#hawks character study
hopelesshawks · 11 months
We know I'm going to ask for Hawks 😂
Rise of the Monarch https://open.spotify.com/track/4yModqqawKGib2poAkgk8g
Can't wait to see the vibe you pick for it.
Part of why I adore doing these is also getting new song recs hahaha love the hero turned villain vibe of this and after everything Hori has put our husband through Hawks deserves a little anti-hero arc
I don’t typically write stuff like this but listening to the song honestly reminded me so much of the moment where Hawks had to kill Twice after being backed into the corner and just the aesthetics of that setting where Hawks was very much drawn the way villains typically are in manga and was made to seem so terrifying and really was the villain to Twice so have a deep dive into that scene and the fallout after:
TW canonical minor character death
Keigo didn’t want it to come to this.
He tried to reach out to Bubaigawara. Tried to reason with him. Tried to show him that there can be a life for him outside of all of this. Outside of the League of Villains. A possibility for a support system that doesn’t come with a side of mass murder and terrorism.
But now Hawks is running out of options. He is burned, beaten, and cornered in a fight he knows he has little chance of winning. Far more lives are on the line that just his, Dabi’s, and Bubaigawara’s. Hundreds, if not thousands, if not even more innocent lives are at stake if Twice enters the main battle.
Keigo doesn’t regret trying to reason with the other man first. Not for a moment. It may have gotten him into the situation he is now but he knows in his heart it was right. But that was then. This is now. Twice and Dabi have forced his hand and he will not let good people die to save one man.
Hawks sinks his feather blades into Twice’s back and while Keigo’s heart breaks for Bubaigawara, he does not regret that either.
He is burned, he is beaten, he loses the fight.
He wakes up in the hospital and his wings are gone, his past dredged up for the world to see, and his actions presented as murderous and cruel for all of Japan to judge.
But like a phoenix he rises from the ashes. His work is not done, not in the slightest. Dabi may have won the battle but the war is far from over, and you can bet he won’t be sitting on the sidelines while it rages on.
Dabi has not seen the last of him. Perhaps all of Japan will call him a villain for what he’s done. It matters not. Hawks knows what he has to do. He knows what his role is on this chessboard. If he has to play the villainous hero fighting heroic villains to save Japan, than so be it.
Wings or no, he’s the number two hero. And he’ll be damned if he lets anyone else die on his watch
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ryo-apologist · 2 months
Feathers and Ashes
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Shigaraki Tomura x Reader x Keigo Takami
CW: Spoilers, but at this point, they aren't new. This isn't really headcanons or a story, just my thoughts on it. Depictions of toxic relationships.
AN: Okay. hear me out here- HEAR ME OUT. It's always Shigadabi this, Hotwings that, which yes. They are elite. They are delicious. But there's a whole market being missed on Shigahawks. Dusty feathers if you will. All I know is I want to be between them and no one is letting me without letting Dabi in too.
~Darling XOXO
☾ It doesn't matter what side of the war you're on. Not anymore. When entangled with a hero bred from a society crumbling beneath the weight of their owns sins of the very idea of heroism and the villain aiming to destroy it all with a simply touch of his fingers and leave it in smokey ruins, you don't get an opinion.
☾ Maybe you do, but it's biased. Hawks wants to preach that he's a hero, he's one of the good guys, but Keigo can't even believe that himself.
☾ How can he when he has the blood of someone who saw him as an ally still warm on his palms, seeping through his gloves and tainting his very soul. The one still flickering with the hope he had as a child.
☾ Hawks and Keigo are such interesting characters. I say 'and' because I personally view them as two different entities. Not in a split personality way, not, but as in Hawks is a mask that Keigo wears to protect his fragile little heart so no one can touch it. And if we chose to delve into his entire character, he's full of so much gray morality, truly I could write an essay on him and his entire motivations and how he's so much more than what the fandom devolves him too.
☾ Shigaraki Tomura on the other end of the spectrum is an individual so tainted and rocked by a past soaked in trauma thats never been addressed in a proper way that he's blind to positions that even slightly challenge his own. His rivalry with Stain back in season one (two? Idk it's been awhile.) set his character, and thus development, up in the way that told the audience he didn't like challenges to his authority in any way. The following fight against Overhaul confirmed this. There's a difference between the way he was characterized as childish, which he is, and the way his reactions played out to these challenges. With Overhaul, this entire thing showed that above all else, Shigaraki is strategic. He's incredibly intelligent when it comes to battle IQ and war fronts and has proven it. (Not with the USJ incident, but liken that to starting a game. You never know how to play first round, but play around a bit and learn the controls a bit better and you get better.)
☾ Now, why do I say all of this in a post about a threesome with crust one and two?
☾ It's important to know why I find this dynamic so interesting because these two as individual characters are interesting, but look at their parallels.
☾ We have two children, surrounded by broken homes, that need a way out. Their quirks give them that ability, but at what cost? The cost of gathering the attention of adults who know right from wrong, taking them in and indoctrinating them in all the wrong things while encouraging enforcing propaganda about ideologies that directly contradicted what they were preaching.
☾ Neither side is truthfully right, argue with the wall about that (I'm not saying they're justified in how they're handling the war, do not get me wrong about that), but Keigo and Tomura will be damned before giving up their spot in the war, and that is something so fun to play with.
☾ Alright, back to the fun stuff you clicked read more for.
☾ Your opinion? Doesn't matter. In fact, I would avoid that topic entirely between them. Hawks is willing to kill for what he believes in, may Jin rest in peace, but so is Shigaraki evidently.
☾ Keigo and Tomura, however, are willing to set aside their ideologies.
☾ Do not get the idea that this is a healthy relationship by any means. No. I do not believe that even in his darkest depths Shigaraki is capable of anything moderately healthy. In the same vein, I don't think Hawks is either. It's not feasible with their lifestyles, it's not feasible with their missions, it's not feasible with their characters.
☾ Shigaraki is infamously territorial and possessive. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. He wants what he claims is his, and he wants it now. He has the power to do so, he has the will, he will get what he wants.
☾ The only way I can see this happening is this: Hawks takes up a secret lover, how this happens is hard to say- pick your poison, I personally love them being a villain playing undercover hero and getting close, but that's me- and Shigaraki catches wind of this. Let's say we run with that idea, of the sweetheart being a villain of their own right, then they aren't affiliated with the league. Or maybe they are, I don't know. But Hawks and his villain sweetheart are running around, the former believing this is a villain trying to make a change and Keigo wants to help them, if a bit weary.
☾ And Shigaraki notices. Nothing big like the number two playing around with a villain goes on in the underground without him knowing. So he knows, and he doesn't know what the villain sweetheart is going after, but he wants in. He doesn't want anything opposing his rise to power, especially not some half-baked jack-off that thinks Hawks will save them.
☾ But then he meets them and maybe they aren't as bad as he hastily decided. He still doesn't like them, but he isn't going to dust them right away. They chat. Maybe they're threatened to fall under the League, or maybe they're willing to team up in exchange for something. Drugs, money, fire power, hard to say.
☾ But villain sweetheart refuses to give this up. Dabi fucked up with Hawks, he pulled the trigger pin far too early. But them? They have it locked down. Hawks is learning. It's subliminal, it's conditioning, it's something so small that Hawks only picks up on it when something in his routine changes to accommodate and by then it's too late.
☾ I think Hawks is honestly too smart for anything big, honestly he's probably too smart for any sort of manipulation.
☾ For the most part.
☾ Oh you thought I'd leave it at that? No. Think about the Dabi situation. He's down, he's vulnerable, he's been outed and now he's hated by the country. Hawks is dead. Keigo is yearning for something to grasp onto, to hold that won't crumble between his fingers like his hero career currently is.
☾ Now is the moment to strike. You have villain sweetheart offering up information about a mafia group they don't like, giving their information the benefit of the doubt and giving them the title of 'useable'. Not trustworthy, but the heroes take their plea for redemption with some merit.
☾ And Keigo clings to them the moment they offer any sort of apology, fake or not, for what happened, because it's an acknowledgement that he was wronged in some way shape or form.
☾ He's weary of being hurt again, but should villain sweetheart capitalize on this? Work their way deep into his shuddering and quivering heart and take post there? Manipulate the situation so that his focus shifts from hero politics to them?
☾ And then they team with Shigaraki?
☾ Keigo, not Hawks (Hawks is dead. He will remain that way. Keigo is running the show even if he's running it off a cliff), can be considered a guard dog. He's not trusted, fuck no, not at all, but he's defense. He's not trusted as offense, but canon fodder? Absolutely.
☾ If his villain sweetheart needs him, he's there.
☾ Shigaraki isn't happy, but he's too interested in villain sweetheart to let go. So what's the obvious solution?
☾ There isn't a good one. Hawks is, at this point, enamored in a relationship so dependent it's hilarious. He can't let go and he can't be alone, not again. He's done it as a child, he's done it as a hero, and he's hated it. he can't be alone. He can't, he can't, he can't.
☾ But there's a new toy in the toybox, a new piece on the board, and Shigaraki wants it. He needs it, no matter how useless it'll turn out to be. It's a piece the other side doesn't have. An uncontrolled, unpredictable, undocumented variable.
☾ To a degree, he knows what the heroes will do. He knows him and Deku will fight. He knows that. They, admittedly, know he'll do whatever it takes. They know he's going after their foundation built off of All Might and anything, especially Deku, to take it down and he's willing to take quirks to do so.
☾ But this new piece? No one knows what they want. They don't know who they're going after. They don't know what is driving them. And that, in a war, is dangerous. It can make or break either side.
☾ And Tomura Shigaraki wants them.
☾ Keigo has been proven as a non-threat to him. He's not dangerous anymore. He's been disarmed once, he has a blatant weakness to which they can exploit. So if he wants to cling to this variable then so be it. It's not on his radar.
☾ Anything Hawks can do to him, he can combat with his own quirk. He's not worried.
☾ Keigo is terrified. His quirk? We need to be so real. It's cool, yes, helpful, absolutely, but in the grand scheme? Not that combat oriented. He can't beat any of the big bad villain players unless their own quirk isn't combat based. Like Twice. Toga, I feel they are pretty evenly matched and will come down to something like swordsmanship and training. Dabi and Shigaraki? Not a chance. I hate to say it, I'm a Hawks baby fr, but being a Hawks person means I can admit he's only all that and a bag of chips because the commission pushed his image to be that.
☾ Anyway, Keigo? Terrified of losing his sweetheart. He's following them no matter what just trying to garner where they want to take this and how.
☾ So, where are we now?
☾ Keigo, with his hero persona long dead, is clinging to a villain who's using this to their advantage all while said villain is behind the scenes, working with one of the biggest players on the board currently. Said big player thinks this new piece is little more than a morsel of advantage over the other side, but this new piece has taken what is essential a bishop or knight (a piece that you never really think about until you're pinned by them) from the other side and converted them.
☾ Shigaraki is willing to ignore Hawks, but Keigo isn't willing to do the same. It's too risky for him, so he's right back where he swore he'd never go again into the lion's den.
☾ So it's a stalemate. Shigaraki isn't willing to let go, but neither is Keigo.
☾ It's a dynamic that is endlessly interesting to me and something I feel the fandom can explore. Dabi adds spice, but it's been beaten in every way with Shigaraki and Hawks and all three together. But he's got his share, Dabi's kicked to the curb for now. Let's explore these two as one pairing, because their dynamics are endlessly interesting with their parallels and their characters.
☾ I'm getting rambly so I'll end it there. I'm sure I'll write so much more about what I'm dubbing dusty feathers because I love them so much individually and can only imagine them as a pair.
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headroom-moods · 3 months
When you realize it, Tim was never the other woman— it always has been Lucy.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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[Start ID. Two drawings of Hollow Knight OCs in the City of Tears. The first depicts Solper and Caramel, an owlfly and carpenter bee respectively, just before they duel in midair, from a vantage point behind Caramel's shoulder. They're a fair distance from the ground, which is composed of a scattering of large cobblestone islands, partially submerged by a dark sea. They both seem rather enthused, fighting for fun—Caramel has her mantis claw held out to the side and other fist raised, while Solper's sabre is poised beside his head, his other limbs akimbo. The entire drawing and particularly the background are indigo-toned, drenched and shining under perpetual rain.
The second shows Molini, Hawksbeard and Dandy, a millipede, grasshopper and a moth. Molini contentedly sits as the other two use her as a bench, circled around a fire as they've just finished boiling tea, the kettle is propped up on Dandy's nail and settled between two poles taken from Solper and Caramel's battleground. The background is dark enough to appear fully blank, though a handful of lumaflies and the light of a hidden central fire shine upon the three bugs. Hawksbeard is chatting, the others listen, all three holding cups from which pale steam rises in clouds. While the firelight is particularly bright, the tone of the drawing is warm, in both color and feeling. End ID]
March 30 was the first time I'd interacted with @hollypies (feat. their Dandy), and April 5th my earliest memory of @original-character-chaos (feat. his Solper). So I offer a two-weeks-late first-anniversary drawing to my mutuals :]
#peridots-art#hollow knight#bugs#hk ocs#caramel hk#solper hk#molini hk#hawksbeard hk#dandy hk#original-character-chaos#hollypies#peridots-ocs#others' ocs#that tag should've grammatically been others' ocs but okay. anyway on with the rambling#i have been working on these for THREE WEEKS but to be fair i was drowning in pain from a toothache that resulted in a root canal.#for like half of that time. and i work slowly anyway. so#with all the extra time I got this ended up being a good study in backgrounds and unfamiliar lighting and cohesivity though!!#not to stop anyone from noticing the giraffe weevil kettle but both that and the blanket hawks is sitting on are gifts from Caramel#while i've never been one to put many worldbuilding headcanons into anything i think willoh/the grimsteeds are from the same place as her#'gifts' is a bit inaccurate as it's communal between the trio but yknow. also i didn't show it here but the first two are definitely in#the bg of the second drawing somewhere just Conked Out. they just feel like the type who'd fight tirelessly and painfully just for funsies#it has been very hard not just blatantly telling both of the recipients here that Hey I'm Drawing You Something. but i enjoy surprises#anyway i know i had a lot to say here but i can't remember anything else so i think that sums it up. @ nox n holly: very sorry for#not planning ahead further but i can't believe it's been a year and you guys are awesome. so <333#edit: it is now others' not other's. fantastic. not sure if the two tagged here get notified when i edit the tags here but if they do see#i hope they have wonderful new years
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happy to report that catching up on this season of my hero has brought back my obsession with hawks full force. i knew watching tokoyami save him was gonna make me emotional and it did not disappoint at all
anyway where can i read a fic where we flip the roles back and hawks has to protect tokoyami from certain death and we get one (1) sick as hell shot where tokoyami’s out for the count and hawks is kneeling over him, physically shielding him from [insert bad guy of choice], and he’s all banged up and his wings are a little torn apart and bloodied and he has murder in his eyes because i just think i personally deserve to see that
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beehindblueeyes · 2 years
Parts of the game-
This sort of goes along with my, grabber hates Finney post? If only because finney does not react in the desired way- at least when the grabber is around. But I wanted to highlight a few of their interactions because it is SO chilling and just… uncomfortable and, well flat out interesting. (Interesting in the “true crime” way of how a person can actually do this and act like this sort).
Referenced canonical CSA
Manipulation tactics
Predatory behavior
You wanna soda?
Something about the cheery, whispered , voice. He’s trying to be disarming. This is him being nice! After all he was just joking about the whole…snap your neck thing… This Al is interesting. When the scene starts I can see bare glimpses of short story Al. Blunt, a bit rude, constantly finding the whole thing funny etc. This isn’t helped by the fact a majority of the grabbers lines are line for line from the book. What really gets to me though, is once his cheerful act sets in… and he fully knows finney is practically catatonic (not like you can see shit) he starts playing with his hair. Rearranging it, feeling it between his fingers. He moves it more like one would a doll then actually caring about the placement.
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This is all made worse by the look on Finney’s face. Even if the world is blurry he’s still disgusted and immediately stands.
I would never make you do anything you won’t….like
My memory may be wonky but I believe this is the second time the grabber comes into the basement. The first of what was to be many fake promises “I’ll take you home soon.” God how many times did he say that? How many of the boys believed it? Right after this is the first time finney starts to annoy him. More pressing was the line. God in theaters it got to me. The long pause…the way he looks at finney trying to gauge his reaction. If he understood, if he- or would he have to break him down?
“You touch me and I’ll scratch your face,,,and and everyone who walks by you will know”
Finney is fully aware of these kinds of people. He could hear it in the grabbers inflection, instantly… he gets frantic. Scared, but not enough to let him see.
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I just wanted to look at you-
Talked about this one semi in length before so I’m going to keep it brief but good lord. The tears the grabber has in his eyes, the way he looks shocked/hurt for finney being creeped out, surprised and  immediately stand off-ish. How he almost takes it like actual rejection compared to what it actually is. The implication that he watches them sleep, well enough to know when it’s being faked later on (“I know your not sleeping~”). What gets to me the most however is Finney’s reaction once the door shuts. His breathing becomes quick, his eyes huge and he quickly squirms to the back of the mattress. If the phone didn’t wake him…if he had been a heavier sleeper…what then?
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What did you put in these?
“✨Salt and pepper Tee-hee✨” as much as this line makes me giggle it’s still, this scene still - ew. Again, finney knows these kinds of people- like threatening to scratch his face he knows damn well there could be something in the food. But the line “your already down here …what do I need to drug you for” hh chills. Yes leave the child to fill in the blanks you creep he already knows (again an example of the show don’t tell. The movie never explicitly says it or shows it but it does tell you over and over and over…) another thing of note is that he doesn’t actually drug the food, from what we know. He makes it a choice, he wants the boys to come to him from their own choice (except it isn’t , is it? You just leave the door unlocked and assume they knew what coming up stairs meant…)
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These are just a few of the parts I wanted to highlight. As usual, comments , rbs etc always welcome
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fan-dweeb · 8 months
[bnha S6 spoilers]
Y’all I’m-
I’ve been procrastinating on the bnha anime and been binging fanfics instead (mostly Hawks-centric because I’m obsessed)
And how is it that I just find out from a random clip of his fight against Twice and Dabi that he tried to save Twice from Dabi’s flames?????
Like there’s a lot of fics about his guilt or the study of morality or the Commission’s abuse and stuff, but why is no one talking about how Hawks was still trying to be a hero despite saying he deals with cases fast to not dwell on emotion?
And then we can go on to interpret Dabi’s dialogue after that? Like??
(Or maybe I just haven’t seen any yet, hmu if u know any good ones)
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arkaluca · 27 days
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Wheel Spin Sunday doodles so far 🐔🔥🎨🏎️💧
I’m trying to keep up with drawing at LEAST once a week and getting more comfortable with exposing myself a bit, even with the doodle process 🎨👀💦. If you’d like to check out the streams, i hold Wheel Spin Sundays on (obviously) Sundays at 11:55 AM PST. I usually just play music with the mic off so if u like chill settings and wanna draw along or relax stop on by during streaming hours ✨👋🏼✨doodels #digitalart #characterstudy #Hawks #Vulcan #JordanCWilde #Varrick #myheroacademia #fireforce #obanstarracers #legendofkorra
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I figured it out.
I've said in the past that Hawk the pig is one of my least favorite characters ever in media. I hate the motherfucker. I have a more in-depth analysis on why he sucks here if you're interested. I gave some examples of ways he could be redeemed within the show, but neglected to mention ways similar characters have been redeemed in other shows.
On that note, I present to you: Zenitsu.
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This guy is technically introduced during the Final Selection arc, but we don't really get to know him until the endless mansion. His first real scene is him begging a girl on the side of the road to marry him, because he's hopelessly convinced he's going to be killed by a demon soon. Our main character Tanjiro, being the guy he is, pries him off the poor girl and convinces him to leave by offering him food. Seems like a cool way to introduce a comedic relief, right? Pretty much.
But that's not all.
Zenitsu is, for the most part, a whiny little bitch who is less useful than an overcooked spaghetti noodle. He can't fight- he says so himself- and will not shut up. He's set up to be funny, yes, but also annoying as hell.
Until they get separated in the mansion and Zenitsu passes out in fear of a demon, and then sleepwalks his way into badassery. Okay, so he's weak when he's awake and strong while he's asleep! Cool trope reversal, but seems a little one-dimensional.
Yeah, except...
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He isn't.
(For context: Tanjiro's sister, Nezuko, was turned into a demon. She can't be exposed to sunlight or she'll die, so Tanjiro carries her in a box to keep her close during the day. He left the box behind to protect the two kids outside the mansion, but they ended up following him inside, so Nezuko was left alone.)
Zenitsu does not know what is in that box, other than it is a demon, nor why said demon is so important to Tanjiro.
All the context he has is a passing comment from Tanjiro that what is in the box is more important than his life. That's all it took for Zenitsu to but himself between Inosuke (a dude we don't really know yet, but who is attacking the box) and this wack ass backpack his new friend is strangely attached to. It's very clear that Zenitsu has been getting the shit beat out of him for a while now, but continues to prevent Inosuke from harming the box.
Cool story, Rat, but what does this have to do with Hawk? Great question!
Zenitsu could very easily have become the same kind of character as Hawk- intended to be comedic relief but coming off as annoying, as well as being a convenient plot device for the author by getting the gang into unnecessary trouble and creating conflict solely to serve the narrative. Super annoying and wholly unappreciated.
But this moment- this brief conflict- gives him significantly more depth. He's willing to undergo intense physical torment to protect a belonging that is important to his friend who he met just a few hours ago. This is where he differs from Hawk, who takes every opportunity to create problems for Meliodas and the Sins and be a general inconvenience with no redeeming qualities.
Does Zenitsu still have the capacity to be annoying? Of course. Is he mostly useless? Yeah, but don't hold it against him. The point is, he's given the potential to be better, and actually acts on that potential when given the chance.
This has been a TED talk. Thank you for coming.
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thewalkingne3d · 4 months
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My favorite art from each month this year.
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atashinokaishaku · 2 years
Trial AU: "TDRKvTDRK" / The people v Endeavour
Either for a post-war trial of the people v Endeavour or to determine if Rei is able to live unsupervised or if she's a fit guardian to Shouto. They would need to determine if there was abuse towards her and/or the kids in either case.
-Endeavour's argument during his testimony being "it was training", "in order to become nro1 hero/what he was meant(created) to be" and some people siding with him since "he's perfect to become a hero, it'd be a waste of talent otherwise, of his quirk, his fast judgement, his training, the kid should just keep going!"
-And Shouto's lawyer response being "so that means it's ok to raise all kids with strong quirks to be heroes? (some Hawks parallels)" "Train them as soon as we find out! Take them from their childhood and family and instead of a kindergarten send them to a hero factory!" "Because as long as they become perfect heroes it doesn't matter if they are kids." and they get close and holds Endeshit's eyes "Isn't that right, Endevour-san?"Reminds me of Snowpiercer "As long as it's beneficial to our society the sacrifices don't matter" kind of mentality.
-Imagine the media asking heroes what they think about the allegations. And Hawks smile suddenly turning serious and answering with hints about this being covered up for years without explicitly saying it. 
And Endeshit's sidekicks being all "as long as Endeshit does the work perfectly it's not our business" Most heroes opting for a "no comment". Some reflect on their colleagues and how they view them until now. Others are aware this wasn't the first case and are sure won't be the last no matter the outcome. WWP coming out regretting not having being able to realise despite being in charge on people's safety "80% of our rescues are kids, be it from disasters, accidents or domestic calls involving villains". "Kids are strong, most time, the adults are the ones that need more reassurance from us, when kids see a hero they immediately feel rescued, safe, they follow our instructions as soon as they call down" "We heroes are supposed to inspire that feeling, our presence should evoque safety even before starting the actual rescue" "For a kid to not only see their father as danger, but a hero, the Nro1 Hero as a threat to that safety... is something that will not only destroy everything we have worked on as Pro Heroes but will came up every time we see a kid light up when we arrive in their rescue"
-Then Shouto's testimony; being asked about his routine, his training, diet, education, his relationships with his friends, with his mother and how he saw her, with his siblings. By his lawyer and then by Endeavour's lawyer. "How was your relationship with your siblings?"; "Non-existent" "What's the closest you remember being to them" "I saw them once" "they were playing with a ball on the yard, I was being dragged to training" "Touya-nii fell and Natsuo-nii was laughing at him, Fuyumi-nee and the housemaid were worried" "I asked Fa-Endevour to join them but he say no" "Did he say why?" "Objection hearsay!" "Denied" "Did Mr.Endevour say why?" Not looking up, in a soft voice he repeated mechanically "They are failures, don't get close to them" -Can you describe what happened that night?" 
“Until recently I'd only remember her crying, her words at her breaking point" "...then I started remembering her words, her reassurance "It's ok to become who you want to become" 
and then they get to the scar incident, which at this point everyone was speculating was Endeavour's training fault, another cover-up. And then the defendant lawyer starts "it was your own mother who hurt you wasn't it?" and Shouto is visibly mad "she is the one who burnt your face, am I wrong?" "and that's the only burn scar you have isn't it?" and Shouto glaring "that's the only scar with medical records, since an ambulance was called" and either then or on redirect Shouto's feed up and determinated "where's my scar?"
"She was talking on the phone about needing to leave, she was asking her mother for help, in the middle of the night, in desperate whispers, and then, as soon as she turned she saw red peeking from the door" "the terror on her face as she grabbed that boiling water while her her whole body was shaking its marred deeper into me than any scar" Shouto shifting his eyes from the lawyer to Endevour "And of that, he is responsible."
aaaand tw going nuts cause Shouto is saying an abused mother was so on the edge she saw red hair and blue eyes and reacted in fear, thinking her 6yo son was her abusive husband.  #wheresmyscar is trending Bakugo
Imagine if Endeshit trial happened when they grew up (which would happen if it was Shouto who wanted to press charges since he'd need to be over 20yo, to testify tho there's no age restrictions I think) Class 1-A are already pro heroes and Bkg goes in as a witness to "needlessly" prove the point that "Shouto is a victim". Cause the other lawyers would be like "Pro Hero Shouto, best grades, best results, best hero, where's the flaw? What was the consequence of this alleged "abuse"? being the best? My client was the best and trained the best hero, and it shows!" And then Bkg goes into detail on how being "classmates" with Sho allowed him to be the expert in identifying abuse victims he is today 
"and also" Bkg ending his speech "Endeshit wasn't the best, All Might is, he just turned up to be the asshole who abused the kid who would end up being the best on his own, and he shouldn't get too comfortable just cause I spend a few months in USA, I'll be taking that title soon" and then when sho's on the stand he's asked about what he thought about Bkg's testimony "it's weird how he still doesn't notice we are friends even when he sees everything else" Shouto's lawyer
Imagine their protectiveness towards a child, a 15yo who had given up on justice but is willing to make this step regardless. They'd be so fucking honored to be in charge of this case but under so much pressure, not only cause it's The Trial of the current Nro1 hero that'd change all their society's views on Pro Heroes, but because of his client, this kid's trust in them is the biggest and heaviest responsability they've ever carried, and they will make sure to get them justice and hope.I need their first time meeting Shouto and their first impressions, the revelation of how big this case is, Aizawa being the one briefing them before being introduced to Shouto. 
Endeavor would be combative and deny everything; corruption, propaganda, Endeavor’s side trying to depict Shouto as an exaggerating rebellious teen, a liar, using the Sport Festival as an example "he just wanted to make his father mad! a victim wouldn't take that risk!" totally not taking into account that Shouto wouldn't consider making Endeavour mad a risk but just part of his daily life, especially since there's no one else who would get hurt as collateral damage, and he's used to being hurt. 
All Might testifying, recounting his meeting with Endeshit at the Sports Festival and his regret on not seeing it sooner, his failure. -I need corruption, old and new cover-ups attempts, hero&villains propaganda, paparazzi following Shouto and his siblings, reporters surrounding Rei's hospital freaking Shouto out when they try to barge into her room and making him question if all this was worth it.
-I need jury reactions, a judge that controls both sides and is polite, Shouto's lawyer feeling this case close, Endeavour's lawyers being at the top of the chain and having a reputation.
-I need the public response, on the news, on twitter/blogs, paparazzi.
And the news portraying Shouto "not being social" "unfriendly and giving off an arrogant vibe" "expressionless and impossible to read".   Mainstream media covering it while being biased, hyperfocusing on the heroes v villains implications. While tw/blogs/yt being like "how tf are they so blind" while analysing Shouto's and Endeavour's answers and behaviours.
-I need doctors' and/or nurses' recits and secret notes.
And the maid who used to take care of the Todoroki children, and had stopped making their meals because of a back injury, being a surprise witness.
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tiredpaladins · 2 years
I could write an essay on why I think this but my current hot take is that Dabi doesn't hate Hawks for liking Endeavor because he knows Hawks is who Touya would have been- Touya who had to die so Dabi could carry out his goals.
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amatres · 11 months
what if part of hawke hated malcolm for leaving the family behind (he died) and leaving the role behind that they had to fill in
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i have so many feelings about baby/teen cyrus hawke. btw. and yall are so lucky that ive been traveling for the last two days and havent been able to subject you to them.
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