#gustholomule fic
kindofsortofmaybe · 1 year
maybe gustho stargazing for the prompts <3
(also hiiiiii)
HIIII ESME!!!! thank you for the prompt!!! i'll be honest, this is super sappy and self-indulgent, but... oh well. it's also unedited so read at your own risk
“Did you know that constellations are different in the human realm?” Gus said, breaking the comfortable silence between him and Matt.
“No, I didn’t, cause I’m not a nerd,” Matt shot back, never one to pass up an opportunity to tease his friend. He leaned back onto the blanket they had laid out in the looking glass graveyard, shifting from sitting to laying down for a better view of the stars through the trees. He glanced sideways at Gus. “Tell me about them, though. So I can use your facts to impress everyone, obviously.” An absolute lie. He wanted Gus to tell him about human realm constellations because he could listen to Gus talk for hours. Gus shot Matt a crooked grin as he laid down beside him. 
“Whatever you say, Matty. For starters, their sky isn’t as purple as ours at night. It’s more like a navy blue. And it’s absolutely bright blue during the day, which is weird. And you can’t really see the stars from most places anymore, because of all the lights in their cities.”
Matt frowned. “But we have lights in our cities, and I can see the stars just fine.”
“Yeah, but their lights work different than ours. It’s a whole thing. But that’s not the point! Anyway, we went camping while we were there, and out in the woods, you can see a crazy amount of stars. Luz taught me some of the constellations.
“The famous ones are the big dipper and the little dipper, which are called that cause they both look like spoons. And they’re also both part of bigger bear constellations, I think. And a lot of their constellations have stories, like this one called Gemini. It’s also called the twins, because it’s of two brothers that were put in the sky because one died and the other one was so sad that he asked their—well, this guy who was kind of like their Titan—anyway, he asked him to make him and his brother immortal, so the Titan made them a constellation. There’s lots of interesting stories like that, and I think I want to go back sometime so I can find a book at the human library about them. I want to know every story of every star.”
Matt soaked in every word of Gus’s rambling. He had long ago stopped gazing at the stars, opting instead to gaze at the boy beside him as he spoke animatedly. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was aware that he must look stupidly lovestruck, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. It was true, anyway. Suddenly, Gus turned to look at him, and Matt felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“You should come with me.”
“Back to the human realm,” Gus clarified. “You should come with me sometime. I can show you the constellations.”
“Oh,” Matt said dumbly. He could feel heat rushing to his cheeks. “Alright, loser, it’s a plan. Me and you. The human realm will never recover.” 
Gus laughed, turning his eyes back towards the sky. “Yeah. Me and you. It’s a plan.”
Matt continued to watch him, unable to look away. He couldn’t help it; Augustus was magnetic, electrifying in an addictive way, and to be honest, he was downright gorgeous. Matt couldn’t get enough of him.
But what if Gus could get enough of Matt? Matt wasn’t stupid; he knew the chances of Gus feeling the same way about him were slim. What if Gus got tired of him, or found something—or someone—better in the human realm? Was Matt worth coming back to?
Matt chewed the inside of his cheek nervously, struggling to ask what he wanted to ask. Eventually, he bit the bullet, and softly said, “Will you come back?”
“What do you mean?” Gus replied. He again met Matt’s eyes, his brow furrowed. Matt cleared his throat.
“From the human realm. I know it’s full of all your favorite nerd stuff and you have friends there now, and their constellations are probably way cooler than ours, but… When you go to the human realm, are you gonna come back?” Will you come back to me? 
“Oh.” Gus’s face softened. “Well…” He took Matt’s hand, and the older boy felt his heart beat wildly against his ribcage at the feeling of Gus’s palm pressed flush against his own. “There’s kinda this guy on the Boiling Isles… He’s annoying and rude and waaaaay dramatic, but I kinda…” Gus hesitated. “I kinda like him. So, y’know, even if I found everything I ever wanted in the human realm, I’d at least come back to see him.”
Matt didn’t know what to say. He was rendered speechless, his face bright red. Finally, he cleared his throat and looked back up at the purple sky, breaking their prolonged eye contact.
“Well, that’s super embarrassing.” His voice was too loud. “But… I bet he likes you too. And I bet he’d be glad to see you, if you did decide to visit.” Matt gave Gus’s hand a gentle squeeze. Gus squeezed back.
“Good. Cause I think I’d always come back for him.” He paused. “But I wouldn’t have to, if he came with me.”
“I think he’d go anywhere with you,” Matt said, almost too quickly. He didn’t mean to; it was just true, and the words practically fell out of his mouth. 
“I’ll hold him to that.”
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royal-they · 2 years
gustholomule thing. i just like writing their dynamic
Read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42952659
Gus always waited after school to walk home with Matthomule. Now that Matty was a multi-track student he had a lot more classes. Not that Gus really minded if he had to wait for Matty a little longer than usual because he was now on the illusionist track; it was worth it.
“Hey.” Said Matty as he made his way over to Gus. His palisman peeked out of the messenger bag he carried. (It resembled what Luz would call an armadillo.)
A lot may have changed in the last few months - Defeating Belos, Matty growing out his hair, Matty’s palisman etc. etc. - but their friendship hadn’t.
“Hey, where are you heading?” Gus asked, tucking a rogue strand of hair behind Matty’s ear.
Matty blushed, swatting away Gus’s hand with his own, “Nowhere really, why?”
“Do you wanna hang out for a while then?” Gus said leaning against the wall, “I kind of just want to hang out with you right now.”
“Hm, I’m sure you do.” Matty said, rolling his eyes.
“I just had to turn in like a bajillion papers and take a trillion tests,” Gus whined, “So obviously after doing all that you’re going to seem slightly more enjoyable in comparison.”
“Rude.” Matty huffed, shoving Gus slightly as he walked past him.
Gus laughed and followed him.
The two ended up settling on going to the Book Nook where Gus could help Matty study for his upcoming illusion quiz. Matty had moved all his shifts to the morning, before school started due to his schedule being expanded. Still sitting in the Book Nook he fidgeted constantly and would sometimes get up to reshelve books that people misplaced. Gus found it adorable and would constantly make fun of his friend's anxious behavior.
They sat down at a table close to the graphic novel section. It was hidden by two shelves that surrounded it on either side. Only the employees that worked in the Book Nook knew about it. And Gus. It had quickly become his and Matty’s private hang out.
“So what are you up to?” Gus said referring to the textbook Mattholomule was currently reading through.
“Making illusions mimic voices,” he answered, brow furrowed in concentration.
Gus smiled, he didn’t get why so many people hated Matty. He was just an adorable dork under all the rough layers.
Matty looked up and frowned, closing the book, “You’re smiling weirdly again.”
Gus jolted up before almost falling off his chair, “Whatttt, no I’m not.”
Matty shook his head,“Augustus, you are many things but an actor isn’t one of them.”
Gus panicked momentarily. Had his friend figured out his feelings? Oh no he probably had. Shit, shit, shit-
“You know if you’re bored you can always leave,” Matty said, “I won’t be offended.”
“What?” Gus said, confused, smiling due to the fact that Matty hadn’t confirmed his suspicions, “No, I’m here because I want to be here.”
“Are you sure?” Matty asked, his voice was now almost a whisper.
Gus’s face softened, “Matty c'mon’ you know if I didn’t want to be here you’d never hear the end of it and even if that was the case I wouldn’t just leave.”
Mattholomule sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “Sorry I’ve just been on edge lately.”
“More so than usual?” Gus joked trying not to show his concern, worried he might just be overreacting.
“Yeah.” Matty leaned back in his chair staring at the ceiling.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Gus asked, taking Mattholomules hand in his own without noticing, “You seem really off.”
Matt glanced down at their hands but decided not to tease Gus about it today.
“I don’t know, I think it’s just school picking back up after all the chaos; it’s like they never gave us time to recover from all the shit that happened.”
“Yeah I get that.” Gus said, rubbing his thumb over Mattys hand, surprised at how soft it was.
Matty tilted his head over to look at Gus.
“I really just need a break.”
“We can do that; this stuff isn’t going to jump up and run away.” Gus gestured to the papers and textbooks spread out all over their table.
Matty laughed, “Hm leave it with Eda and it might.”
Gus smiled as he got up out of his chair, “C’mon we’re both tired of school work, let's just go walk around or something.”
Mattholomules face flushed as Gus got up not letting go of his hand. Titan this boy was making him so fucking impulsive and stupid.
“Okay, but we are not going to that board game store again,” Matty said following him.
Gus pouted, “What? But it’s awesome there!”
“Augustus, almost getting eaten by giant life size Hexus Holdem cards is not ‘awesome.’”
“Fine, where do you want to go?” Gus asked as they made their way out of the book store.
“I would have never thought you of all people liked this place.” Gus said as the two of them flew down to the Grom Tree.
Matty blushed and glared at him, “Shut up.”
Their palisman transformed out of their staff form and quickly scurried over to Matty's bag where they both found quite cozy. Gus and Matty sat down at the roots of the Grom Tree watching the boiling water calmly move back and forth.
“Remember the Grom dance, where Amity and Luz made this tree?” Gus asked.
“Yep, can’t say that night went as well for me as it did for them,” Matty laughed nervously, fidgeting with his hands.
“Didn’t you get a date though?” Gus asked, confused at his friend's statement.
“I guess?” Mattholomule said scratching the back of his neck, “I didn’t really like her though.”
“Not your type?”
Matt turned to Gus, quickly catching his eye before turning to look out at the sea.
“I guess you could say that.”
Gus saw blush spreading across Mattholomules face. Why’d he look at me like that?
“Did you like someone else?”
Matty pulled his legs up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them.
“Ooh, what was she like?” Gus questioned teasingly.
“She?” Mattholomule said, confused by the question.
“Don’t you like girls?” Gus said, confused by Mattys response. He had gone to the dance with a girl right? Matt had never mentioned a crush on any other gender. Come to think of it, they had never really discussed his love life at all.
“No, I thought you knew that.” Matty answered.
“Then why’d you accept that one girl's request to dance?”
“She was friends with Bosha,” Matt said simply, “I hoped that if I dated one of her friends then she wouldn’t be able to bully me; it didn't really work out at all.”
Gus felt like his world shifted suddenly. Suddenly their flirting actually meant something; this guy he had been hopelessly pining after for like two years was actually, maybe interested in him? Maybe? Maybe was enough for Gus though.
“What’s your type?” Gus asked nervously, trying to focus on the sea.
“What?” Matt laughed nervously, surprised by the question.
Why was Gus suddenly so interested in what kind of guys he liked? Had he figured it out? Was he just trying to make fun of him? No, no Gus wouldn’t do that. Gus wouldn’t even bring this up unless- No, no he doesn’t see you like that stop being an idiot. Matty shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts.
“I don’t know.” He said softly glancing at Gus’s deep gray eyes. Wow, real convincing Mattholomule, his brain said sarcastically.
Gus turned to glance at Mattholomule and found that their eyes had suddenly locked together; both unable to look away from each other.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck. Gus’s head was racing as Matty reached for his hands to gently hold Gus’s face.
“I do have a crush on this one guy,” Mattholomule said, his face flushing bright red as he turned to look back at the sea, “but he’s an oblivious dumbass.”
“He can’t be that stupid if your into him.” Gus said, leaning towards Mattholomule.
“Calling yourself smart Augustus?” Mattholomule said, turning to face Gus, surprised but not annoyed by his close proximity.
“Saying you like me Matty?”
“Maybe Augustus, maybe.”
By now their faces were basically touching. Mattholomule pulled him in closer till they were kissing.
He was kissing Gus Porter. Something he definitely didn't predict when his friend asked him to hang out. Wait, had he been so insistent on hanging out with him because he had a crush on him? Wait- had they been flirting for the past year? So many things suddenly made sense.
Gus pulled away slowly before turning to smile at Matty, who was practically sitting in his lap at this point. He laughed at Matty's beet colored face while softly combing his hair.
“You look cute,” he teased.
“Oh my titan-” Mattholomule grumbled, covering his face with his hands, “This was a horrible idea.”
“Whaat no,” Gus said, draping his arms over Matty’s shoulders, “You love me.”
“I hate you.” The other boy grumbled, leaning into his touch.
“Aww, I love you too.” Gus said, softly pecking his cheek, laughing as Mattholomule blushed fiercely.
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samcat0925 · 2 years
So, this is a Gusholomule thing that I made so I hope you’ll enjoy!  Also, if you have any questions or headcanons about these two and are comfortable with sharing, please don’t be afraid to ask me or post them to me. I’d love to read and answer them.
“Hey, Gus!”
Gus turns around to see Luz and Willow walking towards him. Now normally he’d be happy to see his friends but right now, he was secretly hoping that what they want to talk about was quick as he had somewhere to be since he knew that someone who was currently waiting for him there. 
“Hey, guys. What’s up?” Gus said with a small smile.
“I was wondering if it’s okay if I borrow your library-” 
“Sure!” Gus interrupted Luz as he gives her his library card. “You’re going to see Amity again, right?” Gus teased a little.
Luz blushes at the mention of a certain cotton candy haired goddess before nodding as Willow giggled at how obvious Lus’s crush was.
“If that’s all, then I need to be going so see you guys-” Gus tries to say as he walks towards the woods.
“Wait hold on!” Gus tried not to groan a little as Willow calls out to him before turning towards her. “Where are you going anyways?”
“Oh. I’m just meeting someone.” 
Luz gasps. “Does our Gus have a date?!”
Gus’s cheeks started to feel every hot right then and there. “N-No! I’m just meeting a friend since we made plans to meet up.”
“Mmmhmm.” Willow gives him a look like she’s not convinced while Luz just looks like she’s about to go full fangirl mode.
“A-Anyways I’ll see you guys later.”
“Wait a second, Gus. You’re not going to tell us who this mystery person is?” Willow said in a teasing tone. “Yeah. Is it one of those Glandus kids that you went to hang out not too long ago?” Lus asked excitedly.
“I mean...technically he used to go there but he goes to Hex side like us.” Gus said while blushing as he thought about a certain brown-haired boy who was waiting for him.
“So, it’s a boy? Oooooh! Spill! Who is it?!” Luz asks getting even more excited as Gus’s cheeks undoubtable got even redder.
“Alright. Alright. It’s Matty.” Gus rubs that back of his neck nervously while smiling a little.
Luz and Willow’s eyes widen before Luz says. “Mattholomule? I thought that you two didn’t like each other.”
“At first, yeah but we worked that out and now we’re friends. Speaking of Matt, I need to go meet up with him. He’s probably waiting for me, so I’ll talk to you guys later. Have fun seeing Amity, Luz.” 
Luz blushes while Willow has an amused smile on her face as Gus leaves to head to the woods where the Looking Glass Ruins and Matty were waiting for him.
Once he gets to the ruins, he sees Mattholomule waiting for him by the gate and starts running up to him with a huge smile on while yelling, “Matty!” Before Mattholomule can even react, he gets tackled to the ground by Gus hugging him.
“Agustus!” Matt yelled out as he tried to get out of the other witch’s hold while Gus hugs him close before Mattholomule sighs and hugs the other back. “Do you really have to do this every time we meet up here?”
“Of course! You know you love my hugs.” Gus teased as Matt could feel his cheeks getting red.
“I don’t think tackling someone to the ground counts as a hug, Agustus.” Mattholomule says as Gus smirks.
“Sure, it does! Especially when the person doing the tackling is happy to see the other person and I’m always happy to see you.” Gus unknowingly admits as Matt starts blushing more.
“You’re happy to see me?” Matt asks as Gus blushes upon realizing what he just said.
“O-Of course I am. W-We’re friends after all.” Gus said while stuttering before asking. “I mean I would say that we’re friends now, don’t you think?”
“I-I guess so but you’re still a squirt.” Mattholomule states with a smirk while playfully shoving Gus.
Gus smirks before shoving Matt back and says, “And you’re still a jerk.” The two of them start laughing as they make their way into the ruins. 
As the two were looking around the ruins for what needs fixing, Gus looks at Matt who was trying to fix some of the ruins walls that looked like they had huge cracks all over them.
“Hey, Matty? Can I ask you something” Gus asks the brown-eyed witch.
“Depends on what the question is, Augustus?” Matt looks at the other witch who was nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“You know how you used to go to Glandus?” Matt looks at Gus confused and gives a small nod before Gus continues. “Well, I heard Bria say that Glandus has a rule that you all can have anything that you want if you’re strong enough to take it.”
Matt’s eyes widen before looking away from Gus to look at the ground. “What are you trying to say, Augustus?”
“I was just thinking if that was why you did what you did so you could be president of the H.A.S club.” Gus looks at Matt to see the other witch subconsciously messing with his hood. “O-Of course you don’t have to tell me or say anything if you don’t-” Gus tries to say before being cut off by Matt.
“No. It’s fine. Besides you’re not wrong.” Matt sighs before continuing, “At Glandus, if you wanted something, then you can have it if you’re strong enough to take it for yourself. It didn’t matter how you did it as long as you were seen as strong which I wasn’t when I used to go to Glandus, so I was bullied a lot and kept getting into fights cause so many witches at my old school kept trying to take things from me which would just end with me in detention a lot. Then I met Bria and her friends who let me be a part of their group, but they would just push me around and get me into trouble. That was until my brother transferred me out of Glandus and into Hex side.” Matt grits his teeth as he thought about how weak he felt back then until he gets snapped out of his thoughts by the feeling of Gus holding his hand which makes him blush before he continues. “When I come to Hex side, I thought that it would be the same or similar to Glandus so I tried to make myself seem stronger so I wouldn’t get bullied again but I was proven wrong by some illusionist dork who was willing to save me even though I didn’t deserve it.” Gus’s eyes widen as Matt blushes red while looking anywhere but at Augustus. 
Gus chuckles a little, “Of course I did. I mean it was kind of my fault for getting you into detention in the first place.” he rubs the back of Matt’s hand a little before saying, “Though if you ask me, I think you are strong.” 
Matt scoffs while looking unconvinced and a little annoyed. “Augustus, has anyone ever told you that it’s not nice to lie to someone?”
Gus looks at Matt a little shocked and upset that Matt would think that he would lie about something like that. “I’m not lying, Matty.”
Matt groans, “Oh! Come on, Augustus! All I’ve done since we’ve meet is either be a huge jerk to you and your friends or be a clumsy idiot who gets himself hurt or in trouble! What part of that makes me strong!?” 
Matt lets go of Gus’s hand to turn to fix the other cracks in the walls before being brought into a hug by Gus as he blushes red. “W-What are you-”
“You’re strong because you didn’t have to help me when Bria and the other Glandus students was being a couple of jerks to me while trying to take the Galdorstones but you did as well as offered to help fix up the ruins. You also were able to learn illusion magic pretty quickly and are one of the best construction magic users that I know so please don’t be so down on yourself. Okay? Everyone’s got their own strengths and so do you.” Gus says as Matt’s face gets redder and redder by the second.
“You...You’re so weird, you know that?” Matt says as he wraps his arms around the other witch while trying (and failing) to fight himself from smiling at Gus’s words which Gus sees out of the corner of his eye but chooses not to say anything about it.
“Hey. You chose to be friends with me, so you signed up for my weirdness.” Gus, still holding Matt close to him, looks into the witch’s chocolate brown eyes and starts blushing as he thought of just leaning in closer and kissing...
“What?” Matty exclaims while his cheeks get even redder as Gus’s eyes widen as the realization that he said his thoughts out loud. 
Gus quickly lets go of the other as he nervously steps back while stuttering over his words as he says, “I-I mean I-I....S-Sorry, I wasn’t t-thinking when I-I said that! Y-You can forget that I-I said anything!”
“Did you mean it?” Gus stopped his rambling as Matt looked at the other with an uncertain look as if he was afraid that Gus would say that he didn’t or even worse that he was just joking. Luckly for Matt, Gus nods before replying, “I-If it’s alright with you.” 
Gus looks at Matt while blushing as the other witch nods. Gus carefully holds Matt’s hands as if the other would get scared away if he was moving too fast. He leans closer to Matty and kisses him softly on the lips. Gus could feel Matt jump a little in shock and surprised for a second at their lips touching but slowly starts relaxing into the kiss before kissing back as he starts wrapping his arms around the other’s neck as Gus gently puts his hands on Matt’s cheeks. For a little bit, Gus pulls away from the kiss as the two witches hold each other close as their faces turn red while they smile a little. 
“S-So does this mean that we’re dating now?” Matt asks, smiling wide enough where his one chipped tooth can be seen.
“Hmmmmmmmmmm.....Maaaaaaaybeeeeeeeee.”  Gus smiles at Matt, who rolled his eyes while smiling a little. “Only if that’s alright with you.” 
Matt smirks before giving Gus a little peck on the cheek. “What do you think, dork?”
Gus’s eyes widen a little but smiling warmly at Matt while blushing as Matt takes a hold onto the other witch’s hand before saying with a smirk, “Now come on. We still have some things that need to be fixed. I mean that’s the whole reason we’re here, right?” 
Gus smiles as he gives Matt’s hand a small squeeze, secretly knowing that wasn’t true but decides to keep that secret to himself before saying, “Of course. Lead the way. Matty.”
Matt smiles while blushing a little as the two witches walk hand in hand while they continued with fixing the Looking Glass ruins while engaging in some playful banter while doing so.
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galadrail · 1 year
Ok I just rewatched the last episode (I'm still crying I don't know if I'll ever get over it) anyway it made me think that unfortunately the Ship gustholomule wasn't confirmed as canon so here's a fanfiction about them (I wrote it so the end is posted) but anyway I hope you'll enjoy it and good luck to all the gustholomule shippers I sympathize
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sapphic--kiwi · 3 months
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gustholomule week day 1: beach
inspired by some vintage beach photos i found, here’s 18/19 y/o gus and matt enjoying a rare day off work and school together 💙🤎
(@emsprovisions wrote a fanfic inspired by this art!!)
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emoreooo · 1 year
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"don't say that, matt."
"but i mean it."
he knew this, too.
— Angel, Won't You Set Me Free? by @rocksandmirrors
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blackyote · 1 year
Here, have a concept that doesn't seem like enough for a fic but I have to get it out of my head:
Imagine the first day Matt comes to Hexside sporting his brand new horn. Gus calls to him and Matt pulls back his cowl hood for the big reveal, eyes shining with pride and excitement, his grin smug as always but it's DIFFERENT this time. The grin implies something new - that he feels attractive for the first time in his life, and that confidence changes so much about him.
There's a look in his eye, past the smile, that says he's anxious for Gus' reaction in particular.
Gus runs up, exclaiming, "You have a horn now?!" and Matt is here to flaunt it. It actually came in two nights ago but he was keeping it a secret, even when the two boys talked over Pensta.
Throughout the day, every time Gus sees Matt he finds himself staring. That's his best friend, his partner in crime, but since when was his face worth this much brain power? The horn is the only real difference, and yet it makes his face look complete, somehow. Matt is growing into his features at long last, and the result is more than the sum of its parts. (As Lolly said, he's so LOOKABLE.)
In Illusions class they sit next to each other, as always, and Matt does an unconscious little hair toss, highlighting the horn, and Gus has to look away. He doesn't know what this new feeling is but it's loud and alarming. (It's gay panic.)
Matt laughs at something in his annoying, gremlin way and leans into Gus, and for the first time Gus feels his face warm at the contact. What the Titan is happening.
Matt catches him staring and asks, grinning but completely serious, if Gus wants to touch it. Gus dies on the spot.
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khannatree · 11 months
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sing us a song, a song to keep us warm.
read eyeballs to entrails by @lsoer
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rocksandmirrors · 7 months
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Times will change for those who, who'd never know 'Til it's too late to get back home 🎶
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101flavoursofweird · 1 year
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Mattholomule: I was power! And I want DRAMA!
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Willow: Got a need for thrills, chills and theatrics? Join the Flyer Derby Team!
Matt would’ve been in his element on the Flyer Derby Team…
Maybe he prefers flying on a broomstick to flying with his palisman? Maybe he’s not into sports? Or is it because Gus is part of the team and Matt didn’t want to embarrass himself around Gus?
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god I wish I WISH adult animation would take off where the shows aren’t just family guy rip-offs, but have larger overarching plots and filler episodes that aren’t dedicated to witty “we’re not like other cartoons” jokes that degraded the audience. Like I’ve never seen a group of kids who deserve to drop the f-bomb more than the owl house ones, and by group of kids, I specifically mean Gus when he’s talking to Matt “fucking” Tholomule!?!
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kindofsortofmaybe · 1 year
4:02 A.M. (a gustholomule fic)
Word count: 4167
Summary: For all he denied it, Gus knew he didn’t think about Matt a normal amount. He tried to justify it to himself: he’s one of my best friends, of course I think about him a lot. But he knew it was a lie.
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royal-they · 2 years
really short gustholomule thing i made because the idea of it is too long for me to make into a comic. also kinda writing practice since i havent done creative writing in awhile.
“Ugh stop it!” Mattholomule whined, playfully shoving away Augustus.
“Whatttt?” Gus said innocently “I thought you loved hugs.”
Matty felt his face flush, “Oh my titan shut up, besides that was not a hug, you tackled me.” 
Gus smiled, a big evil grin on his face; “I’m not hearing a no to hugs!” 
He wrapped his arms around Matty holding his closer while Mattholomule tried to squirm out of Gus’s arms. It had been a few weeks since they’d last seen each other - Gus had been busy with flyer derby practice since the season was coming to an end - but apparently that was enough for Gus to be super clingy and affectionate. Matty remembered receiving Gus’s message on his scroll excitedly telling him that he wanted to meet him at the Graveyard. Matty had quickly texted, “Okay” and hit send. He had wondered if he should perhaps add more to the message. Should he add that he was happy to see him? No that was stupid and just as sappy as Gus’s entire existence. Still when he reached the graveyard he found it hard to conceal his blush. Hopefully Gus wouldn’t notice? (Deep down maybe a small part of him did want Augustus to notice at the same time though.)
“Ugh you’re so clingy and annoying.” Mattholomule complained, crossing his arms in defeat. Gus noticed he had stopped squirming but decided not to tease Matty about it. 
“Hmm well you still agreed to meet me so you kind signed up for my clingy annoying self to be bothering you.” Gus replied with a small smirk. Matty felt his ears getting hotter as he struggled to come up with a comeback. To his luck their banter was interrupted.
“Ah! You have finally returned to us it seems.” The guardian of the Looking Glass Graveyard said, appearing behind them. He patted Augustus on the back causing him to quickly bring his arms to his sides awkwardly. Mattholomule felt his face trying to frown and quickly caught himself before he could show any signs of being disappointed by the absence of his friend's affection. 
Gus felt hot as the guardian said “us,” he tried not to read too much into it though; after all it wasn’t like Mattholomule really came to the graveyard much when he wasn’t there. He quickly tried to compose himself. 
“Yep, happy to see you as well.” He said politely, trying not to seem flustered “Do you have anything you want us to help with?”
The guardian tapped his chin trying to think; “I was thinking about covering up some of the gates that lead here so then only you two would know about the graveyard, but that’s incredibly difficult to do with just illusion magic…”
“Oh well Matty’s really good with construction magic!” Gus said excitedly bouncing on the tips of his toes while Mattholomule felt his face flush at Augustus’s pet name for him along with his comment on his skills, “We could totally go cover it up.”
The guardian happily clapped his hands together, “All right then! I’ll make you a map and send you all on your way then.”
When the two reached the gate Mattholomule started to try to brainstorm ideas about how they could use construction magic to hide the gate. It was hidden by trees but still he knew it was also close to a road that led to the market. It was only a matter of time before someone found it.
“Got any ideas how we could cover the gate up?” he said, turning around to face Augustus.
“Hmmm maybe you could make a huge statue of a monster?” Gus said, waving his arms around as if to emphasize the size of the statue he envisioned. 
“I hardly think a huge complicated statue makes people less interested in investigating the gate of Augustus.” Mattholomule replied, turning back around to face the gate to distract him from thoughts about how adorable his friend was being.
“You know you can call me Gus right?” Augustus said leaning on the gate so he could face Mattholomule who seemed quite flustered by his presence. 
“Oh I guess I am just used to calling you Augustus because that’s how you were introduced to me.” He said trying not to linger on the topic for too long.
“Really, I thought I was mostly going by Gus by that point?” Gus said, confused by Matty’s response.
“Oh I mean yeah-” Matty felt his face growing more red. 
“Didn’t I introduce myself as Gus Porter and not Augustus Porter?”
“Well yeah but um,” Mattholomule tried to focus at the gate as he crossed his arms trying to not make a big deal about what he was about to say, “I saw you and your friends once in the cafeteria and I asked someone what your name was and they said Augustus so I guess that’s just your name in my mind.”
Gus felt a little taken back, “Why did you ask specifically about me?” he asked with a flirtatious tone trying to play off his question as a joke. 
Mattholomule pulled on the hood of his school uniform trying to be distracted by anything other than Gus’s seemingly sparkling eyes.
“I don’t know.”
“Ugh I just thought you were cute okay?” Mattholomule yelled losing the little self control he had managed to maintain for so long that kept him from admitting that fact. Gus felt himself nearly fall over when Matty said that but managed to somehow not. He felt like screaming and could feel himself getting just as red as Matty already was.
“Wait you thou-”
“I still think that, okay?” Mattholomule felt himself just starting to let go of the barrier he had built up in his mind that had allowed him to deny his feelings for Augustus for so long “I just thought you were really cute but I was freaked out by it and then I was a horrible person but then you still became friends with me and then we started meeting at the graveyard more and more and then I started to realize that you’re really cool and amazing and I really like spending time with you but you’re like my only real friend and now you won’t want to be friends and then-”
Augustus grabbed Mattholoules hands that were covering up his face and found that underneath were tears. Mattholomule closed his eyes trying to stop crying and pull his hands away despite not wanting to break away from Gus’s touch. 
“I’m sorry…” he said softly, the tears beginning to make his eyes hurt.
“Matty it’s oka-”
“You hate me. Everyone has always hated me and you are going to hate me now and-”
Gus held Matty’s hands firmly and brought his face closer to Mattholomules. “I don’t hate you.”
Augustus brought his hands up to the sides of Mattholomules face as though it would make the words he was saying have more of an impact.
“I don’t hate you Matty, I think you’re wonderful.”
“Nobody thinks that, you don’t have to lie to me.” Mattholomule felt himself wanting to lean more into Augustus’s hands and just feel them brushing away his tears forever but he screamed to his brain to stop. There was no way no way that Gus would ever feel the same way. Gus was the most amazing, adorable, smart, kind, and funny person Matty knew. He was the wonderful one. Matty was just Matty; he didn’t even like himself. How could anyone else?
“I’m not lying,” Gus felt slightly hurt by the thought that Mattholomule thought that he would ever lie about something like that, “I love you more than anyone I’ve ever known.”
The world seemed to stop when Augustus told him those words. Like everything could just be over right then and there because then everything would be perfect forever. Mattholomule didn’t want to believe that though. Surely he had misheard. But he hadn’t. Maybe this was just another crazy dream. But in dreams Gus didn’t look at him the same way he was at that moment. Mattholomule knew that his brain would never be able to come up with the way Gus was looking at him right then and there. Pure love and maybe a hint of concern. Nobody had ever looked at him like that and he hoped that nobody else ever did. Gus was the only person Matty would ever want and he finally knew for a fact there was no backing out or denying that fact at this point.
He met Gus’s eyes and felt the tears stop as Gus slowly leaned toward him pulling his hands closer to his own face until Matty’s was touching it. He felt Matty’s surprise but Matty didn’t pull away so he didn’t either. He just let himself fall right into the kiss. He felt Matty wrap his arms around Gus’s neck as the two closed their eyes. Everything about Mattholomule felt familiar even though it wasn’t at the same time. The way his fingers softly touched the back of his neck, the way his hair felt when it brushed Gus’s fingertips, the way Matty seemed to hold his breath as though scared none of this was real. 
Augustus slowly pulled away but only for a second before quickly placing a quick kiss on Matty’s cheek just to assure him that he wasn’t pulling away out of regret. He gave him a little shove as he pressed his forehead against Mattholomules. 
“C'mon’ we need to cover up this gate Matty” He said, reaching to take Matty’s hand. 
“Duh Augustus, that's the whole reason I’m here.” Mattholomule said with an eye roll taking his boyfriend's hand. 
But when Gus looked down to see their hands linked together he knew that it wasn’t and he was more than okay with that.
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hiccuppps · 1 year
max's gustholomule fic recs!
sharing some of my favs i've read so far to help spread the gustholomule agenda!!!!!!!!!! also these live in my brain forever...
4:02 AM by kindofsortofmaybe : GOD. if by some chance you haven't read this already what are you doing. THEYRE SO FUJCING STUPID OH MY GODDDD <3333333 the vibes are incredible can you tell im a night owl? lots of gus pining :)
Gardenias by disco_girl : WAD timeskip! THIS IS MY CANON. first kiss and relationship discussion :)
One More Ride by WoorEnergy : *slaps screen* THIS. first kiss? late night drives? STEVE? sign me TF UP!!!!!!! how many times have i read this? yes.
dozy by rt5626 : sick fic <3 they're so cute i hope they explode.
i would've followed [you] all the way to the graveyard by emsprovisions : first kiss fic!!!!! they're so silly!!! absolutely lives inside my brain.
tfw boys have shoulders by killyhawk : post-canon. title says it all. read this NOW i laughed so hard.
A Little Bit of Sunshine by multishipperofmanyfandoms : takes place during FTF. i've read this so many times i love it so much.
we grew up so well by kairoskeeper : matt and amity friendship!!!! definitely fed my brainrot. gustholomule sprinkles. the "WHO EVEN LIKES GIRLS?" lives in my brain.
Heart Covered in Honey by This_Is_My_Guest_Name : very soft!!!
Eyes On You by killyhawk : OOO KILLY THIS LORE! i live for anything exploring gus's illusion magic + bonus established gustholomule and good bf matt <3
let's give 'em something to talk about by killyhawk : killy with another banger. THE gustholomule writer ever. idiots <3 i hope they explode <3
Palisman Playdate by AssignedK9 : short and sweet!! i love this one sm (garth my beloved). focusses more on their friendship with the ship sprinkled in but their interactions are so perfect.
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chameleon66 · 6 months
Squeaks and Screams
Ships: Matt x Gus
The basement was dark and creaky with only the light of Kate’s flashlight illuminating it.
Kate walked slowly towards a cardboard box on the floor that a series of growls could be heard from.
Kate slowly opened the flaps of the box and peaked inside when the creature swiftly pounced on her, her bloody murder scream shattering the eerie silence.
Gus let out a quiet scream as he hid his head in his blanket while Matt only flinched a little and gripped onto Gus a little tighter.
When Gus had told Matt about this human tradition of watching horror movies near what he called ‘Halloween’ Matt had assumed that they would be nothing compared to the stuff he saw in the boiling isles but man, humans thought up some twisted stuff.
After what felt like forever the end credits started to roll, they sat in silence for a long while when Gus let out a breath he must have been holding for a while then he spoke softly.
“Well that was horrifying but at least it’s over.”
Matt suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment hit him, he shouldn’t have been scared, he himself lived through much scarier things. “Well I-I wasn’t that scared.” Matt started with an amount of confidence that couldn’t keep his voice steady as he talked.
Gus mentally rolled his eyes, Matt still really needed to learn that it’s ok to be vulnerable with people.
“Is that why you’re gripping on to me?” Gus asked sarcastically.
Matt’s face went pink as he saw his hands were hanging on for dear life on Gus's shoulders.
“Well I was getting cold and you're warm.” Matt shuffled himself closer to Gus moving one of his hands down Gus’s back, He did not expect the reaction he got.
Once Matt’s calloused hand made contact with Gus’s back through his shirt Gus’s expression curled into a grin and he huffed out a giggle stifled by his hand that flew to cover his mouth.
Matt’s hand retreated almost immediately “Are you ok?” Matt worriedly asked.
Gus’s smile didn’t fade but he answered, “No I’m good, I’m just kind of ticklish.”
Matt did a double take, Gus, his boyfriend, the most powerful illusionist he has ever known, was ticklish?
Matt’s face morphed into his classic crooked devil’s smile and his eyes had a mischievous glint that said more than words, despite these words did run past his lips. “Good to know.”
Matt’s hand returned to Gus’s back and he began to swiftly wiggle his fingers, Gus burst into squeals and bright giggles. “Nohohahahaha Matahahahahahatt stststohohohop.” Gus’s sentence was about 46% words and 54% giggles, giggles that made Matt’s heart flutter in his chest but he kept this concealed.
“Mmmmm… No thanks.” Matt pretended to consider stopping, even slowing down the movement of his fingers for a second.
“That was a lot of screaming you just did, I think we need to even it out with some laughs.”
Gus flopped down on the couch curling into a ball on his side, Matt took the chance to pounce on Gus attacking his back and stomach at the same time. Gus’s giggles turned to laughter almost instantly and his hands were reaching around blindly to find Matt’s hand to capture them to stop their tickling, but Matt’s hands were too fast and Gus’s were too weak.
Matt had observed that squeezes and scribbles worked well on Gus’s stomach but on his back light tickles and tracing shapes got him those sweet precious giggles. Eventually Matt ditched Gus’s stomach and just kept going on his back milking more giggles out of him.
“Hahahahahahahaha Mahahahahahat thahahahahahahat tihihihihickles.” Gus managed to get out between giggle fits.
“You don’t say.” Matt smirked at the giggly witch beneath him. “Does it tickle more here?” one of Matt’s hands moved to Gus’s back ribs and began lightly scratching “Or here?” His other hand moved to trace up and down his spine.
Gus’s giggles rose in volume and became higher in pitch and his attempts to squirm away became more obvious. “IHAHAHA-I-CAHAHAHAN’T BREHEHEHEHAHAHAHA-.” “That doesn’t answer my question, Agustus.” Gus couldn’t answer as he was overtook by laughs and squeals.
If Matt could have continued tickling Gus he would've but his lover’s laughs were being replaced by wheezes so Matt ceased the movement of his fingers and watched Gus Regain his breath and the few leftover giggles make their way out of his system.
Matt couldn’t help but chuckle at his boyfriend “Hey you good I didn’t actually kill you right?”
Gus got up and sat up looking straight at Matt with those dazzling eyes
“You’re so silly.”
“But you love me.”
“Yeah, I really do.” Gus confirmed, he then pressed his lips on his boyfriends, Matt hummed in delight. Gus wrapped both arms around Matt’s neck and Matt’s hands went to cup Gus’s warm face, Gus smiled into the kiss.
Yep They were definitely in love, no doubt about it.
Author’s note: Is it almost Christmas? yes it is.
Does that stop me from from doing a Halloween fix? No it does not, just think we need more lee, Gus
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sapphic--kiwi · 1 year
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gustholomule week day 2: sports
in which there’s a flyer derby and a grudgby game back-to-back (and matt made some smartass comment to his boyfriend) 💚
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