#guest blogging tactics
Unlocking Authenticity: Get the Most Natural Guest Blogging Services with Our Premier Guest Post Service
by Anurag Tiwari In today’s digital landscape, establishing a strong online presence is paramount for businesses and individuals alike. One effective way to enhance visibility and credibility is through guest blogging. However, with the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines, it’s essential to ensure that your guest blogging efforts are not only effective but also natural and authentic. At…
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roomstudent · 10 months
Mastering Guest Posting: Your Ultimate Strategy for Boosting Online Presence
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In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, guest posting has emerged as a powerful tool for building a robust online presence, improving SEO rankings, and driving targeted traffic to your website. Suppose you're eager to harness the potential of guest posting to amplify your business's visibility, increase traffic, and enhance your brand's credibility. In that case, you can just read on to find out the strategies, benefits, and opportunities that lie within.
Understanding the Art of Guest Posting
Guest posting, also known as guest blogging, involves creating and publishing articles on other websites within your niche. This practice serves multiple purposes: it helps you establish authority, build quality backlinks, and drive relevant traffic to your website. The process is a mutually beneficial one, allowing host websites to enrich their content while you tap into their audience.
The Essentials: Crafting Compelling Guest Posts
When crafting guest posts, quality reigns supreme. Content must be unique, engaging, and informative, resonating with the host website's target audience. Effective guest posts offer real value, sharing insights, tips, or solutions that demonstrate your expertise. The aim is to create a win-win situation where readers benefit from valuable information while you gain exposure and backlinks.
Identifying the Right Platforms: Guest Posting Sites and Blogs
Finding the right guest posting sites is crucial. Look for websites in your niche that accept guest posts. Conduct keyword searches to uncover relevant platforms that provide opportunities for guest contributions. Notable platforms like HubSpot, Ahrefs, Outbrain, and Ezine Articles offer a range of topics and accept guest submissions, helping you secure a place among industry leaders.
Unlocking Outreach Opportunities
Outreach is key to guest posting success. Reach out to website owners, publishers, and bloggers to propose your guest post ideas. Building relationships within your niche opens doors to guest posting opportunities, expanding your reach and building valuable connections. Remember, a well-crafted outreach message is essential for securing approval.
SEO and Backlinks: The Backbone of Guest Posting
Guest posting is a powerful strategy for generating high-quality backlinks, boosting your website's SEO rankings, and enhancing your online visibility. A guest post on a reputable website with a high Domain Rating (DR) can significantly impact your website's authority and ranking on search engines.
Guest Posting Services: Leveraging Professional Expertise
For those looking to take guest posting to the next level, guest post services provide a viable solution. These services offer a range of options, from crafting well-optimized content to securing placements on high-DR websites. While some services charge for their offerings, others may provide opportunities for free guest posts.
Measuring Success: Monitoring Traffic and Rankings
The beauty of guest posting lies in its traceability. By monitoring website traffic and tracking changes in your SEO rankings after guest posts are published, you can gauge the impact of your efforts. Tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs provide insights into the effectiveness of your guest posting campaigns.
Conclusion: Unleashing the Potential of Guest Posting
In the world of online business, leveraging guest posting is an invaluable strategy for expanding your reach, building backlinks, and establishing your authority. Whether you're a seasoned writer or a business owner seeking to enhance your online presence, guest posting offers a range of opportunities to explore.
As you embark on your guest posting journey, remember that authenticity, quality, and strategic outreach are paramount. By creating and submitting compelling content to reputable platforms, you contribute to the digital community and reap the rewards of increased visibility, traffic, and credibility. So, take the plunge into the world of guest posting and position your business for success in the digital age.
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zakir77 · 1 year
Maki money
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Hey, love your DMC fanfics, can I request DMC5 Dante with sweet and kind s/o in her twenties, meeting fem reader parents who are really strict, conservative and lil abusive especially the reader's mother. They have weird ideas of purity for women and are very patriarchal.
Hello, hope you're well. Thank you very much, I am more than honored that you enjoy my writing. I am afraid to say that I have chosen to omit several aspects of your request as I wish for this blog and all material posted on it to remain free from political and social reform-related biases. In order to preserve the intended mood of the piece, I have replaced the aforementioned omitted material with synonymous themes, as needed. I understand that this may be disappointing to you, and for that, I apologize. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this fanfiction and that you have a fruitful and productive day. Thank you for your patience and leniency.
Terrible idea (DMC5! Dante x Fem!Abused!Reader)
TW: Controlling parents, violence, and implications of physical abuse incoming; if you are uncomfortable with these themes, DNI.
You sighed, resting your cheek on your palm as you stared out the car window, absently watching the blurred scenery rush by. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your hands felt clammy; you couldn't believe this was actually happening.
For context, today was the day Dante had agreed to meet your your parents. Normally, this would be a joyous occasion, but in this case, it was terrifying because your parents were less than pleasant, to say the least. They hated the idea of you leaving their (abusive) household so much, they did everything they could to make your relationships--be they friendships or otherwise--crumble. At first, they'd attempted to keep you isolated, but now you had a job, and therefore, your own house, which was conveniently far, far away from theirs, so there was nothing they could do. Their only remaining tactic was to embarrass you and insult anyone you brought to see them until your guest left, either in disgust or awkwardness. The only reason Dante lasted as long as he did was because he'd never met them--you'd kept their existence a secret from him and his existence from them up until this point.
You hadn't wanted to bring Dante to meet them, but he'd insisted. Because his parents weren't alive anymore, he was unable to introduce you to them; to make up for it, he'd meet your parents instead. You never told him how horrible your folks were, however, and were seriously regretting it now, but he was so excited--you just couldn't burst his bubble like that. Maybe, hopefully, things would go well today.
"Hey, babe, you OK?" Dante asked, briefly glancing in your direction.
"Yeah," You sighed, turning and smiling at him.
"You sure? You don't sound ok."
"I...I'm fine, don't worry."
"Ok...well...we're almost there, according to the GPS."
You nodded, sucking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, not really sure what to say. You honestly didnt want to be going to your parents' house; Dante didn't need to get involved in your family issues any more than he needed to.
"Come on, I see that frown. You can tell me if something's wrong, y'know," Dante encouraged, patting your shoulder.
"There's nothing wrong," You responded, forcing another smile. "I'm fine." Dante would have pursued the conversation, but there was a sharp turn coming up that he needed to focus on. Once he rounded the curve, you spotted the a building in the distance; a familiar building that you recognized as your parents house; the building that had never been your home.
"This your folks' place?" Dante asked, and when you nodded, a big grin broke out on his face. It was clear he was excited to meet those who had "raised" you. It was a shame he had no idea how awful they truly were. "Alright," He exclaimed, grinning, "Let's go meet the people that raised my angel!" He flung the car door open and bounded out out it, with you slowly following suit. Poor Dante. He had no idea what waited for him there, and it was all because of your weakness. Now that you were literally on the threshold of hell itself, you felt so upset with yourself for not warning him earlier; for being so selfish and keeping the truth a secret from him. You were sure that after today, he wouldn't want to be with you anymore, and so, you decided to simply accept your fate and get on with it; maybe the day would pass by quicker if you pretended to enjoy it.
Your anxiety and fear reaching its peak, you rung the doorbell and waited for the door to swing open; waited to be greeted with the frowning faces of those horrible monsters you couldn't believe you called your parents.
Sure enough, the door creaked open, and you were met with your mother, a scowl plastered across her wrinkling face.
"Y/N," She greeted, stiffly, prompting you to force a smile.
"Good afternoon, mother." Your mother then turned her attention to Dante and narrowed her eyes at him.
"And who's this?"
"My...umm....my..." You words died in your throat; your mother's scrutinizing gaze silencing you. You sighed, folding your arms and averting your gaze. Thinking you were just too excited to function properly, Dante eagerly piped up and finished your sentence.
"I'm her man, name's Dante, nice to meet ya!" He stuck his hand out, expecting your mother to shake it, but she did no such thing.
"What? A boyfriend? Are you crazy? We told you never to get a boyfriend--you don't deserve one! " She yelled, her piercing, fiery gaze directed on you. "Answer me, girl, what were you thinking?!" You couldn't. You felt like there was a burning lump in your throat, preventing you from speaking. If you did, you were sure you would cry. You knew this was a bad idea. What were you thinking indeed, coming here and bringing Dante with you? Clearly angry at your lack of a response, your mother crossed over to you and slapped you across the face. "What has gotten into you, child? How dare you disobey us and bring this filthy troll to our doorstep?! How dare you?!" Suddenly, your mother seized you by the arm and began beating you with her bony, yet painful fists; his vise-like grip keeping you in place even though you screamed in pain and tried to get away.
"Stop it, let go of her!" Shouted Dante, forcing your mother away and standing between the two of you. You sobbed, clinging onto his arm as you desperately tried to wipe away your tears.
"Get out of my way, you have no right to stand between me and my daughter!"
"She ain't your daughter if you hit her like that--the hell you thinking?! What was that even for?!"
"Shut the fuck up, you worthless loser," Retorted your mother, spitefully. "You have no right telling me how to parent my child.
"She's not your child if you treat her like this," Dante said, coldly. "Come on, babe, let's get outta here." He wrapped his arm around you and tried to guide you away, but you remained still.
"I'm sorry, Dante," You said, still crying. "I shouldn't have dragged you into this. I'm so, so sorry--I should have told you about them sooner."
"And what's that supposed to mean, young lady?!" Demanded your father, striding into view in his usual stained shirt. "And who the fuck is this?"
"Her boyfriend," Growled your mother, turning her nose up in disgust. "A bad influence, too." Your father grunted, roughly grabbing your wrist and jerking you towards the house.
"That's easily taken care of. Get outta here, loser, you'll never see my daughter again." You turned and looked at the angry expression on Dante's face, wishing you had the strength to stand up for yourself and break free. Unfortunately, you didn't; you were too afraid to do anything. You could only watch as your horrible parents dragged you inside their house of horrors and slammed the doors in your boyfriend's face.
Once again, you found yourself questioning your thought processes that led you to set foot within a 40 mile radius of your parents' lair.
You knew it; you felt it in your bones and your gut, but you did it anyway.
You were such an idiot.
This really was a terrible idea.
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devouredbyflame · 13 days
Do you have to magically cleanse your space before contacting a Deity? I know cleaning can help in general but I mean like people talking about burning stuff or using water somehow? What’s the simplest/cheapest way to do it? Thank you! Love your blog!
Hi anon!
I wouldn’t say you “have to” do much of anything but it is a more efficient way to make sure that your space is cleansed before you reach out or invite a Deity into your space.
If you think of metaphysical “dirt” as something that can get between you and the Divine, it makes it a lot easier for Them to access you and the shrine if there is less junk in the way. That junk can be energetic, physical, or mental things that can make it harder for you to understand what they are saying.
It also is just a sign of respect in general.
Now, if you are like me and have low spoon days or don’t exist in an environment that can be maintained regularly, I recommend using a shoe box to keep your shrine in as that will prevent anything from getting to your shrine and when you take it out, you can have it already be cleansed and whatnot before you use it.
As for what constitutes as cleaning, I recommend a variety of tactics. Personally, I tend to clean, organize, and vacuum a space before I energetically clean it with burning herbs, using water that I’ve blessed, or burning an incense stick. I don’t energetically clean my space besides 2-3 times a month because I don’t want to completely clean out all energy, just the stuff that clings onto me and the place I live that might have an impact on the environment but that depends on what you feel is needed.
I otherwise keep a fairly tidy and organized home and make a habit of throwing out things physically that no longer serve my purposes so no energy gets stored on that object that may build up over time. That is typically the cheapest/easiest solution I can offer.
It’s otherwise good to keep up with the space you’re using for their shrine. For instance, don’t leave any food rotting, candle wax, or pets on the shrine as that is considered to be the Deity’s place of living within your home.
The Gods understand if you can’t be 100% on top of it all of the time, but making an effort goes a long way and it shows Them that They are appreciated and encouraged to return to your home to receive more offerings just like any other house guest or roommate might be.
Thank you for your compliment and I hope that answers your question!
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 4 months
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Collection of my RepComm Art! I mostly draw Ordo, occassional Kal Skirata, Fi shenanigans, and my favorite brainrot ship: OrdoMaze.
2023/2024, all the art that had been uploaded to my main blog.
「Kal Skirata and his 106 children」[ART] 
|14/09/2023| Kal Skirata | Sketchbook | Character reacts to post | 
「Dynamic of Ordo and Maze」[Snippet]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 18/09/2023| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | They are awkward af | Start of my brainrot for them | 
「 I’m fucked  」[ART] 
|19/10/2023| Ordo Skirata, Fi Skirata | Sketchbook| Character reacts to post | 
|22/10/2023| RC Scorch | KonoSuba Megumin parody | BAKURETSU BAKURETSU LALALA 
「 Ordo can be spontainous when he wants」 [COMIC] 
|23/10/2023| Ordo Skirata | Ordo spontaneously combusts. That’s it. That's what the pic is about. He is okay now. | 
「 Fi and the elemelons」 [ART] 
14/11/2023| Fi Skirata, Ordo Skirata | Silly puns | Ordo is going psycho by the silly puns | Birthday message | Thank you [Chicken] for thinking about me <3 
「But seriously I have the best moots, I'm gonna cry」 [ART]  
|16/11/2023| Ordo Skirata | Sketchbook | Character reacts to post | Mamuzzy answers to ask | We started to talk since you sent this lovely message and I just love your brain <3 Thank you for interacting with my art so enthusiastically, without it I don’t think I would have had the courage to dm you <3 
「I don’t deserve you」[COMIC]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP |28/11/2023| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Ship prompt | Prompt | Hurt & Comfort | Ordo is spiraling but Maze comforts him. In his own way. | 
「Cunty Kama」 [ART]
|18/12/2023| Fi Skirata | Character reacts to post | I never get bored of Fi making fun of Ordo’s kama
「Happy Holidays with the Omega Squad」 [ANIMATIC] -ish… it’s really simple, I hadn’t animated stuff for years. 
|19/12/2023| Fi Skirata, Darman Skirata, Atin Skirata, Niner Skirata | Fi listening to music on his inner channel | Also look at the decorations my gf made!!! [ithillia], you are the best <3 
「When your boyfriend is a bookworm」[ART] 
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 10/01/2024| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Fluff | 
「Erotic Dice Game with the Di’kutla couple」[ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 14/01/2024| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Maze wants to try an erotic game and Ordo is going psycho again | I swear they are in love, they told me!
「Maze’s fictional crush died :((((((」  [ART]
ORDO X MAZE CLONESHIP 31/01/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Sketchbook | Ordo is a jealous one, jealous even about fictional lovers |
「Ordo sketches」 [ART]
01/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata | sketchbook | Some messy Ordo sketches |
「Fuck you, Maze」 [COMIC]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 02/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Sketchbook | Ordo is a menace |
「Sketchdump」 [ART]
FIVES x DEADSHOT ECHO x TECH MAZE x BOOKS CLONESHIP 02/02/2024| ARC Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Echo, TBB Tech, Alpha-26 Maze | sketchbook | Various sketches about cloneboys + JungleSkirmish!AU lore |
「Daddy’s little boy」 [ART] + [AO3]
03/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Ordo has an inner conversation with his demon which is more like Ordo is being numb and helpless while the demon talks shit | Word count: 480 | Mentions of sex | 
「You lied to me」 [ART]
06/02/2024 | Darman Skirata, Kal Skirata | Febuwhump 2024 Day 6 | This is the very prompt I even started this challenge and with its upload, I think I finished my goal to participate ^^ | WARNING: Graphical depiction of violence, blood | 
「Blorbo rambling about Nikkari and Ordo」 [ART]
08/02/2024 | Nikkari Aoe, Ordo Skirata, guest star: me | Crossover art | Blorbo rambling | 
「The Art from Blorbo rambling, but Nikkari is a pervert」 [ART]
08/02/2024 | Nikkari Aoe, Ordo Skirata | Crossover art | mentions of daddy kink |
「He asked for no onions」 [ART]
Ordo x Maze CLONESHIP 19/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | They are both awkward. Period. | 
「Tactical smooch」 [ART]
19/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing | Mentions of homophobia, mentions of clonecest phobia | This is a companion-art to He Asked for No Onions. When I started to being active, I swore that every anti-cloneship hate post/comment I get, I’ll do kissing clones and tag the haters under it. Ok, I won’t do such things because I don’t want my ship art about boys being soft be tainted with fandombullshit all the time. You don’t mess with Mamuzzy, they are going to cry!!! (and becomes a vengeful spirit, lol) |
「It’s safe under the blanket」 [ART]
Ordo x Maze CLONESHIP 20/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Wholesome fluffness I think they pretty much sleep like this~ | 
「O Ordo, Ordo wherefore art thou Ordo」[ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 20/02/2024 | Alpha-26 Maze | Maze is daydreaming in the office | Romeo and Juliet parody | 
MARCH 2024
「They are so stupidly in love I just can’t」 [ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP |01/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Received a very kind ask <3 | 
「Fic compilation for kissing prompts」 [FIC]
FIVES x DEADSHOT ORDO x ECHO CLONESHIP 04/03/2024 | ARC Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot, Ordo Skirata, ARC Trooper Echo | Kissing prompt | 
「It is not socially acceptable to throw up in the alleys of Coruscant」 [FIC] + [AO3]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 08/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing prompt | They are drunk as fuck | It was funny when I wrote it, I swear | 
「Just let me boil in my water a little longer」 [FIC]
ORDO X MAZE CLONESHIP 14/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing prompt | It’s actually just a post with the AO3 link and I think I will keep this format when uploading fics from now on. |
「Maze, Ordo and books」 [HEADCANON]
ORDO x MAZE MAZE x BOOKS :DDD CLONESHIP 17/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Headcanon | Maze is a booklover. | 
「Mereel loves you」 [ART]
28/03/2024 | Mereel Skirata | sketchbook | he is a sweet menace | character reacts to post |
「Mereel loves you part II」 [ART]
28/03/2024 | Mereel Skirata | sketchbook | Character reacts to post |
「Why cat shaped if not a cat?」[COMIC]
29/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze, Arligan Zey, Commander Fox | Ordo is cat-coded for me. |
APRIL 2024
「BOOP!!!! Part I」 [COMIC]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 12/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Maze uses vile tactics against the Null to deescalate their usual tense encounter |
「It's not for customers, I promise!」 [COMIC]
14/04/2024 | Alpha-26 Maze, Kal Skirata, Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Prudii Skirata | Restaurant!AU | Based on this post. | WARNING: Under the cut there is a comic with cartoon violence, blood and dead body depicted in comically goreish situation. |
「Fallout!Ordo」 [ART]
14/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Fallout crossover | Ordo with a sledgehammer in raider sadist outfit from Fallout 3 |
「Your eyes are shit」 [ART]
17/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Wanted to draw something wholesome with them, or at least, something cute-couple thing to do <3 | Also I'll never get bored of Maze having glasses |
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 21/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Ordo had a few sleepless night after that incident |
「I don't want to go to work, buir!」 [ART]
22/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata | I want to believe that sometimes this certified blanket burrito needs some encouragement to get out of bed, when working in such an overwhelming place like Coruscant |
MAY 2024
「They are cute and they know it」 [ART]
19/05/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Prudii Skirata, Jaing Skirata, A'den Skirata, Kom'rk Skirata | Clone Cadets | They are precious. They are completely innocent. They can't do wrong. No way. Nah-uh. Nope. How can you say such thing! |
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Hey there!
Sorry if this is random, but I found you through the Vivsiepop Critical tag, and I noticed a post where you mentioned something about Viv being like "Glitched Puppet"
Sorry if I'm out of the loop, but who/what is "Glitched Puppet"?
I'm just curious, but feel free not to answer
(On anon because I've already been harassed by hardcore Viv fans and I don't want to be found again. It's just exhausting to deal with them.)
Nah, I'm happy to answer!
Glitchedpuppet is an artist who got their start on DeviantArt, ran a Pokemon group and then a webcomic (one SFW, one NSFW), and like Vivzie, seemed to have everything going for them. They were friends with at least a couple of people in the industry, did guest comics, had merchandising runs. Personality-wise they were very similar to Vivzie, deeply allergic to criticism, but people liked their art and their content.
Then it came out that their husband, Marl, tried to groom kids into fucking the family dog on camera.
Glip and their other partner (who had gained some notoriety for saying child porn shouldn't be illegal) defended Marl at every turn, calling the accusers sluts and liars. They defended him until they couldn't anymore, at which point they changed tactics. Glip divorced Marl, moved away with their other partner, and started painting a picture of themselves as Marl's victim, all the while refusing to divulge information that could lead to Marl facing justice. Their merchandising partner pulled out.
Things have devolved over the years, and long story short, Glip's been caught in scandal after scandal (they admitted to having sex with a dog), incriminating lie after incriminating lie. They now spend all of their time on their discord server, an absolute hot bed of pedophiles, where they regularly engage in ritualistic attack sessions on members. It recently came to light that they actually had sex with multiple dogs and let their cat eat them out.
Here's their Kiwi Farms thread, obligatory warning for all of that, although it's also one of the most left-leaning threads on the farms. If you'd rather not breathe Kiwi Farms air, here's an excellent blog devoted to Glip.
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Hyodo Kumon - Translation [SSR] One Concealed in Light and Darkness (1/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kumon: “So this is the place you’re scoping out, huh? Well, you’ve already failed letting me get behind you so easily.”
Tsumugi: “…You’ve still got a lot to learn if that’s what you think.”
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Kumon: “WHAT!? Was this your tactic to lure me out all along…!”
Sakyo: …Oh? (A street act with Tsukioka and Hyodo Jr.? It looks like they’re playin’ ninjas.)
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Kumon: Ah! “Brother! I’m over here! SAVE ME! BROOOOTHER!”
Sakyo: Huh?
Tsumugi: “Hmph, come at me. I shall send you and your brother to the next world together!”
Audience member A: By brother, does he mean that guy with the glasses?
Audience member A: They’re bringing the audience in—what an amazing show!
Sakyo: You guys… “Geez… aren’t I always telling you your voice is way too loud?”
Kumon: “Sorry ‘bout that, brother!”
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Troupe members: Thank you very much!
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Kumon: That was so fun~! It got super hyped when Sakyo-san joined in!
Sakyo: Good grief… I was only plannin’ on watching as a guest.
Tsumugi: Fufu. It looks like you enjoyed yourself as well though.
Izumi: Great job, you three!
Kumon: Ah, Director! So you were watching, after all!
Sakyo:  After all?
Kumon: I thought I noticed them in the audience part way through~.
Tsumugi: What did you think of our ninja etude?
Izumi: It was really fun! You were just like real ninjas even without the costumes and props…
Kumon: Really!? Yaaay, thanks!
Izumi: Actually, I have a something I’d really like to talk to you three about, seeing as you did a ninja etude…
Kumon: An interactive escape game based on a VR game?
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Izumi: Exactly. Citron-kun, Banri-kun, and Hisoka-san participated in the past by playing spies. Do you remember?
Sakyo: That’s right. That did happen, come to think of it. Was that that job they took on by chance?
Tsumugi: I remember too. If I recall correctly, you participated as a test player, didn’t you, Director?
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Izumi: Yes, that’s right. We received another offer from that very same company… Here’s the proposal.
Sakyo: “Interactive Mystery-Solving Ninja Game”…
Izumi: It appears to be based on a VR game, just like last time.
Kumon: Awesome! Sounds lit!
Tsumugi: So basically, our role is to accompany the players in the game as rookie ninjas, help them solve the riddles and progress through the game.
Izumi: I was planning to discuss with everyone once I got home. But then I spotted you three doing a ninja etude…
Sakyo: And you thought we’d be perfect?
Izumi: I’m just saying—isn’t that an amazing coincidence? Plus the offer was for three people!
Tsumugi: Haha, I can’t argue with that.
Izumi: So… if you don’t mind, won’t you participate?
Kumon: Aw yeah, I’m down! I wanna be a ninja! I was the only lord in Summer troupe’s 5th performance, so I’ve been dying to try playing a ninja!
Tsumugi: I’m interested.
Sakyo: Well, I don’t mind.
Izumi: Alright, it’s settled then! Here’s the script and the character sheets to start you off.
Kumon: What’s the script about?
Izumi: I actually haven’t read it either. I’m going to be a test player again this time.
Tsumugi: Oh, I get it. You’re going to get spoiled if you read it.
Kumon: ‘Kay, look forward to the day of then!
| next
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askmadcomcrew · 8 months
1,500 asks!
Well, would you look at that! We've hit 1,500 asks on the blog (and I still have such a backlog to work through...), that seems like cause for celebration if you ask me!
To celebrate the occasion, Doc has aligned the very busy schedules of a certain crew that have set aside time in their very busy lives to answer questions!
For the next 48 hours, please welcome our very special guests...The Annex Crew! Including your favorites such as...
Bossman, the loyal and hardworking leader of the annex building following the Player's departure from this plane of existence!
Q-Bert, the greedy but lovable quartermaster who is just as eager to sell you overpriced weapons at discount prices as he is to answer your inquiries!
Chopper Dave, who can assure you that he is completely not alcohol today, you'd be happy to hear!
Chef Pava, who is serving up spicy meals and spicy answers!
Dr. Skinner, an expert in medicine and revival tactics, the best surgeon in Nevada next to Doc himself. He always has your back! Nice back, by the way.
And please remember, these guys are only here for the next 48 hours, so use your time wisely! And as always, all of your usual favorites will still be here to answer questions.
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mightyflamethrower · 24 days
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Concerns Mount Over Exploding Electric Vehicles
1 day ago
Guest Blogger
Safety concerns around electric vehicles continue to mount with Australian fire and rescue services in New South Wales stating they might have to make a “tactical disengagement” of a trapped car accident victim if the battery is likely to explode. Australian journalist Jo Nova covered the story, which was first mentioned in the EV blog The Driven, and commented: “They say the first responders need more training as if this can be solved with a certificate, but the dark truth is they’re talking about training the firemen and the truck drivers to recognise when they have to abandon the rescue.”
The Driven, a widely-read blog that seems highly sympathetic to a rollout of EVs, was reporting on recent testimony given to the NSW Government’s Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Batteries Inquiry. The writer suggested that first responders did not have adequate training to deal with electric vehicle collisions, and in the most serious cases, crews could be forced to abandon rescues. One particular area of concern seemed to revolve around the need to extract a trapped casualty quickly after a crash by dragging the person out in a “very undesirable manner”. Fires are a grave risk in any vehicle accident, but they can be quickly brought under control in an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle.
Worries about the potential dangers inherent in EVs is likely to grow as numbers on the roads continue to rise. EV battery explosions can occur very quickly, triggering the release of highly toxic gases. When they roar into thermal overdrive, they create very high temperatures and are very difficult to extinguish. The explosion can occur after almost any collision, or be due to a fault in the initial manufacture. The fire often takes hours to control and it can reignited days after it was thought to be out. With Net Zero fanatics desperate to drive ICE cars off the road in short order, EVs are the only mass private transport solution offered. Many of the issues, including safety, that make them an inferior product compared to petrol-powered combustion cars are often ignored.
Just what can be involved in putting out a fire in an EV was dramatically detailed in a recent press release from the Wakefield Fire Dept in Massachusetts. It was called out to deal with a burning Tesla on a snowy Interstate 95, and reported:
Wakefield Engine 1 and Ladder 1 initiated suppression operations, applying copious amounts of water onto the vehicle. Multiple surrounding mutual aid communities responded as well to support firefighting operations and to create a water shuttle to bring water continually to the scene. Engines from Melrose, Stoneham, Reading, Lynnfield as well as a Middleton water tanker assisted. Firefighters had three 1¾-inch hand lines as well as a ‘blitz gun’ in operation to cool the battery compartment… Lynnfield crews established a continuous 4-inch supply line from Vernon Street up to the highway. The fire was declared under control and fully extinguished after about two and a half hours… The vehicle was removed from the scene after consulting with the Hazmat Unit… The crews did a great job, especially in the middle of storm conditions – on a busy highway.
There is little doubt that EV fires are on the rise. In the U.K., CE Safety runs Freedom of Information checks on local fire brigades and its latest survey shows an alarming rise in conflagrations. In Greater London in the 2017-2022 period, there were a reported 507 battery fires from a number of EV types, but CE Safety found a “gigantic” 219 conflagrations in 2022-23 alone. Lancashire was said to rank second with 15 EV battery fires, but this was 10 more in a single year than recorded in the five years between 2017-2022. Overall “it was concerning” to discover that the number of electric battery fires during 2022-2023 was higher in most areas than the data showed over five years from 2017 to 2022. During that year, 14 buses suffered battery fires.
There was a substantial increase in the number of e-bikes catching fire, with CE Safety noting that lithium is highly flammable and reactive. “Over-charging presents a massive risk to households with lithium-powered vehicles,” the safety organisation observed.
Concern is also rising over the transportation of EVs on car ferries. Recently, Havila Kystruten, which operates a fleet of car ferries around the coast of Norway, has banned the transportation of electric, hybrid and hydrogen vehicles. According to a report in the Maritime Executive, it is the latest step by the shipping industry, “which has become acutely aware of the increasing danger of transporting EV and other alternate fuel vessels”.
Havila’s Managing Director Bent Martini said a risk analysis had shown a fire at sea in a fossil fuel vehicle could be handled by on-board systems. “A possible fire in electric, hybrid or hydrogen cars will require external rescue efforts and could put people on board and the ships at risk,” he said. That of course is the nightmare scenario. If fire breaks out on a ferry making a 20-mile crossing in good weather, the chances of all passengers and crew surviving are good. Less good, perhaps, if fire was to break out and fill the ship with toxic smoke in the middle of a stormy November night while crossing the Bay of Biscay. Chances of survival would be diminished if the high temperatures caused nearby EVs to explode.
Mercifully, we are less and less likely to see such accidents. The list of disadvantages of EVs is lengthening by the day. Environmental concerns about the manufacture and mining of raw materials have been raised, while ‘range anxiety’ is common among drivers. EVs are more expensive than ICE cars, while knackered batteries mean that second-hand values are very poor. For those who would see the back of them, the graph below might provide some comfort.
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This shows the recent decline in the share price of the American car hire giant Hertz. Back in 2021, the company pushed ahead with huge purchases of Teslas. In January it dumped 20,000 of them, and last month pushed another 10,000 onto a sagging second-hand market. Out in the real world – the world where people create wealth by providing what other people actually want – fewer drivers seemed willing to hire them. The share price tells its own sorry story. Meanwhile, EV sales across Europe tend to be driven by unsustainable tax breaks, while the cars are mainly popular with wealthy people as a second or third city runabout. An enforced political adoption of EVs is likely to destroy vast swathes of the European car industry, unable to compete with cheap Chinese imports.
If the aim is to take away personal transport for the masses, EVs are an excellent idea. Whether that will ultimately play well at the ballot box is another matter.
Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor.
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I would not be able to sleep at night knowing I had a ticking time bomb parked in my garage.
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ajcook0622 · 2 months
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Link Building: Building Digital Bridges
Link Building is a strategic process of acquiring high-quality backlinks (inbound links) from reputable and relevant websites to improve a website's authority, credibility, and search engine rankings. The quality and quantity of backlinks play a crucial role in determining a website's perceived value and authority by search engines. Key aspects of Link Building include:
Quality Backlinks: Obtaining backlinks from authoritative, industry-related websites with high domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) signals to search engines that your website is a trusted and valuable resource.
Natural Link Acquisition: Focusing on natural link acquisition through content creation, outreach, guest blogging, influencer collaborations, and partnerships rather than resorting to manipulative or spammy tactics.
Anchor Text Optimization: Using relevant and descriptive anchor text when linking to your website from external sources to indicate the context and relevance of the linked content.
Diverse Link Profile: Building a diverse link profile with a mix of do-follow and no-follow links, a variety of anchor texts, and links from different types of websites (blogs, news sites, directories, social platforms, etc.).
Competitor Analysis: Analyzing competitor backlink profiles to identify potential link opportunities, industry trends, and best practices for effective link building strategies.
Strategic link building enhances website authority, boosts search engine rankings, and drives referral traffic from external sources. However, to maximize the impact of link building efforts, it must be integrated with a robust content marketing strategy.
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coseodesignsseo · 2 months
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The Ultimate Guide to Generating Backlinks for Enhanced Website Rankings
Backlinks remain a crucial factor influencing website rankings. Simply put, backlinks are links from one website to another, and they serve as a vote of confidence in the eyes of search engines. However, not all backlinks are created equal. To achieve better website rankings, it's imperative to understand the best practices for generating high-quality backlinks. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the most effective strategies to acquire backlinks that boost your website's authority and visibility.
Understanding the Importance of Backlinks
Before delving into strategies for generating backlinks, let's underscore why they matter. Search engines like Google consider backlinks as indicators of a website's credibility, relevance, and authority within its niche. Websites with a robust backlink profile tend to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), leading to increased organic traffic and visibility. Additionally, backlinks facilitate crawling and indexing of web pages, allowing search engines to discover and understand your content more efficiently.
1. Create High-Quality, Shareable Content
Content is King: Crafting Compelling Assets
Creating high-quality, shareable content lies at the heart of any successful backlink strategy. Content that educates, entertains, or solves a problem for your target audience is more likely to attract backlinks naturally. Invest in producing comprehensive guides, informative articles, captivating infographics, or engaging videos that resonate with your audience's interests and needs.
Leverage Content Promotion
Merely creating stellar content isn't enough; you must also promote it effectively. Share your content across social media platforms, engage with relevant online communities and influencers, and reach out to industry websites or blogs for potential collaborations or guest posting opportunities. The more exposure your content receives, the higher the likelihood of attracting backlinks from authoritative sources.
2. Harness the Power of Guest Blogging
Strategic Outreach: Building Relationships
Guest blogging remains a potent tactic for acquiring high-quality backlinks while establishing thought leadership and expanding your online presence. Identify reputable websites or blogs within your niche that accept guest contributions. Craft well-researched, insightful articles that add value to their audience while subtly incorporating links back to your own website. Building genuine relationships with editors or website owners can lead to recurring guest blogging opportunities, further enhancing your backlink profile.
3. Explore Broken Link Building
Turning Setbacks into Opportunities
Broken link building involves identifying broken or outdated links on external websites and offering your own content as a replacement. Start by prospecting for websites relevant to your niche that contain broken links. Reach out to the website owner or webmaster, politely informing them of the broken link, and suggest your content as a suitable replacement. This mutually beneficial approach not only helps the website owner fix broken links but also earns you valuable backlinks in return.
4. Engage in Resource Link Building
Positioning Your Content as a Valuable Resource
Resource link building involves creating comprehensive, informative resources such as industry reports, whitepapers, or curated lists that serve as valuable references for your target audience. Reach out to relevant websites, blogs, or online directories in your niche, offering your resource for inclusion. Websites are more likely to link to resources that provide genuine value to their audience, thereby enhancing your backlink profile.
5. Foster Relationships with Influencers and Industry Experts
Collaborative Partnerships: Amplifying Your Reach
Building relationships with influencers and industry experts can open doors to valuable backlink opportunities. Engage with influencers through social media, attend industry events or webinars, and offer to contribute expert insights or interviews for their content. By aligning your brand with reputable figures in your niche, you not only gain exposure to their audience but also increase the likelihood of earning backlinks from their websites or social media profiles.
Generating backlinks remains a cornerstone strategy for enhancing website rankings and driving organic traffic. By prioritizing the creation of high-quality content, leveraging guest blogging opportunities, exploring innovative tactics such as broken link building and resource link building, and nurturing relationships with influencers and industry experts, you can build a robust backlink profile that propels your website to greater visibility and authority within your niche.
Q1: How many backlinks do I need to improve my website's rankings? A: There's no definitive answer as the quantity of backlinks is less important than their quality. Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites relevant to your niche.
Q2: Are paid backlinks a viable option for improving rankings? A: While it may be tempting to purchase backlinks, it's not recommended as search engines like Google penalize websites engaged in manipulative link schemes. Opt for organic methods to acquire backlinks and prioritize quality over quantity.
Q3: How long does it take to see the impact of backlinks on my website's rankings? A: The impact of backlinks on rankings can vary depending on various factors such as the authority of the linking site, the relevance of the content, and the competitiveness of your niche. Generally, you may start noticing improvements within a few weeks to months, but consistent efforts are key to long-term success.
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thepmmmwitchproject · 11 months
Manga Witches: Part Six
This is the sixth post of the nameless manga witch series! This part is the start of the gaggle of witches that were created by Minou during the climax of Tart Magica! All of these witches were done alongside with @honestlyboringperson!
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First on the list is Torlonia, the witch of accumulation with an inescapable nature, a witch that loves rare and beautiful things, it keeps them all in discarded cages, where it'll glance at time to time, it especially loves anything related to magical girls, whether it be meguca, soul gems, grief seeds, familiars, incubators, or even other witches, it won't stop until its part of her collection, an inevitable process. The witch keeps her most prized items in the cages on her own body.
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Aliénor, the witch of etiquette with a nitpicking nature. She takes the form of two large porcelain hands, though one appears to missing. The barrier is of a beautiful and extravagant feast. The witch feeds a giant porcelain doll, whether its a familiar or not is unknown. If you come in, it will mistake you as a guest and sit you down, if you even move a muscle, she will tear you apart see it as rude and disgraceful. She detests other witches, finding them disgusting and will slam giant silverware in them if she even catches a whiff of their presence. The first hand is revealed to have been shattered by the doll in one of its raging tantrums, eventually the doll will break the other as well, so its best to do nothing about it.
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Ganbatar, the squire witch. Its nature is machismo, once a humble socialite, this witch despises her own weakness and looks to overcome it, indulging in a life of grueling dieting and exercise. The armor she wears is a nearly-indestructible heirloom of a hero from her past, and she hopes one day to be just as big and strong as they were. The only way to defeat this witch is in an honorable, one-on-one duel, presided over by the armor’s lower half and helmet. Any attempts to use sneak attacks or group tactics will have the offending parties stomped to death by the armor’s mighty foot. If you manage to defeat her in combat, her armor shall become yours, whether you want it to or not.
(This witch was written by @thevideogameraptorboggle-blog rather than me and @honestlyboringperson)
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Lorelei, the witch of Melusine with an alluring nature, it has the ability to hide in even the most shallow bodies of water, singing a siren song luring in possible suitors. It has the ability to speak, but only in water, striking meaningful conversation with the suitor, giving them reason to return back time and time again. After some time, it will claim to gather up the courage to appear to them as a beautiful woman, the suitor too distracted to notice the louse-like lower half, will go in for a kiss once sealed, the true fish form of this witch appears and swallows the victim whole, parasitizing off their lifeforce until they find their next suitor. There is the possibility that Lorelei will fall in real love with their suitor during the first phase, when the point comes, their kiss destroying Lorelei's grief, allowing her to pass on. For aversive suitors or attackers, it will give them a quick jab with their magical spear, if the victim survives, it will then use the much larger spear possessed by its true fish form instead.
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Jill, the witch of accusations with a repenting nature. It's guilty of a crime it cannot remember. To redeem itself, it listens in to the clamoring of her prisoners, gossiping about the accusations judged from passerby's appearances, this almost never true, still the witch will send form gallows to lock the victim and have them starve away for their crimes. If one is actually guilty of the rumored crimes, the weight on Jill's shoulders will be lifted and will be defeated without interference.
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Tonne, the schandmantel witch with a merry nature. Despite insults, shame, and rotten food, are flung at it by its familiars, its dulled senses and drunken whimsy drown out the humiliation. It happily trollops through the barriers, flinging the heavy iron balls attached to her barrel body, hitting all who are too slow to notice. If attacked, it'll spit out a stream of corrosive ale on those near it, even the ale's scent can cause one to lose their sense of being and become mindlessly shameless like the witch.
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Tolosa, the bauble witch with a materialistic nature. A witch that shines high in the sky, it refracts light from the sun to take down her enemies with. It assimilates anything glittery or shiny to make itself dazzle like it once it did at some point in its life. Within her body, curses gather that erode her body so she spreads them in hopes of staying pure. This is counterproductive as her single-minded selfishness attracts more curses and she erodes anyway. The seventh part will continue on the witches seen in this big battle!
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Mastering SEO: Tips and Tricks for Online Success
In today's digital age, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a cornerstone of online success. Whether you're a small business owner, a content creator, or a marketer, understanding SEO tips and tricks is essential for improving your website's visibility and driving organic traffic. In this article, we'll delve into some expert tips and tricks to help you master SEO and boost your online presence.
Keyword Research and Optimization Start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover relevant keywords with decent search volumes and low competition. Incorporate these keywords strategically into your website's content, including titles, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the body text. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact user experience and lead to penalties from search engines.
Create High-Quality, Relevant Content Focus on creating valuable, engaging, and informative content that addresses your audience's needs and interests. Use a variety of content formats such as articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive elements to cater to different preferences. Regularly update your content to ensure it remains fresh and relevant, as search engines favor recent and up-to-date information.
Optimize Website Structure and Navigation Ensure your website has a clear and intuitive structure that allows both users and search engines to navigate easily. Use descriptive and SEO-friendly URLs, organize content into categories and subcategories, and implement breadcrumbs for enhanced navigation. Optimize your website's loading speed by compressing images, using caching techniques, and minimizing unnecessary scripts and plugins.
Mobile-Friendly Design With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial for SEO success. Use responsive design principles to ensure your website looks and functions seamlessly across various screen sizes and devices. Test your website's mobile-friendliness using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test tool and make necessary optimizations.
Optimize Meta Tags and Descriptions Craft compelling and descriptive meta titles and meta descriptions that accurately represent your content and entice users to click. Include relevant keywords naturally in your meta tags but avoid over-optimization. Use schema markup to provide additional context to search engines and improve the visibility of rich snippets in search results.
Earn Quality Backlinks Focus on earning high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant websites in your industry or niche. Create shareable content that naturally attracts backlinks, such as comprehensive guides, case studies, original research, or unique insights. Participate in guest blogging, collaborate with influencers, and leverage social media platforms to amplify your content and attract backlinks organically.
Monitor and Analyze Performance Use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and third-party SEO platforms to track your website's performance, traffic sources, keyword rankings, and user behavior. Analyze data regularly to identify areas for improvement, capitalize on successful strategies, and adapt to algorithm changes and market trends.
Stay Updated and Adapt
SEO is constantly evolving, with search engines updating their algorithms and ranking factors regularly. Stay informed about industry trends, algorithm updates, and best practices through reputable SEO blogs, forums, webinars, and conferences. Continuously adapt your SEO strategies and tactics to align with current best practices and ensure long-term success.
By implementing these SEO tips and tricks, you can enhance your website's visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately achieve your online goals. Remember that SEO is an ongoing process that requires dedication, monitoring, and adaptation, but the rewards in terms of improved search rankings and increased visibility are well worth the effort.
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softloomitsolutions · 3 months
How to Guarantee Your Pages Appear in Search Results?
In today's digital world, showing up in search engine results is crucial for online success. Whether you run a business, blog, or personal website, being visible on search engines like Google can significantly boost your traffic and engagement. However, getting your pages to appear in search results requires careful planning and optimization. In this detailed guide, we'll discuss actionable steps to ensure your pages are visible to your target audience.
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Understand Search Engine Indexing
Before optimizing your pages, it's important to understand how search engines work. Web pages are indexed and scanned by search engines using automated programs called crawlers or spiders. Each time a crawler crawls a page, it collects information about its structure and content. Once indexed, pages become eligible to appear in search results when users enter relevant queries.
Create High-Quality Content
Quality content is key for SEO success. Create relevant, valuable content that meets the needs of your audience. Integrate popular keywords related to your niche into your content naturally by conducting keyword research. Aim to provide helpful information, answer common questions, and address pain points to attract both users and search engines.
Optimize On-Page Elements
Optimizing on-page elements is crucial for improving your search visibility. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and URL structures to make them clear, concise, and keyword-rich. Use descriptive anchor text for internal and external links, and ensure your content is well-formatted for readability and accessibility.
Utilize Schema Markup
Search engines can better understand the context of your content when you use schema markup. By implementing schema markup on your pages, you can provide additional information such as product details, reviews, and events. This can enhance the visibility and appearance of your pages in search results, leading to higher click-through rates.
Build Quality backlinks
Quality backlinks are an important ranking factor for search engines. Make sure your backlinks come from reputable and relevant websites in your industry. This can be done through outreach, guest blogging, content partnerships, and networking with influencers. Avoid spammy tactics and prioritize quality over quantity when building backlinks.
Monitor and Analyze Performance
Once you've optimized your pages, it's essential to monitor their performance in search results. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track organic traffic, impressions, click-through rates, and keyword rankings. Identify areas for improvement and continue refining your SEO strategy to maintain and improve your visibility over time.
By following these steps and staying informed about best practices in SEO, you can ensure that your pages appear prominently in search engine results. Remember that SEO is an ongoing process that requires patience, consistency, and adaptability. With dedication and effort, you can maximize your online visibility and attract valuable traffic to your website. Read more at : The 5 Common SEO Issues and How to Fix Them
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lewis-winters · 3 months
Day 15: Reality
Part of my OC-tober 2022 (that will get fucking finished in 2024 so help me god)! Yes! Another Baldur’s Gate fic ft. my Tav, Pasiphaë Elago on the HBO War Blog! I have too many feelings about this stupid game, the characters in it, and the little guy I made to go with them! Implied Bloodweave and Shadowheart/Nocturne. Because I care Them.
tw: Astarion’s whole backstory; some symptoms of derealization disorder—Pasiphaë has experience with this derealization and conducts some grounding techniques that are specific to Astarion’s preferences, to help him come back to himself; it sounds bleak, but it’s a really gentle sort of fic; mentions of Gale and Shadowheart’s own PTSD, though only fleeting
Pasiphaë comes home to a tressym in her foyer and a vampire on her couch.
“One of those times, yes?” Pasiphaë asks of Miss Tara, who only mrrps in affirmative. She gives the doting feline a scritch behind her ears in lieu of thanks. “Will you tell Gale that I have him, then? I’m sure he’ll worry.”
Tara meows in begrudging acquiescence, slightly annoyed at being told what to do with only an implication of a please in the request. Still, she shakes her wings and stretches very big, before trotting out the door, bushy tail held high.
“You’re both so lucky to have Miss Tara looking out for you,” Pasiphaë says, amused. “Looking out for all of us, I mean. I have a feeling she thinks we’re all her kittens, now, though Gale remains to be her favorite. Yesterday, I caught her grooming Shadowheart’s fringe while she slept just on the spot across from you. It was very cute.”
No reply—that’s alright. She’d begun talking less for the conversation, really, and more for just the noise. Astarion knows this. He’s become rather familiar with the tactics that she’d found useful back in her youth, when reality slipped her grasp as often as it does for him, now. Noise is a good start, and narration is even better. A good reminder of where they are and what the day had looked like.
“The garden is coming in nicely. Shadowheart has a bit of a green thumb, who knew?” she continues, puttering about her home, shedding this and that as she prepares for a nice night in. Silently, two crimson eyes stare out at her from the shadows beneath the cozy, weighted blanket Pasiphaë had been contemplating laundering, but never came around to it. It’s a particularly sought after item by all the guests of her home, after all. Just the other week, Gale was under there, too, deliriously exhausted by his magic returning after so long without. Yesterday, Shadowheart and Nocturne had shared it for an afternoon nap. Last month, when Lae’zel had jez'rathki’d with Xan in tow, the little gith baby had found the wool to be fascinatingly soft, babbling and drooling as his chubby hands kneaded at its folds. Hells, she’s pretty sure Jaheira had used it, too, when she had taken a detour into Waterdeep during one of her Harper missions, to see how they were holding up.
It must smell of everyone, now.
He may never admit it, but Pasiphaë knows Astarion finds that particularly comforting.
“We have too many zucchinis, of course. It’s a devil plant, that one,” she says, finally shedding her boots. “Too much yield. I’m going to have to give away a few baskets full—would Morena like them, do you think? Oh, what am I saying? of course she will; I’ll make sure she gets the nicest ones. I’m going to make some cheesy zucchini bread with the first harvest, though. Gale said he’ll interplanar deliver it to Karlach and Wyll tomorrow, alongside other supplies. Do you want to help me make it?”
No reply, again. But there is a shuffle, like someone preparing to stand.
Pasiphaë doesn’t bother to see if her follows her to the kitchen. He will. The kitchen is always a reliable delight for all the senses, and being in there, working with your hands, is a sure-fire way to, at the very least, focus on the present. It’s another technique of hers that Astarion’s found effective, perhaps because it reminds him of watching Gale cook. The Dekarios Tower kitchen has become a sort of sanctum for them all, after a few weary breakfasts were had around its round table, post rather eventful nights out, all in the name of sating a bored vampire’s curiosity. It became habit, then; if they’re in the mood to disturb their wizard, it was his kitchen they’d hung around. Scratch has a permanent dog flap in there, too, despite Gale’s protests. He’s a scrap stealing pup, but their wizard has always had a soft heart.
Pasiphaë’s own kitchen might not be as big or as lively, but it was just as well-loved. She hosts them one by one in it, sometimes, when they’re all feeling like shit. Which is often, though she doesn’t mind as much as she pretends to. It’s all like clockwork, see? She’s been adventuring enough to know that saving the world is only half the battle; it’s what happens after that the real struggle begins.
For Gale, it was the difficulty of coming back to a home so unchanged when you’ve been so irrevocably altered.
For Shadowheart and Astarion, it was the making of a home after escaping an entire existence of previous torment.
For Pasiphaë, it was the quaintness, the domesticity after constant doom. Always looking over her shoulder, wondering if it will fall apart any time soon with the next crisis.
Often times, peace feels like a dream.
It’s no surprise to her that Astarion feels like he is constantly trapped in one.
But it’s no alarming matter. Pasiphaë knows this, too. He may be falling back on old habits, retreating back into that space in his head he’d lived in for all those years of torment, but the world about him has changed drastically. He’s not there, any more. He needn’t fear starvation or abuse any longer. There are blankets, now, that smell of his most trusted people. And kitchens, filled with friends who will stay up all night just to keep him company. He'll come back to them on his own time, at his own pace. And they will be waiting.
Pasiphaë puts Astarion on washing duty. The cold water of the tap and the rough soil he must scrub away from the harvest are good sensations to ground him even further. Some of it splashes unto the blanket he’d dutifully dragged in here with him, but Pasiphaë doesn’t call him out on it. Instead, she lets her mouth run, allowing her stream of consciousness to fill the air between them.
It goes on for a while—Pasiphaë knows, when given the chance, she’s just as bad as Gale—but she does run out of things to say, once the dough is resting on the counter. They’re sitting at her table, now, a breakfast nook by an open bay window, when Astarion blinks. And blinks again. Hard, like he’s trying to see how many colors he can summon behind his eyelids.
“Tell me something real,” he requests of her, then. Quiet.
You are safe, Pasiphaë wants to say. You are loved.
She doesn’t.
Instead, she settles on something concrete and simple. “It’s going to rain soon. Do you smell the ozone in the air? The way the earth seems to call to the sky?”
Without meeting her eyes, Astarion answers; “Yes. I smelled it on the way here.”
“I love that smell. I love the rain. It makes music with water. You’ll hear it soon.” Gently, she reaches out and touches the back of his hand. An invitation. “I’m happy to spend this rainy night with you.”
Carefully, slowly, Astarion turns his hand over until he is holding hers as tightly as he can.
Me, too, goes unsaid, as they wait for the rain to come.
I’ve come to realize that I do have to do a descriptive piece for Pasiphaë, now, since I have no idea how to use the photo mods to show her to you guys. So... I’m putting that in the to write list. I have made a mood board for her, though! I’ll post it with the piece.
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