#fire wights
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#JonSnowFortnightEvent2023 - @asoiafcanonjonsnow
Day 7 - Foils and Adversaries
Jon knew that face. Othor, he thought, reeling back. Gods, he’s dead, he’s dead, I saw him dead.
Something a little more ambitious today 😅 one of my favourite scenes from AGOT - Jon’s first look at what threat truly lies beyond the wall.
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gendrie · 1 year
the main thing for me re: lady stoneheart is that she’s literally not alive. she’s not dead either, but she ain’t living by any decent standards. grrm confirmed beric’s heart wasnt even beating, his blood wasnt flowing, ect. its safe to assume the same for lsh. her name certainly implies as much. her heart doesnt beat. she’s a “wight” 
"Lady Catelyn?" Tears filled her eyes. "They said . . . they said that you were dead." "She is," said Thoros of Myr. (AFFC)
she’s not catelyn anymore either. catelyn died at trw. yes, there are pieces of her that remain within lsh and i dont think its exclusively her hatred, but not enough to justify leaving her in that state. her body is decayed. the wounds she sustained cannot heal. she’s a gaping wound. she was left in that water decomposing for three days.....she needs mercy and i think she will want it too. it sucks that it’s likely going to fall on arya, but she will never be the one who killed her. the freys did that. 
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asoiafreadthru · 10 months
A Game of Thrones, Prologue
Will rose. Ser Waymar Royce stood over him.
His fine clothes were a tatter, his face a ruin. A shard from his sword transfixed the blind white pupil of his left eye.
The right eye was open. The pupil burned blue. It saw.
The broken sword fell from nerveless fingers. Will closed his eyes to pray.
Long, elegant hands brushed his cheek, then tightened around his throat.
They were gloved in the finest moleskin and sticky with blood, yet the touch was icy cold.
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rohirric-hunter · 5 months
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Uhm... thanks...
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stairnaheireann · 30 days
#OTD in 1916 – Easter Rising leaders | Pádraig Pearse, Thomas Clarke and Thomas MacDonagh were executed by a firing squad in Kilmainham Gaol.
The first of the 1916 rebels were shot dead in the Stonebreakers’ Yard at Kilmainham Gaol after being found guilty (without legal defence or jury) of taking part ‘in an armed rebellion for the purposes of assisting the enemy.’ The fact that they were involved in armed rebellion is beyond doubt, but the primary purpose of the Rising was in support of the declaration of ‘the right of the people of…
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rosalinesurvived · 2 years
The things going on north of the Wall and the Targaryen on the other continent with her dragons are of course the ice and fire of the title, “A Song of Ice and Fire.” […] One of the dynamics I started with was the sense of people being so consumed by their petty struggles for power within the seven kingdoms, within King’s Landing […] that they’re blind to the much greater and more dangerous threats that are happening far away on the periphery of their kingdoms. —George R. R. Martin
Tell me again how Daenerys isn't the enemy
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silverflameataraxia · 2 years
"...So if you must hate, Arya, hate those who would truly do us harm..." - Ned Stark, AGoT, Arya II
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gh-0-stcup · 2 years
How does Asshai even work, though? It's a large city, a hub of magical learning, and has a decent level of trade.
But no children exist in Asshai? I mean, it's a perfect idea for the spooky vibes of Asshai but...how does Asshai work, then? Is nobody actually from Asshai? Is it more of a spooky arcane university than a city?
I take it to mean that all children brought there die and that the environment renders people infertile, but why don't the adults seem to be getting sick as well?
What is life like in Asshai? It can't be all spooky sorcery all the time, can it? There has to be servants, political leaders, traders, and just...regular joes living life, right?
Asshai is just actually one of the most fascinating places to me, I wish we could actually see what the day to day is like there.
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calamity-talvi · 1 year
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roosinii · 6 months
So Elden Ring in Will Wight’s Cradle Universe go (Some Bosses):
Morgott: A Path of Light and Force or maybe Sword Madra. Have some sort of Bloodline ability related to his cursed blood. As a Sage/Monarch he’d have touched the Crown Icon and maybe the Sword Icon.
Godrick: Definitely a Path of Wind and Lightning Madra. I don’t think he’d make it to Sage/Monarch, which is useful because I can’t think of any Icons that fit him.
Rennala: She presents the same problem as all magic-based characters do when trying to transcribe them into Cradle, magic is too vast a field to be constrained by the comparatively restrictive Path system. That being said, Elden Ting’s magic system is split into pretty distinct schools, which makes it much easier. Tha being said, Light and Earth Madra are my guesses (Earth as in crystals, which I believe works). The Icon is a struggle, maybe the Scribe Icon?
Radahn: Earth and Force for sure. (Force as in the Fishers, specifically attractive Force that interacts with gravity weirdly). For Icons he’s got the pick of Lion, Bow, Sword & Strength.
Rykard: A Path of Fire and Earth, to generate lava. Venom doesn’t fit the Serpent Of Blasphemy. Icon is going to be the Serpent/Snake Icon
Mohg: Blood. It’s blood, all the way down. Maybe add Flame Madra as well, for some of his acolytes, but I’d say a pure Blood Path for the servant of the Formless Mother. Blood Icon as well
Fire Giant: Fire Madra. Shockingly. The Sun Icon (although I doubt he’d have made it to Sage/Monarch) because that seems to be the best fit, just as the Winter Icon stands for Ice.
Malenia: The Scarlet Rot would be a horrible mix of Venom and Life Madra, so that has to be part of it, but she’s absolutely rocking Sword Madra as well. Just as the Path Of The Raging Sky can summon it’s Lightning, Water and Wind aspects separately, so too can she only bring forth her Sword Madra. Although it takes great effort, and she doesn’t always succeed. Icon is Sword obviously, maybe the Rot Icon when she becomes the Goddess Of Rot (if such an icon exists).
Placidusax: Lightning, Wind and maybe Fire. Just as Reigan Shen’s Path gives him an incredible affinity for Spactial Manipulation, so too does Placidusax’s Path give him an unusual affinity for Temporal Manipulation. Icons are Dragon (obviously), Storm and Crown (as he was Elden Lord before Godfrey)
Maliketh: Sword and Death. Icon would be the Death Icon, maybe the Wolf Icon (if there is one)
Fortissax: Lightning and Death. Notable in the Death Madra wouldn’t have originally been a part of his Path. The Dragon Icon of course.
Godfrey: A pure Force Path. Doesn’t bother much with Weapon Enforcement, Striker, Ruler or Forger Techniques, either. Icons would be Strength and Crown. The Lion Icon is a possibility, and Serosh is most definitely connected to it.
Radagon: Light and Force maybe? Not really sure. Icons would be Crown, maybe Sword as well.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Is it possible that Maqoro and Melisandre are undergoing trough some kinda of the inhuman transformation themselfs? Like they are themselfs some kinda of fire wigh, i mean we know that they don't drink or sleep, and are always staring in too flames, also Maqoro was how long at sea before Victorion found him?
It's certainly more likely than not that they are permanently supernaturally altered in some way.
It would fit with how the Faceless Men demand absolute ownership over the members of their cult, and their magic is comparatively low-level.
"The price is you. The price is all you have and all you ever hope to have. We took your eyes and gave them back. Next we will take your ears, and you will walk in silence. You will give us your legs and crawl. You will be no one's daughter, no one's wife, no one's mother. Your name will be a lie, and the very face you wear will not be your own." (ADWD, The Ugly Little Girl)
I can't help but imagine that the annointed priests at the level of Melisandre (as opposed to Thoros) give up their bodies and lives in a more literal way.
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the-worst-fe-player · 2 years
I’m not looking at the new fe game leaks just in case they are true but out of curiosity does anyone think there real?
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asoiafreadthru · 2 months
A Game of Thrones, Jon III
“The talk is, your uncle is too long away.”
Jon remembered the wish he’d wished in his anger, the vision of Benjen Stark dead in the snow, and he looked away quickly. The dwarf had a way of sensing things, and Jon did not want him to see the guilt in his eyes.
“He said he’d be back by my name day,” he admitted. His name day had come and gone, unremarked, a fortnight past.
“They were looking for Ser Waymar Royce, his father is bannerman to Lord Arryn.
“Uncle Benjen said they might search as far as the Shadow Tower. That’s all the way up in the mountains.”
“I hear that a good many rangers have vanished of late,” Lannister said.
“Perhaps the grumkins are hungry this year.”
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languagedeath · 1 year
My First Time on the Mystical Island of Po Toi
Written by Dyami Millarson We took the boat to Po Toi island in the morning of Saturday 22 April 2017. It was a spiritual journey that relaxed me. When we arrived near the dock of Po Toi, I could see from the ship there was a sacrificial fire burning on a cliff. It looked like a movie scene. It inspired me with awe. The scene of the sacrificial fire never left me, because it felt like a new…
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aclkplm208-blog · 2 years
Walking in the Wessex Formation
Walking in the Wessex Formation, Isle of Wight England during the early Cretaceous Period.
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briefalpacashark · 3 months
You play charades with the 141 lads.
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“We should play charades,” it was a small suggestion, half-jokingly. You were locked up in a random corner of the world were Wi-Fi, and entertainment was scarce. 
The boys had agreed. 
You and Soap offered to be the smaller team if you could work together.
Worst mistake of the boy's life. You had all chucked in bets and items you had brought on deployment. Sweet foods, beers, money and even an unfinished sudoku was on the line. 
You all threw pieces of paper with random things written on them into a hat which you would draw from. Both teams tried to write items that only their team would know.
It didn't help the other team in the slightest.
You each had one minute to guess the most items. First it was the other teams go. They got a few and stumbled over a questionably worded one.
Then it was your and Soap's time to shine.
Soap opted to be the charader and you the guesser. Soap shook out his body cracking his neck as he got ready. Your expression were deathly serious as you readjusted in the seat moving forward to place your wight on your knees.
“They are way to serious for this,” Gaz grinned at the others.
“Shut up,” you snapped.
“Alright ready? Start!” Price stated the timer.
Rocket launcher
Swiss cheese
Fucking BRITS!
Highland cow!
Bruce Springsteen!
PRICE!” in a rapid-fire succession Soap shot out barely one movement before you guessed it.
“Time!” Price announced. In excitement you stood, pumped full of adrenalin.
“FUCK THE BRITS!” Soap exclaimed in excitement.
“FUCKEN OATH!” you yelled as you clasped hands before chest bumping.
“How the hell did they do that?” Gaz asked as bewildered as the others.
“They cheated,” Ghost shrugged.
“Fuck off,” you grinned.
“I don't know. That seemed mighty specious,” Price shrugged.
“You lot don't understand. The lass and I have a connection. Synced at the mind,” Soap explained half serious tapping his temple.
“Of course they wouldn't understand. They're British,” you said patting Soaps shoulder, shaking you head like you had just heard some difficult news.
“There is no way you didnt cheat,” Gaz shock his head.
“Oh you dont belive us do you?” You asked.
“How about this. I've got one more. It hasn't been written down so there no way she could have known it. If she gets it in under a second you all have to admit we won fair and square,” Soap proposed the idea. The lads looked at each other. It was a worthy gamble. 
“Fine,” Price nodded.
You got ready once again Soap rubbing his hands together as you prepared yourself. You propped yourself on your knees as you stared at him.
“You fuckers watching?’ Soap asked.
“We're watching,” Gaz said.
“Good cause your about to see some real fucking magic,” you stated.
“Alright Price count us down,” Soap ordered.
“3, 2, 1,” Price said. Soap rose to his full height, holding both his hands up in ok sighs. His eyebrows raised, and he blew his cheeks out with a huff.
“SIMONS ASS!” You screamed at the top of your lungs. 
Let's just say you guys won.
--COD Master List Here--
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