#fndm hate
I'd suggest that you and everyone else getting these anons insta block them next time. iirc tumblr ip bans them from sending in future anon hate
I have tried. Over and over and over again. Tumblrs IP block function just does not work or these anons are using a VPN or something to block evade. I don't know if others have had more luck with using the IP block function then me but it doesn't do all that much to help sadly. And honestly I feel like the FNDM needs to see the rot within their FNDM that they are letting fester and spread. They refuse to even do the bare minimum of calling it out and at least saying its wrong. The one fan who admitted me getting death threats was wrong just had to make sure I knew that I was cringe and came close to deserving it because I dared to have an opinion they thought was a lot of yikes.
I am tired of the anon hate. But I'm also tired of being told its my fault, I'm tired of trying to tip toe around tagging so as to not accidentally allow the FNDM to see my negative opinions and open the flood gates of hate. I just want to enjoy the characters I like and post my opinions in peace but....this FNDM won't let me.
Sorry I am not trying to rant at you specifically it's just....frustrating.
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Nah let's just kill all bumblebee shippers then we'll be done with them
I need you to get bent and get the fuck out of my blog.
Not even joking. Fuck off.
I don't give a shit how much you don't like the ship or the shipper, but wishing death or fatal violence on real people over pixel will never be fucking tolerated here. You are scum, and I want no association with scum.
Eat shit.
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marrow-minded · 1 year
i just sat bolt upright because jaune didnt have to kill penny, despite her begging. he can literally heal people. i dont know if he has to be standing still to do it but this dude could have picked her up and ran through the portal to heal her. like what the fuck why would they force their healer paladin to murder someone when he can literally cast cure wounds
but that would ruin crwbys plans to give jaune more angst and another redhead to be fridged for no reason
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dragynkeep · 1 year
some jaune Stannies need to realize already that going “so and so are self inserts too!!!” isn’t the gotcha they want it be
it's also like. having aspects of the person voicing them in that character isn't a bad thing, but jaune being an author's pet & sucking up all the emotional volume & physical space is. especially in a show named rwby.
i've seen it pointed out by other posters but the issue isn't that jaune has emotional arcs & a character, that's a good thing, we want him to have that. it's the fact that no one else can. it's the fact he imposes what he thinks is right on a village with it's own specific practices analagous to reincarnation in multiple cultures in our world. it's the fact he had a character arc before our main yellow bitch did. it's the fact he has multiple emotional beats denied to our main characters in the face of her trauma.
it's the fact that his fans will headcanon him as the gnc boykissing king & then forget that this is not what we have in canon & what we have in canon is drenched in toxic masculinity & the writers not wanting to put him aside for even one volume to let our main characters breathe in a "story arc" about discovering who you are.
jaune already did that. he did that back in v5-8 when he unlocked his semblance, confronted his trauma about pyrrha at the expense of ren & nora, took an equal space at ruby's side as leader & did everything they did in those volumes.
"self inserts" become a problem when they begin to warp established rules of the defined canon & conflict what they should be in the narrative. this is applicable to jaune, blake & yang. characters having things in common with their voice actors does not make them a self insert but characters being written on the whims of their writers who don't even want to pay attention to the actual narrative in order to foist them into it does. & jaune has been this & an author's pet since day one: written & based off a violently misogynistic, antisemitic & racist borderline incel. miles can lie all he likes about not writing jaune anymore but the proof is in the pudding lmao.
getting mad at people who dislike jaune after 10 years of this shit, who don't think the headcanons are real, instead of just utilizing tag filters seems. confusing to me lol.
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teaospin · 2 years
Suffer with me, my fellow writers.
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playinhooky · 1 year
"Where's social justice Blake in V4-V6?" Blake in V4-V6: Stopping the psycho piece of shit from hijacking the White Fang and perverting it from its purpose. But oh right, how fucking dare she not be a character defined entirely around submissiveness towards a man, like you losers wanted her to be with Sun.
actually, I didn't want her to be with Sun. I think it would have been a much better use and development of her character if she had been single and grew as a person and worked on her trauma on screen than simply go from one co-defendant relationship to another.
I'm not going to talk about how poorly RT handled the social justice storyline in RWBY because that is too exhausting, and to be honest, you'll probably just make more assumptions about my thoughts and opinions.
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bittiblakebelladonna · 9 months
Every time I get on this godforsaken website and I see people trying to make every single woman in rwby fuck Jaune and then I remember why I abandon this website for weeks at a time :/
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
New to the FNDM: could you explain who the hell this Dex character thinks he is? What is his deal?
His flair on R/RWBY is "Grand Corruptor of R/RWBY" on Reddit
He basically spams one topic after another in R/RWBY insulting the show, the female characters, the writers, and the fandom.
He also is the sole moderator of R/RWBYCritics.
Basically his subreddit is for people who wish for the show to die, and for people to promote negativity against the show.
You defend RWBY or talk positive about it? Their subreddit immediately gets furious and dextixer takes advantage to spam hate on the subreddit.
This would be fine if the moderators of R/RWBY kept dextixer in check, but whenever somebody tries to promote a post defending RWBY and the the writers? Dextixer has the mods of R/RWBY shut down the posts and ban the people promoting positivity. Defenders of RWBY are now called "Toxic positivity" and anyone who so much as defends the show is accused as being unable to take criticism.
It has led to a lot of people leaving R/RWBY due to the increased negativity and hate.
Dextixer and R/RWBYCritics basically have promoted a "nobody hates RWBY like RWBY Fans" image but it is actually the silencing of anyone defending RWBY in order to promote a one-sided negative view.
You'll notice if you type "RWBY" into youtube, that there's nothing but hate?
Videos like these by @dangerouslydangerousgalaxy are rather hard to come by, due to RWBY being a punching bag.
My advice is to keep up positivity and also make generous use of the block button.
You do not need negativity in your life. If somebody tells you not to enjoy a show, you don't need to deal with them.
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Also, if you don't want to deal with hate videos, look into youtube channel blockers on google search or youtube search
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doomalade · 1 year
I’m half tempted to pull a JudgementalCritter and create a super long rant about everything that I just can’t stand about RT, the writing, and especially the FNDM.
Some of you, a fucking lot of you out there are literally batshit insane. Like that is not how a normal human being interacts with people, what the fuck is wrong with you?
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
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The sudden increase of anon hate to your blog is… disturbing. They all seem like the same person.
Sorry you have to deal with that!! 🫂 hugs? (Platonically of course)
Hey anon! Yea it's....weird and disturbing that's a good word for it. I don't even know what caused it, my recent asks all where just tagged RWDE, not even James so like them bringing up James so much is weird.
Especially with how much they twist and change the context and meaning of my words is especially worrying. Like they even straight up lie about what I said at various points and its kind of insane. What are they even getting out of any of this?
Thanks anon, I appreciate all platonic hugs!
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Nah I'm not wishing harassment on you. I'm saying by not killing them they'll continue to keep coming after you and continue to harass and spam your inbox because that's what they do. Harass people constantly who disagree with them so by not getting rid of them the cycle of harassment will continue is all I'm saying. I've seen you get harassed so much by those shippers and all I want is for it stop once and for all. To prevent that we need to get rid of them so no one has to face that ever again.
Plus nobody likes them anyway so no one will care
Are you illiterate, you cunt? Or are you just masochistic?
I don't want you in here. I don't want you breathing in my general direction. You are fucking harassing me because your bitch ass is still in my fucking inbox wishing death on a bunch of strangers over A SHIP.
I want you gone, and I do not fucking condone death threats on anyone, so do us all a favor: either gtfo out of my face, or get off of Anonymous like a big kid so I can fucking block you and save myself the time instead of looking at your dumbass.
I don't give a shit how much you hate the ship or the shipper. You're just as much of a piece of shit as the people harassing me, so my life would be significantly more pleasant the less I have to see you shits.
For the last time. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BLOG.
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gachagon · 1 year
Honestly....my thoughts about the show is that it's great at what it does and it wasn't "disappointing" or lackluster or even really as bad as a lot of those lame ass youtubers said RWBY was. I remembered the show from when I was younger and I had to admit that back then it wasn't the best show to watch, but it's grown into something really amazing now with a lot of really great and impactful messages about fighting against the impossible.
Sure it has it's issues but most of the plotholes people point out are lame shit that just obviously doesn't matter. Character's aren't 100% perfect and obviously are not going to be doing perfect things all the time, especially when the plot kicks in and people are actually stressed for once.
I loved that, that was genuinely such a fun watch. I didn't watch it on Roosterteeth (because RT they're never getting cent out of me ever) but I hope they continue on with RWBY. Idk how they're gonna milk 14 volumes though now that seems impossible lmao
its kind of silly i remember thinking "It seems impossible for them to have made ANYTHING out of this show considering it is just magical girl weapon fighting school", but they somehow managed it I guess.
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fillmargarin · 2 years
Oh wow
Rwbytubers really made drama because of official rwby gif reply under whiterose art
Yeah i definitely belive that person who started this drama and who baited whiterose for conflicts multiple times really worried about crwby🙄
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
I feel like it’s annoying when people say things like “You’re just mad that RWBY isn’t doing what you want / following your headcanons” for three reasons.
Long post full of RWDE ahead.
Reason 1. Because just like with complaints that RWBY criticism gets into hate, this is just something totally normal that toxic RWBY fans have decided should be forbidden for no reason other than their dislike of seeing it. People are allowed to complain about media not going the way they wanted it to or being different from how they thought. When I play a Sonic game and it has way more ‘Classic Sonic’ elements than I like, there would be nothing wrong with me telling people in person and online that I’m sick of classic Sonic elements and want more Dreamcast/Adventure Era style Sonic games. It might be my personal opinion and I know for a fact that there are people who think all Sonic should be doing is making more games like the old classics, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong or bad for me to express my opinion. It’s honestly so weird that there’s this “nothing but the most objective, emotionless criticism is allowed’ mentality. This sort of complaint might not always be objectively true and something everyone should think, but it makes it no less valid for the person experiencing it. If someone is like “Man, I was watching RWBY because I really dug the ‘combat school’ elements, so now that they’re not in combat school anymore, the show is boring,” nobody has to jump in and rant at them for “just not liking RWBY because it doesn’t conform to what they want!” The person isn’t obligated to keep liking something that no longer fits what they want or like to see in or are interested by just because... Idk, loyalty? And the person also isn’t obligated to not talk about why they found that change annoying just because it’s not an indisputable objective fact.
Reason 2. Because most of the time, people aren’t actually talking only about completely subjective opinions, most of the time there’s more they’re saying and complaining about that gets ignored. Someone will make a detailed post about how Blake’s entire character has been completely removed and now she acts like a completely different person, and someone else will be like “you’re just mad that the writers didn’t do Blake how you wanted.” Someone will make a post about how the writers have been sloppy with world building and don’t seem to put care into establishing anything properly, which is why the transition from a relatively simple school-based story to a big, involved ‘travel the world and save the world’ story has been lackluster and feels very disconnected, and someone else will be like “you’re just bitter because the writers are writing the story they want and not the story you convinced yourself was gonna happen.” Someone will complain that the writers speed-ran IW’s ‘fall to villainy’ and openly admitted that they used him gaining a new prosthetic as a way to symbolize his ‘loss of humanity’ and that the writers making their characters verbally insist that James ‘broke Mantle’ and is untrustworthy doesn’t mean much when they had failed to write him as an convincing villain in the seventh volume and the destruction of Mantle was in fact in the hands of others, and James had good reason behind almost everything he did and that the writers making Winter, Ozpin, and Qrow just accept that he’s full blown evil and not expressing an ounce of care towards him was bad characterization... And someone else will be like “Just because you wanted Ironwood to stay a hero doesn’t mean the writers are bad for making him a villain. Cry more about how you didn’t get what you want.” Like ???? If the post is specifically just being like “I’m disappointed because this show isn’t doing the things I want it to” then that’s valid actually and people are allowed to post shit like that. But if the post is specifically like “this shit is badly done and badly written, here’s why I think that” and the comeback from other people is them saying “you’re just mad because what you want isn’t canon” then I’m gonna think they just don’t have any real argument against the criticism. Imo, it’s actually RWBY’s like, defining trait at this point to have good ideas that are badly executed, that could’ve been good if they were in a better made show. But people will literally just stick ‘mad about headcanons not being true’ onto a very real piece of criticism and analysis and be like “There, that’s all disputed now.” Very weird behavior..... Very bad comeback in general.
Reason 3. A lot of the times, there’s like... A reason why a lot of expectations exist? I know better than most how kooky and twisted fandoms can get and how they run with stuff, but also a lot of expectations are based on things like prior characterization, build up, what the writers clearly want us to think, etc. So if for instance, the writing of RWBY and the theme songs and all are continuously telling us that this show is built around themes of hope, love, trust, and redemption, people saying “I wish RWBY actually did a good job with presenting these morals and had their paragon hero characters show these traits or at least have the narrative acknowledge wrongdoing when they don’t and I wish the narrative of characters wasn’t frequently hopeless” they’re not just expressing disappointment that what they want isn’t canon, they’re commenting on how RWBY fails to deliver on the themes it promised. The show is called RWBY and marketed around being a show about four women and all the merch has Team RWBY plastered all over it, so when someone says “I wish RWBY actually centered the main four girls more and it’s actually pretty weird and sus that Ruby spent almost the whole of season eight doing nothing helpful and then had a solution with Ambrosius literally given to her because she’s plucky only to lose and die when she’s supposed to be the main character” it’s not getting mad that what we want isn’t canon, it’s commenting on the fact that RWBY’s promised premise of being about powerful women feels like it isn’t true anymore and that’s frustrating. Even things like “Qrow and James or Qrow and Winter didn’t get enough screen time together” isn’t just because ‘people are mad that their ships aren’t true,’ it’s because these are dynamics that were introduced to us in season three that interested us and specifically with Qrow and James, it’s a dynamic we were strongly reminded of the existence of in season 6, and yet when it came time to actually have them interact, the writers shuffled Qrow off with Clover and then pretended like he and James had never been friends. The expectation was there because early work had been done and then went ignored. Even something small like people getting mad because Weiss, Blake, and Yang’s color schemes are so off? We’re not just frustrated because we don’t like the looks personally, we’re frustrated because the expectation of color mattering was given to us in the early seasons. Penny being a flesh human? That wouldn’t have actively hurt people if the show hadn’t gone out of its way to make sure we knew that Penny was a real person who deserved to be affirmed as and valued as a real person in her robotic body in volume two, thus giving the audience a perfectly understandable expectation that the narrative wouldn’t get flipped to ‘toss out that weird body and get the perfect normal, conforming one you always should’ve wanted.’ A lot of this stuff doesn’t just come out of nowhere, a lot of the expectations people have for RWBY exist because there was set up, and there was good reason to believe it. And just pretending that RWDE posters completely invented all this shit just so we could get mad is really freaking weird.
Like, imagine if Star Wars had Han frozen in carbonite and then was just like “meh” and forgot about him for the rest of the trilogy, and then when people were like “Um, what about Han?” other people were like “Omg, I can’t believe you’re mad just because your headcanon that Han was important didn’t come true.” Imagine if in Avatar the Last Airbender, they never had Zuko go to the good side in book three, and then when people were like “wait, so why did we have all this development with Zuko, then?” people were like “so your favorite bad boy didn’t turn good, you’re mad? The show writers don’t need to conform to your weird ideas.” Imagine if a new Incredibles movie came out that was all about how Supers are actually destructive and need to be contained and you’re like “but this doesn’t fit the theme of the other two movies at all and doesn’t even make sense” and then people call you a Mr. Incredible apologist and tell you that if all you care about is getting your headcanons affirmed than you should go write fanfiction. Imagine if you got a Spider-Man game that was called Spider-Man and had the Spider-Man logo on the front and the summary was like “Spidey’s on a new adventure in New York” and then you started playing the game and it was like way more about Deadpool and this random other kid who came into the game half way through and so you’re like “I thought this was supposed to be about Spider-Man,” and then you get people saying you’re an obsessed weirdo who can’t stand that the game writers had a vision you didn’t like. Just picture for a moment if during the next RWBY volume, the writers had Blake and Yang announce that they’re best friends and pat each other on the back and then Blake started talking about being in love with Sun, and you rightfully post online about how we were clearly meant to read Blake and Yang as romantic and it’s such a frustrating walk-back and it doesn’t make sense and then you had someone respond to your post with “well just because you like a ship doesn’t mean it has to be canon, you’re just mad because the show writers don’t cater to you.” That would rightfully be very frustrating!
Long post short, if people could please stop saying any variation of “you’re just mad that your headcanons aren’t true” that would be great.
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rwby-sk · 1 year
"Wouldn't it be CRAZY if this sudden thing happened?"
You have no idea how to write a long-lasting narrative with themes and story arcs do you? No idea how to craft a character's journey through a fictional world who isn't the one main protagonist
Go read some classic literature, compare and contrast their stories, then come back
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