#for anon pt.1 !
hopeinthebox · 2 years
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taehyung à paris: texts from last night [vol. 1]
for anon <3
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hellosweetmelody · 1 year
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for anon,
we <3 u
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gunhaos · 1 year
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
Hi Rosie how are you? I just want to say that I am not a petty person(or at least I try not to be) but i saw Jvkes comment section on IG in the vid he posted of jk singing angel pt.1 and then him writing kookmin for the win lol, NGL, but part of me was lowkey happy to see the Fandom and some locals stand up for jimin and jk and they were fighting back against tkkrs I was surprised because I was expecting the comments to be negative as usual anytime someone hypes up jikook but I hope this fighting back energy continues,maybe things are finally getting better?
Hey, Anon! You're all optimistic and then there's me, all pessimistic thinking that nothing has changed, quite the contrary and that hopefully, Jvkes won't end up being attacked and forced to delete the video or the comment.
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bigmammallama5 · 9 months
I just wanted to let you know that I am so glad you wrote a part 2 to your Lena/Kara/Jack story. I know you got some weird reactions to the first part and it is awesome to see that you wrote part 2 anyway because it was important to you.
I'm ace so I read smut stories for very different reasons and yours are so good at getting into the character motivations for their connections, so I was stoked to see a continuation of your already wonderful part 1. The budding feelings in both of them are written so well and the cheekiness you sprinkled in throughout for both Lena and Jack really added another layer that I thoroughly enjoyed!
Anyway. I just wanted to say thank you and good for you for writing what you want, no matter the reaction from the peanut gallery!
Thank you so much for your kind message, I sat on it a few days just for my brain to let it sink in, and I really appreciate you sending it. I’m very flattered, you’re an absolute gem. <3 Weird is one way to put it lol, but I’m still thankful for the kind messages I did receive for it-and now a couple for pt 2. I won’t lie it was a big mental hurdle to get over, but I knew it would eat me alive if I never tried. I’m glad I managed to do it even though it took me over a year.
But I have to say thank you again, I’m very thrilled you enjoyed it! Truly. I hope I can continue to bring you more fic moving forward.
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its that time of the year, yumi..
im bleeding...
from my NOSE 😭
i absolutely HATE nosebleeds like i legit dont remember the last time i didnt have at least one nosebleed for the entire year 😭
its wild cos idek why i get nosebleeds i js wake up, blow my nose (like i do literally every other day), n for SOME reason my nose decides to bleed, n to top it all off the bleeding happens literally every time i blow my nose now its SO annoying like ugh 😭😭😭
oh goodness i've got just the right thing for you
get a small bottle of liquid paraffin from your nearest pharmacy, get a dropper, put a few drops in your nose twice a day for a week or so. i promise this will end (i know bc i have the same problem and mine occurs from dryness like i can literally feel the dehydration in my nose LOLLL) TIS THE MOST ANNOYING THING EVER but paraffin will solve your problems 😌
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welcome-to-green-hills · 11 months
Shadow with his smug little grins...that lil' shit...but I can't stay mad at him because I just love him so much! XD (Seriously, I'm loving Prime!Shadow a LOT :3 )
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Me too! This episode was really fun! I’m glad to see more of Shadow in Sonic Prime. I can’t wait to see the next batch of episodes for season 1!
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quick q you totally don't have to answer but do you plan on designing sonno? lowkey the way you write him, he's kinda 😳
i do, actually! along with the more prominent rad teachers (kaz, magdalene and elderflower) - but sonno the way i visualise him mentally has a Vibe and specific Look to him that i haven't quite mastered drawing yet, so it'll be a while until i can finalise it!
also i'd be worried about your interest in him but looking back on how i write him it's absolutely my fault so. you have my blessing!!
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iceeericeee · 7 months
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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I WISHHHHH god if the words would just suddenly appear, that would be wonderful😂
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beacon-lamp · 2 years
I saw your tags on a Tommy post wondering if he was gonna move in with Ranboo in cali, and I’m just wondering
Do you know Ranboo lives in the UK? Like I think he’s in/real close to Brighton too /gen
i-- i am not very up to date on people's physical whereabouts.
as far as i am concerned. they all live in my computer and i view them through the screen.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
So, I have this AU idea where Thena is a mafia boss and Gil is an undercover cop who infiltrates her organization. As he gets to know and spend time with Thena more, Gil sees beyond the cold mafia boss and falls for her. Now, he is in such a dilemma, where he has to choose between his duty and his heart. Lol, is it too sappy? I'm such a sap for these two 😂😂. Also, you are amazing and a very talented writer. I'm addicted to your fics and keep coming back for more. Whenever you post a new one, it will surely brighten my day. So, thank you so much for writing them!
"Go home, get some rest."
Gil hovers uncomfortably around the doorway. His eyes are shifting all over the place. His fingers are running against themselves with his hands clasped behind his back.
He sighs, shifting his weight on his feet as he glances out the window.
Ah, he's in shit now. He knows he's in shit when he hears his full name being used. "Sorry, Boss, guess I'm...distracted."
"Yes, I've gathered," she gives him a half-smile from her place at her desk. It falls a half-second later. "What's wrong, Gil?"
Oh, the list goes on and on. He's an undercover agent, and he's pretty sure his bosses are ready to let him and the operation sink. He's not a very good agent, since he's grown a little too fond of the woman he's been 'bodyguarding' for the past six months. He's an agent, and he's wondering if he should be.
Not that the answer is to join organised crime, either. But he's probably not as...objective as he used to be.
"I'm not sure about tomorrow," he finally admits. He doesn't like lying to her.
"What makes you unsure?"
The fact that the brass are calling his bluff. That he's promised to bring her in three times already and he can't bring himself to do it. That tomorrow, in the middle of her biggest land trade in years, his fellow agents are going to storm the place. That there will be crossfire, and she is going to get hurt. That he is still going to put his life on the line to protect her, whether he's a traitor to both sides or not.
Because he's the idiot who fell in love with the target.
Romeo--they're calling him for it. And he just hopes they don't die at the end.
"Are we sure the meeting place is secured?"
"You went with Kingo to secure it, didn't you?"
Yes, and he'd slipped away to cut a length of fence just so while he did. "Yeah, but-"
"You're nervous," she finishes for him, and that smile comes back. It's silky smooth, like her hair, like the satin dress she's wearing, like the faint accent he knows is a cover up.
It's a nondescript English accent, with uplifted end vowels that don't really exist anymore. It's easy enough to learn from movies and tv. It suits her even though he knows it isn't real.
Thena was born and raised in America.
"Can't help it," he shrugs at her with a helpless little smile. He unfolds his arms as she stands and crosses her office to him. Her heels click on the floor. The sound haunts him in his dreams.
"I know you can't." She almost sounds like she's soothing him. "But try not to let it cloud your judgement."
Gil nods as she brushes something off his blazer. He's never been better dressed in his life since working for Thena. She really is quite fashionable, as Kingo likes to say.
Thena blinks as he catches her hand before she can pull away from him completely. "Gilgamesh."
"Thena," he says, and after very strict instruction that names - fake and real alike - are strictly forbidden in the office. But she told him her name herself, and it's been sitting on a pedestal in his brain ever since. "Just...reconsider tomorrow."
She holds his eyes. Neither gives anything away in their expression. Gil has been trained on how not to. Thena is just naturally good at it. "You're worried for me?"
He inhales, squeezing her hand tighter. Finally free to tell the truth, he says, "your safety is my top priority."
Something changes in those eyes of hers, but he can't quite tell what it is.
Gil blinks this time as Thena leans up and in, leaving a light but solid kiss on his cheek. He tries not to seem flustered. The Boss doesn't show affection--she doesn't even show mercy, in most cases. But he's too busy trying to contain the butterflies in his stomach.
The idiot Romeo, indeed.
Thena looks him dead in the eye, holding his cheek, "we'll be fine."
She sounds so sure--so confident.
He looks at her, trying not to seem like he wants her to kiss him again. He releases her hand slowly. "Whatever you say, Boss."
She raises a brow at him. "Back to 'Boss' then?"
He feels himself start to smile, despite his best efforts, "you prefer something else?"
Thena slides her hand down his chest slowly, tracing over his jacket until she can tap the concealed weapon in his belt with a smirk. "You tell me, Agent."
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chryblossomjjk · 10 months
I just got done reading practice and I absolutely loved it could we get more little Drabbles? ❤️
hi friend!! thank you for reading!!! i do have some drabbles planned for them, im not sure when ill get to them as im focusing on my next wip but somewhere down the line they’ll come for sure 💗
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Considering reading Chainsaw Man but not sure if I’d like Denji as the protagonist. Can you tell me if he has a deeper character than what he is initially portrayed as?
Short answer: yes, he is deeper than what he is initially portrayed as and an interesting protagonist
Long answer: There is a lot more to Denji under the surface as a portragonist even in the early anime portrayal that I feel becomes a lot easier to understand as the series progresses with hindsight. Don’t get me wrong, Denji is Denji but beyond the Denji-isms for lack of a better word is a character full of trauma, repressed memories, who is easily manipulated by those around him due to experiencing so little positive reinforcement in his early life that he’ll do anything for positive reinforcement.
I definitely recommend giving the manga a read. It’s fast-paced with interesting characters and themes with a sprinkling of dark humor, Denji included.
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
I'm watching DS9 for the first time. Episode 21 part 2 The Maquis Season 2 and ... Damn Gul Dukat be fine. Like 💖💖💖🫠🫶😌
Congrats on watching it for the first time, Nonny! And welcome to the Cardassians are hot club!! There is literally no need for him to be that evil and sexy, yet he does it anyway. I've seen that episode so many times...
Er, I mean...I've seen it a normal amount of times... yep. 👉👈😇
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lover-of-skellies · 2 years
Write those future chapters first to get it outta your system and then write the connecting chapters, maybe?
Seeeeeee, I considered that, but I genuinely have no idea how many chapters I'd need to write in between what's already there and the future stuff ^^" and I don't do so good when I feel like I've given myself a limited amount of space to work with what I'm writing, if that makes any sense
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