#lemon freezer break up spell
rainafoxfire · 1 year
Purple Fairy Cocktail (Ostara, Spring Equinox)
Inspired by the spirit of the Spring Equinox, this purple fairy cocktail with butterfly peaflowers enchants any Ostara brunch.
Natural flower extracts give this delightful drink its rich, magenta color.
Add some ground ginger, vanilla vodka and a splash of bubbling club soda, and you’ve got yourself a good reason get a little drunk throw an impromptu garden party.
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Magical Correspondences
A kitchen witch cocktail is really just a drinkable potion.
For this one, I chose the ingredients for their flavor as well as their magical correspondences to the spring season.
In particular, I kept Ostara and Beltane in mind.  This serves really well during the cakes & ale portion of the ritual, or simply to add a little character to your Spring Equinox gathering.
But spring weddings, handfastings and bridal showers also make appropriate gatherings for the purple fairy cocktail.
(And if you’re a practicing Christian witch, or you simply celebrate Easter as a cultural holiday, you might enjoy serving it then, too.)
Butterfly Peaflowers
These magical flowers change color from deep indigo to purple on contact with acids (like the lemon juice in this recipe).
Their color-changing effect symbolizing transition, emerging, and the constant, seamless metamorphosis of life.
We include them here to infuse our cocktail potion with these qualities.
(Bonus?  You can use up the leftover peaflowers  to make some full moon milk).
This warm, beautiful root spice is one of my go-to for kitchen witch recipes.
Ginger’s many metaphysical properties make it a versatile and heart-warming spell ingredient.
Here, we use it for its healing vibrations to sooth and smooth away old wounds and renew ourselves for the coming growth of spring.
Club Soda
Who knew club soda also works as a spell ingredient?
The bubbly, effervescence of club soda inspires fresh thought, new ideas and the dreamy, ethereal quality of fairies.
All things that usher in good vibes for the spring season!
The cool, vibrant flavor of lemon calls to mind the dappled rays of early morning light on a crisp March morning.
Besides their knack for cutting sweetness, lemons are also a classic sun magic ingredient.
We include them in this recipe to dispel winter darkness and usher in a sense of lightness and brightness.
Flower Garnish
If there’s one thing that symbolizes the spring season, it’s flowers!
You might be surprised to know that many flowers, including violets, roses and lavender, are edible.
I love to include edible flowers in my spring recipes.  It gives any dish or drink a dreamy, feminine flair.
This cocktail is especially pleasing with floral pastries and cookies.
It pairs well with any of the following:
Flower Moon Cookies
Violet Fairy Cakes
Cinnamon & Rose Love Spell Cookies
Lemon Sun Cakes
A few tips.
Minor adjustments make or break any recipe, so consider the following variations to take this purple fairy cocktail from average to enchanting.
Balancing the Lemon with the Sugar
If you go too heavy on the syrup, you’ll end up with a drink that’s way too sweet.
Even if you like a sweet cocktail, start out light on the syrup, sip it and then add some more until you get a ratio you like.  You can always add, but you can’t subtract.
If you notice you went to far with the syrup, add the more lemon juice.
Work all that out before you top it off with the club soda.
Chilling the Vodka
Consider throwing the vodka in the freezer 10 or 20 minutes before you make this.
It slows down the chemical reaction of the peaflower with the lemon juice.
This adds another dimension of awesome, because you get these psychedelic  transitional layers of blue and purple.
Choosing flowers.
Definitely go with fresh (not dried) flowers here.
It gives it a just-picked-from-the-garden wow factor.
Be careful about getting them from the grocery store or picking them from a garden that you didn’t tend yourself.
If you get them from a grocer, make sure they were grown organically and rinse them in sink before use.  Pesticides on flowers on not held to the same safety standards as pesticides used on foods and edibles.
Last but not least—the ginger.
As tempting as it seems, resist the urge to sub dried, powdered ginger in the syrup.
It makes the syrup brown and throws the color off, ruining the whole shabang.
Either grate ginger with a cheese grater, or cut it into very thin slices before stirring it into the syrup.
I like it spicy, so I let it steep for 3-5 minutes.
You can go longer, but lower the heat, and be careful not to boil off too much water.
-1 cup sugar
-1 cup water
-2 tbsp dried peaflowers
-1 tbsp fresh grated ginger (do not sub ground or dried)
-4 ounces vanilla vodka
-1 whole lemon, cut into quarters
-1 can club soda
-(optional) edible flower garnish
Step 1
Put water and sugar in a small pot or saucepan.
Heat, whisking constantly until the sugar dissolves.
Add fresh grated ginger.  (Do not sub ground ginger).  The longer you steep it, the stronger the ginger flavor becomes.
Add the dried butterfly peaflowers.  The longer you steep them, the deeper the color becomes.  At this point, the color will look more navy blue than purple.  That’s okay.
Step 2
Strain the mixture through a mesh strainer to get out the chunky bits.
Put the syrup in a clean glass jar and let it refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
Step 3
Divide vanilla vodka evenly among 4 martini glasses.
Add peaflower/ginger syrup.  More for a sweeter cocktail, less for a drier cocktail.
Squeeze lemon juice in.  The color will change from deep blue to purplish.
Top off with club soda and a floral garnish.
Serve and enjoy!
Source: https://www.moodymoons.com/2020/03/01/purple-fairy-cocktail-ostara-spring-equinox/
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chantlovespells · 4 years
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lovebackspell · 5 years
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sephinova · 6 years
The Food Burglar
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Summary: There’s someone stealing food in Edge. Cloud and Tifa take it upon themselves to find out who the culprit is.
Pairing: Sephiroth/Jenova
Rating: Teen and up.
Warnings: Out of character, fluffy silliness and might make you feel hungry.
Notes: This fanfiction is the result of @idariddle and I exchanging our ideas and headcanons with each other. I’m very sorry that it’s badly written, I’m a beginner at story writing and this’s my second proper fanfiction that isn’t in script form (I’m still working on my first fanfic which is taking me an eternity to finish). Also, the fanfic’s a bit long, not meant to be taken seriously and it starts off very boring but it gets amusing after a certain point (which isn’t too far into the story). It’s easy to tell which parts I enjoyed writing the most. lol
''This's the fifth time this month our food has been stolen! We need food not only for ourselves but for my business, too!'' Tifa stomped out of the kitchen and into the bar. ''I've read in the newspapers that the burglar only steals food and cookbooks and targets households and establishments that have high-quality food at night.'' Cloud stated. ''Could the burglar have a business that is struggling?'' Tifa wondered walking over to Cloud who was sitting on one of 7th Heaven's bar stools. ''Who knows? It also says there's been no evidence to suggest who they could be. I'm sure they'll slip up eventually. We'll have to keep on the lookout.'' ''Why don't we ask around Edge? Maybe someone knows something, it's worth a try.'' Tifa suggested. ''Yeah, let's do that. We could ask at The Golden Mu first, they've had the most break-ins and is the most famous restaurant in Edge.'' Cloud and Tifa made their way to the bar's entrance.
Cloud and Tifa entered The Golden Mu restaurant, a young waitress with short light-brown hair smiled at them. ''Welcome to The Golden Mu, Sir, Ma'am. Do you have a reservation with us today?'' The waitress politely greeted. ''No, we don't. I'm Tifa Lockhart, I'm the owner of the 7th Heaven bar. Is it possible to talk with the owner of this establishment? It's about the food burlaries.'' Tifa inquired. The waitress pointed to the bar area of the restaurant. ''You see that man over there wearing the blue shirt? That's Mr. Gleaves, the owner.''
Tifa thanked the waitress and the duo walked on over to the middle-aged restaurant owner who was cleaning a glass. ''Hello, what can I get you both today?'' Mr. Gleaves smiled. ''Excuse us, Mr. Gleaves. I'm Tifa Lockhart, the owner of the 7th Heaven bar and this's my friend, Cloud, he sometimes helps me run it. We want to ask you about your experiences with the food burglaries.'' ''Have you been burgled, too?'' Mr. Gleaves asked. The duo nodded. Mr. Gleaves sighed. ''Come to my office, we'll talk there. Follow me.''
Cloud and Tifa followed Mr. Gleaves to a door that had a sign that read 'STAFF ONLY', the owner entered a number in the code locker and opened the door. They walked midway down a small hallway and entered his office. ''Please have a seat.'' Mr. Gleaves gestured over to two chairs and walked over to his office chair, they all sat down.
''To be honest with you both, my experiences might not be of any help.'' The owner said doubtfully. ''Just tell us what you know.'' Cloud encouraged. Mr. Gleaves scratched his head and sighed. ''At the beginning, I thought I knew who was causing these burglaries. I have a couple of employees who have been struggling financially these past few months and I thought they were the ones behind it... until I heard the same thing was happening to other businesses on the same nights. Also, I have CCTV in this premises and looking at the footage of the nights where the burglaries took place there was no one to be seen... however, I did notice something strange with the times on the recordings. The time skips ten or more minutes once in each recording, it seems that the burglar is able to disable the CCTV.''
''But wouldn't they need to have access the building in order to disable it?'' Tifa questioned. ''That's what I thought. There's CCTV leading to our control room and in our storage room where our electricity switch box is, they are the only ways in order to disable them and the burglar would have been seen by the cameras.'' Mr. Gleaves stated crossing his arms.
''Maybe someone's been using a hacking device?'' Cloud suggested. Mr. Gleaves nodded in agreement. ''Hmmm, you could be right.'' ''Have you noticed any signs of a forced entry?'' Cloud asked. ''Absolutely none. I lock this place up tighter than the Shinra Company's money vault. The burglar must have a very sophisticated skill in breaking and entering.'' Mr. Gleaves said.
''Do you know of any businesses that have been struggling?'' Tifa asked. ''I've heard of a couple that's been trying to keep their heads above water, it's not so much that they have poor ingredients but it's because they have bad customer service.'' Mr. Gleaves replied.
There wasn't any more information to be gained, they thanked the restaurant owner and left.
Cloud and Tifa had asked at three more businesses, but it was more or less the same story as The Golden Mu. They walked back home contemplating what to do next. ''I feel as though we haven't gotten anywhere.'' Tifa said disappointingly. ''Maybe the culprit used to work for Shinra? They could be an ex-Turk.'' Cloud guessed. But why would an ex-Turk steal food and cookbooks? If they were struggling financially to feed themselves wouldn't it benefit them more to steal money or valuable items? Something wasn't adding up, none of this was making any sense.
''I was thinking maybe we could take turns every couple of hours to keep watch at the bar at night, we might be able to catch the burglar.'' Tifa suggested. ''That could work unless they'll be able to tell if someone's there and you're willing to go without a full night's sleep?'' Cloud asked. ''If it's to catch whoever's behind this.'' ''Then it's a plan.'' Cloud agreed.
Fifteen nights had passed since Cloud and Tifa put their plan into action. It was 3 AM and it was Cloud's turn on guard duty. Cloud yawned still half-asleep as he sat waiting in the bar, these nights had been taking their toll on him and it didn't help that he had to get up early in the morning to send out deliveries.
This was the longest the burglar hadn't attempted to steal from 7th Heaven but was still stealing from other places. Cloud was certain that the burglar knew that he was keeping watch, they had to be using some kind of advanced technology, there couldn't be any other explanation.
Cloud's eyes felt very heavy, he was struggling to keep awake. He kept telling himself to persevere and that the burglar could strike at any time, but oh how very exhausted he was.
Half an hour had past and Cloud succumbed to his fatigue and fell into a much-needed sleep.
After a short while, the silence of the bar had been broken by quiet footsteps that came closer and closer to the sleeping Cloud. ''Sleeping whilst on guard duty? You disappoint me, Cloud. But I'll take this to my advantage and ensure you won't get in the way.'' Sephiroth whispered as he cast the Sleepel spell on Cloud to keep him from waking up.
Sephiroth entered the kitchen and dropped the large sack he was carrying onto the floor. He opened the fridge, pleased with the ample selection of food he grabbed fruit, vegetables, eggs, milk and... what was this? A plate with a slice of cake inside a plastic cloche with a label that read 'CLOUD'S. DO NOT TOUCH.' A mischievous grin spread across Sephiroth's face as he picked up the cake and took a big bite out of it, but as soon as the cake touched his tongue he cringed. Lemon flavored and little stale, disgusting!
Sephiroth next raided the freezer and pantry smiling to himself with the plans he had for the food. He put all that he needed into the sack and walked out of the kitchen and back into the bar and looked towards Cloud. ''Give Tifa my thanks for the food that she has provided. I'll be back at another time.''
''Cloud! Wake up! Wake up, Cloud!'' Tifa nagged tapping Cloud's shoulder. Cloud grumbled in annoyance, Tifa better have a good enough reason to wake him up from his dream of entering the Chocobo Racing Grand Prix. ''How could you fall asleep!? We've been burgled again! I thought you were going to wake me up hours ago for guard duty!'' Cloud's eyes snapped open in shock. ''Ww-What!?'' ''Just come into the kitchen and have a look for yourself!'' Cloud barely awake got up and followed Tifa into the kitchen.
Cloud opened the fridge and saw at least half of their food had been stolen. Of all the nights the burglar had to strike was when Cloud was too tired to keep awake, what rotten luck. ''I'm so sorry, Tifa. I didn't mean to fall asleep.'' Cloud apologized. ''I understand it's been difficult for you, even I'll admit that I've nearly dozed off several times.'' Tifa empathized.
Cloud was about to close the fridge until he noticed something strange about his slice of lemon cake. On closer inspection Cloud's eyes widened, someone had taken a bite out of his cake! ''Who the hell has bitten into my cake!? I was gonna eat that today! Was it that burglar!?'' Cloud yelled. Cloud remembered that in the early hours of the morning he opened the fridge to get a drink of milk and his precious cake was fine. Whoever that burglar was must be some kind of sadist.
''I will make you another lemon cake sometime or you can always buy one.'' Tifa reassured Cloud. But lemon cake was Cloud's absolute favorite, it was a sin to waste it but he wasn't going to eat it now that burglar had gotten their filthy germs all over it. Cloud vowed to himself that he'll deck that son of a bitch when he finds them. - ''I've made some curry for you, Mother.'' Sephiroth put a plate of curry and rice on the dining table in front of Jenova. ''Thank you, Sephiroth. This smells wonderful.'' Jenova picked up her spoon and scooped up some of the tasty food and put it in her mouth, she softly hummed in pleasure as the heat of the spices filled her mouth.
Sephiroth sat down with his plate of food and looked at Jenova, seeing her happy brought him so much joy. ''I never knew eating was so pleasurable until you introduced me to it.'' Jenova told Sephiroth before taking another bite. ''I also made a chocolate cake for dessert.'' As soon as Sephiroth mentioned chocolate cake Jenova's eyes lit up with delight. ''You spoil me too much, darling!'' Jenova affectionately caressed Sephiroth's face with one of her tentacles. ''You're worth spoiling, Mother.'' Sephiroth replied as he leaned his head against his mother's tentacle.
''I'll have to cook you something again in return.'' Mother cooking again? Oh no... ''You don't have to do that, I'm more than happy to cook for you.'' It wasn't that Sephiroth disliked Jenova's cooking... well, maybe a little. It was often that her creations were extreme or unique. She would put too much of an ingredient into her cooking or she mixed foods that didn't go well together, like the time she made a jalapeno pepper, raspberry, coconut and fish stew... Sephiroth couldn't believe how he managed to stomach that. But when she cooked by the book they were delicious and satisfying meals and Sephiroth was always hungry for seconds.
''I want to cook for you to show my appreciation.'' Jenova replied. But despite the randomness of Jenova's cooking, it made Sephiroth very happy to know that he was appreciated and thought of fondly by his dear mother and no matter what she cooks for him he would endure it. ''Thank you, Mother. You're too kind.''
A few days had passed since 7th Heaven had been burgled a sixth time and Tifa was tending to her customers until her phone rang. ''Hello, this's 7th Heaven, Tifa Lockhart speaking. How may I help you?'' She answered the call. ''Hello Miss Lockhart, it's Mr. Gleaves, the owner of The Golden Mu restaurant. There's something you need to know...''
Later that evening Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel sat in the bar eating their dinner. ''I got a call from the owner of The Golden Mu today and he said he had an encounter with the food burglar last night.'' Tifa told everyone. ''What happened? Do they know who it was?'' Cloud asked. ''Mr. Gleaves and a couple of his friends stayed overnight at his restaurant to see if they could catch the burglar. The burglar came and when they attempted to catch him, he cast the Sleepel spell on them.'' Tifa explained whilst cutting into her food.
''Do they know what he looks like?'' Denzel asked. ''He said that the burglar had cut the power again so they couldn't see him very well. But they could tell that the burglar was a tall man and had Mako eyes.'' ''Could the burglar be a former SOLDIER?'' Cloud wondered. ''He also said that one of his friends managed to turn on his torch just before the Sleepel spell was cast and he saw that burglar was wearing what looked like black leather boots and a long coat.''
Tall, Mako eyes, black leather boots, and a long coat? There was only one person that came to Cloud's mind that would fit that description; Sephiroth. But Sephiroth is dead and why would he want to steal food of all things? Something like food would be beneath him. The thought of Sephiroth being the food burglar was utterly ridiculous, no way was it him.
''I think we may have more chance of catching that burglar if we equip ourselves with Ribbons to ward off negative status effects. Instead of staying in the bar, we may have more luck listening out for him from upstairs.'' Cloud suggested. ''We should be very careful if it's an ex-SOLDIER, who knows what he could be capable of.'' Tifa cautioned.
''I know you'll catch the burglar, I believe in you both!'' Marlene cheered. ''Yeah! You can do it!'' Denzel chimed in. Cloud and Tifa smiled with renewed confidence. ''Thanks, kids.''
Today was the day Jenova was going to cook for Sephiroth. She put on her magenta apron that had writing on it that said 'Universe's Greatest Mom', she washed her hands and tentacles and rinsed the vegetables she was going to use.
Jenova decided to go by the book and make 'Sweet and Sour Chocobo' for dinner and 'Banora White Apple Crumble with Custard' for dessert. She never thought that something this mundane was so enjoyable, the end results excited her so much she could almost taste them.
With her hands and three pairs of tentacles, Jenova began cutting her vegetables and Chocobo meat. She was thankful for having tentacles, they were great for multitasking and getting things done a lot quicker. Jenova knew that she would have to awaken Sephiroth's dormant tentacles sometime, she would teach him how to use them to their full potential as they would greatly help him when he cooked... and among other things.
''Do you need any help, Mother?'' Sephiroth asked standing just outside the kitchen. ''I'm fine, you just relax and I'll call you when it's ready.'' Jenova reassured her son.
It was dinner time. Sephiroth sat at the dining table as Jenova dished up their food. The food smelt very appetizing to Sephiroth, however, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive due to past experiences.
''I've made us 'Sweet and Sour Chocobo', I hope you will enjoy it.'' Jenova told Sephiroth as she placed his plate of food in front of him. Sephiroth picked up his cutlery and took a bite and it tasted amazing! The sweetness and the sourness of the sauce was a perfect blend and the Chocobo meat was tasty and tender.
''This's exquisite, Mother!'' Sephiroth exclaimed. ''I'm happy that you think so. I've done quite well this time if I do say so myself.'' Jenova smiled proudly. ''Is there any more?'' ''Yes, but make sure you have enough room for dessert, I made 'Banora White Apple Crumble with Custard'.''
Banora White Apples, they reminded Sephiroth of two people who he had known long ago. Jenova noticed Sephiroth's quietness as soon as she mentioned the dessert. ''Do you not like that dessert?'' Jenova asked. ''It's not that, I was just lost in thought for a second. I'm looking forward to having some.''
Full and relaxed, Jenova sat on the floor in front of the fireplace in the living room with Sephiroth's head resting on her lap as she lovingly stroked his face. ''Thank you again for that wonderful meal, Mother.'' Sephiroth thanked gently. ''You're most welcome.'' Jenova replied.
''Sephiroth, I was wondering...'' Sephiroth looked up at his mother. ''...I would like to go with you when you collect food sometime.'' Jenova requested. ''All right, it's just that...'' She could hear the hint of hesitation in his voice. ''Speak your mind, tell me what it is.'' Jenova encouraged. ''The people of Edge are on high alert because of me and I've already been confronted a couple of times.'' Sephiroth explained. ''Why don't you just kill them if they get in your way?'' Jenova answered Sephiroth's easy to resolve problem.
Sephiroth shook his head. ''If I kill people that confront me, those establishments will most probably close in time due to the deaths of the owners. People will feel discouraged buying from them knowing a killing had taken place and it will make it difficult for me to steal quality food... and...'' Sephiroth paused and smiled tenderly. ''...I want us to continue to enjoy cooking and eating meals, I cherish these times we have to together.''
Sephiroth had a point. Jenova enjoyed spending quality time with her son, too. It was a pleasant change of pace from destroying planets, infecting and killing people and she didn't want it to end anytime soon.
''Don't worry, I can be stealthy.'' Jenova reassured Sephiroth. ''You coming with me we'll be able to bring back twice the amount of food.'' ''That's what I was thinking.'' Jenova lightly giggled.
''What can you tell us about the burglar?'' Tifa asked a teenage girl whose parents owned a small cafe and that she claimed to have seen the food burglar the night before. ''Ummm... Last night I woke up 'cause I needed to need to use the bathroom and I heard a noise coming from downstairs. I first looked into my parents and little brother's room 'cause I thought it might have been one of them downstairs, but they were all in their rooms asleep. I grabbed my baseball bat and went downstairs...'' The girl fidgeted anxiously. ''Didn't you think to wake up your parents first?'' Cloud asked. ''I wasn't thinking straight.''
The girl let out a big sigh. ''The kitchen door was slightly open, I looked inside and all I saw were the burglar's hands taking food out of the fridge... I-I froze, I was so scared, I didn't know what to do.'' Tifa placed her hand on the girl's shoulder trying to comfort her. ''After he left I must've waited at least half an hour before I went into the kitchen, I switched on the light and I found something on the floor. The girl went over to one of the kitchen's drawers and pulled out a black feather. Cloud's and Tifa's eyes widened in shock, it couldn't be...
''Can I see that for a sec?'' The girl handed the feather to Cloud. The feather looked just like Sephiroth's, there was no doubt about it. On closer inspection, he noticed a single strand of long silver hair hanging from the feather.
''How many times do I have to tell you, dear? That feather isn't from the burglar!'' The girl's mother walked into the room. ''But mom! It IS from the burglar!'' The girl argued. It wasn't the burglar's? How was this woman so certain? ''How do you know?'' Tifa asked the woman. ''Last night before I went to bed I threw out an old moth-eaten dress I made years ago for a fancy dress competition, I had sewn black feathers onto it.'' The woman explained with absolute certainty. ''There's a strand of silver hair hanging from this feath-'' Cloud was cut off by the woman's sudden burst of laughter. ''I bought a silver wig to go with that dress!''
''But that feather is a lot bigger compared to the feathers on that dress!'' The girl protested. The mother and daughter argued amongst themselves, Cloud and Tifa weren't sure on who to believe. Was it all a coincidence? ''You said you threw that dress away, do you still have it in your garbage bin?'' Cloud asked. ''No, the garbage truck came to collect it not long before you two arrived.'' The mother spoke. Damn it.
''What did the burglar's hands look like?'' Tifa asked in a last attempt to get whatever little information out of the girl. ''Uhhh, he was wearing black gloves.''
Tall, black clothes, Mako eyes and possibly the black feather and the single strand of long silver hair, all this evidence pointed to Sephiroth, but was it him? And not to mention the burglar was able to interfere with electricity, could Sephiroth do that? Cloud wasn't sure.
''It's hard to believe that the burglar could be Sephiroth, it doesn't make any sense.'' Tifa said in disbelief. ''It's completely out of character for him to do something like that, what would make him steal so much food for so long?'' Cloud wondered aloud as they arrived back at the entrance to 7th Heaven. Surely Sephiroth didn't come back from the Lifestream to simply commit petty crimes, what happened to him wanting to destroy the Planet and use it to travel the cosmos?
''We'll have to be more vigilant if it's him. Just the thought of him being alive makes me feel uneasy.'' Tifa said worriedly as she took out her key out from her pocket. Cloud nodded in agreement. ''What I'm concerned about is that Sephiroth could threaten the Planet again... I hope it isn't him, but...'' Cloud trailed off. Tifa unlocked the door, she looked back at Cloud with a concerned expression as she was about to step into the bar. ''I hope so, too, Cloud.''
Tonight was the night that Jenova went with Sephiroth to go 'food collecting'. They flew over the city of Edge and landed on top of the tallest building in the entire city. ''We'll start from there and make our way to over there.'' Sephiroth explained his directions whilst pointing out to different locations. ''You have become quite familiar with this city, haven't you?'' Jenova commented clearly impressed. ''I need to be if we want to continue having delicious meals.'' Sephiroth stated. ''Let's go.''
Sephiroth and Jenova first broke into a cafe and headed for the kitchen and found that there were padlocks on the fridge and walk-in pantry. Sephiroth put his hand a few inches over the padlock to the pantry, with unseen force Sephiroth unlocked the pantry and opened the door. Jenova stepped into the pantry and her eyes lit up with amazement, there were so many different kinds of ingredients, many of which were perfect for making pastries and confectionaries.
Happy, Jenova snatched everything she liked the look of off the shelves and put them into her sack. She went back into the kitchen and saw Sephiroth put the last of what he needed into his sack, they smiled at each other and left for their next destination.
After collecting from a couple of other establishments, Sephiroth and Jenova returned atop the tallest building preparing to head back home, however, Sephiroth wasn't ready to go back just yet. ''Mother, there is one other place I want to collect from before I leave. Why don't you head home? I'll follow you soon after.'' Sephiroth suggested. Another place? They had collected more than enough food that would last them at least just over a week and not to mention their sacks were nearly full.
''Where is that?'' Jenova asked. ''Cloud's residence.'' Sephiroth answered. Jenova frowned, she had thought that Sephiroth had gotten over that troublesome puppet. ''Why does it have to be his place? Why can't you collect from somewhere else?'' Jenova asked, not hiding her irritation. ''Cloud has a friend that lives and runs a drinks and food business there, the food she has is high quality and... '' Sephiroth's lips turned up in a sadistic smirk. ''...it gives me pleasure taking away Cloud's food.''
Jenova mentally facepalmed, Sephiroth was not over Cloud whatsoever. It was pretty much impossible to convince Sephiroth not go through with his plans in regards to Cloud, even Jenova wouldn't be able to convince him. She considered using her tentacles to drag him back home, but she knew he would make a big fuss about not getting his way and she didn't want to potentially draw unwanted attention and get caught.
''I'll come with you because I know what you're like when it comes to the puppet.'' Jenova insisted. ''Mother, I can do this on my own, you can trust me. I've already taken his food from him six times and I haven't been caught-'' ''YET. What will you do if he catches you?'' Jenova interrupted. ''I'll cast Sleepel on him.'' ''And if that doesn't work?'' Sephiroth gently placed his hands on Jenova's shoulders and smiled sweetly. ''Please trust me, Mother.'' He softly pleaded.
Jenova could feel the blood rushing to her face with the loving way Sephiroth gazed at and spoke to her, she knew she shouldn't allow him to have his way. She sometimes hated herself for how soft she had become in recent years.
Jenova sighed in frustration. ''Fine. But make it quick, I don't want the frozen food to start to thaw. I'll wait here for you.'' ''Thank you, Mother. I'll come back as soon as possible.'' Sephiroth ascended and flew in the direction of 7th Heaven.
Jenova watched Sephiroth as he flew away, she had a horrible feeling that she had just made a big mistake.
Marlene had woken up with a dry mouth and she sleepily sat up from her bed. ''Can't sleep, Marlene?'' Denzel whispered. ''I'm thirsty... why are you awake?'' Marlene asked rubbing her eyes. ''I woke up feeling hungry. Why don't you get a cup of water from the bathroom?'' ''I want orange juice.'' ''You know we're not allowed downstai-'' ''I. Want. Orange. Juice. You can get a snack if come down with me.'' Marlene said yawning as she stood up. ''We'll get scolded again if Cloud and Tifa find out and what if the burglar's downstairs!?'' Denzel fretted. ''They would have heard him by now if he was here.'' Marlene said as she was about to open the door.
''Wait!'' Not wanting Marlene to go alone Denzel jumped out of his bed and went to her side. ''I'll go with you, but we'll have to be very quiet.'' Denzel told Marlene and she nodded in agreement.
Denzel slowly opened their bedroom door, careful not to make a sound. The children tiptoed down the hallway and stairs. The kitchen door was open, the children assumed that either Cloud or Tifa must have accidentally left it open before calling it a night. From just outside the kitchen, Denzel reached for the light switch and flicked it on. As soon as they entered the kitchen they gasped, standing there was Sephiroth with a bag of carrots in his left hand and a cucumber in his right, he stared at the children with a blank expression and the children stared at him back.
What to do!? What to do!? The children thought to themselves. The burglar reminded them of three scary silver-haired men from a year-and-a-half-ago that had taken them to a faraway place, but this man looked even scarier than those men combined. And why haven't Cloud and Tifa heard the burglar break-in!? They must have fallen asleep, so much for guard duty... But now that they had thought about it, they hadn't even heard the burglar break-in. He must have the skills of a ninja.
Damn it. Sephiroth had been caught and by children of all people. He noticed that the children were shocked with fear, he hoped that they were too scared to take any actions that would threaten him being caught by Cloud, Mother would be livid if that happened and yet part of him hoped that Cloud would catch him. Sephiroth wanted to see the look on Cloud's face as the truth would be revealed that he was in fact the food burglar.
A full minute had passed of them staring at each other. Sephiroth was the first to make a move, ignoring the children he packed the vegetables into his sack. ''STOP THEIF!!! THAT IS OUR FOOD!!!'' Denzel screamed at the top of his lungs. ''YEAH!!! STOP STEALING!!!'' Marlene joined in. Sephiroth flinched at the children's annoying shrieking, this was definitely going to get Cloud's and Tifa's attention. Hightail it out of here? Stay? Keep Mother sweet? Mess with Cloud a little? Sephiroth felt conflicted.
The decision had been made by the sounds of running coming from upstairs, Sephiroth was staying.
''Marlene! Denzel! Are you alright!?'' Tifa frantically called out as she ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Tifa's eyes widened in disbelief at the man who was standing in her kitchen that she thought to be long dead, Cloud followed seconds later equally shocked. ''It's been a long time, Cloud... Tifa.'' Sephiroth drawled. ''Kids, go back into your room now!'' Tifa ordered. The children retreated upstairs.
Cloud and Tifa noticed their food on the kitchen worktops and the large sack of food on the floor, they're worst fears had been confirmed. ''I don't believe it, you're the one who's been stealing food this whole time!'' Cloud yelled. Sephiroth darkly chuckled. ''That's right, I am the food burglar of Edge.'' ''But why steal food!? Isn't godhood and wanting to use this planet to travel the cosmos your goals!? When did you return from the Lifestream!?'' Cloud demanded. ''Initially, that was my plans. But I introduced Mother to the joys of eating and now we want to cook and enjoy meals together-'' Sephiroth's explained. ''WHAT!?'' Cloud and Tifa exclaimed in unison. Sephiroth couldn't be serious. ''It must have been about two of months ago...'' Sephiroth continued with his explanation.
Sephiroth and Jenova flew out from the Nothern Cave, after years it was time to finally end the lives of their enemies and use the Planet as a vessel to travel the cosmos to a new planet to create their shining future as gods.
They headed in the direction of Edge, but Sephiroth wasn't quite ready to initiate their plans just yet. Sephiroth was able to now sustain his body without the need for nutrition, yet he was having a craving for Wutainese food and on top of that, he hadn't eaten in eight years.
Sephiroth stopped in mid-air and after a couple of seconds Jenova noticed and stopped to turn around to face Sephiroth. ''What's wrong?'' Jenova asked. ''Mother, I have a small request. May we go to Wutai, please?'' ''Why?'' ''I am having a craving for Wutainese food.'' Jenova raised an eyebrow. ''You know that you no longer need nourishment to survive.'' Jenova stated. ''I know that, but it tastes good. I promise I won't take long, please?''
What was the point of eating if it's not to sustain oneself? Tastes good? Jenova couldn't understand her son's reasoning. As much as she desperately wanted to achieve her dream of destroying the Planet that she had for the past 2000 years she would allow Sephiroth's request, he wasn't asking much of her after all. ''If that is what you wish.''
Jenova sat on a rock by a beach near Wutai waiting for Sephiroth to return. She was concerned about Sephiroth's cravings for food, he would find godhood difficult if he still continued to cling to such weak human needs.
Sephiroth descended with a plastic bag, he sat on a rock next to his mother and pulled out two transparent boxes and two pairs of chopsticks. ''Would you like to try some, Mother?'' Sephiroth offered holding out a box and chopsticks to Jenova. ''No, thank you. I can survive without it.'' Jenova declined. ''Let me know if you change your mind.'' And if she doesn't, all the more for him.
Sephiroth opened the box of food, he twirled a few noodles around his chopsticks and popped them into his mouth. He sighed in satisfaction, oh how he had missed Wutainese cuisine.
Jenova observed Sephiroth, he seemed to be relishing the food with every mouthful. She had to admit that the food smelled surprisingly nice and she noticed that her mouth began to water, she never had this reaction before. Maybe there was more to food than simply consuming it as a means of survival.
''I want to try some.'' Jenova said. Sephiroth smiled as Jenova took out the contents of the plastic bag with her tentacles. Using the chopsticks, she picked up some of the noodles and put them in her mouth. Jenova's eyes widened and a long moan filled with pleasure escaped her. The spices of the sauce made her mouth tingle, the soft textures of the noodles, the tenderness of the meat and the slight crunchiness of the vegetables were astonishing! Where had this been all her life!? Why hadn't she discovered this sooner!? This was life changing!
Sephiroth was taken aback by his mother's reaction, it almost sounded like she was...
''Th-this's... how you would describe 'delicious'!?'' Jenova said breathlessly before she ate more. ''I'm pleased that you think so, Mother.'' Sephiroth commented. ''Are all foods this delicious?'' ''Not all, it depends on personal preferences. There are many different types of cuisines and countless recipes, cooking is all about trying out ideas and methods.'' Countless!? Jenova wanted-no, NEEDED to try all these foods.
''Change of plans. I'm going to learn how to cook and make delicious meals. I need to discover every recipe and flavor imaginable. This... is my new calling!'' Jenova declared.
''...and that's how I introduced Mother to food.'' Sephiroth finished. Cloud and Tifa stared at Sephiroth, jaws dropped, dumbfounded and speechless.
What is taking Sephiroth so long!? Jenova thought to herself as she popped another grape into her mouth. Her patience was wearing very thin. She should have known better than to trust her son when it came to the puppet.
Not wanting to wait any longer Jenova took flight to Cloud's place, she hoped that Sephiroth wouldn't have gotten himself killed by the time she got there.
''So, you're telling us that the reason why you're not going to destroy the planet is that Jenova has become a foodie!?'' Tifa exclaimed flabbergasted. ''That is correct.'' Sephiroth reaffirmed. ''I don't believe this!'' Cloud groaned. Jenova, The Calamity from the Skies who has attempted to destroy the planet and all it took to stop her was to give her food!? The extinction of the Cetra and all the mess that happened years after could have been prevented!
''Think of it this way, I taking your food is a very small price to pay in order to keep the Planet safe. Do you not agree?'' Sephiroth spoke as he opened the fridge. ''I have a business to run, bills to pay and mouths to feed! If you and Jenova feel so strongly about cooking, why don't you get a job and buy your own food!? And get out of my fridge!'' Tifa yelled. ''He wouldn't be able to get a job because no one would want to hire someone who tried to destroy the Planet!'' Cloud remarked.
Sephiroth ignored the duo and picked up a pie from the fridge and eyed it. ''Put my pie down, Sephiroth!'' Tifa demanded. ''It would be such a shame if something were to happen to this pie, wouldn't it?'' Sephiroth threatened as he fixed his eyes on Cloud.
Sephiroth placed his right hand just a couple of inches above the pie and made small, slow movements as if to imitate caressing. ''Put it down!'' Cloud barked becoming increasingly more pissed off. Next Sephiroth brought the pie close to his lips, he opened his mouth, daring to bite into it.
All of a sudden Sephiroth threw the pie at Cloud. With quick thinking and agility, Cloud barely dodged the pie and SPLAT! Sephiroth's face changed from a cruel smirk to a look of pure horror as he stared at where the pie had landed. The foil casing fell, Jenova's face was covered in cherry pie.
''I am so sorry, Mother!'' Sephiroth cried out. Overcome with humor, Cloud and Tifa couldn't help but snicker at the amusing scene. Sephiroth glared menacingly at the duo, if looks could kill they would have been dead at least five times over.
Jenova began to wipe the sweet treat off with her hands. ''Hold on, Mother!'' Sephiroth grabbed a dishcloth and put it under a tap and dampened it with warm water. Sephiroth rushed over to his mother and began to clean her face and all the while she glared at him with absolute disappointment.
''I am very sorry, if I had known you were there I would have nev-mmph!?'' Abruptly, Jenova rubbed Sephiroth's face with her cherry pie covered hands. Sephiroth stepped back at the unexpected sticky assault, Cloud's and Tifa's snickering burst into laughter. ''I should have known better than to trust you!'' Jenova snapped at her son and stormed out of 7th Heaven. ''I'm sorry for betraying your trust, Mother!'' Sephiroth called out to Jenova as he snatched his sack of stolen goods and hurriedly followed after her.
Cloud and Tifa chased after Sephiroth, but by the time they made it outside Sephiroth had flown away. ''NEVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME!?'' Tifa shouted hoping that Sephiroth would hear her. ''He'll be back.'' Cloud grumbled.
Jenova hadn't spoken a word to Sephiroth since the night before at 7th Heaven, he figured that she needed some time on her own to cool off. He felt genuinely bad for betraying her trust and wanted to somehow make it up to her. He should have skedaddled out of Cloud's place as soon as those children had discovered him.
Sephiroth entered the kitchen and found Jenova washing her hands and tentacles. ''Mother, I am truly sorry. I don't expect your forgi-'' ''I forgive you, Sephiroth. I know you didn't mean to throw that pie at me. But you must learn to not allow your hatred of the puppet to get the better of you, he has been your undoing three times already.'' Jenova spoke calmly with a hint of firmness to her voice with her back to her son.
Sephiroth nodded slightly. ''Yes, Mother.'' Truthfully he disagreed with her that his hatred for Cloud had been getting the better of him, he believed it didn't whatsoever. But he was relieved that Mother had forgiven him so soon or at all for that matter.
''Is there any way I can make it up to you?'' Jenova thought for a moment at Sephiroth's offer and a mischievous smirk tugged at her lips. ''Yes, there is. I'll be cooking dinner tonight and I'll be making my 'specialty' jalapeno pepper, raspberry, coconut and fish stew. And I expect you to eat EVERY SINGLE BITE.'' Sephiroth felt instantly queasy, he should have just kept his mouth shut.
Even though it’s badly written, I had a lot of fun writing it! ^^
If anyone wants to talk or ask questions about my fanfic, feel free to! :)
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badreturns-m · 7 years
American VS Australian Names for Things
lol that title could of been better. basically aussies call things different thinsg to american things and things. things. the list will be as follows: 
what an australian calls the thing vs what american call the thing. 
hope that makes sense. hopefully i get it right cos americans like yelling at me when i get things wrong. some most of these i also found online cos i dont know everything anything. so lets not shoot the messenger aka ME.
bonnet ... hood boot ... trunk bumper bar ... bumper mud guard ... fender windscreen ... windshield indicators ... indicators, blinkers, turn signal petrol ... gas bitumen ... asphalt sealed road ... paved road gravel ... road metal ute, utility ... pickup truck 3 or 5 door ... hatch back give a lift ... give a ride lorry ... big rig car park ... parking lot bowser ... gas pump gallon ... gallon (is nearly 20% smaller, 3.8 litres instead of 4.5) overtake ... pass pass ... pass each other driving in opposite directions
A4 ... lettersize (lettersize is shorter and wider than A4) foolscap ... legal size rubber ... eraser blackboard ... blackboard, chalkboard blackboard duster ... blackboard eraser sticky tape ... scotch tape  elastic band, lacky band ... rubber band biro ... pen post a letter ... mail a letter display on notice board ... post a notice postman ... mailman drawing pins ... thumbtacks paper knife ... letter opener golfballs (selectric typewriter) ... elements ground floor ... first floor (Oz floors are US floors less 1) lift (building) ... elevator notice board ... bulletin board lavatory, toilet ... washroom, restroom
biscuit ... cookie, cracker scone ... biscuit (nearest equivalent, made with yeast instead of self-raising) lolly ... candy, treat icey pole ... popsicle, ice pop plain flour ... all purpose flour whole meal (bread) ... whole wheat castor sugar ... confectionary sugar rockmelon ... cantaloupe paw paw ... papaya shallots, spring onions ... green onions, scallions capsicum ... bell pepper silver beet ... Swiss chard punnet of strawberries ... pint, small basket of strawberries sultanas ... yellow raisins jam ... jam, jelly jelly ... jello chips ... French fries potato chips ... potato chips fairy floss ... cotton candy ginger ale ... root beer lemonade ... 7-up (not the same but similar) lemon juice ... lemonade tomato sauce ... catsup, ketchup polyunsaturated margarine ... low cholesterol margarine entree ... appetizer main course ... entree tea (tea in this context, meaning the main evening meal, may be short for high tea, although no one ever says that in Australia) ... dinner tea time, morning tea, afternoon tea ... coffee break half milk, half cream ... half and half black or white coffee or tea ... coffee or tea with or without cream, coffee light serviette ... napkin scroggin ... gorp, trail mix tucker ... grub meat and salad roll ... hero, dagwood, submarine, hoagie sandwich ... blt (bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich) make a sandwich ... make or fix a sandwich packed lunch ... sack lunch or box lunch hundred and thousands ... sprinkles (nearest equivalent) custard sauce ... --- jug of beer ... pitcher of beer schooner, midi, pot ... small, large beer restaurant bill ... restaurant check, restaurant bill shout a round ... buy everyone drinks tin ... can mince steak ... mincemeat chicken, chook ... chicken meat pie ... --- pastie ... --- pavlova ... --- sausage roll ... --- lamington ... --- pudding ... --- stew ... --- cooked in a pan, a bit like a pieklet ... drop scone a rich confectionary cut into bars ... fudge like a rich chocolate cake ... brownie clam soup, the most common New England clam chowder is creamy, but there is also a less common red tomato based version ... clam chowder --- ... clam juice to bake under an open grill, i.e., bake and grill food simultaneously ... broil
bring a plate (Oz) =pot luck (US) adj In Oz, one might say "All invited. Bring a plate." In the US, it's a "pot luck dinner". In either case, all guests bring a plate or dish of food which can be shared. In Britain it is apparently called "Dutch treat". crumpet (Oz) n 1. vaguely like an English muffin, only much better. Commonly eaten in place of toast during winter. 2. woman considered as a sexual object (seldom used now). vegemite (Oz) n Wholesome and sharp tasting black spread for toast and crackers. The definitive Australian icon, and there is definitely no US equivalent. University
year 7, year 8 year etc ... freshman, sophomore, junior, senior university, uni ... school, campus at university ... in college masters, PhD student ... graduate student thesis ... dissertation supervisor ... adviser term ... quarter autumn ... fall sit in on course ... audit course primary school ... elementary school maths ... math stats ... stat sinh, cosh, pronounced "shine", "cosh" ... "sine h", "cos h", hyperbolic sine and cos beta, pronounced "beeta" ... beta, pronounced "bayta"
flat ... apartment kitchen tidy ... trash can rubbish bin ... garbage can bucket ... pail tap ... faucet, spigot letter box ... mail box verandah ... porch, deck footpath ... sidewalk lounge ... sofa lounge room, sitting room ... living room wardrobe ... cupboard dresser, dressing table ... sideboard cutlery ... flatware knives ... cutlery freezer ... freezer, icebox kitchen bench ... kitchen counter door frame ... door jam
verge (the grassed area between the footpath in front on your house and the road which you look after as part of your own front yard but which actually belongs to the city council) "You can park on the verge." ... easement (usually used only in legal language), swale (on a property that doesn't have a sidewalk/footpath or a cement curb, the grassy area closest to the road)
laundry trough ... laundry tub clothes hoist ... clothes line clothes pegs ... clothes pins billy (usually a blackened tin pot used on a bushwalk) ... pot billy tea (tea made in a billy on a bushwalk) ... ... escrow (the period between offer and settlment when buying a house) "How's the house buying going? We're in escrow." estate agent ... realtor block of land ... lot of land cubby house ... tree house, play house (baby's) dummy ... pacifier lane ... alley tomahawk ... hatchet cotton wool ... absorbent cotton rates ... local taxes tidy up room, house ... pickup room, house heating outlet ... register
bedsit (Oz) = studio apartment (US) n An apartment with kitchen/living room and bathroom, but no separate bedroom. The US version can be very comfortable (I had one in Goleta, California), while British-style bedsits are often very cramped. A British style bedsit would probably attract the description "toy studio" if found in the US. I noticed the term "studio apartment" in use in Australia (Brisbane) for the first time in 1992, in a real estate advertisement. Obviously it sounded more impressive than "bedsit". In any case, this type of apartment is relatively uncommon in Australia. continental quilt (Oz) n See doona. doona (Oz) = comforter (US) n Quilted eiderdown with a down or synthetic filling. "Doona" is an Tradename. "Doona" is apparently used in Australia only, and is unknown in New Zealand and Britain, let alone the US.
dill ... fool wowser ... teetotaler, non-gambler etc
jumper, pullover ... sweater polo neck (jumper) ... turtle neck (sweater) ... jumper (in the US jumper means a loose fitting sleaveless dress worn over a blouse. This is an older British usage - it's in the OED of 1933 - but is not in current Australian usage.) singlet ... tank top, athletic shirt nappy ... diaper sanitary towels ... sanitary napkins hair pins ... bobby pins press studs ... snaps track suit ... sweat suit, sweats clothes horse ... clothes rack (?) person who buys lots of clothes ... clothes horse reel of cotton ... spool of thread
spanner ... wrench torch ... flashlight oxie welder ... torch
ardour, behaviour, colour, honour, glamour, flavour, labour, neighbour, odour, valour, vapour ... no "u" arse ... ass analogue, catalogue ... analog, catalog analyse ... analyze centre, litre, theatre... center, liter, theater cheque ... check computer disc ... computer disk enquire ... inquire enrolment ... enrollment grey ... gray instal ... install, instal -ise, -ize (most words which are spelt with the -ize suffix in the US, can be spelt with either -ise or -ize in Australian English, although the -ise is more common) ... ize modeller, modelling ... modeler, modeling programme (music etc) ... program sulphur ... sulfur
beta: "beeta" ... "bayta" quay: "key" ... "kway" sinh, cosh, tanh: "shine", "cosh", "thahn" ... "sine ach", "cos ach", "tan ach" z: "zed" ... "zee"
Celsius ... Fahrenheit (temperature measure are converted by F = 9/5*C + 32) stone ... 14 lb gallon (= 4.5 litres) ... gallon (= 3.8 liters) metres ... yards kilometres ... miles fortnight ... two weeks Saturday week etc ... a week from Saturday Saturday last, Saturday next ... last Saturday, next Saturday 1 cent, 2 cent etc ... penny, nickel, dime, quarter dollar note ... dollar bill thousand million ... billion
bushwalk ... hike station ... ranch droving ... muster, roundup cocky (not derogatory) ... red neck (derogatory) swagman, swaggie (not derogatory) ... bum, pan handler (derogatory) mate (not derogatory) ... sidekick (slightly derogatory) jackaroo ... cowboy jilleroo ... cowgirl woop woop ... boondocks, boonies behind the black stump, back of Bourke ... podunk bush bashing ... brush busting outback ... --- walkabout ... --- creek ... creek (used in the East by not in California in my experience), stream creek ... brook
semi-quaver (Oz) = sixteenth note (US) quaver (Oz) = eighth note (US) crotchet (Oz) = quarter note (US) mimim (Oz) = half note (US) semi breve (Oz) = whole note (US) breve (Oz) = double note (US) Note that the American terms "quarter notes" etc are also in use in Australia, but the decriptive words are far more common. Other
barrack for team ... root for team sport ... sports stocks (ski) ... poles football ... Australian rules gridiron, American football ... football hockey ... field hockey ice hockey ... hockey noughts and crosses ... tic tac toe newspaper cuttings ... newspaper clippings queue ... line quay ... wharf busker ... street artist unreliable ... flaky, flake out home and hosed ... home free homely ... homey plain ... homely glandular fever ... mono (nuclesis) rsi (repetition strain injury) ... repetitive stress syndrome (less serious), carpal tunnel syndrome (more serious, may even require surgery) doggo ... play dead galah ... wise guy drongo ... bore cinch ... sure thing Father Christmas ... Santa Claus g'day ... hi, howdy ta-ta, seeya ... take care, take it easy tar, thanks ... thanks good on you ... good for you blacklist ... --- (now understood) poker machine ... slot machine shaggy dog story ... --- (now understood) lawyer ... lawyer, attorney (lawyer in generic casual use, attorney in professional contexts) aluminium ... aluminum chemist's ... drug store caretaker ... janitor warder ... prison guard engine ... locomotive shareholder ... stockholder plane ticket ("airticket" now used by travel agents in Oz also) ... plane ticket (colloquial), airticket (formal, in travel agency) disembark (from plane) ... deplane trendoid ... yuppie trendy suburb ... gentrified suburb sus (that's a bit sus) ... suspect sus out (we'll have to sus it out) ... check out only (he's only covered completely in mud) ... bloody (general emphasis, not polite but not real bad either) ... damned tick off (items in a form) ... check off tick off (the teacher caught the boy and ticked him off) ... scold, dress down piss off ... go away, get lost, shove off irritate ... tick off "his bogoted attitude really ticks me off!", miff "That screaming child really has me miffed.", piss off (very common but also vulgar, borderline profane) "That rude sales clerk pissed me off."
dole (Oz) n Unemployment benefits. Father Christmas (Oz) = Santa Claus (US) n Although never used when I was a child, "Santa Claus" is now, in 1997, in common use in Australian department stores. funky adj 1. Oz and US: eccentric, stylish, pleasant, as in good jazz or folk music. 2. US only: dirty or smelly, as in "the bicycle chain is funky". innings (Oz) = inning (US) n Turn to bat, as in cricket or baseball. gaol (Oz) = jail (US) n, v Same pronunciation. often times (US) adv The emphatic form "often times" in place of simply "often" is virtually never used in Australia, but it's quite common in the US (usually pronounced "offen-times"). The Oxford concise lists it as an older usage in British english. paye-as-you-earn (PAYE) (Oz) v Pay income tax automatically at source. Employer deducts a standard amount from each salary or wage payment, and forwards to the tax office. rafferty's rules (Oz) n no rules at all, as of a chaotic contest or organization. reckon (Oz) v In Oz,  "I reckon" translates simply to "I think", but there is no real US equivalent for this very common Australian construction. (September 1999: Kent Parks of Raleigh, NC, writes that "reckon" is also used in the same sense in the Southern US.)
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Will A Love Spell Get My Ex-Boyfriend Back?+91-9646823014
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Yes, love spells can help to get ex boyfriend back. But Many people may wonder whether the spells work since they are more about magic than reality. First, you need to know that anybody can cast a spell. However, it requires a special mastery of specific words for the spells to have meaning. There are those people who have truly mastered the art of casting spells and even do it for commercial purposes. The advice we can give you is to take these spells seriously. Here are some advice and spells that you can cast to get back your ex-boyfriend. 
Some spells can get back your ex boyfriend back
there are some spells to get your ex. boyfriend back. they are given below.
The Linkage Spell
This spell is one of the easiest and a very simple spell that you can cast to get back your ex-boyfriend. For this spell to work, you have to possess one of the belongings of your ex. This could be a personal belonging that he treasures very much or even something that directly links to him. In this case, you can have a piece of his hair. Since the piece of hair links to him directly it is the best item that you can use to cast this spell. Once you have his hair, cut a small piece of your hair, and put them together with his hair. Take a pot of clay and make 40 small balls from the clay. After making these balls, find a place just outside your ex-boyfriend’s house where he passes every day and bury one clay ball each day for forty days. Make sure that each time you bury the clay balls, you say his name several times especially in the evening. You have to believe that this spell works for it to yield any results.
The Lemon spell
At some point, every relationship experiences moments of disagreement that can culminate in break-ups. However, these break-ups do not always go well for most people. Maybe you still feel that you love your ex-boyfriend and you would do anything to get him back. The lemon spell is a simple spell that will enable you to get back your boyfriend. For the lemon spell to work, you will require a lemon (fresh), a piece of paper (pink) and thread (red). Once you have these three items together, you can cast the lemon spell. On the piece of paper, you can write your name and the name of your ex-boyfriend. After writing the name of your ex-boyfriend, take the lemon and cut it into two halves. Fold the paper in such a way that your names touch. After folding the paper, place it in between the two halves of the lemons and tie the two halves together with the red thread. As you do these procedures, imagine how your ex-boyfriend makes you happy and have a strong belief that he will return to you. After tying the lemon, hide it in the freezer where nobody can see it as you wait for your ex-boyfriend to come back into your loving arms. The waiting period should not take more than one month.
The Candle Spell
The candle spell involves six candles. Two of them are pink in color, one green, one yellow, one red, and one blue candle. Take the green candle and position it on the table or on a flat surface to face the North direction of the room. The yellow candle should point east; the red candle should point south while the blue candle should face west. Once the candles are in position, take the two pink candles, hold them in your hands, and face the red candle/south direction. The advice here is to try to visualize your boyfriend’s return as you chant his name so that the goddess of love may grant your wish. You should put all your focus and emotions on this spell so that you may make it work.
The Magic Spell
The magic spell (black) is intended to channel energy into your ex-boyfriend’s heart, ignite in him the feelings of attraction, and love towards you. This spell makes your partner yearn to be around you all the time and will make him feel lonely whenever you are not around. For this spell to work, you need the following items: a red candle, sterile needle, one chicken wing (organic), thread, your blood (3 drops), wooden matches, and a parchment paper. Once you have assembled all these items together, light the red candle using the matchstick. After lighting the candle, take the chicken wing and write the name of your ex-boyfriend on the paper. On top of your ex’s name write your name with the same chicken wing and drop seven drops of the candle wax on the parchment paper. Take the sterile needle and pierce your finger to draw three drops of blood on the piece of paper. As you drop the blood on the paper you should focus on the return of your ex-boyfriend by building positive energy through your thoughts and mind. When you are convinced that you have built up enough energy, blow the candle out. Take the chicken wing, wrap it inside the paper, and tie the pack with the thread. Find a place and bury the package that very day. You should wait for the full moon and burn the remaining candle until it burns out completely. You can now wait for the return of your boyfriend.
for more info visit:- https://www.vashikaranblackmagicspecialists.com/shankerlalblog/2019/07/20/love-spells-to-make-him-come-back-crying/
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sacred-seidr · 7 years
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Spell For April: Eggs and Eggshells [Food Spells and Uses]
Enchanted Eggs (Serves 4)
4 Large Tomatoes
4 portions of bacon or Parma Ham
4 eggs
8 Basil leaves
A splash of oil
Salt and Pepper
Tabasco Sauce
Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F
Remove the tops of the tomatoes and scoop out the seeds. Turn upside down on a plate to drain.
Smear the tomatoes with a little oil and season well with salt and pepper.
Wrap each tomato with a piece of bacon or Parma ham and secure with toothpicks.
Place 2 basil leaves in each tomato and place on a tray. Pop into the oven for 15 minutes, or until the tomatoes start to soften and the bacon begins to crisp.
After 15 minutes, remove tomatoes from the oven.
Break an egg into each tomato, saying:  Enchanted Egg Provide for me, The Knowledge of the life inside, May my heart and eyes be open,To the power that you provide!
Top each egg with a splash of tabasco (optional) and return to the oven for approx. 5 minutes, or until the egg is cooked but the yoke is still runny (you can cook longer if runny is not your thing).
Serve with Toast soldiers (toast cut into strips) for Breakfast, big herb salad and wine for a light lunch and even adapt the recipe (using cheese or other herbs) to get the effect and taste you want.
Now that the food is made, you could just throw the eggshells in the compost...or:
Bandages: Use the slippery membrane inside the shell as a natural bandage to cover small cuts and blisters. [I personally would give them a was before use].
Coffee: Add crushed shells to your fresh coffee to make it less bitter [if that doesn’t appeal to you maybe add them with the grinds during brewing and not in your cup].
Pests: Sprinkle crushed shells around pots and plants to keep pests away for your beloved green babies.
Tomatoes: Add to planting hole to give tomatoes a nice calcium boost.
Starter Pots: Use eggshell halves as starter pots for your baby seedlings, it’s biodegradable and cheaper than the ones at the home improvement store.
Blender Blades: Keep shells in freezer and add them to the blender with some water to clean and sharpen those blades. Compost the eggshell slurry when finished.
Calcium Vinegar: Add Calcium rich herbs (like nettles [Urtica dioica]) and one clean eggshell into a jar full of Apple Cider Vinegar. Let mix infuse for 6 weeks [gently shaking daily], strain and decant. Will yield a calcium rich vinegar to boost your salad dressings and other dishes.
Vases: Put crushed shells, dish soap and water into a vase or tall glass, swirl around to get hard to reach gunk [like a natural exfoliate].
Whitener: Make a homemade sachet for whitening your clothes and reduce soap deposits that turn your whites all grey. Take a handful of clean and broke shells and 3 slices of lemon in a cheesecloth bag [or muslin if you don’t have cheesecloth], tie it closed and toss it in with clothes in the wash.
Mosaics: Wash them up and break them into medium sized pieces, color them and use them to create homemade mosaics. Great project for Kids.
[Summarized from a passage in the book Hedge Witch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year By: Mandy Mitchell]
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7deadlycinderellas · 7 years
Have you ever seen the sun, ch4
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It’s days before Raven can get Clarke to talk to her again. She sits next to Bellamy at meals, never comes into the shop, and reads a book in her bunk until lights out.
Raven’s gone to the water a few more times at night, but she never comes. She’s gone in a few times, and feels more confident about it, but the time still feels empty without Clarke there.
She’s in her bunk one night midway through first session, being ignored by Clarke, when Harper knocks on the screen door and sticks her head in.
“Monty and Bryan’s cabins are doing a kitchen raid tonight, want to come?”
That’s enough to get both girls’ attention.
Kitchen raids were done pretty much every summer, every session. Bryan and Monty’s cabins are the youngest group of boys at camp: twelve of them, wrapped in superhero pajamas between the ages of six and eight. Giving them the opportunity to sneak out after bedtime and eat a ton of snacks they normally would be told would upset their bellies was always great for getting them excited and making great camp memories.
All carefully planned by the counselors, signed off on by Becca and set up by the kitchen staff before carefully leaving the keys to the mess under the closest bush to the window, of course. But the campers never figured that out.
The counselors that join the overly-excited group are a motley bunch who would normally never do any single activity at the same time- they of course, never recognized this either.
Monty’s good at the role playing, hushing everyone to a whisper, and tiptoeing carefully along the path to the mess hall. Clarke and Raven and Harper follow up behind them, their normal walking also going unnoticed.
The mess hall always looks a little creepy after dark, even though they left the lights behind the tray lines on, just for this occasion, illuminating the tubs of ice cream and sundae fixings that had “just happened” to be left out, complete with bowls and spoons.
It takes something like fifteen minutes for the quiet mess to transform into a scene from a family comedy- a dozen pajama clad boys running around faces covered in whipped cream while the older kids stand off to the side and watch the carnage unfold.
When Raven finishes her last bite of ice cream, she looks down the row of counselors and realizes Clarke’s bowl is still empty. She vaguely recalled from previous summers that Clarke really only enjoyed mint chocolate chip. She glances at the setup- vanilla, chocolate, both in already mostly empty barrels.
She nudges Harper quietly,
“Hey, I’ll be right back”.
She creeps back into the darker part of the kitchen, with the industrial fridge and all of the appliances (locked up in case of curious children). It’s quiet back here, and still, away from the raucous party.
She doesn’t realize she’s not alone until Murphy comes around the corner.
“What the hell are you doing here?” She demands, after jumping out of her skin.
“Jesus Christ, Reyes, I do work here, I just forgot my headphones” he replies, holding up the bundle of wires in one hand.
“Mint chocolate chips on the bottom rack of the freezer” he says, gesturing the to the chest freezer against the wall. “Don’t give me that look- I remember things about other people occasionally. It’s still unopened, we basically use these late night snack orgies to get rid of the tubs that are about to go bad”.
Then he leaves and Raven is speechless. Rather that dwell on his behavior, she retrieves the carton and puts it out of her mind.
Clarke’s still sitting a little ways from the others when she gets back, and the expression she wears when she spots Raven with the tub of ice cream is hard to read.
“Can the ice cream say ‘I’m sorry’” Raven asks, somewhat sheepishly.
Clarke doesn’t say a word, but she takes the tub.
After that night, it would be easy to say things went back to normal. Clarke started talking to her again, she sat next to her again, and a few days later, Raven asks if they could go back down to the lake again. Clarke smiles, and Raven cracks jokes, and they’re as good friends as they’ve ever been.
But something’s different, something changed that night, and Raven can’t put her finger on it.
First session starts to come to a close. The shop is suddenly full during the days, with campers realizing their going home soon and wanting to buy souvenirs. Clarke reports at least three breakdowns over friendship bracelets.
The last night of session there’s always a dance. The props and scenery all come out in the theater barn, transforming it into the world’s weirdest dance floor, and Miller hauls out the boombox to play the meager collection of pop cds they have on hand.
It always involves lots of yelling and giggling from the younger campers, and drama from the older ones that Raven’s glad she doesn’t have to deal with this year.
Her and Clarke spend the first half of the dance leaning by the side of the dance floor drinking soda.
“God, this thing is more embarrassing than I remember” Raven says.
“I kind of like it” Clarke says, “No one here’s going to remember you after session ends, so there’s no reason not to act like yourself”.
This comment is followed up by Jasper being summarily rejected by one of the girl’s counselors and slumping off.
“Is it strange to say this feels like punishment for him doing the same to Harper last year?” Raven asks.
“That was last year, and she ended up seeing Monty AND beating him out for the sports counselor spot, I think she got her revenge,” Clarke says, standing fully up.
“Be back in a minute, I’m going to go give him a pity dance.”
Raven starts to feel awkward by herself so she moves to sit by the punch table. The only other person sitting there is Bellamy.
“Not up for breaking any hearts this year, Blake?”
“After you turn 20, dancing around teenagers starts to feel like something that could get you fired” he says, casually.
“What have you been doing the rest of the year?” She asks.
“Janitor at an elementary school”.
“Oh god, that sounds…”
‘Awful? It’s really not terrible. There’s never anything fun about scrubbing toilets, but all the kids and teachers appreciate what you do. Some even remember your name”.
“Honestly sounds better than the last six months for me, trying to do all my work to graduate on time and endless physical torture”.
“Physical torture?”
“Physical therapy if you want to be technical. Stretching, swimming”
“Ha! I knew you did know how to swim before. That was Clarke’s excuse for all the times you two have been going down to the lake at night. Why are you really going out there, sneaking off to make out or something?”
Raven’s face goes red, and her brain stutters. By the time she manages to sputter out a “wh-whaat?” Bellamy already has an irritatingly smug smile on her face.
“Ah, so you’re not- but you want to be. Hey, I say go for it. I know she was super into that archery girl last year, but she hasn’t even mentioned her this year. I would say you’ve got the same chance as anybody, but she has been spending all her free time with you.”
He gestures out onto the dance floor, where Clarke has finally left the still dejected Jasper and is returning to the punch table. Bellamy claps Raven on the shoulder and gets up to leave.
“What was he talking about?: Clarke asks, sitting next to her.
“You sure? You look like you swallowed a lemon.”
Raven wonders if she’ll ever manage to find her voice when the spell is broken by Miller deciding this was the best time to start playing the Chicken Dance.
Both of them burst out laughing.
“Do you want to go down to the lake?” Clarke asks, “I’m kind of all danced out”.
They end up sitting on the dock, dangling their feet in the water. Neither of them had thought to bring their swimsuits that night, so Raven had known that they wouldn’t be out here to go in the water.
The barn is close enough that they can still hear the music, softly clucking into the open air.
Clarke kicks her feet back and forth, and stares up at the full moon.
“I can’t believe first session’s over with. It seems like every day here is one step closer to the real world”.
“Feels like I’ve been in the real world for a long time,” Raven replies. Foster care had been real enough, then the accident. It felt like she’d been an adult almost her whole life.
“But you have to admit, being here? It’s different. It’s like everything else in the world gets put on hold. Like it all stops. Stuff that happens here? It’s special”.
The moonlight is so bright, it’s making Clarke, who through this whole session has remained almost supernaturally pale, glow with it’s light. It’s beautiful, she’s.
And in that instant, Raven realizes Bellamy was right.
Heart thudding in her chest, she’s dimly aware that the music inside has changed.
“I see Miller finally dipped into the movie soundtracks” Clarke comments. She’s looking at Raven now instead of the moon, and it feels like she’s scooted closer to her. It almost seems like actually kissing her right now might not be such a crazy idea.
“It does suit the moment” Raven answers, voice thick, inching closer ever so slowly.  
Clarke always had more gumption than her when it came to things like this. She’s the one who finally closes the gap. Her lips are warm, and Raven feels her eyes fall shut, and her hands reach out to find Clarke’s wrists.
Raven had been honest earlier, but sitting on the dock of a lake, kissing someone for the first time, with “She’s Like the Wind” in the background under a full moon doesn’t seem like something that could happen in real life. 
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chantlovespells · 5 years
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Freezer Break Up Spells With Lemon To Break Up A Couple
If you want to leave your partner then you consult with our spell casting expert and get powerful  break up spells with lemon. You can always seek spell casting advice through our expert and can ask him to cast lemon freezer break up spell on your behalf. Lemon freezer spell to break up a couple shows amazing result. For more information visit us @ https://www.chantlovespells.com/lemon-freezer-break-up-spells-to-break-up-couple
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lovebackspell · 5 years
Spells To Bind A Lover To You
Spells To Bind A Lover To You
Spells To Bind A Lover To You – The beginning of Binding adoration spell can be found in the Ancient Greek, Egyptian and Roman time. They use to make little symbols in which little needles are embedded to make love and devotion between two individuals. They trust that this custom additions fascination of spirits and gods which gives the best consequence of restricting spell for affection.
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lovebackspell · 5 years
Voodoo Spells
Voodoo Spells – For any individual who is hunting down an answer to a troublesome issue, Once possessing a valid voodoo doll, you can ask for the doll to call upon intense powers. You can play out a straightforward yet powerful custom to satisfy a particular dream, a critical want. This ageless function is completed to convince the spirits to apply their impact in this world my voodoo spells can…
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