#grunya sukhareva
susansontag · 1 year
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today on forgotten herstory is jewish psychiatrist grunya sukhareva, pioneering researcher on autism in children, who lived and worked in the soviet union. her work was likely read by hans asperger and leo kanner, who neglected to credit her
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i-am-a-megalodon · 8 months
today i learned about grunya sukhareva, whose autism research was way ahead of her time. she founded several schools to help autistic children learn social and motor skills through gymnastics, drawing and woodworking classes, field trips, and more.
maybe if her work didn’t get plagiarized (possibly) by hans asperger and used by him for the purpose of eugenics, the world would have a better outlook on autistic people.
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jewlwpet · 2 years
Episode 3 of Extraordinary Attorney Woo was pretty good imo. I might upload some screenshots from it later.
But it was incorrectly stated in the episode that Nazi collaborator Hans Asperger was the first researcher to study autism. Actually, the first researcher to study autism was a Jewish woman, Grunya Sukhareva, who lived and worked in the Soviet Union.
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nesyanast · 7 months
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Grunya Efimovna Sukhareva (11 November 1891 – 26 April 1981) was a Soviet child psychiatrist. She was the first to publish a detailed description of autistic symptoms in 1925.
The article was created almost two decades before the case reports of Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner, which were published while Sukhareva's pioneering work remained unnoticed. As Sukhareva’s autism research was translated and published in German-language journals within a year of its domestic publication in Russian, there existed no serious barrier to access of these materials by Asperger and Kanner.
The autism researcher Hans Asperger likely chose not to cite her work, due to his affiliation with the Nazi Party and her being a Jewish woman in the Soviet Union.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Shared from the Facebook of longtime activist Giraffe Party.
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Reviving a post from last year…
Just because there were less people being identified as - let alone diagnosed - as autistic before last year, or ten years ago, or 99+ years ago doesn't mean the ratio of autistic to non-autistic people has drastically changed... it only means the ratio of formally diagnosed autistic people to informally identified autistic and non-autistic people has changed.
Inspired by an older meme involving a mountain, I decided to put another spin on this because I love me some space humor (and it's a bit more chronologically appropriate than the mountain)...
(For the record… the first “official” known diagnoses of autism - “Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact” - was in an article by Leo Kanner, published in 1943. And two decades prior, Grunya Sukhareva was leading the way in identifying autism — see link in comments.)
[Image Description - Square image with black background and a colorized photograph of Pluto in the center. The terrain is shown in mostly shades of white and grey, with some ice blue at the very top left section of the sphere and bright reds merging into deeper, richer red shades from the middle left to bottom left and center of the sphere. Text is seen above and below the photograph. The text is a medium sky blue serifed font.
Text above the photograph reads:
"'There was no autism diagnosed before 1930.'"
Text below the photograph reads:
"Pluto was first identified in 1930.
Pretty sure it's been around a lot longer than that."]
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can't believe no one told me the first person to publish a study of autism (roughly 20 years before Asperger) was a Ukrainian Jewish woman named Grunya Sukhareva. that scum Asperger would have been well aware of her work but choose not to cite her studies in his research. probably because she was Jewish.
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floralfantasy · 2 years
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Grunya Efimovna Sukhareva (11th November 1891- 26th April 1981 ) Was a Soviet child psychiatrist who was born in Ukraine and worked in both Russia and Ukraine . She published a detailed description of autism in 1925 . Her work is remarkable in the kindness she showed the children she worked with and rich description of their strengths.
Her work was ahead of its time and has been compared to the modern description of autism in the DSM 5.
Follow us on Twitter @AACritPsy
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dokyeomini · 9 months
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fouralignments · 10 months
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actuallypsychology · 4 years
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It’s okay Grunya, I will always remember you.
The other day I was talking to an individual that insisted that there were no female subjects in the original studies on autism. After delving into the data of these three, I can say this is not true! For the ~74 individuals diagnosed at Asperger’s clinic, 4 were girls which is not great odds. In the more popular Kanner original in 1943 study, 3 of 11 participants were girls so we’re getting warmer. Sukhareva knocked it out of the park, with 5 out of 11 participants being girls. There is definite problems with neurosexism and how we research/treat/diagnose autistic women, but it’s nice to know there was a female presence contrary to some misconceptions.
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shotfromguns · 5 years
okay so “asperger’s” is regardless a bullshit ableist splinter diagnosis from autism that serves no purpose but to reinforce the idea that there’s such a thing as “mild” autism but
i mean we know why but jesus fucking christ
there’s a petition here to at least change the name to instead honor Grunya Sukhareva, the jewish soviet woman who actually first described autism
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moontheoretist · 6 years
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go-go-devil · 4 years
A Short History of the Woman Who First Defined Autism
Hey, I would like to send an important message to all of my fellow autistics on this website. It turns out that there was a woman who studied and properly defined what autism was about twenty years before Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger did, yet she’s not getting nearly enough credit for her research and is largely unknown here in the West.
Her name is Grunya Efimovna Sukhareva.
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Dr. Sukhareva was a Ukrainian child psychologist who was born on November 11th, 1891, and died on April 26, 1981.
In 1925, she published a vividly detailed description of what she referred to as “autistic” traits in the behavior of several boys. Her paper was translated to German, but never got an English translation until 1996. She firmly (and correctly) believed that autism was rooted in brain development, and was even one of the first people to separate the condition from schizophrenia, which was something that the DSM-5 did not officially do until the 1980’s.
Now mind you, her findings were published over a decade before either Dr. Leo Kanner or Dr. Hans Asperger knew of her paper. While it’s still unknown whether Kanner had ever read her paper, there is evidence that Asperger may have used some of her observations for his paper without crediting her, as it had been translated into German at the time. The reason for leaving her uncredited could possibly have been because doing so in Nazi-occupied Austria would have gotten him arrested considering he’d be using the research of a Jewish woman, but I digress.
Dr. Sukhareva dedicated her life to helping children with mental disorders, and I feel awful that I never knew about this until I saw a random old article pop up on my search engine tab. She had claimed that her goal when working with these children was to help them “stay connected with real life, its tempo and movement,” to help them adapt to the world instead of trying to cure them like most other medical professionals did, and yet we had to have our disorder be named after a Nazi who had supported the euthanization of children...
Anyway, here’s the article where I found this information. It’s a good read, and even goes into some detail about two other leading researchers of ADS that Kanner had ripped off.
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echologname · 4 years
Petition to change the name for Asperger’s Syndrome
Yes, Hans Asperger did lots of research on neurodiverse individuals but 18 years before he published his definition of autistic psychopathy in 1944, a female Soviet Jew neurologist named Grunya Sukhareva published her research on the subject in 1926.
Asperger did not directly kill any kids but he did send some to the Am Spiegelgrund clinic knowing they could be likely be euthanised. I know remembering the mistakes of the past is important and the historical circumstances which surrounded those events but to send a child to a place where they may be killed is very disturbing and I'm disgusted with Asperger's Nazi involvement. February 18th, his birthday, is even declared International Asperger's Day which supposedly is intended to raise awareness and consequently increase understanding of this area of neuro-uniqueness. He may have been one of the few people who actually attempted to understand why some people behaved differently and his research did prove to crucial in the progress of understanding and increasing Autism acceptance BUT he clearly didn't care about the lives and well being of his patients. The idea of a day dedicated to aneurotypical pride is nice but I don't believe the diagnosis, "Asperger's Syndrome," or International Asperger's Day should center around glorifying this man.
It's unsettling to have this name attached to my identity and I would much prefer to have my diagnosis named after Grunya Sukhareva. Preferably without, "Syndrome," in the name because autism is NOT associated with any pathogens (disease causing microorganisms), unlike Down syndrome and Andersen Syndrome. Neurodiversity is just like racial or gender/sexual diversity, you don't say someone has gay syndrome or white syndrome, they were just born that way and the same goes for neurodivergent individuals.
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if you wanna know more for that OC, maybe check out "neurotribes" by Steve Silverman. its a book on the history of autism (tho be sceptical when reading his descriptions of hans asperger; the book seems to have been written before it was known that he was responsible for multiple deaths. other than that, its a good book and might be helpful)
Oh yeah, my dad has a copy. I think I read a few chapters, but never got around to reading the whole thing in full. I'll have to ask if he can lend it to me at some point.
(And yes, it was written before Asperger's associations with the Nazis came to light.)
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lovely-dovey-hovey · 2 years
It’s pretty neat how almost all of the early Autism researchers were Jewish and treated their Autistic patients with care. But then Hans Asperger came and likely plagiarized work and for sure supported eugenics.
Names to actually know and care about in relation to Autism:
Grunya Sukhareva
George Frankl and Anni Weiss
Leo Kanner
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