#free voodoo spells to break up a couple
astrologerjaysharma · 4 years
How To Break Up A Marriage Without Them Knowing Using Voodoo +91-7014325176
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Are you going through some of the most difficult times of your life? Does your desired person or lover’s marriage has been fixed with some other person? Do you want to know how to break up a marriage without them knowing? So that no one gets to hurt by your decisions then you can get the solution from our specialist? our astrologer is a black magic specialist and he can do everything by break up spells with lemon and grant you success for your objective.
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Demon Alya submission (starts off angsty, gets fluffy at the end) made by Anon
Alya hissed with pain and strained to get up, but the magic sigils which had been chalked around her blazed with a strange pale light and her body slammed back to the hard cement floor. Her tail lashed back and forth wildly, hard enough that it hurt when its tip smacked against the wall, and her wings beat futilely to break out of the iron bindings that bent then flat against her back. “You sure we can’t work this out?” she asked in the best ‘temptation’ voice she could muster despite her pain. “I can give you power, wealth, fame…”
“I need no fame, demon scum,” boomed the exorcist who had bound her. He was an older man whose hair was going silver and who wore what looked like a cross between a priest’s cassock and a military uniform. He had a sword at his side whose blade was carved with holy sigils, and a few other exorcist accoutrements hung off his belt. Now he raised a book high while his eyes, which seemed almost to be trying to bulge out of his head, fixated on her. “All I need is the knowledge that you shall be destroyed forever, as God intended!”
Alya bit back a curse. She was still mad at herself for letting this guy get the jump on her, but by the time she’d realized that she was being followed, he was close enough to use some kind of magic spell to make her pass out. She’d awoken in what looked like a cheap basement, with a cement floor and bare plaster on the walls, and with sigils and iron bonds preventing her from escaping. “You can’t destroy me forever,” she snapped. “You might be able to banish me back to Hell, but I’ll be back on Earth eventually.”
Of course, that wasn’t a great scenario for Alya. Not only would she get in trouble for losing a fight with an exorcist, and not only would she fall behind on her soul quota, but her classmates wouldn’t know where she’d gone. It would be just like she’d abandoned them. And Alya couldn’t bear to think of how sad Juleka would be if Alya cut and run, or the rest of her cult, or… or Marinette. Alya knew Marinette would be devastated, and she desperately wanted that not to happen, but there didn’t seem to be anything she could do about it.
Then the man laughed. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, you little depraved beast? You’d love to be able to turn and wreck havoc once more. But I’ve found a way around it!” He tossed a little voodoo doll next to Alya. “I will bind your spiritual essence to this doll, then burn it. As the doll crumbles in the flame your spiritual essence will be split asunder. When I’m done you’ll be little more than millions of tiny bits of demon, each tied to a tiny bit of ash, and that ash scattered to the winds.” He grinned. “It could take thousands of years for the bindings to weaken enough for you to reconstitute yourself and even begin trying to regain a corporal form. And seeing as how you’ll be in utter agony the entire time, I highly doubt you’ll be sane enough to tempt any more innocents into your clutches!”
Alya gasped. What the man proposed might actually work, and would subject her to millennia of torture. And worse than that… by the time she put herself back together, her classmates would have been dead for millennia. She’d never see them again unless they went to Hell. And she’d never see Marinette, period, because that girl was so pure she’d surely get rushed right to Heaven the moment she died. 
She’d never see her best friend again. 
“You can’t do this!” Alya said, almost ashamed of how terrified her voice was but not being able to help it. “Please!”
“Silence, demon scum,” said the exorcist. “All your kind deserve this.” He began to chant, and Alya cried out in pain as she felt her essence being pulled towards the doll. She tried to fight it—
And then the door to the basement smashed open.
By the time Alya realized what was happening, she saw Rose—holding a flaming sword, wings spread to their full length, halo blazing such a righteous fire above her head that Alya could barely look at it—looming over the man, whom had been knocked into the wall and slid down. “YOU DON’T DO THIS!” screamed Rose in genuine rage. “EVER!”
The man stared at Rose in terrified shock. Rose glared at him, then turned to Alya and swung her sword at the sigils. They burst into a bright flash of light and vanished as soon as her holy blade touched them, and Alya was able to scrambled out of the former circle. A couple quick, careful strokes of Rose’s sword sliced the iron bindings from Alya’s back, and she sighed with relief as she stretched her wings.
“What are you doing?“ the man demanded. “Don’t free her! You are an angel, you must support our battles against demons. They are evil beasts who tempt others, so it is right that we hurt them! That we banish them and make them suffer all the pain they have inflicted—“
“IT IS NOT YOURS TO JUDGE!” screamed Rose loud enough that the man flinched back. She took an angry breath and said, “If a demon is doing something bad, then it is permissible to oppose that demon. I have opposed demons who were about to hurt or damn someone. But Alya was doing nothing, and even if she was, ‘opposing’ does not mean ‘torturing!’” She took a step closer and raised her sword. “The job of a holy warrior is never to inflict pain for the sake of doing so! To never do more damage than necessary to fight evil, to always show mercy where possible and encourage others to repent!” The fire on her blade blazed higher. “YOU ARE NO PALADIN!” she went on, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. “YOU ARE JUST A KILLER, AND—“
Alya hesitated, feeling on one hand that she really wanted to see this guy get absolutely thrashed by Rose, but knowing on the other she had an obligation to her friend. “Woah, woah, hold it,” said Alya as she quickly grabbed Rose’s hand to stop her from stabbing the exorcist. “He’s defeated, okay? You don’t need to kill him.”
“But he tried to kill you!” Rose said through teary-eyes. “You’re one of my best friends—“
“And I’m here to remind you that the stuff you said about you guys not being supposed to do more damage than needed applies to you too.” Alya bit her lip and looked at the exorcist who was now trembling with fear, his glee at his earlier successful tortures of Alya having seemingly already been forgotten. “Look, Rose, even if you can get away with killing the guy and not Fall or be stripped of your angelic status, you’ll still hate yourself for it tomorrow.”
The exorcist stared at Alya with bewildered eyes. “You are a demon!” he rasped. “You want her to Fall! I know it! All demons want angels to Fall!”
Alya frowned. “She’s my friend,” she snapped. “That’s more important the feud between our bosses.”
Rose was still standing with her blade raised. “But he hurt you,” she whispered. “You’re wonderful, and he hurt you, and I can’t just let that go.”
“Who said anything about letting it go?” Alya said. “Like, he tried to torture me to death. That’s really evil, so I’m pretty sure his soul’ll go to us when he dies, and that means we’ll have all eternity to get back at him.” Unless he repented and went to Heaven in the end, Alya thought, and if he did… well, that would be a bummer. She really wanted to get her claws at this guy. But she’d rather let this guy have that chance than have Rose kill him right there and suffer regret for it every day after for all her eternal life. “And even setting that aside, I can get the guy in jail with my Whisper powers. That way we know he can’t hurt anyone else.”
Rose was still hesitating, so Alya gently helped her lower the sword. “He’s not worth it,” she said. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”
Finally, still trembling with rage and sorrow, Rose let Alya escort her out of the basement.
It only took Alya about ten minutes to jail the guy. She was quite skilled with Whisper, the power of demons to, well, whisper evil or hurtful thoughts into the minds of unsuspecting mortals. During her training she had learned how to convince humans that everyone hated them and was only pretending to befriend them out of pity, or that their spouse was cheating on them, or that—whatever the priest at church said—they really had done something beyond forgiveness and so might as well go forth and sin some more.
Now, though, Alya used that power to Whisper into the fanatic’s head. “There are demons everywhere!” she whispered. “In that trash can! On that curb! On top of that police car! If you don’t fight them, they’ll destroy Paris!”
The fanatic raved and ran around, swinging his sword wildly at the demons his mind convinced him were all around him. That, of course, led to police officers swarming and tackling him. Alya smiled as she watched Roger Raincomprix bundle him into his police car and take him away, saying something about asylums and institutionalization. “He won’t be bothering anyone ever again,” she said. Then she turned to Rose. “How did you find me?”
“You didn’t show up for that thing you were doing with Juleka,” Rose said. Both girls were hiding their spiritual forms and looked fully human, but Alya got the sense that if Rose’s wings had been visible they would have been curling around her like a cocoon. “She got worried and used a spell from your library to track you down. I was closer so I got to your first, but she’ll probably be here soon too.”
“I should text her to let her know I’m alright,” Alya noted. She took her phone, which the fanatic had left in a corner of the basement and which Alya had reclaimed, and sent a message to Juleka. “Want to get home?”
Rose nodded weakly.
Alya frowned. “Don’t beat yourself up over losing your temper,” she said. “It happens to all of us.”
“Sure.” Rose shrugged. “Uh huh.”
Alya paused. Clearly, she thought, Rose needed more help. And now that Alya was out of her bonds and was back in action, she was just the girl to help her. “Anyways, I’m going back to my place, and you’re coming too,” she announced.
Rose blinked. “Wait, what?”
“I said, we’re going to my place,” Alya announced. “Come on, Rose. You saved my life and I owe you one. Let’s get going.”
Rose clearly didn’t know what was going on, but she smiled a little and let herself be dragged along.
When the pair got back to Alya’s apartment, they dropped their guises and Alya sighed as she flopped back in her bed. “I never thought I’d see this bed again,” she murmured. “I didn’t think I’d see you, or Juleka, or… or Marinette again either.” She shut her eyes, knowing how badly she would have been hurt to never see the adorable fashion designer, and also knowing how much pain Marinette would have been in if Alya had just vanished. “Thank you again, Rose.”
Rose nodded weakly.
Alya got Rose over to the couch and settled down with her. “Why are you still sad?” she asked.
Rose hesitated, and Alya said, “If you don’t want to share it with me, that’s fine. We can just rest here; I’ll put on some cartoons or something until we both feel better. But if you’re sad, you can talk to me.”
It took a few moments for Rose to say something, during which time she slumped over and snuggled against Alya. One of her wings tickled Alya’s nose and she sneezed, which made Rose giggle. Then Rose cuddled deeper against Alya and said, “Am I a bad angel?”
“No way!” Alya said. “You’re awesome at what you do, and I’m saying that even though what you do makes it harder to me to tempt souls a lot of the time.”
Rose smiled at that. “But I almost didn’t save you,” she said. “And I almost murdered that guy after he was already defeated.”
“You did save me in the end, which is what counts,” Alya said. “You did your job. And while you got mad at the fanatic, you didn’t kill him.” She paused. “We’ve never had an all-out fight, so I can’t say for sure what would have happened if you’d tried to break my grip and kill the guy, but based on what I know of you I think you could probably have thrown me aside and killed the fanatic if you really wanted to do so. You didn’t, so you knew on some level killing him was wrong.”
“Right, but I still want him to suffer for what he did to you,” said Rose. “And I’m not supposed to. Angels aren’t supposed to hate, even when we’re fighting evil.”
“I’m not exactly an expert on what you guys believe,” Alya said slowly. “Since we demons and devils have a different system. But I think I read somewhere that your boss is really big on forgiveness and understands that everyone screws up sometimes. I don’t think He’d want you beating yourself up like this, and I think He’d be satisfied with how you saved the victim—me—and didn’t do any more damage to the guy once he wasn’t a threat anymore.”
Rose mulled that over for a few moments. “You really think so?”
“Sure,” said Alya. “Besides, any God who would get mad at you over—what, yelling a bit after stopping a torturer?—wouldn’t be a God worth worshipping.”
“Don’t say that about God,” murmured Rose, but she sounded a lot calmer. “That makes sense, though. Thanks, Alya.”
“Happy to help.” Alya gingerly scratched at the base of Rose’s wings, and she sighed in contentment.
“You know,” said Rose after a few moments of that, “You’d make a good angel.”
Alya jolted in shock at that, and Rose laughed. “Don’t say that!” Alya feebly protested. “Seriously, I—I would not want that job. I don’t like the idea that I’d have to be nice all the time because my boss demanded it. I like what I am, where I have the freedom to be how I want.” She realized she was blushing and tried to make herself stop. “Besides, I’m not that nice in general,” she went on. “You’re an exception.”
“Nah,” said Rose. “You’re nice. If you wanted to be an angel you’d be great at it.” She chuckled, and then she asked, “But I’m curious about one thing. That guy said that demons want angels to Fall, but you worked really hard to stop me from Falling today. Was that just because we’re friends, or do you oppose angels falling in general?”
Alya didn’t know why, but she was blushing again. “Uh,” she began. “Look, I’m all about freedom. That’s why I like my side of things in the first place. I think you should have freedom too, and if I thought you really, truly wanted to Fall, then I would offer my help to you—you know, finding some sin for you to commit that wouldn’t do anything too bad or hurt anyone you didn’t want to suffer—so you could live as you wished. But I know you, and I know that in your heart you don’t want to do anything so bad that you Fall. You like being a holy angel warrior for God. You love being able to spread blessings and help usher souls into eternal bliss. And if that’s your choice, I want to help you maintain it. Because we’re friends.”
The idea of friendship was still a new one to Alya, who of course came from a place where there was no such thing as friendship, where everyone was out for themselves and anyone dumb enough to admit to weakness would find that weakness mercilessly exploited by classmates, neighbors, and random strangers. But now that she was in the human world, she had friends, and she found that she liked it. (Granted, she had to keep her friendships hidden from her bosses—especially her friendship with Rose—but she was a demon and deceit came naturally to her, so that wasn’t too hard.)
Rose smiled gently. “I’m glad we’re friends,” she said.
The two stayed still for a few moments before Rose reluctantly raised herself up. “I guess I should go,” she said. “I’m sure you and Juleka need to do whatever you were planning on doing before you got abducted.”
“We were just planning on watching some fun anime and having some snacks,” said Alya. Then, as if on cue, she heard a knock on the door and grinned. “It’s open!” she called. Then she turned to Rose and said, “When I texted her earlier, I told her to get back to my place so we could resume our plans. That must be her now.”
Rose tried to get up, but Alya wrapped her tail around Rose and tugged her back down. “I don’t want to get in the way,” Rose said quickly. “I’ll leave.”
“No, you’ll join us,” corrected Alya. “Because this is my room, so I can invite who I want, and I want you here. Because this is my cult, so Juleka has to do what I say, and I say you get to stay.” Her eyes twinkled. “And because I know you and Juleka love spending time together, and so since you also had kind of a rough day, a little time with your favorite paladin and my favorite priestess is just what Dr. Alya ordered.”
Rose grinned at that. 
Then Juleka entered the room carrying a bag.  As soon as her gaze fell upon Rose she smiled brightly, and Rose returned that smile. “Alright,” Juleka said. “I’ve got the DVD for that anime you told me to find, ‘Kill La Kill,’ and your snacks.” She took some cups out of the bag. “Three hot chocolates—one with cinnamon, because I know that’s your favorite, Rose—some microwave popcorn, and pastries from the Dupain-Cheng bakery.” She paused. “Marinette told me she’ll be free in an hour or so. Would you want me to invite her?”
“Sure!” said Alya at once. She’d have to hide her demon form once Marinette arrived, of course, but it would be worth it to hang out with the fashion designer. Marinette always seemed to brighten up any room. “And thanks for helping Rose save me with the tracking spell. I owe you one.”
Juleka waved that off. “It’s a friend thing,” she said. “Don’t worry about it.”
Such a sentence was something Alya would never, ever have heard in the demon world. Debts there were jealously maintained. But she liked this way, she found… even if she did intend on finding some way to reward Juleka for saving her life. “Sure,” she said to change the subject. “But I still appreciate it. Anyway, what kind of pastries did you get?”
“Angel food cake for Rose, lemon cake for me, and chili-chocolate cake for you,” said Juleka as she passed out the treats. Rose sniffed her cake and sighed at how wonderful it smelled. “I’ll pop in the DVD and then we can start the show.”
Juleka did so and then sat on Rose’s other side. Rose grinned and spread her wings wide enough to give partial hugs to both Alya and Juleka, and Alya’s tail flicked a bit before running against the other two girls’ backs. Rose giggled. “That tickles!” she said.
“Sorry,” drawled Alya. She bit into the delicious cake and grinned. Chili and chocolate was a hard combination to get right, but the Dupain-Cheng family were masters, and the cake was absolutely perfect. “My bad.”
“You’re not sorry,” said Juleka lightly. “That’s a lie.”
“Well, lying’s a sin,” chirped Alya. “And as a demon, that’s kind of my thing.”
Both of the other girls laughed, and then Rose draped her arms as well as her wings around the other two. Juleka hit the button on the remote and the show started.
Alya sighed, her pains from earlier almost completely forgotten as she relaxed with her friends. The human world was good, she thought. She was very glad she hadn’t been kicked out of it. And she’d try to stay in it—and be with the people she cared about, including the wonderful angel and the amazing human currently sitting on her couch—for as long as she could.
I like how its been decided that between Rose and Alya theres a bad cop and good cop dynamic going on
Alya is the good cop
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Eden’s Gate: The Mother Chapter 14 - Betrayal
Warnings: Some language 
Word count: 2.2k
Where it all began. 
Summary: In the penultimate chapter Mandy works with the Whitetail Militia and The Resistance to bring the Cult down, but her luck is about to run out. 
Guest OCs: Marie Campbell (FC: Fairuza Balk)
Guest Characters: Eli Palmer, Tammy Barnes, Wheaty, Mary May Fairgrave, Nick Rye, Pastor Jerome. Supernatural character that is hated.
Note: 1 more chapter until the finale. This takes place in 2012.
A week has passed, and Mandy has been working with the Whitetail Militia and the Resistance to bring down the Cult. 
“What more information do you need?” Eli asks Mandy.
She sighs, “I don’t know, I have plenty of information in them. Enough to lock them all up”.
Mandy has files, and a bunch of other paperwork that is labeled as “Confidential” that is enough to bring down the Project at Eden’s Gate. 
“What more does your boss want?” Tammy asks. 
“I don’t know. I left her a few messages, telling her to contact me ASAP” she tells them, scratching the back of her neck. 
“What charges do you have on Joseph?” Eli asks, taking a seat at the table. 
She opens the paper folders, and scatters them across the table. 
“Kidnapping. Illegal Weapons and Explosions. Murder. Attempted Murder. Fraud. Attempting to do harm, and several other charges” she tells them, “This is just the tip of the iceberg”. 
“Jesus, there’s more?!?” Tammy mutters. 
She sighs, “Yup, Joseph alone has 20 charges against him. The Cult all together has 75-100 charges”. 
They all stare at all the paperwork, and files that can easily be given to her “boss” and they can have the National Guard in Hope County within a few hours. Freeing everyone from the Cult and saving Hope County. 
All her lies keep piling and piling up. One after another, one lie after another. They just keep building and building, and they never stop. 
She gathers all the paperwork together, and locks it in the glove compartment of her truck. Keeping it safe, for now. She goes to Holland Valley, to her main spot that she used to go to. 
Spread Eagle bar, she parks next to the bar and goes inside. Everyone looks over at her, the people she met when she first went to Hope County. Mary May, Nick Rye, and Pastor Jerome. 
“Well, well, well” Mary says, “Look who finally came around”. 
She sighs, “Hey guys”. 
“So, The Mother, how are you gonna try and steal my family business?!” she asks. 
“I’m not” she tells them, “I’m getting out of the Cult”. 
The 3 of them look at her in confusion. 
“No one ever leaves the Cult” Jerome tells her, “They’re too loyal to Joseph”. 
“Them peggie fuckers, don’t even try to see past Joseph and his bullshit” Nick mutters. 
She takes a seat at the bar, “Well I’ll be the first to get out, and be their ultimate traitor”. 
Mary narrows her eyes at her, “What do you mean ultimate traitor?”. 
“I wasn’t really honest with all of you, but I’m an undercover agent for the FBI” she pulls out her FBI budget setting it down on the counter. 
“I’ve been working as a double agent. Getting information on Joseph and everyone that is associated with the Project”. 
They all exchange looks. Looks of confusion, looks of miracles and expressions of hope. 
“So for the past several months, you’ve been working undercover fed to get dirt on the Project?” Mary asks, hinting at some relief in her voice. 
She nods, “That’s right, that’s why I was away with the Project for so long”. 
She further explains to them, her “job” and all the information and charges she has on everyone associated with the Cult. 
She knows what she’s doing, she knows it’s only a matter of time before the Cult finds out her “secret” and they somehow end up killing her, but she also knows with Raphael by her side and Dawana, she’ll be safe. 
An Archangel and a Voodoo Priestess as her only chance of survival against a bunch of crazy eyed hillbilly fuckers.  
Chuck can’t see what she's doing. He sees another her, alongside with the Cult, kinda like an illusion or a clone of her that only he can see. 
It’s only a temporary thing until she can get herself out of Hope County, or somehow save the small town. 
An hour later, behind the Lamb of God church, near the river Mandy prays to her Archangel. 
“Hey Raph, where are you?” she starts, “I’m helping out the others and you said you’d heck in on me within a couple days, and it’s been a week”. 
She waits for his response. Might’ve been a delay because after 5 minutes he finally shows up. 
“I heard your prayer” he tells her, “The connection between Heaven radio and Earth is lagging behind”. 
“It’s fine” she replies, shrugging, “So how is everything looking down here from up in Heaven?”. 
He sighs, “Everything is looking fine. For now”. She narrows her eyes at him, concern on her face. 
“What do you mean ‘for now??’.” she questions him. 
He gives her a serious look, “Your spell worked, but God will grow suspicious”. 
Slightly shaking her head, “What do you mean?! I thought you said he can see another me working with the Project while I, the real me, works against the Project?!”. 
“He can, but God knows when something is off. He may not see it now, but eventually he will” he tells her, “ and it won’t be good at all. So I suggest you do as much work as you can before something bad happens”. 
Mandy can feel the stress of this whole situation, before she couldn’t, but now the stress is really on. 
“What else can I do?!” she mutters, feeling herself tense up. 
“Work against them” he tells her, “I’ll figure something out”. 
She looks at the ground, stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets. She looks up at the Archangel and asks “What did you really hear that day?”. 
He tilts his head in confusion, “What day?” he asks her. 
“That day at the church. I know you told me that if you tried to get me out of it, or if I tried to betray the Project, you’ll be cast out of Heaven, losing your wings and grace. But I think there was something else, Chuck had said”. 
He looks down, sighing “Yes, Father did say that, but Joseph wasn’t able to hear him say that because he knew I was in his head, listening to his thoughts. He did say something else, and it was that if you tried to betray, or somehow screw this up”. 
“He’ll kill me” she says, throwing her head back.
“No” he says, “He’ll get your daughters involved. Giving them their own story, as he puts it”. 
Her eyes widened, “What?!” she exclaims, “And you’re just telling me this now?!”. 
“I didn’t know how to tell you” he defends himself, “I was more concerned about my loyalty to my Father”. 
She scoffs, shaking her head, “Well he’s gonna give my kids their own story because of my betrayal”. Her voice breaking, her hands on her hips, pacing out of nervousness. 
He takes a few steps towards her, “He doesn’t know about the spell. You are off his radar, he can only see the version of you that is at Joseph’s compound, right now, at this very moment”. 
He places his hand on her shoulder, and teleports them to Joseph’s church. They’re completely invisible to everyone. She sees the other version of her that God can see from Heaven. 
“Is that her, or me. The other me, the clone?!?” she asks him. 
“Yes, she can’t see us. Neither can the others” he informs her. 
They watch Joseph giving yet another sermon to his followers. Clone Mandy standing next to him, along with Jacob, John and Faith. 
Raphael listens closely to his sermon, and immediately he doesn’t recognize his father’s work. 
“My father has never said that!” he says loudly but the peggies and the Seed family can’t hear him because him and Mandy are invisible to them. 
Mandy looks over at him with a surprised look on her face, looking back and forth at the 3rd Archangel and Joseph Seed. 
After a few minutes, he has had enough of the nonsense Joseph is saying, and he takes himself and Mandy back to the Lamb of God church. 
“He speaks nonsense!” he tells her, pacing in frustration “My father has never said such words. He is manipulating and twisting my fathers words. Making them into ungodly statements. I would know I was there!. Michael was there, Lucifer was there, Gabriel was there!”. 
She can see the frustration in the eyes of the Archangel, “Now you understand why everyone doesn’t want to join him” she tells him.  
He looks off into the distance, “I understand now. I don’t know if Chuck wants Joseph to say those words, or Joseph is manipulating and changing the works of my father”. 
He takes a deep breath before continuing, “I’ve tried to stay loyal to my Father. To Heaven, to my family but I know he’s gonna try and pull an inevitable stunt”.
“That’s why we need to work against him” Mandy tells him, bringing some sense into him. 
“I’ll be back” he tells her, and he disappears, going back up to Heaven.
3 weeks later
Mandy continues to work with the Whitetail Militia, giving them all the information about what she has on Joseph Seed and all of his followers. 
On the phone with her “boss” aka her younger sister Marie. On speaker phone, so Tammy, Eli and Wheaty can hear everything she’s saying. 
“I can send you everything I have on Joseph Seed, and everyone that is associated with the Cult” she tells her “boss”. 
“Okay good, you can either fax everything to me, or you can send very clear photos of them to me and I’ll give them to my boss” Marie tells her, staying in character as the Head FBI Director of Phoenix, Arizona. 
“Okay good. I have them on file on my phone, I’ll send them to you” she replies back. 
“Great, send them as soon as you can, and we can send in the National Guard as soon as we can” she tells her, “I’ll contact you when I receive them”. 
“Okay I will do that” she replies and hangs up her phone. Setting it down on the table. 
“Alright, so I’m gonna send these files to her and get this nightmare over with” she tells them. She goes to send the paperwork to her sister. But in reality she isn’t, her sister is not an FBI Director, she goes to another room “sending the paperwork”. 
After 10 minutes of pretending to send out the “paperwork”, she goes back to the others. 
“Okay I sent them” she tells them, “And we wait for the call”. 
They all settle down, and wait for the call that’s most likely not gonna come because she never sent the paperwork, and even if she did no one would come anyway. 
A few hours later, and no response back. 
“Did your boss get the paperwork?” Eli asks Mandy. 
“She should've” she responds, pulling out her phone. She calls her sister, it rings a few times. 
Finally she picks up, “Hey Director Irwin did you get the paperwork? I sent it a few hours ago and I never received any feedback”. 
“No I didn’t, can you send it again?” Marie replies. 
She takes a deep breath, “Okay I’ll send it again”, and she hangs up. 
“What happened?” Tammy asks her. 
“She never got the information, so I’m gonna send it again” she tells them. 
She goes onto her laptop, and for reals she sends the paper to her sister. It loads and she immediately gets an error on her computer. 
“What the fuck?!” she mutters in confusion. Trying to fix the connection on her laptop. 
“What’s wrong?” Eli asks. Trying to restart the connection, “It’s not sending the files” she tells them, “It’s saying a connection error, and that it's unable to send”. 
Realizing that all of Hope County has zero connection, no one can get a signal in or out. Everything is completely down. No WiFi, no internet connection. Absolutely nothing. 
“Fuck!” she mutters under her breath. 
She hides out at the Lamb of God church, she would stay at the Wolf’s Den but she needs to be in a private location where she is able to communicate with Raphael, and not have it be interrupted by peggie fuckers. The Lamb of God church’s basement is the best, it was recommended by one of the Whitetail’s soldiers. 
As soon as Mandy settles in for the evening, Raphael makes himself known and he’s in a panic.
“This isn’t good. None of this is good” he scatters, panicking. His hands trembled, looking human almost. 
“What’s happening?!” she asks, worried. 
He’s about to tell her what’s happening, and the next thing she knows, he lights up and disappears. Getting banished from the church basement. 
“Raphael?!” she shouts, her voice echoing off the walls. 
“Yeah sorry about that” she hears a male voice say from behind her. She turns around and sees the Scribe of God. Metatron. 
“Metatron?” she whispers, going into shock. Seeing the asshole Angel that has caused chaos in her family. 
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find out Mandeline?” he asks with that stupid smug smile on his face. 
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atlantisresource · 4 years
Atlantis Injuries List
Here is a repost of both the S1 and S2 lists.  Tumblr removed the originals because “there might be adult content.”  It’s a family show, quit deleting all the fandom resources!!  Anyway, I apologize if anything got accidentally missed while putting this back together.  Feel free to poke me.
LONG POST!!! (we’re looking at you, Jason, sheesh)
Injuries - Season One 
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1x01: hit in the face
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1x05: drugged unconscious
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1x02: sliced hand (to save Hercules)
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1x06: possibly enchanted by the song of the sirens when Hercules attempted to put her under a love spell (since it was actually a trap, we don't know that it worked - Medusa's feelings may have been her own - but Hercules is still an arsehole)
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1x06: cursed by Circe (Hercules' fault)
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1x09: cursed by opening Pandora's box (also Hercules' fault)
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1x01: fell and hit his head
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1x06: clawed on arm
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1x09: fell from balcony, then knocked out (long enough for a fire to spread through the house, be put out, and then for Jason and Hercules to be declared dead and hauled away)
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1x09: sliced hand (he needed blood to wake Jason and Hercules)
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1x12: drugged unconscious
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1x12: drugged to sleep (again)
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1x02: hand bitten
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1x06: shoulder injured while wrestling (it looks like there's a cut when Pythagoras is tending to him, but there's clearly no cut directly after the fight - Pythagoras is also doctoring the opposite shoulder)
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1x06: turned into a pig by Circe
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1x08: injured back due to being thrown against a rock wall
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1x09: knocked unconscious
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1x09: knocked unconscious again
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1x09: drank poison that "will slow your heart until only the faintest traces of life remain“ in order to enter Hades (you threaten a man’s life to get information, he gives you a vial of poison while going “yes, here’s how you get to Hades” and refers to you and Jason as “the bodies” - and you actually drink it?!  WTF is wrong with you?!)  
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1x09: whacked and tossed against a rock wall (but I don’t know if this counts, because he wasn’t physically there)
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1x09: smoke inhalation
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1x09: buried (I’m calling this an injury because who knows how long he was without oxygen)
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1x12: drugged to sleep
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"stabbed through the arm there in the third week" - this is actually Jack’s scar, gotten during filming
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1x01: woke up on the beach (meaning passed out while in the water)
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1x01: shot with arrow (caused the scar on Jason’s upper, left arm in every episode)
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1x02: struck on back of head/neck, momentarily dazed
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1x03: voodoo-dolled by Pasiphae
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1x06: magically burned by Circe
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1x07: kneed in the stomach by Hercules (might have gotten the crotch a bit also)
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1x07: tossed around by Hercules and Pythagoras to train him for the Pankration
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1x07: kneed in stomach again and separated shoulder
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1x07: separated shoulder fixed by Hercules
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1x07: “feverish”
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1x07: smacked around in the arena, injured shoulder was targeted
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1x07: smacked around in the arena again - Heptarian went for his injured shoulder also and added yet another blow to the stomach, then went for the other shoulder and punched him in the face
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1x08: punched in the face
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1x09: drank poison that "will slow your heart until only the faintest traces of life remain“ in order to enter Hades (you threaten a man’s life to get information, he gives you a vial of poison while going “yes, here’s how you get to Hades” and refers to you and Hercules as “the bodies” - and you actually drink it?!  WTF is wrong with you?!) 
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1x09: smoke inhalation
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1x09: buried (I’m calling this an injury because who knows how long he was without oxygen)
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1x10: axe, sword, or knife wound (knife assumed, although there was no blood on it, but Jason definitely stabbed somebody with it, so the lack of blood means nothing) - healed by Atalanta
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1x11: cursed into being a Kynikoi (oh, who are we kidding, I’m just gonna say it: werewolf)
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1x11: knocked out
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1x11: bitten and tossed against a wall
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1x11: drank silver to cure the curse
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1x12: arrow again (the amount of blood on the arrow goes from rather serious to “OMG, how is he not dead?!” between shots)
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1x12: grazed by spear (even though it looks like it misses him by a good couple inches - serious enough to require bandaging)
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1x13: scratched arm (bonus points for continuity since this must be the wound from the previous episode, however I’m taking those points away again because this is clearly not the same mark)
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1x13: knocked unconscious by blow to the head
Injuries - Season Two
Seems to have managed a full season streak (see post: somebody explain this).  However, if we counted emotional pain, all the acting awards to Robert Emms, because damn.
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2x09: cursed again
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2x09: fuck it, I refuse - nothing else happened to Medusa; she went to live on a farm in the country with lots of space to run around and other Gorgons to play with
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2x04: fell down a cliff with a rock-slide (knocked out for a bit, but basically just walked it off)
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2x06: knocked out, wrist cut
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2x12: grabbed by throat, possibly choked a bit
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2x05: fell and got a cut on her arm
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2x05: stabbed by Medea (we learn in 2x06 that the blade was enchanted)
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2x06: knife wound from previous episode still bleeding
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2x07: hand sliced
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2x09: held prisoner by Pasiphae and tortured by Medea (using magic and a voodoo doll)
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2x02: punched by Cyclops and smacks into stone wall
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2x02: injured arm during the battle
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2x06: clawed by a frickin' pterodactyl (after being bit by a mosquito)
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2x08: hit in back of head by jug then sword hilt (unknown if he was knocked out by the second blow - the first was part of a staged fight, although unplanned)
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2x09: drugged to sleep
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2x10: punched by Jason
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2x10: sliced with sword by Jason (wound was tended to by Pythagoras)
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2x12: cut when Pasiphae’s men attacked the temple (this is the only time I’ve ever seen an “it’s nothing” that was never mentioned again - I thought “it’s nothing” in tv land was code for “I’m going to collapse in the next scene”)
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2x04: shot with an arrow by Ariadne (being able to just yank those suckers out must run in the family)
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2x06: strangled with a chain
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2x12: poisoned with the nectar of the passion flower to neutralize her powers
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2x12: sliced hand
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2x12: knocked out from blow to the head - and stays out a long enough to carry her to the camp
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2x12: forced to drink more poison
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2x12: stabbed to death
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2x12: dropped (this happened while she was dead, but a fall like that had to do some damage)
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2x12: most likely got burned while being brought back to life (injured while being healed, what irony)
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2x01: seizure (from drinking the Oracle’s vision-inducing kool-aid)
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2x01: yet another arrow (I hate to break it to you, Jason, but with the amount of blood on that arrow, you are dead)
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2x02: "You fainted; the fall reopened your wound." (and he was out long enough for them to drag him from the river into the forest and make a fire)
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2x03: sliced with spear
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2x04: not certain if a sword got him or he was just smacked around with shields (but Ariadne felt the need to tend to his wound - and I might have to give huge continuity points to the writers here if this mystery injury is actually a shield hit to his spear wound from last episode)
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2x04: fell down a cliff with a rock-slide (knocked out for a bit, but basically just walked it off)
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2x05: broken leg (wait, you were unscathed in the epic cliff fall, but being knocked down broke your leg?!) - healed by Medea
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2x06: knocked out
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2x07: hand sliced (they say “blood sacrifice” and you’re all “okay sure” ... is there anything you don’t just go along with anymore, Jason?) 
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2x07: knocked out (by men sent by Pasiphae in an elaborate scheme to kidnap the Oracle, get Medusa to kill her, frame Jason, and cause Jason to be sentenced to death with the help of Melas who’s only a traitor because they’ve also kidnapped Cassandra -- good thing they decided to stick with that plan instead of just killing him while he was unconscious on the floor - seriously, do none of the bad guys ever hit people with the other end of their swords?  YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO USE THE POINTY END, GUYS!)
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2x07: hit in the face
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2x08: this is the only ep in season 2 that he makes it through uninjured - however, I thought it worthy of note that he’s imprisoned and sentenced to be slowly burned to death as a traitor, so it's not like his luck has changed
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2x09: heart blackened by learning the truth about Pasiphae being his mother - I’m not sure how this works, but it does seem to have been mind-altering, so it goes on the list (although frankly I’m calling it good old regular trauma from slicing off the head of a dear friend... in order to kill his own mother - I mean damn, that would fuck anybody up)
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2x10: stabbed with sword (magically healed, at least partially, by Medea)
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2x11: wound from previous episode is still bleeding (so it wasn’t fully healed by Medea’s magic)
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2x11: presumably beaten up by Pasiphae’s men when captured, has multiple cuts
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2x11: sliced in the arena 
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2x11: sand tossed in his eyes in the arena
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2x11: kicked around in the arena
(my personal opinion is this is self-harm with a bit of a death-wish after killing Medusa - it seems he let himself be captured and he doesn’t really fight back until it’s Diocles’ life at risk)
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2x11: drank poison in order to appear dead (dammit, Jason, what is this, the forth time you’ve trustingly gulped down poison?)
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2x11: shoved and smacks into a rock
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2x12: whacked with a sword hilt (they never did learn to use the pointy end)
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chiefpasca · 9 months

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lovespellstips · 4 years
Black Magic Break Up Spells Specialist Baba Ji
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If your boyfriend or girlfriend is going to marry with someone else or into relationship with another person.
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मैं हर संभव को असंभव बना सकता हूं। सुपर शक्तिशाली वशीकरण मंत्र के लिए पूछें। मैं ही तो हूँ, आपकी हर इच्छा को पूरा कर सकता हूँ।
Do The Black Magic Break Up Spells Bring Back Love?
The spell has its own charm to turn everything into positive. It helps you find love or get the loved one back from an illicit relationship. Also, applying the Free black magic break up spells will bring your love of life, no matter what he or she is engaging in a relationship with someone else. It spells to stop a divorce or exactly the reverse. Casting the breakup spells on your unfaithful spouse work the best.
Ways to Get Revenge by the Breakup Spell
No one wants to see his or her loved one with someone else. It is really a heartbreaking moment to know that the person you are in love with is engaged in a serious relationship with someone. This helpless situation can’t be handled. Also, it is next to impossible to get back the person towards you. Making a person fall for is one of the toughest jobs in the world. However, casting the Powerful black magic mantra can make the process as easy as a pie.
These spell work in two ways, simultaneously. Suppose you are a girl and the man you love is in love with some other girl. This Black magic for separation breaks the steady relationship of the man. The most important part is to make him fall for you. The spells, primarily, absorb all the positivity of that relation. After that, you are empowered with all the positive energy that your loved one wants to see in a girl.
You will never make this happen yourself. Correspondingly, casting the Black magic to break friendship is dangerous when performed without the right knowledge. This is why you need an expert conjurer to deal with the dangerous act.
What a Conjurer do that you Can’t?
Black magic is not easy to try. It needs in-depth knowledge to cast different spells and chants. A little mistake of the vocabulary and the pronunciation can bring a huge effect either good or bad. On the contrary, when you are with a knowledgeable person you will get the optimal help of the black magic. Each problem is different from one another. Since you are not with a veteran conjurer, you do not get the right effect of the spells. Only the experts know the accurate spells and their effects. Healing the relationship and marriage is not easy when you are a prentice in Separation spells.
Bringing back the lost love, preventing a marriage from a devastating divorce, or making one fall in love with are not easy things. However, all will happen only with the help of black magic. There are a lot of conjuring chants in this field. The Black magic breaks up spells are the most popular as well as dangerous. So never ever try it without an old pro.
Wrapping up:
So, are you the one who has any of these above-mentioned problems in your love life? Get the right decision now. Your fate is in your hands. Change your future with the most conjuring effect of black magic.
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ninakimlove · 4 years
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Mama shifa&ezra +27719415624 is a gifted spiritual healer and spells caster who may sort your issues and problems. "I Cast spells". With the help my spiritual powers, my spell casting is done in a unique way to help in your problems. If you have been disappointed by other spell casters and healers who have failed to provide you with the results they promised you and you're stuck with no option of happiness. It’s never too late for your problems to be solved, it’s time to have a change in life for the better and don't just sit back and think your worst situation cannot be changed for better because GOD helps those who help themselves, could submit to me your details I may be in position to help you out. Email me at 1) DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM IN YOUR LOVE, IS IT DETERIORATING? I think your partner is no longer interested in you. -You might think that there is no other solution. I offer solutions for all love related problems. I could strengthen bonds in all love relationships and marriage. 1) DO YOU WANT AN EVERLASTING LOVE WITH YOUR PARTNER? 2) I may restore love and happiness when relationships break up or down. 3) I may bring back your lost love. 4) I may help you look and choose for the best suitable partner when you can’t break the cycle of loneliness. 5) I may help to keep your partner faithful and be loyal to you alone. 6) I may create an everlasting love between couples. [email protected] African Juju", "Ancient magic spells in Tanzania", "24hrs love spells", "African love spells", "African spells", "Alaska spell caster", "American spells caster", "Amir", "Arabic marriage spells", "Atlanta love spells", "Australia love spells", "Bahrain love spells", "Belgium love spells", "best palm reader in America", "best spells caster", "black magic in England", "black magic in Uk", "Botswana love spells", "Brazilian spells", "break up spells", "Britain spells", "Kenyan Juju", "Canada spells", "commitment spells", "Quick money in Kenya", "create a marriage", "Doha love spells", "Dubai love spells", "Egypt spells caster", "England spells", "Faithfulness spells", "Forgive and forget spells", Love spells in Kiambu'', "Love spells in Mombasa", "France love spells", "Kilimanjaro spells", "Love spells in cape town", "Abu dhabi free spells", "Free strong spells", "Gay marriage spells", "Rwanda love spells", "Germany love spells", "Ghana love spells",''Love spells in Runda'', "Gibraltar spells", "Strong Juju spells in Kenya", "How to cast a free spell", "How to cast a last for love spell", "Igbo spells", "Indian spells caster", "Divorce spells in Kenya", "Iraq love spells", "Ireland love spells", "Islamic halal spell caster", "Islamic love spells in Malindi", "Islamic spells caster", "Islamic spells", "Italian love spells", "Jordan love spells", "Kuwait spells", "Yoroba love spells", "Lesotho love spells", "Libya spells", "Marriage spells Liverpool", "London love spells", Eastern Cape,Alice,Butterworth,East London,Queenstown,Graaff-Reinet,Grahamstown,King William’s Town,Mthatha,Port Elizabeth, Come Back To Me love spell. Bloemfontein,Jagersfontein,Kroonstad,Odendaalsrus,Parys,Phuthaditjhaba,Sasolburg,Virginia,Welkom,Gauteng,Benoni,Boksburg,Brakpan,Carletonville,Germiston,Johannesburg,Krugersdorp,Pretoria,Randburg,Randfontein,Roodepoort,Soweto,Springs,Vanderbijlpark,Vereeniging,Durban,Empangeni,Ladysmith,Newcastle,Pietermaritzburg,Pinetown,Ulundi,Umlazi,Limpopo,Giyani,Lebowakgomo,Musina,Phalaborwa,Polokwane,Seshego,Sibasa,Thabazimbi,Mpumalanga,Mmabatho Northern Cape,Emalahleni,Nelspruit,Secunda,North West,Klerksdorp,Mahikeng,,Kimberley,Kuruman, KwaZulu Natal,Wtern , Port Nolloth Capees,Potchefstroom,Rustenburg,Bellville,Cape Dublin ,Cork ,Limerick Arandis,Aranos,Eenhana,Gobabis,Grootfontein,Helao Nafidi,Henties Bay,Karasburg,Karibib,Katima Mulilo,Keetmanshoop,Khorixas,Lüderitz,Mariental,Mariental,Nkurenkuru,Okahandj,Okahao,Okakarara,Omaruru,Omuthiya,Ondangwa,Ongwediva,Opuwo,Oranjemund,Oshakati,Oshikango,Oshikuku,Otavi,Otjiwaro,Outapi,Outapi,Outjo,Rehoboth,Ruacana,-ndu,Swakopmund,Tsumeb,UsakosWalvis,Bay,Windhoek,lost love spell caster,psychic spells,love spell caster ,traditional healer,voodoo spells. CONTACT MAMA SHIFA-EZRA +27719415624 OR MAIL ; [email protected] https://www.shifa-ezraspells.com 
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just-a-dumb-gay · 5 years
Since she's immune to it, jumping in wouldn't have killed her. It would've destroyed Malivore but whatever black abyss Malivore is would still be there (obviously, otherwise there'd be no logical way to bring her back).
Now we can rule out dying of starvation or thirst because if that was possible in Malivore, then all the other monsters should've been long dead before they could come for the keys.
And we know they weren't resurrected from Malivore because of a couple lines from Hope and the Necromancer.
Incase you need a reminder:-
Hope - "You died, you were in a dark place for what felt like an eternity until suddenly you were pulled into the light-" And we know he was only killed because he was stabbed by that weird weird knife.
A little later this was said:-
Necromancer - "- It's more an instinct. I simply know things."
Hope - "Like you know you're here to retrieve a knife and return it to a place called Malivore."
Necromancer - "If I return the knife to Malivore I will be free."
Hope - "Of what?"
Necromancer - "The blackness, the void. The empty oblivion."
All the monsters were alive in Malivore. Maybe they weren't even killed to begin with. We saw the way Malivore took the monsters, he didn't kill them. Just...absorbed them? And the Necromancer was stabbed by the knife, so maybe that didn't actually kill him. Just some magic voodoo to knock him out and throw him in Malivore. (I cant find the clip to double check but Im almost positive I remember it being said he got stabbed.)
So, unless there's something I've forgot, Hope will still just be a wolf/witch and her vamp side won't have triggered yet.
Maybe so we still get vamp Hope in season 2, perhaps the spell to bring her back is too strong and kills her in the process so whenever they get her out she's already dead but of course nobody us worried since she's always had vamp blood in her.
Or maybe she gets killed by accident because nobody remembers her and if she finds her way back to the Salvatore school herself she is seen as a threat and killed.
But another thought. Perhaps since she was the key to kill malivore, her death would break the curse and everyone will remember her again. Maybe they go the whole 1 person remembering her and bringing her back route. And she's somehow killed in the process.
Because no matter what, bringing her back won't be easy. It'll take its toll on her and whoever is bringing her back and death will probably be a high possibility for someone.
Idk how realistic any of that is but hey, its Legacies. Anything is possible so any theory is valid (other than theories Rosie becoming a thing in season 2. Nu-uh. Cant be having that)
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lovebackspell · 5 years
Spell to separation lovers
Spell to separation lovers
Spell to separation lovers– Separation Spells to cause or keep a separation. Voodoo separation spells to separate a marriage or relationship. Invert a separation or separate a couple utilizing separation spells. Shield your marriage from a separation or separation utilizing restricting adoration spells that will shield your marriage from any negative powers, love adversaries or ex-lost…
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realmagicspells5 · 3 years
Free Black Magic Spells - Beware What You Wish For
There is a rise of interest in recent times regarding free black magic spells.  Many people, especially on the Internet, are offering their services, willing to cast these types of spells at a whim.
Dark or black magic is the type of sorcery that uses powers of darkness and usually has a unwholesome consciousness behind it. Any type of black magical workings are to be avoided and definitely anybody offering this type of ritual is to be mistrusted.  Normally those using such rituals are out to steal, cause destruction or even in the worst cases to kill others or injure them.
Many people who dabble in dark arts do not care about other people or about the possible harmful consequences that could occur.  When practiced, it is only usually for personal gain. By offering free spells, they are merely enticing a new person who into their fold. These practitioners often offer such services as break up rituals to split up a couple, dark magic love rites, free revenge rituals, voodoo and curses.
The term black magic is often used by practitioners of white or good magic who do not approve of those who are attracted to the darker forces.
However, it should be understood that just because it is called black magic it doesn't necessarily mean it has malevolent intentions. It could just mean the practitioner has the aim of banishing something that is unwanted.  For example, banishing a bully, banishing a disease or illness or warding off unwanted pests.
Often magician's and witches are not best represented in the media or by Hollywood.  Magical arts are often regarded as evil in general. Unfortunately, witches in movies are often portrayed as having malevolent intentions towards others and are seen to be using tools of the Craft such as the pentagram, cauldron and black candles. Unfortunately these things which are done and used in everyday, normal witchcraft have been linked, through movies, to black magic leading to the conception that these symbols are evil, hellish and linked with Satanism.
If you need any kind of information this topic click here: magic spells
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