#game boy sewing machine
smbhax · 1 year
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Game Boy Color sewing machines -- sewing machine control software in a GBC cart, GBC connects to machine via GBC link port
Source videos: [1] [2]
Side-by-side and historical overview: [1]
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mageofmalachite · 2 years
If The Game Boy Sewing Machine has million number of fans i am one of them. if The Game Boy Sewing Machine has ten fans i am one of them. if The Game Boy Sewing Machine have only one fan and that is me. if The Game Boy Sewing Machine has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against The Game Boy Sewing Machine, i am against the world. i love The Game Boy Sewing Machine till my last breath..
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suppermariobroth · 4 months
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Mario Family was a Japan-only 2001 software for the Game Boy Color that was designed to let the console interface with a sewing machine via a special connection cable, enabling it to be used to send commands to the machine and let it sew Mario designs onto fabric.
Above is footage of the program in action, sending information to the sewing machine and letting it embroider a Peach design.
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It’s mentioned in the costume description of the Heavy Training Gear that the outfit is ‘homemade’ by Starkiller, and that got me thinking. Are ALL of his outfits homemade?
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Is Darth Vader’s adopted son secret apprentice hunched over a sewing machine in the back of the Rogue Shadow, making his own slutty little outfits?
All of the outfits in The Force Unleashed 1 look pretty cobbled-together, and god DAMN are some of them intricate.
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Starkiller literally fabricated an entire bounty hunter disguise specifically to talk to Kota once, and then it just sits in his fucking closet forever.
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And then in Force Unleashed II, we get to Starkiller’s first chosen outfit in the game, and it’s this:
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If it was just the TIE pilot’s jacket, I would not bat an eye, but he fucking unzips it halfway EXCLUSIVELY as a fashion statement. He and luke both shop at the same fucking stores, is what I’m saying.
“Boy, are those the—”
“The Chanel boots? Yeah, Kota. They are.”
For the rest of the game we are clued into Clone Galen being a different person than Starkiller through one small clue: aesthetic sensibility.
Starkiller is all about the avant-garde, full theme commitment outfits. He exposes the nipples. He layers the robes. No half measures. He’s an auteur. He’s cutting-fucking-edge on the scene.
1138 is a practical technician, and all of his outfits are based around personal motifs rather than bold concepts. You will notice the prevalence of short sleeves in his collection. His pieces are all about adaptability in the field, rather than a shock opening. His use of Jar’Kai might also warrant this alteration sleeve length - fashion can unfortunately be flammable, after all.
The two both share a love of asymmetry, however, which pervades many of their works. 1138 has started sporting more ambidextrous designs, likely to better complement his evolved fighting style. Niman is, after all, the Moderation form - harmony and balance are important creatively in the costume as much as they are important for combat.
Where was I going with this?
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gsstories · 6 months
When Autumn Starts
A nearby forest has been mysteriously burnt down two weeks ago. It had happened the day of an eclipse and it just happened randomly! People are worried and keep talking about what could have happened. They had no clue the reason was a small, fiery fairy who held a grudge against humanity…
Right now, he was wandering around the place, seeing how things have changed while he was imprisoned. He was astonished by the cars, the cellphones, everything! He had to see more!
The fairy flew near the window of an apartment at the top of a bakery and looked inside. It was a room that was a pastel yellow color with a nice bed, a study desk with some books, sewing materials, a sewing machine, next to the desk a mannequin an unfinished red suit, and there being a separate desk with three computer monitors, a microphone and a HUMAN was sitting on the chair, wearing cat eared headphones and wearing a hoodie that said ‘I cast gun, prepare to meet god’ and was playing a fighting game on his setup.
The guy couldn’t have been older than 15, had dark skin, long, brown hair, golden eyes, slightly big lips, his hair in a low ponytail and some bangs of hair covering his right eye.
“Uhh, guys? I died again.” The guy said.
From Eclipse’s perspective, he was rather confused. The human died? But he was still moving no? What did he mean by again? Can humans just died and keep moving nowadays? That didn’t make sense…
Now, from the human teen’s perspective, whose name is Daniel, it was like this…
“Are you serious?? We just started this round!” Another male sounding voice yelled, his name being ‘Ax’.
“Are you really that surprised? It’s Aspen we’re talking about.” Another male voice said, named ‘Brutus’.
“You need help next round Aspen?” A third voice with a slight Russian accent asked Daniel, or ‘Aspen’ on stream, this guy named ‘KoKo’.
“I would say no but that’s a big fat lie.” Aspen mumbled.
“Where’d CJ go?” A fourth voice with an even stronger Russian accent asked, the guy named ‘Apollo’.
“Knowing him, massacred a bunch of people already.” Brutus said as they heard evil giggling.
“That’s exactly right!” A fifth voice, one a tad bit higher than the other boys’ said, giggling mischievously, this one called CJ.
“LeLe must love you right now.” Aspen chuckled at this.
“She loves CJ no matter what he does.” KoKo responded. “Fucking simp.”
A comment rolled in the chat of the stream. It read:
LeLeNotPons: ‘Says the one who keeps calling his ‘best friend’ his wife when on stream.’
“Hey, I am not the one who rambles about the merman every chance I get, so shut it.” KoKo argued with the comment.
“Hey Aspen, how do you feel about your husband and sister-in-law fighting?” Brutus questioned the eladrin VTuber.
“Kinda hot on KoKo’s part.” Aspen answered, making Ax start chuckling and soon enough the whole group started laughing. “Am I wrong?!”
Daniel then started smelling something. Something was… burning? But he didn’t have anything cooking and his parents were down in his bakery. Couldn’t be his lil brother, he cannot reach a stove and his sister was with Helena (aka LeLe, KoKo’s sister). The young man turned around in his chair only to find the sight of a kind of tall yet still smaller than him, like barely reaching his leg I think, of a humanoid creature with its head having what looked like red flower petals but still not? The creature’s face and body was half really dark brown, and orange, its cheeks seemingly having what would be considered blush that could only be found on dolls, sharp teeth, mismatched eyes with the irises being orange while the right sclera was a yellow color, almost white while the left one was pitch black. It wore a ragged and torn cloak over its shoulders and dusty red and orange striped pants with no shoes.
Besides the creature, a paper was burning on Daniel’s desk. Daniel and the creature stared at each other for a while the paper just burned.
“Hey guys, I gotta mute myself for a moment, something caught on fire.” Aspen said.
“Only you bud.” Apollo said as the others laugh.
Daniel muted himself, walked out of his room, brought a fire extinguisher and put the fire out before it could spread. He kinda covered the creature with the foam though.
“Alright, now that that’s been dealt with…what the absolute FUCK are you?!” Daniel exclaimed, now freaking out.
“What is this? It’s foamy.” Eclipse wondered, completely ignoring Daniel’s question as he tasted the foam. “Tastes weird.”
“You’re tiny! And cute! But also kind of like you would commit arson! Did you make the paper burn?” Daniel asked as he looked at Eclipse’s form.
“Yes, that was me.” Eclipse said as he grinned.
“Arsonist then, called it.” Daniel mumbled as he held onto his ponytail. “Just- What ARE you??”
“I am a fairy. I thought you humans would be able to recognize us better. Bummer you don’t.” Eclipse said.
“Fairies are fucking real?” Daniel mumbled.
Now Eclipse was looking at Daniel who was having an existential crisis over what is real and what is not. It was rather amusing for Eclipse to see a human in distress like this.
“Okay, uhhh, who are you?” Daniel asked.
“Why should I tell you my name?” Eclipse asked the human, tilting his head a bit.
“Because if I don’t have a name, Imma just call you Mosquito because you came in, decided to freak me out on stream, and the pointy nose also reminds me of a mosquito.” Daniel said.
“Do NOT call me mosquito!” Eclipse growled at the human boy.
“Then give me a name to call you! It’s not that hard!” Daniel said. “It’s either that, Mosquito or Mosco cause you are rather big for a mosquito.”
Eclipse was getting rather annoyed at this human. He’s in the presence of a fairy, a real life fairy, and he dares insult him like this? Humans haven’t changed, he guessed.
“Fine. It’s Eclipse.” Eclipse huffed.
“Thank you for giving me a name. I’m Daniel, nice to meet ya. Why are you in my house?” Daniel asked.
“I’ve been… wandering around the place recently. Just trying to see how things have changed in the human world is all. I haven’t been here in quite a while.” Eclipse said as he took out his wings and flew around the room, staring at everything.
“Oh! Okay, I see. So, you were somewhere else then?” Daniel asked.
“Something like that, yeah.” Eclipse said as he looked at a bundle of plushies of some characters before flying over to the unfinished suit.
A bit ominous to Daniel’s liking but it was fine.
“What’s this?” Eclipse asked as he stared at the suit.
“Oh, that’s a suit someone commissioned me to make for them. It’s still a work in progress.” Daniel said.
Eclipse decides to be a lil evil shit and summons a flame in his hand. However, he was drenched in the foam from before, causing his fire to die.
“Hey!!” Eclipse yelled in annoyance.
“Do NOT try and ruin it, I spent WEEKS working on that!” Daniel said as he glared at the fairy.
“Oh please, like it’ll matter in the end.” Eclipse hissed at the human.
“It still matters to me. Just because you are a magical creature does not mean you are entitled to destroy the hard work of others. Calm your damn shit or I will make you!” Daniel said.
“Oh yeah? And how will you do that?” Eclipse asked with a challenging grin.
“You may not be a mosquito or a fly but I can take you out like such still. I am NOT afraid to swat you!” Daniel said as he crossed his arms.
Both human and fairy stared each other down for a long while, just glaring at each other. Eventually, Eclipse huffed and looked away.
“Whatever.” Eclipse mumbled.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a stream to get back to.” Daniel said as he walked over to his computer.
“What’s a stream?” Eclipse asked as he flew behind Daniel.
“It’s a way for me and my friends to make content for our channel, interacting with our viewers, all that.” Daniel said as he put his headphones on and unmuted himself. “Sorry guys, there was a big ass mosquito I had to deal with after the fire.”
Eclipse scrunched up his face at that but didn’t say anything as he sat on the desk. Daniel glanced at him but didn’t say anything. May as well let the fairy watch.
About two hours had passed and the stream was finally over. Daniel said bye to his friends and took off his headphones. Eclipse was still on the desk, looking curious at what he watched for the last 2 hours.
“What was all that?” Eclipse asked.
“What was what?” Daniel asked.
“All of that! The images were moving… and you controlled it with that… what’s that??” Eclipse asked as he pointed at the keyboard.
“My keyboard? Well, I sometimes use it to play games on my computer but other times I use a controller.” Daniel said.
“Controller?” Eclipse repeated.
“I’m gonna have to teach you everything don’t I?” Daniel mumbled. “Listen, I don’t mind helping you out with all this stuff, it’s very new to you, that is clear. But please don’t burn anything, I don’t want anything important to get damaged.”
“No promises~” Eclipse grinned, making Daniel sigh.
“Okay, whatever.” Daniel mumbled. “By the way, what’s up with your clothes?”
“My clothes?” Eclipse asked as he looked down at himself. “What’s wrong with them?”
“They look rather damaged. Plus you aren’t wearing any shoes.” Daniel said.
“I have not been able to get new clothes in a long time.” Eclipse mumbled.
“I see… Well, your clothes gotta be changed.” Daniel said.
“I am fine like this.” Eclipse said as he crossed his arms.
“Doubt it. I think I have some clothes your size, I do make mini clothes for dolls.” Daniel mumbled as he searched through some drawers.
“I am telling you, I am perfectly fine with what I am wearing.” Eclipse said, blowing smoke from his nostrils.
“Could have fooled me.” Daniel muttered as he found some small clothes. “There we go! Found em!”
“I am not wearing your human made drags!” Eclipse said with a glare.
“Come on, it’ll be fine!” Daniel said.
“No way!” Eclipse exclaimed before taking out his wings and flying out of Daniel’s room.
“Hey hey, don’t fly away like that! My parents could be in the apartment!” Daniel yelled as he ran after Eclipse.
Daniel and Eclipse went through a cat and mouse chase for a while, Daniel occasionally having to save some stuff that was knocked off by Eclipse flying around. Luckily, Daniel’s parents were still busy with the bakery so they didn’t see the scene that was happening at the moment. After a while, Daniel was able to catch and swaddle Eclipse in a fluffy towel, one of those small ones used to dry your hands. Eclipse was a huffy and struggling mess until he eventually gave up. He could have burned the towel easily but it actually felt kinda nice, not like he would admit it.
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“Listen, I won’t force you to wear the clothes. At least TRY them and if you don’t like them, ya can keep wearing your old clothes.” Daniel said as he brought back a swaddled Eclipse to his room.
“Ugh, fine. Whatever.” Eclipse huffed as Daniel unwrapped him from the towel. “You really made these yourself?”
“Mmhmm! I have wanted to be a fashion designer one day so I have been practicing ever since I was a kid. I think I became quite decent at it.” Daniel said rather proudly.
“Right.” Eclipse said as he took the clothes and looked them over.
“BRB, I gotta check on the bakery.” Daniel said as he walked out of the room, closing the door.
Eclipse watched as Daniel left. How odd, he could easily destroy everything that Daniel loved right at that moment when he was gone but he still trusted him? A naive kid. A nice one but still naive.
Eclipse looked back at the clothes.
Maybe he could wait for a few days before causing much damage… The clothes don’t seem that bad anyway.
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(This was so fun to write! Fairy Eclipse belongs to @ayyy-imma-ninja, hope I did the boy Justice lol! Daniel/Aspen is my Oc, I love him! Hope you enjoyed this!)
((Bonus: Daniel’s avatar, Aspen, in Autumn form!))
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scarlettscribbles · 7 months
a little help from your family (1/2)
PART OF neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons by the sea DRABBLE SERIES ↠ masterlist
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- Lucy Gray Baird & Daughter!OC, endgame Lucy Gray Baird x Coriolanus Snow
Summary: 1.4k words - Tigris meets her niece.
a/n: adding a tags-list for all those that want to be updated when i update this drabble series! just comment below or send me an ask
tags-list: @cdragons
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Coryo came back from District 12 triumphant but different. Tigris had expected him to come back with the Victor girl — with his Victor girl — but he only came back with an emptiness in his eyes, molding him into a man that was supposed to be long dead.
It sowed the seeds of fear in her, fear that she tried so hard to smother because that was her boy. That was her Coryo. The little cousin who clung to her so tightly during the nights when hunger pains would send them crying, the boy who’d sought out her comfort time and time again, who’d come to her first with every achievement. She’d once told him that he could be good, something she’d wholeheartedly believed at the time, but now… Now it’s less of a belief and more of a desperate hope.
Their penthouse grew brighter and more opulent. Their fridge was always stocked, sometimes obscenely so. Grandma’am glowed with happiness and Tigris tried her best to mimic the same. Oh for certain there were good times, still. The day Coryo surprised her with a sewing machine and a chest full of rich fabrics and materials, he’d been so giddy and proud, looking to her for approval. Tigris had given it to him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek. They had passed the time talking— well, it was mostly Tigris talking, ranting about the new designs she was going to be able to try out, flitting about the room and showing Coryo her sketches for him.
The moment had been cut short when an alarm rang, reminding Coryo of a meeting with Dr. Volumnia Gaul.
Moments like that were few and far in between. As Coryo grew more powerful, the distance between grew, the space in his life that provided him guidance occupied by someone else. Someone who had been able to help him more than Tigris could, despite her best efforts. Being displaced was such a sore feeling. Tigris hated Dr. Volumnia Gaul for pouring poison in Coryo’s ears, but she knew that Coryo had made a choice too.
Tigris drowned herself with work, using her creations as some sort of escape. She became proficient and famous enough to no longer work under Fabricia, likely thanks in part of Coryo’s influence who had been insistent that he only wore out clothes of her making. Tigris found a temporary joy in it, that was, until Coryo informed her that he found a spot for her as a designer in the upcoming 11th Hunger Games.
It made her sick. All the new "improvements" to the Games made her sick. The Capitol loved it, of course. As if the glitz and glamor can cover up the mountain of dead bodies and the smell of blood.
Her only consolation had been Mrs. Plinth, who she’d grown close to. She was sympathetic to the tributes, though highly cautious of expressing it. More so since her son had died, Tigris thought.
Her first tribute was a kind girl from District 4 who later went on to win, to Tigris’ guilty relief. On their first meeting, Mags Flanagan asked her about Lucy Gray Baird. Tigris nearly cried at that moment, feeling grateful that someone else besides her still remembered the songs and colors of the girl who changed her life.
Coryo’s constant brushing off of her questions regarding Lucy Gray had made Tigris fretful of the fate of the young woman, thinking that he might have done something to her. There must have been something that happened to turn the smitten boy with lovesick eyes into a hateful, unyielding man whenever Lucy Gray was mentioned.
“It was a lapse of judgment, Tigris. We realized we had diverging paths. I wanted to go back here in the Capitol and she—“ He turned away from her, but not before she got a glimpse of the strange look on his face. “She wanted to sing in the woods forever.”
It was not long after that that Tigris decided to move out of their penthouse and into the apartment above her own shop. She had felt guilty for doing so, leaving her Grandma’am in the primary care of Mrs. Plinth, but she made sure to visit often. Tigris hadn’t been sure if it was a good choice, but now…
“Is that you, Lucy Gray? Lucy Gray Baird?” Tigris asked before realizing the urgency of the situation. She didn’t wait for an answer, already ushering them in.
Lucy Gray smiled tiredly as Tigris led them into the waiting of her store. She immediately sat down, sighing as she shifted the bundle in her arms. Flaxen locks peeked from underneath the coat.
“Are— are you alright?” Lucy Gray looked no less beautiful than she had five years ago, last she’d seen her on the screen. She looked more mature now, though, sad and worried.
“Tigris I apologize for coming so suddenly. I know we don’t really know each other apart from whatever Coriolanus has said but I really, really don’t know where to go to.” she said in a rush, barely breathing between each word. “My daughter, my Annie, she’s sick and the doctor said she needed a heart transplant or else—“ Lucy Gray sobbed, a lone, heartbreaking sound. Tears streamed down her face.
“Lucy Gray breathe,” Tigris coaxed, hurriedly retrieving a piece of cloth from the scraps she had by her sewing machine. “I need you to breathe okay? I’m going to do my best to help you, but first I need you to breathe.”
Lucy Gray accepted the cloth, wiping her tears and composing herself. “I’m sorry again—“
“No need to apologize,” Tigris replied kindly, sitting across her visitors.
“I suppose introductions are in order,” Lucy Gray sniffed, sliding the hood of the coat of the bundle in her arms, kissing the child’s forehead before shifting them slightly so their face could be seen in the dim lighting. “This is my Annabel Rose Baird. She’s asleep now but she would love to meet you again when she’s awake.”
Tigris couldn’t hold back a gasp. “Oh, Coryo. What have you done?” Her mind ran wild with the possible reasons why Lucy Gray raised her daughter alone. "She looks a great deal like you."
"A great deal like him too," Lucy Gray responded. “Me and him, we weren’t planning on having Annie, it just kind of happened.
“See, we were supposed to go north to escape, to run away. He’d killed the mayor’s daughter, Mayfair, and another fella shot her boyfriend, Billy Taupe. The Peacekeepers were wantin’ to hunt down the culprits and the guns used. I was a major suspect since Mayfair hated me and Billy Taupe was my ex. I said I needed to go, he said he’d come with.
“While we were on the way, he told me he killed three people but I’d only known two of them. And he wouldn’t tell me the truth. I— I think it might have been Sejanus. Plinth. The other boy who’d been in the Peacekeepers with him? They played a recording when he was executed and he kept calling out for Coriolanus and his Ma when they hung him.” Lucy Gray shivered. “The mockingjays kept echoing his cries. It’s still in my nightmares even now.”
A small part of Tigris had suspected it, but to hear Lucy Gray’s confirmation was chilling. She felt so undeserving of the generosity of the Plinth’s.
“I wanted to tell him about Annie, I really did. For a moment, I entertained this fantasy of having a complete family, of my daughter never wanting for a missing presence in her life but, well, at that point I didn’t trust Coriolanus with anything. So I ran. Next I’d heard was him shoutin’ in the forest about me tryin’ to kill him. He started firing when he heard the mockingjays repeat my song.”
Tigris felt a bit sick at the onslaught of information. There was the difference between speculation and fact. “I’m sorry, Lucy Gray. I’m sorry that you had to do this alone.”
Lucy Gray looked at her daughter — Tigris’ niece, dear god — with so much love that it made her heart hurt. “It was fine. I wouldn’t have traded her for anything,” she said. “This isn’t the farthest I would go just to see her be alright.”
A tear slipped down Tigris’ cheek. “Tell me, Lucy Gray,” she said with as much sincerity as she could. “What do we have to do?”
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xhanisai · 6 days
Sleepy Cat
Pairing - All sides of the square
Prompt - 'Sleepy Cat'
Summary -
Marinette didn't know when it began or even how it all started. In fact, if anyone asked about anything regarding it, she'd come up blank because every time it did happen, she would internally crash and reboot in a non-stop cycle like a broken computer.
After all, what would anybody else do when the prettiest, warmest and sweetest blond boys in their lives use them as a makeshift pillow?
That's right.
One Adrien Agreste and one Chat Noir.
 Marinette didn't know when it began or even how it all started. In fact, if anyone asked about anything regarding it, she'd come up blank because every time it did happen, she would internally crash and reboot in a non-stop cycle like a broken computer. After all, what would anybody else do when the prettiest, warmest and sweetest blond boys in their lives use them as a makeshift pillow? That's right. Boys. One Adrien Agreste and one Chat Noir. One second Marinette, as Ladybug, would be fiddling with her yoyo after patrol either playing games or scrolling the internet and the next thing she knows, Chat Noir is fast asleep on her shoulder. Snoring his cute little snores and perfect long lashes fanning over his too-pretty cheekbones (that she sometimes wanted to bite for no good reason). And as if that wasn't enough, when she was sewing away on her machine as Marinette for her fashion projects or working on the umpteenth birthday present for the love of her life, in her humble abode, suddenly Chat Noir is asleep on her lap. His body on the floor and head on her thighs! She had no idea how he got in! Then somehow, the second she drops her guard and returns to her work, he disappears without her noticing! But of course, since fate loves to torture her, this wasn't just it. At school? During breaks or lunchtimes or even in the middle of group assignments for class? What do you know, Adrien Agreste is slumped against her whilst completely lost in his dreams! His head on her thighs and his arms around her waist like a clingy boyfriend who couldn’t go on for a second without having some form of physical contact. And the cherry on top???? When she saved Adrien as Ladybug? He fell asleep in her arms as she carried him away bridal style with his arms around her neck and his face pressed into her chest. Marinette was being tortured!!!
"Mec...? Hey, you gotta let Marinette go. Come on." Nino gently tried to rouse Adrien awake, feeling pity for the flustered girl who looked ready to pass out from the excessive physical touch from the boy she was determined to marry and have at least three children with. In actuality, Nino was genuinely worried that she was going to stop breathing any second from now with how she couldn’t make out a sound and the way her complexion only reddened further and further. Alas, it was no use. Adrien simply cuddled into Marinette even more with a grunt, his face hidden in her stomach so that all that peeked out was his fluffy hair and his arms tightening around her waist like a stubborn vice. "Adrieeeeeeeen?" Nino tried again, shaking Adrien's shoulder even harder but it was still useless. "Nooo...my Marinette...mine..." Were the first coherent (yet pitiful) words the blond groaned in his sleep after more shaking from his best friend. Nino sent a defeated look to the panicking Marinette and then shrugged his shoulders. He tried. "Well, since you want to marry him and he seems very into the idea of having you too…maybe more enthusiastically than we all anticipated…just use this as training in getting used to his affections," He sent a strained smile at the gaping girl and then walked away, ignoring how she reached out an arm and croaked out his name. She could have sworn he walked off even faster the more she directed her pleading eyes at him. "...I'm so doomed." Marinette finally muttered out loud to herself whilst Adrien snuggled into her even further.
 Had she been paying attention, she would have noted that he was purring.
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The Seamstress & The Baker (Peeta Mellark X Reader)
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Peeta stood still as the woman circled him measuring, writing and looking over him gauging size predictions.
“I’m Peeta” He broke the silence, scared and alone from the only other person he’d known. Peeta tried to make nice with those Effie had called his ‘Style Team’ Portia had left him in what she’d called capable hands of (Y/N) to take the measurements and prepare him for Cinna and her grand entrance they’d planned.
“I know I saw the show Katniss put on. Seems like you will have to catch up” (Y/N) swaggered around the room filled with items used to create all the most incredible outfits for the tributes.
“Wha… What do you mean?”
“Katniss, she’s the caring heart that volunteered for her sister. What pray tell is your thing?” She’d sat in a chair at that point comfortably crossing one leg over another, writing more notes in her small notebook. As Peeta realized he was now free to step down from the podium and sit beside her in the accompanying chair he continued.
“I’m a baker”
“I do not think a cake will be enough to sway the watchers” She leant over, placing the notebook onto a coffee table leaning back and digging her back further into the chair comforting herself.
“What do you think then?” Peeta was leant over watching (Y/N) arms braced on his legs as his only support. (Y/N) sighed as she turned to the screen featuring Peeta and Katniss’ tribute selection in district 12.
“You are very sweet and the way you look at Katniss. Use that, use your love, don't hide it. Be the boy who loves a girl you will be fated to kill or be killed by”.
“I don’t know what you mean. I don't have a crush on Katniss. I just don’t wanna die”
“You are a very sweet boy Peeta. I wish I could be like you but unlike you living in the capitol shows you how bad this all is I mean look around-’ (Y/N) spread her arms pointing to the whole room ‘-this all just for some stupid blood hungry game, I was picked young because so many of the seamstress’ had to leave overwhelmed seeing so many die this isn't easy Peeta you need to make a choice do you play the game or let the game play you?”
Peeta gazed over all the viewers as Katniss and he were pulled by horse through a long lane waving to all he looked to Katniss her face stone, scared or maybe meek he couldn’t tell quite yet as he passed a row he could see (Y/N) she looked over Peeta clasping her hands together signaling something to him it took a minute to catch on.
“And then
What is that in the background?” The commentators reviewing the tributes' entrances stopped at a pair from district 12.
“Come on. They'll love it.” Peeta whispered to Katniss, grabbing her hand once again, hoisting them high above their heads for all to see as (Y/N) clapped her hands at Peeta’s gesture.
“Now see that! I love that.
Two young people, holding their hands up!
Saying; ‘I'm proud, I'm from District 12.
We will not be overlooked!’
I love that.
People are sure to be paying attention to them right now.”
“You did good Peeta” (Y/N) could tell when Peeta entered the room he carried himself lower than a capital citizen and not many of the other tributes walked around the seamstress quarters their stylists normally handled. (Y/N) wondered if some even knew where it was knowing that some of the higher districts would demand their measurements taken in their apartments not bothering to meander about a place they didn’t want to be.
“Thanks for the suggestion” He stood around awkwardly waiting for (Y/N) to turn and face him, her back all he could see as she bent over a sewing machine the sound of which had stopped the minute the door opened.
“What do you need, do any of the clothes not fit?” She turned to face him looking over his attire, a piece she’d made from Portia's suggestion designed to look as if lava had fallen onto him.
“No I’m all good” He moved to a chair near (Y/N) making himself comfortable before facing her again.
“The interviews are coming soon”
“Yes, do you know what you are saying yet? I’m sure Effie and Haymitch have prepared you?” She pulled up the suit she was making from Katniss’ measurements designed by the game stylists out of the sewing machine letting it fall in front of her giving a cursory check before putting it aside and putting all her focus on Peeta.
“No Haymitch said to just keep doing the loverboy act and Effie’s just happy I smile unlike Katniss.” (Y/N) giggled at Peeta’s comment.
“Katniss can be hard to read but like you she is scared and just coping with this how she can”
“So what do you think?” Peeta looked to (Y/N) as her head tilted.
“What do you mean?” She shook her head and started to read from her notebook on Peeta’s measurements and needs for his game suit. Peeta grabbed the book from her hands, putting it behind him where (Y/N) couldn't reach it.
“I mean the interviews the hand hold worked I thought maybe you’d have some more ideas” He held (Y/N) back from trying to grab her notebook from him. Exasperated by her failed attempts she slumped in the chair and sighed at Peetas annoying antics.
“Why should I help you if you will just steal my things?” She smirked at the game, a welcome distraction from the work she’d been put through by the other seamstress’ all had goals to complete their work even if it meant fighting each other to leave early.
“Because you care? Hopefully, you've helped so far?”
“Fine you are lucky I like you” She instead turned to clean her station making her mind up to come in early tomorrow instead of continuing now that the tribute was annoying her so.
“Drop the bomb”
“What bomb” noticing her cleaning her gave back the notebook. (Y/N) carefully packed it away in her bag as she shifted it onto her back.
“Tell them just who you are fighting in the arena, let them know the love story they can expect” She turned to stand and leave as Peeta followed her.
“Where are you going?” She turned to look at Peeta. He looked tired, scared but alone mostly. She could understand the feeling of displacement he must’ve felt she’d felt it so many times before.
“I have some things to finish for school. They cannot be left waiting but do not worry, I will be waiting for you after your interview”.
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seth-burroughs · 2 months
I think many fanfics or other works featuring Yomi depict him as like Way Too Serious than he actually is like. That's the guy who mastered the skill to ugly cry on command just so he can mock pretend to be distraught at Seth's heinous atrocities (pointed out by his gf of course) before sending him to the chopper this is the only scene where he did so they even gave him like three unique sprites just for that. This is the man that upon watching the liveleak footage of the submarine explosion (whilst using his gf as a seat) exclaimed in the most enthusiastic voice "KABOOM!! It sank all right! Haha!" in front of tens of his men completely unbothered, minutes later after the woman cube incident he says "alllll right now let's go and find the corpses of those detectives that got blown up :)" with his hand up in the air. And that is after his cube scene. And I cannot state this enough, the Cube Machine was not specifically just made as a one time thing for Martina, the weirdly passionate way he speaks about The Cube, stating he's gonna carry the woman flesh cube on his form at all times in front of tens of his men once a-fucking-gain, the goddamn "even humans can be turned into pretty (highlighted in game.) little cubes" line that even I can't fucking decipher is just... he's just really obsessed with the Cube object. There is no normal (well, as normal as attempting to turn your gf into a cube can be) explanation for this. Plus, invented detectivephobia, according to some people. Even if he claims to Makoto, he can easily also be just... gently coaxed by him just politely saying "please🥺" once, into letting an alleged terrorist completely off the hook, that he wanted to capture and torture so bad before that point. He fumbles his insults so fucking tragically "that's even more impossible than a chance meeting between an umbrella and a sewing machine on an operating table" "empty headed balloon boy" so far I can name only one (1) that actually landed, and that's debatable too. After momentarily getting rid of Makoto resulting in him being alone in the room with Yuma (the goons don't count as people), literally after 2 seconds with the tiny wretch his first question is "what even are you. why do you exist. you aren't from this city. you aren't a detective. so what point is there in your existence :/ not like i care anyway... take him away girls" (what was he on about, how did he know yuma is and isn't a detective, guess you will never know). The "YUOUR IN NO POSITION TO ORDER AROUND THE GREAT YOMI!!1!11". His honest reaction to Makoto getting those documents is to start screeching "CAPTURE HIM EXECUTE HIM CHOP HIS HEAD OFF CRUSH HIS SKULL!!!!!!!!". That was my hopefully comprehensive Yomi moment scene list. Let Yomi be silly and deeply, incredibly unserious. Cringe, even. I am begging. While he can absolutely act intimidating when he wants to, he usually fucks it up like, 3 minutes in with his uncontrollable desire to be the goofiest guy in the room. Genuinely tragic
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megalony · 1 year
Look at us- Part 2
This is the second part of my new Henry Cavill series, I hope you will all like it, feedback is always lovely to have.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn @dreaming-about-fanfictions @afro-hispwriter​  
Summary: After losing a baby a few months ago, (Y/n) is still suffering horrible back pains that she needs strong painkillers to manage. But she has to be okay and in control to look after her family and she knows she is relying too much on pills to gain back her life and control.
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With a bright smile on her face, Ella threw the crayons back into the plastic tub and closed the lid with an air of accomplishment about her. Her head swayed along with the song on the CD player next to her and she hummed the tune while she walked over to the bookshelf they used for toys and games.
Her bright blue eyes glanced around her before she put the crayon box back and slowly pulled out the blue plastic box with a sticker on that said 'Jesse'.
Ella didn't think it was fair that Jesse got to have special pens and erasers because she too liked them.
The blue box was full of erasers that looked like small toys, there were ones made like food, such as a burger or chips or a milkshake. Others were cars, animals and even a small sewing machine eraser. But the better ones were the plain rectangle erasers that had different smells; Ella loved the blueberry one. They were sensory to Jesse, he wouldn't try and eat the erasers for some reason even though he had PICA, he would sit and smell them for ages and throw them around. And some of the felt-tip pens he had were ones that smelt too, cherry, orange, strawberry, lemon.
It didn't seem fair that all of the fun ones were Jesse's. He didn't take care of them like Ella did hers, Jesse would blunt the felt-tip pens and ruin the ink and he would snap pencils and he threw the erasers. Ella never did that.
But she knew what her dad said. She couldn't play or use them if she was around Jesse because they were his and he got upset if she used his things. He didn't like sharing, he didn't understand how to share and the way to teach him was to have seperate things for all the kids.
When the conservatory door squeaked open, Ella was quick to shut the lid and push the box back into its usual place, feeling relieved when she saw it was only Brodie coming into the room.
"Mum said we're going out now." Brodie motioned with his hand for Ella to follow him and he waited patiently for her to grab her picture from the table which she held like it was made out of gold dust.
"I'm going to show mummy my picture," She proudly held it out towards him, her smile reaching her eyes as they walked through the kitchen until Brodie stopped.
"You can't show mum this."
"Why not?"
Ella turned around so abruptly she almost bashed into the kitchen table. Her smile quickly turned into a frown and her foot stomped against the floor as she waited for her brother to say something mean or silly about her picture. She could do what she wanted. (Y/n) loved all her pictures and Henry put them up on the wall in the play room or even on the fridge if he was especially proud.
"You've put Lilah on it," Brodie's voice came out as a small whisper and he did a quick sweep of the kitchen, making sure their mum wasn't around to hear him. He was the eldest, he was the big brother and he was used to looking after Ella and helping care for Jesse. Their dad treated him like a big boy, he gave him responsibilities and they had grown-up chats too.
Henry had to explain to Brodie that Lilah had passed away but with Ella, all he could say was she had gone to heaven because she was only five and she didn't understand what it truly meant or how much it hurt. Brodie on the other hand, could see how drastically it had changed (Y/n) to lose Lilah and how heartbroken it had rendered his dad.
He had also been told by his dad that he shouldn't talk about Lilah unless it was absolutely necessary because it was too upsetting, especially for (Y/n). They would always acknowledge Lilah's existence and would always love her, but for now, it was too hard to talk about.
"She's my sister, nanny said we can still tell people we have a baby sister, even if she isn't here."
She had drawn a family picture of all of them, it seemed natural and the right thing to do to add Lilah on there as well. Ella had never seen her. She briefly remembered patting and kissing (Y/n)'s tummy a few times. And she knew the picture in the living room was of Lilah, swaddled up in a lavender blanket and little white hat on her small head.
What kind of big sister would she be if she didn't put her little sister on the family picture?
"Yeah, but dad said talking about her upsets mum, it'll make her cry. Put it away and show dad when he comes home."
"Ella, put it away."
With a huff and another shake of her head, Ella made sure to stomp her feet as she left the kitchen to go to her room and put the picture away safely until her dad came home. He would appreciate her drawing, even if Brodie didn't.
"Can we go to the park?"
Turning her head, (Y/n) looked over at Brodie who had one hand subconsciously holding onto the handle of the pram out of habit and instinct. He was looking around the pharmacist like it was some kind of shop of wonder and every person was someone he could watch and study.
"If you want to." Something close to relief broke out on (Y/n)'s face and made her smile as she thought to herself.
She could actually walk today.
Sometimes, it felt like her pain was just imaginary, that she was having some kind of phantom symptom or part of a psychosis where she didn't actually have the pain at all. The other day she couldn't get down the stairs on her own and Henry had taken to carrying her up and down the stairs, insisting that he would rather carry her than watch her be in pain. But today, (Y/n) could properly stand up straight and walk without being doubled over.
Going to the park was on the way home anyway and it would do her some good to keep moving around. She was at risk for blood clots on a normal day which was why she was usually active and being a mum made her very busy. Being pregnant increased her risk of blood clots and she'd had two already, moving around significantly reduced the risks and it did feel good to be back to being mobile again.
"Prescription for (Y/n) Cavill," (Y/n) pushed the pushchair forward to the desk and handed over her paper prescription.
It was a relief that her doctor didn't ask to assess her again, instead she just re-ordered (Y/n)'s tramadol when she said the pain hadn't gone away yet. It was less hassle and so much easier to just stay on the tablets, just for now. They did help when the pain was excrutiating and even though she was feeling better, (Y/n) wanted to be safe.
She needed to have them on hand in case in the morning, she was back to being hunched over or even if she laid down tonight and she couldn't get a wink of sleep.
They were a necessity to have around the house or in her bag, just in case. It just meant that she didn't tell Henry she'd got them again. He had got her some other soluble painkillers that were supposed to be good and effective when he knew her tramadol had run out. She couldn't tell him she'd collected some more because he was starting to worry she was taking them for too long and if he knew (Y/n) took an extra one here and there to manage the pain, he would only worry.
(Y/n) didn't want him worrying any more than this, she was relying on him a lot as it was. He doted on her, carried her up the stairs, comforted her when she was sobbing in agony and he did anything he could to help. She couldn't worry him in return.
She slipped the small square box of tablets into her bag and turned the pram around, guiding them all out with Brodie on her right and Ella holding her other hand.
A smile bubbled up on (Y/n)'s face when she felt a pair of strong arms suddenly enveloping around her waist and a chin perching on her shoulder. She could feel Henry's breaths tickling against the side of her neck and his chest rumbled against her back as he murmured something she couldn't make out.
She knew he had come home, all the kids had rallied to the front door to bombard him when they heard his car pull up in the drive. Even Jesse had gone towards the commotion with a chew toy hanging from his mouth and a cheesy grin on his little face.
Brodie had told him they had gone to the park and that Jesse had loved the roundabout, Ella had demanded he look at her new drawing she did earlier and Henry had obliged. Seemingly disappearing with their brood until he silently crept into the kitchen and surprised (Y/n).
"Are you feeling better?"
Henry kissed the side of (Y/n)'s neck and held her tighter to his chest when he was sure that she wasn't in pain. He closed his eyes and smiled to himself, breathing in her scent. It surprised him to see her standing up straight today when he came into the kitchen but it was a welcomed surprise. He had left early this morning and he almost didn't go to his press meeting today in case (Y/n) was still in a bad state. He didn't want her continuously going up and down the stairs if she couldn't stand straight or running around after the kids.
But he was more than happy to see his wife finally able to stand up alone, unaided and seemingly without much discomfort or pain.
"Hm, a lot better today. Managed to walk all the way to the park and back."
"That's great, keep taking the painkillers for it though, don't want you waking in the morning and being back to square one again." Henry knew one good day like today could spread and last for a week or it could vanish in the morning as if it was all just a dream.
(Y/n) needed to continue taking something for the pain even if she was feeling a lot better. They needed to play it safe and make sure the edge was taken off until she was fully better again.
"I will,"
With a soft smile, (Y/n) slowly turned around in Henry's arms until they were facing each other and his bright, toothy grin made her knees go weak. And when he leaned down to kiss her, she could have melted right there on the spot.
Her arms moved to loop lazily around his neck and his arms tightened even more around her and tugged her closer to his chest like he was trying to merge them together. It felt good to be held like this again and to cling to him without needing to be lifted up to relieve any pain. It was thrilling to be back in Henry's arms for love, not for pain relief or comfort to take her mind off the agony she had been feeling.
"I've missed you," Her words were murmured against his lips when he leaned down to kiss her, his light stubble tickling her cheek.
"Don't worry baby, I'm all yours tonight."
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rederiswrites · 7 months
The in-laws are coming today. Our relationship with them has been very subtly strained--well, always, actually, because they're very committed to being suburban and 'normal' and then, well...then there's us. But a few months back, under stress, his mom freaked out and yelled at me, which was a first-ever experience which has really distressed Jacob, in his quiet way. He doesn't blame me, no, he entirely considers it his mom's problem, which is...the problem. I mean, not a lot we can do to change our behavior if it's not our fault.
The most fascinating thing she yelled at me was "why do you always have to be in charge?!" Which was like...well. You're working with fabric I bought, on garments I chose, for my children, to wear on my family vacation, in my house, with my sewing machine so like, if there's somebody ELSE who could possibly be in charge here, please show me, because I would like a nap! Yeah, I come back to that one a lot. Fascinating.
So, yeah-- to reiterate, the in-laws are coming today. I've washed the cabinets. I've scrubbed the kitchen floor. I've cleaned all the door knobs. I washed the cat (the old one can't keep himself clean any more. I didn't actually give him a bath, which I'm not sure either of us would survive. Just a thorough wet-wipe and brush). We cleaned the boy's room, which was...a horror show. I won't give details. We finished painting the bathroom that we started painting this summer. I put away the DND game and the faience supplies that have been sitting in a corner since spring and the seeds and TWO chess boards. I pinned pretty rectangles of felted sweater, with the two-tone border cutely out, over the filthy armchair arms.
The house is still a cluttered mess, the furniture is still shabby, and the whole thing is still silly because the problem wasn't us to begin with. But hey, I really like those cute armchair covers and the cat smells a little better. They won't make my mother in law love me, but they do make sitting in that chair nicer, and to be quite frank, I sit in that chair way more than I think about my mother in law.
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geonppangi · 1 year
now that we know that zb1 is getting a show, here are some variety content i want to see
one thing that i don’t really love about variety shows is sometimes they designate one member as the mc/judge because they have an odd number. which is fair! but also i like seeing everyone be able to participate, so i thought it’d be fun if they compete individually or in groups of 3 and then have an expert come in to moderate. so everyone can do it and it would be more educational for everyone too lmfao
also mnet if you’re reading this, feel free to steal these ideas. i want to see these happen so badly
art episode
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yes this is because i want to see ricky kill it like????
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but i’m also really curious to know how good the other members are at art
maybe like a the members draw each other?? and they can pair up the members who don’t know each other that well
or they can choose what medium they want to use and do like something that represents their upcoming debut like a collage or smth like that
i love mixed media can one of them pls do it
or!!!!! they can do a design contest for the fanclub mascot and we can all vote lmao
so like bts with bt21
would also be a really cute way to introduce the name like maybe the members find out at the beginning of the episode and then based on what they drew we can try to guess what our name is
the potential is endless i’m telling you
i could see them either inviting an actual artist in to help or just straight up letting them go wild
but ricky is their expert
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so i just found out after writing this whole thing that jiwoong is also good at art?? ^^his art
so if he and ricky are the new experts now
i think it’d be cool to see them collaborate on a piece and it would be very chill
while in the bg you just hear the members losing it
cooking/baking episode
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similar to the cake decorating they did during the finale
i’m also thinking like seventeen’s cooking segments?
we can do teams of 3
can be same format as when they were preparing for their performances on boys planet but instead of killing part, main vocalist, etc, it can be appetizer, entree, and dessert or something like that
to make it even more interesting, they can play a game to find out what ingredients they get or the secret ingredient that they have to work with
so either like the camping cooking segment or like the show mom vs chef where they get an unpopular ingredient and have to make it appetizing
OR no teams and everyone creates their own thing
and they invite a celebrity chef to come be their judge/mc
pls i need a gordon ramsay crossover
i want to see him and gyuvin interact like i cannot tell you why but yeah (also yes, gyuvin can speak english but idk how well)
halloween cosplay episode
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i might be biased because i am a cosplayer
but imagine a halloween themed episode where they have to make their own costumes
maybe they’re given like different fabrics or random clothes to work with
and they can figure out their own hair, makeup, and props too
i want at least one member to try sewing like i need to see it
they could invite special guests to come and teach them how to work with stuff like worbla or a sewing machine
and then at the end they have to model all of the costumes and film a dance practice in them because ofc they do
dorm content
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obviously we need some dorm vlogs!!
like if we could get an episode of the members balancing being idols and school for some of them
also a dorm moving in + bedroom decor episode
i’d love to see the members do challenges to win like a budget for their common space furniture
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and then an ikea vlog of them trying to get furniture in a certain amount of time maybe??
or it’s a scavenger hunt for money inside of ikea while they’re simultaneously looking for furniture
also cooking vlogs or maybe the members try to host a housewarming party
i’d literally cry if they plan a housewarming and then invite their friends from boys planet to come
please i just need to see dog union and junrae reunite
and imagine if we can get wumuti, seo won, woongki, and hwan hee
this is purely wish fulfillment but i want it so badly
and i want to see their skincare + morning routines
closet tour?? the boys shared their clothes so often on the show that it was hard to tell who wears what normally
pc decorating episode
could be an album unboxing episode
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and if the album itself has any sort of interactive element like how seventeen’s semicolon had the weaving kit then they could assemble that
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they can also get toploaders to decorate
it can be based on the pcs they pull because i have a strange desire to know what their pc luck is like
also i know this is sort of blasphemy but it is their album so ig they get a pass
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but imagine journaling but with the photobook and maybe stickers if they include any
in case you can’t tell, i want to see how artistic the boys are lmfao
amusement park episode
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we all knew this was coming
why are we surprised
hear me out, it’s a combo of an escape room and an amusement park
so like to escape the amusement park they need to collect clues which are scattered all around the park
some of the clues require them to go on the ride first
they can also be split up into teams of 3 maybe?? to see who can get out first
and the team that gets out last has to go on a ride that the other two teams pick
school episode
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i want yujin to be the teacher
and the rest of them are the students
and they all play some sort of character but like switched
watch sung hanbin and zhang hao switch
jiwoong and gyuvin
matthew and gunwook
this is purely because i need to see gunwook cringe while doing aegyo
gunwook our canadian oppa
tbh i think matthew can pull off the student president character
ooohhhh and he should debate too
and i saved the best for last
taerae and ricky switch, outfits and all
show and tell?? mini series
like i want each member to teach the other members a specialty of theirs
ig ricky’s was the art episode already so pretend that’s here
cafe episode
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yes this was inspired by my idea of hanbin teaching all of the members how to tut and waack
but i feel like that’s too easy, so how about having hanbin bring the group to his family’s cafe and they run it for a day LMAO
or maybe help run it…
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and hanbin’s mom can teach them (not hanbin bc cold injeolmi toast…)
i want gyuvin waiter like i cannot tell you why but
and taerae too bc the more i can see him smile the lighter my soul feels
and matthew waiter for the same reason ofc!!!
jiwoong making coffee, pls he has such barista vibes
hanbin on making hot desserts because i want him to redeem himself
and gunwook and yujin on decorating desserts because i also need them to redeem themselves for their cake
ricky on sodas and smoothies because his mocktail video was just too smooth like that’s what won me over
zhang hao on tea and tea lattes
idrk why but i feel like he’d be good on whisking matcha
like the violinist wrist yknow
strings ensemble episode
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also zhang hao teaching them how to play violin
he can also play piano and gunwook said that one of his goals was to learn how to play
so what if they make their own little strings ensemble with gunwook piano solo
you cannot tell me that gyuvin doesn’t give off double bass and taerae doesn’t give off cello energy
as a cellist, i’m claiming taerae
ricky would probably play violin, like it has very expensive vibes
and hanbin too because haobin violin lessons…can you see the vision
i think yujin and matthew would play viola. i don’t have any reasoning but ik some violists and they all have that energy
jiwoong gives me saxophone vibes 💀 but since we can’t have that, i’ll also give him the cello
it has a really warm and deep sound?? idk i feel like it suits him but maybe i’m going insane
wouldn’t it be so cute if they played an arrangement of their debut title track
also not alone would be soooooo cute
learning english episode
with our canadian oppa matthew
i think it’d be so funny if ricky and gyuvin pretended like they didn’t know any english
ik vancouverites don’t really have a “canadian accent” but i want matthew to mess with them by doing like a newfoundland accent so badly
or he just starts speaking french but with like an english accent and we see how long it takes the other members to figure it out
i feel like ricky would know but not say anything
debate episode
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so as we know, gunwook is a debate kid (i say that both lovingly and maliciously)
so essentially going seventeen’s debate night LMAO
i want the members to vote on something that they fundamentally believe to be true
like what way should toilet paper go
and then put them on the opposite team
BUT we follow actual debate rules so they have to do research and cite their sources
prepare objections, etc etc
all within like 15 minutes lmfao
musical episode pt 2
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but i specifically want them to write the whole thing
one team can write the script, another can write the music and choreograph and another can build the sets and plan costumes
as the resident actor, i nominate jiwoong to write the script and help direct
maybe gunwook for writing too? he’s a nerd and a debate kid so i feel like his writing must be good
literally the dream team i’m sobbing
ricky on set design and costumes because he’s an art kid so i trust him
and matthew too because his cake in the final episode was actually really cute??
not sure where i’d put gyuvin and yujin? maybe gyuvin on script writing so he can be with gunwook because i will never get sick of watching them interact
and yujin on set design?? but also yujin and jiwoong (T ^ T) and i want to see the sheer chaos that is gyuvin trying to build a set
maybe they can play rock paper scissors to figure it out
actually just a whole school performance episode or mini series??
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so each episode could be a different performance that they put on as a school recital
to perform for their parents LMAO (yes this is just the artist battle special star creator stage)
i need them to do a spoken word poem and or interpretive dance because i had to do that in elementary school and i need somebody else to share in my suffering
some ideas include: a poem about the importance of colours?? and a series of tableaus depicting the creation of the Canadian Pacific Railway
they could also do church plays but instead of stories from the bible they can be like korean folktales or disney ripoffs
and ofc they have to do the awkward singing and then doing hand movements that correlate to the lyrics of the song
could also be done with their debut track btw
i want fancams of all of this
sports day
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you know i had to do it
isac also works!! but idk if they're doing that so um
so with the summer olympics coming up in 2024, i think it’d be so funny if they do some summer olympics sports
volleyball segment for gunwook our resident haikyuu nerd please
and they can wear the uniforms from the anime too
please please please wakeone think about it
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also imagine a skateboarding episode?? idk why maybe it’s the north american but i feel like matthew would be surprisingly good at it?
also surfing?????
idk if the surfing scene in korea is good but if not they can always take a trip to hawaii or smth i certainly will not be complaining
esports + pc building episode
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listen we have 3 whole gamers in the group, this is kind of perfect
the gamers can be the captains of each team
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i want the lame ass esports poses and intros
and the stats too like imagine
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ALSO if you guys have seen the trash taste pc building special but think about the potential
so it’s partly based on skill and also how well they can build a pc
so they build the pcs and then play using the pcs
there should be a separate prize or bonus for building it the fastest (but not necessarily the best)
also i want the editing thing where they have an expert build the pc properly and then every time that the boys fuck up, the clip of them messing up is played right after the expert does it the correct way
think about the chaos
mock trial episode
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same sort of thing as the debate night but they have to represent their clients
i feel like sung hanbin would be the defendant like i have no evidence for this but i want someone to indict him
he just seems like he would be really good at pretending to have not committed a crime
and then 2 attorneys and 2 witnesses on each side
prosecutors: gunwook and zhang hao (imagine the haobin tension guys) (also gunwook just has major prosecution vibes idk what to tell you)
defence attorneys: matthew and gyuvin
prosecution’s witnesses: yujin and taerae
defence’s witnesses: jiwoong and ricky
i feel like gunwook and zhang hao would be really good and logical
but like how can you not want to trust matthew and gyuvin like they’re so sweet
also i need them for comedy
gyuvin would 100% object to random shit and i need that
i’m sorry but i can’t imagine yujin and taerae being very good witnesses so ig it balanced out gunwook and zhang hao?
and jiwoong and ricky would be AMAZING witnesses
like it took skill to not be evil edited so ricky would be able to keep his calm so well and jiwoong too like i would trust whatever they say
and the judge could be an actual lawyer they brought on as the expert for the episode
and the jury can be the staff lmfao
now what is hanbin’s crime you might be asking?
being too handsome tbh i have no idea maybe the fans can vote on it the week before or smth LMFAO
volunteering mini series!
it really warms my heart to see people give back to the community, especially idols because it inspires a lot of fans to do so too!
it’d be really nice if maybe as a holiday special? they went around to different places and volunteered to spread awareness for the causes
maybe it’d be better if they split up?
the members can choose what they’re passionate about too
my personal suggestions/ideas would be:
a retirement home (they can perform music for the elderly people there. i’m thinking zhang hao and taerae would be a good combo)
a hospital
a soup kitchen
a community centre (i’d love to see hanbin and gunwook teach after school dance lessons to children)
and the proceeds for the episode could go towards different charities or programs for these places (ie if they need more funding or renovations) as well as a link for fans to donate more to these places
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suppermariobroth · 6 months
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Mario Family was a Japan-only 2001 software for the Game Boy Color that was designed to let the console interface with a sewing machine via a special connection cable, enabling it to be used to send commands to the machine and let it sew Mario designs onto fabric.
Above is the data that the program sends to the machine to sew a Mario design, intercepted and recorded using external tools. The program sends eight different colored images, each causing the machine to sew parts of the pattern in that color, before finishing with the outline at the end.
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fan-mans · 5 months
I heard your taking hc requests, so I'd love to know how it would be like if little Mac spent time with any of the boxers (also happy belated birthday!)
Thanks! And sorry this is like a week late- I got busy lmao.
Anyways! Wee fun mac hc time!!
Joe: Mac and Joe hanging out would be 1 of 2 options. Either they're going to a small bookstore and then a coffee shop just to chill n read. Or Mac is dragging Joe to his friend's house so they can all watch scurry movies with his goth buds. No in between and both enjoy both options equally.
Kaiser: Field trip. Literally, that's it. Kaiser would treat Mac like one of his students and take him to a museum or something. Mind you, it isn't a BORING museum- probably something sports related if anything- but it's not exactly what Mac pictured when he asked to hang out. They also get pizza and ice cream for lunch :)
Disco: Hanging out at Disco's place and just playing. They spend most of the time being silly with instruments and then wind down with some Mario party or something.
Hippo: Mac would end up learning a new language OR they'd end up playing with all of Hippo's hot wheels. Hippo is a big linguistics guy and Mac likes to listen to people talk so Mac would just end up sitting quietly the whole time while Hippo infodumps stuff at him. Hippo would also feed him and let him play with the hot wheels in his house if he's careful.
Hondo: They'd make cosplays and watch anime together! Mac's a p observant guy so he'd pick up on Hondo's sewing machine, ask about it, and they'd end up building some Naruto stuff from spare fabric from there. Lotsa fun!! They'd also go to a bunch of sushi restruants and try all they're stuff- til they're sick at least lol.
Bear: Hiking and magic animal adventures the whole way! Mac's a city kid through and through so the woods freak him out a bit- good thing Bear and his animal friends are there to ease his fears! Mac also ends up learning a lot about the ecosystem and plant life around where Bear lives so bonus points for cool learning stuff.
Tiger: Tiger would probably bore Mac with trying to teach him chess at first before switching to showing him how he makes his music. He'd also convince the boy to watch mlp with him and they'd just binge it until Doc calls asking where his boy is. Tiger would probably accidentally teach Mac poker. Whoops.
Don: Don would take him to a street fair or a market and IMMEDIATELY lose him. He'd spend the next 5 hours trying to hunt him down and end up finding him less than a foot of where he last saw him. After that, hand-holding is mandatory. They'd also get gelato together and watch Carmen do her clown shtick (Don won't shut up about how wonderful she is lol)!
Aran: Aran would treat him like one of his younger siblings and keep a hard eye on him. He'd take mac to an age and sensory appropriate place, so probably an art fair or a festival that he can easily escape if he needs to. He also makes sure Mac is fed a hearty meal, drinks water, and has as much fun as possible. No way in hell is he gonna get caught being an irresponsible adult when they're together. He's also teach Mac an artsy thing or two (Basic painting, welding, sculpting, etc.)
Soda: Soda would definitely be an irresponsible adult around Mac and overfill him with fun things. They'd go to a big ass amusement or water park together, eat nothing but soda and sugar, and they'd fuck around until they're left overstimulated and sick. Doc and/or Bull has to come and pick them up.
Bull: Inside activities ONLY. No way is Bull going out. But they end up having fun with puzzles and making friendship bracelets. They play Mario kart and then some more chill games and get pizza too!
Macho: Swimming all day for sure. Mac doesn't know how to swim so Macho ends up having to teach him the basics but they have fun either way. And after they're all done and sunburnt, they go inside and play halo and drink capri sun until Doc picks Mac up.
Sandy: Another responsible adult! He wouldn't have much of a plan per se, so him and Mac would end up goofing off in random parts of whatever city they're in- going to parks, the zoo, a museum, whatever until they're tuckered out.
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dia-souls · 1 year
🥀 Subayui fanfic 🥀
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Pairing : Subaru 🗡️ and Yui🌸
Author: Admin Ava
Genre: Smut, NFSW, Sexual Themes
Chapter : 2 ( ending )
Warning: ⚠️ This fanfic includes NSFW please read at your risk and if you are uncomfortable with the themes of this story then I recommend you read more of the light hearted ones we have created. ⚠️
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🌹 ~ Sweet Rose~ 🌹
Yui immediately hopped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Her whole body felt this intense heat coming from inside and a dew lingered on her skin which made her feel gross. Once she reached the bathroom she frantically turned on the tap and splashed ice-cold water on her face. Her mind was still reeling from that extreme dream she just had.
What exactly was that-she thought as she splash more and more water on her face trying to extinguish the fire that was still burning nonstop in her gut. After a few minutes, Yui turned off the water and slumped on the bathroom floor to catch her breath. The heat in her stomach had reconciled just a bit to where it was less uncomfortable. Her hair was damped and strains were stuck to her wet cheeks. Her nightgown was completely soaked throughout and to top it all off, she had ruined panties. “Haah….just what had happened? Why was I having that dream about me and Subaru-Kun?! I feel like such a pervert! How will I even be able to show my face to him tomorrow? Ugh!”
Yui crouch herself into a ball and stayed like that for a while until she had enough strength to get up and go back to her room. After witnessing the horror of the “mess”, she left on the bedsheets, she immediately ripped them off her bed and race down to the laundry room, shoving her sheets in the washing machine. She wiped the sweat off her brow and lean on the dryer until her stuff finish. She prayed to god that nothing like that would ever happen again.
Little did she know, it appears that karma was inching to punish.
For 5 days. Five unbearable intense days. Yui would go to bed and each time she would have a different dream involving Subaru and herself. And each time she would wake up a mess, unable to think straight and feeling as hot as a volcano. During those days she avoids Subaru at all costs. If he was walking down the hall, she walk the other way. If they were in the limo, she wouldn’t sit beside him. And if they were having dinner, she would be on the other side of the table.
Yui hated that she had to avoid him but she didn’t have a choice. If got within one centimeter of him, she might combust on impact. The best thing to do is lay low and wait till these horrid dreams disperse. However, what she hadn’t known was, Subaru had caught on to her strange behavior over the past week and it was starting to piss him off.
When he tries to corner her about it, she finds some way to escape or would avoid him entirely. Like every time she was around for even just a second, her face would become a tomato red color and she would run away like triplets were chasing her. It began to bug him each time she made an effort to pretend that he wasn’t there, and after the fifth day, he had enough of this cruel game she was playing. He was going to find out one way, or another.
On the sixth night, Yui was in her room, sewing up a tear in her uniform and reading a book on dreams that Ruki had given her. She wanted to know the cause of her perverted dreams but was way too embarrassed to tell someone. Especially the boys. She felt ill just even imagining what they would say to her if they found out about her annoying problem. They tease the living crap out of her and call her rude names than something probably even worst!
“Ah. I can’t think straight! What’s wrong with me? Those dreams have been plaguing my mind since Wednesday. If I have another one I might just go crazy!” She sighed. “I need something to calm my nerves. Hmm, maybe a glass of cold water might help.” Yui got up from her bed and smooth out the wrinkles in her new nightgown. Her old one had been batter and beaten by the boys, not to mention that it was the poor subject of all her dreams.
She went to go buy a new one but when she arrived at the store, she was pressured by one of the staff women to buy a white lacy one that was much shorter than her previous one. No matter how many times she tried to pull it down, it would always come back up. Another thing she wasn’t so keen on was how the gown showed off her cleavage. Once again she tried to pull it up but it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Luckily a white cardigan came with the outfit so she was still able to cover up. She opened her door and made sure the coast was clear before heading downstairs.
Once she made her way to the kitchen, she didn’t turn on the light to make sure she wouldn’t wake anyone. So she used her phone’s flashlight to find the correct cabinet that held the glasses. The good news she found the right cabinet, the bad news is that it was high up which meant she was going to have to get on her tippy toes.
Yui placed her phone down on the counter and reached with all her might to open the cabinet. As she was doing so, her cardigan began to slide off her shoulders but she was too focused on the task at hand to notice. “Just a little more! Who thought it was a good idea to put the cups on the tallest shelf? Doesn’t Reiji know that some of us can’t reach that high? Ok, I’ve almost…go it…just a bit-“ As Yui's finger grazed the handle, another hand popped up from behind and open it.
Yui felt present behind her. She had thought it might’ve been Reiji who had come to scold her about being up so late. However, when she turned around to apologize, there, was the same man that she so desperately tried to avoid for the past week.”S-Subaru?!” Yui jumped back in surprise. She tried to back away from him but remember that there was a counter right behind her.
Yui looked at Subaru. He too was dressed in causal night clothes consisting of a plain black shirt with grey pants. His hair looked freshly washed and straightened but compare to how deadly his eyes looked. She knew she wasn’t about to leave easily.
“Oi. Why are you up? Shouldn’t you be asleep in your room like a good girl?” Yui held her breath as Subaru walked closer to her. The effects of his presents were taking a toll on her body. She was so flustered but there was no way she could let Subaru know that.” I wanna t-to get a glass of water.” Yui whispered as she fiddled with her hands trying to look at anything but his face. Subaru set down the cup and pushed Yui more into the counter then pressed his taller body against her shorter one.
“You’ve been actin’ real weird lately. I’ve been tryin’ to talk to you for a whole week now but it seems like you’ve been avoiding me” Yui immediately tensed up! Oh no he found out? Was she that obvious? Yui lips quivered as she looked for a way to escape. She thought about slipping past him but he was already one step ahead of her. Subaru slammed his hands on the counter, blocking the poor girl from any chance of escape. “Honestly, did you think that I wouldn’t find out about your strange behavior? God, you are stupid aren’t you? If anything your little stunt has been pissing me off and I think you should take responsibility.”
Subaru grabbed Yui by the wrist and pulled her out of the kitchen. Yui tried her best to plead with the vampire to let her go, but he was having none of it. After this bullshit week, he thought it was time they had a little chat. Subaru had taken them to his bedroom and pushed her in. Yui stumbled and fell back on top of his coffin.
Subaru locked the door and went up to the frightened girl who was frantically looking for a place to run. Subaru grabbed her by the arms and pinned her down. “Now, tell me. Why the fuck have you been ignoring me like I’m so kind of a virus?!” Yui stayed silent. How is earth was she supposed to tell him about her dreams? The embarrassment was too much to bare.” Tch. If you don’t answer me then I’ll just have to ask your body.”
Subaru licked his lips before ripping off her cardigan and yanking the straps down. “Wait no! Subaru stop!” But he wouldn’t listen. Subaru placed his nose on her porcelain white skin before licking a stripe up her neck. Yui teeth dug into her lips to stop herself from moaning. This was getting dangerous. If Subaru doesn’t stop his menstruations, she might just, *BITE*. Yui yelped in pain as Subaru's sharp hot fangs shank deeply into her neck. Blood began to flow into Subaru's mouth and down her chest. She tried to struggle but it was no use. Her body wasn’t listening to her, instead, it was obeying only Subaru. As her blood pour down his throat, he couldn’t deny that it taste different.
It tasted extraordinary. The taste was so rich and sweet, it was thicker so every drop quenched his thirst. However, his hungry still was relentless. He tear his face from her neck and licked every inch of blood there was. No wasting a single drop. “Haaa…your blood…fuck it's good. The texture of it has changed from the other times I’ve sucked it. I wonder if that’s the reason you’ve been avoiding me. Didn’t want me to find out about how different it tastes huh? Or maybe it’s something else. I’m in a pretty shitty mood right now and the slightest thing could set me off. So if you wanna keep living then I suggest you tell me what the fuck is wrong with you.”
Yui had her head turned away, her breathing was slow but her heartbeat kept getting louder. Her cheeks were flushed with red and her eyes were coated in a heavy layer of arousal. She hated that she didn’t know what was going on with her body, she hated that she was having such lewd dreams every night, and she hated that right now at this very moment, she wanted nothing more than for Subaru to eat her up.
She turned her head to look back at him, her lips were red from biting them and she had a few tear drops running down her face. She wanted to look away from those angry red eyes that captivated her, to not stare at those fangs that made her blood boil, but she had no choice. She couldn’t deal with this unbearable lust anymore! It was too much to handle.
“ T-The truth is Subaru-Kun, i-I’ve been having these dreams lately where….” “Why did you stop? Speak up alright!” “Alright fine! I've been having dreams that involve you and me. In those dreams, something lewd always happens and I end up waking up covered in sweat and something else. The things you’ve done to me in those dreams made my body feel weird and I can’t control it! Even now as you’re looking at me, I can’t bear it! My body is so hot right now and I desperately want your fangs! Your everything….this is why I avoid you because I knew that if I got within an inch of you that I wouldn’t survive! That’s why I've been avoiding you for a week….”
Yui expected him to look at her with disgust and anger for even thinking about him in a perverted dream. But instead, he laughed. “No fucking way! You’ve been having wet dreams about me?! I knew there was something wrong with you but I just thought it had something to do with your blood. But is even better!” A wet dream? Is that what it’s called? She thought that she might’ve heard that term somewhere before but couldn’t even get the chance to think as Subaru got in her face and gave her a toothy grin.
“Heh, who knew you were such a pervert~ I thought you were an innocent little girl but you're more naughty than I thought. Especially with how you look now. Tell you what, why don’t you tell me all the things I did to you in those dreams? And maybe I’ll make them come true.” “What?! There is no way I can say those things! It’s t-to embarrassing?” “ Tch you’re the one here with the lewd mind, not me. Plus as you said, your body is craving me, so why don’t you just give it what it wants? It’s not hard to tell how aroused you are. Your scent is so intense that I can smell it all in my room, and it’s been getting stronger even as we speak. I bet you can’t even take anymore right? You’ve been keeping it in for some time, at some point, your body will stop listening to you. So be a good girl and tell me what you desire~”
Yui wanted to deny it but she couldn’t even argue back. He was right, her body was aching, craving to be touched by him. She had dreamt about it for days and each time she woke up, she was always upset that the dreams stop so abruptly. With a sigh, Yui quickly gave a sincere apology to God and looked back at Subaru.
“W-Well first of you k-k-kissed me all over my b-b-body, then you started to s-s-suck my blood.” Subaru chuckled at her embarrassment. He ran his thumb over her small, plump, pink lips before pressing his own against hers. Yui clenched her eyes shut as Subaru's tongue found an opening and slid in. Their kiss was hungry, hot, and insatiable. Subaru groaned at the taste of her mouth. Why was every part of her body so damn sweet?
Yui meanwhile was trying to keep up with him, she wasn’t the best kisser and right now it was showing, but she didn’t care. She winced as his fangs bit into the bottom of his lips. Subaru eagerly sucked the sweet blood. It was too much for him, he was so drunk off her blood that any crumb of self-control that he had was gone. Yui opened her eyes, and what she saw made her squeeze her thighs together tightly. Subaru hair was completely on his face, blood dripping from his lips as his sharp tongue lick every drop up greedily. His fangs look longer and sharper. His pupils were completely dilated along with any common sense that he had.
Subaru lean towards her ear and in his deep voice whispered, “Oh little girl you have exactly no idea what am going to do with you~ Thanks to the blood running through your veins, it's made my more vampiric instinct kick in. Do you know what that means?” She shook her head. “If means that I am going to fuck the shit out of you until the only thing you can remember is my fangs!” Subaru roughly bit the side of her ear as he yank off her nightgown!
Yui tried to cover herself up but it was no use he had her pinned up and he wasn’t letting her free any time soon. Subaru let go of her neck, and he left harsh kiss marks down her collarbone to her chest. When he finally reached her chest, he grinned. “My brothers are idiots. They think that you don’t have a chest, and they are so surprised to see how nice it is, along with these pretty pink nipples of yours. But then if they ever found out, I’d murder them in cold fucking blood!”
Subaru lips attached to her breast as he nip at it. Yui wanted to beg him to stop but at the moment she couldn’t even think straight. All the pleasure had gone to her head and all she could do was moan as he feasted on her body. Subaru's hand went to her other breast, giving it a tight squeeze that caused her to yelp. “Oh, you like? You should’ve just said so~” Subaru squeezed even tighter as his mouth was busy abusing her other breast. His tongue was evil as it licked and wrapped around her sensitive nipple. Yui rubbed her legs together faster trying to calm down the heat that was growing out of control down there.
Subaru let go of her nipple with a pop! Then turn his head to the other one that was begging for some attention. “You weren’t kidding were you, look how responsive your body is to my touch, I fucking love it!” Subaru took the bud in his mouth once again as his other hand went to the previously abused one. “S-S-Subaru-Kun, please! Don’t….tease me like this! I can b-barely think.” Subaru grinned, and he slowly teased her breast as she begged for him to go faster.
It was killing her because she disparately wanted him to touch her down there. Subaru let the bud go then suddenly he got an idea. Subaru used both of his hands to grab both of her breasts and knead them like dough. Yui let out a string of moans and sobs as Subaru chuckled like the devil! He enjoyed watching her struggle as he played with her body to his heart's contents.
But then he notice that she kept rubbing her tights. Subaru's grin got wider as he took his hands away and forcefully pulled her thighs appear. “Would you look at that? You’ve completely soaked through your panties. How dirty, you’ve made a mess all over my bed. I’m goin’ to make you pay for that!” ‘Please don’t look!” Yui treat to close her legs with all her strength but it wasn’t enough to overpower Subaru”s. He put his head in between her legs as his fangs grazed her inner thigh. He deeply bit into the thick flesh. Blood dripped on his coffin while he did so. Yui sobbed in pain and pleasure. Does she wonder if this was punishment for her lewdness? If so she begged for it not to stop.
She was immediately pulled out of her thoughts by Subaru’s fingers rubbing up and down the damp spot of her panties. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as drool pooled down her mouth. She wanted to cry from how good it felt to finally be touched down there after so long. She’d been too scared to do it herself because of the sinful implications but right now, she needed more. She craved more of his evil touch. She bit her lips that were brushed from early. “Subaru…please…touch me more!” Subaru stop touching her and looked up at her with shock. “I see you’ve finally lost it huh? Well, that makes my job much easier.”
Subaru put two of his fingers in his mouth then slowly drag them down her stomach into her drenched panties then shoved them deep into her aching cunt. Yui jumped from the sudden impact down to a place she had never even touched herself. She should have felt ashamed, embarrassed, and guilty. However, right now that didn’t matter. All she cared about was how the hot coil in her stomach tighten as his finger rubbed her faster and faster.
Watching her lose her mind only made Subaru want to be even crueler to her. He slowed down his fingers, enjoying her whines as she sob for him to go faster. He removed his fingers and made her watch as he sucked her nectar off his fingers. “That’s enough teasing don’t you think~ I think that it’s time for the main course.” Subaru stood up and took off his shirt revealing his body to her. Yui gulped as more saliva flowed down her throat. He then pulls down his grey pants and boxers. Yui thought the first time she would ever see a man shaft, was on her wedding night. Subaru’s was big, thick, and long. A white liquid covered the tip of it, thick veins cover every part of it, and it looked heavy. “Hey, my eyes are up here. You’ve never seen one before right? How innocent you are~” Subaru pushed her back down and pressed his hard chest against her soft one. “Don’t worry I’ll try to be somewhat gentle”
Subaru gave her a soft kiss before, shoving his manhood inside of her wet cunt! Yui screamed as her body was overcome with unbearable pain but such intense pleasure! Subaru pulled out for a second to make sure she was ok. “I-I’m fine. Just give me a second to catch my breath.” Yui held on to him tightly before letting go and giving him the ok. Despite being ravenous earlier, he still wanted to make sure that she was ok.
He slowly pushed himself back inside and this time she let out a moan of enjoyment. Subaru smirked, now it was time to have fun. Subaru slammed himself in and out of her non-stop! The feeling of her wet walls squeezing him so tightly drove him mad. He lifted her legs higher to get a better angle so he could shove himself even deeper inside of her. Yui let out noise after noise as her hands found their way into his hair. She had never felt so hot and heavy but so full. Subaru's name fell from her lips like a chant. As if they were the only words she knew besides, “Faster!”
“If that’s what my prey wants!” Subaru pounded into her relentlessly until she let out a scream. Yui's vision went blurry as white specks blocked her site. “Oh no, you don’t! Not till I’m finished.” Subaru brought up his pace as Yui was brought back from nearly passing out. He gave her one last push before he let out a growl. Yui gasped as she felt a thick substance enter her body.
Subaru kissed her deeply as he continued to empty himself inside of her. Both of them collapsed on his coffin while trying to catch their breaths. Yui's head was full of stars, and her body was limp but a wave of relief washed over her body. That hot uncomfortable feeling she's had since her dreams first started was gone. She was so happy that she didn’t even notice that Subaru had left the room. She tried to get up to find him until a hand touched her shoulder.
“ Oi relax. You’re in no shape to move right now. Just sit back and let me take care of you.” Subaru had a wet cloth in his hand. He went in between her thighs and slowly clean her up making sure that she wasn’t hurt. “Sorry if I was rough. Wasn’t thinkin’ straight.” Yui gave him a tired smile as he threw the cloth away and opened his dresser. He pulled out a large red sweater from the top drawer and walked back to her. “Lifted your arms” Yui raised her arms above her hand as Subaru placed the sweater over her head. He picked her up over his coffin, giving the top a good clean before opening it back up and putting her on the soft mattress. Subaru quickly cleans himself up as well before getting inside with her.
Yui wrapped her arms around Subaru, snuggling her face in his chest. “Thank you.” “Huh? What are you thanking me for?” He gave her a confused look as she smiled at him. “I finally got rid of that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. It’s thanks to you I was able to get rid of it.” Subaru blushed. He wrapped his arms around her as well then buried his face in her hair.”Stupid you don’t need to thank me for anything. You were just horny because of those wet dreams you’ve been having. Next time just come and find me when you have one. Don’t ask anyone else since I’m the only one who can satisfying you .” Yui's heart skipped a beat as she closed her eyes. “Ok, I promise.” Yui yawned as sleepiness coated her eye leads.
She closed her eyes and for the first time in a week, she stopped having those dreams. For now at least.
<- [ Chapter 01 ]
Chapter 2 ended.
Thank you reading!
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Welcome Home Wednesday just screams Wildest Dreams when the boys get back from their first away game.
You missed them. You missed the two of them with everything you had in you, while they were on the other side of the country playing against the 49ers in San Francisco.
The first away game in the big leagues had you reeling from being alone in NYC, with your only real comfort coming from being surrounded by their scents. You’d huddled yourself in their bed, in their condo and only had slivers of relaxation from that.
Still, even as curled as you were in their bed surrounded by their blankets and scents, you missed them with every part of you. There wasn’t enough time in a day to miss the grievances they’d become, the permanent affixed thorns in your side.
Thats why, when the text arrived that they were coming home, you had thrown yourself into overdrive. You hadn’t initially known what you wanted to do to welcome them back and had briefly debated having a party to celebrate their return, however that thought waned out.
You were selfish.
Instead, you took the card Steve & Bucky gave you and immediately set out to a sports memorabilia store to buy one of Steve’s jerseys’ and one of Bucky’s. After your stop at the sports store, you went uptown to a high end boutique and bought yourself some silky and sinful lingerie.
Your purchases had both went to one of your friends from university, set upon her sewing machine to be transformed. It was incredible what she had been able to do, taking one half of Barnes’ and Rogers’ jersey to combine them into one.
With the extra fabric your friend had turned them into reusable ties for your lingerie, essentially transforming the whole look into one delectable package for them to open.
I missed you—OB
You sent the text off to Bucky and Steve, timing it for a few minutes before they took off, leaving them with nothing but time and the illusion of boredom.
Your text before they took off had been matched with a text when they landed, along with the expectation that they would have a surprise waiting for them. You counted down the minutes and hours, a teasing amount of time that afflicted not just you but likely them as well. It was a ticking clock in your mind that had you pacing back and forth until you got the notification on your phone that your floor had been accessed, and your boys were on their way back.
With the final seconds to go, you got yourself into place by the front door wearing your combined jersey, and the lingerie beneath.
“Welcome home, boys.” You purred to them as soon as the door opened, allowing them to see you in your jersey dress and strappy heels.
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