#finn balor long shot
meangirls-imagines · 1 month
Coachella Diaries
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Description: Reader works for WWE and gets hurt during Wrestlemania, causing her to go on a months long break. She goes to Coachella Weekend 2 to support her girl.
WARNINGS: fluffy as shit, slightly suggestive at the end, reneechella (bc that's a warning itself)
Y/N stepped (as best as she could) off the plane and sighed at the California sun hitting her body. 
Her body was exhausted. Wrestlemania was the 6th and 7th, she performed both nights and unfortunately had torn a couple of ligaments in her foot. She worked through the pain and helped make Wrestlemania record breaking. She had gotten surgery on the 16th, which meant she unfortunately missed the first weekend of her girlfriend playing Coachella.
Reneè was also understandably upset, not at Y/N, but at the fact that her girlfriend had to get surgery and she couldn't be there. Luckily for Reneè, Y/N had her fellow superstars keep the blonde updated. The doctor had cleared Y/N for travel on the 18th and she landed in LAX on the morning of the 19th. 
Towa had been the one to help Y/N plan this out, picking her up from the airport. The musician smiled as Y/N hobbled towards her with her bag. "There's my favorite cripple! How's the foot?" Y/N smiled and hugged the girl. "It's definitely injured. I'll be out for a minute but honestly, I'm not mad, I need a break."
Towa laughed. "Ain't that the truth? If I have to hear Reneè freak out about every bump you take, I might've gone crazy." Y/N blushed. Reneè was always very protective of Y/N, not that her profession helped with that. The blonde loved and hated watching Y/N do her thing. Yes, Y/N looked hot but if Y/N had to take another spear from Roman Reigns or a stomp to the chest from Finn Balor, Reneè was going to commit murder. 
This new era of WWE meant the return of inter-gender wrestling, with Y/N leading the charge. She had become the inaugural WWE World Heavyweight Champion, holding it for 316 days. She had been a part of the two biggest main events of Wrestlemania history, which is where she tore the ligaments in her foot. Never the less, she persisted and opened the next night of Mania, unfortunately she lost her title but the ovation she got when she got backstage was worth it. 
She was thrilled to help Cody finish his story but also was happy that she could get a break. She saw the doctor who gave her the diagnosis and what doctor to see and she was on her way.
She had messaged Towa the night she found out and set the surprise up. 
As the two ventured out of the airport, they caught up with each other, Towa informing Y/N of her love life and what not. The two reached the SUV and began the drive from the airport to the AirBnB they were renting for the festival. During the two hour car ride, Y/N had told Towa about some backstage drama happening as the Brit ate it up.
After 2 and a half hours, they finally made it to the house. Adam had been standing outside, waiting for them as they pulled up. The man helped Y/N out of the car and gave her a hug. "There's my favorite former champ! Congrats on the run. It was a rollercoaster." Y/N smiled and hugged the man back. "Thanks Adam! It was definitely a rollercoaster! A fun one though! So, where is my girl?"
Adam laughed. "She's out in the back with everyone else, they're pregaming before we go. Are you sure you can handle going out?" Y/N nodded. "I slept on the plane ride here. Perks of using the company jet." Adam nodded as Towa met up with them, handing Y/N her bag. The trio headed inside. 
Adam and Towa headed to the back to distract everyone while Y/N slipped into the room Reneè was staying in. She took in a deep breath, breathing in the scent of Reneè. God, she missed it so much. She changed quickly, putting on the custom "Reneèchella made me gay" shirt and some shorts before getting the message from Towa to make her appearance. 
She grabbed a beer from the fridge and headed out to the backyard. The group all did a "cheers" before taking the shots provided for them. Y/N decided to speak up. "Do I get a shot too?" 
Everyone turned towards the new voice but no one turned quicker than Reneè. The blonde stood shocked at the sight of her girlfriend, boot and all, standing in front of her. "Holy fuck! Reneè ran to where Y/N was standing and hugged the girl tightly. Y/N laughed and kissed the blonde's head. "Hey superstar. I've missed you." Everyone was aww-ing at the scene, some clapping. 
Reneè pulled away from the hug and pressed her lips to Y/N's, kissing her for the first time in weeks. The group cheered as the two kissed, causing Reneè to slip them off. After a minute, the two pulled away and Reneè began to scratch the back of Y/N's neck. "You're really here!" Y/N smiled and kissed her nose. "I am. Now I think it's time to have some fun." Reneè smiled and pulled Y/N over to her friends. 
The group was watching Chappell Roan absolutely kill it when fans began to notice the couple being all cute.
@/reneerappslut23: guys. i just saw a video of reneè and y/n all cozy at coachella and my heart 🥺
@y/nfan123: just saw a video of reneè grinding on y/n while they were watching t-pain. don't know who i wanna be more...
@/reneefan253: guys. reneè cannot keep her hands off y/n. she's always rubbing her back or the back of her head or her shoulder. WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN?!
The group made their way back to the house, all breaking off to their respective rooms, sleepily exchanging good nights. Reneè and Y/N made their way to Reneè's room. The two flopped on the bed, Reneè snuggling into Y/N's side. "I'm so glad you're here. I can't wait for you to see me perform." Y/N kissed the blonde's forehead. "Me too baby."
The next day was a lot of the same, more musicians sets, more drinking, etc. Sunday came a lot faster than Y/N expected and she found herself sitting in Reneè's trailer with her, the girl getting ready for her set. Reneè was looking on her phone as her hairstylist finished up her look. Y/N decided to take a stealthy picture and post it on her insta with the caption "coachella ready", tagging Reneè. 
Comments started flooding in immediately. One that stood out to Y/N was from her not older sister Liv Morgan.
@/yaonlylivvonce: We are so excited to see her!! Drinks after?
Y/N smiled and responded to the girl. Adam poked his head in and informed Reneè she had five minutes. The blonde thanked him, took a deep breath and pulled Y/N with her to the wings of the stage. To Y/N and Reneè's surprise, Alyah was waiting for them. Reneè squealed, wrapping Alyah in a tight hug. Y/N smiled at the pair and took a picture of them hugging. Alyah pulled away and hugged Y/N too, scolding her about her injury and how she should've been more careful. 
Reneè saved Y/N by pulling her away from Alyah, wrapping her arms around Y/N's waist and burying her face in her neck. Y/N rubbed the blonde's back. "You're gonna do amazing out there Reneè. Please remember to drink water though. Don't need you passing out on stage." Reneè chuckled as she heard her intro being played. 
"Well, I guess that's me." Reneè pulled her head out of Y/N's neck, leaning up for a kiss. "I love you." Y/N smiled and pecked Reneè's lips. "I love you more. Now go kill it." And with a playful smack on the butt, Reneè went out on stage.
"Tasted the blood in my mouth, and left you there to bleed out.."
Y/N being there must have flipped a switch in Reneè because the girl was putting on a SHOW. Y/N had to keep herself from drooling watching her girlfriend do what she loved. Y/N's fav part do far had to be the Willow ass shake. For scientific reasons, of course. Y/N saw Towa getting her in-ears put in and grabbing her guitar. "Go kill it out there, Birdie." Towa winked playfully at Y/N and went out on her cue from the blonde. 
The two were soon joined by Coco Jones as they performed "Tummy Hurts". Y/N smiled at hoe happy her girl looked. Watching Reneè perform was Y/N's favorite thing to do. She loved how confident Reneè was on stage and how carefree she looked. 
After a beautiful rendition of "Snow Angel", Reneè gave her thanks to the crowd and jogged off stage. One of the crew guys poured a little bit of water on the back of Renee's neck, to cool her off, as the girl walked straight into Y/N's open arms, almost collapsing in the embrace.
"Fuck Reneè, I'm so fucking proud of you, superstar." Reneè blushed and hid her face in Y/N's neck. "I couldn't have done it without you here." Y/N laughed and kissed the blonde's temple. "You did it last weekend." Reneè pulled away from Y/N's neck and smiled at her. "Yeah, but it wasn't as fun." Y/N rolled her eyes and kissed Reneè, unaware of Towa taking a picture of them. 
Everyone praised Reneè and her performance before they walked back to the area where her trailer was. Alyah spoke up. "So, what's the plan now?" Reneè smirked and looked at Y/N. "Well, Y/N and I are going to go back to the house to...catch up and we'll meet you guys later?" Towa and Alyah shared a knowing look before nodding and going to watch another set. 
Y/N looked at Reneè confused. "Catch up?" The blonde nodded. "Mhhm. I'm planning on reclaiming my favorite seat..." Y/N caught on and blushed, allowing the blonde to pull her to the car waiting for them.
Yeah, Towa and Alyah would be fine on their own for a while...
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madhatterbri · 5 months
All Fell Down | Damian Priest
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Summary: Y/N was in a relationship with Finn Balor. She starts getting closer with Damian Priest. He gets injured, and Finn finds out about their relationship.
"Just don't get with Damian, ya?" Finn asked one day at the bar. The two of you were drinking one night at the hotel bar after RAW. You stared at your ex-boyfriend with a raised eyebrow. The Irish man was never one to tell you who to date. "He's my best friend, and I wouldn't want things to get weird between us,"
You turned your head to the Puerto Rican wrestler he was referring to. He sat in a quiet booth in the corner. His head rolled back, and his eyes closed. Air pods were in his ear. An open book is left on the table with his glasses laid next to it.
"Come on, Finn," you chuckled and shoved his shoulder. As much as Damian was your friend, he wasn't your type. "Damian and I are friends, and we are professionals. I know how much Judgment Day means to you. I would never want to put you in an awkward situation,"
Finn smiled and rubbed his shoulder. "I know. I just needed the reassurance,"
"To friends," you cheered and took another swig of your drink. "And the best faction in WWE history,"
Finn's eyes lingered on you as you drink from your glass. A hint of sadness in them at the title he regretted giving you the day you two broke up.
Weeks passed since that conversation, and everything was going well for you. You couldn't lie. The transition from NXT to RAW was a little rocky. Once things finally settled, you came out on top. Now, there were rumors that you may have a title shot soon to give you an opportunity at a major push.
Hanging out with Damian and Finn helped your transition as well. They were always willing to give you pointers. The three of you spent a lot of time traveling together. As much as you enjoyed getting close to Finn again, something drew you to Damian.
"Looking good out there," the archer of infamy complimented and nudged your arm. He leaned against the railing of the elevator with you.
"Good? More like great," you puffed out your chest. He snickered and rolled his eyes.
"Take it easy," he spoke his now infamous catch phrase. "Anymore air in that head, and you'll float away,"
"Would you try to catch me?" You asked and giggled. He looked at you weird yet smiled. You moved from the railing and faced him. You took a few steps back. "Oh no, it's happening. My head is filling with air,"
Your hands frantically touched your face. Your fingers lingered over your cheeks. You puffed your cheeks. He rolled his eyes as you walked backward on your heels.
"Very funny, Y/N," he spoke sternly yet couldn't hide the amusement in his face. The elevator suddenly jerked. Panic shined in your eyes as you reached out to grab anything to not fall and hit your head against the elevator doors.
Damian grabbed your hand and pressed you to him. His arms wrapped around your waist. A hand placed on the small of your back.
"Are you okay?" He asked. You placed your cheek on his chest. A tiny nod answered his question. He didn't move his hands away from you. The spark you felt for him is now a full flame.
"Damian," you whispered and looked up at him. His brown eyes stared into yours. You were scared the butterflies in your stomach would take over the elevator. "I like you.... a lot. I'm so afraid of losing you, of losing our friendship,"
The confession hung in the tense elevator. He gulped, trying to think of anything to tell you. He wanted to hear those words for so long. Damian knew he couldn't screw this up.
"You wouldn't be losing me, princesa. We are just getting a little more out of our friendship," he assured you. He leaned down to kiss you. You stood up on your toes and connected his lips to yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck.
Your relationship to Damian was kept a secret. The two of you still hung out as friends yet took every quiet moment to be a couple. No one knew, so no one was getting hurt. The promise you made to Finn locked away in the back of your mind. Long forgotten.
"Hey, Damian, can I talk to you for a second?" Balor asked during a RAW event. Damian looked away from the television. He was watching your match to see if there was anything that needed to be tweaked.
"Yeah, man, I was just watching Y/N. What's up?" Damian asked. Finn looked at the television screen and smiled. You evolved so much since your days in NXT.
"That's actually who I was going to bring up," he informed him. "I'm thinking about asking her out again,"
"What?" Damian asked a little too quickly. He cleared his throat. "I thought you two were over?"
"I know, trust me, I did too. I'm not one to live in the past, but I can't stop thinking about her," Finn confessed. "You two have gotten really close, and I can't ask her this question without looking jealous. Is she seeing anyone?"
Damian nearly panicked. The two of you hadn't really talked about telling Finn yet. Things were still too new. Judgment Day was important to him, but so were you. He couldn't lose you.
"She hasn't mentioned anyone," Damian admitted. "She is an open book. I'm sure she would have said something by now,"
Finn sighed in relief. He rubbed his hands over his head and face. He was going to ask you out tonight. No more waiting. He was going to finally get his girl back.
"I'll ask her after our match tonight. Thanks, man. You are the best friend a guy could ask for,"
Damian smiled, and the men watched as you pinned Teagan Nox.
"Looks like we are next. Let's meet her at the top of the ramp,"
You walked to the top of the ramp and slipped through the curtain. Damian and Finn stood around to meet you. Finn was smiling widely while Damian looked like he was going to a funeral.
"Did something happen?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Just wanted to congratulate you after an amazing match," Finn complimented and hugged you. You wrapped your arms around him and looked at Damian in confusion. The hug lasted longer than any of the ones in recent memory. "I'll see you after the match, right?"
"Yeah, I'll be watching backstage. Kick their asses," you smiled. Cody and Jey had been giving them trouble for a while. It was time to eliminate them once and for all.
You watched in the back with Rhea Ripley. Finn was performing at high energy while Damian was distracted. He was still entertaining enough for fans to not notice. Every time he took a heavy hit, you cringed.
"You and Damian make a cute couple, ya know," Rhea commented. Your eyes widened in shock. You turned your head to make up an excuse. "Don't play dumb with me. You guys should tell Finn. You two may be history, but he deserves to know,"
The rest of the match you were lost in your thoughts. The promise you made to Finn played in your head as clear as day. You had to tell Finn together. Rhea cursed next to you. You looked at the screen.
Finn helped Damian up the ramp. The commentarors played it up that the match was brutal. Any wrestler could see he was in pain. His teeth were grit together. His hand held his head. Finn had a panicked look on his face.
You rushed to medical. With no sign of Finn, you made your way in. Damian laid on a bed. An ice pack was pressed to the back of his head. Tears sprung to your eyes.
"Mi corazon, what's wrong?" Damian's deep voice asked. You slowly walked over to him, feeling silly for being emotional. Injuries happened all the time in this business. Now instead of worrying about himself he was taking care of you.
"I was so worried about you," you admitted. He grabbed your hand. He rubbed his thumb gently against your skin.
"A kick to the head. Not my first or my last," he sighed and kissed the top of your hand. "Although if I play this up will you be my nurse and take care of me?"
Before you could answer someone else was in the room with you. The two of you stared in shock as Finn stood by. His face contorted in anger. His pale skin was now an angry red, and his breathing was heavy. Tears pooled at the bottom of his eyes.
"Finn, wait, please," you begged. You walked towards him yet he walked away.
Everything that Finn worked for in his career and personal life all fell down.
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thlayli-ra · 2 months
WIP Timeline
I enjoy writing a list. So that I can eventually tick things off that list. Which is why I wrote this list to map out what I'm writing/drawing in the next wee while and cross them off as I go. Maybe some of you out there might be interested too.
- The Moon Rises Red Tonight - final chapter is about 90% complete and I'm aiming to post it later this week.
- Rise of Knight, part 6 - I've banned myself from drawing anything else until I've finished the next page, which I have already started to 'ink'. After that, there's only one page left and it's the whole reason I made it in the first place so I hopefully won't leave it too long.
- Hunter/Prey Au (CM Punk/Drew McIntyre) - Aiming for this to be a one-shot/two chapter fic. About 20% done but will be my main focus for now alongside Ashes.
- Out of the Ashes - Now my main focus until it's complete.
- Secret Project - Shhhh! 🤫
- Cody Valetverse Fic - A request that I'm keen to work on. Likely to be a one-shot, it'll be a side project after Hunter AU.
- Valetverse ficlet - Have an idea rattling around my head for a follow-up to 'When Hell Froze Over'. Probably a day or two's work.
- Winners Rooms AU (LA Knight/Roman Reigns) - Delayed. Currently about 30% complete but I'm struggling to nail the tone I'm wanting.
- Valetverse one-shot - Knowing me, I do need a little distraction once in a while when I'm writing a multi-chapter fic so will probably dip back into the valetverse, either for another LA Knight sequel or the Phil Calaway prequel. Ooh, there's also the Finn/Samoa Joe one!
- Art (various) - LA Knight/Roman Reigns sub/dom pic currently in the works, Summer of Punk request for @piledrivemytombstones , CodyPunk project for Anon, Punkintyre request for Anon, Art trade for @taydaq plus some more artwork of my fanfics. Phew!
- Flint and Steel, Part III (Finn Balor/Seth Rollins) - It's feels like a lifetime ago since I immersed myself in the F&S AU and I'm missing it terribly. Once Ashes is complete, this will be my next focus.
- Valets of WWE Sequel - Ideas keep creeping in for this but like before, there will be plenty of room for reader requests.
As always, there will be new ideas and distractions come up but that's the general plan anyway. Oh, and I'm always happy to share snippets of my WIPs or ideas I have for them so feel free to send me asks. 😘
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specialinterestshows · 5 months
It’s judgment time for the Judgment Day’s tag-team champions in this final chapter of my Damian Priest x Finn Balor fic, Tryst Of Fate.
Warnings for this section: Guilt, hickeys, sex mention
Tryst Of Fate (Part 3/3): Judgment
Liberation, redemption, awakening /
Doubt, punishment, destruction
It was having to keep her team focused in the face of anything - that had to be the most difficult part of being a main player in the most dominant faction in the WWE.
Keeping a group of ambitious, hotheaded wrestlers from turning on each other was a thankless job, but someone had to do it - and Rhea did it well.
She sat on the bed of her hotel room with her Latino heat one evening, deep in thought - his head rested on her lap as she ran her fingers through the longer part of his soft, dark mullet. Despite the fact that Dominik was completely relaxed, Rhea just couldn’t seem to let herself do the same.
“Dom-Dom?” she asked, still gently stroking his hair.
“Hmm?” he replied sleepily, keeping his eyes closed.
“Does The Judgment Day seem… off to you?”
“… Damian’s been weird,” Dom mumbled after a moment’s thought, “Dunno why.”
“Finn too,” Rhea muttered, “Maybe there’s still tension between them because of JD…” She let out a heavy sigh before reaching her conclusion.
“I’ll just have to talk to them.”
“Where are they?” Rhea paced back and forth in the locker room the next day. The show started in less than an hour, but Finn and Damian were nowhere to be found. Looking at her phone for what must have been the tenth time in the last five minutes, she groaned at the sight of her last few unanswered calls.
Only a moment later, the locker room door opened and in “snuck” Finn - at least, that was what he seemed to think he was doing, until he locked eyes with Rhea.
“Fucking finally,” she greeted the guilty-looking man, walking over to where he now stood.
Taking in his nervous stance and the sweat that shone on his brow and bare chest, Rhea scoffed, “Fuck’s sake, I don’t see why you insist on running yourself ragged before AND after shows, but-“
And that’s when she saw it. A rather large, red hickey on his shoulder, with a bit of purple blooming up. The pieces fell into place all at once: the strange behavior, the long hours spent “training” - and the size of that bruise.
Rhea moved past a confused Finn and strode down the hall, not slowing for a second until she had the door to the gym in her sights.
Almost the moment she turned the corner, the door swung open, revealing Damian - also glistening with sweat and tightening his belt. The sight of Rhea made him freeze.
“Looks like you had fun,” she said, crossing her arms as she walked steadily closer.
“What do you-“ he tried to put on his most convincing confused face, but Rhea’s glare grew in intensity and he gave up with a sigh.
“How long have you two been sneaking around?” she asked, trying to keep an even tone.
“Mira, we weren’t trying to-“ Damian began to apologize before being cut off.
“How. Long.”
“A few weeks? …Maybe a month?” Damian replied quietly.
Rhea’s distinct lack of reaction for a few seconds clearly unnerved him; even when she finally smirked, he never let his guard down.
Bringing one arm around swiftly, Rhea watched Damian flinch before slowing the momentum on her punch to his shoulder. The blow landed solidly, but without much force.
Surprised, Damian relaxed a bit and opened his eyes to see the Eradicator beaming at him.
“You’ve been fucking before and after every show for a month?” Rhea let out the delighted laugh she had been holding in, “It’ll take a while before you beat mine and Dom’s record, but well done! Can’t say the Judgment Day doesn’t have stamina, huh?”
Damian allowed himself a chuckle as Rhea playfully elbowed him.
“You’re not mad?” he checked.
“Why would I be?” she asked.
“I… dunno,” Damian admitted, looking embarrassed.
“Come on, hot shot,” Rhea waved him over as she turned back in the direction of the locker room, “Let’s hope I brought enough makeup to cover that hickey you left on your boyfriend.”
[end part three of three]
Tag List (thank you!)
@domripley , @falloutboy-lover , @aut0luminescence
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Pairing:  Finn Balor x Fem Reader 
Summary: The reader has been friends with Finn Balor since he created the Bullet Club, being one of its first members. Ending up in WWE together, Finn distances himself when the reader joins Judgement Day, but even she is surprised when Damian reveals to her that Finn is the newest member and they plan to overthrow Edge, reuniting once again…
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY!) (Choking, rough sex)
Word Count: 2.6k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @cuzimacomedian @april-jeanette-wagner @starwithaheart @seeingstarks 
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Joining Judgement Day sure was interesting. Edge had a different way of thinking in the aspect of wrestling now. I felt honored that he chose me to join and a new member was coming along? It really had Damian and me thinking.
Edge was handling things and I had a feeling we were going to get our hands dirty, so I was gearing up, finishing tying my boots when Damian walked in.
"So, do you know who the new member is?" I smiled up at him; I was never patient and hated waiting for surprises and when he smiled back, he sure knew:
"Brought him along with me actually."
"Oh yeah?" I smiled, looking past him as the door opened, freezing in my seat when Finn Balor walked in.
This was weird. For the past few weeks, we have been kicking his ass along with AJ Styles. Now, he was joining us? I needed an explanation, trying to say that with my quick glance at Damian.
"I know," He stood alongside Finn, "You're confused, but there's a reason why Finn is joining us."
I had no words. Finn and I had a long history. When he created the Bullet Club, I was one of the very first to join. We were best friends once upon a time, became distant but still were friends, all till I joined Judgement Day.
Once I joined, he turned into a ghost, enraged with me any time we crossed paths out there and now, he was joining us? Confused was exactly right.
"I know this wasn't what you were expecting," Finn fixed his jacket, being straightforward with me like he always was, "Tonight, we're taking over Judgement Day. We're taking Edge out."
"Damian," I shot up out of my chair, glaring at him, "What do you mean we're taking out Edge?"
"What happened to not letting anyone dictate your career, Y/N?" Finn stepped up to me, giving me a serious look and he wasn't kidding in the slightest, "Please tell me because that's exactly what Edge is doing."
"He's holding us back," Damian agreed, keeping me quiet and Finn continued:
"No one will limit us and if we join forces and get rid of that old man, just imagine all the things we could do."
I was always open-minded, listening to Finn's reasoning and he really topped the cake when he got a little closer, smiling and bringing back old memories:
"We made a promise to one another that we would take over any place we step foot in. We did it in Japan, NXT, and now, we're going to do it here. Hell, we could take over Raw and Smackdown. You know that we were a force to be reckoned with. It can be just like old times, but even better, Y/N."
Looking back at it, those were great times, peaks of my career, and Finn was right. No one dictated me. It was okay to have some partners in crime, but no one was going to guide me down a path except for myself.
"So," Finn wanted his answer, throwing up a too sweet and smiling, "Too sweet?"
Glancing between him and Damian, they were dead serious and they won me over, returning my smile back to Finn, giving him a too sweet, feeling so good to say once again:
"Too sweet, baby."
"Hell yeah," Damian had us all smiling, fist-bumping us, "Edge won't know what hit him."
We made sure we had a confirmed game plan before Finn left and we went back to meet Edge. I was fighting such a strong, devilish smile the whole time, blood pumping and holding back an adrenaline rush that I knew that I was going to get.
By the time we got out to the ring, waiting alongside Edge so he could introduce our new member, the crowd was very blown away when Finn's music hit. They all paid close attention when Finn made his way down, giving his explanation as to why he was there.
"I reached out to them last night after the show," Finn always gave me a look when things were about to go down and so, I got myself ready, "We realized that we have a lot more in common than we even realized and that is, we are tired of being told what to do."
I'm surprised that didn't give it all away at that moment, then Damian took the lead, our plan going into effect, saying to Edge:
"And I think now, we realized that in the time we spent with you, you told us to get rid of any limitation that would hold us back. We're ready. We are ready to shed the last bit of limitations holding us back..."
Damian turned to Finn and me with a smile, Finn and I reconnecting our devilish ways, smiling so evilly happy, Edge instantly knowing what was about to happen when Damian turned back to tell him:
"Which is you."
Before Edge could react, Damian clotheslined the life out of him, stomping him out, Finn and I gladly joining. After Damian delivered a nasty slam, we drug him to the corner for Finn to give him a coupe de gras, smiles on our faces, turning to the crowd to establish ourselves.
The crowd got rowdy again as Edge made it to his feet, Finn and Damian heading to the corner and beating him down, kicking him out while I hung on the ropes, instigating:
"Get 'em boys!"
They were really ready to take him out, Damian throwing him above his shoulders and sending him through the announce desk.
"Ya know what to do," Finn commanded, going off on Edge again and then throwing him into the ring while I grabbed three chairs.
Finn always had to get his dose in first, taking a piece of the chair, putting it in his mouth and choking him out with it, getting that big adrenaline rush that I was dying for, laughing in Edge's face while Finn yanked back harder:
"Want to try and control us now, Edge? Come on, answer me!" 
Looking behind me, Damian had a chair in the middle of the ring, Finn dragging Edge over and putting his face in it. Security started rushing down, but I wasn't letting them even get near us, smacking one of them with a chair, scaring them all away and before more could come out, I ran over Edge, chair up in the air, and letting out a vicious roar, smacking his head with the chair and crushing it between the one against his face.
"That's my girl," Finn smiled bright at me, my chest heaving when delivering it back, reminding me of just who I was and I certainly wasn't anyone's puppet, making that known with the message we just sent.
Giving Finn a too sweet, we took the center ring, posing together and letting the world know that we were the true Judgement Day, feeling like I was in a flashback when Finn wrapped his arm around me, whispering to me:
"Haven't seen ya smile like that in a long time."
"You were so right," I looked up to those blue eyes, my heart racing even more than it already was, "No one dictates us."
"Exactly right," He kissed my temple softly, waving to Damian so we could head out, being little assholes, and waving goodbye to Edge who was being attended to by medical personnel.
Heading up the rampway, I started reminiscing about Finn, thinking of all the hell we raised throughout the years and I needed to know something, asking Damian softly with Finn ahead of us:
"Hope you don't mind, but can I have a moment with Finn? Alone?"
"Sure," He nodded, knowing we had history and I'm sure Finn heard me, taking my hand once we got backstage and Damian parted ways with us once we hit the locker room.
"Ya said that we needed a moment?" Finn hung up his jacket, but still listened to me, trying to be calm and make sure that I made sense:
"We're really a part of a team again?"
"What?" He laughed at me, "Ya think I have a trick up my sleeve or something? If I did, ya would know."
"I know," I thought deeply, "I was your right hand, Finn. I would know."
"Then why ask me that?" It was a stupid question truthfully, there was no going back after what we just did, but he understood, knowing me so well, becoming calm too and relating, "I understand. It all happened so quickly, I can tell ya blood was really pumping, ya still panting."
I didn't even realize that, staring into his eyes helped slow my breathing to a normal pace, letting him know more:
"It just-; I felt like I just got blasted into the past. I don't remember a time we raised hell like that."
"Felt so damn good," He snickered, "Can't wait to do more."
"Me too," I smiled, wanting to confirm by reminding him, "Had you putting kisses on me again. I know you were having a good time."
"Ain't the first time and won't be the last," He kissed my cheek and the long-missed feeling made my eyes close, shaking at his whisper, "Had an opportunity to be with my girl again and I wasn't losing it."
"Is that what this is all about?" I needed to know the truth and thankfully, Finn was always honest with me:
"Edge was using ya and I know ya better than anyone. We said that we would take over this place, but kept hitting roadblocks. This was an open, straight road that we could fly down. Won't lie to ya, I missed us. And we have the chance to be in charge along with it? Again, I couldn't lose this opportunity."
"A perfect opportunity," I agreed, my words having a double meaning and showing him that when I turned my nose, kissing him right on the lips.
We have shared a kiss before and it had been ages since then, both of us shaking with excitement while kissing back, more thoughts opening up as he whispered against my lips:
"And seeing ya all fired up like that? Only made my blood get hotter."
"I'll burn this whole place down if it turns you on," I giggled, kissing deeper and growling playfully, "You know that I know how to start a big fire."
"Better believe that I know," His chuckle was so dirty, hands yanking at my leather shorts, "Wanna set this room on fire?"
"What kind of question is that?" I toyed, stepped back to throw my top off and free my breasts, able to kick my feet out of my shoes, "You know we already planned on it."
"Love to see that ya can still read my mind," He smiled, doing the same with his loosened boots, stepping out of his trunks to be completely nude, and seeing him so sexy from head to toe made my knees weak, but also crazed me.
"Always have, always will," I breathed in before I lost all control, "Now, get over here and give it to me, baby."
We were like wild animals, all tongue in our kiss, arms wrapped around each other, rubbing and tugging, running through our hair and nearly falling from how fast we were trying to go, but finding a stable spot when he dropped to his knees, pressing my back into the floor.
"My oh my," He giggled when spreading my legs, cock learning how soaked my cunt was, having to tease me, "I really turned ya on out there."
"Have you seen yourself?" I hummed, pulling his beard softly to kiss, "I get wet just looking at you."
"Ya did call me the sexy devil for a reason," He picked his head up a little to see how my jaw dropped then clenched, my grip tightening as his tip split me, girth splitting me wider and filling me right up.
"That you are," My body fell so deep into pleasure, getting one more tease in before I was completely gone, "Might need some holy water after this."
"Oh, shut up," That did make him laugh a little, but he went right back to being animalistic, thrusting deep and drilling his hips into mine, "Much rather hear ya moaning."
Oh, he sure heard my moans, working his hips just right, upright on his knees to hold my legs up by the thighs, giving it to me harder to see just how loud I could get, having my eyes roll to the back of my head and throat strained a little from how high pitched my moans grew.
"You little devil, I swear," The pleasure was so good, but I loved letting him know how he could be with small shots, and damn it, he knew how to turn the tables on me, his voice alone increasing my wetness, let alone his hand on my throat, pulling me up a little to growl:
"If I'm the devil, then ya my little demon."
"I don't have a problem with that," I cooed, the swirl in my head giving me an out-of-this-world experience, with orgasm so close, my sinful side spoke for me, "Choke and fuck me harder."
"And ya say I'm the devil?" He chuckled, gladly listening and having me weak with the grip on my throat, mouth wide open and needing the air, but I didn't care a bit, only wanting that amazing, hard pound that made me ache.
"I have my moments," I got out with a quick breath, smiling brightly with my eyes rolling again, the lack of air having me gasping, harder and harder at the feeling of my walls clenching death grip, hearing our wet skin slapping, sweet spot about ruined and couldn't take much more without a waterfall coming out of me.
"Bout to have a great one," He still had an arm on my thigh, leaning down and pushing my leg clear down to the floor, growling in his kiss, "Cum for me. I know it's happening."
"I am!" I was getting woozy, but all of the pleasure, heat, and stings were as intense as ever, making sure I felt all of it along with the fuzziness in my head, "I'm cuming, Finn."
Knowing I needed the moment, he let go of my throat, holding my other leg and going as quickly as he could, which was a lot, having my body shaking because my back was trying to arch meanwhile, I was folded like a chair, chest heavy but still getting out screams, my cries of his name filling the room while I gave way, orgasm spurting out when my head fell back hard with a cry:
"Fucking hell, Finn!"
"Hell must be our heaven," He panted, smiling while reaching his edge, dropping my legs and having to prop himself up on his elbows on the sides of my head, both of us panting and worn out, but still having a fun time.
"It's heaven for us, hell for everyone else," I phrased better, his response had me wheezing:
"Sounds about right and after all that screamin', I know everyone heard that."
"Well, they better mind their business if they know what's good for 'em," I met his gaze deeply, smiling because I was happier than ever, "Because we're back."
Like Finn said before, we were a force to be reckoned with and that was truer now than ever, smiling just as bright as me in his kiss, "Hell yeah." 
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delilahcalicocat · 2 months
★~Good Boy~★
{Rating: Smut}
{Warnings: Unprotected sex, Creampie, Oral Sex, Dom!Fem!Reader, Sub! Finn Balor, Kissing, Dom / Sub dynamic, Drinking, Mommy Kink}
{Pairing: Sub!Finn Balor x Dom!Fem!Reader}
(This is an alternative universe)
•《Summary: Finn comes back after a long trip with his gang and asks Y/N to help him calm down, The Reader owns a Private little club cabin in scotland, where she provides men with a woman after rough days》•
It was finally Wednesday, Finn had just got to your cozy little cabin in Scotland. He was tired and his face showed that.
"Um, Ma'am?" He spoke up slightly, seeing you reading a book at the bar
"Yes? What do you need Finn?" You asked
Your Scottish Accent Thick like honey as you spoke. It sent Finn in a daze before he came back to reality.
"Uh, Ma'am.. I want to release some.. Tension." He said.
"Ah, of course.. you want my services." You spoke, pouring him a shot of his favorite brandy
"Yes, Indeed Ma'am.." He said softly
"So, Which of the girls can I provide you with tonight? Liv? Rhea? Who?" You asked
He thought for a moment, staring into your eyes. He then spoke up
"Y-You.. Madame.." He said quietly
You sighed, and blinked putting the bottle of brandy away.
You Looked over, at Naomi. You called her over to watch the bar.
"I'll be back Naomi, keep watch. In-case.. y'know.. they come back." You said, Naomi nodded as you and Finn walked up the stairs
You walked up to your quarters with Finn, he hadn't been to your place for a while. So he was worried that you'd be mad about this.
You Locked the door to your quarters, and let Finn sit on your bed
"So, Mr. Balor. It's been quite long, where have you been?" You asked
"Fuckin' Hell, I've been fighting with imperium. Dom and Damian are in the fuckin infirmary.. we can't fight back until their healed." He sighed
"Finn, are you saying you've been fighting with the imperium.. why would you pick a fight with them? They have more power than you think.." You spoke
"Chad sold them phony bullets, and told them he got them from us. Gunther threatened us all, to shoot up yer saloon unless we pay up.." the Irishman spoke with a sigh
"Oh, Finn.. ye shouldn't be fightin' bloody hell. I'll fuckin' punch them in the face if they leave another mark on one of me girls." You sighed
"I know, but if they shoot up yer saloon. I'll have no place to go if I need me woman.." He said
"But.. Finn. Your gonna fuckin' die if you keep fighting. Please. Your more important than some stupid saloon." You admitted to him
"Please, Mommy. Just shut up and fuck me..." He spoke quietly.
You walked over to your bed, sitting next to him.. your purple maid-like dress was in the corner with his garments in seconds.
You started to creep your way up his thighs, making your way to his cock. Before starting to Bob your head up and down.
"Gah.. Ple-Please Mommy! I'm gonna cum.."
"Go ahead, cum." You spoke firmly
Your words made him instantly cum, he looked a little embarrassed. Until you hopped up onto him
"Y'know, I've missed you a lot my love" you spoke, grinding your hips down swiftly
Your actions made Finn groan a little.
"I've.. missed.. you... too.. Mommy..." He said through small choked little groans.
"So, I'll ask ye now. What's more important? Me or the phony blame from Gable?" You asked
"Y-Y-You! M..Mommy." He moaned softly
You leaned down to kiss him, you trapped him into that kiss.
"U-Uh.. M-Mommy?"
"Yes? Finn?"
"I need to... Cum... the rules say-"
"The rules don't matter to me, I'm the owner of this place now. Your my only clientele. You can do whatever you want." You spoke
Finn sighed, and then came.
He tried to be quiet but failed, you sat there because you had came before him.
Your cunt milking every drop of cum he had in him.
He wanted to drift off to sleep, but he was hesitant.
"Go ahead, my good boy, I'll make sure you'll be ready for tomorrow when Damian and Dominik come to get you" You spoke, standing up and putting your dress back on.
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eradicatorhea · 1 year
Question...? - Finn Balor one-shot
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Finn Balor angst that has been in my mind since Monday
I haven't wrote angst in a long time so bare with me pls :,)
set after/during the events of June 5th RAW main event, ft. demon balor
Enjoy <33
“Why are you here?”
It wasn’t an unfamiliar question. Finn Balor had been asked it, several times in several countries and cities. He always had an answer. For work, for vacation, to watch an event nearby. And it was always a satisfactory answer.
There was no answer that the Irishman could give to wipe the look of disappointment off the face of Damian Priest. Really, he didn’t have an answer. He had no excuse for breaking Damians agreement with his opponent of no backup. Instead he just sat there, back against the barricade, hand ghosting over his throat. All he could do was watch.
His eyes were trained on the towering Puerto Rican and his opponent, but his mind was elsewhere.
“Why are you here?”
The formerly innocent question plagued his mind. He was the prince, the danger of the Judgement Day, and formerly, the Demon. He knew who he was, all of his gimmicks were created for a purpose, a persona for him to play to fit whatever situations arise. So why was he, Finn Balor, zoning out on the floor, watching his friend and stablemate get pinned for a three count, and feeling nothing?
He didn’t hear the bell ring. All he heard was that repeated question, playing like a broken record.
“Why are you here?”
The same terrible question was asked to him just moments later, in a dark room, staring at his reflection.
Balor knew he messed up. Truly, he did, but he was still unable to speak, to explain and apologize to Rhea and Dominik, who he’d left behind to try to help, and to beg for the forgiveness of the punishment, Damian Priest. He couldn’t look them in the eye, so he went alone, to some abandoned dressing room and shut off the lights. He made his way to the sink and mirror in one corner, furthest from the door, and splashed water on his face.
It was then that he heard it.
“Why are you here, little prince?”
Finn turned around, finding himself still alone. He muttered to himself that he’s just paranoid, and must be hearing things. He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Turning back to face the sink, he realized the mirror, and the creature looking back at him.
Balor came face to face with the Demon, a part of himself he kept locked away for a long time. The two were just separated by the barrier of the mirror. Black, red and purple grinned back at the serious, pale expression on the other side.
Balor opened his mouth to speak, but the Demon beat him to it.
“They don’t need you anymore, Balor. They haven’t since… well, since before Wrestlemania.” The Demons teeth shone, pearly white daggers visible with every word.
“That's not true and you know it.” Balor spat back, crossing his arms.
“Hm. You’re correct, little prince. They don’t need you. They don’t want you.” The Demon cackled, throwing its head back in laughter. “Not even good ol’ Edge wanted you, Finn. He wanted me. You know it’s true.”
“Why are you here, Finn Balor, and why am I not?”
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Been Too Long - Kenny Omega Ft. Finn Balor (18+)
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Angel!Kenny Omega x Melanie x Demon!Finn Balor
Part 2 of Notice Me
Commission For: @thepalaceofmelanie​​
Summary: It’s been a few years after Kenny and Finn visited Melanie’s apartment. She hasn’t heard a word from either of them since that special night.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors DNI! Smut, Cursing, Threesome, Angel!Kenny Omega, Demon!Finn Balor, Having sex with supernatural beings, gun shot, cock warming- if you squint.
Word Count: 3,530
Follow My Main Blog!: @dirtywrestling
Like My Writing? Leave a tip!
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College flew by like a breeze: Classes throughout the day, work at night, the weekends were to myself with some studying, lighting candles, taking relaxing baths, and hoping to get a supernatural visit. Weeks soon turned into months with no sign from Kenny the Angel or Finn the Demon.
No one came. Whenever there was a creak in the apartment I got excited hoping it was my supernatural visitors. Nothing. Whenever I heard talking down the hallway of my apartment my heart skipping a beat thinking it was the gruff demon’s voice. It was my imagination. I was slowly starting to give up hope and eventually moved on with my life.
That visit was nearly three years ago. I was a college graduate with a bachelor's degree living in the city of New York. Then, moving out of my college apartment and into another in the heart of New York. With a reporter job at the local news station, I was getting by pretty well. Bills were paid and I also had extra money in my pocket for food and even a few subscriptions to some streaming services online. 
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Fall was right around the corner: Nights were becoming crisp, leaves were turning darker, the days were becoming shorter, and extra blankets were on top of the bed to keep me warm throughout the night. I ran my fingers through my hair letting out a sigh. Looking out the window, the city lights lit up the dark sky. Not a single star could be seen due to the bright lights, but I knew that they were shining high in the sky. 
Pulling back the curtains to block out the bright orbs and hopefully sound out the busy noise of the city traffic down below, I made my way towards my bed. Pulling back the blankets, I climbed into the soft mattress and rested my head on the plushy pillow, instantly falling asleep. 
A loud crash had me bolting up from my slumber. My senses were on high alert as I heard two men talking down the hallway of my larger apartment. Tossing the blankets off my body, I crept towards my closet and slowly opened the door. “Where is it?” I whispered. Finally I found the box. I pulled the top off of it and pulled out a pistol. Grabbing the heavy handgun, I checked to see how many bullets I had: Three in the clip and one in the chamber. My hands shook as I stood back up. Living in New York can be dangerous: Riots, protests, and looting. With everything going on, I was very wary especially now since two strangers were in my home. Slowly heading towards my door, I cracked it open. Listening carefully, I heard two men talking to each other in hush whispers. 
Slipping past the door, I crept down the seemingly long hallway. My heart hammered in my chest so loud that it rang in my ears. I prayed that the two strangers wouldn't hear it as well. My back was pressed against the hall, right around the corner was the kitchen where the two men were still talking in hushed whispers. It sounded like they were rummaging through my things. My sweaty hand tightened around the handle of the gun. I quickly turned the corner, aiming my weapon at one men and pulling the trigger. A loud bang roared throughout the kitchen. A high pitch ring pierced my eardrums. The bullet exited the gun and hit the man in the shoulder who didn’t seem to flinch or fall to the ground. The lights quickly turned on, blinding me. My left hand let go of the pistol shielding my eyes while my right hand still had a tight grip on it. 
“Oh how I love a woman with a gun.” An Irish accent purred. “Very powerful and a bit sexy.” 
“F- Finn?” I exhaled out seeing the demon in a black suit and red tie. His dark hair was slightly messy. 
“Are you okay?” Looking to my left to see Kenny who was holding a carton of eggs. I watched as Finn dug his right hand into his left shoulder, pulling the bullet out from the wound which instantly healed afterwards. 
“I’ll be fine, but you, young lady, owe me a suit.” He grumbled, smoothing his dress jacket out as if it would fix the ripped suit in his shoulder. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” Putting the gun on the safety lock and placing it on the counter. I rubbed my hands against my face with an exhale. I was too tired because I didn’t know whether this was a dream or not. “What the fuck is going on?” 
Kenny and Finn looked at each other then back at me. “Well, we’re going to cook you breakfast.” Kenny spoke as if it was obvious, he shook the carton of eggs in his hands. 
I mentally face palmed myself. They were out of my life for nearly four years and here they were. “You guys can’t just be out of my life for so many years and expect everything to be okay and make me breakfast at-” I looked at the clock. “Four in the fucking morning.” I rubbed my temples. They were lucky it was a Saturday because I usually get up at six on the weekdays. I wasn’t happy waking up to this when I could be sleeping peacefully right now. “So, where have the two of you been?” I asked, crossing my arms, eyebrows furrowed.
Finn and Kenny looked at each other once more. Kenny’s Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly. “Well,” Kenny began.
“We both got in trouble.” Finn finished. “We both got punished for taking a bite out of the forbidden fruit.” Finn chuckled, taking a chapter out of God's playbook. 
“Forbidden fruit?” I raised an eyebrow as I repeated his words. 
Finn took a step towards me. “Yes, Melanie the forbidden fruit, you. We fucked you and had our way with you my sweet girl and that wasn’t okay with Hell or Heaven.” Finn’s thick accent washed over me. “I was tortured and poked with what felt like a thousand years because of what I did.” He grabbed my hand, caressing it. “I would do it all over again because it was so worth tasting you.” His eyes darkened.
I looked over at Kenny who’s blue eyes were on me. “And me, they tried to reprogram me and make me forget about you but I wouldn’t crack.” A small blush appeared on Kenny’s cheeks as he admitted his feelings. “I’d never forget about you, Melanie.” 
I gave the angel a soft smile towards him. “So, what's up with the suit?” My attention went back towards Finn. 
“Well, I’m the new king of hell now darling.” He gave me a devilish smirk. 
“What?” I cocked my head to the side, very curious about this story. 
“Yeah, well when love drives you crazy I guess anything can happen.” He licked his lips. “I wanted to see you one last time so I broke out of the torture chambers, marched up to the king himself and killed him. Well, I guess demons took that as a warning and crowned me king, but that’s for another time to explain.” Finn’s eyes swallowed me whole, eyeing me head to toe. He ran his fingers through my hair and gave it a slight tug. “I broke free to be with you and that’s what I’m going to do.” Finn hummed, leaning down he pressed his lips against mine without a warning. “This is all that matters.” He mumbled against my lips.
Finn placed his large hands on my waist, pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss by pushing his tongue in my mouth. A surprised moan left my mouth, being muffled against his. 
“Wait, what about breakfast?” Kenny asked innocently, shaking the eggs once again in the carton. Finn ignored the angel’s comment, spinning us around. He gripped my hips, picked me up, and placed me on the surface of the counter. Finn pulled away from the hot kiss, which made me whimper softly. Finn gripped the end of my night shirt, tugging it off of me. My breasts exposed. My nipples hardened to the cool morning air hitting my sensitive skin. An animalistic growl escaped Finn’s lips as he leaned back into me once more. His lips against my shoulder, making his way up to my neck sucking and kissing against my skin. “I- I mean, we can wait on breakfast.” Kenny swallowed, placed the eggs on the counter, and rushed over to the island where Finn and I were at. 
“Oh I’ve missed this.” Finn spoke, nuzzling his face against the crook of my neck. His hands squeezed at my bare breasts. “Miss the feel of your sweet skin against mine, oh how you tremble.” He purred, his beard rubbing against my sensitive skin with each kiss.
The way he spoke drove shivers down my spine. I arched my body against his touch, moaning softly as he pinched and tweaked my nipples. My skin became like fire as he touched my body. “Finn, please.” I panted breathlessly. “I need you, I want you.” 
“Oh there she is. You hear her moaning for us, Kenny?” Finn snickered, his hand dipped inside of my panties. His large digits spread my wet lips, rubbing my clit and dipping the tip of his fingers into my dripping hole. “And she’s already soaking for us, dirty girl. Had a wet dream did we?” Finn snickered.
“I can smell her from here.” Kenny groaned in hunger and desire, he cupped himself through his pants. 
Finn pushed his fingers inside of me to his first knuckle only to pull them out from my panties, he suckled the juices off of his fingers, moaning in delight. “Just as sweet as I remember.” Finn gripped the fabric around my waist. A loud ripping sound hit my ears. 
“H- Hey! Those were my favorite ones!” I pouted, getting slightly upset. 
“I’ll get you a new pair. I need to taste you, now.” Finn knelt down in front of me. He spread my legs, making me feel exposed. 
Kenny’s large hand gripped at Finn’s shoulder, making him stop before he could dive his head in between my thighs. “You tasted her first last time.” Kenny reminded him. “It’s my turn.” 
Finn chuckled, remembering the way I tasted on his tongue. The demon licked his lips as if he was getting the residue of the memory. Finn stood up, his tall posture leaning over me. A soft whimper left my lips at the sight of him. “Be a good girl and let the angel boy have a taste.” Finn winked at Kenny, still giving him the nickname. Finn stepped away, letting Kenny take his place. 
Kenny knelt down, wasting no time he buried his head in between my thighs. Gasping loudly as his warm tongue flicked against my lips. My right hand gripped at his curly locks. “Fuck, Kenny!” I whined softly as the tip of his tongue swirled against my clit. Kenny wrapped his lips around my sensitive nub, suckling my sensitive button, he circled the tip of his index finger against my aching hole. Arching my hips off of the table I squealed at the sensation. 
“Oh someone is sensitive.” Finn laughed at my reaction to Kenny’s fingers. “Tell me Melanie, how long has it been since you’ve been stuffed full of cock?” Finn purred, bringing his fingers to his lips, trying to hide his smirk. 
“T- Too long, it’s been too long.” I confessed, panting heavily as Kenny slowly pushed his thick finger into my cervix. I tossed my head back, biting my bottom lip to muffle my moans, the last thing we needed was for my neighbors to knock on my door complaining about the noise.
As Kenny kept suckling on my clit, Finn kept talking with his thick Irish accent. “So, you’re telling me you haven’t had anyone else fuck this sweet cunt?” 
I nodded quickly. “N- No one, no one has!” I squealed as Kenny’s tongue flicked against my clit once more while his finger pumped in and out of me.  “I’m going to cum!” Tossing my head back against the counter I bucked my hips into Kenny’s face. Kenny entered a second finger, my pussy wrapping around it tightly as he nibbled and sucked at my clit. His long thick fingers kept fucking into me.
“Do it Kenny, make her cum.” Finn’s eyes shone with arousal and excitement. Finally getting to see his girl come undone for him. For both of them. Kenny didn’t need to be told twice. His fingers pushed in and out at a faster pace, his jaw ached slightly but he wasn’t going to stop now. The angel hummed lowly, sending vibrations up my spine, ringing exploded in my ears as I saw stars behind my eyelids as I came undone on his fingers. My lower stomach fluttered while my pussy wrapped tighter around his fingers. Reaching my climax, Kenny quickly pulled his fingers out of me, replacing it with his mouth. I cried loudly feeling his tongue roll against my walls, eating my juices right out from the source. My grip tightened in his hair, trying to push him away as it was too much for me to handle. 
“Enough.” Finn growled lowly, seeing my body tremble and shake. 
Kenny pulled away from me, his lips now cherry red as his beard glistened with my cum. “Sorry, I got carried away.” Kenny blushed and out of breath.
“I know, she tastes amazing.” Finn smirked, his blue eyes taking in my naked body. “Why don’t you give me a taste too, hmm?” Finn licked his lips, his eyes now trained on Kenny. I blinked slightly at Finn’s words. My eyes soon went wide as Kenny leaned forward to Finn, their lips locking. They both tongue wrestled in front of me, swapping saliva and the taste of myself on Kenny’s tongue. 
Finn pulled away first, licking his plump lips, then he hummed in delight. “Just as I remembered.” Finn raised his hand up, snapping his fingers. His fancy suit with the bullet hole disappeared from his body. My eyes scanned over his chiseled body. I looked at his shoulder, where I shot him earlier to see that the wound fully healed, not leaving a scratch behind. “I believe it’s my turn to have fun with her.” Finn reminded Kenny. My mind went back to the last time this happened, Kenny pounding into me while Finn watched. My pussy clenched around nothing, getting wetter from the old memory. 
Kenny pouted but he understood, nodding he took a step back to admire the sight in front of him as he rubbed himself through his pants. Finn stepped forward, gripping my waist and pulled me closer to him. “Such a sweet thing.” Finn looked down at my oozing entrance. “Poor thing dripping from need.” Finn teased, gripped my legs and placed them over his shoulder. “Be a good girl and take my cock.” Finn gripped the base of his cock, easing the thick member into my entrance. 
Wincing loudly as Finn stretched my walls with each inch, he pushed in. “Such a good girl, taking me so well.” Finn moaned, he was halfway inside of me but had the audacity to pull out and push back inside but only halfway. “Fuck Melanie.”
“Please!” I begged, arching my hips against him as my legs were over his shoulders. I tried pulling him closer to get all of his length inside of me.
“Ah, ah, ah.” Finn tisked, grabbing my waist in a tight death grip and pinned them down. “Be a good girl.” Finn’s thick voice warned. Swallowing thickly, I nodded my head in agreement to be good. “I’m taking my time with you sweet girl or I could just ram my cock in your cunt and have my way with you.” Finn soon bucked his hips in a face pace, his whole cock entering my tightness. “Not letting you come, is that what you want?”
Tossing my head back onto the marble countertop, I screamed in pleasure. “N- No!” I sobbed. “I want to come, please daddy. I want to come all over your cock.”
His large cock stretched me wide. It slightly ached but was still pleasurable. “Don’t break her, Finn.” Kenny finally spoke out, his pants no longer on him as he stroked his cock to the sight of the supernatural couple fucking.
“I’d never break our little girl.” Finn smiled down at me, slowly pulling his dick out and pushing back in. “So good, hmm such a sight.” Finn slowly pounded into me, His eyes watched my facial reactions of his cock hitting certain spots. His eyes lazily looked at my breasts as they bounced with each thrust.
Soft moans and whimpers escaped my throat. “Finn, fuck feels so good.” I gripped at the edge of the counter, trying to meet his thrusts. 
“No, no darling. Let me do all the work.” Finn didn’t miss a beat with his thrust as he pulled in and out of my dripping pussy. 
My knuckles turned white while gripping the table. “Going to cum.” I warned Finn as my eyes fluttered shut. 
“No.” He grunted, snapping his hips roughly against me. “Open your eyes.” Finn demanded. Opening my eyes the best I could, I watched as droplets of sweat rolled down Finn’s chest. His dark hair slightly messy from the hot fuck. “Keep them open while you come.” 
I looked over at Kenny who was fisting his cock. His body panting and heaving as he was too reaching his climax. “Doesn’t Melanie look beautiful, Kenny?” Finn moaned, his fingers digging into my flesh. 
“Fucking sexy, I’m going to come on that beautiful body.” Kenny’s voice was deeper than usual. My body was shaking as my orgasm took over my body. Groans left Finn as he pumped his hips faster than before and a little more sloppier. 
“Fuck, yes fucking cumming!” Finn roared, his blue eyes turning to a ruby red color as he emptied himself inside of me. Seeing Finn’s eyes change color had another orgasm wave through my body. 
Finn panted heavily, slowly pulling his cock out of my fucked hole. “Come on her.” Finn told Kenny. 
The angel quickly stepped into Finn’s place, his hand squeezing and jerking his cock at a fast speed. Warm liquid landed on my inner thigh and pussy. Kenny groaned in release. “Ah, fuck.” Kenny sighed, finishing his orgasm he panted.
“Hmm, that was a big load for you angel boy.” Finn laughed, patting Kenny’s large shoulder. Kenny gave a sweet yet lazy smile with a slight blush on his face. 
“W- What the fuck was that?” I panted, sitting up slightly. 
Finn went to one of the drawers, pulling out a cloth. I arched my eyebrow wondering how he knew where the washcloths were, lucky guess. Finn went to the sink, turning it on, he let the water run over the washcloth. “What was what, Melanie?” Finn asked, ringing out the cloth he turned back around and cleaned my area. 
I squealed at the cold softness in between my thighs. “Your eyes, they changed colors.” 
“Hmm, oh yeah that.” Finn chuckled, once he was done running the cloth against my feverish skin, he tossed it into the sink. “It comes with the job, perks of being the King of Hell.” Finn blinked, his eyes red again. Blinking once more his eyes went back to normal, snapped his fingers, a fresh suit appeared on his body. 
Kenny was also dressed as well, but in a baggy shirt and shorts as if he was going to bed. “You’re not staying?” I frowned. 
“Darling, I have business to attend to but Kenny here is going to stay.” Finn smiled over at the blonde. “We were discussing this before you rudely shot me.” Finn teased. 
“Right, sorry about that.” I blushed, looking away. 
Finn gripped at my chin and made me look at him. “Don’t be sorry, no harm done but if you do it again I will punish you.” Finn warned. Leaning down, he placed a warm, soft kiss against my lips. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” Finn looked over at Kenny and gave him a nod. With that, Finn disappeared right before my eyes. 
“Shall we head back to bed and I’ll cook you breakfast later.” Kenny stepped closer, picking me up from the counter and carried me back to my bedroom. Laying me on the bed, still naked Kenny tossed his pants off of him and spooned behind me. 
“You’re still hard.” I giggled.
“Fuck, I know you get me so hard. I’m sorry.” Kenny whispered embaressly.
“Don’t be sorry.” I reached my arm around, grabbing his stiff cock and pushed my ass against his cock, making it slip inside my fucked pussy. 
Kenny gasped loudly at the tightness around his cock. “Goodnight Kenny.” I giggled as he struggled not to pump his hips against me.
“G- Goodnight.”
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dirtywrestling · 1 year
Kenny Omega - Masterlist
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💦 = Smut, 💖= Fluff, 🌩 = Angst
Notice Me Ft. Finn Balor -💦
Been Too Long Ft. Finn Balor Pt. 2 of Notice Me -💦
One Shots:
It’s A Match -💦
Celebration -💦
Stuck On Pause -💦
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lorecatchup · 7 months
It's time for Stardust's Wrestlemania debut but first I get to watch my favorite Stardust video of all and some pre WM interviews for extra, secret lore, let's go!
It starts out a little Stardusty and defensive and competitive but R-Truth is so nice and treats them with respect and brings out their fun side and Cody drops his guard and is comfortable enough to play as himself and have fun with a new friend and it's all just very cute, it's been awhile since Cody was having fun and being his goofy lil himbo self
The way he says "two million miles" is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life
Stardust has been to Mars and says it's "like New Mexico"
Stardust says it was "very difficult to be mean to someone so sweet", talking about Cody yelling at his dad
He also says winning the IC title is 1 of three important pieces he needs to get, one other being the tag team title and the third is a mystery (I'm guessing it's the WWE Championship, to finish the story 👀)
Stardust describing Cody: comparing him getting out of bed to Arnold in T2 (again) "muscular, sex personified, handsome son-of-a-gun"
He has "nothing but love for Dusty Rhodes"
"I could care less about Goldust but I do care for Dusty Rhodes"
But I think that's Cody's position deep down too, even though he's kind of mad and hurt right now (I do think he cares about Goldust and Dustin though lmao, he's just petty)
He shouts out Seth 2 (two) times 👀
Talking about his loss to Goldust at Fastlane
He says out of everyone at NXT he'd want to wrestle, by a long shot, it's Finn Balor
Stardust knows what grindr is
"If anything could make the light of Stardust burn out, I think it would be Cody Rhodes if he ever came back"
"/maybe/ like kryptonite?... there's something about that pairing, I feel like you can't have one and the other"
Cody embracing his identy again (and leaving wwe, I maintain that Stardust is tied to wwe) would make Stardust fade into the background
He's singing go your own way by fleetwood mac
His favorite musical act is Ziggy Stardust, obviously
Stardust doesn't ever truly relax, "if Stardust was to ever relax it would be in that moment of ~ascension~" meaning climbing to the top of the ladder and getting Cody's IC title back
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Omfg okay
Stardust made a point to mention Dusty's dad wasn't just a plumber he was a union plumber
Stardust doing a Dusty impression 🥹
Stardust doing a dick sucking goof with his microphone WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT and his little laugh omg
BREAKING NEWS: STARDUST IS "HAVING AN AFFAIR" WITH EDEN, he WAS talking about them in that interview with her OKAY
Pt 2
Okay, so we know Stardust fucks now lol
Using the word "affair" is very interesting, because like, Stardust being in the picture when Cody and Eden are together is like, a threesome not an affair, so like, I guess Stardust and Eden are seeing each other with minimal Cody interference? Interestingggggg or he's just being a little goofy guy and they're just having threesomes (most likely)
Omfg, this just in: no dick out for Wrestlemania, dang it
Stardust is talking about himself saying it's "his" first Wrestlemania and stuff, Cody is hereeee
Okay, Wrestlemania 31 next!
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wrestlingisfake · 1 year
Raw Fake Rankings, 12/18/2022
Men's singles division - babyfaces
Kevin Owens
Bobby Lashley
Seth Rollins
AJ Styles
Johnny Gargano
Dexter Lumis
Mustafa Ali
Akira Tozawa
Men's singles division - heels
Austin Theory (WWE United States champion)
The Miz
Baron Corbin
The babyface side looks overloaded until you consider Owens is feuding with Smackdown's Bloodline faction, Lashley is doing something with authority figure Adam Pearce, and Styles is in The OC versus Judgement Day feud. Gargano and Lumis are somehow both feuding with the Miz at the same time, which seems like more than you really need to beat the Miz, but okay.
As for the heel side, I get the impression Elias will turn heel now that his team with Matt Riddle is on ice, but we'll see. Even so, it's a weak field. Theory, Miz, and Corbin all have the same gimmick of being hated because they don't deserve their spots, which works for generating heat but not for establishing credibility.
Men's tag team division - babyfaces
Karl Anderson (NEVER openweight champion) & Luke Gallows
Street Profits - Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins
Men's tag team division - heels
Finn Balor & Dominik Mysterio & Damian Priest
Alpha Academy - Chad Gable & Otis
Jimmy and Jey Uso hold the Raw and Smackdown tag titles over on Smackdown, so all these teams are just waiting in line. Gallows and Anderson and the men of Judgement Day make sense as fresh challengers, but those teams are feuding with each other. I don't think Gable and Otis have ever gotten a shot on TV, so maybe that's something.
I don't personally think it's bad for one team to dominate the division across both shows for over a year, but you'd think they'd be setting up more new challengers by now.
Women's singles division - babyfaces
Bianca Belair (Raw women's champion)
Becky Lynch
Mia Yim
Candice LaRae
Women's singles division - heels
Rhea Ripley
Nikki Cross
Women's tag team division - babyfaces
Alexa Bliss & Asuka
Women's tag team division - heels
Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky (WWE women's tag team champions)
Bliss is the next challenger for Belair, although that story seems to be more about whether Bliss will get pulled back into Bray Wyatt's business. Yim and Ripley are part of the OC/Judgement Day feud. I think they're setting up Kai and Sky to feud with Liv Morgan and Tegan Nox on Smackdown, which figures since there seem to be no teams on Raw for them to feud with.
No TV or PPV matches in over 30 days: Cedric Alexander, Dana Brooke, Tamina
No TV, PPV, or streaming matches in over 30 days: Commander Azeez, Dolph Ziggler, Doudrop, Reggie, Shelton Benjamin
Part-time/semi-retired: Brock Lesnar, Edge, MVP
Carmella (personal leave)
Cody Rhodes (right arm - pectoralis tear)
Logan Paul (right knee - MCL/meniscus tear)
Matt Riddle (suspension - wellness policy)
Randy Orton (back - fusion surgery)
Robert Roode (neck - fusion surgery)
R-Truth (left thigh - quadriceps tear)
Tommaso Ciampa (hip - unspecified injury)
There are reports that Logan Paul won't need knee surgery, in which case he's probably penciled in for the next Saudi show and/or Wrestlemania. Cody can probably be back in time for Mania, though I bet they'll keep everybody guessing until the minute his entrance starts. Riddle is reportedly in mandatory rehab and shouldn't be gone too long, though I wonder if he'll miss the Royal Rumble.
I haven't seen any timetable on the others. I'm a bit worried about Orton, since back fusion surgery sounds like a lot to come back from, especially at 42 years old with nothing left to prove. Assuming Orton does come back, I'd be surprised if he returns full time.
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What a time to be a wrestling fan!
It's the biggest non-Wrestlamania wrestling weekend of the year, with 3 major shows and a ton of intrigue surrounding the main events of at least 2 of those shoes. As such I thought I might do a little preview for all three shows, attempting to predict what's going to happen in every match in as economical a fashion as I can.
I'll preview these events in chronological order and the matches on each card in the order they were listed on Wikipedia. Full disclosure, I think that Clash at the Castle had already got underway before I started transcribing these predictions (that I recorded on my mobile phone as I was out and about on Friday) into this blog.
WWE Clash at the Castle
Bailey, Dakota Kai & Io Sky vs. Bianca Belair, Asuka & Alexa Bliss
The heels need to go over here. It could have gone the other way had Sky and Kai won the Women's Tag Team Titles on RAW, but they didn't and this group still doesn't have a big win to hang their hats on. Belair hasn't taken an L since Extreme Rules 2021 as far as I'm aware, and she didn't take the pin in that match, so she can be on the losing side here,. Asuka or Bliss can take the pin. One of those two should also turn heel (I'm getting soon-to-be-heel vibes from Asuka right now) once they've distanced themselves a little from this programme.
Sheamus vs. Gunther
A Sheamus W wouldn't be the worst, but Gunther is the right call. Conventional logic suggests that either Sheamus or Drew needs to win in order to truly satisfy fans in attendance. Sheamus deserves something for the effort he has put into elevating middle material for who knows how long, but Gunther needs another big scalp. A W for Gunther does more for him and the IC Title than it does for Sheamus. Craft stories, not just moments. Even a quick hot shotting of the belt onto Sheamus and then back to Gunther would damage the effort that has been put into restoring the perceived prestige that has been built over the past couple of months.
The Judgement Day vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio
Finn Balor and Damien Priest should get the W because this stable is only now, FINALLY starting to get some momentum. They lost their last high-profile match - Edge over Priest in Toronto - so they come out on top here. Dominic costing Edge the victory ahead of an eventual full heel turn on his old man is a good way to go about this. The Dom tun feels both inevitable and hopeless, so you may as well roll the dice at this stage. You can't read water forever. It's sink or swim time, Dom.
Shayna Baszler vs. Liv Morgan
This one sucks either way. Liv wins clean and you're immediately undercutting Shayna's recent positive character development. Liv wins dirty and she looses the fans. Shayna wins clean and you've given up on Liv entirely, for now. Shayna wins dirty and both women look a little weaker or stupider but the story suffers. The best way to go is to rip off the band-aid as quickly as possible. Liv is young, give her a little break from the main event and rebuild her over the next 6-8 months. Just don't fumble at the goal line this time. This could be the last chance for a Shayna monster heel run and a big time feud with Ronda Rousey while they're both hot. Shayna wins, clean.
Matt Riddle vs. Seth Rollins
Give this one to Seth. His last win at a major show was the DQ win over Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble in January and yet he hasn't lost any heat. Watching that one recently, the way it played out didn't put him over as much as I remember. The man is pretty much Teflon. You need to keep him at the top of the card because he is just that good. He can slide into the main event picture for a PLE or 3 when you need him to, or help elevate the tier below. This should be a luxury for WWE but feels more like a necessity at this point. Riddle can take an L here, particularly given this rivalry will likely continue into Extreme Rules.
Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns
Roman has to win. Sorry, Wales (Scotland?). Roman's Title reign has to end in a way that makes someone new, not someone who has been hovering around the mid-card for almost 2 years, pinch-hitting in the main event. Drew deserves another reign at some point, just not now. The build over the last month or so has papered over the fact that there was almost no build at all up until then. The U.K. crowd will get over the "disappointing" end to the show. There are more fans out there than the ones in attendance and more fans will engage if the story is told properly. Besides, WWE aren't in Wales every week, they have more than enough time to reheat the crowd to ensure they sell out their next major event in that part of the world.
NXT World's Collide
Ricochet vs. Carmelo Hayes
Theoretically, this should be a banger. It's a strange use of Ricochet given the mini push he's had on Smackdown recently, but maybe that was more about the 2nd downfall of Happy Corbin? An L for either man isn't a great look. Hayes is brilliant but isn't quite ready for a move to the main roster; what would he do there? Ricochet can get his heat back on Smackdown with another W or 2, or by hanging out with Pat McAfee some more. Ricochet endorsing Carmello post-match could be on the cards.
Pretty Deadly vs. Gallus vs. Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs vs. The Creed Brothers
Least enticing match of the entire weekend? Although there is that mixed tag on All Out. NXT might want Gallus to win here, so as to put The Creeds back in that chasing position. A better option is to keep the Creeds as the top dogs in the division. Throw a new challenge their way every week and when the time comes, make a new team by knocking them off. Schism are next on the dance card, right? This division is pretty weak right now.
Katana Chance & Kayden Carter vs. Doudrop & Nikki A.S.H
The main roster team should lose and then revert to their actual names before being given a better showing on RAW or Smackdown. Chance and Carter are fine here. Their promo saying how they had beaten all challengers on NXT lacked credulity but also spoke to the lack of thought put into this division. They're going to face Toxic Attraction once again after this. NXT need to build up some new teams while that feud plays out.
Blair Davenport vs. Meiko Satomura vs. Mandy Rose
Mandy is main roster-bound, surely. All three of Toxic Attraction will probably be on RAW or Smackdown by the end of the year. If Meiko is also headed in that direction then Davenport wins by default. It's not a bad outcome; there are plenty of good challengers lining up. Mandy should get a one-on-one rematch before she leaves. If Meiko is sticking around in non-developmental developmental, put the belts on her and let her do her thing for the next year or until she decides to hang up the boots really.
Tyler Bate vs. Bron Breakker
Bron wins. He is much further away from being main roster ready than most people realise. Also, he's going to look small when he gets there so will need to add some more interesting aspects to his character first. The incoming NXT UK talent should give him a handful more options to feud with over the next 6-8 months. Also, Apollo Crewes and Giovanni Vinci. Not sure where Tyler Bate goes after this. His character is interesting but doesn't scream "future face of the industry". Bate would make a good opponent for Carmelo Hayes, JD McDonagh or Tony D (conspicuous by his absence on this card), or an interesting foil for Grayson Waller. The NXT pecking order is hard to gauge.
AEW All Out
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Eddie Kingston
The brief history/hype package on Rampage was really good. Great match. Eddie wins.
Kip Sabian vs. Pac
A loss on return isn't a great look for Sabian but it's too early fo a title change. The match should be good. Hopefully it is competitive and both.
Angelo Parker vs. Hook
A really fun squash. Hook wins, obviously.
Tay Melo & Sami Guevara vs. Ruby Soho & Ortiz
Why? Intergender Titles are silly and not good silly. It's great that the talent gets a PPV payday but do we really need 15 matches on a single night show?
Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho
It's pro wrestling blasphemy but I generally really like rather than love Danielson matches. Jericho matches have over delivered in 2022, Eddie Kingston and barbed wire aside. This one will be better than solid but has a ceiling. Danielson gets the win and moves back in the World Title picture. I'll explain further in a later prediction but AEW has made it really difficult for themselves with regards to that picture. It will be interesting to see how the Daniel Garcia piece of the puzzle fits here. He should side with Jericho for now, tease out the face turn a little longer. Jericho vs. Garcia at Full Gear?
Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Hakaru Shida vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Toni Storm
I like this match. It's a bit of a no can't lose situation and a chance at a soft reset of the AEW Women's division, which has been a bit of a disaster, to be honest. Baker is a safe choice and is an all-around excellent performer. Shida is great and it would be fun if she swept in and won the (interim) Title after the other 3 and Thunder Rosa have spent so much time feuding amongst themselves in recent months. Toni Storm is slowly building a potential face-of-the-company type skillset. Hayter is the most interesting choice and the direction they should go. She'd be the least stale opponent for the returning Rosa. She should win that unification bout too.
House of Black vs. Miro, Darby Allin & Sting
Malakai Black and co. can't just keep losing and still be considered a threat to anyone. Sting can lose and still be Sting. Allin can cop a loss without losing too much heat. Miro shouldn't lose right now, but what can you do? Buddy Matthews will probably end up taking the pin and the feud will continue as HOB feuds tend to do. The match will be fantastic but I want more for everyone involved.
Athena vs. Jade Cargill
Cargill's run has been approximately 70% of what it could have been given some more competent booking. The lack of a compelling feud has been the main issue. This Athena programme threatened being that feud for "that bitch", but alas. Cargill should retain until (a) they build up the right succesor and (b) they know what she is going to do next.
Jungle Boy vs. Christian Cage
Or is it Jack Perry vs. Christian Cage? This hasn't landed as it should have despite solid work from all involved. The Luchasaurus stuff has been strange. If they think they can get more from the programme and want another go at getting Jungle Boy proper over they should extend the feud. Maybe have the big dinosaur man turn on Jungle Jack for real? Otherwise, put Jack Perry over and get him into a programme with another established heel. Jericho vs. Jungle Boys anyone?
Jay Lethal & The Motor Coty Machine Guns vs. Wardlow & FTR
The good guys obviously go over here. MCMG should probably turn on Jay and friends post-match. It's a shame they lost faith in Satnam Singh, or lost faith in Wardlow's ability to powerbomb Singh, because that was the hook for this match. The FTR and MCMG exchanges will be the highlight but I'm not sure where everyone goes after this. It's a shame MJF ruined the conclusion of Wardlow's last extended programme, but please give the big man something to sink his teeth into.
Casino Ladder Match
We've seen almost every combination of these performers in either singles or tag team action over the past 3 months, so it's difficult to get excited about yet another ladder match. It will be fun, no doubt, and the joker gimmick always holds some intrigue. It will probably be W.Morrisey and he will be the odds on favourite to win. Dante Martin getting a W because he's taken more than his share of Ls recently would be a plesant surprise. Whoever wins isn't winning the title.
The Acclaimed vs. Swerve In Our Glory
One of if not the weakest AEW Tag Team Title PPV matches ever. I feel bad for all 4 men; the booking of this division has become an afterthought. Swerve and Lee to win. Not enthused about whatever angle develops on the back of this.
Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
I'm getting The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock circa 1998 vibes about this feud. Hobbs to win this match and potentially the feud but Ricky to be the breakout star. Starks looked strong on Rampage dispatching the entire Factory with ease. Hobbs is a beast and so much fun to watch. The feud should continue because there isn't enough space up the card for either man at the moment.
The Elite vs. Hangman Page & The Dark Order
The Elite are brilliant. Hangman is eternally endearing. The Dark Order are fun. Kenny and The Young Bucks will and it will be a great match. The Hangman interactions with Omega and Matt Jackson will be hot. The Elite melodrama will continue after this, which will be interesting because the Trios Titles will still need to be defended. Who will challenge for those belts? Do they get their own rankings? DO rankings still matter? Surely Adam Cole will be involved somehow, though he no longer has a team with him.
CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley
The first match was so unnecessary. You could have gotten to the exact same spot, with the exact same story beats without that match. now, if Moxley wins the Punk, arguably the biggest draw in the company, is ruined for the foreseeable future. If Punk wins clean then Moxley's first win means nothing. Also, it recontextualises all Mox's recent promos as the nonsense talk of a blowhard. Moxley won't cheat to win, so the best bet is to have Punk cheat or take shortcuts. Basically, Punk needs to turn heel. That's a tougher sell than it would be if the event weren't Chicago, but Mox and Punk can make it work. An MJF appearance is likely, in what capacity remains to be seen. MJF as a face doesn't really work long-term.
Finally, contemplating the immediate future of the AEW World Title picture, do they build Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk for Full Gear? Danielson really needs to win the title on his next attempt, but that would make for another short AEW World Title reign; another reason they shouldn't have done the first Mox vs. Punk match.
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rickygoldman34 · 1 year
Hello everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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Its WWE Royal Rumble 2023 live from the Alamodome in San Antonio,Texas. Looks to be a packed out crowd.
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The 1st mstch is the men's Royal Rumble match. Pat Mcafee returned and is on commentary. Gunther is number 1, Sheamus is number 2, both men with heavy shots to each other and try to eliminate each. The Miz comes in at number 3. Both Gunther and Sheamus destroy Miz as Kofi Kingston comes in at number 4. Johnny Gargano is in at number 5. Sheamus beats down The Miz with 10 beats of the borin. Sheamus eliminated Miz as Xaiver Woods as in at number 6. Kofi and Xaiver act as they are going to fight but dont. Karrion Kross is coming in at number 7. Chad Gable in at number 8 followed Drew McIntyre in at number 9. Drew eliminates Karrion. Santos Escobar is in at number 10. Angelo Dawkins is number 11. Gunther eliminates Woods. Brock Lesnar is number 12 and takes everyone to suplex city then eliminated Santos,Chad and Drew. Gunther and Lesnar have a stare down as Bobby is number 13 and he does eliminate Brock who is pissed off at destroyed everything and everyone. Baron Corbin is number 14 as Seth Rollins is number 15 and he eliminates Corbin. Otis is number 16. Seth eliminates Bobby. Rey Mysterio was meant to number 17 but didn't come out. Number 18 is Dominick Mysterio who is wearing Rey's mask. Otis got eliminated.Elias in at number 19. Finn Balor in at number 20. Booker T is number 21. Damian Priest is number 22. Montez Ford entry number 23 but got eliminated by Damian. Judgement Day dominant and Edge comes in at number 24. He clears house and spears everyone before eliminating Finn,Damian and Dominick. They then work together to help eliminate Edge. They then destroy him on the ramp way as Beth Phoenix comes out and spears Rhea. Austin Theory is number 25, Omos at number 26, Braun Strowman in at number 27 who eliminated Omos. Ricochet in at number 28. Gunther eliminates Drew and Sheamus. Logan Paul in at number 29. Cody Rhodes is number 30 and he looks in incredible shape. Logan and Ricochet with a top rope cross body to each other. Braun and then Theory followed by Ricochet. Its down to 3. Gunther has broken the Rumble time record. Logan eliminates Seth we forgot about him. Its how definitely down to 3. Cody eliminates Logan its down to 2. Cody and Gunther remain as Gunther beats down Cody with chops and a super plex. Cody battles back. Gunther fights back with a power bomb. Cody is back up,hits Cross Rhodes on Gunther and eliminates him to win the Royal Rumble match.
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Next up we got La knight vs Bray Wyatt in the pitch black match. The lights went out,lots of neon lights came on,Bray is wearing glow in the dark paint as he takes it to Knight. Action spills to the outside as Knight fights back but not for long as Bray sends him crashing through the announce table. Then back in and Knight puts a tool box into the ring. Knight comes off the top rope with a glow in the dark kendo stick but Bray hits a sister Abigail on Knight to put him away for the win. Bray then chases Knight up the ramp,hooked on a mandible claw,Uncle Howdy then leapt from off the top ofa trust with the Firefly Fun house puppets looking on. Pyro and fire went off.
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Next is Bianca Belair vs Alexa Bliss for the Raw womens title. Bianca took it to Bliss tp the challenger soon got back in it trying to make the champion tap multiple times. This match didn't last long at all. Bianca battles back,hits a KOD and retains the Raw womens title.
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On next is the womens Royal Rumble match Rhea Ripley is number 1,Liv Morgan is number 2,Dana Brooke number 3,Emma is number 4,Shayna Baszler in at number 5, Bayley is number 6,B-Fab is number 7 and gets eliminated by Rhea. Roxanne Perez is number 8,Dakota Kai is number 9. Iyo Sky is number 10. Dana,Emma and Roxanne eliminated. Natalya is back and is number 11. Candice Lerae is number 12. Damage Control eliminate Shayna and Natalya. Zoey Stark in at number 13. Xia Li in at number 14. Candice eliminated by Damage Control.Becky Lynch is 15 as Damage Control takes her out the ring. Tegan Nox is number 16. Auska in at number 18 she eliminates Tegan. Doudrop is back as Piper Niven at number 18. Tamina is number 19. Chelsea Green at number 20 and is quickly eliminated by Rhea. Dakota and Iyo eliminatied by Becky. Bayley eliminates Becky and vice versa. Zelina Vega is number 21. Raquel Rodriguez is number 22. Mia Yim number 23. Lacey Evans in at number 24. Michelle Mccool in at number 25. Indi Hartwell is number 26. Sonya Deville in at number 27. Shotzi in at number 28. Nikki Cross is number 29 and the returning Nia Jax is number 30. Many people get eliminated. Liv,Auska and Rhea remain. All 3 women on the ring apron,Auska spits the mist meant for Rhea but Rhea ducks and Liv gets the mist in her face. Rhea then eliminated Auska,Liv tries to hold on but nope Rhea eliminates her to win the Royal Rumble match.
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0 notes
wrestlewriting · 7 years
31 Little Wrestling Fics Challenge (October Wrestling Challenge)
Tagging: @running-ropes @tyferbebe @chasingeverybreakingwave @thegenericluchadora @theprestigious0ne @alexahood21 @castielscamander @spine-buster @heelturn-timesten @crookedmoonsaultpunk @nickysmum1909 @morgunsilver @wrasslin-rollins @morgancorbin @reigningambrollins @bbmbabe @allhailthe-demonking @rebelfleur22 @im-indestructible @heelstarla @sixdegreesofsamson @vixxyvampire @ihtscuddlesbeeetchx3 @valeonmars @pjanina13 @bolieve-that @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury @thewriterformerlytaggedas @fan-fiction-galore @songsofasirenqueen @sleeplessandcynical @thedeboniardevistation @thebadchic @cfloyd776 @spooky-spot-of-bother
Quote: 19. “Just focus on me. Everything will be fine.” 
Location: 1. Haunted House
Situation: 3. Trick or treating.
Supernatural element: 23. Stupidly accurate horoscope app
Finn Balor (this was my choice)
This is fluff. For not all spooky things need to be scary.
I hope you enjoy!!!
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“A rapid change is taking place in your life now, and it may be causing you some stress and worry. But isn’t this precisely the kind of change you figured you would need to resolve a few of your more pressing matters? Although this feels sudden and out of control, it will all fall into place rather quickly. And yes, this is exactly what you sought from the universe. It just seems to be taking place all at once, which can seem overwhelming. Just trust what you requested of the universe is unfolding, and let that be your comfort.”
Bennett was a smart girl, honestly. She didn’t believe everything she heard or read, not before doing her own research on the matter. She trusted science and knew better than to think her viewpoint was the only viewpoint.
That said, just for laughs, she always read her daily horoscope on an app on her phone. She didn’t put any faith in it, didn’t live her life by it, and if somehow it ever came true she just said ‘huh’ and moved on about her life. Most of the time, Bennett read it and decided it’s vagueness was a safe method to make it true for everyone.
The app she had downloaded was the highest rated. To her, that just meant it was the least-glitchy to use. The program, which included things like daily horoscopes and Chinese zodiac interpretations, was fun to flip through when she was bored.
And that’s how she found herself that morning. Well, not bored necessarily. But alone in the living room, a cup of coffee in her one hand, the TV on quietly projecting the local morning news. She’d already been through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter…the usual suspects for mindless morning activities before getting ready for work.
Her horoscope for the day made her smirk. What rapid change? This was the steadiest her life had ever been, ever. Six months ago, she had married Finn. He was regularly on the road wrestling, but even that had settled into a routine. He was gone, typically, the same days of the week, unless there was an overseas tour. And Bennett worked Monday through Friday at one of the local elementary schools as the secretary.
Everything was smooth sailing for them at this time. She knew it probably wouldn’t last entirely, because life, but she was going to enjoy it while she could.
Finn didn’t like her ‘horoscope commitment’ as he called it. He thought it was all hokey and cheesy, a true waste of time. Even though she wasn’t taking it seriously, he still felt she could do without it altogether. It probably didn’t help that she regularly read him his own predictions without prompting.
Putting down her phone and coffee, she stood up and stretched out her body. She needed to start getting ready for the day. Heading back upstairs, she quietly went back into the bedroom, where Finn was still partially under the covers, asleep. She went into the attached bathroom, shutting the door after herself.
By the time she’d finished showering, did her hair and makeup, and put on the clothes she’d laid out for herself the night before,  Finn was no longer in the bed.
Downstairs she found him in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. He was dressed in just low-slung gym shorts, his hair messy. Just-woken-up-Finn was one of her top five favorite versions of her husband, honestly.
“Morning babe,” she greeted as she walked past him, her hand gliding across his lower back, a short kiss going to his shoulder.
“Mornin’,” he mumbled, clearly still trying to come to terms with being up for the day. Bennett smirked to herself, going into the living room to retrieve her phone and cup from earlier. Back in the kitchen, she went about putting her lunch together and getting her work bag from the nearby table. By the time she set the items on the counter, Finn appeared more awake.
“Horoscope today told me big changes are coming for me. So today should be momentous,” Bennett solemnly said, before a wide grin took over her face. She knew exactly what she was doing.
“You, need help,” Finn declared, shaking his head briefly, before sipping at his cup.
“Let’s see what you need to be focused on today,” she decided happily, her attention going to her phone.
“Benn, baby, please, no,” he all but whined.
“AHEM,” Bennett dramatically cleared her throat. “‘You are finally about to get something you have wanted. But now that it is close, you may feel another option that was less desirable is actually the better choice. Sometimes making a difficult decision can be as easy as seeing the best choice taken away. Only then does desperation kick in, and you recognize what’s really important to you. That may be the case now, Leo, and you must act quickly if you want to change direction. It is not too late to change your mind, and your path,’” Bennett read from her phone. When she was done, she looked up to meet Finn’s gaze. He was leaned over the counter now, his mug between both his hands. Neither said a word at first until Bennett raised her eyebrows and made a ‘what about that’-type face at him, which caused him to laugh.
“You got any big decision to be makin’?”
“Not that I can think of, no,” Finn humored her. “And even then, it would be ‘bout work most likely.”
“…mmhmm…” Bennett replied suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at him briefly. Finn rolled his own, not suppressing a bemused smile to go along with the action. “Well, whatever it is, I guess it’s out of your hands now.”
“Apparently,” he chuckled. Bennett came around the corner, leaning over to meet him in a kiss. “You’ll be home ‘bout 4, yea?”
“That’s the plan,” she confirmed, kissing him again, before going to pick up her bags from the counter. “I told Harper to bring the kids here around 6.”
“Got it.”
“Did you decide on your costume for the night?”
“…sure.” Bennett leveled a look at him, to which he raised one hand in a pacifying manner. “It’ll be sorted before the night, I promise.”
“It better be. The kids are super excited for this,” she said.
“Never done somethin’ like this before, so it’ll be interestin’ for sure,” Finn agreed.
Sometimes Bennett forgot that many of the US traditions and customs weren’t world-widely accepted and that Finn didn’t do these kinds of things growing up.
Which made the plan for the night even more fun, honestly. Getting to see him experience new things for the first time, sharing things with him that Bennett loved doing, was cool, to say the least. And Halloween was her absolute favorite holiday and they didn’t get to spend it together often.
Bennett and Finn had arranged to take her niece and nephew to a local shopping center where the stores were doing trick-or-treating for Halloween. Also in the plaza was a pop-up haunted house, which had five separate ‘houses’ within it.
Bennett adored her niece and nephew, of ages 9 and 11 years old, respectively. Their younger sister, only 5 years old, wasn’t coming on the excursion.
Jessa, in true middle child fashion, was the most vocal. Jordan, he played the stoic big brother role perfectly when he chose to.
They were both smart, intuitive, honest. It was sometimes to a fault, but endearing, after the fact.
And they loved their Uncle Finn. When Bennett had initially said she wanted to take the kids to the event, Finn had been the one to point out Halloween fell on a day he’d be home this year. After clearing the matter with her sister, who was honestly more than happy to not have to handle the two rambunctious kids on a holiday made for chaos, the plan had been set.
Both Jessa and Jordan had shrieked and tackled them when told they’d be doing trick-or-treating with their Aunt and Uncle, and also going to haunted houses. Honestly, Bennett couldn’t remember seeing them so excited before. And she was beyond ready for the awesome night to happen as well.
“OK, well, get your rest today. Chasing those two around is gonna be a lot of work,” Bennett advised, kissing him once again as she took out her car keys.
“I’ll consider it my cardio for the day,” Finn decided, making her laugh. “Love you, beautiful.”
“Love you,” she echoed before turning and leaving the house. Now all she had to do was survive Halloween in an elementary school for the day.
Bennett finally made it home, almost an hour after the time she had intended to. There had been two car accidents, and general bad traffic, holding her up on her commute.
She hated feeling rushed, but now she had no choice but to be.
While in traffic, she’d called Finn and told him to start getting ready and she would be home as soon as she could. Finn had been calm and relaxed about the matter, assuring her it would all be OK and they had plenty of time for the night.
He was, as always, the calm to her storm.
Bennett didn’t even spare a glance as she tossed her bags onto the kitchen counter, set on getting ready in her costume. She had less than an hour, and she knew her hair alone would take up half that time.
“Babe! Where are you?”
“In here,” Finn’s voice came from the living room. Bennett walked quickly in there, prepared to see him not at all ready for the night.
What she found standing before her, however, was anything but.
“Oh…oh…my fucking…FINN.” Bennett couldn’t finish a thought as she was having a hundred of them at once as she took in Finn’s appearance.
Starting at the top, his dark hair was gone, covered by a bald cap. He had on a black T-shirt, the large white lettering on it proudly displaying ‘Gallows & Anderson’ among other words. And his bottom half was adorned in black tights, the strange face-mask-with-swords logo clear on his thighs. His right arm even had drawings across it, imitating tattoos.
“Hey,” Finn greeted her with a nod of his head.
Her laughter was immediate and loud.
“Come ‘ere, and Too Sweet me,” he requested, holding his hand up, his American accent something special to hear.
Bennett was holding onto the back of the couch, shaking with hysterics, definitely unable to do anything he had just requested.
“Finn, oh…what the… hell?” She finally got out words between her laughs. Finn was just smiling brightly at her, clearly proud of himself.
“What? Told ya I had a costume worked out,” he stated, speaking back in his normal voice. Bennett managed to take in a few deep breaths, her laughter subsiding, but the bemused look on her face still just as strong.
“You look ridiculous,” she declared. Finn dramatically gasped, putting his hand on his heart.
“How dare you! I’m tellin’ Karl you said that,” he replied.
“Oh, I didn’t say Karl looks ridiculous. This look works for him. It’s you that this is a special kind of special for,” Bennett explained, waving her hand to indicate the costume. Finn looked down at himself, before shrugging his shoulders and looking back to her.
“It’s actually kinda nice wearin’ clothes.”
“I’m gonna have to strongly disagree with you.” Bennett wiggled her eyebrows, which made Finn laugh. “OK, this has been entertaining, and I know the rest of the family will say the same. But now it’s time for me to go get ready.”
“Can’t wait to see.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” she teased, before turning and quickly going upstairs.
Bennett had decided on her costume just last week, but it had been easy enough to put together, given a couple of the items were already in their house.
As she had predicted, doing her hair took the longest, followed by her make-up. The outfit was simple enough, something she could just slide into.
By the time she was done, her sister had texted stating they were on their way. As her family lived only a town over, she knew they would be there rather quickly.
Glancing over herself once more in the floor length mirror, she fluffed her hair and headed back downstairs to where she’d left Finn in the living room.
Bennett’s red heels clicked along their wooden floor as she came around the couch and stood in front of it, allowing Finn to take in her whole look.
And he was definitely taking it in, his eyes widening as they scanned over every inch of her. Her legs were encased in leather-look skintight leggings, her upper half covered with a black leather jacket. Her red-tinted hair was partially pinned up, but full of curls.
With a rehearsed confidence, Bennett trailed her hands down the lapels of the leather jacket slowly, before pulling it open, revealing her torso, which was covered in tight black material as well, a belt high on her waist.
“Tell me about it, stud,” she purred out, shifting her weight to one leg, cocking her hip just a bit.
“Damn, baby,” Finn finally spoke.
“Wanna see the best part?” He nodded quickly. Bennett smiled, and with a purposeful step, turned herself so her back was facing him, revealing the Balor Club logo embroidered on the back of her leather jacket.
“That is…amazin’,” he confirmed, with an awed-sounding laugh following his words. “…shit. You’re so hot.”
“If you’re good, maybe tonight you can meditate in my direction,” Bennett offered cheekily, turning back around to face him. Finn laughed outright, standing up to come to her. His arm slid around her waist, his hand pressing into the small of her back, bringing her body against his.
“I love you, ya know that?”
“Heard it a few times. Always nice to hear it more,” she whispered, as he came closer to put his lips to hers. “Lipstick.”
“Don’t care.” And he didn’t apparently, as he kissed her thoroughly.
The doorbell ringing, followed by the door opening, and little feet hitting the entrance way broke them apart quickly.
“AUNT NETTIE!” Jessa’s voice carried very easily through the house. Bennett and Finn stepped back from each other, turning to watch as the small zombie came barreling into the room. Dressed in a tattered and shredded black shirt, which was over equally tattered leggings, she looked like she’d been through the wringer. Her hair was in frizzed out pigtails, her face made-up to appear paler, with various bloody cuts and scrapes on her exposed skin.
The costume didn’t surprise Bennett one bit. Her niece was into gore and horror, as much as any 9 year old should be allowed to be. Her sister and brother-in-law did their best to not expose the girl to anything too terrible, but Jessa was a fearless little soul and found it all fascinating.
It took her a moment to realize the beat up t-shirt was a Bullet Club t-shirt. It made her grin internally.
“Look at you! You look amazing!” Bennett praised her niece as she came over, hugging her to her waist. “I love it, Jessie!”
“You look so pretty,” the little girl told her aunt. “And Uncle Finn, you look silly.”
“Thanks, kid,” Finn replied with a laugh, as Jessa giggled going to also hug him in greeting. “Nice shirt.”
“Hey everyone,” Harper greeted, entering the room.
“Where’s the other one?”
“Oh, you mean your husband?”
“What?” Bennett questioned, confused and almost concerned.
And then Jordan came into view and her jaw dropped.
He was Finn. Well, dressed like Finn Bálor, essentially.
On his head rested the headdress of red and black dangling fabrics. His face was painted, blacks and reds and whites, the illusion of teeth over his mouth.
Instead of being in wrestling gear, however, he had on one of Finn’s t-shirts, which had the simplistic design of also the white fangs. He was in black shorts, but his legs were mostly covered in shin pads. The pads had the teeth design on the knee, with red flames coming up his calves.
Bennett was truly speechless at first.
“Did you…did you know about this?” she finally questioned Finn.
“Where do you think he got some of the stuff?” Finn retorted with a laugh. “We have had this planned for weeks.”
“Yep,” Jordan confirmed, as he and Finn Two-Sweeted one another.
“Time. Out,” Bennett demanded. “So you’re telling me, you planned all of this with him? And Jessa’s shirt? Also on purpose?”
“Exactly,” Finn concurred with a wink. “It was actually Jordan’s idea that started the whole thing.”
Bennett looked down at her nephew, who was just staring back at her straight-faced. She assumed he was trying his hardest to play the part of ‘The Demon’.
“But…you didn’t know I was gonna be wearing your jacket? You didn’t know my costume!”
“…or did I?” Finn challenged, his tone mischievous.
And at that, it all clicked into place. Bennett’s eyes flashed to her sister’s, who was already grinning cheekily.
“Oh come off it. This is adorable. And I know how excited you were for tonight, and how much you love Halloween, and I thought it would just be really special for you to have your family together as a unit.”
Bennett had no argument to that. And in fact, she was trying her hardest to keep the tears at bay, touched deeply at how much her family did for tonight to be so memorable.
“Alright! Let’s get some super awesome pictures that I’m highly tempted to use as my Christmas card, and send you all on your way!” Harper proclaimed.
The following half hour felt like a professional photo shoot. Pictures were taken of every possible combination of person; some serious, some silly. Bennett’s favorites she already knew would be of her and Finn with both the kids.
Bálor Club, represent.
“Is it time for the haunted houses?” Jessa asked for what felt like the hundredth time. From the moment they’d arrived at the shopping center, it was all she had been excited for. She enjoyed getting candy, as any kid did, but she really wanted to go see the horror show up close.
“Let’s first put your guys’ stuff in the car, and then yes, it is haunted house time,” Bennett explained, causing the little girl to cheer.
The trick-or-treating had been fun, and their group had received many looks and comments. Most of the comments came from little kids and their fathers, but some of the women present also understood the reference. That made Bennett happy.
After dropping off their items in the car, the group headed over to the haunted house storefront, standing in line to pay their admission. Once inside the large space, it was sensory overload. There were people everywhere, many in costume, and it was hard to tell who was visiting and who worked there. Along the perimeter were the entrances to the various houses, all having different themes.
“Where to first, guys?” Finn asked. Jordan just shrugged.
“I want…that one!” Jessa finally decided, pointing to the entrance that was directly in the middle. The outside façade of the maze was decorated with a large Crystal Ball, tarot cards, and glittering silver lights throughout. As they walked closer, there were also hands palm up painted on the wood, along with actual fake hands hanging. A couple swords were also present.
“Let’s do this then,” Bennett declared. “Before we go in though, you two need to stay with us, OK?” Both of the children nodded in understanding. Bennett wasn’t very worried about them wandering off, they’d been great about it all night. But she also knew how excited Jessa was, and sometimes excitement overrode common sense and safety.
As they wandered through the house, there were some jump-scares, and some creepy scenes to look at. But Bennett knew there was going to be the big thing at some point.
What she hadn’t expected was to be stopped at a room by a ‘guard’, who told them to wait. After a minute, he told them to enter the last room and “behold the wisdom of the woman prophet”.
The room they entered was dimly light, with fabrics draped all along. There were various objects tacked to the walls, creepy pictures, actual skulls, bloodied tarot cards. Candles were flickering throughout the space.
“Welcome, my children.” The woman was seated a table in the dead center of the room, dressed in typical ‘fortune teller’ fashion. Her clothes were flowing, various bits of jewelry on every part of her body possible. The table in front of her was covered in a rich fabric, a ball sitting in front of her. Beside it sat a clean deck of tarot cards, and on the other side, crystals and small vials of unknown things.
“Please, come closer,” the woman requested. Jessa didn’t even hesitate, and Bennett followed her. Jordan, who had repeatedly declared throughout the house how ‘dumb’ he found it, remained to the side with Finn.
“Please, tell me, what do you wish to know about?” But instead of waiting for Jessa to speak, the woman held up one of her hands sternly. “No, never mind. I do not need you to tell me, for the universe is telling me what you must know now.” She looked down at her ball, moving her hands around it. It lit up at her action, and Bennett had to appreciate the effects.
“Your existence is about to change,” the older woman stated, her gaze going from the crystal ball to Bennett’s face. “You’re going to bring more into this world.”
“OK?” Bennett laughed out.
“You, my dear, are made of the stars and the seas, of the heavens and the lands, and you are powerful in your finite existence. You are made to make, to extend, to expand, to create.” The women paused, making sure her eyes were with Bennett’s. “You are made to make something within in you that will change so many lives.”
Bennett looked at the woman for a moment longer, before turning to look at Finn who was already looking back at her with eyebrows raised.
“I bet you have a part in this, somehow,” she said, with a crooked smile. “You’re always involved in my biggest moments somehow.”
“What can I say darlin’, I’m here to assist,” Finn replied, with a short smirk.
“Wait, you have something in you? Like a baby?” Jessa asked, and Bennett’s head whipped around, her wide-eyes meeting her niece’s. “‘Cause that would be kinda cool.”
“I hope it’s a boy. I’m sick of being outnumbered in the family,” Jordan declared, crossing his arms over his chest. “Right, Uncle Finn?”
“Uh….” Your husband seemed just as surprised at the turn of the conversation as you were.
“Alright, cool, thanks,” Bennett diverted everyone’s attention, nodding towards the woman. “I think we are done here. Cool house. Nice work.”
“…this is not something to be ignored or belittled,” the woman replied sternly. “Embrace this, enjoy this. You are about to be everything you should be.”
“…wanna go to the next house?” Bennett didn’t even acknowledge the woman’s words, focusing only on Jordan.
“Yes, please,” he replied. And with that, she and Finn ushered the children through the last door, coming back out onto the open floor of the building.
“Aunt Nettie, are you pregnant?” Jessa asked directly.
“Not that I’m aware of,” Bennett answered flippantly.
“Can we help name the baby?” Her niece further questioned.
“There is no baby to name.”
“But what if there is? That lady seemed pretty sure,” Jordan argued, outnumbering Bennett in the conversation. She looked to Finn for help, but he too looked at a loss as to what to say.
“Listen, that woman, she is paid to act and spook us. That doesn’t mean what she says is real.”
“…OK.” Jordan conceded.
“Alright, so next house?” Finn finally spoke up, clapping his hands together. Jessa agreed enthusiastically, and Jordan chose for them to go through one that looked incredibly dark and gory.        
They went through the rest of the houses, which were far more outwardly scary, full of clowns and serial killers and weapons.
But for Bennett, that first house remained the most memorable and jarring.
Four days later, Bennett found herself feeling like total junk, spending her Saturday in bed. She’d been sick early that morning but hadn’t since. She just felt tired and achy and unhappy all around.
When her phone rang, she threw an arm out to grab it from nearby.
“Yo,” she grumbled.
“Still feeling crappy?” Harper asked.
“I’m just…tired and I hurt and I wanna sleep but I feel like shit so I can’t fall asleep.”
“Sounds like the flu.”
“Great,” Bennett sighed, readjusting her head on her pillow.
“OR maybe you're pregnant.”
“…shut up.”
“What? The symptoms are similar, and that fortune teller did tell you…”
“Stop,” Bennett demanded. “You are ridiculous.”
“Don’t ignore that woman’s wise words. She said you are to make something within you.”
“Right now all I’m making in me is more barf probably.”
“Gross, Bennie.”
“You started it, Harpie.” Her older sister just sighed.
“Listen, I’m about to go grocery shopping. So I’ll bring some stuff over for you, ginger ale, Pepto, all that stuff, OK?”
“You are the greatest.”
“I know.” They said their goodbyes, and Bennett put the phone down beside her again. She curled into the pillow, letting out a long breath as she closed her eyes. She just wanted to sleep away this awfulness.
Bennett woke up, confused in her groggy state. The bedroom was darker than when she last remembered it being. After a moment of blinking and coming around, she grabbed around on the bed until she picked up her phone. The time read several hours from the last she saw.
She had a few texts from Finn, and one from Harper.
The ones from Finn were sending her love and well-wishes, telling her to sleep and rest and call him when she had a chance.
Harper’s was a bit longer. It explained she had stopped over but Bennett had been asleep, so she had let her be. She detailed the food and drinks she’d left downstairs. It stated she had left medicine on the bedside table for her as well.
At that, Bennett looked up and did find various stomach and digestive aids.
But amongst all that was a very obvious box, a picture of a stick clear as day across the front.
She texted her sister back, simply writing ‘Really?”. Harper’s response was just an emoji thumbs up.
Bennett stared at the box for many minutes, eventually getting up and grabbing it. She realized there were three tests in the box. It was like her sister knew she’d need several attempts at this, almost like she’d done the same thing with Jordan.
She reread the simple instructions several times before taking the first test. She needed to know exactly what to do, what to look for. Bennett wouldn’t chance doing this wrong or misinterpreting the results.
After taking the first test, she waited ten minutes and took the second.
And then she waited several, jittery, anxious, stressful hours, before taking the third and last.
By that time, it was well into the night. And in the darkness of her bedroom, she finally called her sister.
“They are all positive!”
“I KNEW IT!” Harper exclaimed. “Man, you need to go back and tip that fortune teller lady or something.”
“Harper, shut up,” Bennett commanded, her feelings keeping her from seeing any lightness in the moment. “…these could be wrong though, right?”
“That’s rare anymore,” her sister disagreed. “The first time I got pregnant I said the same thing, but my doctor told me typically positive is positive for at home tests. There’s always a chance but if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck….”
“It’s a dog in disguise?”
“Nice try,” Harper replied with a laugh. “Oh, man Bennie! You’re pregnant! I’m finally gonna be an Aunt!”
“…I’m not…sure what to do? What to feel? What to say? Oh god, should I tell Finn right now? We weren’t planning for this! OH SHIT. This is gonna throw so much out of whack.”
“Hey, breathe,” her sister advised. “You both want kids, and that’s what matters. You’ll figure it out. Yea, it’ll probably be a bit harder given his work, but there is nothing the two of you can’t get through together.”
“…I just…”
“It’s a lot.”
“SO MUCH,” Bennett corrected. “Shit. Fuck. I’m probably pregnant.”
“Most likely definitely.”
“I just…I’m gonna eat something and go to bed, and handle this tomorrow.”
“OK.” Harper offered no argument, knowing her sister’s usual style of handling large changes involved time for her initial emotions to subside. “Call if you need anything.”
“Will do.” After saying their ‘I love yous’ and ‘goodbyes’, Bennett sent a quick text to Finn telling him she was still feeling ill and was gonna sleep more. She knew it was a bit of a coward’s move to not tell him right away, but she wanted to make peace with the matter before telling him.
Finn had wanted to wait until he was off the road to have kids. Which was OK, in some ways, as Bennett was five years younger than him. But she had no desire to be a 40 year-old-first-time mom, either. Biological clock, and life logistics, and all that.
She knew he didn’t want to miss things, wanted to be a truly present father. But she saw how things were managed by Karl and his family, and knew it wasn’t necessarily needed to be a good family.
Of course, Bennett also knew she was not really like Karl’s wife, and she wasn’t sure she could handle raising a baby the majority of the time on her own. She was far more high-strung than Finn was, and she knew she would need him to be around to be the level-headed parent. Because if there was one thing she knew from watching her sister and being an aunt, it was that things tended to get naturally crazy with kids.
Bennett decided it was time to just put herself to bed. She didn’t want to overthink the situation anymore and decided she needed to tell Finn when he was face-to-face with her.
Sleep didn’t come easily, so Bennett found herself doing her usual; mindlessly playing around on her phone. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter…the same routine as always. And eventually, she came to the horoscope app.
“Something wonderful is beginning to bloom for you now, Gemini. You may be wondering if this is a quirk of fate or a coincidence. But don’t start questioning and dissecting this gift from the universe. If you become cynical or doubtful, you won’t get the full effect of this auspicious happening. If you are receiving a blessing, then the universe has deemed you worthy of it. So enjoy the hopeful, positive vibes you are feeling, embrace the goodness, smile, and be grateful.”
Bennett shut her phone off without a second thought and tossed it away from herself onto the bed.
There was no way….
It was Tuesday morning, and Finn was due home sometime that afternoon after his usual travel and work days.
Yesterday morning she’d called her doctor, who had told her the same thing her sister had, that at home tests were incredibly accurate. He made her an initial appointment for that Thursday to get an idea of where she was at in her pregnancy.
Bennett had chosen to take the day off from work, her emotions far too amped up about Finn returning and the situation for her to be at work.
Every conversation she’d had with Finn from Sunday until now, had been odd. She knew it, and she knew he knew it. She wanted to tell him, she did, but she also thought it would be nice to have him come home to the surprise.
Bennett had scoured the internet, accepting and rejecting ideas every minute on cute ways to tell him about their expanding family. Finally, she’d settled on something fall themed and cute. So she’d spent all Sunday going to stores and pumpkin patches until she was able to secure two large pumpkins and a tiny one to her liking.
The plan was to hollow out one of the bigger pumpkins, then cut a heart in the front, placing the smaller pumpkin in it. It was meant to allude to a ‘pregnant pumpkin’. The saying that people usually used with it was ‘We’re adding another pumpkin to our patch’. Bennett loved it. But now came the task of actually doing it.
Bennett had never been as good with art and creativity as her sister. Harper could easily create things: paintings, gifts, crafts. Bennett, though, had to put all her concentration and focus possible into the task at hand, and even then, they never looked as good as they should.
Making the little sign with orange paint about their growing pumpkin patch was easy enough. Her writing wasn’t the greatest, but even she thought it was cute.
It quickly became clear, however, that her bad luck streak of craft creation was going strong. She’d managed to hollow out the pumpkin just fine, but she’d messed up on cutting out the front. In an effort to correct the heart, it had become lopsided. And then in an effort to correct that, she’d essentially cut out the entire front side of the pumpkin, with barely the top part of the heart obvious.
It was more like a…blob. It looked weird. It did not look like the picture she was using for inspiration. It looked dumb by comparison. She knew upon seeing it Finn would not know what it was supposed to be.
Why hadn’t she bought more pumpkins? She knew she wasn’t great at this stuff, she should have gotten backups for screw-ups. Looking at the clock on the microwave, she realized she didn’t have time to go out and get another pumpkin. Finn was due home soon. He had texted her before she’d started carving that his plane had just landed.
She tried really hard to not let the tears welling in her eyes fall down her cheeks.
Feeling defeated and frustrated, she just sat at the kitchen counter, staring at her pumpkins. There had to be a way to salvage this?
It was a frantic internet search later when Bennett realized she definitely wasn’t saving face here. But she could at least hopefully, maybe, still use the sign to tell him? 
Better than nothing.
Except when she heard the garage door open and watched Finn walk into the kitchen with his bags minutes later, she hated every idea she had. This was supposed to be something big, magical, meaningful…and a little crappy painted sign wasn’t that.
“Oh hey, pumpkin carving? Why didn’t you wait for me?” he asked, putting his bags down near the wall, coming over to her. He put his arm around her waist, kissing her temple, securing her against his side. With Bennett sitting on the stool, she just about at his height.
“This wasn’t for fun,” she explained.
“…OK?” Finn’s confusion was evident in his tone.
“I just…I wanted to surprise you and have something cute and memorable and I just…I fucked it up so bad. This was supposed to be this really cool, special moment, and I just ruined the most important pumpkin!” Bennett was trying to keep her emotions in check, but she was failing miserably.
“Hey, baby,” Finn stated, his fingers squeezing her side, his other hand coming up to turn her face towards his. “Just focus on me. Everythin’ will be fine. Whatever this is, it isn’t that big of a deal.”
“YES, IT IS!” Bennett argued, turning from him abruptly, causing his arm to fall down to his side. “You literally have no idea how big this is!”
Bennett pushed off from the counter and got off the stool, walking around to where the other pumpkins sat, picking up the sign and the tiniest pumpkin. She kept the sign facing her, and with a deep breath, she walked back towards Finn. He was just watching her curiously as she stopped a foot away from him.
“Surprise,” she whispered, turning the sign around, holding the little pumpkin beside it in the palm of her hand.
Bennett waited with baited breath as Finn read her writing. At first, he seemed to not have any reaction, which made her feel even worse that her entire idea had fallen apart. This whole cute, sweet moment was ruined, and now she would have to explain to him everything.
But then, his eyes got huge and he looked directly at her.
“Benn…we…you…” He seemed unable to form words. “Bennett, oh my god. We’re having a baby?”
“Looks that way,” she replied, smiling slightly.
And the next thing she knew she was in his arms, her feet off the ground as he lifted her up. She barely managed to get her arms out to the side so as not to smash the sign or pumpkin against him.
“We’re having a BABY! Oh my god, this is awesome! I love you so much, you know that?” Finn was basically rambling as he held her against himself, causing her to giggle.
It was amazing how her failed plan no longer seemed important given his reaction. What mattered wasn’t how she told him, but them, their relationship, their family.
“This is, like, for sure, you know?” Finn asked, leaning back as he held her so he could see her face.
“Three tests positive,” Bennett affirmed. “We have a doctor’s appointment on Thursday to get the official word on the matter and how far along I am.”
“You, you are gonna be an amazing mum, ya know that?”
“Says the man practically molded to be the coolest dad alive,” she teased in response, causing a small blush to come to his face. She loved getting that kind of reaction from him. “This is…gonna be hard.”
“It’ll be work,” Finn corrected, setting her back on her feet, loosening his hold on her but not letting her go entirely. “But it’ll be the best kind of work. There’s no one else I would do this with than ya. I know my job doesn’t make it easy on ya…but I will be here every single solitary second I can through everythin’.”
“I know,” Bennett assured. She wanted to reach up and touch him, but her hands were still occupied with the sign and pumpkin. “…you’re gonna be a DILF.” Finn’s laughter was instant and loud.
“OK, then you’re Queen of the MILFs,” he replied, making her grin more. The humor fell to the wayside as they just gazed at one another, smiling. “Shit, I love ya, Bennett. Love ya more than anything.”
“I love you too,” she repeated back.
“Does anyone else know?”
“Just Harper.” Bennett went on to explain to Finn the events of the last few days, how her feeling ill had turned into pregnancy. When she mentioned Harper’s comments about the fortune teller from the haunted house, he huffed a laugh.
“Ya know, your silly horoscopes have been pretty in line with this too. Maybe you’ve been on to something all along. Maybe the supernatural does exist and the universe has been telling you all along what’s goin’ on.”
“…shut up,” she replied to his teasing, even though inside she was realizing how right he was. The more she thought about it, the more weirded out and amazed she became, so she stopped thinking about it.
“Can we tell my parents?”
“Well, yea,” Bennett answered coming out of her thoughts, as Finn finally released her. She immediately set the sign and pumpkin down on the counter. “I mean, we could wait until the doctor on Thursday to be sure. But that’s up to you.”
“…we have to tell them now.” His decision didn’t surprise her one bit. “And let’s use this stuff,” he motioned to indicate the items on the counter. “It’s cute. My mum will like it.”
Bennett’s heart swelled a bit at that. He was so sweet to make her think her little surprise wasn’t stupid.
Using the wonders of the internet and FaceTime, telling Finn’s parents about their news was super fun. They’d started the conversation normally enough, but Bennett just happened to pick up the tiny pumpkin. Finn had followed suit holding the sign.
His mom had cried, and his dad had beamed. They weren’t first-time grandparents by any means, but given this was their first grandchildren from Finn seemed to mean a lot to them.
After all of that, Bennett was exhausted. Today had been a rollercoaster of emotion. She wasn’t at all remorseful at deciding to go to bed by 8PM. Finn came with her, but she knew he wasn’t tired, and instead just didn’t want to be far from her.
He was going to be the most protective husband throughout this pregnancy, and she wasn’t complaining.
They went through their night time routines, before finally settling into bed together. Bennett decided to wind down doing her routine on her phone. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. It was always the same.
And then came the horoscope app.
Given her current situation, she was almost hesitant at opening it. But curiosity won out, and she found herself scanning the words on the screen almost hungrily.
“You may be so focused on making something perfect today that you are missing out on all the magic that already exists. You are like an artist who just can’t walk away from a beautiful painting without putting on a few last brush strokes. But if you go too far, you may miss the forest for the trees. Take some time to quietly observe what you see, and relish what you already have. You are very lucky and very blessed, and recognizing that is the final step in finding true perfection.”
Bennett sighed, and with a small smile, closed out of the app.
Stupid horoscopes.
But not really.
Thank you to @thewriterformerlytaggedas & @fan-fiction-galore for allowing me to be apart of this and believing in me!
Thank you so very much to @chasingeverybreakingwave & @running-ropes & @spine-buster& @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury & anyone else who has provided support/love/inspiration/comfort/a-listening-ear-as-I-had-breakdowns/ideas/etc. over this story. The struggle got really real, but we made it.
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izzygyrl · 5 years
New One Shot is Coming!!!! STAY TUNED!!!
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sethrollinsgirl · 2 years
Enchanted *Damian Priest one-shot*
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"You keep staring at him like that, he's gonna think you are a stalker" came the voice of your male best friend and coworker Seth Rollins.
"Leave her alone, you know she's shy!" Came the voice of  his wife, your other best friend Becky Lynch. 
You sighed as you turned to look at them "shut up Seth, besides I wasn't staring at him.... That long" you mumbled the last part. If love at first sight existed, you were sure experiencing it with Damian priest, the United States champion. Ever since the first time you met him, you couldn't get him out of your head. You didn't mean to stare like a creep, but Becky was right you were shy. You and Damian were kinda friends, but you wanted to be more.
"Whatever, I'm gonna go get ready for match. are you still riding with us to the next town?" Seth asked you.
"Yeah, I am. I should get ready as well. I'm pretty sure my match with Rhea is after yours." You got up from your seat at the table in catering and made your way to the women's locker room.
As you made your way to the locker room, you thought about the first time you actually met Damian.
~~~~ flashback 1 month ago——-
You had just got back from your match with Becky. Becky and you were competing for the number one contenders spot for the raw women's championship. She won. You weren't that upset. she was your best friend if you weren't gonna be competing for the championship, well you were glad it was her. You had made your way around the corner, and bumped into someone. The impact of that has made you fall to the floor.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you" came a deep voice, you looked up to see it belong to no one other than the United States championship Damian priest. He had his hand outstretched. You grabbed it, allowing him to help pull you up from off the floor.  you replied "It's okay, I wasn't really paying attention either. Sorry." 
He offered you a smile."I'm Damian, I just seen your match. You were really great out there. Sorry you didn't win."
"I'm Y/N, thank you. Yeah, well hopefully I'll get another chance to be in the title picture."
"I don't doubt that, I'm sure you will be women's champion in no time. I have to go, my match is next. But it was nice meeting you Y/N. Maybe we can hang out sometime after work."
You looked at him with a smile " yeah I'll like that, it was nice meeting you too Damian."
He smiled before leaving to go out for his match.
—— Flashback over——
You had just gotten ready, your ring gear was on and now you were sitting outside of Seths and Becky's shared locker room swinging your feet back and forth waiting for your match. You could have waited inside the locker room but Seth wouldn't stop teasing you about the crush you have on Damian and you just didn't want to put up with it. You had your phone in your hands, watching Raw. Damian was currently in the ring, and he just lost his championship. He was attacking Finn balor who just won it from him. Honestly you weren't gonna lie, it was pretty hot to see him attack Finn like that. Seth walked out of his locker room, peering over your shoulder to look at Raw from your phone. "Poor Finn, your boyfriend just destroyed him." With a smirk on his face, he walked away. You rolled your eyes, as you shouted back at him "I hope you lose to Kevin".
"Boyfriend?" Came a deep voice as you froze once you recognized it. It belong to Damian.
You looked to your right to see Damian standing there with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah, boyfriend, he was talking about Um Finn. Could I help you with something Damian?" You tried to lie your way out of this current predicament.
He let out a chuckle "you do know Finn is married right? I think it's cute you have a crush on me. I can tell I make you nervous" he moved so he was standing in front of you.
"I....... I. Don't have a crush on you."
"You do, but that's okay because I kinda have a crush on you too." Revealed Damian.
"You do?"
"I do, how would you like to go on a date after the show? I'm sure we can find some restaurant that's still open." Asked Damian. You don't know what gave you the courage to do this but before you could stop yourself, you pulled him closer and kissed him.
Pulling back from the kiss, you stood up and went to leave but not without replying "I would like that, meet outside by the entrance of the arena after the show." And with that you left.
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