#give this baby boy a chance 👉đŸ„ș👈
inbrightshadows · 11 months
*sticks one arm out from under my rock, slips this into the tag, and retreats back under my rock* Inspired by the cass apocalyptic series by somerandomdudelmao It's a very very cool rottmnt fancomic and you should give it a read 👉👈đŸ„ș (Not canon but you might recognize some parts/dialogue from the comic) [warning for implied/referenced past infant death but no actual infant death (the boy is fine dw), infected wounds, amputation, and a dog like creature biting someone]
The first time Casey Jr almost dies he's about three months old, by their best guess, and he's only been Casey Jr for a week.
Cassandra and Raph go out on a supply run, which is normal. They come back with a baby in a box, which is not.
Fortunately or unfortunately, there's no such thing as government or paperwork in the apocalypse. So there's nothing stopping Cassandra from saying “I found him in an alley so he's my son now, his name is Cassandra Jr.” And that's that.
Thankfully, this isn't the resistance's first baby so there's plenty of formula and hand me downs to supply Cassandra in her sudden status as a Mom. And everything else the family quickly supplies.
Donnie is very uninterested in babysitting the oozy crotch goblin but Casey Jr's crib still has the genius built logo and built in laser security system to prove he cares in his own way.
Mikey breaks into his carefully rationed paint supply to paint a small mural above the crib and takes every chance to babysit he can.
And Raph? Well Raph dives headfirst into the roll of co-parent slash halway blockade.
Then there's Leo.
In his own words, he has a whole resistance to babysit. And besides that there’s not much he can really do other than what he’s already doing.
Fight the krang, stop the war, give little Casey Jr a better world to grow up in. And also avoid everyone’s efforts to get him to hold the baby.
He is not cut out for tasks that require a delicate touch but it seems like he’s the only one who understands that. He’s a gigantic mutant ninja turtle who, unlike his brothers, has never had any kind of hobby that requires any kind of delicacy. So he hangs back, he keeps an eye out for things that will be useful to the Caseys while he’s out on the surface, and he waves away attempts to hand Jr to him.
And then Casey Jr gets sick.
It should be fine. Should be normal. Babies are delicate little things, getting sick is a thing they do. Except there’s not much the way of medicine in the apocalypse. And babies are delicate.
It starts as a low grade fever. By the end of the day it’s a raging bonfire. They have a lot of things but medicine is in short supply. Nothing they have is working. It’s just Casey Jr, sobbing his heart out on Raph’s shoulder while Cassandra hovers and Raph tries to soothe all three of them.
There’s nothing Leo can do to help. They don’t have the medicine they need to treat the fever. At least not something safe to use on a baby. Raph is the one who remembers how Dad used to use lukewarm baths to break their fevers when they were little and he was still too scared to try human medicine on them. It helps enough that they can get some formula into the kid. But it’s not fixing things.
Two days pass and the fever refuses to break. The baths are becoming less and less helpful. After the third refused feeding attempt that afternoon Donnie slams down a map of ‘areas most likely to contain useful information or materials for treating a sick baby.’
Leo and Mikey gear up and head out leaving Donnie to monitor things back at base while April takes charge of running everything else so that Raph is free to help Cassandra take care of Jr.
It’s bad luck, really, that a pack of krang dogs find their camp on the first night. It should be fine. They should be able to handle it.
But bad luck is bad luck.
Leo sees movement out of the corner of his eye. He moves to dodge and the ground underneath him decides now is a perfect time to give way.
“LEO!” Mikey yells as Leo tumbles away into the dark.
Leo grunts, biting back a scream as the Krang dog’s teeth sink into his arm. They tumble into the dark together, bouncing down the stacks of rubble. It’s dead by the time he lands but the damage is done.  
The good news is that the fall kept the dog from getting a good grip on him.  
The bad news is that even if the bite won’t infect him with Krang regular infections are different story. Krang zombies have foul mouths.
Mikey can’t find out it managed to bite Leo. If he does he’ll want to go back and get Leo treatment before they look for the medicine.
And right now every second could mean the difference between getting medicine to Casey Jr in time or adding to their graveyard.
So Leo makes sure that by the time Mikey makes it down to him his first aid kit is a good bit lighter and any sign of the bite is hidden beneath his normal arm wraps.
When Mikey finds him Leo smiles and doesn’t hesitate to wrap both arms around his little brother.
“Are you okay- did it bite you?” Mikey asks, darting around him to hunt down every last scrape.
“Nah, just a couple of scratches,” Leo lies. “Let me heal them-” “No, we’ve got a ways to go, I won't risk you wearing yourself out too soon.” “Leo!” “I already used my first aid supplies on them! It’d be a waste if you healed me now!” Mikey glares at him but huffs and nods. “Fine! But if they start to feel bad-” “I’ll tell you, don’t worry,” Leo lies again.
Day two is a bust. There's useful supplies in the area Donnie marked out for them to search, sure, but nothing that will help  Casey Jr. Or the sensation of a burn throbbing its way up Leo's hidden bite wound.
Leo and Mikey mark out where the useful things are and keep going. Someone can go back for them when they're less pressed for time.
That night Leo waits for Mikey to fall asleep before he checks the bite. It's bad.
The moment the bandages come off he's gagging at the putrid stink of infection. It's hard to see it in the dark but then again he's not sure he really wants a better look. It wouldn't change his mind anyway.
He can make out the dark veins of infection spreading. If he wasn't green it'd certainly be a violent red.
He cleans it, spreads a thin layer of disinfectant cream that will do about as much good as throwing a cup of water at a bonfire, and re-bandages it.
His usual arm wraps go up over top of it, hopefully Mikey won't notice he's done them a bit higher than normal.
All the evidence goes into the fire. By the time Mikey's turn to take watch comes all that's left is ash.
On day three Leo wakes up feeling like someone dropped a building on him. He makes the mistake of groaning about it.
“Leo? Are you okay?” Mikey asks. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I just, uh, I think I’m inheriting Dad’s back problems! That or the Krang made the ground harder.” Mikey snickers. “I mean, they would, but I’m also pretty sure you just called yourself old.” “I did not!” Leo drags himself upright and makes a show of cracking his back. It obliges with a satisfyingly loud pop that makes Mikey giggle harder. “I think your spine disagrees with you too.” “Shut up!” “Awwww are you feeling cranky, old man?” 
Leo is too exhausted to feel properly offended or even think of forming a comeback but he plays it up for his little brother anyway.
Anything to keep him from worrying. Or forcing them to turn back. It’s fine. This shouldn’t take too much longer anyway.
It’s midday by the time they reach the second site. Just from a glance it’s obvious this is a more promising site. There are actual chunks of buildings scattered around and there’s enough of a shattered sign left lying around to tell them that whatever kind of care this place used to give it was geared specifically towards children.
There’s plenty to find digging through the rubble. Well. Plenty for Mikey to find. Leo is mostly trying not to let on how dizzy he is.
To both of their frustration, they run out of daylight before they find anything. Leo can feel his body screaming at him to lay down and rest. Just a little longer, he tells his body. They’re going to find the medicine. He can feel it. Leo just needs to make it at least that long.
The fourth day dawns. Mikey shakes him awake as soon as there’s enough light ot see by. Leo bites back a moan as he claws his way upright. Leo thought his arm hurt before but now it feels like someone is pouring lava down it.
He notes with a calmness that boarders on absurdity that he can’t feel his fingers.
Something must show on his face- or maybe he just looks at least halfway as awful as he feels- because Mikey frowns at him when he wakes up.
“I’m worried,” Leo blurts out. “If this takes much longer then- I don’t think- he’s already been sick for so long.” “We’ll find it. Today, I’m sure. I’ve got a good feeling.” Leo tries to smile for him and hopes the shaky thing he offers up is enough. Well. At least one of them is feeling good.
Leo is lucky. He’s always been lucky. Luck runs out eventually, it always does. But not today. Maybe it helps that Leo isn’t hoping for something for nothing. Because on day four they strike gold.
Mikey is a short bit away, digging through the rubble with his power, hunting for anything with even the chance of helping. Leo is doubled over just out of his site, trying to stifle his stomach’s efforts to rebel against him.
Don’t hurl, he tells himself, if you hurl there’s no way Mikey won’t realize something is wrong.
He forces his eyes open, hoping that focusing on something will help. And then Leo’s eyes fall on a shattered glass cabinet, several packs of some something promisingly adorned in cartoon human children. He reaches in, flips it, and feels a wash of relief when he realizes it’s exactly what they’re looking for.
“Mikey- Mikey look-” everything fuzzes, tumbles. There’s something under him. He blinks back blurs of color, tries to resolve them into something coherent. Mikey’s face hovers over him, mouth moving. He looks upset. “What's the matter?” he tries to ask. “Leo! Leo, are you sick? What hurts?” “Arm,” Leo answers without thinking.
Oh shit. Oh shit he’s not supposed to let Mikey know. But it’s a little late for that. At least the panic clears his head a little. Mikey makes a wounded sound in the back of his throat as he uncovers the bite.
“Leo.” “Yeah, I know. Sorry
 sorry for lying.” He watches Mikey’s lip wobble until Mikey catches it in his teeth. “Leo this is bad! We- I don’t know if we have the supplies to treat this!” Leo hums. Now that the panic is fading it’s getting so much harder to think. He lifts his good hand before he can forget and flops it over towards Mikey. “S’okay. We can go back now.” Mikey takes the box of medicine with shaky fingers. “Leo,” he croaks.
Mikey is talking. Something
 probably important? He looks scared but they’re not under attack. He’s pretty sure they’re not. Leo tries to focus on him anyway but it’s so hard. He’s so tired.
He’s been tired but there was no resting, not properly, not until they got what they needed. They do now so it’s fine, he can rest his eyes a bit.
Good. Seeing is hard too. Just blurs and colors.
He feels Mikey’s hand on his face, his voice in his ears. He tries to pay attention but he’s slipping, sliding away.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, but he’s out before he can think of what, specifically, he’s sorry for.
Leo doesn’t remember the trip back, just the thud of Mikey landing. Someone screaming. A hand squeezing his. Small. Thin fingers. Lots of them.
“April?” he might mumble. He thinks. “Shhh, rest big guy,” Probably-April says. “Donnie has it. He’s gonna fix it.” Oh. That’s good. He lets himself sink, lets her hold him together while he waits for Donnie to do what Donnie does best.
A light in his face. “Am I dying?” he says. Thinks? Someone hisses. Angry sound. Who does that again? “Not if I have anything to say about it. And I have a lot to say about it.” Oh. Donnie is here. That’s good. Didn’t someone say he was coming? “Now go to sleep, you don’t want to be awake for this part.” Leo doesn’t get a chance to answer, he’s already sinking again.
Leo blinks up at the ceiling of Donnie’s lab. He spends a good while just staring at it, trying to get his brain to work. His arm throbs. “Ow.”
Some several things crash and shatter and then Donnie''s face hovers into view. “How do you feel- nauseous? any pain, aches, fever? Chills?” “Uh, my arm hurts a little?”
“Which one? The one that got bit by one of the most disease ridden things in the apocalypse and then went four days without medical care or the other one?” “Hey I did some medical care!” “You did FIRST AID. You know, the thing you do to help someone before you get them ACTUAL MEDICAL CARE.”
Leo winces. There’s no arguing about that one. “Ok well, I was hoping we’d find the medicine and get back before it got too bad.” “Well. You didn’t.” “Yeah, I guess. How long was I out?” he asks. He tries to lift his arm but he can’t feel it move. He frowns. “It
 barely hurts anymore. Uh. Donnie? I can’t- Um. Donnie. I can’t feel my arm.”
Donnie’s face twitches. Leo tries to turn his head to look at his arm. Donnie’s hand darts out out to stop him. Leo looks at Donnie again. Donnie looks away, grimacing and refusing to make eye contact.
“Donnie-” “Don’t look yet.” Leo tries to move his arm again but there’s still no response. No it’s not just that there isn’t a response. He can't even feel the weight of it.
He can feel his shoulder. He can feel a ring of throbbing pain a few inches above his elbow. And then it’s just
 light? Like there’s nothing but air- oh. Oh. Okay then. There’s where his luck ran out. “...Huh. That’s. Hm. Let me see?” “Leo-” “Donnie. Let me see.” Reluctantly, Donnie eases back.
For a second Leo doesn’t do anything. He closes his eyes and breathes. He turns his head. He opens his eyes.
It’s gone.
Everything past his first crescent marking is gone.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep, measured, breath. Okay, he thinks. Okay. He’s a medic. He knew this was a possibility.  Donnie starts eyeing him nervously.
“Did he make it?” Leo asks at last. “...Yeah he made it,” Donnie says quietly. Leo feels like he's fully breathing out for the first time since Cassandra burst into the infirmary with a sick baby in her arms. "Good. That's good." Donnie puts his hand over the end of Leo's nub, covering the scar. He stares at the floor and says nothing. Silence reigns. Leo stares up at the ceiling, letting it settle around them.
Until the door slams open and the rest of his family tumble through the door, both Caseys included.
The last knot of tension loosens from him at the sight of Casey Jr, happily wiggling in his mom’s arms as he flails his arms at Raph.
He tears his eyes away as his family gathers around him, worried and loud, and Leo only knows one way to calm them down.
“So. I’m guessing I'm the opposite of... All Right now, huh?” Cassandra covers Casey Jr's ears. Donnie leans away, inhaling sharply. “Why are you like this?“ he asks. “Because it's all I've got... Left” Raph groans, hiding his face in his hands. “Already?” “Put him back under,” April says, deadpan. “Boooo,” Mikey says, and Leo pretends he doesn’t sound two steps away from tears.   “I hate you so much,” Donnie lies, a few screens manifesting around him. He taps away with the hand that isn't still covering the scar on what remains of Leo's arm while Leo laughs at his own terrible jokes.
“You no longer have a choice about getting a prosthetic. Mikey tried to say I had to ask before implanting experimental technology in your body but you know what? I’m making an executive decision. I can’t live with the puns.”
Leo starts laughing harder, so hard that it circles right back around to sobbing. He’s buried in a pile before the first sob can even fully leave him. Donnie’s eyes stay on the screen even as he shifts his hand to Leo’s shoulder and squeezes. “I’ll fix it. Don’t worry.”
Leo spends a lot of time sleeping but he’s never alone when he wakes up.
There’s Raph, showing off the balls he’s threading onto his mask tails so Casey Jr can climb them while Cassandra sits nearby, once more restitching her perpetually tearing sleeves on her shirts.
He wakes to Mikey making little fish or birds dance in the air while Casey Jr sits in his lap and reaches for them.
Or there’s April pouring over battle plans with a mug in one hand and the other wrapped around Casey Jr.
Point is there’s a lot of Casey Jr. So Leo really should be prepared to wake up with a tiny weight on his chest, healthy and safe and sound. And still so very tiny. His breath hitches, he doesn’t dare move.
“Bemused scoff.”
Leo carefully turns his head toward where Donnie is busily typing away at something.
“You know you can’t avoid holding him forever. Even I've held him." Leo gives Donnie the flattest look he can manage. Sure. Donnie has held Casey Jr. Once in a blue moon when there was literally no one else to do it (and Leo's hands were firmly tucked under his arms.) For about sixty seconds total. "...I've held him more than you have.”
Leo grimaces. “Look, I wasn’t cut out for holding delicate stuff when I had two arms. It’s an even worse idea now that I’m twice as likely to drop him.”
“Invalid excuse. I’m already working on a solution to your arm situation.” Donnie waves his hands and his ninpo sparks, building a blue print of an arm and some other thing hovering in the air between them.
“These are the schematics for a bio-mechanical arm and a socket implant to allow it to safely interface with your nero-” Leo’s brain glazes over the rest of Donnie’s explanation.
“...So you want to turn me into a kick ass cyborg?” he asks as soon as Donnie is done. “Did you listen to none of what I just said?” “C’mon, Don, I’ve got you for all the nerd stuff.” “Exasperated sigh, yes I’m turning you into a kick ass cyborg.” “Sweet,” Leo says, yawning. Donnie huffs. “Go back to sleep, Nardo.” “Can’t, baby could fall,” Leo mumbles. “I won’t let him fall. Just rest.” And Leo trusts his brother. So he does.
It takes a frustratingly long time for Leo to recover enough for the surgery to implant the port for the arm in his stump. It’s more low profile than he expected, hardly noticeable at all unless you’re looking head on at it.
Then there’s a whole other saga of learning how to use the arm Donnie has built him. It’s clunkier than Donnie’s preferred standards but it works almost as seamless as his real one. He gets good with it and he gets good with it fast because with the Krang you either do it fast or you don’t do it all.
The unintended and unwanted side effect of this is that now his family are no longer accepting “I’m not good enough with my arm I might drop him” as a valid excuse to not hold Casey Jr.
And they are very, very, intent on getting him to hold Casey Jr.
Look. Leo is thanking sweet pizza supreme in the sky and every one of the Hamato ancestors, Casey Jr bounces back from being sick like it never happened.
He bounces and wiggles, he babbles and giggles, as though less than a week or so ago he wasn’t so sick that Leo and his family (literally) risked life and limb to get him medicine. And Leo is thrilled. Really.
It’s just that he wishes his family would stop encouraging Casey Jr’s newest favorite game- trying to grab Leo. Because apparently one of any baby’s favorite thing is whatever they can’t have.
“Here! Hold him!” Mikey holds Casey out so that he faces Leo. Casey Jr, who seems to have a sixth sense for when someone is playing the 'try to get Casey close enough to touch Leo' game,  is thrilled. His tiny arms wave at Leo, itty-bitty fingers clenching like they’re ready to latch on the second they’re close enough to touch him.
“W-wait, I can’t!” Leo protests for the thousandth time. But Mikey isn’t taking no for an answer this time. A nudge of mystic power keeps Leo from fleeing. All Leo can do is tuck his dangerous un-baby proofed metal arm away from tender baby skin and wave his flesh hand pleadingly.
“C’mon Leo
 you have to hold him eventually.”  Mikey cajoles, gently waggling Casey Jr.
“Not happening, no way.” Leo leans back as far as Mikey’s powers will let him.
“Yes way,” Mikey says, holding Casey closer and closer. Casey is giggling furiously, tiny arms flying at top speed.
“Do you even see how tiny he is?” Leo points at the baby, just in case Mikey needs a reminder. “I could break him with one finger!” There’s a tiny nudge to said finger. Leo looks down. Casey Jr is copying him, nudging Leo’s much larger finger with his own.
Mikey gets a look on his face. A terrible, evil, look.
“One finger? Like thiiiiis one?” Mikey grins as he lifts his middle fingers away from Casey Jr’s body. Leo freezes. “Mikey. Mikey no.”
“Whats that? Oh nooooo.... I can’t hear you over the sound of my grip slipping!” Mikey sing-songs. “Don’t you dare!” Leo stares at him, horrified and frozen. He won’t. Surely he won’t. Cassandra would murder him. Raph would double murder him. He wouldn't. Right? Right??? “Oh no! I hope someone catches the poor delicate baby!” And then Mikey drops Casey Jr.
Leo shrieks. He forgets that Mikey is literally magic and does not need his hands to hold a building, much less a baby.
“Mikey what the fuck!” Leo squawks, hands flying forward and closing around the tiny delicate bundle that is- 
 not falling towards the ground at all actually.
The gears turn, the realization that he's been tricked sets in. Leo glares at Mikey. Mikey grins, unrepentant, and waves his faintly glowing hands, a glow also present around a perfectly safe Casey Jr. The glow vanishes and Leo feels the surprisingly greater weight of the baby properly in his hands for the first time.
“Ahhhh Mikey- Mikey take him back!” Mikey stubbornly keeps his hands in the air and backs away, still grinning. “You’re fine, you’ve got this.” “I don’t have this!” in spite of saying this Leo is already tucking Casey closer to him. “It’s fiiinnne, you're doing fine! Look, he’s having a great time!”
Tiny clumsy fingers hit his jaw, drawing his eyes down. Casey Jr has one hand buried in Leo’s scarf. The other is pressed to the highest part of Leo’s face it can reach. As he looks down they stretch up, reaching for the vibrant red markings on his face.
“Ah- what- what does he want?” “Awww he likes your stripes, hold him higher!”
Hesitantly, Leo shifts the baby a little higher in his arms and Casey’s little fingers smack against his markings, clenching against them as best the pudgy little things can. Leo chuckles. “What? You want those? Hate to break it to you bud but they’re kind of attached to me.” Big dark eyes lock onto his. Casey Jr babbles. His little fingers flex against Leo’s face again.
Someone makes a noise like a slowly deflating balloon. Leo looks up to find Raph has found them. He’s standing in the doorway, his eyes shining with unshed tears.
“Please tell me Donnie has a good angle on this,” he says, voice wobbling. Raph’s com clicks on and switches itself to speaker mode. “Sending you the best shots as I speak,” says Donnie’s voice. “I hate all of you,” Leo lies. Mikey snickers at him, Raph is too busy cooing to reply. And then Casey Jr realizes Raph is there and decides he’s done being held by Leo. He leans his entire body toward Raph and puts all of his tiny baby might into wiggling free of Leo's grip.
“Oh fuck-” “Don’t cuss in front of the baby!” “Raph. Raph.” “You’re doing fine, relax-”  “He’s gonna fall! I’m gonna drop him- Raph!” Raph easily scoops Casey Jr up, saving Leo from the terrifying force of a wiggly baby.
Casey Jr giggles and grabs for Raph’s mask tails while Leo dramatically flops to the floor. Mikey continues to snicker at Leo’s expense, floating over to pat his head.
“I can’t believe you pretended to drop him just to trick me into holding him,” Leo groans. “You what?” Raph’s head snaps over to them. Mikey freezes. “I had mystic hands on him the whole time!” “Baby holding is a two hand activity!” “You literally hold him with one hand!” “Raph’s hand is big enough to count as two!” “Oh that is so not fair!” “... Leo watch the little man for a minute.” Raph sets Casey Jr down by Leo’s head. Leo makes an inarticulate sound of horror but before he can protest Raph is already bolting for Mikey.
Mikey flees with a yelp.    Leo looks at Casey Jr. Casey Jr looks at him. “So, you come here often?” Casey Jr stuffs his fist in his mouth and makes a garbled noise around it, almost recognizable as a very turtle like chirp. Leo checks that his brothers are out of ear shot and then chirps back. Casey Jr’s eyes widen and sparkle. He takes his damp hand out of his mouth and smacks Leo in the face with it. Leo grimaces. “Thanks.” In the distance, Mikey screams as Raph catches him but it's just as quickly followed by laughter.
Casey Junior grows up in between loss and stolen joy and forgotten childhood memories. He gets old enough to ask questions. Inevitably, the day comes when he asks “Sensei, how did you lose your arm?”
And Leo lies.
Or, well
 He doesn’t lie so much as he just
 leaves out some details. Details Casey Jr does not and will not ever know if Leo gets his way.
“Ah, you know
 Krang dog got a lucky bite in. By the time I got back to base it was the arm or me and Donnie chose me.” He says it with a light little shrug, like it’s no big deal.  
Because for Leo, it’s not a big deal. Between losing an arm and losing family he’d chose the arm over and over again.
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
PEACH WE NEED VIRGIN!ATSUMU SJDBDJD I HAVE NEVER NEEDED ANYTHING MORE IN MY LIFE PLS đŸ§Žâ€â™€ïž Atsumu is such a cute lil attention seeker ofc hes a total poser when it comes to chasing girls 😭 and then there's corruption kink reader who shows him literally 0 interest and *oh* he kind of likes getting ignored djdbdh. In my head idt corruption kink reader is mean- just aloof and completely over it 🙄 but Atsumu ohhh hes just begging to be ruined. Sweet boy won't know whats coming 👉👈 when is it his turn to get the girl đŸ„ș
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answering all of these!
it's so easy for atsumu to get a girl's attention. they practically fall over themselves to get a chance to talk to him. but when it comes to sealing the deal, he always has some kind of excuse. "baby, ya know i'm a busy man..." he tells them, earning himself the reputation of being a heart breaker.
but you could really care less. the supposed "golden boy" meant nothing to you and, of course, atsumu is drawn like a moth to a flame. his constant need to be validated and liked by others fuels his obsession with you.
however, when you finally decide to give him the time of day, you notice something's off. he hesitates to touch your shoulder or how you refuse to look him in the eye the one time you wore a low-cut shirt.
it comes to a head when the two of you are making out at your place. you're kicking yourself for letting this happen but you were drunk and, hey, he's kinda handsome. atsumu's kisses are sloppy but you just chalk it up to the liquor. but when you bring his hand to your breast, atsumu pulls away, breathing heavily.
"you've never touched a boob before?" you chuckle but atsumu doesn't meet your eyes, a deep scarlet forming on his face. it takes you a second, and then it dawns on you. "atsumu...are you a virgin?"
"ya can't tell anyone," he says suddenly and you can't believe it. everyone's favorite boy, the sex god of the court, is a dumb little virgin, getting flustered by a kiss.
he's pathetic. he's a loser.
he's so cute.
running your hand down atsumu's chest, you feel him shudder from your touch. oh, this is going to be fun.
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obeymycok · 2 years
MC’s Demon Form - Satan
Just to be clear, MC can use all their forms. This is just the one that the brothers first saw MC in. If you haven’t read the setup for these headcanons, as well as the pact headcanons that explain what’s happening here, I strongly recommend you do so (they will be linked below) Otherwise, on with the reactions!
Taglist: @trashlord-007  @waldeinsamkeit600  @simpinginthecorner  @xxgenderenvyxx  @q-ueue
Pact Headcanons     Setup
“MC!!!” Mammon shouted as he sprinted to the fallen beast followed closely by the rest of the brothers. Apparently, too close. Mammon stopped dead in his tracks, feet still sliding over the dirt as his brothers crashed into him at full force. They all got up ready to curse him out, but the sight in front of them quickly shut them up.
There you were, but you looked like..?
Overall, he’s shocked more than anything 
He’s understandably a little concerned about temper tantrums because of Satan, but he’s willing to be patient
Pretty much baby proofs your sharp tail because of how many cuts Satan got from his on his legs
Dad of 6 is preparing for another Satan lmao
Oooo scary MC
He tries to act all cool but he’s so terrified of pissing you off and it very much shows
Please do not yell at him, he will cry and he’s trying his best
For real though, he wants to see you kick some ass
Scared boi 2.0
He will also cry if you yell at him, but also if you look at him the wrong way
Reassure his self conscious ass, maybe a head pat or 2 to make him all blushy
“This is just like that anime ‘My Human Friend And Pact Mate Takes On Different Forms To Fight Evil Monsters’ it’s so good we have to binge it now!”
Suck it Lucifer
Another very shocked one, I’d say his pride and worry are about even
His demon form is dangerous and you could get very hurt MC...however...
Oh my GOD let him spar with you he promises he’ll take it easy but this is his love language!
Also will keep you informed on how to care for the form,offering to help when he takes care of himself
“Oh my, MC! I hope all that anger isn’t going to cause you wrinkles.”
45 is like my favorite brother duo, so Asmo is hyping you both tf UP because I said so
One of the brothers who first starts tending to your wounds or any scars you may have gotten fighting or getting used to your wrath form
He just loves you and Satan so much he’s too excited to contain himself!!💖💖
One worried giant
I’ll say it again, even though you’re all tired of it lol Satan’s form is DANGEROUS and the last thing he wants is someone else he cares for getting hurt or worse
Hesitant on watching you fight, knowing there’s a chance for getting more bloodied
Gives you his snacks when he senses your anger risingđŸ„ș
At least it isn’t Lucifer
Really though, he probably thinks Satan is pretty cool considering the skill it takes to out-maneuver Lucifer
He’s worried as fuuuuuck, but Beel’s got it covered so he tries not to let it show too much he fails
He’s also very VERY VERY excited to see you go all-out rage mode on some monsters so please let him watch👉👈
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atinystaypixie · 9 months
Tbh it was kinda a joke but also I need to hold on to something to sleep like..like just either wrapping g my hand around something or holding it and oh boy the thought of holding onto a man’s dick, but like not any man, and resting my head on his pelvis. Just snuggle the pee pee đŸ„ș👉👈 I’m sorry 😞
Oh💀💀 but nauurr I've thought about that for the longest n idek why. The thought just always seemed comforting and when the guy sleeps on your tummy like "awww come here baby even though there is a high chance you are crushing međŸ„ș" its giving weighted blanket
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pies-writes-and-more · 3 years
hello christinaaaa!!! i know no one asked but we have the same name 👁👄👁 except mine doesn't have an 'h' :'D
anywaaayy, is it alright if i request tsukishima, kageyama, iwaizumi, and akaashi with a fem!s/o who's really tiny and is very clingyđŸ„ș👉👈 she likes sitting in their laps (in a non-sexual way) and holding on to their arms, or just clutching a part of their clothes😖 she'd always steal their jerseys toođŸ˜Œ
then during the boys' practice, she'd jump on them and hug them—arms and legs tightly wrapped around them like a koalađŸ„ș the boys would try and pry her off but that just makes her nuzzle even more, so they give up wahhchhshf
their teammates would give the two of you confused looks because-
you're attached onto him
he's walking around the gym with you just clinging to him
he's acting like it's nothing new
IM SO SO SORRY IF IT'S TOO MUCH OR TOO MUCH DETAIL, i got carried away because i thought it's a super cute ideađŸ„ș😖 if you end up doing this, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU!!! :'D 💞
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pairing: tsukishima kei, kageyama tobio, iwaizumi hajime, akaashi keiji, & ushijima wakatoshi x fem!reader
warnings: flufffyyyyy - a somewhat clingy gf and her adorable bf just being cute babies. probably some swearing, not really proofread im sorry haha
a/n: omg hiiiii cristina!!!!! thank you so much for sending a request in :D i hope you’ll come by more often name-twin! i received this ask and IMMEDIATELY SQUEALED because thIS IS JUST SO CUTE! I wanted to do this super quick but haven't had a chance to sit down and write until now so I hope you like it! Also I added some Ushijima in there because the idea of a clingy!gf with ushijima is just too much for me to pass up haha. I'm sorry if this wasn't exactly how you wanted it! I tried to change things up a bit to make sure it wasn't just the same thing over and over again :) Also I’m sorry that you can tell that I love Tsukishima so very much LOL i’m bias I know it’s awful haha I hope the other ones are good too though!! Enjoy!
haikyuu masterlist
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If you had told Tsukishima that he would have a super clingy girlfriend one day, he'd probably just make that 'tch' sound and talk away with you, in disbelief that anyone would ever think he would put up with clingy.
But then he met you. You, who was all things soft and sweet, rounded edges where his were sharp, a smile where he had a scowl. You were everything that he shouldn't have and yet, you still loved him. He wasn't quite sure why and for the first part of your relationship, Tsukishima tried to keep you at an arm's distance.
But your love language was physical touch and you always had some sort of hold on him. If you were walking somewhere and Tsukishima's hands were tucked into his pockets, you'd hold the edge of his jacket, walking around like this was normal. He tried to walk faster at first, seeing if it would make you drop his jacket, but you didn't and instead just smiled all the same.
Tsukishima loved you, which is why he always tried to keep you away from him. He didn't want to start trying to make you happy and then realize that all that effort was for nothing. High school relationships didn't always end well anyways so what was the point in trying?
But you were just so soft, so kind, asking over and over again to hold his hand when the two of you walked home together until one day, he grabbed your hand first. Jumping on him for a hug after not seeing him for a while, always catching him by surprise and knocking a breath from his lungs, until one day, he actually dropped his bag and opened his arms for you first.
You watched Tsukishima fall in love with you, his smile becoming just slightly softer than it used to be.
But even if you noticed all these things (and Yamaguchi did too), the team was completely clueless when it came to it.
You had peeked into the gym, noticing that practice was going just a bit later than it usually did, surprised to find that Coach Ukai and Takeda were gone. Instead, it was just the team, Tsukishima standing across the gym from you and drinking his water while speaking to Yamaguchi.
"Tsukishima!" You grinned, hopping through the balls flying through the air and jumping right onto him.
The blond boy hadn't expected you to still be at school, or else he would've left when practice was supposed to end. But here you were, gripping onto him like your life depended on it.
"O-Oi! Get off, everyone's staring!" Tsukishima hissed at you, trying to push you off but you pouted and climbed up on his back further.
"Oh so because your team is watching, I don't get a hug?" You huffed, shaking your head. That would not do.
"Y/N, you're being annoying," Tsukishima insisted, trying to swat at your head from behind his.
"Well annoying is nothing new in my personality. You'll just have to kiss me to make me let go!" You giggled, hugging his neck now and burying your face into it as you seated yourself in a piggyback position.
You felt Tsukishima's body relax a little as he sighed, shaking his head.
"Is... that a girl?" Hinata mumbled to Kageyama, both of them staring at Tsukishima like he had just complimented them or grown a second head.
"Tsukishima seems so annoyed," Tanaka cackled, pointing and laughing at his underclassman for having such a clingy girlfriend.
"Kiyoko, if you ever wanted to get a piggyback ride from me, I'd let you!" Noya screamed across the gym to which Kiyoko just said,
"No thank you."
"How're you, Y/N?" Yamaguchi asked with a laugh, finding it oddly amusing at how quickly Tsukishima seemed to surrender to you.
"I'm good!" You beamed, ruffling up Tsukishima's hair and making him groan more in annoyance. "I just missed my dino loving nerd."
"You're impossible," Tsukishima sighed as the two of you laughed, not bothering to hold onto you as he walked across the gym since you already seemed to have such a strong hold on him.
"Daichi," Suga called out through a fit of laughter, holding onto Asahi as the two of them tried to hold back their chuckles. "Is it just me or... does Tsukishima look like this isn't a new occurrence to him?"
Daichi laughed along, smirking over at his first year, "Well from what I hear, Y/L/N Y/N really has Tsukishima in the palm of her hand."
Tsukishima tried to avoid looking his teammates in the eye, a blush creeping all the way up from his neck to the tips of his ears as he brought you outside the gym.
"Off," he demanded and you pouted, sliding off his back slowly.
"Only cause you'll kiss me, now that we're not in front of your team," you teased and he just rolled his eyes, pushing you against the gym wall slightly and leaning down to peck your lips.
"Whatever," he mumbled, kissing you again, because he hadn't realized how much he missed you.
"Aww Tsukishima Kei's all red," you giggled, straightening out his gym shirt. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you that much. I just feel like I haven't seen you in forever so I got all excited seeing you!"
"I saw you at lunch, Y/N," he pointed out, but smiled anyway because he never knew someone this annoying could also be this cute.
You waved away his point, shaking your head, "Still! It's been a very long time. I like my attention you know."
"Oh trust me, I know," he gave a chuckle, flicking you in the head gently. "Give me a few more minutes and we can walk home okay?"
"Mm okay. But only after one more kiss."
And Tsukishima wasn't going to say no to that.
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Kageyama was very embarrassed at first to even just be in the same room as you. Regardless of the fact that he confessed his feelings to you and you had accepted them, he still felt very awkward with you. He wasn't sure what exactly was appropriate and what wasn't. Should he grab your hand? Should he interlace your fingers with his? Should he kiss you?
When should do it? Was it weird to do it in front of everyone? Should everything be kept until marriage?
But Kageyama soon learned that if he didn't grab for your hand, you would grab for his. You'd be quick to lace your fingers in between his, smiling up at him like you belonged there. And you did.
He liked to hold onto your hand so he never rejected you when you tried to grab him. Sometimes you'd hold onto his arm, hugging it tight to your body and Kageyama actually would consider thinking about something that wasn't volleyball.
Hinata and you had similar characteristics, though if anyone actually brought this up to Kageyama, he'd deny it until his voice was gone. You were this bright sunlight, smiling every time you caught his eye, bouncing around with unlimited energy and always finding someway to be with him.
Kageyama was no longer worried about what people thought because you never seemed worried. And if you, someone who was so good at reading others and so adept at smiling and talking to people, didn't seem worried about it, then why should he?
You quickly learned that if you wanted to see Kageyama and he wasn't answering his texts, he was probably practicing volleyball. Most weekends, you'd walk with him to the school gym and do your homework in the library or even in the corner of the court, just so you could been in the same vicinity. Plus, you loved watching your boyfriend play volleyball so what could go wrong?
Hinata and Kageyama had been practicing their quick attack all morning, barely taking a few moments to breathe, let alone drink anything.
"Oi! If you two don't drink anything, you'll collapse from exhaustion!" Daichi pointed out, throwing their water bottles at them.
The two waddled over to your corner, Hinata asking you about your homework as they downed some fluids.
"Just some math problems," you sighed, tapping your pencil against your notebook. "Though I'm getting kinda bored of it."
"Did you want to go home? I can walk you," Kageyama offered and you smiled, knowing that if you took him up on that, he'd just walk right back here to keep practicing.
"No that's okay! I like watching you practice!" You explained, standing up and giving your limbs a stretch. You moved to hug him, snaking your arms around his waist and squeezing him gently. "Are you guys feeling excited for the next game?"
Hinata nodded eagerly, jumping up and down as he explained to you who they were going to be playing and the players that he knew of.
You watched the two of them talk for a moment before jumping onto Kageyama's back with a smile, the boy stumbling a little at the surprise, "Y-Y/N! Don't do that! You could've fallen!" Kageyama yelled at you, frowning tightly as he turned to see how triumphant you looked on his back.
"But look! Now I'm almost as tall as Tsukishima!" You giggled, wiggling your arms up in the air.
"Amazing. Not only does the King have a girlfriend. But he hasn't thrown her onto the floor yet," Tsukishima scoffed making Yamaguchi giggle behind him.
"Kageyama, do you want to try the quick again?" Hinata asked suddenly, tossing his water bottle away.
Kageyama nodded, looking over at you with a raised brow, "What? Are you going to sit there all day?"
"What? Are you going to make me get off?" You teased, sticking a tongue out at him.
Kageyama considered this but wondered if he could manage to do decent enough sets with you on his back. It would be like a sort of stamina training.
So he did, shrugging it off like it was no big deal that his girlfriend was just attached to his back like a koala.
"It's never a dull moment with these first years huh?" Asahi laughed a little, watching as Kageyama and you struggled to keep a balance.
"She makes him look less scary I think," Sugawara laughed. "He hasn't glared too harshly at Hinata the whole time she was around."
"I'm just surprised he didn't toss her back on the floor when Hinata asked him if he wanted to play more," Daichi admitted, chuckling. Their little Kageyama had finally found something worth at least the same as volleyball in his mind, if not more.
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Akaashi was everything you could possibly want in a boyfriend - he was so kind but he would tell you exactly what he felt with his sometimes blunt words. He was very calm and serious, but he had such a fun side to him and you watched as he and Bokuto would get up to some crazy thing when they weren't super busy.
You loved him and you loved being by his side whenever you could. At the team movie nights, you'd crawl into his lap and he would hold you there, sometimes forgetting to even pay attention to the movie because you were just so comfortable. At trips to the convenience stores, you'd swing your hands around together, grinning up at him with the cutest smile because you were living your life however you wanted to live it, regardless of how people saw you.
Akaashi knew you were clingy, though he wasn't sure he liked the sometimes negative connotation that came with that word. He knew you liked to be held, so sometimes he'd hold you in front of him while talking to your friends, and he knew you liked it when he played with your hair so he found his fingers dancing along your strands while the two of you attempted to study together. Before meeting you, Akaashi wouldn't have ever thought he was a physical touch kind of guy, but now, it almost felt unnatural to not have you around him.
He should've expected you to do this sooner, though even now while it was happening, Akaashi could feel his cheeks burning a bit. You had climbed onto his back and gripped tight as he walked to the gym, insisted you'd come with him.
"You want to come to my practice?" He repeated, shifting your weight onto his back so he could hold you better, walking to the gyms.
"Mhm! Is that okay?"
Akaashi didn't think there was a problem with it so he agreed, but you were refusing to get off his back even as he entered the gym.
The Fukurodani volleyball team watched as their normally calm and cool setter waddled in with a smiley girl on his back, the two of you laughing at something he had said.
Akaashi wasn't ashamed of you at all, but he would never get used to how his teammates stared when they were interested in something.
"Is that Akaashi's girlfriend?" Komi gaped, nudging Washio in his side to make sure he was listening.
"Who else would it be?" Bokuto laughed, grinning widely as he watched the two of you waddle your way into the gym.
Akaashi glanced over at the team, giving them a little wave like this was just an every day occurrence that he came into the gym with a girl on his back.
"Okay I gotta practice now," he tried to tell you, attempting to coax you off his back.
"Nooooo," you whined, smiling at him and hugging him just a bit tighter. "Just a bitttt longer."
Akaashi sighed, knowing he was very bad at saying no to you, especially because it wasn't like he wanted to let go of you either, "Promise I'll give you a piggyback ride all the way home," he offered, bending down so you wouldn't have to jump off of him.
"Mm, okay," you shrugged, stepping off and smiling up at him as he stood up straight. "Promise?" You asked, sticking out your pinky finger to him.
The team wanted to laugh a little at just how corny the two of you seemed - who actually acted like this in public?
"I mean, it's not like any of you have girlfriends to be like this with so can you really laugh?" Shirofuku pointed out with a smirk, Suzumeda laughing behind her.
"Hey! We would be great boyfriends!" Konoha insisted with a frown, Bokuto nodded in agreement.
"The best!" The ace added with a huge grin on his face, the team suddenly thinking that what Akaashi would do for you wasn't as silly as previously thought.
Meanwhile Akaashi just smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before linking his pinky with yours, "Promise. Now go sit and do your homework okay? Maybe we can watch some of that anime you were talking about after practice."
You nodded eagerly, pecking his cheek happily before sitting over where the managers tended to hang out, talking to them with a bright smile on your face.
"Man, you are whipped," Konoha chuckled as Akaashi made his way over.
Akaashi wasn't sure if he agreed with the teasing tone that Konoha said it in but shrugged, glancing over at you, "If you mean that I love her and would do anything for her, then sure. I'm whipped for her."
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Iwaizumi was the last person that Oikawa would ever expect to put up with such a touchy clingy girlfriend. At first, Iwaizumi would avoid bringing you around and Oikawa would sulk in his little corner, claiming, "We're a team, Iwa, how are we supposed to trust each other if you won't even introduce us to your special girl?"
Iwaizumi knew his sniffles were fake, shoving his aside with a shake of his head, "Stop being so dramatic, Shitty-kawa. You'll meet her eventually."
"When?" Oikawa grinned, poking at his best friend's arm. "Tomorrow? You could bring her to practice?"
Iwaizumi was going to tell him to shove off and say that it would happen when it happened but Oikawa grabbed his arm quickly, gaping at the new accessory on Iwaizumi's wrist.
"What is this? Ooooo Iwa's got a love bracelet!" Oikawa laughed, admiring the handiwork.
"Oh shove off," Iwaizumi huffed but wiggled the bracelet off and tucked it away with his belongings. "Y/N got it for me."
"Ya know, I didn't think you'd be such a softie, Iwa," Yahaba chuckled. "She must be pretty special to make our ace so kindhearted."
"She's... everything," Iwaizumi admitted with a blush on his cheeks before their Coach interrupted, starting practice.
He couldn't help but think of you the whole time though. He hadn't told Oikawa that you'd be coming by to walk with him over to his place tonight to get to know his family. He wasn't really sure why he hadn't brought it up when Oikawa asked but he wondered if he should just call it off.
"Iwaaa?" You called, peering into the gym as you noticed the sound of flying volleyballs dying down. You watched as head after head turned to the sound of your voice, Iwaizumi's the last to see you as he was all the way across the gym.
"Y/N," his normally stoic face turned into a smile as he caught your eye, you running over to him and leaping into his arms for a tight hug. "A-Are you okay?" He laughed, stumbling backwards to keep the two of you from falling. "You gotta be careful, darling."
"Sorry, I just got excited to see you!" You giggled, smiling up at him.
The two of you conversed with you still hugging him tightly, your arms and legs wrapped around him and Iwaizumi just standing there like this happened all the time.
"She's cute!" Watari grinned, watching you two laugh together.
"I was honestly starting to think Iwaizumi made her up," Matsukawa admitted with a laugh, Hanamaki joining in.
"So this is our Iwa's little angel hm?" Oikawa called out, walking over to you two with a smile. "Nice to meet you!"
"Oh hello!" You smiled up at him, giving a little wave but still managing to hug Iwa close. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt practice."
"No no, it's okay. Meeting you is far more important. Got any dirt to spill on little Iwa over here?"
"Crappy-Kawa, shut up," Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, giving his friend a punch in the arm. "You can't go asking my girlfriend for gossip."
"Aw why not? What's the fun in getting to know her then if not to join forces and make fun of you?" Oikawa asked, sticking out his tongue at the ace.
"I'll try to come up with something, don't worry," you fake-whispered to Oikawa, laughing as he nodded with a huge smile.
"I gotta keep practicing, love," Iwaizumi said after a moment, attempting to pry your fingers off of him.
"Whyyy," you gave a little pout, just tightening your grip.
"Cause we've got a big game coming up and I wanna be the coolest ace ever so you can brag to your friends about your boyfriend," Iwaizumi teased, poking your nose. "Now come on, let go."
"What's the password?" You giggled.
"I'll buy you ice cream?"
"Nuh uh."
Iwaizumi sighed, glancing at his teammates who seemed to be eager in watching this interaction, before turning back to you and gently placing a soft kiss to your lips, "Happy?" He asked, acting like he was all frustrated but still smiling at you.
"Mm I guess I'll accept it. The real password was I love you, but that'll do," you beamed, hopping off of him and giving his hair a good ruffle. "Go do your best!"
Iwaizumi nodded, jogging off to the rest of the team to finish practice. He'd watch you as the time passed, you sending him thumbs up and cheering for them all really making him want to be the best boyfriend he could ever be. Just for you.
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Ushijima didn't really tell anyone about his relationship with you. It didn't really seem like an important topic when the team was playing volleyball, but it wasn't like he had tried to hide you. When Tendƍ jokingly asked him at lunch if he was looking for anything romantic, Ushijima answered as blunt as possible, "I'm already in a relationship so no."
Tendƍ seriously thought he was joking, until he remembered that Ushijima didn't really joke all that much. He asked as many questions as he could possibly think of, begging to meet you sometime because he wanted to know what kind of girl a volleyball monster like Ushijima was attracted to.
Ushijima hadn't really thought about ever bringing you to practice. You were always very touchy, always wanted to hold his hand or his arm, sometimes you'd just put your hand in his jacket pocket so you could be closer to him. He didn't have a problem with it, in fact, he always thought you were angry at him if you weren't touching him. But he didn't want to have you have to touch him while he was all sweaty and gross.
Maybe before practice then, he decided, finding you inbetween classes and standing over your desk, intimidating all the other students around you. "Would you like to come to my practice later?"
You just stared at him in confusion because you had always thought practice was like a No Trespassing area for you, "S-Sure, if you want me to, Ushijima," you nodded slowly.
He gave you what seemed like a small smile, patting your head affectionately, "Good. Tendƍ said he would like to meet you."
And with that he left, giving you a small wave as he disappeared into the hallway. You were left with all your classmates asking you questions, as well as your own questions like why did Ushijima suddenly want you at practice and why did Tendƍ want to meet you?
Ushijima came to get you after classes, the two of you taking the long way to the gyms as you giggled and goofed off with him just smiling at your side.
"Ushiiii," you sang, jumping onto his back as high as you could get. "Why did you want me to come to your practice today?"
Ushijima shifted you on his back, not even stumbling at your sudden weight on him, "Tendƍ pointed out that it may seem like I was keeping you a secret. But I'm not," he explained as he walked the two of you to the gyms. "I don't want you to be a secret."
You considered this and smiled, nuzzling your face into his neck happily before pressing a kiss to his cheek, "I wouldn't mind being your secret, Ushijima, but it would be nice to meet your teammates since you're with them all the time!"
Tendƍ felt his jaw drop as he watched Ushiwaka, this big serious student who looked like he could be in college already, wander in with this girl on his back, her giggles echoing in the gym as he dropped off your bags in the corner.
"Is this Ushiwaka's pretty girl?" Tendƍ grinned, waving the two of you over. Ushijima bent down slightly and put you down, turning to see you pouting a little.
"What?" He asked and you responded by jumping on his front this time, hugging your arms and legs around him like a teddy bear. "Okay." He shrugged and walked over to the team, acting like this was just the usual way he came into practice.
Semi and Reon were both staring at the two of you, eyes wide as they realized that yep, that was in fact their captain. With a girl. A cute girl. On his back and acting like this was completely normal.
"G-Girl," Goshiki stammered out, watching you with his face completely red.
"Don't tell me you've never seen one up close before," Shirabu snickered, nudging the boy in the side.
"Of course I've seen a girl!" Goshiki insisted, shaking his head and trying to get all the redness away from his face. Obviously he had seen girls. He just had never seen one cling to a guy like Ushijima before.
"This is Y/N," Ushijima explained to the team in his usual captain voice. "She is my girlfriend."
"How do you have time to manage a girlfriend and practice?" Semi mumbled in surprise.
Ushijima brought you around the players, introducing you to them one on one with you still holding onto the front of his body. Goshiki practically passed out when you said hello to him.
"I have to go practice now, baby," Ushijima told you gently as he walked you over to your things. "Is it okay if I put you down now?"
You sighed dramatically, acting as if this was the most inconvenient thing for you but you laughed as he raised an eyebrow at you. You knew from the beginning when Ushijima had admitted his feelings for you that he would be a very busy guy, being the Captain of a powerhouse team and all. But he always seemed to make time to give you the attention you needed.
"Have a good practice," you smiled up at him and he bent his head down slightly for you to pat him on the head lovingly.
"I love you," he stated simply, pressing a kiss to your forehead before walking back to the team. Even though he seemed to be so casual with showing you around and PDA, the team still took a few moments to get over the initial shock of seeing their straight-faced captain with such a bubbly clingy girl.
"She's not exactly what I thought you'd be interested in," Tendƍ admitted to him as the two of them did passing drills.
Ushijima considered this for a moment, glancing in your direction before smiling a little to his friend, "She's perfect. How could I not be?"
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haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana @just4readingfics @moonlightaangel @mysterystarz
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thighridingsamu · 3 years
hello! i loved the 'hq boys and your first time together" drabbles and i was wondering if it'd be okay to request for a part 3 including the miya twins? you can choose the other characters 👉👈 thank you!! đŸ„ș<3
hq boys and your first time together pt.3
miya osamu x gn!reader, miya atsumu x gn!reader, kita shinsuke x gn!reader, ojiro aran x gn!reader | pt.1, pt.2, pt.4, milestone event |
content warning: praise, swearing, mentions of timeskip occupations for miya twins, osamu uses angel, what could classify as a subby!tsumu, atsumu gets called pretty boy, reader is implied to be shorter than atsumu, implied dumbification for kita, multiple orgasms (kita), drool/spit (kita), finger sucking (kita), kita uses darling and sweetie, aran being hot as fuck <3, marking but not really (aran)
word count: ~1.1k
a/n: thank you lovely nonnie for requesting! i had a hard time choosing which two other characters to do bc i'd been doing 4 for each part, and ended up just adding aran and kita not suna bc i thought his would be boring but he can be added in another part. as always: these are just my perception of the characters. these were made with the idea that the character and the reader have had previous sexual experience. also, just wanted to apologize for this taking so long. i really wanted to get it out within the week i received the ask, but i've been feeling weird when it comes to my writing. i suck for the delay but i truly hope you enjoy!
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S t e a m y. Mind-blowingly passionate, are you kidding me?? Osamu knows about the looks you give him when he stretches behind the counter at Onigiri Miya and when his shirt rises and his muscles flex and move under his skin. He sees the way your eyes linger on his strong jaw and thighs. He definitely doesn't try to hide the way he checks you out, either. All of these glances and suggestive words thrown back and forth turn into a night of passion, as if you were star-crossed lovers on their one and only night together. Yes, that dramatic, but oh so good. And he's really forward! I don't think of him as very shy, nervous or reserved when it comes to this type of intimacy, meaning he tells you what he wants and expects the same from you.
Osamu grinds his hips into yours, his hands that once held your thighs apart sliding up to your waist as his mouth makes contact with your collarbone. His lips are wet and warm, so soft as they travel up your throat and jaw. His hands are similar, warm and smooth where they meet with your stomach now.
"Look so good, baby," he grunts into your ear. "Feel so good around me. Just like I knew you would."
"Miya-" you begin, wanting to tell him he's being embarrassing by being so direct and blunt. But you don't get the chance, being cut off by the man that was skillfully moving his cock in and out of you.
"Come on angel, you know better than that. Call me by my name while I fuck you, okay? Better yet, moan it. Especially when I make you cum nice and good."
"Fuck, 'Samu, please. A little harder."
"Your wish is my command."
Yeah, your first time with Atsumu was anything but smooth sailing. This man is all talk, no way is a volley-dork like him really gonna be smooth as fuck in bed. But it's a break from the strength and confidence he feels like he's forced to exude 24/7 as a professional athlete, and he's so close to saying he's in love with you for that very reason. He wants someone to take care of him, letting him know he doesn't always have to call the shots.
Atsumu groans as he trips over his pants, cheeks heating up from embarrassment. He's slipped up so many times already, each one seemingly more embarrassing than the last.
"How about I take off your shirt? Wouldn't want you to trip over it too."
You're teasing, but there's a tone in your voice that makes Atsumu's heart melt. His fumbling hands stop and fall to his side, his chest inflating with a deep breath.
"Please." One, two steps forward and he's looking down at you, eyes soft and needy. He gently grabs your wrists and places them on his hips, right at the hem of his shirt. "Please, I don't want to keep looking stupid."
"You're not stupid, 'Tsumu," you whisper, pressing a kiss to his chest as soon as his shirt is over his head. "Let's just take it slow. Does that sound good, pretty boy?"
His head falls forward to rest on your shoulder. He whines, and though it's low, you can hear it. "You haven't done anything yet and I feel like this."
"And I'll make you feel even better. So just sit on the bed and let me take care of you."
Atsumu has never felt this high and cannot get enough.
Kita is observant. So in the x amount of time dating/seeing each other, he's formed a mental list of places he's touched that you seem to like. He takes notes of certain things you mention here and there and formulates a mental map. When it comes down to it, he truly wants to pleasure you and if paying attention to every single detail about you results in that, you bet he's going to do it. And this man screams impressive stroke game?? So amazing dick + touching every erogenous zone known to man, you bet you're just a drooling mess by the end of it. And of course he's a praise king, did you expect any less?
His words are soft. So soft, calling you every pretty little name he can think of. His words are soft, but they're dangerous. They aid in making you come undone below him, whimpers begging for more despite his cock being sheathed within you.
He's made you cum twice, and he's still hard as a rock in you. He enjoys seeing your dazed expression, feeling your hands paw at his chest in confused movements, not knowing if you truly do want more. But in this state, Kita is free to take control. It's such a high, knowing you'd given him your full trust just earlier that same day.
And look where it got you.
"Don't worry, darling. Gonna give you everything you want, okay?"
Kita leans down to leave a kiss on your lips, pulling away with a shocked smile and how wet your mouth is.
"Drooling for me, babe? How fucking cute," he grunts out, the hand on your flank coming up to your mouth. He traces the shape of your lips, wondering if you'll let him in. He's smiling when you part your lips wider, tongue poking out to swirl around his thick fingers. "That's it, sweetie. So good."
The way I see Iwaizumi as safe, Aran just gives me comfort. A strong man with large, warm hands and a bright smile. He's the type to naturally bring a sense of peace, calming the people around him. So everything just falls into place with him. Nothing's forced, rushed or awkward. And he's very soft!! Hands are always on you, but they aren't groping or pushing. It's a nice pressure that tells you he's there and ready to do whatever you want. Another one that has you riding him <3.
Aran's eyes hold warmth and adoration as they look up at you, palms smoothing up and down your sides. He coos as you sink down on him, praise falling from his lips. He can't help but moan at the feeling of your walls already contracting around him, the sound of your name in his voice making shivers run down your spine.
"You move at your own pace, baby. 'M so lucky to have a pretty thing like you squeezing my cock," he whispers into your chest, sensually licking and biting at the skin there.
He's attentive, helping you bounce on him when you need it and giving your body attention in certain places to keep that nice buzz going.
"A- Aran," you whine, forehead pressed against his.
Aran kisses your nose sweetly, hands giving your thighs a nice squeeze before he speaks. "Yes, love? Feeling good?"
"So good," you moan. "I'm gonna-"
"Cum. Cum for me, gonna look so damn sexy as you do it."
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tagging: @peachycoreroo, @newfriendjen, @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein, @omiikeii. want to be added to my taglist? fill out this form!
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strangeocblog · 3 years
Heracles’ backstory:
(very long post)
A group of merchant heard a cry from a deserted village not too far away from Torran tribe was at. They found a baby in a clay pot hidden instide of a broken down house. They took the child to their hometown near Reim empire and raise him there, thank god one of the merchant’ wife volunteered to take the child in, after all, they didn’t have any children for many years. If it wasn’t because of her, they would have sold him off to the slave owners.
Thanks to her care, he grew up as a strong, healthy and a little bit cunning child ( He knew how to make a cute guilty face to get away from his mother’s rage when she figured that he snuck out to go with his dad everytime he’s off to work, “but i just wanted to help papaaa đŸ„ș👉👈”). With him always following his dad arround, he knew how to bargain when he was 6 years old.
But happy moments in backstories doesn’t always lasts long, no no no. Those merchants owed some group of drug dealers/smuglers a huge debt, Hera’s father also got dragged into it, they threaten to capture his family members if they don’t give them 50% ammount of money they owed in a week. He has no choice but to sell Hera off to the dealers so they could stay out of debt for a while and his wife could be safe. He knew that she would never forgive him but what choice does he has?
Hera hop on his dad’s cargo as usual without knowing it was going to be his last time doing it, the poor kid fell asleep soundly in his father’s arms. Then, he woke up in a dark, cold place with shackles around his arms and legs.
(**Side note:** that’s where his trust issues began, and also the fear of being abandoned, childhood trauma ye)
(now back to tragic backstory)
Hera spent almost a week there, he’s a smart kid so he could easily escape but he was having a mental breakdown the entire time.
He finally recollected himself after he got sold to some sort of noble in Reim. The slave owners were on their way to transport him to his new owner’s place but then a band of thieves stopped them on their track, Hera took his chance to escape and succeeded.
Almost a day of wandering around in the middle of nowhere, he found his way to a small town. He tried to ask where is this town located, do they know his hometown and how to get there, all the people ignored him except for one. The man was only a few years older than him, got white haired and red lips (guess who) told that this is a small town near Reim’s capital, he knew the place that Hera was looking for and could take him there in the next day.
Little did he know that the guy he trusted was planning to sell him the moment he laid his deceiving eyes on Hera’s crimson locks and irises. He took Hera to his home that looded a little bit too small to be considered as one, inside, there was only a small bed and other furnitures. He was too exhausted to notice the man beside him until he felt a sharp pain on his shoulders, he covers the wound by one hand while he turned around to see the man holding up a knife. Hera was enraged he was going to strangle the man but his body suddenly collapse. The white haired dude said something to himself while lifting up the carpet to reveal a hidden trapdoor lead to a basement, a short while later, a man with huge figure came out and take the parallized boy down to the basement.
The basement was massive,there are lots of small children and rare animals that were being locked up inside of huge bars and cages, they were all kept in handcuffs, the ones they used to keep Hera down were different, it was way bigger and has more extra chains tied to the wall and floor.
This place was more extreme than the one where he was first got sold, the cries of children being tortured and molested with the whipping sounds and the laughter of the guard men fill the whole basement. Hera was lucky to be treated differently from other slaves, two meals a day, enough water to stay hydrated and no tortures, well, physically...
The white haired guy took an interest to Hera and not in a good way, there are times when he feels numb and tired not long after he finishes his nightmeal, that’s when he always got taken to a slightly more decent room that seemed like it belongs to the white haired, Hera guesses that he must be the boss there. The boss didn’t treat Hera harshly like what the other mens did to those poor childrend, but even though those actions were gentle to him, it gave him a disgusting feeling that he can not describe.
Hera is a smart kid, he noticed how the mens always keep watch of him whenever they gave him his meal and they only look away when he has finished, it must be the food that make him feels tired at night, the drink has nothing in it because he could tell by the smell of it.
The meal came through the bars as usual, the guard eyed him while he was eating like it was the best thing he has ever tasted. It was his best meal indeed, he could taste the sweet flavour of vengeance and freedom in every single bite.
End of part one.
(My writing is so cringe lol)
(Oh! May i offer you a drawing of little Hera in this trying time?)
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