#good luck with the dye!
saradiation · 2 years
just thought id let u know ur daves inspired me to get my hair done like his so now that the cut is in place just gotta do the dye job so thanks for the gender affirmation!
omg?!! That's awesome and I'm so happy it got you inspired! <3
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keymintt · 3 months
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life doodles
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mitamicah · 5 months
Thank you all so much for being a positive presence in my 2023 🥺 i had no idea what a tightknit, supportive and amazing community i would become a part of when I first shared a sketch of käärijä back in may
You are all so wonderfully embracing and talented (and gorgeous) as heck 😭 meeting some of you at the europe tour seems so surreal 😱
Here's to a great 2024 to everyone - hope for all the best for each of my kääryleet and baby boos (and people who have been here even longer as well) 🤗💚❤️
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lestatlioncunt · 29 days
the amount of damage my kink is karma did to my brain is exceptional if i had this song when i was a teen i would've set fire to a car
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guess-ill-dye · 7 months
I've got a test, wish me luck!
May the Gods of wisdom bless your brain
Pls wish antivaporeon good luck too!
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milkweedman · 2 years
Would you mind making a text tutorial for dyeing with onion skin? I want to use up all the skin i collected but i don't trust the tutorials i found so fahr. 😅
Sure ! I don't know how helpful it'll be (I am not the best note taker of all time) but I'll give it a shot.
I don't tend to measure things, so I usually just do all my onion skins (4 or 5 big handfuls) with however much yarn I want to dye (usually around 100 grams, iirc) and end up with saturated colors and lots of extra dye bath. However, a 3 to 1 ratio of wool to onion skin (by weight) should work well.
Put your onion skins in your dyepot with water (I always use yellow, if you use another kind of onion you will get different colors of course). I haven't found the ratio of water to onion skin to matter very much, just make sure you have a lot so that it doesn't all boil off. Bring to a low simmer and let it cook until the skins are almost colorless and the dyebath is richly colored. If the skins are translucent before the dyebath has good color, just keep cooking the dyebath down until it looks good. Typically I end up with a deep red at this point.
Remove the onion skins--I like to strain the dyebath into a large dedicated bowl to remove the skins, but you can also pick them out with tongs.
Mordant your wool. Usually I give mine a copper bath, but the type of mordant you choose should depend on what color you want.
Once the wool is mordanted, return it and the dye bath to your dyepot and gently simmer with a lid until your wool is a good color. This should take several hours, and possibly overnight. For overnight dyeing, it's safest to turn the stove down until it is no longer simmering, and keep a lid on. My way of testing this is to use tongs to lift some wool up, pull off a lock, gently rinse it, and let it dry near the stove for a few minutes. If you've reached the color you want and still have lots of color left in the dyebath, just reserve the dyebath and once it's cool it can be stored in water bottles in a pantry for at least a year (that's how long I've left some dye bottles sitting around, and they worked very well).
Modify your color if you want. Then rinse in water the same temperature as your dyebath until it runs clear. Let dry.
Some colors you can get, depending on mordant (this is all for yellow onion skins specifically, as that is the only type of onion I buy).
With no mordant, or with vinegar: wheat-colored
With baking soda mordant: gold
With iron mordant: greyish green
With copper mordant: olive green
With alum mordant: bright yellow
If overdyeing a light color (in my case it was light brown), you can get a rich brown if mordanted with copper and iron.
Can't wait to see what colors you get :D
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
For the wing au, since male and female birds are usually differently colored, do you think some trans people dye their wings to better reflect their gender? I. Have been thinking about this for too long.
you are SO right anon have I not talked about this before??? shame on me I've thought abt this SO MUCH
yes, yes, there's plenty of dyes out there, and especially some who sell more natural-looking dyes. some are made to already mimic more intricate patterns, others have tutorials on how to perfect dyeing certain markings. not everyone chooses for natural colors, of course, and some just go for any bold colors they like, or will put in the colors reflecting their gender, but enunciate them to a purposeful degree to be eye-catching. there's all kinds!
fake feathers also exist. usually placed in-between preexisting feathers, usually to make them look prettier, even if they're uncomfortable. for birds with significant difference in feather length, particularly with tails, these are sold in high abundance. tails can either be straps attached to a person and lain overtop their tails to make it look different/longer, or the feathers are treated much like regular fake ones. for those who want shorter feathers, there's illusion magic or simply snipping them shorter and then overlaying it with other tail colors
trans hunter rights, he dyes his feathers red a lot. luckily female cardinals have a decent number of their own red feathers, so he's not dyeing all his feathers
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
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Pink armor for Rhia bc I can :D ALSO she got the Cloak of the Raven from the chest in the basement.😎
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side-of-honey · 2 years
Oh man luck swap is so cool! If this isn’t too spoilery, is there a reason all the characters names changed in Aubrey’s headspace or is it just for fun?
Thank you so much!! OKORU’s friends actually don’t just have different names—they’re meant to be different PEOPLE altogether! Although obviously based around her old real life friends, the dream gang have more differences than just their names :)
The thing that tends to bother me about OMORI swap AUs is that they feel? Out of character,,, of course not all of them are like this and just because it feels ooc to me doesn’t mean it’s not good! Some people pull it off really well! However, I really wanted to try my hand at making a swap au that still keeps the character’s established personalities and reactions to trauma!
That was all a very boring way to say that Aubrey’s reaction to her trauma in canon is to replace her friends with new ones, and that’s exactly what she’s done here. She feels too guilty to face her old friends, and hates herself, so the logical solution is to replace everyone!
She also just thinks that Basil deserved better friends.
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svtskneecaps · 8 months
one of these days i'm going to snap and build a model of a secret minecraft organization that is hiding from the evil minecraft server surveillance state shadow government and THEN YOU'LL SEE. THEN YOU'LL SEE. all of my rants out espionage have built up to this. all my bemoaning missed opportunities. YOU'LL SEE. YOU'LL ALL SEE!!!!!
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doodlboy · 9 months
2day was queer joy day apparently
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tellescope · 11 months
{ @adoranoia // Continued from here }
     He hadn't meant to stare. He just hadn't noticed until right then and it's kind of hard not to stare. He's seen scars before; he's helped manage Snake's, bandaged up Raiden a few times, and he's got some of his own. But none of them are missing a body part.      And when Seven realizes he's staring, ❝Gyah! Sorry!❞ he immediately grabs the tablet pen he'd been reaching for and looks away, back to his screen, feeling awful about being rude. He'll just go back to his modeling program now. Awkward...      Except Seven actually brings it up? Invites his curiosity? That was unexpected. He's used to Snake and Raiden shutting him down when he asks about injuries he wasn't there for. Snake opens up sometimes but it's not common enough for Otacon to expect it, let alone from others.      Yes, he is wondering what happened, and he sits up straighter when Seven keeps going.      And the story, what little Seven is willing to share, is impressive.
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     ❝You're braver than me.❞ It slips out before he can catch himself. But it's the truth. Or at least, back at Shadow Moses. He'd withheld information on REX form Liquid out of suspicion, but one talk with Ocelot and he'd spilled it all. And Ocelot had only threatened, nothing more. Then when the ninja had him at swordpoint, his life for answers, he'd been a coward. Sure, he didn't actually have answers, and he'd expressed as much, but he knows he would've given them if he did.      He'd like to think he's better now. That he too wouldn't talk no matter what his captors did. After all he'd do anything to protect the people he cares about. He conquered his fear of heights for Snake. But... he's not sure he'd hold out through losing a body part, even one as small as a finger. He'd like to think he would, but... Well hopefully he'll never have to learn the answer.      He reaches back toward Seven's hand, a muffled snort at the joke and teasingly replying, ❝Sometimes it's too bad we aren't part starfish.❞ as he threads his fingers between Seven's. Curiosity has the better of him for the moment, but after just a second or two he quickly pulls back, flushing a faint pink as he tries to cover for the slip-up with the question that had prompted the gesture in the first place; ❝So, uh, h-how long did it take you to relearn typing? You're pretty fast. I wouldn't have guessed.❞
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raeathnos · 2 years
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calcar · 4 months
Just found out majority of my hair has been silver this whole time?? In my defence I don't see the back of my head-
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little-blurry-stars5 · 4 months
sighs in defeat
if this post gets.... 3k notes by march 15 (like 1-2 months) ill:
dye my hair a new color
get new clothes
stay clean from sh for 2 weeks
get a new peircing
actully make an oc
ik i aint getting 3k notes, so good luck lmao
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jellifishiez · 2 months
I've decided I'm gonna do the thing.
If I get:
250 notes: I'll clean my room
500 notes: I'll ask my mom to cut my hair again
1000 notes:I'll ask to dye my hair again (pink)
5000 notes: I'll ask for a psychiatrist and therapy
good luck, no due date, no note limit per person
update: yall are doing great, I guess I'll set new goalposts
10,000 notes: I'll ask my mom to stop commenting on my ocd and diet
25,000: I'll finally get the full help I need, start accommodating myself fully
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