#floating timeline
Throughout my years of being a Pokémon fan (and other fandoms fan), I have come up with several ideas for stories I wanted to write. Who hasn’t humored the thought of translating their ideas to reality. Except putting yourself out there is extremely nerve-wracking. Even more so when you are a somewhat perfectionist like myself. Improper grammar/capitalization can make potential readers not want to read fanfics. And I am not nitpicking the occasional errors.
To name a few: using too many commas, repetitive word choice, improper grammar, uncapitalized words throughout the entire story, thick blocks of text when you need to break up paragraphs, etc… You get the point. The last one seriously makes me mad because I will lose my place in a chapter. I understand the first drafts won’t be perfect from the get-go, but them not improving frustrates me. What I am trying to get at is writing something you are satisfied with is harder than it sounds.
Moving onto the main point of this post. The Pokémon world’s floating timeline presents a unique problem. Whether it is the eternal summer of the Anime or games remakes making concrete events more vague. I’m not going into the darker Manga events since I barely know them. It tends to be different from our own in many ways besides super powered creatures. Here are some questions I ask myself whenever I think up any fanfic ideas.
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—Do all individuals of a species look the same? {Pokémon look like mirror copies no matter how many you catch in the games. I would like to think there are other appearance traits than the bigger size. Maybe some have shaggier fur, longer claws, and different colors besides being shiny considering the genetic diversity.}
—Why do some people have Pokémon before being ten years old? {We know being ten is the minimum requirement to take on the league. Yet we see visibly younger kids have Pokémon in several other regions. I think ten is the youngest age you are allowed to be to compete in official tournaments. Ash had a trainer’s license in the Anime which might relate to this.}
—Are talented/prodigy trainers granted special privileges? {In a short answer, yes. We see very young trainers like Tate and Liza appointed to co-gym leader status. It seems talented trainers are very sought after in the Pokémon world. The youngest high-ranking trainer has to be (SPOILERS) the Paldea’s Poppy. Her attitude and visible appearance make me think she is five to six years old. Poppy is strong enough to hold an Elite Four position in the game!}
—Why are we made the new champion after beating the old one? {This is one of the few things about the games that genuinely annoys me. We are not only the strongest trainer in-region but given a high authority position. League champions appear to be people who rank first in the tournament. What would make more sense is the former champion mentors whoever beat them for a few years. Champions hold the highest authority being able to go to places too dangerous for average trainers.}
—What exactly are Legendaries/Mythicals? {Not the easiest question to answer so let’s go over the basics. All species have the strength of fully-evolved dragon types. Each has a job to do in the world, some more important than others considering what they represent. One's like the Creation Trio and Arceus are actual real gods. Giratina itself was described as eldritch. People can go their whole lives without seeing one in any continuity. A lucky few can catch them and they will actually listen to orders.}
—Is it legal to have a Legendary Pokémon considering how important they are? {When you take into account their sheer strength and abilities this is a grey area. We catch the region’s legendaries/mythical in every game. I have personally used at least one box legend on teams to beat the Elite Four. In the universe though how often does this genuinely happen? Where they bond enough to let themselves be caught by a mortal. It would be so easy for Groudon or Yveltal to just kill us if they didn’t want to listen... Are there rules for this? A limit to how many you can use on a team. Does the trainer have to let the league know they have one if they take on the Pokémon League? Look at how easily Tobias swept the gym challenge.}
—How advanced is the technology? {Another odd area so rarely addressed in the Pokemon World. Bags, a staple thing, can hold several items including Bikes in them without weighing us down. Pokemon are transported by digitizing them across the internet/electric lines. Centers can heal our pokémon with a machine in just a few seconds. Teleport tiles have existed since the first freaking generation! The Pokemon World is much more advanced than our own. I would say they focused on medicine, science, and transportation the most.}
—Is battling similar to animal fighting? {PETA has kicked up enough fuss over the years when it comes to the Pokémon franchise. The games have shown that trainers make friends with their Pokémon enough to affect battles. Some even shrug off status effects to not worry the trainer. There are cases of Pokémon abuse and abandonment in the series. Yet tend to be much rarer than our cases in our world. Besides, wild Pokémon will battle to get stronger.}
—Are there any real-world animals? {Evidence for this is present when you look at species classifications. Cats, dogs, mice, crocodiles, and others like that are found in dex entries. Fish were seen in the anime’s early episodes. Pidgeotto ate an actual worm before Ash caught it... So kinda. Smaller animals seem to inhabit the Pokémon World from what we’ve seen. Makes the food situation less grim.}
—What is pokémon training actually like? {I imagine that it’s far less glamorous than the games show. Camping for months on end without access to showers. Having to feed six super-powered creatures three times a day. Not to mention having an unstable budget to rely on. I pity those who repeatedly lose.}
Now questions I don’t have answers/ headcanons/theories on currently.
—What was the Pokémon World’s reaction to parallel dimensions being real? Ultra Space
—Why are there two different types of Rangers? One that uses poke balls and one using stylers.
—Is time travel a somewhat regular occurrence and do people watch for timeline changes? The Hisui situation is not subtle with there being Porygon in the pokédex. Time-space distortions might appear in the modern day.
—Are humans in there more durable than us? Ash gets hit by Pokémon moves and Lance hyper-beamed someone in Mahogany Town.
—How can friendship be quantified?
—What’s the yearly number of Pokémon killing humans?
—Are psychics employed as lie detectors?
—Is it wrong for a psychic to read minds?
—Do mediums need special training?
—How do non-Pokémon related careers fare in a Pokemon training-focused world?
—Does ditto breeding have any side effects?
—What requirements are there to become a gym leader? Why is it only one gym per town?
—Can a trainer be charged with murder if one of their Pokémon kills a human in self-defense?
—Are there blacklisted species against the law to be trained without licenses?
—What happens to all the less-than-ideal babies from IV breeding? Shiny breeding?
—Where do Pokémon eggs actually come from?
—How often are Pokémon actually injured to the point if bleeding?
—Why does this crazy world let ten-year-olds wander in the wilderness?
—Are the evil teams' schemes years in the making? What were they thinking messing with the God-like Legendaries?
—How much does the league tell the public about us stopping evil teams?
—Are the additional non-native encounters in remakes caused by the Legendary Pokémon raging? Mass migrations away from danger.
—Can they take away our legendary Pokemon?
—Do the legendaries have cult followings?
—Would using Mega Evolution or Z-Moves to battle trainers who can’t be considered unfair?
—How rare is the ability to talk to Pokémon?
—Do badges/ribbons expire?
—Is evolving less maturing than just growing stronger? Can evolved mons still be immature?
—Are atheists a thing in the Pokemon world?
—How many grimdark or nuzlucke stories are just dark timelines?
—What if Legendaries are classified as genderless because nobody has studied them?
—Do Pokémon have to be re-caught if the trainer wants to switch their poke ball type?
—How rare are evolution items?
—How do TMs teach Pokemon new moves?
—Are ghost types immortal?
—What happens to Orre during the time skip?
—Does Ash age or is he stuck at ten?
—When does Ingo get sucked into the past?
—How long was he there before we show up?
—How do trade evolutions occur wild?
—Do we control the player character to save the region?
—What weapons if any exist in that world?
—How old are the Champions?
I ask myself these when I consider any future stories history and worldbuilding. Hope to one day write quality fanfic that avoids the cliches.
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everwen · 9 months
Great! Time for my daily existential crisis!
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choppedcowboydinosaur · 9 months
I don't like the floating timeline in the Simpsons where they keep changing Homer's youth to keep up with the times. First, he was a teen in the 60's and 70's. Then they change it to him being a teen in the 90's. It just feels weird, since the Simpsons itself had so much of an impact on 90's pop-culture. And yet they obviously can't reference that aspect of the culture because the Simpsons are fictional in our universe, but they are real people in their universe. So, it just feels jarring and anachronistic.
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qwuilty · 1 year
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(worlds most melancholy playing of you cant fight the homestuck)
I havent done sprites in a bit but i had a lot of fun doing these, i tried to stick mostly to the canon style and drew most the sprite parts myself besides using nepeta's coat and editing the god tier sprites (also thank you to my partner for helping me decide some especially p1's <3 <3 <3)
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Bonus alternate god tier for p3 cause i feel both are fitting for him
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some self indulgent concepts for a 20-something year old Chang where he becomes Tintin’s photographer. I wanted him to have a slightly eccentric sense of style to reflect his playful personality.
as my Area 51 post where Chang and Tintin are middle aged did well I was speculating on what would have happened between the “canon” timeline and them being in their mid-40s, just to get a better idea of what their relationship would be like! A Lot of background stuff beneath the cut, cw for mentions of racism and homophobia  - buckle up boyos:
After Alph-Art Chang finishes school and starts studying commercial photography at university. On an exchange programme, he goes to study in Belgium for a year. Haddock has Chang live at Marlinspike during his studies, hoping he would keep Tintin out of trouble (and perhaps convince Tintin to finish school). This backfires significantly.
He’d bring an emotional intelligence to the Marlinspike team, as well as an outsider’s perspective on things. As he’s around Tintin’s age, Tintin feels more comfortable confiding in him. I imagine he’d have a wicked sense of humour too which Haddock appreciates, and, most importantly, he’s the guy in the group who brings a bag
He’s juggling a photography course, dangerous adventures, his job with the newspaper and a social life, but deep down he doesn’t feel like he truly belongs anywhere. He’s very aware of his outsider status, so embraces it. As a working class orphan who was taken in by a family of academics he’s used to not quite fitting in. He’s also trying to work through his trauma from his two near death experiences, wanting to Live Life To the Fullest, frequenting jazz bars and staff parties whenever he can.
Tintin is overjoyed to finally be able to spend time with him and takes him sightseeing in between adventures. A few months in he realises he’s developed feelings for him and has A Crisis - he is gripped with feelings of guilt and self disgust and is terrified he’ll lose Chang’s friendship. At first he attempts to bury his feelings, leading to some Incredibly Unhinged Adventures. Chang catches onto this and confronts him about it, and helps him overcome his self hatred. The two start a relationship in secret (Haddock can totally tell tho, he quickly makes it clear they have his full support). Chang’s photography career takes off and he starts engaging with local immigrant and LGBT communities
things seem to be going well for the two of them until a tabloid outs them publicly (could it be Rastapopolous? I know he took a tumble but maybe he survived? idk). Chang and Tintin lose their jobs and their reputations. WW2 hits and they take it upon themselves to travel around, beating up fascists and foiling nazi plots (I know the canon comics follow a floating timeline with some being set post-war but here I’m rooting things in a specific time period)
after the war they manage to find more work. Tintin finds work with a small local paper and Chang scrapes out some freelance jobs. The war shaped their perceptions of journalism significantly, with Tintin now giving more of his attention to less flashy stories, pledging to do what he can to prevent anything like the war from happening again. Their itch for adventure returns, however, when reports of alien sightings start cropping up in the papers...
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nocofamilyau · 9 months
What year would you say this au takes place in? (also very nice art)
i guess 2023 if we're being realistic??? idk, with that maybe Total Drama aired a bit earlier than in canon, more like early 2000s instead of late 2000s/early 2010s, around the time when reality tv really began to blow up (I remember reading somewhere before TDI23 was announced that Total Drama would hypothetically take place around 2003 because Chris was allegedly 25 at the time of island ik none of this is canon but fuck it why not) (from td wiki)
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if anything, I like to think this au takes place on some sort of floating timeline since then there's no need to worry about certain events and making things dated, along with adding bits and pieces from media from a wider range of time (eg. sam still owning a DS)
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diaryofageekgirl · 1 year
Ace Attorney fandom. I am taking you by the hand and leading you to the best idea I’ve ever had.
Okay, so you know how every prosecutor gets partnered up with a detective for investigations? And you know how Fulbright is no longer Blackquill’s detective partner on account of, y’know, being dead and also not really being Fulbright the entire time we’ve interacted with him?
Consider: Blackquill needs a new detective partner. Consider: There are previously established detective characters who haven’t gotten nearly enough screen time. Consider: One such detective will have surely finished his jail time by now, and with Gant no longer calling the shots, would likely try to work his way back up to detective after unfairly being demoted.
Consider: Simon Blackquill and Jake Marshall’s Ongoing Samurai/Cowboy Insanity.
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elvenbeard · 10 months
Not Yet
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Just a random little scene that might wanna still write out in full in the future. Angst, what angst? I would never...
100% blame @humberg for the wonderful upcoming poses fueling me with angsty thoughts and scenarios 💜
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subsequentibis · 8 months
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reposting this commission i got from @neonjawbone a little while back! these are two characters from a sideblog that i'm working on shaping up to put into underbelly and i love them very much <3 the guy with the short hair is luther and the guy with the braid is cam and there's a lot going on with them just in general
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veilkeeper · 6 months
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Orin: Allies? No no. We had a balance, the Chosen three, but it tumbled when you turned the Bone Lord to ash. Now Gortash tries to gouge me from the city.
Ketheric Thorm: For that, [Myrkul] asked that I serve as his Chosen, join Orin and Gortash to grow the cult of the Absolute, and then... take control of it.
An excerpt from "Elder Brain Domination", written by Ketheric Thorm: Clearly all three Netherstones must be controlled by a single leader - me, by preference - but not until after all stakeholders have made their essential contribution.
Lord Enver Gortash: So Ketheric was ready to betray our alliance, too?
to his credit, gortash really does seem like the only one who was genuinely trying to make the alliance work. perhaps they all knew eventually theyd have to stab each other in the back, what with their gods' longstanding beef with each other, but gortash seemed like the only one committed to making sure that happened well after they were secure in having won, if it happened at all.
ive gotta get into his office. maybe there's stuff in there that will tell me he was planning on betraying them asap but.... from what ive seen so far, it doesnt seem like it.
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campercabeth · 18 days
I'm sorry but if we’re taking Rick's word for it that Percy was "always born 16 years ago" or whatever our boy would have been born in 2008, after TLT was even first published. No sir, I do not think so. That math ain't mathing and I will not be incorporating that into my canon.
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kettlefire · 2 years
Danny knew something was horribly wrong the moment his sense's came back to him.
The air felt off. The smells and sounds that slowly came into focus was completely different. Everything felt so strange, but also so familiar.
Before he even tried opening his eyes and facing the people before him, he turned his focus inwards. Trying to piece together the hazy memories he had.
First was the evident moment everything started going downhill. A normal day suddenly shifting as the sky started to turn purple and green.
Harsh winds, and ghostly beings filled the air. Danny remembers sending Sam and Tucker to his house. Told them to find his parents and sister, get to the ops center.
He'd contact them when he can.
He doesn't think he did. It was a vague mess of fighting ghosts, teaming up with Vlad, and tracking why the living realm suddenly started looking like the zone.
While also getting the worse bruises and injuries he has had in ages.
Then he found the source. He's 97% sure he found himself up against Freakshow, but at this point it felt like he fought all of his rivals.
There was a strange pool, different from regular ectoplasm. Even with Freakshow's monologuing, he had no clue what it was.
Then he got shoved in.
Shoved in.
He didn't resurface. Some unknown energy pulling him deeper. He felt like he was drowning, being crushed, then oblivion.
Which left the question of who pulled him out, and where he was. This wasn't home. He didn't need to open his eyes to see that.
When he did finally open his eyes, he didn't expect what he saw.
Seriously, why are there so many people? And why do they have so much sharp and pointy things pointed at him???
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oh-meow-swirls · 2 months
how does the raft not capsize.
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#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i mean komasan's not there in canon 3 so it's slightly better but not by a lot#i feel like someone should at least be falling off how is the raft also big enough to hold them all-#whisper floats so he doesn't add weight or any space really but like#it still needs to both hold the weight of three teenagers and two yo-kai#AND have the room for them all to fit#the rafting challenge in bada-bing tower is probably worse cuz it has to fit two additional yo-kai#i think komasan not being that important in the mainline games is very lame. he's pretty important in the anime so it's kinda weird#he is at least somewhat important in 3 since he's there for the yopple tour and everything in bada-bing tower#whereas in 1 he has the auto-befriend yo-kai curse (only being important in their debut chapter)#and in 2 he literally only shows up during the jibakoma quest in psychic specters#(excluding being an npc during the beginning of the jibanyan's secret quest alongside a bunch of other yo-kai)#idk what's weirder the fact they made him so important in the anime despite that or the fact they never made him important in the games#i personally go with the nyanderful days continuity that he also moves in with katie cuz that makes sense to me#i've literally never written anything where nate's the one who gets the watch in 1 so idk what i'd do there-#(funny how i've never written anything that's in the same timeline as canon-)#i want to at least write something at somepoint where nate and katie both get watches cuz i like that idea#i mean i have a dumb au idea where nate and katie independently get watches at the start of 1 at around the same time#and take an extended period of time to realize#mostly just haven't actualized that cuz 1) i already have the rewrite and 2) i don't have enough ideas#basically just have the basic concept-#these tags got derailed quick. and also make me really wanna work on the rewrite more-#i have so many ideas but i'm just not motivated to write any of them#and also most of them are for 3 and i haven't finished rewriting 2 yet 😔#‚‚‚ anyways-
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fishyartist · 2 years
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some quick doodles, basic idea so far's that johnny+kitty were in a bike accident, 13 survived but kitty didnt. theyre seperated bcause of this for years and theyre bitter+edgy about it but after the portal open and events occur theyre able to reconnect because love wins! <3
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goldensunset · 1 year
treating the og cast’s appearances in neo like their appearances in kingdom hearts. great to see them again, out of character to varying degrees, interesting situations, ultimately not canon. except for the parts that are really important or the stuff that i really like. but um pretty much nothing happened after the end of og twewy the rest was all a totally different game’s universe
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skyriderwednesday · 2 months
I am fully of the mindset that if people want their children to read classic books like Enid Blyton, etc, but they aren't willing to read them with their kids in order to provide necessary context for why certain words, etc, are used, then there will have to be cleaned up versions, because media literacy is only getting worse.
However, I recently discovered that some recent printings of the Famous Five books call George 'Georgie' and I want to burn down the entire publishing industry over it.
That's not 'cleaning up', that's erasure.
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