bunkernine · 2 years
hadalmars i am begging u, please with these names please just use the actual names for them please 😭 thunderforge, underforge, thunderworld, loveforge, ghostforge, oceatecture, thundersea, thunderlove, lost&found, mcvalgrace, please I beg u just use the ship names from the past DECADE 😭 please they were created this way for a reason oh my god please I am on my hands and knees
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ethannku · 2 years
Leo! For the character opinion bingo :)
Tumblr media
leo my blorbo…
send me a character and i’ll fill out this bingo!
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perceabeth · 2 years
For ur request of pjo hcs:
One of Leo's favorite ways to bond with people is through music. He sings and dances to his favorite songs while he works on the Argo 2, building new machines, brainstorming, etc. If he catches someone nearby bobbing their head or singing along below their breath, he makes it a point to play that kind of music when they're around him.
I like to think that, when they all rescued Nico from the jar, Leo introduced him to modern music unintentionally. Lots of spare time on the ship when others are out gathering supplies, going on side quests, etc. Leo's got his mom's mixtape playing on the intercoms. The lord of darkness humming along to Dancing Queen by ABBA makes Leo less scared of him.
I'm sure he bonds with the rest of the crew by finding out their favorite tunes, but I like to think of him and Nico becoming friends in particular.
before i respond to how cute and absolutely WHOLESOME this is.... i have to say i love that my blog failed the vibe check so badly u haven't realised i don't know the first thing about hoo im GIGGLING and blowing u a kiss KLFJSLKJFKLDSFJLFJl
but also STOP that's so cute smth about leo who feels so isolated all the time taking notice of people and what they enjoy..... MUCH to think indeed!! NOT ABBA IM LAFFING that's so cute i love anyting that takes nico back to who he really is at his core, which is a deeply hopeful anthusiastic lil boy we met in ttc 🥺🥺
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dewi205 · 2 years
Even if they’re sometimes illegal and other times just very a bit odd.
Fic Recommendations
Percy Jackson Series (ALL Nico di Angelo)
MCU (Movies)
Harry Potter Series
BBC Merlin
Tower of God (Webtoon)
Nico di Angelo
Solangelo Propasal
Apollo and Nico (what if)
Nico’s Homophobia
Suicidal Nico
“Jason grabbed Nico”
Nico is OP
La Petite Mort
Nico’s Sisters
Jasico vs. Solangelo (what if)
Persephone’s Curse (what if)
Godly Relations
Shadow Traveling
Nico and Persephone
Noble Nico
Bored Nico
Hades Cabin
MORE Godly Relations
Poly Relationship
Jules-Albert (what if)
Music Taste
Nico’s Powers
Nico’s a Feral Stray Cat
Nico’s Nap Time
Nico’s Bad Flirting
BBC Merlin
Gay Metaphors
POV Izuku Effects the Plot
Harry Potter Series
Tomarry Thoughts
Harry is Voldemort’s Son
Morally Ambiguous Albus Dumbledore
Breakfast in Bed (Golden Trio)
Keith Quintessence Manipulation
Galra Biology
Vigilante Keith
Recommended Blogs
Nico di Angelo
BBC Merlin
Harry Potter Series
Tower of God
This is kinda random but when people reblog my posts can you please add some sort of comment/message/words in the reblog? I like reading them and it makes me lonely to not see anything.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Hey i found your blog about a month ago and i gotta say i love your posts and i would totally trust you with any other pjo blog you would recommend so would you tell me??
Hi there! Oh my, I'm flattered that you enjoy my posts that much to entrust me with such an important task. (^∀^●)ノシ Thanks a lot for your love!!!
But I regret to tell you that,,, I kinda,,, don't have any recommendation to make...?
I'm so, so sorry but this is hard to tell, really. Since I don't have any restrictions when it comes to entertainment as long as I'm interested, therefore, I'd literally eat up every kind of Nico content I feel like it. So I just,,, go to the Nico di Angelo tag and scroll (it do be like that...), then hit likes or reblog if I want to share/ keep.
I'm new to this as well (not the books nor the site. i mean it's like i hadn't joined the fandom until... 2 months ago?), so I honestly don't know that many fellows in here. I do have a few mutuals and my favorite blogs, yes, but they are founded purely on the grounds of my personal references. And despite the fact that my blog is considerably everyone-friendly (at least I try), I'm not so sure if you find them appropriate, considering my interests can be frowned upon sometimes...
Nevertheless, I'm going to leave some of the names whose posts I pretty much enjoy (in every meaning possible) for you since this is why you came anyway and I'd be an awful being if I cannot give you at least a few. Please note that this would be mostly Nico blog because I... love that boy on an unhealthy level and couldn't care less about anything else that doesn't involve him, really.
(I'm sorry in advance for tagging, please do tell if you would like to be removed)
@somanydreams: Will Solace defender. I trust the power of the sun in her hands.
@ughdomenico: the epitome of a fashion empire. Aesthetic.
@sodamnbored: whose incorrect quotes keep me living.
@hadalmars: whose every piece of artwork heals my dying spirit.
@dewi205: i don't know i just feel like they hold a piece of my soul...
@butt-puncher whom I definitely sacrificed my soul to repay their grace and @thinkingjasico if you're into Jasico just like I am...
@buoyantsaturn: long last the Solangelo nation
These are all the names I manage to come up with for now! இ௰இ There're a few more that I like but I think it's better if we leave them as that... I apologize for being unable to help much. I'm just a potato taking comfort in my own world, really.
I hope you can find the blogs you enjoy!!! 💜
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pthalomars · 2 years
If yall wanna add me on art fight, I'm hadalmars on there
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festito · 2 years
hadalmars i am losing it i love valgrace so much it’s poetic beauty
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spinchip · 2 years
Shout out to @hadalmars who is currently outside releasing the stink bug they grabbed off my shoulder with their bare hands, saving my life in the process
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spinchip · 2 years
how was yr vacation? any highlights you'd like to share?
Oh it was so fun teehee
@hadalmars flew down to see me and stayed for abt 2 weeks! A lot of the highlights Include extremely town-specific places we visited so I'll have to be a bit vague lol but we went to a large art center and window shopped at the artist studios there, we went axe throwing, on beautiful hikes, and ate a lot of good food!
Evil highlights include my car trying to die while driving to the airport and allergies trying to kill Ez. The southern pollen is no joke 🤧
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pthalomars · 2 years
New username: ezlikesmantarays >>> hadalmars !
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