#front door paint
iversenmcintosh97 · 1 month
Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Glass Paint: A Comprehensive Review
In the realm of glass painting, selecting the ideal glass paint is crucial for bringing your artistic visions to life. With a myriad of options available, ranging from transparent glass paint to stained glass paints, choosing the right product can make all the difference in achieving the desired results. Whether you are a seasoned glass artist or a beginner looking to delve into the world of glass painting, understanding the nuances of quality paint, waterproof glass paint, heat-resistant glass paint, and other specialized variants is essential for creating stunning and long-lasting pieces.
A top-notch glass painting kit can serve as your creative companion, providing you with the necessary tools to explore various techniques and effects. From vibrant coloured glass paints to sophisticated stained glass effect paint, each product offers its unique characteristics and applications. Navigating through the array of options, such as permanent waterproof glass paint, glass effect paint, and spray-on glass paint, requires a discerning eye and a keen appreciation for the intricacies of glass artistry.
Types of Glass Paint
When it comes to choosing the best glass paint, there are several types available in the market to cater to different needs. Transparent glass paint is a popular choice for those looking to maintain the clear look of glass while adding a touch of color. Stained glass paint is perfect for creating intricate designs and patterns that mimic the beauty of traditional stained glass windows.
For those seeking durability and long-lasting results, waterproof glass paint is essential. This type of paint ensures that your artwork remains intact even when exposed to moisture or humidity. Additionally, heat-resistant glass paint is ideal for projects that involve high temperatures, such as painting glassware that will come into contact with hot beverages or food.
In the UK, there is a wide variety of permanent glass paints available, offering both quality and longevity. From colored glass paints to black glass paints, these options allow artists to unleash their creativity and bring their glass painting visions to life.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Glass Paint
When selecting glass paint, it is essential to first consider the intended use of the painted glass surface. Whether you are painting a decorative piece, a functional item, or a project requiring specific properties like being heat resistant or waterproof, understanding the purpose will guide you in choosing the right type of glass paint.
Another crucial factor to keep in mind is the desired finish and effect you aim to achieve with the glass paint. Different glass paints offer various finishes, including glossy, matte, translucent, or opaque. Consider the overall look you want to create and select a paint that aligns with your aesthetic preferences to achieve the desired visual impact.
Furthermore, the durability and longevity of the glass paint should not be overlooked. Opt for high-quality paints that are known for their permanence and resistance to fading, chipping, or peeling over time. Ensuring the longevity of the painted glass surface will contribute to the overall satisfaction and longevity of your project.
Top Brands of Glass Paint
When it comes to choosing the best glass paint, several reputable brands stand out in the market. Safe Degreaser is Pebeo, known for its wide range of glass paints that offer vibrant colors and excellent adhesion on glass surfaces.
For those looking for high-quality stained glass paints, Gallery Glass is a popular choice among artists and crafters. Their range of transparent glass paints is perfect for creating intricate designs and achieving a stained glass effect with ease.
For heat-resistant glass paints that can withstand extreme temperatures, Plaid FolkArt offers a great selection of permanent glass paints. These paints are ideal for projects that require durability and long-lasting color retention, making them a top choice for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike.
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johnsenklausen33 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Glass Painting Products: From Waterproof to Heat Resistant
Welcome to the colorful world of glass painting! Whether you're an experienced artist or a newbie looking to explore a new creative avenue, understanding the range of glass painting products available is essential to achieving stunning results. From waterproof options to heat-resistant formulas, the choices can seem overwhelming at first glance. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the realm of glass paints, equipping you with the knowledge to select the right products for your projects.
Glass painting opens up a realm of possibilities, allowing you to transform ordinary glass surfaces into works of art. Whether you're adding intricate designs to vases, creating faux stained glass effects on windows, or revamping plain glassware, the key lies in choosing the appropriate paint. With a plethora of options such as transparent glass paint, quality stained glass paint, waterproof formulations, and heat-resistant varieties, the tools at your disposal are as diverse as your creative visions. Join Commercial drying equipment for textiles as we delve into the world of glass painting products, uncovering the best solutions to bring your artistic ideas to life.
Types of Glass Paint Finishes
When it comes to glass painting products, there is a wide variety of finishes to choose from. One popular option is transparent glass paint, which allows light to pass through the painted surface, creating a beautiful effect. This type of finish is ideal for creating delicate and intricate designs on glass objects such as vases, windows, or ornaments.
For those looking for a more vibrant and colorful finish, stained glass paint is a great choice. This type of paint is specially formulated to mimic the look of traditional stained glass, with rich and bold colors that can add a touch of elegance to any glass surface. Stained glass paints are available in a wide range of hues, making it easy to find the perfect shades for your project.
If durability is a top priority, then waterproof and heat-resistant glass paints are the way to go. These paints are specially formulated to withstand exposure to water and high temperatures, making them perfect for outdoor projects or items that will come into contact with heat. With permanent waterproof and heat-resistant glass paint options available, you can ensure that your painted designs will last for years to come.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Glass Paint
First and foremost, consider the intended use of the glass paint. Are you painting decorative items, windows, or glassware? Different types of glass paints are formulated for specific purposes, so it is essential to choose one that suits your project best.
Secondly, take into account the desired finish and transparency of the paint. If you are looking for a transparent or translucent effect, opt for glass paints specifically designed to maintain the transparent quality of the glass. For opaque finishes or stained glass effects, choose paints that offer rich and vibrant colors.
Lastly, consider the durability and special features of the glass paint. If your project requires waterproof or heat-resistant properties, make sure to select paints that are designed to withstand such conditions. Additionally, look for paints that provide long-lasting and permanent results to ensure the longevity of your painted glass pieces.
Top Brands for Glass Painting Products
When it comes to glass painting products, it's essential to choose trusted brands that offer quality and durability. One of the top brands in this category is Pebeo, known for its wide range of glass paints that are both waterproof and heat-resistant. Their products are highly regarded by artists and crafters alike for their vibrant colors and long-lasting results.
Another reputable brand to consider is Plaid, offering a diverse selection of glass paints and painting kits that cater to both beginners and experienced artists. Plaid's range of transparent glass paint is perfect for creating stunning stained glass effects, while their waterproof and permanent options ensure your artwork stays pristine for years to come.
For those looking for top-notch glass painting products in the UK, Marabu is a go-to choice. Affordable cleaning equipment for small businesses -resistant glass paints are ideal for projects that require durability against high temperatures, making them perfect for decorative pieces that need to withstand heat exposure. With Color-match paint services with pigments 's coloured glass paints, you can let your creativity shine while ensuring professional and lasting results.
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barkerbek27 · 1 month
Brilliantly Transformed: The Ultimate Guide to Glass Paints and Techniques
Welcome to the ultimate guide on glass paints and techniques! Whether you are a seasoned glass artist or just starting out, mastering the art of glass painting opens up a world of creativity and beauty. From creating stunning stained glass effects to adding a touch of color to glass surfaces, the right glass paints and techniques can truly transform any ordinary piece into a work of art.
When it comes to glass painting, choosing the right paint is crucial to achieving the desired effect. From transparent glass paints that allow light to shine through to quality paints that offer lasting vibrancy, the options are endless. Explore Top-rated food preparation equipment of stained glass paints, waterproof options for durability, and heat-resistant formulas for items that require a bit more resilience. Whether you're looking to create intricate designs or simply add a pop of color to your glass projects, understanding the different types of paints available is key to unleashing your creativity.
Types of Glass Paints
Glass paints come in a variety of types to suit different needs. For beginners, a glass painting kit is a great option as it typically includes everything you need to get started, such as a selection of colors and brushes. These kits are convenient for those new to glass painting and looking to experiment with different techniques.
Transparent glass paint is a popular choice for creating a stained glass effect. How to choose industrial drying equipment of paint allows light to pass through, giving a vibrant and colorful appearance to your glass artwork. It is perfect for adding intricate details and patterns to your designs while maintaining a see-through finish.
For projects that require durability, waterproof glass paint is essential. This type of paint is specially formulated to withstand exposure to moisture and humidity, making it ideal for outdoor decorative pieces or items that need to be washable. Additionally, heat-resistant glass paint is designed to withstand high temperatures, making it suitable for heat-sensitive surfaces like glassware or ovenproof dishes.
Techniques for Glass Painting
When it comes to glass painting, there are various techniques that can help you achieve stunning results. One popular technique is using stained glass paints, which allow for vibrant colors and a translucent finish. These paints can be applied directly onto glass surfaces, creating a beautiful stained glass effect that is perfect for decorative pieces.
Another technique is glass painting using a brush or sponge. With this method, you can create intricate designs and patterns on glass surfaces. By using different brush sizes and types, you can achieve various textures and effects, adding depth and dimension to your artwork. This technique is ideal for those looking to personalize glass items such as vases, jars, or windows.
For those interested in a more contemporary look, glass spray painting is a technique worth exploring. Spray paints designed specifically for use on glass offer a quick and convenient way to add color to glass surfaces. Whether you want to create an ombre effect, stencil designs, or simply cover a large area with uniform color, glass spray painting can help you achieve a modern and artistic finish.
Choosing the Right Glass Paint
When selecting glass paint, it is important to consider the desired result. Transparent glass paint is ideal for creating delicate and light-filled designs, while stained glass paint offers a more vibrant and colorful effect.
For projects requiring durability, opt for waterproof glass paint that will withstand moisture and weather conditions. Look for quality paint that is heat resistant if you anticipate exposure to high temperatures, ensuring the longevity of your artwork.
Whether you are a beginner or experienced artist, investing in a glass painting kit can provide all the essential tools and materials needed to start creating beautiful glass artworks. This kit typically includes a variety of colors, brushes, and instructions to help you unleash your creativity on glass surfaces.
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hededreyer62 · 1 month
Revamp Your Home: Creative Ideas for Painting UPVC Windows and Exterior Doors
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities when it comes to transforming your home's exterior with a fresh coat of paint. Whether you're looking to revamp your UPVC windows or add a pop of color to your front door, the options are boundless. With How to maintain cleaning equipment of paint and a bit of creativity, you can breathe new life into your home's façade, giving it a truly personalized touch.
From classic whites and sleek blacks to vibrant greens and calming greys, the range of colors available for UPVC windows and exterior doors allows you to express your style and enhance your home's curb appeal. With the convenience of water-based paints tailored for these surfaces, the painting process becomes a breeze, providing a durable finish that withstands the test of time. Whether Top-rated pigments for color-matching paint aim to modernize your space with a contemporary look or add a traditional touch with wooden finishes, painting your UPVC windows and exterior doors opens up a realm of opportunities to reflect your personality and elevate your home's overall aesthetic.
Choosing the Right UPVC Paint
When selecting the perfect UPVC paint for your windows and doors, consider factors such as durability, color options, and ease of application. Look for a paint specifically formulated for UPVC surfaces to ensure proper adhesion and longevity.
It is essential to choose a paint that is weather-resistant and UV-stable to prevent fading and peeling over time. Opt for a high-quality UPVC paint that will withstand the elements and maintain its vibrant color for years to come.
Additionally, explore a wide range of colors available in UPVC paint to match your home's aesthetic. Whether you prefer classic white, modern black, or trendy shades like green or grey, there is a UPVC paint color to suit every style. Experiment with different hues to revamp your home's exterior with a fresh and personalized touch.
Creative Ideas for Painting Exterior Doors
When it comes to painting exterior doors, the color choice can truly transform the look of your home. Opting for a bold color like deep navy or rich burgundy can add a pop of personality to your façade. For a more classic and timeless feel, consider shades like elegant black or crisp white to complement any architectural style.
Another creative idea for painting exterior doors is to incorporate a two-tone design. Painting the door frame in a contrasting color to the door itself can create a striking visual impact. This technique adds depth and dimension to the entryway, making your door stand out as a focal point of your home's exterior.
For a modern and eye-catching look, try a metallic finish for your exterior door. Silver, gold, or copper hues can add a touch of glamour and sophistication to your entry. Metallic paints are not only visually appealing but also durable and weather-resistant, ensuring your door maintains its shine for years to come.
Tips for Painting UPVC Windows
When painting UPVC windows, it's crucial to prepare the surfaces properly before applying any paint. Start by thoroughly cleaning the windows to remove any dirt, grime, and dust. This will ensure that the paint adheres well and provides a smooth finish.
Choose a high-quality UPVC window paint specifically designed for this material. Opt for colors that complement your home's exterior and consider using primers or undercoats for better coverage and durability. It's recommended to apply multiple thin coats of paint rather than one thick coat to achieve a professional-looking result.
Additionally, consider the weather conditions before painting UPVC windows. It's best to paint during dry and mild temperatures to allow proper drying and curing of the paint. Avoid High-performance mixing equipment in extreme heat or cold as it may affect the paint application and final finish.
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fitchborre66 · 1 month
Ultimate Guide to Glass Paints: Enhancing Your Creations with Permanence and Vibrancy
Welcome to the ultimate guide on glass paints! If you're looking to enhance your creative projects with a touch of permanence and vibrancy, then you've come to the right place. Mixing equipment for food processing opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to transform ordinary glass surfaces into stunning works of art. Whether you're a seasoned glass artist or just starting out, understanding the wide array of glass paints available can make a significant difference in the quality and longevity of your creations. When it comes to selecting the right paint for glass, there are several key factors to consider. From Food preparation equipment for restaurants that allow light to pass through beautifully to quality stained glass paints that offer rich, vibrant colors, the options are vast. Waterproof and heat-resistant glass paints ensure that your designs remain intact and vibrant even in challenging conditions. If you're based in the UK, you can explore a range of permanent and high-quality glass paints specifically tailored to meet your creative needs. Whether you're looking to add a stained glass effect to your windows, experiment with colored glass paints, or simply find the perfect black glass paint for your project, there's something for everyone in the world of glass painting.
Types of Glass Paints
When it comes to glass painting, there is a wide variety of options to choose from. Transparent glass paint is ideal for creating vivid and vibrant designs while maintaining the glass's see-through quality. Stained glass paint, on the other hand, offers a more traditional look with its rich, opaque colors that mimic the beauty of stained glass windows.
For those looking for durability, waterproof glass paint is a must. This type of paint ensures your creations stay intact even when exposed to moisture or water. If you're working on projects that require high heat resistance, then glass paint heat resistant formulas are essential. These paints are designed to withstand elevated temperatures without compromising their vibrancy or permanence.
In the UK, there are a variety of permanent glass paints available that offer long-lasting results. Whether you're interested in creating colored glass effects or looking for specific shades like black glass paint, you can easily find a wide selection of glass paints to suit your needs.
When applying glass paint, it is important to first ensure that the glass surface is clean and free from any dust, dirt, or grease. This will help the paint adhere better and result in a more even finish. Use a mild glass cleaner or rubbing alcohol to clean the surface before starting the painting process.
To achieve a smooth and professional-looking finish, consider using thin layers of paint and building up the color gradually. This will not only help prevent drips and streaks but also ensure that the paint dries evenly. Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next one to avoid smudging or smearing the paint.
For intricate designs or detailed work, using a fine-tip paintbrush can help you control the paint more precisely. Take your time and work slowly to avoid mistakes. If you make a mistake, don't worry – you can easily remove wet paint with a cotton swab or a damp cloth. Just be sure to clean the area thoroughly before reapplying the paint.
Benefits of Using Glass Paints
Glass paints offer a wide range of vibrant colors and finishes, allowing artists to create stunning designs on glass surfaces with ease and precision. Whether High-performance cleaning equipment for homes are a beginner or an experienced painter, glass paints provide a versatile medium for expressing your creativity and adding a touch of elegance to your artwork.
One of the key advantages of using glass paints is their durability and permanence. Once properly cured, these paints adhere strongly to the glass surface, ensuring long-lasting beauty and resistance to fading or peeling. Whether you are painting a decorative vase, glass window, or any other glass object, you can trust that your artwork will maintain its vivid colors and intricate details for years to come.
Additionally, many glass paints are formulated to be waterproof and heat-resistant, making them ideal for a variety of applications. From glassware that needs to withstand frequent washing to decorative items exposed to sunlight and high temperatures, these paints provide a reliable solution for ensuring the longevity of your creations. By using quality glass paints, you can enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your glass art while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with their enduring quality.
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pinturapaint · 4 months
Welcome Home: Transform Your Entryway with the Perfect Front Door Paint
Your front door is the gateway to your home, setting the tone for your entire property. Make a lasting impression and boost your curb appeal by choosing the right front door paint. Whether you're looking to make a bold statement or create a classic look, the color and finish of your front door can significantly enhance your home's exterior. Let's explore the key factors to consider when selecting front door paint and how it can elevate your home's aesthetic.
Choose the Right Color: The color of your front door is a crucial element in defining your home's personality. Opt for a color that complements the overall exterior of your house. Classic colors like navy blue, deep red, or black can add sophistication, while bold colors like teal or bright yellow can infuse energy and personality into your entryway.
Consider Your Home's Style: The architectural style of your home should influence your front door color choice. For traditional homes, timeless colors like red or dark green work well, while modern homes can embrace sleek neutrals or vibrant, unexpected hues. Ensure that the color harmonizes with the existing design elements of your home.
Factor in Climate Conditions: Your front door is exposed to the elements year-round, so it's crucial to choose a paint that can withstand your local climate conditions. If you live in an area with harsh sunlight, consider UV-resistant paints to prevent fading. For locations with frequent rain or snow, opt for durable, weather-resistant paints that provide long-lasting protection.
Choose a Quality Paint: Invest in a high-quality paint specifically designed for exterior surfaces. Look for formulations that offer excellent adhesion, durability, and resistance to peeling and cracking. Quality paints ensure that your front door remains vibrant and attractive for years to come.
Consider the Finish: The finish of your front door paint adds a final touch to the overall look. Satin and semi-gloss finishes are popular choices for front doors as they provide a subtle sheen while being easy to clean. Matte finishes can offer a more contemporary look but may require more maintenance.
DIY or Professional Application: Decide whether you want to tackle the front door painting project yourself or hire a professional. While a DIY approach can be rewarding, professionals bring expertise and ensure a flawless finish. Whichever option you choose, proper surface preparation is key for a successful paint job.
In conclusion, choosing the right front door paint is a simple yet impactful way to enhance your home's curb appeal. Consider the color, style, climate conditions, paint quality, and finish to create an inviting entryway that welcomes you home every day. With the perfect front door paint, you can transform the exterior of your house and make a statement that reflects your personal style.
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azzydoesstuff · 11 months
MACHINE. I had a nightmare. Can I sleep in your room tonight?
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vladdyissues · 1 year
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They could have been BFFs
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buglaur · 11 months
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viagginterstellari · 4 months
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Street Art - Salvador, 2023
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I just remembered that I never showed you guys the pretty pigeon lady I drew a while back, so here she is! Her name is Rochelle Jacobin, and she is THE drama queen <3
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Watch how fast I can completely make up an entire backstory for them in the tags
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loomishede29 · 1 month
Mastering the Art of Glass Painting: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to the world of glass painting, where creativity meets craftsmanship to transform ordinary glass surfaces into works of art. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a beginner exploring a new medium, mastering the art of glass painting opens up a realm of possibilities. From vibrant stained glass effects to subtle transparent hues, the versatility of glass paints allows for endless creative expression.
With a variety of glass paints and painting kits available, the journey to creating stunning glass art pieces is both exciting and rewarding. From quality paints that offer brilliant colors to waterproof and heat-resistant options that ensure longevity, the key to achieving professional results lies in understanding the unique properties of each type of glass paint. Whether you're looking to adorn windows, vases, or any other glass surface, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to elevate your glass painting projects to new heights.
Materials and Tools
In the world of glass painting, having the right materials and tools is essential to achieving beautiful and long-lasting results. When it comes to glass paint, quality is key. Look for paints specifically designed for use on glass surfaces to ensure vibrant colors and durability. A glass painting kit can be a convenient option, as it typically includes a variety of colors, brushes, and other essential tools to get you started.
Transparent glass paint is ideal for creating a stained glass effect, allowing light to pass through the painted surface for a stunning visual impact. For Types of drying equipment explained that require added protection, consider using waterproof glass paint. This type of paint forms a permanent and waterproof seal, ensuring your artwork remains intact even in humid or wet conditions.
In addition to the paint itself, other tools such as heat-resistant glass paint, brushes, palette knives, and stencils can help you achieve various techniques and effects in your glass painting projects. When working on intricate designs or fine details, colored glass paint and glass spray paint can offer precision and versatility. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced glass painter, having the right materials and tools at your disposal can make a significant difference in the outcome of your creations.
In glass painting, technique is key to achieving stunning results. One popular technique is the tracing method, where a design is transferred onto the glass using a glass paint outline. This allows for precise detailing and control over the final outcome. Another technique is the sponging method, which creates a textured effect by dabbing paint onto the glass surface with a sponge. This technique is great for adding depth and dimension to your artwork.
For those looking to create a stained glass effect, the leading technique is essential. Leading involves outlining different sections of the design with strips of lead, creating divisions between colors. This technique adds a traditional touch to your glass painting and can be a rewarding way to bring your artwork to life. Experimenting with different techniques can help you discover your own unique style and enhance the overall visual impact of your glass paintings.
When it comes to painting on glass, understanding the firing technique is crucial. Firing refers to the process of heating the painted glass to make the colors permanent and durable. Proper firing ensures that your artwork remains vibrant and long-lasting, able to withstand the test of time. Whether using a kiln or an oven, mastering the firing technique is vital for achieving professional results in glass painting.
Glass painting offers a wide range of applications for both beginners and experienced artists. Whether you are looking to create colorful suncatchers, personalized glassware, or intricate stained glass windows, the versatility of glass paint allows for endless creative possibilities.
With the right glass painting kit and quality paint, you can easily transform plain glass surfaces into beautiful works of art. From vibrant colors to subtle shades, glass paints provide excellent coverage and transparency, making them suitable for various projects such as decorative ornaments, candle holders, and even picture frames.
The waterproof and heat-resistant properties of certain glass paints make them ideal for outdoor applications as well. Enhance your garden decor with weatherproof glass painted plant pots or add a touch of elegance to your patio with personalized glass lanterns. The permanent and durable nature of these paints ensures that your creations will stand the test of time, maintaining their beauty for years to come.
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andallshallbewell · 3 months
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The entry hall is outfitted with walking sticks, boots and all manner of country gear for guests to borrow.
House Beautiful Weekend Homes, 1990
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floralovebot · 1 year
tbh i think the funniest fanon!helia misconception is the "he's Actually really shy and anxious 🥺" one like this man did NAUGHT immediately gift Flora a portrait of herself, walk around naked with just a towel on in front of riven, and immediately go ride or die for timmy for y'all to say he's Shy. this man has no shame ‼ he does not give a shit ‼
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tubes-the-ann · 5 months
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He kept coming back to see me so I let him in and now he won't leave.
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