#glad to this day i have not had to experience an office party like these poor fools
helianskies · 5 months
Office parties suck, please? I suffered through one last night, need someone else to do it as well. If you can have Spain or England or both in the story I'll be happy.
hi anon! i hope you have recovered from your endeavour - please have a cookie for bravery 🍪 - and pls enjoy this bc well,, suffering is temporary. Arthur is about to learn that :) (also shame on me for making this engspa but anon honey you did ask for one or both idiots and this is an engspa addiction zone i can't be stopped >:'v)
Office parties suck. There is no debate to be had on the matter, and Arthur knows his mind is not going to be changed by attending this year’s party. 
Last year, he’d been roped into it—bribed with free drinks and the potential to schmooze for a promotion he ended up losing to Greg of all people—and by the time he got home, the holiday spirit had been drained out of him like mulled wine from the keg. 
So this year, he is adamant. He is not going to the damn office party, no matter what!
…until, that is, a certain someone comes over to his desk in the morning as he’s buried in his emails, and catches him with his guard down.
“Are you coming along this evening?” someone asks.
Arthur hums to acknowledge there’s been an interaction, but his eyes are trying to make sense of the words he’s reading. Seriously, does he need to be in this email chain? He could do without the nonsense and plain stupidity, especially on a Friday!
“It’s my first since working here,” the other goes on, a muffle in his mind. “I hope it’s good…”
“It’ll be fine,” Arthur mumbles. His eyes are still on his screen. His brain is still deciphering paragraph-long sentences. 
“I was wondering, though… If you aren’t going with anyone else, would you… consider going with me? Just so I’m not the, uh, the weirdo going in alone, haha…”
His finger clicks the mouse, deleting the email. 
“Yeah, sure.”
“R— Really?”
Another three emails have since appeared in his inbox. Arthur wants to cry. 
“Wow… Thanks, Arthur!”
And at long last, he looks away from his computer, unsure what it is he’s being thanked for, only to find Antonio smiling at him. Antonio, one of few ‘friends’ in the office he has. Antonio, who’s been there for only about six months yet is universally adored. Antonio, who, at least in private, is probably adored by no one as much as he is adored by Arthur, who, as he continues to look at the other, realises what he has just done. 
He can’t even be mad about it. 
He can’t say ‘no’ now, because it would likely upset Antonio.
He can’t do anything, in fact, other than smile back at him and ask, “Shall I meet you there?” 
“I can pick you up,” Antonio offers, as his heart screams. “You aren’t far from me.”
And that is what happens, then, later that evening after the work day is over, the office is closed, and Arthur has had a chance to freshen himself up. 
He still can’t believe he’s doing this. He can’t believe, firstly, that he is going to the damn Christmas party again, but he also can’t believe that he’s that useless a human being he hasn’t even had the decency to tell Antonio since his unwitting agreement that, actually, he doesn’t want to go! He could have made an excuse! Something like, the cat’s ill, got to run to the vet, or maybe, suit shrunk in the wash and I don’t think going naked is wise so I’m out!
But no! He’s bottled it! And now he’s there, standing in a not-that-warm venue, dying over making small talk about his uneventful holidays-to-come, and longing for his bed. 
Somewhat luckily for him, after a few moments of further lamenting, his saviour appears with another glass of hot wine (it’s all the company thought to provide other than prosecco, and he just isn’t a bubbles man!). 
“Here,” Antonio says, passing over a glass. He stands next to Arthur as the blond takes a sip and savours the warmth it provides.
“Thanks,” Arthur replies.
“No worries,” Antonio nods. “I think it’s the least I can do for you, after dragging you out here. I’m starting to regret my choices…”
The Brit just can’t help but snort, humoured. “Office parties suck,” he remarks, to which Antonio hums in agreement.
“Remind me not to do this next year,” he says. “All this effort for cheap wine and stinky cheese!”
“Not your cup of tea?”
“Not my…?”
“Not your thing,” Arthur clarifies. “Not your idea of a good party.”
“Oh! No,” the brunet responds, shaking his head before taking a sip of his wine. Then he says, “My sort of party involves better music, more dancing, and more drinking. I would hazard to say that mulled wine is not really ‘my cup of tea’ either.”
“No? Is it not a bit like sangria?”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“Still,” Antonio says, “I’ll make it up to you.”
Arthur doesn’t want him to feel obliged or guilty; cheap wine and stinky cheese aside, he’s had a nice evening thanks to some shared laughter, some moaning, and some, well, cheap wine and stinky cheese. 
But in all seriousness, Antonio has been good company. Even if he would have liked to have stayed home, he… can’t deny he’s enjoyed the opportunity to get to spend time with Antonio away from the office. It’s been nice to just talk with him, without the pressure of it having to be work-related somehow, managers looming over them. It’s been nice to feel at ease, and more like themselves—more real—even if only slightly.
So Arthur tells him, “Don’t worry about it. The evening hasn’t been too unbearable.”
“Oh?” Antonio croons. “You think?”
“Yeah, well, you’re not unbearable.”
“Flattery! How kind,” the other jokes. “I’m still going to make it up to you. I feel responsible for your suffering.”
“What suffering?” Arthur remarks as he sips his wine.
“It’s like you said, no? Office parties suck?”
“Oh, yeah. For sure.” He lowers his glass. “They suck less with good company, though.”
Antonio stares at him for a moment. He can feel his gaze—can feel the warmth and nerves grow the longer it goes on. Arthur holds his cards close to his chest and says no more, his own eyes turning to the room, their colleagues, the small talk to come. 
But then, just out of the corner of his eye, he glimpses a smile. A lovely, soft, wine-humoured smile. 
That’s all Arthur needs to convince himself that… maybe not all office parties suck…
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tonyspank · 10 months
Tara Carpenter x G!P Reader x Female OC
Warnings: zombies, near death experience, violence, frankie, and idk
A/N: i imagine heather to look like beabadoobee + this is like 6k words or sum like that
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It's your first day in the neighborhood, and you're already behind bars. You quickly get up as the door to the room opens, revealing a stern-looking police officer. She glances at you with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, making you feel even more uneasy.
The blonde woman then begins laughing. Her laughter echoes through the room, breaking the tension that had been building up. You can't help but feel a sense of relief as her laughter seems to lighten the atmosphere.
"If it were up to me, I'd let you out tonight, but Dewey wants you to think about what you've done. Frankie always edged me the wrong way as soon as he got here, he's too childish. I'm Officer Kirby, by the way." Officer Kirby's voice is surprisingly friendly, contrasting with the initial air of suspicion.
She leans against the wall, her expression softening as she continues to speak. "Dewey just wants to make sure you understand the consequences of your actions. We're here to help you, not punish you."
You nod at her words, "Thank you." Officer Kirby nods back, a reassuring smile on her face. "You're welcome," she says, her tone filled with genuine sympathy. "I'll let your visitor in."
Visitor? Was it Iris? You wrap your hand around the iron bars in front of you, waiting for Kirby to bring your visitor in. The sound of footsteps grows louder, and your heart skips a beat as the door swings open to reveal... Tara?
The freckled-faced girl walks towards you with a hesitant smile. "Hey," she says softly. You send her a tiny smile, your voice as low as hers. "Hey."
Tara's visit catches you off guard, and you can't help but wonder why she is visiting you in this place. As she reaches the iron bars, you notice a hint of nervousness in her eyes. "...Thank you. For, uh, not letting me leave with him." You nod, understanding her gratitude. "Of course, Tara. I guess we're even now, huh?"
Tara's eyes widen slightly. "Yeah, I guess so. I still feel like I owe you one." You give her a reassuring smile, hoping to ease any lingering doubts she may have. "Don't worry about it, Tara. Just glad I could help."
Tara stares at you a bit before shaking her head, "Yeah, I don't know. I think I was more messed up than I realized." You slip a finger through the bar, reaching out to gently touch her hand. Tara eyes your hand for a bit, hesitant at first but eventually allowing your touch.
"It's okay, Tara. Plus, I think we were all a little messed up at that party. I thought I landed all my punches until I realized I saw three Frankies instead of one."
Tara gives a small chuckle, her dimples deepening as she looks up at you. You smile at Tara's chuckle, relieved to see her mood lighten. Your own smile begins to fade as you ask, "Hey, do you know anyone named Iris here?" Her eyebrows furrow, and she slowly nods her head.
"Iris? Yeah, I know her. Her and Chad are supposed to be a thing. Why do you ask?" Tara's voice carries a hint of curiosity as she waits for your response.
You hesitate for a moment, unsure if you should confide in Tara. But after a deep breath, you decide to trust her. "I knew Iris before...you know, the walkers. She was my girlfriend."
Tara's eyes widen in surprise, "Are you serious?" You nod, pulling your hand back behind the bars. "Yeah, we've been together since high school. It feels like a lifetime ago now," you reply, a hint of sadness in your voice. Tara's expression softens.
Before she speaks, you noticed a mix of emotions flicker across her face: empathy, understanding, and perhaps a touch of curiosity. It's clear that Tara wants to know more, but she respects your vulnerability and decides to give you the space to share at your own pace. "I'm sorry..."
"It's nice to know she's safe, though. I've been stressing myself out about it." You clear your throat, and tears begin to well up in your eyes. Fuck. You were really about to cry in front of Tara. She frowns at the sight of your tears, worry evident in her expression.
Tara reaches into the cell, her hand barely brushing your forearm "Hey, it's okay to let it out," she says softly. "I'm here for you, whatever you need." You take a deep breath, feeling a wave of relief wash over you at Tara's words.
Her empathy and support make you feel seen and understood. With a shaky voice, you manage to say, "Thank you, Tara. I just... I've been holding it all in for so long, and it's been overwhelming."
You lace your fingers together, trying to steady yourself. Tara's presence provides a much-needed sense of comfort and safety, allowing you to finally release the emotions that have been weighing you down. As tears stream down your face, Tara begins crouching down, allowing you both to sit down on the floor together.
"Shit, I'm sorry." Tara's eyes soften along with her voice, "You don't have to apologize. Now we're even." She jokes, trying to lighten the mood. You manage a weak smile, grateful for Tara's attempt to brighten you up.
The two of you sit in silence, finding solace in each other's presence as you navigate through the overwhelming emotions together.
You don't know how long you've been sitting there, but soon Officer Bailey walks inside the room. Officer Bailey's stern expression softens as he takes in the scene, a small smile fighting his lips. He clears his throat, breaking the silence, "Tara. Visiting time is over."
Tara looks up at Officer Bailey, her eyes filled with sadness but also a sense of acceptance. She squeezes your hand gently before standing up. "Okay." As she walks towards the door, she turns back to give you one last reassuring smile, which you return.
As Tara exits the room, Officer Bailey follows closely behind her, his footsteps echoing down the hallway. You watch them disappear from sight, letting out a heavy sigh.
How could Iris move on without knowing you were okay? Did she even care about you anymore? These questions lingered in your mind, causing a pang of uncertainty. You couldn't help but wonder if Iris had truly moved on or if she still held a flicker of love for you deep within her heart.
You remind yourself that people change, and perhaps Iris had her own reasons for moving on. But somewhere deep down, you still held onto the hope that she had not completely forgotten about you.
It's now afternoon, and you're back in Gale's living room. "Officer Hicks told me what happened at the party." You open your mouth to speak, but she interrupts you.
"I'm not mad! Just a little bit disappointed. I understand that things can get out of hand sometimes, especially at parties. But I hope you realize the importance of making responsible choices and considering the consequences of your actions. I'm also not saying you were in the wrong, but violence was not the way to go about that." As Gale speaks, you feel a sense of relief knowing that she isn't holding any grudges against you.
You nod, grateful for Gale's understanding and willingness to let go of any lingering resentment. "Thank you." You say sincerely, and Gale smiles warmly, believing in your ability to grow from this.
"Anyways. About your job." You perk up, eager to find out what role Gale has assigned you. Gale continues, "I've been thinking about it, and I think you'll be a great runner of ours. You'll be stationed with Chad, Wes, Ethan, and Danny. Sometimes it's about supplies, and other times it's about taking out a herd that's getting a bit too close to home." You feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of being part of the team and contributing to the community's safety.
Gale assures you, "Don't worry, we'll provide you with all the necessary equipment you'll need to handle any situation that may arise." She explains that the team has a well-stocked supply room with everything from weapons to protective gear. Additionally, Gale mentions that they regularly conduct training sessions to ensure everyone is prepared for any challenges they may face.
"Do you have any questions? —" The front door is loudly slammed open, causing you and Gale to rise from the couch. "Sorry, Gale! She wouldn't listen to me." You recognize that voice as Sidney's, but the figure that makes its way down the hallway isn't Sidney, but Iris.
Iris has a distraught look on her face, but anger is also evident in her eyes. She storms into the room, ignoring your presence, and confronts Gale. "Tell Dewey to get a team ready to look for my sister now! Not later now! How could you wait? What if she's in trouble? What if she's bit?"
Iris's voice trembles with worry as she pleads with Gale, her words filled with urgency and fear. Gale's gaze flickers from Sidney's to Iris's, unsure of what to do. You speak up, "Heathers in trouble?"
Iris turns towards you, her eyes filled with desperation. "Yes, Heather's been missing for hours now. Richie returned without her. We need to find her before something bad happens," she says, her voice stern.
Gale's expression softens as they realize the gravity of the situation. "Iris is right, we can't waste any more time. We need to gather a search party and start looking for Heather immediately," Gale declares, determination shining in their eyes.
Everyone rushes out of the house, splitting in different directions as they set up for a search party. You follow Gale the entire time, who turns around as the two of you hand out weapons. She holds out a pistol, "Are you ready?"
You take the pistol from Gale's outstretched hand and say, "More than you know." Gale smirks at your words, and Ethan comes behind you, patting your back. You smile at the curly-haired boy who makes his way inside the truck.
You then glance to your left, Sam is hugging Danny goodbye, and Chad... Chad held Iris's face in his palms, pressing a kiss onto her forehead. Chad whispers something to Iris, and she nods, her eyes never leaving his.
You swallow the lump in your throat, jealousy running throughout your body. Suddenly, a hand lands on your forearm, causing you to jump. You turn around to see Tara, who gives you a subtle smile. "Don't die out there. You owe me for last night."
You give Tara a grateful smile and nod, appreciating her support. "Thanks, Tara. I'll make sure to come back in one piece," you reply, a smile on your face. Tara's heart flutters. She doesn't know what it was, but there was something about your smile that made her feel fuzzy inside.
As you turn back towards the truck, you take a deep breath and remind yourself of the mission ahead, pushing aside any lingering feelings of jealousy.
"Hey? Where the hell is Wes?" Chad asks, moving away from Iris. Tara's smile fades slightly as she scans the area, realizing that Wes is nowhere to be seen. As if on cue, Wes emerges, but with crutches, limping towards the group.
"Hey, man? What happened?" Chad asks, you furrow your eyebrows too, as Wes was just fine last night. Wes looks down at his crutches and sighs. "I had a little accident this morning," he explains. "Fell down the steps and twisted my ankle pretty bad." You feel a pang of sympathy for Wes, hoping he's okay.
Ethan is now out of the SUV, frowning at his friend's injury. "Won't that mean we need someone to replace him for the mission?" Danny glances at Ethan, nodding.
"Yeah, we might need to find a replacement," he says, considering the implications of Wes' injury on the mission. "We can't afford to have someone who can't keep up."
"Gale!" Danny calls out, catching the attention of their dark-haired woman. Gale looks over, curious about the urgency in Danny's voice. She holds up a finger at Richie, who nods, looking back down at a map to try and pinpoint exactly where Heather could be.
"We need someone to step in for Wes," Danny explains, gesturing towards Wes. Gale nods, processing the information quickly. "I can." Another Office that you haven't met says, walking closer to the group of people. Wes eyes widen, "Mom! No."
The officer ignores Wes's protest, her drive unwavering. She looks at him with a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine, Wes. We need to find Heather as soon as possible." Gale gestures to the blonde haired woman to speak with her privately.
Gale leads the officer away from the group, their conversation filled with hushed tones and concerned expressions. You furrow your eyebrows.
What could they be talking about that they can't announce to the group?
As you watch Gale and the officer converse, a sense of unease washes over you. You wonder if there is something more serious going on than just finding Heather. The hushed tones and concerned expressions make you question if there is a hidden danger or threat that they are discussing.
The officer nods, walking away from Gale. Gale walks back to the group, "Frankie will be joining you guys. Chad, speak with Richie." Gale sends everyone a glance before walking away, with Iris and Wes following. Chad quickly nods and approaches Richie, who points at the map and discusses where to look for Heather.
You turn to Ethan, "What's that all about?" He just shrugs and says, "I'm not sure, but it seems like something serious. We should stay alert and keep an eye out for anything unusual while we search for Heather."
He goes back into the SUV, and you turn your head, noticing Tara's stare on you.
She's been staring at you so long that she didn't even notice Sam walking away, leaving her alone. You meet Tara's gaze and raise an eyebrow, silently questioning her.
She quickly looks away, blushing and pretending to be interested in something else. You smile to yourself before following Ethan into the SUV, maybe Tara does like you after all.
The door opens, revealing Frankie. Frankie scoots inside, obviously upset at the fact that you're in his presence. You can't help but crack a smile at his swollen cheek since it appears one of your punches did connect from last night.
Ethan glances at Frankie's swollen cheek and raises an eyebrow, amused by the evidence of your altercation.
He then taps your shoulder, allowing you to take his seat as he sits between you and Frankie. Just as he does this, Chad and Danny get into the truck, glancing at the three of you. "Everyone good?" Ethan nods, raising his thumb with a wide smile on his face.
Chad and Danny exchange a knowing look before shrugging and starting the engine. The truck begins moving down the road, the engine rumbling beneath you. As the truck gains speed, along with your heart rate. You wonder if Heather is safe, and you wonder if you'll return home well and alive.
You steal a glance at Frankie, who seems equally concerned. The uncertainty hangs heavy in the air, but you try to push those thoughts aside and focus on the present moment, gripping onto the seat tightly as the truck continues its journey.
You're miles outside of the community, stepping on branches and leaves as you navigate through the forest. A walker slowly but surely begins approaching your group, its decaying limbs dragging along the ground. You grip your knife tighter before raising it. The walker attempts to grab you, but it's limps fall flat as your knife digs into his skull.
The metallic tang of blood fills the air as you swiftly dispatch the walker. You look at Chad, who nods, ushering everyone to follow him. Chad's leadership skills shine through as he confidently leads the group deeper into the forest, his knowledge of survival tactics evident.
"It should be up here." Danny whispers, his voice barely audible over the rustling leaves. The group moves silently, their senses heightened, ready for any potential danger lurking in the shadows.
An abandoned shed comes into view, its weathered wood creaking in the wind. Chad cautiously approaches the entrance, his hand resting on the hilt of his weapon, prepared for whatever may await them inside.
As Chad pushes open the door, a musty smell fills the air, adding to the creepy ambiance. The group steps inside, trying to adjust their eyes to the dark interior. Thankfully, Ethan turns on his flashlight, illuminating the room and revealing the decaying furniture and cobwebs that cover every surface.
"She can't be here." Ethan whispers, looking around at the group. Chad sighs, clenching his jaw in frustration. You search around the room, hoping to find any clues or signs of Heather. The silence is broken by a faint creaking sound, causing everyone to freeze in anticipation, your hearts pounding in your chests.
Everyone raises their guns, gripping them tightly, ready to defend themselves if necessary. The creaking sound doesn't repeat itself, but the tension in the room remains palpable. Ethan's eyes dart around, scanning every corner for any movement. Chad takes a step forward, his voice filled with determination. "We need to keep searching," he says, his tone commanding.
Your foot hits a loose floorboard, causing it to let out a small squeak, nobody else heard it but you. You then crouch down in front of it, examining the floorboard closely. It appears to have been recently disturbed, with fresh scratches and marks. A sense of unease washes over you as you wonder what could have caused this and if there's something hidden beneath it.
You glance up at Chad, who seems to have noticed your sudden interest in the floorboard. His eyes narrow, mirroring your own unease. Without a word, you both exchange a knowing look, silently agreeing to investigate further. With renewed determination, you pry the loose floorboard open, revealing a hidden compartment underneath.
Abruptly, you're punched in the face, knocking you off balance and sending you sprawling onto the floor. Chad reacts quickly, lunging forward to defend you from the unseen attacker.
A dark-haired girl emerges from the compartment, throwing someone in Chad's face. You squint your eyes, recognizing her—it was Heather! You quickly stand up, but your eyes dart to Frankie, whose finger is about to squeeze the trigger. "Frankie! Don't!"
You shout, desperately hoping to stop Frankie from pulling the trigger. You push the gun away from Heather as a shot rings out, shattering the silence. The bullet narrowly misses Heather's head, grazing her ear instead.
The sound of the gunshot echoes through the air, sending a shockwave of fear through everyone present. Time seems to slow down as Heather stumbles back, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch her wounded ear.
The pain and confusion in her eyes are mirrored by the collective gasp of the group, their faces frozen in a mixture of horror and disbelief. As the gravity of the situation sinks in, chaos erupts around you, with people scrambling to Heather's side and people confronting Frankie.
"Frankie! What the fuck!" Danny shouts, helping Heather get to her feet. Frankie's face pales as he realizes the consequences of his actions, his hands trembling uncontrollably. He stammers, desperately trying to explain himself amidst the chaos and commotion.
"I-I didn't know!" Frankie's voice cracks with fear as he looks around at the accusing glares from the group. His words hang in the air, overshadowed by the weight of his mistake.
"We have to go, now!" Chad announces, grabbing Frankie by the arm and pulling him towards the exit. The group follows Chad's lead, Danny wraps an arm around Heather, helping her the best he can.
Ethan kicks open the door, everyone falling behind him. "You dipshit, you just alerted every single walker in our area with that shot!" You can hear the panic in Ethan's voice as he berates Frankie for his careless action.
"You think we can make it to the truck?" You ask Chad, who pushes Frankie in front of him.
Chad glances back at you, his eyes filled with focus. "We don't have a choice," he replies firmly. "We have to try." With that, he quickens his pace, leading the group towards the distant truck, their lives hanging in the balance.
Danny tries his best to comfort Heather, who is visibly shaken by the close encounter. "We'll make it out of this," he reassures her, his voice filled with persistence. "We just need to stick together and keep moving." Heather nods, finding solace in Danny's words as they continue their treacherous journey towards safety. "I don't know if it's because of all the blood I've lost, but...is that Y/N?"
You smile at the girl beside you, jumping over a fallen tree trunk. "The one and only." You smile. Heather's eyes light up, a glimmer of hope shining through her exhaustion. "I knew you were alive."
Your eyes snap back to the path in front of you as Ethan's boots skirt rocky path, almost sliding. "Watch out," you warn, reaching out a hand to steady him. Ethan nods gratefully, his face pale with fear.
"Wait!" Chad whisper yells, causing everyone in the group to pause. "Do you guys hear that?" You strain your ears, trying to catch any sound that Chad might have heard. The forest is eerily quiet, but then you hear it too—a faint rustling in the distance. It could be the wind, or it could be something else.
"Is that a herd?" Danny asks Chad, squinting his eyes as he tries to make out the source of the sound. Chad nods his head, his expression turning serious. "I think so," he replies, his voice filled with concern. The rustling grows louder, and you can now hear the distinct sound of branches snapping. Your heart starts to race as you realize that whatever is approaching is getting closer and closer.
Groaning and loud moaning from the dead are now added to the mix, sending chills down your spine. "Shit...run!" Ethan yells, his voice filled with panic. Chad and you exchange a quick glance before sprinting, adrenaline coursing through your veins. The sounds get louder, which only fuels your fear, urging you to run faster and escape.
As you run, the smell of decay fills the air, intensifying the horror of the situation. Each step feels heavier as you push yourself to your limits, desperate to put as much distance between you and whatever lurks behind.
You trip over a fallen branch, trying to get back up, but it seems your leg has gotten caught. Panic sets in as you struggle to free yourself, with the sound of your own heartbeat drowning out everything else. You see a walker in the distance gaining on you, causing you to frantically tug at your trapped leg, desperate to break free.
No one seems to notice you've fallen behind—except for Frankie. He stands there in fear and uncertainty, torn between running ahead to safety or staying to help you. His eyes dart back and forth, searching for a solution, as he weighs the risks of leaving you behind. Time feels like it's slipping away as the walker draws closer, and you can only hope that Frankie makes the right choice before it's too late.
He decides to run away, and you watch as he disappears into the distance, leaving you behind.
"Fuck!" Panic sets in as you realize you're on your own with no one to help you escape the approaching danger. Your heart races as you desperately try to come up with a plan to free yourself from the trap and catch up to safety.
The walker is getting closer and closer, its moans growing louder and more desperate. You reach for your knife, which fell when you did, and your middle finger barely brushes against the handle. Your fingers tremble as you struggle to grip the knife, your mind races with thoughts of survival.
The gut hungry walker falls on top of you. Its decaying breath fills your nostrils, causing you to gag. Panic sets in as you feel its cold, lifeless hands clawing at your flesh. You fight back, desperately trying to push the walker off of you.
With a surge of determination, you manage to snatch the knife and tightly grasp it in your hand, digging the knife into its head. The walker's grip weakens as its body goes limp, finally releasing you from its clutches. You let out a heavy breath, pushing it off of you and using your knife to break free from the trap.
Rushing up, you gather anything else you dropped before rushing in the direction of your group, angry and relieved that you're still alive.
"Where's Y/N?" Chad asks, scanning the group for your face. Everyone has made it to the car besides you and Frankie. Frankie finally catches up to the group, out of breath. "I saw Y/N get bit," Frankie pants, sweat dripping down his forehead. "She's gone! It's too late."
Chad's face turns pale as he processes Frankie's words. The group falls into a stunned silence, grief and shock filling the air. Danny leaves the back of the truck, Heather safe and asleep. "What happened?" He questions, unaware of the news.
Frankie takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "Y/N got bit by one of those things," he explains, his voice trembling. "I couldn't do anything to save her. It all happened so fast."
Chad's eyes well up with tears as he struggles to find the right words to respond. The weight of the loss hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their already tragic situation.
"We should get her body. To be bury her." Ethan announces to the group. Chad nods solemnly, his voice barely a whisper. "You're right. She deserves a proper farewell."
Abruptly, you appear from the forest, startling everyone. "What the—" Ethan's voice is cut off by you pushing Frankie against the truck, your face contorted with anger.
"You think you can just walk away after what you did?" you seethe, your voice filled with rage. The group watches in shock as you confront Frankie, "You just left me out there to die!"
Frankie's eyes widen in surprise, his voice shaking as he tries to explain himself. "I... I didn't mean to. It was a split-second decision, I panicked." Your nostrils flare before you look at the rest of the group, "We should move, the herd isn't too far behind."
Chad nods and says, "Let's go." Frankie swallows a lump in his throat before joining everyone in the SUV. The SUV speeds away, tension hangs heavy in the air. The group remains silent, each lost in their own thoughts, contemplating the consequences of Frankie's impulsive actions. The trust that once bound them together now teeters on the edge of collapse.
When you arrive at the community, you're greeted by a doctor, the police force, Sam, Quinn, Tara, Iris, Gale, and Sidney. Iris and the doctor rush Heather to the infirmary, while the police begin to put away the weapons and supplies that were used during the mission.
Sam brings Danny into a kiss, relieved to have him back safely. Ethan rushes to his sister, overwhelmed with worry and relief as he embraces her tightly. Chad walks toward Gale and Sidney, informing them about what happened during the mission. You glance at Tara, who smiles at you before walking toward you.
She brings you into a surprising hug, which you hesitate to return. She notices this going to pull back, "Shit, I'm sorry if I crossed a boundary," she stammers, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "I just... I'm really glad you're okay."
You quickly reassure her that it's alright and reciprocate the hug, feeling a fuzzy sensation spread through you as you hold her. She smiles once more, genuine concern and affection visible in her eyes as you start to back away.
You look back at Frankie, who's been leaning against the car ever since you've arrived. You clench your jaw, remembering how he just left you to die. "Hey..." Tara speaks, and your head turns back to her. "What happened?" You take a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain the situation.
"Frankie... left me," you say. "My leg got trapped, but luckily I managed to escape." Tara's expression turns serious as she listens intently, her eyes reflecting a growing concern for your well-being.
"He just abandoned me, Tara," you continue, shaking your head as the moment flashes before your eyes. "I couldn't believe it. I thought we were a team, but he left me behind without a second thought. And he shot Heather!"
Tara's brows furrow in disbelief, and she reaches out to gently touch your arm, offering comfort and support. "What the fuck? Are you serious? What an asshole." She mutters, glaring at the boy behind you.
You let out a chuckle, placing a hand on top of hers. "Yeah..." Chad, Gale, and Sidney turn to look at Frankie, whispering amongst themselves.
"I can't believe Frankie would do that," Chad says, shaking his head in disappointment. "I thought he was better than that." Gale nods in agreement, adding, "It's a shame. We trusted him." Sidney chimes in, her voice filled with frustration, "We should give him a new job. It's obvious he doesn't belong out there. I mean, what if Y/N died?"
You stare into Tara's eyes, getting lost in them. "Did I ever thank you for taking me back here? And saving my life?" Tara's face breaks out into another smile, "I think you did about the saving your life thing, taking you back? Not yet." She jokingly adds, "But don't worry, I'll be expecting a heartfelt thank you soon."
You chuckle and playfully nudge her shoulder. "...Hmm, I can't think of a thank you right now."
Tara playfully rolls her eyes and says, "Well, I guess I can wait a little longer for that thank you. Just don't forget, I'm here for you."
You smile and say, "Likewise." You then let go of her hand, taking a deep breath. "I'm going to see if Heather's doing okay."
Tara nods, giving you a reassuring smile. "I'll see you later." You give Tara a grateful nod and head towards the infirmary. An older man, Iris, and Heather turn their heads to you, and Heather's face lights up when she sees you. Iris gives you a nod of acknowledgement, and you can see the worry in her eyes. "How's the ear?"
"Dr. Danny Orth said I'll be fine. Just lost a bit of my ear." You nod at her words, sitting down beside Iris, "Well, I'm glad you're okay." Heather smiles weakly, "Yeah, it was a close call. I'm just grateful to be alive." She stares at you, her smile widening. "I still can't believe you're here."
You chuckle and reply, "I missed you, Heather." You reach out and squeeze her hand, returning her own smile before standing up. "Rest, okay?" Iris tells Heather, who playfully rolls her eyes with a nod. "I will," Heather assures Iris. Iris then sends you a look, which you read.
It's as if she is silently thanking you for being there for Heather in her time of need. You walk closer to her, whispering. "Can we please talk?" Iris looks into your eyes before glancing at her sister, whose eyes are closed. She nods and leads you out of the infirmary.
As you step outside, Iris takes a deep breath and turns to face you. "I appreciate you being there for Heather," she says softly. "It means a lot to both of us." You nod, feeling a sense of gratitude for the bond that has formed between you and the sisters during this difficult time. "I just wanted to make sure you're doing okay too," you say, concern evident in your voice.
"I'm okay." You nod. Silence begins to fall over the two of you, unsure of what to say. "How, um, handling all of this? It still feels like I'm stuck in a nightmare," you say, a nervous smile on your lips.
"I've been managing," she replies, a hint of sadness in her eyes. Silence again. She wraps her arms around herself, as if seeking comfort. "I...I missed you. I was so worried you were...dead."
Your eyes begin to water, and you reach out to gently squeeze her hand. "I missed you too." You step closer to her, "The day...the dead started walking, I went back to the apartment... to, uh, to look for you. And after that, I looked until I finally gave up. "
A tear falls from your eyes, and you wipe it away quickly. "I'm so sorry, Iris." you apologize, your voice trembling. "I'm so sorry that I stopped looking for you."
"It's okay," she whispers, her voice filled with forgiveness. "I know how chaotic everything became after the outbreak. We were all just trying to survive." She takes a deep breath, her grip on your hand tightening. "But now that we've found each other again, we can face whatever comes our way together."
You nod, sniffling. "I also...heard about you and Chad." You pause, unsure of how to continue. "I hope you know that I never stopped thinking about you, even when things got tough. And I understand if you've moved on, but I just wanted you to know that my feelings for you never changed."
Iris shakes her head. "Chad...he's a sweet guy...but I don't... I don't want to get attached to someone during these times. Especially after you, it...took a while for me to heal and find myself again. I appreciate your honesty, and it means a lot to me that you've always kept me in your thoughts. But right now, I don't think...I can."
You look at Iris, feeling a mix of disappointment and understanding. You respect her decision and silently hope that one day, when the timing is right, your paths may cross again. "Friends?"
"Friends." You both smile at each other, knowing that maintaining a friendship is the best option for now. You both understand that healing and finding oneself takes time, and that maintaining a friendship allows for growth and support without the pressure of a romantic relationship.
As you part ways, you feel grateful for the connection you share with Iris, knowing that it will continue to evolve in its own unique way.
"Is she okay?" You hear someone say while you're walking home. You turn your head to Amber, who sits on the curb of her house. "Heather?" She says, trying to be more clear.
With a gentle smile, you respond, "Yeah...you should go visit her." Amber shakes her head in disagreement, "No. The last time I saw her, I was yelling at her. I feel like such an asshole." You pause for a moment, understanding Amber's guilt.
"I think she would appreciate seeing you, regardless of what happened before. It's never too late to apologize," you suggest gently. Amber looks thoughtful, contemplating your words before nodding slowly.
"You're right." You smile at her. And she raises her eyebrows, "Tara's right. You do look attractive when you smile." Amber's comment catches you off guard, and you blush in response.
"Well, thank you," you reply, laughing a bit.
The tension in the air seems to ease as Amber chuckles softly. You furrow your eyebrows and say, "Wait. Am I not attractive when I don't smile?"
Amber chuckles again and shakes her head. "No, that's not what I meant. You're attractive either way, but your smile just adds an extra charm to your personality." You hum at her words, "Oh. Well, thanks again."
Amber playfully rolls her eyes, "I definitely just boosted your ego." You laugh, walking away. "You definitely did!"
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melanieph321 · 9 months
Ruben Dias x Black Reader - The Bodyguard Part 1/8
Yeah, this is going to be good 🤭🤭 So good!
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Summary - Reader is a popstars in trouble and Ruben is her new bodyguard, here to protect and help her find out who wants to hurt her. But what happens when the relationship between Reader and Ruben simply gets too personal?
"A bodyguard? For what?"
"Y/N, a person has threatened your life."
"So? People do that online every day. Haters gonna hate."
You fell back against the cuchens of your fifthy thousand euro couch. Sure, it was expensive, but it came straight from the set of Pulp Fiction, a collectors item, worth every penny. Pulp Fiction was your absolute favorite movie of all time.
"I get that you don't want someone following you around all day, especially now with the tour of your knew album, but please consider your own safety first." You're sister had been managing you ever since the beginning of your singing career, of course her natural instict was to worry about you.
"Fine you sighed. So when is this guy coming?"
"Well, we had him fly in from his latest job in the UAE."
"The what know?"
"The UAE, like Dubai? Aapparently even the riches shieks in the middle east wants this guy as their bodyguard. He's an ex navy seal from what I've heard."
"Girl." You chuckled. "I received one threatening phone call from a man who calls himself the Dickonataor 3000. What makes you think I need a navy seal to protect me from that? You should have gotten one of the pumped up dudes from the fitness center I go to to set this guy straight. How much is this bodyguard guy even costing us?"
"Well, he said your only up for trial and that discussions won't happen until the end of that trial period."
"A trial?" You sat up. "You mean to tell me that this guy is only coming around for a trial. To what? See if my life is really worth guarding?"
"Somthing like that, yes. I don't know all the details. Taylor was the one who set everything up."
"Taylor? What does he know about hiring bodyguards?"
"Well he has a decade of experience when it comes to driving spoiled popstars like yourself."
"I'm not spoiled, you're spoiled."
You're sister smiled. "We're both spoiled."
"Mom would be very proud, too bad she rarely flies out to see us?"
"She will be here for your album release party, she promised."
"Yeah, yeah, promises promises, they mean nothing to me."
Your sister stood with her hands behind her back,  watching you. You hated the way she dressed nowadays, in pantsuits, like a damn politician.
"Are you ready to go back to rehearsals?" She asked. You had only gone back to your apartment for a quick break. You had been dancing all day.
"I haven't eaten anything yet." You said.
"We'll pick somthing up on the go, come." She offered you her hand. Just like she when you were kids, wanting to hold your hand on your way to school.
Rehearsals went well, however your feet were killing you by the time you got home. Taylor dropped you off at the apartment whilst your sister still had some business to take care of. You were glad to be alone for a change, having been surrounded by people telling you what to do all day.
You peaked your head through to the kitchen to see if your personal chef was there. You'd ask her to cook a nice meal, perhaps one of her country's delicacies. You loved Brazilian food.
She was nowhere to be found. You went to look for her in her office.
"She's not here."
You froze as a big shadow swept behind you, followed by the dark voice of a man.
"Who are you?" You turned around and gasped. The man stood tall, dressed in a blacksuit and tie. His hair was slicked back, like a business man trying to appear more professional than he was.
"I'm here to kill you." He stated, just like that, with his hands tied before him.
"Um...okay. Taylor!!" You shouted.
"We're twelve stories up sweetheart, he won't hear you."
You frowned, applled by the man and his commanding, yet not threatening demeanor.
"What do you want, I don't keep any money here."
"Yeah, I realized that. However I hacked into your computer in your office."
"Y...you what?"
"It's not very smart of you not to encrypt any of your emails. I've received everything I need about your recent payments, credit card details, enough to forge your identity to make you go bankrupt in a few days time."
Your chest heaved up with your heavy breathing. Who was this guy, an intruder? Why was he so calm? Was he one of those serial killers to have sex with your corps before cutting it to pieces and eat it. Not on your watch, you thought and quickly ran back downstairs.
"Mariaaaaa!" You shouted.
"Like I said, I sent her home."
The man was right at your heals, following you wherever you went.
"What...why?" You said, slightly out of breath and your feet were still sore, so you didn't feel like running.
"Your apartment should be cleared out of staff by 6.pm it's easier to keep track of who goes in and out of the apartment if all your staff have a time stamp on them."
"How did you even get into the building?" You asked. "Did the doorman let you in?"
The man looked at you with tinted eyes, they were intimidating, yet kind. "The doorman has a shift change that occurs with a thirty minute window before the next guy shows up. I simply bid my time, observing your building all day, waiting for the right moment to simply walk into the building and take the elevator up to your floor."
"W.. what do you want?" You were trembling with fear now, ready to scream if the man dared try anything. However he seemed to keep his distance between you, yet it seemed like he was still invading your space.
"Like I said, I'm here to kill you. Or more so simulate how a killer would make the attempt to approach you in your home. From what I've gathered today you're an easy victim Y/N."
"How did you....wait are you...you're him aren't you? The bodyguard?"
The man stood with his hands behind his straight back, neither confirming or denying your statement.
You shook your head, a hint of a smile on your lips. "What a starnge way to introduce yourself and aren't you too young to be a bodyguard. I was expecting some G.I Joe looking mother fuc...."
"I think I'll do guarding a 60 kg girl who doesn't lock her front door when she leaves her home."
"But I know everyone who lives in this building and we have a doorman."
"You'll lock your doors from now on." He said, end of.
You were slightly taken back, mostly by the way he was dominating you, but also by the way you let him dominant you.
"It's my apartment,  I can do whatever I want." You said, a bit unconvincing.
"Not on my watch."
You snorted. "Right."
"Did I say something funny?"
"Yeah, a lot of things actually."
"I'm sorry to have frightened you with my unannounced entry Miss..."
"Y/N, is fine. " You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
"It's just standard protocol for me to ensure that whoever I'm working for is secure beyond my protection so that when it's necessary for me to give my life to them, I'll know it was for the right reason and not some sloppy mistake like an unlocked door or the fact that you let unwanted personal linger past suitable hours."
You're eyes were narrowed as you stared at the man, trying to make sense of it all. You stared at him until the point of realizing that he was actually kind of cute.
"Oh shit, there you are."
The strange introduction came to an end with your sister stumbling through the door.
"Taylor told me that he picked you up from the airport hours ago. I see you've already met my sister." She stepped forward shaking the man's hand.
"Yes we have just made ourselves acquainted, setting some ground rules for this arrangement."
Your sister looked at you, slightly impressed. You on the other hand was not having it at all.
"Y/N, why the long face?" Your sister said. "Meet Ruben Dias, you're new bodyguard."
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ddejavvu · 2 years
one moreeeeeee I promise I adore your hotch blurbs. so what if reader hasn't been working after a mission gone wrong and she comes back to an adorable welcome party then finds out hotch put it all together for her <3
right that's it sorry if I sent too much 😭 xx
You haven't heard that elevator ding in a long time. Three months, to be exact. You'd taken every hour of paid leave they offered you after being held hostage for four days, and you're proud to announce that your ankles don't shake as you step into the BAU. When you'd been hauled out of the warehouse they'd caved immediately, but now you're walking by yourself.
"Look at you," Derek's voice cuts through the professional silence of the room, heads turning and lifting to see you, "Lookin' better than ever!"
"You're back!" Emily jumps up from her desk, rushing to wrap you in a hug. You're better at accepting them now, and you don't flinch at all when she charges you. You reciprocate her hug with a tight one, so tight that you can feel the pinch of her hand on your side. It's comforting.
"We have something special for you," Penelope The Terrible Secret Keeper rushes out of her office on cue, having waited for the sound of your arrival, "We set it up this morning!"
You ignore the look of exasperation on everyone's faces at the spoiled surprise. "Wait, Penny!" You gush, laughing as she yanks on your hand to tug you into a conference room, "I wanna say hello to everyone!"
"In there," Spencer nods towards the glass-paneled room, offering you a sweet smile instead of a hug at the moment, "Don't fight her, Y/N, did you really forget that?"
He's right. Penelope Garcia is an unstoppable force, and you give into the way she drags you across the room. You can see the donuts and party decorations through the floor-to-ceiling windows that separate it from the bullpen, but you pointedly act shocked when she leads you into the room.
Sitting inside by the pink cardboard box is the last person you'd expect to spend more time at a cheesy party than necessary: Hotch. He's peering at his phone, but as soon as he hears the swish of Penelope's dress around her legs he's glancing up with an eager smile.
"Y/N," He greets, and you can hear the enthusiasm in his normally-level voice, "It's good to see you."
"It's good to be seen." You accept the hug he goes in for without analyzing how forward it is, chalking it up to your time apart. After all, it had been him who found you, and you're certain that some of that stuck with him. And you mean what you say, being presentable enough for your friends to see you is something you haven't been in a long time, and it feels nice to care about yourself so that others can too.
"There's donuts," Rossi speaks from behind you, clapping a hand onto your shoulder, "We got your favorite, kiddo."
"Hotch got her favorite," JJ announces, sneaking a hug from your left side that you lean into with a grateful smile, "Now I want to remind you all that when I was pregnant I saw not a single pastry on my desk."
"Well get kidnapped next time," You tease, though there's no sincerity or malice in your voice, as you reach for a donut, "Only hostages get sprinkles."
Everyone lets out a chuckle at your lighthearted comment, happy that you seem okay with joking about it. They wouldn't ever dream of making fun of it, but they're glad you can giggle.
No one takes as much joy from it as Hotch, though. He glances down at the floor to hide his wide smile, trying to conceal just how happy he is that you're acting like your old self. Carrying you to a stretcher was one of the most harrowing experiences of his life, and when he thinks about all of the other harrowing experiences in his life, he knows you must be something special.
"How'd you even know this was my favorite?" You're speaking through a mouthful of donut, and favorite comes out more like fur-rt. Hotch almost pretends he can't understand you, because the answer is embarrassing, but he bites the bullet for you.
"You were eating it on the jet," He waves his hand dismissively, "A few months ago, maybe?"
"You remembered from a few months ago?"
"I just remember you had chocolate on your lip that you didn't get off until an hour later," He defends himself, but in doing so, reveals he'd been staring at your lips for an hour, "Dave and I bet on when you'd finally notice."
"He won," Rossi pipes up exasperatedly, "I said never."
"I remember that," You laugh incredulously, "Hotch I was freaked out because you kept looking at me! I tried not to notice but I thought you were about to fire me, or something."
"No," He insists, a deep chuckle coming from his chest, "I just wanted ten dollars."
"Tell you what," You chew sloppily to swallow before you speak. In doing so, a smear of chocolate icing paints your lip, in the exact spot Hotch remembers from the jet, "Next time, I'll pay you twenty dollars to tell me if I have anything on my face."
"Cough up," Aaron extends his palm towards you, eyes twinkling with mirth, "There's chocolate on your lip."
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lau219 · 4 months
Why Deny?
Part 3
Previous part here
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The next day, as planned, they rendezvoused in front of his office before heading to the elevator and going up. After getting off, they walked in silence as they made their way to the office of Charles Benton, their boss and one of the top ranks within the agency.
Upon reaching his office, Leonard gave a quick knock on the door and then held it open for Y/N as she walked through before he followed behind her. Upon their entering, Charles looked up and sat back in his chair.
“How you doing, kid?” he asked Y/N as she sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.
She smiled at him. It was during more private times like this when Charles would momentarily show a kind of fatherly affection for her. It wasn’t often, but she appreciated it when it happened.
“Fine, thanks,” Y/N responded as she crossed her legs. “Glad to be back. Just anxious to get to more than just paperwork.” She looked over at Leonard, who remained standing and was leaning against the bookshelf on the wall, their eyes meeting briefly before she looked back to Benton.
“That’s partly why you’re here,” he said as he slid a piece of paper across the desk to her, a date and time written on it. “Your testing is scheduled for eight days from now. It’ll be the same process as before. You’ll have to perform within five percent of your rating from your original entry test in order to be cleared. If that doesn’t happen, you’re set up to work in Records for the next 6 months. Understood?”
“Yes,” she simply replied with a single nod. No way was she going to let that happen.
“Good,” Benton replied. He paused briefly before continuing. “That being said, I’m telling you what I’m about to tell you with the assumption that you’re going to be back to your previous status. For now, this doesn’t leave this room. Are we clear?”
He looked from her over to Leonard, then back to her. Each of them gave a silent nod in response. He then shifted slightly and opened his desk drawer, pulling out a heavily marked file folder. He reached it out and passed it over to Leonard, who still stood to the side. Leonard reached out and took it from him as Charles continued.
“We have reason to believe that Simon Foster is working as a double agent. This is a brand new suspicion, but enough concern has been raised that we’re not ignoring it.”
Immediately, Y/N’s eyes widened and she raised her eyebrows, quickly looking over to Leonard. He lifted his gaze from the file, which he’d opened, and met her eyes briefly before looking over expectantly to Charles as he continued to speak.
“From what we’ve gathered, he’s currently nothing more than a messenger boy, but it’s unclear who he’s involved with and to what degree. He could be invested, or it could be a short-term agreement he’s made. We need to find out. That’s where you two come in.” Charles then turned to Leonard. “You and Foster haven’t suddenly become best friends, have you?”
“Not at all,” was Leonard’s blank reply.
The guy was a shit. Leonard had never trusted him, and a mutual disdain came from Foster. They both had egos too big for one room, the difference being that Leonard had the record and experience to warrant his. It wouldn’t seem odd in the slightest if Leonard acted suspicious of Foster or got in his face – it was common knowledge that the two of them weren’t friendly.
Benton turned back to Y/N.
“Is he still a fan of yours?” he asked her.
“Excuse me?”
“He asked you out at one point, didn’t he?” Benton asked.
She should have been surprised that he knew about that, but she wasn’t.
“Ages ago,” she confirmed.
“He likes you.”
“I don’t think I’ve even spoken to him in a few months,” Y/N replied.
“Well, we’re gonna use whatever fondness for you that he has to our advantage.” Benton then looked to Leonard again before addressing both of them.
“The Embassy party is three weeks from now. There’ll be plenty of opportunities for Foster to weasel around there. You two can start your digging then.”
He then focused back on Y/N.
“This is all contingent on making it through next week,” he said to her. “If you don’t pass, Miller can do this alone and you’ll be assisting from a desk. Understood?”
“Yes,” Y/N responded.
“Good,” Charles said.
Shortly after that, he sent them on their way, and as they got off the elevator at their floor, Leonard spoke before they parted ways to their respective offices.
“Plan on staying late tomorrow night,” he said to her matter-of-factly before then pointing down to her feet, “and skip the heels.”
“What?” she asked him. “Why?”
“Because we’re going back to the range after work,” he said, looking at her. “And we’re not leaving until you can pass a bullet through the same hole twice.”
Part 4
@nyxxie-pooh @febris-amatoria @hannibellector @fuseburner @neonpurplestars89-blog @alltoowellbeneaththemangotree
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shemarmooresfedora · 2 years
Detective Daddy
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Summary: After a slight medical scare, you and Steve learn your family is about to grow a little bit bigger.
Pairing: Detective!Steve Harrington x Hairdresser!Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: no season 4 spoilers, lots of fluff with a little angst, swearing, fainting, pregnancy
Word Count: 2.4k
The bell above the salon door chimed, signaling his arrival.
“Y/N, your boyfriendddd is here,” Tiffany sang.
You were sweeping up hair clippings from your last client when you felt his strong arms enclose around you.
“It’s actually fiancé now,” Steve corrected her.
You held up your left hand, showcasing it for yourself and Steve again.
“It still doesn’t feel real,” you beamed as Steve kissed your neck.
“I would have done it way earlier but I was trying to save up for a ring you actually deserve. If I would have proposed when I actually wanted to, the only ring I would have been able to afford was a ring pop,” Steve spoke.
“And my answer would have been the same,” you turned around in his arms to give him a kiss.
Steve was wearing a light blue collared dress shirt tucked into black dress pants. He had his gun concealed in the holster on his hip right alongside his badge.
Steve was a part of the recently formed Hawkins Supernatural Investigation Division of the police department. The FBI thought it was best to assemble a specific task force designed to handle those types of cases given Hawkins’ history. Since Steve had the most experience fighting those types of creatures, he was left in charge as head detective.
You were so proud of him. He would come home every day and give you a run-down of his day. His eyes just lit up when he would talk about possible leads.
He also couldn’t wait until Dustin was out of school so he could promote him to ‘Co-Head Detective’. Right now, Dustin was technically classified as an intern since he was still finishing his senior year of high school; even though, he was basically running the place alongside Steve.
The rest of their Hawkins’ crew didn’t have much interest in continuing to try to understand and fight the supernatural, most decided to leave town and pursue different passions. But, it was everything for Steve and Dustin. It was their calling.
“How’s your day going, Detective?” you asked as you led him over to the sink.
“Quite boring actually. Nothing to investigate, only piles of paperwork. Dustin won’t even be in today so I have no one to entertain me at the office,” Steve frowned.
“Ah, the boring life of a supernatural detective. Who would have thought?” you joked, “Lean back,” you guided Steve’s head down into the sink.
It only made sense that Steve ended up with a hair stylist. Free trims whenever he wanted.
“Can you use that shampoo again that smelled like strawberries?” he hummed, relaxing as you combed your fingers through his hair while rinsing it with warm water.
“Of course, baby,” you squirted a few pumps into your hands before massaging it deep into his scalp.
You felt Steve instantly melt into the chair, “Those hands are absolute magic, love.”
You giggled, “I’m glad.”
“So when’s the wedding?” Tiffany asked from across the salon where she was currently giving a woman a perm.
“I’ll marry her any time, any place,” Steve affirmed, “The rest doesn’t matter as long as she’s mine.”
The whole salon ‘aww’ed at his comment and you blushed.
“I want a spring wedding,” you decided, “The flowers newly budding, birds chirping, the sun beginning to fully shine.”
“Sounds lovely,” Steve agreed as you rinsed the conditioner from his hair.
You wrapped a towel around his head before instructing him to sit up and head to your chair.
“Big wedding?” Steve continued the conversation as you buttoned the black cape around him and pumped the chair up a few times.
“I’d say no. We can have a big party afterwards to celebrate but I would like just the very most important people in our life to be there,” you explained, “It feels more special that way. Less like a show we have to put on for our guests and more just about us.”
“I couldn’t agree more, darling,” Steve spoke, “But my stomach is already in knots trying to decide if Robin or Dustin should be my ‘best man’.”
“How about I make Robin my maid of honor so everyone’s happy?” you offered.
“This…. this is why I love you,” Steve smiled.
“Alright,” you grabbed your scissors and a comb, “What are we doing today, love?”
“Just the usual trim,” he replied.
“Are you sure you don’t want a buzz cut? Perhaps the classic Will Byers middle school bowl cut?” you teased.
“Don’t even joke about that,” Steve playfully glared at you through the mirror.
You got to work snipping just the very ends of his luscious hair.
“You’re my last client of the day, love, so I’m going to head home after this. What do you want me to make for dinner?” you asked.
“Whatever you want, baby,” Steve replied.
“But I just chose what we had last night,” you pouted, “It’s your turn.”
“Fine,” Steve relented and chose the easiest option for you since he wouldn’t be home early enough to help, “How about spaghetti and meatballs?
“Sure thing,” you smiled, setting down your scissors, “Blow dry?”
“Yes, please,” he smiled.
You plucked the Farrah Fawcett hair spray from your assortment of products and spritzed 4 pumps into his damp hair before grabbing your round brush and blow drier.
You loved the way Steve’s eyes fell closed and his lips turned upwards into the most blissful smile as you ran the heat through his head. You absolutely loved pampering him to no end.
“All set, handsome,” you set the drier down and unbuttoned his cape as he reopened his eyes with a grin.
“Amazing job as always, love. Thank you,” he stood, heading to the door, “One sec, I have something for you in the car.”
He reentered the shop just a few moments later with a brown paper bag and a bouquet of daisies in hand, “Your payment,” he presented them to you.
You peeked in the bag, revealing a blueberry muffin, your favorite.
“And your tip,” Steve leaned over the counter to give you a lengthy kiss that had butterflies swirling in your stomach.
“My favorite customer, as always,” you grinned, “I’ll put you in the books for another trim in 3 weeks.”
“Great,” Steve glanced at his watch, “I’ve got to head back to the office but I’ll see you at home?”
“See you at home,” you confirmed, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” he said, giving you one final peck before waving goodbye as he headed out the door.
You sighed dreamily as you watched him drive away.
“Where can I get myself one of those?” Tiffany’s client asked, referring to Steve.
You chuckled, beginning to clean up your station for the day. You were beginning to feel woozy but you chalked it up to the lovesick feeling Steve left in your belly.
You headed to the store on your way home to grab a few things. As you pulled into the driveway, you saw a familiar bike parked on your lawn.
Your theory was confirmed when the front door was already unlocked and you heard the TV blasting.
“Dustin? Are you joining us for dinner?” you shouted over the loud volume over the TV.
“Yes, please,” Dustin switched off the TV and entered the kitchen where you were unloading the grocery bags, snagging a bag of potato chips for himself.
“Well then, you’re not going to ruin your appetite with those,” you grabbed the chips back.
“But I’m famished,” he grabbed his stomach, pretending to be in agony.
You tossed him an apple as he took a seat at the kitchen counter, “Here. Dinner will be ready in 20.”
Dustin was a regular guest in you and Steve’s home. He even had his own key. You didn’t mind it at all, he was basically your younger brother-in-law.
“How was your day?” you asked him while turning a pot of water on for the spaghetti.
“Same old, same old. Mr. Peterson gave us a pop quiz today and I’m pretty sure I bombed it.”
“Well, look on the bright side, you’ll be graduating in less than 2 months and you already have a cool job lined up for you right out of high school,” you reminded him, grabbing a jar of sauce from the pantry.
Suddenly, you were hit with the same woozy feeling from earlier but much stronger. The room felt like it was spinning. You stumbled to reach for the countertop.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” you heard Dustin ask as he stood from behind the counter.
“I think I’m gonna-”
Your hand let go of the jar of sauce and it shattered against the tile. You felt Dustin catch you as you collapsed to the ground, fading out of consciousness
“Y/N!” Dustin yelled, gently laying you on your back, “Oh god, what the fuck do I do?”
He reached for the landline on the counter and quickly punched in Steve’s office number.
“Hello, darling,” Steve answered, “I’m just about to head out in-.”
“Harrington,” Dustin interrupted.
“Kid, what are you doing-”
“Y/N just passed out and I don’t know what to do,” Dustin panicked.
“Is it something paranormal? Does she look like she’s being possessed?” Steve asked, frantically.
“Nope, I think it’s just regular old passing out,” Dustin replied, trying to fan you awake with a magazine.
“Did you call 911?”
“No, I’m on the phone with you, dingus!…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, this is just a really stressful situation right now,” Dustin apologized, “Should I hang up on you and call them?”
“No, I’ll be there in 5 minutes to take her to the hospital so I’d beat an ambulance anyways. Stay right there,” Steve ended the call.
He sprinted to his car, leaving just about everything behind except his keys.
Dustin lowered the phone, thinking out loud, “Where does he think I’m going to go? The mall?”
Dustin paced around you for a few moments before he leaned down to check your pulse when you groaned.
“Y/N,” he sighed a huge breath of relief, “Thank god.”
“What happened?” you sat up, looking around.
“You fainted and were out for a few minutes,” he informed you, “Steve should be here any minute.”
You heard the screeching of brakes outside the house and a car door slam.
“Speak of the devil,” Dustin spoke.
“Y/N? Dustin?” Steve yelled out.
“In here,” Dustin called back.
You heard his footsteps race to the kitchen before you laid eyes on his panicked face at the sight of you sprawled on the floor, half covered in pasta sauce.
“We need to get you to the hospital, love,” Steve bent down to your level.
You nodded just as the sickening, unsteady feeling surged once again.
“Steve,” you gripped his arm, “Feeling dizzy again.”
You felt his hands come up to support your head just as your vision went dark.
You slowly opened your eyes, taking in your surroundings. White walls and a fluorescent light. Definitely not home. You tilted your head down to see what was the weight in your lap. It was Steve resting his head on you as he slept in a chair next to your hospital bed.
You fainted twice. You remembered now, poor Steve and Dustin must have been worried sick.
“Baby,” you whispered, softly running your hands through his hair.
He rustled around a little before you heard him let out a quiet yawn and allow his eyes to open. They immediately sought out you.
“Hi,” you grinned down at his adorable sleepy face.
“Thank god,” he sighed in relief, pulling you in for a hug, “They kept assuring me that you would wake up but I was still terrified you wouldn’t.”
“Sorry to make you worry, handsome,” you kissed his nose as he scrunched it up in a pout.
“I’ll always worry about you, love. You’re my everything,” he replied, never failing to make your heart melt.
“Did they say what’s wrong?” you asked.
“They wouldn’t tell me until you woke up. Only direct family can know and since I’m only a fiancé, they couldn’t disclose anything other than that you’d be fine. I’ll go see if I can find a nurse now,” Steve reluctantly let go of you, kissing your forehead before slipping out of the room.
He was back just a few short moments later, “They’re going to send the doctor in.”
You moved to the side of the bed to make room and patted it, signaling you wanted him to join you.
Steve laid down beside you, wrapping his arm around you as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Dustin wanted to stay too but I called his mom to come pick him up. Figured it was probably best since it’s a school night and there was nothing he could really do to help at that point. I promised I’d call him with any updates though,” Steve told you.
“Look at you, so responsible,” you teased, “Talking about school nights and stuff.”
A knock sounded from the door.
“Come in,” you called out.
“Good evening, Y/N. I’m Dr. Evans. Before I proceed, I have to ask, is it okay that he’s here?” he pointed to Steve.
“Yes, of course, he’s my fiancé,” you answered.
“Alright then, the blood work I had done shows you fainted due to a drop in your blood pressure. Further blood testing revealed that the cause of that drop was that you are pregnant,” he informed you, looking up from his clipboard.
“Oh my god,” your hand instantly sought out Steve’s, “Oh my god!” you repeated.
Steve was staring at you in complete awe.
“I’ll give you two a moment,” the doctor excused himself from the room.
“I mean it’s a little earlier than we had expected but we did always say we wanted kids,” you rambled, “I know we’re not super prepared but my job is pretty flexible and I think we could make it work. Basically what I’m saying is I’m happy…if you’re happy?”
“Are you kidding me? I’m ecstatic,” Steve beamed with tears in his eyes, “I absolutely can not wait to meet the life we created.”
You pulled him in for a sweet and soft kiss to express the overwhelming amount of love you felt inside you.
“I was always destined to be a babysitter,” Steve joked as he leaned down to kiss your belly.
You playfully ruffled his hair while laughing, “I don’t think it’s considering babysitting if it’s your own kid, genius, I think that’s just called parenting.”
any feedback is greatly appreciated!! <3
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niqhtlord01 · 8 months
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The War of Blackened Winters
I’m going to tell you a story.
At first you won’t believe it; in fact you’ll flat out deny it is even real. Yet the more you listen to this tale of wonderment the more the things around you might start making, well, just a bit more sense.
This is the tale of a war.
A war not just people and places, but of holidays; that to this very day still rages on. A war that was brought about all by a chappy fellow named Jack Skellington.
Now, Jack was a spirited guy; real top of the party list with a smile from ear to ear. He was the embodiment of the holiday Halloween and lived for spreading fear throughout the world of humanity. But Jack was a curious lad and eventually he began to wonder what else filled the world beside terror and pumpkins.
So he set out one day and stumbled upon the most wondrous of things; a new holiday.
Jack had inadvertently wandered into the realm of Christmas. A realm of colorful lights, voices raised in song rather, presents given to all good children, and tidings of comfort and joy to all.
It was a world like none Jack had ever seen, and he could not help but want more.
One thing led to another and eventually Jack thought he could take over Christmas himself and run it just as good as Santa could. This went tail end up as you might expect and Santa stepped in to regain control of his holiday. At the end of the whole affair Santa and Jack parted ways and swore to remain in their own respective holidays.
Yet Santa was far from done with Jack.
No. The jolly saint of the winter yule tidings had privately raged against the affront done to him. Far from the hope filled eyes of elves and toys, Santa raged with anger over his imprisonment and humiliation at the hands of Jack’s followers. Between meetings for Christmas toy projections and publicity events he plotted with his inner council of elves on how best to get his revenge.
Because Santa had publicly stated that he would not seek retaliation against Jack or Halloween, his options were limited. All of his council agreed that Santa has always, and must always, be a man of his word and that any discredit of that notion could do untold damage to his image. So they needed a way to provoke Jack, or any member of Halloween in general, to make the first move and break the peace so Santa would be cast as the victim.
This was easier said than done.
Santa quickly found that while his elves could create the most complex toy known in the world in under a few minutes, they were lacking in the devious department. They had no sense of subversion or under handed tricks to pull; and they could not reach out to anyone to share their experience as it would surely give away the whole endeavor. So night after night Santa would retreat to his inner office, sit with his elves around a warm fire, and scheme only to leave by sunrise more frustrated by the lack of progress.
That was until one day and idea finally came to him from the most unexpected avenue.
While sitting in his armchair, grumbling over Jack and Halloween, Mrs. Clause entered the room and began decorating for Saint Patrick’s Day.
“Why are you doing that?” Santa grumbled as he watched his wife turn his office green, “It’s not even close to that snake charmers holiday.”
“I thought you could use a change of scenery.” She replied happily. “And besides, you’re never too early to spread holiday cheer.”
Santa opened his mouth when the weight of his wife’s statement stole the words right from his mouth. He leapt from his chair and picked Mrs. Clause up in his arms and twirled her about the room like he was a young man again.
“Well, I’m glad someone’s not in the dumps anymore.” Mrs. Clause laughed; unaware of the spark she had given her husband that would ignite the war to come. --------------
Over the following years Santa’s plan began to take form.
It all started with having Christmas preparation begin a few days earlier than it had been done last year. “We just need a bit more time.” Santa said to Thanksgiving, “With how hectic the season gets, I want to dial back the violence in stores to make things easier for parents to get their children gifts.”
Thanksgiving wanted to protest but they couldn’t deny that Christmas had a violent history. Black Friday had well earned its name and it had often cast a deadly shadow of Thanksgiving. So in the spirit of good relations, Thanksgiving agreed to allow Christmas preparation two days before Thanksgiving; and the beginning of a long road that would eventually lead to all out holiday warfare.
The agreement was the first step in a plan Santa had forecasted to span over generations before it completed itself. Every few years Santa would again approach Thanksgiving, ask for more time, and Thanksgiving would relent and cave in. A few days became half a week, then a full week, then two weeks, and three weeks until finally the beginning over November was deemed appropriate to begin Christmas preparation.
In the humans eyes this had placed Christmas as a higher priority holiday and thus slowly began diminishing the value of Thanksgiving until retail stores would barely have a hand print Turkey for Thanksgiving celebration.
As Santa watched on and saw Thanksgiving slowly recede into obscurity he knew the first stage of his plan was a success. He held no personal grudge against Thanksgiving, but as it was situated between Christmas and Halloween he viewed it as an acceptable casualty.
Now that he knew humans could be trained to erase holidays he began implementing the same tactics against Halloween. Jack was no fool though, and he had watched what had transpired to Thanksgiving with a heavy heart. He had initially sympathized with Christmas over getting extra days of preparation, but now that it had all but consumed Thanksgiving he knew that he and Halloween would be next.
Sure enough, Santa showed up one day at the entrance to Halloween town and requested an audience with all those present. At the town square before the great guillotine of merriment, he asked for Halloween to allow him one day more to prepare Christmas.
The ghouls and monsters were outraged at such a bold demand and cast the jolly fellow from their town with great gusto. It was Jack who stopped them from getting more creative with their frustration and dissuaded them from forming an angry mob; but the damage was already done.
Santa left and proclaimed that Halloween town had assaulted his person when he came in peace to discuss things diplomatically. Naturally the elves were quick to rise in ire over the treatment of their leader followed swiftly by the snowmen, rain deer, and even the notoriously recluse Yeti’s.
With minor stoking of the flames Santa was able to whip his holiday into all-out war against Halloween.
The first strike came when Christmas began preparations in mid-September; well beyond the initial proposal of a single day. Jack Skellington awoke to find humans picking Christmas decorations instead of carving pumpkins and stocking the best candy to hand out. As such he viewed Santa in violation of their agreement and declared their pact void; renewing the hostilities between the two holidays.
Soon the fields of the Holiday plain were covered in battles between Christmas elves and ghastly ghouls while in the mortal realm followers of Halloween began pushing the notion that there was a war on Halloween, not Christmas.
Christmas had long fed upon the extra month they had taken from Thanksgiving and would have overwhelmed Halloween were it not for the rejuvenated return of Thanksgiving to strike Christmas.
The war has been named the “War of Blackened Winters” and still rages to this very day as Jack Skellington and Santa lead their armies against one another to determine the fate of not just their holidays, but all of the holidays to come.
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Hangover Regrets.
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Part 1
Fandom: Strike Back
Pairings: John Porter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, drunkenness, insecurity, paranoia, fluff
Summary: From the imagine, “Imagine going to a Christmas party, and John Porter is there, drunk.“ This is part 2 when Porter has had time to think on his behaviour around you.
Comments: Requested by @dreamalittleebigger and @sazzlep Thank you! As always, reblogs and comments are appreciated very much. If you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, let me know. Just a very short piece to get this story finished.
You had been on annual leave since the work Christmas party in which you had had to escort a very drunk Sergeant John Porter home. And since then you had heard nothing from him. It was now a week into the new year and only a couple of days before your return to the office. You were dreading it. No doubt word of Porter's stupidity had gotten around and everyone was having a good laugh behind your back.
On the afternoon prior to your return to work, you kept clock watching. Dread was so painful in your stomach, twisting like a tight knot. Why did it all feel like you were back in school? Experience, however, had taught you one tough lesson, and that was that even in adulthood, mockery and bullying still happened. Children were not the only ones who laughed at their peers; bullying was still rife among adults.
You need to stop worrying about this so much. Who is going to laugh? Maybe Danni? She's been with John and makes it obvious that she still wants him. Layla definitely wouldn't laugh. So why am I making such a big deal out of all this?
Porter got out of his car and walked to your front door. He reached up to the frosted glass and knocked sharply. He took a huge intake of breath, preparing himself.
"John?" you asked, shocked by his sudden appearance at your door.
"Can I come in for a bit?" he asked, smiling.
That smile was always enough to weaken you, and you welcomed him inside. His tall, sturdy frame slipped past you, beckoning butterflies in your stomach. Why was he so gorgeous? And that wonderful smell seemed to heighten the sensations in your stomach. His scent was like pine, mixed with something cool that you couldn't quite put your finger on.
"I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch for Christmas," he said sheepishly as the two of you stepped into your kitchen. "The truth is, I was too embarrassed to face you after what happened at the party. I know I was stupid."
"It doesn't matter, " you said, turning around so he couldn't see you. You reached for the kettle, switching it on and offered him a drink, which he gladly accepted.
John sighed. "It does matter. I just... The night shouldn't have gone like that. And the next morning when I woke up, with a banging headache, I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole. You deserved better than that."
Your heart was pounding hard as he spoke, and while he did speak, you were glad you didn't have to. It enabled you to try and take back some kind of control of your actions and prepare yourself to speak.
He continued. "We've worked together a while now, love, and I've learned a lot about you and the kind of person you are. Men like me don't deserve someone like you; we just rely on our big mouths and flirty words."
"John, please. It really doesn't matter," you replied, turning around. You looked up at him and swallowed hard, trying not to let your emotions get the better of you. Of course it mattered. Were those words he spoke about fancying you really true?
John took your hand and held it for a second. "I can see in your face that it does matter. What I told you when I was drunk was true. I have fancied you for a while now. That was why things with me and Danni didn't work out. She knew I had feelings for you."
"I don't believe that for one second," you said, putting your hands on your hips for emphasis. "Danni is gorgeous."
"And so are you," John replied.
He stepped closer to you and wound his arm around your waist.
You looked up at him and felt your heart race, thundering in your throat and ears.
"I'm just sorry that I was stupid at the party. You deserved to be told properly, like this," John began. Slowly he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss against your lips. Gradually the heat mounted and you wound your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you. Your tongues laced, and then you began to slip apart.
John opened his eyes and smiled at you.
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @middleearthpixie @xxbyimm @knittastically @meganlpie @luna-xial @linasofia @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @tschrist1 @eunoiaastralwings @quiall321 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @sunflwrnsunnieshine @missihart23 @catthefearless
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godlizzza · 2 years
Prompt: new doctors/ patients at the hospital see Dans wedding ring and assumes that he’s married to a woman, preferably middleaged danbert please!
Just about the only part of moving that Dan actually enjoyed was the first day on a new job. The opportunity for a fresh start, for a good first impression, always glowed with promise to him. Here were a group of people with no prior biases against himself and Herbert, who only looked at them as two new colleagues, and with their extensive resumes and experiences behind them, were welcomed with open arms.
So it was on his first day at the Hospital of Glenville. Dan was being shown the floor by the directing doctor, an older man with a rumbling laugh and a silver moustache, Harry Mondell. He pointed Dan in the direction of the closest O.R, told him the speed-dials for security, cleaning, and Pathology. He also introduced him to the nursing team, lead by a woman named Rachel.
"Rachel here will be just about your best friend here, so keep her close." Mondell dropped Dan a wink. "Not too close though. She's married." Rachel swatted his shoulder good-naturedly and Dan laughed along with them.
"Shouldn't be a problem. Me too," he said and wiggled his fingers, one of which was adorned with his wedding ring.
Mondell's eyes flashed. "Ah, of course. How silly of me to assume a strapping young man like yourself hadn't been snatched up."
Dan ran a hand through his hair, streaked with more than a few strands of grey. "Young is putting it politely, but thank you."
"When you're as old as me everyone seems young," Mondell replied, clapping Dan on the shoulder. "You'll have to bring Mrs. Cain along to the next office Christmas party."
Dan opened his mouth to smoothly correct him. This was the one thing he didn't like about first work days. The inevitable moment of outing, of having to nonchalantly slip into conversation that he actually had a husband- who was definitely a little eccentric but would grow on you over time. He had plenty of lines prepared for just this moment, but before he could say any of them Herbert's voice was barking in his ear.
"There you are." Dan was turning and Herbert was suddenly there, right at his side. He paid no attention to Mondell or Rachel, who were both looking at him with surprise, like he'd just sprouted out of the ground. Herbert kept his eyes on Dan as he pushed a plastic container of risotto into his hands. "You left your lunch in the car. You're lucky I left something in there and noticed it when I went back or you'd be eating potato chips out of a vending machine on your break."
"Ah, yes, thank you, Dear," Dan replied, scooping the risotto under one arm and leaning over to peck Herbert on the cheek. "I'll see you in the cafeteria soon. Dr. Mondell was just showing me around."
Dan gestured to their peanut gallery and Herbert flicked an uninterested glance their way before looking back at Dan.
"You're welcome," was all Herbert said before stalking off down one of the many halls adjoining the centre of the floor, his lab coat fluttering behind him in his wake.
Mondell and Rachel watched him go before turning back to Dan, who smiled at them jovially.
Mondell cleared his throat just as the silence was beginning to stretch into uncomfortable territory. "I'm to assume that was...?"
"Mrs. Cain," Dan answered, glad that Herbert was out of earshot. If he heard him say that he'd skin him alive. "We have the same surname but it gets a little confusing with two Dr. Cain-Wests in the same hospital." He nodded to Rachel. "Trust me, the paging's a nightmare."
"Well, I appreciate you trying to make my job easier," she responded, and the light, easy way she said it made Dan warm to her instantly.
Dan did the rest of his rounds with Dr. Mondell, who seemed embarrassed and remarkably less jokey the whole time, but Dan didn't mind. He had lunch with his husband to look forward to.
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Warp Effect Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Happy New Year! It feels significant that our first show of the year should be from Jojo.
Last week, Jean was experiencing painful cramps and Kat suggested she go see Alex because he is considered to be a very good gynecologist. Because Alex knows nothing, we and he received a lesson on proper procedure for a pelvic inspection. Jean panicked as she thought about the last time she was this vulnerable with Alex and fled the office.
Elsewhere, Alex has reunited with his high school friends, Ew, and Nim. Ew is into puppy play, but it seems his girlfriend is not. Nim is seeing another woman, whose name I don't know yet, who wants to have a baby. Foreshadowing says Nim is going to carry that baby.
Also, we watched Army get head in a car, which is significant because anal requires too much planning for some of the spontaneous sex BL likes to use.
I like present-day Army. He sees Jean running from Alex and knows it's definitely his fault, and then immediately vents how frustrated he is with Alex, too.
Wow, I think this is the first time I've seen a Thai drama, of any sort, voice the opinion some of us have that gays and straights cannot be friends. (I don't personally believe this, but I completely understand where it comes from).
Army is also right to feel like Alex is being hypocritical when his current reputation is one of a player.
Nim's girlfriend is Bew, and she's got big dreams. I love lesbians. Excited to see Nim come to grips with carrying a child.
I think Sing is perfectly cast for Eiw. You need someone who can seem a little silly, and also who can be extremely heartfelt. His hurt at his own friends calling him abnormal hit perfectly.
Oh no, Army. Please vet this boy. Don't have sex with someone underage.
Jojo said, "It's 2023. We all vers now."
Nothing but praise for this rejection scene. Love that Army had to say no more than three times, and held firm despite his own arousal. I'm sure this boy is going to cause more problems later, but super glad Army is sensible.
That's right, babies! The laws about age of consent are designed to protect both parties! Don't endanger yourself or others by lying about your age!!
Sincerely, I don't think Joe overreacted here. Given Army's reputation and his apparent personal experience, it is the right response to protect your student when you see signs of danger. If Joe is also queer, this is especially important.
Why are fictional lesbians consistently so demanding when they want a close friend to be their donor? I'm not complaining, but it's very specific. Also, poor Eiw being rejected out of hand as a donor.
Okay, Mollie! They have also figured out some things in the last ten years.
I'm still not sold on Joong, but Fah is good with almost any scene partners.
Yes, Mollie! You better crush this role!!
Love Mollie's and Jean's integrity.
I'm so nervous about these cramps for Jean. They serve as a convenient plot device to force Alex and Jean back together, but I'm also worried about her health and the health of women like her.
Ice is correct to call his friend out about being rude to Kim. She doesn't need to reveal the interior aspects of their sex life to their friends to sate their curiosity.
They're not backing down in this show. Now we're discussing men's sexual health and the dysmorphia about penis size.
This scene between Ice and Kim is important. It's important to understand that people want different outcomes from sex sometimes, and that the opinion that most matters regarding sex is that of your partner. Ice does not need to worry about what his friends think, because he's got a partner who wants him in Kim.
Okay. I am glad they showed Army reflecting back to a time with Joe while masturbating in the shower, but did they really have to make him run his hands through his hair IMMEDIATELY afterwards??
Cannot overstate how relieved I am that this show is going out of its way to show that Jean and Kat do not have any beef with each other.
I don't think it's smart of Army to go looking for Joe on a school campus. He clearly has sexual intentions, and they should not do anything at a school. The risks are too high.
Love that this isn't BL, so Joe is just closeted for professional reasons, and also pissed at Army for the unknown infraction.
Again, it's like Jojo has been listening to our complaints about spontaneous gay sex. Making out and jerking with clothes on in a locker room is the exact kind of thing gays would do. Army jerking Joe off and begging him to forgive him might top end of the year lists and it's only the second day of the year!
Still, I'm glad a student showed up looking for Joe. Let's not forget that it is a terrible idea to do this at a school.
Fluke Pusit... I see you, sir. Good job.
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galewingpirates · 14 days
Arlong Park Arc
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... so i dont have my first reactions to things.
HOWEVER. I can summarize the parts I remember.
Brief reminder that this isn’t an expert analysis and it’s just me giving my basic thoughts on things!!
First of all. The funnies. Hatchan helping Zoro? Great scene. Usopp thinking he’s a ghost at the end of that one episode? Amazing
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I was so devastated when I realized that Arlong came to Cocoyasi Village the same day as Nami got into the argument with Bell-mère- god the pain. And Genzo trying to save Nami???? OUGH. MY SOUL.
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Sanji vs Kuroobi
Im gonna be perfectly honest. I almost couldn’t watch this part bc I’m extremely gore sensitive and the implied injuries made me SUPER sick. HOWEVER. Seeing as I am now a member of the Sanji Fanclub™️ however, I watched it bc I think he’s cool and his fighting style is fun.
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This fight was AWESOME. I feel like the stakes were super high at this point & so Sanji being forced to act even when the odds were against him was cool. I also think that Sanji blowing air into Kuroobi’s gills was really neat! + every scene of the blue pinstripe shirt is my favorite bc I wish I had that shirt 😭 The part abt water pressure did make me super sick tho
Usopp vs Chew
THIS FIGHT WAS SO FUN!!! I feel like this fight was the first fight where Usopp really got to do a whole lot by himself and he really proved his confidence in going down the path of becoming a brave warrior of the sea.
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This fight really proved to me that even though Usopp is very much scared, he’s also got some incredibly brave moments like this. He 100% could’ve died- Up until this point, other than at Syrup Village when he was protecting the town from the Black Cat Pirates, he hadn’t really had much experience fighting, so the fact that he defeated one of Arlong’s officers is amazing considering his experience at the time. Not only did he show a lot of ingenuity and cleverness in this fight, it also was very fluid and not disjointed or staggered, and it had some funny moments, so it was enjoyable overall for me.
Zoro vs Hatchan
I’m gonna be honest, I don’t remember a lot abt this fight.
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HOWEVER. I do remember that this fight was really cool to me because it showed 1. Zoro’s resilience. Even with the injury he received from Mihawk, he continued to fight. He knew he’d reopen the wound but he didn’t care, he fought anyways. 2. It really sort of showed more of the fact that Zoro’s a professional swordsman. In contrast to Usopp, Zoro’s been in this sort of business for a while- longer than anyone on the crew currently. He’s not starting from the ground up and he really shows that in this fight. + it was fun. Overall I don’t remember a lot of it tho
Luffy vs Arlong
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This fight I feel like wasn’t so much about the fight itself rather than the point it was making- it’s been a super long time since i’ve seen this one too but 1. The part where Luffy bites Arlong is super funny. 2. It was super cool getting Luffy genuinely pissed at Arlong. Like. He’d been mad at enemies before, but this time felt like the most serious (though I might have some bias bc it’s been the most recent fight I’ve seen him get angry in other than clockwork island and the first movie). Also him destroying the room Nami was trapped in (and also Arlong Park) was super cool and showed how much he cares about Nami which I liked
The Aftermath
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I am so glad they finally beat up that stupid rat!!!! Hate him hate him hate him. Also the party was very fun, Nami’s tattoo getting changed and the heartfelt conversation between Genzo and Luffy where Genzo threatens to fucking kill Luffy if Luffy ever makes Nami sad, Sanji and Zoro being friends, very fun. Also before the party, Luffy finally getting a bounty??? So cool omg.
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💡Lightbulb Moment💡
There comes a point where, if you've read enough of the comics by Lars Jansson, or even those handful where he collaborated with Tove as a writer for the "Jansson" phase of the comics (as I like to call it), you notice that the Inspector shows up suspiciously often for a cameo featuring dialog for one or two panels at the very least, and then you hilariously realized that the Inspector is quite possibly Lars' favorite non-main character.
It's so silly, this guy barely had a personality, he was like a different hemulen every comic along with every other police hemulen up until Club Life in Moominvalley where he's finally given his iconic scarf and obliviousness but not much else, and then Lars comes in and picks this guy up by the scruff and decided to make him one of the most queercoded guys in the comic.
I hear Lars had a big interest in detective novels and had experience translating them but I'm not as well-versed with the life stories of the Janssons as I am with their Moomin works so I could be missing something but my word does Lars' favoritism become apparent by the time you realize the first comic he made after the whole strip was given to him established some very major details about the police station's operations and it becomes difficult to name a strip thereafter that doesn't have atleast one panel featuring the Inspector in some capacity.
This isn't a criticism as much as it is an amusing observation because I myself am an Inspector enjoyer, I am glad Lars made him quite the character, he is charmingly silly, he goes against many hemulenish and police conventions of the time and he casually rebels against conventions of traditional western masculinity.
Possibly the first appearance of the Inspector we know was in Moomin and the Martians, where he is the second police Inspector to show up in the comic and is mostly irritated by being a walking lightbulb because of the alien device, then was followed adoringly by the Martian because he reminds him of his electric mother. When the effects of the device wore off, he greets the Martian enthusiastically but the Martian is upset and wants to go back to his mum, and despite learning that this small creature is the Martian that the police has been searching for through the entire comic, he does the kindness of trying to comfort him and takes him to the Moomins via blanketed basket, even calling the Martian a darling when speaking with Moominpappa. I would also like to note he's the first ever policeman who took his hat/helmet off in the whole comic strip.
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The first real establishment of the Inspector's interest in roses was in Moomin Winter, where he mentions them as an excuse to not take in the Nibling in fear of any child's ability to ruin them, even insinuating that they're worse than criminals. He's also established as a sweet tooth, a fact that he is embarrassed to admit even to Moominmamma who seems to be a very close old friend according to an earlier comic, Club Life in Moominvalley. He also sneaks into Moominhouse's basement to play poker and drink home-distilled whiskey with Moominpappa and Wimsy whom are established as having very troublesome pasts.
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Moomin's Lamp, Lars' first comic, established his "prisons" to be very homely, filled with frilly decorum and motivational quotes amidst the etched wall graffiti and traditional prison bed, and the Inspector would cook meals for the prisoners, and while Finland is currently known to have very humane prisons these days, this comic was published in 1960 when the idea of prisons being a place for rehabilitation wasn't a popular idea.
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And this is only to mention the major points of his character development, there are many things to point out about the Inspector between and after these comics. There's points to be made about his taste in interior design, his fixation on roses even above his job, his consumption of detective novels, his less than dignified sweet tooth and tea parties with the other police officers, his minor-to-possibly-major crimes, his ownership of weapons (none of which are firearms), his straight up avoidance of duty in the winter, his status as a bachelor, his leniency, his relationship with Stinky and even the Moomins and his constables, his nephew, so many things about him as so fascinating for me to think about.
And to have all of this be watered down/straightwashed in the 90s series then straight up ignored in the 2019 series feels like a bummer to me. Most of what made his character feel so out of place yet right at home in Moominvalley is his queerness and otherwise general disinterest in his job, and while queer people have had a long history of practically being at war with the police and the law as a whole, I think the Police Inspector being the way he is reinforces the queer fantasy of the Moomins.
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(You sound like you're concerned about him finding something in particular out, Mr. Inspector. Even Snorkmaiden is raising her eyebrow)
And to have this characterization coming from Lars' writing when he doesn't seem to put that much queerness into other things is something to consider I think.
Also I got off track from what I initially wanted to say about his almost customary cameos in the Lars comics but I keep laughing thinking about how Lars put what could likely be his grandparent in a time travel comic, the resemblance between them is uncanny despite the different uniform.
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purpleplaid17 · 3 months
Jess Watches // Mon 11 Mar // Day 168 & Tues 12 Mar // Day 169 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Severance (rw with mum) 1x09 The We We Are (s1 Finale)
The team discovers troubling revelations.
Dylan - How did he not cramp up holding those switches for so long? All those fingertraps trained him well. He deserves all the kinky waffle parties he desires.
Irving - From a military family and a whistleblower. What made him start investigating Lumon? and how does his Outie know Burt?
Helly - The jawdropping revelation that she'a an Eagan. The happy office photos were of manipulated situations but Helena seemed genuinely excited to put her faith in her family's work. She is a fascinating contradiction.
Mark - She's alive!!! The tension that built around him piecing together his Outie's life while trying to get a moment alone to talk to his sister still had me on the edge of my seat.
The rewatch has got me even more hyped for s2. Anyone have any theories about it? I'd love to hear them.
Loudermilk (with mum) 1x03 You're Only as Sick as Your Secrets
Loudermilk goes to great lengths to get Claire to open up about her deep-seated issues, with mixed results. Mugsy reaches out to his estranged daughter and finds that some relationships are harder to fix than others.
Mugsy being an absolute idiot parent. I'm glad everyone called out his shitty excuses for abandoning his 9 children (counting the twins ofc). Also, I'm free for frisbee if anyone wants a game?
Six Nations: Full Contact Ep 5 La Défense
Following a rocky start, everything depends on the next game for last years champions, France. Will they find their form or is the title gone for good?
I do not remember France beating England so emphatically. I thought I watched it last year but maybe not this one for some reason.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (rw) 3x13 The Zeppo
Xander experiences an adventure of his own when he encounters a group of reanimated corpses. Meanwhile, Buffy and her friends battle the forces of evil when the Hellmouth reopens.
I used to like Xander. He was a lovable goof. But now rewatching, it is very clear he was a JW self-insert. And I think that's the reason why his 'humour' these first 3 seasons just hasn't landed for me like it used to. So I very much enjoyed Cordelia's takedown "There was no part of that that wasn't fun."
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Sky Gallery (3/11)
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(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
Chapter 3
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Kazunari: Sumi, awesome job wrapping up the performance!
Muku: I'm glad it went well!
Misumi: Thank you~!
Kumon: Oh, and good job with your location shoot too, Tenma-san~!
Tenma: Why am I the side note.
Kazunari: Filming in a place like that must've been tough, huh.
Misumi: And our souvenirs are...~?
Tenma: Geez, you have no shame....
Tenma: Here. These are the only triangles I could find.
Misumi: Uwah~! Triangle mochi!
Tenma: And these are for you guys.
Yuki: Locally themed keychains...
Tenma: Sorry, that's all I could think of. I didn't have time to ask you guys what you wanted.
Kazunari: Tenten, we couldn't get in touch with you~.
Tenma: The film site was deep in the mountains, so there wasn't any phone signal. Though, the 'digital detox' wasn't bad.
Kumon: Digital detox?
Kazunari: Intentionally taking time away from your phone or computer. Kinda like.... a digital version of fasting?
Yuki: Of course you'd know.
Muku: I'd be a little anxious if I didn't have a way to contact anyone...
Kumon: Well, Tenma-san's like a grandpa, so maybe that's why he could handle it?
Tenma: Oi.
Kazunari: I'd literally die!
Yuki: Let's tone it down a bit.
Tenma: Oh, by the way, one of my co-stars said he became a fan of Summer Troupe after seeing 'WONDER RUSH'.
Kumon: Really!?
Kazunari: So even celebs can be stans... amazing!
Tenma: The director of the drama also mentioned seeing Misumi's play. He spoke highly of him, too.
Kumon: That's awesome, Sumi-san!
Kazunari: Yay for Sumi!
Misumi: Yay~!
Yuki: I guess guest roles are the way to get your name out there as an actor.
Tenma: He told me about an establishment party he's having for his office, he invited all of us.
Kumon: Seriously!?
Kazunari: Look at us, finally getting invited to huge events like this.
Tenma: I don't think he really meant that though, just trying to be polite.
Kumon: Ehh~. What~.
Izumi: Well, it's still good he remembers your names.
(door opens)
Tsuzuru: Oh, you're all here.
Tsuzuru: I was just planning to tell Director first, but this works too.
Izumi: What is it?
Tsuzuru: Based on the stuff Miyoshi-san told me at the gallery the other day, I got an idea for a story set in a gallery where young artists come together.
Tsuzuru: It's just a rough idea, but...
Izumi: A gallery, heh. That'll be a first for us. Sounds interesting.
Muku: If it's going to be about painting, Kazu-kun definitely has to be the lead.
Yuki: Yeah, it just wouldn't feel right if he wasn't.
Tenma: I think he'd be a good fit. Out of all of us, he certainly knows the most about painting.
Kazunari: If that's what we're going with, I'll do my best!
Tsuzuru: I also had Miyoshi-san in mind. Though I'm still thinking about what to do about the co-lead and the other roles...
Izumi: Oh, for the co-lead, how about Tenma-kun? He hasn't been a lead or co-lead since 'New Theory · Legend of Kurou'.
Misumi: Yeah~!
Kumon: It's your turn, Tenma-san!
Tenma: No.... I'm busy with work right now, so I need to think it over.
Muku: Huh....?
Yuki: Normally, you'd choose a play over work any day.
Tenma: ---I don't know my schedule yet, I don't have a choice.
Yuki: Huhhh?
Izumi: Well, let's just hold off on deciding until we have a better idea of what kind of role the co-lead will play.
Izumi: By the way, Kazunari-kun, did you ever do anything about that open-call exhibition you were talking about at the gallery?
Tenma: Open-call exhibition?
Kumon: The company a friend of Kazu-san's dad belongs to is holding one, and he asked Kazu-san if he wanted to apply.
Kazunari: I never applied to anything like that as a student. Maybe should try to experience one after all.
Kazunari: And who knows, maybe I'll get some hints as to what I'm aiming towards as a future UMC~!
Yuki: But you'll have to create a new piece for the exhibition, yeah? Can you do that while also playing a lead role?
Kazunari: We've still got a while before the play, and it doesn't seem like it'll conflict with the creation period, so no prob!
Izumi: I see. I think it's good that you're trying different things, best of luck!
Muku: I'm sure Kazu-kun will do just fine!
Misumi: Kazu~! Good luck~!
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Kazunari: Thanks, guys!
Tenma: (I'm glad filming wrapped up early. I was able to buy the things I wanted to get, and now all that's left is to head home--).
Kazunari: ....Huh? Tenten? What're you doing here?
Tenma: I got off work early, so I went shopping.
Kazunari: Ooh, wait, an encounter like this is totally an Inste moment!
Tenma: Oi, don't I get a chance to refuse.
Tenma: What are you doing here, Kazunari?
Kazunari: I'm thinking about heading to a few galleries to get some inspo for the open-call exhibition.
Kazunari: When people tell me I can do whatever I want, I have trouble getting a solid image in mind~.
Kazunari: To start, I figured I'd go see an exhibition at the gallery I regularly visit. Wanna join me, Tenten?
Tenma: I see--.
Kazunari: I know I'm getting ahead of myself--but since our next play will be about a gallery, I think if you study paintings, it might convince you to be the co-lead!
Tenma: ....Right.
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mariacallous · 1 year
On one of the last days of June 1914, a telegram arrived in a remote garrison town on the border of the Habsburg Empire. The telegram consisted of a single sentence printed in capital letters: “HEIR TO THE THRONE RUMORED ASSASSINATED IN SARAJEVO.” In a moment of disbelief, one of the emperor’s officers, Count Lajos Batthyany, inexplicably began speaking in his native Hungarian to his compatriots about the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir and a man who had been perceived as partial to the Slavs. Lt. Josip Jelacich von Buzim, a Slovene who felt uneasy about Hungarians—especially because of their suspected disloyalty to the throne—insisted that the conversation be held in the more customary German. “Then I will say it in German,” the count assented. “We are in agreement, my countrymen and I: We can be glad the bastard is gone.”
This was the end of the multiethnic Habsburg Empire—at least the way Joseph Roth captured it in his magisterial novel Radetzky March. And the Habsburg experience has often been replicated in the European Union. Unity has usually been the first casualty of crises in Europe. During the Iraq War, the euro crisis, and the refugee crisis, for example, the EU quickly fragmented into different camps and countries.
And Russian President Vladimir Putin had good reasons to imagine that the same would happen the day his army invaded Ukraine. The war was an existential threat for Ukraine’s neighbors, such as Poland or Estonia, but a faraway conflict for Portuguese or Spaniards. Europe’s energy dependence on Russia made a confrontation with Moscow a high-cost exercise in a moment when European societies experienced hard economic times. And, in any case, Europeans can have common dreams, but their nightmares are strictly national. The rise of anti-German sentiments in the early weeks of the war was a glimpse of what the scenario from hell could have looked like.
But one year into the conflict, we can see that the Kremlin’s expectations were wrong. A recent survey by the European Council on Foreign Relations shows that, against expectations, European publics’ views on the war have converged rather than diverged. Compared with May last year, the proposition that the war between Russia and Ukraine should end as soon as possible, even if that means Ukraine losing part of its territory to Russia, is no longer that popular among Europeans. The opposite idea—that Ukraine should regain all its territory, even if that means a longer conflict—currently prevails in Europe on average, and in 5 out of 10 countries that we have polled, including France. Europeans also report an improved perception of European and American power—while many see Russia as weaker than they had previously thought.
The reasons for the increased support for Kyiv probably diverge from country to country, but at least four factors are of particular importance. Putin’s strategy of mass destruction has morally outraged most Europeans. Ukrainian military victories in the summer and autumn of last year have convinced many that Kyiv can win the war. A warm winter and European governments’ successful handling of the energy crisis have increased the sense that the EU is stronger than many believed. And U.S. President Joe Biden’s determination to do what it takes not to allow Russia to win is another critical factor for the new European position on the war.
But the war has also brought about a less recognized but critically important political realignment in the domestic politics of many European countries. To put it bluntly: The war reconciled many European nationalists to the idea of a stronger and more united EU, while at the same time forcing many pro-European liberals to discover the mobilizing power of anti-imperial nationalism.
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her party Brothers of Italy are the most powerful representatives of the first trend. Until very recently, the Italian far right viewed Brussels as the biggest threat to Italy’s sovereignty and identity. They flirted with leaving the euro and even the entire European Union. But today, they see Brussels as a valuable ally in defending Italian sovereignty from superpowers such as China and Russia and borderless threats such as COVID-19.
On the other side of the political spectrum, the most pro-European, cosmopolitan, and liberal forces in Europe have been inspired by Ukraine’s struggle for survival and are rethinking their positions on the idea of nationalism and military spending. Looking at the breakdowns of party members shows an incredible convergence of nationalists and liberals on how they see the war. The percentage of supporters of liberal French President Emmanuel Macron who believe that only a Ukrainian victory can bring lasting peace in Europe is identical to the percentage of supporters of the right-wing Law and Justice party in Poland who believe the same. At the same time, the German Greens, the party that most embodied the country’s pacifist tradition, are not far behind LREM and PiS.
And most interestingly, the strongest supporters of the Ukrainian struggle are the bureaucrats in Brussels. Confronted with Putin’s aggression, European Commission President Ursula von Der Leyen embraced the Ukrainian struggle for survival as her own. She was the person who pushed to use European funds to buy weapons for Ukraine. And she advocated for Ukraine to be given an EU membership perspective. This is maybe the ultimate act of political fusion—marrying the ethno-nationalist militarism of Kyiv’s fight for survival with the post-national, legal processes of the EU. If Kyiv’s 2013-14 Maidan demonstrations sought legitimacy by flying European flags, now European capitals are finding a new sense of purpose and legitimacy by draping themselves in Ukrainian flags. Anti-nationalist Brussels has suddenly been mesmerized by the power of civic nationalism. In their worship of the Ukrainian leader, European liberals have broken with playwright Bertolt Brecht’s post-nationalist dictum, “Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes.”
It is fair to admit that the reconciliation between liberals and nationalists was visible already in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, when liberals did not hesitate to close borders while nationalists in power realized that managing the pandemic meant taking care of all those who happened to be within the borders of their states regardless of where there were born. But it was Polish nationalists welcoming millions of Ukrainians that probably more than anything else forced both left and right to adjust their views for the age of Putin.
But while the European unity achieved in this last year in remarkable, it cannot be taken for granted. It could be eroded by the reversal of any of the trends that have brought Europeans together: a successful Russian military counter-offensive, or the rising costs of living and hosting refugees (now the dominant fears in Italy, Germany, and France).
The biggest threat to the new marriage of nationalists and cosmopolitans comes from outside the EU, however. Ironically, it has less to do with Moscow than with Washington. One of the major effects of the war has been to expose Europe’s dependence on the United States’ security umbrella. But while the confrontation with China looks like a bipartisan issue in the United States, the risk of a U.S. foreign policy split over Russia is real. Former U.S. President Donald Trump tends to see Putin’s war in Europe as Biden’s war. His readiness to sacrifice Ukraine could cause a major change not just in the way that Europeans see the future of the war, but even in how they see the future of the EU.
If Trump successfully becomes the leader of an anti-war party, we could see a rapid reverse in the foreign policy convergence of European liberals and nationalists. European unity survived Russia’s military, but can it withstand America’s politics?
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phoenixbsblog · 1 year
Tangled: The Next Generation!
Okay, where were we? Oh yes, Rapunzel and I got married everything was perfect until Max dropped the rings. I took my eyes off that horse for a few minutes and he gets himself covered in tar, a pink frock, a hat and shoes. You guys had one job!
The reception was not as expected, we were going to have a big party in town but all of the wine and bimberry juice was spilled. The tables were turned over and the food was lost, the cake had fallen down the hill. Instead we gathered around in the good old Snuggly Duckling!
Soon after Rapunzel and I made our own baby. Our folks were thrilled, the hard part was choosing a name then it hit me! Aurora!
It was perfect since Rapunzel is the Queen of the Sunshine Kingdom and I am from the dark side with the moon. Aurora is the Latin word for ‘Dawn’ the time between night and day.
The day our little ray of sunshine was born was one of the best days of my life.
I was in my office doing the usual boring paper work when Stan came to me in a panic.
I jumped up onto my feet, panicked thinking something terrible had happened.
“Sir!” Stan called as he tried to catch his breath. “It’s Rapunzel!”
I felt my heart in my throat at that moment. “Is-Is she okay?”
Stan looked a bit unsure. “She’s-She’s having the… The Baby now!”
My jaw dropped at that moment, the doc said she was not due until another week but Arianna said babies do not always come dead on the date, I was born a bit early according to Dad. I shoved past Stan and ran up two flights of stairs to the upper floor and the tower.
“Ahhh!” I heard her scream from the end of the corridor.
“I’m coming!”
As soon as I got in, I sat by her side and held her hand. “Rapunzel, squeeze my hand as tight as you want, it’s okay.”
She did, she squeezed my hand real hard, yeah it hurt but it was nothing compared to the pain she was going through.
“It’s okay, Rapunzel,” Varian said softly as he placed his hands over her stomach to ease her pain with his moon magic. Oh, yeah, Varian has that, who knew right?
“Okay, Your Majesty, push whenever you feel a contraction, work with your baby!” The midwife said as she watched her progress.
Rapunzel groaned as she pushed, I am just glad she is healthy so we won’t land in the same situation her mother was in.
Eventually, Aurora came out crying her little head off, she got washed and handed to her mother.
“Oh! Hello, darling!” Rapunzel smiled as she laid on her chest. “She’s beautiful.”
“She sure is,” I nodded. “Just like her mommy, Princess Aurora.”
“The newest addition to the Coronan Royal family, she’s going to be a great Queen one day,” Varian said as he smiled fondly at her. “I just know it.”
Yeah, with us to guide her, she will be brilliant. “Who knows, maybe there will be a mini Science Nerd in the future.”
Varian chuckled but shook his head. “No, I don’t think so… It would run the risk of passing on the Moon power and I can’t have a bunch of Moon People running around.”
Eugene hummed thoughtfully. “There’s adoption.”
Varian shrugged. “I’m not sure I want kids, you know, I’ve got a lot of stuff going on with my work and… Haven’t had much luck in the romance department… Anyway, never mind me, today is about you, Rapunzel and your baby girl!”
At that moment Stan came in with Frederic and Arianna. “Are you alright, Your Majesty?”
“Yes,” Rapunzel smiled. “We have a Princess.”
“Oh, wow! That’s brilliant!” Stan beamed. “She’s adorable, congratulations Queen Rapunzel and Captain.”
“Oh my goodness!” Arianna gasped as she put a hand over her mouth, her eyes brimmed with tears. “She’s gorgeous!”
Frederic placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, tears of joy welled up in his eyes as smiled adoringly at their granddaughter. The future of Corona, the circle of life went on.
“Mmm,” Rapunzel nodded as she looked down at her, we do not want to put too much pressure on her. Let her enjoy her childhood while it lasts, experience things that we never got to do.
My wife and newborn daughter had a nice long rest before we presented her to the kingdom. Part of me is relieved that she did not get Rapunzel’s Sundrop Power, honestly parenting is stressful enough without thinking about someone stealing your magic child!
“Good afternoon, everyone, thank you for coming we are pleased to present to you our daughter, Princess Aurora!” Rapunzel called as she turned her around for people to see her face.
There was a roar of applause and cheers from the crowd, overjoyed to meet the new Princess.
To celebrate her birth we had a small party for close family and friends only, my dad came all the way from the Dark Kingdom to see her. He was relieved that both mother and child were okay but also saddened that he could not hold her.
“Hello, Aurora, I am your Grandpa Eddie!” King Edmund smiled as he held her little hand. “She’s so tiny! Reminds me of when Hor-Eugene was born!”
Rapunzel chuckled. “Yeah, it was hard but Varian’s magic took the edge off.”
“Well done, Varian,” King Edmund said.
Varian nodded. “No problem, anything I can do to help.”
“Wow, she’s so sweet,” Catalina smiled.
“Aww man! You’ve got me crying now!” Lance moaned as he wiped his face with a handkerchief. “We’re growing up so fast!”
I place a hand on his shoulder. “You’re as young as you feel.”
“Brace yourself for the long nights and early mornings!” King Edmund chuckled then turned solemn.
“Oh, don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” I waved my hand dismissively. I thought how hard could it be?
It turned out to be very hard. She woke up crying in the middle of the night or early in the morning for her mommy although sometimes I stepped in for her. As any good father should, I helped in any way I could.
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