#having boundaries is cool and all but like.. please define what you mean by ''basic dni criteria'' or ''no weirdos pls''
scarycranegame · 4 months
>be me
>get new follower
>look at their profile
>they're very obviously an antishipper
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Shaw's Birth Chart- An Astrological Study
Late second birthday gift to Shaw. I haven't done any heavy analyses/studies in a while but I felt happy that I also completed some good solid Shaw content! Please enjoy. *Cries because it's finally done and before June is over.*
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What is Astrology?
Astrology is the study of stars- the placements and movements of different celestial bodies to correlate what’s happening on Earth. It comes from the early Latin word astrologia.
There’s a rule that we live by-
As above so below
This means whatever happens within our solar system will ultimately affect us here on Earth. For example, the moon governs our emotions, and since our body is approximately 70% water, why wouldn’t the moon affect us too? But it’s not just us, it's the moon’s gravitational pull on the oceans, in the same sense, it’s also the moodiness you may feel during full moons!
There’s many aspects to Astrology, and that would normally be too much for a single post so I’ll be elaborating on the major contributions to one’s birth chart. This will include the planets and the signs.
There’s the inner planets, consisting of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus, moving quickly within the chart. Then there’s the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, the slower moving planets. And of course, the different signs of the zodiac with different personalities. They follow the order beginning with Aries, then Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and finally Pisces.
Shaw's Placements
Sun ☉ The Sun represents our character, personal identity and ego. Your star sign is also known as your Sun sign. It is the “you”. The “Self”. It shows your creative force, confidence, focus and our will to live. It’s the driving force of our charts in many ways, like how it is centred in our solar system. It’s the part of us that is the “adult”, censoring the “inner child”, and overall provides information on our vitality, and what we came to do.
Shaw's Sun is in Gemini ♊︎ The air sign of Gemini is famous for their self-expression and communication. Geminis are witty, clever and flexible people. They can easily gain social contacts just as they can easily adapt in various situations and communicate through intellectual conversations. Geminis love to collect and share all sorts of information and are rather seen to be “geniuses”.
Although, they can be easily bored if they’re not getting enough mental stimulation. Geminis with their abilities to detach themselves make them excellent observers, but this can make them very difficult to be close to and be intimate with. People note them to be confusing and hard to understand, but this is because their mind is always active and switching from one topic to another (as they are represented by “the Twins”). Geminis enjoy seeing the “lighter” side of life, making them more fun and pleasing to be around. It’s guaranteed that there is never a dull moment when you’re with a Gemini!
Shaw holds a good representation as a Gemini. He always has a witty remark to say to MC, has a way with words, is shown by how he reacts to “fight or flight” situations, and stresses the usage of his favourite word, “bored”. Shaw, by having this placement of the Sun in Gemini also gives much strength to his Mercury (the planet of communication) which is also in Gemini (more on this later).
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Shaw: “What do people usually do during dates?”
MC: “Uh, it’s usually eating, shopping and watching movies.”
Shaw: “That’s too boring, isn’t it? Since it’s a date with you, I’d like to get your feedback. What would you like to do?”
MC: “Nothing else.”
Shaw: “Then, what do you want to do?”
He thought for a couple of seconds and raised his eyebrows slowly, with a hint of glimmer of dark light in his eyes.
“You'll agree to anything that I do…?” -One Day Date
MC: “Why did you suddenly take an interest in reading?”
Shaw: “For the final exam.”
Despite his concentration, he flipped the pages with incredible speed- it seemed as if he didn't like what he read. -Summer Night Birthday Date
Shaw values all forms of communication and self-expression, whether it would be through music, writing, and teaching others about ancient relics. Additionally, it appears that he enjoys a range of hobbies, such as playing the bass, skateboarding and spray-painting, due to his interest in the wide variety of passions he developed. MC notices this on one of her earliest dates with him.
MC: “Hey, you seem to have a wide range of hobbies.” -One Day Date
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Moon ☾ The Moon in our charts shows what your home is like, your upbringing, the relationship between your mother, the unconscious, your instincts and what you need. It tells us a lot about a person’s emotions, how they deal with it and how they express it to others.
Shaw's Moon is in Capricorn ♑︎ Productivity, work, and feeling useful and respected are the basic need for Lunar Caps. They like to keep their emotions in check, as they want to maintain being the cool-headed, practical and steady person of any group and in any project. Moon in Capricorn suggests that they have clear boundaries and realistic kinds of goals, looking for reassurance and security in what they do. They value and respect tradition and all things tangible and real. Moon Caps look forward to working towards their distant future goals, planning one step at a time. When feeling moody, their emotions will emphasise the pressure they had already put on themselves. Additionally, this is why letting their guard down to be comforted and to be reminded that they are not alone is very beneficial. Capricorns are unwilling to stand down, especially when it comes to emotionally “letting go”, hiding their sensitivity under a sarcastic manner. Wherever Capricorn is found in the chart, there is a desire for control, structure, and organisation. Emotions are well dealt with and handled in an efficient and practical manner.
There is a certain mysteriousness and sadness behind Shaw that can be subtly detected and yet to further explore deeply. This might have come from past trauma, possibly related to family relations. He has realistic expectations and justifications for his emotions, and when it comes to his goals, he will utilise these to help him slowly achieve them. Shaw is slowly letting his guard around MC, and gradually allowing him to love.
MC: “How can you draw so well?” I murmured quietly, envying his skills which require much talent.
Shaw: “Is it good? In a few months, it will fade into obscure and worthless trash."
He glanced at the wall with an undisguised contempt, as if it was not his own work that he was judging.
“It’s a failure.” He shook a spray can and started spraying it on the wall.
MC: “Wait! Why are you doing this?”
Shaw did not avert his eyes, and stood with his arms folded, refusing to give in.
Shaw: “But it's flawed now.” -One-Day Date
After a few seconds of silence, he frowned and put everything in his arms back on the table except for a can of coke. “Don’t act like you know me so well.” -Exciting Moments Date
Perhaps it was because I didn't believe that Shaw would appear so calm or so still, or because I wanted to explore why he looked so focused, I also looked at him in silence.
Shaw: “You really like to immerse yourself in your past.”
MC: “Find strength through the memories, then grow and become stronger.” I suddenly recalled a line from a TV series, and read it out.
A flicker of doubt flashed through his eyes, and eventually condensed into a dismissive look.
Shaw: “Who told you that we can only become stronger with memories?”
MC: “Why are you so dismissive?”
Speaking of which, what made Shaw so strong if it’s not finding strength from his “memory” or “past”?
Shaw: Why are you telling me this? Reminiscing every day means you’re getting old.”
Rain started to shower from the gloomy sky. I looked up, and found that the dark clouds were only above this small area of filming location. It was actually very sunny over at the antique market.
Fortunately, the rain was not heavy, and was even getting lighter as he predicted. He pulled at his hair, shaking off the scattering beads of rain. Such serenity did not match my impression of him, yet it was unexpectedly harmonious and natural.
MC: “Are you the rain god? Why does it always rain when I'm out with you?”
Shaw: “It’s because I can control the weather.”
At this point, the rain, which had stopped just a short while, suddenly fell again, but more densely. The smirk on his face was not gone yet. The rain seemed to be getting heavier. I felt more saddened as he spoke, yet Shaw just laughed. -Seeking Date
As a Capricorn Moon, his value and respect for tradition, and in all things tangible is very much obvious, and is highlighted with his display of knowledge about historic relics in Loveland’s museum shown in various dates, being the only student in the Department of Archeology of in Loveland University, as well in this scene from Season 2 that I couldn’t bear to leave out.
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Mercury ☿ Mercury is the communication planet. When you write, speak, absorb information and how rational we are, you’re using your Mercury. It refines our Sun sign and helps define how we take in and give out information. It also talks about short distance travelling, governing your thirst for knowledge, your wit and negotiating skills. If someone is an excellent talker, it’s thanks to their Mercury placements.
Shaw's Mercury in Gemini ♊︎ Since Mercury is already ruled by Gemini, which makes it a favourable placement for quick-witted communication. Gemini Mercury placements may come across as being scattered and restless, but this is because of their different interests, seemingly knowing a little bit about everything. They easily gain knowledge where all sorts of facts and figures are up their alley, however generally have too many interests to deeply delve all into one. They can thrive in a stimulating environment as they are fast adapters who effortlessly learn and multitask at lightning speed.
This overlaps with Shaw’s Gemini Sun Placement. He may confuse MC sometimes with his personality and wit, but it’s nice to see MC adapt to it as well, because they have a lot to learn and grow from each other. He encourages MC to live life more boldly, while she teaches him to take things slower and be more aware of how his emotions and thoughts should work in harmony under special circumstances.
“He has no problem with the noise from rehearsals, and yet he can't stop criticising me for being noisy. He gets easily bored by things and yet he never gets tired on aimless strolls. Moreover, he always disagrees with me…” -Exciting Moment Date
MC: “Are you doing something illegal?”
Shaw: “What do you think?” Shaw looked at me playfully, and I could not help taking a step back vigilantly.
MC: “I'm a good law-abiding citizen and I won't be your accomplice!”
Shaw: “That's not up to you.”
MC: “Oh no! What should we do, what if we get caught!”
Shaw: “Nothing. Having a date at the police station should be a good experience.” -One-Day Date
Additionally, those reoccurring moments when he says that he had changed his mind also stems from the “twinning” aspect of Gemini in his thought process.
Shaw: “Give the cake and forks to me.”
MC: “Didn’t you say you didn’t want it?”
Shaw: “I changed my mind.” -Exciting Moments Date
Venus ♀︎ The planet Venus is ultimately the planet of love, beauty, wealth, our material things and what we do with all that sort of jazz. It’s the pleasures, our sentiments, what we do for leisure and what we value. Grace, charm, creativity, and entertainment are ruled by Venus. We can use this planet to see how we approach relationships of the heart, investigate our ability to attract and the attraction to others (or things).
Shaw's Venus is in Cancer ♋︎ These kinds of people are quite sensitive and insecure when it comes to love, with egos perhaps said to be a little bit undeveloped but have so much love, comfort, security, and care to offer. These aspects are emphasised for Cancers, who pay more attention to your feelings rather than said words. All they want is a safe, solid and secure relationship. They can be moody when it comes to love, though they are not afraid of emotional confrontations and to put their emotions on display when feeling it’s safe.
But once they are hurt, they will have a hard time forgiving. Pleasing them will involve a lot of sentimentality, as recognising their influences and attachments are from the family and home. When fearful of being rejected, they can resort to some frustrating tactics to find out how loved they are. Venus Cancers will want to be cared for, and in return their partner will be rewarded with a loving, dependable and patient lover.
Shaw puts up a front with his teasing and seemingly lack of interest to attend events with MC, though we can tell that he’s a very thoughtful and intuitive lover. Once he has allowed himself to internally address his feelings, he will use straightforward methods in how he communicates it to MC, again, strengthened by his Gemini placements. Additionally, Cancers will cling onto something or someone that is of value to them, because it evokes memories and emotions. In the same sense, if there is someone that Shaw has his eye on, he will inch closer to them, and will be unwilling to give them up once he has them.
I tried to reach out and pull him down while watching out for him, but he just took me by surprise and grabbed my hand instead. I quickly pressed down my skirt with the other hand. Probably realising something, his amber eyes widened slightly, then let go of me, with a low “tsk”. -Seeking Date
Shaw: “Why can’t you let that go?”
MC: Because I'm sick of you treating me like this. One time, you waited for me to get to the Live House to tell me that there was a change in venue, and there was also this one time when you- achoo!”
I pulled my jacket tighter around myself. Suddenly there was a rustle above my head and I found myself covered in a warm coat. Shaw stood up without a word as if he didn't hear me. Clad in a white shirt, he looked at once familiar and strange from behind.
Then I noticed his hand in the pocket. I was expecting him to conjure something for me like he did last time with the Dragonfly Eye. Before I could react, Shaw suddenly grabbed me by hand. With no gloves on, he tightly wrapped his slender fingers around my palm. I felt an unexpectedly soft and warm sensation.
MC: “Let go of me!”
Shaw: “No, I don’t want to.”
Shaw: “You've been asking questions about me all day. Do you really want to get to know me? Bring your ear closer. I can tell you all about myself.”
-Exciting Moments Date
His hand flew past my face and landed on the back of my head. With a slight jerk, he pulled me toward him. Our foreheads were then pressed together, and I felt the warmth of his forehead resting on mine, my breath on my skin, his unintentional touch, and his body pressed against mine. -Summer Night Birthday Date
“Do you like me? Yes or no?” -Unanswered Phone Call
Mars ♂︎ Mars is the go-getter planet. Full of fire and passion, nothing would be done without it. It can give insights on how we can chase our goals and what our desires and our plans of attack are. Aggressive behaviour, lust and anger fall under this planet.
Shaw's Mars is in Libra ♎︎ Mars Libras often reflect about the things they do before they act, needing to weigh out all the decisions first. They also can get easily caught up in defending themselves and others, as well as charming others to win others’ favour if needed. They wish to not be disturbed in their life or how they “operate”, going about with the desire to balance everything, with almost having a seemingly passive-aggressive approach to situations. Mars Libras know when to compromise and manage conflict, as well as predicting problems and discord well in advance. Libras will question themselves on how they can make the playing field more fair, intervening when necessary and when things aren’t. Shaw demonstrates this during his bus stop intervention when he first meets MC, on his dates with her, as well as his confrontation with Gavin.
“Don’t hesitate if you have already thought it through.”
MC: “What’s the matter?”
Shaw shrugged, lifted the corner of his lip, and looked at me, saying this firmly word by word.
Shaw: “Don’t forget that this is our punishment. Be a good loser.” -One-Day Date
“What are you laughing at? Stop it.” he reached out his hand, trying to mess up my hair. I quickly dodged backward and started laughing harder.
A stunned look flashed Shaw’s eyes. Before he finished his sentence, I slipped and fell heavily backwards. He looked at me before a hint of schadenfreude appeared in his eyes. Then he said in a raised tone, “that's what you get for laughing too hard.”
He then sat down with me. I turned to him in confusion.
MC: “Why did you sit down when you’re supposed to help me up?”
Shaw: “Because I wanted to.” -Exciting Moments Date
Brutal gales whipped up gravel and rocked trees. A bolt of lightning split the sly, illuminating the two people locked in a standoff.
Gavin’s face was completely devoid of its former calm, and in its place was wrath. The man opposite Gavin squinted his eyes ever so slightly. He went wild with laughter, and an arrogant expression swept back over his face.
Shaw: “Well, we’re finally starting to get serious. It’s about time.”
Gavin: “I warned you! She’s off-limits.”
Shaw: “Are you threatening me?”
Gavin: “You aren’t worthy.”
The man lifted his eyebrow and slowed his speech purposefully.
Shaw: “Anyway, my objective has been reached. I don’t mind toying with you. But I don't know how long this girl you’re obsessed with has long to live...”
The two fought with increasing ferocity. The man was slowly losing ground. Then, the sky roared, and a white flame connected heaven and earth. The man was gone without a trace. -Chapter 11-24
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Jupiter ♃ Jupiter is the largest planet, a gas giant, known to expand as the “benefactor” of our solar system. Everything it touches is basically blessed. It’s the good luck, confidence, joy, freedom and adventure that it gives to one’s being that it’s so well known for. Jupiter is where you seize your opportunities, take a leap of faith and count your blessings.
Shaw’s Jupiter is in Aquarius ♒︎ Shaw attracts the most good fortune when he’s tolerant and fair, cooperative and inventive, being different from society’s norms and standards. He values technology, people and personal freedom the most, desiring to display his unique skills and talents. He is open to new methods and eccentric ways to progress. We see this as he’s willing to share his knowledge with others, shown in the CN Creative Date and Summer Solstice Date, and when Shaw offers a hand to help MC by making her alias “Mary Sue” to help her successfully break into STF in later chapters. He also shows her the electricity firework he makes with his Evol, which fascinates MC enough for her to reach out and touch it.
I looked at Shaw's on the other side of the wall. The flaunting design was imposing, as if it was about to jump out at me the next second. Then I looked at my grinning rabbit, which seemed to be the clumsy work of a child.
In the gold and purple pattern, “SHAW” could be faintly recognised while a grinning rabbit stood at the top of the world. They actually seemed… quite in harmony? -One-Day Date
MC: “Is that the same MP4 player you had on the bus?”
Shaw: “Yes, someone gifted it to me a long time ago.” Emboldened by his straightforwardness, I couldn't help but move slower. -Exciting Moments Date
Floating on his palm was a sizzling firework giving off dazzling sparks. I was stunned by the sight. I couldn’t believe that Evol could do that. I reached out to touch it, but Shaw stopped me.
“Are you out of your mind? It’s charged with electricity.” -Summer Night Birthday Date
Saturn ♄ Saturn is the planet of karma, restrictions, life lessons, hard facts and the challenges in life. It governs structure, our fears, work and self-discipline. Saturn is cold and calculating, however once the challenges and lessons Saturn have been mastered, great wisdom with great rewards can be obtained.
Shaw's Saturn is in Aries ♈︎ Aries Saturns are highly resourceful coming up with fresh ideas for our goals. They don’t like showing weakness and need to be careful when limiting themselves due to fear of failure or making a poor decision. They’re very self- reliant because they rarely ask for help. They need to be shown that not “being first” is okay.
It’s proven that Shaw has a competitive side to him, seen in the CN Summer Solstice Date and his Rumours and Secrets, where Shaw refuses to give up and ends up doing dolphin flips on his skateboard in a match against a senior and wins after his first loss. In Accompanying Date, he acknowledges his embarrassing moments when he got caught skipping class, then reflects on them. We also see this as he flees his battle with Gavin when he almost loses.
Shaw: "I just remember winning. Don’t people at ten years old want to get swept away, win against everyone, and leave them far behind?" -CN Summer Solstice Date
Shaw: "The fence of the school was disagreed with by the elementary students. Back then, my skills weren’t refined yet. I got discovered by a teacher when I fell from it." While reminiscing, Shaw pouts unhappily. -CN Accompanying Date
The two fought with increasing ferocity. The man was slowly losing ground. Then, the sky roared, and a white flame connected heaven and earth. The man was gone without a trace. -Chapter 11-24
Uranus ♅ Wherever Uranus is in the chart, it’s where we want to break free, where we want to do things our own way, when you don’t care what everyone else is doing or thinking about. It’s where we express our ideals on freedom, innovation and experience great epiphanies. We strive for independence with the influence of the Uranus character. As a result, we learn to rebel, break traditions and authority. It shakes things up from our past and into the modern future. It is often associated with unpredictability, chaos and anarchy.
Shaw's Uranus is in Aquarius ♒︎ These people are interested in innovating, changing and updating traditions related to technology, community and individuality. They see freedom through or in these areas, and are ready to rebel if needed. Aquarius Uranus people are open to new ideas and free thought.
Shaw is no stranger to the concept of rebellion. He sneaks into places he shouldn’t be in, spray-paints graffiti, and helps MC access top-secret information in STF. His comments on history further outlines the unique outlook that he challenges with traditional views.
I looked around nervously, remembering that last time, we were chased by city police for street graffiti.
Shaw: “Don’t you want to come? Hurry up.”
MC: “Do you just do anything you like? Do you abide by no rules?” -One-Day Date
Shaw: “What do you think history is?” Student: Those historical relics you told us about just then!”
- Student: “If everything is history, how does one learn it?” Shaw: “There’s no need for an intention. It’s everywhere.” -CN Summer Solstice Date
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Neptune ♆ Neptune is the inspirational planet of dreams, inspirations, soulmates, enlightenment and sacrifice. It’s all about connection with the universe and the world around you, however can have the polar effect of deception and illusion, along with disappearances of sorts. It can also govern your music tastes and influence on how you can inspire others.
Shaw’s Neptune is in Capricorn ♑︎ With this placement, his idealistic world will be based around realism, morality, and responsibility. He has to believe in the ground foundations of realisability of his dreams- enough so that it usually has a realistic thread about them. General optimism and faith will be lacking if he’s not doing something that he is passionate about and finds inspiration in. However, he has the capacity to change his practical dreams into reality the most. His influences and contributions come from his connection with Dark/MC, again with Mars in Libra, and is seen as a guide and spectator, though less passive than a Time Observer. It’s also clear that Shaw cares a lot for his music and his band. He even recognises a plagiarised song in one of his Rumours and Secrets.
“Playing with the band is just a hobby, so Shaw rarely creates something from scratch. He must have hidden things he wanted to say in his music, but never mentioned it to anyone.” -Summer Night birthday Date
Shaw: "No wonder these people didn’t realise it, they copied an unpopular song from the 80s. You should also improve your musical literacy so you wouldn’t be confused by these things." -CN Glacier Navigation Rumours and Secrets
My phone started buzzing in my outer coat pocket. I took it out and saw an unfamiliar number. A few moments of hesitation, I answered it. An unfamiliar voice came from the other end.
“Long time, no see. I’m sure you’re trying to guess who I am right now.” There was something in his voice that gave me a sense of déjà vu.
MC: “May I ask, what this is about?”
“I can’t just call you for no reason? Everyone has already forgotten you. You are officially someone who shouldn’t exist in this world.
MC: “Impossible! Just who are you, anyway?”
“Go see for yourself. For instance, at the place where it all started.” -Chapter 19-1
Outside the floor to ceiling window, a tall man with light purple hair was looking at me in the eye, an unmistakable smile on his lips. Who is this person? He waved at me and strove in the diner.
“Oh, here you are.” He greeted me with such familiarity, a few loose strands of hair fell over his forehead, softening his sharp eyes. His actions were swift and sure, giving me no time to interrupt. His face seemed so familiar but I can’t remember where I’ve seen it before.
MC: “Who are you?”
Hearing this, the young man’s brow raised, and the look of amusement flashed over his eyes.
“You don’t remember? You bumped my skateboard.”
MC: “Oh! We met on the bus. But how is it that you remember me?”
He didn’t answer me straight away. He just observed my expression with great interest, seemingly enjoying watching my reaction.
“I’m the one who called you. It’s me. The dream world has no effect on me.”
Pluto ♇ Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld, and is not to be messed around with. It’s responsible for great destructible transformations and corresponds to the life, death and rebirth cycle. It’s the detoxing planet, for you to awaken and be reborn. It shows us where we can change the world, alongside right where we can go into the abyss of the cunning and controlling energies of Pluto. Its powers can be ever so subtle, however it can have the forces to trash you with the realisations of what you need to let go in order to transform. Think of it as the “healing crisis” moments that you can thank Pluto for.
Shaw's Pluto is in Sagittarius ♐︎ They take beliefs and philosophy of life very seriously, more than most. They believe deeply in personal freedom and expression, questioning ideologies in place. They often watch for a tendency to move from one project to another, perhaps due to inhuman expectations. They are motivated and driven by the vision of a better world, therefore their faith in humanity is strong.
Shaw helps MC multiple times when she is in need, additionally supporting her beliefs and vision to save the world and everyone in it, like when she first entered the Winter World and helped her rescue the kidnapped children against her battle with Leto in the Chapter 34. He even gives her his necklace- the Dragonfly Eye in the end of Season 1 and wishes her well once they meet again.
Shaw: “Oh yeah, the other you is really funny. Today, she saved someone on the street. Did you use to do stuff like that too?”
Dark MC: “I’m not like her. I don’t do meaningless things like that. Stick to the plan.”
Shaw: “Oh? I’d thought you’d like this scene. What are you planning to do, anyway?”
Dark MC: “Why of course, I’m going to accept my place as QUEEN.” -Behind the Curtain Chapter 5
MC: “Shaw, what are you doing here? Where’s Leto?”
Another thunder flashes, Shaw’s face was reflected clearly and I saw him lift his eyebrow slightly.
Shaw: “You are so slow. Did you bring the notebook? Keep it and give it to me later.”
MC: “You haven’t answered why you are here.”
Shaw: “And I thought you were starting to get smarter. None of us can stay out of it now. If I don’t intervene, this world is finished.”
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I would love to see more about Shaw’s background character and his upbringing as to why he had appeared a bit defensive in some dates. Poor Shaw :( Hopefully this study allowed you all to gain a deeper understanding of Shaw and his character, and to why he’s important in the main storyline and other events alike.
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tasloveskk · 4 years
Some folklore thoughts 💭🌲✨🏳️‍🌈 
Part 1
 I’m going to take it song by song while also tracking key themes in red! Please also feel free to add in your thoughts in the comments, I’m curious to see what else people think folklore is about...
‘folklore’ is defined as “a body of popular myths or beliefs relating to a particular place, activity, or group of people.” or, by Steve from Taylor’s IC,”the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth.” Taylor herself in her introduction/prologue says  “A tale that becomes folklore is one that is passed down and whispered around. Sometimes even sung about. The lines between fantasy and reality blur and the boundaries between truth and fiction become almost indiscernible. Speculation, over time, becomes fact. Myths, ghost stories, and fables. Fairytales and parables. Gossip and legend. Someone’s secrets written in the sky for all to behold.”
the 1
- firstly, it’s the best opening track she’s ever had! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
- “I’m doing good, I’m on some new shit” = sounds to me like a conversation you have with an ex, like someone is saying “yeah I’m doing great, I’m dating/doing ‘x’” the first time they run into their ex in a while.
-“I thought I saw you at the bus stop” has BIG “this city screams your name” energy but is also very clever by Taylor because Miss Karlie Kloss is ALWAYS on advertisements on bus stops/literal buses around the globe 🚌
- “I hit the Sunday matinee” to me seems like an inside thing, because obviously as the world biggest pop star, if taylor is going to go to the theatre or cinema, she’ll pick the least busy and most filled with older people which would be the Sunday matinee.
- “you know the greatest films of all time were never made” —> the greatest love stories never get told? happen behind the scenes? There’s something deeper here but I’m still forming the cohesive idea!
- “if you wanted me you really should’ve showed” = showed up or showed for the world, either way Taylor wanted KK to chose her not Josh so they could work but that didn’t happen so now she’s left to wonder.
- “roaring twenties” evokes two clear images for me! 1. They were both in their 20s for the entiretyof their relationship, the best years were spent together and 2. The Roaring 20s were a time of independence, pushing boundaries and breaking the rules of prohibition - which is basically what Taylor and Karlie were doing behind the scenes.
- “if my wishes came true, it would’ve been you” = let’s say, ONLY FOR ARGUMENTS SAKE, that Taylor really IS with Toe, that still means that this song is her yearning for someone else who she always loves more AND had to lose at some point. Looking at her past beards “relationships”, there are only two plausible options - Joe (which seems unlikely seeing as they’re still “together”) or CH who she supposedly wrote “you would’ve been the one if you were a better man” about. Either way doesn’t seem like it fits. However, if you look at it as Karlie is the 1, it becomes clear - it would’ve been fun being best friends and lovers for ever baking cookies and dancing around the kitchen, it would’ve been forever if Karlie hadn’t “married” jerk, it would’ve been her and it still is. 💗
- “in my defense I have none, for never leaving well enough alone” & “I know that I went psycho on the phone, I never leave well enough alone” are about the same moment with the same person = she didn’t leave well enough alone because she kept writing about Karlie and re-engaging us Kaylors as well as I’m sure, she kept up with seeing Karlie or keeping tabs on her to the point where it forced someone to reach out to the other.... she can’t apologise or defend her actions because you can’t explain the things you do for true love.
- “I have this dream you’re doing cool shit” aka starting a podcast, expanding businesses, making headway as an entrepreneur and being a highly-paid and respected international model? Seems straight forward 👀
- “you meet some woman on the Internet and take her home” = 1. Karlie is specifically interested in tech and the internet, it is literally her entire business and 2. if Karlie and Tay did break up, then because Karlie is actually NOT married to Josh, she hooked up with someone she met through the internet somehow (probs social media not an app) and Taylor found out this is probably a snarky comment about that from a jealous ex. Could possibly also be about the dream mentioned above. 💔🔐
- “another day waking up alone” = lost her lover, sleeps alone? Bold claim on opening tack.
- “persist and resist” = very famous feminist saying, civil rights/political echo?
- “the temptation to ask you if one thing had been different, would everything be different today” = this what if mentality continues through the album but personally, I think this is about Kissgate.
- “Rosé flowing with your chosen family” = repeats later, your chosen family could refer to Karlie’s group of friends like Derek and Jourdan etc.
- “would’ve been sweet if it could’ve been me” = flipped perspective, wishes Karlie chose her.
- “dragging up the grave another time” = firstly, THAT pin on her EW jacket now makes more sense. second, Taylor has written about Karlie for 4 straight albums now, she hasn’t let their love story die even if they did.
- “brand new phone” = this is not some story, this is current reality. Taylor hides behind era-specific language and imagery in some other songs but this one is clearly about here and now, and her.
- “sensual politics” to me stands out because only really here and in TLGAD is politics explicitly mentioned and sensual politics to me screams sleeping with someone for political gain or with political connections which certainly sounds like someone...
- “when you’re young, they assume you know nothing” = sounds to me like a lot like a) love story and b) “you don’t know you’re gay, it’s just a PHASE! you’ll grow out of it!” 🏳️‍🌈
- “chase 2 girls, lose the one” = supposedly, when KK and TS met, Taylor was still in love/entangled with Dianna so perhaps she’s reflecting on making the wrong choice?
- CIWYW links: my baby’s high above the whole scene—> heartbeat on the high line, tidbit:as is clear in both Lover & 1989 New York is a sacred place for TS and KK’s love story, the high line is a) a beautiful NYC icon and b) right in between the girls’ two places...
- as mentioned, miss Karlie ELIZABETH Kloss was the brand model for Levi’s and definitely has worn some sequins and black lipstick on cobblestones sooooo.... 🤷🏼‍♀️
- “you drew stars around my scars” = see Drake’s birthday party and the infamous third Polaroid mystery 👀
- “stepping on the last train” could mean one of two things to me; 1. The last resort for KK was marrying J*sh or 2. the last train could represent some goodbye the girls had where KK chose something/someone else over Taylor.
- “peter losing Wendy” is such an interesting metaphor on so many levels but specifically, Wendy loses Peter because she wakes up (from nearly dying but nvm) and grows up and stops believing in Neverland and magic, basically Wendy loses an attachment to Peter because her reality shifts and that’s what gets remembered especially in the Disney version of the story. HOWEVER, the opposite is also true meaning Peter Pan loses Wendy because he can never co-exist with her again, he can never grow up or bring her back to Neverland without either killing her or ruining her. So this idea that someone wanted to change the ending from peter losing Wendy because he had to do what was best for her because he loved her echoes as Karlie didn’t want to marry Jerk or hurt Taylor but had to in order to protect her. Right? 😅
- “leaving like a father, running like water” = Taylor’s parents got divorced and there’s SOME thoughts Scott left the house and Taylor lives with her Mom in Nashville in her teen years.
- “I knew everything when I was young” - Taylor has always know she was LGBT+ 🌈 and also, baby VSFS vibes because as we all know, “we were both young when I first saw you...” send tweet.
- “I knew you’d come back to me” hopefully, HOPEFULLY foreshadows the girls being together/coming out soon !!!!!!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
- music video wise, I’ll do a break down soon.
- ‘Rebekkah’ refers to the previous owner of Taylor’s Watch Hill, RI house, Rebekah Harkness. She was a divorcee until marrying Standard Oil heir William (aka Bill) Hale Harkness, a new-money dynasty was formed in this time from their profit. There are MANY wild, whimsical stories about ‘Betty’ (which is obviously an extended metaphor of folklore)  that this song tries to re-create/recapture.  
- Taylor is also known as ‘Becky’ due to the popular meme so this is quite literally a play on her own character as well as the previous inhabitants of the house.
- St Louis is not only Rebekkah’s hometown, but also Karlie Elizabeth Kloss’. 
- “the wedding was charming, if a little gouche” seems like a direct shot fired at Karlie’s woodsy photoshoot of 2018 😂😂(ironically, folklore’s key aesthetic is the woods!!)
- “it must’ve been her fault his heart gave out” refers explicitly to William dying of a heart attack in the house, but subtly I feel like this is a dig at the media who constantly blame women for things they cannot control, as they have done with Taylor too many times to even count. 
- “who knows if she never showed up, what could’ve been” seems like Taylor is stuck thinking about what may have happened for her and Karlie if things had been different, see the 1. 
- “she/I had a marvellous time ruining everything” is such an incredibly provoking lyric on two fronts, 1. obviously taylor buying her RI house had a massive impact on an otherwise sleepy holiday town that is now more famous for Taylor’s july 4 parties than anything else and 2. seems introspective or personal, as if the things that ruined everything for Karlie and Taylor were the best and most marvellous parts of their relationship (big sur, kissgate etc.) 
- “flew in all her bitch pack friends from the city” is not only about the friends and celebs Rebekkah was notorious for hosting but also Taylor’s ‘bitches and model’ girl gang circa 2015 which includes one Karlie Kloss. 
- “blew through the money on the boys and the ballet” refers to Rebekkah’s love of wasting her fortune on things, including a ballet company that went under not long after she created it BUT also refers to Taylor paying so many boys to be her beards and PR stunts whilst also spending her money on a certain ex-Ballerina. Also remember her AMA’s performance of Lover/ bts of Shake It Off? 😉😉😉
- “50 years is a long time” - 50 seems deliberate, a bit of a reach but note it WAS the 50th anniversary of Stonewall last year. 🏳️‍🌈
-  “free of women with madness, their men and bad habits and THEN IT WAS BOUGHT BY ME.” - this clearly shows that ALL the songs are being narrated by Taylor, some of the lyrics are about her, some are about these fictional or fantastical characters she’s created but there is her truth behind all of them too. 
- “the loudest woman this town has ever seen” = Taylor is undoubtedly the most famous woman in the town who regualrly causes uproar there (see the Sea Wall debacle and the Taylor Swift Tax)
- in all, the two famed women owner’s of Holiday House have many overlaps and are forever intertwined. 
- “i can see you standing honey with his arms around your body” as the opening line is LOUD. to me, feels like this is about ALL those staged photos of Josh and Karlie uncomfortable/fake as hell on social media. 
- “laughing but the joke’s not funny at all” is something we’ve all thought about Karlie’s marriage before and is about that moment where if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry at the situation. 
- “it took you 5 whole minutes to pack up ... holding all this love out here in the hall” to me is about someone moving out of a shared home, like Karlie from Taylor’s NYC apartment, after a break up or fight. We know it is MORE than likely that the girls’ broke up, for a while or for good, in 2017/18. 
- “I think I’ve seen this film before, and didn’t like the ending” is a lot like “Cause cruelty wins in the movies, I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you” / “All of my heroes die all alone.” which makes me truly believe that delicate > the archer > exile are all the progression of the same love story.  ❤️
- “now I’m in exile seeing you out” = both of them have lost their home, exiled from the relationship.
- “I can see you staring honey, like he’s just your understudy” has a lot to unpack. Firstly, see this photo. Second, as a beard, Joe is quite literally Karlie’s understudy - stepping in only to fill a public void or play her part when she can’t. 
- “like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me” is basically this tweet
- “second, third and hundredth chances” - hopefully this means the girls WILL be together again soon!!! 
- “those eyes add insult to injury” - Taylor has often made explcit reference to her lover’s eyes, but this could also mean the eyes of the public on her every move and relationship not allowing her to properly grapple with break ups. 👁️
-  “i’m not your problem anymore, so who am i offending?” - homophobes love to say wlw or mlm relationships “offend” them or their beliefs, so who could taylor be offending if she’s publicly in a straight relationship? 
- “you were my crown”, Taylor was/is Karlie’s princess, if Karlie is gone, Taylor doesn’t feel like she’s a princess anymore. Likewise, Karlie is Taylor’s sunshine which makes the moody, misty, dark aesthetics all the more relevant to this album. 
- “so I’m leaving out the side door’ - this side door? the other side of the door?
- “all of this time, we always walked a very thin line” between outing themselves and being happy? 
- “I gave so many signs” - Taylor has queercoded EVERY album since her self-titled, she has been dropping hints and signs for years that she is LGBT+ so it must be exhausting to have to keep hiding who she loves. This is repeated so many times - it means a lot. 
- written with William Bowery who nobody can quite identify, but Karlie and Taylor have been to the Bowery many times together and William is mentioned earlier in TLGAD
- this whole song is a duet, a two-sided conversation between lovers - her and karlie both without each other. 
my tears ricochet
- Track 5 is, as per usual, deeply confessional, personal, emotive and moving. 😿😿
- there are lots of theories and layers to this masterpiece of a song, including that it’s in reference to big machine. I personally think every single song of Taylor’s is made up of layers that reflect multiple things in her life and experience so plausibly it can be about multiple things all at once including Sco** and Scumbag as well as Karlie, who was under Scumbag’s management for the majority of the decade. Another theory which with every new listen I think is more and more possible is that this is alternating between Taylor and Karlie’s perspectives. 
- ‘if i’m on fire, you’ll be made of ashes too” whoever is associated with Taylor will ALWAYS be dragged down with her. If she’s being attacked, they will be too. Big 2016 energy. 
- “even on my worst day, did I deserve babe, all the hell you gave me?” could be directed at a lover, or at Big Machine, or even the public for all the shit they’ve said about Taylor over the years. 
- “I swear I loved you ‘till my dying day” seems a lot like the 1, as well as could be about the music and the label she helped build. 
- “I didn’t have it within myself to go with grace.” Taylor was LOUD about her split from Big Machine, she called them out (rightly) and made noise which is not a ‘graceful’ split. 
- “you’re the hero flying around saving face” very easily is about S+S jackasses but deeper than that, while Taylor was under immense attack and criticism, everyone who actually like her music pretended suddenly to hate it and her to stay ‘cool’ 
- “cause if I’m dead to you why are you at the wake?” this lyric becomes especially important in the final verse but essentially those who publicly distanced themself from Taylor still showed up when she was thriving again and/or because they actually truly loved her *uhmm karlie uhmm* 
- “cursing my name, wishing I stayed” either at Big Machine or with Karlie/Taylor. 
- “some to make a diamond ring” > firstly we still have never understood the ring image from the LWYMMD and ME! videos, it is entirely possible this is a continuation of that same symbol/image. Second, I think this hints to Karlie getting ‘engaged’ while still being with Taylor, the rock for the ring in the song was found by the two people gathering stones after all. 
- “you know i didn't want to have to haunt you” both Taylor and Karlie have big reputations all over the world that follow them everywhere. For either one, they will always be haunted by reminders of each other. 
- “you wear the same jewels that I gave you as you bury me” - on the Big Machine side, Taylor made the label professional and big, she is literally the sole reason it succeeded in the music industry so she handed Sco** his fortune and reputation which he still had when he sold her music to Scumbag and got into a very dirty bed with him. From the Karlie side, many people have noted that not only does she wear her black cartier necklace, which is assumed to be from Taylor, but to her ‘wedding’ wore a necklace she’d worn before with Taylor. 
- “when I’d fight you’d tell me I was brave” could refer to Sco** encouraging her in 2016 to defend herself. Could refer to Karlie supporting her behind the scenes. 
- ‘and I can go anywhere I want, just not home” seems like a continuation from exile, as in she’s lost the place she called home because her lover is no longer there but could also mean she can’t go back to her other albums and the house (see the lover music video) that they created as her musical home.
- “you will still miss me in your bones” could be about Sco** losing his money and label without her there to physically support and carry it or about the fact that the love Taylor and Karlie had is so ingrained it’s in their bones forever. 
- “and i still talk to you when I’m screaming at the sky” this lyric has a lot of possible interpretations (i’ve seen one about cursing out God?) but i think it’s similar to “asking the traffic lights if i’ll be alright” as in, it’s Taylor asking the universe to help her make sense of things. 
- “when you can’t sleep at night, you hear my stolen lullabies” suggests a) sco** + scumbag is still haunted by the music they stole from Taylor because it was literally the backbone of the business which is now practically worthless and b) that Karlie is kept awake by the songs Taylor has written for and about her over the years which again were stolen away by the jackasses at Big Machine.  
- “you had to kill me, but it killed you just the same” again, same idea - big machine will never be profitable without her/while they hold her masters hostage. BUT Karlie wise, breaking up with Taylor broke her too? 
- this is where the song changes. it shifts from Taylor’s story to someone else’s, personally I think Karlie. 
- “you turned into your worst fears” as in she settled for the money and sold her values off by marrying Josh. Also, Karlie was under Scumbag’s management for years (part of Taylor’s hatred of him was him keeping the girls’ from doing as they pleased) so by being completely controlled by him, she turned into this completely fake person. Contrast 2014/15 Karlie with 2017/18 Karlie and it so much more all about PR and money. 
- “you’re tossing out blame, drunk on this pain, crossing out the good years” - sco** and scumbag have made so many false excuses for their behaviour and completely erased the good relationship between the Swifts and sco**. Not sure yet what the Karlie side is here but it’s here somewhere. 
- in conclusion, this is about Big Machine and Karlie. As the first song Taylor wrote for the album, I think it’s clear just how incredibly multi-faceted this album is. ☕☕☕
- first off, we can never forget about this and this look from both girls. ✨✨
- “I’ll to show you every version of yourself tonight”, the public and the private sides to them both. this is big glass closet energy in my opinion 
- “and when I break it’s in a million pieces” is so personal and heartbreaking. 2016 and Kaylor breakup vibes. I cannot elaborate at this time. 
- “when no one is around my dear” = the secrecy, forbidden love motif returns and again, if she’s in a hetero relationship, what’s to hide? 
- “you’ll find me on my tallest tiptoes”, Just an fyi, Karlie, a giraffe, is 6′2″, Taylor is 5′10″ -- thats a big difference. 🦒🦒🦒
-  “i know they said the end is near” = end of the relationship or the end of hiding it, either way, it’s a romantic last private moment together, swaying as the room burns down. 
- “i can change everything about me to fit in” = Taylor when she was starting out was forced to create this all innocent, american-girl image of herself. She has had to hide herself to succeed, as she said in Miss Americana, she was muzzled. 
- “you are not like the regulars, the masquerade revelers” = Karlie is different to everyone else, or any other ex, ‘masquerade’ implies masked or hidden figures at a party, very Love Story 
- “and the called off the circus, burned the disco down” = the ‘circus’ could be the media/public, or all the illusions Taylor has cast in order to appear straight. The ‘disco’, and Taylor is the ‘mirror ball’ to her lover means that this isolated existence of just the two of them. 
- “I’m still on that tightrope, I’m still trying everything” for now, she’s still closeted, she’s still trying to have the best of everything. 
- “I’m still a believer, but I don’t know why” believer in everything working out perhaps, or perhaps believing it’s better if she’s in the closet and it’s only the two of them. 
- “never been a natural” = she has completely created herself through years off trying to be what people want, not who she naturally is. 
- “picture me” implies this is retrospective of Taylor, she’s reflecting on her childhood/youth. 
- “I hit my peak at Seven” could either refer to the age 7 or album 7, ‘Lover’ which many critics argued was her best work. 
- “Over the creek I was too scared to jump in” = fear of jumping is something Taylor has discussed in many songs but this is different, the creek represents something she fears will drown her.
- “High in the sky with Pennsylvania under me” = obviously, Taylor was born and raised in rural PA, so this truly is a childhood memory unearthed and explored. It’s personal to Taylor, it’s her story. 👏🏼
- “Are there still beautiful things?”  Recognizing the world isn’t all daisies and rainbows 
- “cross your heart, don’t tell no other” = again, secret keeping and hiding something is a big queer image, ‘cross your heart’ is a quite childish phrase but it’s adult equivalent in Taylor’s world is an NDA, ie swearing people to secrecy is something she's always known... 🔐
- “Although i can’t recall your face, I still got love for you” = this childhood love has faded with time to memories, this girl simultaneously forgotten and remembered. 
- “Your braids like a pattern” = definitely about a girl (1996 rural Pennsylvania was not the kind of place where boys had braids), specific use of YOUR pronoun not ‘my’ or ‘our’ suggesting again it’s about a girl. Very obviously about a first girl crush. 🌈 
- “passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long” = firstly, reference to Neruda’s poem Taylor used in the red prologue. second, folksongs change slightly from generation to generation but the heart/melody remains the same meaning that in Taylor’s mind, the story of her first girl love has changed but it’s still the same song/story all the years later. also, clearly a reminder of the setting of the song and the album as a whole being folklore. 💛
- “your dad is always mad and that must be why” feels a lot like Love Story and forbidden love, also again rural Pennsylvania in the mid-1990s was not the most liberal place so I can imagine a lot of homophobic ideas that perforated Taylor’s childhood.
- “I think you should come live with me” is such an innocent image of someone in love and wanting to just fix things by bringing them home, it also is like a baby gay version of uhauling 
- “we could be pirates” = pirates are not just a childhood image/motif but also one historically seen as gay, gangs of pirates often had ‘mateolage’ agreements that basically were like widow’s benefits. See John Swann. ☠️
- “you won’t have to cry, or hide in the closet.” = I think this one is explicitly clear but just to be sure, Taylor could’ve said “hide when he lost it, hide if you wanted, hide in the woods too” etc. Read this for a full understanding of why it such a LOUD image to use.  It is VERY DELIBERATE PEOPLE. 🌈🌈🌈
- “just like a folk song, our love will be passed on” = different from the first bridge but deliberate again. Their story, aka Taylor liking girls from a young age will always be talked about, AND their love lives in this song she wrote.
- “picture me in the weeds before I learned civility” = again, given the homophobic attitude, ‘civility’ and straightness should be read as the same so Taylor is saying when she was a child, free in the grass and herself, she wants to always be. 
- “I used to scream ferociously any time I wanted” = she wasn’t muzzled as a child, she could say and be who she wanted, screaming it aloud for everyone to hear but that changed as she grew up. 
- “pack your dolls and a sweater, we’ll move to India forever” = ‘dolls’ again would imply it’s two girls running away together and India is this exocitc far off place to a child, a place where they can be together without anyone knowing them or controlling them. 
- Karlie Kloss is born in August. Karlie Kloss posted yesterday about being a Leo (an August born). August belongs to Karlie Kloss. 🦁♌
- “rust on your door” = image of something well-worn, perhaps someone who’s been here too a few times before?
- “whispers of are you sure?” = obviously there is the sexual connotation, but beyond that, what if it’s about Taylor and Karlie going public etc. 
- “never have I ever before” = see above but also the game ‘never have I ever’ evokes youthfulness and sounds almost like a reminder of a fun night with friends. 
- “I can see us lost in the memory” = implies they’re still together, losing themself in the memory together
- “I can see us twisted in bedsheets” = again, sexual imagery but also the intimacy of sharing a bed with the person you love after sex 
- “Like a bottle of wine” = matures the song a bit, the youthfulness of earlier is now more adult. 21 is America’s drinking age, 20s were mentioned early etc. 🍷
- “Cause you were never mine” = the whole of Taylor and Karlie’s relationship, Karlie has publically been dating Josh so she was never solely Taylor’s. 
- “Will you call when you’re back at school?” = Karlie attended NYU in 2015, the height of Kaylor. 
- “back when we were still changing for the better” = instead of changing to adapt/survive or keep up appearances. 
- “wanting was enough” = wanting Karlie without labels was enough, rather than having to go public etc. Many have said for a long time that Karlie and Taylor fought about coming out or not. 
- “cancel plans in case you would call” = sounds like a very love-sick Taylor Swift thing to do. Also waiting on a lover’s call when they constantly are travelling like both Karlie and Taylor do makes sense. ☎️
- “so much for summer love” = cruel summer echo? Summer 2015 was again, peak Kaylor so this could be a specific reference to that period
- “Do you remember? Remember when I pulled up and said ‘get in the car’” another specific reference, comes up again later in Betty, clearly is something personal. 
- “Back when I was still living for the hope of it all” = back as in the past when everything was happening, hope of it all being the hope they’d still end up together. 
BENEATH ALL FICTION OR MYTH IS FACT & FEELING. Taylor is no longer hiding. Yes, some of these songs are about stories and people not her but there is so much of herself and her own story layered in too. PAY ATTENTION!!! Obviously, these are just my opinions, I’m not Taylor so I cannot know exactly what these songs are about but I think, after years of analyzing her music, these images/themes and deliberate word choice are well-versed in this part of the fandom. It is entirely possible this is the beginning of Taylor’s full, public coming out journey. 
I’ll be back with Part 2 tomorrow.  Stay Tuned!
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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Just as promised this is the beginning of the three-part post about answering @quilloftheclouds questions for my Wip Renegade. To kick things off I’m going to start with Modes of Transportation, I thought about adding pictures but that’s time-consuming and would make this post longer than it already is. So if you guys want to see some pictures of the Modes of Transportation in Renegade let me know, I post them! 
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Modes of Transportation
The world of Renegade is a mix between Tron: Legacy and Blade Runner 2049, a blend of both cyberpunk and post-apocalypse dystopia. For a world set two millennia past ours (2200) transportation isn’t what most people from our generation would think it to be: there aren’t flying cars, skyscrapers don’t serve as spaceports, and people don’t regularly take trips to the moon or live on Mars. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t cool futuristic modes of transportation, most that travel on something known as The Grid (a network of synchronized power that runs below every interstate, highway, street, and connects at the center of each City-State like hubs to give every citizen of the Republic power). Without The Grid life wouldn’t be able to function, the world would find itself in cold darkness or in other locations scalding heat of the sun without means of protection. 
The Grid runs like ley-lines, connecting everything in the Republic to make it work like one giant machine, these lines can best be seen at night and truly showcase how vast the network is. It’s like a collection of different colored lights running along every surface in the world, some following vehicles. The Grid distributes power to transportation, homes, factories, and other buildings in the Republic. 
This is the bullet train of the future that can travel up to 2,000 mph, it utilizes a vacuum tube in order to reduce air friction and increase its speed. Not only is HyperExpress an ultra-fast bullet train it also serves as a kind of subway for all Caste citizens, not only the higher/wealthy ones. The HyperExpress system runs much like the railroad did when it first started laying track in 1830′s America, it’s the veins and nervous system of the Republic when it comes to transportation, stretching from one City-State to another across all connecting contents. Both cheap and highly efficient. 
Flying cars aren’t an option for civilians, scientists in the Republic tried to make it happen but after many try fail cycles it was deemed safer to not put the public in such contraptions. So only Air-X remains, the only commercial flying vehicle in the Republic skies. These are unmanned, piloted by A.I or small Androids, freight containers with a small cab build into the front. Using Air-X frees highways, interstates, and the oceans from unnecessary cargo shipment by vehicle or ship and instead acts much like a miniature plane of sorts. Small shipments use hover technology in their motors while larger shipments passing overseas use twin-jets or quad jets depending on the load.
Much like HyperExpress there is a network of tube-like structures following smaller highways in City-States civilians in both the middle castes and high castes can use who: ride electronic bicycles, electronic scooters, or even walk. The system is at least 17ft above the road, keeping pedestrians a safe distance from motorized traffic, is climate-controlled all year round, and also offers conjunction points were either 1.) City-State district limits begin and end or 2.) A transportation module such as HyperExpress is available. This allows civilians to hop off ePath and use another mode of transportation or walk directly about the City-State as they please. 
Human beings have been entranced with the idea of flying for decades and pushing the limits of that idea, ThunderHaven provides that extra push into the unknown. Following in the steps of countless airplanes and military jets that have both teased and pushed past the sound barrier this is the super-fast plane that not only pushes past and surpasses the sound barrier, it full on blows it away entirely. ThunderHaven travels 8 times the speed of sound and is also capable of breaking out of Earth’s orbit and touching the stars if it pleased. Its design is sleek, made of the finest materials to keep the body both lightweight and strong, and also windowless. Fear not, inside passengers have a choice between a real-time visual of outside the plane or movies. ThunderHaven has three travel classes for each caste: low, medium, and high. 
Electric Vehicles 
Just because cars don’t fly in 2200 that doesn’t mean they don’t hold their usual allure if anything cars in the Republic are far more diverse and better suited for Earth (as well as people). Pulling power straight from The Grid once a vehicle is in motion, tends to stay in motion running on pure liquid energy without producing climate-damaging greenhouse gases and nitrogen oxide. They can travel for miles and never need to stop to charge while within City-State limits (near a central hub) because The Grid is most powerful there, however, once beyond City-State limits and in outer rim districts/Outlands The Grid is less powerful and vehicles need to recharge after 600 miles. Most vehicles are outfitted with solar panel cells built into their framework, so they remain lightweight, efficient, and ready to charge at a moment's notice if you’re in the outer rim districts/Outlands. Any caste of citizen can own an electric vehicle, what varies from caste to caste is the classification of vehicle. 
Speedsters: These are unhinged, drag-racing, high-performance “cars” with a design that primarily revolves around speed and elegance, most high caste citizens own Speedsters due to their designs and the materials that go into creating them. It’s costly. Speedsters usually never adventure past inner City-State districts because many are low clearance and wouldn’t survive the rough terrain of outer rim districts/outlands. Much of a Speedsters appeal originates from the sleek design they take on: wheels built tightly into the frame not bulky in any way, smooth aerodynamic design, and many resemble “classic muscle cars” from the past giving drivers a nostalgic feeling. While they are pretty to look at and comfortable to sit in people are also drawn to what lies underneath, a powerful engine that pushes past all known boundaries of horsepower.  Speedsters can be defined in two simple terms: powerful and fast.
Cycles: These are vehicles that are not allowed on ePath and resemble sport motorcycles in design. Cycles are extremely slender, hold up to usually only one person (driver), and have tire technology called tilt-tread to allow the cycle to perform tighter turns without risking the driver. The front wheel is locked forward so steering is done by tilting Cycles, not turning the front wheel (why tilt-tread is so crucial). However, when attempting certain maneuvers a pair of small fins spring out behind the driver to aid both balance and braking.  Speed can be increased by twisting the twist throttle back towards the driver (located on the right-hand side handlebar). Most Cycles also come with small twin jets seated by the back wheel, this allows faster speeds to be reached efficiently. Unlike Speedsters, Cycles can adventure beyond inner City-State districts and endure some of the rough terrains of outer rim districts/outlands pose. All kinds of citizens from Castes ride Cycles due to their affordability and ability to go beyond inner City-State limits. 
Trail Blazers: Rugged, usually larger than all other forms of electric vehicles, Trail Blazers are designed to do as their name suggests: pave new ways through the wild territory without being stopped. These are the vehicles that can easily adventure into the outer rim districts/outlands without a second thought, large tires paired with reasonable ground clearance to avoid hazards the terrain may pose and not sink into softer ground due to roads becoming less frequent the further they adventure. Trail Blazers adapt to the terrain around them by extending spikes from its tires for better traction and adjusting its suspension for either better ground clearance or shock absorption. Only high caste military personnel drive these vehicles. 
Roadsters: The last classification of Electric Vehicles, these are sporty vehicles that sit between the Speedster and Trail Blazer category. Their primary design isn’t based on speed or being able to survive the unforgiving landscapes of outer rim districts/Outlands, instead, it’s comfort mixed with style. Built with enough ground clearance to adventure into outer rim districts/Outlands while maintaining a sporty design these vehicles are made for the middle caste families. Roadsters are often referred to as “the family vehicle”, outfitted with a third-row seat (unlike most Speedsters and Cycles) that is roomy and comfortable it’s the ideal vehicle for traveling in groups. 
And there you have it folks, the modes of transportation in the world of Renegade! I had so much fun basically spilling all my thoughts about this fictional world I’ve created and fallen in love with. If you have any questions or want to know more just send an ask or anything! Part two of worldbuilding questions for the world of Renegade is the Social Structure. 
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venus-says · 4 years
Kamen Rider Fourze Episodes 01-16
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Space is here!
... and I couldn't be any less stoked about it.
Yes, despite taking a little longer this time, I'm still doing this madness. I had a few problems these past weeks and I couldn't post on Saturdays like I wanted to do for this "watch all of Kamen Rider" series for like two or three weeks in a row, but I'm still trying my best and I won't give up!
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This post is in charge of telling my thoughts on the beginning of the third Kamen Rider series that I watch, and if you could grasp my mood from the first sentence in this text you may know that... I didn't like it. I know what I'm saying may sound like a heresy to some since in all places I looked trying to define what would be my starting point in this franchise EVERYONE recommended Fourze as a good first series to watch and EVERYONE seemed to consider this one of the best Kamen Rider series ever. Well, I don't know if I had my expectations high because of all of that, of if this is just an overestimated series, what I know is that I didn't like it and I don't have many positives to say about it.
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Which is odd because I like space, and I like space-themed things so a season about space seemed like a sure deal to me, but I couldn't get invested in anything here. To not say that I disliked everything about Fourze, I like a few insert songs, I could see myself jamming to some of those, and I also like that the villains are based after constellations, that's another cool touch, but that's pretty much it. I don't like the characters, I don't like the setting, I don't like the transformation belt, I don't like the suit designs, I don't like the toys that look like food, I wasn't really interested in the plot, nothing caught my eyes under a positive lighting. Of course, this is just coming from the first third and my opinion may change, but for now, I really dislike everything about Fourze.
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And it's not like Fourze is a terrible show either, despite my lack of interest I could see that there were things there that could appeal to a lot of people, the problem is that those things don't appeal to me.
The thing that pushes Fourze away from me the most is the school setting. It may seem odd, after all both Aikatsu and Precure that are my favorite shows are set on schools, but I'm not a fan of the school aspect, I never was, and seeing a season happening on a school seems like a downgrade for me after two very strong seasons that managed to gather a quite diverse cast despite not happening centered around a space where they could gather lots of different people to serve both as allies or MOTW victims. And like it's not even the typical Japanese school setting that at least has the "foreigner" factor to bring some spice, this is a school that looks more like an American school and there's nothing more boring than a story that happens on an American school, with the sport jocks, the mean popular cheerleader, the geeks, the trouble makers, and all that boring stuff. Though I guess to them this would be the "foreigner" element so... In any case, if the school element wasn't present, or if at least it wasn't so focused around that, I could see myself enjoying Fourze more. I would still have my problems with it, though I wouldn't be as uninterested.
The other aspect I don't like is the characters. First, there are way too many of them for me to care about, there are seven "main characters" and I just ask myself why. Like, most of them aren't even characters they are an adjective and their whole character is based around said adjective and they don't evolve at all (I mean they don't have time to since there are seven of them), they have one moment of catharsis that is the point that leads them to join the club and after that, they're just that adjective that defined them once again. I don't feel compelled to like or sympathize with any of them INCLUDING THE PROTAGONIST. Gentarou is just shallow, Kengo is Gotou 2.0 but with a sick body, Yuki is the generic girl companion filling the female quota that has a thing for space to make her fit the story, Miu is the spoiled mean girl, Shun is the jock that is the star of the football team, Tomoko is the goth girl, and I have no idea what JK is supposed to be. And like I could excuse Miu, Shun, Tomo, and JK, being onesided if they were just victims of the MOTW because more or less each one of them had an interesting conflict centering around them for their "introduction" mini-arcs. But at the moment you make them recurring characters you gotta do something with them, you gotta show they're not just a stereotype in the story, but after 16 episodes that's all they are and I don't have hopes that they will have any major changes during the rest of the show.
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I usually would take some time to talk about the main trio of this season, but I feel like I have even fewer things to say about them than I have to say about the attached cast. Gentarou is supposed to be the upbeat cheerful lead that you want to root for, but he's the type of person who I hate the most that go around making the rest of the world bow to his will and make things without taking other person's boundaries into consideration and, in the end, he's reassured that what he's doing is right. I just can't like him, I'm sorry. Kengo is just boring, they try to make him interesting by giving him a sickness and a tragic past but it doesn't work for me. And Yuki is basically the same, don't get me wrong in terms of female companions she's an improvement from Hina and Akiko, but like, she lacks so much she's so generic I don't have any feeling for her.
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I wish I had something to say about the villains but we didn't get a lot of them in these episodes. They're based on the zodiac and they're all of the school staff it seems so I think that's cool. We've only seen two generals so far and I liked one but disliked the other so there's no concrete thing I can say about their designs. The zodiarts are cool, some designs are hit or miss but I like the concept of being constellations and that they can evolve/grade change into a general. I think the most exciting thing from the villains so far was seeing that the teacher was the Scorpio constellation because that was truly shocking I never guessed that bland teacher could be a villain, very sad she "lasted" for like only two episodes, but she hasn't been utterly defeated so I guess she can still come back.
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Before I go on with Fourze's design, I'll comment on something I didn't find a place for it. I don't know if it's just me, but this was a very slow show. Because of the "two episodes, one story" formula it took freaking TWELVE EPISODES to introduce all characters of the club and it felt so dragged, like if things weren't moving at a proper pace. Another thing that was quite difficult to me was accepting that those actors were high school kids, which is weird because I made the research and, by the calcs, everyone in the cast was around 18 years old by the time of release so it shouldn't feel as weird to have them playing high school kids, but I don't know there's something in there that doesn't register as right with me. Also, I was shocked by the small number of notes I had, for a post like this I usually have three pages worth of comments that I write on a notebook while I watch the show, but I could barely write a full page on these 16 episodes and that's just sad.
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And the last thing I have to complain about is Fourze's design. I'm sorry, but this design is ugly a hell, it took me so much to realize the helmet was supposed to be a rocket is not even funny. If their goal was to make something alien well congratulations to them because that looks awkward and uncomfortable as hell. And the power-ups? I know this probably sounded like a great idea on paper but the execution is way too wonky for me to like. And also he has the most awkward add-ons ever like, who though a brush would be a good power up? Not even the electric and the fire forms were able to make the design improve.
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I could complain some more and talk about the new rider that comes out of nowhere once again, but I'm tired and I don't wanna sound more annoying as I probably already do so I'll wrap things up here. Feel free to tell me how wrong I am in the comments, but please be kind. XD I'll see you guys another time, hopefully being more positive next time.
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cummunication · 5 years
My superpower [is my downfall]
I have a confession… I may or may not have a super power. It’s not flying or invisibility. It’s not telekinesis or x-ray vision; although that would be pretty cool. If I could I would change it… maybe to teleportation since I’m always running late. My superpower is…drum-roll please… being a highly sensitive introverted empath! Never heard of it before? You’re not alone. “A highly sensitive person (HSP) experiences the world differently than others. Due to a biological difference that they're born with, highly sensitive people are more aware of subtleties and process information deeply. HSP, or Highly Sensitive Person) is not a disorder, or a diagnosis. It is a neutral trait that evolved in 20% of the human population and many non-human species as well, because it is a survival advantage in some situations and not in others.” Being highly sensitive as well as empathic, is a blessing and a curse. It’s one which I feel lucky to have but at times doomed. If you aren’t aware of your HSP-E traits, it can get you into some shit. “There is no doubt about the fact that some people seem to have heightened emotions and be more sensitive than others. Having a particularly high level of emotional sensitivity is an actual condition - (HSP) In other words, being highly sensitive has an emotional dimension to it, and most HSPs would qualify as empaths — they tend to feel the emotions of others just like empaths do. At the same time, being an HSP also involves being more sensitive to all sensory input, not just emotions.” Introverts tend to be overly stimulated by external surroundings. This is why many introverts would also label as HSP’s. An introvert myself, I get anxious and exhausted in loud, busy crowds. Basically I need my alone and quiet time to relax and recharge. “Highly sensitive people are typically introverts whereas empaths can be introverts or extroverts, (though most are introverts) called Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS). ... The difference is, in addition to being an HSP, an empath is also clairsentient. That means that they can sense or feel the (emotional) energy around them without the use of their five senses. If you're a highly sensitive introvert, you know that everyday life can sometimes be a real struggle. ... Both introverts and extroverts can be highly sensitive, but the majority of HSPs are introverted (about 70 percent). When you're both an introvert and an HSP, it can feel like a one-two punch.” I personally love being introverted but at the same time, people can take offense to when I don’t jump at the offer of going out. It’s not that I don’t like spending time with my friends, it’s just it takes a lot of energy for me to want to stay out as well as engage with people on a consistent basis. I’m somewhat like a turtle, and could spend all day in my “shell” so to speak, with little desire to peak my head out. “In other words, being highly sensitive has an emotional dimension to it. At the same time, being an HSP also involves being more sensitive to all sensory input, not just emotions.” People who define as HSP’s may also be highly empathetic. As I’ve previously stated, this is a double edged sword. People with high empathy lean more towards helping or healing professions. Just because you are an empath however, does not automatically make you an HSP. “Empaths share all the traits of HSPs. These include a low threshold for stimulation, the need for alone time, sensitivity to light, sound, and smell, plus an aversion to large groups. Empaths share a highly sensitive person's love of nature, quiet environments, desire to help others, and a rich inner life.” As an empath, you are (unfortunately) prone to highly dysfunctional relationships/people. People develop high levels of empathy due to early traumatic experiences or growing up in a toxic environment as children. “Because empaths are thought to have hyper-responsive mirror neurons, we deeply resonate with other people's feelings. This means they lack the ability to feel empathy like other people do, which may be caused by an under-active mirror neuron system. Empaths are deeply sensitive individuals who are highly attuned to the emotions and energy of others. They can easily take on the emotions of others as their own. This can be a challenge when they have porous boundaries and end up absorbing the pain and stress of others. Empaths are highly attuned to other people's moods, good and bad. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme. They take on negativity such as anger or anxiety, which can be exhausting for them. If they are around peace and love, though, their bodies take these on and flourish.” Unfortunately for us empaths, dangerous, predatory people are easily drawn to us and we can be attracted to them as well; since they are our opposite. This can make us easy, vulnerable targets for people with personality disorders that enjoy exploiting people with big hearts since they know we are easily forgiving. They also hate us because they envy our ability to love, which they are not able to do. “Narcissists are sensitive only for themselves whereas empaths are sensitive about the whole world. Most of the empaths are not aware of spiritual reasons of being in this toxic condition. They keep taking the guilt and blame till their breaking point comes. The empath is attracted to the narcissist, and feels their need for affection is being met even if the narcissist isn't doing anything to develop the connection. The empath feels fulfilled and “in love” just from being around them.” I also feel the need to mention that empathy and sympathy are not the same. People have the tendency to correlate and use empathy and sympathy interchangeably however, they are quite different. “The differences between the most commonly used meanings of these two terms is: sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters. empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another, which is why actors often talk about it. Empathetic people do not just show concern or act sympathetically. They are able to imagine themselves in someone else's situation. An empath has the ability to physically feel and experience what another person is going through. They literally embody what is going on for other people, and the energy around them.” All in all, being an empath as well as a highly sensitive and introverted person can be draining and take a lot of emotional intelligence, as well as training to learn how to manage these characteristics as well as not get taken advantage of. It’s a beautiful thing to feel so deeply, especially living in the world we are today. That’s why it can be easy to believe “something is wrong with you” or that you don’t belong in a society which can be cruel and encourages people to listen to logic versus intuition. “Empaths are those in your life who are the healers, the nurturers, the highly sensitive lovers that give, and give, and give, often to the point of exhaustion. Though considered rare, empaths actually make up 15-20% of the population, meaning that there is a chance you yourself could be one. For empaths, it is related to the stress of constantly feeling other people's emotions.” It can be tempting to wish you didn’t feel things so extremely; when you’re high you’re super high but when you’re low, you come crashing down harder than ever, it can feel unbearable. I invite you to embrace your emotions and learn to cope with your feelings properly. The people whose lives you touch will be grateful you did… as well as yourself. 
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vividracing · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-5-best-intake-systems-for-your-polaris-rzr/
Top 5 Best Intake Systems for Your Polaris RZR
Polaris is arguably the world’s leader in side-by-side vehicles. The brand continues to break new ground with innovative performance to help riders push boundaries and explore new lands. Delivering superior control for unparalleled confidence, Polaris doesn’t just offer the ultimate riding experience ­– they define it. That reigns especially true for its highly popular Polaris RZR lineup. The Polaris RZR is known for delivering raw power paired with thrilling acceleration, and signature low-end torque that propels you to the front of the pack, and keeps you there. The Polaris RZR also boasts incredible levels of high-performance handling and agility to make it so responsive, it can practically guess your every move. Even so, there are certain modifications you can do to get the most out of your UTV and unleash its true potential so you won’t be constrained to factory limits.
For most enthusiasts, one of the first mods they do to their machines is upgrading the stock air intake system. That’s because the factory one is quite restrictive and could be holding your ride back from what it is truly capable of doing. That being said, the aftermarket houses a plethora of upgraded intake systems to let your Polaris RZR breathe freer, cooler air so that you can experience power gains across the RPM band as well as a better sound too. An upgraded air intake system also delivers enhanced styling to add some oomph to your UTV in a way that proves to be extremely functional and beneficial. You will find yourself riding more miles between filter servicing and enjoying enhanced acceleration and throttle response to transform your UTV experience.
We have compiled the following list (in no particular order) of the top 5 air intake systems for your Polaris RZR, based on factors like power gains, filtration properties, and overall construction. You can also browse our entire inventory of air intake systems for your Polaris RZR right here. If you have any further questions, please reach out to us by phone at 1-480-966-3040 or via email at [email protected]
1. Agency Power High-Flow Air Intake Kit
The Agency Power High-Flow Air Intake System for the Polaris RZR is one of the best upgrades you can do to help improve airflow from the intake to the engine. With this system, you will gain some respectable horsepower gains and notice improved drivability throughout your UTV’s entire RPM range. This kit features a roto-molded plastic tube design that faces the back of the vehicle, and includes a Polaris mesh-inspired cross brace and AP’s high-flow dry filters. The dry filter does not need to be oiled as its media has sub-micron diameters and small inter-fiber spaces which result in more contaminants being caught. This filter is completely reusable, allowing you to easily clean and maintain it between trips. The dual filters mount uniquely on the intake tubes to grab more air and offer great styling to boot.
The new Agency Power intake tubes and filters replace your Polaris RZR’s factory system that runs to the roof of the vehicle. This new design helps to increase airflow effectively while providing better filtration properties than the stock system. The high-performing intake tubes also feature a smooth interior to eliminate any turbulent air. AP strategically designed this system from the ground up to be a direct bolt-on replacement for the factory Polaris RZR intake. This simple upgrade is a must-have for those running aftermarket roll cages and need an air intake solution. On top of all that, Agency Power has thoroughly tested this system in real-world desert conditions to ensure it delivers the highest levels of reliability, performance, and longevity.
Lightweight Roto Molded XLPE Plastic Constructed Tubes
Dual Black Intake Tubes
Unique Filter Mounting
High-Flow and Reusable Air Filters
Get Gains of 8-11 Horsepower
Cross Bar Available in Matte Black, Gloss White, and Gloss Red
Bolt-On, Easy Installation
Buy It Here! 
2. Agency Power Cold Air Intake System
The Agency Power Cold Air Intake System for the Polaris RZR is a great way to enhance the amount of airflow going from the intake to the turbocharger. This kit swaps out the stock corrugated rubber intake tube and paper mesh filter with AP’s durable silicone J-tube and high-flow reusable air filter. The J-tube and filter are direct replacements for the factory counterparts, allowing the use of the stock air inlet and box to protect and air in airflow. By adding the Agency Power CAI, you will notice gains in horsepower, torque, throttle response, and overall drivability almost instantaneously. Each and every component of this system was meticulously engineered to provide a reliable and long-lasting system that delivers proven results. As a simple add-on upgrade, this kit will prove to be successful in improving the overall performance of your Polaris RZR without any further mods needed.
The custom high-flow Agency Power filter features a blue mesh design (made of synthetic nano-fibers) with the AP logo and cap. The dry filter media does not need to be oiled and is completely reusable for your convenience. The silicone tube replaces the factory rubberized one and offers an easy installation between your UTV’s turbo and stock air box. It is made from 3-ply silicone material with a smooth inside that eliminates any turbulence caused by corrugated designs. The silicone intake is also much stronger than the Polaris RZR’s factory one, allowing it to hold up much better to harsh environments and off-road elements. Each silicone intake tube includes a MAP sensor port, crankcase breather port, and blow-off valve port to work with your UTV’s factory components. 
3-Ply Silicone Construction
Stealthy Black Appearance
Also Available in Red and Blue
High-Flow, Reusable Air Filter
Simple Bolt-On Installation
Buy It Here! 
3. K&N Performance Air Intake System
The K&N Performance Air Intake System will take your Polaris RZR to the next level by getting rid of the restrictive stock one to get the most out of your UTV. This air intake kit comes with dual K&N high-flow air filters and a lidded heat shield that installs into the previous air box space. Air is directed through dual free-flowing aluminum intake tubes into the Polaris RZR’s engine throttle body to deliver noticeable power gains. A high-density polyethylene (HDPE) rotationally molded tube helps to increase the amount of airflow to your RZR’s engine to deliver additional horsepower and torque. The custom heat shield helps to protect intake air from high temperatures in the engine bay to keep things running cool and optimally. 
The system is paired with a washable and reusable high-flow air filter featuring oiled cotton filter media for the best filtration possible. The oversized cone-shaped air filters can be used for up to 100,000 miles before service is required, depending on overall driving conditions. This air intake is also relatively simple to install and can be done in just 90 minutes using basic hand tools. That’s because this system uses your UTV’s existing factory mounting points and includes a replacement silicone idle bypass hose for added convenience. It’s important to note, however, that the 57 series intake system is highway-legal in all 50 states, while the 63 series intake system is intended for off-road use only.
Guaranteed to increase horsepower and torque
Roto-molded HDPE intake tube paired with oversized oiled cotton air filter
Engineered to provide high airflow and exceptional filtration
Replaces factory air filter and intake tube
Filter only requires cleaning every 100,000 miles under normal driving conditions
A typical installation can be done in 90 minutes or less with simple hand tools
10-Year/Million Mile Limited Warranty™
Will not void vehicle warranty
Buy It Here! 
Buy the Off-Road Version Here! 
4. K&N Performance AirCharger System
  The K&N 57 (highway-legal) and 63 (off-road use) AirCharger Air Intake System is intended to replace the restrictive factory air filter and air intake housing on Polaris RZR models. This package delivers proven increases in both horsepower and torque numbers for a more enjoyable ride that unleashes the true potential of your machine. K&N’s famous air intake kits are designed to dramatically reduce intake restriction as they smoothen and straighten the airflow your vehicle is taking in. Such allows your UTV’s engine to inhale a larger volume of air than the factory air filter assembly. And we all know that more air means more usable power and acceleration throughout the entire RPM range. K&N knows what it takes to deliver excellent filtration properties in an attractive and high-performing package, and this is no exception. 
The K&N Performance Air Intake System includes a high-flow air filter, which is protected from the elements with an enclosed filter housing. Air is directed via a free-flowing aluminum intake tube into the engine’s throttle body for guaranteed power gains. The oversized conical high-flow air filter is both washable and reusable. It features oiled cotton filter media that is further protected by the enclosed filter housing for added defense against unwanted heat and elements. It can be used for up to 100,000 miles between servicing is needed, depending on your driving conditions. This package can be easily installed in about 90 minutes or less using standard hand tools. The 57 series is legal in all 50 states while the 63 series is not legal for use in California.
Guaranteed to increase horsepower and torque
Includes a Free-flowing aluminum intake tube
Designed to improve throttle response and engine sound
Engineered to provide high airflow and exceptional filtration
Filter only requires cleaning every 100,000 miles under normal driving conditions
Typical installation can be completed in 90 minutes or less with simple hand tools
10-Year/Million Mile Limited Warranty
Emissions Compliant – Legal in all 50 states
Buy It Here! 
Buy the Off-Road Version Here! 
5. AIRAID Powersports Air Intake w/ Snorkel & Scoop
AIRAID’s first-ever product was a filter that replaced the restrictive factory component. These were sold as intake system kits and were immediately met with heightened demand and popularity in the high-performance aftermarket. Using that, AIRAID expanded into optimizing air intakes across a wide spectrum of vehicles, including UTVs, to power drivers and explorers to adventure further and discover the full potential of their ride. The AIRAID Powersports Air Intake with Snorkel and Scoop for the Polaris RZR is a complete bolt-on replacement for the stock system and comes with all of the necessary hardware for a seamless installation process. No additional tuning is needed ­– just bolt it on and go on your way!
The AIRAID UTV air intake system is proven to deliver gains in horsepower with the added benefit of less required maintenance. The system starts with an AIRAID premium air filter to increase airflow and provide better filtration, especially in harsh environments. In addition to being a high-quality air filter, this one is fully washable and reusable for added convenience. Simply wash/clean it between rides for optimal performance and keep on riding! The unique AIRAID snorkel system in this package allows your machine’s intake air to be drawn from up high above, away from water and trail dust. Air restriction is addressed in the factory air box by replacing it with a new, one-piece roto-molded air box on many applications.
Increases horsepower and acceleration
Snorkel places the air inlet up away from water and dust
Secures air intake snorkels onto the roll cage
AIRAID premium washable and reusable filter
Complete bolt-on kit; Easy Installation
No Hassle Lifetime Warranty
Buy It Here! 
Buy It w/o Snorkel Here! 
0 notes
bibleversesblog · 3 years
Get Your Printable For These Bible Verses on Self-Control
Proverbs 25:27-28
It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to search out matters that are too deep. Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.
Honey itself is not a bad thing. It tastes so sweet and wonderful. Food is such a blessing when you eat it for the right reasons!
But it seems as humans, when we get a taste of something good, our appetite becomes insatiable and we crave more and more and more.
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Well, I’ve already had 3 cookies…what’s 1 more?”
That’s how the enemy works.
He convinces you that just a little bit more is okay. And then a little bit more after that.
Don’t be like a city whose walls are broken. Stand firm, knowing when enough is enough.
1 Corinthians 7:5
Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
This verse is referring to sex, but the concept of self-control here is the same.
As I mentioned about, small lapses in our judgement, giving in to just a little bit of temptation doesn’t always feel sinful.
It doesn’t always feel like we need to fight it.
When we give in to temptation once, even just a little bit, it’s like Satan sticking his foot in the door, giving him more power to tempt you even more.
That’s the lie of temptation. It tells you that when you give in, it’s going to feel so good and you’ll feel so satisfied…
But that satisfaction never comes and all you’re left with is that feeling that you want more.
1 Timothy 3:2-3
Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.
In this verse, Timothy was explaining what they should look for in a person before appointing them as an overseer.
In their list of character traits, self-control is a biggie and applicable to just about everything else on the list.
It takes self-control to accomplish all of those things – staying faithful to your wife, keeping your cool in frustrating situations, not drinking too much, not losing your temper, not arguing (even when you think you’re right), and not becoming too focused on money.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
I included 5 verses here because they are all so powerful bible verses.
This is a strong warning to avoid people lacking self-control.
It uses strong wording, saying that people without self-control love pleasure more than God.
Yikes! I never want that to be something that defines me!
And the end of the verse instructs them to, “Have nothing to do with such people.”
Don’t be such people. Be an example of Christ that others can look up to.
Titus 2:11-12
For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age…”
Titus is full of encouragement to be self-controlled. It mentions that elders need to be self-controlled (Titus 1:8), older men should be taught to be self-controlled (Titus 2:2), older women need to be self-controlled (Titus 2:5), and younger men should be encouraged to be self-controlled, as well (Titus 2:6).
So, basically, the Bible says every age group of people really need to work on this character quality!
And this passage explains that it’s the grace of God that teaches us to say no to sin (because, I’m certainly not strong enough to resist without His help!).
2 Peter 1:5-8
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.
For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
There is a growth process listed in this verse to help us live powerfully and purposefully.
Becoming a Christian is not the end of the road!
After you have faith, strive to add goodness, knowledge, self-control, and so on.
I want people to know how Jesus has transformed my life and developing self-control is an important way to prevent myself from being “ineffective and unproductive.”
2 Timothy 1:7
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
It’s crazy how often we let fear guide our decisions.
With money, food, and all kinds of other pleasures in life, there is this fear that there isn’t enough to go around.
Instead of gathering up as much of those things for ourselves as we possibly can, God calls us to live a different way.
He calls us to be content with what we have, knowing that He is our provider.
We don’t need to live in fear or timidity because the Hold Spirit is our source of all the power, love, self-discipline we need.
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
This is my go-to verse when it comes to food cravings (and other temptations!).
It is a powerful reminder of a few different things.
#1 – I am not alone. Temptation can be so isolating if we believe we are the only one struggling.
#2 – I can do this. God is faithful and knows my limits. He won’t tempt me more than I can bear, which means He knows I have the strength to overcome it.
#3 – There is always another way. It makes sense in the moment to think that the only way to satisfy my (crazy) strong desire for Oreos is to give in and eat them, but there is always another way to respond to that urge.
I’m not saying it’s easy, but this verse reminds me to stop, think, and look for the way out of temptation.
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
There is no denying that developing self-control requires sacrifice.
Often, we view sacrifice as just giving up something we really want. It’s about deprivation and missing out on happiness.
My pastor explains sacrifice differently.
He says sacrifice is giving up something you love for something you love more.
That really resonated with me. It’s helped me learn to offer my body as a living sacrifice in a way that honors God in my eating and worships Him in my exercise.
James 1:19-20
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.
Self-control is a character trait that affects so many aspects of your life – your weight loss journey, the words you speak, the way you express frustration and anger.
The incredible thing about self-control is that when you improve it in one area (like making healthier food choices when you really want to eat a whole chocolate cake), it spreads to other areas.
You learn not to respond to your emotions and urges right away, so you become more patient and temperate in all things.
1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
We were all created for a unique purpose. It’s an incredible honor that God would create you and I to do good works to serve Him and others.
But all purposes in our lives require strict training – losing weight, learning to read, running a marathon, earning your PhD, and so much more.
Doing great things requires great self-control.
1 Corinthians 6:12
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
Human freedom tells us, “Do whatever makes you happy. You deserve it.”
God knows that is not the best way to live and will never bring us true happiness anyways. He gives us healthy boundaries to enjoy the good things in life, but not to the point of excess.
You have the choice to live however you’d like. You can go eat a family size bag of Cheetos right now if you want to.
But just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Food cravings have a way of starting small (“a cookie sounds good right now”) and growing into a monstrous problem that dictates our decisions (“you need to go through a drive-thru on your way home and toss the evidence before your husband can see”).
Be watchful that you aren’t being mastered by those things.
2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
As humans, we love to be independence. We can’t wait to get our driver’s licenses, move out of the house, and earn our way in the world with promotions, certifications, and achievements.
We want to prove that we can do it all – balance family, run our schedules, find success.
We desperately try to hide any sign of weakness because that would show others that we are failing.
But God isn’t limited by our human standards.
If you are struggling with lapses in self-control due to temptation, cravings, and mistakes, know that God’s grace is still enough.
And when we admit our struggles and seek Him to fill in our gaps, it’s only then that we can be complete.
What an amazing God we serve who can work even more powerfully in our shortcomings!
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junker-town · 3 years
It’s legal for an NBA player to sit on his teammate’s shoulders... sort of
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Art by Phil. He’s like the Banksy of Secret Base.
What brave team will begin the revolution?
According to the NBA rulebook, it is not illegal for one player to climb onto his teammate’s shoulders and play as one unit. This is a potentially game-changing discovery and I look forward to many accolades rolling in as I revolutionize basketball. I found this tactical revelation after reading the entire NBA rulebook, a gruelingly repetitive codex that does a wonderful job of spelling out every detail and not forcing you to guess.
However, I chose my words carefully - it is not illegal. I wish I could simply say “it’s legal,” and we could all move on with our day. Unfortunately, the NBA (assumedly after the release of Air Bud) drafted language that can cover their ass in any situation. It’s called Elastic Power, which basically means if a ref sees something they don’t like, they can just decide it’s a foul. It’s similar to the NFL rule that can turn the commissioner into God whenever they feel like it, and therefore is a dumb concept built to prevent anything from getting too fun. That said, until the NBA actually uses their Elastic Power to ban shoulder sitting, the law is on our side.
Now, like any good scheme, it’s important to know exactly when you can and can’t get away with these antics. We have some very definitive don’ts which then frame the playground in which we can properly stack some boys.
The rulebook really hammers home how you can’t stack players in order to score. This would be considered an illegal assist, which occurs when a player helps a teammate “gain height while attempting to score.” While gain height sounds like a cop trying to describe someone who’s got ups, this section sadly ruins more than just player stackability. This is the text that prevents a player from hoisting his teammate up to the hoop. The phrasing also implies that even an “unintentional” assist, such as Player A bending down to tie his shoe and Player B using A’s back as a springboard to elevate towards the hoop, would receive a whistle.
However, there is a positive to this killjoy of a rule. It has such extreme specificity that I believe if they didn’t want us stacking dudes, they’d just say so. It’s the only direct reference that really says not to try this stunt. Other parts of the rulebook require you to read between the lines to see where players on shoulders wouldn’t be allowed.
Jump balls: only one player can be within the restraining circle. Therefore, you could not have a two-player stack vie for the opening tip.
Defensive three-seconds: only one player can actively guard the offensive player with the ball while in the lane. Since a player stack would count as a double team, this would draw a whistle pretty quick. Sure, you could have each player face opposite directions in the stack with the bottom half getting a face full of crotch, but ideally their visibility is not hindered.
Inbounding the ball: only one player is allowed over the boundary line when the ball is thrown-in. Simple enough. No goofs here.
That’s really it. And realistically, I think outside of really hilarious tall dunks, there are far better uses of stacking a player atop another.
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Take jump balls for instance. I don’t think you’d want to do this anyway since the player taking the tip isn’t allowed to grab the ball. But, they don’t forbid stacking two guys in order to grab the ball once it’s tipped. Same goes for inbounding the ball. And with defensive three seconds, you’d be better off using this meat stack out on the perimeter regardless. It’s a three-point shooting league, so why not try to block those shots straight at the source? That’d also help prevent some egregious (although again hilarious) goaltending calls.
So with that clearer picture of when not to build a dude stack, it’s time to get into how to best utilize this tall tactic. I’m now realizing I haven’t said anything’s a “tall task” yet. Huh.
Anyway, since you can’t use a stack for scoring directly, the obvious alternative is let them dish out assists. Honestly, this might even be more beneficial than doing the actual scoring anyway. Imagine a point guard astride his sturdiest teammate, scanning the floor from 10-feet up in the air, soaring over opponents to generate passing lanes that simply aren’t there for the plebians on the floor. I believe you could utilize a two-player stack to create the deadliest passer the NBA has ever seen.
How would you even combat this thing? Well, the defense would need a player-stack of their own. They’d need to mirror their counterpart’s every move, four arms plus two legs stretched out to take away every opportunity possible. While the offensive duo could dish like crazy, on defense you could generate steals in addition to endless blocked shots (if some single-bodied player was foolish enough to throw up a shot). It would be the duel of the ages, like Pacific Rim but good. Height can only be defeated by more height. If Team A throws a third player on the stack, Team B better hurry and do the same.
The most interesting bit of this concept regards traveling. Since we can trust the NBA to have thought everything and spelled things out how they saw best, they’ve given us some wiggle room when it comes to dribbling the ball. Every reference to traveling focuses on “a player,” and at what point they must dribble, which depends on when their feet are on or off the floor at time of possession. But if our top player has the ball, feet off the ground, when is he expected to dribble? Since these are two of our five players, it would be unfair to say the bottom half’s feet are now what dictates the dribbling of the top half. Based on the text, you could make an argument that if a top-half player holds the ball, they don’t have to dribble and the bottom-half can run around as they please.
While the possibilities aren’t necessarily endless, the well-defined rulebook leaves plenty of room to experiment. The important thing is an NBA team could get away with this if they were brave enough and had the perseverance to keep trying until they get a cool ref.
Now, if anyone has Mike D’Antoni’s number, please leave it in the comments so we can begin the revolution.
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lazaruspithottub · 7 years
Comments on Kara’s love life
Plz hear me out I am trying to be reasonable. 1. Her love life should NOT define her. It is a subplot at best. It gets one episode in my perfect season if it is lucky. 2. I like James. I thought he was a cool guy. I just did not think that he was the right guy for Kara. I didn't see that magic on screen that I've been waiting for and that Kara AND James deserve. He is still one of Kara's best friends and I love that and he supports her (except for when he hated on Lena x3 but he can change and someone else we know can't) 3. Karamel is not that. Mon El is wrong for our girl Kara in so many ways. She should  only be improved and made happier by a love interest not constantly put down. Now for the rest of my essay... buckle in.
Mon El. I started out the season really intrigued by this character you know, he had potential and all that. I EVEN accepted him as a love interest for Kara. But then he lied to her once and I thought: 'it's only once that's forgivable, he is still getting used to Earth customs etc.'
Then it happened again and I went: "you know what this isn't great but no-one is perfect." But then it kept happening and I started to realise... Kara deserves more. And in a show that should be primarily about Kara I don't understand how people are okay with Kara being lied to over and over and frankly deceived.
And looking back I don't understand how people firmly believe/believed Mon El every single time. Whenever he has screwed up this season an apology and a day seem to be the only thing that he needs in order to be forgiven. He is literally held to different standards than everyone else.
I do admit that the two actors have chemistry. But chemistry is not enough for me to dismiss all of someone's flaws. In fact, i think that it is one of the poorest excuses in history. Seriously. No jokes. Urgh. Furthermore, villains and heroes in other shows have chemistry. That DOESN'T mean that I want the villain to be with the hero.
And as for character “defense squads” I don't understand how people can unconditionally care for a character that much. I have characters I love ❤️More than anything --but not unconditionally, and especially not when they treat my fellow women like Mon El has. People simply don't change that quickly. Less than a year and someone can suddenly go from objectifying women (not my words) and treating them as literal slaves to where he supposedly is now? We all know that this is ridiculous.
But, for arguments sake let's say that Mon El really was changing/has changed. Even if this were true, it is not Kara's job as a girlfriend to teach him what is right and what is wrong. It is not her job to teach him to respect her opinion; because if he doesn't already respect her opinions then they should not be together. To the people who say that Kara does this teaching willingly because she: 'loves him'. I say that she can do this as a friend and I repeat again that it is entirely inappropriate for her as his girlfriend to be teaching him basic ethics, seriously.
"Oh, no, but he is a hero"... no. He isn't. He has barely done anything actually "heroic" and not only that . Even if he were a 'hero' he certainly does not have the heart of one. A true hero does not get into things for selfish reasons. Mon El got into the hero business to 'score Kara'.
"He got into it for Kara but now he really is a hero". He got into the whole hero business for Kara, yes, but the reason he continues to do it is not honourable. He does not do it for a love of the people, he doesn't do it because he cares about innocent lives more than his own and he doesn't do it because he wants to use his powers for good and to protect people who cannot protect themselves because they, unlike him do not have powers.
"But they're in love that is all that matters". Never. Even if they did truly love each other, which I very much doubt... Love is never all that matters! Respect for one another and each other's opinions, grievances and pains matter too. And a lot of the time these things matter a whole lot more than love. It is mutual respect, a combination of various other factors AND THEN love that make some of the greatest ships, well... great. They do not have that.
If you have to ignore all that is in front of you for your ship to work, how is this okay? And WHY do you still ship it?
I am ashamed that I once shipped this — even a bit. That I once thought it was okay for Kara to be in this kind of relationship because it is not! And now part of me feels like it is my job to tell people why this isn't okay. So please, heed my words. Heed my warnings.
4. Lena Luthor. God I love Lena. I could literally talk about her all day... ☺️ The chemistry between Kara and Lena. I seriously question the sanity of those who say it isn't there. Obviously heteronormativity has been that drilled into their brains. My greatest sympathies folks. You're missing out on soooo much. Moving on from their sizzling chemistry...
My shipping Supercorp is not because I do not ship Karamel. I did not stop shipping Karamel when I started to ship Supercorp. I stopped shipping Karamel for Kara and the reasons above. These two were not a choose one kind of deal. It came down to what was best for Kara.
Lena has that mutual respect for Kara thank god. If she didn't I would've NOT ship it. But more than that she understands boundaries. Lena is bright, she is witty and she is arguably the most intelligent person on the planet (brother was canonically I believe and she beat him in chess sooo...). Ergo, Lena knows that Kara is Supergirl. But she doesn't bring it up. Lena respects that Kara isn't ready to tell her about that yet and she gives her the time she needs. Lena trusts Kara and she trusts that when Kara is ready she will tell her — despite her being a Luthor. She knows that Kara doesn't see her as a Luthor to be stopped, but a friend to be trusted. As to why Kara hasn't told her that she is Supergirl, it is not because of a lack of trust. It is because, for Kara, you would think it would be nice to have a friend who didn't have those high expectations of you; one who just saw you as Kara the reporter and friend. But furthermore, Lena only has two friends in National city, Kara and Supergirl, and you have to imagine that Kara — caring for Lena like she does— would not want her to feel any less cared for through the realisation that these two friends are the same person. Finally, Lena is a person that she believes in (see literally every 15 seconds in Ep. Luthors for confirmation).
But respect is also seen in friendship... so what makes them a good romantic ship? Well... kumbucha dates, filling offices with flowers, bite lip stares... these are not thing s you do for a friend. These are things you do for/with someone you are romantically interested in. Someone you have feelings for. Kara is not a lesbian. And by the look of it, Lena might not be either. But that does not mean they cannot be attracted to other women. In fact, I believe that there is a good chance that they are both bisexual or pansexual. And why not? It would only enrich the story!
I hold firm in my recent realisations. These, of course being, that if Lena was a male character that Supercorp would already be a thing and that far more people would ship it. So do not tell me that heteronormativity and homophobia do not play a role in their endlessly friend zoned relationship on the show. Because they so clearly do.
Supercorp is the ship of hope and positivity that this show so desperately needs if it wants to ever give Kara a romantic interest who respects her and loves her unconditionally, one who trusts her, and believes in her and one who makes her happy all whilst captivating the viewers with scintillating chemistry.
But, ultimately, this show is Kara's show, and for me, she matters a whole lot more than some ship.
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The alter ego I left behind in 2016
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Hey boys! Who wants to go on a date with Satan? Come on down.
What would you think if someone offered to set you up on a date with a girl named Satan?  
We’ve all heard about a girl that’s like Satan. She parties hard, drawing boundaries only around the things she has yet to do. She shows up in your life one day with her amazing shoes, brand new convertible, and whispers kinky things into your ear with her raspy voice (just like Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled) Who wouldn’t want to make a pact with the devil knowing that doing so would mean having the time of your life?  
Let’s be real though, Satan is one of those “hot mess” girls (View Cobra Starship’s “Hot Mess” music video). A girl that is BFF’S with Ke$ha and vomits glitter for fun. The kind of girl who is a blast to be around but turns out to just be loose cannon after all. A girl whose life is a never ending party, always moving on to the next party, drink, bro.
She has been drunk for so long she can drink virtually anyone under the table, even men and her superpower is being insusceptible to hangovers (take that Batman). Basically, Satan has been avoiding responsibility all her life and is completely out of touch with herself.
Now, would a bro want to hang out with Satan? Hell yeah. Would a nice, responsible guy with a fully vested 401K want to go on a date with Satan? Probably not. Would she be someone they would take seriously? You guessed right. Nope.
Guys don’t want to date let alone “wife up” a girl who they think has seen, been, and experienced everything. Where’s the adventure in that, right? Not saying she has, but she makes it SEEM like it. It’s just the way the world works. Perception is reality.
Unfortunately for Satan, she seems all over the place. A party girl is...Well, let’s just take a trip down definition lane. If you were thinking Merriam-Webster you would be terribly wrong (she wouldn’t even have a shot in hell with Merriam or Webster, even though she runs the place). Say hello to Urban Dictionary:
A girl who will party hard anywhere, even if the party is shit she will get down and get naked. She likes to fuck, usually will either swallow or let you spray it all over her. Also prone to threesomes (including bi), and taking it in the wrong 'un.
A girl who simply likes to party. Every weekend she is seen at a party either drinking, dancing, or mingling. She may go home drunk or completely sober. Commonly associated with being whore, they are usually just 'wild childs', that party hard.
A girl who will hang out and have sex with a guy or guys who are sharing coke, ecstacy, crystal or other drugs with her.
Any female who constantly frequents nightclubs. She is entitled to always have a good time, with little or no responsibilities.
This is the general view the world has of party girls. Not a really good one. Satan is rarely seen as a girl who wants to settle down and change her lifestyle.  She is not the type of girl who gives the impression she could be taken seriously in a relationship. Again perception is reality.
Well, hello there! I am Satan. Ha. Except not all the ideas that are used to define me are true.  I do whisper into people’s ears with my raspy voice (mostly fart jokes), I didn’t develop an immunity to hangovers (still working on a formula). And most importantly, I do wanna settle down.  It seems that I am a lot of things that I am not. I tend to give the wrong impression. I know.  
I will spare you the gruesome details of how I got that nickname...let’s just say it involves many shots, lost shoes, frontal lobe damage, projectile vomit (not mine) and a tiny hat.
Let’s take another little trip. This one is down memory lane so you can understand the evil forces that caused me to be this way. (I say evil forces for dramatic effect don’t go  and think I am part of some weird ass cult). And for all the Satan’s out there, don’t worry there’s hope.
When I was 13 I was a hopeless romantic, I always have, always will be, and don’t let me tell you otherwise. I believed Prince Charming was going to show up one day and take me on a magic carpet ride. (Yeah, I take the carpet over the horse any day. Plus having a tiger pet is cool as shit). You may be thinking “Alright Jasmin, relax!” But really, I believed he would show up, kiss me, and suddenly all the love songs would make perfect sense. (My boo, wherever you will go and I will walk a thousand miles follow). EW. If someone called me boo today I’d barf instantly. On their face. I wouldn’t be sorry.
Needless to say it didn’t happen. The prince flaked on me, found another boo and I remained single for the rest of my life. (With the exception of a two week boyfriend I had. He was a sweet kid but I broke up before I could develop feelings for him). Later on, I realized that I was terrified to bare my heart and soul to anybody. Yeah, I am a living contradiction. I wanted love, the whole shebang but I didn’t want to feel vulnerable. (Maybe the real reason why no one came).
Other than him, no other guy seemed to be genuinely interested in me. Boys noticed my body for the most part. I’d crush on my male friends on a regular basis, just to have them crush on my girl friends (no, I never went to them to confess my love. I’m much more chill than that and my pride wouldn’t have allowed me). They just saw me as their fun friend with a great sense of humor and a “hot” body.
So in my teenagey little brain I got what I thought was the message the universe wanted to send me (let the celestial trumpets blow here). “You are a girl to have fun with, your face isn’t cute but you can use your body. Boys don’t take funny girls like you seriously, they take bodies seriously though, so you might as well go out there and have fun.” And hell broke lose.
I decided that if love wasn’t going to happen to me. I was at least going to have a damned good time. So as a good rebellious millennial I said fuck love, fuck all those love songs, and fuck feeling unwanted.
I choose a bunch of badass bitches from movies and real life who had no fucks to give and I made them my role models. I did my best to model myself after them: Elizabeth Hurley, Angelina Jolie, P!nk, to name a few. I just wanted to be fun, attractive, and detached.  
The thing is that at the end of the movie most of them did end up with the guy and I didn’t, but I didn’t care #thelieswetellourselves.
So I became Satan aka the party girl. I never prostituted myself for any substance, didn’t sleep with any dudes and I definitely never let anyone “spray it all over me”. I don’t judge anyone who has, I did my fare share of very wild things, but I am explaining my version of Satan. I am also explaining myself in case my mom ever reads this, please sympathize. (Sorry Mom).
Ultimately I have hid behind this Satan persona that I created. I tricked myself and built this fake confidence that turned into real confidence (fake it til you make it, right?). Still I always believed I had to rely on my body to get the attention I deserved from bros. A piece of advice that I should take is you get what you think you deserve so never sell yourself short. I slowly became a professional provocateur and flirtist (yeah, I make up words on a regular basis). I mean damn, I would have even flirted with my own shadow if I thought it was a hot bro.
In the love department I crushed on guys who were always unavailable and pushed some nice dudes away. I was too busy filling my kiss chart with strangers from all over the world to be bothered by nice dudes who actually saw right through me and wanted to take Satan out on a date. (I know right? Were they fucking crazy? I took my bad bitch role seriously). I know now that the crazy one was me. Haha (that’s me laughing at myself and the universe and irony).
I maintained this lifestyle for about a decade. Can you imagine how exhausting it was? Take it from me, worse than a 9 to 5. It felt great until it didn’t and then I had to make it great again, as all deals with the devil this lifestyle came with a price. I’m not proud of some of the prices I paid, some price tags included: too much alcohol, drugs, my dignity, my morals, and copious amounts of guilt and shame.
There were many times I felt depressed, lonely, exhausted and I just wanted to have a boyfriend like my friends. No one came and bad bitches are never sad, so I grabbed my tequila, put on mascara, played some house music and got my shit on lock. It didn’t take long till I found the next party. I lived in this vicious cycle.
Oh well, you can’t live in the past. Those days are over now. Now that I have grown a little, I realize I was too busy attracting situations and people that fed the beliefs I had about myself (my Satan self that is). Probably so busy that even if Prince Charming had stopped by with his magic carpet I would have either not noticed or looked the other way.
You may be wondering who hides behind the façade? Well, Hello, it’s still me. I can’t deny the wild and crazy parts of me, but they are not all there is to my identity. I disowned many parts of my authentic self to keep up with the Satan persona.
The parts I disowned never went away, I just never showed them. Qualities people never would attribute as mine but actually are. Like the fact that I am smart and yeah, sometimes I may have shown up drunk or hungover to class throughout high school and college but my grades were great and I NEVER failed a class. I graduated with honors. And even though I am relaxed I am extremely responsible, reliable and organized. It may seem that my life is a mess but I’ve got it more together than anyone thinks.
As an avid reader, I actually read about 10-12 books per year, including some poetry books.I know. Haha. I enjoy museums, playing video games, amusement parks outdoor activities, dirt bikes, go-karts, arcades and spending time around large bodies of water. But I strongly dislike bowling and beer (this should be my online dating profile). The list goes on but I wouldn’t want to bore you.
So yeah there is a lot more than what a person “seems” to be.
In the past year and a half I’d like to think I have grown up a lot, or enough to let myself be more me and less Satany. Also I have been going to therapy for 10 months with a cool, intense, brunette with amazing hair, and a dry sense of humor who sees right through all my bullshit. She makes me get real and raw (raw hurts by the way). She’s helped me expel the forces of evil from my brain, taught me about gratefulness, self-worth, and thanks to her I have gained self-awareness which is one of the most amazing gifts anyone has ever given me.
So let’s reassess yeah?
I am like all humans which means I have strengths, weaknesses, and I am working on myself to keep evolving.
Sometimes it scares me to think that people will never see past Satan, and by people I mean a decent guy (if he saw past Satan) who I could potentially be in a healthy long term relationship with. What If I meet a guy I really like and I inevitably project that image about me? It is really fucking scary and I go on panic mode sometimes...except I am aware. Woke if you will!
It’s not the same panic I have felt since I was 23 and I thought I was going to die forever alone, this one is much milder (like the green salsa). I no longer believe I will die forever alone with 10 cats (I don’t like cats anyways) and I don’t believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with me anymore. I just trust that I will meet someone when it’s the right time and that’s all. I don’t sweat it anymore. I am at peace and for know I enjoy the pleasure of my own fucking company.
When I do meet him, I just want him to see me and not just Satan (maybe Satan in the bedroom...Jk). So yeah I may feel a little worried about that sometimes but then I remember that I am super awesome, I have a bajillion things to offer, and any guy who locks me down should consider himself very lucky. (Yeah, yeah I will be lucky too but this is about me, not him and I haven’t met him yet).
To all the party girls out there, it’s cool to have fun but don’t let Satan become your identity. Don’t trade the good, funky and nerdy parts of yourself to keep this identity you made yourself believe is all there is to you. Remember your real friends and family will always know who you really are and so should you.
PSA: I’m going to repeat this don’t fucking sell yourself short and value yourself enough to walk away from any douche who just wants to “spray it all over you”. This may sound completely platitudinal but whoever you are wherever you are, you are worthy of love and respect. Learn to love yourself, know your value, and don’t put up with anyone who doesn’t.
P.S.S When I wrote this in September I feared that even though I had evolved, guys would always see me as a party girl. Thanks to the 10 guys from the post below I was able to understand what Michelle always told me. It was something like“ Jude, don’t worry. They will see you” ( Not just Satan).
I still worried. She was right, they saw me :)
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zella69-blog · 4 years
Photo crop with the best photo editor for PC
Perfect photos are indicated to shoot the suchness of an album or even a thing over it, without revealing the perfect scenery as a whole. In other words, they satisfy of producing surprising pictures from common subjects. That look can be accomplished by increase a part of an otherwise regular picture, or by making near shots of things what the audience asking yourself in adoration, naturally what the object may be. As well as things with drawings and repetition are fantastic prospects for different pictures, such as in the photo of chopped figs listed below. Best photo editor for PC does possess a few of the features is popular for, which happens pretty practical when you've determined you have actually like to try your give on something even more high-end than image correction and print thumbnails. Best photo editor for PC can easily similarly bring in freeze frames coming from video recording, and also diverse data. And when you're experiencing a little bit idle or even it is actually just ordinary uninformed about exactly how to make use of a few of the devices, an assistant can support you to change the essentials just as lights, concentration, shade, as well as rotation of graphics. For this people who like their photographs in wide scale editions, the software program helps you flawlessly placed with each other pictures to produce a scenic photo. And also when it's a chance to print off your photography skills, you may pick among the picture program layout templates to immediately publish all of them in a specific measurement.
Rotate an image or texts in photos is really easy with the best photo editor for PC and edit an image software download
Best photo editor for PC download or software to edit a photo to cut pictures or write text in a photo
This photo editor is actually better for fired up learners with a considerable amount of time in their workflow to find out the too technological features that will scare initial chance image modifying consumers. It additionally comes prepared with a 360 degrees scenic view course. Probably the glossiest jewel in the bunch would certainly be the beautiful skin influence, which evens out as well as eliminates reddish spots out the skin layer shade. Whereas there's no mechanically color solution alternate quite vital to repair service the bad illuminating most electronic cameras capture, there are actually the standard functions of cover photo areas.
Among the most well-known misunderstood components of digital photography is what happens after you made the photo shot in fact modifying your images. We are going to be cover some suggestions for modifying your images, from the fundamentals like photos color tone or create photo collages, with much more difficult actions.
The cut out tool permits you to alter the size of your photo, as well as additionally to change the element proportion. You can crop a photo from a rectangle-shaped shape to a square form. There are several factors you would wish to crop, including for posting in various styles and aspect relations. Contrasted to the initial, I have actually cropped the picture with best photo editor for PC to get rid of the dark part of the right side of the photo as well as reassembled making use of the policy of thirds. That makes the lightning bolt much more the emphasis of photo shot. You may wonder why I did not just make up correctly when taking the shot. Well, in this instance, I was actually creating a very long presence photo shooting without a camera stand, so had the video camera balanced on the side of the pier for stability. That really much restricted my ability to flawlessly frame the moment, so I simply shot broader, recognizing I had to be able to chop the shot suitably right after the truth. In both situations, cropping is very basic and it is simply includes you choosing the cut out appliance and then picking the area you wish to maintain with your mouse. After that you apply the adjustments and your new cropped photo prepares to go. Learn here to enhance a picture and photo fisheye effect with the photo editor download and brand new photo editor for PC with a lot of cool options to powerful scale images. Improve images is powerful with the photo editor. Download for free the best photo editor for PC for quick and easy invert photos.
If the perspective boundary in a picture is not level, a specific of my personal petty annoyances in photography is. Occasionally when we are caught up in the second, this essential policy is forgotten yet the bright side is such modifying your images with the best photo editor for PC to make them level is additionally extremely easily done.
Balancing the video camera at the side of the pier indicated that the photo was not level that is specifically visible to the eye when the photo has actually a clearly defined horizon line, just like the seashore. A level item is part of the crop method, as well as you can easily simply just revolve the photo to suit. The grid will show up to assist you obtain the alignment proper when you utilize the photo editor. Pointing a photo is an actually simple task that will certainly get simply a few minutes, leading to a lot more visually pleasing photograph. From time to time if we make a photo, sections of the photo might end up being actually darker than we need. I describe the less colored areas of the image as darkness, as well as the brilliant locations of the shot as highlights. Contrast has to do with highlighting the contrast between the lighting and also dark parts of the picture. Raising the contrast of a picture can considerably improve the visual impact that has, by creating the boundaries between these light and also dark sections clearer.
Shade modification is one other very important item related to the best photo editor for PC. We are able to adjust image shade in every sort of means, from transforming the total character of the picture such as exactly how red or green it shows up, to independently changing the tone as well as saturation of details colors inside of an image. We simply would like to go over a few really basic shade corrections anyone may utilize to make your photos simply just a little bit more visually powerful.
The easiest means to correct the different colors of a photo is with the shade device of the best photo editor for PC. This changes the visual appeal related to every color scheme within a photograph to make it a lot more as well as much less condensed. Similar to several edits, the secret is to locate an effective balance way too much coloring the images often tends to look rather unnatural. Shading pictures can easily be actually truly useful, and also of program dark and white color is a fantastic option for almost all kind of scenarios, specifically, architecture, and also particular surroundings pictures.
When I was looking for a brilliant best photo editor for PC, I finally tripped over this really good program
Download best photo editor for PC for starters and program to edit photos to resize a picture and scaling a photo
New photo editor for experts to easy brighten photos. Get more info about Photo editor free download for amateurs and edit pictures software to sharpen an image and photo brightness. Once in a while there will be a thing inside a picture that you totally do not wish to exist, such as an annoying pimple on a friend's forehead. That is quick to erase in almost all the leading best photo editor for PC.
It is actually simple to get rid of any objects taken away a photo yet the photo editor functions most ideal on distinct, smaller items that are actually covered by even colors. This is because the heal tool needs to replace the location you desire to remove with another thing, and this functions best when it has a location close by that looks similar. So for instance, a red point on a face is surrounded by a great deal of similarly colored skin, so the heal device can quickly compute what to replace the pimple based on the bordering area.
This specific is since the photo editor needs to repair the area you like to erase along with something besides, and also that function ideal anytime it gets an area near that looks very same.
Best photo editor for PC has ended up being very intricate and also powerful and it is usually feasible to adjust photos and so they end up being totally different from the original. There actually are definitely dozens of best photo editor for PC and also wide varieties of solutions of attaining the same or comparable end results. The objective most when it comes to the majority of pictures I publish process is normally to produce all of them look as natural as possible. I have no doubt this is a good position to make a beginning, even if you wish to continue on as well as produce more surreal appearing pictures.
Hue array on a photograph is just one of the major priorities. Your eyes can normally see a more comprehensive variety of tone than the electronic camera most likely shot.
The significance of picture modifying is the act of adjusting a picture, basically. Still that is oversimplifying a theme that is quite intricate. You can generally carry out basic picture editing techniques just like photo orientation fairly quickly and promptly however complicated techniques and also digital editing and enhancing may require photo editor and also more practical experience.
Best photo editor for PC is a helper webpage which you able to use to manipulate and improve images. Since photos include an enhancing variety of uses, more firms are exploring methods to reuse pictures as well as utilize them on many different media.
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xasajijet-blog · 4 years
Photo editor Windows 10 to cut photos
Photo editor for Windows 10 to saturate a photo and software photo editor to text in photos for amateurs
Discover more about edit pictures or remove objects from photos with the photo editor free download or top photo editor for PC with many essential options to simple saturate pictures. Enhance pictures is simple with the cool unique photo editor for PC. Get the photo editor for fast and intelligent rotate a photo.
Amazing images are suggested to catch the essence of an item, or a series of it, without exposing the perfect backdrop in its entirety. And subjects with patterns or repeating are terrific prospects for changed images, like in a picture of chopped figs below. Photo editor performs have a few of the functionalities is effectively understood for, which comes somewhat useful when you have actually determined you've like to make an effort your hand on one thing much more trendy than insert objects into another photo as well as text in photos. Photo editor for Windows 10 can easily additionally import screenshots from video, along with varying reports. As well as when you're feeling a little bit careless or it is just plain oblivious concerning just how to take advantage of a few of the resources, an assistant can assistance you to change the basics like lighting, focus, shade, and also cutting of images. For them who love their pictures in wide scale versions, the program assists you flawlessly constructed pictures to produce a spectacular image. And if it's time to show off your digital photography skill-sets, you can easily select amongst the photo bunch templates to right away imprint them in a specific measurement.
Powerful photo editor for Windows 10
Photo editor for Windows 10 for amateurs and professionals with a lot of great features
This photo editor for Windows 10 is most effectively for ecstatic learners with a considerable amount of time in their manpower to find out the also technological functions that would frighten really very first time image modifying individuals. It also happen aimed up with a 360 view system. Likely the glossiest treasure in the planning would certainly be actually the lovely skin impact, which evens out and also gets rid of red spots out the skin. As there's no automatically shade fixing alternate rather vital to repair service the bad illuminating most electronic online video cameras catch, there are actually still the conventional functions of draw in a photo. One of the most misunderstood parts of electronic photography is what happens after you take the photograph actually editing your image. That's the time where you modify the pictures you have actually taken, to produce the end product. Editing your pictures is the matching of the dark room from the time very long time ago. We are going to be covering some suggestions for editing your images, from the fundamentals like photomontage as well as cut a photo, through more complicated activities. The cropping technique allows you to alter the dimension of your image, as well as likewise to change the aspect proportion. You can chop a photo from a rectangular shape to a square form. There are many reasons you would want to crop, consisting of for publishing in different layouts as well as element ratios. Contrasted to the original, I have actually chopped the photo with photo editor to eliminate the lightning part of the left-hand side of the image and also recomposed utilizing the policy of fourths. This makes the coloring bolt much more the focus of photograph. You could question why I did not just make up effectively when taking the photo. Well, in this instance, I was arranging a long direct exposure shot without a cam stand, so had actually the camera balanced on the edge of the pier for stability. That very much limited my capability to perfectly frame the minute, so I simply shot larger, recognizing I had to be able to crop the picture suitably after the reality. In the two instances, cropping is very basic as well as it is simply includes you more info here choosing the cropping tool and after that selecting the area you intend to keep with your mouse. Then you apply the changes as well as your new chopped picture is prepared to go.
Photo editor for Windows 10
When we was searching the www for a very good photo editor for Windows 10, we at last tripped over this really good program
Whenever the perspective contour in a photo is not even level, a particular of my personal casual aggravations in digital photography is. Occasionally if we are captured up in the moment, this standard rule is failed to remember however the excellent news is such editing your images with the photo editor to make them grade is additionally extremely basic. Balancing the video camera at the corner of the pier suggested that the picture was uneven this is especially noticeable to the sight whenever the photo has a clearly defined horizon line, just like the seashore. A degree item belongs to the output item, and you are able to simply just turn the picture to match. The grid will show up to assist you obtain the alignment perfect as soon as you make use of the photo editor. Focusing a photo is a really basic job that will get just a few seconds, causing a far more aesthetically pleasing picture. From time to time when we take a picture, parts of the shot can wind up being normally gloomier than we desire. I describe the less colored areas of the image as darkness, and also the colorful locations of the image as spotlight. Variance has to do with highlighting the distinction between the brightness and also dark parts of the image. Increasing the contrast of a picture can considerably enhance the visible effect in which has, by creating the boundaries between those light and dark components more clear. Color adjusting is one more very important piece related to the photo editor for Windows 10. You can readjust picture shade in each kind of means, from transforming the entire charm of the image like exactly how blue and yellow it looks, to independently changing the color and interpenetration of specific colors within an image. I just want to go over a few extremely basic color scheme adjustments you can utilize to help to make your pictures just a bit a lot more aesthetically impressive. The quickest means to correct the color or texture related to a photograph is with the saturation technique of the photo editor for Windows 10. This modifies the visual aspect of any color or texture in a picture to make it basically condensed. As with several changes, the solution is actually to discover an effective evenness also much saturating the images have a tendency to look instead abnormal. Color photos may be truly efficient, as well as naturally black and bright white is an outstanding option for all type of scenarios, particularly, family portraits, as well as specific landscape views. Read more to invert photos with the photo editor free download and easy photo editor for Computer for pros to very simple enhance images or practical create a photo montage. Simple sharpen a picture with a photo editor for professionals to color splash. Free download photo editor for experts and edit a photo software to brighten a picture and color correction.
Different photographers are partially make researches on the market for the photo editor for Windows 10 to brighten photos
Photo editor for Windows 10 for PC to functional color depth and comfortable soften a photo. Additional info about Photo editor for Windows 10 download or edit pictures software to cut pictures and photo color correction. Often there certainly will be a thing in a picture that you definitely do just not want to exist, like a bothersome acne breakout on another person's nose. This is simple to remove in all of the leading photo editor. It is definitely simple to erase any type of objects out of a photo yet the photo editor performs best on distinct, very small items that are generally covered by uniform colorings. This is because the recover tool has to replace the location you desire to erase with another thing, and also this works best when it has a location close by that looks similar. So as an example, a bright point on a face is bordered by a whole lot of similarly tinted skin, so the recover device can quickly calculate what to replace the dark point based on the bordering area. This specific is normally since the photo editor has to remove and replace the sector you like to take out along with something besides, as well as this works best whenever it has a sector nearby that seems comparable. Photo editor has actually come to be truly intricate and also powerful and it is feasible to control photos so they become totally various out of the initial. There certainly are definitely loads of photo editor for Windows 10 and wide varieties of means of accomplishing the very same or very similar end results. The objective most when it comes to a lot of images I upload process is normally to produce all of them seem being natural as you possibly can. I strongly believe this is an ideal position to start off, also if you want to go on and develop more unique looking images. Hue variation in a photo shot is among the key priorities. The eyes can usually see a broader variety of tone than your cam possibly make. The definition of picture editing and enhancing is the act of altering an image, just simply put. Still, that is simplifying a problem which is very difficult. You can typically carry out basic image modifying methods just like photo sharpening fairly quickly and quickly yet complex methods as well as electronic editing might call for photo editor and also more practice. Photo editor for Windows 10 is a tool which anyone can utilize to manipulate as well as increase photos. Since photos have a boosting variety of usages, increased firms are discovering means to reuse pictures and also use them on a number of ways.
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twyella · 5 years
my favourite idea, or headcanon I guess, about Harry Potter involves werewolves. 
Some people have suggested, or have had their characters in a fanfic ponder the idea that possibly werewolves came about because someone was trying to gain an advantage in war and thought having superior smell, instincts, hearing, and whathaveyou, like wolves, would be a good idea. But they fucked up and so, werewolves, as portrayed in the Harry Potter books.
my idea is that this is mostly true, in that werewolves were created by man or nature in order to have an advantage, but it went wrong. However my idea is that it didn’t go COMPLETELY wrong, or at least is still salvageable. 
That when someone first becomes a werewolf, it is an extreme disadvantage, and more or less how it’s set out in the books. They’re ill and or weak in human form, they turn on the full moon and then cannot control themselves, instead attempting to attack and turn or kill any humans in the area, getting on okayish with other animals or animagus, and if no living thing is there scratching themselves and biting and generally hurting themselves in its place. Generally, pretty unhappy people when it’s not a full moon, and when it is a full moon they may as well be lethal, terrifying creatures.
HOWEVER my idea is that they can take steps to change it to an advantage, like it was supposed to be. The main problem that makes being a werewolf a disadvantage is that the line between man and wolf is jagged and messy and unpredictable, which means both man and wolf suffer. But if they take steps to soothe that, into either a clear and steady line that neatly separates man from wolf, or a link between the two...then it’s an advantage. 
The former just allows each to act more naturally, so when it’s not a full moon they are pretty much entirely normal, no illness or weakness or anything. And when it is, they behave like a normal wolf would, and since they pretty much look like one too (aside form the tufted tail for example, if I recall correctly) they don’t really have any issues as long as they have access to a wilder area where they can wander freely and or hunt for food on the full moon if at no other time.
The latter means that man and wolf benefit from each other, but also that the line is rather more blurry. So, the man may constantly benefit from better hearing no matter the time, and the wolf may be better able to understand more complex ideas, or people talking in English, on the full moon. BUT instead of it being clearly defined “the wolf wants territory, pack, and enough prey to hunt while the man wants a decent job, house, and friends” the lines may be a lot more blurred which may have an effect on the werewolf’s behaviour, for example they may be more protective, more aware of group dynamics, more easily upset about their space such as someone sitting on their bed without their say so, etc. depending on HOW blurred the line is, there may be a constant state of the werewolf essentially having man and wolf as separate options in their head like “okay so my instincts say that, as a wolf, but rationally as a man,logic says that” or it may even be as though the wolf and man are seperate intelligent beings, or there may be no difference. There may be issues with territory dependent on this, for example if we assume our example werewolf lives in a rural area and thus has a modest house but with a pretty big garden/grounds, it may be that: certain sections of the garden are clearly defined as wolf’s territory so he won’t go there when it’s not a full moon and won’t go in the house on full moon (ie my home, his territory sort of idea) or it may be considered shared and no real boundaries except to consult (ie our place) or there may be no difference in thoughts at all, (ie as a werewolf, this is all my place)
And like soothing this mainly requires understanding and bridging the gap/compromising eg maybe he’ll decide to take a walk through the woods every other day or go camping for a week with minimal manmade stuff and try to catch his own food if possible. Or a willingness for the wolf to try to understand that human group dynamics aren’t as simple as ‘but that person is the alpha why are they not doing what the alpha says? what’ and to perhaps even start to understand nodding or shaking their head, and perhaps the wolf doing so at full moon to communicate
This would be a long process but the end result would be better senses and instincts, being healthier and stronger in general, better control (maybe even being able to turn at will as though he were an animagus with the form of a wolf instead of a werewolf), and significantly safer to be around on the full moon/in wolf form. he would be able to understand and communicate better in wolf form, and have a better understanding and knowledge of how to deal with his instincts and thoughts that don’t quite make sense in human terms, and ideally would have a ‘pack’ who knew he was a werewolf and could be around him on full moon - other werewolves, humans, people who had an animgaus form, doesn’t matter, he wouldn’t hurt his pack because another advantage - wolf definitely able to distinguish and understand pack and take this into account! So say if this was Remus, (that’s why I’ve been using male pronouns when referring to the werewolf btw because he was the only one portrayed) let’s say his pack was James, Sirius, and Peter. If Sirius wandered up to him in human form on the full moon, officially he would think ‘oh there’s a human, gotta turn and attack him’ but in THIS CASE, he’d be able to go ‘oh wait that’s someone in my pack, I don’t want to hurt him’. remus may not be completely safe on full moon, ie maybe he sitll would theoretically have attacked Severus, (although you could absolutely go with all humans being safe from werewolves who’ve soothed the edges too, that’d be cool!), but eh may be able to apply the pack mentality a bit further to keep other people safe: maybe Lily or Regulus wouldn’t apply as pack, but he would be able to go ‘wait that’s the mate of someone in my pack oh shit’ or ‘well he’s not in my pack, but he is technically pack of someone who IS in my pack so maybe I shouldn’t bite him..’ sort of thing
Another/different possibility is that werewolves once they’d soothed their edges could make it so their bite would only turn people who had agreed to be turned, if that makes sense? Like if A was a werewolf from a pack, B was A’s human significant other or adopted child, and C was a random human, then if A bit C nothing would happen - well there’d have a bleeding wound, it’d hurt like shit, etc but it wouldn’t make C into a werewolf. But if B said, hey, pretty sure I’m staying with you guys now, I don’t really like being human when you’re all not and also I’m jealous so please could I also be werewolf?’ then if A went ‘sure okay’ and agreed, then if A were to bite B AFTER that in wolf form, B would turn. 
Does that all make sense??
basically werewolves start off exactly like they are in canon, or worse, but if they meditate and try to connect with nature more and understand themselves more, THEN they get a ton of advantages out of being a werewolf, exactly like had been the original plan before it got mucked up.
I’m considering writing a fanfic based around this idea, probably with this information not being known due to prejudice etc, and then someone either comes across it and spreads the word or someone from another place or country comes over to the UK where the books take place and kind of goes ‘what the hell there are literally options to make this an ADVANTAGE and you’re letting kids like Remus suffer, bastards like Fenrir Greyback run wild, and telling everyone they need to be scared of werewolves like they’re the boogeyman? this is bullshit’
Anyway I love this idea for a lot of reasons
(Postscript - I read somewhere that JK Rowling was apparently using werewolves to symbolise people with STDs and, you know, be a blatant asshole about that too. So I just want to add, that like most bull she gets up to, I think that’s messed up as hell and do not support or condone that in any way. here I am taking werewolves to be literal, actual werewolves as seen in myths and stories, not some weird symbolism for dodgy shit. Jk Rowling sucks)
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Strong is the new Strong
The word ‘strong’ has two meanings when entered into Google, which is obviously a great way to start an intelligent piece of writing.
having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
able to withstand force, pressure, or wear.
Related synonyms include not only words that imply physical toughness; but those that evoke a broader, all encompassing strength; like security, resilience and fortitude. To me, true strength is something that’s inside, something that isn’t necessarily manifested by anything physical. It’s not what you can lift or how big your quads are, it’s the amount of space you take up in the universe, and how strong your convictions and sense of self are. It’s also a little bit about withstanding the ‘force, pressure and wear’ of other people’s bullshit.
I’m very lucky to be surrounded by women of this calibre; women who are strong not only physically but in their values, their opinions, and in standing the fuck up for themselves. These women are athletes, entrepreneurs, and experts in their fields; they are basically strong at life. Their courage and strength inspires me to be stronger, they will tell me when I’m being a dickhead, and encourage me to not allow anyone else to treat me like one. To me strong means confident,  strong means un-fuck-with-able. It means mental durability, and it means setting your bar high and not letting people get away with piece of shit behaviour, or engaging in it yourself. As a strong, single, and (mostly) straight woman, I find that the majority of the bullshit I encounter is from men in the dating arena, and there’s this thing that I keep hearing which I feel needs to be addressed.
It’s that they love/ are attracted to ‘a strong woman’. Now don’t get me wrong, this does SOUND like a good thing, and I used to find it complimentary as it would give me hope that perhaps this one wasn’t just intent on crossing ‘tattooed chick’ off his sexual bucket list (yes, my skin feels like anyone else’s, and no, not EVERYWHERE is tattooed but great question and one way you are guaranteed to not find out for yourself) before moving on to whatever the next conquest was. When I have a guy tell me that they are attracted to, or value my strength, it suggests to me that they genuinely respect my values, and that they also hold themselves to a similarly high standard of behaviour. To me the only relationships worth having, whether romantic or not, are with those that challenge you, with people who have your back but are also unafraid of difficult conversations, and will tell you when you’re being a dickhead. Basically strong means having character, values, and respect for yourself and others, which are things that are more important than the size of your snatch (open to interpretation) or how good you look naked.
I don’t think that’s what they mean though.
What I’ve been discovering, is that when (some*) men claim they love strong women, what they mean is they like looking at them, or relentlessly heart-eye-emoji-ing their Insta stories (please stop this literally pointless behaviour.) They don’t mean that they appreciate their ambition, their drive, their strength of character or their convictions. They don’t enjoy that they stand up for themselves and expect to be treated with respect,  in fact as a rule they find this part tedious and eye-roll-y, like *oh there she goes again with her standards and opinions*. I’ve come to realise that when a guy tells me he loves how ‘strong’ I am, what he really means is he loves that I (sometimes, not today) have abs, that my legs and my ass are (fairly) solid, and that I can hold him down pretty successfully if we’re getting into that sorta territory (sorry Mum). He likes watching videos of me lift things like it’s this fun kinda novelty (oh, how cute that she has a hobby) as I’m though I’m the last remaining figurine (equipped with stick-on tattoos and a barbell) of some set he’s trying to collect.
I feel like what they mean is that strong = hot.
Strong doesn’t mean hot though. Strong means being clear with others about your boundaries, and how you expect to be treated. Strong is holding yourself accountable to the same standards you hold others and constantly inviting the chance for self improvement. I’ve spent a lot of time recently on this, and on defining my values and actually leading my life in accordance with them.
This is not easy and means I have to hold myself to the same standard of behaviour I expect from the others. It basically means in terms of relationships that I am super clear with people from the beginning what my intentions are, and if they don’t align I simply won’t be wasting my (or their) time. It’s taken me a long while and a large amount of bullshit to get to the point that I refuse to be  treated like a Netflix episode, where you can pause when you feel like it and then press the ‘continue watching’ button when it suits you. Yes I’m strong, and I’m strong enough to continue to be aggressively single and keep building my golden empire with the aforementioned wonderful women in my life while I wait patiently for a guy who won’t send me dick pics.
So before you attempt to interrupt a strong woman’s busy schedule and otherwise genuinely-fine-without-you life, ask yourself this…or do you actually value all aspects of her strength?
*To all of you wonderful men in other aspects of my life; thank you for giving me hope that there is more of you  
Sarah currently works for Active monash in their fitness programming department andcoaches out at CrossFIt Richmond. She's a legend and is one of a kind. You can follow here instagram @sarahgetsbetter which is a source of constant entertainment, with training, trying to wear dresses and videos of her anti-social cat Graham.
This is her blog. It’s cool, you should check it out. But no breadcrumbing now..
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roadswewalk · 7 years
Time to lay some ghosts
Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.
- Elizabeth (Bennet) Darcy in Pride & Prejudice
[Disclaimer: Though far from my usual content, this is not an anti-Johnlock post, and it is not informed by TFP spoilers.  It’s also not the new normal for my blog: we’ll be back to gifs and stupid jokes soon.]
I want to enjoy the possible last episode of my favorite show, and that means letting go of some expectations.  This is largely a personal post that I’m writing to clarify my own thoughts and prepare mentally for TFP, but perhaps it may also help anyone who is dealing with shaken assumptions and unwanted or unexpected developments from T6T & TLD.  If it does, then I’ll be glad.  Anyone can feel free to reach out at any time with questions or just to talk about the show.  I joined this fandom to engage with people, and I’m entering a strange interval where I have unusually minimal real-life obligations.
This post has two parts.  Part one: notes on some specific theories that I’m finally rejecting post-TLD.  Part two: thought process and personal attitude, for context.  Skip part two if you don’t care - unless part one pisses you off, in which case I’d appreciate the chance to explain myself.  That is, if anyone reads any of it at all.  ;)  All under the cut.
And yes, I realize many fans are well beyond this point mentally and emotionally:
Well, Watson, we can but possess our souls in patience and see what the hour may bring.
- Sherlock Holmes in The Adventure of the Three Garridebs
Conclusion: Bring it on, dads.  You’re still pretty cool.  Just don’t embarrass me unforgivably.
Or, if you’re indeed about to jump the shark, please do it at the climax of an epic jet-ski chase, replete with risk, loyalty, danger, hair dye, big coats, romance, gorgeous smiles, splashy effects, lame puns, excessive guns blazing, and impossible physics amazing.  Well, you’ve promised the first few, anyway.
The ghosts I am laying to rest
Context: I am hiding from spoilers from the TFP screening (and apparently the Russian leak, WTF), so I don’t know as much as others right now, including what’s been confirmed or not.  A bit of mood has filtered through from my activity feed (e.g no one’s laughing at Eurus jokes, or laughing much at all, or engaging with vague new theories).   But I can’t draw specific conclusions from that, and otherwise I have no idea.
Knowing the nature of most of my followers, let me start by saying that I consider all of these theories to be logically separate from the basic possibility of canon Johnlock.  I know some people feel differently, and have more elaborate theories that depend on certain characters being revealed in certain ways, etc.  I won’t write “why Johnlock could still happen” for each item below.  In general, it’s just this: it can be simpler than that, and still work.  A hundred thousand fanfics have proven that.  As a reminder, I am not a committed TJLC believer, though that’s not saying much, as I’m skeptical of everything - see part two for explanation.
I have flirted with these theories to varying degrees, but never actually invited them out for a foot chase or Chinese food.  Most I’ve never even mentioned on here, primarily for lack of time, for coming too late to the fandom, or because I had nothing unique to add.  So my comments in dismissing them are accordingly brief, and may come across as blunt.  In all cases I’d be at least intrigued to be wrong - and knowing our writers, most likely pleasantly surprised as well.
Mary: She’s dead.  This was part of the consequences we were promised for Sherlock and John’s insane lifestyle.  And as awkward as the death scene was, John’s grief in the moment and throughout TLD was real.  I’m letting her rest in peace.  That includes leaving her murder case closed.  It was shocking (in part for not being shocking enough), but was heralded adequately by the episode, the creators, and television history.
Mary as villain, Moriarty associate, etc.: Speaking of peace, there is by now plenty of textual evidence for Mary as a sympathetic character.  The evidence for her villainy remains subtextual or subject to interpretation, and the challenges to her personality were always emotionally charged.  As I’ve said elsewhere, the explanation given by the show for her shooting Sherlock is entirely acceptable within the show’s established boundaries.  Even as a temporary romantic obstacle in a romance, she still wouldn’t qualify as a villain.
Anti-Johnlockary friendship: This is closely related to the above.  Sherlock genuinely liked Mary, valued her judgment, and wanted John to be happy with her.  This was clearly shown both textually and subtextually in TSoT and T6T.  In T6T when he was anticipating his death, he may have even hoped that she would pick up where he left off, after.  Her importance to John can’t be made clearer than in TLD.  Meanwhile her advice to Sherlock in that episode is not really more ridiculous than what Sherlock did to himself the day after he met John Watson.  The teasing between the three of them is pretty typical of mature, clever, close friends, in my experience.
Lazarus was false: The creators have said on a few occasions that they wished they had been as clever as the fans.  Perhaps this is one case of it.  But in the end, they wrote a television ending for a television show.  Again, it’s acceptable within the show’s established boundaries.  And after they dug up the characters’ feelings again but not the details of the act, I’m convinced the Lazarus explanation did indeed survive the fall (and the hiatuses).
Sherlock has been depressed and dabbling in drugs since TEH, and his increasingly elaborate mind palace sequences are the result: My own theory, though not something I’m desperately attached to.  Now that I’ve definitely seen Sherlock deducing on drugs, it’s clear the writers were just having fun with their own trope, previously.
Continuity errors, set choices, and plot holes indicate T6T and TLD are not real: My immediate instinct with T6T was reliable narrator, at least to the extent that Sherlock is capable of it.  Without adopting preconceptions based on other theories, that remains the most fitting explanation.  The twists in this episode were not as deep as usual, perhaps because the show had an extra agenda of “consequences” to communicate.  The housekeeping episodes are always a bit of a mess, anyway.  As for TLD, we now have textual examples of how the creators handle drug-induced hallucination and memory distortion.  We have the first serious misfortune contemplated by the show as well as massive character development in the span of these two episodes.  Audiences would not accept their reversal, and the writers knew and intended this when writing.  cf bullets below for opinions on the potential “mistakes”.
EMP or any other (TD12 etc.) massive retcon/rehash stretching into previous seasons: They wrote “it was all a dream” once, and even then, Sue and Benedict were hesitant to sign on, critics were unimpressed, and some casual fans were alienated.  Even with 26 pages of dialogue between Mycroft and Sherlock in TFP, with flashbacks throughout, it wouldn’t be possible to go back and re-interpret major events from multiple seasons.  The questions raised in T6T and TLD alone will be difficult to address in just one episode (because there’s still whatever new plot they devised, as well).  In the end, there’s also the simplest question: why would you want this now?  We have enough character development, enough beautiful moments, and enough mind-fuckery to be going on with.
Adlock as a central focus: This isn’t a popular theory, but it may be a common if unacknowledged fear.  The way Irene’s re-introduction in TLD was handled - as leverage for a scene about John and Sherlock’s friendship - makes me confident that anything further to do with her would be sideplot, comic relief, or tension release at best.  But (branching into pure speculation here) based on what the writers have said in the past, I think it most likely she’ll remain a mysterious yet absent symbol of the ambiguity that defines part of Sherlock’s appeal.
Mega flashbacks of Johnlock scenes: Honestly I’ve never really been on board with this.  The fact that the creators have had to remount expensive scenes like the fall and the tarmac for subsequent seasons proves that they just don’t plan this far ahead when writing and shooting.  In any case, logistically, there is simply not time to fit it in now.
Finally, the one that hurts the most.  Johnlock as television history / groundbreaking representation: If they’re not doing Johnlock, they’re doing it wrong.  But unfortunately, if they’re doing Johnlock, they’re also doing it wrong.  All the metas about romantic character arcs, slow burn, and audience manipulation to combat heteronormativity were absolutely right.  Series 4 was the time to draw this story together, or at least to build it to its climax.  At this point, a S4 Johnlock resolution would have to be addressed so quickly (because there’s so much else to address already in TFP), it would blindside casual fans, not convince them that it’s what they were seeing all along.  It would come across as one more rug pull, and would be derided with all the vitriol that this fandom has been intercepting in the meantime.  We didn’t join this game only to be met with a moving or shrinking target.  Could they still do it in series 5?  Maybe.  They introduced enough estrangement and other darkness that delaying relationship progression now makes actual emotional sense.  But the show is at its peak influence right now, they’ve never been assured of a 5th series, and the writers have admitted that their plans for series 5 amount to little more than notes.  Canon Johnlock is possible, but I think they’ve missed their chance to make history with it.
How I got here
None of you know me personally, and I almost never post this type of thing.  So if anyone’s reading it, some background is called for.  Let’s start with the impersonal bit, which you might have a chance of relating to.
As a television audience, we have to draw a line: where do we suspend disbelief?  Some shows make this decision easy, but Sherlock makes it nearly impossible.  We either draw the line generously, redraw it constantly, or commit to endless (fun?) mental anguish.  In defense of generosity, and to avoid the disappointment and evasion of declaring it all “bad writing”, it’s important to keep these facts in mind:
The show is written by committee, pass-the-pen style, so inconsistencies in characterizations and plot logic are bound to occur, even with the head writers vetting everything.
The writers’ commitment to shocking rug pulls and the attendant necessity of obsessive secret-keeping mean that some writing choices exist in a critical vacuum, unexamined and un-analyzed except by the core creators.   Market research is impossible here, and history illustrates the many potential pitfalls of this approach.
The show’s influence is outsize and its quality is tremendous in comparison to its relatively tiny budget and production team.  We ARE watching low-budget network television, so expectations need to align.
The fandom vastly outnumbers the production crew, and vastly outspends it in both (re)creative and analytic effort, so we’re bound to catch more details than they do.
Some members of fandom also vastly exceed the creators in cleverness and creativity.  I’m constantly astounded by the intelligence, imagination, and critical capacity of the fans, and between you and me, that is saying something.  Our creators are clever and imaginative, but they’ve got nothing on some of you.
At the core of that production team is a nepotistic hive mind.  It’s not nice, but it’s true.  There is definitely a virtuous circle, a positive feedback loop, going on.  Part of this is borne of the secret-keeping, part of the low budget, and part of the usual human tendencies to value our own, to seek comfort, and to submit to confirmation bias.
The writers and actors have admitted to not fully developing backstories before jumping into the scripts [BC] [AA].  I actually thought Benedict must have been lying in that NPR interview (or trying to wind Steven up) when I first read it, but later interviews have confirmed it.  Our best fanfic writers take backstory more seriously than this, so we should expect OOC moments.
The writers don’t often use consultants, even where they obviously should and easily could.  Plenty of unnecessary mistakes happen when you don’t ask for help.
Various breaks in the show’s own internal logic suggest that the writers also didn’t bother to map this out fully before they began.  They firmly believe that Sherlock “exists in a slightly exaggerated version of our own universe“, so they make assumptions accordingly.  Except, obviously there are huge differences between the Sherlock universe and the real world.  They simply go unacknowledged, with little or no explanation offered to help fans make sense of them.  We’re meant to let them pass unhindered over our suspension lines.  Rowling’s or Tolkien’s meticulously-planned fantasy world this is not.
Our creators are nonetheless at the top of their crafts, producing an entertainment product that never fails to be unique, surprising, visually stunning, mentally engaging, and emotionally wrenching.  The original reason we (most of us) are here is still this amazing show.
And now for the personal part.  First, it’s my policy to let entertainment enhance my life, but never to ruin it.  If that sounds flippant, know that it’s something of a self-preservation tactic: part of managing a tendency to depression.  It’s also my policy to believe nothing without proof.  I’m heavily influenced by scientific skepticism, and prefer “reliable and valid [conclusions] to ones that are comforting or convenient”.  That makes me an extreme outlier among humans, let along among conspirators, which is why I say that my non-belief in TJLC has little bearing on anything.  Theory-wise, I don’t have a lot of chips on the table - most of mine are partly crack or lightly researched.  I do have personal investment in queer representation in media.  I even have a little bit of money on the table for this show.  But not all my eggs are in this basket: I’ve always believed that it’s a larger battle than this one show can wage (again, self-preservation).
As for enhancing my life, I had a blast watching TLD.  But I was strung out, panicked, and somewhat disengaged watching T6T.  The quality of writing and nature of the episodes can partly account for it, but when I examine my own mind, I know that a huge part of that was expectations.  I came to TLD after a week of overwhelming work obligations.   I’d had to abstain from the fandom, had missed nearly all the theories and analysis, and brought mainly my own impressions of T6T with me.  By contrast, I came to T6T fully steeped in fandom culture and theory (mostly TJLC), having spent a shocking fraction of my December devouring meta, analyzing promo material, making a fanvid, rewatching multiple times, and even leaking a bit of content.  My first impression was “difficult to engage with”, and I was constantly distracted with thoughts of the fandom - this despite the fact that I usually have no problem forgetting outside life while I’m consuming entertainment.  It was depressing, and literally for my own sake, I can’t afford to get depressed.
The simple explanation is that my expectations were too high and too specific.  In a brief career in corporate America that included marketing work, I learned that the key to avoiding failure in almost any human interaction is managing expectations.  Cynical, but true.  It’s a valuable life lesson, though, and one that I guess I am lucky to have learned so early.  I am now something of a career traveler, and the same truth holds: when I travel to a new place for the first time with sketchy plans and low expectations, I never fail to be amazed.  High expectations frequently result in disappointment.  I do know to apply this truth to entertainment consumption, as well, but I was a little swept away in the fervor pre-T6T.  I’m trying not to make that mistake again.
The name of my blog is meant to represent how I engage with this show, and indeed with everything.  Challenging my own perspective frequently and rigorously is important to my worldview and self-worth.  Quotes to live by include “the un-examined life is not worth living”, “an echo chamber is a reassuring womb but no place to live”, and “the surest way to corrupt a youth is to teach him to hold in higher regard those who think alike than those who think differently” (paraphrased, you can Google ‘em).  I pursue multiple interpretations (roads) simultaneously, compartmentalizing to avoid cognitive dissonance. The demons beneath are the perils of committing to any one path without justification: dangerous to theorize without data and all that.
Over the years, so few fan theories have been borne out by the show.  That’s not any kind of shade on fandom.  If anything, it proves how wondrous and limitless is human imagination.  I’ve enjoyed reading theories so much, I wonder if there is anything to do with Sherlock, or indeed anything nerdy under the sun,  that wouldn’t entertain me.  (Yes, I used to read the dictionary as a child.)  But Moftiss have shown time and again that their idea of a great television story is simpler, more traditional, and more worthy of an old white man than what the fandom tends to imagine.  So I’m taking them at their word for most of the previous episodes, and resetting my expectations in hopes of at least being entertained, if not validated and delighted, by tomorrow’s episode.
(Actual conclusion is outside the cut, above.)
0 notes