#ghost mudokon
asameera · 4 months
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Abe and his Slig friend (?) Reg are facing the ghosts Priests worshipers of Meeches.
Drawing I did for Oddword Element (a story I'm taking part in) for the one who's actually creating it (Happy birthday again!)
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smeargle · 6 years
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tfw you still have 3 days to go before the new tablet gets here but youre tired of coloring pictures with your mouse
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rosieandthefreed · 6 years
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Where are we? What the hell is going on? The dust has only just begun to form Crop circles in the carpet Sinking, feeling Spin me around again And rub my eyes This can't be happening When busy streets A mess with people Would stop and hold their heads heavy Hide and seek
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
👣: Society is... [for Jobb]
👻: Ghosts are... [for Mama Jeni]
💄: Beauty is... [for Elli]
((Going to answer Jobb's as if he was still under Sammdei's control))
Jobb: "Society is confused! Why does everyone think that Mudokons deserve to be free when we have always been born to serve another? be it an employer, or the spirits and gods!"
Mama Jeni: "Ghosts are easy to speak with if ya know how to commune with 'em!"
Elli: "Beauty is a nice patch of fresh green grass or a patch of wildflowers... a warm sunny day, and clear skies that are easy to just watch the clouds."
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steefamongmuds · 4 years
The Archer and the Clown @jackie-starburst part 1 Jackie’s skin was pale, quite literally white by now; the whole thing felt like a nightmare to the clown. He winced when the beast lowered their weapon and grabbed him by the wrist, lifting him into the air. He knew what a grab to the wrist meant, it was never good news. Violence. Most likely a beating. A drag and a few smacks was what they usually concluded to at the circus, and sometimes the nursery. But now it was a wild animal instead of a slig gripping to him. Still figures. Playing with it’s food, most likely which only caused Jackie to squirm more. He was considering biting the hand–fight back! He thought….but then something changed. The beast’s grip loosened and slipped, still firm but now, it wasn’t around his wrist but rather cupping around his hand…holding his hand? Jackie immediately stood still, eyes wide staring into nothing. He had not had his hand held like this in a very long time. The steef’s grip was still tight but almost reassuring….He felt a strange calming feeling flow through him…It was…nice? The emotion was interrupted however. “You are a long way from home.” What? Did this…thing just speak?! Steefs can speak? Since when? The panic returned immediately when the hunter leaned close and wiggled their nose near his face, a velvet snout brushed very faintly, barely touching him…Good god it was smelling him! Probably to see if he was worth eating. “You are a run away.” It spoke again! Confusion swirled around Jackie, what was going on? He pushed back, his hand now free as they parted and immediately jumped away, his hands up to keep distance. What was he to do? Stand still? Fight? Run? Before he could even think of his next move, Jackie found himself picking a different option; talk. “H-Hold up! What are you?! I-If you’re gonna kill me just do it ok?!! Wh-Who are you, WHAT are you, is this some kind of trick?!“ _______ The creature before Jackie had completely changed her tone, what was once threatening and dominant now seemed calm and strangely elegant where she was being pretty rough before! Siren listened to the mud ramble on with nervousness in his tone. Kill him??? Well...She WAS but he was a mudokon so.... But it suddenly came to Siren as to why this mudokon was worried even after she helped him up. Right, the steef rumors...Siren wasn’t sure what the world outside of her tribe thought about steef and allot of them often shouted ‘don’t eat me!’ or something along those lines. Perhaps that’s something that steef did but Siren wasn’t raised by steef, she ate and lived like a mudokon! But this guy didn’t know that, it was best she reassured him about that. After all he was probably a worker who had just ran away, he was probably a little jumpy still. “...I was going to kill you, but you’re a Mudokon. one of my people. So don’t worry, you’re safe now. I live in the village close by here, I smelt something strange and came to make sure it wasn’t anything dangerous.” She explained, her voice relaxed but perhaps a little ‘withdrawn’ of emotion. Taking this moment to look him over she saw he looked pretty normal aside from the face pain and...Feathers??? What where those??? But she knew better than to tamper with prosthetic that the industry places of muds, like the blind ones for example. Best just to leave them be. She then took a few steps towards Jack and Spoke again. “You’re looking for the mudokon village right? I can take you there and my father can help get you settled in.” She’d rather watch her father helping this new comer rather than that Chi gal...It’s the least Siren could do after making this mudokon become as pale as a ghost!
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botslayer · 5 years
Random Gorillaz AUs +Challenge for OP:
Me and my Ex have a few mutual fandoms, including the Gorillaz. So with that in mind, here are a few AUs we brainstormed because “fuck it.”
If you were to plonk the Gorillaz into another universe, what do you get?
Oddworld: I knew more about Oddworld so this one was basically all me, Murdoc is now a Glucken trying to make it big with music, seeing it as an untapped industry. Stuart, or “2D” is a Mudokon he inexplicably bought in his corporate climbing, taking a shine to his damaged good as he went out into the world.  Russ is a Steef and Noodle is his adopted Slig daughter. Russ found her as an abandoned pup and took her in, the two were hired partly as muscle and guards for the other two and partly because it turns out they have some skill with instruments. 
Team Fortress 2: Just kinda came to me in a Blur. 2D would be a medic, Noodle is the team’s scout, Murdoc is the Spy, and Russ is, who else? Heavy weapons guy.  Pokemon: If they were Gym leaders, it’d be listed something like this:  Russ: Ghost (Maybe Steel, I just wanna say) Stuart: Bug Noodle: Fighting Murdoc: Dark (The trainers are Ace and Cyborg Noodle, btw) Homestuck: (Will follow this up in post 2, Just saying that it came up, I don’t know enough about the extended zodiac, all I could think of immediately is that Noodle’s a Juggalo) Awful Hospital: Murdoc Lives in and “Works at” The Clinic, writing prescriptions and doing small on-site procedures with... mixed results. Likes Stu because of a pain pill addiction. Noodle lives in and “Works at” The Pharmacy, filling (Mostly Murdoc’s) prescriptions to patients that come her way.  Russ is a human patient, he’s able to see zones that normal humans shouldn’t. Stu is also a patient, fucked up head, probably there by accident. Severe painkiller addiction
Random themes:
Universes where the band were all alive in a different setting, goes a bit like this: Roman Empire: Murdoc is basically made the emperor of Rome, partly because he’s seemingly immortal. 2D was basically a tribute spouse to stop him from warring with a city and just taking the land as his.  Russallus once lead a small rebellion against the emperor and did some considerable damage on his way to him... then TOO him. Murdoc, more impressed by his audacity than afraid, offers him a job as his personal bodyguard in exchange for the better treatment of the Roman people. Russ, running low on stamina as Murdoc just puts himself back together, agrees and is now his highest advisor and reliably puts down other rebel groups along with Murdoc when he gets too damn bloodthirsty or greedy. Noodle is a child soldier from a conquered city that the three see one day while examining war prisoners and they collectively take a shine to her.  Dr. Pot and Mr. Niccals: More of a classical London setting, Dr. Stuart Pot isn’t the best person around, but his other, more primal half is far worse. More manipulative, more aggressive. far more base and crude. (Noodle and Russ don’t factor in... Yet)  Frankenpot: Murdoc accidentally kills 2D and revives him as a hulking corpse monster. Russel is the lab assistant and basically Mama bear about everything involving 2D.
So, I mentioned a “Challenge.” If you’d take me up on it. I want a general theme to work off of and make a new version of the band in that setting. Send me ideas, people! HELP ME GET MY CREATIVE MOJO FLOWING! 
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firebird963 · 7 years
Oddworld game idea:
A tycoon style game where you play a Glukkon managing a factory. Starting off as a small establishment with a few Mudokon and Slig slaves.
Eventually, you get investors which allows you expand make new products and of course buy new slaves.
However, you (your character) begins to become haunted by the ghosts (both literal and figuratively) of slaves you’ve killed. The things you’ve done and allowed to happen, it’s slowly destroying you and you’re seemingly helpless in stopping the system you are a part of.
So by the end of the game, it turns into a whole Schindler's List style frantic quest to smuggle out your own employees without being caught by your investors and the authorities.
Alternatively, if you continue running things as normal eventually Abe shows up and just blows up your fucking factory. Killing you instantly
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ghostmoor · 7 years
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I think I’m about ready to dump all this info out into the world now
Click & Yeva were originally RP characters tied to a central location so where they came from wasn’t hugely important, and they only very briefly saw any use, but I still love them both a lot and since I’ve been reshuffling all my other storylines I decided to put some actual work into where they live/come from (also because I hate just making stuff Vaguely Nonspecifically “Tribal” w/ no real structure). This is the result of that. My constant hunger for worldbuilding is insatiable and Oddworld provides a such nice framework for doing that
More info under the cut! This got really long
SO, Dep Mudaaya: the tree-singing people, named for their use of chanting to bend the plants of the jungle they live in to their will. As of right now, their existence is very uncertain. There’s only a couple of colonies left, and they don’t really have any non-Mudaaya neighbours nearby to connect and potentially revive their breeding populations with. On top of it all, they’re under constant threat of loggers trying to encroach on their forests. They’ve been able to keep them at bay long enough to weave the trees into barriers tough enough to navigate that they’ve slowed industrial progress to a crawl, but now they’re basically caught in a stalemate.
Still, they’re mostly trying to carry on as usual, although tensions rise with every death that occurs, knowing that there’ll come a point where there are more deaths than births.
They have a complex social structure, with folks divided up into eight different social classes based on role (above), and then further by their hatching time (janpa), which is akin to a horoscope of sorts and is said to influence personality and mindset. There are two primary alignments:
ra-jan, sun-born; open with their words and affections, and good at empowering the masses, but with a tendency to be naive, oblivious and myopic, sometimes making very careless mistakes. They flourish in environments where people are emotionally satisfied and happy, or where they can make them feel that way, but their advice tends to be broad and generic and they struggle to handle more nuanced, personal problems, both their own and others’. Their appropriately sunny personality makes them suited to occupations that need an optimistic mindset, a good leader, or someone to inject some goodwill into a situation.
cha-jan, moon-born; usually very in touch with the complexity of emotions, they bear a strong sense of empathy for others. They tend to be a little reserved, and calculate their moves very carefully, sometimes overthinking things to a fault. They like to take time to reflect on things, and are awful at making impulsive decisions. They’re also realists, and despite their empathy, they can rub people up the wrong way by telling them what they need to hear when it’s not what they want to hear. They’re suited to jobs that require a lot of careful thinking, careful speaking, and careful acting, and an ability to see a situation from many angles.
There are two secondary alignments, rarer by virtue of being born in the transient period between day and night, held as intermediaries possessing valuable traits of both personality types, and potentially possessing other special abilities due to these intersections.
sa-jan, dawn-born; sun-dominant, they possess the optimism and strength of will from the sun, and the strong sense of empathy from the moon. They make for excellent, if somewhat volatile and occasionally stubborn, negotiators and tacticians, and are often considered to have high potential to set new social precedents, or to revolutionise some aspect of life. At their absolute best, they become iconic figures of love, protection and perseverance in their tribe’s history through their actions.
dhu-jan, dusk-born; moon-dominant, they are ruled first and foremost by their mind and emotions, but carry the impulsiveness and somewhat short-sighted nature of the sun. They are often considered eccentric, not only overthinking things but acting out their quirky plans and odd interpretations of things. They tend to be a bit more emotionally distant than moon-born, though not through lack of trying. Despite their flaws, they are considered to be deeply connected to and cognisant of the spiritual plane, and excellent practical problem-solvers due to their lateral thinking ability.
On top of personality traits, there are various other natural phenomena and specific religious concepts which each different alignment is associated with.
They follow a lunar calendar, with specific cultural events at certain intersections of moon phases, such as all full or all new moons landing on the same night, and ascribe significance to various other specific intersections, deeming certain moon phases to be prime time to perform certain acts or rituals.
Eggs are raised in nurseries in the central hub of the colony by sun-born parichakar, and if they hatch a worker, remain in the nursery for a year or two before they’re handed off to a willing gharavali parent. They’re then raised in that sub-village, where they’re taught basic life skills and allowed to explore their options before picking a class to become, around the age of 5 or 6, at which point they may then again move to live with a different guardian, depending on local norms/personal choice.
If an egg hatches a drone or queen, they automatically have their class assigned to them and are raised into that class from birth. Once they’re older, they form the Sambandhar, effectively a sort of party of ambassadors who travel around both their home colony and others, discussing politics, infrastructure, and just doing general reconnaissance on how things are.
Pracharanee remain part of the Sambandhar for life; ranee are often out of it by their pre-teens, but it depends on when they are called up to take on a breeding role. Parichakar-in-training are also part of the Sambandhar, learning how to play host, developing strong social skills, learning to navigate politics, and gaining a wider worldview that makes them better companions and advisors to the queen and better at raising well-balanced children.
In the times when they weren’t fretting over keeping their colony alive or worrying about what happens when a Mudaaya maharani dies because they weren’t short on replacements, some ranee would opt to renounce their role and remain part of the Sambandhar indefinitely, effectively adopting a pracharani’s role minus the breeding. Referred to as sambhalanee, opinions range from quietly tolerant to openly accepting.
There’s also the chodanur, ranee or pracharanee who abstained from breeding and being Sambandhar participants entirely and took on a worker role, which were seen similarly - though maybe judged a tad more harshly - to sambhalanee. They’re essentially the same concept as the northern idea of worker-queens and drones.
Workers moving between worker-dominated roles is usually permitted; it’s common for older muds to retire to a less physically demanding role. Non-parichak workers taking part in the Sambhandar is typically prohibited, though there has been debate over this in recent generations as the breeding population dwindles in numbers. Even prior to this, there were a few workers who did successfully participate on the grounds that it would be no different for them to be a pracharani from a rani being one.
Dep Mudaaya don’t worship a single, ultimate, unifying god, but they do believe in a universal force that dwells not only in the mortal life of Oddworld, but also facilitates the existence of various deity-esque entities, spirits and supernatural beings. They’re animistic, believing that all things carry this life force, akin to the concept of a soul. Some of these beings are free-willed and self-governing, while others act out the will of larger, more powerful spirits.
It’s this life energy that mudokons can channel through chanting and ritual means to influence the world around them. Anyone can learn to harness it to some degree, though in order to truly master the skill and fully comprehend the spirit world that exists parallel to the corporeal one, lifelong training and honing of the skill is necessary, hence the existence of shamans and their apprentices. When a being dies, this life energy returns to the universal pool from which all things gain their energy. Ghosts and spectres are the result of that energy being pulled back to the corporeal world, but having no body to return to.
The two things they worship universally are the sun and the moons, given that the celestial bodies are so important to their society, but beyond that, it’s kind of a free-for-all. Most natural phenomena are commonly represented: wind, rain, and the seasons, either as a collective unit or individually. Temples and shrines dedicated to the land, vegetation and revered animals such as the manterine are also commonplace.
Sometimes whole branches will pay respects to a particular force or entity; sometimes just one village; and sometimes even individuals or cohabiting “family” units will put their faith in a being or force that’s important to them personally. There’s a spiritual entity for every occasion in their belief system, so numerous that some will be entirely unique to just a handful of people.
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A mudokon queen who was killed for refusing to reproduce.
Her ghost has been spotted around the village..
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smeargle · 6 years
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yaay more sketches finished
(most of this is just me testing some new brush settings on sai and redrawing some old pictures i made like 10+ years ago)
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rosieandthefreed · 6 years
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I'm just a man, but I know that I'm damned All the dead seem to know where I am Till it began on the night of my birth We'll be done in a turn of the earth Lie where I land, let my bones turn to sand I was born on the lake and I don't want to leave Every eye on the coast ever more Will remember the sight of the ghost on the shore
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rosieandthefreed · 3 years
☜ (how about if Ollie had met Mya while they were kids/teens in RuptureFarms? Small, runty mudokons might stick together, after all?)
Mya was gone for a long time. The Vykkers took her about once a week, but she was always back by the end of the work day. It's now been two days. Ollie couldn't help, but to worry in his cot. He was as restless as the ghosts that whispered to him. They were getting worried too.
It was late when the Zulag's door opened and Mya was pushed back inside. Ollie nearly fell out of bed and scrambled to her side.
"Mya?" He whispered, that worry so clear in his voice, "Are you ok?"
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rosieandthefreed · 3 years
Ollie Biography
Species: Mudokon (Slave born)
Age: 12
Gender: Drone
Likes: Tea, tinkering, Soulstorm Brew, RuptureFarms meat products, soft material
Dislikes: Soulstorm Brew, RuptureFarms meat products, his visions, Sligs and slogs
Theme Song: Work Song by Hozier
Ollie was born into a life of slavery within RuptureFarms 1029. He was the runt in his clutch; making him an easy target for the abuse of Sligs. He became quiet, meek and obedient. Because of this, Ollie was a hard worker in the eyes of Mullock.
At a young age, Ollie began hearing the ghosts of his dead brothers and receiving visions. If he was born wild, he would have been trained to be a Shaman. Yet, at RuptureFarms, he was considered a freak. During one of his 'episodes'; a Slig pushed him into the barrel press that permanently branded the company logo to his chest.
Ollie was freed along with the rest of the slaves when Abe liberated the Farm. Ollie got seperated from his brothers during a manic withdrawal. Only to found by Rosie; who took him back and nursed him back to health.
When the Mudtis was raided, Ollie was recaptured and sold back into slavery to Homestead. He was unaware of Rosie's condition. Or even that she was at Homestead.
After the Homestead Uprising, Ollie disappeared from his new companions. He had been convinced that he was cursed and lived in the woods by himself for a year. It took both his older brother Alf and his friends at Haven to convince him to come to the village.
Now, Ollie is trying to readjust to being in a safe environment.
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rosieandthefreed · 3 years
Mudokons and Stands cause what the fuck is my life. Since Stands are the life force of their users, I've basically picked stands whose users are pretty close to my Muds. I was originally going to draw this, but I have no will to draw rn. Cut cause this is gonna get long and I can not stop thinking about it. Spoilers up to Part 7 of Jojo.
Rosie/Johnny Joestar - Tusk
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You thought I was going to do Golden Experience, didn't you? The Spin babbbby. Rosie and John have a bloody lot in common; tragically crippled at a young age, loves horses and stupid jokes, tells the main villain to fuck off and depression. Tusk gives him minor abilities to move around and take part in Steel Ball Run.
Buck/Jotaro Joestar - Star Platinum
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Stoic badasses get a punchy boi. This one is pretty straight forward.
Ollie/Leone Abbacchio - Moody Blues
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Another one out of left field, but hear me out. While Ollie is a pretty timid guy, he does have a great need to help his family and others. Like Abbi did before things went to shit. Ollie also possess similar abilities to Abbi by seeing and hearing ghosts of the past. Also the share the drinking problem and depression woooo
Bluejay/Giorno Giovanna - Golden Experience
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Soft Bois for Soft Bois. Bluejay's tribe were closely tied to their lands to the point of symbiosis. Bluejay has the ability to speak to plants and command them. Which works pretty well with Golden Experience's life giving properties. Bluejay is also soft spoken like Giorno and give himself fully to his familia. Bluejay just...loves his friends so much.
Flea/DIO - The World
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I've made this reference already, but imagine the shit Flea could get into with the time time stop?
Bonus Round
@ask-alf-oddworld Alf/Joseph Joestar - Hermit Purple
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Can you just imagine Alf going to his own funeral? And like the entire game of Soulstorm is him just going OH MY GOD.
@industrial-tox Tox/Pannacotta Fugo - Purple Haze
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To be fair, I don't know much about Tox but I had a feeling that Purple Haze would be a pretty good fit for the gasmask lad.
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