#haha what if i cosplayed him haha jk
chilei-the-hotsauce · 10 months
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tobyfoxthegamedev · 29 days
Part 2 yhumlbnia journal
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And so yeah. I made a other ballet at the end there. And it's fine. No that bullshit can catch on camera that's the point of that video. It's a day in the life of vangoh who is Charles mansen, and lenair Thomsan married to Leroy Jenkins and tatina but not presently. Or at the same time in this notion. Anyways. It's a ballet that centers around a young proper child enjoying but hating the distance od a kidnaping where she is replaced by an elderly fairy. Thus resuming a disorder where she'll age weird from trauma. Which exists in the real world called, a youth disorder. The ballet is called the kidnap of ra moon, or the moon, and its French title is Le nortra men Un no flame PA vel deshivi cel deshivi sut. Or actually Le montra no flame PA del dishitri sut. So the name can also be because of how French works. I'm not a pedofile cus I have the disorder in the play where I'm young at like 7 forever but mentally 16 and she's 13 forever cus that disorder is real no matter what you think of faries we call the little people. So technically she grew up to mary me still like 16 and so she's about since mentally 30, the real problem there not me cus im kidoe and I like it. And it's why it kidnaped what? Jk happened I mean kidnaped what? So yeah technically as the moon oops sorry I mean solar eclipse as Apollo vantas whos adamton leveletsnoeflqke haha what. Ever. JusJust. Fiber problems as me. So she's so totally awesome sauce. Wow. The moon. So her name of moon. They kidnaped the moon Lars. And all they gave me was this stupid tshirt to shortened my name of popopo but not this event how they bothered me deserves as future ways this will read thst I did not attend as to my marine to her cus French is the bullshit and can I suture or mean that. Iw rote thi time travels. Kidnaps in sicneotlogy. Jk. Um. What van and adams accident movie of wheres my cubic as in France we dictate on Hon Hon Hon mind fo what it means. By he he he him I'm I'm a guy tho John. Thus
French accidently depending on how long a title is, like alternative languages in the webcomic homestuck and qdaption of my book official but originally for fan productions by Andrew hussie. I watched dubs of jr. I can enjoy it if it's a movie there and that counts as lets read and biodash honestucks. Anyways. Yes I play my friend John. And that oc is ftm transgender please stop calling him a girls name cus its also in Andrew hussies and your being transphobic cus the whole point of why people told me they were doing thst is cus its a more acceptable or better almost bisexuality transgender so more normal then ftm which is transgender male. My identity. And then implied it's cus he's Asian so better and less oppression points which happens with non binary communities. Cus they have more pirvlegde with thst in most counties but not all where sometimes it's reversed. And it's like your from those other counties though where they don't have to bind or stuff bras and we do. Fulc you royally. Cus that's how you tell thst. Honest to god. Stop erasing Jon eines real identity when you googled his birth name, June and decided now he girl lie a bit so stay same so normal as often argued to me in a meme format. That you keep applying to joeks about my race. Fuck you royally. Anyways enjoy that ballet as cosplay versions exist it's just rose alone alone should be the moon or for crepy reasons it's a hate crime. Cus its homestuck.
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kuroken-lovechild · 3 years
How haikyuu characters would play genshin impact:
//featuring me nerding out about mbti types 😔
As an ESFP he would probably choose his main based on who feels good to use
Quick movements, lots of jumping, strong = XIAO MAIN (probably finds the flashiness and edginess cool and enjoys the button mashing too)
would aggressively compete with kageyama on who can beat spiral abyss the fastest and with the shortest time
unfortunately they’re both not very good (initially because kenma helps him out after)
Would try to follows the plot but dialogue goes over his head
Does not understand stats other than attack at first
Wish impulse is real and never has any primos
would attempt to talk to every npc
Has no idea what wishing/gacha is at first and builds his starters really well
Then he found out and currently mains Ganyu, Zhongli, Hutao for the big numbers
gloats about his first 5 star to hinata
Does not talk to NPCs at all and barely digs into the story
only there for spiral abyss and to make his characters stronger
Didn’t wanna play until yamaguchi dragged him in to have someone to co op with
Appreciates the story and lore more than the gameplay aspect
Eula, razor (cv uchiyama kouki) main—easy to build, easy to use
Doesn’t care about wishing either
Got Eula by accident and now holds it over kageyama’s head
Has really good artifact RNG that it infuriates kagehina (gloats about it to fan the flame 😚)
he’s infp he chooses based on characters he likes 🥺
Diluc, albedo, ayaka main
(i can’t explain why I think he’d like those three, it just Makes Sense)
Co ops with tsukki and yachi, plays both dps and support
Spiral abyss makes him anxious but he pushes through anyway!!
Starter team king 😩
Feels bad about switching his regular team out FJDFJDJJDDJ DAICHI
Probably a casual player though
Plays to coop with suga and tanaka but they carry him through domains
he’s trying his best
Mains based on whoever’s fun to play too!!
but enjoys more of a challenge
Childe main
Waiting for Scaramouche to drop hAha 🥲 and harbingers in general
Appreciates the plot and is very interested in lore!!
Diligently does spiral abyss
Doesn’t quite wish on impulse, but if theres a character he likes he’ll spend everything on their banner
Does not play, got too scared (see: haikyuu ova)
Rolls VERY much on impulse
Similar to hinata in that he also likes playing playstyles that feel good
Xiao and/or yoimiya main
(xiao because he’s short jk)
Probably raised Rosaria and planned to use her
Plot who???? we only care about world exploration and fighting in this house
wished for all the women, raised all the women, uses all the women
Primarily mains Rosaria, ningguang and Lisa though
sorry beidou you remind him of his sister too much
waiting for signora like many of us are
Coops with noya and has INSANELY bad rng luck
Also chooses based on characters’ personalities
gay, mains sucrose and jean
isfj child and probably feels bad about the underrated characters :(
uses amber, xinyan and qiqi too!
Raises all characters but hasn’t raised anyone to 90
Coops with yamaguchi and uses jean (as healer, support, damage dealer)
Talks to NPCs and sympathizes with their sad backstories
Gets too anxious to do spiral floors 9-12 too (mood)
Oh boy
this ENFJ 3w2 guy? you KNOW he’s gonna be the best
As long as it doesn’t clash with volleyball of course
Very VERY competitive in abyss
Has one character hed get attached to but doesn’t limit himself to using them only
Incredibly focused on team synergy, carefully crafts teams to bring out the best in each character
Tests best damage output too
But also he’d probably use meta characters and secretly raise the ones he actually likes?
Current fave: Yoimiya
Uses strong characters for coop but uses his faves for single player domains (or coop with iwaizumi)
Likes characters but surprisingly wouldnt be too invested in the plot
does not whale out of pride
Geo user
Uses characters he finds respectable in the storyline + hard hitters
Razor, klee, jean main but unaware of the family relationship
Sometimes uses beidou although her burst takes too long sometimes
Pretty casual player, only started because of Oikawa
obviously he and matsukawa would make zhongli pillar dick jokes
Kaeya and beidou main (he thinks they’re cool)
Not that impatient to wait for bursts to charge or has a lot of energy recharge
……. Hutao main
funeral home
Would use qiqi and hutao together for the meme then grows to genuinely like qiqi
Saves up for a really long time then spends it all at once
Doesn’t play much tbh
Offline for a week, comes back to do commissions for one day, leaves
Hed be pretty good
but lazy and forget to do dailies
then buy welkin moon instead
Focuses more on the story too rather than gameplay and points out loopholes
Mains whoever he has in his team with good synergy (like chongyun xingqiu xiangling)
Rage quits 5 minutes in after hearing paimon’s voice 😔
Throws his phone at the wall
Simps for jean
Mains jean
Dedicated to dailies and spiral abyss
But doesn’t wish that much
Was the one who tried getting kyoutani into it and suffered the consequences
ENTP king raises a whole arsenal of characters for spiral abyss
I cant see him really getting attached to one in particular ?
makes zhongli pillar dick jokes every chance he can get
but also uses him for utility
Wants to try using a whole bunch of characters and wishes on every banner
But uses the meta ones with good team comps
sparks twitter debates with ….. interesting takes
“_____ is completely shit”
Whale whale whale whale
He’s tony to
Best synergy teams, understands the value of elemental mastery, REALLY values good supports, calculates possible damage numbers
Kazuha, zhongli, bennett, venti are a staple in his teams
Helps hinata and kuroo until kuroo teases too much by deliberately playing horribly
mildom and youtube streamer like murase ayumu
Appreciates story and lore very much too
he’d LOVE the children
Probably would use characters that remind him of family members and friends
Klee, diona, qiqi, chongyun, xingqiu, razor, bennett
does spiral abyss but not obsessively
I’m sorry he would not know how the game works
Doesn’t do the ascension quests and gets stuck at AR 26 with 500k extra points
Thinks he’s amazing but it’s because he’s stuck at world level 1
I’m sorry lev ily but ……. its the truth
Tries pulling for everyone too and mains the first 5 star he got
(childe because he’s russian AKSHDKDHSKSHS /j)
Wants diluc and xiao because they look cool but gets Mona instead (doesnt understand how to use her)
Also raises the women like tanaka but + kaeya
Lev complained to him about getting Mona while he’s wanted Mona for months
Not really a dedicated intense gamer EXCEPT for during those battle events
Eula, zhongli, diluc, xiao
but doesn’t know how to build either
doesn’t understand stats
would feel really bad for qiqi
Wouldn’t like signora for hurting venti :(
Wouldn’t like childe too :( until he plays the story quest and sees the ruin guard cutscene
then starts sobbing because of what a good brother he is
“AKAAAASSHI I wanna do that too!!!” then he dies
Tries to use childe but doesn’t understand the cool down management
Mispronounces and misspells tartaglia (タルタリア)
for more info on how bokuto plays genshin see Kimura ryohei’s YouTube channel ✨
the true childe main (just like me)
Uses characters based on utility
but mains whoever reminds him of bokuto FJDHFJFJDKSJ
Very good supports but unlike Kenma, he chooses and builds supports around his main
also uses very good supports so people won’t realize he’s using childe for the cv kimura ryohei (everyone knows anyway)
Literature nerd appreciates the plot, writing and deep lore too
Tries pulling for everyone but has REALLY bad luck
Has really good characters but never the one he wants
loses all 50/50s and has a c4 qiqi
Ends up maining qiqi as dps
sorry konoha i didn’t mean to slander you
does not know how to play or build
Uses whoever he has (aka starters)
Only plays because tendou downloaded and made an account for him
Doesn’t know how to ascend characters or farm
Forgets about talents (me)
Weirdly good RNG and doesn’t realize it 😩
“Let me look at your account wakatoshi-kun”
“You didn’t tell me you had 6 of jean’s Stella fortuna???”
“What’s that?”
this man pulls for the seiyuus
Mains childe, hutao, mona for 5 stars
childe and hutao’s instinct based quickswap playstyle works so well for him!
jokes about cosplaying mona then actually does
Knows how to build, grinds, and manages ushijima’s account for him
Probably whales too
Meta meta meta meta
But f2p meta
Loves setting up reactions
More into the lore too and researches theories
Remembers actual names of boss drops
Semi: so how many of those buttplugs do you have again
Shirabu: 💢stop calling them buttplugs, they have actual names 💢
VERY diligent with battle pass, dailies, achievements and spiral abyss full stars
Until he //SPOILERS gets into med school and has no time for shit
Would have a crush on a character I just know it
Invests heavily on his faves and is great at utilizing each of them
fussy . complains about a certain unit and how they can improve
or complains about how the game can improve to osamu
Osamu: yer just saying that cuz you couldn’t get a high score
Archons main (already saving for the tsaritsa)
Wouldn’t have a main dps but several hard hitting supports
Whale and falls victim to the weapon banner
More casual player than Atsumu but still tries to get higher than him in events and spiral abyss
If atsumu’s a whale, osamu’s a dolphin
Great at dodging
Catalyst user!!
Mains ningguang, klee, yanfei + other catalyst supports
Also uses keqing
the man appreciates routine aka VERY diligent with dailies, battle pass, farming
“if you do things properly results will follow” or whatever quote he said ✨
Starter team but raises other characters for abyss
Reads dialogue and appreciates the plot
Barely gachas
will defend TO THE DEATH the underappreciated characters
Has empathy for noelle 🥺🥺
Noelle, Barbara, xinyan, bennett, children user 🥺
Talks to every NPC and loves the backstories and lore
also would feel really bad for qiqi
Uses the tall men and women and builds them all as dps (childe zhongli diluc kaeya beidou ningguang jean lisa rosaria eula)
He’d probably make a support character a dps tbh
Disregards team synergy for the shits but somehow manages to do domains and abyss
c6 everyone
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The Brothers (+Undateables)
MC who’s joints crack randomly OR has Joint Hypermobility Syndrome
For @offbrandmilk and The Simp Club 😂✌️
The Brothers ~
Lucifer 🔥
Y’all are chillin in his study as he finishes up his work when *CRONCH*
He snaps his gaze up, that disgusted surprise on his face at the noise
“MC... did you- did you just make that noise?”
“Ah yea, sometimes my back cracks randomly when I get up lol.”
*Disgust intensifies*
“Do you... need assistance of some kind, perhaps?”
Would relax and sigh with relief when you say no
“You humans never cease to amaze me.” “Thanks!” “... That wasn’t a compliment.” “:(“
Would Glare TM each time it happens, making you feel increasingly self conscious
Until he’ll inexplicably soften - “MC...” “Yes?” “When -“ he’ll huff, “Doesn’t that hurt you? To do that...?”
His brows downturned, blush upon his cheeks as he attempts to examine the latest CRONCH
If yes, will personally see to it that you are looked after during those times - “it’s not that bad Lucifer! Really!” Does not register lol
If no, will revert back to being vexed or ‘disgusted’ by it, especially in public
Clicks his knuckles, on purpose, with a sickening crack
“You hypocrite!”
Mammon 💵
You’re messing with the Levi, having taken a treasured figurine to ‘sell’ when you drop it
“Hurry up would ya? He’ll catch up!”
You squat to pick it up when *CRONCH*
In the heat of the chase, silence falls dead
A solid minuet of Mammon frowning between you and your knees before anyone speaks
The Most Expressive Derp TM
“Wha- what the heck was that?!”
You rise, brushing it off with an exasperated sigh “It’s nothing, happens a lot.”
“We don’t even make that noise when Lucifer punishes us.”
Would occasionally steal glances thinking he’s being surreptitious about it when you finally ask “What is it?” Would fiercely deny it
“Pfft Me? THE GREAT MAMMON? Starin’? Ha - in your DREAMS Human.” Blush
*Spongebob narrator voice* 5 Seconds Later
“Ok so what if i was starin’, huh? It was weird!”
... “You’re fine though, right? It didn’t hurt ya doin that to get the toy of his, right?”
... “Mammon! Would you stop looking at me like i’m going to snap in half if you breathe?!” Blush
Levi 👾
You’re doing a co-op match of a horror game you’re trying with him - things get jumpy when *CRONCH*
You’d bent your arms ‘inhumanly’ at a jump scare, accompanied by a CRONCH
Levi thought it was the game that made that sickening crack
You wish you could frame the horror stricken expression that turns to face you after a dumb moment
His face unmoving, his eyes flit to your bent back arms and your casual smile
Error 404, Levi does not compute
You break the silence with a laugh, “Oh yea i’ve got hypermobility -“ bends arms further
He snaps out of it with a “Wooooaaaaaaaahhhhh!!” “Eek!” As you tease him a bit further
“The game’s scary enough!” “LOLOLOL”
Actually finds it really cool
Quickly gets you two to cosplay and roleplay usuing your ‘Special Ability’ as he’d call it
Would 100% roleplay kinky and try to do it himself, too
Satan 📚
He’d be teaching you how to play chess in the library. Silent focus, from jovial to tense... until *CRONCH*
Raised brows as he meets your blushing features. You scratch your head, nervous for disturbing the silence
He frowns, a smirk tugging his lips, “Did you just make that sound?”
“I didn’t do it on purpose to put you off or anything -“ “Good. Or else i’d have to punish you.”
You try not to combust at the unintentional insinuation
Otherwise lets it slide, finding it ‘odd’ or ‘quirky’, even endearing...
Likes that he’s the first and only brother to know about this ‘quirk’ of yours
Barely notices it/doesn’t mind at all
That is until, you CRONCH in the silence he requires in order to read dense text
He eyes you darkly as you CRONCH for the fourth time in a row - you wince
“Sorry!” A harsh whisper before you creep out to CRONCH your back elsewhere
Smirks as you leave, shaking his head before calling you back in - as though it were an ‘inconvenience’ to do so
Asmodeus 💋
He’d drawn you a bath in his own king sized tub, ready to spoil you rotten for your spa day
You’d sunk into the tub with an appreciative hum as he began rubbing massage oil in your wrists
He’d set the mood PERFECTLY as usual
“How am I supposed to control myself when you sing so sweetly?” Wiggly brows
There wasn’t a crick, nor a crack... BUT A *CRONCH*
He freezes, you peel your eyes open with a suppressed smile. He makes a choked noise, the mood having been shot dead
“Honey... what the hell was that noise?”
Knowing full well it was your wrists that made such a deafening crack
You giggle at his tense expression, as he asks “So are you secretly an eighty year old, or?”
You explain you have joint hypermobility syndrome, which is sometimes painful
After getting over his initial freak out, he pampers you EVEN MORE
“You come to me if it hurts honey, ok?”
Your pain is his pain, though he may not show it, he actually gets intensely upset if something truly hurts you
Beelzebub 🍔
You’re chilling in your room together, with take out from a new chain beside Hell’s Kitchen, both making happy yummy noises as you eat
Beel pauses mid bite, but shrugs and keeps eating. Maybe there was lettuce in his burger after all?
You remember - sauce! Can’t eat with Beel without the full experience!
“Hey there’s some Hellfire sauce in the kitchen lemme grab it real quick -“ “:)”
You get up to get it when - *CRONCH* there go your ankles again. Welp.
His eyebrows raise a second, “MC... are you ok?”
You smile, laughing off how that happens sometimes
He frowns in thought before shrugging with a laugh alongside you, “Fair enough.” Seems legit lmao
He’s seen weirder shit and is still unfazed by it so he does not give a flying fuck lol
“As long as it doesnt hurt.” “:)”
If your joints/limbs were particularly sore or even dislocated that day, he would gently scoop you up and carry you anywhere <3
Belphegor 😴
Your napping in his arms as the little spoon, just between wake and sleep as he snuggles into you. You shift to get comfy when *CRONCH*
He freezes, you freeze too, trying not to laugh
“MC...” he begins groggily “What the fuck was that noise you just made?”
You explain sometimes you just CRONCH. It be like that sometimes Belphie, it do
He doesnt believe you, especially since you’re laughing as you explain it
“No really! I’m serious!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because it’s funny! You’re reaction pfft” “>:(“
“If your weird human body wakes me up i’m not gonna nap with you again.”
He doesnt mean it
*Goes to leave because you CRONCHED* “Well, where do you think you’re going?”
*Visible Confusion* He flashes a cocky grin, “You’re not skipping out on being my Pillow.”
Grabs your CRONCHY wrist and tugs you back under the covers for more snuggles
“But you said -“ “Shut up and sleep”
*Kisses your forehead* “:)” <3
The Undateables ~
Luke 👼
He’s baking treats for you, Beel and Simeon when you offer a hand when you see him sturggle with the tray and *CRONCH*
The Most Disgusted Face TM
Almost drops the tray on your feet
“What in this disgraceful Devildom was that noise, MC?!”
“My joints do that sometimes” with a shrug and laugh as you #Take 2 with the baking
Turns his nose up “That was a horrible noise no wonder the demons love you so much.”
Tries and fails to act prim and proper as he carries the tray from your grasp, only for Beel to tackle the tray and eat the first batch
This ’Chihuahua’ is all bark and no bite, doesnt mean a word
After a silence, he’ll ask quietly, “Are you... hurt by it?” Little blushy face
If no, he’ll smile and turn his attention back to the sweet treats. If yes, he’ll be a sad puppy
“I’m alright, Luke! Don’t worry.” “Ok :)”
Will fight any demon anyone who may question or mock you over it, even though it doesnt bother you
“ChOtTo MaTtE! >:(“ #NotSoSilentProtector
Simeon 😇
Your walking to class together at RAD when he drops his books. You insist on plucking them from the ground for him when *CRONCH*
Surprised Pikachu Face TM
Breaks into That Smile TM and laughs with you at your cronchie knees
“That was... certainly an interesting noise.”
You don’t need to explain, but you do for the record so to speak
He gets weirdly curious about it, Is it all humans? Do you enforce cronchie joints upon your young? Mandatory or compulsory to be a human with cronchie joints? “:’)”
Will try to CRONCH too out of curiosity
It doesn’t go badly per se, but it doesn’t go well either
“Simeon, stop before you hurt yourself.”
Similarly to Beel, is hardly fazed by it at all when considering some shit this boi has seen
“Oooh like what?! *~*” He smiles all Innocent TM “You don’t want to know.”
Innocent my ass
“Now I wanna know more!”
Solomon 🧙‍♂️
He’s showing you some magic to prank the brothers in a sneak attack when *CRONCH*
He eyes you with That Smirk TM and bursts out laughing with you
“Hey! Me too!” *CRONCH* his knuckles
You two start CRONCH Wars
You act out lines of Star Wars to each other ever since and CRONCH, terrifying the Demon Brothers and Purgatory Hall
“MC, I AM your father.” *CRONCH*
Somewhere nearby, Lucifer holds the bridge of his nose with a deep *sigh*
You both sneak attack the others with CRONCHES, scaring the shit out of them
apart from Beel or Satan. They don’t notice or see it coming, respectively
You did it once to Lucifer. You did not want to do it again ... *~*
You start to slowly recruit others to the CRONCH wars, starting with Levi and Mammon
“When will this nonsense end?” “THE CRONCH WARS NEVER END, LUCIFER. NEVEEER.”
Would CRONCH next to you when you’re asleep to freak you out
*CRONCH* “Solomon... why are you in my bedroom?”
Barbatos 🕰
He’s showing you how to prepare the Hellfire cigar rolled cookies so that you can teach Lucifer, when *SPLAT*
Jk, it’s ofc a *CRONCH* - but i nearly got ya! haha ok sorry i’ll stop
Anyway, *CRONCH* go your shoulders as you bend over a simmering tray to get a whiff
Your eyes pop open as you hear the sickening crack and Barbatos makes a small surprised choking noise
You lift your gaze with a nervous smile only to see him smirk
“That was a... curious noise, MC.” That small chuckle behind his gloved hand, “Is that a regular occurrence?”
Laughs it off, shrugs. Surprised he didn’t see it coming when he quite literally knows all
Ignores it from then on
However will chuckle behind that glove if the timing is particularly humourous
Will seem unfazed if it hurt you, but his actions would speak for him.
Making you tea and checking on you more frequently, even if you’re not at the palace
Would snark anyone who comments on your CRONCHINESS like the diva he secretly is
Diavolo 👑
You’re visiting the palace on your best behaviour, taking a stroll with Diavolo when *CRONCH*
He’s smiling through a frown as he tries to work out where the noise came from
“Was - was that you, MC?” That Laugh TM head tipped back, tears in his eyes laughing
“Hahah such fun!” *CRONCH*
He CRONCHED his arms to CRONCH with you, only he CRONCHED too far
His arms are stuck in their newfound ‘unsightly’ position
Puppy eyes as he can’t seem to UN-CRONCH
Your turn to burst out laughing, he quickly joins you
Lucifer’s hand flies to his chest when he sees you two return - “MC... did you have something to do with this?” Glare
You flush, about to fight your case when Diavolo steps in with That Smile TM
“I wanted to joint in!” “...” “;)” *FacePalm*
“It was fun, you should try it Lucifer!”
Satan snickers at the double meaning - “Fun? Lucifer doesn’t know how to have fun.”
Diavolo pulls those Sad Puppy Eyes TM
By the end of the night Lucifer literally bent over backwards to make Diavolo happy lolololol
Don’t take these too seriously! Mostly a shit post for the simp club lolol - hope they made you smile! ✨
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goatbi · 4 years
What if I cosplayed Host to answer questions/promote my ask blog for him, haha, jk jk....
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Unless 👀
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simmonsized · 6 years
1-4, 21 and 29 rvb (Or rwby if you’ve gotten rvb already)
(I’m on my phone so these r gonna look weird!)
1. Your favourite non-canon ship?
2. Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?Honestly at the beginning of their interaction I didn’t rly ship Wash and Carolina (ikr) but now I rly like it and not just like, back in freelancer but their interaction in canon too!
3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?NORTEXCONNIE it is literally me and thought on this lonely goddamn bandwagon and yet I treasure every moment(Less rare, but still non-existent: chucker, a Classic™)
4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of. I don’t even know what’s popular anymore LOL but if it counts, I’m super not a docington fan
21. Favorite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?Trash Au next questionI’m partial jk but honestly I am really proud of the shitty hipster au brand I created for myself, the countless playlists and the fanfics people wrote and the art other people drew??? Someone cosplayed it one time it was wildBut my favorite bits are like. The Yorkalina bits. Bc it started out as a yorkalina au and it probably always will be, haha. I mean obvi poly freelancers for life but im such a mess when it comes to the healthy relationship and taking care of their family as a team I am just. Idk I’m in a way happier place than I was at the time but it was a good au, I had so much fun!
29. What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for?Okay first of all: Insurrectionist/Connie is the devil and in my world she would never love him fuck that guy he used her I’m angry and Connie/literally anyone else is a better shipSecond of all: I ignore any and all Epsilon/Epsilon Tex interaction as related to Church and Tex like they’re not the same people and when ppl test me I have to lay down and throw a fit for hours
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faceoffdoodles · 7 years
NOTICE: I had many more pictures of this episode, especially at the end of my reactions, but for some reason Tumblr failed me and wouldn’t save the post NOR save it as a draft, so I had to refresh everything and, at the moment of pasting what I hadn’t saved, the pictures didn’t make it, so the bottom half of this post doesn’t have many pictures to show what I react to, so it may be a little confusing, just a heads up.
It’s that time of the year again where I react to the latest Face Off episodes! First I tried doing reviews but those took some time, and I often forgot important points I wanted to add so I found it more fun to react to what was happening and write it all down, and it feels alot more genuine to me and hopefully to you too! 
It’s the All Stars now so it should be GREAAAAT!
 There was no one on the thumbail so no one is eliminated? Hopefully, I don’t want them leaving so soon..
Wait... they’re all in pairs already? Aren’t they supposed to like meet individually
Did they choose them?? How was that?
These makeups looks cool AG 
They will be the most entertaining duo of all time holy shit, I can’t believe this
Ben & Evan and Cat & Niko are back, cool!
I like Niko & Cat’s team more, they are really cute
Ben and Evan are alright, I jsut wish it was Ben and Jordan and they would’ve been UNSTOPPABLE
LOGAN AND ADAM, I like that their names end similary
SO is this season all teams or what???
Gage & Rachel seem lik ethe most random matchup yet, what the hell
So maybe they’re perfect
Team “I shaved my head on both sides”
Really digging the Rachel haircut tho, loooove it
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McKenzie: “Welcome to Face Off: The Amazing Race edition!”
I dig any shade of blue Keaghlan dyes her hair on
I hadn’t even noticed BEN AND EVAN’S AMTCHING SHIRTS
Yeah yeah you always say that McKenzie, nothings gonna cha-
ALL TEAM? Both of them go home??
I’,m not sure how I feel about this format, I
Why CAN’T They
Ughh I’m frustrated at the uncalled change but, alright, I’ll deal with it
Are there even going to be individual immunity challenges?? I loved those!!
Niko’s haircut is taller than ever
Jasmine: “Butt”
Thank you, Jazz
McKenzie looks so cute on that suit, God
That sounds so COOL
This changes everything holy shit
Man, Emily & Tyler are both young, very talented dudes, they’re going to kick ass if they don’t falter.
EMily is basically a child prodigy of makeup, it’s amazing how much she can do.
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JK i’d love it if they both won
I like octopuses and I think those who got octopus will have the best chance of making it safe at least
I absolutely love Emily’s style
Evan & Ben’s intro was so cheesy, jesus christ
Their idea screams failure, I like the ambition but if I didn’t know Neville any better, he’s gonna hate it so much
Sassy Stella and Juicy Jasmine, both are really amazing with a distinctive style so I’m expecting a lot
Their creature idea looks pretty cool as well, looks a bit like a jellyfish creature, WHICH I’D LOVE
They totally paired Keaghlan and Melissa because of the blue hair
I’m watching you Keaghlan, I’mma see the things I couldn’t see on S7
I still think the green screen is one of the best ideas of the show
Okay but, is the winner of All Stars individual or as a team? That’s my biggest question, I hope they separate by mid season
Fun Fact: I wrote “Jason Funnypants” before I wrote George, for some reason I keep thinking George’s name is Jason.
I love George’s funny side, Cig is surprisingly normal right now
“I’m happy if you’re happy!” That’s sweet and all with Cat n Niko but one of them’s gotta make decisions
HOLY SMOKES GEORGE’S BELLY is the roundest belly I’ve seen, I didn’t think he was that fat
The way Gage delivers confessionals is really funny to me
“We gotta..” *GASPS” “...pull this off.”
Oh snap the clay just SMACKED against the floor, bad news for Evan (and Ben)
MICHAEL WESTMORE!! I missed you, it’s been a lonely year!
Emily n’ Tyler look like they’re doing something really cool
I actually don’t recall if Cat had that arm tattoo. I think not. Also is Cig’s iconic captain hat gold yellow now??
“I just want to start fabricating..” “I just wanna give you kisses” GOD they’re so sweet
Cat’s face after that is hilarious btw
(George thought it also applied to him)
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Jasmine’s tentacles don’t look toog ood tbh
The short shots are BACK! All I ever needed, George n Cig are the most perfect team.
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EVEN CIG IS HURRYING GEORGE’S ANTICS NOW, but I understand they’re on a hurry haha
Now that I think of it, their idea is pretty similar to Ben and Evan’s idea, just with smaller legs
It’s MOLDING TIME and you KNOW what that means
Adam confessional! I forgot he and Logan are a team here, it’s weird
yes, someone had COWL PROBLEMS, this time it’s Niko n’ Cat and it actually looks like it’ll be bad
It’s great hearing Niko’s accent again <3
THEY OPENED IT... with force
Polyfoam Run of Shame it is!
God knows Tyler is the best at “really creepy thin arms”
their creature looks cool af tho
RAGE’s team looks like it’s doing a shrimp Predator
the transparent claw idea ROCKS tho, love the creativity on this one
Emily’s tie dye shirt gives me life
“Possibly the first makeup on Face Off to completely disappear”! OOH I want to see this
I would Love to be a Face Off model
Logan looks like my uncle
I feel like I’ve seen Stella n Jasmine’s alien before
I really ought to start giving these teams some nicknames
Bluehair team’s alien looks really cool so far, Keaghlan is focusing on a GREAT paintjob so I know it’ll be great
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Hello darkness my old friend
There’s so much green on the screen *ba dum tss*
Something tells me the Love Team (Cat and Niko) are going to be on bottom
The Benevan (Ben  & Evan) team are also shooting for down there
Team RAGE (Rachel & Gage) look promising though,
Team Love’s glowing blue eyes are amazing
Team Funny (Cig & George)’s creature looks creepy but AMAZING
“I guess it’s finished” - Evan making me laugh, good start
Glenn, Ve Neill and Neville at work and thank god, their wits seem like they are untouched.
I’m waiting for the great Neville quote of the season <3
Okey, Team Talent (Emily & Tyler)’s creature looks fantastic, very smooth with rocky texture and shards coming out of the shoulders, I love it!! tHE TINY ARMS ARE AMAZING
TEAM BENEVAN’S DADDY LEGS MAKE ME LAUGH, it has nothing to do with the head
Also Ben can really pull off a Steve Jobs cosplay
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One thing I don’t like is that contestants are aware that they are in a non elimination challenge, I dunno, I guess it can affect how they do the makeups
Blue Hair team did a floaty alien, like it has no legs but I dig it
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Nice hair on chest look, too
Their creature looks pretty good as well, it’s what Benevan’s creature should have been
They really pulled it off a LOT better
Ugh, Team Sassy (Stella & Jasmine) looks so plastic
“I’m hoping the judges will just overlook it”, oh NO they WON’T
I’m guessing that will be 1st place
Hmm, Team Ladam (Logan & Adam) looks sillt, it’s like a bird without skin, it’s like they skinned the bird hunter  makeup from Season 10
Ok, Team Love seemes rushed but I LOVE THE TENTACLE SKIRT, it looks fantastic and shiny, so, props to Cat for That.
Although I wish they hadn’t put the eyeballs and just let it have glowing blue eyes
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I still  tand the green screen idea is one of the best things they’ve ever come up with, why hadn’t they thought of it before??
“He looks like a mexican wrestler” - Ve Neill, OH MY GOD IT DOES I HADN’T SEEN IT THAT WAY
In a closer look, Team Funny’s makeup looks like a rat with a testicle hunchback
It’s just ewww but well done, so I can’t copmplain.
Remember kids, Neville loves his shapes 
I’m surprised Glenn loves Team Love’s paintjob, so they might be safe
Well, technically, everyone is safe here, I know no one’s going to be eliminated
But at least it doesn’t put em on bottom
They know they fucked up, I don’t like seeing their disappointed faces ;(
The legs are coming out of the shoulders?? I’m no Neville but I also don’t see the sense in that
Ben “Steve Jobs” Ploughman is in danger
As expected, everyone loves the transparent scorpion, I too, love it.
 Nice to see Gage n’ Rachel back in form after a long absence.
I love how the model still tries to sell the makeup, must be Megan.
Okay, on clearer view, Team SAssy’s creature is a mess, it looks like a paper ball with tentacles
.I don’t like how the red head sticks out either, nothing is cohesive in this
Also the model’s arms are passing through the tentacles, this is what Jasmine hoped the judges would overlook.
Team Blue is on top as well! 
Their creature is pretty but not quite “transparent scorpion” level
Glenn loves the head
Bitchin’ counter: 1
“Not even a side of garlic would make it better” HOLY SHIT NEVILLE
Maybe it was because it was better scultped
So yeah I understand it
No one eliminated, McKenzie warns them to step it up
Ben and Evan are ready for a comeback
And they seem in real trouble next episode, so WE’LL SEE ON TUESDAY Conclusion: Great episode, great premiere, great, great challenge idea! I love this green screen challenge and I hope they make a comeback soon, even in this same season. Hopefully it’ll replace focus challenges, but I don’t think so. I still am unsure about the team format or how it’s going to work out in the finale, are we going to see 3 teams or 2? 6 people in a finale seems like a lot so I’m leaning towards too, but even then, will the winner be individually rewardd or do they alsp win the competition as a team? Because if it was going to be teams I’d prefer for them to bring 20 people back and ahve a higher number. Anyways, the creatures were cool, the judges are back with the sass that I missed so much and, I forgot to react to this but the friendliness is back too! When Niko was trying to open the mold, almost everyone was there to help him, there were like 6 people trying to help them, I’m glad to see it’s still so sweet and drama-free. I love art guys, thank you for it! See ya next week! On with the drawing! Also, sorry it’s late but I’ve been sick and busy with social life and school life and what not. It doesn’t help that the internet took down my favorite page for watching the show hours after it premiers so I have to wait days for it to get shown so I can screencap scenes from the show so >:(
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gaytokiya · 6 years
thanks for tagging me @rainsku!!
Name: gabs
Gender: demigirl/nonbinary/idk
Star Sign: capricorn uwu
Height: 5′2
Sexuality: bi! im also polyamorous
Lock Screen Image: a nice pic of the ocean bc im marrying it when i get older
Ever had a crush on a teacher?: thats gross
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: being a decade older..jk. hopefully with 3 dogs and 2 cats, maybe some partners. hopefully i am working in stem!
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: eastern asia! broad i know but i've always really wanted to go to japan and revisit the philippines! i've never really been in any part of asia other than the philippines so it'd be cool to explore.
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: honestly....one year i dressed up as a pumpkin. i was just a 6 year old with an orange shirt. one year i dressed up from fiona from at! i don't really remember many of my halloween costumes bc my mom didnt let me go trick or treating once i was like 9 or 10 but when i was having my homestuck phase i cosplayed as nepeta (no body paint ofc) to school?
Favorite 90s TV-show?: im gen z so i didnt really watch many 90s shows! but...uhh,,pokemon?
Last kiss?: my mom lmao...probably a few weeks or a month ago i dont remember
Have you ever been stood up?: no clue
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: yes it was terrifying there were drunk people and i was like 8 and everything was scary
Favorite pair of shoes?: whatever my current pair of sneakers is bc i always wear those, but right now they're regular old plain black nikes
Favorite fruit?: watermelon....WATERMELON.......
Favorite book?: i just finished the invisible thread by yoshiko uchida! it's really good and talks about being a japanese american during world war II. it's also pretty short! if we're including visual novels though, the corocoro splatoon manga. it's my current hyperfixation so like.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?: uhh,,,,trust this one guy in my class. he's a transphobe, homophobe, and harasses my friends for being bi/trans but he doesn't get in trouble because his mom's a teacher. but it's been like that for a while and me and my friends are working on reporting him
and now I tag: uhh honestly anyone who wants to do it!! haha ... maybe @superior-webcomic because you are the only person i know......please don't scream at me in the morning.....(she's my sister lmao)
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edible-i-scream · 7 years
Day 009 : The Happy 29th - First Otaku Mania on Batangas [1/2]
I have no idea why I have this urge of hating the number 29.
Anyway, months prior January, Otaku Mania Batangas (FB ACCT) announced they will be holding an event and time added, January 29th became something to look forward to. It was the same day that Undertaker will join the Royal Rumble and Philippines is set to hold the Miss Universe pageant . Quite avid fan of the two, mostly to the first Otaku Mania at Batangas. -- 2017/ Jan 29       I convinced my cousin, Shervee to watch the event with me. My previous classmates on highschool to join us later that day.It went well, with the plan. Taking a bus to the SuperMarket and riding tricycle to reach the event venue.
        The venue is not as big whereas the yearly event my school is celebrating. But it was sufficient enough to comprise the number of people attended. It wasn't as crowded I imagined it would be. People attended come in groups, it was definitely threatening to feel alone upon our arrival.
       Time before the twelfth strike, we decided to eat outside the mall and saw by Jollibee's window, everyone followed the same, to eat their lunch too. After, the eerie group sense became clear and everyone roamed for a selfie/groupie to those friendly cosplayers.
        I was stuff with what I eat so moving around the event, became a harder course. I decided to check the GunPla Build Off Challenge. Day after, one of my bet won, I'm overjoyed ( because I have a good eye ) hahahha. JK. Nah. It was definitely impressive, not to mention, when I was skimming the gundams I heard a familiar voice. I thought it was my arts teacher but there's a big body difference between the two. Haha. Chesie noticed it also.
PS: I dont have good camera to bring with me so I ask Chesie to take it for me.
    The two in black were looking good together, not romantically but their chemistry as characters I guess. They were this playful and so cute when they made that pose.
Nishinoya is full of energy, "chicking" this Nico Nico and one girl, cant remember who, says he was the senpai. More importantly the kid on Hyakuya costume was adorable. haha. You can graduate in peace towards cosplaying if you see other kids living the same passion. Ah! Let it Go sisters, though late, managed to perform on stage too.
Yep. My first time interacting with crossdressers too. Everyone was welcoming, and just being themselves free at the open. (There are countries managing to block crossdressing on events you see)
The last two photo's hot me in awe. It was coincidental (Mekaku Cosplay) and each came from different group. Chesie is in the middle btw. Yep. That is her. Funny moment. Yuri on Ice, howver, idk where did Phichito went, I saw him before , I didnt manage to get him/her a photo.
      At the end of the event, during the event, I was able to make one friend, her name was Mary Hime. Accidentally, while waiting for the cosplay event to start, the stage is left for volunteers to perform, singing or dancing. My friend, Celestia, I guess, knew her personally so we asked her if it was possible for us to do so. She responded for the call and allowed us, I wasnt able to sing because i dont have the necesseties with me that time. It wasnt even included in the event details so I wasnt that prepared. Naming a song is out of that time too. She constantly roam the room communicating with the event staffs and I was able to took photos of her that time. Celestia is good at singing btw. Haha. Wow!
Anyhow, it was definitely something was lacking at the event, to the organisers and collaborators. With that fact in mind, it was definitely more than enough the fun it brought towards the invited. Raffle Draw and Costrip or not, the staffs encourage the others to join the catwalk for documentation. At the end of the day, we took the bus again , lingering the feeling how successful it have been towards the audience and it's staffs. 
I did most of the photo bomb. haha.
People we met because of the jacket. xDDD
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