.
While the sun was setting, they stood back on her balcony, where they first spoke all those months ago, slow dancing. He pulled away and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at her as the orange light of the sunset shone on them. (So aesthetic)
“Thank you, Marinette, for everything,” he says as he rubs his thumb across her cheek. His hand holding her face. She puts her hand over his and closes her eyes, savouring the moment.
She opened her eyes again and smiled, “I’d do it again and more, if it meant I’d get to be with you,”
He started leaning down, “If I lost you, I’d fly all over the world just to find you again,”
She raised to her tip toes, faces millimetres from one another, blue bells meeting ice, “So it was all worth it in the end?”
He moves closer, eyes searching hers. “Definitely,” he breathes.
She closes the distance, and he picks her up and spins her around. They break apart and their laughter fills the air.
(now that’s enough fluff, allow me to drown you in angst)
The next day they stood on the Eiffel tower. She took his hand, “Let’s recap. I go in, we have our Hawkmoth meeting, then I ask if I can speak to Batman and Nightwing alone. Then I tell them I found you, then I give them – are you sure it’s necessary for me to give them your blood, hair and a cheek swab? Isn’t that overkill?” (Batman is serious about his no kill rule, but he’s also serious about his there’s no such thing as overkill rule)
He shook his head and she sighed, “Okay. Then I give him means to contact me and I come back. Now remember they might take a while to process and they won’t necessarily call immediately-,”
“What if they never call?” he asked, gripping her hand tightly.
She ran her finger softly through his hair, “Then you have us to help you get through it,”
He nodded, she kissed his cheek and stepped through the portal with Queen Bee, Chat Noir and Viperion. He and Ryuuko stayed behind as backup, he wielded the Fox miraculous these days, but kept the name Blackback, always wearing a black leather jacket no matter the transformation.
He and Ryuko discussed fighting styles, she was kindly trying to distract him, and if it had been anything else he needed distracting from, it would’ve worked.
So passed the slowest forty-five minutes of his life. Chat Noir and Queen Bee exit a portal and so the wait for Marinette and Luka began.
She and Bruce were talking now. Bruce would know he was alive. This was make or break for him. Luka was nearby to act as back up worst-case scenario.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by someone taking and rubbing circles on his back. He looked down to see Ryuuko on his one side and saw Chat Noir on his other.
“We’ve got you,” Chloe said standing in front of him, hand on his unoccupied shoulder.
He swallowed and nodded. She squeezed his upper arm and met his gaze, “Breathe, you’re safe, honey,”
So, 30 more minutes pass. They sit down and somewhere along the line Chat goes and grabs a dozen croissants from the bakery.
In another situation he might’ve laughed. He’d baked this morning’s batch and now he got to eat some of it for free, of course, technically he could get others for free too but-
The portal opened behind them and Ladybug and Viperion stepped out. He noted that she didn’t have the bag of his DNA with her anymore.
She smiled softly at him, “Now we wait,”
And wait they did.
They waited two weeks.
And then the burner phone that's number they'd given Bruce rang.
Jason froze, Marinette jumped up and ran to get it.
He couldn't move as she walked over and put the phone on speaker, she grabbed his hand and he held onto her for dear life.
"We can both hear you now, Nightwing," she said.
There was a beat of silence on the other side of the line, "Can he- If you're- can I speak to him? In- um- private?"
Marinette looked at him, and he nodded. She took the phone off speaker and handed it to him.
He held it up to his ear and squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the circles Marinette were drawing on his hand with her thumb.
"He- hey Dick," he said. He heard his brother's breathing hitch, followed by a few seconds of silence.
"When did Batman find you?"
"25th May 2017,"
"Who's your favourite author?"
"Mary Shelley tied with Jane Austin,” he replied.
Dick stayed silent for too long and before he could stop himself the words fell from his mouth, desperation clinging to each syllable,” My favourite- my favourite playwright is Shakespeare, and my favourite school subject is English. If I could pick any day job it would be being a writer. My favourite colour is blue. Alfred has a secret fear of dolphins. You have had a ridiculously huge crush on Barbara for years and she had no idea, and I found a picture you drew under your old room's bedside table of you two getting married. I folded the picture up and hid it in a small box of memories I kept in the farthest corner of my closet under clothes I never wore. I have a round scar on the lower left side of my back where Willis Todd burned me with a cigarette when I was 5 that you don’t know I know you know about. My first Christmas at the manor you found me in the rose garden cutting a few off to take to my mother's grave and I was terrified that you would yell at me but instead you drove me to the graveyard and that was the day I decided to give you a real chance. I despise carrots but I eat them when Alfred makes them because I don't want to be a burden. And I-," he choked on a sob- when had he started crying?
He took a shuddering breath, and swallowed some of his tears, trying to make sure the words got out right, "I've missed you guys for every single second that I've been gone,"
His stomach tied itself up in a million knots as the silence stretched on. He could hear Dick moving the phone.
"Can I speak to Ladybug again please?" A female voice he didn't recognize said.
He handed the phone to Marinette and pressed his hand over his mouth to try to contain the sobs. He felt like a knife was twisting his stomach. He couldn't even hear what Marinette was saying. (I’m going through something irl and as a result u guys get to read angst by the bucketloads and I regret nothing)
Dick didn't want to talk to him. He should've just answered the question, he shouldn't have given all the extra information. Now they were never going to believe that it's really him and he would never see them again. Maybe they knew it was him and they just didn't want him-
"Jason, breathe with me," he heard Marinette's voice. His eyes latched onto hers like a lifeline, he became aware of her hands holding his.
She took his face in her hands and rested her forehead against his, in a motion so familiar that it came as easy as breathing. Well as easy as it usually was to breathe, right now excluded.
After he calmed down, she explained to him what they discussed. They would go to Gotham and meet and discuss things from there.
They wanted to meet him, but they still didn’t completely believe that it was him. He knew this for a fact because they had organized for M’gann to be there to confirm what he was saying. (Yassss M'gann my darling girl, I adore out lil Martian)
Marinette had suggested that they meet in the Batcave in an hour. Everyone had agreed. He assumed she had a plan as to why she wanted to wait. And he trusted her, so he waited for her to explain.
“I want to take the team, as backup. If you’re not comfortable with it, I want to at least take Luka. I would suggest just letting one of us wield is miraculous, but his Second Chance Timer limit is an hour so it would be most beneficial,” she said, gesturing with the hand that wasn’t holding his.
He nodded, sitting up straighter, but not releasing his grip on her hand, “We can bring the team, it’s smart to have backup. Besides if things go haywire, we have Luka to stop us.”
“Then let’s go get our team, love,”
(oh, I should probably mention that only he and LB knows everyone’s Identities. Or well rather no one knows like officially. Like everyone lowkey knows everyone's and a few of them have officially revealed themselves to each other, but not everyone is officially revealed to everyone and Mari and Jason are the only ones who aren’t officially revealed to anyone else, it’s kinda like the vibes of knowing your best friend is queer but not saying anything because they haven’t officially come out yet but like you know because they ain’t nearly as subtle as they think. Like that aesthetic.)
Anyway, 50 minutes later, they’re all gathered on the Eiffel Tower. Jason saw Marinette give Luka a nod to reset his timer. Suddenly he was enveloped in a light with a scratch that wasn’t there a few seconds before on his cheek, his expression quite annoyed.
Marinette immediately furrowed her brows, “How many times?”
Viperion shook his head, “Don’t worry, only one so far, but they try to restrain us. We’re gonna have to try plan b this time,” Everyone nodded, they waited two minutes before the agreed upon time and Mari opened a portal, but instead of appearing out in the opened, they hid in the shadowy parts of the cave.
Jason used his illusion to hide them from any observant eyes and they spread out a bit. He and Mari stayed together, Cloe flew to get a higher perspective and hide Viperion on one of the cave’s many ledges while Chat just moved a few feet away to have a slightly different hiding spot. Kagami dropped into her wind form and was flying above them to eavesdrop, she’d go to Luka if she heard anything of importance so he could go restart again.
They’d be one step ahead of the Bats no matter what they pulled, after all, they had all the time in the world.
They watched them all get into position as time neared. Jason didn’t know all the kids but recognized them from the news.
Dick, Bruce and M’gann stood near the bat computer with Barbara – who was in a wheelchair but that was a realization to deal with later- and Alfred.
The minute they were supposed to appear Jason cast another illusion to make it appear as though they had arrived. As expected, weapons and restraints immediately swarmed on them, each kid going for a different miraculous member. Too bad the images turned into orange dust as soon as they touched them.
The tiny one in the Robin uniform was red in the face and immediately started throwing a tantrum, “Father! They’ve tricked us-,”
Before he could get another word out, Chloe mass-venomed the horde of kids that we’re sent to attack them. He counted Black bat, Red Robin, Batgirl, Signal and Robin. They were all frozen in the middle of the room and before the others near the computer could move, Kagami trapped them in a (rather large) ring of fire. They had enough space to move around comfortably but if they tried approaching the edge the flames would grow larger.
Batman growled and his eyes searched through the cave, but he wouldn’t see them, no matter how hard he searched.
Jason stared at them. Dick was also searching the cave, but he seemed to look more hopeful than angry. Alfred seemed his usual calm self and Barbara was glancing around the cave more subtly. He didn’t bother looking at the rest of the batkids because M’gann was staring right at him, staying right where she was despite her ability to fly.
“Hi, Jason,” she softly spoke into his mind, he felt emotion overwhelm him, she’d known him before everything, and she knew it was him and it was a lot.
He knew she wasn’t probing around his brain for information like he was sure Bruce had asked her to, she didn’t have to, she knew it was him.
“Can you please tell me why we’re surrounded by fire?” she asked.
“We have a time traveller,” he replied.
“Ah, not a fan of Bruce’s restrain and question method, then? Can’t say I blame you, though I do think you’ve proven your point,”
“You really think it’s a good idea to release all of them?” he asked sceptically.
“… Good point. Maybe leave the brood in the middle in whatever frozen state they’re in and just let us in the fire out. They really just think it’s too good to be true… Jason, I won’t let them hurt you,”
“Okay,” he agreed softly. He turned to Marinette and gave her a slight nod. She returned with one of her own.
They walked over to Kagami’s ring of fire and he held their illusion until they were right in front of it. He held on to it for a bit to make sure everyone else would be able to stay in position. Chloe would keep the cavalry venomized and Chat and Viperion would stick to the shadows, unless necessary.
Jason dropped the illusion and watched four heads snap to him. M'gann simply gave him a soft smile and a nod of encouragement.
Kagami moved herself to stand next to Marinette and turned back into her human form, glaring at them with a silent warning.
Their attention was elsewhere, though. For a long time they just stood there and stared at one another in silence. They studied every part of one another they could see.
His eyes caught on Barbara’s wheelchair and he felt ready to destroy whatever put her there. She met his eyes and he held her gaze. She must’ve seen something there because she gave a small smile as she allowed a few tears to escape her eyes.
“Miss Martian?” Batman broke the silence like a cheap dinner plate, shattering it in a matter of seconds.
“It’s him,” M’gann answered without a hint of hesitation.
It was Alfred that moved first. He took a few hesitant steps towards him and before Jason knew it the man was in front of him. Alfred reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, desperately studying him for a moment before pulling him into a hug only Alfred could give.
It took Jason a moment to respond but when he did he returned it wholeheartedly.
After a few minutes they pulled apart and it took him a moment to realize that they’d both started crying. When he looked up Dick was only a few feet away. The moment Alfred stepped away Dick pulled him close.
“I thought you were dead, kid. I thought I’d never see you again, I thought I lost even more family. You were too young, too innocent. Fuck Jason,” Dick whispered, tightening his grip, “I’m so glad you’re alive,”
Jason held on to his brother and that night they cried about terrible endings and broken beginnings. They cried about lost time and found family.
It wasn’t the end yet, Hawkmoth was still terrorizing Paris and he had no idea what Bruce thought yet. There were all his other kids, his brothers and sisters. There were his teammates and the incredible story of how he’d been turned into a bee of all things.
They had a lot of catching up to do.
But just for a moment, a strand of a singular moment, he had his brother in his arms again and he was back home. His first real home.
Things weren’t perfect, as things rarely are but it didn’t matter. Because part of the beauty of life is how it builds and breaks us in a cycle of love and loss.
And that night they laughed with a lightness and joy none of them had fully been able to hold onto in years.
 I hope you guys enjoyed!
This is lowkey totally gonna be the au I go to when I don’t know what to write lol, maybe write a bit of what happens afterwards or a part of everything during the year he lived with Mari them or just y’know shenanigans
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First Bite and A Small Death (M)
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“  A desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals. In the context of some religions, temptation is the inclination to sin.   ”
guardian demon!jimin x reader
genre: supernatural, fluff, angst, romance, slow-burn
word count: 7.6k
related works: see Masterlist under guardian demon!jimin au
Continuation of Star-Crossed
Warning: this chapter contains explicit description of smut!! (i’m gonna list them all even if it’s minor *just in case*): lots of making out, fingering, little bit of nipple play (can you call it that??), oral (f receiving), little bit of face riding (oops), thigh grinding, multiple orgasms, over stimulation, little bit of dirty talk (oooops), body worship, jimin is a tease (what’s new), strip tease??, (also he thicc), little bit of masturbation (oop!), begging, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (*always* be safe, wrap it up!), creampie (there may or may not be lowkey a kink for it oop), little bit of cock-warming (oooops), rather vanilla though so nothing crazy?? lolll)
A/N: i may not be in time for halloween but i am in time for KINKTOBER?! LOLL oh my god, yall my first smut LMAOOO please do not be fooled by the warning list because gurl it’s...yeah, idk LOLL I will say though, that this smut chapter is on it’s own with no ‘real’ story development (like nothing major happens other than they finally bang), so it is entirely optional for those who are not comfortable (or underage *squinty eyes*). You’re not gonna miss out on much if you decide not to read this, I promise. I’m really sorry for the wait once again!! 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️😫😫😫 life and stuff just gets in the way and writing smut but make it plot and not straight up filth is wow hard. Other than that, i love you all for your endless patience and love for this story!! 💜💜💜 Quench thy thirst!! XDD
Tags:@cherryjiminiee @kokobaekkie @breathebangtan @itsadoozie @thatshylatina @chiminieboi @azulamakesmeblank @sectumsemptae @awkwardwookie @aduky @poisonseashell @shortannoyingginger @caramelmac-chiato @sana-b @jiminstinct @beautifulparisiangirl @taelieninvader @ggukjitaejin @xakemi-chiix @vantaenims @atulipandarose​ @moments-of-melancholy @xclo02 @cherub-kookie @gottadreamitallaway​ @indiesy​
He tastes unlike anything you've imagined, something that can only be described in feelings – like the first sip of buttered rum on a winter's day; how it warms your entire body from the inside out, sweet with a spice that burns a hot trail through you, like caramel that's melted over your tongue, rich and smooth, lingering long after you swallow.
It's intoxicating, and you can't get enough.
Your breath comes out in soft pants as a result of your greed to chase after more of him, but he welcomes you, pulls you in closer until the curves of your body melds into his, no space left between you. Goosebumps rise at the feel of his hands slipping under the hem of your shirt, seeking out the warmth of your skin, dipping into the grooves your spine and mapping out the expanse with the careful traces of his fingers.
You bury your hand into his raven hair, the locks gliding easily like silk through your fingers and tug lightly.
“Cherub...” He groans.  
You hum noncommittally, sucking on the fleshy part of his lower lip and he nearly loses his mind. He brings his own hand up to cup the underside of your jaw then. At his coaxing touch, you open your eyes partially, lids heavy from being lost in the feel of him. Jimin's done an amazing job at controlling the pace of kiss so far; slow and sensual, like he's taking his time to memorize the shape of your lips, drawing you in deeper with every deliberate tilt of his head. You're so pliant, practically melting against him but underneath you're burning up and the heat of you ignites his own desires. Every press of your body to his makes him teeter closer and closer to throwing away all of his inhibitions and it takes everything in him to pull apart if only for a second.
“Tell me what you want cherub.” Jimin rasps, dark eyes locked onto you, voice husky. “Otherwise, I don't think I can stop...”
He really doesn't, not when you look so exquisite – flushed cheeks, kiss bitten lips, out of breath, and pupils blown out.
You swallow, finally able to breathe momentarily and even though he keeps you steady with one hand on your hip, the thumb rubbing tantalizing circles into the skin has you barely thinking straight. But you manage, wetting your lips and it doesn't go unnoticed by Jimin, entranced by the movement.
“...I want this.” You say with quiet conviction. You meet his eyes, unwavering and your heart swells at how attentive he is, putting you above his own desires, even amidst the heated moment just now. “I want you.” You've never been more sure in your life.
Something snaps in him at the words, his eyes going dark and hooded as the hand on your jaw moves to guide you back to him. Your eyes automatically slip shut, the sensation of his lips on yours all you want to focus on. It starts off sweet, as though to reacquaint yourselves again before a hunger takes over, turning the kiss heady. You're left breathless once again, the sounds of your pounding heart intermingling with the soft smacking of lips and you part easily at the first feel of his tongue running across your bottom lip.
He gives you no chance to take control, not like you can when he licks into every crevice of your mouth, the perfect balance between the soft caresses of his tongue on yours and nipping of teeth. It makes you weak in your knees but at the slightest shift, you accidentally press into the leg that has slipped in between yours and you let out a quiet gasp at the friction it causes.
Jimin drinks in the sound greedily, stoking his ego and immediately he's eager to draw more out from you.
You feel his hands pause in their wandering in favour of pressing into the backs of your upper thigh. The pressure naturally makes you lift yourself up and despite how drained he might've looked, Jimin has no trouble carrying you. You cling onto him, legs wrapped around his slender waist, paying no mind to where he takes you. If you're gonna be honest, you were more focused on trying to get the infuriating white shirt off of him, fingers tugging at the thin material across his shoulders but you don't make much progress.
Your back hits the plush surface of a mattress, the only indication that you've probably moved to the bedroom and the new position allows Jimin to nestle his weight perfectly atop you, your legs hugging his hips. He parts from your mouth to trail hot kisses down your jaw, licking and nipping and you tilt your head back to give him better access to your neck, nails raking his scalp. When he reaches the place just below your left ear and gives a harsh suck, you keen, body arching into him.
“Jimi – !!”
Eyes wide, you nearly choke at the speed in which you cut yourself off, mouth snapping shut so hard your teeth clicked noisily. At your sudden abruptness, 'Jimin' lifts his face from the crook of your neck to look at you properly.
“What's wrong? Did I hurt you?” He asks, voice full of concern.
You shake your head adamantly but still otherwise withhold your cause of embarrassment. Your face feels impeccably hot, the tips of your ears and neck burning. You're chewing on your lip, heart beating rapidly for an entirely different reason now and can't help but let your eyes fixate on a point in the high ceiling, useless thoughts racing distractedly in your mind (damn, just how big is this place?).
“Cherub,” You hear him call you softly and then feel the gentle press of his lips to the corner of your mouth in an attempt to draw you out of your head. “Talk to me darling.”
Shyly, you turn until you're able to meet his gaze, though you still have trouble maintaining it. He tilts his head in question, deft fingers brushing through the strands of your hair soothingly and your fingers do the same with the hair at the nape of his neck. After a moment, you swallow, finally mustering up the courage to speak.
“I – Um... I just...Don't be mad?” You mumble and you're not even sure if he's able to understand you completely. But he seems to as a small smile pulls at his full lips, and he gives a reassuring peck on the tip of your nose.
“I won't I promise. Go on, cherub.”
Taking a deep breath in, you blurt out, cringing. “I almost called you 'Jimin' and I felt really weirded out by that.”
He blinks, confused. “....But you always call me 'Jimin.'”
“Yeah, but... that's not actually your name is it? You have a 'true name' don't you?”
Your question shocks him for a brief second before understanding dawns on him, then the smile on his face creeps a little wider and his eyes take on a mischievous glint.
“Someone's been doing their homework....” He drawls playfully. “I wonder when did that happen...”
You pout at his implication and he's swift to kiss it.
“I just so happen to come across it at the moment okay? And it made sense.” Another kiss, this time on your cheek.
“You're not wrong; demons do have 'true names', as do all supernatural beings.”
“Really?” Your interest is piqued, but you find it's waning very quickly with every press of his mouth – he's clearly more interested in kissing every part of your skin he can reach. You manage to breathe, “Then...what's yours?”
He hums against your chin in response, “There's power in a name, love. It's not something we give out easily.” Then he rears up, looming over you and in a low voice, he says, “But perhaps I'll tell you if only to hear what it sounds like falling from your lips.”
The dark pensive look he gives is filled with a promise that makes an involuntary shiver run through you and you shift almost restlessly, pulse quickening. He smirks and he looks every bit a demon that he is, hair tousled and shirt practically falling off one shoulder as he leans down until his kiss swollen lips hover over yours.
He presses the word teasingly onto your cupid's bow and you huff a little, miffed at the way he coos, obviously aware of the effect he has on you. The provocation does more than just rile you up though; it has you daring to bite back.
“Well, what name am I supposed to scream otherwise then?”
Your bold utterance makes the demon above you freeze and you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel immensely satisfied. The light smirk that had been on his face falters, and for a moment, his mouth just hangs slightly parted, baffled at what he heard. You feel the corners of your mouth twitch.
“What? Did I fluster a de – ah!” Your smug jab gets cut short when you feel a sudden pressure between your legs, causing you to throw your head back as pleasure shoots through you. It leaves your neck exposed and vulnerable and Jimin takes full advantage, going back to give a punishing nip.
“Little minx...” He growls next to your ear, causing a quiet whimper to leave you at the sound, the vibration going straight to your core and your body moves on its own, grinding against the firm thigh pressed into you for relief. The heat creeps back fast and the feel of his hand sliding under your shirt has you sighing out. He breaks away for a second to remove it completely, the air further cooling your warm skin before Jimin's searing kisses trail a new path down your collarbones and the valley between your breast, purple bruises blooming in their wake.
He revels in the soft sighs and pants you exhale, but with each sound it becomes harder for him to control himself, wanting nothing more than to rip away your remaining clothes and bury himself deep in you. He's determined to take his time with you though; to touch and learn all the planes, dips and curves of your body, what makes you sigh, moan or in your words, scream (he shivers in anticipation at the thought) as if you're a language he wants to become fluent in.
And when his hand pushes past the cup of your bra, thumb brushing against a nipple, the hitch in your breath lets him know his patience will be worthwhile.
Your grip on his shoulders tightens, chest pushing into the palm of his hand and at your eagerness, he reaches around to unclip your bra. It falls away easily, tossed aside with little care and wasting no time, his lips latch onto a bud as his hand continues to toy with the other. He tends to them with great care, sucking and rolling with his tongue while letting his teeth occasionally graze over them. Only when they've pebbled does he switch over, making sure to give the other the same treatment that has you gasping and moaning, all the while still keeping his hands busy groping and kneading you.
Once he's satisfied, Jimin releases the pert nipple with a wet pop, and as if for good measures, he blows gently over them, the sudden chill sends goosebumps erupting and you whine. He's quick to placate you with a press of his lips to yours, though you still feel the ghost of a smile at your reaction but you find you can't stay anywhere remotely mad at him, feeling so needy of his attention and him being more than happy to give it to you.
“How long I've dreamt of this...Having you beneath me...” You hear him murmur almost to himself between the languid kisses and the haze of arousal, the words a mixture of being reverent and possessive as does the hand that trace along your abdomen, going lower until they find the button of your pants, prying them open with the zipper and you shift in anticipation, pressing your body into his.
“To ruin you until the only pleasure you know is mine.”
The mewl falls from you instantly when he presses into your folds for the first time, hips rising and he groans at how wet you already are, easily coating his fingers. He rubs along your slit in lazy strokes before circling your clit with the pad of his thumb and you twitch, legs spreading apart. For a good minute or so, you have trouble forming coherent words, any attempts only resulting in breathy whimpers as your nails dig into his biceps.
He doesn't seem to mind, actually loving how receptive your body is and it's with that thought in mind, he pushes a finger into you. Your head falls back, moaning at the feel of the digit sinking knuckle deep inside, sliding in easily. You hear Jimin curse, pausing in his open mouthed kisses at the juncture of your shoulder to take in the way your walls squeezes around his finger, even as he pulls out halfway to thrust back in experimentally.
You can barely keep yourself from writhing, growing steadily impatient with need and how unhurried he seems to be but before you can muster any strength for a complaint, you feel a second finger and you let out a choked gasp instead. He stretches you with a scissoring motion, letting you get accustomed before he begins to set a pace.
Jimin leans back to watch you, eyes drinking in the glassy, half-lidded look in your eyes and your dishevelled appearance; mouth parted and your chest heaving with every moan, flushed and covered with his marks while shamelessly rutting yourself against his hand with every thrust. At the crook of his fingers, your hips stutter and your eyes nearly roll shut. You're quite the sight to behold; his jaw clenching subtly in effort to maintain his composure and focus on you rather than the erection straining in his jeans.
Soon, your moans grow a little louder, your breathing becoming more shallow and the furrow in your brows lets Jimin know that you're getting close, hips bucking up desperately on their own to chase your high but just as you're within reach, he stops, pulling away and you're left feeling frustratingly empty.
“Ugh! J-Jimin!” You whine loudly, voice pitching as if you're on the verge of crying. “I was so close...!”
He gives a throaty chuckle, the sound enough to draw your attention and immediately any more petulant protests are silenced when your eyes meet deep crimson irises that glow dangerously in the dimness of the room.
“I meant what I said cherub,” He says in a husky timbre, ruby eyes never leaving yours as he brings his fingers glistening with your juices to his lips, “You'll be ruined by the time I'm done with you.” And sucks them off clean, humming in approval as he visibly swallows, Adam's apple bobbing.
You clench around nothing at the sight, failing to hide the wave of arousal that shoots through you ten times more intensely than before. God, it always seems like you eat your words a lot when it comes to him, only this time you find you have no regrets for trying to outplay him in his own game.
Every nerve ending in you is vibrating with excitement at what he plans to do and you're not sure if it's a good or a bad thing that he's very well aware of that fact because you know he'll definitely take advantage of it, if the devilish gleam in his eyes is anything to go by.
“Let's get you out of these, hm?”
Your hips lift as he tugs your pants and slides them off along with your soaked panties, discarding them to the side. Now bare of any clothes, you can't help feeling a little self-conscious, an embarrassing heat creeping from your neck all the way up to your face seeing as how he's still fully clothed, much to your chagrin and his piercing gaze is fixated on you. They drag over every inch of you intently that it has you wanting to curl in on yourself but he stops you by situating himself between your legs and a comforting hand rests on your hip bone.
“You don't need to hide from me, cherub.” He says softly, leaning over briefly to place a chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth, “You're beautiful.” Then he descends downwards, skimming those pillowy lips over the divot of your collarbone, your breasts, stomach and navel until he shuffled to have your thighs resting comfortably over each shoulder.
You watch him with baited breath, so tense and hyperaware of how close he is to where you want him yet you're captivated in the way he's meticulously placing kisses on your inner thigh, nosing along the supple flesh and trailing lower. He chases away any insecurities you might've felt before with every worshipful press of his lips and you willingly part your legs wider for him.
“You smell so good.” He groans appreciatively on an inhale, eyes deepening to a rich maroon as his mouth finally reaches your centre, still dripping and aching for him. It makes Jimin's mouth water, mind already so hazy from that small taste earlier which is why he doesn't hesitate a second longer to dive in, licking one long stripe that has you throwing your head back against the sheets, eyes shutting and exhaling a breathy moan.
You feel one of his hand come up to push your hips back down, keeping you in place as he begins to ravish you.The sounds pour out of you unadulterated with each flick leaving you gasping and mewling senselessly. It only spurs him on, tongue swirling and teasing your nub to coax more of your wetness which he laps all of it up hungrily, letting out a deep moan of his own. The vibration sends a shockwave through your body and your hands fly out from clutching at the sheets to ultimately burying themselves into raven locks.
“So sweet....” He mumbles into your cunt, fingers spreading your folds apart. “All for me.”
There wasn't any hope for you to form an answer, his tongue dipping into your sopping hole and you keen. He works the pink muscle in like he's French kissing you, prodding and reaching places you didn't think possible until it has your walls fluttering and you pull him closer, wanting him deeper still. Jimin doesn't resist, continuing to tongue fuck you with his nose buried into your pussy and you practically riding his face, the amount of raw lust feeding him in more ways than one.
Your chest is heaving from trying to keep up with the onslaught of stimulation but also in a fight to not let the coil tightening in your gut to snap so quickly, head numb with pleasure-filled high that has you barely able to convey a fraction of the jumbled thoughts in your mind.
“Please....! I – Mmph!” You manage to gasp out, hands slipping from Jimin's roots momentarily.
To your relief, Jimin slows down, giving one last lick with his flattened tongue before pulling back. It gives you the chance to finally breathe, lungs burning as you inhale much needed air.
“What is it, cherub?” He purrs, the pads of his free hand stroking much too closely along your inner thigh. “What do you want?”
You manage to prop yourself up on your elbows, swallowing and licking your dry lips and finally able to pry your eyes open for the first time, blinking away the blurriness to focus down on Jimin. You wanted a lot of things; to cum on his tongue, to not cumming until you feel him too, to give him pleasure like he is to you, his name which he hasn't given yet, to maybe remove that damn shirt that he's still wearing for whatever reason but all of that goes flying out the fucking window when you lay your eyes on Jimin.
He looks like the embodiment of sin bathed in moonlight; shadows half concealing his face and cutting sharp, defining angles, hair as dark as the night itself, mussed but falling so effortlessly into hooded eyes that glow in liquid lust, a hypnotizing, deep blood-red ruby as his full lips and chin shine with your essence.
Fuck, he just looks so good between your legs like this, and so obviously content with being there from the way the hunger in his gaze has not yet shown signs of being satiated, not even the slightest. And it makes you want to give as much as he is taking, though come to think of it, at this point you're not sure which is which anymore.
You don't realize your thoughts had wandered off from their intended course, but Jimin is quick to catch on and intentionally gives his bottom lip a titillating swipe of his tongue, smirking at the way you bite yours in response. He chuckles, repeating his question as he almost absentmindedly starts giving you kitten licks, nibbling along your lower lips. “What do you want cherub?”
You go lax, softly whimpering and you flush abashed, a pretty pink deepening your cheeks and Jimin can actually see how hard you're trying to pull yourself together, brows furrowing in concentration and fingers pulling at the bedsheets under you. He doesn't mean to, but the sight makes him even more tempted to unravel you faster, see you become undone because of him. Suddenly, every one of his nerves is itching for it, and so preoccupied with...other things, you miss the way his eyes narrow with newfound impatience.
Focus! Use your words. How – ?
“I...haah – I want – need...you, please!” It's all you manage to get out, a desperate half-pleading and whining but you hope it's enough to get across to the demon. He hums in feigned thoughtfulness, the sound too close to your sensitive pearl and your legs would've clamped shut on Jimin's head had it not been for the strong hold that keeps them apart. You're thankful because you think you would've combusted, horrified but the feeling doesn't last as you feel Jimin inserting his finger in you again, your walls contracting and you let out a surprise squeal.
“I'll get back to you on that, sweetheart.” Was the only reply you get and whatever half-baked arguments you had is immediately forgotten when his tongue begins to work in tandem with his fingers. He laves at you firmly while he thrusts deeply at a steady pace, quickly getting a second digit in and crooking them to rub at the rough patch of nerves, making you throw your head back, mouth falling open. Your body reacts as if it has a mind of its own, hips writhing uncontrollably under the hand still pinning them in an effort to meet each thrust until they jerk at the feel of a third finger pushing in.
You groan at the stretch and Jimin slows down fractionally to let you get used to it but the amount of slick gathered made for the slight burn to pass quickly and soon you're begging him to go faster and harder. He all but happily obliges, picking up speed and swiping his tongue and lightly suckling your clit relentlessly that your hands scramble to cling onto the pillows and sheets for dear life. You hear just how wet you've become, the squelching noise that comes every time he flicks his wrist much louder than before and the lewd sound has you growing hotter by the minute from both embarrassment and arousal.
Your elbows are shaking; how you managed to still remain somewhat upright is a miracle but you know it won't last for much longer, the knot in your stomach becoming almost unbearable, walls clenching with your impending orgasm. All the words you attempt to get out in warning ends before they can leave your mouth, turning into nonsensical babbling mixed in with your increasing moans. So in your brilliant half coherent mind, you muster enough strength to peel your eyes open to look down at Jimin, to try to get his attention that way, only to find that it was a lost cause.
Jimin's eyes were shut, so engrossed in eating you out as if there's nothing else in the world he'd rather be doing. You watch his fingers disappear in and out of you, coated in your wetness and mouth parted slightly to let his tongue work quick, short flicks over your engorged bud. You're a hair's breadth away from falling over the precipice from the erotic sight alone, but as if sensing your eyes on him, he glances up, locking you in a smouldering gaze that has all thoughts leaving you. Then he encases his lips around your clit and sucks and you're gone.
You cum hard, head falling back, body tensing and arching up as you let out a long strangled moan, toes curling and legs shaking. Jimin can't help but let slip his own moan as your orgasm washes over you and into his awaiting mouth. He helps you ride it out all too eagerly, your taste his new addiction and he slurps up your release like he wants to drag it out for as long as he can until you're whimpering from over stimulation.
He finishes with a soft kiss grazing the inside of your thigh, letting your legs go limp on their own and leans back on his knees nonchalantly, taking the time to wipe his chin and mouth with the back of his hand before licking it clean, as if you're not panting like you've ran a marathon and he just didn't give you the best oral you ever had. Slowly, you blink your eyes open (when had you shut them you don't know), dazed from practically seeing stars as you look at him through bleary eyes.
Noticing that you've come back down from cloud nine, Jimin crawls over your splayed out form and grins down at you roguishly, very much looking like the cat that ate the canary.
“You doing okay?” He asks with a slight tilt of his head.
Heart still thundering loudly in your ears and chest, out of breath, hot and a little sweaty all over, you manage a weak raspy hum in acknowledgement but it's enough to earn you a chuckle and a kiss. You lean up as much as you can into those plush lips, tasting yourself in the process and you sigh deeply, your own tongue brushing against the roof of his mouth to chase more of it. Your hands lift automatically to pull him in closer but instead of feeling bare skin and rippling back muscles, you whine out in complaint, grabbing a handful of the offending cotton short sleeve and give a harsh tug, impatient.
“Can you get this fucking shirt off already? Why do you still have it on?”
A rush of air tickles your cheek as Jimin huffs through his nose in response. He pulls his lips away from yours with a soft smack.
“Sorry, must've slipped my mind.” His eyes gleam deviously, “If you ask nicely, maybe I'll take it off finally.”
“I will literally rip this shirt if I have to.”
Your deadpan earns you a breathy laugh but you're completely serious. Luckily for you, you don't have to because in spite of Jimin's teasing, he's just as worked up as you are so he retreats to stand at the end of the bed, reaching up and pulling the shirt over his head in one fluid motion. You rush to sit upright, your eyes pinned to his figure and your breath hitches as he tosses it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor.
The first time you've seen him shirtless was when you had nursed him back to health after that night and given the circumstance, you had refrained yourself from staring inappropriately. The most you're sure of is that he has a lean build with maybe a little less weight. Now when you're allowed the luxury, you're almost ashamed to admit that you're barely able to handle it. You see the fine lines that make up the sinewy muscles of a toned chest and abdomen, tapering down to a thin waist with deep v-cuts that you can't help but let your eyes get lost trailing to a very obvious bulge below the belt of his jeans sitting low on his hips (you unconsciously swallow, mind immediately going straight into the gutter).
There are signs that he's gotten slimmer but it's like with the way he's naturally built – broad chested, rounded torso – he'll never end up looking scrawny from it, the weight loss showing more in his face than his body. He's still every bit a marble Greek sculpture, and that's actually quite unfair.
But then you see his veiny hands begin to unhook his belt and it's here that you think you truly stop breathing. You watch almost wide eyed and lips parted, glued to the way he loosens it and dexterously undoes the button of his pants, then the zipper as if in slow motion before he pushes them down to reveal his Balenciaga boxer briefs. He steps out of the denim smoothly, and the black cotton he's left in has you biting back a groan – they hug his strong thighs like a second skin and do little to hide the damp patch and the thick outlines of his erection.
You rub your thighs together restlessly, feeling yourself growing damp as his fingers slip under the band of his briefs to drag them off completely. His cock bounces in the air, finally freed from their confines and curving slightly up towards his stomach. He's only a little more than average in size but god he was as thick as from what you could see through his underwear with a prominent vein on the underside of his shaft, head flushed dark and already dripping with pre-cum. Your inner muscles clench involuntarily.
Even his dick is beautiful – honestly something that you shouldn't be surprised at but you bemoan the fact nonetheless.
You don't even realize the small whine you let out when he wraps a firm hand around the base and slowly begins to pump himself, biceps flexing.
“What's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted?” Jimin's dulcet tone is light and teasing but you catch the subtle airiness lingering in the question, the only indication that he's as relieved to be out of his clothes as you probably are. His thumb swipes at the tip of the bulbous head to smear the pre-cum down his length and he takes in a deep breath, breathing in the heavy scent of your lust and arousal spiking again and the absolute tortured look on your face has his cock twitching in his hand.
“You're such a fucking tease!” You keen out, pushed to your limit and in the heat of it, you let slip all your deepest desires, “I wanted to cum with you inside me. Let me suck you off at least please, I want to feel you.”
His eyes flash and his hand stops in their tracks as you hear a deep growl rumble from his chest. It's the only warning you get before he's climbing atop of you again and your thighs automatically part to make room for him, pulling him flush as he kisses you hard, hips pressing into yours and you moan contently into his mouth as he grinds himself against you.
“Fuck, I can't believe I'm turning down getting sucked off by that needy mouth of yours.” Jimin says through gritted teeth, sucking your bottom lip.
“Mm, I'll make up for it. I just need you in me, do you have a con –  ” Your mind clicks with a moment of clarity; you made it a force of habit to ask the few times you had a sexual encounter, better be safe than sorry and all, but that's just with another human being, not a demon. Your furrowed confused brows has Jimin pulling back slightly, a question in his crimson gaze before you ask, genuinely curious, “Do demons need condoms? Is the whole thing about getting impregnated by a demon true?”
A beat passes and then Jimin snorts, turning to bury his face into his shoulder and clearing his throat, he replies, biting back a smile, “No, it's not true. Demons, and a few select supernatural beings, are sterile upon creation. Wouldn't make sense for God to let demons procreate freely would it?”
“Huh...No, it wouldn't.” You agree, tucking away the new piece of information you've learned. It makes you wonder where that whole concept had come from, but you heard it straight from the source; if an actual demon says they can't impregnate anyone by nature then there's no  need for a condom. That's relieving you guess, one less thing to worry about.
Wait, then doesn't that mean....
Almost instantaneously, heat floods through you, starting from your cheeks, all the way down to the tips of your toes and you find it hard to meet Jimin's eyes. Not that you would need to for him to notice how you've gone suspiciously quiet, and from your reddening cheeks and nervous lip biting, it doesn't take long for him to put two and two together. You've shocked him for the second time tonight but it quickly wears off, replaced by a wicked smile stretching across his lips as he watches you squirm under him, caught red-handed and he's never been more turned on than he is now.
You're really going to be the death of him.
“Oh cherub....” He chuckles, low and sultry, a concealed excitement buzzing in every word. “Do you want to feel me cum in you, fill you up until you're full and dripping of me? Is that what you want?”
You visibly swallow, trying but failing to hide the way your breath catches in you throat at the filthy words spoken in such a velveteen voice. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did he have to make it sound so seductive, so enticing that now that's all you can think about, and the more you do, the more you crave for it.
He shifts to reposition himself, supporting some of his weight on his elbow as one of his hand reaches between your bodies to grasp his length, rubbing it along your wet folds to further lube himself. He feels so hot and hard that that alone sends shivers of anticipation running through you, hips rocking up on their own but he doesn't make a move to do anything more.
“You didn't answer my question.”
“I want it,” You whine without any restraint. “Need you so bad. Please!”
Jimin preens, eyes beaming. “That’s my girl.”
You feel the blunt head of his cock begin to slowly push in, inch by inch until you gasp, tensing and involuntarily your walls clench as you feel the thicker part of his girth enter you, the stretch a little discomforting. Jimin grunts, head bowing into your neck as he stops, a steady hand on your hip bone.
“Relax for me, love.” He strains, placing soft kisses into your warm skin. Your eyes flutter shut, willing yourself to be lulled by his gentle coaxing and once he feels your body easing again, he continues. You try to ignore the burning sensation but a small whimper slips out. Jimin shushes you, whispering sweet encouraging words in between the press of his lips. When he bottoms out, you both let out a shuddering sigh. He stills, arms coming up to brace himself on either side of your head, letting you adjust to the feel of him inside you.
“You okay?” Jimin asks, nuzzling into your cheek, pulling away long enough to brush away a few strands of your hair.
You inhale shakily, eyes peering open to lock with his. “I – Y-Yeah, just...give me a second...” The burning from the stretch has ebbed into a manageable dull ache – still uncomfortable but not as bad as it was initially. You're not quite sure if Jimin moved now, it would get worse or better.
Well, guess that's something you'll have to find out.
“Can you...go slow?” You ask tentatively, unsure if you're being too much. You can practically feel the amount of tension in Jimin's body, like a live wire pulsating with energy yet he's holding himself back for your sake, nodding without a single moment's hesitation. Your heart flips, overwhelmed with emotions that you can't find the words to properly express, how thankful you are to have him here for as long as you have; as a dutiful guardian who has looked out for you, as a friend who quietly supported you, unwaveringly, and now as a lover – passionate, selfless and tender. Without knowing what else to do, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in until your mouths connects, pouring everything you have to convey even an ounce of your feelings.
Jimin startles at your sudden earnestness, so it takes him a second to recollect himself before tilting his chin to better mould his lips to yours and easily deepens the kiss. It helps distract you enough for Jimin to carefully withdraw himself, just enough to still be inside before pressing back in one smooth stroke. The sharp gasp you let out makes you break away but a moan follows quickly after as Jimin begins to move.
The room soon fills with your sighs and pants that intermingle with his, the pain long forgotten and you're left feeling so incredibly full instead. Through half-lidded eyes, you see him watching you, transfixed on the pleasure that's overtaken your face, blood-red irises glowing with the heat of molten lava.
“You're such a good girl cherub, taking me so well.” He says, voice husky and breathless as he continues to roll his hips into you, each thrust slow and deep that has you feel every inch of him, loving the way your warm velvet walls hug him so tightly, like you're meant to be his.
You squeeze around him at the praise and he hisses, hooking one of your leg around his waist and going a little harder. You cling onto him, wanting him closer even when your foreheads press together, nails raking down his back and feeling the strong muscles flex under your touch. Your bodies move rhythmically, like the push and pull of ocean waves crashing along the shores that drag you farther and farther until you're drowning in him.
You want to stay like this forever if you can, connected and entwined. At least this way, you're allowed a small piece of comfort where everything else fades away – no uncertainty for the future, no demons, angels, heaven or hell.
In this moment, there's only you and him.
But you feel your end approaching, the pressure in your stomach building faster than you would have liked and so in tuned with your body, Jimin quickens before you get the chance to try and delay the inevitable. The moans that tumble past your lips are muffled by his hungry kisses, a mess of tongue and teeth that leaves you out of breath yet even still, you will yourself to resist. However, Jimin doesn't let up, determined to have you cum again before him.
A gasp rushes out when you feel his thumb on your clit, head falling back and you know it's a losing battle.
“Let go, Y/N. Give in to me.” Jimin whispers lowly, his breath hot against your ear, nibbling at the tender lobe. “Give in.”
You succumb to his words, the dark temptation too sweet falling from honeyed lips, crying out, body seizing with your orgasm that rips through you and swallows you whole. Jimin moans at the vice-like grip of your walls sucking him in and his hips stutter, slowing to let you ride out your high before he pushes through in pursuit of his own. You let out a strangled whimper, oversensitive and mind still foggy but you don't stop his steady rocking in spite of it – you hold on tighter as if he's the only anchor you have.
The sight of you unravelling beneath him had been magnificent, having never seen such a raw, carnal side to you but this night had blessed him with so many, more than he could've ever hoped or imagined. You were beautiful, the look of absolute pleasure looked so good on you. Jimin doesn't think there was anything else that could hold a candle to you.
Yet now, lying bare on his mattress – eyes glossy, the pure ecstasy on your face with the sheen of your sweat and afterglow from your post-orgasm bliss beneath the pale moonlight – you look divine.
He's not going to last much longer, head swimming with the sounds of your moans and drunk off of a pride from knowing that this is all his doing and that no one, not even Jimin, will ever be able to have you this way.
You're getting embarrassingly loud, every ragged breath you struggle to hold back the noises that follow after as Jimin drives into you roughly, the wet slaps of skin where his pelvis meets yours growing with each powerful snap of his hips. His brows are furrowed in an almost pained expression, throaty moans only increasing, letting you know that he's close.
“P-Please...!” You hiccup, nails digging into the back of his shoulders. “Nn! H-Hah! N-Need – ah! Need you – ! Cum in m-me! Please!”
In your pleasure riddled mind, you hear him whisper it – an intimate secret shared between you in this stolen moment, hidden by the darkness of night.
“Call for me, Y/N.” Jimin rasps, urging you, body caging you in and you're surrounded by him, no way for you to escape. “Call my name.”
You breathe it in as he seals it with sloppy kisses and you try to return them with the same fervour however, you pull away too soon, head thrown back, your control over your body gone and your lungs scream at you for air but you choose to call out to him instead. You say his name over and over like a broken prayer, you say it as you beg for him to fill you, make you his.
You say it until you're sobbing, feeling a new wave of an oncoming orgasm building again.
Spurred on, he pushes faster, cock swelling and thrusts becoming erratic in wanting to reach his climax with you. Your body is writhing uncontrollably but he keeps you in place, not letting up. He sucks open mouthed kisses onto your breasts, collar, neck like he means to devour you and it proves to be too much and you cum with a choked wail, shaking. He follows soon after, burying in your warmth as he empties himself inside you, a deep guttural moan tearing from his throat. He slows until he's grinding shallowly and you let out a quiet shivering whine, soaked walls coated in his milky essence pulsating from the aftershocks and squeezing a few more spurts, making him muffle a groan into your shoulder before he stops.
You both lay in each other's embrace, chest heaving, the sounds of your harsh breathing in sync as is the pounding of your hearts, boneless and completely spent. You're tingling all over but you're content like this, still joined and the comfort of his weight on you. He doesn't rush to part from you either, basking in the rare tranquil peace while pressing soft lazy kisses, retracing the path of his marks until he reaches your mouth.
You let his lips brush chastely against yours – you'd return them with a little more effort if you weren't so tired and fighting the urge to sleep. He pulls away enough to caress the knuckles of his fingers along the edge of your eyes and it's only then you realize the stray tears that had streaked past your lashes, your body's natural reaction to the intense amount of stimulation.
When he finally slips out of you, you shudder at the lost and feeling the heat of his cum seeping out of your hole, thick and wet – the image of your combined releases staining the sheets below sends a tremor rippling through you delightfully. The bed dips as he rolls onto the mattress beside you but your hands blindly seek his touch immediately, sighing when he gently pulls you flushed to him, enveloping you in his arms. He tucks your head under his chin and you blink heavily, vision becoming unfocused with fatigue.
“Sleep if you're tired, cherub. I got you.” You hear him murmur against the crown of your head.
You let out a weak hum in protest, afraid that when you next wake, he'll no longer be there but the gentle combing of your hair subdues you quickly, so you hold him close and drift off to the warm scent of spices and burning cedar wood.
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skullrock · 4 years
the lie
Tumblr media
gif by @harringtown​
pairing: Steve x Reader
summary: Steve lets out a big lie to prove Mike Wheeler wrong, but it ends in his favor. (aka, the one time Steve Harrington thanked Mike Wheeler for anything.)
warnings: swears!
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this one is for @sourapplebaby luv u Syl
Steve knew he fucked up as soon as the words fell out of his mouth.
“Why isn’t Y/N here?”
“She has work,” Steve says. “She has a life outside of your basement, Mike.”
“Unlike you,” Mike retorts.
“Can everybody just calm down?” Will says quietly.
“When are you guys getting married?” Dustin asks, propping his head up on his hands.
A cacophony of voices ring out, Max and El’s the loudest.
“When is it gonna happen?”
“You guys are so cute!”
“Steve couldn’t get married if his life depended on it.”
“Shut up,” Steve hisses at Mike. “I am getting married, so there.”
Steve nearly slapped his hand over his mouth, guilt creeping over him. It’s the biggest lie of the century, but Mike is not allowed to win this one.
The room is deathly quiet until everyone erupts in cheers. Dustin tackles Steve, beating on him, shouting, “I knew you could do it!”
“She said yes? You’re really engaged?” Max asks, holding El’s hand as she bounces in her seat. “When did this happen?”
“Week ago,” Steve says quickly.
Mike’s eyes narrow. “So you’re really engaged.”
Steve doubles down, digging himself deeper into the absolute shitfest that was sure to spike from this. “I am.”
“So if I asked your girlfriend - excuse me, fiancée- she would be able to affirm?”
Steve nods. “That’s right.”
But, of course, Steve runs home and calls Robin immediately, unsure of how to go forward.
“I fucked up,” he admits.
“Typical. What happened?”
He explains the situation, and Robin scoffs. “Steve, you lied about something this big to - piss off a sixteen year old?”
Steve sighs heavily. “That’s correct.”
“You’re such a moron -“
“What am I supposed to do, Robin?”
Robin is dumbfounded. “Tell them that you lied? Tell her that you lied? Tell everyone that you lied?”
“No,” Steve says sadly. “Can’t do any of that.”
“Then what, Steve? What are you going to do when Mike confronts her?”
“You’re no help,” he groans. “You’re supposed to fix it for me.”
“Got yourself into this one, get yourself out of it.”
Robin hangs up, leaving Steve in silence.
There’s another reason why Steve is freaking out - the idea of being engaged made him excited.
It wasn’t something he really thought about. He wanted to marry you, of course, he just never anticipated when he’d do it. But it seems as good a time as any. You’d been together for three years. He knew that he was desperately, madly, completely in love with you. He knows he can envision having a family with you, in a little house in the suburbs of the city, with a cat and a dog and a big yard.
It all hits him at once, making his head spin. It was simply too much for him - he decides to push it down and stay silent about it all. You won’t find out, right?
You open your door to find Max and El on the porch. They grin widely as they see you.
“Ooh, look who it is,” Max croons.
You nod, confused. “It’s me.”
“Yeah, future Mrs. Steve,” El says.
“No, El - it would be future Mrs. Harringtown, or whatever his last name is.”
“Oh -“
You furrow your brows. “What are you two talking about?”
“How you’re engaged!” Max shakes her head. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
You stare at her with wide eyes. Steve had never proposed - holy shit, did he propose? Were you half awake when he did and you said yes? Were you tuning out his basketball talk when he asked and you just nodded absentmindedly?
No way, you think, looking down at your left hand. No ring, no proposal!
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know I was engaged,” you say slowly. “Who told you I was?”
El and Max look at each other, their eyes as wide as yours. “Steve did.”
“Steve told you that we were engaged?” Your voice is hoarse. “Steve told you? My boyfriend Steve? Harrington?”
“Just last night,” El says. “He told us at Mike’s.”
“Are you saying you’re not engaged?” Max asks.
You shake your head in disbelief. “I gotta go. I’ll see you both later.”
When you shut the door, Max looks at El. “Don’t tell Mike, he’ll have a power trip.”
Steve comes over later to see you, and you confront him right off the bat. His foot is hardly over the threshold when you ask, “Can you explain something to me?”
Steve shuts the door quietly, pupils widening. “Perhaps.”
“Can you tell me why Max and El came over today to ask why I didn’t tell them we were engaged?”
Steve blinks, then forces out a pitifully fake laugh. “What? Who would ever say that? I have no idea who told them something so silly.”
“Really? Because they told me they had heard it from you.”
Steve falters, then sighs. “I can explain.”
“You can’t just tell people that we’re engaged, Steve! You can’t just - just make that up!” You start to pace. “I mean - shit, Steve. I wanna marry you - of course I do - but you can’t just decide we’re getting married.”
He tries to interrupt. “Y/N -“
“I’d at least like a proposal, Steve, or a real talk about our futures before you start saying that -“
“Y/N -“
You turn your back to him, pacing again. “And you shouldn’t have children coming to tell me the good news. I think I should know about my engagement before them, don’t you think?”
He’s suddenly quiet, so you ask, “What are you doing?”
Nothing. You turn to face him, and he’s suddenly kneeling in front of you, a box in his hand.
Your mouth drops and your brows furrow. Your eyes well up with tears before you can even process what’s happening. “Steve, what are you doing?”
“Having a real talk about our future.”
Steve’s never been so nervous in his entire life. His body and his hands shake, but he starts talking. “My parents were never in love. I never had any kind of healthy perception of what love is. I only got some ideas from movies and my shitty friends.” He swallows. “So for a long time, I thought love wasn’t real, or it was this unattainable thing.
“But then I met you. And suddenly, the movies made sense. My mom used to play me these vintage romance movies, and she’d always tell me that a love like that never existed. But she’s wrong.” He shrugs. “About a lot of things, but especially this.” He sighs. “Okay, shit, my knee is hurting -“
“Steve -“
“I’m not done!” He smiles. “I never thought I had a future, either. I thought I was destined for the worst. My first job burned to the ground, I got roped into fucked up stuff, I have nightmares ... I thought my life was hopeless. But now, I can see a future. I can see us with a little girl and a picket fence, and a dog named Romeo. I can see so many pictures of us - of our family on the walls.” Steve licks his lips. “I can reach out and touch it, Y/N. Because it’s right there. And it’s real.”
You kneel down with him, watching him pop open the box. It’s a beautiful ring, one that’s old and storied and ready to be used again.
“I did get this from my mom,” he admits. “It was my great grandmother’s, or something. She said it was art decal.”
You laugh tearfully. “Deco.”
“Whatever,” he smiles. He takes a deep breath. “Will you have a future with me?”
You throw yourself onto him and he falls back, slamming against the carpet. Neither of you care, though - you kiss him passionately, nodding the entire time. Against his lips, you whisper, “yes, yes, yes!”
Steve feels like he just won the lottery. Like he’s the luckiest man on earth. He’s light as air, happier than he’s ever felt. It’s like he’s invincible, radiant, unstoppable. Like he’s home, like he belongs, like things are finally going to work out.
“This isn’t how it was supposed to go, by the way,” he jokes, sitting up. “But I needed to get you to shut up somehow.”
Steve slides the ring on, and it fits nicely. You laugh in shock and happiness. “I’m getting married!”
“Me too!” he laughs, tearing up. “We’re gonna do it!”
You reach out and wipe some of his tears away, caressing his cheek. “Steve, I love you so much.”
He takes your hand, pressing a kiss into your palm. “I love you more.”
“Not possible.”
“Wanna bet?”
And, as much as Steve hates it, he gives a silent thank you to Mike Wheeler.
taglist: @harrington-ofhawkins @comedy-witch @gothackedalready @wolfish-willow @sassisaluxury @willowrose99 @harringtown @write-from-the-heart​ @m-blasterrr​ @whimsicalwoodlands @anerroroccurrrrred​ @marvels-gurl​ @the-almond-dinger @ssanjuniperoo​ @darth-el​ @sourapplebaby @yall-wildin-like-siriusly @andyl394 @astil-be @troop-scoop @ilovebucketbarnes @mybestfriendthedingus @unknownherelm @metuel18 @magnitude101999 @simplesammyx @lukeskisses @stevenismyboy
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sagravedralev · 3 years
This is how I feel.
After the loneliness in your heart grew inside caused by the fear of a new world, the distance of the relation and the hurt of my insecurities you became attached to someone else that made you feel a little bit as if you belonged there, kept your mind distracted, and filled the void I left by not being present in the last months. You felt him as an answer to your needs, at the beginning you liked the attention even tho you were not interested in love. You begged me to end our relation with the one and most strongest excuse of seeing other people, cus you wanted to try him without cheating even tho your feelings on me were low. That was worse. Maybe you felt okay with him after what you decided to do that Friday, and the weeks that followed when you played to have something with him, when you started to realize how different he was to me, you saw he was sure about you and him but you were still thinking about me. Even tho you said you loved me and that the contact with him had stop you still sneak with him from time to time. After you returned at the end of October you really felt into me again, and had to let him down, but that only caused him to make you feel guilty cause, you saw him everyday sad and he kept telling you how much he needed you, that made you feel regretful of seeing me, and you went back to him for a whiles, cause seeing him do bad made you feel guilty, question yourself again, made you feel needy, you started to feel alone, not wanting to get out of your room, you wanted him to go back and give you attention, you were slowly back again into each other, and maybe you didn’t told him that you were about to go with me that Friday, maybe he made you feel bad about going with me by getting mad, maybe something sexual happened between you two before I went to pick you up. Even tho you were with me you couldn’t stop thinking about him and every time I broke cause of my insecurities you felt it was a signal that we didn’t matched and that you had to go back to him. I was really nervous of letting you go like last time we went to a hotel, I feared that you were gonna go back to him, I feared not sleeping with you again, and that’s why I was also trying to get us one night more, and one night more, cause I was really having a great sleep and a great time with my friend, and in little glances I saw my baby gurl, I was depressed in moments I didn’t have to be depressed like in antea the second time we went, I apologize but all I wanted was your love, and again my fear of losing you ended your hope, I need your help to fix that, cause I want to be healthy again, and have the trust we had. I was gonna test your mind, when I asked, “should we let go now?” when we were in bed, and even tho I was surprised I expected that answer you gave me “yes”, in that moment I was sure that I ruined all again, and that you were gonna cut me again like in October to go back to him. In a sudden way you begged me again to let go of us, so you can go back to school and make it up to that guy for making him feel bad, and leaving him for me, instead of healing and working of us, because with that question I have you an easy way out and you took it right away without hesitation. And I can’t stop thinking about how I was again just your option, it was always obvious that you’ll had to break someone’s heart for the actions you caused and someone had to get hurt, me or him, I never thought you would chose him again, I never thought you’ll bring him to our world like you did when you came back. I really thought December was gonna be ours, and that I was gonna go celebrate with your friends and family your bday. I’m really heartbroken, every second that passes and you are not with me to be with someone else breaks my soul and everything I love. And I know it was easy for you to go and heal him after you broke his heart, for you it was easier to let me go, because you don’t see me cry everyday, cause you don’t see how vulnerable I am alone in my room, alone in my mind, because you don’t see how my body is after all my anxiety. >>>>>>
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aonesmfeyebrows · 3 years
Tamaki Amajiki - innocent
this is my first time writing here, im not really used to it tbh but hey wattpad sucks what can i do now. n e ways hope you like this and yaa ^3^
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The Big 3 are widely known as the strongest three hero students in all of Japan. Thanks to Hero Work-Studies, the three of them have seasoned their skills and mastered their powerful Quirks at a young age. They are considered to be above pro hero levels already and are destined to become Top Pro Heroes once they graduate. (did I copy that from wiki? yes yes I did)
But have you heard about the fourth? people never paid attention to her, only few teachers and students know what is she capable of yet they still don't know that she can do much more.
She's as strong as the big three or maybe more, and that's the thing. she's smart with her move, she have this leader like vibe around her, she always knows what to do. she didn't, never waste any time and opportunity she have. even there's just a tiny little chance she win a fight, she would totally ace that chance.
she's built like an assassin, that's why the school didn't give her much spotlight, that is what her family's order. that is what the big guy's order, that's what he want. he want her to be the best out of the best, he don't want to take any risk putting her in the spotlight, that's why he always told here to not put her hundred percent just for this school.
she will be the best undercover agent, the best assassin, the best weapon,
nobody can stop her.
people who know this might wondering, so why put her in a famous school if he don't want people to know about her?
it's easy they know UA is a famous school and there's a bunch of people with different abilities, he wants her to know and have experience with people who have different quirk and personality, what kind of people they are, what's their capable of doing with their quirk, how strong it is, what is it weakness and of course how to destroy them. it's best to pretend like you're on their side and when the right time comes you'll snatch the carpet from under their feet.
time skip bought you by this bad bitch down here
 it was the usual after class,
'finally lunch break' you thought
your thought get cut short by someone's voice, there she is one of your bubbly bestfriend. she's just a few feet away from you yet she called you like you're miles from eachother.
"HEEEYYYYY Y/N-CHAAAANNNN," nejire said while waving both her hands around.
within seconds everybody's attention goes to the both of you. felling a little embarrassed by her actions, you just walked away and pretend nothing of that is just happened seconds ago.
"wait wait for me oi,"
"shut up will you, at least don't scream like that. you know damn well I don't like people paying attention to me," you said a little bit irritated by her.
"here sorry sorry I'm just so excited to met you hehe,"
"what the- something must going on here," giving her a side glance. the both of you start to head to the cafeteria.
"wow you know me so well Y/N-CHAN~"
"tch, let's get some food first then we can talk." you rolled your eyes playfully.
"alrighty," after taking your lunch both of you guys start to searching for a table.
"hmm let's just sit in there," you pointed at the corner with less human beings. "you really don't like people much huh," she say after taking a seat opposite from you.
"you damn right, all they can do is giving me a headache. I can't deal with em', one is more than enough" you said while unwrapping your onigiri and start to munching on it.
"oh wow I don't know should I be happy or offended by that," she pointed at you.
"take that as a compliment, hoe. is a rare thing coming out from my mouth," you chuckled a little bit and she just laughed at that.
You see, both of you are a good friend it's like she's the only friend you have not like you planning on making another one,
'you don't need them anyway.' that word always stuck somewhere in the back of your head.
"so Y/N-chan do you want to hang-"
"no," you just cut her off cause you know damn well where the hell this shit about to go.
"HUH at least let me finish my invitation you bitch." she pout, she start to taking a bite from her milkbread ✨ aggressively ✨
"tch, I don't need to hear the rest. I already know what your intentions is," you said blankly.
"come on Y/N, I promise this will be the last time and it's not like I'm going to leave you or something and also it's with mirio and tamaki"
you blush a little, nejire barely see it but she's sure she got you there. she knows damn well that you're taking a liking to the elf-boy. that is why lately she has been setting you up with a couple of her friends this last month. nejire didn't do it for no reason, she just want to make sure how's your expression and gesture when you're around other boy. she always see the barely see blush on your cheeks everytime you guys hanging out with mirio and tamaki. she also see you smile, a genuinely happy. and it's all just because of him. but the main problem is you, you never thought about all these teenagers thingy. all you know is training, listening everything the big guy say and complete the orders they gave you.
"hey N/N?"
"nah, I'm not that close with both of em' and I don't want to make tamaki uncomfortable or some shit."
recently nejire noticed that this past few weeks you've been avoiding tamaki, if there's tamaki in the room you always seem in a rush. it's not like you hate him, you just don't like the aching feeling between your legs when you near him. you know damn well what happened to you, you're a horny little bitch when it comes to tamaki. that is why you always try to avoid him as much as you can. he's a total sweetheart, a shy boy and he's too good for you. someone like you didn't deserve someone like tamaki, hell you didn't deserve anybody for midnight's sake.
but to say you don't want him is a misunderstand, what you feel towards him is not just a sexual desire. you always want to know more about him, like what his childhood like, what his favorite food just bunch of those stupid little things.
just hearing his voice makes your heart go boom boom. you don't even know what all these things are, 'love' that's what nejire always tell you. yes you told her about this, she's like your personal psychiatrist.
you don't know what love is, you don't have any idea what that shit is. it's not like you ever feel those type of affection. it's not like they give you those kind of affection. all you know is listen to them, complete the task, training, training, and training. that's what they teach you, hell they start to train you when you're only five.
"oi Y/N what you say?" she asked you
"say what? sorry, I'm just spacing out"
"dang it, I asked you do you want to hangout with me, mirio and tamaki this friday night? we could go watch movies and then go to an arcade" she ask you again.
"sure," you reply without thinking much of it.
just this time, this one time you want to be selfish and do what you want.
it won't hurt anyone right.
"about damn time Y/N. about damn time," nejire whisper to herself smiling like an idiot.
-time skip bought you by this cutie I call em' moowy (idk if it's a pee pee or va jay jay but I think it's a gurl)-
 dii ~also I'm too lazy to write all the damn thing y'all gonna do in the arcade imma skip it for a lil bit sorry guys~
moowy ~shut up you dumb bitch, you just stupid and don't know what to write, moo~
dii ~meanie don't listen to that stupid cow y'all T^T~
"oh man the movie is soo good," nejire said. "the food is the best part though," you add.
"you damn right, ne tamaki do you have fun? what do you think?" nejire start to attacking the shy boy. poor tamaki.
"w-what?! i-i u-um i-i like the m-movie, it-it was g-good," he said all blushy.
'man how am I suppose to not go wild, he's so fucking cute" you thought.
"oh, tamaki why don't you walk Y/N to her apartment. it's a little far from here right? and it's already late y'know." mirio said out of nowhere. (you are not staying in the dorm)
"nah. don't have to. I can walk by myself, besides just like what you said it's getting late y'all need to head to your dorms by now. don't want to make any trouble now, do we? "
to be perfectly honest, you just don't want things go south. cause you're sure as hell the moment you two walk to your apartment, all the build up feeling is going to burst out.
"i-i m-mean s-sure, if-if s-she d-don't mind." shocked, the three of you just stand there and looking at him with mouth hanging open besides you of course.
"WAAHHHH GREAT. BYE BYE Y/N. GO GO GO." nejire push him towards me.
"are you sure?" you ask him again after walking for a few minutes. "I mean you can always go back and just go straight up to the dorm, I'm good on my own" you said while pointing at the dorm direction, which is the opposite from you guys.
"n-no, I want t-to w-walk y-you home" he said.
"alright then," the rest of the walk filled with this awkward silence. you didn't put much thought to it, just continue walking and want to get over it as soon as possible.
after fifteen minutes of walking you guys finally in front of your apartment building. "um do you perhaps want to, y'know um go inside. take a peek, um- shit- sorry I mean-" he cut you off by tugging the sleeve of your hoodie.
"a-actually i-i want t-to tell- um t-tell you s-something," his face is totally red right now.
"oh great, let's just go inside then." yeah this is it, this is the time you thought.
you go inside the building and he's right behind you, hop inside the building and go up to your floor.
"well this is my home, come in. make yourself comfortable tamaki" you said opening the key and go inside, him still tailing behind you.
"t-thank you"
both of you sat on the couch beside each other. "um so what are you want to tell me?" you ask him, curiosity killed the cat they say.
"u-um i-i w-want to t-tell you that i-i l-like y-you L/N-chan" he looks like he's about to explode. looking around the empty living room, avoiding eye contact with you. "I like you too tamaki" you blurt out.
"h-huh" you cut him off by grabbing his cheeks with both your hands and kissing him hard. your lisp collide with each other, you start to lick his bottom lip and nibble on it pulling it a little. you lean back a little,
"let's take this somewhere else, shall we?" you whisper to his ears making him all read and feel shiver run down his spine.
 and here you are in the middle of your bed. kissing, well more like sucking each other face. you feel his tongue inside your mouth. caressing everything he can reach. pulling out from the kiss, you start to taking off your hoodie and track pants (im sorry cause I don't really wear jeans, the struggle is real y'all)
leaving you in only your underwear and bra for him to see. "you're so beautiful" when he look you right in the eye he goes all red again, he didn't mean it to come out and you just smile at him. "it's okay tamaki, just do what you feel want to do. im yours"
that's it, that's the last straw. that words that come out of your mouth is the trigger. his hand go from your hair to the back of your body, caressing it so carefully. you arch your back a little bit to give him access to unclips your bra. and dropping it beside your bed.
he just staring at your chest, he don't have idea what to do he's scared and embarrassed by the view. so you take both his hands, putting each hand on each of your tits and just let it there for a few seconds. you began to lead him to give both your titties a little squeeze. after a couple times you start feeling the pleasure and without you realizing it. "mhhmm," when he heard you he start to squeeze a little harder seeing your face, eyes closed. when you feel he's comfortable with what he's doing you take off your hands from his.
"mhmm nghh" you feel he start to tease your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, moaning quitely. squeezing and flicking it back and forth.
within minutes you start to feel something slimy sliding up your chest, griping both of your titties. the tentacles like thingy start to go around each of your tits and start to squeezing it, and the suckers thingy start to sucking on your nipples making you throw your head back giving tamaki a good access to leave a few love bites on your delicate skin.
'wait hold on he fucking use his quirk?' you thought
his right hand pinning both of your hands and before you know it your hands already cuffed up to the bed post. not with a handcuffs but with another tentacle.
your core dripping wet, throbing in anticipation. just imagining it makes you all hot and excited, this is like a dream come true.
"nghhh mhmm a-amajiki p-please," he can feel his dick twitching just by hearing your voice. he's not going to waste any time, he rub the inside of your thigh with his delicate fingers. he start to lean down your core. kissing your inner thighs, leaving small little bites here and there. you can feel he start to kiss your pussy through the thin fabric,
"the panties need to go" he say
"don't you think, doll" he whispers, fucking hell that was hot as fuck, all you can do is humming and nod at him.
you can feel his hot breath right on your throbing cunt. he rip your panties off and throwing it across the room.
"t-tamaki w-what the hell," you got on your elbow shocked by what just happening.
"w-what w-wait i-im s-so s-sorry i-i d-didn't m-mean t-to-" you cut him off by chuckling at his face burning in embarrassment.
"i-it's fine I guess I'm just a little shocked, didn't expect someone so innocent as you can- ah nghhh f-fuck ahnn"
he cut you off by kissing and licking your wet ass pussy. slurping sounds can be heard in the room.
"a-ahnmajiki f-fuckk hahh nghh"
by hearing that he felt like going bolder and bolder, feeling something slimy sliding up and down your already throbing pussy.
"w-what in the f-fuck was ahh nghh that hah fuckk hahh"
"mhmm it takes me weeks to finally have the courage to do this," he said pulling out of your core.
your mouth hanging open, shocked by the sight between your legs. a flushed tamaki, his mouth hanging open, and his tongue sticking out from his mouth but instead it's a good 8 inch tentacle ready to destroy your pussy. (actually planing on putting 14 but it's a different anime so ya lol)
just by the sight in front of you, you can already feel the burn inside your lower belly. you watch all his movements, it so fucking hot. you never know that the most quite and shy boy that people thought was so fucking innocent can make a girl in such a state.
he start to continue his previous activity, sliding the tongue like tentacle up and down your pussy. you can feel the tentacles tip brushing your clit lightly, causing you to gasp at the sudden sensation with each movement.
"nghhh haahhh s-shit ahhhnnn"
you moaned louder as it continue caressing your throbbing wet pussy. you start to feel something sucking your clit, it's start very lightly you barely feel it but it gets harder every seconds making your clit go red and swollen. your mouth hanging open, your eyes start to watering cause all pleasure is so overwhelming. Your eyes rolled back feeling the tentacle go inside you slowly, the tentacle go deeper and deeper.
"nghhh haahhh ahh f-fuck ahhnn"
feeling it thrusting in and out at slow pace, a much more smaller tentacle still swirling like circle motion around your swollen clit and every so often the suckers, sucking your clit lightly to add more pleasure.
"ahhh nghhh s-shit ahhh a-amajiki ahh"
mouth hanging open, tongue sticking out, tears start to run down your flushed cheeks.
'you look so lewd baby,' tamaki thought to himself . he start to making the tentacle go a little bigger every so often and his trust start to get harder and harder each time.
fuck. that's it, you start feeling that burning sensation in your lower stomach, arching your back. with one more thrust you cum hard. the hardest in your lifetime.
he pull off all the tentacle from your flushed fucked up body, feeling alredy worn-out and empty. he give you a few minutes to regain your srenght. he start to leave a little kiss from down your legs go up until he is face to face with you.
"u-um w-was i-it g-good Y/N?" he asked shyly.
"a-are you f-fucking kidding m-me? you literally makes me fucked up and yet you haven't put your dick in me." you say panting and eyes still closing.
hearing that is kinda embarrassing but he's also proud of himself, finally he have the courage to tell you that he like you and to go all the way here.
"i-is a-anywhere h-hurt?" he asked you again.
"no, baby I'm fine. so shall we continue?" rolling the both of you so now he's beneath you.
"it's not fair that I'm the only one who's naked, isn't it?" you whisper to his ear and sucking at it.
"u-um i-i guess," you hop off of him and letting him to sit up, he start to taking off his sweatshirt and pants dropping it on the floor beside your bed. leaving him in only a boxer, he's quiet big not gonna lie just by the sight of it making your pussy wet all over again.
"is this your first time?" looking at him, he just nod at you.
"oh. a-are you sure y-you want to do this? tamaki?" you ask him again to make sure.
"yes, I want this Y/N"
'wow he didn't even stutter,' you thought.
you grab both his cheeks, kissing him slowly and straddling him. you pull out for a moment to open the drawers beside your bed grabing the boy of condom and putting it beside you.
his face go all red all over again seeing the box beside him. "hey, it's okay we will go slow okay? I'll let you take the lead."
you start palming him through his thight boxer, "it looks so uncomfortable why don't we just take it off?" you yank it from him and throw it across the room.
you grip his dick, massaging it lightly. you start to lick the tip just a little bit, giving it a few lick and sucking just the tip.
"ngghhhh haaahhhh Y-Y/N p-please"
you start to putting him inside your mouth, messaging the rest of his cock that can't be for in. your other hand start to teasing his balls giving it a good grip. you start to trace your tongue from his tip to the base of his dick, giving it a little suck. you put one of his balls inside your mouth and massaging the other. after a few seconds you put the other inside your mouth and giving the other a massage. this keep repeating for a few more minutes.
"ughh haahhh nghhh"
making your way back to his swollen red tip, you can see his tip is leaking with a precum. putting just the tip inside your mouth giving it a teasing lick and sucking it a few more time.
"mhmm," you hum in a satisfiction. he feels the vibrate in his dick, it just make it worst. he just want to cum already. "ahh f-fuckk," he's already panting. "tell me what you want, baby" you say, stopping all the movements looking him straight in the eyes.
"p-please j-just haha s-suck me already,"
"well, if you insist"
you finally put him inside your mouth, you start to bop your head up and down, sucking and swirling your tongue around his tip. within few minutes you feel his dick twitch inside your mouth. without him realizing it, he grip your head with both of his hand. pushing him all the way inside, deep throating you.
'holy fuck that was hot' you thought.
gagging a little you can feel your throat burning, tears visible in the corner of your eyes. bobbing your head faster and faster.
"aahhhh nghhh i-I'm c-coming ngaahhh"
with that, you feel his hot cum run down your throat. he came hard inside your mouth, pulling him out a thing of saliva connecting your lips to his still hard dick.
"don't you think it's time for the main course?" you say leaning down to his face. messily kissing him, making him taste his own cum through you. he flip you both over, so you're beneath him. you grab the box of condom and opening one, putting it on him. he just looking at your actions with embarrassment.
"just start slowly, and then you can go with your own pace, okay?" you tell him.
"o-okay" he put his left hand in your waist. peppering kisses from your neck up to your jaw and then go to your lips. he start to putting his tip in your entrance with the help of his other hand. going in and out just the tip, testing the water.
"nghhh ahhh t-tamaki mhh just put it i-in already." hearing that, he go in one hard trust.
"NGH AAHHHH F-FUCK" closing your eyes.
"oh my g-god Y-Y/N I-I'M S-S-SORRY" he's about to pull out but you pot your legs around his waist and grab him by his shoulders.
"i-it's fine ahh f-fuck um j-just let me get u-used to it," you give him a little peck on the lips. staring at him, caressing his face with your much smaller fingers.
"a-and next time please tell me before you go all the way in on one thrust like that, so I can prepare myself." you can see his face is as red as a tomato.
you just chuckled at him, "you're so cute tamaki." he just smile, hearing your voice. he shut you up by kissing your lips, it's getting hot by the second you two start to making out. you can feel his dick twitch inside you.
"nghh t-tamaki please m-move." you start to feel him going in and out at slow pace. his right hand caressing your cheeks, his thumb go to your bottom lips brushing it, you give his thumb a few lick and start to sucking at it. tamaki put his thumb all the way in.
his trust getting much more harder than before. "aahhhh ngghhhh f-fuck f-faster p-please ahhnn." the second hearing that from you, he start going faster. his thrust is hard and fast, he really fuck you good.
your back arched. taking his thumb from your mouth, gripping your waist with both his hand. droll start to leaking from the corner of your lips, tears running down your face.
he keep thrusting in and out of you. he give your clit a small stroke with his forefinger,
"nghhh aahhhh a-amajiki mhhhmm i-"
"f-fuck haahhh y-you're so h-hot. w-wrapped a-around m-me" he can feel you walls start to tightening around him.
"f-fuck ahhh," you grab him by his hair and kissing him hard, the kiss was messy. both of your tongue fight for dominance. when you feel him getting bigger inside you, you start to clawing his back and sure it will leave mark for the next morning. (gotta mark your territory baby)
you start to feel that familiar burning inside your stomach, and he can feel it. he knows that you're almost there, he start to circling and pinching your clit harder. feeling your walls getting hotter and hotter.
"aahhhh a-amajiki i-im nghh c-cuming haahhh ahhnnn" with that being said you can hard. but that didn't stop him from thrusting sloppily,
"ahh w-wait i-im shit ahnn s-still s-sensitive"
"j-just ahhh h-hang o-on ahnn f-for ahh l-little" he said panting. his abusing on your clit didn't stop, you're panting, sweat everywhere, tears running down your cheeks and to the pillow beneath you, droll leaking from both side of your mouth, your tongue hanging out. you're a total mess.
"just 'thrust' a 'thrust' little 'thrust' more 'thrust' I'm 'thrust' almost 'thrust' there 'thrust' "
you start to feel something inside your stomach, the burning feeling is a little different. after a few more hard thrust, you squirt all over the bed.
"aahhhhhh ngghhhh fuck fuck fuck," you've never felt this so much pleasure before. this is so overwhelming yet you like this feeling, the feeling he give you.
"aahhhh i-im haaahh" with that he came hard, painting the condom white.
after a few more seconds, he pulling out of you making you feel empty. you let out a little sequel. he take the condom off tying it before throwing it to the trash can beside your drawers.
he start to rubbing both your thighs, and up your side. your eyes still closed, "h-hey um i-is t-there a-anywhere h-hurt?" he ask you, you can hear the worried in his voice.
"f-fuck ngh no, I'm fine. j-just need a little more time."
"o-oh o-okay, d-do y-you want me t-to h-help y-you c-clean u-up?" he ask you trying so hard not to looking at you in this state.
"sure, let's go to the guest room after. I don't think it will be comfortable for us to sleep here"
"w-what s-sleep?" he say shocked
"yes? there's no way in hell I'm letting you go back to the dorm, it's so late damn it's almost three in the morning" you say while looking at the clock on your nightstand.
he just looking at you still shocked. you come closer to him, hissing at the feeling between your legs "ow," hearing that he immediately go to your side. you grab both his hands, looking him right in the eye.
"we already confess to eachother, right. and we just had sex, so basically we are dating." he just smile at you and give you a little peck.
"yeah, let's g-go clean up a-and take a rest" he say carrying you bridal style to the bathroom.
after cleaning up and changing your chlotes, both of you go to the guest bathroom. he's on his back with you lying down closer to him, on your stomach. something just pop up on your mind, changing your previous position. you go on your side looking at him, putting one of your hand in his bare chest.
"ne ne amajiki, I was wondering."
"w-wwhat is it N/N?" you caught him off guard.
you put both your hand and chin on his chest, "is your quirk only apply for your hands or can it be other part of your body?"
muehehehehe y'all already know what I'm talking about, this just pop up when I write this T³T
I need to bleach my eyes after this, also tbh I'm not really proud of this one but yeah.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My Cousin is CRAZY! (Ben10 alien force)
My cousin is crazy
It was Saturday morning in Bellwood and 15 year old Ben Tennyson was slowly waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It was strange because his parents were on a vegan kick at the moment but he decided to roll with it and opened his eyes as he went to sit up. And then groaned out loud as he took in stock of his attire and what he was sleeping in. Not for the first time since Gwen had started working out hardcore last year the girlish Ben had found his cousin perv'ing on him and deciding he should be her sissy baby wife. Despite making his lack of interest in such plans clear MORE then once, It hadn't of stopped Gwen from snagging him up at random times and dressing him up. Case and point, he was currently in what he estimated as 5 princess reaz's diapers (he'd sadly become familiar with the different brands because of Gwen) and a dark pink top with lighter pink puffed out shoulders and a semi skirt that didn't even cover half of the diapers. The top also had a red heart on the front with white writing in cursive declaring 'i wove my mommy' going along with the top and diapers his hands were in locking mittens meaning any attempt to use the omnitrix was doomed to fail and his feet covered in booties with slick bottoms so Ben would end up having to crawl unless he wanted to fall on his ass every 12 steps. 'At least she didn't put the paci in my mouth this time.' Ben thought with a sulky though a pat on his head told him she had put the silly over sized bow in his hair again, the damn thing pink with white poka dots. As for what he was in, again this wasn't a shock to him as it wasn't the first time but he was still less then pleased to have gone to sleep in his own bed in a pair of boxers and wake up in the hot pink crib Gwen had built just for him during her wood shop class. And of course since she wasn't shy of telling people who it was for Ben had been forced to endure even more teasing at school though ironically just verbal, no bullies had darned to lay a finger on him and have to deal with Gwen's almost super human power and bulk. The last bully who had tried had been found hanging from a flag pole by a pair of Barbie pants. Struggling to get to his feet on the purple sheet covered queen sized mattress and ignoring the fuzzy white and pink blanket and pillows in the crib with him (not to mention a dolly or too) Ben took in a deep breath and then hollered at the opened door frame of Gwen's room. "GWEN YOU SICK BITCH! YOU'VE BEEN TOLD TO STOP KIDNAPPING ME AND DRESSING ME IN DRAG AND HUGGIES! COME IN HERE AND LET ME OUT OF THIS OUTFIT BEFORE I GET YOU IN SHIT WITH YOURS AND MINE PARENTS AND GRANDPA MAX TOO!" It was the only threat that normally worked as while they're parents thought it was mostly cute, they all agreed that Gwen kidnapping Ben crossed a line. other then that though it was fair game if he was out of the house. Grandpa Max was nicer about it in Ben's view as he made the rust bucket a official safe zone that even Gwen respected and so Ben found himself hanging out less with Gwen and Kevin and more with Gramps. Kevin for his part was all too happy to stay out of it, treating the whole thing as a bullet dodged when him and Gwen had never hit it off and a better Ben then him. Ben didn't have to wait long as he swore he could almost feel the food steps of Gwen as she made her way towards the room.
Between the insane amount of weights she worked and the reps she put into and a unexpected growth spurt Gwen looked like she could of been a WWE at her 6'10 height and 320 pounds of mostly muscle. She kept her Orange hair short and was wearing a pair of grey jogging pants and white under shirt that showed off her girl abs. "Awww is my darling widdle wife to be awake?" She coo'ed, cupping her hands together and flashing Ben a big smile. "Gwen, for the LAST time, I'm not going to marry you. I'm not going to be your sissy baby, now PLEASE let me go. I'm not joking, I'll call Grandpa Max over and get you in SO much trouble." Ben huffed, trying to look intimidating but his outfit made that all but impossible. "Awww such a silly widdle gurl! Did widdle Benny forget that this is our parents couples retreat weekend? And gramp's is off on Plumber work! That means I got widdle Benny to myself allll weekend." Gwen gushed and came over, lifting him out of the crib with ease and holding him up so she could give his padded rump a sniff. "Ah crap baskets..That was THIS weekend?" Ben whined, not even bothering to point out he would of said something if he had used the diapers. He'd tried to make plans to hang out with cooper for that weekend but had clearly gotten his dates wrong and was capital S screwed for the next 48 hours. "Hmm Doesn't smell like Benny has made me a present yet..but I know you will soon enough. you just love to make presents for your hubby don't you?" Gwen coo'ed and moved him down enough she could give him a Eskimo kiss. "Oh yeah. highlight of my weekend, fudging a diaper." Ben said sarcastically. "Now now, I know you're just grumpy because you didn't get to play with me last night, but I had to take care of a few things. But we have allll weekend sweetie. And if you promise to be a good little gurl for me I'll be nice and spoil you with all the junk food you want. After all you need to put on some baby fat." Gwen chuckled and kissed his cheek. Ben groaned, Gwen was always trying to chub him up, but given the fact he'd been subjected to the 'wonder's' of a baby food and formula weekend before, and the fact he was trapped regardless he just hung his head. "Fine, I'll play along. but for the record, you need help." Ben huffed. "Oh please, I can handle my widdle wife for a weekend!" Gwen chuckled and carried Ben off towards the kitchen.
Strapped into a wooden but painted light pink high chair, Ben played along with his crazy cousin and held up his arms so she could remove his top and replace it with a hello kitty bib. "Now Benny, if I remove your mitten's and let you feed yourself, you're not gonna do something stupid and try and use your silly little watch now are you?" Gwen asked. Considering between her bulk and her magic Gwen out classed most of Ben's aliens anyways and she always made sure he was sorry for trying to go alien on her after he timed out, Ben decided that having the freedom to feed himself was worth playing along. "Yeah I'll be good.." Ben said and held up his hands. She studied his face for a second, as if deciding whether or not to trust him then smiled. "I believe you. I really hope we can have a nice weekend together and I don't end up having to spank you. it hurts me then it does you when I have to." Gwen said then moved to free up Ben's hands. 'Bullshit on that one!' Ben thought but wisely kept his thoughts to himself and just flexed his fingers, and looked at the watch. "I'm not going alien, I'm just checking to make sure no alien got primed to go while the mitten on so I don't accidentally go alien and get my cheeks tanned." He said, and then after getting a smirk and a nod from Gwen checked the watch. Thankfully nothing was primed and he made sure to show the psycho and then wiggled in the high chair as he waited on her to plate up some num nums for him. Everything else aside, Gwen really was a excellent cook and she didn't hold back as she put the piled high plate of scrambled eggs and Bacon and some pancakes down in front of Ben and handed him a baby fork and knife. She had also poured on the maple syrup and set down a one liter baby bottle full of chocolate milk for him and kissed his cheek. "Eat up little lady.Oh, did you want me to put a show or something on for you while you eat up? I think Sumo slammers is having a marathon on channel 6 today." Gwen asked, nodding to the Kitchen TV her mom had had put in back during the 90's. "..That would be agreeable yes." Ben said, trying not to break out into a silly grin before he started to dig into the food, watching as Gwen was proven right. 'you know.. the huggies and drag aside, I could get used to being spoiled like this.' Ben thought.
Gwen smirked as she watched Ben chow down and kick his legs ideally in the high chair. while she would of preferred he watch something a little less violent she had changed up her usual plan for weekend sessions with her soon to be sissy bride. Trying to enforce the baby food and sissy programs only made him fight it more so she was gonna meet him halfway and try to ease him more into baby gurlhood. One added bonus though she noticed with a big grin while she had her normal bowl of high protein gruel was that Ben was even more of a messy eater then normal as he watched his show, getting syrup all over his face and bib and eggs and bits of bacon were all over the place. 'He's such a big baby! I love it!' She mentally squealed. It only got better as halfway though his plate, he reached for his his ba-ba and held it with BOTH hands like a good baby gurl and she was fighting the urge to squeal out loud. Anytime she tended to praise him for his babyish behavior he always tried to cut it out. Finishing her gruel she washed it down with a protein drink and noted that Ben was squirming around lots in his high chair, with most of his food gone and the little sissy had packed away HALF of his milk already. "Doing alright over there baby gurl?" She asked. Ben seemed to snap out of his show induced trance and blushed. "I uh..I gonna potty..and I think I got a gas bubble stuck." He said, poking two fingers together. '..Is he asking me to burp him?' Gwen wondered but was ALL grin's "Well that's no good! here, let me help you out. whats a little gas between husband and wife?" She said. Coming over she grabbed a dish towel and a wet dish rag, putting the towel over one shoulder and then moved Ben's num num's and ba-ba over onto the kitchen table and removed his bib. washing the big baby's face and chest down she removed the tray and lifted him up, swooning as his legs wrapped around her and he helped her get his head over the towel. Rubbing his back she gave it all of three firm but gentle pats before Ben let out a massive belch over her shoulder and spit up a little bit of milk. "Uh...T-Thanks Gwen." A sheepish Ben half coo'ed and then switched shoulders and nuzzled into her. "Do you want me to set you down so you can go and hide while you make potty?" She offered, clearly trying to meet him half way was working wonders. "I..I Uh..no." Ben Mewed into her shoulder, which of course muffled his voice but she got the jest of it. "You wanna use your diapers while your bride to be holds you tight and praises you for being a good girl?" Gwen asked, grinning ear to ear and holding Ben close and rubbing his lower back. "I..I dunno..Maybe..I mean..If I can't use the potty..I guess it's.." Ben Mumbled into her shoulder, She could tell he'd of rather used the bathroom, which was a touch disappointing to her but still, with him willing to go in his pampers while she held him being his second choice that meant she was making headwind. "Do you wanna keep your face in my big strong shoulder or be turned around facing away from my?" She asked, then leaned down and kissed his neck, knowing from Julie (who had dumped Ben mostly because she shipped the pair) just how much he loved having his neck kissed and nibbled on. Case and point Ben didn't even really reply, just snuggled into her harder. Taking that as a answer Gwen made her way over to a kitchen chair and took a seat, Ben's legs on either side of her lap and his arms hugging her, while one of her strong hands rubbed and patted his pampered bottom. Her other hand was rubbing and pressing on certain spots on Ben's back and it didn't take loud before her efforts were rewarded as a muffled poot came out his backside, then anther and anther and she could feel him starting to push and grunt. "That's it baby gurl, let it all out. make me a nice big present." Gwen coo'ed sweetly in his ear and follow up with giving him a gentle start of a hickey on his neck as he began to fill his pretty pink diapers. "G-Gwen! Dun! N-Not while I'm pooping!" Ben meekly whimpered, though he tilted his head in such a fashion that he was offering her a even better shot at his neck. "Heh, Somebodies gonna be a tsundere diaper sissy for me huh? That's ok. I think it's adorable." Gwen chuckled, feeling the lumps of Ben's 'present' to her fill up the back of his diapers and mentally giving thanks to whatever mage had made the spell that allowed her to only smell strawberries in cream as Ben loaded his huggies. 'Maybe if he's a good gurl at our wedding, on our honeymoon I'll cast it on him too.' Gwen thought. Food for thought later, She had a good little gurl dumping his guts in his pampers for her and whimpering for his reward and as such, she leaned down and started to gently nibble and suck away on Ben's neck, smirking as the little sissy let out a soft "I love you.." as she did so.
The end
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thecandywrites · 3 years
Blood For Gold Chapter 14
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Ha! You THOUGHT I had forgotten this but no. No. Not by a long shot. it's just getting GOOOOOD. Like intrigue, sit on the edge of your seat as you subconciously hold your breath, good. The plot thickens and it's getting complicated and dangerous and you're gonna love it! Just...love it.
@punkhorse96 gurl, this is for you. Enjoy.
Blood For Gold
Chapter 14
“So what caught that nose of yours so strongly tonight?” Benny asked as she stole into Sierge’s room and was in the process of eagerly disrobing him again.
“I couldn’t be sure.” Sierge shook his head, not wanting to disclose the secret his nose uncovered, although if push came to shove and it was either him attaining Benny or his brother attaining Audra and his happiness was the price of his brother’s, he would officially have enough to tip the scales in his favor. Although now that he had been close enough to Sultana Audravienne, he realized the secret to why the Sultana would have so much coin to throw around, she was obviously a private whore for the Red Velvet Rope. Living a double life and supplementing her income. By his calculations the Sultana could pull in hundreds, maybe even thousands of pounds, being a pure moura with marks like hers, anyone would be paying through the nose to see how extensive they were and if she were masked, no one would be any the wiser because of how “proper” English society was and how covered up they usually had to be, no one would ever see that much of Audra’s body to say one way or the other in polite society. But if the gossip columns got wind of it, she’d be done for.
That is how the Sultana enraptured his brother, they met on the train first, then went to The Red Velvet Rope where she was already latched onto Demsey through his cock and was making Demsey compete for her with the Dauphin, just another moura playing another game of cat and mouse or mice in a maze. All mouras were the same, except for his Benny, his perfect, brilliant Benyana. Who had captured his heart, mind and soul.
“I don’t believe you.” Benny practically sang as she pushed him down into the bed before she practically pounced on him and used her fingertips to both stroke and rake her hands all over his already marked body.
“Demsey’s whore at the Red Velvet Rope, I found her scent on another orc.” Sierge finally confessed as Benny continued to licentiously tease him.
“Well she’s a whore and her whorehouse was hosting the event, of course she was working, she has to make a living too.” Benny reasoned with a shrug as she started licking up his cock and could tell that wasn’t all Sierge had uncovered.
“So what else?” Benny prodded as used the tip of her nose to nuzzle his ballsack as his mostly hard cock layed over most of her face, the head already weeping and the sight threatened to pull every ounce of air from Sierge's lungs.
“Come on, you can trust me, tell me. Have I ever betrayed your confidence?” Benny encouraged before she used the tip of her tongue to split the two testicles as she licked from the back of his ball sack to the underside of his cock then licked all the way up to the tip, grinning as it got completely hard from her minstrations.
“No.” Sierge hissed as he fisted the bedding. Benny and that tongue of hers was something else. He loved it.
“Then tell me.” Benny offered before she swirled the head of his weeping cock with her tongue before flicking it and giving him a heated look of desire.
“She wasn’t there as a worker, she was there as a guest.” Sierge finally groaned when her mouth closed over his cock as she gave him a few good sucks as Benny giggled in her hum around him.
“And did you find her?” Benny asked as she used her hands to start massaging his thighs.
“Yes.” Sierge confessed as he felt like he was in heaven.
“And?” Benny pressed further.
“The resemblance is uncanny.” Sierge said, figuring that was the safest answer he could give.
“Then why did you sniff at Audravienne at the table and the other blue orc?” Benny asked as she used her breasts to squish around Sierge’s cock, the underside rubbing against her breastbone.
“Because I could smell her on him.” Sierge said.
“It was a crowded dancefloor, she could have brushed up against him.” Benny excused, trying to see how much Sierge would give up.
“Not unless she had sex with him on the dance floor, I could smell her sexual essence on him. On his pants particularly. It had been attempted to be wiped off, but her essence was potent and very fresh, less than an hour old.” Sierge admitted.
“Well she’s always had a thing for orcs.” Benny revealed.
“What do you mean by that?” Sierge asked as he rose to his elbows to look at her perplexed by her choice of words.
“My brother Leumeni? He used to get her off with his fingers and tongue a lot back in the stables, it hurt him something awful when she became a shakan and couldn’t return to them, never even returned any of his letters either in all that time.” Benny revealed.
“He what?!” Sierge asked as he sat up, feeling particular panic grip him for his sister Kiera’s sake because Kiera and Leumeni had gotten quite cozy themselves.
“What? That’s a norm back in the stables, most brothers get their sister’s friends off, mouras of all kinds have high sex drives, it keeps the moura’s “pure” as in no penile-vaginal penetrative sex but that doesn’t mean you can’t suck someone off or help them masturbate in turn, but the keiy point is, is, it’s just sex, no feelings, no strings attached, or that’s the way it’s supposed to be but not the way it is right now between us.” Benny giggled as she climbed into his lap and seated herself onto her prize.
“Does that mean that Kiera is in danger of Leumeni…” Sierge began.
“Oh no, wherever we are, we have to hold ourselves to the code of ethics and standards of where we are at the time. So since it’s not proper for a “lady” such as your sister to be in any compromising situation with a gentleman, Leumeni likes her enough that he won’t jeopardize her honor. Nor any of the other jewel orc counterparts. But you and I obviously have something much more precious and valuable than they do, don’t we? And it would be a shame if we didn't take advantage of every chance and opportunity to get as aquainted with each other as we can be, can we?” She coached as she held his face as her gaze held his as she was undeterred and rode him.
“That we do.” Sierge had to admit.
“Then don’t worry.” She reassured him before he fell back into the bed and let her ride him as she pleased.
Meanwhile in Demsey’s room.
“You have to tell her!” Tzane demanded of his eldest brother as Demsey was laying in bed with his arm over his eyes and just wanted rest more than anything, his body was spent, his mind was exhausted and his heart was torn in conflicting confusion.
“I will, when the time is right.” Dempsey reassured Tzane.
“And what’s wrong with right now?” Tzane pressed.
“She’s tired, just like I am. She’s already in bed, it would be inappropriate to go to her rooms, especially at this hour.” Demsey argued.
“Oh you say that, but yet we all know that Sierge isn’t staying alone in his room, we can all smell them on each other. But no one even bats an eye.” Tzane argued.
“That’s because the only thing Sierge cares about- is his own pleasure more than any woman’s honor, even a moura bride’s.” Demsey growled, frustrated that every time he closed his eyes he was seeing Miss Draft instead of Sultana Audravienne.
“If you don’t tell Audra now before the Dauphin and Dauphine push Ramsey to ensnare her to the point where she has no choice put to accept him, it will be too late and Audra will have to put up with sharing her partner with her brother of all people, it’s heartbreaking enough for a partner to be unfaithful, but that’s too much like incest for anyone.” Tzane pleaded.
“I know! That’s why when I get a chance to privately tell her, I will, so that she can protect herself from him and his family. Tomorrow, I will find a moment to tell her tomorrow and I will not rest tomorrow night until it comes to her attention, now please for the love of the gods and all that is holy, return to your own quarters and get some rest. Please, I beg of you.” Demsey pleaded.
“I will hold you to it.” Tzane insisted before he left and returned to his own room.
Meanwhile Calla had found her way into your rooms through the secret passages.
“Audra, there is something you need to know.” Calla insisted as she came over to your vanity where you were removing your makeup and wondering why you had put on gold glittering eyeshadow before you left but it seemed to have turned white and then black over the course of the evening, it was happening to more and more of your gold powder and glittered substances and it alluded you as to why it kept happening, it kept happening ever since Edward’s death and you didn't know what was happening but it was getting on your nerves.
“Is it about how Axal and Ramsey are lovers?” You guessed.
“You know?” Calla asked, shocked by the fact that you knew already.
“Of course I do, Axal told me about the attraction the moment they landed here and he’s been inseparable from Ramsey ever since and I understand if the sight of Ramsey sucking Axal off on the balcony above us caused a disruption to Tzane and Demsey, such kinds of relations are a bit taboo in this society but I had no reason to make a scene and embarrass anyone tonight by throwing a fit, although if push comes to shove and I’ll need that reason publically, I’m sure Axal will “confess” to everything to give me an out eventually. For now, I’m content to play blissfully ignorant until then. But you must swear to keep all that a secret, especially from anyone and everyone else.” You confided.
“So this...does not upset you?” Calla asked.
“No, why should it? I have no attachment to Ramsey and therefore no reason for jealousy, at this point such a union with Ramsey would be considered incest on account of Axal which is all the reason I need to dismiss Ramsey as a suitor and his attempts to woo me and I love Axal dearly and I want to see him happy and Ramsey seems to be able to do that quite nicely and honestly with Axal going to 3C’s, it makes quite a bit of sense. Axal has a solution to the “problem” and it should become realized soon. So all I have to do is wait and play along for now.” You told her.
“Oh.” Calla frowned as she considered all of that.
“So you and Tzane seemed to be quite the pair tonight, does he please you?” You asked her as you scooted over on your bench and patted it in invitation so she could sit next to you.
“He is the most noble and remarkable and brilliant gentleman in all of England.” Call sighed dreamily as a love drunk smile seemed to plaster itself on her face which brought a happy grin to yours before Calla started talking about how wonderful Tzane was.
Meanwhile back in your grandmother’s room, she was taking council with her daughter, her daughter’s mother in law, as well as your hier father’s wife and her mother along with the Dauphine herself as they had all passed around your original contract with Edward along with your contract with Richard as well as the reports of the stable master’s assessments of you after you had been reassessed after Edward’s death.
“This makes no sense.” Your mother said as she wiped the tears from her eyes, reading about the abuse you suffered.
“I think it makes perfect sense.” Maradiem, your heir father’s wife, and your "step mother" answered.
“Then explain it how you see it so that it makes sense.” Your mother demanded.
“What is missing about the reports is Jane. She was only 15 at the time, and is still at the absolute mercy of her monstrous parents. She was an innocent caught in the crossfire according to Audra and the only soft spot the Morrigans found to “push” because they ripped all the others away. Audra had no means of escape, she had no way to fight back. She was being watched at all times and drugged with mourkatili. Served at Jane’s hands no less. If Jane had any sense of self preservation, she of course would play the innocent wounded, weakling to Audra, beg for Audra’s compliance so that she wouldn’t get hurt from Audra’s point of view but also play the compliant pawn to her parents to keep herself from actually suffering their "abuse" which I'm sure was just a show for Audra's sake. And while the Morrigans found that if they appeared to punish Jane, because Audra herself was too strong to defeat by any other means, they used Jane to emotionally manipulate her and dupe her into anything. Jane still, could have reached out to the stables, she could have reached out to any number of people at all the balls or anything she went to, she could have sent a private message to the stables to intervene if she really had Audra’s best interests at heart and wanted to protect Audra as much as Audra protected her. As it stands now, if Audra dies, it is Jane who is Audra’s beneficiary. All that money and wealth, goes to Jane if something happens to Audra.” Avania, Sylvar’s mother explained as Maradiem nodded her agreement to that explanation.
“Exactly.” Maradiem nodded.
“And I have dispatched Charlotte to get the truth from Jane, Charlotte is quite good at gaining trust and gaining invaluable intelligence, she is far more intelligent than she lets on, she is with Jane now, in the gardens and is gathering intelligence as we speak and has been since she came here. Plus, it’s been no mistake that Countess Agnes Morrigan has always had her eye on Ramsey for Jane herself and with Audravienne out of the way and with Jane inheriting all that Audra has, even that would be enough for Gregori or Ramsey to reconsider.” Yalin confessed.
“But as it stands now, Audra’s body has been poisoned or "tainted" as you would view it, to the point that any chance of her producing an heir is naught and any designs that Gregori or Ramsey have about her producing an heir for your family is not feasible.” Your mother Jodhaa voiced.
“Yes, both Gregori and Ramsey will have to consider that Audra even trying to conceive could endanger her life. And I will speak with them about it myself.” Yalin readily agreed.
“I think we need to reach out to Audra’s paid companions, bring them here and question them and see what they know and question all of Audra’s servants, the ones that followed her from Broadcove are especially suspicious.” Loreiris insisted.
“As it stands, Scotland Yard is at Broadcove and at Mirador. And we have hired Bellfast, who is a mage- and they are especially keen with everything magical and they can conjure up everything that has transpired. And what I heard from them only this morning- is Broadcove was under two spells. The second was placed by Audravienne, to turn all the mirrors and paintings in Broadcove into scene catchers, and the first however was performed by a wizard- Lemark under Richard’s decree, so that no messengerari- would work on the grounds and the lightning rod on top of the house is a form of signal disturbance that affects not just the house but until the very grounds that Broadcove sits on, even their neighbors have difficulty but have never thought that the problem would be with Broadcove and Scotland Yard in their in their investigation have found that at least three men in the postal system have been hired to catch all of Audra’s mail and all mail addressed to Audra and they themselves disposed of it but as of right now- those letters are being rebirthed into existance by Bellfast. Each one will come with a high cost- of course it will be demanded of the Morrigans to pay for. So we do have solid evidence of Richard tampering with all communications.” Yalin divulged as she pulled the letter out from her pocket and passed it around for the others to read.
“So Richard made it so that Audra couldn’t reach out and from that, obviously Jane could not reach out either. Audra fired back with making everything else in the house a catcher- basically a messengerari that was set to record everything.” Jodhaa smiled in relief as did most of the others.
“It appears so, yes, but it’s all protected by a password. If they can crack the password, they can get access to it, or if Audra will be so kind as to provide the password, a case can be built starting tomorrow so that after the komoba battle- we can go straight to court.” Yalin grinned.
“Clever, clever girl, that’s how the stable masters could know of the abuse. Not only did they have Audra’s word, but they must have seen the proof of it with their own eyes. A catcher is just as good as a messengerari.” Maradiem realized.
“And catchers and messengerari’s both hold up in our court system as proof. As long as there is no sign of tampering, it all can be submitted and taken as gospel.” Yalin insisted.
“Now if you’ll excuse me it is quite late, we need to retire and get at least a few hours of sleep tonight.” Yalin urged them before they all got up and went their separate ways as Charlotte was already waiting in her mother’s room dressing room to tell her what she had found out from Jane but one look at her Lottie and she could immediately tell something was wrong.
“Audravienne’s case can not be allowed to make it to court.” Lottie insisted as her eyes glossed with tears.
“What? Why?”
“Because Jane has uncovered the plot to bring Audravienne into this family. And if the case goes to court- Audravinne and Jane will be assassinated to cover up the plot.” Lottie urged her mother, her own panicked tone giving Yalin pause and worry.
“By the Morrigans? They’ve already tried to kill Audra with mourkatili and failed, but why would they try to kill their own daughter? That doesn’t make any…” Yalin shook her head no.
“No- not by the Morrigans, but...but by Father.” Lottie blurted.
“What are you talking about?” Yalin asked as Lottie’s tears began to fall and she started trembling.
“Count Edward Morrigan was poisoned with Wolf’s Eye. That’s what made him go crazy to begin with. That’s what made him abusive to Audravienne and what got her that shakan status. When Richard and Agnes discovered it, they thought it was Audra, but it wasn’t, she was innocent and had no knowledge or involvement and Jane has proof of Audravienne’s innocence but her parents did not believe Jane and believed that Audra had brainwashed Jane into thinking Audra was innocent, the reason they bought that mourkatili was revenge for Edward. Father poisoned Edward and killed Edward so that Audravienne could marry Ramsey quicker. Jane knows that Audra is innocent, she also knows of father’s involvement and if it goes to court, Jane knows that it will be the death of not just Audravienne but herself if not her whole family to cover up father’s involvement. That’s why it can’t go to court. What has already been done is all that can be done, if any further steps are taken- the implications would ruin everyone involved, even us, especially us.” Lottie revealed as Yalin had to sit down and clutch her middle and fight not to throw up.
“Doesn’t father’s actions make more sense than ever? Father is so desperate to get Ramsey married that he murdered Count Edward to make it so once Ramsey had chosen Audra at the oddly convenient time of her wedding. But now that Audravienne is tainted with mourkatili, she can’t produce heirs and Count Edward died for nothing. If they move forward with the court case, and all is revealed- we could lose everything.” Lottie urged her mother as Yalin started crying as fear and panic gripped her own chest.
“Say nothing for now, to anyone, not even father or your brother. Do not let on that you know any of this. Maybe there is still a way to hang the Morrigans on the mourkatili and prove Audra’s innocence and leave it at that.” Yalin insisted as she fought to find her composure.
“But what is worse is I fear that Axal will meet the same fate. Axal has caught Ramsey’s eye and heart from what I can tell and Ramsey will never let Axal go so that he can embrace Audra and Audra has no wish for Ramsey, it’s plain for everyone to see. But I know that Father is unyielding and Father will make her choose Ramsey if she doesn’t want her own neck in a noose because he could as very well put the poisoning on Audravienne, father has the ability and connections to tamper with the evidence and then turn that tampering on Audravienne, it could be “proved” that she was the one to kill him via Wolf Eye, once things are tampered with- it’s all ruined.” Lottie professed.
“And with Charlico mated to Heavencrest, there is no escape for Audra. She can’t flee to the colonies because Charlico will find Heavencrest, the way all mated pairs of griffins do. Audravienne is trapped, whether she knows it or not but Father will make her aware of it. It’s just a matter of time. And father can always just buy one of Ramsey’s other lovers, have them moved into the palace and pass off their children as Audra’s children to make them legitimate heirs and lock Audra away to make it seem like she becomes pregnant.” Lottie fretted.
“But that means that Audra will be just another prisoner, just another pawn like before. She will be miserable and will drink herself to death, she has enough self respect to not put up with it. It won’t work. If she can not find happiness and contentment, she will be gone. And I swore to her I would protect her from another life like that. And I have every intention of keeping my word.” Yalin insisted.
“But what can we do?” Lottie asked.
“I don’t know, but we will think of something.” Yalin reassured her daughter.
“For now, just...try to get some sleep, and watch over Jane and Audra and Axal. Don’t let any harm come to any of them, make sure to be the first to eat and drink everything offered to them, your own moura genes will protect you, as will the servants. I will find a solution as fast as I can.” Yalin swore to her daughter before she saw her daughter out and then got undressed and retired to her own bedroom where her husband was already fast asleep as Yalin slipped into bed with him and stared at him wearily, if not with fear and a good healthy dose of mistrust.
For all of their marriage they had both loved and admired the other’s cunning and ability to play intrigue better than anyone else in court and in business so that they always came out on top. But she never would have thought her husband capable of actual murder and if Gregori had poisoned Edward, she knew that with Audra being so close and so “attainable” he wouldn’t stop there. Gregori would absolutely kill Axal, he would kill Jane, he would even kill Audra if it meant that his own deeds would never be known and her own family would be torn if not beyond ruin if it was found out. She needed to encourage Demsey Voyambi to take Audra as a bride for himself sooner than later because it was clear to her that he had a deep affection for her and she knew him capable of truly loving her and giving her the loving home life she so desperately wanted. And she needed to find another option for Ramsey that would tempt Gregori off of Audra. Come the morning, she would be talking to Axal herself to find another solution and everyone would just have to accept that nothing more could be done in your case.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 61 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Violet opened up, Alaska chickened out, and Courtney finally had her date with Bianca.
This Chapter: Trixie widens his search for Aiden’s replacement, and Courtney gets a taste of the good life.
Courtney doodled absentmindedly on her notepad during Miss Fame’s Monday conference call. She was getting an update from the company that ran her European stores, and discussing the upcoming marketing plan with Alyssa. Courtney knew that she was only there in case Miss Fame wanted to add anyone to the line; since Ivy and Laganja were both on the call, she didn’t really need to be paying attention. She probably should’ve been anyway, but this was a case where a little negligence would be forgiven.
Which was good, because she couldn’t stop her mind from wandering, daydreaming about how wonderful the weekend had been with Bianca. Adore had come over on Sunday for dinner, after which Courtney almost went home, but Bianca pulled her in for an embrace and insisted that she stay another night. When she’d worried about not having any appropriate work clothes, Bianca promised to find her something from her own closet, even excited at the notion of styling her for the office.
At first, Courtney was a bit concerned about whether the thigh-high black boots were too hookerish, but Bianca was adamant that they were fashion - and she should know, right? At least her luxurious knit dress was in Fame’s approved color palette, so she was pretty sure she wouldn’t get scolded like the time she dared to wear a lime green top.
She looked down at her notebook, realizing that it was absolutely covered in hearts, and quickly flipped the page, embarrassed.
She clicked on her mouse, waking up the computer to check her emails. If she was gonna space out, she may as well make at least a halfhearted attempt at productivity. She saw that there were a few unread DMs and clicked on the window.
ROXY: Package here for you
ROXY: A big-ass box from Neiman Marcus
ROXY: From the Marie Claire messenger again
ROXY: You gonna tell me who you’re dating over there now?
COURTNEY: LOL, sorry. It’s brand new, I don’t think we’re ready to go public
ROXY: Bitch it’s just me, I can keep a secret
COURTNEY: Since when?????
ROXY: Since always!!
COURTNEY: On Friday, you told me that Jaida is getting IVF and Alyssa’s son is in rehab again
ROXY: Yeah and yet you tell me NOTHING
COURTNEY: LOL. Okay well when we’re telling people, I’ll tell you first. Deal?
ROXY: Another major delivery came for Fame’s asst from MC today
SHANNEL: OMG. BDR just came into Nina’s office in the weirdest mood. She was all smiley and she approved this dumb spread that Nina’s been pitching for 3 months.
ROXY: 21 year old pussy is good for the soul
The second she could get up, Courtney raced to reception to grab the package, wondering what it could be. They’d put together a bunch of outfits with the stylist this weekend, most of which were still at Bianca’s--except for her ensemble for the party tomorrow, which was hanging in a garment bag on the coat rack, partially covered by Courtney’s jacket so as not to be too conspicuous.
When Roxy said “a big-ass box,” she wasn’t lying. Courtney’s eyes widened as she spotted the box, quickly taking it back to her own office, peeking inside while Fame was occupied with Raja. She pulled out the note first.
Stay warm. XX, B PS Don’t worry, the fur is faux
Extra curious now, Courtney reached into the box, lifting the tissue paper to see what was inside and finally just pulling it out--a beautiful, full-length, raspberry-colored winter coat with a fur-trimmed hood. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head as the utter extravagance of it all.
BIANCA: Do you like it?
COURTNEY: It’s beautiful! But it’s way too much. You’re spoiling me.
BIANCA: Get used to it ;)
Courtney smiled to herself, hiding the box under the table and standing to try on the coat, positively glowing with happiness. She glanced at herself in the mirror that Fame kept by the door for “last looks,” and saw that it fit her perfectly, even across her narrow shoulders, almost as if it was tailored to her body. Which...now that she thought about it, the stylist on Saturday had taken her measurements, so maybe it was.
Just then, the door to Fame’s office opened and Raja stepped out. Courtney whirled around, a guilty expression on her face.
“Oh are...are you done? I was, um...just going to get Miss Fame another coffee.”
“Yeah, we’re done for now, you should probably stick around. Nice coat,” Raja said, brushing past her on her way out. “I’ll be back at 2 to finish. Make sure she’s fed.”
“Okay, thank-” Courtney began, finishing with “-you,” just as Raja breezed from the room.
Courtney slowly removed her new coat, hanging it carefully on the rack before heading into Miss Fame’s office to ask what she wanted for lunch.
Bob closed the door to Trixie’s office behind him, making a beeline towards the coffee machine. It was mid afternoon, and while there still was a bit of a home stretch to go before the holiday break, the tough decisions ahead were out of his hands.
“All I’m saying Chachki,” Jovan smiled, the man leaning against the wall. He was wearing orange trumpet pants and a blue fuzzy sweater. “Is that I can totally bedazzle your crutches.”
“What an amazing offer,” Violet drawled, her tone completely dry.
“Hey guys!” Bob grinned, sliding in next to Maxwell, his boyfriend handing the cup he had just poured. “What are we talking about?”
“The Christmas Party,” Maxwell smiled, looking up at Bob who gave him a quick peck. He was wearing a pink shirt, the cotton stretched across his chest, the khakis he wore all year looking delicious on his pert little ass.
“Right!” Bob took a sip. The Galactica Christmas Party was one of the biggest fashion events in December, Miss Fame always going all out. Bob had heard rumors around town that there’d be gigantic ice sculptures, but Roxy had told him she had seen order confirmations for a forest of Christmas trees.
Some called him and Roxy the office gossip sluts, and if the name fit, Bob wasn’t going to complain.
“I haven’t decided what I’m wearing yet.” Violet was sitting on a chair, her curled hair fastened with a golden clip, her skirt just above her knees. “This is the first time I’m not going as Fame’s assistant and I don’t have to match her or blend into the background.”
That made sense, Bob really noticing how Violet’s wardrobe had shifted from the uptight prissy bitch who had first entered their floor, more color and sharp cuts showing up in Violet’s clothes as she got to express herself more and more.
“But since there’s a good chance she’ll actually look at me since I’m going with Sutan, I have to stay on theme without being flashy or cheap or one of the million other things she refuses to accept.”
“The bedazzling offer still stands,” Jovan smiled, taking the last bite of his afternoon muffin, and Violet rolled her eyes.
“How did you two meet anyway?” Maxwell took a sip of his coffee. “You and Sutan I mean.”
Bob perked up immediately, his stomach doing a happy flip.
“Oh?” Violet looked surprised, like she genuinely hadn’t expected them to be interested. “You want to hear about that?”
“Yes!” Bob grinned. “Yes yes yes yes.”
He and Maxwell had been discussing how to get Violet to spill the dirt the entire week, and now, the chance was finally here.
“Well.” Violet paused, tapping her fingers on the table, like she was trying to decide if she should share, and Bob was about to burst with curiosity.
“Spill it!”
“He bought me a drink at the Vogue Fashion Fund, and asked me on a date a few days later.”
Bob waited for a beat, but Violet was simply smiling.
“What?! That’s it?!”
Of all the things Bob had imagined, this was by far the most disappointing answer.
“Pretty much.” Violet shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee with a glint in her eyes.
IVY: okay so you know i hate gossip
ROXY: Oh yeah me too gurl
IVY: lol
IVY: No really
ROXY: Yeah yeah whatcha got?
IVY: The dress Courtney’s wearing today?
ROXY: Oh yeah, she’s really upping her game
IVY: Well...it’s familiar…
ROXY: Oh yeah?
IVY: I asked Laganja to run some photos. Here’s BDR at last year’s Monsoon Foundation Charity Luncheon
[Picture: Bianca wearing the dress]
ROXY: BITCH!!!!!!!!111
“So yeah, these are the ones I like...what do you think?” Trixie asked, chewing nervously on the inside of his cheek. “I really need to find someone that Fame will love, she was so annoyed at the last batch.”
As Pearl picked up one of the portfolios to glance through it, she couldn’t help but notice how rough her friend looked, like he hadn’t slept in a week. He probably hadn’t, she realized, the tension in the apartment so thick you could cut it with a knife. She’d been trying to give them both space, but maybe that wasn’t a good idea.
“So, um…” She looked through the first portfolio and then picked up the next one, pausing on pages she found interesting. “Is everything okay? How are you?”
“Uhh…” Trixie scratched his head, then finally said, “It’s been a hard week.”
“I’m sorry, man.”
“It’s okay,” Trixie sighed. “We’ve got our- She’s got an appointment with a doctor tomorrow. So I guess, after that, we’ll know for sure.”
He didn’t seem to want to talk about it any more, so Pearl dropped the subject for the moment. She pointed to one of the photos, a stunning blue piece with dramatic shoulders, exactly the type of shapes to which Fame was generally drawn.
“This is amazing.”
“Yeah, right? She seems super talented, although I worry that she’s only been out of school for less than a year. A little green, a little…” Trixie sighed again, “Over-confident sounds mean, but…over-confident.”
“Have you spoken to all of them yet?”
“Yeah, Rita checked all their references and I had Skype interviews with all the top candidates this morning. We’re trying to move quickly, I really need to get the ball rolling before we shut down for the holidays. And with the added bonus of getting them a visa...it could be a mess. Anyway, these are the very best, but I don’t want to put them in front of Fame unless they’re actually gonna impress her.”
“Uh huh. One question though…”
“Are you looking for another sociopath, or are we moving in a new direction?” Pearl asked, a teasing smirk on her face.
“You’re hilarious,” Trixie deadpanned.
“I know.” Pearl tapped on the folder, saying, “I think this one is special. There’s a lot of range, and new ideas, but very classic and chic at the same time.”
“Ho...ly shit…” Bianca said, the door to her town car open, watching Courtney twirl in her new coat, then open it to give her a peek at the sexy sequined mini-dress underneath. Bianca pulled her into the car, giggling, a hand immediately sliding up her bare thigh.
She was mildly surprised when her fingers came into contact with soft cotton instead of the sexy lace she’d been wearing.
“Wow, these feel...breathable.”
Courtney laughed. “Yeah, well, I’m out of fancy underwear until my next trip to the laundromat. Sorry about it.”
“Nah, I like them. Reminds me of college.” She flashed a grin at Courtney, who was now straddling her on the leather seat, arms around her neck.
“Yeah?” Courtney tilted her head, teasingly evading a kiss as Bianca chased her lips.
“Mmm…” Bianca’s fingers slipped into the panties, squeezing her ass.
“I like this, too…” Bianca’s own coat was unbuttoned since the driver had the heat on full blast, and Courtney ran her thumb along the neckline of her blazer. “You look so sexy…”
Bianca said nothing, just gave her a wicked smirk, lips finally coming into contact with her neck, lingering there, hot breath against her pulse point making her whimper.
“We should probably wait until after the-” Courtney inhaled sharply, clutching Bianca’s shoulders. “-after the party.”
“Alright, alright…” Bianca acquiesced, pressing a soft kiss to her lips and removing her hands. “I can be good if you can.”
“Debatable,” Courtney responded, her eyes flashing with a naughty glint as she sat down beside Bianca, snuggling up against her.
“It’ll be a fun little experiment.”
Violet was standing in Sutan’s closet in her pajamas, flipping through her clothes, her lip between her teeth.
None of it looked right, and Violet had given up on even trying on the dress she had originally gotten to go as Fame’s assistant, the skirt's mermaid cut making it impossible to move in with her crutches.
If her foot hadn’t been broken, she would have trawled her preferred vintage shops weeks ago, or would even have made a dress herself, but the party was in two days, and because of Bianca’s birthday, she couldn’t even empty her savings account to get a dress that could live up to the expectations of a Galactica party.
She was completely, and utterly, fucked.
“Fuck,” Violet sighed, dumping down in the arm chair Sutan had been sweet enough to move to his closet so she could sit.
“Violet? Are you okay?”
Violet cursed to herself, Sutan naturally catching her at a moment where it absolutely did not suit her.
“I’m okay!”
But of course, it wasn’t in Sutan’s nature to leave her alone, her boyfriends head poking through the door seconds later, a concerned expression on his dumb face.
“What’s gotten into you?” Sutan was fresh from the shower, his black and grey hair in an unstyled cloud around his head.
“You’re going to laugh.” Violet crossed her arms, the annoyance still under her skin, rolling around her body.
“Try me.” Sutan stepped inside, a towel wrapped around his hips, his hand holding it in place.
“I don’t have anything to wear.”
Sutan snorted, and Violet pointed at him.
“See!” She exclaimed. “Don’t make fun of me!”
“Okay, okay, I admit that wasn’t my greatest moment,” Sutan chuckled, giving her a quick apology kiss, Violet sinking back into the chair as he walked over to his dresser. “but the good news is that your problem is easily fixable.”
“I can’t just go out and buy a new dress.” Violet tried not to roll her eyes, tried not to make this a fight, but it was like Sutan had decided to press every single button she had. “I can’t afford it.”
Sure, she had gotten a pay bump after moving to design, but she had already used her December budget on Christmas gifts for everyone, actually spending the day with people so much more expensive than what she usually did, which was a movie on her ancient laptop and wine by herself.
“Who says you have to pay for it?” Sutan pulled a pair of pajama pants out, throwing his towel to the side, now naked which would have been weird if Violet hadn’t been used to years of dressing rooms. “I’m planning on getting a new suit anyway,” Sutan balanced on one leg, pulling the pants on, “and the shoppers at Barney’s are great at what they do.”
“Are you serious?”
“What makes you think I’m not?”  Violet watched as Sutan pulled a t-shirt on too, running a hand through the hair Violet knew he’d struggle to style in the morning, but that he was also done dealing with it for the night.
“I don’t want your money.” Violet sighed, sitting up in the chair, Sutan finally ready for bed.
She liked staying with Sutan, she really did, the man kinder and more generous than Violet could ever have imagined, but she was also longing to go back to her own place, to have her own space and to spend time completely alone.
She knew her apartment wasn’t much, that it didn’t have air condition or an elevator, that she didn’t have a memory foam mattress or a dishwasher or a housekeeper that came to clean, but it was hers.
Violet knew a psychiatrist would probably consider her need for independence a flaw, something she should work on, but she didn’t want to rely on anyone ever, not even Sutan.
“I can figure it out.”
“Oh that, I don’t doubt,” Sutan smiled, holding a hand out to help Violet out of the chair. “But there is a difference,” Sutan pulled, his hand finding her hip as soon as she was upright. “Between being prideful and being stubborn, lovely eyes.”
Violet shot him a look, and Sutan laughed, giving her nose a quick kiss.
“I’m offering to buy you dresses, not a penthouse.”
Violet opened her mouth to protest, but for once, Sutan was faster.
“You’re going to several parties for my sake. Let me spend money on you.” Sutan rubbed his thumb up and down, gently caressing Violet’s hip. “Please?”
“I’ll consider it.”
Being at this elite music industry party with Bianca was thrilling, and Courtney was on cloud nine. She was beside herself with excitement when she got to meet Charlie Hides, unable to stop herself from gushing about her work on Tove Lo’s album.
“Well thank you, darling,” Charlie said.
“Courtney’s a singer too,” Bianca added, and Charlie’s face perked up a bit.
“Oh yeah?”
“Well, aspiring,” Courtney couldn’t help admitting, immediately kicking herself for her inability to fake it.
“She’s incredibly talented,” Bianca said, a hand touching Courtney’s elbow, grounding her.
“You should send me your demo,” Charlie said, picking up two glasses of champagne from a passing tray and handing them over.
“Really? Thank you so much!” Courtney exclaimed, momentarily forgetting that she didn’t have a demo.
“Sure thing,” Charlie said with a grin, before excusing herself to greet another guest. Before she left, she gave Bianca a hug, muttering, “Very cute, B.”
After she walked away, Bianca turned to Courtney with a smirk. “She’s subtle, huh?”
“I think I’m gonna pass out,” Courtney said, and Bianca squeezed her hand.
“You’ll be fine. You’re doing great,” she assured her. “I see another producer I know, let’s say hello. Olivia!”
She waved across the party to a beautiful Black woman with the most fabulous hair Courtney had ever seen in her life. The woman looked up, sending Bianca a beaming smile as she crossed the room to greet her.
“Hey Liv, I haven’t seen you in forever!” Bianca said, giving her a hug.
“I know! I’ve been in L.A. for most of the year. Just decided to come back to New York in time for this delightful gray sleet we’ve been having,” Olivia said, that dazzling smile softening her words.
Bianca laughed, turning to Courtney.
“Court, Olivia Lux is an awesome producer. Liv, this my friend Courtney. She’s a singer.”
“Hi!” Courtney prepared for a handshake or some air kisses, only to be swept up into a warm hug. “So nice to meet you!”
“Charlie wants to hear a demo, but she hasn’t gotten the chance to record anything yet,” Bianca said. “Any chance you’re free? Or are you still booked up solid until the end of days?”
“No, I’ve got some time in January. What kind of music do you do, sweetie?” Olivia asked, turning to Courtney with that lovely smile.
“Um… Well, I guess it’s kind of like… Pop, but kind of folk?” Courtney said, trying to think on her feet.  “Like Joni Mitchell meets Kylie Minogue?”
“Sounds absolutely glorious!” Olivia said, and Courtney felt her confidence grow. “I know what it’s like when you’re starting out. That shit is terrifying.”
“I’m gonna go grab us some drinks…You two have fun,” Bianca said, leaving Courtney Olivia to talk shop.
After a couple of minutes, Courtney found herself feeling like she was with an old friend. She was just so warm and open, telling Courtney about her own career as first a recording artist, then a producer and composer, making her feel completely at ease--and shockingly interested in Courtney’s own musical taste. When Bianca returned with three cocktails, Olivia put an arm around Courtney and told her, “I’m in love with your friend.”
“Oh yeah?” Bianca said, amused. She handed them both drinks, adding, “Glad you guys are getting along.”
“Getting along? We’re gonna elope,” Olivia said, and Courtney giggled, smiling brightly, happy to have found someone so kind and down to earth.
“Mazel Tov,” said Bianca, giving Courtney a wink.
“Seriously though,” Olivia said, turning to flash Courtney that megawatt smile again. “Why don’t you hit me up and we’ll arrange for you to come into the studio?”
“That would be amazing!” said Courtney. She was so happy, she had to fight an urge to kiss the bottom of Olivia’s glittery heels.
“Perfect!” Olivia said, leaving them both with another round of hugs.
“That went well,” Bianca said, smirking at Courtney over the top of her glass.
“Come on, I want you to meet my friend Derrick. She’s a choreographer…”
Later, after about the 20th intro, Courtney began to catch on to a troubling pattern.
“Hey guys! This is my friend Courtney…”
“Meet my friend Courtney…”
“Courtney’s a friend of my sister.”
Friend, friend, friend...
At no point, to anyone, did Bianca say (or even imply) that there was something going on between them-- and Courtney wasn’t sure what to make of it. It wasn’t like she expected for Bianca to call her “my girlfriend.”
They hadn’t had that conversation, and something told Courtney that after tonight, it was a long way off.
She tried to put it right out of her head, though, and focus on the positive. She was at a great party, meeting a ton of music industry professionals, and yeah, maybe Bianca called her “friend” about 800 times, but friends were good, right? Especially considering how much Bianca loved her friends.
She continued to enjoy herself, greeting people, trying her best to learn their names, and just being grateful that Bianca had even brought her through the door. So what if she didn’t want people to know about their relationship? Or if this was just a casual fling for her? She was still doing more for Courtney and being more supportive than anyone she’d ever known.
It was close to 2 am when Bianca put a hand on her lower back and leaned in close--the most intimate gesture since they’d walked in the door.
“You ready to take off?” Bianca whispered.
“Sure,” Courtney said, slightly relieved since she could feel her own energy fading, and knew that making it to work by 7:45 the next day would be a struggle.
They said goodbye to Charlie and grabbed their coats, making their way downstairs to the waiting towncar. It wasn’t until they were on their way that Courtney really let everything hit her, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I…” Courtney swallowed.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
“You sure about that? What’s wrong?”
Courtney shook her head vigorously as traitorous tears slipped down her cheek. “Nothing’s wrong, everything’s perfect.” She wiped her face, disgusted with herself.
“Then why are you crying, angel?”
“Because…” Courtney squeezed her eyes shut,  positive that she was about to ruin everything. “Because you’re just…making all my dreams come true.”
“Okay. Yeah, I can see how that would be upsetting.”
“No, it’s just…I'm scared, that it’s all gonna disappear,” Courtney said, now unable to hold back the river of tears. “You’re gonna get bored, or meet someone else, and I…I’m falling for you so hard and I know it’s too fast and I-”
“Hey, look at me.”
Courtney turned to her, eyes liquid, sniffling.
“I have been having…the best time with you,” she said, taking one of Courtney’s hands in both of hers. “And I know that it’s still new, but I said that I’d help you with your career and I will. No matter what happens with us. I promise. And I don’t break promises. Okay?”
Courtney nodded slightly, then asked, “Why don’t you want people to know about us? Are you ashamed? Are you just...already looking for a way out?”
“You just kept introducing me as your ‘friend’ all night, and I just thought that it meant you don’t care about us, or that-”
“No! I dunno, I guess we haven’t really talked about labels, and I wanted to make sure everyone took you seriously,” Bianca said. “Took your talent seriously.”
“Oh.” Courtney sniffled, feeling a little stupid for letting her insecurites get the better of her.
“Also…you know, a lot of the people there were…mutual friends of…”
Bianca sighed slightly, a sheepish smile on her face, then said, “I guess it’s time to come clean to Fame and Raja, huh?”
“Really?” Courtney looked at her with surprise.
“Well, yeah. I don’t want us to feel like we’re sneaking around. That shit gets old real fast.” Bianca kissed the back of her hand. “I’ve been selfish, I was trying to do this without getting them annoyed at me, but…It’s not worth it if it makes you feel like I don’t care. Because I do.”
Courtney bit her lip, feeling like she might burst into tears again, but this time from joy. She took a deep breath, trying to get her racing heart to calm down.
“When do you want to tell them?”
“Well…the Galactica party’s on Thursday. Wanna be my date?” Bianca asked, a sly smile deepening her dimples.
Of course, they’d both been planning to go to the party, but Courtney had resigned herself to the idea that they’d be there separately. She’d even asked Tati to come as her plus one, not believing for a second that going with Bianca was a possibility. After all, it was so soon.
“That’s in two days!” Courtney exclaimed, eyes wide.
“Yeah… Does that work for you?”
For a second, Courtney felt almost dizzy, imagining walking into the party on Bianca’s arm. There was no way in hell that it wouldn’t cause a stir...but the idea of everyone seeing them together, while a bit frightening, was also terribly exciting.
“Okay. Yeah, that sounds...perfect,” she said, eyes shining happily.
“Okay then,” Bianca said softly, pressing a kiss to Courtney’s cheek.
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duskypinkbow · 4 years
Shitty weather II Jeff Wittek
summary: You meet Jeff again after a long period of time.
word count: 3,4k (upsy daisy)
note: This is my first fic ever so pls bear with me! :)
A veery very big shoutout to my lil angle @geoffwittek for proofreading and correcting my mistakes! Love u gurl u r the best 🎀
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“The house could be packed“ Natalie took the time to warn you. You waved her off while putting your bag between your legs „that’s totally fine“.
As you two drove through LA traffic you looked out at the sky and noticed the clouds are getting grey. „it might rain today..“ you determined, while the two of you continued your conversation. Finally, you pulled up at her house, or to be more specific, David’s house she happened to be living in. Nat parked the car in front of the gate due to the fact that the entrance was already blocked by other cars. Your friend looked at her phone „yeeep“ she said as the scrolled through her messages „there is definitely something going on here…“ - „oh, well I can always leave right away if it gets too much“ you promised while unbuckling your seatbelt and making your way to the house.
„Daaaaavid!“ she screamed, falling to the ground in fear. „You can’t do that to me!“ she complained as her hands rested over her heart. The brown-haired boy giggled, his phone still recording in his hands. After putting it back in his pocket he helped Natalie stand up again. „That’s my idiot roommate..“ Natalie explained to you. „aaaaand boss“ he added smugly, smiling from ear to ear. He stuck his hand out towards you. „David“ he said - „y/n“ you introduced yourself in return.
Once the introductions were done, you observed a big living room further down the hallway. „Come with me…“ Natalie instructed “I’m gonna show you my closet“. You followed her steps through the living room, which was indeed packed with people. Some of them sitting on the big white couch while others were leaning on the kitchen island. Natalie greeted them with a shouted hello, while you just waved shyly in an attempt to symbolise a well meant greeting to all of them.
In the bedroom, your best friend showed you her very well organised closet filled with dresses and fancy skirts alike. „What size shoes are you?“ she asked. “umm.. y/s/s..“ you answered while looking through the endless hangers. „damn, so I can’t give you those fanc-„ before she could even finish her sentence a loud „Naaataaalieee“ came from the hallway. „ugh“ she groaned, reluctantly setting the pair of high heels down. “I’ll be right back..“ you softly nodded and continued to look through her closet.
After some time had passed you still couldn’t decide between three of her alluring dresses. You put the hanger of one of them above your head so that it was hanging clearly in front of your body. „Oh you would look so cute in that one!“ Natalie said as she was re-entering her room. You smiled at your reflection in the big mirror. „Don’t you think it’s a bit too much for a wedding?“ you asked, still a little uncertain. „Absolutely not!“ she denied your worries. „When is the wedding anyways?“ - „in like three month..“ you answered, still glancing in the mirror while posing a little for yourself in assessment. „Then just take this one and the other two… you can decide closer to the day.“ you looked up, in slight disbelief at her offer.  „I mean it..“ she asserted „I won’t need them…at least not in the next couple of months“ her words reassuring you.
With the dresses in your arms, you made your way to the hall in order to leave the big house again. You waved your goodbyes to the people still sitting and chatting in the living room.
As you made a turn in the hallway your head collided with a solid chest, your body almost falling down at the sudden loss of balance. Instead, two hands rested on your shoulders, effectively preventing the fall. „sorry i didn’t see-“ you said while looking up to be met with a pair of brown eyes. Your mouth remained slightly open, the rest of the apology stuck in your throat. It’s been almost six years since you last saw him.
You met on a rainy day in late autumn. Your clothes soaking wet as you stepped through the door of the studio. „shitty weather out there huh?“ first words he ever spoke to you. „tell me about it“ you nodded, focused on trying to wring out your soaked hair. „I don’t think that will help“ he chuckled lightly. The first time you heard his laugh, the handsome boy looked at you with a little smirk. „heey..can we get a hairdryer or somethin’ for her?“ he requested the man who was passing through the room, his right hand pointing in your direction. „Yeah I can grab one, you guys here for the shoot?“ the employee asked. Both of you nodded simultaneously „Perfect. Could you get ready in here?“ he instructed you on where to go and promised someone would bring the hairdryer.
It was silent on your way in before he decided to end the quiet by asking: „Sooo..is this your first job?“ - „umm, second“ you answered shyly, a bit intimidated by his hight, especially next to your smaller figure. „Is it that obvious?“ you asked, now a little embarrassed, questioning if you already did something wrong. He chuckled again „not at all“ he reassured, holding the correct door open for you „Jus’ wanted to start a conversation “ you smiled, feeling your cheeks flush at his straightforwardness.
„Yeah, I actually have another job in like two weeks“ you said while on the phone, a little after you two began to take some photos for the launching clothing line. „No…- I guess.. - no I need to find a new place for that time.. - yeah.. - worst case scenario I will just go to a hostel or rent a cheap hotel room…- i mean I’m just sleeping there right? - no yeah...i understand.. - i should really get going now.. - i’ll call you back okay? okay.. bye“ you end the call and return next to the tall stranger you just met, waiting for instructions on what’s next in the shoot.
„uhmm“ he begins shyly, still looking to the cameraman who was adjusting his camera. „not to be nosey..but did i hear that right? You need a place to live or something?“ you looked at his side profile, explaining your current situation. „Alright, so about that..“ he interrupts, glancing between you and photographer. „A friend of mine has a spare room going in his apartment. He’s actually already looking for a new roommate, but that could be postponed. If you want to I could call him up and ask if it would be okay for you to stay there?” - „wait.. deadass?“ you ask, his generous offer shocking you. „well, I mean only if you want to?“  He looked down to observe your reaction. „I- yeah..- i mean your friend won’t murder me right?“ you joke, looking up and into his warm. He’s the first to break the eye contact, glancing at the cameraman again. „He’s one of the nicest guys I know out there…“ he assures with a small smile present. „He is so fucking nice, wouldn’t even kill a fly…“ his words of comfort continue. „Well, then yes, please I am totally willing to take you up on that offer“ is your enthusiastic response, his full attention back on you & a genuine smile decorating the handsome features. „Alright...I will ask him after the shoot is over then..“ - „Thank you so much!… it really means a lot -...umm?“ you begin, hopeful of catching his name „Oh shit yeah, guess I never introduced myself right?“ the man realised. „..My name is Jeff“ he said, reaching out for your hand „Yeah right“ you chuckle, not about to fall for his joke. „No, really..“ the smirk is back on his face. „Oh, so you are an undercover police officer just like me?“ you whisper, hoping he might catch the 21 Jumpstreet reference. „damn..“ he mutters while searching in his back pocket „this fuckin’ movie really ruined my life..“ his hand emerges with a wallet, the ID in it soon handed to you. „Jeffery Wittek..“ you read aloud „the one and only..“ he confirms still smiling softly at you.
After the shoot was over Jeff called up his friend, confirming it would be alright if you stayed with him. The very next day he helped you take all of your stuff over to his friend’s apartment.
In the weeks that followed, the two of you grew inevitably close. Although both busy with work & other responsibilities on some days, you still managed to spend at least a few hours each day together.
Sometimes he just checked in on you, making sure to ask if everything was alright. On other occasions, he visited his friend and stayed the whole day to do nothing but spending time together.
You showed him pictures of places you have been to, in return, he would share his childhood memories. You even told him about your plans for the future, while Jeff opened up about his past. It became your favourite pass time to make jokes about his inability to read properly, to which he would only tease about your short height.
Throughout your stay, the pair of you talked almost every night, about everything, just because it came so easily between you two. Always enjoying every second of valuable time together, not wanting it to end.
One of those nights, you finally built enough courage to admit that you were moving out of the country to live in Italy with your boyfriend. In reply, Jeff confessed his plans to move out to LA cause he met a girl.
Your friendship started innocently. Neither of you would have thought that it could ever build into such an intense and deep connection within the short amount of time. You were strangers only days ago, now openly sharing secrets usually too afraid to tell even the closest of friends. Maybe it was because both of you understood the reflected lack of ulterior motives in honesty. After all, you made sure to just keep things friendly, flirting carefully avoided. Or because you knew both of you were leaving, that alone reason enough not be dishonest with each other. Whatever it was, it started to become a little dangerous with time, you all too aware that the two of you were playing with the fire.
Time continued to pass, you could feel yourself begin to like the familiar boy more and more. Your heart would beat faster any time you saw him, breathing stopping for a second every time his skin touched yours. It continued on: you would get lost in his beautiful eyes whenever he looked at you, asking yourself if he could feel the same way you were. If there could ever be more. You did your best to stop those thoughts immediately, reminding your mind how you were about to leave the country for your boyfriend, whom you loved and didn’t want to betray. Besides, Jeff started to see that girl.
One night, Jeff's friend decided to hold a little get together with some of his friends, your stay in the apartment effectively forcing you to take part. Everyone had their fun, all chatting & playing drinking games on a cheerful night.
After a while, some of you somehow ended up on the rooftop of the building. Most of the people out there just wanting to get a bit of fresh air or have a cigarette, but you went up solely to enjoy the view. You loved going up to the roof just to see the shining lights of the city that doesn’t sleep.
„So your stay here is coming to an end huh?“ Jeff was the one to interrupt your admiring, walking up to you, while you looked out to the lights. You nodded „yeah“ the word spat out sadly before taking another sip of your drink. „I never thought three weeks could be over with so quickly..“ his words carried a sad undertone. „Me neither..“ you acknowledged, „i think i did and saw more in those three weeks with you than ever before“ he chuckled at the true words. „yeah.. we experienced quite a lot of New York together“ he made sure to exaggerate with his accent, sight remaining locked on you.
When you finally looked up at him, you couldn’t help but tease „So.. Is the tough Wittek gonna miss me?“ you asked jokingly while running your hand through his wind tousled hair. „Of course i will.“ he admitted. „Haven’t had so much fun in a long time..“. A smile sneaked its way across your face „oh your gonna have fun again when you are reunited with your special lady.“ you rebutted, oblivious to how his smile faded a little. Of course he would have fun again he thought. But the girl he was seeing right now wasn’t you. She was funny, but her humour couldn’t compare to yours. She was beautiful but she didn’t have those cute little dimples, which only showed when you laughed aloud. She had a promising career in front of her, but she just wasn’t you. „I guess…“ he eventually replied, still deep in thought about the girl who couldn’t compare.
You took another sip of your drink and gazed away into the distance before finally glancing at the man who had your heart.  „I think you- ..you have a little eyelash on your cheek“ Jeff said, abandoning his drink in favour of stepping a little closer and moving his hands up to your face.
One of them rested gently on your cheek, to give your head some balance as he titled it upwards, the other grazing right under your eye to get the fallen lash. His fingers lightly brushed over your skin, grasp so gentle on your face as if it was something precious. As if it could break if he put too much pressure on your little cheek. It was the very first time you really let yourself look him in the eyes tonight. Not that you haven’t looked into the brown pools before, but this time, in the light of the city, just inches away from your face, you really saw the artistic strokes of the different shades of brown melting together. You saw how the dark parts covered up the few light spots,  saw his kindness and how much he truly cared about you, all by simply looking into his beautiful brown eyes.
His hand stayed on your cheek, despite the lash being long gone. You breathed out audibly, lost in the present moment. The scent of his cologne travelling up and into your nose in the proximity you two shared right now. „we should-..probably get back to the party…“ he whispers slowly, involuntarily glancing at your lips while his palm moved from its hold on your cheek to the back of your neck. „mhmm“ you could only hum lightly in response, feeling your heart starting to beat faster, slowly rising to your tippy toes. Your face is slowly inching closer to his &  then you can feel his breath on your lips, eyes starting to close on their own accord, the two of you so close and right before your lips could touch - „Paarty time!“ one of Jeff's friend accidentally interrupts, tipsy shouting entering the rooftop. The two of you pull back immediately, not wanting him or anyone else to witness the kiss you almost shared. The friend walks obliviously towards Jeff. „man we thought you’ve left already!“ his word stuttered drunkenly. „No, I wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye“ he chuckles away as if  the moment you two just had never happened.
You had three more days in New York after that slip up before you finally left for Europe. Neither Jeff nor you mentioned the moment you two had together. After that night, and after you both finally sobered up, you convinced yourself that Jeff was too drunk to even remember what could have happened. His own thoughts were similar. Both of you far too scared to say something and ruin the time left. You were too embarrassed because Jeff had already started to date that girl he thought he liked, not to forget you were in a relationship with a boy you thought you were in love with . Both too cowardly to admit that there is indeed a spark there.
As your last day has come Jeff and his friend escorted you to the airport. „Man it will be so weird not having you around anymore y/n“ Jeffs friend said while driving through New York traffic. You looked out of the window in the backseat of the car. „I’m really gonna miss this..“ you stated, now slyly looking at Jeff, sitting in the passenger seat without returning your longing glances. In reality, what you would really miss..is him. You would miss his high pitched laugh, dark sense of humour and dry jokes, his warm and caring hugs and especially, his presence in your life. Not knowing if you would ever see him again or if you will ever come back to America again.
Jeff and his friend lead you to your gate, saying their goodbyes, promising to visit you in Italy someday, assuring that you’ll always be welcome if you decide to return. You hugged your new friend, who allowed you to stay in his apartment so graciously  before looking up at Jeff. „Come here..“ he says, opening his arms for your embrace. Your arms wrapped around his waist, his head resting atop of yours. You breathed in heavily, trying to hold back the inevitable tears. He stroked your back in comfort „I’m really gonna  miss you y/n/n..“ he conceded in a whisper. „me too..“ you admitted as well. „Promise me we will see each other again?“ Jeff asked, now looking down at you, while your own gaze travelled up to his eyes. You smiled sadly „I promise..“ you nodded with watery eyes. He hugged you again, saying your last goodbyes before you left to get your flight.
Jeff’s hair was slightly wet from the rain outside, a similar expression of shock on his face.„wow..uh, what?“ you let out, first to break the silence between you. „wow…“ he repeated dumbfounded. His hands were still resting holding onto your upper arms before he eventually raised them to his head in an act of disbelief. He shook his head, not sure if this was really happening right now, if it was really you in front of him. „I-„ you started again, but before you could keep talking he quickly forced you into a tight embrace.
His hands went back to your shoulders, still unsure if it was really you „This is insane..“  He muttered eventually, „it is..“ you confirmed. „How long has it been?“ Jeff was quick to ask while you still struggled to grasp the situation. „Almost 6 years..“ you uttered lightly.
„How’s Vince?“ he couldn’t help but ask with interest. „Oh...we uh, we broke up a while ago..“ you admitted, remembering your days in Italy. „oh I’m so sorry.“ the reply was sympathetic. „Yeah..how is Cierra?“ you asked in return, curious about the girl he started to see when you guys just met. Jeff glanced over into the living room, suddenly aware of all who were witnessing your reunion. „we also broke up a while ago..“. The information delivered with no emotions. You nodded lightly, unsure on how exactly to react or respond.
You checked your phone to look at what time it was, „I should probably go now..“ you mentioned, breaking the short moment of silence between you two. „Yeah..“ Jeff nodded, freeing your way to the exit. As made your very first step towards the door he stopped you by saying „Listen, before you go, can i get your num-“ before he could even end his sentence you interrupted „-just ask Natalie for it“ you informed him, „‚cause if you won’t, i’ll promise you that i will..“ you stepped closer to the door while teasing. „I’m not gonna lose touch with you again Wittek..“ you reveal and he chuckles.
Just when you were reaching for the front door again Jeff stopped you „y/n..“ you turn to look back at him, seeing that his stretched out hand held an umbrella „Here, take this..“ he demands softly „S’shitty weather out there..“ he adds with a little knowing smirk.
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simply-not-an-egg · 3 years
The Next Karate Kid - A Probably Very Opinionated Commentary by Yours Truly
I really am trying to go into this with an open mind; let’s see how this goes.
Starting off with a military band? K sure, you do you sweetie, and I don’t hate it yet so that’s a positive
Aha, a military REUNION, I see. And look at Miyagi with his medal!! Sweet!
So I think if I remember from reading the plot on wikipedia that Miyagi new this guy who was married to the woman he just said hello to
Y’all they got Miyagi’s name wrong. His first name is Nariyoshi not Kesuke. That is his middle name. Although in saying that, I feel like that was more or less revealed in Cobra Kai so idk, anyway, for future reference, Miyagi’s first name is Nariyoshi
Also Louisa Pierce? I assume grandmother of Julie? That would make sense
Ooh we’re in Boston for this, and look at that big white house
Yes, Louisa is grandmother, oh and hello Julie!
Julie is unhappy, a little moody, sweetie are you okay?
Alright so Julie’s an orphan! Why does Miyagi keep picking up either somewhat or completely orphaned children?? I mean, I guess that’s good but also, why?
Ooh yay Miyagi advice about losing parents and grief!
Alright so now Louisa’s gonna fuck off to California while Miyagi takes care of the child
Said child who has now snuck into some place - OH THAT”S RIGHT THE SCHOOL AND THE BIRD
Yes I remember this from wikipedia plot
I like birdy, birdy is nice, and yes Julie talk to birdy, birdy is unjudgemental friend
Now time for the Animal Studies me to take over, that wing is NOT bandaged securly at all. Wing bandages should be wrapped around the wing and on the body, to keep the damaged wing still, thank you very much
Police have come! Julie gonna get arrested, maybe? Unless girl escapes, although that’s evading police then, and now she threw a torch, that’s attempted assault. Idk what it’s like in the USA, but in my state (Queensland, AUS) that’s a $5,500 fine and 50 days in jail (evasion), and a $5,338 - $8,007 fine and 6 - 12 months in jail (police assault, depends on severity)
Have fun in prison, Julie! Oop, nevermind she’s home again
Anyway, I wonder what Daniel’s doing at this time. Wiki says Julie was born in 1977, which is a whole ten years after Daniel, and considering she’s in high school I’d say she’s about 16/17 in this movie, which brings us to like 1993/1994. Perhaps this was around the time he met Amanda, maybe even started dating her? They got married in 1998 (I believe), so it would make sense for that to happen
Bonding moment for Louisa and Julie? No, nevermind
Miyagi’s happy! Love that! He’s going to make special birthday dinner!
Straight of the bat though like the dynamics are so different. Like the moment Daniel ever so much as raises his voice at Miyagi, the dude’s a little disheartened whereas Julie talks shit here and Miyagi’s like “haha, you’re funny, anyway, let’s talk about Japanese cuisine, yes?”
Okay but I LOVE the fucking ‘sayonara’ and dissapointed headshake like, man, Miyagi, legend
This school’s nothing compared to West Valley imo
Alos that little gang? Those coordinated outfits? Do y’all not have a personality? Feel like the Cobras get a win on being comfortable with their own skin whilst also maintaining such a well-formed group
You can see I’m biased, and I’ll probably remain biased, because, two seconds into seeing this Boston group and I’m already dissappointed by the lack of personality. Again, two seconds of Cobras and y’all know you’re in for a ride, and a good one at that
I like the little garden corner that Julie’s at it’s very nice and peaceful
Back to the group, they look like real dickheads. Also, Ned? Shit name for a ‘bad boy’. Also, please stop trying to coerce Julie
I’ve seen this fucker for, what, a minute, if that? And I absolutely hate everything about him. I also don’t like how he sorta just, enters?? Like, at least with the Cobras we knew what their intentions were right off the bat. Here, well, what does Ned want Julie for? Why does he want her with him and his friends? Like, please establish that before anything else
Also why he standing like a Roblox character
The Alpha League? Really? Y’all really tryna be cool with that aren’t ya? Do I smell some toxic masculinity? I think I do?
Ew I hate that school bell
Please get out of the girl’s bathroom sir
Not the fucking wing bandage again, jesus christ. And shot in the wing?? Y’all really gotta have that shit strapped then, STOP LETTING THE BIRD MOVE HER WING THAT IS GOING TO DAMAGE IT MORE
“I’ll call Dominos Pizza and have them deliver 48 pizzas to your house in the middle of the night” ma’am that is a dream come true, first of all, and second of all, please work on your threats, thank you
Okay but is this military training or phys ed??
Miyagi looks so nice in his checkered shirt! Anyway, I swear that’s like the only thing I love about this movie, Mr Miyagi that is
Teacher just slapped a kid and choked him, alrighty then
Oop and here comes Miyagi, defending kids since 1984!!
Love that. “Boy, you okay?” like just the delivery of this line it’s so neutral I love it
Ah yes, threatening a bastard with a story about a bull, the best
Honestly stan how passive-aggressive Miyagi is at any given time
Yeah okay but honestly it would be better for that bird to be taken away considering that god awful bandaging job
“It’s just a car” EXCUSE YOU JULIE, as a car person myself I take PERSONAL offence to that. That’s not just a car, that’s his child, his other half, his soulmate, his everything, thank you very much
That’s right tell her off for saying that, good lad
On a sidenote; my video quality is shit, like super shit, because I’m streaming on Netflix and there’s a few other people in the house using internet so like, :(
“For a while he was sending money and then one day he just stopped” ah yes, every child of divorced parents can relate to this statement very well
i’m sorry but the music is so cheesy
anyway, i was gonna say that this movie lacks something, and i remembered what it is, and that is love. Like with KK1, 2, and 3, you can tell a lot of love and heart and soul went into making those movies (maybe not as much with 2 and 3, but it was still there and in good amounts). Meanwhile, this just feels like a cashgrab (which it is, and a very failed one at that)
Like, when will people learn that well-crafted media will get you better reviews/more money/whatever? 
I hate this fucking background music so much jesus christ please kill it
Please tell someone about the hawk i am worried for its health
The fact that Miyagi has lived with Daniel so long to a point where he’s forgotten he has to actually knock on doors (because you bet your ass Daniel was and still is the type of person who really just doesn’t give a single fuck about who sees him doing what)
This poor man tbh. So ashamed of himself
“Boy is easier” 100% I will agree, hence the reason I’d like sons in the future. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d like at least 1 daughter as well but holy hell are females complicated (and I should know because I am one)
“Don’t order me around” sweetie, he isn’t ordering you, he’s making a helpful suggestion. Please stop the Miyagi slander, my man does NOT deserve this treatment
Miyagi, love you bb, but please don’t waste your advice on Julie at the moment
Speaking of, I greatly dislike Julie, but you know why that is? Because she’s really not been fleshed out as a charater, unlike the others we see in the KKU. Like her one redeeming quality is that she looks after a bird, but even that isn’t redeeming to me because she isn’t caring for it properly, like please take it to a fucking veterinarian
I feel like I’d enjoy Julie more if she was actually fleshed out but like, no, no, she’s just a whole “I’m an orphan so I’m always angsty grr” character and I just - I’m disappointed
Same goes for the other characters; again, the only thing/person I love about this movie so far is Miyagi, and with the way it’s been in these first 25 minutes, I doubt that’ll change
Yeah no I really fucking hate Julie. “You can’t even speak English” she says, even though she has understood every single word Miyagi has said thus far
Ah yes because people can definitely jump on cars and cars can definitely go unnoticed for such a long period of time in a quiet neighbourhood
I honestly feel like giving up on this movie like it’s so bad
But I want to see more Miyagi so 😬
No offence to Hilary Swank but her line delivery could do a bit more work during the ‘emotional scen’ with her and Miyagi
And again, music, hate it
I am literally willing to turn this movie off even if it means I don’t get to see more Miyagi content
Like I can not express my displeasure for this movie enough
Yes, Miyagi, same, I hate the 12am rock concert in Julie’s bedroom to. Like please, gurl, some of us have sleep schedules
Okay so now Julie’s worried about her appearance?? Y’all just made my hatred for her character rise again. When was she ever worried about that? imo this is just put in there to make people remember that she’s still “girl uwu 😙✌”
Haha, yes, pay Miyagi with the homework that’s right
Bet he did that with Daniel after the tournament like “you do homework, I teach karate”
Okay so I’ve sat through 33 minutes of this bullshit and I am going to quit for today. I’m sorry to anyone that does like this movie, but like I really don’t, it sucks in so many ways. Words cannot describe the sheer amount of dissapointment I have for this. Like, it could have been good! The idea is solid and the base of the characters is somewhat okay! And yet they made this shit instead of something actually worthwhile!
I will continue tomorrow, but for now I just need a break from this before I hit something.
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