#has great gameification
minewarz · 2 years
Duolingo has become the perfect "let's procrastinate with something useful" app
Now, the future will decide if it will stay that way
Or, well, if the future doesn't decide, maybe the owl will...
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rassicas · 4 months
I have looked everywhere for a clean explanation on what exactly a LIMITER is, all i know so far is its illegal to participate in turf wars without one and they regulate an inkfish's Special Ability.
...Yet what does it look like, when is it added to ones body and why is there so little known about it?
Ive looked up Inkipedia (best boi for info besides you X)) and theirs not much on it.
Like Captian 3 has their Limiter removed a.e frommthe boss fight in OE and i think that weird specail she was capable of in S3 only cause HER limiter was still gone. So does it like not only keep control of what special one can use and actually perform like an inputted template?
And without it and enough practice an Octoling or Inkling can somehow create their own Special? Could that have used in the Great Turf War?
Is that one reason why Limiters are put into us?
I am hooing yah might have a better insight into these...
>why is there so little known about it? Was literally only mentioned one time in canon. this is too many questions in one ask that nobody has answers to (i do NOT wanna get into talking about things like special weapons themselves and special cans, too huge of a topic) so ill just talk about limiters. Based on what other official info we have about specials i have thought about it and I think i have a decent idea of what it could be for. I've been hoping to talk about it in a video properly one of these days. Specials are canonically tied to strong emotion, and are powered by ink from inkfish in heightened emotional states. This is evidenced from the finale of Octo Expansion, a page in the s1 artbook, and a couple other places.
Something like emotions is really variable from person to person, and if emotions can literally effect your ink output, then that doesn't seem... fair? I think the limiter is a part of the ink tank has the function through— whatever kind of advanced technology they have— to regulate their special output so its not purely emotion based but rather tied to a more concrete value of ink output (though i imagine there is some gameification happening here). I also imagine ink tanks regulate clothing abilities too. special charge up would lighten up the limiter. anyways, Another important thing to note is that using a special also results in the output of a LOT of ink.
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If someone is able to constantly be in that special charge state, using specials, and producing that much ink, I can easily imagine it being a strain on their body after some time. In short, I think the limiter is a part of the ink tank that helps keep turf wars fair, and has a second purpose of keeping the player from overexerting themselves.
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benkyoutobentou · 8 months
Hi! For the langblr ask thing, what do you think for 15, 20 & 21? (:
Thank you so much for asking!
15. Why are you learning your target language(s)?
Mostly I start learning languages because I like the sound of them. For Japanese, a few friends pressured me to start learning with them after I expressed interest. With Mandarin, I actually specifically remember that not knowing the nuance in the different ways I was hearing characters in shows say "thank you" bothered me enough to get me to start studying the language. That and, of course, I think it's a really pretty language. German is a bit different because it's a language I've wanted to learn since I was a kid. I don't know much of my ancestry (white American vibes), but I do know that my great grandparents spoke German, so that's a big inspiration for me to learn it myself.
20. Opinion on duolingo?
Like most everyone who has used Duolingo once in their life, I definitely have (lots and LOTS of) ways in which I'd change it, but overall I think it's a worthwhile addition to regular study, mostly in the beginning. It won't necessarily work in a vacuum, but I also think that that goes for any resource (just... more so with Duolingo). In general, Duolingo tends to prioritize rote memorization, which really isn't the best way to learn a language in my opinion, because you can't memorize your way through a real conversation. Also, there's a learning curve of learning how Duolingo wants their sentences written rather than how to naturally craft a sentence. And then there's the emphasis on translation, which makes the most sense for a game and for a business (opening up the platform to less serious learners, which is a benefit and a drawback depending on where you fall on the scale). I think its biggest fallback right now, though, is its near complete absence of grammar. It could really be taken up a notch if they focused a bit more on in depth grammar explanations and added some grammar specific exercises. But with that all said, I still think it can help in the beginning stages of language learning by introducing you to lots of vocabulary and basic sentence patterns. I don't really use it much myself anymore because the "gameification" doesn't really work on me, but I know people who do like that aspect of it, and I think that it's great that it can get people to practice their TL, even just a bit. Unless it's something you really enjoy, I don't think it's worth it in the upper stages of language learning, though, so I don't think I'll ever finish a tree. Side note: I know some people take issue with having less freedom in what lesson you do next, but I never felt like there was all that much freedom of choice to begin with, so that update didn't really bother me.
21. What’s your favorite method of studying?
Honestly, I love the old fashioned hand taken notes on grammar explanations. There's something mildly therapeutic about it. As with all my study, I also cater it pretty specifically to my needs, so I won't take notes on every little thing. My other favorite method of studying, which wasn't listed first because some might not consider it technical studying, is reading! Reading really makes all the other study you put in really feel worth it, connects you to the culture of your TL, and I just love reading in general.
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md3artjournal · 5 years
venting angst productivity failure time sleep practice progression
12:10 AM 3/25/2019
My daily figure photo series "Waiting for Ryuji" plus the daily/monthly drawing challenges I keep doing, are both destroying my days.  x____x;  It's been more than a week, and I haven't even finished the 23 paopu halves plushies I was supposed to do within 1-2 days!  I have so many projects to do for artist alley in early July!  ;O;  So many new products I want to make, but I have no energy!  It's becoming clearer that I only have energy for 1 (maybe 2) projects per day!  ;O;  That's just the 2 daily art projects/challenges to keep my art muscle in shape!  ;~;  Aughhhhh!  ;o;!  
Thank goodness I take notes for how long it takes me to draw different stages of a drawing, or else I would never have noticed I've been taking 3 hours per sketch.  O~o?!!!!  How is that?!  I'm not trying to be polished with those!  That was supposed to save time!  I mean, I'm not doing all-nighters anymore, like I did for Inktober 2017, so that's an improvement.  But 3 hours?!?????????  It takes me 10 minutes to do the primary sketch.  I know I can have problems designing a costume or conceptualizing a monster design, but 2 hours and 50 minutes?!?!?!??????  Omg...  I'm so hopeless.  Is this worth keeping my illustration muscles/skills in shape?  I've already accepted that I'm not an illustrator.  I suck too much.  I usually call myself a crafter, a jewelery, or a clay sculptor...Even though I've been drawing more frequently than ANY of those in a LONG time.  x~x;;;;  Is all this time really worth just TRYING to become better at drawing?  ;~;  I wanted to be able to nurture this skill so I could express myself with drawings, whenever I needed to express something.  But today was "Kiss Ryuji Day" and I was still too intimidated to draw anything for it, because I'm too afraid of how bad my attempts always turn out.  I couldn't even draw a good hug between Ryuji and Akira during OTPtember2018!  (It was such a bad drawing...That I tried SO hard on! ;_; )  I mean, I have to admit that I could turn some of my Magical March and MerMay challenge drawings into merch for artist alley, but objectively, none of it is good.  It's good *for me*, but compared to the competition in artist alley...What am I even doing there?!?  Looking at my sales data, the answer is I'm selling polymer clay sculptures, so again the question becomes, why am I using so much time to learn to draw, just so I can express myself, when it eats all my time away from making more clay sculptures that actually sell?  Is being able to express myself such a hang-up for me?  ...Yeah.  ~.~;  
So what about the figure photography?  I'll admit that those answers are simple.  It's a good way to practice an "eye" for composition, lighting, posing, etc.  I suck at it, and I don't put much effort into my lighting to mean anything against such greats as Kixkillradio, Love Pink Cheeks, Nendo Stories, etc.  When I look at their stuff, I can recognize how little I'm trying, and I have to ask myself "why am I even trying?".  Considering my self-expression fixation, figure photography is a good fill-in medium until I can better develop my drawing skills.  And I did originally start collecting figures to use as drawing models, which unavoidably funnels me into figure photography, so it's not like it's something I'll fully stop doing even if I stop setting up photoshoots and dioramas.  But I also really like making miniatures, figure accessories, diorama props, etc.  My sister said something like that if something makes me happy I shouldn't feel guilty about it and I should pursue it.  Whether I vent about how terrible I am for spending so much money on Nendoroids or when I refrain from buying supplies that could make my life less irritating out of frugality.  Maybe just feeling happy from doing figure photography is enough to justify it.  So maybe I shouldn't stop.  ...But I need to stop spending hours on Photoshop elements for figure comics.  That needs to seriously cut down, especially for a daily photo project.  
I know it never works when I resolve to stick to a schedule, but I really need to cut down how much time I use for these daily art projects, when artist alley is in a few months.  I don't outsource my products.  I have to make each and every one by hand.  That's the curse of the crafter.  I need to use more time for these crafts.  Jewelry, sculpting, designing, problem solving fabrication, etc...It's all stuff I love to do and once I start I don't want to stop...  But at this rate, I'm never going to get to it.  And then it'll just be a repeat of my horrible history.  Sure, last year I was able to finally make enough polymer clay Wayfinders to not sell-out my entire stock, half-way through Anime Expo---for once!  But it was still a situation of crunch time focused only towards my essential products and past best sellers, vs the thing I really wanted to do, which is making new products as well.  I waste so much time watching productivity videos, trying gameified motivation apps, and so much time wasted trying bullet journal techniques, thinking that if I just use this tracker or try this analog gameification technique, I'll finally stick to a schedule and thus be able to do everything I need and want to do....  But it always fails.  I really can't do more than 1 thing reliably per day.  And I have to practice daily to keep my skills up---my skills are too low to keep it to a once-per-week practice session.  
And it's started to wear down on me how much all these attempts and failures at a schedule are ruining my sleep cycle.  Everyday, there's a midnight I don't manage to get into bed on time, or a midnight in which I don't manage to be truly productive before midnight, so I have to stay up to get something done so I can go to bed, feeling good about myself as a person.  It's not as bad as school, but it is still a daily sense of failure, like school.  I recall the months (years?) that I resolved to no longer try to have a normal person's sleep schedule and just simply work on my projects as long as I have the will for, and than collapse into bed whenever.  I worked hard to have no social life, to have no one in my life vying for my time, so I should have no need to live in the same Time as anyone else.  But I had a breakdown last year, where I had to accept that I wanted the revive the good relationship I used to have with my mom, and I had to resolve to put some effort towards that.  So now I guess I have to live in the same Time as other people.  So I can't just be noctural and asleep while everyone else in my life is awake.  Yesterday, I think they tried to wake me to go to my uncle's birthday party/luncheon/dinner, but I sleep during the day and wake at night now.  I don't have FOMO for parties, being an introvert, but the next time---or rather how many times has my mom wanted to spend time together and I'm just in a different Time than her?  They go to movies every Tuesday sometimes invite me, haven't mentioned it in a long while, and for the past 2 weeks, I haven't even been able to be awake enough to go to two movies I've wanted to watch during the Tuesday-discounts.  Even right now, I'm staying up late again because I got sleepy during the day, and had to nap (and quite frankly I get better quality and more productive recuperation during daytime naps) so now I'm all rested to be awake...and it's past midnight.  Last week I finally got to a place where my sleep cycle more resembled a normal person's pattern, after 2+ weeks of work towards that.  And then one or 2 projects that went into the night, and all that progress was gone.  Sleeping like a normal person wouldn't be such an issue for me if I would actually be rested enough to be awake for when I want to get to work.  But I can't sleep even when I'm trying to sleep.  I'm amazed how spectacularly my attempts to sleep fail whenever I get to bed early ("early" as in a normal person's sleep pattern).  Is this all a lost cause?  Just like the rest of my life?  
Ugh.  I need to eat and sleep.  
2:13 AM 3/25/2019 Earlier today, my mom seemed to imply we could watch a movie on cable together, but I was in the moddle of a project.  I was fixated on a project instead, since sleep/fatigue had taken all my time, so the rare moments of productive will I have, I don't like to let go of it whenever I happen to have it.  It may ruin me, but in the end, I'd rather pay the cost of an all-nighter to get a good piece done, and have something as proof that I can be proud of myself (as well as use for artist alley for years to come), vs getting sleep on a normal person's pattern and have done nothing that stretched me beyond the limitations I thought I had. I like that proof of worth. (I've been seeing posts lately about "your productivity/skill is not your self worth" but I can't completely buy into that for myself anyway.) With my lack of memory and sense of self disappearing along with it, having artwork left along the way, as proof of who I was, what I'm capable of, and as concrete encouragement, proving that I can do great things, I have that inside me, even if those "great" things are just stretching beyond my subjective limitations by only milimeters...those are memories and senses of myself that I want and value.  ...And having new pieces in stock, ready to be turned into new artist alley products at the last minute, while I'm feeling bad that I hadn't had time to make anything new, is also great.  
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skidosedu · 2 years
Creative Ideas to Keep Kids Engaged While Traveling!
Traveling with kids is enjoyable, but can also be challenging! Here are some education games to keep them engaged on the journey.
We all can't wait to go on vacation every once in a while. Traveling and exploring new places is always exciting and allows you to escape from the routine for a bit. However, even though a family vacation sounds amazing, there's a lot of prep that goes into ensuring it's a smooth one. At the end of the day, kids can get fidgety and impatient while on a long journey. Parents are constantly looking for new ways to keep them entertained while traveling, ways that will also help them a little bit educationally. A little bit of mindless entertainment like video games and phone videos are alright, but if the journey is long, you'll need something more effective like education games. We've come up with a list of some cool math games for kids that you can consider. Check it out.
SKIDOS is a collection of 40+ educational, cool math games puzzles, and coding games for kids, all focused at teaching youngsters ages 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 years old. Playing games can help your children learn the alphabet, words, numbers, math operations, and more.
  1. Board Games
Before you think that this is a bad idea since all the pieces will fall down in a moving car, we're talking about magnetic board games! There are many magnetic board games that come in travel sizes. Some traditional and classic ones and some new ones. You can find checkers, chess, monopoly, and other learning games that will keep the kids busy throughout the journey. These games have an entertainment and intellectual factor that stimulates the mind along with ensuring that they have a fun time.
 2. Learning Apps
You could download a number of learning apps on your phone that will engage the kids. Apps like SKIDOS have over 40 learning games that span across categories like math, logic, language, and creative skills. The math learning games introduce various math concepts to them in amusing ways, and the logical reasoning games compel them to think out of the box and tap into their analytical skills. There are also games that unlock their creativity and even teach them about personal development like hygiene and essential life skills.
 3. Memory Games
There are some fantastic memory games that will stimulate kids' minds while traveling. One is an alphabet game where one player starts by saying a word with the letter A, the second player will continue by repeating the first word and adding a new word with the letter B. The game continues with players repeating the string of words and adding a new word at the end. So, everyone has to pay attention and remember the words and the order to stay in the game. It's a great game to keep the kids alert and improve their vocabulary.
 4. Number Games
If you want your kids to practice their multiplication tables, you can do so through fun travel math learning games. One such game is the multiplication game where you can pick a number whose multiplication table is going to be used. Next, you've got to pick a code word. Let's say the number is 4 and the code word is 'bingo'. Now, every player starts calling out numbers consecutively starting from 1 and when you reach a multiple of 4, you've got to say 'bingo' instead of the number. So it will be 1,2,3,bingo,5,6,7,bingo, and so on. This game is amazing for kids to remember their math and have some fun with everyone else in the car. After every few rounds, you could change the number and code word to make the game more interesting and challenging.
 5. Number Plate Game
If you're traveling by car, here's another interesting game that you can play to improve your child's general knowledge. It's simple; all you've got to do is make the child look at all the vehicles passing by and name the state on the number plate. They'll learn the abbreviation and the name of the different states in the country. This will improve their general knowledge and give you a little peace of mind while driving!
 Kids learning games are essential while traveling, especially if the journey is long. It's a great time to teach them about various things as well as practice some of the concepts they've learned in school. Visually, they can learn about nature and animals while on a road trip, and through technology and learning apps, they can learn some other fascinating concepts. There are many other learning games that you can find or even make up on your own. Just remember to make it engaging, entertaining, and educational!
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serversminecraft · 2 years
Best Minecraft Towny Servers
Minecraft Towny Servers: The Best Way to Enjoy the Game
If you're a fan of Minecraft, then you should check out towny servers. These servers allow you to create your town and invite other players to join you. This can be a lot of fun, and it's a great way to meet new people. Lets discuss the best towny servers available right now. We'll also give you some tips on finding the correct server for you. So if you're ready, let's get started!
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The first thing you'll want to do is find good Minecraft towny servers. Unfortunately, there are a lot of different servers out there, so it can be tough to choose the right one. However, here are some tips that will help you make the right decision:
i. Experience- First, think about what kind of experience you're looking for. Are you looking for a relaxed environment where you can just hang out with friends? Or are you looking for something more challenging? If you're looking for a challenge, then you should check out the PvP servers. These servers have player-versus-player combat enabled, which means you can battle other players for resources and control over towns.
ii. Check your Budget- Second, think about your budget. Some towny servers require a paid subscription, while others are free to play. If you're not interested in paying for a server, then be sure to check out the free servers.
iii. Consider your location-
Finally, think about your location. Unfortunately, not all towny servers are available in every country. If you're located in the United States, for example, you'll want to choose a server hosted in the United States. This will ensure that you have the best possible experience.
What are the different Minecraft Towny servers?
There are many different towny servers for Minecraft. Some of the most popular ones include HermitCraft, MindCrack, and Cubecraft. Each server has its own unique set of rules and features.
HermitCraft is a popular server that is known for its tight-knit community. The server has no rules against griefing, so players are free to do whatever they want. However, most players on the server tend to be friendly and helpful.
MindCrack is another popular towny server. This server has a more hardcore feel, as there are many rules against cheating and stealing. Players must work together to create successful towns and economies.
Cube craft is a smaller server that focuses on creativity and building. There are few restrictions on what players can build, making for some truly amazing creations. The server also has a strong economy, with many shops and services available.
The Minecraft towny servers are a great way to experience the game in new ways. So whether you're looking for something friendlier, competitive, or just want to explore with friends without worrying about finding your building materials when night falls on your adventure, there's sure to be at least one map that suits you. Checkout Best Minecraft Towny Servers here!
They can also help out if you have some leftover chunks of land - most maps come with plenty of space leftover, so you don't have to worry too much about running out.
Visit our website to learn more about the Best Minecraft Earth Servers.
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leanhunter335 · 3 years
Inspector Parker Game Mac
Solve the murders!
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Inspector Parker Game Mac Download
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Inspector Parker Need a little more mystery in your life? Step into the sleuthing shoes of Inspector Parker to solve the crimes of Misanthrope Mansion. Sift through piles of evidence, dodgy suspects and sordid motives to solve these whodunits. Inspector Parker features: 3 game modes (Career, Timed and Puzzle) Superb animation; Great gameplay variety.
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ackbang · 7 years
What textbooks do you use to learn Japanese and to prepare for the JLPT?
Oh! What a lovely question!
I do have a tutor that I meet with once a week. We used the Genki series–1 and 2. I believe this is the one of two most popular textbooks to be used for teaching. It’s a great resource, and you can get used versions for pretty cheap.
Genki 1 and Genki 2
I’ve been focusing on grammar studying in particular for the JLPT this year. I picked up the Nihongo Challenge for JLPT N4 Grammar & Reading Practice from White Rabbit Japan and have been working through that for the past couple of months. I’m almost done with it, but I wouldn’t suggest it as a thing to learn from–it’s best for use with a basic knowledge of the grammar it tests you on. It has very little English explanation in it. But it’s questions are setup like JLPT questions, so it’s a great way to practice for the test taking itself if you haven’t taken the test before.
To practice Kanji (and vocab), I live and die by Wani Kani. I haven’t used it in awhile, but went to it again the past two weeks, and the mnemonic + spaced repetition way of learning REALLY works. I remember the stupid idioms even after a year.
I also suggest Nihongo Master, as it covers every part of the language (except speaking). Just like Wani Kani, it’s a paid subscription, but it’s cheaper than a tutor or a class, they are great alternatives–especially if you’re into gameification of learning (which I am).
I tried JapanesePod101 for a little while. It’s probably the best listening course based learning online–but it wasn’t really for me. I like to listen to children anime like Chi’s Sweet Home (which is on Crunchyroll) to get accustomed to simple language. I tend to repeat phrases I know when I hear them.
Another MUST HAVE, 100%, drop everything and buy it RIGHT NOW, is A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. It’s the single most important book I own right now. It has an easy index of basic grammar to refer to, explanations, and examples. It is a LIFE SAVER.
Other things I use are kanji practice books (used by actual Japanese kids–you can find them at stores like Kinokuniya), Japanese dictionary apps, I’m really in love with TangoRisto (for reading simple Japanese news articles), and Anki flashcards works for some people as well (I just don’t like setting up my own stuff). 
There’s cool community driven studying tools (besides Nihongo Master and Wani Kani) like Hi!Native that allow you to interact with people and ask natives if your writing sounds natural or not… And you can help others trying to learn your language if they sound natural too! It’s pretty neat. :)
I hope that helps you out, nonny! Try out a few things and see what works for you! I tend to rotate through studying materials and types as I get bored–it’s easy to get discouraged, so try your best to keep it fun! And I’m saying that to myself right now because I really need to hear it. Haha.
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semperama · 4 years
New Year’s Resolutions
Since I had Mini Semper, I've found that it’s pointless and depressing to look back on what I did or didn’t accomplish in a given time period, because I may not have had the time or energy to get a lot done, but that doesn’t mean my time was wasted. Last year I made a bunch of resolutions for the New Year, knowing I wouldn’t achieve many of them, but I went into it with a spirit of hope and forward motion. The goal was not to be perfect but just to move onward and upward. And even though I fell short in a lot ways, I do think I am a little better of a person this year than I was last year, and hopefully by the end of next year I will be able to say the same. So on that note, here are my resolutions for 2020:
Read more. Last year I read five books. The year before I read eight. This year, I read 24!!! The PopSugar Reading Challenge was a big help, because gameification is apparently the only way for me to get things done. Next year, my goal is to actually complete the main part of the challenge, which would mean reading 40 books. Hopefully I can do it, but if I at least beat 24, I will be happy.
Write more. This is always a goal, of course, but in 2020 I want to self-publish at least one novel. There’s no good reason not to. I finished a first draft of something this month, and though it needs some editing, there’s no reason I can’t whip it into publishable shape in the next month or so. Is it going to be great? No. But it’s fine, and at the risk of sounding full of myself, I think my “fine” is better than a lot of the self-published romance out there, so why not go for it? I already started my next original romance too, and I’m feeling optimistic about it. I just think it’s time for me to stop piddling around and start putting myself out there.
Write things down. Not to be confused with the previous goal, this is a continuation of a resolution I made for this year to be more mindful. I don’t like getting to the end of a year and feeling like it’s a blur. I’ve been trying hard to be a person who is more “in the moment”, and one way for me to do that is to record things, because it forces me to process experiences in a more concrete way. That could mean writing reviews for movies or books after I finish them. It could mean journaling--although I’m awful at that, but I think I’m going to try to get into bullet journaling this year. Writing has always been an escape for me, but I also want to use it in ways that anchor me in my life too.
Be healthier. This year was a bad one in terms of taking care of my body. Around the middle of the year I had actually almost gotten back down to pre-baby weight, but then we went on a big trip and then the holidays happened and...it’s not great. I want to get back into doing yoga, because I really enjoyed that, and I also need to start cooking healthier meals. October through December are so bad for the self-control. Time to recommit!
Meal plan. This one is more minor, but still important. I love to cook, but I’ve always been really disorganized when it comes to planning meals for the week and making sure we have enough food on hand at all times. It’s gotten even harder now that the little one is eating real food, so I really need to get organized in this area before my head explodes.
Get more organized in general. This sort of goes with five, but I also need to do more planning for other chores in my life--cleaning, gardening, shopping. I don’t like being a person who walks by the same mess twenty times before cleaning it up. Or who buys all her Christmas presents the week before Christmas. Right now the plan is to make better use of the calendar and reminders in my phone to get myself on some sort of schedule, but I may have to experiment a bit.
I know all of that seems like a lot, but like I said, it’s okay if I don’t accomplish 100% of all of it. If by the end of next year I feel like I did a little better in each of these areas than I did this year, I’ll be super happy. I just need to feel like I’m not stagnating, and these resolutions are more about the journey than the destination. 
If you guys want to share any of your resolutions, I’d be happy to hear them!
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izmirdewebtasarim6 · 3 years
What Is The Longest League of Legends Game
OpinionWhat Is The Longest League of Legends GameIf youve been playing League of Legends for long enough then youve probably encountered a long game Were not talking about those minute ones were talking about those SERIOUSLY long games The ones where you think this has to end soon its getting boringAfter a mammoth League of Legends game you probably sit back and think never again Well for someone out there their longest game has just begunTo answer that burning question in your head were taking a look at the longest League of Legends game ever played Split into solo queue and eSports matches were taking a look at those games that just dont seem to end If you thought a minute game was long then youll be glad you didnt have to sit through these marathonsThe Longest LoL eSports GameWhen it comes to the professional eSports scene in League of Legends matches can often be unpredictable Sometimes theyre a pub stomp while other times theyre a stalemate Knowing which type of match its going to be can often be tricky within the first few minutes However the first blood can usually give a clue as to how fast a game is going to endCurrently the eSports match with the record for the longest LoL game is ahq vs Hong Kong Attitude back in The game was for a qualifying position in the LNL Winter games and little did the players know they were going to set a might LoL recordThe game itself lasted an impressive minutes and seconds with the first blood coming in just under minutes For the players and spectators it seemed like just a normal game until it hit the minute mark At that point both teams were almost neck and neck and the pace really started to slow down Both teams had great stats but every time one side got a kill the other team would reply instantly with a takedown By the hour mark Hong Kong Latitude where starting to creep ahead with more towers and kills but somehow ahq managed to stay in the game By the end of the game Hong Kong Latitude had almost double the kills compared to ahqIf youre interested in how the game played out then you can watch the full match below However if youre short for time then spoiler alert ahq wins You can see just how exhausted and baffled the commentators are imagine how the players must have been feeling Probably one of the most difficult points ever in an eSports tournamentThe Longest LoL Solo QueueNow weve covered the longest League of Legends eSports game its time to take a look at the longest solo queue gameWhen it comes to the longest match in solo queue the number is almost unbelievable If you thought minutes was a long match then prepare to have your mind blownAccording to a recent article by Riot on their Nexus page one of the longest games in recent times took place on the Oceania region The game itself lasted hours and minutes which is incredibly long by anyones standards Considering you could fit around normal matches within the same timeframe its a long time to gain a few LPSome main highlights of the match includeA gold difference of over k between the teamsVeigar reaching almost APNidalee telling the enemy team that if theyd focus on pushing the game would end in minutes hours later and the game was still going If only they listened to NidaleeGraves telling everyone I think this is the longest ranked game Ive ever seen xD Nearly hours before the game endedThe second longest solo queue game coming in just behind the Oceania one is a game from the NA region Although it wasnt as long as the Oceania game it still came in at an impressive hour and seconds Unlike the Oceania game however there was a huge k gold difference between the teams which meant one of them was clearly dominating By the end of the match Kindred one of their ADCs managed to reach an impressive score of Now you know what the longest League of Legends game is the next time youre in a long match youll know exactly
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