#good observations anon
scienter · 4 months
Do you think Caroline Forbes is the Amy March of TVD? Going from the girl who felt second to Elena in everything her whole life to becoming the woman who stood her ground and refused to settle for less even though she always loved Stefan like Amy loved Laurie,it does seem like the writers took inspiration from Little Women for the portrayal of Caroline in terms of her relationship with Stefan.But then, at times, it felt like TVD was pulling a Jo March with Caroline especially with the whole Caroline- settling-for-an-older-professor-of-German-origin as a last resort (not taking into consideration the actress's real life pregnancy being incorporated in the narrative) quite like what Louisa May Alcott did with her central heroine,almost out of spite,since all the fangirls demanded Jo must have a love interest similar to TVD fandom's desire to see Caroline with their preferred man.
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That's an astute comparison, anon. I think you're on to something. Your Caroline-Amy comparison makes sense in regards to Greta Gerwig's 2019 adaptation of Little Women because in Gerwig's version Laurie marries Amy because he's fallen in love with her. In other adaptations, Laurie settles for Amy because he can't be with Jo.
I can see what you mean with the Caroline-Jo comparison as well considering so many fans were against Stefan and Caroline's relationship.
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beescake · 4 months
your sollux is singlehandedly dredging up years-old memories of how much i like this guy- keep up the awesome work >:)
im delighted AHH i love seeing ppl returning to hs w/ fresh eyes for sollux!!! he's still as good as ever they literally dont make characters like him anymore
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boyfridged · 1 year
You may have already mentioned this in some of your other metas, and I just missed it, so please ignore this if it's redundant.
Do you think Bruce is projecting onto Jason by pushing him as a Robin? Obviously, Jason wanted to be Robin and was excited about it, and Bruce let Jason do other things, but (if I'm not mistaken) before Tim came into play, solidifying the whole Batman needs a Robin/support to keep him upright, Bruce and Dick becoming Batman and Robin, in the beginning, was also sort of a coping mechanism.
I think there are a few examples of Bruce enabling this kind of mindset. Like in Gotham Knights #43–44 (sorry), every time Barbara brings up Jason's inner turmoil, Bruce refocuses on his ability as a Robin; similarly, when Jason finds out about Two-Face and his dad, he is hurt, and Bruce acknowledges that but then does the same thing, zeroing in on reassuring Jason that he made a mistake but is still a good Robin.
Like, Jason got it from Bruce, but he unintentionally encouraged that kind of thinking.
oh, i definitely think that bruce is projecting on jason and that it profoundly affected jay. and, while every single one of your observations is apt, i would add that what truly made it so tragic is that he projected his own worst traits on jason while being blind to the fact that jay already shared his best qualities.
tldr: bruce projects himself on jason in terms of grief (saying that jason needs vigilantism to work his grief through) and sees his own worst traits in jason (anger) but doesn't see his own best traits in jay (compassion, love, and sensitivity). ironically, jason does end up developing all of the (projected) worst characteristics of bruce (obsessiveness, and relentlessness in pursuit of the respective perceived idea of justice). this happens even though they were barely present in his early storylines, and only ever manifested when jason was scared or lost. later, they truly came to be because of his trauma relating to vigilantism.
and the long, long version, coming with panels and quotes: under the cut.
first i want to say that the following analysis focuses very specifically on bruce's mistakes, but i don't view the overall of jay's upbringing by bruce solely in these terms. from text it is also clear that bruce deeply loves and cares about jay, and that jay enjoys being robin. now that this is clear, let's get to particularities, and start with jay's origin story.
i truly never stop thinking about the significance of bruce meeting jay in the crime alley, the place of his parents' death. there's a lot to be said about it, but here the focus is, of course, on the fact that he sees a little boy, very much similar to himself, angry and hurt, in the same scenery that brought him so much grief. and jay in some ways does appear to be a mirror of bruce's own agonies, as well as a mirror of his own inclination for seeking justice; and somehow, bruce fixates on the first one, while almost completely dismissing the latter.
bruce looks at him and assumes that the remedy to jason's pain and anger is being robin; and he doesn't stop to think about it. (it has to be noted that there's also classism at play, classism that is mostly a result of writers' own beliefs – collins did state in a couple of interviews that that the motivation behind jason's background was to make his introduction into vigilantism seem less offensive, as jason has already been exposed to crime...)
i think, in this context, it's interesting to look at the two-face storyline even closer, and from the start too. in the beginning, bruce talks of jason's 'street' roots and assumes jay would go "down the same criminal road that took his father [willis] to an early death." he also talks of jason making a lot of progress. later, in batman #411, after jason learns that willis has been killed by two-face, bruce comments that jay "has never been like this...listless...almost pouting--"
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this all, along with jay's cheerful and diligent behaviour from the previous issue builds an interesting picture for us: because we essentially learn that jay has been overall an unproblematic child. bruce, of course, attributes this "progress" to the training. however, for anyone else, the logical conclusion would be that jay's quick adjustment was simply a matter of finding himself in a safe and stable environment and receiving continuous support and attention from a parental figure. i find it rather questionable that jason's personality softened down because he had something to punch in the cave–– the more intuitive explanation is of course that he was angry and quick to fight when they first met because he couldn't afford anything else and because he was scared. but months later, in a loving home, he can allow himself to drop his guard; and his cocky attitude disappears until much later.
so the rather unsettling picture that we derive is that bruce is training jay to become a vigilante in order to "channel" his (nonvisible at this point) anger into something useful and just. and he clearly links this to his own trauma in batman #416 (that’s already starlin btw), in his conversation with dick, explaining why he took jay in: “he’s so full of anger and frustration… he reminds me of myself, just after my parents were killed.” bruce also mentions that soon after their first meeting, jason helped him and "handled himself well" in the fight, but he doesn't mention that jay has ran away from a crime "school" and intended to stop injustice on his own only because he was ignored.
the theme of bruce comparing jay to himself appears again in detective comics #574 (barr), where it is approached with a much more... critical look, thanks to leslie's presence and her skepticism of bruce's actions. after jason has suffered nearly fatal injuries at the hand of the mad hatter, bruce reminisces on his own trauma and motives. he tells leslie: "i didn't choose jason for my work. he was chosen by it...as i was chosen." leslie replies: "stop that! (...) you do this for yourself... you're still that little boy (...)" then, the conversation steers to the familiar ground and the topic of anger. in bruce's words, again: “i wanted to give jason an outlet for his rage…wanted him to expunge his anger and get on with his life…” and finishes "and instead, i may have killed him."
the recognition that bruce's projection on jason and involving him with his work might have fatal consequences is, as always, fast forgotten once jay wakes up and proclaims that he wants to continue his work as robin.
but to circle back, i think there's something else worth our attention, something deeply ironic, that is showcased in that issue: that bruce has no evidence for jay's "rage." when leslie talks of bruce's past, she recalls his tendencies to get into brutal fights at perceived injustice as early as in school; when bruce talks of jason, two pictures that are juxtaposed, are that of jason fighting as robin and jason... smiling, playing baseball.
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so, in the early days of jason's training and work in the field, we see bruce talking of jason's anger a lot; but we barely see it.
that being said, jay is angry sometimes– and i think your observation about how bruce deals with it is incredibly interesting and accurate.
we first see jay truly and devastatingly angry in the two-face storyline. bruce focuses on jay's reaction as robin, which is, in fact, aggressive. but something that he barely addresses is that jason's first reaction is sleeping all day, and not beating anyone to a pulp; in fact, this vengeful instinct seems to arise only when he is put right in front of two-face. and his third instinct, once the rage (very quickly) dies down after the altercation with two-face, is crying, because bruce hid the truth about willis' death from him. jay, while crying, asks bruce: "you have taken me out into combat-- but you spare me this?" in response, bruce lectures jason about how grief inspires revenge, which is, again, deeply ironic, given that jay seeking out revenge seemed to be prompted and enabled solely by the role of robin. moreover, his question suggests that at this point he saw grief ("you spare me this") and fighting as two different things.
the final is, as you said, bruce focusing on making it into a lesson on vigilantism, or, in his own words, "tempering revenge into justice." personally, i think in this way bruce directs jason to bring his grief into the field as a powering force, something that he didn't necessarily have an own incentive to do. the flash of compartmentalisation between his ordinary life and being a sidekick that jay has shown by questioning bruce's decision is lost. emotions are now a robin thing, and they have an (informal) protocol, a moral code. and when jay is confronted with an emotionally exhausting case next – the garzonas case, i believe that the focus on "tempering revenge into justice" is exactly the problem– we don't see jay crying, we see him frantic about finding the solution. this, right there, is bruce's obsessiveness, that in my opinion, was developed in jay specifically as a result of how his engagement with vigilantism combines with his deep sensitivity.
and, needless to say, his sensitivity is all the same as that of bruce – they both can't stand looking at other people hurting, they both wear their hearts on their sleeve, caring way too much – the thing is, bruce never quite acknowledges how they are similar in this matter. instead, he focuses on his sparse bursts of anger, wanting to bring jason closure in his grief the only way he knows it – in a fight for a better world. so, as you said, he focuses on jason's ability as robin.
which just doesn't work for jason. at all. we know it from how his robin run comes to an end: in the first issue of a death in the family (batman #426) alfred informs: “i’ve come upon him, several times, looking at that battered old photograph of his mother and father, crying.”  to that, bruce contends: “in other words, i may have started jason as robin before he had a chance to come to grips with his parents deaths.” he also tells jay that the field is not a place for someone who is hurting; a message that is the opposite of what he's been saying for years now, and something that i imagine was difficult for bruce to conceptualise, because then he would have to question his own unhealthy tendencies. it's a bit late to come to this realisation; bruce's self-projection that caused him to worry so much about jay's anger has already turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy that will fully manifest itself in utrh, when jason does the only thing he was taught to do with grief: try to channel it into justice.
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tinned-beef · 6 days
tua released the s4 teaser at 8pm PST and season 4 is getting released on 8/8. Is there something there? LILA HOURS??? :D
YOOOOO you’re right!!!!! i defintely think they’re implying that lila is their number 8!! from past s3 promos, i assumed she’d be their new 6, but since ben has joined them, 8 makes sense! i can’t WAIT i love lila so much :)
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18th century men be like "I'm fine with cuddling and making out with you because Rome but the SECOND you get hard, I will tell everyone and call you slurs"
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m1d-45 · 8 months
man red and shade make me Insane because first of all. the age stuff. red is the version of diluc right after the whole shit w his 18th birthday while shade is current-day kaeya, so it'd be reasonable to assume that shade is most likely "older" than red bc of timeline stuff, BUT ALSO. like you cannot tell me that they don't completely ignore that and still go by the older-younger dynamic that both of them remember. you simply cannot. add on how apparently diluc was a Bastard Of A Kid, and boom. full dynamic right there.
so anyways what i'm saying is that if you leave them alone together red will absolutely rope shade into whatever scheme he has. like i imagine that they still have to be led into reconciliation with each other at first, but your god personally asking you to talk out your problems and try to reform your relationship with your (technically kind of) estranged brother is a really good motivator it turns out! it makes it easier to leave them alone together, but give it a week and shade is also glaring at diluc whenever he's nearby and oh no red what did you tell him.
i keep on picturing you coming home after a long day of meetings and walking in on red and shade coming up with an elaborate murder scheme (shade is the one making it elaborate. red would rather just go in and Fuck Shit Up) - teddy anon
you understand my vision
putting shade and red together in a room is. one of the ideas you’ve had.
they’re very different from their base selves, but red still holds a strange animosity. he’s diluc with all the anger and none of the time for it to cool, and shade has a permanent guilt lingering in his chest he never can place. he just feels… off around red, and doesn’t really know why.
it takes quite a bit of work to get red to adjust to shade, but the process only burns shade more. it’s complicated, to put it simply, and takes time.
but that time passes. with enough quiet interactions without you there, with enough trust that the other truly has your best interest in mind.. they can connect. red shares the fire that drives him, shade chipping at the ice digging into his heart. they talk around the ashes of your campfire, slowly coming to a conclusion.
once shade and red fully reconcile, it’s… dangerous. shade’s constant need for your attention mixed with red’s need for your safety and immense distrust of anyone but nikki or the other reflections makes for a startlingly effective team. you’re happy they’ve made up, really, but shade seems to be pulling you away from your obligations more often, and red sticks closer to your side than ever. on one hand it’s nice to see them get along, and you do appreciate the affection, but on the other, it’s more than a little concerning. you just hope that nothing bad comes of it..
(you’re a bit too late for that)
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quirinah · 3 months
how do you get your colors to look so nice and your lineart so red and vibrant? i love it
omg anon thank you!! 😭 im going 2 be honest I am Not Great with color theory... but i like having my sketch pages look cohesive to me...
BUCKLE UP this is going to need a readmore bc i like talking.
I always sketch in neon colors it's a habit i picked up from an old teacher but I'll think of a color usually on a whim and draw with that. and then if i want to draw something else ill pick another color that i think goes well with the page. usually most of my color schemes r analogous (colors right next to each other on the wheel)
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yanked this from recent dunmesh post; i kept most of my colors within the pink/red/orange range.
i wouldn't recommend doing everything in monochrome or analogous palettes though because it's sort of a guilty crutch of mine XD.
sometimes when im coloring ill change the layer mode of the sketch. color burn gets you either very very bright or very very deep colors depending on the color of the flats underneath. multiply and linear burn do the same thing but they're a lot tamer and generally always return darker colors. im sure there's some technical bits behind this though. ill either color my lineart afterward to compliment the color of the flats, leave it as is, or mess with layer modes if i feel like it. my favorite trick is color burn + linear burn + some combination of two lineart layers and just fiddling until i get a nice burn effect.
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mithrun was done with crimson red on color burn.
coloring... like 999% of this is relative color which is like. kind of the idea that colors look different when placed next to each other. if you eyeball it a bit it's pretty noticeable.
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what i used to do a bit ago was i would fill in the area i wanted to color with one big mask of color, make a new layer that has a clipping mask down to the flat layer of color, and then draw my actual flat colors. the color of the mask helped me pick my flat colors bc if I picked a color i think stood out too much next to the mask i could kind of just adjust it until it looked a little more cohesive.
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old ish drawing next 2 a canon reference. i ignore local color a lot...mea culpa....but my overall color palette here was a light pink, so the shirt here is actually a desaturated pink? or violet i believe. if you shift sort of that purple color far enough into the gray area of your color wheel it can take on a blueish or even greenish hue. it being next to a lot of warm pinks/fuschias helps.
a neat thing that kind of helps is that if you desaturate or saturate certain colors they can kind of take on a certain hue? not sure if this makes sense. sort of how orange here turns tealish blue the grayer it gets. so if im drawing something that's predominantly orange and i have a blue color i can just take an orange color and desaturate it until i get a color that sort of looks like blue. and that way it kind of looks more harmonious? at least to me XD
shading. i don't apply serious lighting to a lot of my drawings, but a helpful bit is that the shadows tend to be the opposite of whatever color the lighting is? i try to think first about the "mood" or the main color i want to go for in the drawing and then i pick a shadow color opposite of that. so for here, i wanted the lighting to be a coolish magenta so the shadows r lime green. if there's anything off i fiddle around until i get something i like. the shadows on the skin here were too green initially so i shifted them a little more orange.
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there's a "band" of color going on between the transition of the shadows to the light. generally this could be for a lot of reasons and i tend to use it differently (core shadow? overexposure? etc etc). but this is a color post so ill try not to go too off track.
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but generally digital doesn't "mix" colors the same way traditional colors do if you use RGB (cmyk is a bit better with this but is kind of a pain to get used to), so to make blending a little less muddy, i sometimes add an intermediate color to smooth things out a little. for example, mixing digitally blue n yellow tends to get you gray, but generally, blue + yellow makes green, so if im making a blue->yellow transition ill slap some green color in the middle so it flows a little better.
I do a lot more cel shading nowadays. if you've been on here for a while earlier this year i have another style of coloring but it's not really accurate to how shadows really work so i wouldn't recommend looking at it. it's mostly to add zest and texture to the underlying flat colors.
coloring your lineart does a TON to helping your colors look vibrant, though its like the garnish on a dish to me (same with shadows). i think it's good to try and play with your flat colors and try to make sure those look in order first before adding flourishes. usually ill leave it a dark, saturated color that again matches my overall palette but sometimes i go in and color them by alpha locking my lineart layer and picking a color that matches the flat colors underneath? not sure how to explain it properly.
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i used a darkish purple for shuro's ponytail to match the dull red of the flat colors (more relative color! trying to simulate a black/brown while keeping the pink palette there) but a lighter crimson for laios's blond. the light was this super intense like blush pink so i thought it might be cool to add this neon salmon red in the areas of that light to really give off that vibe of a very bright intense rim light.
sometimes you could also tweak with gradient maps or color balance, which adjusts hue based on how light or dark a color is. these r fun to mess with as a final touch but i need to watch using them because they can become crutches real fast XD but those are also just tools to help you. in the end just developing a good sense of how color works and how you want to use it is the best place to start.
LONGASS ramble but yeah. tldr just kind of train ur eye for color and look at what you like best. which is unhelpful and a little sucky but it really is just observation and practice and maybe some personal zest.
happy drawing!
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night-market-if · 1 year
I've read an article before that Interactive fiction (specially text-based ones) are getting popular because "it has something to do with a desire to reclaim a meaningful sense of agency in our lives" and I think a lot of people who plays IF games, all have that mindset when playing and that's why a lot of published games in this type of media are mostly "player-centered". And since the main protagonist in book one still doesn't have that much control in the game's story like most text adventure games, I think most people assumed it was a character-relationships based one and when they still didn't get that much choice in that matter, they got "upset" because they couldn't understand the kind of approach the author's going for, are they telling a story on a 'traditional' print text (where the reader is expectedly passive) or not? There's a lot of IF games that doesn't focused on romance/companionship, which a few successfully deeply branched out the game enough to lose the reader/player's focus on the "romance" part and instead gives more attention to the story more. And I thought too, that with the way that you're creating the Night Market is way different from the norm. It's new to them. So I think it can create some kind of misunderstanding between the author and the readers and it requires a lot of patience from both side to fully understand each other. We're still in Book One after all ^^.
Sorry english isn't my native language hope I explained well 😅. I do love the game! It's just... I've noticed a lot of people can get too attached to characters in IFs because they got to be a part of the story through the MC after all and got to experience being with certain characters, it's expected of them to feel sad when they couldn't continue the relationship because they have different "preferences". For them, It's like trying to salvage a relationship in real life but couldn't and it's heartbreaking 😅. Though IMO that just means the author did a great job in creating well depth characters. Also keep in mind, I think a lot of readers don't fully understand what poly relationships yet, nor a mono-poly relationship. So as I said before we're still in the first book. Book one for me feels more like an introduction to the rest of the series, and I'm looking forward to learn more about the Night Market world because it's just so interesting and unique 😊.
I understand the place people are coming from when they send in their asks. I don't really mind, exactly. Some I delete just because they don't go anywhere or the answer has already been answered a billion times. But, I do get it. I knew what I was getting into when I set these dynamics up. But, I have always come from a place or 'you do not have to read this'. There are a bunch of stories out there that cater to the MC and I think that's great. Those are the stories the author wants to tell. Maybe it's because of my age in life or maybe it's because I read a variety of different types of literature, but I just don't have the same mindset. And that's fine too. It just simply means I will not be changing my mindset in how I write around to someone elses.
It is what it is. Misunderstandings and hurt feelings can happen. I just hope people understand that for as many people who do not like what I am putting out there, there are plenty of others that do. This is not a singular experience and no author should be expected to change what they are writing, due to an individual not being happy with the choices laid out in front of them. I am not a giant company that is getting paid millions to make a game. I am a mom of four, writing on my husband's days off, in an effort to just make the kind of story I would have liked to read.
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hella1975 · 1 year
IM ONE OF YOUR MUTUALS I HOPE YOU RECOGNIZE MY WAY OF TEXT CUZ I WANNA SHARE W YOU HOW TAMS URSA/ZUKO MAKES ME FEEL WITHOUT PUBLICLY EMBARRASSINGLY TALKING ABT MY LIFE. LMAO. BUT ALSO UGHHHH IS THIS PARASOCIAL??? let me know I will back the fuck off. anyways. idk if you have plans to mention Ursa more for tams but like the stuff that was done will HAUNT ME. Like, azulas reactions to her mother remind me of my sibling and zuko was me, sibling was so angry with my mother for what she did to us and their fights got nasty and I guess I reacted like. a child. Idk how else to say it I think I was just a child with a sibling I wanted close even though we'd fight just as bad and a mother I wanted to take care of me. Instead I took care of my mother a lot, it often came to me to convince her to leave her bed. When ursa asked zuko to her room /"my precious boy" scene, I... SOBBED, because my mother did that to me and zukos joy and shyness was literally me. Like my mother's good days were incredibly incredibly few and far between and they were fickle but I always remembered them specifically, I would get giddy with her and it'd feel like change and when it wasn't I became depressed. My sibling became more angry and distrustful from them, they were much smarter like azula while my high hopes kept crashing. I just really want to say that because I resonate SO DEEPLY, with tams ursas story actually soooo so acutely and the only way I can really say that is by explaining how real they feel to me. I left stuff out cuz uhhhhhh this is already really intimate and I feel bad I'm doing this as anon JJDNWKE 😭 SORRYYYYY SORRY. I love tams and actually for real that ursa shits stuck with me ever since I read it <3 im haunted. thank you
'idk if you have plans to mention Ursa more for tams' she is literally one of the main characters imo like the impact she has on zuko and azula is topped only by the impact they have on each other. i consciously write the fire sibs around the images of themselves they have in their head CREATED BY URSA. azula sees herself as cold, calculated and inhumane and her entire arc sees her grappling with that image; all things ursa viewed her as. zuko sees himself as the protector to honour his mother's last words to him, but he's haunted by the gentle, scared boy his mother loved so much. it literally punctuates their entire character arcs and becomes huge as tams goes on. reading your ask is just so heartaching, because it really is so so similar to tams (and that's actually going to increase as we go so be wary of that). no child should have the world dumped on their shoulders even by hands trying very hard to be gentle. i hope you can acknowledge that you were a child and your behaviour would have reflected that. if not, at the very least i hope you find ways to make sense of it as tams goes on x
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bonkobarnes · 12 days
Some subtle Rebecca moments I noticed on rewatch. Cam is so surprised at her ordering a whiskey at 3 pm and Rebecca is just there chilling sipping her gin. In the fight scene when Cam confronts her about Warren you can see Becca turn left and right and feel her coat pockets for something. I took it as her feeling around for a cigarette or something because she’s so overwhelmed and needs a smoke to calm her down.
I haven’t rewatched any of the episodes, but I’m really trying to get some of my friends to watch. So def will look out for this on the rewatch 🫡
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pomellon · 7 months
Logging on to see trophy husband dragon George on my dash was unexpected, not unwelcome, but unexpected. Good for them. Every flight needs one.
He's spoiled and pampered and he's cute enough to deserve it <3
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Ever since finding out a Kirby cafe song compared him to a king(the king and witch’s rendezvous) I’ve been analyzing differences between magolors first phase(where he’s more restrained and elegant) vs his second phase(where he’s more desperate and doing more physical attacks) since he juggles in his second phase I think he goes from a “regal king” to a “desperate jester” ok this was mostly me liking magolors juggling attack he’s so cool I wish they added it in another game
Like, first off, I love self-made king Magolor so much. I love the ambition in him, and how it plays into his design, HIS MUSIC and just...!
But yes! He's all blues and golds (!!) to start, but then he adds this really strong, really deep red into his outfit after the transformation? This is half-remembered info from old books about medieval history when I used to be really into it, but colors like red and purple were often associated with royalty just because the expenses involved/the challenge of dyeing it. (And he even has a teensy bit of purple in his regular outfit!) 
Also, the shape of his hood changes slightly! As tiny Magolor, it is literally a hood, but when he shifts into his 1st phase, it becomes more like a hat/cap, and the gear motif now circles around his head... JUST LIKE A CROWN. (Or coronet/circlet.) So he's doubly crowned. Him doing that to his hood (a personal crown, as opposed to a stolen crown) really gives you the feeling he's trying to transform himself and his image entirely.
...And then everything changes for his second form. Something I was planning on bringing up in my upcoming music post was how much I love the irony of the opening notes of "CROWNED." Like, I'm not great at describing music much more coherently than “I LIKE it!”, but the way the song starts out...it has this feel of an imperial procession/reveal, almost? Like you’ve got trumpets playing and the curtain pulls back and Behold! Here's your king!! Only...
...He's a MONSTER.
Or in this case, a clown.
A sad clown. A twisted marionette. A parody of a jester.
And...okay, I hope you know that by bringing this question up to me in specific, I was going to involve Marx in this discussion somehow, right? XD But I've been doing some thinking about elements of Marx in Magolor's second form.
Magolor’s more rounded now, instead of egg-shaped. The Crown gives him these ethereal, non-standard wings too.
The golden arms of the crown could be a call back to Marx's most unusual arms. And the horns, too. They look like a lot like a jester hat. (Actually, he looks like the character NiGHTS, who is also based around jester imagery.)
...The rest of the Marx imagery goes into HC territory so I’ll cut it here.
While everything Magolor does in his 1st form feels very purposeful (the intricate hand movements) he acts more slow and confused in his 2nd form.
I end up defaulting to Magolor Soul a lot when talking about Magolor, so I want to take a moment here to look at the differences between Magolor Phase 2 and Magolor Soul.
There’s the zombified look of his Soul body, the crown’s constricting tendrils turning into thorns (that’s another Marx parallel, btw, as Marx uses roses) and the color of the gem, but one of the more subtle changes, yet one of the most telling, is that his magic sigil differs between the two forms. Soul has a unique magic sigil, polygonal and static (indicating Magolor’s kinda...GONE) but Phase 2 still uses Magolor's personal magic sigil!
You get the feeling that maybe...Magolor may still be in partial control during Phase 2...? That while Soul is absolutely the Master Crown taking him over from the inside out, Phase 2 was more like...a baleful polymorph?
I think back to that blink he gives in particular. When he opens his eyes right as the form shift happens? It's definitely haunting in Soul form, but in Phase 2, it really does feel like for a second, Magolor may be thinking: 
"Oh, phew! The fight's not over! Man, I was sure worried when the Crown started to get all explodey and...Uh...Hello...? What's going on? Why do I look like this? What the...? Uh... What's going on with me...?"
Like, he is likely still being controlled to some degree, but I feel he has a bit more of his consciousness involved in the process in Phase 2? Ever so slightly more comical (comedy-horror) even... only it’s at Magolor’s EXPENSE. 
(...Whereas I tend to imagine Magolor’s thoughts in soul form boil down to incoherent and wordless screaming, crying, and pleading for help/mercy/or someone to end it all. Err....A-ahem! I-I said nothing...)
So yes, Magolor is kind of turned into a “fool” which makes the juggling really TWISTED when you think that he may be trying to do anything else with his hands (say, kill Kirby and co.) and the Crown is like "Wheeeee! Fun with host body!"
Alternatively, since Magolor never had any friends (not confirmed but one of those generally accepted HC things) the Crown is either playing WITH HIM like a toy or "using" him to play with Kirby and the others. (The “playing with him” thing could work well with “the Crown possesses part of/a Void’s consciousness” theory, since Void also has these “playful” attacks.)
The Soul fight is horrifying for lots of reasons (rotting/hurt imagery, the dying scream, etc) but Phase 2 may be horrifying in a completely different way. Magolor is being MOCKED by the Master Crown. Literally made a fool of.
And since he's still implied to have some consciousness there, you can bet that the self-conscience Magolor probably is feeling like a “desperate” jester!
Which is probably why he doesn't reuse the juggling attack later on! The twin Ultra Swords? Very cool. Everyone can respect that. 
That time the Master Crown made him embarrass himself by juggling in front of Kirby and crew when he just wanted to be king of several dimensions...? 
...No. We don't talk about the juggling...
BTW, I still don't know anything about music, but I ran across this song by chance and my brain said "...potential Magolor song...?" so I’m sharing it with everyone. (There’s self-made kings, mountains, doubtful survival, and eyes involved! That's at least some Magolor imagery!)
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inkykeiji · 5 months
gojo is so yung gravy coded 🙏 (spurred by ur oops! toji post
honestly anon u are SO right
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calamitydaze · 2 years
i think stans of ccs need to realise that they are never ever going to change their cc. if, say tommy for example since we’re talking about inniters, believes something that inniters disagree with, it is so much easier and healthier for them to just accept it. accept the disagreement and if its too much of a clash with their own beliefs, then leave.
i’ve been in fandom a long time and the mcyt/dsmp fandoms go so hard about “educating” their ccs even over the most non-issue things that it genuinely is them trying to shape and mold these creators into their ideal person who they’re comfortable stanning. except ccs are real people and real people dont work that way. so if people struggle accepting other peoples humanity (ama difference of opinion, ability to form own opinions, flaws) they shouldnt be stanning real people
anon this is a straight banger— i’d never even thought about it as stans trying to mold their cc into someone they feel comfortable supporting but like Goddamn. that’s exactly it
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sunglassesmish · 2 years
speaking of jensen in green, read what's written on the mic 😏
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knickknacksandallthat · 7 months
kevin can
not catch a break man
^^ ghostwritten by the man himself
Nah, but for real - this boy is gonna earn his fluff and comfort in this fic 🤣
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