#hannibal only used this once btw
crazykuroneko · 10 months
some people in IWTV fandom equal "revisiting" from the writers' quotes by saying the events in S1 will be proven as "false" or a lie. meanwhile, I expect them to play with something like this, since the whole point of "unreliable narrator" is actually perspective.
In "Mizumono", Hannibal sees Will's "I already did" (an acknowledgement from Will that he has touched Hannibal's heart somehow) as a gleeful prideful statement. You see Will smiling while saying it. Then you see how it affects Hannibal, how he takes a weak breath. Because that's how Hannibal sees their relationship: Will has a power over him that drives him into being this emotional mess and risking his own freedom.
Meanwhile, in "Primavera", Will sees himself trying to gather himself to answer because in his memory, he's completely helpless (He's just been literally gutted, mind you). There's no confidence that we see in "Mizumono". And there's barely any reaction from Hannibal upon hearing the answer because that's how Will sees their relationship. He knows they have something, but he's unsure whether it affects Hannibal as much as it affects him.
I may be wrong and have to eat my own words later idk, but this is how perspective affects visual storytelling. I mean, yes, there may be several or few events that will be proven to not go the way it's shown before because they have huge roles in Louis' trauma (see: Ep 07), but writing wise, they actually don't need to do many of those because little difference like this is powerful enough imo. We'll get to see how differently each character processed each event, on top of the events the other characters didn't know had happened, and how that led to what the characters did. And I, for one, look forward to this.
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Louis and Lestat:
In the original book Lestat literally turns a 5 year old little girl into a vampire to trap Louis in their loveless, abusive relationship, because he knows Louis will worry about Lestat (whom Louis now recognizes as a remorseless monster who sees humans as nothing but food) using this child (Claudia) as a tool and creating the most evil and messed up surrogate child of all time. (He was right, btw, bc she grows into a woman trapped forever in a child's body and hates them both for it. but this isn't about Claudia.)
In the TV series, Lestat is a white devil offering aid, sympathy, and love to a gay, closeted black man in the 1900s. He offers him company, capital, a friend who sees him as an 'equal' Once he turns him into a vampire, his desire to possess and control Louis becomes apparent. He displays TEXTBOOK narcissistic and abusive partner behaviors, apologies for how awful he was, promises to change, makes romantic gestures to try and smooth things over. They start having an 'open relationship' where Lestat loses it over Louis taking advantage of being able to see other people. Lestat writes a love song for him and sends Louis a recording sung by the woman he's having an affair with; Louis confronts him at the singer's apartment and they have angry sex in her bed.
Late in the TV series, they get in another fight, and Lestat literally drops Louis out of the sky and leaves him paralyzed, with Claudia (in this adaptation, a young woman who is more like a sister/mother to Louis) to nurse him back to health and re-teach him how to walk. Louis still takes him back.
In both the book and the TV series, Claudia convinces Louis that the only way they can be free is to kill Lestat. In both, they poison him, slit his throat, and dump his body in a swamp. In the TV version, Louis sobs over Lestat's dead body, refusing to allow Claudia to burn him and ensure he can't come back from it. (Spoilers: he gets better. and he's pissed about it! He follows them to Europe.)
Their gay divorce drama eventually results in the destruction of an entire enclave of over 400 vampires in Paris and the death of their surrogate daughter.
Clarice and Hannibal: none submitted.
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therulerofallpotatos · 7 months
Fic Tag Game
Tagged by: @wincestation, @realisticintentions, @realmermaid333, @cosmic-lullaby, @suchaladyy, @beri-allen
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
361,707 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wednesday currently. Teen Wolf for six years. Harry Potter, Hannibal, Thorki, Starker, Twilight (Bella/Carlisle and Bella/Aro), The Umbrella Academy (not that i got very far before getting obsessed with wyler), and Madrigalcest (Primarily Brumira)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fuck It (Steter, Teen Wolf, 3,396)
When it Needs Fixing (Steter, Teen Wolf, 3,339)
Hostile Takeover (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,781)
Absolution (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,691)
Wandering in the Dark (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,250)
In Wednesday?
Her Monster (Wyler, 708)
Hold Me Close (Wyler, 593)
Revelations (Wyler, 499)
Warning, She Bites (Wyler, 464)
Impressing Wednesday Addams (Wyler, 387)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I reply when I have something meaningful to add. Otherwise it'd get very repetitive and generic and that kind of soulless connection isn't really the point of this kind of thing. I adore my comments nonetheless and I read them a lot.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hold on. I gotta skim my list.
update: i do not remember some of these fics or what happened in them
Maybe Modi the Brave (MCU, Thorki). This was an angsty fanfic of a fanfic. There was a happy ending in the original fic, The Rescue by madwriter223
I'm not counting Absolution because it was immediately followed by a sequel. But technically, it did get me the most angry sobbing comments which i treasure to this day.
The Final Straw was angsty but it was also dumb and half-cocked and the closest thing to an embarrassment on this account. It was literally just a half-thought half-scene of my 18yo self's emotional state in 2018 that is very evident that I wrote this angrily in study hall. I wrote a lot of fic in that high school during classes. Like a lot. It was my school computer. I got plenty of use out of it. There was no structure or coherent plot. I didn't even hint at anything deeper to be explored in your own minds. I didn't want to look at it long enough or think about it long enough. I just wanted it out of my head. If I didn't have a strict no deleting my works policy, or hiding from my past art policy, I would probably have deleted it within the week of posting. I do not understand how it has the kudos, subscriptions, and bookmarks that it has. I guess it resonated. Good for y'all. I mean it.
Literally just the entirety of Tyler's Bad Year is meant to be about a very traumatic time in a young man's life and him surviving it. I'm not going to go through them and try to pick out "the worst" one. That's not really the point and it'd be largely subjective.
I'll Eat You Raw has an angsty ending but angstiest? I'm not sure.
I don't write a lot of bad endings. Open endings? sure. Complicated endings? Absolutely. But unhappy endings? No. I don't often have the desire.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Jesus fuck we want to be here all day? Ok lemme look through shit again.
Wandering in the Dark has a whole story behind it. There was actually two versions. Only one was posted to ao3 and is the "canon" version. I wrote this fic for a high school assignment my senior year. We were assigned to pick a chronic disease out of a literal hat, then write a story around it. We had complete creative control so I took that chance to write teen wolf steter fanfic in class and actually have it be on task for once (I got an A in that class btw). The reason my teacher got a dark ending version is because by the time he got back to me on the maximum word count, I'd already finished the canon version and it was way too long. I couldn't trim the fat, so I wrote a different ending to shorten the story. That version is one of the angstier stories I've written. The one posted and linked above, is the very happy by comparison. This fic is also designed to be read by someone who doesn't know shit about teen wolf.
Through Thick and Thin was also extremely happy. As is Her Monster. Benevolent Gods was meant to be very hopeful. The Hale Pack (Undying) was the end to a series that was my baby for a long time . Like long enough you can see my writing evolve as you go. Part one was one of the first things i ever wrote. Like ever. The last part was years later. Jasper was meant to be a very light-hearted, happy story as well. It's extremely sweet and fluffy. You was also very happy and the epilogue cemented that happiness. Warning: She Bites literally had a happy end that unknowingly prevented a main character committing suicide in the near future. Saving lives by being horny. Wednesday Evening, and every installment in that series, is excessively happy as well.
Alright I ran through my list of fics. These were the ones that stood out. There's too many to really commit to one answer tbh. Especially because the way they're happy varies.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. Or. Well. I'm sure I do. I block antis on sight and I wholly reject purity culture, and I haven't really been the target of a major attack or anything. I don't get as many hateful comments as one might think, and I don't entertain the ones I do get. I've been accused of vile shit of course because of a fic I wrote. I don't remember what fic or even what ship it was for because I don't dwell on them really at all. Aside from that, I get more entitled but probably ignorant to how they come off as entitled comments that aren't really that big a deal. Just a bit of a peeve sometimes. I honestly think the majority of them truly believe it's a kind gesture when they say it.
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Yeah. You could say that.
What kind? In a word? Intense. I could make a joke or a long elaboration on my niche in hyde sex and whatnot, but at the end of the day, intense. Even my most laid back, domestic, slice of life fics have a sense of intensity to them because otherwise I get bored and it feels soulless and it's just not my writing style.
10. Do you write cross-overs?
When I feel like it. When I have an idea.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have a steter fic on a russian fic website that was translated years ago. I have no idea which it was or if it's still there. Wait! I might remember. Yeah no. I don't remember. It wasn't the one I thought of.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I've started to outline one before but it went nowhere and we both forgot about it.
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Harry Potter and the Night that Changed Everything.
I had a whole novel basically planned for it. Writing Bellatrix and a Harry who was raised by Bellatrix took a lot out of me emotionally, and I lost steam.
Also, a Bella Swan/Marcus Vulturi fic that i also had a novel length plot planned out, wrote three chapters for, and then lost steam when I left the fandom due to getting the life sucked out of me by a bunch of toxic people in the fandom killing my joy. Those chapters are just collecting dust in my files right now. I'd like to go back to it one day and finish it in some form or another. Maybe it's original enough I could actually just write an original novel out of the scraps I already have. Actually, to be honest, it is probably original enough that I could write it as an original story. There is not a lot of Twilight there that is necessary to the story and can easily be written out. Something to think about maybe. Ironically not the first prompt I thought up initially for Twilight that I then realized nothing about Twilight was necessary for the idea I had, and I just wrote it without Bella entirely. This is how my original zombie novel started and then immediately evolved into an entirely different thing that has nothing to do w Twilight. Like literally nothing. I had to work to put the Twilight into that one. Not the other way around.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
wyler (steter and tomarry honorary).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing. movement heavy scenes. Longer projects if only because I have less practice at them.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Yeah. If it fits, I'll write it. I won't pretend to be fluent, but I'll do my best. Probably won't do anything too complicated for the sake of realism of my abilities. Especially if it's not Spanish which I at least have spent time trying to learn.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Wolf
19. Favourite fic you've ever written?
We've established how well I am at picking one end all number one.
Fuck ok. back to the list.
Water of the Womb was one I was planning to write for almost a year and it turned out pretty good I think. Actually no.
No. It's not a fic that's been posted yet.
I think the favorite fic I've ever written is I Bit Him So He's Mine. it's my "Wednesday is a Hyde season one rewrite au". It's my first novel that is more than just a future novel. It's hit 40k and I have to start Act 2 still. It's my first proper murder mystery where the mystery is the primary plot equal to the romance. I've had a lot of fun with it, I've put my heart and soul into it, and I really look forward to calling it ready to post. Once it's done, you guys are getting regular updates for a long time.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
Out of the Fire haunts me. It was a lesson to learn. I had the desire to write a steter/hannigram crossover and zero plan of any kind outside that. It crashed and burned because I only had a first chapter in me. I recently met a local and successful author who recognized my ao3 username because of this fic and remembered me years later enough to compliment my writing (I cannot express how much that meant to me). Wait no that might have been Mark of an Angel which also haunts me, but I didn't have zero plan. I had almost no plan, and lost steam when I hit a creative block at a bad time. Normally, I'd have just sat down and workshopped a starter outline and wrote myself out of that block, but I lost steam so I never did. Different deal. Not as impactful in my creative journey. Out of the Fire, however, was very important to me because of why it failed, and remains very influential with every new project I start. Actually rewriting/finishing that project would be a defining moment for me as a writer, I think. At least to me personally.
Tagging: @duplicitywrites, @dispatchvampire, @dark-visitors, @fiktorsempra, @graciebirdie, @gardenoblues, @grim-reaper-barbie13, @gabelish, @killingdoll, @lavender-lotion, @lovepoison9, @wednesdayandherhyde, @udunie, @itshype, @insomniac1994, @onlyangelxo, @obsidianpen, @ourdramaqueen, @persephoneed, @pororoh, @badmoodbatflowers, @brascu
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catilinas · 1 year
Ghost Aeneas Real. there is No Return to Troy. but He does. And it's Creusa who speaks Words of Farewell while he remains silent (mirroring the final farewell to Polydorus for ex). Plus Misenus? Ik there's only M's name attached to the Big Mound but...Aeneas burying himself before he goes Down? Troy as Aeneas's tomb? Anyway. Ghost Aeneas Real.
literally aeneas is so dead. my personal top three Ghost Aeneas Real moments are uh
in aeneid 1 when venus makes him invisible and he's wandering around carthage as it is built. being sad about the fall of troy. looking at the temple frieze (In A Grove. This Matters. it's literally laetissima umbra). about the death of his city. and then he overhears ilioneus telling dido that Yeah Aeneas Is Very Likely Dead and becomes visible again and is like surprise! I'm Here. and you the reader are like ok but are you a ghost. (i think it's Very sexy of vergil to compare how sexy venus makes aeneas when he reappears to ivory or Marble / Decorative Stone right after the description of the stone frieze Which Btw Depicts Aeneas.) (i also extremely think silius had this scene in mind when he wrote hamilcar and hannibal doing necromancy in dido's temple in book 1 of the punica. but that's a whole other thing)
in aeneid 3!!! when aeneas goes to the Extremely fucked up and haunted city of buthrotum. the shadowy lesser double of troy built by helenus and andromache i loooooove buthrotum and i feel like bcs a lot of places dont bother to teach aeneid 3 people miss out on how cool it is. anyway aeneas goes to buthrotum theghostoftroy and finds andromache In A Grove, Sacrificing To Hector's Empty Tomb, and her first questions to him are Are You Real and Are You Alive. ghost aeneas real AND think also that aeneas is narrating this to dido who has also just been shocked by the appearance of aeneas in a grove with some form of physical monument to the trojan war in it. legally you must now reread the scene in aeneid 1 as Also oh fuck that's a ghost.
honourable mention goes to the whole of the book 6 katabasis
when turnus is tricked into chasing an imago (image / phantom / ghost) of aeneas in book 10 like Yes this is a trope in epic battle scenes Yes this happens in the iliad (but like. in the bit where aeneas totally for real dies. why does a ghost have a ghost) Yes i still also think Ghost Aeneas Real. esp because once turnus realises he's been tricked he tries to return to battle / kill himself Three Times and Fails Each Time and that is the only use of ter conatus in the aeneid that is Not about trying to embrace the ghost of a loved one. but it Is right after turnus tried to Chase a ghost. (also was just thinking whereeee is the good scholarship on the book 10 imago and i found this very recent article which looks cool as hell. so.)
in conclusion yeah Ghost Aeneas Real
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taclturn · 2 years
Mobile Info
Hey, so for starters, call me Redacted. I'm a writer by hobby and I thoroughly enjoy plotting and headcanoning about my favourite characters and the like. I have a wide variety of interests, since I can't pick something up without immediately putting it down for something new.
I will write:
All gender relationships. I try to keep things neutral if I can help it, but if it’s necessary (ie. character having a specific sexuality), then I’ll obviously write it as such. However, if a character has an ambiguous sexuality, then all readers are applicable.
Requests (when open)! As long as you’re specific about what you’re looking for in the req, I’ll do my best to write it. If I can’t, I’ll let you know.
Potentially problematic content! For specific things, such as slashers and the like. Please keep that in mind. Anyone can interact and follow me, but it’s up to you to curate your experience. I’ll tag things as best I can to help.
NSFW. Sporadically, mind you, as I have little interest in NSFW stuff myself, and will only write it for characters I am confident in writing. You can request it, but I try not to push out too much NSFW at one time, so it may be spaced out. That being said minors dni with my spicy posts.
I won't write:
Anything that could be seen as discrimination toward minority groups. I feel like this goes without saying.
Canonically gay / lesbian characters with readers they would not be attracted to (ex. Alec Lightwood with a female reader). I ask that people not clown on posts made with LGBT+ pairings in mind. Headcanon =/= canon, btw.
Hyperspecific reader! Most of the time, I try to be as gender, race, sexuality, body, etc as neutral as I can manage. I try not to mention anything specific if I can help it, but obviously the reader has to have some personality, but aside from that, I do try to be neutral all around. You can request specific details if it has something to do with the prompt you’re asking for, but if it’s too hyperspecific, then I probably won’t write it or may end up making it neutral!
Fandoms I write for:
Boku No Hero Academia
Fairy Tail
Jujutsu Kaisen
Soul Eater
Video Games
Assassin’s Creed (anything up to, but not including Origins)
Cyberpunk 2077
Detroit Become Human
Devil May Cry
Fallout (1-4, NV)
Far Cry (1-5)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Red Dead Redemption
Pokemon (pokephiliacs welcome!)
Stardew Valley
Angel: The Series / Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Being Human (US)
Criminal Minds
Interview With The Vampire
Once Upon A Time
Penny Dreadful
Peaky Blinders (Season 1 only)
Shadow and Bone
Teen Wolf
True Blood
The Vampire Diaries
V Wars
The Witcher
Fast and Furious
Interview With The Vampire
The Lost Boys
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rise of The Guardians
Star Wars
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Phantom of the Opera [Reiner]
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Part of the Through Ink and Quill Classics collab hosted by @pleasantanathema​
Thanks for letting me contribute!  Based on the seminal Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber.  Some of the dialogue is from the songs, so it might be a little strange at some points.  I might write a part two with Zeke as Raoul hehe
pairing: phantom of the opera! Reiner x reader
2.6k words
content warning: nsfw, slight obsessive behavior
for once in my life I didn’t make something super yandere
You can watch the full 2004 movie for free on YouTube with ads btw: https://youtu.be/4H_NExjbLa4
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The monumental chandelier is the crown jewel of the Marleyan Opera House.  Delicate crystal, polished to perfection, glittering under stage lights like the very definition of beauty.  When a particularly talented singer performs, the vibrations from their voice send slight tremors to the hanging crystals, giving the illusion that the chandelier is alive.  Without a doubt, the chandelier is beautiful, like most chandeliers are, but this one is special.  It serves as the perfect distraction for you, when the day to day of work wears you down, when prima donna throws a diva fit, or when your feet ache from a particularly brutal ballet practice.    
The opera house is bustling with energy, stagehands running to and fro, musicians scrambling to find their chairs.  As a chorus girl, your job is to dance and be pretty, as a moveable piece in the background that helps set the tone.  The opera is putting on Hannibal, a more fast paced opera with lavish outfits of burgundy and gold, layers upon layers of fabric laced up tight.  The Madame signals the continuation of the rehearsal, starting with the aria.  As prima donna Carla begins to trill, the backdrop against the stage comes crashing down sending everyone into a panic.
“He’s here!  The Phantom of the Opera!”  The chorus girls around you whisper, flying into a tizzy.
A booming voice cuts across the stage, through the hushed whispers.  “Now, now, everyone.  The phantom of the opera is just a myth.”  The new owners of the opera house, Dot Pixis and Darius Zackly come down from the stage balcony, with smiles like grimaces. 
“This is outrageous!  How could you expect me, the best soprano this opera house has ever seen, to perform on a stage with mistakes such as this!”  Prima donna?  More like prima diva.
Dot Pixis is the first to try and placate her.  “Signora, please.  Accidents happen.”  
“Well not where I work!  I will not be going on stage tonight.  This incident has soured my voice.”
“Signora-”  with a dramatic whip of her dress, Carla storms off the stage.
“Well aren’t we in a bit of a sticky situation!”  Dot Pixis laughs, attention already refocused to the flask in his hand. 
“Isn’t there anyone who could sing the part in a pinch?”  Mr. Zackly cuts in, getting down to business.
The Madame, the overseer of the chorus girls offers a solution.  “Sir, if I may suggest Miss y/n.  She has been well taught and can sing the aria.”
“Let’s hear it then, girl.  I don’t have all day.”
The blinding lights of the stage expose you to the sold out opera house, packed full of people who have come to hear the new show.  After the cadenza, you sing the last note, clear and strong.  You’re met with thunderous applause, and you bask in it for a few seconds before getting whisked off the stage.  The moment in the sun is gone, and you’ll return to being a chorus girl by tomorrow.  As the show concludes and you retreat backstage, you’re immediately accosted by your fellow chorus girl Sasha.
“y/n!  Where in the world have you been hiding all that talent?  Really, you were perfect!  I only wish I knew your secret, who is your great tutor?”  She says, words blurring together from the speed and excitement.
After a bit of hesitation, you decide to spill.  “Father once spoke of an angel, I used to dream he’d appear.  Now as I sing I can sense him, and I know he’s here.”
“You’re saying your dead father sent you an angel of music to train you?  What the actual fuck man.”
“Oh hush, let me finish, Sasha.”
“Here in this room he calls me softly, somewhere inside, hiding.  Somehow I know he’s always with me; he, the unseen genius.”
“Y/n you must have been dreaming, stories like this can’t come true.  Y/n, you're talking in riddles and it's not like you.”
“Angel of music, guide and guardian, pray tell me your glory?  Angel of music, hide no longer, come to me strange angel.”
“Who is this angel of music?”
“He’s with me even now.”
Sasha looks at you like you’ve lost your mind.  But you know.  You hear his whispers in the velvet darkness of night.  His presence looms over you, protective.  It’s a weight on your back, but it’s also a comfort.  She shakes her head and leaves to the banquet, to stuff her face no doubt.  As soon as you are alone backstage, he calls you.
“Brava, y/n.”  he applauds, voice echoing off the walls. 
“Please angel, who are you?”  
“Look in the mirror, I am there inside.”  
What kind of dramatic cliché is this?  There’s no way your angel of music is going to come to you through a mirror.  That’s pushing it, even for a supposed angel.  Nonetheless, you press a tentative hand against the mirror, and see a cloaked figure behind your shoulder.  In the distance you hear something, is that a fucking organ playing?  The sound sets into you, and blacks out your consciousness.    
In sleep he sang to you, in dreams he came.  That voice which calls to you, and speaks your name.  And do you dream again?  For now you find, the phantom of the opera is there, inside your mind.  
You wake up in a boat.  In the fucking sewers, no less.  To his credit, the man did put up hundreds of candles, so at least he’s making an effort.  He asks you to sing for him.  Even though he’s right in front of you, steering the boat, his voice still sounds like its faraway.  “Sing once again with me, our strange duet.”  Honestly you’re a little taken aback by the sudden request, but it’s not exactly a good idea to anger your captor right off the bat.  
“Sing for me, my angel of music.”  His cadence is calm and patient, gentle even.  That just unnerves you more though, as you nervously clear your throat.  
He’s there, the phantom of the opera.  The whispers of the chorus girls echo through your mind like a warning.  This man, your beloved vocal coach, and the biggest mystery of the opera house, must be the phantom of the opera.  
“Sing, darling.”  The organ sounds louder and louder, and you harmonize with it.  
“Sing for me!”  he sounds more urgent, more pushy.  You sing higher and higher, your throat aching with the effort.  He keeps insisting and insisting, pushing you higher and higher, until you hit a perfect high E6.  It’d typically be way out of your range, but you suppose the body can do great things under pressure.
The boat slows and stills, coming ashore to a lair, heavily decorated in the Victorian style.  The phantom offers you a hand, and guides you off the boat.  He introduces himself as Reiner, and the two of you make casual conversation.  Just as you’re starting to warm up to him, delicate lace catches your eye.  You look to the right, and come face to face with a mannequin painted to look exactly like yourself dressed in a wedding dress.  Every last detail, copied verbatim.  You’re looking at what you’re going to become.  The shock is enough to make you pass out for the second time of the day.  
Soft sheets envelop you, and you slowly awaken to Reiner gently tracing your features.  He’s singing again, trying to convey his feelings the only way he knows how.
“Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation.  Darkness stirs, and wakes imagination.  Silently the senses, abandon their defenses.”
“Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor, grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.”
“Turn your face away, from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light.  And listen to the music of the night.”
“Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams.  Purge you thought of the life you knew before.  Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar.”
“And you’ll live, as you’ve never lived before.”
You lay there entranced, looking up into Reiner’s pleading eyes.
“Softly, deathly, music shall surround you.  Hear it, feel it, closing in around you.  Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind,  In this darkness which you know you cannot fight.  The darkness of the music of the night.”
“Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world.  Leave all thoughts of a life you knew before.  Let your soul take you where you long to be!”
“Only then, can you belong to me. “
“Floating, falling, sweet intoxication.  Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation.  Let the dream begin, let your darker side give, to the power of the music that I write.  The power of the music of the night.”
“You alone can make my song take flight.  Help me make the music of the night.”
He decrescendos, words all but gone.  His golden eyes, like molten gold, threaten to steal you away.  A gentle hand holds yours, fingers entwining in a promise as he kisses you.  The feeling of him, of Reiner is so palpable you can taste it.  It feels like you’re breathing him in, it feels like he’s yours.  You’re completely caught up in the moment, until he presses deeper and his half mask digs uncomfortably into your cheek.  Slowly as to not raise suspicion, you place a hand on his mask, while he pulls you closer into his lap.  He breaks for air, dazed and in bliss.  Curiosity got the better of you and you rip the mask off his face.  The spell is broken and Reiner shoves you off his lap, retreating to the shadows.  It’s too late.  You saw what was under his mask.  Half his face is covered in what seems like some sort of armor, hard plates with red sinew peeking out beneath them.  It’s not what you were expecting, but to be fair, you have no idea what you were expecting.   
“Damn you!  You little prying Pandora!  Is this what you wanted to see?”  
“Curse you!  Now you cannot ever be free...”
He kneels to the floor in front of you, holding his head in shame.    
“Stranger than you dreamt it, can you even dare to look or bear to think of me?  This loathsome gargoyle who burns in hell but secretly yearns for heaven, secretly...”
“Fear can turn to love, you’ll learn to see the man behind the monster.  This repulsive carcass, who seems a beast but secretly dreams of beauty, secretly...”
“Oh, y/n…  You are my heaven, the only beauty I recognize.  Please...”
You overlap your hands on his, tilting his face to look you in the eye, and kiss him.  You feel the wetness of his tears, and as your face presses up against his, the tears he’s shedding roll down your cheeks as well.  
Your acceptance of him breaks a dam.  He floods into you, all at once and much too much to bear.  Reiner lifts you on the bed, blanketing you, peppering you with kisses like his life depends on it.  A hand shakily trails up your thigh from underneath your dress while the other deliberately pulls down the zipper against your spine.
He gingerly pulls your dress down, and takes a shaky breath before he takes off his cloak.  You reach up and pull off his bowtie, then start unbuttoning his waistcoat.  As you reach for his dress shirt, his hand comes up to grip your wrist, and tears start falling anew.  
“Please… don’t leave me after you see how hideous I really am…”
You purse your lips, and start unbuttoning his dress shirt again, straightening up to kiss his tears away.  While you work on that, Reiner slides his belt past the loops on his pants, still tense and bracing himself to be abandoned.  Once his clothes are finally off, you understand why he was hesitant.  There are patches of armor on his skin, similar to the ones on his face, with the same sinewy muscle fibers showing underneath.  Reiner heaves with sobs, shaking and crying, stripped bare and vulnerable for your eyes to see.  This poor, poor man.  He must have been severely traumatized because of his appearance.  Reiner leans in to kiss you once more, and when he realizes you are kissing him back, he collapses forward onto the bed, trapping you in his embrace underneath him.  You lock your legs around him, grinding up against his hard cock, letting him feel the wetness of your pussy.  
The hands that grip your thighs too hard tremble.  More tears gather on your skin, settling in clusters that decorate your stomach.  He shifts further down the bed, settling between your thighs.  A gentle suction on your clit has you bucking into him on instinct, hands finding a grip in his hair.  When he realizes you actually like this, that you actually like him, he abandons all reservations and devours you.  His sheer desperation and enthusiasm makes up for any lack of technique.  He looks at you with an obsessive gleam in his eyes, with unadulterated exaltation.  A finger slides its way into you, and after a while another joins it, scissoring and spreading you wide.  The tension builds, and just when you're about to reach your peak he slides his finger out, the absence leaving behind an empty feeling.  You whine, tears of frustration pricking at your eyes.  
He leans over to kiss you for the umpteenth time and after a brief pause, starts to carefully push his way inside you.  
“Reiner…” you whimper, stuck between pain and pleasure as his girthy cock splits you open.
He responds with a revenant whisper, “Don’t worry angel, I’ll take care of you.” 
You clench and squirm around him, seeking more stimulation.  Reiner takes the hint and snaps his hips deeper into you, before thrusting in and out, carving his way inside you.  The head of his cock catches and scrapes your walls, making you shudder.  Reiner greedily takes all of you, reaching deeper and further with every movement.  On instinct, he pushes your thighs further back into a mating press to reach deeper.  The new angle has him hitting that spot deep inside you, the spot that makes your toes curl and your legs shake.  He immediately notices the change in reaction, targeting that spot and abusing it over and over.  The obscene sound of his balls slapping against you make you feel utterly debauched.   
“O-oh!  Reineeeeerrrrr”
He gives you a salacious grin, pounding into you harder and faster.  It hurts a bit when his cock reaches too far in, but the pleasure he gives you overrides everything.  He’s making your vision blur and taking you to a higher plane of existence.  You’re clamping down on him tight, and you get tighter and tighter as you tense up more and more.  Reiner comes crashing down into you and you can’t help but cum all over his cock.  In that moment you’re hopped up on ecstasy, screaming and crying from how right it feels.  He didn’t have to say a word, but you knew Reiner felt the same.  He gives a few more thrusts and you swear you can feel his cock pulsing as it shoots his cum deep inside you.  You feel him softening inside you, but to your surprise he doesn’t pull out.  Just stays tucked inside you.  A wave of exhaustion washes over you and your legs go limp.  
You wake up in Reiner’s arms, nestled into his chest.  He looks down at you in awe, eyes welling with tears once again.  
He strokes your hair and whispers, “Do you regret it?”  
“I don’t regret a thing.”  you whisper back, and feel his tears again.  
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free-pancakes · 3 years
Ok this is super cheesy but here goes; hanji: "you don't look like a professional criminal" levi: "oh sorry, let me go make myself look like Hannibal lector or something" sorry its rlly cheap but I wanna see some sort of crime au or whatever. Love ur drabbles btw! Keep it up! :)
oh gosh anon, this has been sitting in my inbox for months, i'm so sorry! might be a lil boring, but! i'm all for stupid levihan banter and it made me really happy to write this :) hope u like it!
Under the cover of night, a hooded figure crept through darkness. On the security cameras, it was nothing but a questionable shadow—blink once and it was gone. That’s how it always went.
“What the—“
Reiner turned, peering down the outdoor alleyway. His fellow security guard was no longer standing under a small lamp hanging above the corner of the building.
“B-Bertholdt?” he called?
Before Reiner could call out once more, he heard a voice whispering behind him into his right ear.
“If you open the door, I’ll let you off easy.”
Eyeing the crowbar on the ground, Reiner reached quickly. But he was too late—a hand grabbed him by the forearm. He struggled and was quickly brought to the ground.
“How could someone so small bring me down so fast??” he thought. Before he could even elbow back, he felt a needle sink into his neck, and he yelled out.
The hooded figure stood up.
“Just a small sedative—don’t worry. You won’t remember that a guy half your size took u down in less than...” He peered at his wristwatch—“20 seconds.”
As the hooded teen stood up, a small buzz vibrated in his pocket.
He unlocked his phone, the glow lighting up his face, the dark circles under his eyes now looking much more prominent.
A text from Erwin: “Levi, thermal imaging shows no one else in the building. Meet back with Nanaba in an hour.”
Levi shoved his phone back into his pocket, and got to work. He lifted a limp Reiner off the ground and dragged his arm up to the sensor, pressing his thumb against the fingerprint scanner—“Access Granted” blinked on the small screen as he heard the little click of the door unlocking from the inside. He dusted his hands off on his grey denim jeans, and crept inside.
The slight squeaking of his sneakers on the metal floor panels echoed as he searched for the room he was looking for. On his way he saw a pair of glasses resting on a side table at the end of a hallway, which he found quite strange—who’d just forget their glasses? Erwin confirmed no one else was around. After a few seconds, he decided to shrug it off.
Finally, he reached the last door in the winding hallway. Shining a special penlight, he watched as fingerprints appeared on the keypad on the doorknob, and once he figured out his code, he punched it in with the end of his penlight, and he was in.
Levi breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled down his hood. His least favorite part of the job—he had always been more of the fighter of their team, the brawn, not exactly the brains. But Mike made sure he learned how to break into computer systems, and Levi absolutely hated that process, with Mike’s constant teasing at how dense his brain was to this stuff. Levi grumbled as he sat down, figuring his way in.
Maybe 10 minutes passed, and he continued to struggle figuring his way through the complicated firewalls. In frustration he buried his head into hands for a few seconds, and took a deep breath. Before he could look back up, he suddenly felt a hand pat his back encouragingly.
“There, there, you almost got it!”
Completely startled, Levi jumped up, knocking down the chair he was sitting on and assumed a fighting stance, fists up beside his face. He was caught off guard and completely unprepared: he had no more sedative syringes left, no other weapons on hand. He stared at the person who stood before him, probably the same age as him—no more than 19—a smile on their face, brown hair falling out of the poor hair tie trying to hold the mess up, a can of soda in their right hand and a small bag of chips in their left and— they were wearing the same pair of glasses he saw outside?
His mind raced.
How did they sneak in without him noticing just now? Why are they holding snacks in their hands? Why in God’s name were they smiling at him? And most importantly, they were wearing those glasses, so they had to have been around when a Erwin did the thermal scan—how did they manage to go undetected??
Obnoxious crunching roused him from his thoughts. Mouth full of half-chewed chips, they answered: “Oh! Yes! My friend Moblit and I managed to invent this little guy help us evade thermal scanners! No one knows we’ve been spending nights here for years!” They said as they pointed down to a small metal band around their ankle.
Levi was so shocked, he didn’t even realized he said that last thought out loud. He didn’t know what to do exactly, but they didn’t… seem like a threat…
Levi grumbled, and returned to his work, and she blabbered on and on about how their “cooling band” or whatever the hell they called it work as he kept trying to break through the firewall. He almost regretted not tying them up and slapping tape over their mouth so he could concentrate—the next comment was the last straw.
“You’re pretty scrawny, I was quite shocked when I watched you take down those 2 buffoons that call themselves security guards. You know… you don't look like a professional criminal!”
Levi almost threw the keyboard against the wall.
“Oh sorry, let me go make myself look like Hannibal Lector or something, Four-Eyes!”
They smiled.
“Wow, a nickname! So we’re friends already, Levi!”
Levi paused, “…How did you know my name?”
“It’s right here! Levi Ackerman… Address: 126—“ they listed off as they read off the driver’s license ID they pulled out of his wallet.
Levi snatched his wallet back. “When the hell did you take that??”
He almost screamed in annoyance. “Instead of just sitting here annoying the hell out of me or some shit, why don’t you help me or something??”
They walked up behind Levi, rested their chin nonchalantly on his shoulder, and reached their arms around him towards the keyboard.
Levi felt blood rush to his cheeks. Why—what? Why did they have to type this way?? Why was he blushing??
And in less than 30 seconds, they broke into the computer, the “Zeke Inc.” logo disappearing, and the desktop glowing, open on the screen.
Levi’s jaw dropped, and when he finally registered what happened, he yelled:
They put their hands on their hips and retorted:
“Well, you didn’t ask until now!”
Before Levi could flip the desk in frustration, an alarm sounded from his phone. He only had 5 minutes left before he had to make his way out of there. Quickly, he rushed in, scrolling through shipments for supplies, rerouting their destinations.
“Oh… so you’re like a… a gloomy Robin Hood huh? Small boy steals from big boy company to distribute resources to those who need it? A criminal… or an anti-hero maybe!”
“Oh wait!” They leaned in next to Levi once more—“Here, this is faster,” they whispered while hitting a few more keyboard shortcuts, doubling the amount of shipments.
“Hange, what are you doing??” A young boy stood in the doorway, the same metal band on his ankle.
Levi’s alarm sounded, and he began to wipe down the keyboard of his fingerprints and grab his backpack.
“Hange are you sure we can trust him?” Moblit asked as Hange took off the metal band from their ankle.
Hange winked in response.
“Oi, Levi!”
Levi turned in the doorway, quickly raising his hands to catch the band Hange threw at him.
“Take it!” They yelled, and the heavy door shut right in front of him, leaving him alone in his thoughts.
Levi stared at the band in his palm, and gently wrapped his fingers around it.
“Thanks,” he whispered, and ran off.
As Levi ran under the night sky, he looked at the intricate tech in his hand, and noticed the color yellow peeking out from under it. Flipping it over in his palm, he found a yellow sticky note, which read:
“We’ll trade you our tech for housing if you have space, gloomy Robin Hood! Maybe we could even steal from something big like Marley Corp. someday! If you’re in, find me back here tomorrow night! - Four-Eyes”
Levi carefully folded the note and put it in his pocket.
“Levi?” Nanaba called as he approached.
“Didn’t recognize you—are you… happy about something?”
Levi inadvertently reached his hand up to his face, feeling how his lips curved upwards. He couldn’t remember the last time he ever smiled. His mind was fixated on the note in his pocket, the image of Hange’s face smiling at him etched clearly in his mind.
“…I guess I am, Nana.”
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operafantomet · 3 years
Can you show us some really bizarre and rare poto trivia that only you would know? Btw. I love your content
It would be a gross exaggeration to say I’m the only one who know the following facts, but it might be a fun reminder anyhow:
1. The “civil” version of the Hannibal Princess costume in West End 1986 was made of a purple version of the Wishing fabric:
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2. Many of the early Phantom shirts were buttoned between the legs to avoid it moving during the show. But obviously some Phantoms found this uncomfortable, so not many shirts are made in that manner today. They would also need a more tailored fit than a general shirt, which I assume is another reason it was discontinued.
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3. The Don Juan sitzprobe piano used in the Hamburg revival was originally from Holland, and still had the floppy disk system from 1993 intact (but it was not actually in use in Hamburg, I might add).
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4. One of the first performances Mia Karlsson ever did as Christine was an emergency cover, because the main Christine was injured - the goddamn mirror tipped over when it was wheeled off stage.
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5. The Phantom’s organ usually has an on-and-off switch which the actor administer himself during MOTN
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6. David Bexton, West End’s second Piangi, was bigger than original Piangi, John Aron. In the original staging it was John Aron the audience saw on the stretcher after Piangi was found dead, carried across stage. But as Bexton was much heavier, they tweaked this part and introduced a dummy instead. This was later implemented into all production. When John Aron returned to the production, they didn’t go back to the old blocking, and they forgot to tell his understudy about this detail. So when they lifted the stretcher and started carrying it, the understudy jumped on top of it, only to find a dummy there. He had to balance himself on top of the dummy, WHILE playing dead, being carried across stage... (story from Marcus Tylor’s “First Year Backstage” book)
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7. Many of the original women’s bodices in West End were cut so low that nipples frequently showed (this according to Rosemary Ashe and Rebecca Caine). This was later adjusted, either by different tailoring, or by fill-out fabric or lace in the neck opening.
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8. More than once has the remote control for the boat been overridden by nearby technology from outside the theatre - giving the Phantom and Christine a bumpy boat ride...
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9. The Viennese production is the only regular replica production to feature a round chandelier (the other being Vegas, with a round, but totally different chandelier):
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10. The Hannibal backdrape with tents is based on an actual set design from Palais Garnier, from the opera Le Roi du Lahore. Leroux buffs will remember that it’s in sets from this opera Buquet was found dead in the novel. 
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
Curious. What do you mean by Dust till Dawn going against it's Characters? I know I have my own feelings, or confusion, with how they left Kate's story.
From Dusk Till Dawn effectively character assassinated every single character in the very last episode including Kate Fuller. No one is acting like themselves in that series finale it's like some deranged fanfic writer came aboard and hijacked the show while no one was looking. If you thought 15x18 & 15x19 of Supernatural were bad and believe me they really are; those episodes are minorly salvageable against the slaughterhouse that Dusk 3x10 was. It utterly contradicts and ignores everything the show put forward in all 3 seasons. I will never watch that episode again.
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I'll first explain what that piece of shit did to the show's lead protagonists, the Gecko brothers. Regardless of how you or anyone else feels about Supernatural's series finale; that show was a saint to Sam and Dean's storyline beginning to end compared to how From Dusk Till Dawn definitively butchered Richie and Seth. I'm sad saying this because Zane Holtz and DJ Controna are outstanding as these characters. I freaking love their chemistry man, it's a great rival to J2! They're the badass dark clones of the Winchesters.  Their arc starts out fascinatingly complex because they went from cold-blooded criminals/bad guys and meanwhile during their escape over the Mexican border with this hostage family the audience is told pretty quick by Professor Aiden Tanner that the Geckos are destined to become these foresworn warriors The Mayan Hero Twins in an ancient prophecy (based on real Mesoamerican lore) who battle the Underworld. So right away the show is telling us ahead where Seth and Richie are suppose to end up in their journey and when you introduce a storyline this big I expect a satisfying payoff.
At the end of season 1, Richie Gecko is *SPOILER ALERT* transformed into a culebra (snake-vampire) while Seth Gecko remains human symbolizing their night and day Hero Twin counterparts from the legend. And they're separated in the first half of season 2 where both try to navigate this new supernatural world they've stumbled on individually. What they find, no different than the Winchesters, is that neither can function properly without the other making their destiny all the more valid. That season is practically constructed like their swan song to the criminal lifestyle since the brothers are meant to become more than crooks; and since Richie's a vampire they can't ever go back to basics. Their adopted father aka uncle Eddie actually says the line "this is my swan song" in 2x07 to Seth and Richie in reference to their final heist together which is not a coincidence. That's the writers telling us that the Gecko Brothers' role in the show is going to shift from anti-heroes to heroes very soon. Eddie and Kate Fuller's fates in S2 act as the primary catalysts for this transition taking shape in the finale.
Going into season 3 it's business as usual for the boys until the prophecy of the twins officially rips a hole in the damn universe via demon queen Amaru. Who's now possessing Kate. Throughout that season Seth and Richie embark on a journey of heroism; find themselves battling monsters, actually saving civilians and dealing with their own personal demons (guilt and remorse over past sins). That year is presented as their redemption arc and final phase into their new role. No one ever tells them about their destiny (despite most of the other characters knowing) but we as the audience are already aware as we watch the brothers in action. The best episode is without a doubt 3x06 the crown jewel of From Dusk Till Dawn because it's about overcoming the darkness inside. And who best represents that than Richie; the show's most important central character whom began the series as a deadly clairvoyant criminal into the tortured vampire hero struggling with his own humanity. Now I won't spoil the whole episode for anyone who hasn't seen it or the show in general but it's an incredible moment of character development for both the Gecko brothers. Not only does it cement their powerful bond it's the episode that defines who these two are once and for all. The ones who lead the battle between good and evil; keep the balance of light and darkness. One day I plan to do an entire analysis of that episode because it's so fucking brilliant and shot so incredibly eerie at the same time 😁
You want to know what 3x10 does to these characters? It shits all over their entire storyline and pisses away THREE FUCKING SEASONS of character development. Just flushes it all down the toilet rendering everything they've ever done up to that point completely pointless! Their destiny which is the WHOLE POINT OF THE SHOW is suddenly dropped last minute and the Geckos hit reset on their former criminal escapades; dragging Kate along with them. I hate that finale with the fire of a thousand suns for what it does to Richie and Seth 😡
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Moving on to Carlos Madrigal. He is the best villain character in the history of show villains hands down. I can actually say that without blinking. Wilmer Valderama is phenomenal, he steals the show as Carlos. He's is so freaking awesome, evil and badass! I just want to keep seeing this man tear things apart while being the sexy asshole he is 😈For all intents and purposes I don't want to spoil his whole storyline on the show for those following me in case they're interested. But what I will say is 3x10 destroys this character; so don't watch it if you want to keep the memory of who he was alive. I'm actually depressed over what was done to him as much as I feel sorry for Wilmer having to perform that shitty script. It's laughable in a very bad way. Gotta hand it to the writers and showrunners of FDTD they certainly knew how to humiliate their best characters in this series. Carlos basically goes from charismatic yet lethal Hannibal Lecter to a very captain obvious Gandolf caricature. Yah you heard that right, it's really fucking sad.
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Next we have Freddie Gonzalez; the audience's avatar into the series. This character is connected to everyone on the show for a reason because of the crucial part he plays in this universe. The "Peacekeeper" destined to police the line between the supernatural world from the human world. In the beginning he's a Texas deputy on a quest to avenge the murder of his father figure/partner Earl McGraw via the Gecko Brothers. But once he steps in that territory of monsters there's no going back. And FDTD repeatedly tells him and the audience this in the first 2 seasons. But then 3x10 pulls the ultimate fuckery by giving him the most cliched, nonsensical hallmark ending effectively cancelling out his entire purpose in the series. He instantly forgets that he ever cared about Kate, watching her bleed out on the ground, then leaves the Geckos high and dry rushing his family (who isn't injured) to the hospital. And he stays there while the battle continues 😣
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Kate and Scott Fuller OMG words cannot describe my anger over what was done to them so I'll make it fast. I'll begin with Kate the bright light and heart of the series. Her arc in the first two seasons is excellent. It's emotionally driven because she begins as an ordinary girl in broken yet seemingly-happy family to a young woman finding her way around the supernatural world maintaining her faith and moral compos while trying to help her brother after he's *SPOILER ALERT* been turned into a vampire; paralleling the Geckos's situation. Scott being only a 16 year old kid, like Richie, struggles immensely after his transformation; searching for meaning as a cursed individual and coping with his duality. He was already different to begin with so being a vampire adds some interesting layers to his character.
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Btw Kate plays a vital role in Richie and Seth's lives, though in my opinion is more strongly connected to Richie. The show even goes as far as developing the early glimpses of a romantic arc between Kate and Richie (seeing as they kiss twice) with angst at the end of season 2 that is never resolved. You want to know why it wasn't? Not only does season 3 mute Kate's voice and agency but 3x10 ruins her character and demolishes her whole arc with Richie (who spent all of season 3 trying to save her) at the last second due to fan pressure of those who shipped her with Seth. They don't exchange one word nor barely look at one another it's like seasons 1&2 never happened. This is the biggest fuck you to fans of these characters I've ever witnessed in a series and they did my boys Adam and Michael so dirty in Supernatural. Poor Scott whom the show enjoyed kicking around all season barely gets a thing to do in that series finale either than listening to his sister and Seth gab about prom lol. Yah you heard me I'm not making this shit up I swear. Then he gets abandoned by Kate while she goes off to be a bank robber with the character assassinated versions of Seth and Richie. How extraordinary 😖
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Santanico Pandemonium is really the only character in the series who manages to get out unscathed. HOWEVER her arc is handled very poorly beginning to end. They set up an arc between her and Seth that also goes absolutely nowhere. Give her zero closure with Richie whom she sired, dated and used in S2. And randomly throw her in a scene with Kate that makes no fucking sense after these two had nothing to do with one another all series. On top of that Santanico is barely in season 3 so by the time the show wraps her arc feels incomplete.
Other characters go missing that no one notices, the new bad guy whom they've set up at the end is just left hanging. And Richie Gecko, you know the show’s other lead, is horribly sidelined after 3x06 to make way for the Seth Gecko solo show. When I say FDTD series finale is bad I mean it's really fucking terrible and blasphemous.
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lilikoi-lacroix · 4 years
Hello :) just wanted to chime in to say i love your blog and the love and happiness you have for yizhan and tu/mdzs. Im always curious to read whatever you have to say. Pls keep it up. Btw if you dont mind me asking is this a sideblog? Or do you only have this blog here? What other things do you like ie tv shows, movies, music, hobbies, books whatever? If its too personal obv u dont have to reply. Im just curious. Thanks once more for your awesome blog and have a great day :)
😳😳😳 This is so sweet, anon. omg.
This isn’t a sideblog. I used to have a tumblr that I abandoned in 2018 and it was mostly just beyoncé and sasuke shitposting.
I have some personal and work soc media accounts and a fandom twitter I mostly just use to lurk with these days.
I’m not a very confident writer tbh and it’s been surprising to me how much I’ve been feeling motivated to write about mdzs, bjyx and fandom issues here.
other stuff i’m into:
Some other shows that I like: black sails, hannibal, mob psycho100, russian doll, winter begonia, and I recently did a rewatch of hikaru no go I’m currently watching the svsss donghua and I’m almost done reading the novel. I’m waiting for the last episode of sdc3 to get subtitled even though most of the big stuff has been spoiled for me at this point. It’s ok though i’m just watching for my kings huang xiao and qiao zhi. and my son xiao chao. god i should make another sdc3 post. i haven’t looked it up yet because i want to see what happens in the finale first but i’m really curious if there are cpf of huang xiao and qiao zhi 👀👀👀
Other interests include astronomy and astrobiology (life on venus! maybe!) and various fields of history and theory (the two deeply unfun books about war and systematic oppression I am reading at the moment) amongst other things
For some masochistic reason I’m darkly fascinated by cults, mlms (not the fun kind), alternative medicine scams, and debunkings of far right conspiracy theories. My yt subscription list is like 40 bjyx or c-ent channels, a couple of science channels and ask a mortician.  Ask a mortician is phenomenal if not a bit cheesy but be warned that there are graphic images in most of the episodes.
I listen to a lot of podcasts. A few of my favorites are:
-you’re wrong about (two reporters go back to mostly american news stories from the recent past and examine how the story and the people involved were misrepresented at the time.)
-one from the vaults (canadian trans historian morgan paige profiles a different trans person from us, uk, or canadian history each episode.)
-bad gays (each episode two gay historians profile someone, usually a cis man, from western history who can be loosely called gay and loosely called bad. Loosely gay as in the subjects are often from times with a very different conception of gender and sexuality from today and thus aren’t gay in the modern sense of the word. What they call bad ranges pretty widely from innocuous and fun crimes like art forgery to genuine issues like transphobic and racist gay journalists and activists to genuinely monstrous stuff like gay fascists and gay monarchs presiding over genocide and slavery.)
-overinvested (movie and tv critique by two journalists/writers who met in the slash fandoms of the early 2010’s. big crush on gavia) Anyways thanks for asking! I probably won’t post about any of these things here. Maybe I’ll try to restart a general blog one day but right now mdzs and bjyx are what make me the happiest and I want to have a space to just focus on that.
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eienias20 · 4 years
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90 hours later I have finished God Eater 2 Rage Burst
What a great game! I enjoyed Resurrection and this was more of that but even better. The gameplay was improved all around, buncha new and useful features. The new cast for the game was all great and the returning cast was all used really well!
I ranked the 3 story arcs from GE:R, if i was to put in the 2 story arcs for GE2RB, i’d put them both right behind the Burst / Black Hannibal Arc of GE:R. Still my favorite one for personal reasons but these are just fantastic. The ending was a perfect book end.
My only issue was something similar to GE:R in that sometimes, the enemies felt way too damage spongey like WAY too much health. The Blood Rage mechanic tho fixed that almost all around. There were some exceptions but it was a great way to combat the inflated health stats some enemies have.
Beyond that, I loved the Blood Unit. Great characters.
I don’t really know what else to say except to thank Code Vein and a few people I talk to on Discord for finally pushing me to pick up these games. I played them both on Steam btw
I’m still working on Xenoblade Definitive and I’ve got Spongebob Rehydrated, but once both of those are clear I’m going to jump into God Eater 3. I’m aiming to pick it up on Switch but before that I need to fix my pro controller. The drift issue it has is getting pretty bad.
tl;dr God Eater 2 Rage Burst was great and i’m happy
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So, Netflix/BBC Dracula review : Part1, from an adaptation standpoint.
It’s a bad adaptation.  I’m just gonna warn you right ahead. I would even say as far as saying it’s not an adaptation.
First of all, the serie only follow the story of about HALF the book. The story ends at the Lucy’s deal. And it’s over, like, big end of the story, it’s not like they are waiting for season 2. At little more than HALF the book. but hey, if it’s well paced, good characters...
Secondly : the episode decision. It makes no sens.
Episode 1 follow Jonathan’s adventure at the castle of Dracula (which is now a maze contructed by a mythical architect which may have had a vampire wife, for whatever reason) and then his recruitement in the Sister’s covenant. In my edition that is 546 pages long, the first takes 77 pages and the latter is only metionned through two letters of 1 page, after it happened.
Episode 2 follows the Demeter, a boat that, in the book, arrived in Lucy’s town with no crew except for a dead captain tied to the wheen by crucifix; a black dog, implied to be Dracula, jumps out of it as soon as it touches land (and all the town search for it becasue they wanna adopt the doggo). A journal is found, that narrates its voyage, with crew memebers dissappearing one after the other with no visible reason or body. That whole story is 15 pages long. again, out of the 546 pages of that book. (fun fact: in the book he spent all the trip in a crate with soil in it, only going out to kill the crew of the boat. Here, Dracula is a passenger, because somehow now there are passengers, and when someone is like “what, you didn’t even hide yourself?” he answered “what, you really think i would spent all this trip in a crate? come on, that’s ridiculous!”. The adaptation calls the book it’s based on... ridiculous? it spends 1h30 on something that specifically didn’t happen?  that’s just... bad from an adaptation standpoint.
Episode 3 is... a mess. the first part is pure improvisation, then there’s a “three month later” elipsis and for the second part there’s element of Lucy’s story? which is about 250 pages in the book, so, about half of it ? and they crammed it all into the second half of the third episode.
Thirdly, and most important for me : the characters are not respected. 
Character they changed : I get that there is room for interpretation, and more room for adaptation.  But Mina is useless and naive, Lucy is a narcissic hedonistic party girl, (btw Mina lives in the 18-something century while Lucy lives in 2019, so they don’t even met) Sister Agatha (yeah, from the covenant) becomes Sister Agatha Van Helsing, Quincey is a fuckboy and Jack is an Nice Guy(TM), Arthur Homswood diseappeared so now she agrees to marry Quincey...
Character they made up : they a modern time relative of Sister Agatha van Helsing called Zoe Van Helsing, and also litterally ALL OF EPISODE 2: On the previously desert demeter, there’s now a captain with ptsd, a cook missing a hand, a south asian doctor and his deaf daughter, a pretty young lady, his dashing fiancé and said fiancé secret boyfriend, a young sailot, an old sailor, an adventourous guy, an old duchess... it’s actually a pretty interesting crew of characters, but NONE OF THEM COME FROM THE BOOK. There’s also Lucy’s gay best friend (who dresses kinda like Bobby from queer eye). Still not in the book.
 Dracula has powers he had not in the book (he can read people’s thoughts, and he can absorbes people memory through their blood (including their knowledge of an eintier language), and it becomes such a big plot device), and inversly, some things that worked against him in the book now don’t work at all (garlic isn’t even mentionned, he can see his reflection in mirror) or new things can hurt him (he can’t touch the sunlight, and dead or dying people’s blood is deadly to him...) and all the explanation given is “that’s how vampires work, actually.”
The thing that bother me is that... yes, nowaday if you create a vampire you can decide what power you give them, what you want for your story. The problem is,  this story was already written : this particular vampire already had a set of rules. No, Dracula cannot gain the memory of his victim by drinking their blood!  No he cannot... walk in the floor of the ocean ! that just doesn’t happen ! I’m mad!
Oh, and also he had big Moffat’s Jekill vibes, is familiar, crack jokes à la nbc Hannibal, uses emojis... not saying those are good of bad, just that they are not Dracula. (He misses the moustache and the hairs in the hand but those are super hand to adapt so i let it slide). And also, i guess he was supposed to be presented in a sympathetic light, cracking joke, missing the sun, kind of a loner bur wisecrack smug dude, but he’s doing horrible things ! he helds a woman at gun point just because he wants her to smile to him ! that’s nightmare scenario ! And it’s the guy that i’m supposed to feel SORRY for ? fuck this guy !  
That an adaptation asked me to be sorry for dracula is bad enough, but that i’m supposed to like him... And not even ONCE get a found family group... not even a scooby gang trying to solve a mystery... I’m mad. Lucy and Mina live two centuries apart, Quincey and Stewart hate eachother and Arthur is absent, the first Van Helsing interracted with mina for a grand total of 2 lines and the second is friend with Steward even before the events of the story... No one gets together to be against Dracula. The power of love and friendship and solidarity isn’t even MENTIONNED in this serie. I’m mad.
Anyway, rant to follow about of it’s a bad original story.
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afraschatz · 5 years
Leverage - The Studio Job
It feels like ages since I’ve done one of these, and I MISS MY SHOW, so I popped in a random DVD and whohoo it is “The Studio Job”. So here is a random amount of things that I love about this episode. I love...
... the sheer swagger of Hasselhoff err Schneider err Kirkwood. Not many people can pull off that leather jacket, dude
... the fact that Eliot is present during the initial client meeting. I’ve been wondering about this actually, I mean obviously it’s clear why Eliot is here because he clearly is the only one with a decent taste in music and whatnot (what violin? Hardison who?). But, like, does Nate have a diary on his desk where he pencils in potential clients and he hasn’t yet figured out that the team reads that thing and just “happens to show up” to meetings they think interesting? Is the entire team actually present for the inital “hello” and then just randomly decides “nah, not today, today’s client is harshing my vibe, I’d rather hang out with my horde”? How do these meetings come about? I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS
... hahahaha, that music video is just the BEST THING. I kinda need a video like that with Eliot staring in it.
... Hardison dumping info like a boss. I know it’s common knowledge that Aldis Hodge was (in part) hired because of exactly that skill but seriously, he is SO good at it.
... “I don’t know how to play the fiddle” (Hardison probably does) and Hardison’s and Eliot’s reactions hahaha
... Kirkwood being a creepy douche. “But the computer...” - “Say it again.” Such a dick (and such a great little bit of characterisation)
... we are not talking about Hardison’s HORRIBLE outfit. Okay, maybe we are. We all know that Hardison has the best style of all of them (don’t fight me on this), so clearly the only explanation for this terribly mustard/brown combo is that he went to a thrift store and deliberately bought the most ridiculously 70s retro country shit he could find. Why? Well, to piss of Eliot, of course
... Nate wearing the white hat. Who are you trying to fool, mate? Oh, right. The mark.
... Parker’s dance theft. Hands down my favourite lift. Possibly ever. (Such a nice use of lazy sensual music there as well)
... Hardison’s clever strategy of responding to suspicion and anger by just mirroring that and instantly forming a bond of mutual pissed-off-ness
... Hardison’s condescension in reaction to the DJ’s super bad lie. Because lying is cool. But bad lying? That’s just offensive.
... Hot diggity dagum. Hahahaha, Hardison
... the notion that the entire time during that interlude Kirkwood is chewing Nate’s ear off
... Nate’s stutter - I love that he regularly uses these more obvious go-to-personas / tactics (like that stutter when he wants to come across as slightly gullible and not a threat) that aren’t that refined as those his team would chose. Why? Not because he can’t do any better. Just because he can’t be bothered. Ha, Nate, I love your casual arrogance
... sunglasses in that badly lit a club, Sophie? Really :)?
... Nate’s FACE the moment Kirkwood turns his back. You sexy, devious bastard. I love you.
... Parker and her refusal to buy into metaphors. Her sense of humour is just so - I mean OBVIOUSLY she gets it, like she gets every other metaphorical expression (“I didn’t even get to see the emerald!” anyone?). But yeah, I agree with you, it’s hilarious when the rest tries to be patient / loses their shit
... that shot with Eliot and the blue and yellow lights
... Eliot being offended all over the place. Parker startled him! Parker was a kid!catburglar? (Dude, this is, what, the third season? How can that surprise you?) Eliot CAN sing!
... that little bit of maybe-stage-fright. And the fact that Parker is up there with him and her overacted astonishment. Which is a. seriously funny, and b. such a neat reaction because of course it pisses Eliot off, and a pissed off Eliot is not a nervous Eliot. I love these weird bits of their friendship
... Hardison following suit. - Darth Vader Eliot and Smurf Eliot. Parker’s genuine laughter. Oh God, could I love the friendship these three have any more? I think not. (And what’s the greatest thing? This isn’t even talked about, this isn’t even supposed to be the POINT of the scene. Other shows create entire episode’s, entire fucking seasons around moments like this one. Leverage? Just casually dishing it out. Because this show is perfection.)
... Hardison first comparing Eliot to Britney Spears, then calling him “baby”
...NATE poking fun at him for it
... Hardison being startled, not because of the “baby” bit obviously, but oops, there he was flirting with his best girl and his best guy and he might’ve forgotten that the coms were live
... HOW OLD ARE YOU, Nate :D
... “This must be the Southern charm I heard so much about”. Sophie, being brilliant with the “fuck you, you sleazebag” without the sleazebag actually noticing. I seriously love her throughout this episode. She has very little to do, but everything she does just reeks of that special brand of low-key arrogant professionalism and pride in her grifter skills. So much love for her.
... Nate’s sexy white hat profile!
... Eliot letting himself be seduced. Not gonna lie, there are plenty of his dates that I like better than the one in this ep, but this still is a great little scene. I really dig Eliot’s way with people (and it’s not just women; it’s people). Because he LISTENS.
... Sophie being a food snob. Again.
... Sophie’s outfit. The hair? The frigging jacket? So rad.
... Sophie’s way with Kirkwood compared to Nate’s earlier. See, this is the expert at playing people, the Shakespeare of grifters
... Eliot’s fucking voice
... Hardison’s little panic attack
... Nate’s FOCUS when he looks at Eliot. That’s not just because the con works. That is his super sharp shark focus of pride (which is totally an expression).
... seriously, Eliot’s voice. I need to dig out my old Kane CDs
... Eliot’s little smile at the end
... reward sex. You earned that, man.
... why do you take out your com? Everyone knows what you’re doing anyway. And now Nate has to beat up goons on his own. Jeez.
... “You two work out together” - hahaha, oh Nate
... “Forever 21, don’t hit me” - another seriously nice bit of interlacing the imminent danger of Nate potentially getting killed with teenage groupies. Not only is that little tidbit funny in its own right, it also tells us, before we even see it, that Nate’s all right. Eliot already knows, obviously, he has the ear bud back in and he is taking his sweet time to give that autograph and whatnot while definitely listening to Nate dealing with that problem. That is my version of how it went down and I’m sticking with it
... “Oh, ELIOT’s the fiddle” hahaha
... Parker’s outfit. Hardison’s COAT (btw, the way Parker and Hardison interact here? This is probably pretty close to how they must seem to the unsuspecting casual observer ALWAYS, just minus the outfit).
... “We was cool, we was vibin’”
... Eliot being chased, and all of this having such a retro Beatles vibe to it
... “Contrary to what you all believe, I do not control everything that happens on the internet”... five seconds later “Boom, fansite nuked”
... “I’m pretty certain a fatwa was issued!” - “You’re so vain, man.” (Because yes, Hardison. Eliot brags by telling people how many governments want him dead. That is absolutely how Eliot rolls.)
... “seriously, for breakfast?!” - I love you, Sophie
... Sophie’s superfast reactions and the joy of getting to slap Nate
... Parker’s traipsing and Hardison’s gangsta walk
... you know what is better than Hardison half naked in a recording studio? Hardison, half naking in a recording studio, yanking Eliot’s chain.
... Parker’s scale of what is weird being VERY different than anyone else’s
... “This is not from an iceberg”
... Hardison moving with Eliot’s music, then interrupting him, THEN cutting off communications :)
... niiice little bit of storytelling-by-superzoom, and Parker solving the case while Hardison and Eliot are just mucking around
... Ribs, Ribs, More Ribs
... “The guy who’s buying our fiddle? He thinks he IS the fiddle.”
... Locked off comedy frame - my favourite ever, actually. SO many great OT3 scenes in this episode
... beating goons up with a mic stand AND drumsticks
... black-hat-Nate (now, doesn’t that look more right?) impersonating Hannibal Smith
... nice shot of the four of them in the hotel
... a conveniently parked random motorbike
... Eliot err Kenneth Crane t-shirts
... Kirkwood lip-syncing
... a groupie flashmob
... Parker on stage. Because this is important. For the con. For Eliot.
... Eliot once again proving that he is a great actor (second best on the team) in that staged conversation with Kirkwood
... a conveniently placed cow-hide
... Eliot and Nate doing the gloat together.
... Nate’s black hat, toothpick combo (he is really loving this week’s outfit theme, isn’t he?)
... Eliot’s little laugh at the proposal of being one half of the next Johnny and June. I love that because it’s both sweet and kinda flattered as well as absolutely-not- are-you-kidding-me- as-that-could-tempt-me-away- from-the-sweet-gig-I-already-got
... that little beat, again with just Nate and Eliot. God, I love their friendship sosososo much. I should write a 5k essay about it. And by essay I mean ode.
... that way that Nate is not looking people in the eye when he wants to give them a bit of privacy. Or when he wants some himself
... “Notes on my performance” - “How were you?” - “No complaints” - And Eliot’s and Sophie’s relationship? SO different. Equally awesome.
... I also what to know what time it is, Eliot.
 Perfect episode. Perfect show.
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officialrottyarmy · 5 years
Q&A With Rotxinxpieces
Note : I asked this question a month ago. But I accidentally open my suppose to be deleted Facebook account that I use last year and I digged on my PM with Rotty regarding the Hades and Lucifer's family about the food they dislike the most...
( This is a copy paste of our conversation btw )
- ♡ -
Q : Hey Rotty!So I'm wondering this question. You answer a question on your message board that does Cerberus eat a chocolate and you answer Cerberus don't like Taco Bells and Burger King ( Which offend me lol but I'm aware about people with lactose intolerance ) And also in Akin's book he mentioned that Hannibal doesn't like coconut. So if they have favorite food what does the Hades' sons and Lucifer children food they don't like
Rotty : Haha, well... I'd say starting with Akin, he isn't a big fan of spicy foods, so a lot of Indian dishes are difficult for him to eat. He likes them, but he just can't handle the spiciness. he has a delicate stomach. As for Jaques, he isn't a sweet fan. Candies aren't his favorite, but he will accept dark chocolate since it's bitter. Thorn likes basically everything, but he doesn't like a lot of pickled foods, so like pickled pigs feet or pickled eggs. The vinegar is too much for him sometimes. Bali hates breakfast foods in general. She doesn't like the combination of like eggs, cheese, potatoes, bacon, etc. She'll eat them on their own, but not together. Wednesday doesn't like eggs. The consistencies bother her. Raven may like Japanese food, but he doesn't like squid or octopus. The tentacles wig him out. Even if he ate it with his eyes closed, he'd probably vomit lol Alaric will literally eat anything. He's willing to try anything once, and he usually ends up liking it.
Charon doesn't like a lot of Italian dishes. The marinara sauce can be too acidic for him. Zelios doesn't like American food. The greasy large portions tend to turn him off. He's more into delicate foods. So, he won't eat burgers or hot dogs or pizzas. Cerberus will eat anything, but of course Taco Bell, Burger King, and chocolate. He also has a surprisingly delicate stomach, but some things he does love to eat, will still make his stomach hurt, but he does it anyway because he's the genius of the family lmfao Ah, let's see, then there would be Cain, who hates venison. It's too gamey for him and he won't eat it (this also goes for lamb). Abel isn't a fan of seeds, so like chia seeds, or pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds. They get caught in his fangs a lot and it's irritating to get out. Theo is super picky, surprisingly. He'll only eat certain foods when he's in the mood to eat them. Sometimes he'll say he hates cheeseburgers, but then he'll turn around and eat one a couple days later cuz now he's in the mood for them. So he's just a super picky eater based on how he feels. Malachi doesn't really have a favorite food or a food he dislikes. He's sort of like Theo; he'll eat what he's in the mood to eat. He does love oysters and most seafood. Ambrosius likes fruit, but if there's one he won't touch, it's tomatoes. He's not huge on them. Like, he'll eat them, but they're not his favorite. He'll tolerate them to avoid looking like a child lol Nikias likes candy, but he doesn't like chocolate.... unless it's on Demetrius.
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rilldineth · 4 years
So a friend of mine told me that given that we are now in 2020, it will be fun if I did a top 20 ships of the past decade for me and boy, did I thought was a good idea and I have decided, why not right? I will be listing them here and...if followers decide to read it...well...
You will quickly notice that probably that most, if not all the ships fall on the following categories: a) rare-ships that are obv not canon; b) ships that are obviously crack; c) ships that had wasted potential, the ones hinted but never happened or briefly happened in canon and writers decided to fuck up. There’s also only one...one RL ship and I am ashamed yet not, but had to list it because I spent a long time hung up on it so don’t judge me.
So yes list...
Before the list, no list is complete without some honorable mentions, these are mostly ships I either got into the hype to recently (not being dedicated for years as the one I will list) or had my fancy then lost it.
Charlastor from Hazbin Hotel (recently got into it)
Clack from Final Fantasy VII
Cloud x Squall from Final Fantasy/KH series.
Hayffie from The Hunger Games.
TodoMomo from Boku Hero no Academia.
Gency from Overwatch series ( on and off )
RinMako from Free!
Terraqua from Kingdom Hearts series.
20. Spuhura - Spock x Nyota Uhura (Star Trek original and reboot): Again this was another ship that I liked, since the original series, while everyone was Spirk this and that, I was like,’’yas, yas give me the sweet, sweet Spock and Uhura interactions’ and I was happy the reboot hooked them up, even if that ended dubiously but for a glorious moment, I had it.
19. Swarkles - Barney Stinson x Robin  Scherbatsky (HIMYM): This is one of those ships I am bitter, bitter and salty about, there are more in this list in fact next spot is another one. But I loved it and I did think they complimented each other better than the wet noodle they stuck Robin with, they took the time to know the other, grown separately and then together, the episode where Barney proposed to Robin gave me all the feels and it was so sweet, and then fuck the writers deciding to do what they did. It’s no wonder the finale of this show is so hated.
18. Lotura - Lotor x Allura (Voltron Legendary Defender): When they announced a new reboot to Voltron I didn’t think much of it. I had fancied Lotor x Allura in the original series, as dubious as that was, but then I started to watch this Netflix thing and there was something between them, something more tangible and I was happy. It was this strong woman with an equally strong man encouraging her strength and not putting her in the box of the exotic pretty princess, like a certain dude, and wanted to know her mind and interests, they discovered things together and for a brief moment knew peace and I was here so happy that we were getting something good and then fuck the writers again that decided ‘Nah bro, you’re not getting it’ and you know to fuck off again. I will always have fan fiction I guess.
17. VinTi - Vincent Valentine x Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII series): This is a ship that I think started to like during my second playthrough of the game, I always figured the both could work, both having loved people that for one reason or another couldn’t fully love them back (Lucrecia due to damn guilt and Cloud because of Aerith) and both were mature enough to fit together, I just like them okay.
16. Helsa - Hans x Elsa (Frozen): Truly, I have never made it a secret that I really dislike this movie, I truly do. The only good things were Hans (which I am still huh at the ‘turns out he is evil’ I still call trolls) and Elsa (because of her damn powers) and then the next step was shipping them and honestly, he should have gone for the older sister lmao, they make more sense and there have very nice fiction out there.
15. Yuzuvier - Javier Fernandez x Yuzuru Hanyu (Figure Skating): Ahh, we have reached my dreaded and dark secret only RPF fancy. Be it broship or more, I always liked the friendship and camaraderie these two skaters had with each other, they were rink mates and rivals but above all friends. I was kokoro break when Yuzuru was telling Javi that he couldn’t do it without him and stop it you two. I just like them, they are wholesome.
14. Victuuri - Viktor Nikiforov x Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! On Ice): And here we have another precious figure skating duo when I started to watch this series it was only because it was a figure skating anime and I love figure skating, I never expected to see a wholesome and wonderful healthy relationship to explode in front of me. The relationship between Viktor and Yuuri is just so lovely, so mature, they both worked through issues, grew from them and accepted them even and I can’t I love it. (Special mention here to Yurio x Mila, as is another ship I love from this series and so underrepresented).
13. Jonerys - Jon Snow x Daenerys Targaryen (ASOIAF/GoT): Regardless of the stupidity committed in the series, I have shipped them since the books, because I can read in between the lines and there are too many parallels between them and their journeys, ones that at will some point collide and bring them together in a way that will be worth it, so better make it count George. 
12. Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark (ASOIAF/GoT): Yes, mea culpa, I love tis ship and no one can shame me for liking it and boy has people tried to do so. Were these two smart of escaping like that and not saying a thing? Nope, they were so not. Was Brandon smart going to Kings Landing, knowing there was a crazy king with a penchant of burning people and demanding his heir's head? Nope, that was probably the stupidest move of all. Do I want to believe they loved each other? Why not? Martin has a penchant for tragic love stories, I know this ship is problematical for some, but I still love it and if you see spot 10 here, well I have varied tastes.
11. Soriku - Riku x Sora (Kingdom Hearts series): Come on, this is a given. Prior to Kairi appearing, it was clear Sora was Riku’s world and Riku’s was Sora, they were attached to the hip, the rivalry for Kairi more felt like Riku being jealous of Kairi and wanting Sora’s attention back. Then we have KH2 where Sora spent the whole damn game being all ‘Riku, Riku!’ and Riku doing his damn best to help him from the shadows, ashamed to be seen. DDD was more Riku protecting him and Sora leaning on him, even KH3 had Sora wanting to find and reach Riku, and then Riku going once again to find him by the end, so I am sorry but if there was a love story written here it was between these two. 
10. Hannigram - Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham (Hannibal): Quite honestly, from all the things I ship, they are probably what one will consider the most toxic one I guess, which fair considering one part of the ship is a charismatic yet cannibalistic serial killer. But there was something in the way this relationship was developed by Fuller and brilliantly brought out by Mads and Hughs that just hooked me, their soft moments, their violent ones, it just somehow worked for me. I guess this is also one of the few canon ships that I have, funny enough.
09. Rivetra - Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral (Shingeki no Kyojin): Who will have thought that a series about human eating titans was going to give me one of my most everlasting and also shortlived OTP’s. Years can pass by and I will still love this ship, my heart will still believe there was something more between them, something that was realized or something that wasn’t, I don’t know, but I will forever love it and even though years have passed since she died, I always enjoy the hints here and there that he still remembers her or hints where we are supposed to do so.
08. Squinoa - Squall Leonhart x Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy VIII): People can say whatever the fuck they want ‘the love story was rushed’ ‘we hate Rinoa’ (fuck you btw) but it doesn’t change the fact that Squall fell in love with her and that Rinoa helped him to open up, to not take things for granted and Squall taught her to be even stronger and conquer her fears, they helped each other grow and it’s what matters in the end.
07. Feanor x Nerdanel (Tolkien): This is probably, from all the romantic relationships that Tolkien has gifted us, which I have loved the most and held my attention the longest. They have the happy times, the ones that were full of joy when they met and fell in love and had their children, then we have the tumultuous times when he became too obsessed with this craft, the separation when he left with their kids leaving her behind in her pain and then their possible reencounter when he leaves the Halls of Mandos and how they might deal with it.
06. ItaHina - Itachi Uchiha x Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto): Both the heads of two of the most important clans of their villages, both with heavy expectations upon their shoulders that nearly broke them, only one was talented from the start and the other had to learn, yet they are also similar. Both love their siblings to a fault, sacrificing so much for them and their happiness, both seem to hate conflict yet know is necessary and both are devoted and loyal to a fault, they would have suited each other wonderfully, in an AU probably they would have gotten engaged, who knows, but it would have been wonderful.
05. SessKik - Sesshoumaru x Kikyou (Inuyasha): A ship that could have been but that we didn’t have. This is a ship that has been with me for years and I don’t plan to let it go, they were the best players (in a sense) in that game against Naraku, also probably the strongest, both level headed and smart, not easily intimidated and calculating, together they would have been quite a formidable force and it’s a shame we didn’t get to see that.
04. Bethyl - Daryl Dixon x Beth Greene (The Walking Dead): Another wasted potential and gone so soon, not to mention forever salty at the waste. The way they were being developed promised so much, in the few time he was with her, well, she taught him to have faith and it’s something that apparently still shows from times to times (I am not sure as I stopped with this show) and imagine how it will have gone if they had more time. Just a waste.
03. Romanogers - Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanov (Marvel/MCU): I have been shipping them for years, like honestly, and when the MCU was showing me the seeds of potentiality I was happy, not even that stupidity with Bruce killed my hope, as they still had this steady relationship, he trusted her and she trusted him, something that she couldn’t say of many, they had each others back and took care of the other...but again another wasted potential right there.
02. Huddy - Gregory House x Lisa Cuddy (House MD): I spent years, kind of, season after season watching the delicious and lovely UST between these two characters, watching them snark and then help each other, watching the ‘won’t they will they’ dance, waiting for the moment when these two will finally collide and my lord was it glorious when they finally did, and I was eager to see where it went, as they both seemed to be in relatively good places, but no once again forbid the writers to stop House from being self-destructive and another ship I had waited years was ruined.
01. Terrence "Terry" Graham Grandchester x  Candice "Candy" White Adley (Candy Candy): And this is still my most important ship of the decade, I was forever bitter they never ended together and that their authors decided to make them suffer so much, but then Final Story came and all clues were pointing that aha they did found the other again and ended together as they were supposed to be, and before anyone says shizz, I did manage to read the novel and I do believe all hints were there to let us all know the identity of her husband was Terry and I am so happy.
And there it is, all the ships of the decade for me lol. Next stop, I should maybe make a list of mythos ships I like lmao.
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singofsolace · 5 years
I was tagged by @killyourstarlings and @its-a-goode-day
Your name:
My main blog name is concreteangel1221, but my Ao3 account is Singofsolace
Fandoms you write for:
Over about ten years, I’ve written for Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Worst Witch, Hannibal, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Once Upon a Time, and the Legend of Korra/Avatar fandoms. I deleted most of my fics from Fanfic.net at some point, so now only my LoK fics are still there... but nevertheless, I’ve written for quite a few fandoms!
Where you post:
Ao3. I used to post on Fanfic.net but I don’t anymore.
Most popular one-shot:
When the Spell Breaks (the Cradle Will Fall)
(The Caligari Spell breaks; Hilda betrays Zelda’s trust to keep her safe.)
Most popular multi-chapter story:
The Proposal
(Hecate Hardbroom x Pippa Pentangle romance/comedy/angst)
My favourite story I’ve written:
Sir, Spare Your Threats
(The Madam Spellman Shakespeare AU that has consumed my mind for months now)
The story I was nervous to post:
To bed, to bed, to bed!
(because I’m still not completely comfortable with writing and sharing explicit stories.)
How do you choose titles:
It depends on the fic! For my Shakespeare ones, I take the titles from his plays. before that, and colder is taken from a Margaret Atwood poem. But besides that, the rest were mostly just decisions I made for one reason or another.
Do you outline?
In my head, but not really on paper. I’ll write down a scene that’s supposed to come much later than the part I’m working on if the inspiration hits, but besides that I pretty much just have a general idea of where the story is going and follow it.
How many of your stories are complete?
7 are complete.
How many of your stories are in progress?
Currently I have 2 published works-in-progress, though I have a list of nearly ten fic requests that I’ve also been slowly working through that haven’t been published yet.
Coming soon:
The next chapter of Sir, Spare Your Threats.
Do you accept prompts?
Yes! Please send all of your prompts! It just might take me a while to get to them.
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write?
I’m really excited about my Shakespeare AU right now, but I’m also super pumped about some other Madam Spellman one-shots that I’m working on. I have too many ideas and not enough time to write them all!
I tag anyone who took the time to read all of this and would like to share your writing process ❤️
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(those are Miranda Otto’s hands btw)
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