#golden decay
arcticwriter66 · 1 year
We wallow and swallow our great noble pasts
Olds soul often slowly flow at a half mast
If dreams are the root of what makes you ok
We choke on the dust swole with golden decay
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brainwashedangel · 18 days
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Sunday morning,
Everything hurts except for you.
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vypridae · 8 months
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fnaf 1 with the dumbasses
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evilfarmin · 1 year
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sir20 · 2 years
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Gate, Madrid by sir20
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obstinaterixatrix · 10 days
I’m going to say something that will make some of my pals want to throttle me in confusion but I really don’t consider myself an extrovert
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macrosmic · 1 year
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sercezgazety · 1 year
The Emperor's Two Bodies
There are two separate bodies that the Emperor has. One is very old and fragile. With every passing day, it becomes more fatigued, losing the fight against the curse. This body’s joints ache when the weather changes and ache when it doesn’t. It requires palismen to keep its form. It doesn’t lack any teeth, but that’s rather unfortunate, given how sensitive they are to low temperatures and sour tastes.
When the curse pours over, depriving the body of its shape and grotesquely elongating its limbs, it loses fingernails by the time the sludge finally recedes. It doesn’t matter how well-versed in healing magic the Emperor is, at some point the nailbeds just start hurting permanently. Which is a good thing. It means there’s no necrosis.
This body is dying, has been dying for decades, and there’s no way around it. The palismen just prolong the inevitable. They buy this body time so that the Emperor can accomplish his mission, but eventually, his iron will is not going to be enough to keep it moving and breathing. Oh, don’t give me that look, William. You know it’s true.
On bad days, this body’s breath smells like something dead and rotten, and on really bad days, when it coughs into a handkerchief, there are maggots squirming in the sputum. The Emperor makes sure to burn the piece of fabric immediately, but it doesn’t change the harsh realities. He isn’t in full control of his body — and no wonder, no witch and no demon have such a power. When bodies hurt, they just hurt, and when they rebel, they rebel, even though the curse has made sure that this one rebels more than any other. To witness this body’s failings is dangerous and, if one doesn’t have enough common sense to move aside when the Emperor’s hands turn into spikes, then yes, painful at times. But it is also the greatest privilege there is. It is the sign of ultimate trust to be allowed so close. If someone truly loves the Emperor as dearly as he claims he does, he stays by the Emperor’s side, Hunter.
Like all bodies, this one needs to eat, sleep, and sometimes perform other functions discreetly. With every passing year, its sleep gets interrupted more and more frequently by said functions. This body has foods it finds agreeable and many more that make it nauseous, but the ones it likes, it really likes. It’s tall, but straightening its back hurts, so it spends most of the time hunched. But watch closely, my dear boy. That other one might be slightly hunched as well, but it’s sitting on a throne, and when it stands, it stands tall, towering over everyone else.
That other body, Luke, the one that never ceases to command respect, belongs to the most powerful witch on the entire Isles, who knows, perhaps in the entire realm. It is untouchable, and there are those who say it’s immortal.
Almost nobody has seen it, it remains hidden behind the mask and the gauntlets. It has magic no other body possesses and no one in the Isles has ever seen ere. The Emperor conjures up blades made out of flesh that are sharper and harder than any steel. He makes the ground swallow him and spit him out anywhere he pleases, provided he’s willing to deal with the inconvenience of limbs materializing twisted in ways no other body’s joints would allow. He speaks to the Titan Himself, and it’s very obvious he has some connection to His flesh, being able to summon vines, limbs and tendons from the ground with nothing but a wave of a hand. The Emperor’s magic operates on that which is alive, but not quite. He animates the tools he requires.
The Golden Guard has similar magic, although it’s merely borrowed from the Emperor and cannot be used without the staff. The staff, mind you, Timothy, is just one part of his regalia. It marks him as the Emperor’s, yes, but the thing that truly marks him is the mask.
keep reading here
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atshorlus · 10 days
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"Dreams / Staples"
Isn't it wild when you have an idea and you only end up using 1% for the final product?
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anotherothernight · 3 months
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Slushie (Toy Bonnie) and Lovesick <3 she's a little yandere and I think that's ok
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drew these for pride month last year ^^
(Mangle has the genderdoe flag and Funtime Foxy has the genderfaun and I think the rest should be obvious)
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and a bunch of Toyship children 😭 cuz I wanted to design stuff
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decaytale · 2 years
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Decay!Chara and Cherry 🍒🌸
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Headcanons: Miquella and Malenia are really bad royals
--in that, while they’re very effective at running a kingdom, they’re horrible at living like royals and don’t want to even make an effort to do so.
 Granted, old habits are hard to break, and their first few years in the Consecrated Snowfield were hard, long, and left no room for pomp and circumstance. Yet even after the Haligtree was firmly established, the two still cleaned their own rooms, mended/made their own clothing, did their own shopping, chopped their own wood, and prepared their own meals.
When Loretta arrived with the first albinaurics from Liurnia, she basically went ‘bitch, you live like this??’ and finally convinced them to hire some housekeepers, because for god’s sake, you don’t have to wash your own clothing or chop your own firewood. You have a populace that adores you that would kill to assist you in menial tasks. Also, it would help the economy. Think of the jobs you’d provide if you jet let someone do your laundry. It would also free up more time to do ‘running a kingdom and subverting god’ things.
So Malenia and Miquella relented...to a point. They don’t have handmaidens to help them dress or bathe or anything. They still make their own meals unless they’re receiving a formal visit, at which case they’ll relent and hire a cook. While housekeepers now help them keep their residence clean and neat, the two insist on taking care of their own rooms. Someone does their washing for them, but Malenia insists on mending their clothing, if only so she can maintain her fine motor skills. They let Loretta and Finlay go to the market for them, not only because they insisted, but it’s amusing to think of them bickering like an old married couple the entire time.
Finlay has taken it upon herself to either select fish to buy from them at the market or to catch some herself. She is the daughter of a fishmongers, so she knows her way around a line, and she nearly had a fucking heart attack when she saw that Malenia’s method of catching fish was to just. Go into the river or ocean and snag them with her bare hands (or teeth, on one memorable occasion). It got a little less weird when Finlay learned that Maliketh and Blaidd had been the ones to teach Malenia how to fish, but she absolutely insisted on teaching Malenia the ‘proper’ way to do things. Malenia still likes to catch fish bare handed for fun, but she finds fishing...surprisingly medatative, as well as an excellent way to spend quality time with Finlay. They have a lot of sunset sea fishing ‘dates’ that just involve them sitting in quiet companionship while they wait for the fish to bite, Malenia resting her shoulder against Finlay’s as the knightess sings a sea shanty under her breath.
(Miquella’s also learning to fish. He’s just not very good at it, bless his heart. He’s either impatient or so patient he forgets he’s even fishing and slips into a meditative trance.)
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sbnkalny · 10 months
Wonderful! You have just won the prize for the most totally random response to a completely unrelated subject that has come across my Tumblr feed to date (because seriously, WTF does cheese have to do with social security numbers? Absolutely nothing. Unrelated subject. Next!)
. I'm still looking for candidates for 1) funniest wet-behind-the-ears-puppy proving their total ignorance of a subject trying to talk about it like they were totally cool with it and had any idea WTF they were talking about; 2) Most totally niche fandom talking like they were da bomb of the world and everyone else is an idiot for it not being totally obvious to the rest of the world just exactly who the hell these characters are again and WTF THEY're talking about; and 3) Most long-suffering. maybe even wryly humorous post from those on here who actually KNOW WTF we're talking about and prove it by NOT trying to tell anyone because the minute you're insecure enough to not KNOW you know what you're talking about and have no need to prove it to anybody, you've just raised questions in my mind whether you really DO know WTF you're talking about or if you're just kidding yourself
Edit: oh BTW, this doesn't even answer the question because it isn't the cheese that's purple, its the purple mold in it showing just like in bleu cheese (to go by the French spelling of the CHEESE name most commonly used in cookbooks) the blue color is from the MOLD.
Cheese is made from milk.
Milk, as far as I know, is only one color, or two if you count colostrum. And it ain't purple, and it ain't blue, it's absolute Milk White. And while TECHNICALLY according to the hex code that artists colorr belongs to the Pastel Purple color family, I consider whoever made that decision as crazy as anyone who, actually knowing how these cheeses are made, tries to argue at me that that means it ain't the mold rather than the cheese that makes this picture look purple
Wonderful! time for a celebration... Some good news from the other is unrelated. Das ist meine familie . Guess who has acquired an almost messianic reputation 🅸🅽 the minds of certain citizens. his figure is synonymous with the Darkest urges of instinct, ignorance And decay. some of the laziest, shortest comments seem to get em out of here alive.. Will you answer questions in the wrong way about it and played a cafe before. *bends over seductively to pick up a piece of furniture with a raised surface supported by legs, Commonly used to seat a single person whom i’ve ever liked. Rather uncomfortable about lions Specifically, but it’d make milk.. It is variable in color, from downy grayish white to golden brown to dark Charcoal gray. Roboclown clowning around on my broom, and you try to jump over a fence at an angle, the horse won't like it, but i know it ain't mine I'm kinda hurt but I don't think we can still win. Hex me.
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macrosmic · 10 months
💗 Preorders are open until the August 8 !!
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toytulini · 20 days
simultaneously like pretty pretty please please if i give you fertilizer will you grow a new leaf? and not drop any more? and also like
god i cant believe you need fucking fertilizer. youre getting whatever is in this liquid cactus fertilizer and youre gonna be happy with it.
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anotherothernight · 1 year
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I made another one :)
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