#glistering melon slice
grayblacklight · 6 months
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minecraft-item-a-day · 8 months
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minecraft glistering melon slice
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ivys-garden · 2 months
Since people seemed to like it, I thought I'd go more in depth to my idea for Pigeons in Minecraft. Criticism is encouraged and welcome
Pigeons are a passive mob spawning in all forested biomes as well as deserts and tundras. Pigeons will also rarely Spawn in Woodland Mansions, Pillager Outposts, Witch Huts, Igloos and Villages
Pigeons have 8 distinct looks depending on the biome:
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Pigeons can be Tamed by the player using any of the following:
● Carrots
● Golden Carrots
● Potatoes
● Seeds
● Pumpkin Seeds
● Melon Seeds
● Beetroot
● Melon Slices
● Glistering Melon
● Spider Eyes
● Fermented Spider Eye
● Apples
● Golden Apples
● Enchanted Golden Apples
● Sweet Berries
● Glow Berries
● Sugar Cane
● Honey Come
When Tamed, players can make pigeons sit, stand and Perch on their shoulder.
Bird Nests
Bird Nests are naturally occurring in all overworld tree types, they can be harvested by the player with silk touch or crafted like this:
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Pigeons and parrots can be sat in Bird Nests and will lay eggs in there when fed (this doesn't require two pigeons or parrots, thisnis indicated by hearts above the birds head) This is the only way to breed pigeons and parrots. Parrot eggs have a yellow tint while pigeon eggs are speckled purple. Eggs hatch after 5 minutes, eggs can be collected via a right click from the player or when the nest is broken with silk touch. Eggs can be placed on the ground in sets of 4. Eggs placed on the ground never hatch. They only hatch when placed back into an egg
Pigeons that lay their eggs in a nest will claim it as there's, pigeons can claim up to two Nests at a time.
Right clicking on a tamed pigeon in a nest with an item in the player's hand opens an interface, similar to the horse, where pigeons can be given an item yo hold. Pigeons can only carry written books and bundles. Assuming the pigeon has claimed two Nests the player can send the pigeon to the other nest on either a one way or return trip.
A pigeon with an item will fly to the other nest, loading chunks as they do so (chucks loaded by a pigeon cannot Spawn mobs or perform tick updates such as crop growth, to prevent lag).
When the pigeon reaches the nest they will place the item into the nest. Items can be removed from the nest via a right click or via a hopper placed below the nest.
Pigeons can go through half block gaps to get to the nest, if they are unable to access the nest after 30 seconds they become frustrated (indicated by particles above their head) and drop the item on the ground.
Assuming that the player chooses for the pigeon to make a return trip, the pigeon will Fly back regardless as to whether or not it could access the nest.
If the player chose one way, the pigeon will stay in the second nest with the deposited item, unless it couldn't access the nest in which case it will automatically teleport back to the player
All players can use Tamed pigeons to send packages, regardless of whether or not they were the one to tame the pigeon.
Achievements and Advancements
Pigeons have one advancement and two achievements:
Special Delivery - Advancement for sending a package with a pigeon
Sky Rat Master - achievement for obtaining all pigeon variants
Spoiled Rotten - achievement for feeding a pigeon one of every golden food item
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witherstarau · 3 months
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- There is no such thing as an afterlife in MCSMWA, all souls go through a reincarnation cycle when they die unless if they are tethered to the world
- The Rebirth Cycle was created by the Admins Urien and Delphine after Delphine accidentally created the Crafters
- Legends say that when Delphine accidentally dropped her clay dolls into her pool, Crafters slowly rose from the watery depths. After introducing them to the other Admins, Romona agreed to bless the new species and allowed Delphine and Urien to watch over the Crafters
- Delphine and Urien watched over the Crafters for years until one day, a Crafter named Idris was fatally wounded by a spider and succumbed to his injuries. Delphine was distraught by this but was horrified when his corpse started to morph into a zombie, Urien could still hear Idris’ spirit locked in his decaying body, begging to be let out.
- However, one of Urien’s pet Phantoms took an interest in the zombie and started to tear and devour the zombie’s flesh, its buddies started to join in and released Idris’ spirit.
- Idris’ spirit was freed, but was slowly being cooked by the sun, so Urien evaporated his spirit and allowed Delphine to reincarnate his spirit into a parrot
- Fearing that her beloved Crafters will be suffer from extinction, Delphine gifted the Crafters with the Gift of Rebirth and Delphi’s Pool so they can give new life and be able to pass on properly
- Urien decided to aid in helping living souls pass on using his beloved Phantoms.
- Due to the creation of The Rebirth Cycle, living souls were able to pass on and become something new.
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- Stage One: Person is born (whether naturally or through Delphi’s Pool)
- Stage Two: Person dies and their skin starts to redden and rot, the stench attracts the Phantoms which will lead them to their body
- Stage Three: The phantoms eat the corpse which frees the trapped soul so they can be reincarnated, the corpse takes form as a skeleton or a zombie
- Stage Four: The soul is reincarnated into a new body and all of their previous memories is slowly erased as their spirit slowly eases into their new body.
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- Delphi’s Pool is a secluded pool carried deep into the jungle, its bright blue-green water glowing brilliantly within the cave walls.
- While both Sheeplings and Crafters can both give birth, Sheeplings have a higher fertility rate while Crafters have a harder time with pregnancy and can risk death via childbirth. As a result, Crafters prefer using Delphi’s Pool to create children
- To create a child, you must create a clay doll with wool for hair, a spider eye for a heart, and minerals for the eyes
- The parents can send the dolls to be created by the mages that guard the pool for the price of ten diamonds and a glistering melon slice
- Children aren’t spawned as babies and instead spawn around 10-12 years old
- Names are either given by the parents or come up on the spot by the child
- Twins can happen but are rare
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- Large bat like creatures that feast on dead bodies to release their souls
- Functions similarly to vultures
- Have very poor eyesight and can only find bodies if they are wearing bright colors, which is why families of the deceased dresses the body in bright colors so the phantom can find them
- Because of this, Phantoms only roam through the overworld and can’t retrieve bodies in caves, the ocean, Nether, or the End
- Corpses that are not eaten will be turned into zombies, piglins, or endermen . Etc
- Phantoms will also stalk dying creatures so they can have an easy meal when they die
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traceemerald · 8 months
-October 15th, Plantperson Journal, Entry 23-
Today I'm mostly just going to work on getting one of my farmers up to master level, because according to the Minecraft Wiki they'll sell glistering melon slices at that point (I can't convert them to melon seeds, but I can use them for health potions).
It didn't take very long to do this as I already had a farmer who was close to master level, so now I can make health potions.
I'm now going to go to the nether to get some glowstone because I never got any on my previous nether trips.
Like my previous nether trips (unless I'm misremembering), everything that is useless or hard to replace will be left at home in case I die.
As I was leaving for the nether, I remembered that I don't have a nether portal anymore, so I'm going to delay my trip slightly to build a new nether portal in the entrance to my mine (hopefully it's close enough to link up to the one on the nether side).
Anyway, I got 1 stack plus 48 glowstone dust, which should last me a while if I'm only using it for brewing.
I've made a decent supply of health II potions, so now I'm gonna go back to the nether to get some magma cream for fire resistance potions, because apparently I don't have any of that either (despite having killed magma cubes before).
I am bringing all of my equipment this time, hopefully that isn't a mistake.
I got 7 magma cream, which isn't a lot, but most of my time was spent flattening part of the basalt delta and covering up lava so that it's easier to farm magma cream in the future.
-End Journal Entry 23-
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radar-of-minecraft · 8 months
Minecraft Items Challenge Attempt 2: The Adventure Update Part 3
We start the journey chucking some eyes of ender, sending me in the direction I explored for vines in the last post, I mined straight into the portal and almost burned to death. Now I see why eyes if ender point to the starting staircase of the stronghold.
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I found apples in the stronghold altar chest, which is really lucky because leaves don't drop apples until 1.1
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Anyways, welcome to The End:
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I would love to show you something cool, but there was some king of glitch that stopped the dragon from damaging me, and not inflicting me with much knockback. Here's the dragon dying and me grabbing the Egg.
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Time for a ridiculously long adventure in this Adventure Update, my goals are simple. Melons and mushroom islands. Here's dog that I never saw again despite standing it up.
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Here's a mineshaft that I found by diving into a big surface cave, which I forgot to take a screenshot of, where I found melon seeds, and forgot to screenshot of, I had been sailing for almost 4 hours
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About 10 hours of sailing later, I reached over 40km away from my base and decided to just look up a seed map, there is a mushroom island due East of my base, that I barely missed on my way to look for one
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Here's the mushroom island. I was here for 20 seconds.
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While waiting for my melons to grow, I found that if I stand in a certain place, my mob farm produces music disks, this means I won't need to build a dedicated music disk farm in 1.1 or the Pretty Scary Update
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hey, my melons are growing, did you know that before 1.1, melons only grow on tilled land
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while I was waiting for a second melon to grow, an enderman teleported into my room and gave me a grass block.
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Apparently Glistering Melons used to be crafted with a single golden nugget, I think this was fixed when Golden Carrots get added in the Pretty Scary Update.
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In this post I grabbed the Golden Apple, Apple, End Stone, Cracked Stone Bricks, Mossy Stone Bricks, Dragon Egg, Mycelium, Melon Seeds, Mushroom Block, Lily Pad, Glistering Melon, Melon Slice, and Melon. This completes The Adventure Update.
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Up next is Full Release 1.1, which will be a few hours of grinding for music disks and not much else.
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randomitemdrop · 2 years
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Item: Glistering Melon, a gold-plated slice of watermelon that can be used in healing potions. Cannot be eaten because of all the gold.
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (3)
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(c!technoblade x fem!reader)
(some people liked chapter 2 so here’s chapter 3. whether or not there’s a chapter 4 is dependent on if this one gets any comments/reblogs.)
You’re not exactly sure when your plans for a house shifted from ‘maybe a two story house’ into ‘some kinda roman temple/shrine type building’ instead. 
Probably after the third time you had to tear down what you were building because it just didn’t look right. You’d initially not been able to go anywhere with the white quartz (you’d made a base but it looked stupid so you’d tossed it) so you’d switched it with a birch wood. That was where the problems started. First you’d tried your hand at making a cute little cottagecore house, but it just didn’t look cute to you and instead came out kinda frumpy? So you scrapped it, even though it pained you. 
“Hours wasted.”
Then you tried making another house, this one taller and with dark wood. But it ended up looking like some kind of Viking home, no matter how much you tweaked it, which totally clashed with the vibrant floral scenery around you. It would work better in a snowy biome. So you’d scrapped that one too, none too happy either.
“Why do I suck?”
Then you’d tried your hand at making a cute mushroom house! But…. it was awful. No matter what you did it just didn’t look right?? You tried making the stem ‘natural’ like it would look in minecraft but then it looked too artificial to you. Then you tried making it look more normal but then it just ended up looking wonky. Long story short.. you hated it. You scrapped it, maybe a little more angry than the previous two times. That was when you’d gone back to the white quartz blocks.
And you started with a huge square, then that sorta morphed into a circle. Or as ‘circular’ as this world’s building blocks could get. Then it just sorta.. went from there? Before you knew it you had a circular white temple/shrine with a domed and tiered ceiling and four tall stained glass windows with star and sky designs. You’d gotten into the construction as it had begun to be more fun. You’d even hung lanterns by chains from the ceiling in symmetrical points and it gave the whole place a nice vibe you think. Especially when it started raining outside.
Once it was all done to your satisfaction you just sat in the middle of the quartz floor and gazed up at the gently swaying lanterns. You’re glad you’d ended up with this place, it looks pretty and has a calm vibe you can resonate with. 
It would be dawn soon so you decided since you were done you’d go to bed since you had nothing else to do at the moment. Or well that had been the plan until you placed down your bed and couldn’t help but notice how utterly ridiculous a single bed in the corner of this huge temple looked. It actually made you snort before deciding then and there you needed a bed that somewhat matched the temple aesthetic you guessed you were going for now.
You ended up making this huge canopy bed with curtains and a platform you had to walk up a step to get to the three beds you’d put on it to look right. Under normal circumstances you’d not like such an overly lavish bed but it certainly fit the almost regal aesthetic your new temple home had. Which was just fine you supposed, it’s not like you were opposed to it. Just not what you’d planned to do from the get go.
Only problem now was.. the place still looked weirdly empty of life. Like one of those barren ‘minimalism’ nightmare homes rich people get off to. So you went through the inventory and started looking for stuff to decorate with. On the wall to the left of the entrance you set up an area for a brewing stand and cauldron as well as an ender chest, mostly just because it looked cool with the purple particles. You also hung up some item frames on the wall by the quartz counters you set up and picked out a bunch of pretty colored potions to hang in them.
Then on the opposite wall you made a little library with an alcove in the middle for an enchantment table. With a lantern on top of the bookshelf next to the crafting table and clay pots of flowers on the uppermost bookshelves to give the area a nicer look. You even added some fluffy carpet in front of the area to enhance the comfiness. And when you went over to the front door and then turned to look at the whole space you smiled because it really did look good. Larger than you’d intended, sure, but also very comfy now too.
You think you’re done with the inside until you look up at the bare walls between the stained glass windows. They were a little… naked. So you tried hanging up some paintings but… they looked terrible. The ‘round’ angle of the windows kept the options for what paintings you could put up pretty narrow. So you forgot that idea and instead tried putting up item frames! But you put some up and disliked it almost immediately. It felt way too busy so you got rid of those too. 
You were getting tired of decorating so you just grabbed a random banner (purple because why not?) and then you grabbed a handful of different colored dyes before pulling out a loom. You tried a bunch of different designs, threw out most of them because they either ended up with ugly clashing colors or looking way too busy. But you finally settled on one that was a purple banner with an orange gradient coming up from the bottom and finally a gold sun right in the middle. It looked very pretty, like a sunset!
Once you were happy you hung a couple inside then on a whim you even hung a couple outside your door on either side. It made the outside look prettier in your opinion so once you were done (for real this time) you went and just flopped into bed, not feeling more than a touch tired but with nothing else to do at the moment. So you snuggled into your big cozy bed and drifted off to sleep~
Days passed since you built your home and you kept up work around the village, planting bamboo and berry bushes in a wall around it in a circle as a form of defense against the Illagers. They were kinda jerks and seemed to only want to kill villagers. Which wasn’t cool. And yeah you could have dug a moat or pit around it instead you guessed but you didn’t want any of the villagers falling in and you felt like they would… 
So a wall of bamboo and prickly berry bushes it was. And it works! And looks dope. So win/win.
And it was as you were on your way to put some lights at the bottoms of the ponds and rivers that you noticed it from the corner of your eye. One of your sunset banners! But it was hanging up outside of the weaponsmith’s place instead of on your temple home where you knew you left it. But then you noticed another one hanging up outside the stonemason’s workshop…
You look over at your home up on the hill and see your banners still in place. And you know none of them trudged all the way up there just to steal one from the inside so you decide to investigate more in the village. And the further you walk in the more banners with your pattern on them you see. Actually every building you pass has at least one hung up somewhere near the door. You blinked before chuckling a little and thinking to yourself,
‘Oh! They all must have seen the banner I made and liked it! So they made their own to hang up. That’s actually pretty cute. I’m glad they like it.’
You were blissfully ignorant to the fact that the villagers have started to see you as their saint of sorts. Their goddess of prosperity and kindness. Without whom they would still be lost and living in pathetic huts and with no drive to acquire a skill and better themselves. They honestly look back on those times as such a dark period of their lives. When they were ignorant of their own abilities without your blessing to guide them. They owed you their lives and they wanted to show their thanks to you.
So when they saw you put up your sunset banners on your temple they quickly went to the shepherd and asked him to make them some just like it! And the shepherd, with his skill being a master thanks to your wonderful trading help, was easily able to craft such banners. Every villager had at least one by the time the sun was going down, all of them proudly being hung on the outsides of their homes and work buildings to show their allegiance to you!
But it wouldn’t stop there. The villagers wanted to give back even a fraction of what you have given to them.
In the following weeks you definitely noticed the villagers acting… odd. It started small at first, with them each coming to you and giving you gifts. The shepherd gave you a pair of blankets that were beautifully crocheted with this fluffy wool yarn, one that’d been dyed a soft baby pink while the other was a soothing sea foam color. You thanked him with a smile three times over and he seemed endlessly happy you liked them. You took them home and laid them across your bed and liked the pop of color they provided your space.
Though after that the farmer and leatherworker both met you at the entrance to your temple and each gifted you some things they thought you’d like. The farmer happily handed over a full basket of freshly baked bread along with another basket containing a bushel of golden carrots and almost a full melon’s worth of glistering melon slices. While the leatherworker offered up a pair of dainty leather sandals that looked like they would lace up your legs to just below your knees. And also what looked like a prettily crafted leather utility belt! It had lotus details and golden studs and buckles on the front and back. And one large pocket, one medium zipper pocket, and two smaller pockets. You loved all of their gifts and thanked them both over and over while safely putting the food away (and maybe eating some bread right then) and putting the slippers and belt on. 
You were beyond grateful and thought that was the end of that.
You… were wrong.
As the days turned into weeks you were lavished with more and more offerings. It took you a while to realize that’s what they were; offerings. You got a little uncomfortable with all the gifts after a bit but when you started to refuse them the villagers looked so sad so you began to accept them again. Especially after they tried to make ‘better’ stuff for you after your initial refusal, under the impression the last ones weren’t good enough for you or something. It started to get hard to take in all the gifts, because sometimes you weren’t available in the village (you still liked to explore) or because you were working on something and they couldn’t reach you. So as a solution you set up a double chest outside your temple for them to put the gifts in. 
They eagerly adapted to that and each night you’d clean out the chest, putting away practical gifts and discreetly getting rid of ones you had WAY too many of. Like the food. You had a full double chest of food and you didn’t need anymore, but saying so would probably hurt their feelings. So this was the easiest way. Plus a lot of the gifts you actually DID like. Like the sandals, hip pocket belt, and the pretty white dress you were currently wearing. The under part of it was just a simple white sleeveless mini dress that went above your knees (you’re not sure it was that shirt when you first tried it on..) and the over part of the dress was a sheer white maxi dress with loose ruffled sleeved that hung off your shoulders, and a slit on each side that helped with ease of movement.
You’d taken to wearing the dress, the hip pocket belt, and sandals every day. They were all comfortable and looked pretty good on you now that you think about it. Not to mention the fabric was light and breathable too, which helped keep you from getting too hot. You’re not sure what kind of fabric it’s made of, but whatever it is it’s light enough to not make you sweat but it’s also heavy enough to keep you from getting cold when it’s windy. Regardless, it’s your go-to outfit these days.
But aside from the offerings and stuff, you had to sit down and really examine your current position. You really took the time to pay attention to how the villagers were treating you. And you eventually came to the conclusion that they were treating you like some kind of saint or deity. They gave you the best of their wares as offerings, they took on your banner as their own (presumably as a show of loyalty), and they almost seemed to worship the ground you walked on. This isn’t even mentioning the statues that they’d put up of you… Like, they were good! Very well done and made of polished white quartz but.. it was still strange. Though like everything else you can’t say you weren’t getting used to it all.
You sighed and rolled with it. 
You realized one day you’d never been to the Nether. And you wondered if the rules here (like mobs not bothering you) was also true there? You couldn’t deny you were sorta excited to go see, but also scared. You HATED the freaking Hoglins when you played Minecraft before this place. They were always so aggressive and you can’t count how many times they’d killed you, the bastards. But your curiosity won out over your anxiety so you grabbed the enchanted diamond pickaxe you’d been given and then paused while grabbing a stack of gold bars.
“Wait I need to wear gold right? Or the Piglins will be all mad,” you said as you grabbed a gold helmet from your inventory.
You thoughtlessly went to put it on but jerked the helmet back when it clanged against something hard. Something hard that made you wince as a small shock of pain went through your skull. A curse left your lips as you asked out loud what the fuck THAT was about. You were in the middle of trying to come up with an explanation when you reached up with your free hand and flinched when it came into contact with something on your head. Something that 200% was NOT your hair or skull. Panic bubbled inside you and your stomach sank into your feet as you whipped the gold helmet up to look into its polished surface to see yourself.
Horns? Little blunt horns… On your head. 
With a shaky hand you reached up, sort of hoping this was just a dream. But when your fingertips brushed against the soft velvety texture of the horns your breathing grew faster and you pulled your hand away like you’d been burned. You dropped the helmet, not even hearing it clatter against the floor as you stumbled back, nearly tripping over the step that led up to the platform your bed was on, but you somehow managed to get to the bed and sit down.
Before you knew it you’d burst into tears and buried your face into your hands, sobbing and unable to cope with this new fuckery. 
You’ve had to deal with so much weird insane shit since ending up here, wherever the fuck HERE was. You were honestly so tired. You’ve done your best to stay calm, stay sane, and just keep going. And for the most part you have! You focused on surviving, building, and dealing with the villagers. You’d probably feel silly for breaking down over some dumb horns later, especially after you’d barely batted an eye over your weird ears, teeth, and EYES. But the breakdown was probably more to do with life deciding to give you another slice of bullshit despite your overflowing plate. At least that’s what the logical part of your mind was thinking.
But the illogical part, the emotional part, was just so done. So you cried and cried and cried your very soul out until no sound was leaving you anymore. And then, once you were cried out and exhausted you weakly crawled onto the pillows and just passed out. 
You’d deal with this new shit later.
Far on the outskirts of the opposite side of the village from your temple a young boy with golden hair stumbled across the entrance to said village. 
He’d never seen this village before and was curious. He’d have gladly stormed in and started going through villager chests for loot but it was getting close to dusk and his older brother said he needed to get back asap. Now usually he’d shrug off his brother’s bossy nature but he’d sounded worried so he decided to hurry and get back before it got too late.
But before he turned and left he marked down this village’s coordinates so he could get back to it later..
tag list:
@salinesoot​ @lady-bee-fechin​ @kacchasu​ @putridjoy​ @lunawritesstories​ @galaxypankitty3030​ @paradigmax​ @zachariethememerie​ @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107
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lady-spieroles · 4 years
The Fears of a Goddess Pt 3
Part 3 of my Dark! Ianite fic
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
(Note, slight tw: self-harm (Blood Magic) and body horror (Taint Abomination related) (just a smidge of both))
Enjoy and as always
Find me on Ao3:
Selenejessabelle12626 for the tame stuff
Lady-Spieroles for the less tame stuff ;)
Potions of healing were objectively the worst tasting potions in Jordan’s experience. Potions already did not taste great, no matter what their effects were. But something about the combination of nether wart and glistering melon was just absolutely awful. Not to mention the chalkey texture that glowstone and redstone dust added to stronger or longer lasting potions. It’s why he preferred splash potions despite their slight weakness, he didn’t have to taste them that way. He tipped the potion back anyway, doing his best to ignore the flavor. 
He felt better immediately, it was a strong potion, stronger than he was probably capable of brewing. Usually even instant health potions left you with a lingering ache from your injury. But this didn’t even leave him with that, the perks of getting it from a Goddess he supposed. His vision cleared entirely to the view of Ianite looking down at him with worry in her eyes. “I’m fine.” He promised, answering her silent question. 
“That didn’t go well.” He sighed sitting down on a nearby hill. He needed a moment to calm and collect his thoughts. 
“It could have gone worse.” She said, sitting next to him. “But we can’t rest long unfortunately. I can sense my brothers searching for me, they’ve entered the End.” Jordan stood with some reluctance but stood nonetheless, nodding his agreement. 
She teleported them away, then again and again before he even got a chance to get his bearings at each stop. It made him somewhat nauseous but he said nothing, holding her hand until she let go of his. When she finally did, it was after half a dozen teleportation jumps, enough to give him mental whiplash. 
“My apologies.” She said with a wry smile, seeing the way he had to ground himself when they stopped. “I was attempting to create a false trail in the event that my brothers tried to follow, but I forgot that such jumps were taxing on mortals.” 
“I just need a moment, I’ll be fine.” He claimed in between deep breaths. When his head had stopped spinning he opened his eyes, widening them at what he saw. 
It was an enormous temple facade made of carved obsidian built into the side of a mountain. Instead of grass and stone, the mountainside was covered in the sickly lavender gray of mycelium while cracked stone bricks spread out from the facade in an uneven pattern, as if the temple had originally been made of stone but had warped to what it was now. Ianite was halfway to it already, either unaware or uncaring of the foreboding sensation that radiated through the air. 
Jordan was suddenly reminded of the end of Ruxomar and the battle with its World Historian. That had been the hardest battle he’d ever fought and that was with the support of all of the others including Waglington and Martha and Mot, all of them wielding weapons far stronger than what was even possible in this world. All he could hope was that in this world, if it came to a fight, World Historian was as limited as he was. He drew his bow and jogged to catch up with Ianite.
She didn’t turn to look at him as she began to climb the steps leading to the temple but he fell into step beside her anyway. This was the moment she’d been waiting for her whole life, the moment that would change her fate. The feeling of foreboding only increased as they got closer to the temple entrance, the setting of the sun behind them certainly didn’t help matters. The fading light caused the obsidian to reflect and shimmer with a subtle purple hue, and now, closer, Jordan could see the material had been carved to resemble bricks. Unless, instead, the obsidian had taken over what had once been a temple of stone brick at the will of some unseen force, covering over the stone. 
The doorway was recessed several meters within and as they entered darkness fell ominously. There were no torches or lanterns to light the way at first but before he could take one out, Ianite raised a hand illuminated with magic, casting an eerie purple glow all around them. Where there would be a doorway was blocked off by what almost appeared to be carved bedrock. Ianite waved her hand but nothing happened. She paused, repeated the motion again to no avail. 
Jordan stepped back to look around further, lighting a torch of his own despite the glow of her magic. That was when he noticed the floor was carved with oddly familiar symbols.
“What is this Tucker?” 
“Oh it’s just my Blood Altar. Got some different runes, sacrifice, augmented capacity and all that fun stuff.”
“Blood Altar?” 
“Yeah, you do tech, I do Blood Magic.” 
“These are Blood Magic runes.” Jordan said, aiming his torch to see them closer. 
“Blood Magic? I’ve never heard of such a thing.” Ianite commented, turning away to see what he was talking about. 
“It was a school of magic in Ruxomar, you gave blood in return for magical abilities. It wasn’t my focus, but I dabbled in it for a short time because some of the spells were beneficial. If I remember, these are runes of self-sacrifice.” There was a slight expression of surprise on her face when he explained. He’d reacted similarly when he’d first looked into it. It was borderline dark magic due to its source but the benefits had outweighed the risks then and apparently the knowledge was paying off now.  
“Self-Sacrifice? As in…?”
“Your own blood, not that of an animal or monster.” 
“Gods do not bleed though.” Her brows had furrowed in confusion. 
“But mortals do. The prophecy said you would need a mortal hero to help you reach your full potential, this was possibly a reason why.” They’d not yet figured exactly why his help had been necessary, until this point she could have done everything else on her own, he’d just helped expedite the research. But this was clearly something only he could help with. He drew a standard arrow from his quiver, rolling it between his fingers. 
Ianite was frowning but said nothing as he used the arrowhead to slice a neat cut on his palm. The blood that welled up evaporated painlessly into strange red smoke. Moments later the sound of grinding echoed throughout the temple entryway, the bedrock parting. Both of them looked to it and then back to each other. 
Now that the doors were open, the foreboding feeling had increased tenfold, enough to make Jordan feel somewhat sick to his stomach. Ianite however, seemed unaffected. They entered the temple, though the moment he stepped over the threshold he nearly stumbled from the wave of nausea that overtook him. 
“I’m fine.” He assured, blinking away the way his vision suddenly swam. 
She narrowed her eyes, peering at him suspiciously. “It’s the temple. Mortals were not meant to tread these halls.” She concluded, putting her hand on his shoulder and turning him back towards the entrance. “Wait for me outside.” 
“But My Lady, what if”
“That’s an order. You will wait for me outside.” There was a pressure on his mind, a powerful divine feeling. It was familiar enough that he knew she was the culprit but he wasn’t sure exactly what it was that she was doing. With a hefty sigh he nodded, relenting. 
“Good. Stand watch. Let no one enter. Can you do that?” He was sure she didn’t mean to sound condescending, she was obviously just worried. 
“Yes milady.” She squeezed his shoulder but said not another word, reassuring or otherwise. 
The sun had disappeared on the horizon when he exited the temple, the sky barely held any color now, just the faintest hint of orange. Behind him the temple seemed somehow more haunting, the scant light casting intimidating shadows. He’d be mostly useless once the sun set, there was no full moon tonight to give off any sort of illumination. So despite knowing it would make his location obvious, Jordan lit a lantern and fastened it to his belt opposite his sword sheath.  Ianite was right, it was not a question of if someone was coming, it was when and who? She’d said that Mianite and Dianite had been tracking her and that had been before she and Jordan had entered the temple, in all likelihood, it would be the Gods who would arrive. That was the more worrying option. Jordan, while a skilled fighter, was no match for one God, let alone two. He almost rather they send Tom or Karl, because at least he’d have a chance. But then, he did have a chance didn’t he? 
Jordan glanced back at his quiver, the tainted arrow sat next to a small bundle of poisoned arrows, hardly looking dangerous at all aside from the strange and venomous color. It wouldn’t kill a God but it would cripple them. But could he really bring himself to use it? Could he really be the one to debilitate a God? On the other hand though, could he kill Tom or Karl with it? He’d killed them both in this life and in Tom’s case, the others. But that had been with the knowledge that they would come back no worse for wear. He himself had died dozens of times. If he struck them with this arrow, they would not return. Period, end of story. It was true and actual murder on a level he’d never even considered before this. True Karl would not meet Tucker or Sonja or Wag anyway, but Jordan and Tom hadn’t thought it would be because he was dead for good. 
A sound in the distance caught his attention, like the sound of an enderman’s teleport and the crack of a pickaxe on stone. A half second later, he heard it again. Then came the mental pressure once more, though this time it was not Ianite, which could only mean it was one of her brothers. With gritted teeth, Jordan nocked the tainted arrow in his bow but did not yet draw.
He could feel his heartbeat pounding in his ears, unable to do anything but wait till either God stepped into the light. He was suddenly hyper aware of every inhale and exhale, of the sound of the wind whistling past, of the groan and growl of mobs in the surrounding hills.  
“Sparklez” Jordan drew back his bowstring in an instant as Mianite’s voice echoed in his ears. He did his best to calm his breath but it was practically useless, his mind and heart were racing in anticipation for a fight. 
“Captain, stand down.” Dianite ordered and Jordan was quick to aim towards where the voice had come from. There was a power to both of their tones that he’d never heard before, an otherworldly aspect that some part of him knew marked them as higher beings despite never having been told. 
“We do not wish to bring you harm.” Mianite added and once more Jordan shifted his aim. He’d yet to see either God, both speaking to him from the darkness outside his lanterns range. 
“You’re involved with something far beyond you boyo” The use of the nickname from Dianite dragged forth memories of Dianite in Ruxomar, the merchant God who’d been wrongly murdered. He’d been a victim in that world, as Ianite would be in this one. Had Tom not told him of Ruxomar and what had happened there? And Mianite, how could he possibly become the gentle and good hearted God that Tucker would worship when he was willing to let his own Sister wither away in a prison cell?
“I don’t think I am. I think I am exactly where I am supposed to be.” Jordan fired back, finally finding his voice. He sounded so much smaller than them, so weak compared to them, so very, mortal. “You’re both just scared of a future where Ianite is the strongest of you three!” 
It was Dianite who stepped into the light first, hands raised placatingly. Jordan turned to him anyway, amethyst arrowhead glinting dangerously in the flickering lantern light. “You don’t understand what’s happening here Captain. This is not what our Mother intended. This place was not meant for any of us to find.” Mianite stepped out of the darkness a half step behind his brother, his hands, while not raised, were still in a position meant to convey a lack of weapons. 
“I don’t care. The prophecy doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I keep her safe and out of both of your hands.” 
“Sparklez,” Mianite spoke once more. “The strength that Ianite may or may not find within that temple will not be the thing that seals nor prevents her fate. There is a force far greater than any of us that has tricked Ianite in the same way it would trick Dianite or myself. You were right, the spell was written by our Father, who you know as World Historian, but unlike you or I or any of the others, he is one being across all dimensions. There is no alternate version of him that does not wish ruin upon all planes of existence.” 
“It’s true Captain.” Dianite agreed before Jordan could say anything. “The research you and Ianite did confirms such a thing, you just didn’t want to see it.  The Shadows and Darkness that have been plaguing us all is our Father.  His book, the spell Ianite is after, will give her strength beyond comprehension but will corrupt so absolutely that she will no longer be the Goddess any of us know.” 
Jordan did not have the words to reply. He didn’t want to believe them. He wanted to believe that this was a ruse to get past his guard and get to Ianite. He wanted to believe that they were the ones who were delusional. But he had been the one to hear Kikoku Botan, the Father of Ianite, Dianite and Mianite, the one who called himself the Shadows and World Historian, in Ruxomar. He’d seen what had happened to the Ianite of that world and what she’d been forced to do. He knew, deep down within him, that World Historian was the true villain in this all and had always been. He knew that the Gods before him were right and that Ianite was making a terrible mistake. 
So, as much as it pained him to do so, as large a blow to his honor and sense of loyalty it was, Jordan lowered his bow. 
Before either God could take another step, the temple exploded outward in a burst of sinister noxious energy. Jordan was thrown forward to the ground, chunks of stone and obsidian rained down around him, dust filling the air. He coughed as he struggled back to his feet, trying to expel the particles from his lungs. Finally the dust settled enough that he could see what had happened. 
At first he did not understand what he was seeing. The temple had been built into a mountain but there was no longer a mountain. Instead a vast inky darkness stretched into the sky, blotting out the stars entirely, though something about the shape was oddly familiar. His lantern was not strong enough to illuminate what the darkness was, but the closer he looked at the shape against the stars, Jordan realized that it was moving. The stretches of darkness wriggled and writhed like massive tentacles of some ancient beast, and that was the moment when it clicked in his head.
“Ianite?” Her name was little more than a whispered plea on his lips as he fell to his knees with his eyes wide in fear. Because in the temples place, was the immense and terrifying form of the Taint Abomination. 
Ianite could see the discomfort on her Champion’s face the moment they entered the temple. She’d wondered if there might be some sort of safeguard against mortals, such a thing was certainly not outside the realm of possibility. But still he pressed on, keeping in step with her as they went further, voicing no complaint no matter how ill at ease he may feel. Loyalty to her goal over his own safety, he really was admirable in his devotion. She would allow him to remain on this path with her until his condition became an impediment, then she’d send him to stand guard and perhaps delay her brothers. 
The usage of another world’s magic, one that was arguably dark magic, was somewhat surprising. Not as surprising as the fact that her Captain had experience with it, enough to be able to recognize the runes on sight and know exactly how to utilize them. He hardly hesitated once he realized what needed to be done. She didn’t question him, watching silently as he activated the runes. The door grinding open was proof enough that he’d not been mistaken. Unfortunately, that was the last time he would be a greater help than hindrance. The ill pallor of his skin had only deepened, his eyes unfocused as he tried to fight off whatever infliction had fallen over him. It was when he stumbled on the threshold that she made the decision. 
She was not surprised when he argued to stay beside her. There was a chance that something further might require his assistance or his knowledge, but how likely could that be considering how badly he was reacting? So she risked a mental suggestion, exerting a slight pressure to push him to agree. It wasn’t something she did often, particularly with him, but right now, she needed him to actually listen. He agreed, reluctantly, but agreed, turning back towards the entryway of the temple and leaving her alone in the darkness. 
It was much quieter without him here. She’d gotten used to all the soft, mortal sounds he made after all the time they’d spent together in the last weeks. She was used to hearing a second set of footsteps, the soft clanking of his armor, the whisper of arrow fletchings brushing against one another in a quiver. She suddenly felt very alone. But it was that loneliness that drove her to take a step forward, then another and another. If she turned back now she would face a millenia alone. 
The temple interior was filled with towering columns of obsidian, tall enough that she could not see the ceiling they held up. She cast out her magic to attempt to illuminate the space further but there was something about this darkness that seemed to swallow the light whole. She should have asked Sparklez for a torch or lantern so that she could conserve her magic, but seeing the way these shadows behaved she wasn’t sure it would have had any effect. 
“My Daughterrrrr” a voice hissed from the gloom “you have returnnnned.” 
The light of her magic deepened in hue, a more offensive intent coming forth instinctively. “Yesssss, you have grown strongerrrrrr” 
“End this game Father.” She ordered, she would not back down from this attempt at intimidation, not after she had come this far. The answer she received was a grating noise, like a crude and twisted imitation of a laugh. 
“You are stronger indeeeed. Verrryyy wellll.” The darkness parted, revealing an altar and beyond it, a room. He did not leave her as she ventured ever deeper, whispering praises in that strange cadence and tone. She didn’t know if the reason behind this change was time or the fact that this was not a vision. He’d spoken normally in that long ago vision and appeared normally enough, at least he’d had a form instead of now where he was a shapeless darkness. 
She did not reply to his honeyed words, keeping her focus on the room past the altar. The altar itself was a sickly color, like decaying plant matter, with stains that reminded her too closely of the rich color that had come from her Champions hand. The thought of lives lost on this altar made her stomach roil, especially that of her own Champion. 
“You were right to send him awayyyyyy.” The Shadow spoke in one ear. “I might have been inclineedddd to askkkkk for a sacraficeeeeee.” He said in the other.
“You have done him enough harm!” She snapped, turning towards the voice in an instant. She’d not told the Captain in fear of him turning against her, but she knew that this creature, her father, the ‘World Historian’ was the same entity that her Champion had faced in that other world. It was no alternate or variation, it was the same being that had killed her in that world along with Dianite. Sparklez would never have agreed to follow her here, let alone leave her if he knew she was facing that once more. 
The temple echoed with the aberrant laughter. “Soooo protectiveee. Are you frightened for himmm, my daughterrrr? Frighteneddd forrr what your brothersssss will do to himmmm? Youuuu shoulddd be more afraid of what youuuuuu will do to himmmmm.” 
“Enough!” She snarled only to realize the voice had fallen silent. 
She’d reached the room beyond the altar, eyes falling upon the crumbling desk. His voice had left her, as had all other sounds once again. The book she’d seen so long ago sat innocently on the center of the desk, dust free despite the thick layer that caked the rest of the ancient looking wood. The stump remains of a candle sat beneath the wax melter on one corner of the desk, while on the other corner was a pot of ink, long dried and quill lacking all its feather. The entire sign was a picture of decrepit age, except for the book itself. 
Slowly, Ianite stepped forward, her heart beating heavily in her chest. Her focus was on nothing but the book. Not the eerie temple behind her nor the touch of her brothers in the periphery of her mind. Only this. All these years of waiting and biding her time. All these weeks upon months of research. The lies and manipulations she’d spun. All of it was coming to fruition now. Everything she had worked for had finally been rewarded. 
A surge of power filled her when she picked it up, the strength of the very void itself pouring through her veins. Yes. This was the final moment. She’d won. She would not let the prophecy come to be. She would not see the inside of that gilded crystal prison. She would be free. 
The seal melted away at her touch, sizzling and bubbling into liquid. Each droplet that fell seared acidically through the floor and into the earth below but the book remained unharmed. When she opened the book, it was directly to the page with the spell written upon it. She recognized the script from the vision, the curling, almost decorative way the letters spilled across the page. 
Steeling herself, Ianite began to read it out loud, reciting the ancient spell in the tongue of the Gods. With each word she felt her strength grow, further and further, stronger and stronger. She would be unstoppable. She would be invincible. No being, God or Mortal would be capable of imprisoning her now. As the last word spilled from her lips, Ianite felt the truest most pure sense of elation. Then the pain began. 
She screamed. Tears ran down her cheeks and she fell to her knees, body crumpling under the agony sparking through her. She could do nothing but scream. Knew nothing but pain. All the strength had warped into grotesque torment. The last thing she saw before her awareness left her was her very flesh bubbling away in toxic violet smoke.
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gridoc · 4 years
to add on to the idea of the hermits making the a new hermit to eat something outrageous what if the make them eat a glistering melon slice bc what if it’s overbearingly sweet and has a distinct sweet yet bitter taste?? idk just something I thought abt :,)
Oooo!!! Ok maybe when the new hermit themselves join they are given the option to eat one if they dont want to search? But also yes but also that would take a while to get their hands on it since they just started??
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popfizzles · 5 years
How about a *:・゚✧ Glistering Melon Slice *:・゚✧
Tumblr media
okay Melon
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marcilled · 4 years
Btw, some potential loot you can find from these ruined portal chests:
4-8 rolls to receive any of these items in this loot table, some have higher chance than other items
1-2 obsidian 1-4 flint 9-18 iron nugget 1 flint & steel 1 fire charge 1 golden apple 4-24 gold nugget 1 randomly enchanted gold tool (any tool incl. hoes) 1 randomly enchanted gold armor 4-12 glistering melon slice 1 gold horse armor 1 light weighted pressure plate 4-12 gold carrot (woah??) 1 clock 2-8 gold nugget 1 bell 1 enchanted golden apple (god apple) 1-2 gold block
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expgg · 4 years
One-stop guide to Minecraft potions
In Minecraft, the players never run short of activity possibilities. You can, for example, build massive citadels, bridges, and buildings. You can also combat menacing enemies at night. 
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 You may also focus on enhancing your character’s strength with armors, weapons, and potions. Minecraft potions enhance your character‘s strength but the effects do not last for a long time. Still, these can be useful before a heavy combat scene. By drinking these potions, you can resist fire, enhance damaging capacity and boost health.  
How To Make Potions 
You can make many types of potions and each lends you a unique capability or power. However, to prepare a potion you will require one Brewing Stand. It is needed to cook the concoctions. You can actually craft your own Brewing Stand. 
A Brewing Stand is not tough to create. You need to use a Blaze Rod and mix it with 3 Cobblestone bits.  The Blaze Rod is the fuel and so it must be kept at the center. The Cobblestone should be placed at the bottom. Blaze Rods can be obtained in Nether Fortresses. 
Creating Effect Potions 
The Effect potions can be made by mixing Awkward Potions with various ingredients. The Awkward potion should be kept inside the Brewing Stand. Next, you will have to add the necessary stuff in it. Make sure the Blaze Powder is in store for lighting the stand.  
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Listed below are the ingredients you can use and their effects: 
Sugar – creates the Potion of Swiftness. It can be obtained by crafting sugar cane. 
Golden Carrot – Makes the Potion to obtain Night Vision. You will need one carrot and eight Gold Nuggets. 
Rabbit’s Foot – Makes the Potion of Leaping. You have to slaughter the bunnies for this. 
Glistering Melon Slice – Makes Potion of Healing. It can be made by obtaining a Melon Slice and eight Gold Nuggets. 
Blaze Powder – Creates the Potion of Strength. You will need to get a Blaze Rod. 
How to change the Minecraft potions 
 Apart from creating potions, you can change them too. The effect of the potions can be altered by adding special items. These ingredients alter the working mechanism of the potions. You can also turn potions into poisons.  
Redstone Dust – Extends the duration of a potion. 
Fermented Spider eye – reverses the potion effect. 
Glowstone Dust – Enhances potion potency. 
Summing it up 
It will take some time before you can figure out which potions will suit your needs the best. Sometimes, you can manage just fine by making a few potions.  
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The post One-stop guide to Minecraft potions appeared first on EXP.GG Vietnam.
source https://exp.gg/vn/game-sinh-ton/one-stop-guide-to-minecraft-potions/
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