#film masterpost
motionpicturelover · 5 months
Films I've watched in 2022 and 2023 masterposts:
Top 10 films watched for the first time in 2022
Top 10 films watched for the first time in 2023
0 notes
I’ve teased it. You’ve waited. I’ve procrastinated. You’ve probably forgotten all about it.
But now, finally, I’m here with my solarpunk resources masterpost!
YouTube Channels:
The Solarpunk Scene
Solarpunk Life
Solarpunk Station
Our Changing Climate
The Joy Report
How To Save A Planet
Demand Utopia
Solarpunk Presents
Outrage and Optimisim
From What If To What Next
Solarpunk Now
The Extinction Rebellion Podcast
The Landworkers' Radio
What Could Possibly Go Right?
Frontiers of Commoning
The War on Cars
The Rewild Podcast
Books (Fiction):
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Left Hand of Darkness The Dispossessed The Word for World is Forest
Becky Chambers: A Psalm for the Wild-Built A Prayer for the Crown-Shy
Phoebe Wagner: When We Hold Each Other Up
Phoebe Wagner, Bronte Christopher Wieland: Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation
Brenda J. Pierson: Wings of Renewal: A Solarpunk Dragon Anthology
Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro: Solarpunk: Ecological and Fantastical Stories in a Sustainable World
Justine Norton-Kertson: Bioluminescent: A Lunarpunk Anthology
Sim Kern: The Free People’s Village
Ruthanna Emrys: A Half-Built Garden
Sarina Ulibarri: Glass & Gardens
Books (Non-fiction):
Murray Bookchin: The Ecology of Freedom
George Monbiot: Feral
Miles Olson: Unlearn, Rewild
Mark Shepard: Restoration Agriculture
Kristin Ohlson: The Soil Will Save Us
Rowan Hooper: How To Spend A Trillion Dollars
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing: The Mushroom At The End of The World
Kimberly Nicholas: Under The Sky We Make
Robin Wall Kimmerer: Braiding Sweetgrass
David Miller: Solved
Ayana Johnson, Katharine Wilkinson: All We Can Save
Jonathan Safran Foer: We Are The Weather
Colin Tudge: Six Steps Back To The Land
Edward Wilson: Half-Earth
Natalie Fee: How To Save The World For Free
Kaden Hogan: Humans of Climate Change
Rebecca Huntley: How To Talk About Climate Change In A Way That Makes A Difference
Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac: The Future We Choose
Jonathon Porritt: Hope In Hell
Paul Hawken: Regeneration
Mark Maslin: How To Save Our Planet
Katherine Hayhoe: Saving Us
Jimmy Dunson: Building Power While The Lights Are Out
Paul Raekstad, Sofa Saio Gradin: Prefigurative Politics
Andreas Malm: How To Blow Up A Pipeline
Phoebe Wagner, Bronte Christopher Wieland: Almanac For The Anthropocene
Chris Turner: How To Be A Climate Optimist
William MacAskill: What We Owe To The Future
Mikaela Loach: It's Not That Radical
Miles Richardson: Reconnection
David Harvey: Spaces of Hope Rebel Cities
Eric Holthaus: The Future Earth
Zahra Biabani: Climate Optimism
David Ehrenfeld: Becoming Good Ancestors
Stephen Gliessman: Agroecology
Chris Carlsson: Nowtopia
Jon Alexander: Citizens
Leah Thomas: The Intersectional Environmentalist
Greta Thunberg: The Climate Book
Jen Bendell, Rupert Read: Deep Adaptation
Seth Godin: The Carbon Almanac
Jane Goodall: The Book of Hope
Vandana Shiva: Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture
Amitav Ghosh: The Great Derangement
Minouche Shafik: What We Owe To Each Other
Dieter Helm: Net Zero
Chris Goodall: What We Need To Do Now
Aldo Leopold: A Sand County Almanac
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Stephanie Foote: The Cambridge Companion To The Environmental Humanities
Bella Lack: The Children of The Anthropocene
Hannah Ritchie: Not The End of The World
Chris Turner: How To Be A Climate Optimist
Kim Stanley Robinson: Ministry For The Future
Fiona Mathews, Tim Kendall: Black Ops & Beaver Bombing
Jeff Goodell: The Water Will Come
Lynne Jones: Sorry For The Inconvenience But This Is An Emergency
Helen Crist: Abundant Earth
Sam Bentley: Good News, Planet Earth!
Timothy Beal: When Time Is Short
Andrew Boyd: I Want A Better Catastrophe
Kristen R. Ghodsee: Everyday Utopia
Elizabeth Cripps: What Climate Justice Means & Why We Should Care
Kylie Flanagan: Climate Resilience
Chris Johnstone, Joanna Macy: Active Hope
Mark Engler: This is an Uprising
Anne Therese Gennari: The Climate Optimist Handbook
Solarpunk Magazine
Positive News
Resurgence & Ecologist
Ethical Consumer
Films (Fiction):
How To Blow Up A Pipeline
The End We Start From
Woman At War
Black Panther
Star Trek
Films (Documentary):
2040: How We Can Save The Planet
The People vs Big Oil
Wild Isles
The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
Generation Green New Deal
Video Games:
Terra Nil
Animal Crossing
Gilded Shadows
Anno 2070
Stardew Valley
Solarpunk Futures
Perfect Storm
Advocacy Groups:
A22 Network
Extinction Rebellion
Friends of The Earth
Green New Deal Rising
Buy Nothing
Too Good To Go
European Co-housing
UK Co-housing
US Co-housing
Brought By Bike (connects you with zero-carbon delivery goods)
ClimateBase (find a sustainable career)
Environmentjob (ditto)
Businesses (🤢):
Ethical Superstore
Fairtransport/Sail Cargo Alliance
Let me know if you think there’s anything I’ve missed!
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 months
Good Omens filming locations masterpost! ❤ 🐍😊 Part 2
(here to part 1 :))
Here to the map :)
Others in England (cont):
Tadfield Manor (S01E01, S01E02) - Bulstrode, Gerrards Cross
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Scene: The Tadfield Manor where the satanic nuns run the hospital in the first episode and Aziraphale and Crowley visit in the second episode
Availability (as of 2024): The manor has been in private hands since 2016 - in 2023 sold again, I didn't find on the internet that it would be available to visit in any form, the manor is not visitble from the public road.
Link on the map
Four Horsemen meeting (S01E05) – Old School Cafe, Longcross Road B386
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Scene: The cafe where Four Horsemen meet
Availability (as of 2024): street all day, the cafe Mon-Fri 7:30-15:00, Sat-Sun 8:30-15:00
Link on the map
Heaven middle floors (S01E01, S01E03, S01E04, S01E05) - Weybridge Business Park, Addlestone
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Scene: The Heaven middle floors scenes in season 1 were filmed here
Availability (as of 2024): The places can be sort of seen from the street but I don't think that visiting is possible
Link on the map
Pollution by the river (S01E04) – River Wey Navigation, Guildford
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Scene: The International Express Man delivers the package to Pollution
(fun fact: this one was the harderst one to pin down the exact location, I only knew bc of an article that the schooting took place by "Wey Navigation" which is a river long 32km (miles), I tried to find a better mention or through google maps comparing place for a long time but couldn't, finally I wrote to the River Way Navigation organization on facebook but they had no record of the shooting. Finally, in one of the photos I noticed that in the background there is a footbridge that I saw a photo of a similar footbridge while searching on a history of Wey Navigation river on the UK National Trust page and fortunately the previous mentioned facebook page knew where it was, WAHOO! :))
Availability (as of 2024): all day
Link on the map
Hogback Wood (S01E01, S01E02, S01E04, S01E05) - Painshill Park, Cobham
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Scene: The Hogback Wood where The Them play, seen in several episodes.
Availability (as of 2024): The entrance to the park is paid (£11 with prebooking online on https://painshill.co.uk/visit-us/ticket-prices-booking/) They open at 10 and close at 16-18 depending on the season. The World Word II crater they shot the main scene at should be in the west-south tip of the park. The whole path there and back is 4km (2,5 miles).
Link on the map
International Express Man's house (S01E04) - Shetland Close, Guildford
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Scene: The International Express Man leaves the house to make deliveries
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Agnes Nutter's village (S01E02) - Weald & Downland Living Museum, Chichester
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Scene: The Agnes Nutter's village in episode two. In the map I highlighted which part we see the villagers and Witchfinder Major Pulsifer to through in the show.
Availability (as of 2024): The entrance fee is paid (£15.50 for an adult ticket prebooked online https://www.wealddown.co.uk/), it opens at 10 and closes at 16-17 depending on the month.
Link on the map
Tadfield Air Base (S01E05, S01E06) - RAF Upper Heyford, Bicester
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Scene: For the shooting of the Tadfield Air Base the former RAF Upper Heyford was used, by the examining the google maps and screenshots from the series I think that the area labeled as 'Shelter 9' was used.
Availability (as of 2024): The place is no longer used by RAF purposes, there are several companies that use certain areas it but it is not available for public. The Upper Heyford Heritage though organizes (paid - £25.00) tours through the airbase: http://www.upperheyfordheritage.co.uk/home-page/tour-booking/
Link on the map
Soho (S1) – Bovingdon Airfield Studios
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Scene: The Aziraphale's bookshop and Soho in season one were built at Bovingdon Airfield Studios
Availability (as of 2024): The studios can be rented but I don't think they are publicly available – the Soho is not there anymore though, it is now build in studios in Scotland.
Link on the map
The motorway on fire (S01E05) - M96 Training Motorway at Fire Service College, Moreton-in-Marsh
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Scene: The motorway on fire when Crowley is heading for Tadfield was filmed at M95 Training Motorway at Fire Service College that is usually used for training emergency service professionals
Availability (as of 2024): Not publicly available.
Link on the map
South Africa:
The 1941 church (S01E03) - St. Saviour's Church, Claremont, Cape Town
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Scene: The scene in Season 1 where Aziraphale is outsmarted by the Nazis and is saved by Crowley
Availability (as of 2024): Their facebook says Always open
Link on the map
Famine at a fancy restaurant (S01E03) - Mutual Heights building, Cape Town
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Scene: The restaurant where we meet Famine for the first time
Availability (as of 2024): It is a building with flats, offices and a reception, not available to public.
Link on the map
Crowley in a cinema (S01E04) - Joseph Stone Auditorium, Cape Town
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Scene: Crowley in a cinema (with Neil Gaiman cameo) watching animated rabbits when Hastur interrupts
Availability (as of 2024): Not publicly available as such but they there are presentations and and such happening there https://www.facebook.com/josephstone1968/
Link on the map
Aziraphale dancing gavotte (S01E04) - Casa Labia, Cape Town
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Scene: Aziraphale dancing gavotte in a discreet gentlemen's club in Portland Place in the late 1880s was filmed at Casa Labia in Cape Town
Availability (as of 2024): Casa labia is hotel and a restaurant so it can be visited in that way https://www.casalabia.com/
Link on the map
Anathema's child home (S01E02) - Llandudno Rock Villa, Cape Town
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Scene: The home which we see Anathema as a child with The Book (in the show it's Malibu, California)
Availability (as of 2024): street all day, the villa itself seems that it can be rented
Link on the map
Eden desert and ep6 time bubble desert (S01E01,S01E06) – Atlantis Dunes, Cape Town
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Scene: The Eden desert scenes and the time bubble with Adam and AC were filmed in the Atlantis Dunes at the outskirts of Cape Town
Availability (as of 2024): The Atlantis Dunes – or Witzands Aquifer Conservation Area – is a protected natural area. Biking adventures can be booked through https://atlantisdunes.com/ or also other activities through https://www.capetown.gov.za/Family%20and%20home/see-all-city-facilities/our-recreational-facilities/Nature%20reserves/Witzands%20Aquifer%20Nature%20Reserve
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The apple tree in the Garden of Eden (S01E01) - Waterfall Valley (formerly Cascade Country Manor), Paarl
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Scene: The Eden apple tree with the waterfall in the background was filmed at the retreat Waterfall Valley (then Cascade Country Manor) (the tree was added by the film crew for the scene)
Availability (as of 2024): I am not sure if you can visit the waterfall like that or you have to be a guest in the restreat. The retreat is available for booking: https://www.waterfallvalley.online/
Link on the map
There were other scenes also filmed at South Africa (thought not specified exactly where): Hell was filmed in Cape Town in a former abattoir. The Noah’s Ark scene and the Crucifixion scene were filmed on a windswept plain just outside Cape Town. Also the Meggido scenes. The entire village used for the scene with War causing mayhem in an african village is in fact a set, built on scrubland over a sand mine just outside Cape Town. The French Revolution scene wa shot on a set that had been used twenty-four hours earlier for the scene in Ancient Rome. Famine visiting a burger place with Elvis was shot on a set in Cape Town. Also some scene's in Anathema's cottage with Anathema and Newt.
Most of season 2 has been shot inside the film studio in Bathgate (f.e. the whole Soho has been built there), the Hell in S2 has been shot in an old disused factory (not specififed which one). The shots of the Edinburgh castle have been shot from the top of the The Caledonian hotel.
Crowley and Shax in St James's Park (S02E01) – Inverleith Park, Edinburgh
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Scene: Crowley and Shax meet to discuss the news in St James's Park – the scene though was actually filmed in Scotland.
Availability (as of 2024): All day
Link on the map
The place where Crowley parks the Bentley (S02E01, S02E02) – Circus Lane, Edinburgh
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Scene: The place Crowley goes to to park the Bentley and sleep there
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
AC and Elspeth in Edinburgh (S02E03) - Moray Place, Edinburgh
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Scene: Aziraphale, Crowley and Elspeth are taking the first "pickled herring" to be sold, Aziraphale and Crowley are debating good and evil
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Detective Aziraphale parks the Bentley (S02E03) – Victoria Street, Edinburgh
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Scene: Aziraphale arrives in the Bentley and happily goes to investigate
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
The Resurrectionist (S02E03, S02E06) - Cask and Barrel, Edinburgh
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Scene: Aziraphale goes to investigate to The Resurrectionist bar (also in Gabriel's memories with Beelzebub) – filmed in the Cask and Barrel bar
Availability (as of 2024): outside all day, inside 12-24, Fri-Sat 12-1
Link on the map
Edinburgh cementery (S02E03) - Old Town Cemetery, Stirling
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Scene: The cemetery in episode 3 was filmed at the Stirling cemetery (grave, some gravestones, Gabriel's statue and the crypt has been added by the crew for the shooting)
Availability (as of 2024): all day
Link on the map
AC and Elspeth going through Edinburgh (S02E03) – Broad Street, Stirling
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Scene: Aziraphale, Crowley and Elspeth going through Edinburgh while Aziraphale is trying to persuade her that she could do something else
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Meeting Wee Morag (S02E03) - Mar's Wark, Stirling
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Scene: The small corridor behind the gate where Wee Morag is staying
Availability (as of 2024): The front all day, the corridor if not through the gate then hopefully from the other side
Link on the map
Others in Scotland:
AC drinking whiskey with Mr Darlymple and the corridor to Mr Darlymple (S02E03) – Hopetoun House, Queensferry
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Scene: Aziraphale and Crowley drinking whisky with Mr Darlymple while he explains why he needs fresh dead bodies also at the house has been filmed the corridor reading to Mr Darlymple
Availability (as of 2024): Hopetoun is visitable, Friday 29 March 2024 to Sunday 29 September 2024 Open 5 days per week (Thursday – Monday) from 11am to 5pm, £13.50 for an adult ticket for House and Grounds (to see both), or £13.50 for Grounds (to see the corridor)
Link on the map
The Windmill Theatre in 1941 (S02E04) - Hippodrome Cinema, Bo'ness
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Scene: The theatre that Crowley delivered the broken alcohol to and Aziraphale performed the bullet catch
Availability (as of 2024): You can visit the cinema for a movie or an event https://www.hippodromecinema.co.uk/whats-on/
Link on the map
Soho and more (S2) - The Pyramids Studio, Bathgate
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Scene: The S2 Soho has been built in the Bathgate studio, also there were built and shot many other scenes
Availability (as of 2024): It is not available to visit for public
Link on the map
Possibly only streets were filmed and the Bentley was added with VFX.
C on the way to A after A calls him (S02E01) - Wardour Street, London
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Scene: Crowley on the way to Aziraphale after Aziraphale calls him (to tell him about Gabriel)
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
C rushing to A after Beelzebub's visit (S02E01) - Regent Street St James's, London
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Scene: Crowley rushing to Aziraphale after Beelzebub told with that anyone who will be find helping Gabriel will be dealt with extreme sanctions
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Whew! This masterpost took me several weeks, hope you enjoyed it and it might help you plan your trip to see the Good Omens places! :) ❤ 🐍😊 Wahoo! :)
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patcaps · 1 year
6 Idiots Google Drive compilation!
BBC GHOSTS (by @patcaps)
The full series including Christmas Specials, with new episodes added upon release
‘Inside… Ghosts’ Series 1 - BBC Sounds Podcast hosted by Nathan Bryon with cast guests, all 8 episodes including bonus Uncanny crossover (series 2 coming soon)
S1 DVD special features (by @m0ose-idiot)
The Button House Archives full ebook (epub format)
The Button House Archives audiobook + accompanying audiobook PDF (thanks to @historicalsnail)
YONDERLAND (by @type40thiefoflight)
Complete series 1-3 + Christmas Special
BILL THE FILM (by @patcaps)
BBC edit of Bill (2015)
HORRIBLE HISTORIES (by @oziraphale)
Horrible Histories series 1-5
Frightful First World War special
Scary special
Sport special
Horrible Christmas special
Ridiculous Romance special
Reblog @oziraphale’s post with the Drive too!
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will80sbyers · 3 months
part 002:
February 7 / 2024
The Stranger Things channel on ig posts pictures at the Hawkins memorial hospital : 1 / 2 / 3
February 9 / 2024
A video from the actress that plays Vickie in st5
Bts pictures of Vickie
Bts picture of Robin at the hospital inside room 110, Vickie has scenes at the hospital too
February 15 / 2024
It seems there are some scenes inside a barn at the farm (Robin, Mike and Will are there) / 2
FIRST LOOK AT WILL IN COSTUME !!!!!!!!!! and Robin my beloved + Mike is also there (Finn is taking the picture)
February 16 / 2024
BTS pics of Ross weeks 5-6 - FIRST LOOK AT NANCY!! lovers lake picture, El with the radio station outfit filming some action scene where Hopper's bracelet breaks, a home made tank for El to use with her powers? a drawing of a black shape/arrow?
February 17 / 2024
Bts pics of the vines inside Hawkins lab
Erica and Joyce are filming together
February 19 / 2024
February 20 / 2024
It seems they are filming something that involves Castle Byers: 1 / 2
February 22 / 2024
New bts pictures from the radio station and the woods, with a stunt rehearsal of someone being thrown away / 2 / 3
Bts: scene with RED light where maybe Will is involved? / 2
Bts of the vines (video etc): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
February 28 / 2024
The Stranger Things channel on ig posts this thing on how to make a remote radio head RRH
Some ideas on what it could mean / 2
Steve & Jonathan are involved
March 1 / 2024
New bts pics from Ross of Weeks 7-8 - FIRST LOOK AT LUCAS AND MAX ON SET!!! It seems the date could be the 12 of november 1987 (or 2 of november 1989… it's not clear, both are a Thursday) A picture of Castle Byers in the UD etc
March 4 / 2024
Pictures of the Wheeler's home posted by the ST channel on ig… there will be a scene at the Wheelers where they brainstorm stuff about Vecna? or have breakfast/ a meal together?…and someone is eating doritos? (Mike?): 1 / 2 / 3
March 8 / 2024
Mr. Clarke is back on set? the actor posted this
March 13 / 2024
New bts picture of them filming a scene in ep. 4 (the date of filming in the lower right angle of the picture seems to be around feb. 10-13 ) initially I thought it could be a rink o mania vision but I now think it's in Mike's basement: 1 / 2 / 3
VIDEO OF MILLIE (EL) on set making a coffee dressed as El, she has the same costume of the radio station scenes and blood on her nose, indicating an action scene
March 15 / 2024
Ross posts new pictures of weeks 9-10, FIRST LOOK AT HOPPER! + random background details
Picture of the kids in the Party hands posted by Ross 😭❤️❤️❤️
The full picture of Hopper
March 21 / 2024
New pictures from the set they seem to be shooting scenes with the military
March 22 / 2024
Ross posts the FIRST LOOK AT WILL BYERS!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SON💞 ( in one of the pictures he seems to be inside the radio station bunker because of a suitcase being there and also radio equipment around, the other picture is at Castle Byers with a new actor playing Young Will so it could be a flashback or a vision or something like that!! ) Jonathan is in that scene too
March 27 / 2024
They start filming at a mansion that's situated at the Smoke and Rise country club in Atlanta. Eleven was there and has a scene screaming so there's some action going on, Will was also seen there later on and he looks like he has make up on like he's experiencing the effect of possessions or not feeling well. Nancy was seen there dressed with something that resembles a candy stripers costume of a volunteer nurse, Steve's car was parked outside with the radio station van and there's an antenna over Steve's car... (my theory now is that in the pre vis something makes the antenna go down into the car for the pressure, like something hitting the car from outside that breaks it)
Still at the mansion we have two stand-in actors that have been seen, one of them seems to be called Derek and he could be either a new character or using a fake name (he kinda looks like Jonathan) and there's also this audition for a kid called Derek...
Pictures of the mansion and the decorations, a dragon, butterflies etc... 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
A look of the entire house, old pictures from Google street
April 2 / 2024
My speculation from the video of the wardrobe of s5, Max could be wearing this jacket at some point during the season
April 3 / 2024
There's the neighbourhood watch at Hawkins
April 4 / 2024
Pictures from the Instagram channel, Karen is having a bubble bath, more flashbacks from the rainbow room and Hawkins massacre and something is being filmed inside the Wheeler's house
April 6 / 2024
Eddie's actor says he knows if Eddie is coming back but he's not gonna say it...
April 7 / 2024
Not sure about this but it could be a new decoration around the mansion
April 9 / 2024
Some new pictures from the filming at the mansion and it seems Joyce and Hopper are there in that scene too, parked outside... There's also a video and the lights make it look like maybe the police is involved!
Millie posted a new old picture of her in character with the vines of the upside down in the background
to be continued...
part 001 / part 003
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apoptoses · 1 year
Have you ever been reading Devil’s Minion and thinking to yourself, “damn, I just can’t nail down a face for Daniel”? Have you watched Interview with the Vampire and felt like neither Christian Slater nor River Phoenix hit the mark for you?
Allow me to introduce you to James fucking Spader.
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Look at him! Is that not the face of Daniel, completely fed up with Armand feeding his cigarettes down the garbage disposal?
He’s got the naive and beautiful face but ALSO the defiant yet beseeching thing down! Also he was like 22 here, which is right around the age Daniel met Armand so he’s at peak Healthy, Pretty Molloy here. No wonder Louis decided to take him home!!
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“Do you know what a zip code is, or a tax bracket? I’m the one who buys all the goddamned airline tickets. Millions. How are we going to get millions! Steal another Maserati and be done with it, for God’s sakes!”
Spader is the original 80′s pretty boy you’d assume starred as the leading man in some schmoopy romances or schlocky teen dramas and he did that for a minute. Like check him out in Pretty in Pink-
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 Is this not peak Night Island Daniel, in his Miami Vice looking bespoke suit ready to head out with Armand for the night?
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Look at him snuggled into his blanket in Tuff Turf, like Daniel hungover and forcibly woken up to honky tonk piano tunes!
But the deliciousness doesn’t end at his looks. Because in true Molloy fashion that man said ‘you know what? I wanna make movies for freaks and weirdos only’
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In Sex, Lies and Videotape he plays the sweetest pervert who loves interviewing women about their sex lives, video taping it, and then watching them back naked but not actually getting off! He’s impotent, he’s a gentle and lovely weirdo, there’s vampire!Daniel fodder for days in this one.
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Crash is a horny flick that defies all explanation and really you need to go in blind if you’re gonna watch this one, but let me just say this: If Spader and his Wife in this film aren’t the most Daniel and Armand coded couple in cinema history I will eat my shoes. Also there’s tons of beautiful footage of him driving around at night with his blond hair ruffling in the breeze.
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Your prefer your Daniel with glasses? Oh, perfect, because in Bad Influence he plays a sweet guy who gets into a fucked up situation with a toxic friend and a sex tape!
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In Storyville he lets himself be thrown on the floor and lays there submissively before getting involved in yet another sex tape scandal!
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Don’t even get me started on Dream Lover, another smut filled romp (with some filthy deleted scenes if you google the uncut version) which has the most Devil’s Minion promo photos of all time-
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Like! Get the fuck out!
I could just go all day about his body of work but some of it you’ve just gotta see for yourself. In pretty much every film you’re guaranteed smut with him being deliciously submissive, extremely gentle with his hands, and down for all kinds of kink. And in most of his movies he gets bloody at least once, like-
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this is a shitty picture i took of my laptop but look at the blood at the corner of his mouth! Vampire activities!
In summary, let me hit you with a photo dump:
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Daniel laying in a cheap motel room during the chase years!
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Daniel with delightful 70s hair!
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More glasses!Daniel!
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Daniel with a half-buttoned 80′s shirt looking so beautiful it’s no wonder Armand couldn’t NOT turn him!
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It’s dark, he’s wet, he looks exhausted!
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He’s the ideal beautiful Molloy Weirdo and I will not be accepting any other arguments, goodbye!!
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huffle-dork · 19 days
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 1: Swapboys
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
JJ leaves the venue's stage area, walking out into the main entrance. It 's starting to get dark through the windows outside. Other crew members are heading out as well, chatting about how well the rehearsal had gone.
"Jems!" Marvin waves, grinning. "I t'ink t'at went well today, didn' it?"
JJ smiles back, walking over to the bench where Marvin is waiting. I think it did, too. But I'm exhausted. Even though he wasn't using any actual magic for the rehearsal, going through the same steps over and over again, pretending that he was, took a lot of energy.
"So exhausted t'at you didn' notice you're still wearin' the costume?" Marvin says, raising an eyebrow.
Oh. JJ looks down, realizing that he's still wearing the cape. He sighs. I forgot. This was the first dress rehearsal, I'm not in the habit of taking it off yet. Here. He digs into his pocket and pulls out the car keys, handing them to Marvin, who takes them. You can wait in the car if you want.
Marvin shrugs. "Better t'an waitin' all by myself in the entrance. You'll jus' be a minute, t'en?"
Yep. Be right there. I really just need to drop the cape off.
Marvin gives him a little salute. "Message me if anyt'ing comes up."
I will. JJ nods, smiling, and turns around, going back into the venue.
The lights are all still on in the auditorium. JJ quickly runs up the aisle between the seats and got onto the stage, passing behind the red curtain to the backstage area, where he could access the dressing room he was supposed to leave his stuff in (though that never stops him from keeping his stage mask with him at all times.)
He leaves the main backstage area, heading for the back halls where the dressing rooms and prop storage places were... but then he stops. What's that? Is there a crack in the wall? Since when was that there? It definitely wasn't there at the start of the rehearsal.
Curious, JJ walks up to it. It doesn't seem to go all the way through the wall. He can't see through to the room beyond, just seeing blackness inside.
Suddenly, the crack widens. It makes no noise but the movement is so unexpected that JJ jumps back in fear. There's a breeze coming from the crack. No, wait. The air is going into it. Into this black space beyond the crack.
JJ turns and starts to run. He's not sure what's going on but he knows bad news when he sees it! But it's not enough. He feels himself getting pulled backwards. Frantically, he tries to think of a spell that will help--maybe if he blocks it off? But any magic he sends that way just gets sucked into the fissure.
And before he knows it, he's pulled in as well.
"Are you sure you don't want to come, Jackie?" Frederick asks, waiting at the front door to the house.
"I mean... I'll go if Chase wants me to." Jackie glances over at Chase, also hanging around awkwardly at the front door.
"N-no, that's fine, really." Chase shakes his head. "This is... it's my business."
"Yeah, and? You're my friend, so you're my business," Jackie says.
Chase laughs. "Thanks. But no, really, it's fine, I-I'm sure these magician guys are, uh... trustworthy. I mean, if you're dating one, they have to be."
"Wh--we didn't say--You don't--H-how'd you figure it out?" Jackie stammers.
Chase grins. "You two are pretty obvious."
"No we're not," Jackie grumbles.
"Ooookay, let's head on out, we want to get there soon," Frederick says, hurriedly changing the subject before Chase can notice his blush. "Come on, Chase."
"Right." Chase nods. "I'll see you later, Jackie."
"See you." Jackie waves. "Bye, you two. I'll still be here when you get back."
Frederick chuckles, and opens up the front door. "Be back soon, hopefully." And he and Chase head out.
Jackie watches them get in the car and leave through the living room front's window. He's really glad that Chase is recovering after all the shit Marvin and Jameson put him through. It can't be easy. Apparently the ABIM healers were stunned at how deep the mental magic went. But now, about a month later, he's almost back to his old self. Almost. Jackie still notices him blanking out a lot. But that'll heal with time.
This will be the first time Chase is actually going to an ABIM place for an appointment. Previously, Frederick arranged it so that the healers would come to the house. But Chase told him this week that he's ready to start leaving. That's a good sign, Jackie thinks.
He looks around the living room, unsure what to do now. No, wait. Maybe now that he's alone he can get some exercise done without worrying about bothering the other two. Yeah. That works out. He grabs his staff from the table by the front door--uncollapsing it in the process--and makes sure that he's standing far from anything that can be knocked down.
...wait a minute. What's that?
Jackie stops, staring at the middle of the room where something... black has appeared It like of looks like a spot where wallpaper's started to peel... but it's in the middle of the air. Where there's no wallpaper. Or wall. "The fuck?" he mutters, pulling out his phone to call someone about this.
The rip expands quickly, a yawning black hole in the middle of the room. Jackie jumps and quickly backs away, not wanting to take his eyes off it. A breeze rushes through the room as the air is pulled towards the rip--and Jackie can feel himself being pulled as well. He puts his phone and staff away, grabbing onto the doorway--fuck keeping an eye on it, he needs to get out of here!
But it's too fast for him. The pull increases rapidly, and Jackie just can't hang on. He flies back through the air and disappears into the blackness.
It's a quiet night tonight. There's been a lot of rain lately, but today, Schneep doesn't hear the familiar sound of rain against the windows. Only the sound of the tap running as he washes up the plate and glass he used for dinner. He's found that it's helpful to get that done right away, so that he knows where all the dishes are.
He turns the tap off and grabs the towel from its spot next to the sink, drying up the dishes. It really is quiet tonight. He can't hear his neighbors in the flats above or below, and he hasn't gotten any texts or calls from his friends. Well, that's fine. One quiet night might be just what he needs.
After putting the dishes away, he heads to his office and starts booting up his computer. He's really happy that Chase helped find a good screen reader, it's been such a blessing for his online studying.
...The hair on the back of his neck prickles.
Schneep spins around. "Hello?" he calls, despite knowing that no one is in the flat with him. Even though he wouldn't be able to see them, he would be able to sense their souls.
But if it's not a person, then why does he feel like something's... wrong?
Is it that breeze playing through the room? The office doesn't have windows, so did he leave one open somewhere else? He starts walking back out of the office--and then stops as alarm bells ring in his head all of a sudden. He gasps, stumbling back. What's happening?! Why does he suddenly feel like something is wrong?
Hold on a minute. Why does he feel like something pulling him forward?
He scrambles backwards, instinctively reaching to the side for a weapon--but then that wrong feeling grows stronger and he stops. He has to get out of here! He has to--maybe he can jump away? He tries to, using that strange magic that allows him to teleport places--
But oh no, that just made it worse. The pulling is stronger--did he get closer?! "H-help!" he gasps out, reaching for something to grab hold of--
But then he loses his balance. He feels something pull him back... and then he starts to fall. Down through darkness that he cannot see.
The darkness doesn't end of course for Schneep- but after a long fall he finds himself falling onto hard solid ground. But it's... almost plush? Like a soft carpet.
Then, the sound of a door swinging open is heard- followed by a confused whine. That whine quickly morphs into a bark that comes barrelling towards Schneep- and the fuzzy mass crashes into him, almost pinning him down for a second. Then, it pauses- almost... confused.
"Sahne! What on earth are you doing?!" Schneep hears a voice call. ...why does it sound like him?
Schneep yelps, pushing the dog back—because clearly it's a dog. He scrambles backwards, heart pounding, adrenaline immediately spiking. It's fine it's fine dogs are friendly it's just a normal dog it just wanted to be friendly— "A-ah... H-hello?" he calls out, turning towards the voice, sensing a person there. "I-I am sorry, I—I did not mean to intrude—"
"I am so sorry!" The voice cries, hurrying towards Schneep and the dog. "She normally does not lash out like that! Sahne- bad girl!" He scolds gently, sounding quieter as his head is pointed towards the floor. The dog makes a slightly pitiful noise.
Then, there's the sound of shuffling as the man gets up to his feet, "I am sorry...! are you hurt-" Then, there's the sharp intake of breath. "Oh Heiliger Strohsack! You- you are looking just like me!" The man suddenly giggles brightly and goes to grab Schneep's hands in his own, "Are you another doppelganger!? Wow! Are you also called Henrik, then?! You must be, ja?"
"N-no, I am fine, I promise." Schneep pats himself down. "Do not blame the dog, I am sure I just appeared out of nowhere... wait, H-Henrik?" He processes what the stranger just said. "Yes, I—I am. Another doppelganger? Wait, are you—am I--?" He squeezes the stranger's hands and laughs a little. "I am sorry, this is... very disorienting for me. I-I am blind, actually. So if I look like you, I must take your word for it. Where... am I?"
"You are?!" The other Henrik gasps, "Oh! ... I am so sorry- if it helps I am deaf- a bit better now but..." He laughs, "If you'd like to ... i dunno- feel around to confirm, you can! But, yes! I am... lets see differences, differences- Oh well, I have teal hair instead of your brown. And- oh! I am taller! And- oh i quite like your coat..." He shakes his head, "Ah- that probably is not helping...! Uh- This is a city called Brighton! And this is my flat, and I am Henrik von Schneeplestein but you know that~!" He giggles again, swinging their hands, "But all my friends call me Henny! If that helps- I know all our similar names must be confusing! Where are you coming from?" He asks brightly.
Schneep can feel Sahne curling around his feet, sniffing at his pants and shoes. Her tail is wagging- he can tell by the loud thumps as it hits the couch that's next to where he fell.
"Ah... Brighton, yes, I have heard of that place, i-it is not too far from my home in Mirygale," Schneep says slowly, shuffling slightly as he feels the dog at his feet. "But I think... I am very far right now, yes? Hold on a moment." He reaches to the side, wondering if his abilities still work. They seem to, as he finds his cane quickly and pulls it out. To Henny, it looks like Schneep's hand disappears into thin air and then reappears holding a white cane. "It is nice to meet you, Henny," Schneep says, giving him a small smile. "I-I have never met another me... I am assuming that... this is some other world?" He finds the nearest wall with his hand and starts feeling out the rest of the area with the cane.
Henny gasps in delight as he sees Schneep's cane appear. "Oh! You have magics too! how funny!" He starts to wander a bit after Schneep but in tighter circles to not get in his way, and pushes and leads Sahne away as she tries to trail after him too. "Oh yes is it very strange is it not? I am more used to this now though, I think. Ever since my friends Alt and Chase started to travel around so and even bring us along! But, I remember the very first time we appeared in a new world it was very very strange!"
As Schneep walks around, he loops across the living room and finds it a fairly tiny space. Looping around the couch he finds what feels like a bookshelf and then a window with potted plants sitting in the sun. Then, turning once he hits a corner there's an open door. Henny warns him quietly that that is the bedroom. Walking from there Schneep finds a low sitting entertainment center with a tv on it. Then, a dog bed. Following the rest of the wall, he feels a hallway- then from there leads straight to the front door where Henny and Sahne entered. Turning from there- he feels the slick tile of a kitchen... this place must be mostly open concept? And then a half counter with a couple barstools underneath before he finds the carpet and couch again.
Ah, okay, he's got the layout now. He's guessing this is an apartment of some kind.
"Alt and Chase?" Schneep repeats, eyes widening. "Wait a moment! I know them! They came to our world! Me and my friends, I mean. Certainly gave us a surprise. And I am not sure it was, um, an entirely good time for them. This villain came with them, ah, Magnificent, but who cares about him. Th-they said they were lost—Alt and Chase, I mean—did they get home alright?"
"Oh they did??" Henny grins. He snorts at the comment about Mag and laughs, "Oh yes- do not be giving much thought to that mangy cat! Oh I wonder which world you came from then! Alt and Bro have been on so many adventures now! They started using that machine they had so often to visit places! If it was when they said they were lost.... maybe the first time? Hmm... they've told us about so many worlds now- Oh... but it broke recently-  the thingy. Alt has been so sad about it..." Henny seems to perk up and dig in his pocket. "Oh! I can text them! They would wanna know all about this!" Listening to Henny speak is almost like verbal whiplash- able to go from one emotion to another in a blink of an eye. Maybe he's a performer? 
Schneep laughs. "You are a fast speaker, hmm? Ah, not that I mind, of course. My friends are much the same way." He sits down on the sofa. "Yes, I remember they said they had a device, though at the time they didn't know how to work it. So sorry to hear about it breaking." Hearing that does send a shiver of anxiety down his spine. If the device to travel through worlds is broken... how is he going to get home? "Texting them would be wonderful. I'm sure they would at least have some insight into all this. I am not sure how I got here... I felt something pulling me, a-and then I was falling, and then I was here."
"Hm... that is unusual..." Henny comments, pacing as he texts, "I do not think I have heard of anyone coming here in such a way... oh- but Alt did mention there could be... rips? Rips coming but he also said do not be worried so- maybe not? Hm..." There's the rapid sound of clicking on his phone screen.
"Rips?" Something about that feels right to Schneep, though he couldn't explain why. "Perhaps that's what happened. I was in my office in my apartment when I felt that. Alone. I can think of no other explana—" 
A cool nose touches Schneep's hand and the sound of tail wagging can be heard on the floor. Then, a gentle slightly sloppery tongue tries to lick his arm. 
He yelps as he feels the dog tongue and quickly jerks his arm away. "A-ah... good dog. Good... Sahne, was it?" Cream in German. "That is a nice name. She is your dog, then. Does she have a light colored coat?"
"Sahne!" Henny gently scolds, like a father telling off a toddler kindly. Sahne barks in return, her tail wagging faster. Henny laughs, "Oh yes- she is a cream golden retriever! And she is mine- she is my hearing dog! For me deafness, you see. And I know, I know... not the most creative name but- it suits her!"
Schneep chuckles. "I bet she is a cute thing. And a good working pup." And friendly--completely friendly. 
Henny bends down and whistles, "C'mere you zukerpuppe~" He coos towards her and Sahne comes bounding over to him. He gives her lots of big pets, fluffing up her fur as Sahne makes little happy whines. "Oh yes sorry- you were in your apartment and you felt the rips? Hm... Alt might know about this... he is in a show right now though so- we might need to wait a bit for him to answer. ....are you hungry?"
Schneep tilts his head at the mention of food. He just ate dinner, but it would be rude to refuse an offer, wouldn't it? "Ah... perhaps a snack would be fine. Something small, I do not want you to go to too much trouble. Alt is at a show, you say? Is he a preformer or some kind or is he attending a show? That did not come up during their brief time in our world."
"Oh he is a performer!" Henny say proudly, "He makes illusions in the uh... oh... what do they call it here now... the ravvvehhs?" Henny butchers the word as he waves his hands, "Oh! The big places with all the lights and flashing and drinking and dancing- Alt says its loud but, I only feel it. He works in those places! He gets very into them so he's hard to get to when he is doing them." He chuckles. He pats Sahne's head and then points to her bed, "Sahne? Go settle in bed please." Sahne does what she's asked and flops down onto her bed. But, when she looks in Schneep's direction he can hear her tail thumping.
Henny's voice grows more distant as he walks to the kitchen, "Oh! Let's have some sweets! I think Jackie's kids made me some cookies..."
"Oh! Raves." Schneep laughs. "Yes, I think that does fit him! He seemed very energetic. I understand those can last a while, but this place seems comfortable, I am happy enough to wait. Cookies sound fantastic." He takes his phone out, going through the memorized motion to unlock it, and then he realizes what Henny said. "Your... Jackie has children...?" he asks quietly.
"Oh yes! 3 in fact, darling little things!" Henny giggles, "Oh yes-  I believe Juwel- oh, that's what I call our Jameson, is over on a playdate with them right now!"
"Three? Huh." Schneep goes quiet for a second, thinking. "I cannot see my Jackie having one child, let alone three." It's probably good that he doesn't. The events of the past couple years would've been hard on them. Then again, if he had kids, would any of it have happened...? He shakes his head. "Juwel? How sweet. I hope they are having fun."
A couple blocks away, in a completely different apartment, Jackie falls into a... well its a scene for sure.
He's fallen into a big apartment in what looks like a living room. He's sitting on a carpet that's boxed on 3 sides by brightly colored leather couches. On the side not blocked by seats is a big gaming entertainment center, filled to the brim with gaming consoles and all sorts of games. The bright blue carpet he fell on looks like an ocean- and is littered with toys and stuffed animals, and... teacups? Following the trail of empty plastic teacups and fake food- oh, and some real food on plates, Jackie's eyes meet... his own. They stare at him, big and wide like the saucer he's holding. ... but he couldn't be more different than the ex-vigilante. Besides, the same blue eyes, red hoodie, brown hair and general face shape and body- this Jackie has his hair up in pigtails, scribbles of a child's attempt at makeup on his face. He's wearing a tutu and has a plastic crown on his head. He's holding a saucer in one hand, a fake teacup in the other. He blinks comically at the stranger from where he's sat crossed legged.
Two little girls are sitting next to him on either side. One looks just like him- same fair skin and brown hair (though his copy's has some green dye fading at the end of his bangs) and she's dressed in a mixture of a superhero costume and a hastily put on dress. The other one is a lighter brunette and a bit older, wearing some plastic jewelry on her fingers and in her hair. She gasps as she sees the other man. The tinier brown haired girl however laughs in delight and points at Jackie, "Daddy! Daddy too!"
".... okay yeah- this... this is happening-" His copy deadpans.
Jackie scrambles to his feet, quickly taking in the scene. "Hah. Um. Hi? I just—hello?" This is a lot. His eyes dart around. Maybe this is an illusion? No, there are all the little details that you'd expect in real life. So—he just fell through a black rift of some kind... and ended up somewhere else? With another him? ...Wait a moment. "Oh! Oh, you're the other—oh." He slowly raises his hands, showing he means no harm. "I, uh... I just kinda... showed up here? I'm not—don't mind me. I think I'm not supposed to be here. S-sorry for interrupting your, uh..." He gestures at this ridiculous sight before him. Wait, did one of the kids call him 'daddy two'?
"Hey! Me and Dr. J are done with the cakes!" Another younger voice calls out, rounding out from an open door near a nicely tucked in counter dining space with tall bright red stools. Kinda like a diner, with a window space like where you place an order. "Ollie tried to eat all the frosting!"
"I did not!" Another smaller male voice calls out, and a small boy with black hair and glasses comes out, licking a spoon with bright pink frosting on it, icing on his face and fingers. He freezes as he sees the new man in his living room. "...whaaaa?"
"Ow! Ollie!" The other voices exclaims as she bumps into the frozen boy's back. This girl is older than the other two by a long shot- long dark hair bundled up in braids. She's wearing a sparkly rainbow dress with a kitten apron on top, and a black beanie-baby kitten on her shoulder. "Why did you stop in the middle of the-" She then looks up and screeches in slight fear and almost drops the tray of tiny cakes she's holding. "S-Stranger!"
"No Stranger! Daddy!" The littlest girl says happily, clapping her hands. She then makes grabby hands before trying to push herself up to her feet. The strangely-dressed Jackie yelps and pulls the small girl into his arms and jumps to his feet. "Ohh no Penny- let's wait a second...!"
Jackie looks a little overwhelmed by all the new people showing up. He backs away, keeping his hands up. "H-hey I'm just—I'm not—" 
The other Jackie’s eyes widen as he takes in the look of him. "You're... from another world...? Oh! Oh- you're... you're the one who-" He swallows shakily and backs up, holding Penny to his chest protectively. "okay uh... hi? Shhhh... itake- okay uh... how did you get here... exactly?"
"What's all the commotion?" A gentle voice joins last, wiping his hands on a tea towel. This man is dressed quite professionally, slacks and a nice sweater over a buttoned top. But, he also has a too-small-for-him kitten apron on as well- and a slightly askew crown on his head. He has brown hair and round speckles and a brown neatly trimmed mustache. He looks up and then pales slightly at the sight of the visitor, staggering back. "...y-you're-!" He grabs the kids' shoulders in front of him quickly- quick enough to knock the ridiculous crown off his head  and tries to pull them back towards the kitchen, looking fearful.
Jackie flinches a bit at the other Jackie's reaction, and even more so at the other Jameson's more extreme actions. But... well, it's not exactly undeserved, is it? Given how things went when these guys came into his world. "I'm not... I-I know what you're thinking, but I-I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not—I don't—" He swallows a lump in his throat. "I don't know how I got here. There was this... I-I don't know how to describe it, it was like... someone tore a hole in the air? And it sucked me in. And now I'm here. I-I'm really not going to hurt you, I promise..." His voice gets quieter and quieter as he talks.
Jackieboy's eyes widen. "...a hole? ...fucking shit-!" He then cringes and looks down at his kids. "... don't tell mum I said that and never repeat it, got it?" He then looks back at Jackie with understanding eyes. "... the rifts found you. And they brought you here..." He then looks to Jameson and then back at Jackie. His shoulders deflate a bit as he sets Penny down. "...it's okay Jay I... I think he's good. ...Alt did say this one was a lot nicer last time he saw them."
Dr. J doesn't look entirely convinced but he lets the other kids go. Ollie stays by Dr. J's side- and soon the older brunette girl runs over and goes to hide behind the doctor's leg. But, she peeks out her head to watch curiously. Dr. J hugs her close, and pats Ollie on the head.  The older girl reaches up on her toes to put the cakes down on the counter and then approaches the stranger. Her bright blue eyes sparkle slightly, so much like her dad's. "Are you one of the other versions of my dad that Alt met?! Oh! He and Uncle Chase have been telling us all about your adventures!!" She sticks out her hand for him to shake, "I'm Kelsie! Kelsie Mann!"
Jackie jumps in surprise as the girl walks over to him. He's not used to kids approaching him. Especially now that he has all these scars. Chase used to joke that the kids could sense he was scary, but that really upset Jackie so he quickly stopped with those sorts of comments. "O-oh, um...hi, Kelsie," he says awkwardly, trying for a friendly smile. "Y-yeah. That's exactly what I am. Um... you can just call me Jackie, if you want." 
"Kels sweetie- give him some space to breathe..." Jackieboy warns gently. He looks back at the other him and knits his eyebrows in concern, "... I dunno how the rifts work exactly but... uh- you haven't happened to be like- doing a lot interdimensional travelling recently...? Cuz- that's what did it for us... I think. Honestly- it was super confusing for me..."
Jackie looks over at his other self. "Um... no? It literally just opened up in my house—well technically not my house, but I live there with my—a-anyway, I don't know what the fu—frick is going on." And now he looks at Dr. J. "I'm um... not here to... do anything. I'm just... I-I should probably get home. Other me, do you know anything about these... rifts, you said? Do you know anything about them? Are they just gonna appear? Do you think they might've—might've pulled anyone else from my world here?" Holy fucking shit he hopes they didn't. That would cause all sorts of problems. Chase might start blanking out again if he got pulled to another world suddenly, Schneep wouldn't be much better, and not to mention what Marvin and Jameson might do to get back home.
Jackieboy looks worried, "...that's really not good then... I-I only thought we got sucked into them cuz we were strangers in those worlds ahhh frick- I'm not equipped to handle this! Lemme- lemme try to call Alt uh- h-hold on." He pats at his pockets underneath the big frilly tutu he's wearing and then jumps over the couch like the parkourist he is, shouting as he rushes down the hall. "I left my phone in my office hang on!!"
Dr. J nods slowly, "... I can tell from your demeanor... your body language is genuine. Just... hard to see you with... all of..." He cuts himself off, hoping his meaning is got.
"Hah... no, i-it's fine," Jackie says to Dr. J. "I-I get it."
Kelsie doesn't seem put off by Jackie’s appearance, "Woahhh! Your hair is so long! Daddy says he had long hair once but Mum made him cut it off cuz he looked funny!" She giggles.
"What do you do in the other world...?" Ollie asks quietly, "... are you a daddy too? Or do you jump around like... like our daddy does. Jump and take videos?"
"Is that how you got those funny markings on your face?!" Kelsie asks.
Dr. J visibly winces, "Ah Kelsie... remember what they tell you at school... if someone can't fix something in a few minutes then we shouldn't comment on it."
Kelsie does look embarrassed as she steps back and hides her hands behind her back timidly, "Oh! ...I'm sorry Mr. Jackie..."
Jackie looks at all the kids. "Um—i-it's fine, Kelsie," he says. "You're little and still learning. Just, remember what Jameson said for next time. I... got these marks because someone hurt me. But that was a while ago. I'm better now." He tries for a smile. "As for what I do, I, uh... actually haven't figured that out yet." It's kind of true. Once he dropped out of college he never got another job, devoting himself wholly to the vigilante thing, depending on other people to help with the money stuff. ...holy shit, he was a freeloader, wasn't he? How come Chase or the others never complained about that? How come Frederick wasn't currently complaining? Well—the second one was more understandable, he'd been held captive for months, but still—
Meanwhile- it seems tiny hands are trying to reach up to dig through his pockets- tiny toes trying to scale his leg.
Jackie looks down. "What the...? Child?"
Penny is trying to climb up his leg and reaching to try to grab his staff in his pocket. Kelsie gasps and goes to pick Penny up, struggling a bit at holding the nearly two year old. Penny hiccups and makes grabby hands, wanting the shiny. "Ahh I'm sorry for Penny, Mr. Jackie! She's kinda grabby."
"Oh- That's okay. I just kinda thought you looked like a hero," Ollie says, shrugging. "Like Bro is. You're kinda all muscley like he is."
"Sorry you got hurt.... those look really owchy-" the other brunette girl says quietly. Dr. J smiles warmly and ruffles her hair, "...that's very kind, Alice."   
"A hero?" Jackie chuckles. "I mean--I'd like to be like a hero one day. But for now, I just... I get lots of exercise." He likes staying in shape. He likes that he's able to do that, and not... stuck somewhere. "It's okay about Penny, I just... didn't know kids that small could climb stuff. And thank you, um... Alice. That is very kind."
"Which world are you from again?? Alt has told us so much about them!!" Kelsie asks excitedly.
Dr. J winces again. "...I don’t know if he would have... said too much about this one..."
Jackie squirms a bit at the mention of his world. How to explain all the shit that went down there to a little girl? But luckily, his other self interrupts him.
Jackieboy yells out something in the other room then hurries back to the living room, looking miffed. He's taken off all the tea party clothes and fixed his hair though. "Alt isn't answering! The one time I need his sorry ass on his phone! He's always on it!"
"...didn't he have a show tonight?" Dr. J muses quietly.
"Ahhh frick! Of course he does! Arghhh!" Jackieboy yells in frustration. "Just when we need the wonder twins! Why are they both busy now?!"
“A show?” Jackie repeats. “Wonder twins? Oh, uh, that must be Alt and Bro, then? Yeah, they would know the most, wouldn't they?"
“Yeah- they’re kinda experts now. Alt more so. I think Chase gets it but it also goes over his head. I still barely get it…” Jackieboy grumbles.
“And Daddy went to a bunch of them too!” Ollie explains happily.
“Like the one with the mermaids!!” Kelsie adds excitedly.
“Merms, sunshine. They didn’t like being called mermaids,” Jackieboy chuckles.
Jackie shakes his head. "Well, um... I can just... go, if you want. I mean, we'll probably have to stay in contact cause you guys are the only people I know who'd have any idea about the universe stuff, but I could go find a place to stay in the meantime." Would his debit card work in another world?
When Jackie mentions going elsewhere Dr. J waves him off, “Nonsense… you should stay in one place. Or hm… let’s contact some of the others to see if they’ve seen anything…”
“Oh yeah… if there are guys from your world here-“ Jackieboy pales and quickly opens back up his phone, “I’ll try to get Bro but he’s on an Overdose case right now! So uh- try to see if you can get to Henny, Jay!”
“Already on it-“ Dr. J says, flipping out his phone.
"An overdose case...?" Jackie repeats, confused. Then he shakes his head. Clearly, this isn't the time to get fussed about details. "Um... if you guys are sure, I'll stay. I guess this Jameson is right, you're supposed to stay in one place if you're lost." Maybe he could try calling Chase? They got him a new phone and phone number recently. But he didn't know if calling worked in other dimensions.
While the two men are typing away and calling, Kelsie looks up at Jackie and then tugs on his jacket. “…while we’re waiting… do you wanna join our tea party? We have actual tea in the kitchen… and cakes!”
Jackie looks down at Kelsie. "Um..." Honestly, he's going to be super fucking embarrassed about being in a tea party. But he just can't bring himself to say no to that cute little face. "S-sure. I might not be very good at, uh, tea party stuff. But I can try. T-tea would be great, thank you so much for offering."
Kelsie giggles, “You don’t gotta dress up like Daddy did. He did that cuz he’s silly. And Alice bullied her dad to wear stuff-“
“It was gentle encouragement!” Alice calls with a bit of huff. Dr. J laughs.
“But you just looked like you could use something sweet for your nerves- that’s what I did for Alt when he first showed up here! We had cake then too!” Kelsie beams.
Jackieboy looks up at this and gasps dramatically, pointing at Kelsie, “That’s where the last slice of cake went!! I thought I went crazy!! You gave it to Alt??”
Kelsie bursts into giggles, “it was secret breakfast cake! We couldn’t tell you!”
“Betrayed by my own daughter… can’t even believe this…” Jackieboy mutters, going back to try to contact Bro.
Jackie chuckles at the familial banter. Man... if he had kids, would this be how it was like? He couldn't see that happening anytime in his future, to be honest, but maybe he'd warm up to the idea eventually. 
In the meantime, Kelsie hurries over to the kitchen and soon comes back with a true cup of tea and a small plate with a tiny un-iced bundt cake on it. She hands them to Jackie. “You can sit down on the couch to eat if you’d like! We don’t mind! Or the dining room is over there- or the chairs by the kitchen-“
Jackie looks down at Kelsie and takes the tea and cake. "Thank you Kelsie. I'll just sit on the sofa here, that's fine." He smiles and goes over to sit down. "Well... guess we just wait for a bit." He took a sip of the tea. Mm... usually he was more of a coffee guy, but sometimes tea really hit the spot.
This wouldn't be a bad place to wait, he supposed. He could handle staying here for a little while.
Ollie comes over to pick up Penny now, leading them both over to go play with some toys so Penny doesn’t try to steal anything else of Jackie’s.
Eventually, Jackieboy sighs and stuffs his phone in his pocket. “No use- I can’t get a hold of Bro…”
“Oh! I got a reply from Henny!” Dr. J says. Then he frowns in confusion and looks back at Jackie. “Um… Jackie… did the same thing that happened to you… affect Schneep in some way….? …some way that would make him… blind?”
"Huh? Oh, you mean to cause this?" Jackie gestures at his face. "Um... no, h-he was safe from that—well, safe being a relative term—wait, is Henny okay?!" He vividly remembers Schneep's reaction to his other self when these guys visited their world. Schneep had been very fascinated with there being another him, and very eager to try his hand at 'fixing' deafness. And with what Marvin and Jameson had done to Schneep, he'd be even worse now—!
“Huh…oh yes, he’s fine. ” Is all Dr. J says in reply. “Curious…”
“What is it Jay?” Jackieboy asks. “Is it the other Schneep?? The other you??”
“…I don’t think so. I think… could it be… someone else?” Dr. J looks up with confusion. “Henrik says this other him is… nice. A bit jumpy but- that’s because he’s blind. Uses a cane and everything ‘just like in the movies’.”
“What?? That… that doesn’t make any sense!” Jackieboy says in confusion, “…is this because of the rifts…? Are they just.. grabbing random people from other universes now?”
"I... y-yeah, as far as I know, that's not my Schneep," Jackie says. "Unless something... really drastic happened to him lately..." If Marvin or Jameson actually fucking blinded his friend he'll kill them. It won't matter what Frederick says, he'll fucking kill them. "I-I guess that bit about grabbing random people... is the best bet? Because... I-I can only think that he's from a third, different world." He shakes his head. "Should, uh, your Henrik bring him over here? So we're all together? Is that, uh, possible?”
The kids watch the adults exchange back and forth, all sitting on various parts of the rug and either eating some of the cake or playing with their toys.
The swaps exchange glances. Then, Jackie deflates with a sigh. “…I’ll call Stacy- she said she’s been wanting  more hours here than at her other job anyways… We’ll meet up in the studio office.”
“So funny that place has become a lot like a headquarters for these situations.” Dr. J chuckles, “Alright, kids- let’s clean up for now.”
Jackie hurriedly finishes up the tea and cake, almost choking in the process but managing to hide that fact. "Here, I can help." The sooner they clean up, the sooner they can head out, and the sooner Jackie can know what the fuck is going on here.
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shoshiwrites · 2 months
Is there anything better than a new spring haircut and a giant mug of coffee on a cold rainy Saturday? Right now my answer is no.
How's everyone's weekend going, friends?
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unusual-ly · 1 year
Ly’s Six Idiots/ThemThere Fanworks Masterpost
Never Did Run Smooth - Bill (2015)
~ The first Gabrian fanfiction ~ Ian is finally free of the Earl of Croydon. A chance encounter with Bill lands him in a new home, with a new job, and new friends, including Gabriel. Both are running from their past. Both have blood on their hands. The course of true love never did run smooth... [#never did run smooth fic]
Such Sweet Sorrow - Bill (2015)
~ The Ian backstory fic ~ Ian was always a rambunctious child, no different than any other boy in Croydon. When he is hired as the earl's new servant, all he thinks will come of it is money for his struggling family. What he gets, however, is broken [#such sweet sorrow fic]
Prompt Drabbles - Bill (2015)
Drabbles based on prompts I receive on Tumblr, canon/NDRS verse and uni!AU
You Find New Family - BBC Ghosts
One-shot collection. Humphrey befriends Jemima, the plague girl who hides in the pantry of the unused second kitchen, and eventually adopts her as his daughter. Slowly, he brings her out of her shell and she gets to know the other residents of Button House [#you find new family fic]
Thanktival Bang! - Bill (2015), BBC Ghosts, Horrible Histories
Holiday prompt event 2021. Mainly Gabrian and Jemima Bone
12 Days of Thanktival - Bill (2015), BBC Ghosts
Holiday prompt event 2022. Mainly Gabrian, Shakeaway and Jemima Bone
Musical Rewrites
Rewriting lyrics of songs from musicals to fit Six Idiots characters
Castle On A Cloud - BBC Ghosts, Jemima
On The Steps Of The Palace - Bill (2015), Gabriel
Still Holding My Hand - BBC Ghosts, Jemima and Humphrey
This Is Not Love - BBC Ghosts, Kitty
Jonny Don’t Go - BBC Ghosts, Isabelle
Jemima Bone
The Autistic Ghosts in Button House - BBC Ghosts
A list of autistic traits shown by the ghosts throughout the series
Memes - BBC Ghosts, Bill (2015), Horrible Histories, Yonderland
Arospec Headcanons - BBC Ghosts
Robin (aromantic) / Thomas (aromantic) / Kitty (lithromantic) /
University AU - Bill (2015)
Tag for a modern uni!AU with the Bill cast
v Tags v
#moonah stona (Robin, BBC Ghosts)
#oh its numbers (Mary, BBC Ghosts)
#left a bit (Humphrey, BBC Ghosts)
#and a r a i n b o w (Kitty, BBC Ghosts)
#damn your eyes (Thomas, BBC Ghosts)
#andimettheking (Mick, BBC Ghosts)
#do you want a glass of milk (Nigel, BBC Ghosts)
#Jemima Bone (BBC Ghosts)
#don’t stab the messenger (Ian, Bill (2015))
#crazy in the coconut (Gabriel, Bill (2015))
#Gabrian (Bill (2015))
#Shakeaway (Bill (2015))
#me or ruth (Elf, Yonderland)
#all i need is a quill (Scribe Elder Ho-Tan, Yonderland)
#achieving enlightenment (Geoff the demon, Yonderland)
#solar powered paperclips (Detective Mountebank AKA Leslie John Leslie, Yonderland)
#the burden of beauty (the Crone, Yonderland)
#buns and or cakesandpies (Edith, Yonderland)
#cake bake by the lake (Cake Bake Ladies, Yonderland)
#the wisp (Boo the Clown, Yonderland)
#thanktival bang 2021
#12 days of thanktival
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
2022-23 Awards Season Masterpost #1 The Palm Springs International Film Festival
Where: Palm Springs, California / Jan 5th-6th, 2023
In Attendance: Baz, Austin, and Catherine
Day 1 | Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards 🌴🎞💛
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all hq photos
austin’s outfit details
red carpet getty video #1, #2, and #3
austin’s entrance (video)
channel 3 red carpet interview w/ baz (video)
variety red carpet interview clip #1, #2 and #3
austin walking onto the carpet and posing (videos)
austin winking (video)
ema sasic austin interview (video)
ema sasic baz interview (video)
austin et interview (video)
austin and baz et interview (video)
austin being asked about the cabo pap photos (video)
austin and baz being goofy (video)
tiktok of austin walking and posing on the carpet (videos)
misc photos of austin
austin’s acceptance speech (video)
austin’s speech but with a bit of baz’s intro (video)
austin with his magazine (video)
austin talking about palm springs (video)
extratv interview (video)
austin backstage (photo)
austin’s stylist’s post (photos)
daily mail coverage (article)
Day 2 | Variety 10 Directors To Watch & Creative Impact Awards 🌴🎞💛
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all hq photos
austin on the carpet (video)
austin and baz on the carpet (video)
funny interview clip of austin zoning out (video)
austin and baz on the carpet after baz got his award (video)
austin’s speech for baz (video)
parts of baz’s speech (video)
variety article with a lil’ more coverage of baz’s speech
austin with an abc7 reporter (photo)
austin with angela bassett (photos)
austin with baz (photo)
austin red carpet selfie (photo)
austin with a fan (photo)
more photos of austin with fans/press
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apethalibut · 1 year
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Will you send in a marketing man and an interpreter please?
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 months
Good Omens filming locations masterpost! ❤ 🐍😊 Part 1
I made a Google map containing all the locations, see here! :)
Part one contains Season One, continue here for part 2 containing the rest of S1 and Season Two!!! (it is split into more parts because tumblr has a limit of images in one post :))
AC in Berkeley Square (S01E06) - Tavistock Square, London
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Scene: AC swap back and decision to go to The Ritz
Availability (as of 2024): 7:30–21
Link on the map
Crowley in the pub (S01E05) – The Enterprise pub, London
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Scene: Crowley drinking and meeting not quite corporal Aziraphale
Availability (as of 2024): Mon-Wed 12-23, Wed-Sat 12-24, Sun closed
Link on the map
Crowley on the way to the burning bookshop (S01E05) – Wardour Street, London
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Scene: Crowley's Bentley rushing throught the streets of London
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
AC on the bus (S01E01) - Piccadilly Circus, London
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Scene: Aziraphale and Crowley meet on the bus to discuss the antichrist, in the background the Piccadily Circus can be seen
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
AC at The Ritz (S01E01, S01E06) - Criterion, London
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Scene: Aziraphale and Crowley at The Ritz in the first and sixth episode of the first season. It was actually filmed at the Criterion restaurant which since then has unfortunately been closed and now (2024) there is Masala Zone with unfortunately changed interier :(.
Availability (as of 2024): Mon to Thur 12:00-22:30, Fri 12:00-23:00, Sat 12:30-23:00, Sun 12:30-22:30
Link on the map
AC on the way to the manor (S01E02) – Whitehall street, London
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Scene: Crowley with Aziraphale driving the Bentley to the Tadfield manor
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
AC leaving the St James's Park (S01E01) - Carlton House Terrace, London
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Scene: The stars on which Aziraphale and Crowley leave St James's Park in Episode 1, Crowley tempts Aziraphale to lunch and they speed away
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
AC meeting in St James's Park (S01E01, S01E03, S01E06) - St James's Park, London
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Scene: Aziraphale and Crowley's meeting in St James's Park by the ducks in the first season in episode one (about the antichrist), episode three (victorian scene) and episode six (the kidnapping)
Availability (as of 2024): 5-24
Link on the map
Newt meeting Shadwell (S01E02) – Between Westminster Abbey and Palace of Westminster, London
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Scene: Newt meets Shadwell for the first time
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
The Bandstand scene in St James's Park (S01E03) – Battersea Park, London
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Scene: The bandstand scene in season one.
Availability (as of 2024): 8am until dusk
Link on the map
Aziraphale stops Gabriel during his jogging (S01E04) - Battersea Park, London
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Scene: Aziraphale stops Gabriel during the jogging.
Availability (as of 2024): 8am until dusk
Link on the map
'Crowley' outside his flat (S01E06) - Eastfields Avenue, London
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Scene: The morning after the Apocaflop 'Crowley' coming out from his flat.
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Dirty Donkey in 1967 (S01E03) - The Cat's Back pub, London
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Scene: The interior of Dirty Donkey from 1967 where Crowley meets Shadwell for the first time has been filmed in The Cat's Back pub (the interior has been transformed into the 60s)
Availability (as of 2024): Mon - Closed, Tues: 5pm - 11pm, Wed - Thu: 4pm - 12am, Fri: 4pm - 1am, Sat: 2pm - 1am, Sun: 1pm - 11pm
Link on the map
Shadwell reports to Crowley (S01E03) – Best Cafe, London
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Scene: Shadwell meeting Crowley in the present time.
Availability (as of 2024): street all day, the establishment itself seems closed now :(
Link on the map
AC talking about the Warlock's birthday party (S01E01) - Crystal Palace Park, London
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Scene: Aziraphale and Crowley watching Warlock in the park with dinosaurs and talking about the birthday party
Availability (as of 2024): 7:30am - sunset
Link on the map
AC stopping in a cafe after the manor (S01E02) – Penge Cafe (then) / Antonella's Cafe and Bistro (now), London
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Scene: Aziraphale and Crowley stopping to discuss how to find the antichrist after visiting the Tadfield manor, at the time of the shooting it was named Penge Cafe, now renamed to Antonella's Cafe and Bistro 
Availability (as of 2024): Wed-Sat 8:30-5, Sun: 9-5
Link on the map
AC watching Hamlet in 1601 (S01E03) – Shakespeare's Globe, London
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Scene: Aziraphale and Crowley secret meeting in 1601 during a Hamlet performance
Availability (as of 2024): They open at specific times for tours and performances. See performances and tours on www.shakespearesglobe.com/whats-on/, for example 3 APRIL - 23 OCTOBER there's a 'Pride Guided Tour bringing to life the queer stories and characters from Shakespeare’s life and times.' :). https://www.shakespearesglobe.com/whats-on/guided-tour-pride/
Link on the map
Crowley after bringing down the phone network (deleted scene, DVD) – Trinity Church Square, London
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Scene: Crowley leaving after he brings down the mobile phone network in the BT Tower
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Heaven top floor (S01E04, S01E06) – Sky Garden, London
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Scene: The Heaven top floor background windows were filmed in Sky Garden, we are seeing this at the scene where Michael shows Gabriel the Earth Observation Files and during Aziraphale's execution (though the scene itself seems to be filmed with green screen)
Availability (as of 2024): the access is free but needs to be booked beforehand at https://skygarden.london/
Link on the map
Stairs To Heaven and Hell (S01E01) – The Broadgate Tower, London
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Scene: Aziraphale and Crowley go to Heaven and Hell through the staircase
Availability (as of 2024): The tower is open Mon-Fri 9-18 but there is a reception downstairs where these stairs are – I've visited twice and once they were okay with me taking picks of the stairs and once not. The stairs are thought well visible from the outside and pics can be taken that way.
Link on the map
Aziraphale, Tracy and Shadwell on a scooter (S01E05) - Cardwell Road, London
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Scene: Aziraphale miracles Tracy's scooter to fly with them and Shadwell to Tadfield
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Where Shadwell and Madame Tracy live (S01E02, S01E04, S01E05) - Hornsey Road, London
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Scene: The residence of Shadwell and Madame Tracy. We see it in episode two (Newt arrives), episode four (Newt leaves for Tadfield) and episode five (shaken Shadwell arrives, customers for the seance arrive)
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Aziraphale eating sushi (S01E01) - Red 'N' Hot (closed), London
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Scene: Aziraphale eating sushi with a surprise visit from Gabriel
Availability (as of 2024): It was filmed in the Red 'N' Hot – a sichuan restaurant, but it has been closed (now there is another restaurant with different interior)
Link on the map
Some scenes has also been filmed in the West London Film Studios.
Hambleden is the place where most of the Tadfield village was shot :).
Tadfield Square (S01E01, S01E03, S01E05, S01E06) – Square in front of the church, Hambleden
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Scene: Crowley phoning Aziraphale to tell him about the Armageddon in episode one, Adam reading and Anathema with R.P. Tyler in episode 3, seen R.P. Tyler meeting those going to the airfield in episode 5 and Aziraphale and Crowley are drinking on a bench after the Apocaflop and waiting for the bus
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Adam's house (S01E02 , S01E03, S01E06) - Hambleden
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Scene: Adam Young's house (can be seen in several episodes)
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
The Them buying ice-cream (S01E02) – Hambleden convenience store, Hambleden
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Scene: The store that The Them bough ice-cream from
Availability (as of 2024): Street all day, the store Mon-Sat 8-17, Sun 8-16:30
Link on the map
The Them planning to stop Armageddon (S01E05) - Hambleden
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Scene: The Them returning planning to go to airfield and stop Armaggedon
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Anathema's cottage (S01E02, S01E03, S01E04) – cca 2km from the Hambledon square
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Scene: The scenes with Anathema's cottage (Jasmine Cottage) were filmed here, it can be seen several times throughout the series (like Anathema moving in, AC dropping her off or Adam visiting her)
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
Others in England:
Warlock's house (S01E01) – High Canons, Borehamwood
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Scene: The Warlock's home was filmed at the High Canons Estate which is listed on National Heritage List for England
Availability (as of 2024): The High Canons Estate is currently privately owned and not open to public, the house is not visible from road.
Link on the map
Hastur and Ligur hand over the Antichrist (S01E01) – Holy Trinity Church, Penn Street
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Scene: Hastur and Ligur give Crowley the Antichrist at the graveyard
Availability (as of 2024): the outside should be available all day
Link on the map
(continue to Part 2 :))
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tomorrowneverreleases · 2 months
Day 32 of waiting for Bond26 news
Doing opening (and ending) credits palettes again! Hex codes are provided alongside IDs in alt text!
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#EDEDEC / #FCEBC6 / #F0E38F / #E8BE53 / #491400
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#D4C19C / #EC8220 / #95530D / #542207 / #040305
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#E1F9FF / #D7CEC8 / #B1B5BD / #826654 / #161920
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will80sbyers · 2 months
Links to 001 and 002
Part 003:
April 10 / 2024
They were filming at the Hawkins school again
April 11 / 2024
Filming in a new location & again
April 12 / 2024
New pictures around the mansion and of the van ( Joyce is driving it ) and Steve's car with the antenna + the radio station
Hints that the song Boys don't cry by The Cure is being used in s5 ? Or maybe Will is there on set?
New pictures of the mansion
New post from Ross Duffer - they are completing the writing of the last episode
April 13 / 2024
Shawn Levy will direct one of the last episodes but not the finale
New picture of Will on the roof of one of the buildings at the radio station, during the night - he seems to have the same shirt he had when he was at the mansion
My speculation about this scene
New pictures from the radio station
April 14 / 2024
New pictures from almost inside the mansion, the extra/standins are involved
Linda Hamilton's character will be in the first episode of season 5
April 15 / 2024
New video of the mansion during filming and pictures, it seems there's an action scene, ( maybe Joyce brings down the pole with her car while she speeds ??? )
I slowed down the video and I think those are Jonathan and Nancy's doubles
More screenshots of Joyce and Jonathan's doubles & maybe Nancy's
Ted Wheeler's actor talks about Ted in s5
April 17 / 2024
The St official Instagram channel posts pictures from the set, a picture of Mike that seems to have the frame broken, with two records under it of The swiss family Robinson and Treasure Island + some VHS movies in Mike's basement, a picture of all the bikes they are using, a picturw of Hawkins map and a walkie talkie + someone of the crew inside the Radio station bunker
April 18 / 2024
One of the writers talks about Season 5 in a podcast
April 19 / 2024
New pictures from the Hawkins memorial hospital
The picture of the person that's injured on their leg was taken inside the hospital
April 20 / 2024
Pictures from inside Hawkins lab after the crew left and removed the vines
Pictures of downtown Hawkins
April 22 / 2024
Video from a youtuber that went to look in various locations of filming
Pictures from that video
The production is painting the Creel house so maybe we'll have flashbacks there again
There's rumours that Holly has been recasted with the actress Nell Fisher, Holly will have a more active role and has even a stunt actor
April was probably the audition for Holly with a fake name
My interpretation of the possible timeline from what we have now from all the leaks
April 23 / 2024
The Instagram channel posts a video of the crew transporting vines of the upside down
They are filming at Hawkins school but they will go back to the radio station
April 25 / 2024
The possible Episode titles of season 5!! (Not 100% confirmed because they have fake names sometimes) Ep. 2 is possibly called The vanishing of _____ Wheeler, I think that if this is a real name for the episode then it's Holly because she's been recasted and has a action scenes
They were filming at the radio station for night shoots with action
April 26/ 2024
They were filming at the radio station
Pictures from the set: 1 / 2
The Instagram Channel posts a video of the make up crew having fun and in the background it looks like they have wigs that may be for flashbacks to 1986 at rink o mania
A video of a recording of the night shoots (probably from the 25th of April ) with someone (they say it was Will - but it could also sound like Jonathan or Dustin) screaming at someone else ( they say Steve, but it could be Mike ) to Run!!!! - seems like they are being attacked
Another video
Speculation + a new monster being spotted ?
April 28 / 2024
Maya(Robin) talks about Robin in season 5, she will have a mentor relationship with one of the younger kids etc
Video of Maya saying he'll have interactions with new people in s5 and mentoring one of the kids (Will)
April 29 / 2024
The ST channel on iG posts a video of Max on set, dressed in her hospital gown
Tate100t posts pictures from the Hawkins high ST location
April 30 / 2024
We get 100% confirmation that part of season 5 will be set in 1997 from this prop fount on set from people that broke in the hospital set
Pictures from inside the hospital set
Video from inside the hospital set
Second video from the hospital set
Screenshots from the video
May 2 / 2024
They are preparing the Creel house set and there's a big mirror in it
May 4 / 2024
Pictures from the farm set
BIG (POSSIBLE) SPOILER FOR THE PLOT OF SEASON 5 READ AT YOUR OWN RISK - A character gets hurt - the spoiler MAY be fake but idk
May 8 / 2024
TateBrookins7 on twitter posts pictures and a video of (possibly) Joyce on the farm set
Tate posts pictures from inside the Hawkins high school set
Other pictures from the set, maybe a new house for the Byers?
May 11 / 2024
Filming at the Hawkins downtown set
May 12 / 2024
ST channel on ig post a picture of Joyce's set chair lmao
Random pics of the blue wsqk van and the creel house plus UD pictures (?)
New pics from the Hawkins high school always from Tate
May 13 / 2023
People that broke in the school set found a backpack that had a patch from 1988
Video of it
Tate's video of the school
What I found interesting from the video
Video of Joyce(?) walking and maybe Will (?) on the farm set
Steve was inside the radio station set in the first episode
May 14 / 2024
Various news from production, maybe they are making a documentary about st5
May 15 / 2024
Casting is looking for people experts in hematology to play nurses, may be connected to a blood infection that may be spreading from the UD
Extras filming at the school + military
May 17 / 2024
Ross posts a FIRST LOOK AT JONATHAN BYERS, plus Nancy and Steve + Robin at the farm set + that random new character called Derek that's supposedly a 10yo child with the colorful sweater, the shoe picture it's him, but the person in the background is a double for the real actor - transformers stuff, GIjoe stuff, WSQK van, pictures from ep. 4 when Nancy and Steve and Dustin etc end up in the UD somehow
UpsideDownPictures on ig posts pics of the writers in a place that looks like it could be part of the Tunnels from s2 or new tunnels
May 20 / 2024
Tate posts new pics from the Hospital set
May 21 / 2024
ST channel on ig posts this and I think at this point a Will & Robin interaction is confirmed
Maya leaks part of the script and some people online have posted their ''deciphering'' of it:
version one
version two
in any case, Mike and Robin interaction is confirmed, tunnels are involved!
May 22 / 2024
Hawkinsfamilyphoto leak video of the set, a battle is going on
May 23 / 2024
New set of a church is being used for something + they are making the Creel playground again probably for either flashbacks or visions
The UD is taking over Hawkins maybe?
Last update from me : 23 of May - if you don't find something, I have probably not updated the post, but you should find it in the " st5 production " tag in my blog!!
to be continued...
Part 001 / 002
95 notes · View notes
motionpicturelover · 5 months
Films I've watched in 2024.
(This list will be continously updated. For a masterpost of the previous two years, see this post.)
Click on the titles below to see the post.
1 -
🎬 Barbie (2023) - Greta Gerwig
🎬 "Adjø solidaritet" (1985) - Wam & Vennerød
🎬 "Fröken April" (1958) - Göran Gentele
🎬 "Ansiktet" (1958) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Kvinnors väntan" (1952) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Det sjunde inseglet" (1957) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Höstsonaten" (1978) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Riten" (1969) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Helmer og Sigurdson: Mareritt ved midtsommer" (1980) - Knut Andersen
🎬 "Ronja Rövardotter" (1984) - Tage Danielsson
🎬 "Efter repetitionen" (1984) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Vargtimmen" (1968) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Ocean's 8" (2018) - Gary Ross.
🎬 "Searching for Ingmar Bergman" (2018) - Margarethe von Trotta
🎬 "Skönheten och Odjuret" (1991) - Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise"
🎬 "Seks personer søker en forfatter" (1992) - Pål Løkkeberg
🎬 "Helmer og Sigurdson: Septembermordet" (1980) - Nandor Hamza
🎬 "The Magic Flute" (1995) - Valeriy Ugarov
🎬 "Galgemannen" (1983) - Magne Bleness
🎬 "Making of Autumn Sonata" (1978) - Ingmar Bergman and Arne Carlsson
🎬 "Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain" (2001) - Jean-Pierre Jeunet
🎬 "Lån meg din kone" (1958) - Edith Carlmar
🎬 "Drive" (2010) - Nicolas Winding Refn
🎬 "Blue Valentine" (2010) - Derek Cianfrance
🎬 "Helmer og Sigurdson: Spøkelsesbussen" (1980) - Pål Bang-Hansen
🎬 "The Breakfast Club" (1985) - John Hughes
🎬 "Carnal Knowledge" (1971) - Mike Nichols
🎬 "The Making of the Producers Album" (2001)
🎬 "Harold and Maude" (1970) - Hal Ashby
🎬 "The Princess Bride" (1988) - Rob Reiner
🎬 "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me" (1992) - David Lynch (The Extended Blue Rose fancut)
🎬 "Mødrekupé" (1969) - Magne Bleness
🎬 "Four Weddings and a Funeral" (1994) - Mike Newell
🎬 "Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris" (2022) - Anthony Fabian
🎬 "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" (1971) - Robert Stephenson
🎬 "Leve sitt liv" (1982) - Wam&Vennerød
🎬 "Line" (1961) - Nils Reinhardt Christensen
🎬 "Venner" (1960) - Tancred Ibsen
🎬 "Stimulantia" (1967)
🎬 "ShakespeaRe-Told: The Taming of the Shrew" (2005) - David Richards
🎬 "Flash Gordon" (1980) - Mike Hodges
🎬 "Soldat Bom" (1948) - Lars-Eric Kjellgren
🎬 "Tänk, om jag gifter mig med prästen" (1941) - Ivar Johansson
🎬 "Cruel Intentions" (1999) - Roger Kumble
🎬 "9 to 5" (1980) - Colin Higgins
🎬 "Larmar och gör sig till" (1997) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Presumed Innocent" (1990) - Alan J. Pakula
🎬 "Bergman Island" (2004) - Marie Nyreröd
🎬 "I Bergmans regi" (2003) - Torbjörn Ehrnvall
🎬 "Saraband" (2003) - Ingmar Bergman
🎬 "Tystnad! Tagning! Trollflöjten!" (1975) - Katinka Faragó & Måns Reuterswärd
🎬 "Castaway" (1986) - Nicolas Roeg
🎬 "Lisztomania" (1975) - Ken Russell
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veryblushyswitch · 10 months
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