#funny pizza land
twilighttrekkie · 1 month
are there funny pizza land fans on tumblr? i was wondering cause like. i know there are a few goblet grotto fans (hiiiii guys) and fans of weird/obscure games in general, so i wanted to know if there was a funny pizza land fandom on here lol.
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enci-rebloggies · 3 months
Love wins. <3
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kindheartedgummybears · 5 months
Was listening to talking in your sleep and knew I had to draw...
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It's nothing but a rough stretch and I didn't put too much thought into the coloring but I'm in love😍🥰
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chaotic-uncreative · 1 year
The 2 of you people who manage to stumble onto my posts are lucky I'm barely active here otherwise you'd never hear me shut up about Pizza Tower. It's a very spicy mama mia of a game. You play as an emotionally unstable immortal hypersonic italian stereotype literally named Peppino Spaghetti. And the gameplay is Wario Land 4 but if it went insane.
Play it. It's good.
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zosonils · 1 year
i wanna get silly pizza game. looks fun as hell
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
By the way isn't it funny how class is never ever mentioned with the whole "ownvoices" thing
Not that you can just neatly be like "look, a book that was written by a poor person!"
but it really feels like the people that are writing the popular/praised poems and books and stuff of our contemporary time are starting to be farther and farther away from like. average people.
There's less and less of the "spent a decade working as a pizza delivery guy, paint salesman, and window washer while writing scenes on napkins behind the pizza place" best-selling writers and more and more of the "graduated from an ivy league school, landed a $700,000 book deal at age 23 and is now a full time writer" best-selling writers
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heartfullofleeches · 25 days
I have an idea, what if reader is kinda a himbo, and directly after their shower they answer the door and thank brie for the food while they're 1. Still wet, 2. Only wearing a towel, and 3. Have their fat tits exposed with the towel on their waist or have hot cleavage if it's worn up to under the armpits.
(Brie and big titty FratBro Reader? Brie and big titty Fratbro Reader)
Yan "Pizza Boy" + Himbo Reader
"Brie?? Long time no see, man- How ya been?"
"Haha, I was here yesterday si....lly..... oh my God..."
Your voice rings out seconds before the door fully opens. Basked in the light of your living room, like a scene ripped directly out of his dreams, you step into view - a towel wrapped around your neck and another tied at your waist. As you dry your hair, beads of water trickle down your neck, the glistening skin of your bare chest too calling for him to ignore. He sneaks a peak, eyes welded shut the moment he realized this was no fantasy.
He doubts anything born of his delusions could compared to the real thing. Brie had been previewed to miracle your bust in the past. Your cleavage slipping from the neck of a tight sweat shirt or the tease of your areola from a tank top. He couldn't wrap his head around how how they looked bigger with you topless. A large factor could have been his placement at the second stair leading up to your home. From where he stood, Brie could probably lick one of your nipples standing straight up. His knees wobble beneath the weight of his upper body.
"Y/n.... I can tell you just hopped out of the shower, but you do know that you're shirtless-"
The bounce of your pecs as you laugh nearly sends Brie catatonic.
"Sorry, dude. Thought you'd be cool with it since we're buds and all- Not like it's nothing you haven't seen before anyway. I can go throw on a shirt really quick if-"
His shout surprises you both. Brie nervously chuckles, begging you to take the pizza box out of his hands before his sweaty hands run the cardboard. "It's your place afterall- You can dress however you want! I couldn't even complain if you answered the door naked!"
Is it too late for this to be another one of his dreams?
"Heh. You're funny, Brie. I wouldn't flash you like that or nothing. Let me take that off your hands for you."
Brie sucks in a breathe as you lean towards him. It doesn't leave him as your chest inches closer to his face - eyes darting in every direction to avoid detection. They land upon the indent of your pelvis as the knot of your towel draws looser - bulging out of their sockets as the cloth falls off your hip-
He's almost heartbroken to see you're wearing boxers.
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sytoran · 3 months
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐒 || mdg pt. 5
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timelines and lifelines have torn you and natasha apart, but the two of you are bound by the child you have created. though subjected to earth, loki, god of mischief, dangles the possibility of a future with natasha by making you a god.
pairing: goddess!natasha x mortal!reader (not for long)
note: this is the 5th installment to the goddess!nat universe, as per the 4k celebration! please read the other parts first if you haven't already. this part contains depictions of violence. this series is 18+ only.
word count: 1.8k
series m.list | main m.list | AO3
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Your relationship with the Goddess of Lust, Natasha Romanoff, comes to a screeching halt. Torn apart by timelines and lifelines, you’re not coping well, and neither is Natasha — especially when she finds out she’s pregnant with your child.
On the other side of the universe, Loki, God of Mischief, breaks into your apartment to offer you a deal. Worse still, he eats your leftover pizza.
When you come back to consciousness, you feel like you’re floating. Not in the whimsical, psychedelic cocaine-induced way, but in the Help-I’m-Physically-Suspended-In-The-Air way. 
And it is true, much to your demise, because despite the fruitful hours of work spent in the gym, your arms and back can’t quite handle the excruciating pain of being strung taut like a rope.
Against the will of every screaming cell in your existence for you to fall the fuck back asleep, you forcefully sit up and open your eyes.
It takes about two seconds for the headache-worthy hangover to sink in, and three seconds for you to regret every godforsaken decision you had made the night prior.
Last night- oh, fuck. Last Friday night. 
(No, this isn’t going to entail a radio pop song with a curly black-haired Katy Perry, because the only curly black-haired one in this story is the God of Mischief himself. Both equally as sassy, but expounding on that would fracture the entirety of the space-time continuum.)
“Oh, you’re awake.” 
Speaking of the devil (quite literally), Loki forces you to bring your blurry gaze up to the cocky expression painting his angular face.
“Fuck you,” you spit, dry and hoarse, memories surging through your teetering consciousness. All you were aware of was the mother of your problems was the man himself.
Now, you were suspended like a puppet in your very own living room, strings of golden magic encircling your body, keeping you stretched to the edge of insurmountable agony.
“Funny,” Loki says dryly, eyes raking over your pathetic form. “That’s exactly what you said last night that put you in this position.”
You would’ve laughed, truly, if not for the ache in your ribs and your back and your– you get the point. “You offered me a proposition,” you comment, licking your cracked lips with distaste. 
“And you said ‘fuck you’ and threw up three bottles worth of alcohol on my ridiculously expensive snake-scaled shoes before promptly passing out from your hissy fit of a heartbreak.”
“I will hang you upside down.”
You roll your eyes – however much you can roll them in this position. “You gave me an offer. That means that I had a say in this, and I certainly did not consent to take part in this BDSM-worthy fantasy of yours.”
Loki scoffs at this, shifting in his seat. Your seat, actually, his black robes draped over your armchair like it belonged to him. 
“My sex life is none of your business, and more than often entails men,” Loki begins, putting a finger up. “The only reason I’m taking interest in a hopelessly lovesick woman-lover is because you have something that I want.”
You exhale roughly, lungs and ribs screaming in protest. You weren’t of a godly status by any means, but based on his identity and the fact that a God was lurking around Earth, you were competent enough to figure out what he wanted.
“You wanna get back to the land of the Gods,” you state, eyes narrowing in seriousness. “Like me, you’ve done some shit that made SHIELD put a target on your back. Except it’s ten times worse, considering you’re a God. That’s why you’re here. What you want is connections, because I have – I had – a relationship with Natasha Romanoff.”
It pains you, to even put it in the past tense, that what you had with Natasha would only ever be history.
“Oh wow,” Loki responds, acting shocked. “There’s actually more to you than this himbo attitude you exude.”
You don’t give him the pleasure of a response to his provoking, despite your incessant need to sucker-punch that face of his. But uncovering his plan has that layer of composure slipping, for a second, and you delight in it for what it’s worth.
"Put me down first," you say instead through gritted teeth, looking up with a ferocious glint in your eyes.
"Say yes first," Loki answers promptly, folding his arms over his chest with a self-satisfied grin.
"Put me down and or I won't consider your absurd request," you try again, a wracking cough making your stomach lurch in pain.
"Funny you think you're in a position of power," the arrogant god taunts. "Who's to say I won't torture you to the brink of death until I get what I want?"
"...Who's to say I'd eventually break?" you say finally, narrowing your gaze. You sure as hell were scared as fuck, but you had to survive. "Threats only work on people who've got something to lose. I'm forbidden from ever seeing the love of my life again – I've got nothing to lose, y'know? No amount of torture will get you what you want."
Your little speech of sorts, delivered with an unwavering tone despite the pain coursing through your body, plays out perfectly. Loki's gaze is unreadable as he contemplates upon your counter-proposition.
Unceremoniously, you're dropped to the ground, hitting reality with a grunt of pain. “Shit,” you wheeze, clutching at your ribs with sore wrists. “Warn a girl, man.”
Loki waves you off dismissively. “The pain won’t matter anymore.”
“Wait,” you struggle to say, reaching out to nothingness as the man closes his eyes and raises his hands to the lands you once roamed.
It’s only then that you realise you’re surrounded by candles, so many candles. You’re in the center of some kind of ritual board, and what you assume are ‘offerings’ circle you.
From skulls to black flames, you know something is wrong. Very wrong. Loki is muttering incantations under his breath, a language beyond your human tongue, and the pressure in your room rises to an extent that forces you downwards.
“What,” you ask, exhaling roughly against your cracked ribs. “What kind of God am I going to become?”
Your question goes unanswered, lost in the swirling black flames that surround you. Loki’s eyes open again, and this time they are completely black. He begins a chant, crafted from an inhuman tongue, a language you’d never heard before.
That’s when the pain starts.
You scream, brain waves throbbing, a loud ringing sound echoing in your ears. Psychedelia takes over your conscience, producing images all around you, dark and distorted and everything you thought you’d buried.
“ибяѓюгэю юдякиэҁ, эиѫч ҩ рэд.”
Unbridled darkness, enemy of peace.
Natasha’s face is at the forefront of your mind, unblemished and happy and everything you’d ever wanted. You reach out, spluttering and breathless, trying to grasp that wistful memory like it’d materialize in front of you, like she could ever be yours.
“бцэт юҩщи ҩцядрҩи дю ғдг ҩця ҩиэҁ.”
Put down your weapons and fall to your knees.
Her face gets shattered into smithereens, scattered throughout the dark swirls of your mind, overtaken by shadows. Horrifying screams and flashes of a graveyard overwhelm you, and you yell through the misery for the love of your life.
“тҩ фэн тнэ юэҁѓяэ ҩғ џэиəэдисэ lə'”
To quench the desires of vengeance and rage.
Fury slugs through you, as you crawl away from cold hands that pull you back. “No!” You yell, but your voice is not yours anymore. The only thing to describe what you feel is chaos, darkness creeping in from the shadows, a slithering worm into your ear, a rotting carcass and the stench of carrion.
“ҩҁэ бҩиэҁ сдҁт ҩғ ҁсчнэҁ дию бдюэҁ.”
To see bones cast of scythes and blades.
The world snaps from reality, and you get flung into a different dimension. This place you’re trapped in is unfamiliar. You’re standing on a pile of dead human bodies, and there are ghouls and demons cheering your name. Blackness seeps through your veins, infiltrating your mindwires. 
“Revenge,” you spit, a devilish noise, and the cheers rise again.
You scream, as black wings tear through your back, ripping your collared shirt and spreading towards the sky. You launch from the depths of whatever hellhole that may have been, an inhuman screech echoing around the void, soaring towards the heavens in search of the one you’d lost.
“ҩѫэҩя, гдск-щѓəэю юэџѓг, эт ндҁ иғцяг”
Come forth, black-winged devil, let chaos unfurl
Upon descending on holy ground, unfamiliar faces intrude into your mind, prominent and unmistaken. Backlogged information begs its worth — God of Thunder. Goddess of Magic. God of Science. God of Justice. 
Then one word rings above all, high and mighty, and the darkness of your mind clears to reveal the people that had taken your Natasha away.
“энҩгю яҩѫ нэг, ҩю ҩғнэ Циюэящҩягю.”
Behold from hell, Ruler of the Underworld.
Reality drives into your side like a thousand semi-trucks, bright and flashing, and then you’re back in your living room. You stay on the ground, all-fours, spluttering and gasping for air. 
Black wings flap behind you, resplendent and marvelous. Those had been real.
Arising from the ground, gone is the fear in your eyes. No more shreds of hope. No more sense of justice. Your blackened eyes burn red, searching for Loki. He stands in the corner of the room, and he seems so much smaller now, compared to you and your bloodlust.
“She was mine,” you growl, dangerously, fearsome and inhuman.
“She is yours,” The God of Mischief answers, marveling at his creation, for there was nothing that could stop you now.
“Rockabye baby on the treetop,” Natasha sings softly, a hand gently caressing the swell of her stomach. Colours sweep into galaxies as nightfall arrives, cloaking her land in gentle beauty.
“When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.” As if on cue, the wind gets a little chillier. Worry clouds Natasha’s face, edging in on her safe haven.
“When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall.” A holographic image of The God of Justice materializes before her eyes. It meant that it was an urgent message, from one God to the next.
“The SHIELD base is being attacked by an unknown force. We’re in grave danger,” Steve says, urgent and frantic. Screams and chaos can be heard in the background, and the God barely ducks a crashing marble pillar.
Natasha almost scoffs and switches off the image. The Gods had ignored her very existence ever since they had banished you, which was convenient in hiding her pregnancy, but at the same time rather annoying, now that they were begging for help.
That is, until Steve persisted further. “Natasha. This perpetrator has power beyond measure, dark power. It could even exceed Loki’s.”
“......What does this harbinger of hell want?” Natasha asks, steely eyes surveying her homeland.
“Natasha,” Steve repeats, weary eyes hooded with anxiety. “They’re looking for you.”
Down will come baby, cradle and fall.
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so that happened.... any thoughts about our new and improved y/n, ruler of the underworld?? loki rlly stirred up a lot of shit huh
reblog or no y/n x natasha reunion
series m.list | main m.list | AO3
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sibylsleaves · 2 months
some things fall when they're meant to fall
4k | rated T | read on ao3
Yeah,” Eddie agrees. “And he’s always gonna be my best friend. He’s always gonna be the person I turn to. The first person I look to when I’m happy, or hurting.” He laughs again. “Even when it’s kind of his fault.” Marisol goes a little still against his arm, and draws away. “The first person?” Eddie turns his face toward her. “Well, yeah. That’s just how it’s been since we met.”
or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order. written for @burnthatbridge
Eddie collapses down on the sofa, propping his ankle up on the coffee table. It’s pretty much completely healed by now, but it still twinges a bit when he’s been on his feet all day. Marisol drops onto the couch next to him and kicks off her heels.
“Man, that was such a funny coincidence, seeing Buck and Tommy at Pizzana,” he says.
She hums noncommittally. “It’s a pretty popular spot, isn’t it?”
Eddie wouldn’t really know—Buck’s the one who picks the restaurant when they go out, always excited to try whatever new place he saw on instagram or the Los Angeles food subreddit. Now that he thinks about, Buck is definitely the one who first mentioned Pizzana to Eddie, so maybe it wasn’t such a coincidence.
“Well, I’m glad he and Tommy are hanging out. I knew they’d hit it off if Buck just gave him a chance.” It had been a surprise to see them out together, but a good surprise. After the basketball incident, Tommy had told Eddie he wanted to clear the air with Buck, and it seems the air was successfully cleared.
They’d been done with their dinner, but Eddie had convinced the two of them to stay for another drink while he and Marisol waited for their own pizza. It had been fun—he likes Tommy a lot, and now that Buck’s let his guard down he can see he likes the guy, too.
It kinda reminded him of how Buck was when he first met Eddie—territorial, at first, but then once Eddie had proved he wouldn’t be so easily put-off by Buck’s barking he’d sort of…melted. That was the only word Eddie could think of to describe it, the way he’d smiled and just opened up, like a dog rolling over to show his soft belly, blushing pink as a flower unfurling into full bloom.
Anyway, it would’ve been a nice night, with the four of them—and on the surface, it had been. They’d laughed and joked and recounted the entire hurricane rescue for Marisol. But something had felt…off with Buck. It had been bothering Eddie all night. Not quite the same way things had felt off with him before the basketball incident. Something else. He’d been…nervous, almost? Eddie had been thrilled to run into them, but for a minute when his gaze landed on Buck, Buck had looked…guilty, almost.
He had no reason to be. He’d already apologized to Eddie for the whole thing, and Eddie had reassured him and gently chided him for not just telling him he was feeling left out, and they’d been fine since then. More than fine. They had plans to take Chris to his surf lesson tomorrow, for god’s sake.
“Eddie,” Marisol prods gently. “What are you thinking about?”
Eddie turns to her, his easy-going smile already in place. Her own smile flickers and he knows he’s made a mistake.
They’ve been talking about this, is the thing. A few days ago, she sat him down and told her how it bothers her that Eddie doesn’t—hasn’t—opened up to her. He can’t really deny it. He hadn’t told her much at all about the hurricane rescue until it had come up tonight. He hadn’t told her much about Shannon, or about what Chris had been going through a few weeks ago. He doesn’t know why—he’s not that guy that just bottles up his feelings anymore. He’s not.
So he takes a breath, and he says, “I guess I’m just thinking about Buck.”
“Buck?” she echoes, but she doesn’t sound surprised, exactly.
“Yeah,” Eddie continues. “He seemed off tonight, and I guess maybe he’s still feeling guilty about what happened at the pick-up game, but—I forgave him for that.”
Tommy had been the one to explain the basketball incident to Marisol, when she’d showed up that night for their date and Eddie had been crashed out on the couch, loopy with pain meds. Eddie’s actually not sure what Tommy had told Marisol, but she seemed to at least have gleaned that Buck was more or less responsible for Eddie’s condition.
Eddie shakes his head and blows out a breath of frustration. “I just—I wish there was some way to get him to really understand, you know? That we’re partners and that nothing and no one is ever going to change that.”
Marisol shifts beside him, her dark curls brushing against his arm where it lies along the back of the couch. “Well, I mean. What if one of you gets reassigned?”
Eddie stares at her for a minute, puzzled. Then he laughs. “No, I don’t mean partners at work. I mean, you know. We’re partners.”
(keep reading on ao3)
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wonbriiize · 7 months
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baking with riize
how the members would act if you’d suggest baking something together…
⋆。‧˚ʚ shotaro ɞ˚‧。⋆
biggest grin on his face. he stood up and walked over to the kitchen before you could even finish your sentence. “of course i want to bake with you! let’s start right away,” he is so excited. “we should bake cupcakes!”. it‘s making you nervous that you have to tell him that you guys need to buy the ingredients first (you got nothing at home) because you don’t want shotaro to feel sad about it, but not even that is bothering him. “so what? let’s go buy them,” he grabs after your hand. “i‘m going to put so much love in making these cupcakes, just for you.”
⋆。‧˚ʚ eunseok ɞ˚‧。⋆
baking isn’t really his thing, he’d rather cook. so, you’re not too sad about him not participating in the baking process because he always cooks for you — now it is your turn to make something for him. you decide to bake your delicious brownies. “you’re going to love my brownies!” “you‘re making them specifically for me, so of course i will love them,” he smiles at you. and even though eunseok said he doesn’t want to help you bake them, he can’t just sit there and watch you do all the work. he stands up, puts on his apron and walks right next to you. “they are going to taste even better now because we will make them together. tell me what i can do.”
⋆。‧˚ʚ sungchan ɞ˚‧。⋆
flour fight. it started when sungchan tried to pour the flour into the bowl but he missed, which resulted in half of the flour landing on the kitchen counter. you wanted to clean it but sungchan thought it would be funny to blow the flour.. right into your face. “you did not just do that,” you rub your hands over your face, cleaning it. sungchan laughs. “you look like a clown.” opening your eyes, you glare at him. he apologetically puts his hands up. “i meant a lovely clown! not these creepy ones.. but if you keep looking at me like this i might change my opinion,” he laughs even more. you grab after the flour in the bowl and throw it at him. the two of you keep doing this until all the flour is gone.. poured all over the kitchen. you would be mad, but honestly, this was far more entertaining than baking.
⋆。‧˚ʚ wonbin ɞ˚‧。⋆
decorating the cookies you two have just baked is serious business to him and he’s not letting himself get distracted. not even when you plant kisses all over his face (because you’re so proud that he‘s working so hard on this). “y/n you have to stop, i need to concentrate.” this makes you pout, but you pull yourself together and let him work on the cookies. you decide to decorate your own cookies and you are so invested in it that you don’t bother to look at how wonbin decorated his cookies until he puts one in front of you. he drew a heart and wrote your initials in it. looking over to his side of the counter, you see that he has done it to every single one of the cookies he has decorated (and he has decorated a lot). when wonbin sees how speechless you are, he smiles proudly, pulling you close to him. now it’s his turn to plant kisses all over your face.
⋆。‧˚ʚ seunghan ɞ˚‧。⋆
heart-shaped. to everything you suggest to bake, seunghan keeps saying “it needs to be heart-shaped!”. after you decide on making a big heart-shaped cake, seunghan can’t wait to start baking. it takes the two of you hours to finish (because sometimes seunghan would wrap his arms around you, start kissing you and you’d just get lost in it), but once you do, the cake turns out to be better than you could have imagined it. before you could decide on how to decorate the cake, seunghan is already on it. he writes down “seunghan loves *y/n* very much” with icing and proudly grins at you afterwards.
⋆。‧˚ʚ sohee ɞ˚‧。⋆
“i haven’t baked in ages,” sohee admits when you ask him to bake pizza together. “oh, c’mon, pizza isn’t that hard to make,” you plead with your eyes and sohee can’t help but to give in. whenever you look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, he has no other choice. he would do anything to see them sparkle. once you finish making your own pizza, you look over to see how sohee is doing. “don’t look yet!” he says, trying to cover up the pizza he has been working on, but it’s too late, you’ve already seen that he cut off the edges to make the pizza look like a heart. it makes you smile so hard that your cheeks start hurting. sohee sighs when he notices that you’ve seen his surprise for you. “i even put on your favorite toppings,” he softly smiles.
⋆。‧˚ʚ anton ɞ˚‧。⋆
“i don‘t think i‘m good at baking,” anton shyly says when you drag him into the kitchen. “you don’t have to be, you got me. just follow my orders,” you grin at him. anton nods, not really trying to get out of the situation because he knows you won’t let him. you two decide to bake muffins and as of right now, everything is going well. you only had to help anton once (out of nervousness, he almost poured salt into the bowl instead of sugar so you had to stop him). it’s making you really happy that anton is here, trying his best even though he isn’t very good at baking. “thank you for doing this with me,” you nudge him softly and he smiles. “you know i’d do anything for you.”
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wileys-russo · 8 months
saw Katie’s story of “I licked it so it’s mine” 😭which inspired me to want a funny crack blurb with Leah x Less x Reader pleaseee
i licked it so its mine II a.russo x l.williamson
"ah ah ah! hands off thanks lessi my love." leah warned with a dangerous smile as the blonde beside her reached for the last piece of pizza between the two of them, the younger girl halting with a frown.
"jesus here we go." you sighed to yourself where you sat tucked up in between them. "and why should i, baby?" alessia challenged, raising an eyebrow but removing her hand none the less. "listen to your elders darling." leah grinned reaching out as your girlfriend smacked her hand off.
"i really don't think this is-" "sh babe." leah dismissed you with a flick of her hand as you scoffed.
"beauty before age sweetheart." alessia smirked in the same tone, leahs eyes narrowing as you began to count down from ten under your breath.
you didn't even make it to seven before leah launched herself over you, landing on the girl beside you as you quickly rolled out of their way.
"honestly, children." you watched on with a shake of your head as the two blondes rolled around wrestling with one another arguing over who got the last piece. "you got the last piece of bacon this morning, don't be greedy!" leah grunted struggling to stay on top of the taller girl.
"is this necessary loves? its a piece of pizza. we have plenty of food in the kitchen, i can even cook something!" you tried, head thumping back against the lounge as you were promptly ignored, rolling your eyes and turning the tv up louder to try and drown out their squabbling.
"yeah well you ate the last cookie last night!" alessia countered, throwing leah off and reaching out for the pizza, squealing as leah jumped on her back, grabbing it before she could and shoving it in her mouth.
"i licked it so its mine." leah grinned doing as she said before standing up. "leah!" alessia whined, collapsing into the ground with a defeated groan as you grimaced in disgust watching the eldest blonde shovel the pizza into her mouth.
"you two are truly unbelievable sometimes." you shook your head, making a point to look away from them and tuck yourself into the corner of the sofa.
"yeah leah you're so immature." alessia picked herself up with a mocking sigh, slotting her body in beside you before effectively picking you up and shuffling in behind you.
"you right there less?" you asked with a raised eyebrow as your girlfriend settled herself with a grin and a nod, arms holding your back securely to her front. "hey babe?" alessia called out gaining leahs attention who was washing her hands.
your attention pre-occupied by the tv show you were all currently binging you didn't think much of it. until you felt a tongue lick its way down the side of your face and you let out a yell of disgust, trying to push alessia away as she only held onto you tighter and smirked over toward a frowning leah.
"i licked it so it's mine tonight."
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This would be a hard NO for me. Every damned time you have to go out, you need to get in the boat and go across?
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So, this is also your land, separated by just enough water to make it crazy. Secure the boat and climb the ladder. That's your shed and driveway. Could this be any more inconvenient? Say you need a new fridge. Do the delivery men put it in the boat and the rest is your problem?
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Then you sail across the way back to your dock, that's falling apart. Can, you imagine if you just have to pop out for something, or go for a pizza?
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Your cute home. Can you imagine doing this everyday to go to work, get the kids to school? Skate across when it freezes. This is a 1987 build in Amityville, NY, famous for the Amityville Horror. Has 3bds, 2ba, asking $535K. Well, let's go inside.
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The owners have already moved out. Wonder how that went. They left the fridge, of course, and must've given up when it came to these chairs and rug. So the living room is nice. Funny, this is the only glimpse of the kitchen and the fridge is in the living room. I suspect foul play.
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Has doors to the deck.
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Up on the 2nd level there's an open room like a loft. Has a nice skylight. Is that a dehumidifier they left?
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This bedroom has original flooring.
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This one also has an original floor and a view of the deck. House is plain, I wish it had more charm.
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Bath #1. What is the photographer standing on?
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Bath #2 is a shower room. Where does the waste go, into the river?
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If there's one thing this house has, it's decks. The one out front is like a huge covered porch.
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In the back, this one has a picnic table.
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There's room on the island for a nice yard.
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This looks like a corner table for one. Like a writing desk or a place to set up an easel.
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Now, here we are across the river where you keep your vehicles which must include a boat and a car. It's so close, though, I would get a jet ski just to get across.
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Remember, this land comes with it, so the owner has a ladder, shed, and driveway. I guess you can't built a bridge, b/c the neighbors must have boats that need to get thru. How inconvenient. But, if you have the money, it would be a great summer home.
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enci-rebloggies · 3 months
The funny Pizza Land fandom is dying
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We need to revive it
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anathemaspeaks · 2 months
dandelion wishes
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character(s): shoto todoroki synopsis: always the bridesmaid, never the bride - isn't that how the saying goes? my name is momo yaoyorozu, and in my case, it's true. word count: 1.3k warning(s): none a/n: not my best work, but here you go anon :) likes, follows, and reblogs are appreciated <3 this is all from momo's point of view.
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it happened at my birthday party, a day after i turned 16.
kaminari managed to somehow smuggle booze into the house. still teenagers and drunk off the excitement more than the liquor, someone suggested we play 7 minutes in heaven. everyone cheered in agreement - except bakugou, of course. he opted to stay sober and make sure we don't have too much fun.
after a few uneventful rounds, it was finally my turn to spin the bottle. i wished it would land on shoto. this was my chance to tell him how i feel about him. maybe he'd say something back? well, a girl can dream...right?
my heart hammered in my chest as i gripped the bottle, spinning it on the polished wooden floor. every spin felt like an eternity until it finally landed with a decisive click. i traced the path of the neck, breath catching in my throat as i saw it pointed directly at todoroki. this was it. this was my chance.
we awkwardly shuffled towards the closet, the door creaking shut behind us, the dim light casting shadows on the wall. before i could calm my nerves and speak, todoroki blurted
"listen, about the spin…" his voice was uncharacteristically soft, almost hesitant.
"yeah?" i forced a nonchalant reply, inhaling to try and calm my nerves. he ran a hand through his dual-colored hair, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
"actually, there's someone i... well, someone i kind of like." a sheepish grin tugged at the corner of his lips. it felt like the wind got knocked out of my lungs. my eyes darted around the cramped space, landing on a crumpled magazine lying forgotten on the floor.
"oh, cool," i choked out, my voice barely above a whisper, "who is it?"
"y/n" he mumbled, a shy smile on his lips. the name rang in my ears, shattering my painted dreams of a chance with shoto. i forced a smile. maybe y/n wouldn't have walked out of this closet with a shattered heart hidden behind a forced smile.
of course it was her. her smile could light up a whole room, kindness radiating from her like sunshine. she was effortlessly beautiful. she was everything i couldn't be. pretty, funny, and kind - how could i ever compete with that? a pang of jealousy, sharp and unwanted, twisted in my gut.
my gaze flickered to shoto's shy smile, and the way his eyes seemed to light up just at the mere mention of her. a hollow ache settled in my chest, envy so deep it felt like a barbed wire wrapped around my heart.
shoto's turn. when the bottle stopped spinning, it landed on y/n. because of course it did.
they emerged from the closet looking like a tornado had hit them. clothes askew, hair a mess, and faces flushed with a kind of unspoken ecstasy that left little to guess.
the next day, they walked into class hand-in-hand. it was official.
today marks 2 years since that day.
over this period, they became the textbook definition of the perfect couple. they were disgustingly cute. sneaky, affectionate glances in the middle of lectures, whispered jokes that erupted in shared laughter, their hands seemingly glued together.
shoto ever-stoic todoroki, weak for y/n. he'd wrap his arm casually around her waist, brush stray hairs from her face with a lingering touch, and steal kisses during training breaks. it was a side of him no one had ever seen - a shoto who wore his heart on his sleeve. for her.
here i was, stuck watching their picture-perfect love story unfold, a constant reminder of the confession that will forever remain trapped on my tongue.
we were sprawled across mina's living room floor, empty pizza boxes scattered around like confetti, and a half-eaten bag of chips resting precariously on a mountain of rom-comes. the topic, just like a normal beginning to a girls' night, was boys.
"boys are the worst!" mina declared, prompting a chorus of agreement from everyone.
"mine just left his gym socks under the bed again. seriously, how hard is it to use a laundry basket?" uraraka chimed in.
just then, y/n came in from the kitchen with a bag of marshmallows and sat down next to us. well, she wouldn't be participating in the complaining.
"look who finally decided to grace us with her presence," i teased, nudging her playfully.
"so, how are things going with the ice king, anyways?" asked jirou.
she blushed a bit. "oh, the usual. he's amazing, and he's surprisingly..." she trailed off, a sly smile on her face.
"surprisingly...?" mina prompted.
"let's just say his quirk isn't the only thing that's hot and cold."
the room erupted in laughter and whoops for her. i forced a smile, feeling an all too familiar pang in my stomach.
the conversation continued, everyone chiming in with their recent stories about boys. including y/n. every detail felt like a knife to my heart. 'that should've been me' i thought. i pushed it away. i wouldn't let my jealousy get the best of me.
they all seemed so happy, while i was stuck on the sidelines, yearning to feel their joy. we all fell asleep in that room while watching movies and gossiping, a smile on everyone's faces. i still couldn't help but feel a little bitter.
now we all have finally graduated. we decided to still meet up every saturday for dinner, and this week, it was at todoroki's. the familiar buzz of anticipation and excitement filled the house as we all talked about our first week after graduating.
then, shoto and y/n walked in hand-in-hand.
"hi everyone!" greeted y/n, smile so bright she was contagious.
"sit wherever you're comfortable, dinner will be ready soon" announced shoto.
"but before that, there's something we have to tell you." she was practically shaking in eagerness.
todoroki cleared his throat, a faint blush creeping up his neck. "we, uh, well…" he fumbled for words, a rare sight for the usually composed half-and-half king. she squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"we got married!" she blurted out, a wide grin splitting her face.
the air crackled with shock. wide eyes, dropped jaws, and a silence followed the announcement.
"wait, married?!" kaminari finally found his voice, his eyes wide with surprise. "but you guys are only eighteen!"
todoroki chuckled, a sound rarely heard before y/n. "we know," he admitted, a hint of shyness lingering in his voice. "but we knew what we wanted, and well, here we are!"
and then, as if a dam had broken, the group erupted. mina squealed, launching herself at y/n in a bone-crushing hug. kirishima gave todoroki a hearty back slap, nearly knocking him over. uraraka, tears welling in her eyes, showered them both with congratulations.
"dumb brats, you're gonna regret this!" yelled bakugou. but i saw him turn away and wipe away a falling tear. both y/n and shoto engulfed him in a hug. he threatened to burn their arms off if they did it again.
congratulations continued, hugs going all around. the surprise announcement had cast a whole new light on their evening. it was a celebration not just of friendship and graduation, but of a love story that had blossomed within the very walls of U.A.
married. at eighteen. the words echoed in the hollow space where my confession had died. cheers rained down on them, a cruel confetti shower on my silent tears. my wish for him was as futile as willing a dandelion's wispy white petals not to fly away with the wind.
they were a love story written in stolen glances and secret touches, a masterpiece i could only watch unfold from the sidelines - a happy ever after that couldn't be mine.
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to the anon who requested this, i know you wanted it to be more angsty so i tried to make it as vengeful as i could, i hope you like it! <3 (i accidentally deleted the ask I'M SO SORRY)
please send in requests everyone 🫶
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letstrip13 · 2 months
🍋 - teach me part 2
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reader x matt
summary: you invite matt over again and things take a turn when feelings are revealed and he teaches you more
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, use of "baby," use of "sweetheart," slight use of y/n, a bit of praise
word count: 2,713
author's note: thank you to @mattscurlygirly who gave me the idea for this part!! part 3 will be out soon, i just started on it
part 1
a week had passed since the last time you had seen matt, since he taught you how to give him head. it was just supposed to be a friend helping a friend, but it seemed like more. neither of you could stop thinking about it. it consumed your thoughts, your fantasies, even your dreams. you wanted needed more of each other. he had been counting down the days until he could see you again.
you invited him over and you're sitting on the couch, checking your phone, when you hear a knock at the door. you quickly get up and answer the door, pulling him into a hug. “hi! i missed you!” matt returns the hug, squeezing you lightly. the scent of his cologne fills your nose; so familiar and so intoxicating. “i missed you too,” he replies as he steps inside and closes the door behind him. his gaze drops from your eyes to your lips, remembering how good they felt around his cock last time he was here.
you take his hand as you lead him into the living room. “do you wanna watch a movie or something?” matt was staring at your ass as you walked in front of him and the sound of your voice made him quickly avert his eyes. “sure, whatever you want.” he takes a seat on the couch and pulls you down to sit next to him.
you end up deciding on a horror movie and you order a pizza for dinner. you and matt spend the night talking about random things, eating the pizza, and laughing at the movie that turned out to be more funny than scary because of how cheesy it was. throughout it all, there's still that underlying sexual tension that you're both trying to ignore. he tries his best to keep things light and casual, despite thinking about how he wants to take things further with you. he doesn't bring it up, not wanting to push you into anything you're unfamiliar with.
it starts getting late so you move things into your bedroom, sitting in bed and talking for a little longer. when the conversation dies down a little, you get up and grab some pajamas and a pair of panties from your dresser drawers. “i'm gonna take a quick shower, okay?” matt nods, his gaze fixed on you. he couldn't help but imagine your naked body under the shower water while he touches your soft skin. he looks perfectly calm to you, but his heart is racing. “yeah, sure. take your time.” you take the remote for the tv in your bedroom that's on your dresser, and you toss it to matt. “you can watch something while you wait if you want. but i’ll try not to take too long.” he nods and picks the remote up.
you walk out of your bedroom and you go into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. you get undressed and you put your hair up in a claw clip to avoid getting it wet since you plan on being super quick. you turn the warm water on and step into the shower.
matt picked up the remote and flicked through the channels until he landed on a movie he likes. he tries to distract himself by focusing on the movie, but his mind kept wandering back to you. not really how he wants to fuck you, but how he wants to take his time kissing and touching every inch of your body. his mind drifts to less sexual things like the way you listen so intently to him whenever he talks, your beautiful smile, how happy he is when you're around. the more he thinks about it, the more it becomes apparent to him that his attraction to you is not just physical, and it hasn't been for a while. he has real feelings for you. he's in love with his best friend.
meanwhile, what was supposed to just be a quick shower for you turned into you standing partially under the warm water and overthinking the whole situation between you and matt. after what happened last week, you couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if you asked him to teach you more. you trust him enough to go all the way but there was still that feeling of nervousness with doing something new like that. you had previously given it some thought and you want him to be the one to take your virginity. the more you've thought about it over time, the more you realize that your feelings for matt are so much deeper than friendship. you're in love with him. you have to be. if your feelings for him were purely platonic, you wouldn't have asked him to teach you how to give him head you wouldn't be considering asking him to teach you more and be your first time. you wouldn't want to cuddle and sleep with him every time he comes over. you especially wouldn't have found yourself picturing the two of you whenever you're thinking of being in a relationship.
matt checked his phone and noticed how much time had passed since you went to take your shower. he's a little worried since you're taking much longer than he expected so he goes to check on you. the knock on the door and his voice pulls you out of your thoughts. “you okay in there?” “yeah, i'll be out in a minute,” you yell back over the sound of the running water. “alright, i'm going back to your room.” he leaves and gets back into bed while he waits for you to finish up. once you're done, you get out of the shower and dry off. you put on the cute pajama set you grabbed before brushing your teeth, doing some quick skincare, and taking your hair down from the claw clip.
you come back into the bedroom and matt immediately turns his attention to you. “hey, come cuddle.” he moves the blankets aside to give you more room to climb into bed. he wraps his arms around you as you get comfortable and you cuddle into him while you watch the movie. you break the silence after several quiet minutes. “matt, can i ask you something..?” he answers in a reassuring tone, “of course.” a gentle expression remains on his face as he waits for you speak your mind. you're nervous to ask him what's on your mind despite things going so well the last time you asked him something along these lines. “will you teach me a little more about.. you know..?”
matt knows what you're implying and he's taken aback by it. when he said that you could practice on him any time, it was more of a joke than anything. he wasn't expecting you to actually take him up on the offer. “well..” he shifts around nervously, fiddling with the top edge of the blanket. “uhh.. sure, i can show you some things. what do you want to know?”
you take a deep breath, deciding to just be blunt about it. “i want to have sex for real. i don't want to be a virgin anymore. you can help me with that, right?” his eyes widen in surprise at your request. he didn't expect you to be so direct about it. he thinks for a moment, trying to find the right words before responding. “no, y/n. i can't. you know that i'd do anything to make you happy but not this.”
it surprises you that he said no. it wasn't that different from the last situation which he agreed to pretty quickly. did he not want you like that? “what- why?” matt hesitates before saying what's on his mind. “i just don't think it's a good idea. i care about you so much and i want you to be happy. i'm not sure if i can give you that. your first time should be with someone you love and care about and trust.”
the realization hits you that this would be a good time to tell matt how you really feel. if not now, then when? you sit up and look into his eyes as you speak. “it would be though. i care about you and i trust you more than anyone. i'm in love with you. there's no one else i'd want to have my first time with.” his heart races as he listens to your confession. he felt the same and hearing you say it filled him with overwhelming happiness. “i'm in love with you too, i have been for a long time.” you breathe out a sigh of relief but before you can say anything, he smashes his lips against yours and kisses you so passionately yet so gently, as if he's been waiting forever for this. this kiss is so different than when you were making out last time. this one means more than just “practice.” it's perfect and it's everything you hoped kissing him for real would be like.
matt can't help but melt into the kiss, his hands finding their way to your hips as he deepens it. he pulls you onto his lap, wanting nothing more than to be closer to you. after what seems like an eternity, he pulls away. “are you sure you want to do this tonight? we can wait if it makes you more comfortable.” you run your fingers through his soft, brown hair and you nod. “i'm sure.”
you place your hands on his cheeks, pulling him into another kiss. he returns the kiss, his tongue gently tracing your lips before slipping inside. he moans softly into the kiss as he feels himself already growing hard underneath you. you copy his actions by slipping your tongue into his mouth as well. your hands trail down to the hem of his shirt, tugging it up until it's ready to come off. you break apart from the kiss so you can help him pull it over his head. he slowly pulls your shirt up, revealing inch by inch of your skin to him. he takes it off, almost groaning at the sight when he sees that you weren't wearing a bra.
he flips you over so you're laying on your back and he hovers over you. he kisses down your neck and chest, pulling whines and whimpers from your lips as he alternates between lightly sucking on your nipples and leaving sloppy, open-mouthed kisses on them. he stops and trails his hands up and down your sides before moving them down more, rubbing your thighs, wanting to explore as much of your body as he can.
he lightly pinches your nipples, sending a jolt down your spine and making you whine. he presses a quick kiss to your lips before getting up to take his sweatpants off. he pauses with his fingers tucked into the waistband of your shorts. “are you feeling okay, baby? can i keep going?” you nod. “yes, keep going please.” you lift your hips to help out when he pulls your shorts down, leaving you in just your panties. you let out a little whine when he ghosts his fingers over your clit through the fabric. “matt, please-”
matt smirks down at you. “alright, be patient, sweetheart. let me take my time with you.” he slowly pulls your panties off and looks down at you, taking in the sight beneath him. you blush under his intense gaze and you hide your face with your hands, holding back a nervous giggle. he moves your hands away and gently pins them down to the mattress on either side of your head. he kisses your forehead before pulling away and admiring you once more. “you're so beautiful,” he says softly as he places his hands on your thighs and spreads your legs further apart.
he starts out by rubbing your clit, letting you enjoy it and get wetter. “i'm gonna start stretching you out now, okay?” he says as he continues. you slowly nod. “o-okay. but don't stop doing that, it feels good.” “i won't,” he replies, still going while he gently slides a finger into you, slowly starting to pump it in and out.
when he's sure you're ready, he adds another finger and starts moving them a little faster than before, massaging your g-spot with each thrust. you let out a louder moan when he curls his fingers against your g-spot for the first time. it's a new, amazing feeling; you could never quite reach that spot with your own fingers and it felt perfect when matt did it. “oh fuck, right there-” the combined feeling of him touching your g-spot with every thrust while still rubbing your clit is almost enough to put you over the edge. he slowly pulls his fingers out when he feels your walls clench around them. you whine at the loss of contact and he reassures you, “just wait, baby. i want the first time i make you cum to be around my cock.”
he pulls his boxers off, his hard length coming free from the fabric before he moves closer to the bed. “get it nice and wet for me. you know what to do.” you sit up and get closer to him. you spit in your hand and start stroking his length, similar to what you did last time he was here. once he seems satisfied with it, you lay back on the bed again. you spread your legs, ready to take his cock.
he positions himself between your legs and leans down, capturing your lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. “are you ready?” “yes.” he slowly pushes into you and your face scrunches into a pained expression, wincing slightly which causes him to stop. he pauses, just a few inches in. he soothingly rubs your sides. “deep breaths, sweetheart. you can take it.” he reaches up and intertwines his fingers with yours, slowly pushing himself further in as you take those deep breaths.
it doesn't take long for you to get used to the feeling of him filling you up. “it feels better, you can move now,” you whisper to him. his slow thrusts start out as almost painful, quickly switching to a feeling of overwhelming pleasure. soon, you're a moaning mess under him each time his tip hits your g-spot.
he leans down and captures your lips in a deep, passionate kiss as he starts to pick up the pace, his hips slapping against yours with each thrust. “fuck- you feel so good around my cock.” you squeeze his hands as he goes faster. your eyes roll back while loud, almost pornographic moans come out of you. “fuck matt, i think i-” you cut yourself off with yet another moan. “i-i'm close,” you gasp out. matt's thrusts intensify and he moves one hand down to rub your clit. “go ahead, you've been doing so good for me.”
moments later, you reach your climax, your back arching off the bed your walls squeezing his cock as you practically scream out his name. matt can't hold back his own orgasm with how beautiful you look writhing and moaning beneath him while your pussy squeezes his cock so perfectly. with one last thrust, he groans loudly as he fills you up with his load.
you give him a quick kiss on the lips just before he pulls out. you can feel your mixed juices leaking out as he picks up his t-shirt and uses it to clean the both of you up.
he gets into bed with you, pulling the blanket over your bodies as he wraps his arms around your waist. he pulls you closer so you're chest to chest. “will you be my girlfriend?” you light up with a smile as soon as the words leave his mouth. “i'd love to.” he smiles at your answer and gives you a sweet, loving kiss. you cuddle into him and you start growing sleepy, the background noises of the movie matt chose earlier playing on the tv. “i love you,” he whispers, kissing you on the cheek before closing his eyes. “i love you more,” you sleepily mumble as you drift off in his arms.
part 3
˚୨୧⋆。˚ tags: @chrissturniolosbitch @christhopersturniolo @mattscurlygirly @fratbrochrisgf @d3axplr @junnniiieee07 @rubyjaneaxx join if you want ♡
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billskeis · 5 months
If u write smut could you make a tom being submissive one? like the whole day they go out he moans in the female! readers ear and like teases her you know? and when they go home she immeeeeediatly drags him upstairs and makes him regret it, doesnt let him release and other stufff....!!!!!!!😅😅😅
2008 tom kaulitz 🙏🏼🙏🏼😭😭
ᡣ𐭩 tom teasing his gf
tom has been teasing you all fucking day. let it be going out to the mall where he’ll simply just fake moans in your ear or he’ll catch you off guard to grope or smack your ass in front of other people.
he’s really been pushing your buttons allll day, and you need to do something about it.
it started off where the five of you had just went out to the mall, you were checking out some clothing items of the store of choice. totally concentrated on the top you picked up.
‘’mmmm, you would look so good in that y/n..” tom moaned in your ear as he then blew a soft gust of air towards you. immediately covering your ear in embarrassment, you yell at him, “t-tom..!” “you’re very cute when flustered schatzi.”
a few moments later, you were standing in the food court line with bill because you both wanted mcdonalds. being quite the impatient bunch, gustav, georg and tom wanted to get pizza which was just a few steps down.
walking past, a harsh smack was landed on your ass. ohmyfuckingdays we’re in public. you whip your head to look at tom who was already speeding by with the other two, winking and smiling as you just stick your middle finger up at him. bill would just rub your back to comfort in hopes you don’t actually jumping him right here and now.
it was time to go home, and you had wished the day would just finish with how tom’s been acting.
“tom, i swear if you don’t behave, you’ll regret it,” you scowl at him. all he could do was giggle. this was funny to you? you thought, scoffing at him. bill comes running up to the two of you to ask if everything’s alright.
“m’ okay bill, your brother is just being a total shithead,” “hey! don’t act like i’m not in front of you two..”
all bill could do was smile, awkwardly. he has a keen eye, and thus he could definitely make note of the way that although tom’s head was turned around, he was nipping at your neck with his mouth and caressing your ass with his hands. kneading the fat under your skinny jeans.
“well uhhh, i’m gonna drop gustav and georg off. see you guys at home?” all you could do was nod at bill because tom wasn’t going to obviously do it the way he’s basically on you.
waving bill goodbye and until he was out of sight, you pull tom off your neck by his dreads who unlatches with a wet sound. your eyes were dark, and for a moment you saw tom gulp. in fear? nervousness? you don’t care, smirking at him.
just wait till we get home, tom.
slamming the front door shut, you kick of your shoes tom following. a strong grip on his wrist, you stomp up the stairs to only hear tom chuckling behind you. entering his bedroom, you lock the door shut and push him onto the bed.
there he sat, grinning ear to ear until he saw how serious you looked. shifting on the bed, it looks as though he’s ready to fall asleep until you grab his arm and pull him to the edge of the bed.
“uhhh baby i think i’m just gonna go to bed—” “yeah i don’t fucking think so.” you get up on his lap, straddling him as you begin to palm him through his jeans.
“ya wanna be a fucking tease all day?” pressing down harder on him as he drops his head back groaning, “i’d told you that you would regret it.” you could feel a bulge growing by the second as you feel him up while kissing down his neck.
“schatzi ‘m tired..” “shut up.” as he makes excuses for himself, tom secretly loves the dominant act you put on.
little did he know, you weren’t letting him off that easily.
you unzip his jeans and pull down his pants along with his boxers to reveal his dick, springing up in excitement as it curls and hits his belly. spitting on his dick, you begin to jerk your boyfriend off.
painfully slow, and purposefully not paying attention to his tip which beads with precum.
groaning, tom’s chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath. in attempts to fuck himself in your hand by thrusting his hips up, you press each of your knees down on his thighs and squeeze his dick.
“baby! what’re you doing..?” “who said you could talk?” you only pay attention to tom’s shaft, whilst also fondling his balls. however, it isn’t enough. you know his favourite spot is his tip and currently you’re neglecting it.
he doesn’t deserve the attention you’re even giving him right now.
tom tries to bring one hand to hold yours and bring it up his length, but your hold on his dick is pretty strong and you resist his attempts in fighting you on how to masturbate him, “l-liebling.. i-i.. fuckfuckfuck lemme just touch the tip..!” “no, tom, you wanted to fuckin’ act like a brat all day and ignore my warnings. this is what you get. you don’t even deserve this to begin with but i’m so generous aren’t i?”
swallowing hard, all tom could do was watch.
he knew there was no point in fighting you, so you’ve been teasing and jerking him off. in short, you pay little to no attention to the tip of his dick, and whenever he is close to release you stop and leave to do something like take off your makeup or change your clothes.
it’s been about three times since he could’ve came, but you didn’t let him.
he’s whiny, and whenever he moans, is extremely loud. did he forget that he shared a house with his brother AND his parents? luckily, bill was gone that whole night knowing your plans (he’s secretly scared of you) and their parents were out of town.
bringing your hand up and down his shaft, you hear sniffling. tom was crying. “baby.. it hurts so bad.. wanna cum.. please..” “hm? you gonna listen to me now?” “mmhm,” “promise tom?” “i promise schatz—just—fuck! i gotta cum.. need it bad..”
you lean up to his face to kiss and lick the tears off his face, “come baby..” all it took was a little stimulation to his tip, where you brought the palm of your hand to the head of his dick and motioned it in circles, providing eeeextra attention to his most favoured spot.
ropes and ropes of cum splurted out of tom’s dick, “ughhhh—s-shitttt..!” tom fucked his hips into your hand to ride out his high. slowing down his movements, you wait until he’s fully done to get up and grab a tissue, cleaning off your hand and his stomach where cum laid.
kissing his cheek, you smile at him, “did you learn your lesson baby?” “y-yeah.. fuck that was amazing..” giggling you walk to exit the room to wash your hands in the washroom attached to his bedroom.
“think you developed a new kink?” “shut up..”
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