#have i ever poated it here???
the-fridge-orange · 1 month
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magnoliae · 3 months
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[ID 1: @/photomatt's post, which has been manually flagged as mature with sexual themes by the matt
ID 2: an excerpt from the poat in question, which says: Update 2: Added this text to the adult content part: This has nothing to do with clothed transition photos, she had 20+ other blogs and multiple accounts with names so explicit I can't post them here without a mature tag.' the post is tagged: transgender, tumblr, ama, automattic, predstrogen
ID 3: a comment from matt on the same post, which says: 'On the adult content mistagging, I added context to say it has nothing to do with clothed transition photos, she had 20+ other blogs and multiple accounts with names so explicit I can't post them here without a mature tag, including some like (describer has removed them for privacy reasons) and 16+ more. End ID]
Im sorry but since when has there ever been an enforced policy on inappropriate urls? Im not gonna leave them in bc its disgusting behaviour to publicly list every url associated to a victim of harassment campaigns, but none of her urls were out of the ordinary for tumblr, along the lines of werewolfgirlcock. why is it that only the most marginalised on this site are being held to new rulings? why can we have fascist dogwhistles proudly displayed in urls, and nothing is done about it?
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I am now like, three hours poat surgery. I demand some cutsey head canons. Din+Corin requested most, but I'll take any couple.
Oh noes, I hope you are doing well and that you recover at the speed of light! *big hugs for you*
I may have to work a bit on the head canons, but I hope a Din/Corin one-shot might bribe you into not hating me...!
Trust me
The first time Corin notices it is when the little bean is playing with some village kids and suddenly an android walks into the room. In a heartbeat, Din is in battle-mode, his right hand on the hilt of his blaster, and he is about to riddle the droid with holes when Corin steps between them and grabs Din's wrist to prevent him from drawing the weapon.
“Din.” Corin blurts out. “It's just a nanny droid.” He'd seen the falleen child react with delight at the sight of the android and put the pieces together at the same time as Din went into battle-mode. “It's not going to hurt him. It's just here to pick up the other kid.”
To his surprise, he can feel Din relaxing under his touch. And then there is a terse nod.
Corin blinks, awkwardly letting go, wondering why Din calmed so quickly when he knows how much his Mandalorian hates droids. Strange...
The next time, Corin senses Din is getting increasingly angry in a town square where their possible client is being a jerk. Before Corin really knows what he's doing, he's placed a discrete hand on Din's back, under the cloak, below his backplate, making sure he's touching fabric rather than Beskar, meaning to ground him a little, and is surprised to feel Din lean into the touch. And when Din speaks again, he sounds calmer. Wait, what?
A couple of experiments later, Corin concludes with what he struggles to believe; his touch seems to have a calming effect on Din. As odd and impossible as that seems, it's the only conclusion he can draw after having tested it on several occasions. He might not understand why his touch has that effect, but it certainly seems like it does.
The ultimate test and confirmation comes when the Razor Crest has a malfunctioning and they are forced to land on a moon that is basically rock and lava and little else to do repairs. Din has been on high alert ever since some bounty hunters had eyed both the little bean and Corin a little too much for his liking two planets ago and no matter what Corin says, Din has not relaxed since.
The day goes by with Din working on the ship while Corin and the little bean has tried to help and been more in the way than not. It's late, the suns have been down for hours and the little bean asleep for at least one of them, when Corin decides to drag Din out of the ship by hand if he has to.
“You need to rest a little.” He begs.
Din is not pleased. His silence is unnerving, but not enough to make Corin change his mind.
Soon Din sitting with his back against the mountain wall and his visor locked on to the fire Corin has lit up outside of the Razor Crest, and Corin is just about to interpret it as a victory until he realizes by the tense pose that the man is clearly preparing to be on guard duty.
And this is the guy who claims Corin doesn't look after himself enough??
Checking on the little bean a final time, smiling at the peacefully snoozing bundle, Corin then takes a deep breath and walks over to Din. The man is tense as a statue. Okay, time for the ultimate test.
“What are you...?” Din sounds puzzled, but not angry, as he's forced to scoot forward a little when Corin eases himself down to sit behind Din, one leg on either side of him.
“I'm cold.” Corin lies. They both know he's never cold.
“Oh.” Din doesn't call him out on it, even though he must know it is a dirty, dirty lie. Which is interesting by itself and might be used at a later time. “You want my cloak?”
“No. This is good.” Corin says, easing Din into leaning back against him, which he does after a moment of hesitation. “Or isn't this okay?”
“This is okay.” Din is quick to reassure him, yet he makes a half-hearted attempt to sit back up again. “But it's not safe to...”
“I'll keep an eye out.” Corin reassures him. He runs a hand down Din's arm, finds that enticing gap between his jacket and the glove to absently run his thumb over the skin there. “You relax for a while, okay?”
Din is quiet for a couple of seconds, but his visor is now looking down at their hands instead of staring at the fire. “You might not want to do that then...”
Confused, Corin doesn't understand at first, but then he feels how Din is now even more tense and how his pulse is thrumming away under his touch, and he shifts his touch up to give his gloved hand an apologetic squeeze. “Sorry.”
Din makes a non-committing hum, but his fingers seek out his and a little awkwardly braid them together. “Are you sure you don't want to get some sleep? I don't mind keeping watch.” “You've been awake for three days, Din.” Corin refuses to acknowledge the five minute naps Din has had while he and the child have been snoring away for hours. “Rest. Close your eyes. I'll keep watch. Trust me.” He night not be a good son or a good man, but he was a good soldier and keeping watch is something he knows he can do. He can be useful for once. Din finally relaxes against him, his tense muscles easing down and allowing him to shape himself to Corin's body, his helmet tipping over to rest by his shoulder, and then he tucks Corin's hand protectively/possessively against himself. “Wake me when you start feeling tired. Roger that?”
Corin smiles a little. It's always so sweet when Din speaks to him in 'his' language. “Affirmative.” But moments later, when he hears and feels Din's breathing evening out and Corin realizes the man is not only resting but actually asleep, it squeezes his heart so hard it hurts.
To find out his touch could calm Din, ground him a little, was one thing, but that he trusts him so much that Din allows himself to fall asleep in his arms in unfamiliar territory?
“I love you...” Corin whispers, overwhelmed by feelings and knowing nobody but him and the flames will hear it.
But maybe one day he'll be able to say it out loud? Even if it is the last thing he'll ever say, even if it is said as a goodbye, Corin hopes that he'll be able to tell him one day...
- I'll carry you with me in my heart forever.
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
Heyo, so Mace, my best friend got attacked in the r/pagan subreddit by some people that said that lilith worship isnt closed, and these people went and blacklisted him into the daemonolatry subreddit and belittled him. He also ended up leaving as he was very hurt and he tried to end his life, meanwhile they let people like CrazyTechWizard96, a lunatic who thinks he's being raped by baphomet talk, and he legit was allowed to stay there for MONTHS on end with newer practitioners believing him and looking up to him. He also just poated recently about Baphomet being "Forced to Obey" him and he keeps spewing the same story of Lucifer, Baphomet, Stolas, and Claucneck. I'm sick of people in our community letting someone in who doesn't belong and is spewing lies, and then let someone who tries to defend a minority group get harmed in the process.
Here's theinks and breakdown:
Still figuring things out myself, they've pretty much reached out to me.
A lot of them so far, and it makes me more or less even more want to contact them, about who and what I even am.
I've talked to Baphomet yesterday and kind of managed to hear them almost clear, going in and out though, still not on the right frequenz, but working on it.
But I can say for sure, some of the Tests they've thrown at Me are Bizzar, others I might take, like with Baphomet and Lucier as first as a test of Strength, like, if I'd Obey them without a fight, or Fight for being Equal with them.
I prefer to e Equal, and don't like using Titels, I see all of them more or less as Friends and Family.
Also, Winter Solstice is Tonight, so, everyone who reads this, have a nice Day & Night. :)
Wow what a read indeed!
I've had some test Me in some very strange ways myself.
But Me being a stubborn and chaotic being, if someone forces Me to do something, I just get mad and do the opposite.
Got some Story including Agelaript, Baphomet and even Lucifer.
And tbh, after those things, they tend to stare even more at Me, like... What I even am.
I can say the same thing, because, I can't believe that was even possible.
I've met Lilith the first time on the 28th October this year and even asked her, about the thing with Lucifer, She broke out laughing, seems like She liked it.
I'm a tiny bit nervous to contact Lucifer and ask him why and how that 'making Me mad as Hell' even started, since I can't recall any memories of that case in particular.
The other thing with Baphomet, they saw that trying to make me Obey and force Me into Submission, only backfires in them getting humiliated.
No worries, Me and Baphy get a long great, love them, for being quite a good and helping Deity. :)
Before You ask, the details about that with Agilalerpt aren't nfsw, but the other things with Baphomet and Lucifer, I would post this here, this went just way to wild, haha.
Oh and just as a footnote, never sign anything before You've read the contract.
Can say this about Marketing & the General, and of course the Astral or general Demonic or what ever You can say.
Read, see and than if You are sure, sign, You only have 1 Life & 1 Soul, Kiddo.
this is the exact reason i stay away from reddit like my life depends on it. i’m sure not everyone over there is a fucking freak, but the people like this really shine a terrible light on the whole community.
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gokiburimilku · 2 years
Stupid personal post but seeing so many mcr pics from their tour has been giving me hhhhhhhh foam in the mouth, bc they have been my absolute fave band from my teens (2007 until today... so 15 years??!?!?) and I have yet to go to a concert of them.... damn, maybe one day of they get closer (they will be on México but YEAH, u need the visa to go there or the usa :') so RIP). I'm debating myself into poating my old arts of them here on this blog or making another solely for them, but in all these years I haven' t drawn them constantly even tho they are my beloved, maybe is bc in my head, my draws of them aren't good enough....so I avoid drawing them bc I'm always like "mmm maybe try years later, hopefully ur skills will be enough then" but yeah. YEAH. idk, maybe I will poat them here, even tho I don't wanna mix stuff up.... I don't wanna repeat my old tungl habits of having everything in disorder (would be harder foe me to get refs even tho the tags help) and also I don't wanna attract much attention....idk, the struggle between wanting to share but also not wanting to be found by the closed minded people that are in every corner od the internet now that wanna censor even hand holding of fictional characters... sigh, I'm damaged beyond repair in my trust towards people coming across my art. EVEN THO I wanna be like "I don't care, I won't stop doing art despite people trying to cancel" but then I'm just so tired and done with life in general....anyways, sorry if anyone read all of this. I just wanted to vent a bit in the end....
I'm so happy to see Gee in so many cute outfits that I need to sit my ass and draw him, also I need to put my shit together and decide if I'm gonna post them or not.... and if I post them if I'm gonna make a new blog or what....
The lack of arts rn is bc I'm very into rck&mrt (yay the new season!!) and my drawing fuel is focused on there... but I won't post my arts here bc of reasons. I've been mostly active on twt. Anyways!
Btw, Flake on the last show got a Simi pmushie apparently!!!! And it was the cutest thing ever..... TT so precious... I will have to draw him soon!!! maybe after the mx concert and seeing how it all goes there with the plushie stuff x. x
Ok, bye for now. Hopefully see u soon with more arts!
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feitanswife · 1 year
So it’s not like I ever stopped being obsessed with Pokémon but it definetly takes a backseat once in a while.
And now that it’s back and the Internet genuinely cannot keep up with my content consumption
(I literally open this app to the pokemon sv tag every hour or so, scroll till I hit stuff I’ve already seen, then open up the ao3 tag for it, read everything I haven’t already read/passed over during previous sessions, rinse and repeat every free moment. If it’s been posted I have seen it. Yes even that thing you’re thinking of. Yeah it was weird. I read it anyway. Hyperfixation does not care it just wants MORE.)
I’ve started to reawaken older interests related to it.
(One of them being cringey chatfics with like the entire anime cast and then some, I read them all multiple times so I have a word doc with 70 pages of one I made myself. But that’s not really the point of the post)
So I remembered something and decided to poat it here in case anyone else had this same niche experience:
If you:
We’re born in the years 1997-2001/got into Pokémon properly around Gen 4
Watched the Pokémon anime religiously once you found it
Ended up being gay
What are your favorite ship tropes and why are they “enemies to lovers” and “the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one”
Honestly I’m not even being subtle here I was letting YouTube auto play music and “true love” by Pink came on and I just had violent flashbacks so I made a long rambly post about it because ao3 writers do not share my vision which is so sad. Nobody is writing about My Boy. Someone please write about My Boy he’s one of the best characters in the anime.
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generalnoschicken · 2 years
(you already know what time it is: me being a simp for the more redeeemable asshole in the redactedverse)
christian first date hcs
(refer to this poat before reading in order for it to make sense)
so, after hitting it off at the coffee shop, chritian finally decides to text his new found 'fling' about meeting up again
christian could not help but stare at the phone for about 10 minutes afterbhe sent the message,,"this is stupid thers no way their gonna-"
'heyy i was wondering when you were gonna talk to me again'
'really? if you really wanted to talk to me why didnt you text first?'
he couldnt believe the nerve of them to make him all nervous and blushy and anxious and then never reach out only to say that they wanted him to do it first
'i got nervous ok?! its not often that i like someone like i like you and i dont want to mess it up is all'
oh. christian didnt know how to feel about that one but before he could say anything,,
'theres this drive in movie that i was planning to go see tonight, do you wanna tag along?'
'yeah sure sounds cool. send me your address and ill come pick you up'
ok now on to the actual date (yk the point of this post im sorry this is sooo long)
they go to see this really bad, cringy romantic 'comedy' if you could even call it that, christian sure wouldn't
"this movie sucks"
"oh thank god i thought that i was gonna have to pretend i liked it just incase you did"
'wow' was all christian could think. they would really fake their enjoyment for him? of all people? if he wasnt head over heels before (he was) then he certainly is now
they go on,,
"but yeah it sucks ass like aside from all the bad acting and dry dialouge, i swear i almost throw up in my mouth whenever he calls her one of thise cheesy nicknames. 'sweetness', 'cookie'? please i wouldve broken up with him"
christian is curious by nature, its the wolf in him ofc
"really? i wouldve thought you like those names"
"me? ew, no gross. i mean, regular petnames are fine i guess, 'baby' , 'honey' , even 'darling' is acceptable but when they get overly sweet or like food related, im out"
"thats unfortunate cupcake, youre missing out"
"im not missing out on jack shi- wait. did you just-?"
christian is rather pleased with the blush on their face and he coulve sworn there was a hint of a smile
"what cupcake? flustered?"
"yeah just a bit not gonna lie," they lean in close realll close and chritian couldve sworn he lost the ability to breathe, "but call me cupcake again, and we're gonna have a problem"
'i want a problem GOD do i want a problem'
"good now lets get out of here. theres a diner not too far away, best burgers you will ever have in your life im telling you"
(hope you enjoyed cuz i certainly did)
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fluffy-lee · 4 years
Part 8 of the series "Keeping Her"
This is a TICKLE series. If you're not into that, you don't have to read.
PLATONIC Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: Not really a warning but prepare to use Google translate to understand some lines.
Summary: After about a year of living with the Avengers, Y/n has to have anesthesia. She wakes up loopy and tells Steve a secret of hers.
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   “Don’t forget your coat!” Steve said, grabbing your coat as he followed you to the garage. 
   “Oh thanks!” You said, slipping on your coat as you made your way to Steve’s car. 
 You were a little nervous. Today you were having a minor surgery at the dentist. You were going to be put under anesthesia, and you hadn’t been in a really long time. Steve was the only one available to take you today, but you were glad it was him. You had been living with the Avengers for a little over a year now, and you and Steve were the closest. He is what you expected a parent to be like. Steve had really stepped up to the plate as soon as he found you, even before he found out you were Bucky’s daughter. He just knew there was something about you, but Steve wasn’t your dad. Steve didn’t want to be your dad. He wasn’t ready for that, but what he wanted more than anything was for you to have Bucky. He knew that you needed Bucky, and Bucky needed you even more. You had never met your father, but Steve told you everything he could about him. 
  You and Steve had a special relationship. Everyone knew it. You never understood why Steve wouldn't just be your father, but you didn’t know what it was like to have one. You understood when you finally met Bucky. Steve was different. 
Steve spent many days stressed with the responsibilities he had as Captain America, and hunting down the “Winter Soldier,” but at the end of the day, you would always be the one to cheer him up and remind him of what he was fighting for. 
  Steve pulled out of the garage into the cold, rainy weather. You nervously played with your hands. 
  “Hey kid, you are going to be juuust fine.” Steve said with a reassuring smile. 
  “Thank you… I’m just agitat. Oh. I mean-” 
  “Nervous.” Steve smirked. Steve knew many different languages.
You giggled. “Sometimes I speak Romanian when I’m nervous.”
  “Putem vorbi românește, dacă doriți.” Steve said in Romanian, giving your side a squeeze. 
  “Mi-ar place asta!” You replied, giggling and trying to pry his hand off your ticklish side, but his super strength made him unmoveable. 
  “Poate că nu vei fi atât de nervos dacă te gâdil.” Steve said with an evil smirk.
  “STEVE!” You squealed.
He finally let go and you blushed the rest of the car ride. 
  When you arrived at the dentist, they made you feel comfortable and your fear eased. They put you under and did the surgery while Steve waited out in the waiting room. The surgery went well and you were going to recover rather quickly. You don’t remember waking up. Here is what happened. 
Steve’s POV:
��  The assistant called me back to Y/n’s room after her surgery was complete. 
    “Now, she’s just woken up, and she will be a little out of it for a while. It’s completely normal, and sometimes it can be pretty funny!” The lady explained as we made it to the room. 
  I smiled to myself at the thought of Y/n being in “la la land.” She was silly enough in her normal state. 
   “I’ll be right with you. You can go ahead and wait with her.” The lady said.  
I entered the room and saw Y/n sitting there looking tired and sad with her hands folded in her lap. 
  “Hey Y/n! Are you feeling okay?” I asked her gently. 
Her eyes lit up and she smiled when she saw me. That warmed my heart. 
   “Steve! You came back!” She gasped, reaching up for me. I assumed it was for me to pick her up. 
   “No honey, I can’t hold you yet. The nice lady is going to come take care of you, okay?” I said, trying my best to be comforting. 
Y/n frowned and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. 
   “How else can I help you feel better?”
Y/n thought for a moment, and it looked as if a smile of realization spread across her face. 
 She sat up and began reaching for what looked like my hand. She was really wobbly, so I quickly gave her my hands, helping her to lean back against the chair. She pulled on my right wrist, and placed my hand on her belly. She smiled at me expectantly, but I had no idea what this meant or what she wanted. I moved my hand back into hers, and she did it again. She placed my right hand on her belly. I still didn’t understand. 
  “What are you doing?” I asked her. 
  “You make me feel better!” She attempted to explain. 
  “How?” I chuckled. 
  “The tickles!”
  “You want me to tickle you?” I asked, surprised. 
I mean, she’d normally run whenever I tried to tickle her… Well sometimes she’d run. But she wouldn’t run very far… or fast.  She normally wants me to stop when I tickle her. Well, she actually never says “stop.” 
  “Yes! I love to be tickled! Don’t you know?” Y/n stressed. 
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Y/n, you do not love to be tickled!” 
Does she? I really only tickle her when she is being sassy or when she is being playful. Wait. Now that I think about it, she normally is the one who starts it. 
  “Yes I do, silly! I like to try to get tickled. It’s my favorite thing!” Y/n explained.
I couldn’t believe this. How did I not notice this? How did I not know? Of course she likes to be tickled. This explains so much. But why? Why does she like to be tickled so much?
  “Y/n? Haha why do you like to be tickled? I thought you couldn’t stand it, because you’re so ticklish.” I asked, a smile on my face. Maybe I shouldn’t be asking her so much. She’s basically on drugs. She doesn’t know what she is saying. She is unknowingly outing a secret of hers. 
  “I don’t know!” She shrugged. “It makes the butterflies in my tummy go WHOOSH!” She started giggling uncontrollably. 
 I was really surprised, and I couldn’t help but giggle. This was the cutest thing I had ever heard. 
  “Oh, but make sure you don’t tell Steve. I would just die if he knew.” She said as she rested her eyes. She seemed really tired and out of it.
  Aww... Poor kid. She didn’t want me to know. I should probably just keep this to myself. But I really don’t want her to think she has to hide anything from me. I think it’s very sweet. 
End of Steve’s POV
On the drive home, you sat in the passenger’s seat asleep. You eventually woke up and saw Steve focusing on the road. He seemed to be in deep thought but he had a small smile on his face. You barely remembered waking up at the dentist, but you felt much more aware now. 
  “Did I say something stupid, or embarrassing?” You asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
  “Oh hey you’re awake! And no. You didn’t. You might think some things are embarrassing, but they really aren’t.”
  “...What did I say?” You asked nervously. 
  “Not much. You just giggled a lot.” Steve fibbed. He didn’t want you to be embarrassed. 
You nodded, but you didn’t know if you fully believed him. You looked out the window at the dark, cloudy sky and watched the rain hit the window. 
A few days later, you had fully recovered and were feeling normal again. You dashed through the halls of the compound searching for Steve. You were definitely in a playful mood and wanted to “bother” him. You found him in the living room, sitting on the couch working on his laptop. Steve saw you walk in and smirked. 
  “How are you feeling, Y/n/n?” He asked.
  “Great!” You chirped, flopping down next to him.
Steve had remembered what you had unknowingly told him at the dentist, but he had pushed it to the back of his mind, until he started picking up on your playful mood. He set his laptop down on the coffee table. 
   “Hey Cap, hey Y/n/n! Feeling better?” Tony asked you as he walked through the living room to the attached kitchen to join Wanda and Vision, who were making dinner.
  “Much better!” You exclaimed as you rolled onto Steve’s lap, poking at his chest.
Steve just smirked.
  “Good to hear!” Tony smiled. He started to help cook and you could hear Wanda and Tony’s loud chatter in the background, but your focus was on Steve. 
Steve smiled as he pulled your hands away from his chest and held them. 
  “Now why are you bothering me, Y/n/n?” Steve questioned, already knowing the answer. 
  “Um because I like to?”
  “And why is that?” 
  “I don’t know!” You lied.
  “I do!” Steve smirked. 
  “What do you know?” You asked hesitantly. 
  Steve raised his eyebrow. “You like it when I tickle you.”
You went pale. “What?” 
Steve started to giggle. “Why are you so embarrassed?!”
  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You shrugged with a shy smirk. 
Steve chuckled and pulled you to him, kissing the side of your head. 
 “You told me all about it when you woke up from the anesthesia.” Steve explained with an apologetic smile. 
You collapsed on the couch and buried your face in a pillow. You were so embarrassed. 
  “Don’t tell anyone please!” You begged, your voice muffled from the pillow.
  “I’m not! But why didn’t you tell me?!” Steve asked, still giggling.
  “It’s so embarrassing!” You whined, refusing to come up from the pillow. 
  “Nohohoho! It’s so cuuuute!” Steve teased, slowly beginning to tickle your back. 
You had never been more flustered.
  “That’s enough outta you!” Steve growled, flipping you over and digging into your tummy causing you to let out your belly laughter. It tickled so much that you couldn’t help but push at his hands.
  “Why are you fighting me? I thought you liked this!” Steve teased some more. 
You blushed so bad that you covered your face with your hands, but all that did was give Steve perfect access to your underarms. You squealed and shot your arms to your sides, laughing hysterically. Steve then buried his face in your neck, allowing his scruff to tickle your neck. Your laughter fell silent and you tried to catch your breath. Eventually, Steve let up so you could breathe and he looked down at you with a big squinty smile on his face. 
  “I’m not done with you yet!” He chuckled as he pinned your wrists above your head with one hand and tickled your left rib cage with his other. You started to squirm away to the right, but Steve used his leg to push your body back to the left, trapping you to be tickled on your left ribs, side, and underarm. It tickled so much that you couldn’t help but scream before falling into laughter. 
Steve laughed evilly before giving you raspberries all over your tummy and sides while you went limp from laughter. Then, he finally let your wrists go and he gave you gentle feather-like tickles all over your belly and belly button as you giggled cutely, pushing at his shoulders. 
  “Hahaha you are SO cute.” Steve said, smiling sweetly, gently scritching around your belly button. 
 “Nohohooo!” You blushed, shaking your head. 
 “Yeeees!” He countered, latching onto your thighs, giving you deadly ticklish squeezes. 
You went back into hysterical laughter as you thrashed around, trying to squirm away to no avail. 
  “Why are you such a squirmy wormy hmm? Does that tickle?” Steve giggled. 
  “NOHOHOHO!” You laughed, lying.
  “Oh it doesn’t? I guess I should try harder then!” Steve exclaimed, shaking your ribs. “Now does it tickle?”
  “Yehehes YEHES! Yehehes!” You shouted through your laughter. You couldn’t take much more. 
  “Oh that must mean you like it then?” Steve teased so ruthlessly. 
  “Mahahahaybe!” You grinned flustered. 
Steve chuckled and ceased his tickling while you caught your breath. You were red faced and your hair was messy, yet, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face and neither could Steve. 
 Steve scooped you up in his arms and kissed your cheek a bunch, making you giggle some more. 
  “Don’t. Tell. Anyone!” You demanded. 
  “I won’t.” Steve sighed, snuggling you to his chest. “I love you, sweetheart.”
"I love you, Steve!"
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
One of the class reunions? (preferably the one where Hiro and Byakuya sneak off to make out)
Hey anon!
Hahahahaha absolutely! I'd be more than happy to divulge more on the reunions (that one in particular).
I'm so glad everyone seemed to be okay with this pairing, since I know Hiro is a problematic character when it comes to ships. I'm guessing the fact I had them both aged up and the attraction one-sided during Hope's Peak (since crushes are harmless) made it better. And I think they're such a cute couple - the dynamic between them must be chaotic most of the time with hidden, soft moments.
Can I also say - how his Togami taller than Hiro?! Not by much - like 1 inch. BUT STILL! Though Hiro was taller. Whoopsie!
Yep. I'm there. Lets go! Thank you for your ask and I hope you enjoy!!
(Sorry for the delay on this one. My phoned glitched and deleted my original poat so I sulked all day.)
• The class reunions were started as a means to keep everyobe in touch.
• The class were friendly but it was definitely going to be tough for all 16 if them to keep in touch after leaving school.
• There were people who stayed in touch more often (Taka, Leon, Mondo, Chi, Hina and Sakura).
• Whereas most others only really saw each other at the reunions.
• Of course, Byakuya was the ONLY one able to fund such an event (even if everyone was mostly chill about it being just a pub crawl).
• It ran the risk of being too snooty though so everyone agreed to some fun things that Byakuya had to adhere to.
• First - there has to be booze.
• Second - there has to be 'proper music' as defined by Hiro (which ALL know Byakuya couldn't refuse,).
• Third - there HAS to be an awards ceremony.
• Just a fun little thing where they all vote a couple of weeks ahead of the event on made up little titles - nothing ever that serious.
• 'Best Laugh', 'Biggest Name Drop', 'Nicest Booty'.
• Every year a different set of things to keep it fresh.
• But 'Most Loved Up Couple' ALWAYS made an appearance.
• It varied from year to year who'd win it.
• Taka and Leon often battled against Hina and Sakura - losing occasinally to Sayaka and Mukuro and some of the other couples.
• But one year, a new couple appeared - especially as the votes were rigged.
• Apart from Taka, Leon and Chi, no one else knew about Byakuya and Hiro's blossoming romance.
• Naturally Byakuya was trying to take it slow (first serious relationship for him after all).
• Hiro...not so much.
• Not that he was actively bragging or anything - but you know. Byakuya's name was often mentioned.
• And Leon, still slightly bitter from all of the guy's torment, decided to pull one final 'prank'.
• Despite winning the 'Most Loved Up Couple' that year, he put Byakuya and Hiro's name in the envelope.
• And sat grinning like a Chesire cat as the results were announced - making Taka hella suspicious.
• 'What've you done?'
• 'Nothing.'
• 'Yes you have.'
• 'Nothing.'
• Well it was obvious when the results where announced - Leon smirking behind his hand at the look on Byakuya's face and decidely ignoring Taka's glare.
• Hiro's voice rings out through the confused silence - Byakuya's face turning a deep crimson as he's scooped up bridal style for a kiss.
• Naturally, the whole room squeals in excitement at the 'new' couple (even Toko who's actually gotten over her obsession).
• And naturally, Byakuya is livid - yelling at his dumb boyfriend (who's grinning at him like an oversized puppy) to put him down at once.
• The questions come flying in ans Byakuya is desperate to escape but can't since Hiro is holding him tight while he gushes.
• Taka eventually saves the day by getting the DJ to start the music again and gets everyone up and dancing.
• At this point, Byakuya's free to flee - heading to the bar.
• And his dorky boyfriend comes bounding out about ten minutes later - holding a plastic crown whilst wearing another.
• 'What on earth are those?'
• 'The crowns for the Loved Up Award! Leon bought them! Aren't they cool?!'
• 'No.'
• 'Awww babe, c'mon! Pleeeeeeaae?'
• Literally unable to stop him, Byakuya is then stood pouting in a fancy hotel with a cheap crown on his head.
• And with Hiro's happy smile shining at him like a ray of goddamn sunshine, the relief of his secret being out and just general fond gushy feelings, Byakuya gets a sudden surge of bravery.
• He drags the man outside, hiding them in a shadowy corner before Hiro gets the picture.
• 'Ooooh, Kooya!'
• 'Shut up.'
• 'And here I thought you didn't like PDA, babe!
• 'I said shut up. Just kiss me, Yaz.'
• 'Gotcha!'
• Leon spots them a few minutes later - grinning at Byakuya's look of panic before giving a reassuring thumbs up and walking away.
• And he's decent enough to cover for them until they're back.
• Although their kiss bruised lips KINDA blows their own cover!
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foodbytesback · 4 years
I Rated the Highs and Lows of the Chipotle Goods Line
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Folks, if you’re anything like me, you’ve spent most of this year either stress-eating or impulse-buying random shit online.  But only one company is brave enough to try to tackle both markets, and that’s Chipotle.  Chipotle Goods launched a… surprisingly extensive line of apparel and accessories a few weeks ago (I would have written about it then, but the Bon Appetit scandal seems to be what keeps people coming back, so…), with some being better than others. So let’s take a look at some of them (but not all- a lot of them are the same designs on a different style shirt or a tote bag, or just the Chipotle logo slapped on something) to see if we can find any hidden gems in this otherwise confusing line of products that no one asked for.
The Custom Order Tee
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This is definitely the most on-brand item in the line, and is presumably where the idea for the line came from. It also has the same energy as those streetwear clothing lines that just throw a bunch of random words on a shirt, so it’s pretty trendy looking as long as you don’t read it.  And the customizable aspect is neat, too. However, as someone who has worked a Chipotle-esque service counter before, nothing about the experience pissed me off more than customers expecting me to read their order off of a piece of paper or a text on their phone instead of just telling me what they wanted, so I feel like this kinda falls into the same vein.  Also, I tend to flip flop between the barbacoa and the sofritas, so what, am I supposed to buy 2 shirts? I think NOT. 8/10
The Chipotle Natural Avocado Dye Tee
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I know I said I was gonna be avoiding shirts that are just the logo slapped on a shirt, but I feel like the “upcycled avocado pit” dye is, if nothing else, an interesting conversational piece.  That conversation, of course, being, “did they make their workers save all those avocado pits from when they made guac?  How long was that smelly bucket of avocado pits hanging out for?” lmao 6/10
The Burrito Pocket Tee
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If you ever wondered what that little cat that hangs out in shirt pockets and is also secretly flipping you off would look like if they were wrapped in foil… why the fuck were you wondering that? Anyway, here’s that I guess. 5/10
The Foil Gym Duffel Bag
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I can easily see this draped over the shoulder of some twink hanging around a gym solely for the sake of getting some gym rat dick.  Whether Chipotle intended that or not is irrelevant. 
(Sorry twinks, it’s “coming soon,” but hey, it’s not like the gyms are open anyway). 5/10 
The Extra Sweatshirt
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Ok, this kinda looks like something I'd actually wear. The insignia is subtle, and not necessarily Chipotle-themed so you don't have to worry about someone calling you out for becoming a walking billboard. 9/10
The Chih-Poat-Lay Tee
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Finally, my mom can stop saying “chih-pol-tee.”  Don’t know how often someone would actually wear it, though. 6/10
The Five-Panel Hat
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There's something about the.. panels? of this hat that make me uncomfortable. Is this what the snapback kids are into these days? 2/10
The Burritos Tote Bag
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Ok, this got a sensible chuckle out of me.  If it wasn't for the fact that I already have way too many tote bags I'd actually consider it. (btw- cashiers hate having to put your groceries in these kinds of light, flimsy canvas bags that don't stand up on their own.) 7/10
The Avocado Jean Jacket
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This is probably where their intentions of being a normal streetwear brand go awry.  Or, rather, they’re doing such a good job of being a streetwear brand they forget they’re Chipotle.  Like, you gotta pull the jacket open and whisper “hey kid, wanna buy an avocado?” for anyone to even realize that it’s not just a regular jean jacket.  On the other hand, it’s a jean jacket, so 10/10
The Foil Phone Case
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What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.
Phone case design is my passion  1/10
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imnameim · 3 years
Suni im truly sorry if I've ever hurt you. I think/know I have and I feel immensely guilty about it. It was never my intention. Im just selfish, stupid, and have a terrible filter.
Im also just... jealous. It often seems like your life is do put together and you have lots of things I wish I could have. I want to be more put together and im trying. I just... feel like I sometimes take that out on you even if you dont know. Like I said, im just a jealous nobody.
Im sorry sunni 💔
Hey;; if you're the same anon from before that asked me not to poat you other ask (hopefully you are if not this is awkward) but ahh;; you didn't hurt me at all. I wanted to write back to you but you asked me not to post it so I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
As for all of this;; you don't have to apologise to me. I'm the type of person where what's said is said and what's done is done but we can always move on ya know?? So don't apologise for speaking how you felt because it's your feelings which even if I don't agree with them they are valid. My life is far from put together truthfully but I don't post those things because it's no one's business like I do small things to treat myself and talk about things that make me happy because I get overwhelmed by them. Granted my life isn't perfect far from it as is everyone I think. Like some days I am content with everything I do and have and I wouldn't trade with for the world other days I'm trying to figure out how to give it back because I didn't ask for a life if that makes sense. It's okay to not be put together because I'm not. For example;; yesterday I cried the whole day away and barely got out of bed but I came here today and acted completely fine and if I didn't say this no one would've known. Again;; don't apologise just be more mindful. We're all people living lives behind these blogs and in the end we pick and choose what we want to share and post because that's all social media is any form of it. It's us trying to make out lives seem better than what they truly are. Please don't be jealous and if you are I won't shit on you for it but I'm nothing to be jealous of. As for the jealous comments I don't like them at all whether that's someone saying they're jealous of what I ate or how I look etc. Its never a compliment to me and it doesn't make me feel good. So again just be mindful and I promise you didn't hurt me. You'll get there but you have to not compare yourself to others in order to grow as your own self. Okay?
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