pr0shipcorner · 1 year
Reminder that "proship" is not a noun. It's an adjective. Proship is something that someone is. The "pro" is not short for "problematic", the "pro" means pro.
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Definition 2. "Favoring: supporting: championing". To be proship is to favor/support/champion the right to ship something. One can be proship without having any problematic ships.
Again, "proship" is not a noun. There is no such thing as "a proship". You're looking for the phrase "problematic ship".
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Make it make sense
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pr0blematickk1dd0 · 2 months
Heyya I finally did myself an account specifically to talk about this
For those who dont know (Everyone bc nobody knows me lol) I was the one who created the term "Darkship/Darkshipper/Darkshipping", Im not an anti trying to make another term, Im pro-fiction and pro-ship and wanted a term so antis could stop calling problematic ships "proship"
So Im going to explain what the hell does "Darkship" means
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As I said; I wanted a term for problematic ships and that Is basically what Darkship means. Darkship Is a term based on Dark Tropes and Shipping, Its used for any ship that can be considered problematic.
Now, I have seen a lot of people explaining It as "illegal ships" and while this Is thecnically true I feel really uncomfortable with this, I dont want Darkshipping being mixed with IRL terms, Darkshipping Its for fictional and only fictional things.
So, its darkship the same as comship? Honestly? The fuck if I know, Im still not sure of what exactly a "comship" is and I made the DarkShip term bc I didnt like comship.
I made the term on August 2022 but It only became popular on Tiktok on 2023 (and I still dont know why bc my old account was banned). The combo emoji I made for It Is "🖤🥀" but I think there Is a More popular one (I dont like it tbh but oh Well)
And finally, I know i cant control who uses a word I made for the internet but RADQUEERS, MAPS, ZOOS, ETC, DONT USE MY TERM nor as a tag on post, nor as something in your cardd/presentation, I dont like it, I dont like you, and thats It.
TLDR; Im the creator of Darkshipping, Darkship means problematic ship, dont call It illegal ships, Its only for fictional settings, the combo emoji Is "🖤🥀", not the same as comship and Radqueers/Maps/Zoos/Related things dont use It
That's all folks
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toxic-blogman · 2 years
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"I want a child to be brutally abused and abandoned by their parents over fictional content” Bonafide anti moment. Also 100% evil.
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scarycranegame · 3 days
"profile" stands for problematic file. btw. just thought i should let you know that so you dont use that term anymore (/sarcasm)
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leonsi · 2 years
violent antis that claim exploring darker things in fiction leads to wanting to do those things irl are weird because,,, if you hold that belief, what does that say about YOU when you wax poetic about violently hurting proshippers?
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belezacarioca · 2 months
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What a beautiful quote 🥺
You’d never guess that it’s from a story where a guy uses time travel to have sex with himself 🤔
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topazadine · 2 years
The most amusing thing about the proshipper/antishipper debate is that I can guarantee that 90% of antis will be proshippers, or at least neutral parties, within five years. 
Liking something is more enjoyable and compelling than hating something.
Righteous indignation is fun for a while, especially if you have a Mean Girls club who will get all stirred up with you. It can also be enjoyable if you feel like you have little control over other parts of your life, which is why antis tend to be younger. 
However, eventually you burn out. You find that cruelty leaking over into other parts of your life, and people stop wanting to be around you because you’ve gotten judgmental and preachy. You start to see everything in black and white, and suddenly you find it difficult to enjoy anything because you’re looking for “problematic” aspects of it. 
Moreover, you’ll get more life experience and get confronted by real issues, things that are far more pressing and important than fandom shit. It’s really hard to care about whether some stranger ships two fictional characters when you’ve got three college essays due on the same day that your sister’s having a baby shower and you work for six hours at a part-time job. It just doesn’t matter anymore, and you want to look for things that actually improve your life and make you happy instead of angry.
This is if someone doesn’t turn on you for liking something that you never considered problematic first, and you find yourself the target of the same abuse that you hurled at others. Then you understand that it just doesn’t feel good to be called “inhuman” or told to kill yourself because you want to see two characters kiss. 
Anyway, this is all to say that you shouldn’t let antishippers bother you too much. Block them, ignore them, don’t let them get to you.
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sixstepsaway · 8 months
I've been thinking a bit recently about how things like Tumblr and Twitter have changed how we approach subjects and people
(cw discussion of sexual assault in media/fiction, and right-wingers and such on twitter, as well as mention of nazis)
like, maybe a decade and a half or so ago, i remember a push to never write rape into stories because there's 'never a need for it', which at the time when i was much younger, seemed like it made sense. people argued that sexual assault never, and could never, provide anything to the plot and there was no reason to include it
this is, of course, in hindsight, completely bullshit
there's no reason for lots of things in fiction. the recent thing that's being declared as pointless and unnecessary by puriteens and their ilk is sex scenes, with the declaration that they are never important, never push the plot forward, contribute nothing and shouldn't exist ever
also bullshit! it entirely depends on how something is written whether a subject was unnecessary (not always a reason to leave it out) or important to the plot and/or development of characters
but the root of 'stop putting rape in your fiction 😠' started, i think, from people who were very tired of people who treated it with no respect and offered no warning shoehorning it into things and startling victims with it
there's a line that goes: rape victims exist and can be triggered by rape in fiction, murder victims dont so that's fine
also bullshit, really, considering how many people survive attempted murder, but i can see where they were coming from with it. getting triggered out of nowhere by a rape scene you didn't expect, weren't warned for, and is written poorly at best must be incredibly triggering
(which isn't to say you cant write it poorly, or write it for a kink (especially considering a lot of the people who write it as a kink are survivors themselves and use it to cope and express), or write it for any number of reasons, it's actually just to say it should be warned for. trigger warnings should exist on every piece of media, and should be available but optional for those who dont want spoilers/warnings)
the problem is that this 'dont write rape' i think has snowballed slowly over time from 'writing rape is unnecessary and harmful' to this bizarre notion of 'depiction is support and endorsement'
i saw someone on twitter today mad that neil gaiman included the nazi minisode in good omens season 2, a minisode in which the nazis were doomed to an eternity in hell, struck a deal to get out of it, and then were, when they kept to their side of the deal, basically told they were doomed to zombify to bits on earth as punishment for being the worst ever and really, did they expect anything else considering they were going to hell? lol
but this person was really mad he'd given screentime to nazis because surely this meant something really bad about neil gaiman, like that he supports nazis or sympathises with them or something
(the minisode wasnt even written by him and cast the nazis not just in the bad light of being horrible people but also in the bad light of being incompetent idiots)
to a lot of people now, who seem to completely lack media literacy, depiction == endorsement, and i just find that bafflingly weird
similarly i've noticed a trend where observation is also endorsement? if you watch or read or listen to something or someone who has bad opinions or bad points of view, you must be bad yourself
this one i think i can trace back to twitter being twitter. for example, if i get a copy of some right wing nazi twat's book from a charity shop, and i read it to understand their point of view to better counter it, the only one i am offering any support or endorsement to is the charity shop who get a couple of quid for me buying the book from them
however, on the hellsite that is twitter, if i follow John Right Wing so i can observe his opinions and better counter them, or prepare countermeasures of some sort in an activist way, or write scripts for video essays like the kind Shaun on yt does, twitter assumes that this means JRW will get them more ad revenue - after all, someone is following him - and pushes him to more people
observation is not endorsement, but twitter's algorithm doesnt know this and responds by giving JRW more engagement and pushing him to people who may not know he's a shitbag and may internalize his messages
in this way, i can understand why when someone sees that Supposed Leftwing Youtuber follows John Right Wing on twitter, they immediately declare this is bad and proof that SLY is actually a nazi in disguise - after all SLY is endorsing JRW's bad ideology by engaging on twitter!
for the same reason, i can understand why people do their, "72 of my mutuals are following JRW, who recently posted this crap about marginalized people. block him!!!" bullshit. they dont want to be complicit in helping JRW reach more people, possibly vulnerable people, and spread his ideology
it just totally forgets that being aware of things and understanding things is one of the basic requirements of being able to fight those things effectively
to me both these things come down to the same thing that's permeating how everyone approaches, well, everything at the moment: to see something and not look away from it is endorsement of that thing. if you're watching a tv show and the tv show includes a rape scene or a nazi and you continue to watch it, you are endorsing rape and nazis, even if the nazi is shown as stupid and evil and the rape is shown as a terrible, horrifying act. if you're watching a person or a character be disgusting and bigoted and you continue to watch, to engage, to even consider maybe things could change there, you are implicitly supporting that bigotry
after all, in the world of twitter if you reply to a bigot and say, "hey, you're wrong actually, and here's sources on that" or "hey, this isn't cool, can we discuss this?", even if there's a miniscule chance that you might change things (and, after all, isn't that what, to an extent, activism is? not everyone should be expected to engage with bigots in a vain hope of changing their minds, but some people should, because if we can change even one or two minds that aren't completely rotted to the core, that have a chance of change and evolution, that's an actual real positive effect we're having on the world, and even the smallest change can grow and develop into something more, you just have to nurture the seed of it, rather than throw the entire garden away as corrupt) you are engaging with a bigot, and thusly a bigot yourself because engagement is support. engagement is endorsement.
engagement brings ad revenue and encourages the continuation of bad behavior, so it's better to stick your fingers in your ears, go "LALALA" and pretend it isn't happening at all.
i think this might also be why when a section of a fandom decides Mr Character is a Bad Person and has Innate Bigotry, if some other section of the fandom engages with that character - whether the bigotry is real or imagined - they are seen as bigots themselves, because engagement and depiction are endorsement, and engaging with such things means you support it, even if you really, really don't
on the same vein when someone says something dumb they are often written off instantly as irredeemable - much like certain media are painted as if they have one subjectively 'bad' quality - because continuing to engage with that dumb thing will likely boost that person in the algorithm and no one wants to risk being why they double down on their dumb thing so their account gets more traction in the online space
for the same reason they dont want to continue to support writers who write 'bad things' or 'irredeemable media' because gasp what if the algorithm thinks they're supporting the bad parts of the media and that means more things include that bad thing they want to see less of?
i don't have a conclusion for this, it's just some thoughts really. i think the latest iteration of the internet has completely warped how we engage with everything, to the point people act like a single thought leads to endless undoable corruption out of sheer fear of nurturing those things simply by dwelling on them
fuck twitter lmao
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statisticalcats2 · 2 months
What are some pro-shipping/pro-fiction Mastadon instances other than Aethy?
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toxic-blogman · 2 years
Reddit post made by a 43 year old mother about her 14 year old daughter being brainwashed and groomed by an anti and the very real consequences it caused. A depressing but important read that gives insight into how antishipping (like many things) can be used to groom minors.  The post begins with “I (43F) received a phone call” - everything above that is a final update edited in by the OP.
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glittering-snowfall · 10 months
Since getting that anon accusing me of cherrypicking one or two instances of anti harassment of Elsanna shippers, I wanted to make a list to prove what we’ve (and I’ve) been through - not for that anon’s sake, but for mine.
I keep thinking about that anon accusing me of picking out “one or two bad and stupid” examples of antis harassing/attacking Elsanna shippers over the years in an attempt to play the victim.
Like, even if THIS one was the only example ever in the history of the ship, telling people to die over a ship would still be horrible (but it’s not the only example.)
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There’s more...
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This guy (who is the same person who STALKED me, sent me threats on both my blogs saying he “knew who I was” and later sent DMs to various friends of mine to “expose” me as an Elsanna shipper, had a WHOLE FUCKING BLOG DEDICATED TO BEING ANTI-ELSANNA and telling us we’re sick and had the audacity to act offended when it was terminated for hatefulness lmao.
 There’s also an example of a lovely and very sweet artist getting a death threat after they started shipping Elsanna:
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Then there’s mean-spirited memes:
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(So you admit you’re the horse in the hospital in this scenario? Not very flattering to you, but hey, as long as you get to think about stomping people to death, I guess.)
Things like these usually get played off as jokes. For example, the creator of this one was a KA shipper who constantly told me to get thicker skin when I mentioned that things like this hurt:
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Like, she said it was a joke, but... it just kinda hurts to be compared to the goddess of death so evil that she had to be incinerated out of existence. Plus, it was a “joke” that hinged on pitting shippers against each other, fueling ship hate, etc.
Then there’s the anons I’ve gotten in my inbox over the years. Most, I just deleted on sight or laughed at, but some I was too lazy to delete so I have them now as proof of harassment over the years:
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(This second one goes on a bit lmao.)
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And more and more that I deleted on sight, that I don’t have as evidence but that did exist.
Just... cruelty.
Once, I wrote a personal post about my love for the ship - one where I allowed myself to be vulnerable, and an anti blog found the post and reblogged it with incitement to harass me. Then hundreds of other antis reblogged the incitement to harass and my inbox was FLOODED with hate, my activity was flooded with comments like this one...
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...comments like, “I’ll kill you myself” and on and on and on...
And I just had to bite my tongue and stay off my own blog for a few days until it died down, then come back and mass-delete and mass-block and ”move on.”
But the trouble with mass-deleting the hate you get is people refuse to believe you when you say you’ve been hurt.
That’s why I’m making a list like this. Because I need the evidence preserved, if only for my own sake.
“One or two bad or stupid examples.” 
Antis shouldn’t get a pass to fucking lie.
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dylawas-reblogs · 11 months
the fact that antis in that post are like "op I'm so sorry you have to deal with that 🥺" as if we're monsters? Like we're traumatizing?? That's dehumanizimg asf more reason to show how horrible antis are
OP also literally never stated that like... the mutual proshipper ever like force-fed any of their ideals or content. Or that they were even super close. They just happened to be mutuals. And mutuals that may or may not have ever directly interacted. And just happening to find out the mutual was proship was enough for OP to feel like they'd been nefariously misled for malicious purposes. How much you wanna bet the proshipper in question didn't even have that """bad""" of a ship, if a ship was even a part of the equation that lead to the discovery? In my experience, most pro-shippers actually have more tame ships than antis-- but of course, why should that even matter?
I'd expect that kind of reaction from OP from being mutuals with a na/z! or genuine predator-- not because they vaguely "knew" someone who does the fictional equivalent of beheading barbies and blowing up the dolls. Key word dolls.
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devilith · 3 months
of course the freak obsessed with pedo media is a postmodernist and seethes at any criticism of beauty culture
"pedo media" isnt a thing lmao. you think "pedo" is like a tv genre? lol. lmao even.
also idk what the fuck youre talking about. if its because i said "hey maybe people can do whatever the fuck they want with their own bodies, including deciding for themselves if they wanna shave their body hair or not" that one time, then thats a real weird thing for you to get all pissy and defensive over, yannow? like hey surprise i believe in bodily autonomy and that people can do whatever they want with their own bodies
since you love being an authoritarian wannabe cop and you love trying to control people - including trying to control their freedom of expression and control art (you know, literal ACTUAL NAZI SHIT lol) then its not surprising that youre also obsessed with controlling other peoples bodies. its not surprising that youre foaming at the mouth and shitting in your pants because youre so desperate to police other peoples bodies and control what they can and cant do. thats not very feminist or anti-beauty culture of you. thats really TERFy and fascist of you, actually
anyway have the day that you deserve 🩷
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marcusgnars-hive-mind · 3 months
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@kejfjirke @ichangenameseveryfiveseconds @techsharkie
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