#ghost slig
asameera · 4 months
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Abe and his Slig friend (?) Reg are facing the ghosts Priests worshipers of Meeches.
Drawing I did for Oddword Element (a story I'm taking part in) for the one who's actually creating it (Happy birthday again!)
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arkhavens · 1 year
had a loose idea for smthn that would fix like all of my issues w where swtors storyline is/has been going.
what if, instead of immediately getting queued for the prelude to kotfe, there was a quest placed right before it where you essentially chose if you want that toon to actually go through the kotfe/kotet expansions, OR to play through the 5 years that the alliance commander is in carbonite?
bc for 1- i really want details on that period, and 2-it seems like Such a fucking lazy cop out to just mention that "oh yeah lol all the class characters just disappear for some reason right when the alliance commander does and their respective govts are fine w that" and act like that Makes Any SENSE.
it would give bioware a chance to actually diversify the story again, it would give players that dont want to lose their companions a way to still continue the story, we could get actual development into why the hell malgus is even alive, it would make the republic and empire being even remotely functional make sense(bc while i could understand the smuggler+bounty hunter dropping off the map, you cannot fucking tell me that the republic losing the Barsen'thor, the Hero of Tython,+Havoc Squad's leader, AND the empire losing the Empire's Wrath, multiple major members of the dark council,+Cipher 9, ALONGSIDE anyone Else that was lost in the fighting, would just be fine.)
and like it wouldnt even need to be a complete chronicle of the 5 years!! we've had major timeskips in game b4, so it could definitely speed past some shit. but just seeing how the empire and republic even managed to hold it together at ALL would be fascinating.
i honestly feel like setting up a sort of branch out -> joining point -> branch out again -> rejoin etc pattern to content could work really well if done properly. it would weave the overarching story together but allow for a lot of diversity in playthroughs, which is what ive seen practically Everyone complaining about.
idk. just, more class content. the little class missions on rishi engaged me more than the entirety of kotfe+kotet, and im saying that as someone who actually kind of enjoyed those expansions the first go around
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simsinlowspace · 2 years
Too Fond of Books - Book Cover & Novel Icon Defaults
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Hey everyone! I have something a little different to share today...a set of book cover and novel icon defaults! 📚
Full disclosure first: learning how to default stuff is really high on my priority list right now, but I have not done it yet. These defaults are simply texture swaps of Slig's Default Book Covers and Novel Icons because I am very much a don't-reinvent-the-damn-wheel kind of woman. Obviously, you cannot have Slig's defaults and mine at the same time.
So there are covers for all the book genres, including the skill-book-on-steroids that comes from the education career reward shelf:
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They're mostly inspired by Sims elements, although not entirely:
Romance: Pleasantview, featuring Daniel and Mary Sue Pleasant
Drama: A Veronaville Dream
Mystery: The Hound I'm a fan of Sherlock Holmes stories so this is just a straight-up Hound of the Baskervilles reference, but I made the (illegible lol) author Mole, as in Desiderata Valley's John Mole
Reference: The Maastrichtian Age, which is the age when Tyrannosaurus rex lived...I don't care if they're studying cleaning, I always want my Sims reading about dinosaurs XD
Cooking: Sue's Secret Recipes as a nod to Sue's Secret Kitchen, the cooking hobby secret lot
Sci-Fi: Dragon Valley Sooo...I like sci-fi, but I'm much more into fantasy, so that's the direction I went for this one (it still says sci-fi on the bookshelf selection). The (also illegible) author is Hugh Grey, a writer from TS3's Dragon Valley hood
Children's: Bilious Bob by Thomas Quill, historian/librarian from TS3's Barnacle Bay. This is a reference to the pirate captain ghost who haunts the Twikkii Island pirate ship
Education Skill Book: Knowledge For All Seasons by Lazlo Curious. Does what it says on the box :P
And then there are the icon replacements. The covers match the ones above (minus the education book, of course). I went through a lot of icons and found matches for most of the plot elements...but I also changed quite a few to better suit my own tastes. Most of the sci-fi stuff got nixed in favor of new fantasy elements, and some of the ones I never used went out the window as well.
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So you still get aliens and weather, but also dragons and tea, because who doesn't love dragons and tea? 🐉 🍵
There are two separate packages in the download, so if you only want book defaults and not the icons, or vice versa, just chuck the one you don't want. Swatches are also included as a reference.
Most of the book cover icons are by max.icons, but there are also a few by Chanut-is-Industries, ultimatearm, Icon Pond and Freepik. All of the plot element icons are by Freepik.
DOWNLOAD (SFS) Replacements are ~1 MB
Lots of love, Spacey
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interstellerace · 2 years
Danny's New Duds
Danny hovered outside the massive nest of web and rock that constituted the lair of the Divine Spider. He didn’t like the idea of going into a spider’s web, but Clockwork had told him this was where he needed to go. Though that was likely to get a bored Danny out of the clock tower; Danny only being there to avoid his parent’s new ghost hunting invention and not because he had a time quest or anything.
Danny had asked Clockwork how Vlad had changed his clothes. Thanks to one of said time quests, Danny had seen what Vlad was wearing when he first became a half-ghost and that wasn’t what he was wearing now, so he had to have changed it somehow. Made it worse, in Danny's opinion.
Clockwork seemed to consider what to tell him, but ultimately said, “He probably went to the Divine Spider. She’s the one who originally made the royal garb of The Ghost King.”
So, Danny took the map of the Infinite Realms and found the lair of the Divine Spider to see if she would be willing to make him a new costume. There was nothing wrong with his old jumpsuit, but it was built to lower the risk of ecto-contamination, not fight crime in.
He cautiously floated into the cave, careful to avoid touching any of the webbing, but he didn’t want to surprise the ghost he was there to meet, so he called out, “Hello? Miss Divine Spider?”
He saw movement from the back of the cave, but as he got closer it changed from a terrifying web-cave into what looked like the inside of an apartment. A couch that was big and comfy looking, a table with a few chairs around it, a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall… Danny could barely believe what he was seeing. He floated past a book shelf filled with anime DVDs, manga, and figurine dolls. There was a matching one on the opposite wall filled with American movies, comic books, and action figures.
“Uh, hello?”
Suddenly, there was movement and a door opened. There stood a creature that looked like a centaur, except instead of a human torso attached to a horse body, it was a human torso sticking up out of a spider where it’s head should have been. The spider was covered in fine white fur, and it’s two most front legs look more like metal scythes than a spider’s legs. The human body sticking out of it looked like a young woman, with long white hair and pale skin and her eyes glowed a ghostly pink. Her human half did wear a lovely white dress that used patterns and 3D sewing to add design, depth, and detail.
“Hello,” She said quietly, her eyes scrutinizing Danny as an intruder to her lair.
Danny swallowed down his discomfort at the spindly creature before him and forced a smile while he said, “Hi, I’m Danny Phantom, and I heard you can make ghost clothes?”
The spider woman immediately lit up with a huge smile on her face, and her entire posture and presence changed. “Oh! Yes, I love making all kinds of clothes and costumes, especially cosplay! I love making outfits based on my favorite movies and anime. I actually just finished making a Madoka Magica cosplay.”
The spider woman quickly ducked back into the room she had been in but quickly stuck her head back out and said, “Oh, I forgot to say, I’m Kumoko! And It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Danny said as she vanished behind a closed door.
She then came out with a new dress on, a perfect replica of the main character’s puffy magical girl dress. She gave him a twirl as she excitedly explained, “Isn’t it perfect? Though, I did think about making a Homura cosplay first, she’s tied for my favorite character, but pink is my favorite color.”
Danny grinned. Oh, this horrible monster was a total geek. “It looks amazing!”
She blushed at the compliment then asked, “Did you come here for cosplay?”
“I’m afraid not,” Danny said, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I am hoping to get some cool clothes.”
“Oh, what did you have in mind?”
“Well, I’m a hero,” Danny said while motioning at his current outfit, “but my jumpsuit just isn't made for it; it'll tear at the slightest bit of friction. And look at how formfitting it is. I guess that can be good because it means it doesn’t get caught on things, except that it does get caught on things, all the time, and it always tears from that too.”
“It’s also pretty plain,” Kumoko added.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, but it’s not doing you any favors with the formfitting thing,” She said and started to circle Danny, her scythe legs coming off the ground and poking at his jumpsuit. “And it’s not like you have a lot of muscles to show off either.”
Danny huffed at her bluntness, “I guess I don’t mind it too much, but it would be nice to leave that kind of thing up to the imagination.”
She smiled and started waving her hands in a circles in the air, shimmering white strands of silk started to form a small doll that looked exactly like Danny, changing color to match his hair, skin, suit, and eyes. “So, the black and white color scheme is good for hiding in the shadows and catching bad guys, but how about we add some lines down the sides like this to break up the big black sections.”
The doll’s clothes changed as she explained, like it was responding to what she was thinking. “And you should have an actual utility belt instead of just a waistline reinforcement … and we should add some reinforcements around the knees and elbows, I think they should still be black, but if we want to break up the arms we can ... some thicker soled boots with more ankle support too … and- was this supposed to have a hood? That might be useful if you’re fighting in the rain or trying to hide your face... do you want to add a mask... Oh, but if we make your sigil green, it would really pop and people would recognize it! Like the bat-signal!”
They spent several more minutes talking about what would look good, what would be useful, and what would make good branding for marketing deals. And at the end of it, the spider woman handed Danny the little doll of himself and said, “I think is going to look great when you’re done with it!”
Danny looked at the doll, “When I’m done with it?”
“Yeah, you said it wasn’t cosplay right? That you want it to be your default and not a costume?”
Danny nodded, “But, I don’t know how to sew or anything.”
“Oh, do you not know how to change them yourself?” Kumoko asked and Danny shook his head. “I thought you just came to get some design advice! Okay, but you can definitely change your own clothes. You have to focus on the design you want, which you can use the doll as a reference for, and the ectoplasm that makes your current clothes will change into the new shape you want!”
“What? Really? Is it really that easy?”
“Well, some people find it easy, it can take a long time to get it right tough. Most people just prefer to keep their death clothes or have me make new clothes for them.”
Danny nodded, “I was hoping for you to make them.”
Kumoko gave a bright smile. “Okay! What did you bring for payment?”
“You weren’t going to make me work for free, were you?”
“No, I didn’t think you were going to work for me at all, actually,” Danny said then sighed, “But, if we treat this like a consultation, how much would it cost to have this hero-suit made for me?”
Kumoko hummed and reexamined the doll, “At least a dozen high quality chocolate bars.”
Danny stared at her, “Chocolate bars?”
Kumoko nodded, “High Quality Chocolate Bars, or maybe some chocolate and some cookies. High quality cookies, of course. Or a strawberry cake, I haven’t had one of those in so long.”
Danny laughed, “Alright, I make the request for you to make the suit now, but you don't have to start it until I’ve given you enough sweets. How does that sound?”
"Since your hero reputation is on the line, I'll start working on it right away and you can pay when it's done." Kumoko held out her hand, “Make it a deal.”
Danny wasn’t sure how long it would take Kumoko to make the clothes he wanted, and he forgot to ask her too. So, he decided to play it safe, give her two weeks, and if that wasn’t enough time, he’d give her a "down payment" and ask how long it would take after that.
So, there he was again, floating into the web-cave of The Divine Spider, this time with a bright pink cake box. “Hello? Miss Kumoko?”
The door in the back opened and the spider woman stepped out, seemingly surprised to see him, “Danny! I thought you forgot about me!”
“Of course not, how could I forget about you?”
“It’s been two weeks! I also thought you might have been scared off by last time.”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, I wasn’t sure how long it would take to make the hero-suit and I didn’t want to bother you while you were working on it, so I just… waited to come see you again.”
Kumoko nodded thoughtfully, “I should have told you it doesn’t take long at all for me to make stuff with my silk. I only needed a few hours, I do have eight legs and two hands that can work at the same time after all.”
“Really, just a couple hours?”
Kumoko nodded then ducked back into the back room for a moment then coming back with some folded clothes and some accessories. “I did have to go get some materials for the non-cloth bits, but I think it was worth it just to see how cool it is!”
She handed it to him and watched expectantly as he examined each piece of clothing. “Wow, Kumoko, this is amazing!”
“So, I put the hood on a jacket so that if someone tries to grab it, you can just slide it off,” Kumoko said taking and showing off the jacket, “It’s also got your sigil on it! I hope you don’t mind, I did put your sigil on each separate piece. So everyone will know that if it has that symbol it’s yours, or if someone has it, they’re your friend. And For branding! maybe - you could do some merchandising… maybe give your designer a cut.”
"I don't know how to do that, but I can look into it."
"So what you're saying is," Kumoko pointed at herself, "you need a branding manager."
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mariesdeluluworld · 2 years
𝙈𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙞𝙖 |𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮 𝙭 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐭
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The door swung open at once. A tall, black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there. She had a very stern face, and Harry’s first thought was that this was not someone to cross. Yet she sported a warm gaze in her hard eyes. When her eyes landed on a few of the first years, her posture softened before turning back into a statue. Y/n knew from that moment he liked her. 
“The firs’ years, Professor McGonagall,” said Hagrid, his voice a bit gruff.
“Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here.” She pulled the door wide. Y/n gasped and took in the surroundings. The entrance hall was so big you could have fit the whole of the Dursleys’ house in it. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches, like the ones at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors. 
They followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor, their footsteps echoed, and Y/n smiled. He could hear the drone of hundreds of voices from a doorway to the right — the rest of the school must already be here — but Professor McGonagall showed the first years into a small, empty chamber off the hall. They crowded in, standing rather closer together than they would usually have done, peering about nervously.
“Welcome to Hogwarts,” said Professor McGonagall. “The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your Houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your House will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your House, sleep in your House dormitory, and spend free time in your House common room.”
“The four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each House has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule-breaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever House becomes yours.” “The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting.”
Her eyes lingered for a moment on Neville’s cloak, which was fastened under his left ear, and on Ron’s smudged nose, and a young chubby red-headed girl’s messy hair. Y/n and Harry shared a glance and then nervously tried to flatten their hair.
“I shall return when we are ready for you,” said Professor McGonagall. “Please wait quietly.” She left the chamber. Harry swallowed. “How exactly do they sort us into Houses?” he asked Ron. “Some sort of test, I think. Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking.” Y/n’s heart gave a horrible jolt. A test? In front of the whole school? But he or Harry didn’t know any magic yet — what on earth would they have to do? He hadn’t expected something like this the moment they arrived. He looked around anxiously and saw that everyone else looked terrified, too. No one was talking much except Hermione Granger, who was whispering very fast about all the spells she’d learned and wondering which one she’d need.
Harry tried hard not to listen to her, while Y/n also went over what spells he might need and tried to remember the wand movement, but did it in his head. He’d never been more nervous, never, not even when he’d had to take a school report home to the Dursleys saying that he’d somehow turned his teacher’s wig blue. He kept his eyes fixed on the door. Any second now, Professor McGonagall would come back and lead him and his brother to his doom.
Then something happened that made him jump about a foot in the air — several people behind him screamed.
“What the — ?” He gasped. So did the people around him. About twenty ghosts had just streamed through the back wall. Pearly-white and slightly transparent, they glided across the room talking to one another and hardly glancing at the first years. Y/n jumped into Harry, trying to avoid the ghosts that seemed to be arguing. 
What looked like a fat little monk was saying: “Forgive and forget, I say, we ought to give him a second chance —”
“My dear Friar, haven’t we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he’s not really even a ghost — I say, what are you all doing here?”
A ghost wearing a ruff and tights had suddenly noticed the first years. Nobody answered. “New students!” said the Fat Friar, smiling around at them. “About to be Sorted, I suppose?” A few people nodded mutely.
“Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!” said Friar. “My old House, you know.” Y/n smiled at the ghost as the Friar winked at him. 
“Move along now,” said a sharp voice. “The Sorting Ceremony is about to start.” Professor McGonagall had returned. One by one, the ghosts floated away through the opposite wall.
“Now, form a line,” Professor McGonagall told the first years, “and follow me.”
Feeling oddly as though his legs had turned to lead, Y/n got into line behind a boy with brown hair with the girl with auburn-hair behind him, and Ron was in front of him, and Harry was in front of Ron, behind a boy with sandy hair, and they walked out of the chamber, back across the hall, and through a pair of double doors into the Great Hall.
Y/n had never even imagined such a strange and splendid place. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting. Professor McGonagall led the first years up here, so that they came to a halt in a line facing the other students, with the teachers behind them. The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns in the flickering candlelight. Dotted here and there among the students, the ghosts shone misty silver. Mainly to avoid all the staring eyes, Y/n looked upward and saw a velvety black ceiling dotted with stars. He smiled and he heard Hermione whisper, “It’s bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History.”
It was hard to believe there was a ceiling there at all, and that the Great Hall didn’t simply open on to the heavens.
Y/n quickly looked down again as Professor McGonagall silently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years. On top of the stool she put a pointed wizard’s hat. This hat was patched and frayed and extremely dirty. Aunt Petunia wouldn’t have let it in the house.
Maybe they had to try and get a rabbit out of it, Y/n thought wildly, that seemed the sort of thing — noticing that everyone in the hall was now staring at the hat, he stared at it, too. For a few seconds, there was complete silence. 
Then the hat twitched. A rip near the brim opened wide like a mouth — and the hat began to sing:
“Oh, you may not think I’m pretty, 
But don’t judge on what you see, I’ll eat myself if you can find 
A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. 
There’s nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can’t see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. 
You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; 
You might belong in Hufflepuff, 
Where they are just and loyal, 
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true 
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
 If you’ve a ready mind, 
Where those of wit and learning, 
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You’ll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don’t be afraid!
And don’t get in a flap!
You’re in safe hands (though I have none) For I’m a Thinking Cap!”
The whole hall burst into applause as the hat finished its song. It bowed to each of the four tables and then became quite still again.
“So we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Y/n heard Ron whisper to Harry. “I’ll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll.”
Y/n smiled weakly. Yes, trying on the hat was a lot better than having to do a spell, but he did wish they could have tried it on without everyone watching. The hat seemed to be asking rather a lot; Y/n didn’t feel brave or quick-witted or any of it at the moment. If only the hat had mentioned a House for people who felt a bit queasy, that would have been the one for him.
Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment.
“When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,” she said. “Abbott, Hannah!” A pink-faced girl with blonde pigtails stumbled out of line, put on the hat, which fell right down over her eyes, and sat down. A moment’s pause — “HUFFLEPUFF!” shouted the hat.
The table on the right cheered and clapped as Hannah went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table. Y/n saw the ghost of the Fat Friar waving merrily at her, and Y/n watched as older Hufflepuffs greeted and welcomed the girl.
“Bones, Susan!”
“HUFFLEPUFF!” shouted the hat again, and Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah, and just like Hannah, the Hufflepuffs greeted and welcomed her as well. Throughout the ceremony, with each sorting of Hufflepuff, they would greet and welcome their new housemate. 
“Boot, Terry!”
The table second from the left clapped this time; several Ravenclaws stood up to shake hands with Terry as he joined them.  “Brocklehurst, Mandy” went to Ravenclaw too, but 
“Brown, Lavender” became the first new Gryffindor, and the table on the far left exploded with cheers; Harry could see Ron’s twin brothers catcalling.
“Bulstrode, Millicent” then became a Slytherin. And Y/n watched as a few Slytherin’s greeted the girl and welcomed her to their house. Although some of the older students did look a bit unpleasant and bored. 
Y/n was starting to feel definitely sick now. He remembered how he and Harry were picked for teams during gym at his old school. And they’d always been last to be chosen, not because they were no good, but because no one wanted Dudley to think they liked them.
“Douglas, Charlie,” 
The brunette boy Y/n shared a boat and walked out from the crowd of first years. He looked nervous and glanced at the hat and gulped. He sat on the stool and Professor McGonagall placed the hat on his head and he jumped slightly, and his green eyes became wide. 
The boy looked relieved and his shoulder relaxed and he smiled at the Slytherin table, he looked pleased and walked over to them. 
“Finch-Fletchley, Justin!”
Sometimes, Y/n noticed, the hat shouted out the House at once, but at others it took a little while to decide. “Finnigan, Seamus,” the sandy-haired boy next to Harry in the line, sat on the stool for almost a whole minute before the hat declared him a Gryffindor.
“Fawcett, Sarah,” 
A girl with tawny brown hair and eyes, strode up to the stool and sat down. 
“RAVENCLAW!!” Cheers from the Ravenclaw table sounded and she smiled widely before she jumped off the chair. 
“Granger, Hermione!”
Hermione almost ran to the stool and jammed the hat eagerly on her head. “GRYFFINDOR!” shouted the hat. Ron groaned. Y/n clapped for her and gave her an encouraging smile. She smiled at him, before striding over to the Gryffindor table and sitting down next to a boy with the same ginger hair as Ron and his twin brothers. 
A horrible thought struck Y/n, as horrible thoughts always do when you’re very nervous. What if he wasn’t chosen at all? What if he just sat there with the hat over his eyes for ages, until Professor McGonagall jerked it off his head and said there had obviously been a mistake and he’d better get back on the train?
When Neville Longbottom, the boy who kept losing his toad, was called, he fell over on his way to the stool. The hat took a long time to decide with Neville. When it finally shouted, “GRYFFINDOR,” Neville ran off still wearing it, and had to jog back amid gales of laughter to give it to: “Malfoy, Draco,” 
Malfoy swaggered forward when his name was called and got his wish at once: the hat had barely touched his head when it screamed, “SLYTHERIN!” Malfoy went to join his friends Crabbe and Goyle, looking pleased with himself.
There weren’t many people left now.
“Moon, Aurora,” . . . , “Nott, Theodore,” . . . , “Parkinson, Pansy,” . . . , then a pair of twin girls, “Patil, Padama” and “Patil, Parvarti,” . . . , then “Perks, Sally-Anne” . . . , and then, at last —
“Potter, Harry!” As Harry stepped forward, whispers suddenly broke out like little hissing fires all over the hall. 
“Potter, did she say?”
“The Harry Potter?”
“Where’s his brother, Y/n Potter?” 
“The Potter twins?” 
Y/n’s cheeks became inflamed as eyes in the Hall eyed his twin and started looking for him. There were only a few students after him and soon he would be sorted. Y/n watched as Harry shuffled over to the stole and the hat. He watched his brother speak to the hat for a few minutes before the hat shouted: “GRYFFINDOR!!” 
The Gryffindor table exploded in cheers as Harry smiled widely. He looked happy and relieved that he was put in Gryffindor, and he slipped the hat off his head and walked over to the table as the Gyffindor’s cheered and the Weasley twins shouted: “We got Potter!! We got Potter!!” and Harry had his hand shaken by a Weasley. 
“Potter, Y/n,” 
The hall became quiet again, and everyone’s eyes were trained on his form as Y/n gulped and walked off to the stool. He sat on the four-legged stool and blushed at the eyes that were on him. Professor McGongall sat the hat down on his head and he jumped at the voice that he heard in his head. 
“Ah! Potter! Unlike your brother, who would’ve done well in Slytherin, you do not. No, I see a heart full of loyalty, bravery, honesty . . . a heart of gold, eh? Kindness is flowing through your veins, just like your mother,” 
Y/n perked up at the mention of his mother and he felt his heart become heavy. 
“Yes, though you’ll do good in Gryffindor, I see more . . . . yes, that’s where I’ll put you,”  This time the hat spoke aloud and shouted: “HUFFLEPUFF!!!”
Authors Note:
I hope you enjoyed it though!! I was a bit offline for a bit due to me on vacation with zero internet access and I write on my chromebook, but I do have a few chapters already written and working on more!
I hope you enjoyed it though!! I was a bit offline for a bit due to me on vacation with zero internet access and I write on my chromebook, but I do have a few chapters already written and working on more!
if you want to be part of the tag list, please respond to this post!
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hayleysayshay · 2 years
Man I am invested in this American Revolutionary War x British Revoltionary War officer romance, and the reveal of the secret Isaac wanted to tell Nigel wasn’t a love confession, but that he’s the one that shot Nigel, even by accident, truly amazing (and funny).
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rosieandthefreed · 3 years
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Turn the volume up, folks!
Listen to the words I say, now
"You're a fucking idiot,
And static's pouring out of your mouth!
There's nothing here for you to see!
F̶̧̪̱̤̈̌̓͂̋̄ô̴̧̙̯̬̗̬̪͎̪͓͕͚̯̐͆̾̽̑͒̇̀̇̔̑̉͜ř̷̲̯̦̱͉͎̪̯̭̣̬̣͙͑͋̀̃̅̾̕͘͜ ̸̛̰̺̖̂̓̃́́̊̀̄͒ỷ̶̢̡̢͎̤̠͕̩̭͖̳̻̂͊̔̅̒̔͋̄̃̆͝ͅō̷̢̜̫͇̳̟͎̱̬̗̩͔͖̃͊̈́̒́́ű̷̡̨̲͉͖̩͎̗̜͎͎̹̾̽́͂͋̃̂͜͝ ̷͙͙̞̫̻̝͚̰̤̘̈́̀̒̂̾̈̈́́̈̚͜t̷̨̛̛̯̝̩̦̺͌͛̉͆͆͐̇̿̊̏͛͗͌͜ơ̵̭̥̱̭̬͔̜̤̻͔͛̋͜͜ ̴̖͉̞̣̑́̍͗̏͗̿̾̕ͅs̴̨͖̗̪͓͇̲͙̈́̿̐̓́͑̕ȩ̸̧̮̰͍̘͍̪̘̈e̶̡͖̻̪̠͚̰͍̫̯̬̜̓͊̈́͊̅̓͘͘͜͝
T̴̻̫̻̟̬̻͎͓̓͛́͐̈́̃͗̓͊̇̎͒͠͠o̴̩̟͌͛̓̿̏́̕ ̷̨̹̭̖͙̬̆̽̊͗́̒́̍̂̍̏̕͝͝s̶̩̪̪̬̄̌̐̍̋̃̋́͌̅͌̆̊͘͝ē̵̛̛̦̉̐́̒͌̊̈́̃͝ȩ̴̲̿͑̑͑̔͋͛̂͌̃̉̕͝͝͝ ̶̧̡̨̗̘̤̰̰̤͚̤̜̃͊͊̓͂̄́͑y̵̦̱̩̳̳͓͍͖̫͆̔̿̉͂̀̀̄̉̂̓̒̕̚͝ơ̸̝̰̹̣̘̺̳̻͈͂͘͘ͅú̴̱̗̳͉̅
There's nothing here!"
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khal-ulti · 2 years
Douglasville 1.1 - Arizona neighborhood with pulp storyline for The Sims 2!
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Douglasville is a TS2 almost-cc-free neighborhood based on the Spanish videogame Runaway: A Road Adventure.
This neighborhood is set in the fictional region of the Simrizona Desert and it features: beautiful canyon landscapes, a colorful bunch of characters with unique stories and personalities, a treasure hunt, lots inspired by Mexican and Western false front architecture!
Info and download under the cut
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Douglasville allows players to let their creativity loose as they decide the paths of the strange characters who inhabit this land: you will have to make choices, pick a side and let the other sink in this greedy treasure hunt who will probably end up in a few casualties. This neighborhood can be a great start for a Build a City Challenge with a few adjustments, or you can keep Douglasville as it is: a small, dilapidated ghost town for the lonely wolves. Speaking of wolves, be careful because you will find a pack of mexican wolves hunting around the area! The main features of Douglasville are:
◉ A desertic neighborhood decorated with the amazingly beautiful Canyon Pack by Kridershot. Enjoy these ARIZONA-INSPIRED LANDSCAPES, if you can fight the heat and the hungry wolves!
◉ 7 HOUSEHOLDS + 2 SIMS IN THE BIN, all characterized by unique backgrounds and, sometimes, featuring storytelling props in their inventories to help you get involved with their stories.
◉ A TREASURE HUNT! The terrible thugs Gustav and Feodor are searching for the Hopi treasure and they have reason to believe Gina Timmins knows something about it. Who will get their greedy hands on the treasure first?
◉ Lots were built in MEXICAN AND WESTERN-FALSE-FRONT STYLES to correctly convey the atmosphere of the United States' South West area. The hood features ONE STARTER HOME to help you include your own sims in the run for the treasure!
Before downloading, I need to give you some warnings:
⚠ This neighborhood includes references to an existing indigenous tribe from North America: the Hopi Tribe. This is directly taken from the videogame Runaway and it's something I decided to keep. I am not Hopi, so my knowledge is limited, and I did what I could with no custom content. It's important for me to specify that I don't want this neighborhood to disrespect native American tribes in any way.
⚠ There are three drag queens living in Douglasville. To keep custom content to a minimum, I decided to create them as women and change their gender behaviour through SimPE (they have male voices, will pee standing and sexually reproduce as men). If you want to be more realistic, you can change their gender to male and dress them up with custom clothes.
⚠ You need a CAMERA MOD. The neighborhood is big and there are lots on the borders of the map, so without a camera mod you would not be able to play the hood as intended.
Below you will find two download links:
“DGVL” is the neighborhood folder and it must be extracted in Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Neighborhoods.
“Douglasville_CC” is the folder containing a small amount of CC required for the neighborhood to appear as intended. It must be extracted in Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads. Everything has been sorted in labelled folders to help you organize your cc.
(Don't get scared by the CC Folder size: it's mainly due to the skyline, skydome and canyon pack. Remember to delete custom content that you already have!)
List of Custom Content:
Moocha's Build-A-Bus Kit, Slig's Graffiti, PrincessBliss' native american rug recolors, C&K's oil lamps, TonyVeis' 4t2 Strangerville plane, TNWS's 3t2 rocking chair, chest and curtains from TS2 Store, MommaLisa outfits by MoniLisa, keoni and Slig, historical clothes by Skellington, YanderePlum and SerenityFall, Saturn's hair by Hazelpuff, neighborhood deco by Kridershot and probably leoz94 (I'm not sure!), desert skyline by greatcheesecakepersona, skydome by Lowedeus.
Additional Credits:
The storytelling picture where Gina is running from Gustav and Feodor is set in Katatty's Downtown! Also, thanks to every single person who commented, reblogged, liked and followed this project over these weeks! I am extremely eager to see what you all do with this neighborhood, so feel free to provide feedback or tag me if you share gameplay pictures :) Hugs from Italy!
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nnightskiess · 2 years
everytime you leave, part one
₊° - 𝐲𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐠 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘺𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘰𝘴, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴.
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everytime you leave, masterlist
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
i kindly ask you to not copy, republish, translate or reproduce this imagine on wattpad or on other platforms. respect the author’s work
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐲 𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐳𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭... in the orange hues of the torch flames and cast shadows on the brick walls. Yennefer could hear the voices echo through her head before she remembered how the sound of laughter and giggles had echoed off these very walls ages ago. She locked her jaw and stared down the hallway, remembering every bad memory created here, and the hatred she still held for this place. But the feeling didn't last long when a burst of laughter played on a loop in her head, the laughter she loved the most, part of a forgotten memory wanting to make itself known again. It made her see that damned smile, those sparkling doe eyes looking at her, and she felt engulfed with a welcoming sense of peace... and with it came a gnawing feeling of unworthiness.
Yennefer walked up to the door of her old chamber, but hesitated. It was as if time hadn't passed at all when she heard a cacophony of giggles on the other side of the door, but they weren't yours, and that aggravated her immensely. She let out a quick and frustrated breath through her nose and glared at the wooden door. It was foolish and childish, to say the least— to be angry at time, to be angry that it had passed... and clearly not in her favour. And, she was angry at Aretuza. Not only because of the obvious reasons but also because it had forced her to part ways from you, with your damned smile.
She turned away and picked up her pace, not stopping until she reached the door she had knocked on so many times before. However, when she opened the door, she didn't meet with that smile, or those eyes, or the smell of the perfume she so adored because it reminded her of you. Instead, the nasty smell of a fire that had just gone out started to itch at her throat and watered her eyes. A grey cloud of smoke filled the barely candlelit room. It was now cold in there, void of any of the warmth you had filled it with all those years ago. Yennefer blinked... once, twice, and if she squinted, she could see the ghost of a younger you sitting cross-legged on the bed tucked away in the corner, a book in your hands. Your head shot up as something had caught your eye and when the eyes of a past you locked with Yennefer's, she realised this was the memory she had cherished the most. She had forgotten the details, like the book you had been reading or how the crashing of waves was heard in the background thanks to the opened window, but now that she stood in the same exact spot, the memory came to life again.....
Your voice was soft, tired even, as were your eyes, but they were filled with a warmth Yennefer had longed for ever since her departure from Aretuza.
You beckoned the young girl over, who stood in the doorway, the tension in her uneven shoulders visible, a tell-tale sign that her talk with Tissaia hadn't gone all that well. Yennefer licked her lips and smiled, albeit hesitantly. She approached and sat down next to you, and you gave her a heartwarming smile as you adjusted her blue gown that had slipped slightly off one of her shoulders— her posture to blame.
You set your book aside and pulled her hands on your lap, giving them a squeeze, "You're blooming brilliant, Yen. Rectoress de Vries can bathe in her own pile of filth if she refuses to acknowledge that."
Yennefer let out a breathy chuckle at your lame try of an insult. She softly outstretched your fingers and started tracing the detailed lines of your palm. It tickled slightly, but you started to focus on the warmth of her fingertip. It was soothing, but in this moment, you wanted to be the one to soothe Yennefer, not the other way around.
Your fingers closed again and held onto Yennefer's hand. Her vibrant lilac eyes locked with yours, they were filled with doubt and vulnerability.
"But you bottled lightning. I did not." Her voice was soft and weak, and Yennefer hated how it had reminded her of her life before her conduit moment, "It deflected against me."
"You can't bottle something that's already inside you."
She wanted to snort— Yennefer thought it was just a mere attempt to get her spirits back up, but she should've known better when she looked into your eyes. Of course, you meant it, you always did when it came to her.
"You redirected it. I saw it with my own eyes. Redirecting and thus controlling lightning like that is just as, if not more powerful than trying to bottle it."
Your gaze drifted to your lap, where your joined hands rested, and with the other free hand, you started to play with the hem of your sleeve. Knowing Yennefer was still staring right at you, you refused to look back up, certain your cheeks would flush if you let yourself get lost in her eyes. It was moments like these where you felt grateful Yennefer still struggled to read thoughts, and it made you feel ashamed. But not as ashamed as when she would know your deepest secret.
Like a puppet pulled up by strings by their puppeteer, you felt your head rise after hearing her say your name. Her eyes scanned your face and she pursed her lips slightly, unable to read this new expression on your face. She had seen it a couple of times before and she hated that it left her clueless, especially given the fact she deemed you the most important person in her life.
The sound started off vague and distant, but as seconds passed, it became more audible and rang through her eardrums— the fast beating of a heart, your heart. She squeezed your hand and you looked up almost immediately, right into her violet eyes. The beating intensified and fastened, and Yennefer let out a soft sigh. She wanted to know for sure and dared to brush a strand of hair behind your ear, the rapid thump in her ears making the corners of her mouth stretch into a cocky grin. Cocky... because she had finally found it out... because the rapid beating of your heart had been her doing.
Enchanted by her eyes, and her hand still resting on your shoulder, you didn't see the slight movement of her head. How she approached, slowly and awkwardly, like a toddler with their first steps. Never having kissed before, her nose bumped into yours and made you blink rapidly as you straighten your posture, leaving Yennefer's attempt unanswered, her head still where it was before. Your doe eyes were wide with shock and alternated looking between both her eyes. Was this a cruel joke? A silly bet? But Yennefer's eyes were the same as they had always been around you— sincere, open, soft — only a hint of hurt and insecurity was added to the purple hues.
You felt the warmth of her hand leave your shoulder as Yennefer looked down, now ready to run out of the room. But she refused to run when your hands pulled her back and your lips planted on hers.....
.....Yennefer coughed, the smoke now plaguing and clawing at her throat. Her heels clicked against the cold tile floor as she walked to the window, the sound of a storm outside now filling the silent and badly lit room. She stood there, looking out over the sea. This had been your view for years, and she couldn't help but wonder what your view was nowadays. She knew it wasn't a bustling city or a castle's courtyard, for you had left your place at court a decade ago. Your whereabouts were a mystery to her and it pained her that the two of you hadn't stayed in contact after the ascension. Well, you were both at fault for that one. She'd seen you a handful of times through the years, yes, but it wasn't enough, it never satisfied her need. She wanted more. She wanted everything, and there were only two things she wanted everything of— power, and you.
"This room is more depressing than I remembered it to be."
Yennefer's head whipped around in an instant, afraid this was another memory playing out, but the woman in the doorway wasn't a ghost of her imagination, wasn't a young and inexperienced mage. It was a powerful one, her chaos vibrating in her chest, one whose years at court made up for the lack of experience and confidence she'd had before she came to Aretuza. It was you.
There you stood, in full glory, back straightened and chin up, hands folded together in front of you. There you were again, with that damned smile, those warm and familiar eyes, that enticing perfume.
"Fits right in with the rest of Aretuza," Yennefer added immediately, a challenging look on her face, one that matched your cheeky grin. The two of you looked at each other for a couple of seconds, both wondering what should be done or said next, before you lunged forward and all but ran up to her to engulf her in a hug.
Biting your lip to surpress a grin was necessary— her hair still smelled of lilac and gooseberries, just like you had remembered. You had forgotten the exact way it had smelled, you blamed your years apart. A sense of nostalgia washed over you.
Yennefer hummed happily when your arms tightly wrapped around her torso, your chin resting on her shoulder. Had anyone else surprised her with this sudden embrace, she would have pushed them off and lost her cool, but she would accept every form of affection from you, even if so much time had passed. Adoring you felt like talking— no matter how many days were spent in silence, she would never forget the art of forming sentences. She closed her eyes and let out a content sigh, not even remembering how mad she was supposed to feel for being tricked by Filgevortz.
Unsure what time had done to your bond or where it had left you two, and not wanting to cross any of Yennefer's boundaries, you pulled back, your hands still resting on her shoulders, your faces still close. Just like your faces had been not even seconds ago in her memory.
"So-" You cleared your throat, and patted one of her shoulders, before taking a few steps back. Yennefer furrowed her eyebrows at this, at how you created distance between the two of you. "-I take it you're also here for the emergency conclave?"
Yennefer shook her head, confused, "I was going to ask why the hell you were back in this shithole but I guess that answers my question then."
"Nilfgaard took Marnadal and have now reached Cintra. The mages of the Nothern kingdoms are all here for the conclave."
You explained, but Yennefer was still confused, "I heard you left court, so why are you here then?"
"I was asked to join."
"Let me guess, you got a surprise visit from Vilgevortz as well?" Yennefer clenched her jaw shut.
When a bunch of footsteps echoed through the hallway, realising you needed to make haste, "No, Tissaia found me. I don't know how she knew where I was, but she did."
Yennefer tilted her head, intrigued, "Where have you been, exactly? I haven't heard from you in years."
Your eyes glanced from Yennefer to the door behind you, "I've hopped from town to town, helping people in need, and hid when necessary."
Yennefer cocked her head to the side and scanned your face, but your hand that suddenly held onto hers made her snap out of it.
"I've missed you." It was a daring move, but you planted your forehead against Yennefer's and closed your eyes. She looked at your shut eyes, mere inches away from hers, with a hint of worry on her face, but closed hers as well seconds later.
"As I have you."
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
Her lilac eyes searched, and soon found those of your own the moment she walked into the room. You had to force yourself to look away, even if you knew the rest of the room was just as enamoured by the gorgeous mage. Maybe not on purpose, but Yennefer of Vengerberg always demanded attention— for everyone to acknowledge the power she harboured, for them to acknowledge how every and any room fell silent as soon as she walked in. She wasn't keen on shying away to the background, hiding in the shadows like a mouse— she wasn't like you, who didn't want to shout your capabilities from the rooftops. You liked staying quiet, you liked the mystery. If one did not know the lengths of your power, you wouldn't be feared. You would be underestimated and they would be in for a nice, but nasty surprise when they decided to double-cross you. Not everyone should and could be the same, you definitely could never be like Yennefer, who was outspoken without being afraid, confident without an ounce of doubt in her being.
You knew you were a powerful mage, you could not deny that, for you would have met your ending years ago together with the other apprentices if that were the case. To serve as a conduit for Aretuza. Instead of that ending, you had been given the ability to come and go as you wished, travel through the Continent, serve your Kingdom, to make use of the chaos rumbling in your chest.
It seemed like most of your old friends had gotten word of the same worrisome news, or had gotten an invite for the emergency conclave as well, as they all stood behind Tissaia de Vries, your former rectoress. You had been too deep in thought and only caught yourself watching Yennefer approach and stop right beside you when she gave you a curt nod. She seemed deep in mind too, maybe even in a mood going by the lines between her furrowed brows and the slight head tilt and purse of her lips. You had stared at that face for hours during your time at Aretuza and even though Yennefer's face had slightly changed after her ascent, some things weren't that different. You wondered what had happened in the hour you had excused yourself to catch up with the latest news that had caused her mood to change so drastically.
However, her eyes softened as they took in your face in the light of the well-lit room instead of your old and dark chamber. She examined you as if she was quickly trying to confirm that all your familiar features were still the same. Your eyes kept locked, you were frozen into place and felt your heartbeat quicken at seeing this side of Yennefer again, poised yet fierce. This Yennefer was still the Yennefer you knew, but a different version than the one you saw when it was just the two of you alone.
You knew Yennefer could have taken a spot anywhere else in the room, but you realised she had sought you out, had gravitated to you just like when she had done so many years ago.
Your fingers immediately started playing with the end of your sleeve and you failed to notice the heartwarming yet playful grin on Yennefer's face, her mood now gone completely. Apparently, you hadn't changed at all either. You still had the same nervous habit. A rush of adrenaline mixed with what could only be described as a cocky sense of confidence rushed through Yennefer's body. She bit her lip, forcing her grin to disappear when she heard the exciting beating of your heart.
Her fingertips softly grazed over the wavy locks of hair cascading down your back, so softly that you didn't even feel it. The last time she had brushed her fingers through your hair, you had looked less... clothed, as you had lied naked underneath the covers of the bed you had shared with her. You still heavily blamed the events of that night on the red wine and apple cider you had shared during your night of catching up— and catching up you had done — but deep down you knew that was just a petty lie to try and brush your secret under the rug. It was clear that Yennefer was dealing with stuff, she had told you all about it the night before. So, if you had just been a tool to relieve some stress, a simple night of fun, then... then... well, you didn't know. Not knowing what you were to her left you worried, like grasping at something you couldn't see, like the doorknob in a darkened room when you so badly wanted to find your way out. Or like a problem you needed to solve as soon as possible, yet you didn't know where to start. The next morning, the wine was plaguing your head, which you used as an excuse to not bring up the one question on your mind. Neither did Yennefer. She actually hadn't uttered a single word.
Yennefer rested on her side and used her arm to prop herself up. The ghost of a content smile rested on her face as her eyes looked at you. They took you in— every detail, every curve, every scar or beauty mark. You knew she was watching, you knew the thin sheet barely covered your bare chest as you rested on your back, but you didn't feel uncomfortable. You felt oddly comfortable, actually. At peace. And not only because the events of the night before had completely rid you of all the pent up stress and worry. The silence wasn't filled with tension, nor was your body. Not anymore.
You were well aware that Yennefer was not only watching you but that she was completely naked as well, so you could not dare to turn over and face her. Not with the lack of liquid courage in your system, not before you could prepare yourself. If not the sight of the woman you adored most, naked, would make your cheeks turn pink, then the reminder of what you two had done definitely would.
A breathy, warm chuckle sounded from next to you, and Yennefer sat herself up to get a better look, since you seemed to refuse to turn to face her.
"Do I fluster you?" She teased and tilted her head to the side in a playful manner, her eyes never leaving your face.
Your eyes immediately flashed to hers, feeling caught.
"Ah, finally," Yennefer murmured with the same playfulness in her voice. "I was worried you might have regretted it all." She stood up, not bothering to cover up her body with a robe, and walked to the table to pour both of you a glass.
"It's apple juice," Yennefer reassured, "...with a little something extra to help with that headache of yours."
You accepted the cup and watched as Yennefer playfully grinned while taking a sip. You brought your own cup to your lips, not being able to stop yourself from wondering if things would change now.
The daydream was cut short when Stregobor's voice bellowed through the room as he started to accuse Yennefer, whose hand dropped back to her side as soon as all eyes were on her.
When the subject had shifted from Yennefer back to the last attack in Marnadal, your fingers started moving around, grasping at nothing but the air until they found what they were searching for. They lightly grazed Yennefer's fingers and you immediately wanted more. Like two magnets clicking together, hard to keep apart when in close proximity. Yennefer's name being mentioned again made you retract your hand and focus back on the conversation before you could give in to the pull.
Tissaia's observant eyes turned to stare at the table after she had looked at the two of you— she had seen the entire encounter.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
i kindly ask you to not copy, republish, translate or reproduce this imagine on wattpad or on other platforms. respect the author’s work
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[Prev] | [Rescue Mission] 
What the hell was going on with the alarm systems?!  The whole estate should have been alerted to the sounds of the breach sirens, or at least shaken awake by the bright lights turning on the moment an intruder got it!  Yet, they hadn’t.  Instead, the alarms were off, the electric gates were down, and Wayne sent a screeching call to Baren’s living quarters, manically ranting about Sligs stealing his shoes.  Of course, that panic was infectious, sending the Vykker right into a frenzy of swears as he scrambled to assemble his Interns for defense.
“Odd damnit!  Can’t these idiots do anything right? for once?!” Dr. Baren growled through his gritted teeth, grabbing his trusty Hack Saw on the way out of his living space. “Have to do everything myself...”
Just as he entered the laboratory, a squad of armored Interns armed with their  SnUzis marched inside primed for taking orders from their boss.  Despite his anger flaring from hearing the attack storming its way through the Main Foyer and towards the laboratory wing, there was a spark of intrigue as an idea manifested within his mind.
“Use the non-lethal tranqs, boys.  We might just make something useful out of our uninvited guests...” He ordered slyly, disregarding the glances of confusion exchanged between his squad. “NOW, GO!”
Unlike his more opportunistic cohort, Wayne was on the verge of shoving his security team aside as he began to stomp his way down to the ground floor Lobby.  Those Sligs had to have been sent by someone, Anac was a ghost town, and no one outside of his business should have known that those shiny loafers held so much importance to his means of defense.  No matter, the Glukkon had his massive size, enhanced strength, and the titanium talons to keep him safe should the armed Interns fail.  At least, that’s what he kept telling himself in his state of roid rage, now determined to find the culprits and stomp out the chaos one way or another.  Now there were two commanding threats on the prowl, but that wouldn’t stop any of the agents and defectors from doing everything they could to slow them down.  Not when several escapee lives were on the line.
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The Dolphin Plush
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Alpha!Jotaro Kujo x Omega!Reader
  You really love your plushies, but one, in particular, was most special to you. It was a white Dolphin plush that you named Echo, given to you by your parents on your birthday when you turned six. Even now as a growing teen you loved the soft Dolphin to bits, but you had to stop carrying it with you once you presented as an omega since you had a small habit of cuddling it, which also caused you to accidentally scent the plush toy. 
Now, here you were in class, scribbling doodles in your notebook as your ghostly companion, Ace of Spades, stood next to you by your desk looking around the still slightly new environment of your classroom as you distracted yourself. But sometimes you occasionally listened in on the occasional gossip of the girls nearby, one conversation caught your attention though, “Hey, did you hear Jojo is back!”, one excitedly squealed.
“Yes actually! Did you see his red-haired friend with him too? I thought Jojo didn’t have friends”, the other hummed.
“I know right, he always had this lone wolf vibe to him, still though I wonder how long they’ve known one another”, the third one in the group pondered out loud.
“Jojo? Must be a popular guy”, you quietly thought as the bell rung then all of a sudden you hear loud squeals of “JoJo!” outside the classroom before a booming voice suddenly yelled, “Shut the hell up!!”. There was a moment of silence before there was a wave of more squealing and, if anything, you began to feel bad for the guy as you sat there taking a moment to look over your doodles before closing your notebook as soon as the classroom door was slammed open. Looking up you saw the tall male that was called  “Jojo”, he looked to be around 6’4 or 6’5, he had a modified uniform (along with the hat), jet black hair and seemingly green eyes. He looked very bothered with his narrowed eyes and near-permanent frown, but you were sure anyone would be if they were hounded by a group or crowd of people.
Though there was something else too, by his looks alone anyone could tell that he was an alpha, but by the faint whiff of his scent you caught on to the fact that he was an apex alpha. It kind of surprised you really, apex alphas weren’t common but they weren’t rare either, shrugging it off you failed to notice how his eyes immediately landed on your stand once he entered the room. You also failed to notice how his eyes narrowed at you once the stand went behind you to rest her head on your own nonchalantly, you didn’t look familiar to Jotaro at all so he concluded that you entered this school when he was on his journey to Egypt with company.
You sat in the desk that was to the left of him, it was previously empty when he was around but now that he was back he wasn’t sure how to feel about the fact that he now had to sit next to a girl that apparently had a stand as well. When he approached his seat he finally smelled the fragrance you had around you, “An omega?”, Jotaro’s brow furrowed more as the corner of his lip twitched, the stand users he faced off against back in Egypt were commonly Betas and Alphas, but he couldn’t help but be slightly surprised that there was an Omega Stand User right there in the desk next too his. He sat down as other students filed into the classroom one by one, he looked at you through his peripherals as you spun your pencil in your hand, your stand was still out laying her head on your own with her top hat tipped to the side.
Observing the stand more, Jotaro found the stand to be similar to something that came from a western of sorts with it’s ‘apparel’, the tar-like substance on its head nearly reminded him of a flappers’ hairstyle, the stand definitely had a mouth, but the slanted slits of its “eyes” seemingly made an ‘A’ with the near triangle like print on its face. You looked to be dosing off as your stand cooed while she nuzzled into your hair, the action made Jotaro curious as Star Platinum made his appearance without Jotaro’s influence, “Ora?”, the noise made you jolt slightly as your stand suddenly retracted itself from you to look at Star Platinum in regard to his sudden occupancy. Jotaro himself was caught off guard with his stand’s sudden behavior, looking back at Star Platinum he saw the stand nearing your own stand and her behavior nearly mirrored the stand’s actions, when Jotaro looked over at you he saw how you also looked at your stands’ interactions with wonder and bewilderment.
Then you looked at Jotaro, with a slight head tilt you blinked owlishly as his eyes narrowed at you, calling back Star Platinum he tipped his hat whilst looking away from you, as you looked at him for a moment longer you swore you almost heard him mumble something that sounded like “Yare Yare Daze”.  
You both eventually caught onto each others’ names once roll call started, and neither of you could concentrate much on the subject that was being taught once you both saw each others’ stands. You were genuinely curious about how many other users there were now that you found something that you had in common with Jotaro Kujo, Jotaro, on the other hand, was still somewhat taking caution to the fact that you were another stand user. 
Once class was done and lunchtime rolled around, Jotaro was quick to leave his seat as you grabbed your lunch, you bit your lip softly as you watched him leave since you really wanted to ask him about his ghostly companion. You looked at the ground before your sound made a cooing noise catching your attention, looking at Ace of Spades you noticed how she was looking at a bento box that Jotaro seemingly forgot. You smiled at your stand as you picked up the box and quickly speed out of the classroom after taking a quick sniff of Jotaro’s bento to track his location faster, with several turns and occasionally bumping into dead ends you finally were able to trace his scent to the rooftop of the school. Going up the stairs you opened the door and saw Jotaro with a red-haired male that you couldn’t tell was another alpha or beta -if you recalled correctly from what you recently overheard, he was Jotaro’s supposed friend- their attention landed on you as soon as your omega scent was within their radius.
“You”, Jotaro huffed out was Kakyoin looked over at his friend before looking over at you.
“Was she the one you were talking about Jotaro?”, he asked.
“Uh, well, I am actually here to bring your lunch you forgot back in the classroom, did -uh- did I interrupt something?”, you sheepishly ask as you lightly swing your lunch from beside you.
“Not really, well actually - Jotaro did bring you up in the conversation we were having, he mentioned have a stand too (L/n)”, Kakyoin explained. You were left confused as to what he meant when he said stand, and it showed through your facial expression when you furrowed your brows in puzzlement.
“I’m sorry, but what is a “Stand”?”, you ask.
Jotaro huffed as he summoned Star Platinum, “This is Star Platinum, he is my stand”, he briefed.
  Jotaro and Kakyoin watched you as your mind seemingly clicked when you understood what they meant after a moment of your silent confusion, “Oh, so that is what they were called, I’ve known her as my “Ghost Companion” all this time”, you explain as you summoned your stand. 
She appeared beside you within an instant as both Jotaro and Kakyoin took in her full appearance, Jotaro noted the few things that he had missed when he first saw the stand. For one, it seemingly had braids shaped like spades, and on her abdomen, there was a large spade print, and she didn’t really have fingertips, they looked to be cut off in a way and they almost reminded Jotaro of gun muzzles. 
~                                                                                                           ~
“A Ghost Comanpion you say? That’s one way to call a stand I guess”, Kakyoin chuckled as he summoned Hierophant Green.
 Jotaro huffed recalling the time he called Star Platinum an “evil spirit” before he came to know them as stands.
“Ah, well anyway, here’s your lunch Kujo”, you lift his lunch towards him, he rose a brow but didn’t say much as he took it back from you. There was a brief brush of skin to skin contact but it didn’t bother either of you too much as you hummed before stepping back. “Anyways, I’ll be heading out now, see you guys around I guess”, you wave before turning to leave.
“Why not eat lunch with us then, that is unless you have somewhere to be right now...”, Kakyoin trailed off as he looked at you.
You looked back at the two as Jotaro opened his bento and began to eat his meal while you briefly considered the offer, “Ah well, if that’s okay, I hope I am not intruding or anything…”, you look to the side as Kakyoin smiled.
“Don’t worry, we were mainly talking about you anyway since Jotaro was surprised to find another stand user here while we were away”, Kakyoin clarified, a mild pink hue spread onto your cheeks as you let out a breathy laugh.
Sitting with them you decided to ask, “So why are they called stands anyway?”, you look at Kakyoin as he swallowed some of his food down.
“Well for one, a Stand is a manifestation of one’s fighting spirit, they are called Stands because they stand by its user ready to act when needed”, he explains, you noded at the information as you summoned Ace of Spades before you while you chewed on your food.
“That makes sense, Ace of Spades is usually nearby whenever I call her”, you absentmindedly say.
“You named it after a playing card”, Jotaro rose a brow at you, you only nod your head sheepishly as you smiled.
“Yeah, my dad really liked playing cards on his spare time when he was young, that and well, my mom had an affinity towards western movies, so her appearance, in general, reminded me of what my parents enjoy”, you say, Kakyoin couldn’t help but smile at your words while Jotaro studied you.
“Ah~ Where are my manners, I forgot to introduce my self, my name is Noriaki Kakyoin”, Kakyoin stretches his hand out towards you, you smile as you take his hand giving a light shake.
“It’s nice to meet you Kakyoin”, you chirp, Jotaro shifted slightly when he smelled your fragrance, the hormones with it told both males that you were happy and content as a small purr rumbled from your chest. Jotaro felt that his inner Alpha was also content with the situation at hand, with a slight twitch of his brow Jotaro tried to ignore his Alpha as he listened to you and Kakyoin chat, and while reluctant Jotaro was mildly surprised that he actually tolerated your presence.
Jotaro huffed as he left the school, annoyed at the bothersome beta and omega girls that had tried to scent him when he was leaving school ground. He momentarily saw you jogging, and only watched as you did, carefully observing you as you left before he eventually went on home by himself since Kakyoin apparently had some after school going on for him. 
Once Jotaro reached home he slightly grimaced at his grandfather’s boastful laughter as his mom came to greet him, “Jotaro! Welcome home~!”, Holly chirps as loud purrs erupted from her chest. He let his mother hug him, and while he opposed the display of affection he let it slide after the duration of time that she laid sick in bed. 
“Hm? Jotaro did you meet someone new?”, Holly asked, with curious eyes, Jotaro furrowed his brows and lightly sniffed himself.
The scent of the girls that tailed after him should’ve worn off since he usually took semi-long walks to get rid of their scents, his Alpha was often irritated by their combined fragrance and would often growl in agitation when they let their scent glands rub upon him. But their scent was non-existent, his uniform smelled of his own Alpha musk, so with a small huff he tried to smell his back to see if one of the (irritating) girls from school scented his bag without his notice. Then he caught the faint smell of your fragrance, with furrowed brows Jotaro opened his bag and pulled out the rag that his bento was previously wrapped in, carefully bringing it to his nose he took a light sniff and sure enough, he smelled your fragrance on the rag it was very faint but it was still there.
Jotaro didn’t immediately pull away though after he sniffed it, but he did lower it after his eyes narrowed, “How could you smell that? It was very faint…”.
“When you become a parent you’ll understand~”, Holly cooed at her soon as he huffed, before she continued, “So who are they? Are they a new friend of yours now?”, she asked excitedly. Jotaro grumbled a bit as he removed his shoes before walking past his mother.
“They’re...new”, he simply said.
You hummed contently as you rested within your nest, hugging your Dolphin plush as you looked over the at the other plushies that surrounded you. Snuggling into your Dolphin plush you caught the faint whiff of Jotaro’s scent making you pause, slowly sitting up you sniffed lightly and traced it to your hand that lightly brushed against Jotaro’s hand, you weren’t too bothered by the smell but went to wash your hands anyway in case your younger sister got too curious.
Going to your restroom you washed your hands but as you did your omega whined at doing so, and once you dried them you rose your hand to your face with furrowed brows, mildly confused as to why your omega would whine at what you did. 
  As days went on you, Jotaro and Kakyoin fell into a sort of daily ritual that lead to Jotaro learning more about you and you learning more about him. You never took Jotaro’s brooding demeanor as something to look down on, it actually made his character more interesting to you and getting to know him a bit more personally, you also caught yourself occasionally purring whenever you were around Jotaro. Jotaro also occasionally caught onto your purrs and his alpha couldn’t help but respond with a churr of his own, while this didn’t happen too often it oddly didn’t bother Jotaro like it usually would when other girls purred at him (he’d growl in response when they did).
Getting to know Jotaro and Kakyoin made your world change in a way you couldn’t describe, but it was a pleasant one, maybe it was because of the fact that you all were stand users. You couldn’t really tell but you didn’t dwell too much on the subject. Jotaro always acted nonchalant around you, but you never really minded as you walked with him out the gates beside Kakyoin, talking about where you were hoping to go once you left school. 
~                                                                                                                   ~
“I forgot to mention it, but my mom wanted me to invite you two over to dinner today”, Jotaro says.
  “Really? Well, I have nothing to do, I am not sure about you though (Y/n), are you available?”, Kakyoin turns his attention to you as you smile.
“I’m able, my sister is having a sleepover with friends, I’d just need to call my parents though”, you explain. 
 They both nod in understanding as you all made your way to Jotaro’s house, and once you arrive you couldn’t help but ogle at the building until a woman (who you assumed must be Jotaro’s mom) appeared at the front door.
“Jotaro you’re home! And you brought Kakyoin with you too~ Oh?”, she suddenly tilts her head when she spots you. With a smile, you introduce yourself to Jotaro’s mom, 
“Hello Mrs. Kujo, I’m (Y/n) (L/n), a -uh- friend of Jotaro’s”, you smile, Holly couldn’t help but let out loud chirrups as she approached you, it mildly surprised you as she suddenly held your hands and gave you a radiant smile.
“Oh my, you’re an omega too dear? And a friend of my son no less! You seem like a sweet girl (Y/n)”, Holly cooed, a dark blush spread onto your face as purrs rumbled from your chest.
“A-ah~ Thank you Mrs. Kujo”, you sheepishly say.
“Please, call me Seiko dear”, she chirps.
Kakyoin couldn’t help but smile as you and Holly got along, the two omegas producing fragrances that signified how happy Holly was and how comfortable you were getting, Jotaro closed his eyes as he took the chance to really take in your aroma, it smelled like peach, vanilla, and had a soft hint of pine. Holly lead you inside and looking in the nice house you almost missed the two elderly people that were getting the table ready.
“Hm, oh it’s Kakyoin! I also see that Jotaro has a new friend now”, the elder alpha chuckled heartily as Jotaro growled in annoyance, you also smelled that he was another apex. 
“Don’t tease him, Joseph, you wouldn’t want to scare the poor girl away now do you?’, the elderly woman scolded, you were mutely surprised that she was a beta since her scent was so faint, but it didn’t bother you at all since the aura of the room was nice and comforting.
“Well, anyway, hello little miss, I am Jotaro’s grandfather Joseph Joestar”, he smiles as he stuck his hand out for you to shake. 
“Hello sir I’m (Y/n) (L/n)”, you greet as you shook his hand.
“And I am his grandmother Suzie Jostar~!”, she chirps.
Dinner went well, and you found Jotaro’s family to be quite extraordinary, as you spoke with them Jotaro let a ghost of a smile form on his lips as he ate. Kakyoin left once dinner was over, Mr. and Mrs. Joestar left to their bedroom while Holly went to pick up the phone that rung as you offered to help pick up and clean the dishes with Jotaro. As you did there was a comfortable silence that surrounded you two as you took the chance to rally pick out Jotaro’s scent; there was a faint smell of cigarettes, but the salt and homey scent he had on him helped balance out his unique scent. 
  “Hey, Jotaro”, you call to him.
“Hmn”, he hums back, acknowledging your call.
“Thanks for inviting me, and… letting me be your friend”, you smile up at him.
Jotaro took a moment to really take in your image, he looked away with the tip of his hat as he purred, you responded with your own purr as you both finished with the dishes.
With a huff, you pouted when you looked down at your dolphin plush, you didn’t mean to bring it to school and accidentally packed it with you.  You then paused in a mild panic as your actions signified that your heat was nearing, sometimes omegas brought an item that is close to them for someone to scent it, or to bring a form of comfort for them when out in public. Hugging Echo you let out a small whimper as you tried to stuff your lovable plush in your bag.
“(Y/n), what are you doing?”, Jotaro’s voice made you jolt as you turned to look at him.
“Ah! Jotaro -um- good morning! I was just -er- just…”, your voice softened as you looked down at your plush, for some reason you felt shameful as you stood there with your head hung low, “I- brought Echo with me because I am nearing my heat”, you clarify.
“.....Do you need someone to scent it?”, Jotaro asked.
You look up at him suddenly as you stare at him wide-eyed, “Not really, I just- well- I wanted something to bring as a comforter since, you know, I just wanted something to hug but the plush is obvious and everyone would know”, you say, a small pouty frown forming on your lips.
“Don’t feel bad about what your body is naturally doing (Y/n)”, Jotaro says, his attempt at comforting somehow let you relax a bit as he stood next to you, “Let’s go, we might be late to class”, he gestures as you nod and follow him to the class by his side.
Jotaro kept an eye out for you the entire time throughout the school day as you hugged your dolphin plush, he stared down anyone who tried making a comment about your plush that you had with you as you went about your day, but this time when lunch came around you decided to go to the courtyard since the rooftop of the school didn’t seem too appealing at the moment.
So Jotaro went to get Kakyoin as you ate your lunch with Echo on your lap, then you scrunched your nose when a sour musky scent entered your nose.
“My, my, what is an omega doing alone out here”, turning your head you saw an alpha approaching you as his friends stayed back watching you two.
You frowned as you gripped your meal.
“That is none of your concern”, you snap as you glared at the male.
“Ooo~ Fiesty~ I see you brought something with you, is Mr. Dolphin giving you enough company ‘mega”, he purred, your omega hissed as you scooted away from him once he sat down.
“Better company than you it would seem”, you glare as he continued to near you.
“You’re nearing your heat are you not? Why not let me scent it, you can have a part of me in that little nest of yours as you enter your heat, better yet why not met me into your nest so that your heat can go easier on ya”, he smirks, your jaw dropped at his appalling words.
When he tried to reach for your plush you immediately retaliated with a loud hiss escaping your omega as you scratched him.
“OW! You bitch, you’re gonna pay for that!”, he roared making you jolt as his pheromones radiated anger, panicked chirps escaped you as you tried to lean back to escape him, but he caught you by your caller and tugged you towards him.  
You dug your nails in his wrist to make him let go, but then a hand grabbed his before throwing it off you, you felt yourself be pulled in close to Jotaro as his scent entered your nose. Looking up at him you heard low warning growls rumble from his throat, teeth bared, and pheromones radiating promised aggression.
“Stay away from my omega, knotthead”, Jotaro growled, the other alpha tried to appear dominant as he growled back at him.
“Your Omega, ha! Then you must suck at scenting her since I can’t smell you on her”, he mocked. Jotaro leaned down to your ear as he nuzzled into your head.
“Don’t get too mad”, was all he whispered as he began to scent you in front of the offending alpha boldly, his scent gland rubbed on you as you let several purrs slip. The offending alpha growled in frustration but stomped away as you and Jotaro stood there.
“Thanks, Jotaro, I’m sorry that I caused you trouble”, you say softly, Jotaro huffed as he let you go slowly.
“Yare Yare Daze, you didn’t do anything, I should be apologizing since I scented you without consent”, Jotaro mumbled but you caught his words and smiled shyly.
“Actually, um, Jotaro…”, you call to him as you pick up Echo and walk over to him, you offer the plush over to him as you looked away, “...can you scent this, you don’t really have to… you did more than enough for me and-”, you cut yourself off as Jotaro’s eyes momentarily widened.
Courting. You wanted to court him, after all the time you spent together, and admittedly he couldn’t help but be pleased with that. 
“I’ll do it sheesh, I like you too… (Y/n)”, he says softly as he takes the plush from you, making you look up at him, Jotaro couldn’t help but let his eyes soften as a smile spread onto your lips. 
“Thank you Jotaro!”, your omega purrs as Jotaro huffed but let his alpha churr in response as he leaned down to peck your forehead.
When Jotaro reached his home, he went straight to his bedroom and started scenting the plush Dolphin before pulling back to study it, a chuckle escaped him at the slightly coincidental thing. Looking at his desk, he looked at the nearly finished bracelet he was working on for you. With a small smile, he went over to the desk to finish the courting gift with the help of Star Platinum. 
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asameera · 2 years
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Doing the Oddworldtober
Day 1: Ghost Slig
21 notes · View notes
dp-marvel94 · 4 years
Face to Face- Chapter 23
Summary: When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s back to normal now. But why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny remember a life that wasn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul? Or: Trying to cure himself of his powers one month after the accident, Danny accidentally splits himself but neither his ghost nor his human half know that that is what they did
First ->Last -> Next
Word Count: 5,770
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
To Phantom’s relief, the flight home was much smoother than their previous attempt. Anxiety still buzzed through him from his other self but it was dimmed. The idle chat between the pair was definitely helping.
“Hey Phantom. Wanna hear a joke about ghosts?” Fenton asked.
The ghost titled his head. “Sure.”
The human grinned at him. “That’s the spirit.”
Phantom wrinkled his nose in confusion for a moment, not getting the joke. Then a laugh burst out of his mouth. “Fenton. What the heck.” He snorted.
“Oo. I’ve got another one.” The human grinned. “Why are ghosts so bad at lying?”
The ghost chuckled. “Why?”
“Because… because...you can see...see right through them!” Fenton struggled to deliver the punchline before breaking down in giggles.
Watching his other half grin and feeling the mirth the boy was projecting, Phantom couldn’t help but laugh as well. Then he raised a brow. “Is that so?” His grin widened into something mischievous and the ghost turned both himself and his passenger invisible.
“Phantom!” Fenton yelped, his grip on his counterpart tightened before he started laughing. “I see what you did there.” Still smiling, his gaze fixed on Phantom’s face. “Actually...I can still see you.” There was a hint of awed-surprise in his voice.
The ghost felt the same. “I...I can see you too.”
The arm looped around Phantom’s neck relaxed slightly. “Man, that is so cool.”
“It is.” The ghost boy turned both of them visible. “But you can always see me when I’m invisible, can’t you?”
“It’s not really seeing.” Fenton tilted his head thoughtfully. “It’s more like...I just know where you are even if I can’t actually see you...if that makes any sense.”
Phantom nodded. “Yeah...I think I get it.” There was a beat of thoughtful silence before the ghost grinned again. “So, do you have any more bad jokes for me?”
Fenton huffed, faux offended. “Come on, my jokes are awesome.” He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. “I know for a fact you like them.”
Phantom rolled his eyes before blushing. Well now, he was caught in a hard place. Oh of course he liked the jokes but he couldn’t very well say that.
“I’ve got another one.” The human narrowed his eyes, playfully. “It’s perfect, even funnier than that joke about chicken and waffles that Dad loves and we pretend isn’t actually funny.”
The ghost rolled his eyes. “Get to the point.”
“Okay, Okay.” He raised his free hand. “What do you call….” He paused schooling his expression. “The ghost of a chicken?”
Phantom looked at him questioningly, not saying anything. But the corner of his lips turned up despite himself.
“You’d call it….” Another pause. Green and blue eyes meet again, mischievousness shining in the human’s gaze. “A poultry-geist.”
A silent stare down insuided, a battle to see who would crack first. Phantom fought to keep his expression neutral, to keep his lips from turning up. Fenton was doing the same, only his eyes displaying the mirth within. But that feeling still radiated into the ghost from the connection to his other self. The levity, the humor buzzed at Phantom’s core, making his spirit (ha!) feel even lighter. A silent laugh shook the ghost’s chest but he fought to keep it silent. Fenton clearly noticed the shift. His eyebrows wiggled ever so slightly and Phantom was done for.
Sudden laughter burst from the ghost’s mouth, his lips turned up in an incredibly wide smile. A second later, Fenton followed. It felt so good to laugh again, even if Phantom knew he was laughing at his own joke. And of course he was. He could always count on himself to appreciate his own puns. But really, what felt even better was being unified, at peace with the other half of himself. As both figure’s shoulders shook with the sound, the laughter morphed. It merged into one sound, one voice ringing with relief, joy and unity. 
If both Dannys had been in a position to double over laughing, they would have. Instead Fenton’s head lulled to the side, resting on Phantom’s shoulder. The ghost’s head tilted slightly, to rest against Fenton’s head. The laughter quieted but didn’t end as the two just enjoyed each other’s company. They were two parts, moving together, instead of the jagged incomplete fractions they had been. Not whole, not complete. But...the gaps were lessening, the splinters in their soul healing.
The quiet chuckling continued as they arrived back outside of their house. Phantom phased himself and his passenger through the wall of their bedroom. The pair was so relaxed, neither noticed they weren’t alone anymore.
“Daniel James Fenton!”
Two pairs of eyes popped open, gazes falling on the two adults. 
“Mom! Dad!” In shock, Phantom’s arms fell to his sides.
Then there was a yelp. “Phantom!” 
Shoot. He’d just dropped Fenton. The arm around his neck tightened, pulling him down. With a huff, the human landed on his behind, his legs splayed in front of him. Phantom flopped onto his stomach, draped over his human’s legs. 
“This is turning into a pattern.” Fenton mussed, amusement in his voice.
Phantom nodded, pushing himself up with his hands. “Yeah, It is.” The corner of his lip turned up slightly; between the previous levity and the humor of the situation, he smiled despite himself. He sat down on the carpet, perpendicular to his other half before giving him an appraising look. “You okay?”
Fenton nodded. “Yeah. I’m-” 
“Danny!” The human boy was cut off by his parents pounding towards him. “Are you okay?” Mom lowered herself to her knees while Dad squatted.
“I’m fine.” Fenton and Phantom said at the same time.
Mom’s eyes flitted between the two faces, before trailing up and down each body in search of injuries. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Both Dannys spit out, slightly annoyed at the hovering.
“They’re fine, Madds.” Dad reassured looking between the two versions of his son. 
He stood up before offering one hand to Fenton and one to Phantom to help each boy to his feet. A moment later, Mom stood. At seeing both Dannys standing or floating unharmed, her worried expression slowly weaned and her face hardened. “Where have you been?”
Sudden nervousness spiked at her change in tone. Phantom blinked. “What?”
“Your father and I came to check on you an hour ago and you were gone!” She put a hand on her head. “We tried calling you but” She held up their bookbag. “You left your phone in your bag! Where were you?!” Phantom opened his mouth to answer but Mom continued. “We...we had no idea where you were. None. You just...just disappeared without telling us anything!” There was a hint of hysteria in her voice, anger just covering intense worry. “And then you just phase back in here laughing like nothing happened. How could you...How could you just leave like that, without telling us after, after...everything?! I thought you’d...you’d-” Her voice cracked before she cut off whatever she’d been trying to say. “We were worried sick. Where were you?!” 
“Oh. We...ummm” Phantom swallowed, tension rising in him under his Mom’s angry gaze.
He glanced at Fenton, who was rubbing the back of his neck. “I..uhh...wanted to go flying.”
Mom blinked, confusion passing over her face.
Similar confusion passed over Dad’s expression. “You wanted to go flying?”
Fenton glanced at his counterpart nervously. “Uhh...yeah.”
Mom quickly looked between the two, eyes falling on Phantom. “You went flying?!” Frantic anger leaked into her disbelieving voice. “How could you? That’s….that’s dangerous.” She looked at Fenton. “You could have fallen or gotten lost or-”
Something prickled in Phantom’s core. Maybe anger, maybe hurt. He swallowed. “It’s fine...we’re fine.”
“Fine!? Something could have happened to you!” She pointed angrily.
“Nothing would have happened.” Phantom crossed his arms, before glancing at Fenton. “I would never let him fall.”
Mom’s jaw dropped, her eyes narrowing. “But...you can’t just…”
Fenton spoke up. “It’s fine Mom.” He stepped forward and looped his arm in Phantom’s. “I trust my ghost half.”
Earlier, the declaration of trust would have been reassuring but now, Mom’s attitude, her reaction to them flying grated at Phantom. Was this normal parental concern or...was that mistrust? Dangerous. Was flying dangerous or...was he, the ghost, dangerous?
“Yes but...humans cannot just fly.” The woman put her hands up.
To Phantom, the words were a stab to the core. He glared. “I’m not human.”
Another voice, or rather his own without the echo, said the words at the same time. But not angry, instead they were flat, lacking bite. Feeling his anger drain from him, the ghost looked at his human counterpart. Then his eyes widened in surprise. The human wasn’t looking down, his shoulders heavy with sorrow like Phantom expected. He was looking directly at their parents. And while there was an undeniable hint of sadness in his eyes, there was...acceptance as well.
Fenton swallowed. “I’m not completely human, not anymore. This-” He waved up and down the ghost’s body with his free hand. “Phantom...is a part of who I am now. Flying included.”
Despite the lingering sting from Mom’s statement, the assurance bolstered the ghost’s confidence. He stood tall, arm in arm with his other self. Again, he felt more unified and at peace with Fenton than he had at any time since the ghost catcher. And he hoped Mom and Dad could see that and accept what they had to say.
But the ghost feared it wasn’t so as Mom paled, the anger leaking from her face. She looked uncomfortable again, maybe even fearful but tried to cover it by crossing her arms. “You still...something could have happened to you.” She swallowed. “You could have-”
“Madds.” Dad’s hand appeared on her arm, interpreting. “They’re fine. Nothing happened.”
She shook her head. “But-” 
“You can stop worrying.” He squeezed her comfortingly. “Our boy’s home safe. And happier than I’ve seen either of him in a while.” At the last part, Dad looked at the pair of Dannys with an almost relieved smile.
Phantom would have blushed at the observation, except...Dad was looking at him with loving relief, holding no anger. He remembered what Dad had said earlier, how he’d give anything to see his son smile again. And well…..yes, he was happier than he’d been in a while. Mom must have seen or realized something similar because she looked between the two Dannys, the anger and worry on her face lessening into relief as well.
The woman sighed. “You’re right Jack. You’re right. Danny’s safe.” She looked between the two boys lovingly for a few moments before her expression turned hard, not angry per say but completely serious. She crossed her arms. “But what exactly possessed you to go….flying…. past curfew without your phone?”
Phantom swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck. “There was no possession involved.”
Mom raised a brow, as if to say ‘seriously?’
Fenton coughed. “We uhh… went flying around sunset, got talking and just kinda lost track of time.”
Disbelievingly, Mom glared. “Really? You were just talking?”
Suddenly alarmed at the distrust, both Dannys put up their hands. “We weren’t doing anything bad, I swear.” They said at the same time.
Fenton continued. “I just wanted to fly so we did for a bit and stargazed.”
“Then we landed in the park and talked for a while.” Phantom added.
“Talked about what?” Mom asked.
Phantom crossed his arms, looking away. “It’s...it’s private.”
At the closed off response, Mom and Dad looked between each other questioningly. Phantom really hoped they would not press. He was in no way ready to talk about any of his issues with his parents, especially considering Mom’s reaction to learning he and his human counterpart went flying. He, all of him, was working on accepting and embracing his ghostliness. But Mom and Dad….. ‘But humans can’t fly.’ He struggled not to shiver at the words. It was technically true but… said as if he was only human and that’s all he was supposed to be. And the way Mom paled and sputtered when Fenton said he wasn’t completely human anymore...it all pricked at his core.
“You don’t have to tell us.” Dad finally said.
“But if you want to talk to us about anything, you can.” Mom continued. “You know that right?”
Fenton and Phantom glanced at each other, biting their lips. They weren’t sure that was true, not after…..wrong, unnatural, ghosts aren’t like humans….. Everything. They nodded anyway.
Seemingly satisfied, Mom nodded. Then Dad continued. “And then you lost track of time?”
“Yeah.” Fenton bit his lip. “After we talked, we stargazed and it was so pretty and quiet, we...uhh….didn’t noticed how late it was getting.”
Phantom wrung his hands. “We thought we wouldn’t be gone long so didn’t think to tell you...or bring the phone.”
Mom nodded, understanding on her face. “Alright.” She glanced at her husband. “We believe you.”
Brief relief passed through both boys; Mom and Dad had calmed down. They weren’t angry anymore and believed their story about what happened. The feeling soon left.
“But you’re grounded.” Dad crossed arms.
Both jaws dropped. “What?!” 
“But....we weren’t doing anything bad.” Fenton argued.
“We just lost track of time.” Phantom frowned, whining.
Dad pinned the pair with a serious look. “You were out past curfew.”
“But we didn’t mean to.” The ghost pouted.
“Danny.” Mom put one hand on her hip. “You left without telling us where you went. You didn’t even bring your phone so we could call you.”
“But-” Fenton started.
Mom put up a hand, continuing. “Anything could have happened to you. And we won’t know if you were hurt or lost, or where to look for you if something happened. You had no way to get up with anyone if you needed help.” She frowned, sounding not angry but disappointed. 
Guilt swirled in Phantom’s core. She...she had a point. They hadn’t even thought to tell Jazz and...not bringing the phone was stupid over sight. “I’m sorry. We...we should have told you….or at least brought the phone.”
Fenton looked down. “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“Make sure it doesn’t.” She shook her head. “You need to be more careful, Danny.”
“We will be.” Both Dannys said.
Then Fenton bit his lip. “Are we...are we still grounded?”
“Yes.” Mom said flatly. “No going out with your friends for a week and they can’t come over after school.”
“And we’re taking your phone and computer.” Dad added.
“But...but…” Fenton stuttered.
“This is serious.” Mom crossed her arms. “You missed curfew. And you can not run off without telling us.”
“I know but…” Phantom held up his hands. “I won’t get to talk to Sam and Tucker all week!”
“You’ll see them at school.” Mom frowned.
“But I can’t go to school.” Phantom whined, motioning to his glowing form.
At the statement, Mom and Dad blinked startledly like they just realized that fact. The adults looked at each other. “How about…..they keep the phone but not the computer?” Dad suggested.
Mom nodded. “Fine then. You can keep your phone. But the rest stands.” She then pointed at Phantom. “And no video games tomorrow or Thursday while you’re home.”
The ghost swallowed. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Good.” Mom’s face then softened. “I’m so happy you’re home safe, Danny.” Looking between the two faces, she tentatively stepped forward before wrapping her arms around Fenton and Phantom. “But never worry me like that again, okay?”
The ghost startled slightly at the unexpected affection. He returned the hug. “We won’t.” He said sincerely, at the same time as Fenton.
After a moment, the woman stepped back, a sad expression creeping onto her face. There was a beat of silence, quickly growing awkward.
“I think we all need to go to sleep.” Dad finally interrupted. “We’ll see you in the morning son.”
Oh sleep, yeah that was something all the human members of the family needed. Phantom frowned, his brow wrinkling.
“Good night.” Mom offered a small smile, walking towards the door.
“Good night.” Fenton muttered quietly and Phantom said the same a second later.
With one last glance, Mom and then Dad walked out the door before closing it and leaving the pair alone.
Fenton and Phantom stood side by side in silence for a moment before the human stepped away. With a sigh, he walked towards the bed and flopped down. The boy put his head in his hands. “You know, I was  having such a good night after everything and then…..”
“We just had to come in to Mom freaking out.” Phantom sat down beside his counterpart, a deep frown painting his face.
“It really was dumb to not bring our phone.” Fenton looked up and wrung his hands. “I can’t believe we’re grounded.”
“Yeah this stucks.” The ghost huffed. “I guess it could be worse though. Mom sounded like…..” 
Fenton raised a brow as his other half trailed off. “What?”
A spike of anxiety came from Phantom as the ghost bit his lip. “Mom sounded like she was just seconds away from saying we weren’t allowed to fly anymore.”
The human’s eyes widened, slightly startled. “You really think that?”
“You heard her.” Phantom grumbled, a hint of anger leaking into his face. “Humans aren’t supposed to fly.”
The reminder stabbed at Fenton’s heart. He….well...he had thought that just hours ago but he was working on accepting that he wasn’t really human anymore. The flight tonight had been a big step towards that. But Mom thinking that? Somehow hearing it from her stung more. 
At the lack of verbal response, Phantom continued. “I thought she was getting better. I know accepting that we’re not human anymore is hard. Heck, we’re struggling with that. But did she have to say that out loud? Like...like we’re wrong ‘cause we’re not human. ‘Cause we’re a ghost. They’re nothing wrong with flying or being like this!”
During the speech, Fenton could feel anger rising in his other self, just covering the fear. The human looked at his counterpart. “Maybe she was just worried and didn’t mean it. I mean, we disappeared and Mom and Dad didn’t know where we were.”
Phantom glared, as if to ask ‘really?’ and Fenton raised his hands placatingly. The ghost then sighed. “Sorry. I know you’re just hoping for the best but what if they do try to keep us from flying?” Phantom wrapped his arms around himself. “I don’t think… I don’t think I could handle that. It’s weird...we’ve only been able to do that for like a month, and I remember being so afraid before but….” He shivered. “Not being able to would be like...like, being locked in a box or chained to the floor.” Phantom finally looked up, meeting the human’s blue eyes. “But you were shaking like a leaf just earlier, when we tried. How does that work?”
Fenton frowned. Well that… “I guess we’re at different places. You are the ghost half; I guess it shouldn’t be surprising you’re more comfortable with the ghost stuff than me. But..” He leaned into his other self. “I hate the thought of being barred from flying too. I mean, I’m finally getting used to the idea. And...I want to get past being afraid.”
The human felt his ghost relax at the statement. He knew Phantom believed him; Fenton had said pretty much the same thing about flying earlier. But repeating it, after getting chewed out by Mom, reinforced his conviction. 
“Thank you for saying I’m a part of who you are now, to Mom and Dad.” Phantom muttered after a moment. 
“Of course.” Fenton said softly. “We’re a part of each other, really.” He wrapped one arm around his counterpart in a side hug. “It felt good to say it confidently, ya know. Like being a ghost and flying isn’t negotiable. Even if I’m not always confident of that.” A tickle of guilt tried to worm its way into Fenton’s heart. But Phantom snuffed it out.
Half-smiling, the ghost put one arm around his human, returning the side hug. “And thanks for the honesty. Remember, we don’t have to be confident all the time. But I’m just...I’m so happy you’re trying...and talking to me again.”
“Yeah.” The pair sat in silence for a bit, enjoying their own company. Again, Fenton was struck by the strangeness of the situation. He was literally sitting beside himself. He’d gone flying tonight, and managed to get in trouble because he lost track of time talking to himself. 
He still wasn’t that sure how to feel about the grounding. Guilty for making his parents worry, Annoyed at himself for not paying more attention, Angry at Mom and Dad for punishing him, Worried and Hurt at Mom’s near hysterical reaction. It was a tangled mess inside his head but having his other half by his side and for once, not being at odds with him, made it feel more manageable.
Phantom spoke up. “Whatever happens with Mom and Dad, we stick together, yeah.”
Fenton looked at his ghost, giving him a kind smile. “Yeah, we stick together.”
“You should go on to bed.” Phantom suggested, returning the smile. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
The ghost floated off the bed but stopped when he noticed Fenton frowning at him. “What are you gonna do tonight?”
The ghost shrugged. “Probably read some. Watch some YouTube videos.” His shoulders fell. “I’m definitely not going flying after…..” He sighed. “I probably shouldn’t have been going off in the middle of the night anyway. I guess it’s just gonna be another boring night.”
The human tilted his head thoughtfully. “Do you want to try sleeping?”
The ghost shook his head, huffing. “What’s the point? It never works. Beside...the bed’s occupied.”
“It’s your bed too.” Fenton said, gently. “We’ll both fit and it’s not like personal space is really an issue.” The human grinned teasingly. “Plus, you’ve got to be a better bed fellow than Jazz.”
“She takes up the entire bed and moves so much.” Phantom whined slightly in complaint. The corner of his mouth turned up reminiscently. “Remember when we were little and had to share a bed with her at Grandma’s house?”
“She always kicked us. And somehow always ended up with her head at the other end of the bed.” Fenton continued with a snort. “I’m so happy they got that pull out couch and we don’t have to share anymore.” His smile then flattened. “But seriously, if you wanna to try sleeping, there’s space.”
Phantom shook his head. “Nah. But thanks for the offer. I’m going to go read the book I was working on downstairs.” He floated towards the door before turning back. “Goodnight Danny.”
“Good night Danny.” Fenton parroted, with a smile before Phantom phased through the door, leaving the human to get dressed for bed.
True to his word, there was no midnight flight for Phantom. Honestly that felt weird considering the regularity of those escapades since the ghost catcher. Between the aimless wanderings of the first few days after splitting and more recently fleeing due to emotional stress from his parents or his own human half, Phantom had gotten rather used to almost literally haunting the empty streets. Instead, tonight he was in a way, haunting Fentonworks.
The house was quiet, almost ominously so. Every tick of the clocks, every hum of the refrigerator, every russel of branches just outside the window, every creak of the pipes stood out in sharp contrast without the sounds of human voices, passing cars, and lab work that filled the day. At the same time, the house was pitch black dark. Or...it would be if not for Phantom’s own glow. The green of his eyes and the clear white of his aura lit up the livingroom, casting eerie shadows. 
The ghost tilted his head as he studied his hands. Was his glow...brighter? He blinked confusedly as he wiggled his fingers and watched how the aura around them blurred the movement. It was brighter, wasn’t it? Why?
Wiggling his fingers again, Phantom floated into the kitchen. The green numbers of the clock above the oven caught his attention. 3:06 am, The Witching Hour. His brow furrowed. According to Sam, wasn’t this time of night associated with the supernatural? When witches, demons, and...ghosts appeared and were at their strongest.
The ghost looked at his hands again. Was that why his glow was brighter? It was the witching hour and so he was...stronger? Did he feel stronger? Phantom wasn’t sure. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to feel the cold energy inside of him. The ectoenergy, that’s what Mom and Dad said it was called. Drawing the power from the ball in his chest, he collected the energy in his hand. His eyes lit up as neon green energy colessed in his palm. It spread, overtaking his whole hand. The ghost watched with wide eyes. The light seemed to dance, swirling around his still bare hand. Tentatively, he moved his other unlit hand over the light; it licked at his hand like a cool flame, except instead of bringing pain it was..comforting, like aloe on a sunburn. The ghost smiled in awe. It was so beautiful, incredible. And he’d done this. Right now, actually was the first time he’d purposefully summoned the ectoenergy, not during a time of emotional distress.
For a few moments, he studied the light, now radiating from both hands. He tried to feel the energy in his core again, to sense if it was stronger compared to earlier. Phantom tilted his head. It might be? It was hard to tell; he still wasn’t that used to being a ghost and what it felt like. He knew he didn’t get tired like he did as a human but...he could overtax his powers, right? In the first few days, he’d found out that he couldn’t manatain invisibility for hours on end, even if he could maintain passive floating. He hadn’t really tested intangibility or his ectoblasts (That would be a cool name for his shots of ectoenergy) but those had to have limits as well, and consequences if he overdid it. So maybe he did get tired, just not for the same reasons and in the same ways a human did.
Phantom looked at his hand again as he noticed the green light flickering and shrinking. He tried to push more energy into it but met resistance. His core seemed to clench, preventing him from drawing more power. After a few seconds, he stopped trying and his core relaxed. Huh… he furrowed his brow thoughtfully. He needed to actually test out his powers and see what he could really do. That way he could learn what overdoing it felt like and learning to listen to this version of his body. It was really weird, thinking that this specific body hadn’t existed a month ago. He was literally inside a different body than the one he’d grown up in. Somehow that body, his human body was asleep upstairs with the other half of his soul still inhabiting it. That, having two bodies, was so weird and Phantom knew he would never get used to that. But...having a ghost form, being a ghost, that was something he was actually getting used. The glowing and floating, the green eyes and white hair in the mirror. Those were all starting to feel more comfortable. And this ectoplasmic form now felt more like his body than a foreign vessel.
Minutes later, the ectoenergy in the ghost’s hands extinguished. The light he was projecting lessened slightly, though his glow remained abnormally bright. He looked at the clock again. 3:26 am. So he’d keep that energy up for twenty minutes. Not bad, especially since he hadn’t been able to do that at all until a few days ago. Maybe there was something to this witching hour idea.
Still floating in the kitchen, Phantom started turning around, intending to sit down on the couch and read but something seemed to stop him. He glanced at the door to the lab….when had he floated closer to it? He frowned. He was feeling….something. Or sensing it. He tilted his head, studying the door. He’d felt this before, in the lab with Fenton after telling Mom and Dad. With little thought, he was phasing through the door to the lab and was halfway down the stairs. He stopped, eyes falling on the portal.
Goosebumps rose on his hands. The Cold, a sensation he was used to projecting instead of feeling, wafted passed him. Instead of being oppressive or harsh, it was…. soft, comforting. A gentle breeze caressing him  Something hummed in his ears, his head….in his core. A low, layered sound. Almost...a song, a call. Multitudes of voices welcoming, calling. Come here. Come home.
Phantom floated a few feet farther, hand reaching forward. Yes, he knew what this was. The portal or maybe the ghost zone itself. It was calling to him and it really was a beautiful sound. For a second, the thought of answering passed through his mind. He was a ghost, a creature of the Zone, wasn’t he? But he’d never been there. What wonders were on the other side, waiting for him? He could drifted through and explore for a few hours and be back before anyone woke up or-
The ghost ripped his hand away, as if he was burned. A small measure of fear jabbed his core. No, no, nope. He was not doing this tonight. He wasn’t going through the portal, not without a plan or back up. Even a few hours was just asking to get lost or lose track of time. And he had no idea what was on the other side. He could run into anything and get hurt or lost or….
But...the sound was so tempting, so beautiful, so welcoming. And it wasn’t malicious. His core screamed that it wasn’t a trick or a trap but a real invitation. And something inside him, something new and otherworldly, knew that was true. Maybe it was new ghostly instincts, the same ones that helped direct his powers. Or some kind of knowledge imprinted on his soul by death. But he knew the call of the portal wasn’t a lie. He could go through and would be safe but….
Fear pricked him again and the ghost felt the shadow of a heart beat in his chest. His eyes widened and he looked at his hands. “Fenton...are you dreaming about this right now?”
There was a tug in his mind and the ghost could feel the line tethering him to his other self, his humanity, more keenly. He could feel Fenton following along with what he was doing and thinking right now. And...that part of him, the part that was human and alive, was afraid of the portal’s song. If Fenton had been down here with him, his hair would be raised too, but for a different reason. His haunches would be raised in dread from the ominous, unwelcoming sound. Phantom furrowed his brow in confusion, trying to puzzle out the conflicting emotions. Longing and fear. At once feeling drawn and repelled. It was contradictory, confusing, to feel two things so opposed. 
Ghost Danny turned around, floating back up the stairs. He needed to get away from the portal for now, to try and get the sound out of his head. Why was it so much louder now than it had been earlier? Before it had been subtle but now it was much more tempting. But why?....He hummed thoughtfully for a moment before something tickled in his mind. A poke from his other self who was still dreaming with him….the witching hour. Wasn’t the witching hour also supposed to be when the veil between life and death was thinnest? Maybe that was why the song was louder, or rather he could just hear it better as the barrier between the worlds was thinner and more easily penetrated. He glanced back, again feeling a swell of longing and more distant warriness at the same. Two contrasting feelings from his different halves. The ghost wondered what his complete self, the Danny that was really human and ghost at the same time, would feel. Both in equal measures? Or would it differ depending on what form he was in? 
Phantom shook his head. None of that really mattered right now. He could sort that out once he and Fenton refused. And either way, right now he belonged with his friends and family and his human half. Here on Earth, the realm of the living, not in the world of ghosts.
With that thought, Phantom phased through the door. The sound of the portal was already almost completely out of his perception as he grounded himself literally and planted his feet on the floor. He crossed the living room and flopped down on the couch. Beside him, his phone was plugged in to charge. He plugged in some headphones and turned some music on. There, some good music to read to. He picked up his book and read until the sun came up.
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kyber-kisses · 5 years
Too Soon (Part.11)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: major spoilers for 15x03, even more angst. The reader putting dean in his place.
Summary: when family bonds are broken, the reader takes some time to herself to process
A/n: once again, 15x03 ripped my heart out of my body and threw it into a ditch. I’m disgusted. I’m revolted. I devote my life to these characters and this is the thanks I get?!
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You had lost track of time keeping your eyes on the massive scar in the earth. You didn’t want to look at it, but with it being so massive and all, it was hard to tear your eyes from it.
Your back rested against the cool marble of a rather large headstone, Dean kneeling across from you, continuously glancing between you and the pit that sat just to the right of you.
You knew he was ecstatic that you were back, but the idiot would not stop worrying. He never let you stray to far from him and it was only mildly annoying. He didn't used to be like this but apparently you dying had changed some things. He knew you could handle yourself. Knowing you most of his life he had seen you take down demons twice your size, and kill full nests of vampires. . .but god forbid you kneel to close to a fucking hole in the ground. You could see it in his expression; she is way too close to that thing.
Rolling your eyes, you let your head fall back against the stone, pupils wandering back to the hole in the ground. “Dean, could you please stop staring at me like that? I’m fine.” You sighed, adjusting the shotgun in your hands.
He sucked in a breath before making his way over to you, sliding down to sit next to you. “I’m sorry Y/N, I just--- now that you're back I don't want anything happening to you.” He breathed.
“I Know, I'm sorry.” You admitted, looking over at him. “But Dean, you cant baby me. I can take care of myself. You know that. I don't need 24/7 protection.” You paused, taking in his features. “I know my death hit you hard, and I’m really sorry.”
His face fell immediately upon you saying the words. It was the truth, he just didn’t know how to admit it. You watched his eyes dart towards the ground. clearly he didn't want to think back on it.
“Yeahhh. I didn’t- I didn’t take it well.” He paused, sucking in air. “There were a lot of things that came to mind that I should have told you. “
You reached over, grabbing his hand in your own, a small smile tugging on your features. “Well I’m back now, we got all the time in the world.” There it was again- another lie. You were digging yourself into a deeper hole.
“Yeah- that is unless the earth opens up even more and swallows us whole.” He lightly chuckled, eyes fixed sadly on your clasped hands. Leaning over slightly, you planted a kiss on his cheek, making his eyes flick back up to you.
The two of you let yourselves have that moment- even if it lasted only a few seconds. A deep understanding that you shared. The two of you were constantly worrying about each other, and that was never going to change. 
Dean snapped himself out of it, slightly shaking his head as he turned to fish the hex-bag like bomb from his duffel, gently tossing it in his hand. “You think we’ll know when to toss this thing in?” He questioned, passing it into your open palm.
“C,mon- this is Rowena we’re talking about. We will definitely know.” You fired back, tearing your eyes away from the object in your hand. “It is taking awhile though. . .” You paused.
As if on cue, a droning( and quite frankly, obnoxious) noise erupted out of the tear in the earth next to you, taken back slightly by the sound, you jumped to your feet, Dean sidling up besides you as soul after soul flew past, clearly being called back to the place they had come from.
The ground shook beneath your feet, which had Dean reaching out to grab your arm, afraid you might fall. In his other hand, the bomb gave off a bright purple glow, giving you the signal that you needed. With one quick twist of his wrist, Dean threw it forward, watching as it plummeted deeper into the earth.
The detonation had you and Dean stepping further backwards, eyes taking in the slowly shrinking gap. - and then it stopped. The noise, the shaking, everything.
“What the hell?” Dean spun on his heel, face contorted in confusion as he looked for a source to the sudden problem. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.
Leaning back against the headstone, Dean pulled out his phone, quickly calling his brother in hopes of an explanation. “Sam, What the hell happened?”
You could hear the muffled voice of Sam coming through the speaker, though you leaned in closer to listen better. “Are the ghosts gone?”
“Hell if we know. . . “ Dean shot back, turning to glance over his shoulder at the gaping hole. “But the crack is starting to close up- something doesn’t feel right.” He finished, giving you another look to make sure you were still there next to him. When Sam didn’t answer, Dean pulled the phone away from his ear, glaring at the screen to see that the call had ended.
“Wow- okay, that was rude.” You sighed, brushing dirt off of your hands in an attempt to distract yourself. Luckily, a certain angel reappeared across from you, taking all your attention.
“Dean. Y/N.” He sighed, his tone thickly laced with defeat. Ignoring everything else, you took quick strides to get to Cas, pulling him into a hug, grateful he had made it back in one piece. After a moment, you pulled away to look up at his face.
You didn’t think your face could fall even more, but it did upon the sight of the Angel. Cas looked equal parts defeated and angry. “ what’s wrong?” You quickly questioned.
Dean quickly ignored the fact that you had just asked question, instead stepping forward to ask his own. “Where is Belphegor?” His tone slightly stern as he moved even closer.
Cas took a breath, eyes darting down to you for a split second. “Dead. I killed him.”
“You did what?- what about the crook?” Deans voice growing more urgent by the second, that same fiery glint as before in his eyes as he bore into Cas.
Your own eyes flicking between the two in a still desperate attempt to understand why there was so much anger between them. Something had happened while you were gone, and it was nothing good.
“It was destroyed.” Cas breathed again, looking towards the ground in hopes of not having to look at Dean.
“What?!” This time the anger in Deans voice was much more clear, his eyes widening in shock. You opened your mouth to speak once more, but like so many times before, your words were drowned out. “Cas! What the hell?!” Dean burst, throwing his hands up in clear annoyance.
“Dean I-“ Cas paused, his own eyes focusing on something behind you, which only made you and Dean turn as well.
Walking towards the three of you was a sight you had yet to witness. Rowena was walking briskly through the cemetery with what was clearly a stab wound in her abdomen. Her arms stretched out as her torso gave off a vibrant light, similar to the bomb you had earlier. Sam walked closely behind her, clearly in pain.
You weren’t entirely sure what was happening, and it was clear that Cas and Dean had no clue either. You all watched with even more confusion as the red haired witch stepped to the edge of the slowly shrinking hole.
Rowena turned to look at the four of you, eyes bright with tears but a small smile resting on her painted lips. “Goodbye boys, Y/N” At the sound of your name, your eyes locked with hers. She gave you a knowing smile that only the two of you understood. You nodded, only then noticing the tears that had gathered.
She was telling you everything would be fine. That she believed you were strong enough to tell them the truth. You hoped she was right.
And then she fell.
Falling forward in a gentle arc, her body quickly disappearing from view as she plummeted down. There was a rumble a moment later, and you watched in somewhat surprise as the earth fully closed up, leaving you all standing in a tense silence, minds reeling at what had just happened.
You were hoping this time would be different. That this time nobody would get hurt, nobody would die. Everything would be okay in the end.
How very wrong you were.
*. *. *. *.
The ride to the bunker was a silent one. Nobody was brave enough to speak, so instead a stiff silence hung over you all. Dean was radiating anger, Sam was mourning, Cas just looked extremely defeated, and you? You were tired. Tired of losing people, tired of seeing the people you cared about in pain. Life was exhausting.
The only time Dean ever stopped was to get more gas for the impala, which also gave you the chance to quickly grab something to eat since you had been running on an empty stomach since the moment you were thrown back to earth.
The moment your feet hit the familiar tile floors of the bunker you allowed yourself to relax a little. You were back. You were home.
Sam split off towards his room almost immediately, clearly needing time to himself after what had happened. Cas wandered off to parts unknown. You and Dean took your time as you walked down the hallway towards your room, shoulders occasionally brushing against one another. When you reached the door, you paused not knowing what to expect on the other side.
Had they packed up all your things? Was it just as empty as the day you found it? Was there ever a trace of you being there at all?
Dean watched as you reached out a shaky hand, twisting the knob and slowly easing the door open. He reached over you, flipping the light switch to illuminate the room. You stood frozen in the doorway, surprised at the sight in front of you.
Everything was the same- down to the last speck of dust. All your books were still piled on your desk, you bed was still only partially made, and your few picture frames still held their places on the grey walls. Not a single thing had been touched.
“I thought- I thought you would have gotten rid of everything.” You breathed, taking a step into the room.
“Memories of you? Never. Why the hell would you think that?” Dean questioned, slightly in disbelief that you would ever even let that thought cross your mind.
You shrugged, running a hand across the back of your wooden chair. “I don’t know- I mean, you guys have no real need or use for my stuff. Why would you leave it lying about?” You stated, turning to look at him.
“It’s your stuff. I wasn’t gonna throw it out.”
Dean Winchester. Always surprising you. You shook your head, before walking back over to him and pulling him into a tight embrace. You felt his arms snake around your waist, returning the gesture. “Thank you Dee.”
“Of course.” He hummed, leaning back to press a kiss to your temple. “I need to go change. I’ll talk to you in a little.” He sighed, taking a backwards step out the door and turning on his heel.
The moment his back disappeared you shut the door and shrugged off your flannel and changed into a fresh set of clothes. You could probably use a shower as well, but you could do that in a little bit. Instead you set yourself to work, trying to tidy up your room even just a little.
You threw what little laundry you had into a bin, stripping the sheets from your bed as well. A few books needed to be put back in the library, so you gathered them in your arms and began your trek down the hallway.
Just as you were about to enter the war room, you stopped short, hearing a set of voices.
“I’m sorry about Rowena.”
You could immediately tell it was Cas- the other person could only be Dean. Sam was locked away in his room and those two were the only other people in the bunker. Pressing yourself against the wall, you tried to listen to the conversation. Eavesdropping. you had hit a new low.
“You’re sorry? Why didn’t you just stick to the damn plan?” Deans voice was mellow- and when it was mellow like that it could only mean he was really angry. He was pissed. There was a moment of silence before Cas responded.
“Belphegor was lying-“
“Belphegor was a demon!” There it was. His anger was bubbling up.
“He was using us! He was going to eat every last soul to take over hell!” Cas fired back, voice raising slightly.
“Yeah, and we would’ve figured it out!” Deans voice was getting louder each time he spoke, and it had you sliding down the wall as you leaned over more to listen.
“The plan changed Dean! Something went wrong- you know that. Something always goes wrong.”
“And why does that something always seem to be you?” As the words left Deans mouth, you felt tears burning at your eyes. Why was he acting this way? Why was he being so awful? This wasn’t the Dean you loved. This wasnt your lifelong best friend.
There was a long stretch of silence before you heard anymore words spoken, and a part of you wished it had stayed that way once you heard the next words said. “You used to trust me. Give me the benefit of the doubt. Now you can’t even look at me.” Cas said slowly. “My powers are failing, I’ve tried talking to you over and over, and you just don’t want to hear it. I’m dead to you.”
You could feel your heart breaking with ever word that left his lips. Cas didn’t deserve this.
“I guess there’s nothing else to say.” There was another brief moment of silence, you could hear a set of shoes begin to walk down the stairs of the library, clearly retreating.
“Where are you going?” Deans voice mellow once more.
“Jacks dead. Chuck is gone. You, Sam, and Y/N have each other. I think it’s time for me to move on.” You felt the breath leave your body as you clutched the books in your arms to your chest.
This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be happening. Through the tears in your eyes you saw a flash of beige as Cas walked past, making his way up the bunker steps. A part of you wanted to run after him- hell, even just go with him. But you knew that the matter that needed to be attended to was Dean.
At the slam of the bunker door, you stepped into the war room, slowly walking into view. At the sense of movement Dean looked up. He was leaning against one of the library tables, clearly still fuming.
When his eyes found you he knew shit was about to hit the fan- more so than it already had. You had tears running down your face, which was an equal mix of pure anger and sadness.
You looked disappointed.
“Y/N how much did you hear-“ he started, going to rub his temple. Taking the step up to the library, you glared at him.
“You got a lot of nerve Dean Winchester. And I mean a lot.” You growled.
“Y/N don’t start-“ he began, but you shut him up, slamming your books down on the table full force. Taking quick strides, you rounded the table to get closer to him.
“Oh no-“ you laughed, shaking your head. Taking another step forward, you twisted your fingers into the collar of his shirt, yanking him down to your level. “You are going to shut your damn mouth, and you are going to listen me. Understand?” His adams apple bobbed as he slowly swallowed, staring into your eyes.
He had never seen you like this. Ever. “God, I could throttle you Dean Winchester! I could fucking throttle you!” You yelled, shoving him back. “You do this thing- where you let out all your anger and your grief on other people! You turn them into these emotional punching bags! And it’s not fair!”
“Y/N-“ he tried again, failing once more. You were fuming. There was no stopping you.
“Shut up Dean! Look at what you did!” You gestured towards the door Cas had just walked through in anger. “You made Cas leave! We are his only family, and you forced him to leave! You pushed him out!” You roared, jamming a finger into his chest. “He is alone Dean. He doesn’t have heaven, he doesn’t have Jack. He doesn’t have us. He is alone now, with no home. And it. Is. All. On. You.”
You took another step back, glaring daggers into the hunter. “Maybe- just maybe, you could get your head out of your ass and realize how awful you are being.” You stated quickly. Tears were freely rolling down your cheeks as you looked over at him. “Right now I can’t even look at you.” You held back your voice from cracking, watching as Dean took a step forward in a pathetic attempt to comfort you. You drew back, taking another step away from him. “Cas is our family.” you repeated, “Why are you being so hateful?’
There it was. He had finally done it. He had gone too far. He had just gotten you back and now you couldn't even stand him at the moment.  He had made Cas leave and now you were looking at him the same way. As he locked eyes with you, you could practically read his mind.
are you leaving us?
Are you leaving our home, our family?
Are you leaving me?
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He sighed, watching your back as you stopped mid retreat. You didn’t dare look back at him, at least not fully.
“Don’t apologize to me Dean, I'm not the one who needs it. The one you need to apologize to is Cas.” And with that, you left the room. You couldn't look at him. And yet, all he could do was watch your retreating figure.
Taglist: @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @my-proof-is-you​ @iluvyewman-blog​ @a-crowd-of-newsies​ @a-dorky-book-keeper​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​ @orphiceseum​ @greenarrowhead​ @thevelvetseries​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @jxackles​ @ryansgirl5509​
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steefamongmuds · 4 years
The Archer and the Clown @jackie-starburst part 1 Jackie’s skin was pale, quite literally white by now; the whole thing felt like a nightmare to the clown. He winced when the beast lowered their weapon and grabbed him by the wrist, lifting him into the air. He knew what a grab to the wrist meant, it was never good news. Violence. Most likely a beating. A drag and a few smacks was what they usually concluded to at the circus, and sometimes the nursery. But now it was a wild animal instead of a slig gripping to him. Still figures. Playing with it’s food, most likely which only caused Jackie to squirm more. He was considering biting the hand–fight back! He thought….but then something changed. The beast’s grip loosened and slipped, still firm but now, it wasn’t around his wrist but rather cupping around his hand…holding his hand? Jackie immediately stood still, eyes wide staring into nothing. He had not had his hand held like this in a very long time. The steef’s grip was still tight but almost reassuring….He felt a strange calming feeling flow through him…It was…nice? The emotion was interrupted however. “You are a long way from home.” What? Did this…thing just speak?! Steefs can speak? Since when? The panic returned immediately when the hunter leaned close and wiggled their nose near his face, a velvet snout brushed very faintly, barely touching him…Good god it was smelling him! Probably to see if he was worth eating. “You are a run away.” It spoke again! Confusion swirled around Jackie, what was going on? He pushed back, his hand now free as they parted and immediately jumped away, his hands up to keep distance. What was he to do? Stand still? Fight? Run? Before he could even think of his next move, Jackie found himself picking a different option; talk. “H-Hold up! What are you?! I-If you’re gonna kill me just do it ok?!! Wh-Who are you, WHAT are you, is this some kind of trick?!“ _______ The creature before Jackie had completely changed her tone, what was once threatening and dominant now seemed calm and strangely elegant where she was being pretty rough before! Siren listened to the mud ramble on with nervousness in his tone. Kill him??? Well...She WAS but he was a mudokon so.... But it suddenly came to Siren as to why this mudokon was worried even after she helped him up. Right, the steef rumors...Siren wasn’t sure what the world outside of her tribe thought about steef and allot of them often shouted ‘don’t eat me!’ or something along those lines. Perhaps that’s something that steef did but Siren wasn’t raised by steef, she ate and lived like a mudokon! But this guy didn’t know that, it was best she reassured him about that. After all he was probably a worker who had just ran away, he was probably a little jumpy still. “...I was going to kill you, but you’re a Mudokon. one of my people. So don’t worry, you’re safe now. I live in the village close by here, I smelt something strange and came to make sure it wasn’t anything dangerous.” She explained, her voice relaxed but perhaps a little ‘withdrawn’ of emotion. Taking this moment to look him over she saw he looked pretty normal aside from the face pain and...Feathers??? What where those??? But she knew better than to tamper with prosthetic that the industry places of muds, like the blind ones for example. Best just to leave them be. She then took a few steps towards Jack and Spoke again. “You’re looking for the mudokon village right? I can take you there and my father can help get you settled in.” She’d rather watch her father helping this new comer rather than that Chi gal...It’s the least Siren could do after making this mudokon become as pale as a ghost!
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Peridot Ghosts: What kind of things get them frazzled or anxious? Do they tend to handle them well or get swept up in the moment?
“What doesn’t?” says Dee, with a snort.  “Just having to exist where other Sligs or Glukkons might see, having to hurt - or kill - someone and not give away that it hurts me too, uh...situations that might hurt Ben.”
Ben grins.  “Aww.  That means a lot.”
“Never had a friend like you - don’t want this shitty-ass world to do anything to end that.”
“The way you perform under pressure, I think I’m pretty safe with you.  Your quick thinking got us both out of that explosion alive.  I’ll freeze up, get my priorities all wrong.  I tried to go warn everyone else - nobody would’ve had time to escape!  If I don’t have someone to help me along, I’ll screw myself over pretty fast.”
“So, what rattles you?”
Ben shrugs.  “Same stuff as everyone else, I think?  Losing safe people or places, heading out into the unknown.  Stuff like that.  Being alone.  Odd, I hate the idea of being left all alone.”  He shivers.  “I mean, I can be pretty adventurous, but I don’t think I’d be anywhere near as confident in our journey as I am if I was the only survivor.”
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