kac775 · 7 years
coolman229 pitiful bashing of Korra is almost laughing now. Note that he continues to accuse Korra to abandon the world when she travel with Asami in the spirit world for almost one week.
Oh no, what would the world do without the avatar for one week, I guess the fire nation would attack again and it will be the one week great war lol,, I wonder how their world managed with Korra gone for 3 years after she was poisoned or how did their world survived so long when she was in training until she was 17. but if Korra goes on a short vacation with Asami it’s a crime smh.  some people think Korra isn’t allowed to have a life besides being the avatar, this is why this kind of anti should not to be taken seriously they come up with the most absurd reasons to hate on the characters and the show.
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kac775 · 7 years
Investigation Animation Case 3!
Why Korrasami is a well developed relationship! Enjoy!
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kac775 · 7 years
What are your answer to people who said that the legend of korra is only alive because of korrasami and will, late or soon, be fadded in land of forgotten?
10 years has passed since Avatar The Last Airbender but people have not forgotten about it, Legend of Korra while not as high rated (but still pretty high) as ATLA is part of the same universe, 
Anyone that watches ATLA years from now, would not skip LOK , if anything makes LOK “alive” is that and not Korrasami. in fact my nephew that is 7 years old, recently seen both ATLA and LOK, which he enjoyed both and so would many future generations. 
Korrasami did bring a lot of new fans that is true, but the comics were almost a 100% going to happen with or without Korrasami or the new fans it brought. 
So to sum up if LOK is so easily forgotten why is it still being viewed by new viewers or old ones every day on Hulu or Nickolodeon streaming, Amazon video, and more. LOK already has a cult following, just by that fact it would be very much remembered for a long long time.
and It will be remembered for it’s  kick-ass female lead, strong supporting cast, the awesome visuals and animation. the interesting world of bending and steampunk technology, and a story that had ups and downs (but when you count the sum of it’s parts it was really good), and villains that are not just evil for the sake of being evil (well except Unalaq).and much more...   
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kac775 · 7 years
About Lok and korrasami I have one thing to say: THANK YOU. I mean your speech you made today was cathartic because its reflecting everything I was thinking for years about the series and my thoughts about these haters. Sp again thank you very much.
your’re welcome ☺
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kac775 · 7 years
I see anti korrasami / anti legend of korra, started to throw their hateful opinions again, they were quiet for so long , but a few pages from the comic book were leaked and now they are at it again, if you don’t like it so much why you still complaining after 3 years. (they all probably still gonna read the comic book just so they can “criticize” it smh)
Their so called criticism (their childish bias and hate to a fictional story and it’s creators) is nothing new they just repeat their same old beats like a broken record, what they like to call pandering, I call it fanservice that shows that bryke aims to please the majority of the fandom even at the cost of getting the loud hateful minority angry. 
It’s unrealistic to think Bryke could of pleased everyone, and no matter how the comic book is written those fans would continue to whine and complain about everything that they find wrong with it. for example they complained Korrasami is not developed or came out of the blue, the comic book develops them and add to past events the context that was missing as they only used as subtext in the show, but do the haters changed their mind now on Korrasami (even a little bit) after it is given the development they said was not there, nope they hate it the same as before.
Wanting to give the casual fans or new fans what they want is not necessarily a negative thing many writers do it and will continue to do it, the comic book was made for the fans that enjoyed the TV show and wanted more,and for new fans alike, so excuse Bryan that would rather give to those fans what they want instead of the critical hateful and ungrateful minority that no matter what, they would still complain. 
As for representation of LGBT+ goes those that find it poor representation are just as hateful to the series and it’s creators as the rest of the loud minority, they are under the impression that it needs to be perfect or nothing at all, what they don’t realize is that to get to perfect you have to start from somewhere, in order to achieve the greater goal, this may be a small step for LGBT+ but still an important one that is why they shouldn’t undermine the importance of this representation even if it doesn’t live up to their high standards.
The haters also saw three panels from the comics and now are saying it’s all about the gays. because Kya is now gay (which if we are being honest was always suspected) and that Kyoshi loved both man and woman which there is nothing to say it wasn’t true, and there is Sozin banning same sex relationship which again doesn’t contradict the source material, and Sozin being evil isn’t anything new, 
Adding this plot to get interest of the newer fans is not surprising and it doesn’t mean it’s all about the gays, the relationship of Korra and Asami makes this knowledge important to get the reader to understand how their relationship is viewed in the avatar universe so the haters shouldn’t say it’s unrelated to plot. 
The reason it was never mentioned before is 1 because no one asked before (meaning there was no reason to talk about the subject of sexuality and same sex couples, until now that it became relevant for Korra and Asami to deal with it, and now is important to the plot and main character)  2. it’s a retcon (and yes I myself dislike retcons) but as long as the retcon doesn’t contradict the previously established story then there is no reason to be hateful towards it, retcons are used on regular basis in entertainment TV especially long running franchises , the voiceful minority can’t handle them because of their “pure fan” nature as in they hate everything that might ruin their head canons about the world and it’s characters that they based on before the use of the retcon. 
and another thing I saw being said is LOK will be forgotten, yeah sure that is why it’s getting a trilogy of comic books after 3 years because it’s going to get forgotten smh, if anyone is gonna be forgotten it is those loud minority that have way too much time on their hands I bet these people are not just antis in LOK fandom but in other animated shows in fact i”m sure of it, because haters gonna hate that’s what they do. so let’s just ignore them and forget they even exist not give them the attention they so desperately want. Let’s just focus on what we love. 
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kac775 · 7 years
Reblog if you’ve shipped Korrasami since Season 3 because you saw the chemistry and knew they had the potential to be a couple and it wasn’t just an “out of nowhere” thing.
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kac775 · 7 years
Can anyone really distinguish when 2 women hold hands if they are just friends or more then that?, how would you know if they had romantic feelings for each other when you can’t know what they feel, especially when they don’t explicitly say how they feel?, so what you observed is just one possible interpretation that was debunked by the creators, but that doesn’t mean Korrasami was completely out of the blue or that they could not possibly be more then friends, the writers did what they could (under the constraints they had)  to foreshadow the relationship, comparing other shows or mediums is not a valid argument it’s comparing apples to oranges.
 Korrasami would of been done in a much more explicit way if it was possible in the upcoming comics, they will have much more freedom in this regard.
 As for me I guessed Korrasami is going to be endgame at the end of book 3 (I didn’t even ship it then) I was able to guess because I realized, there must be a reason why they gotten so close to the point Asami takes care of Korra and is willing to do anything for her, it was at this point I figured Asami loves Korra quite a bit considering she is also willing to go with her to take care of her (while leaving her company behind). it wasn’t the only thing either when Korra meditated Asami was the one that wanted to look after her, looking worried throughout, in many romance stories that is something that the heroine and love interest does for the protagonist, when Korra wanted to agree to Zaheer’s terms, Asami was the one most vocally against it while other family and friends were like Korra knows what she is doing (maybe) Asami was quite more protective and worried then others in a quite a few scenes including when Korra was poisoned, Asami had her hands held together with an extremely worried look (similar to how in book 1 when she dated Mako and he was going towards a possibly dangerous situation). 
In book 4 Korra only responded to Asami in her letter/s, Mako and Bolin are both also very important to Korra but the only one Korra felt she could confide in and tell how she truly feels to was Asami and not because she was a girl and her friend. 
In the reunion episode Korra blushes but not from Asami’s compliment the actual timing of Korra’s blush is when she tells Asami she looks snazzy as always while looking at her (translation you look beautiful and elegant as always) , even Mako picked up there is something going on between them as he said as much, Asami and Korra were acting quite awkward in that scene showing there is truly something more going on between them. 
Asami is quite capable of taking care of herself but during the train chase in that episode Korra is shown of being very protective of Asami and after they crash out from the train Korra first concern is to see if Asami is okay. just by process of comparing the way Korra treats Asami compared to the way she treats Mako in both books 3 and 4 you would see the one she is always more protective and closer to is Asami.  
There is also the runtime and limited number of episodes to take into account also the romance in Legend of Korra or ATLA were not a strong element to begin with, most were made canon rather rushed in one episode or two at the most, Korrasami at least had them spend a lot of time together in book 3 and then some in 4 before they decide to explore their feelings further in a getaway just the two them alone in the spirit world. (not kissing in the ending in my opinion actually worked better for this to be more believable and show them as starting something new together).
Subtexts is not always easy to read into but I promise you it was there, one good example is the scene where Asami takes care of Korra at the end of book 3, the camera angles in that scene were creating a sense of closeness and intimacy that would not of been done if they just wanted for their interaction to be depicted as only platonic.
One last point I want to make is that you gave an example of how you and you friend hold hands and it is not romantic in the slightest and that is true many girls hold hands or even kiss on the lips and it doesn’t have to be romantic but what about Korra the tomboy that never had a “girlfriend” before is holding hands with another girl, is that really something she would casually do. I think you and I both know that the answer is no it is not Korra style to be doing that whole girly stuff with another girl so when Korra holds Asami’s hand it’s because she does have romantic feelings for her and not because she is a gal being a pal. 
Unpopular opinion: Korrasami was a completely random ship that became canon. Now, I don’t mean to say this to start a fight. Hear me out. I’m glad that there is a representation of a same sex couple being explored but when they walked off into the Spirit World and held hands I was confused. I asked myself if I had missed something. It was only at the end did they make it a big thing that they were together. I believe the execution of them becoming a couple was poorly done. From what I observed, they were just best friends, as I have those kinds of relationships with friends of my own. I’m all about a solid build up for relationships, friendships, etc. I wish it had been more obvious they were going down that road. Other shows execute that way better than LOK. For example: Red and Dorothy from OUAT. That build up was tangible. Or in Life Is Strange with Chloe and Max. With Korra and Asami…not so much. Maybe it’s because Bryke could only make it so obvious from the stigma surrounding same sex couples still? I’m not sure. 
Please keep the comments respectful. I’m looking for a mature conversation/explanation. 
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kac775 · 8 years
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Korrasami Comic (Fanart)   part1 l Part2
Bueno aqui esta listo, no terminó como habiamos planeado junto con Hydrogenhuman pero de igual forma esperamos que les guste :3
El Fin u_u
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kac775 · 8 years
trying to prove a point to rothenliar and the 100 writers
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kac775 · 9 years
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retro swimsuit ad because why not
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kac775 · 9 years
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kac775 · 9 years
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kac775 · 9 years
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kac775 · 9 years
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kac775 · 9 years
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extended ending image
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kac775 · 9 years
Heart warming amv
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