#ficwip word thing
jamiesfootball · 7 months
For the word ask game: again, play, blue, stop
Thank you for these! Let's pretend it's still Wednesday!
All from Oh God You're Gonna Get It (You Have Not Been Given Love). Spoilers across the board.
In the order I found them:
He couldn't remember the last time he needed to be quiet in his own house -- probably when Phoe was a toddler -- but with his knee, there wasn't an option of going down the stairs without stomping. He tried. Something between burning need and frantic adrenaline drummed against his heart as each thud of his heel set his nerves on edge. He grit his teeth, holding back the swear words for now.
Finally, the flat expanse of floor beneath his feet, and Roy was in motion, flying out the back door and onto his patio so fast he nearly tripped on one of Phoebe's dragons. The pink silly one, with blue swirls. It matched the unicorn--
In the quiet morning air, his own breathing sounded desperately loud. Play
He was partway through unzipping his duffel when a door flung open.
Sara burst from her room, running fast on the balls of her feet. She launched herself at her brother like she always did -- with a delighted squeal -- except this time when she made impact, Roy had to take a step back to brace them both.
Christ, she'd gotten tall. Guess it was true about girls getting their growth spurts faster. He'd never been sure if that was true for everyone or it was just the bloodthirsty demons that played for the girls' team.
"I used to try texting him sometimes. Nothing major, just stupid shit, when i thought it wouldn’t bother him. Stopped though, ‘cause it just seemed like it was sort of one-sided. He'd let me blow up his phone about whatever I wanted, but he never really said anything back, you know?”
Again (with bonus 2nd find)
“That’s not the same,” his mother answered in a tone that made him feel all of fourteen again, across the country -- the world -- and being chastised through a tinny speaker. “Roy, be realistic for once. Really, it’s nice of you to help Sarah out every now and again, but she deserves to have a partner. A real partner. And frankly, you’re not doing her or Phoebe any favors, letting them rely on you like this. Your sister needs to put herself back out there and find herself a-“
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inkedroplets · 2 months
ficwip 'alive'
I feel so bad that this is the first one I've done after reading all the wonderful snippets from @sideguitars
A Rich Girl with Issues
The burring and steady beep of machines was all Lena needed to hear to know she was in a hospital room. The sound was so unmistakable, so recognizable that it bordered on affectation. She was alive. The comfort that realization brought was shockingly fleeting. Southisde, she thought as her memories began to return. Did she succeed? Maybe the better question was whether or not she had been allowed to succeed? She had been stuck playing a rigged game, after all. If it had all been for nothing… Not nothing, a voice reminded her. If nothing else, she had saved Kara. She tried to smile and managed a feeble tightening in her dry lips. She was marginally more successful in opening her eyes. They fluttered open ever so slightly out of sync with one another and found their synchronicity after a few weak blinks. Each time, the room came into sharper focus. Not that there was much to see once the room no longer looked as if she were peering at it through a window smeared with vaseline. The walls were painted a shade of blue that was likely chosen because it was purported to be soothing for anyone unlucky enough to have to stay here. A curtain was drawn over a large window letting in an oblong slat of moonlight that splashed over a small table in the corner crammed full with flowers, cards and mylar balloons which were beginning to lose some of their joie de vivre, sagging listlessly above the table. It made Lena wonder how long she had been asleep.
MCU Crossover
“You clearly know your way around a lab.” It was the third time that Tony had made a stab at conversation in the past hour and with each attempt it was harder for Lena to find a way to rebuff him without possibly ruffling his feathers.  "No more than most," Lena said, hoping he would take her clipped response as modesty rather than the brush off that it was.  "I knew Coulson wasn't sending his best," he joked. “Of course, I didn’t even know he was alive until very recently…” "That would be Jemma," Lena replied, squinting a little as she double-checked her calculations, her eyes starting to itch from the strain. "Afraid you're stuck with me."  "You don't like me very much, do you?" He asked after a brief silence where the only sounds in the lab were that of keys being pressed and the hum of the arc reactor that Lena was tinkering with.  Lena let out a sigh that she didn't try very hard to hide. "When people ask that question they usually already know the answer,” she said, not bothering to look up from her work. “I don’t even know you.”
A Hero
There was a parade of people (some familiar, some not) that spoke on Lena's behalf. One of them read a poem, while others reminisced about all the times that Lena had helped save the world. Stories of her bravery and her determination that Kara supposed were meant to celebrate her life, to honor her. But no stories of Lena off duty. Not one of how competitive she could get playing board games, or how bright her smile could truly be, nothing like the canned smiles she sometimes gave  in interviews but one that could light up a room, could warm one's heart with its brilliance. Not one word about how funny she was or how wonderful it was to simply be near her. 
They don't know her at all…
The anger she felt at that realization was frightening in its enormity. The only thing keeping it from consuming her was the grief that had already eaten away at her like a cancer, already feeling like it had devoured everything good inside her. 
It was Kal striding to the front of the room, head bowed and shoulders sagging that stoked the flames of her anger, listening to him speak about Lena, speaking in such vague terms one might think he was trying to pay his respects to a stranger. And that's what she was to him. It was what she was to everyone here. None of them had truly known her when she was alive. Everyone except her. Because of her. She was the reason that Lena had not just re-erected the walls around her heart that Kara had torn down but to make them stronger still. To keep them closed so tightly that no one had ever been allowed in… 
You don't know her, Kara thought, fighting the urge to seize Kal by the shoulders and to shake him. To seize him by the shoulders and scream it in his face. To turn to all the people gathered and yell at them. Anything to rid herself of even an ounce of the pain in her chest that felt so much like a mortal wound. 
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For the @ficwip Word Game Wednesday - outside.
Jamie sat on the floor shoved in the space between the toilet and the tub. His knees were pulled up to his chest and his hands were in his hair. The bruise on his cheek was barely visible, but one look at the sink told Roy why. Makeup. Different colors. Sticks and liquids. Things Roy had seen with Keeley but never paid attention to.
Had Jamie brought this all with him? Had Jamie known he was seeing his father and realised James might leave his mark on his son’s skin in a way he would need to hide? Had Jamie spent his whole life covering himself up in one way or another so no one saw the bruise, the cut, the ugly imperfections on both the inside and the outside?
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pellaaearien · 1 year
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Hob's fine spending Valentine's Day alone, really he is. Why would Dream care about a silly human holiday?
Valentine's Day, Established Relationship, Lack of Communication, they're idiots your honour, Idiots in Love, Unrepentant Shmoop, Too Much Together, written for the @ficwip​ challenge
To be with Dream is… well, there aren’t words. He knows, he’s looked. Fittingly, most of the time his life feels more like a dream than reality, and he’s only just started to grow accustomed to the fact that for all intents and purposes, the two are now one and the same. Somehow, he’s allowed to give Dream all the regard and adoration that had built up over six hundred years, only to find it matched in fervour the way only an infinite being can. In light of that, marking paltry human customs like Valentine’s Day seems trite.
Only one date matters to them, June 7, which they now celebrate every year, not every hundred. They’d done so ever since Dream showed back up at the New Inn, and now that it is also the day that they’d finally confessed their feelings to each other the year before, it has only grown more significant.
So, he’s not expecting Dream today, and that’s fine. Dream comes and goes as he pleases, and Hob would never curtail him. Not when his friend had spent a hundred years locked in a cage. He knows he can find Dream in the Dreaming if he really needs to, if Dream doesn’t find him first, but it’s not necessary. He’ll see Dream sooner rather than later, and it’s Dream’s presence that makes things special, not some arbitrary date on a calendar.
[Read on Ao3]
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edgeofn1ght · 9 months
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Anakin Skywalker is a very talented baker who co-owns a very popular bakery with his mom. Customers and croissants come and go each day, and Anakin bakes and bakes and never pays much attention -- this is his mother's dream. Until one day a very handsome man stops at their store front to gaze at their display, and Anakin is never the same.
I signed up for the @ficwip 5k in an effort to challenge myself to write less than 5,000 words! So here is another entry into my bakery au, from Anakin's POV. It's not necessary to read the Dough or Doughnut, There Is No Rye first, but I wanted to include the link anyway. 😊🍞
getting together • obikin • 4.5k words • read on ao3 instead
In the wee hours of the morning, as Anakin mixed, proved, rolled, and laminated, he told himself over and over again, ‘This is worth it. This is worth it. I’m doing a good thing. For my home, for Ahsoka, for my mom .’  But as he pushed the sticky dough back and forth across the cool metal table at 4am, he couldn’t help but ask himself WHY. 
His mother, Shmi, told him time and time again he shouldn’t listen to his brain between the hours of 9pm and 5am (Ahsoka told him he should never listen to it), but that was easier said than done.  But when the answer to 'why' always came back to his mom, he thought it was worth listening to. 
Shmi was a gifted and adventurous baker, and had been baking as long as he could remember. She talked often of opening her own bakery but never knew how to make it happen. And after all she had been through in her life, Anakin wanted to make that happen for her. So when he got older, he looked into it. 
They opened Ryes & Shine two years previous and as time went on, the small bakery increased in popularity, thanks to their dedication, hard work, and Shmi’s amazing bakes. The baguettes, bagels, focaccia, and loaves of different breads they baked fresh almost every morning were nearly gone by the afternoon. And if not then, then almost certainly the next morning.  Eventually it became too much work for just the two of them, so they hired Ahsoka Tano, a young university student who went to school nearby, and who very excitedly told them she had been baking for fun since she was 4. Her excitement and joy was so contagious, Shmi hired her on the spot, even without any professional experience. So she became Anakin’s apprentice. 
And today she was late.
Anakin and Shmi could fill the display window alone, they’d done it many times, but with dough needing to go in the oven, come out of the oven, cooled, wrapped, and everything else, they were spread a bit thin when she wasn’t around.  Fifteen more minutes went by and she finally appeared in a rush, flying into the shop, tearing off all her winter layers and apologizing profusely the entire time. Mostly to Shmi. Because she knew Shmi would forgive her anything. Anakin? Well, the jury was still out. 
But she got to work quickly, helping them finish all the morning tasks before they opened.  As she stood at the window rearranging the displays, she suddenly shouted. 
“Shit!” Anakin yelled as he dropped the basket of freshly-wrapped mini packets of sweet buns. He looked on in horror as the shiny cellophane scattered every which way behind the counter. He scowled at his young apprentice. “Ahsoka!”
She grimaced then giggled as she placed the last loaves of French bread in the basket in the window. 
“He probably heard you,” Anakin said exasperatedly as the sweet buns were forgotten and he made his way towards the window. “You’re so loud .” 
The man with the gold-red beard stood to the right of the window, bent slightly at the waist, very intently staring at their display. His lips moved almost imperceptibly as he read the display cards all handwritten by Ahsoka each morning. Anakin wondered to himself if this would be the day he came inside. 
“You’re staring , Skyguy,” Ahsoka said with a grin as she elbowed him and walked away from the window. 
“Why are all the buns on the floor??” Anakin and Ahsoka jerkily turned towards Shmi, who stood at the far end of the counter with her hands on her hips. 
Anakin sighed as he knelt to quickly pick them all up. His mother didn’t need to know he was shirking his duties to pine after some random guy he didn’t know who happened to walk by their shop every morning for the past two weeks. NOT that Anakin noticed such things… (he told himself unconvincingly). But he DID notice the man never came inside. 
And that would have to change. 
And change it did. 
That morning they were busy, like most mornings, but today it felt different. More demanding, more harried, and sometimes frantic. Thankfully Shmi and Ahsoka had been more than willing to man the front counter while Anakin busily cranked out loaf after loaf, mixing, proving, baking, proving again, as well as creating the cold butter layers for tomorrow’s flaky croissants and pastries. It was hard work, but that they were constantly busy made it worth it. 
The buzzer on the large oven rang signaling the end of the bake for the latest batch of baguettes. He’d lost count long ago at how many of the medium-sized loaves he churned out in a day, but as long as he made them, people would buy them. They were one of the most popular items, gone almost as soon as he made it to the floor with the tray.  Anakin took out the three trays and placed them on the large kitchen island to cool as he busied himself checking on other dough. It had been a while since he’d looked in a mirror – or had a bathroom break, if he was honest – but he was sure he was covered in flour like always. And even though it was cold outside, back in the kitchen, he could work up a sweat like no place else. 
After letting the bread cool, Anakin piled three trays worth of baguettes on top of one tray then headed out to restock.  A quick glance at the lobby showed a crowded space and a long line, but his mom and Ahsoka were doing their best to move people through. They’d been so busy all morning, he hoped they had at least already made their daily sales total.  Anakin squeezed past the two women with the tray and made his way to the display. He smiled to himself as he put the loaves out into the basket in the window, listening to Ahsoka as she deftly, efficiently, and kindly took care of all their customers. 
He loved the sound of the busy bakery – there was a comfort in it. 
Rising above the din today was a gently lilting accent coming from the other side of the counter. It wasn’t too often that he heard an English accent in their store, but it was a soothing tenor, and it would be nice if he could focus on just the sound of that particular man’s voice.  But Ahsoka… 
“Anakin! A baguette!”
He startled out of his reverie and grabbed a paper sleeve and slipped one of the fresh loaves in. He didn’t know why she felt she had to yell at him. If she'd just ask nicely … He laid the baguette on the counter with a grunt and pursed his lips, turning away from Ahsoka and her customer so he could finish his task. He tried to tune her out as she ran her mouth, but it wasn’t so easy as she could be quite loud. However, he secretly admired her ability to become friends with everyone (even if he couldn’t understand how she did it). His method had always been just to let the people pay and go. 
“He’s 24 years old, an amazing baker…” he suddenly heard Ahsoka say, then she trailed off again when the customers got slightly louder. He angled his body to hear her better because surely she wasn’t… 
Because HE was 24 years old. And a baker.  But amazing ?? That would be a new adjective for Ahsoka. 
“My name is Ahsoka and I'm pretty much his best friend,” she continued to chatter as she finished the transaction. “Like, anything you want to know about him, I could tell you. Even things you don’t think of! Like how he’s single and really loves–” 
“Snips!” Anakin turned then walked over to stand next to his very chatty and oversharing coworker, ready to give her a tongue lashing when he finally looked up. The man from outside. The man with the beautiful beard. He suddenly heard nothing but white noise. 
He tried hard to school his features and must have been doing well because the man seemed rather timid. But then the man smiled. 
Oh no. 
It was just a small thing as the man looked down at his purchased items on the counter, so small Anakin almost missed it. 
Oh no. He was so much more handsome than he had been outside just looking in the window. But h e had FINALLY come inside the shop.  And Anakin had frozen up. 
He spared a single glance for the man – it was all he could do since he was stunned into silence – and headed back to the kitchen.  Be cool, don’t run, don’t RUN. 
Anakin took a few moments to collect his thoughts, then berated himself for completely missing his chance. As if he really had a chance. He knew nothing at all about the man, and he’d only been inside ONCE. He’d probably never come in again now that Ahsoka had probably talked his ear off and most likely said something cheeky about Anakin.  He dropped his head against the wall and closed his eyes. 
“You BLEW it!” Ahsoka fussed as she burst through the kitchen door. Anakin immediately went into an attack stance in his surprise, which the young girl mirrored then laughed. “It’s just me, Skyguy… my goodness, you’re jumpy.” 
“Yeah! Well!” He pushed himself off the wall and headed back towards the oven where another timer went off. “You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that! I could have had a knife or something.” 
Ahsoka laughed again. “Anyway, I know you’re avoiding the topic now. I was trying to HELP you! He’s never going to come back in here because you threw his baguette at him!” 
Anakin scoffed as he removed the last batch of baguettes from the oven. “I did not throw anything!” That would be the last thing he would say on it, then, if he ignored her, eventually she’d go away.  Except Ahsoka rarely behaved like a normal person would. 
“He seems really nice! He’s got a great accent. I noticed him watching you. I know he’ll be back for more, I just know it.”  
There was no way she could know that. He probably really had blown it. He uncovered a bowl of dough that had doubled in size in the proving. He punched it down with much joy. 
“And I gave him your schedule and your number!”
“You what!?” Anakin stopped and looked up. “I should fire you!”
The infuriating child giggled again as she left Anakin with his thoughts and dough in the kitchen.
A week and a half went by before Anakin wanted to crawl into a hole again. 
Abnormally busy Saturday mornings called for bakers to find new and clever ways to keep their stock going, so Anakin wasn’t always afforded the opportunity to ‘camp out’ in the kitchen and ‘hide away from the customers’ (Ahsoka’s words).  In the first morning rush, they’d managed to clean off the counter space between the cash register and the window, so Anakin used the long stretch of cool marble to make a batch of fresh rolls and loaves. The counter was a mess of white flour and small lumps of dough as Anakin rolled and stretched and pulled the dough.  Though he was rather on display working here like this, he actually found he didn’t mind it too much – the work and steady stream of customers kept him in an oddly good mood for once. 
He looked up to check the line once more and there he was. Baguette Guy, which Ahsoka had “affectionately” named the man after his first purchase in their shop. Several days went by before he even learned the man’s actual name – Obi-Wan . 
He had apparently come in once when Anakin was quite busy, and no one even thought to come and interrupt. He might have yelled about it initially at the time, but another glimpse of the man would have made all things right. The worst part was that Obi-Wan had apparently even met his mother on that visit. Anakin wanted to crawl into a hole thinking about the conversations they probably had. Embarrassing ones.
But now Obi-Wan was here again, and Anakin was sweaty and most likely covered in flour. Perfect .  
“Baguette guy!” Ahsoka called as Obi-Wan stepped to the counter and chuckled – it was such a lovely sound to Anakin’s ears. 
“I guess that’s my name now, is it?” 
“Those are the rules,” Ahsoka smiled. “You are what you eat. Hey, how’d you like that focaccia?”  Anakin could give her one thing – she was a friendly and knowledgeable salesperson. She could probably have the rest of today’s focaccia sold to this one man today. 
Obi-Wan finally replied, “It was amazing, actually.”
“That’s Skyguy’s own recipe!” 
Maybe if he focused on the dough, they would all go away.
“Skyguy?” Obi-Wan waited for an explanation, but before he could say anything else, Ahsoka chimed in again. 
“Skyguy is Skywalker over here,” she said as she hooked a thumb in his direction. 
Anakin had to look up again. He supposed he already wasted enough time NOT looking at the beautiful man. 
“That’s me,” he said, resigned to his fate. Suddenly Obi-Wan’s eyebrows did a thing – a frowny, furrow-y thing. 
“Did you know you’ve got…” Obi-Wan gestured at his own face. “A bit of flour just there?” 
ShitshitshitSHIT. Anakin’s gloved hand flew to his face and rubbed at his jaw. 
“No, other side… there, no…” Obi-Wan attempted to direct as Anakin clearly was not following. It seemed that no matter what part of his face he touched, it was not right. Or else, he just had that much flour on his face.  If he could crawl into a hole, or just disappear behind the counter, that’d be great. But Ahsoka – the traitor – seemed to be having a grand time at his expense. 
He huffed, “Ahsoka, help a bestie out here?” How dare she act like she was doing him a favor when she left him hanging in such a way!
Then it got worse. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he watched Ahsoka lick her thumb then reach out and rub it along his jaw in the one spot he clearly had missed.
“Ew, Snips!” He reeled back. “Don’t put your spit on me!” 
Next, Ahsoka smirked and he just knew that was going to hate whatever was going to come out of her mouth next. 
“I bet you wouldn’t say that to Obi-Wan.” He could feel his cheeks heating and he knew it wasn’t from the warmth of the shop.  She turned back to Obi-Wan – the incredibly handsome customer that Anakin had been pining after for weeks – and put back on her best customer service voice and smile. “Anyway, what can I get for you?” 
Obi-Wan seemed stunned, and who could blame him after that little display? “Oh, right, yes, the reason for my visit… still have any brioche?” If Anakin could get what he wanted quickly, then he could get him out of here quickly and berate Ahsoka quicker. 
“You’re in luck!” He said before Ahsoka could say one more thing. He walked to the window and grabbed the last one. “Last loaf.” 
“Wonderful,” Obi-Wan smiled and Anakin wanted to melt. He had to hold himself together. 
“You better use some of this to make French toast,” Ahsoka added. “I’m telling you, best stuff you’ll ever have in your life. Unless you somehow manage to screw it up.” 
Luckily Obi-Wan chuckled instead of stomping out of the shop. He'd be well within his rights after she just insulted him . “Well, I certainly hope not, but that’s good to hear because that was my intention. Going home to make it right now.”
Ahsoka smiled and clapped her hands, completely oblivious to the daggers Anakin was shooting out of his eyes. "Excellent."
She finished the transaction and Anakin got back to the bread. That's why he was here – bread. Not the thought of brioche French toast for breakfast in a handsome man's apartment, made by the aforementioned handsome man on a lazy weekend morning.  Just when he thought he was in the clear, in the safety of his own daydreams, she spoke again. 
"You know, Anakin lives upstairs over the shop."
"Snips!" He glared at her. Obi-Wan meanwhile was clearly trying to suppress laughter. Anakin could not be more embarrassed. 
"What!? You do!" She cried in defense.
"Yeah but you don't have to tell… strangers where I live!" He gestured at Baguette Guy on the other side of the counter. "No offense."
Obi-Wan shook his head, "None taken, I assure you."
"This isn't a stranger! It's Obi-Wan, Baguette Guy!" She cried again. That sinkhole under the city could swallow him up any day now. He'd be surprised if Obi-Wan ever came back now after Ahsoka's lack of decorum.  "Anyway, that'll be 3.75," she said then leaned over the counter to whisper something Anakin couldn't hear. He knew it was nothing but trouble.
"Uh, well, thanks," Obi-Wan said as he paid and left. 
Anakin forlornly watched him walk out of the shop, sure he'd never return now. He turned to his evil apprentice, "You're gonna pay for that."
Ahsoka's eyes widened for just a second before a smug grin spread across her face. "You can't kill me in front of all these witnesses."
"Next!" She shouted and turned away.
“You’re thinking about him again, aren’t you?” Ahsoka asked as she flattened her buttery square of dough. 
Anakin looked up to find her watching him with that same self-satisfied smile she had been wearing for weeks. He regretted long ago ever expressing any interest in the stranger who passed by their shop every day.  But the thing was… if Obi-Wan actually did dare to ever come back into their shop, Anakin would have to finally say something to the man. 
“Thinking about whom ?” He replied and continued to roll out the dough. 
“ ThInKiNg AbOuT wHoM? ” She mocked with a laugh. “You know exactly WHOM.
“Why don’t you concern yourself with–” Anakin stopped mid-sentence when the kitchen door swung open and in walked his mother… and Obi-Wan. 
“Good morning,” he said with a smile and a small wave. 
“Hello,” Anakin said, maybe almost too quickly, and turned back to his task. He was here. He actually came back. 
“You get to see us in action!” Ahsoka smiled.
“He asked what laminating was, so I brought him here to see,” Shmi said as she headed back out front. “It doesn’t hurt to show him!”
Anakin’s brain was pinging back and forth, trying desperately to think of something to say. Maybe if he just continued laminating he would either magically come up with something. Or it was more likely that Obi-Wan would actually get bored and leave. (He hoped he wouldn’t.)
“So you see, Anakin put a large slab of butter in there then folded the dough over it then rolled it again,” Ahsoka explained and Anakin worked. “You do this numerous times, turning the dough and folding it and chilling it, and you’re incorporating the butter each time and that’s what gives the croissants their many buttery layers!”
Anakin was almost proud – she actually had been listening to him.
“Ah,” Obi-Wan said with a nod. “I never knew that’s how they did that. I never looked it up.”
“You were meant to find us so we could tell you,” Ahsoka said as she folded the edges of her own dough.
Anakin didn’t believe much in soulmates or people being ‘meant’ to find each other, but he supposed there was always time to change one’s mind. 
“Did you like the brioche?” Score one point for remembering to speak.
“Oh yes, it made a wonderful French toast, just like you said, Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan smiled.
“I’m always right,” she replied. “Just like how I’m right about you and Anakin–”
“Snips!” Anakin shouted. “I hear mom calling for you.”
Ahsoka furrowed her brow. “I didn’t…” She paused and her expression changed immediately back to smugness. “Oh yes, I see.”
Anakin narrowed his eyes, “You see nothing, now, don’t keep her waiting.” Maybe with Ahsoka out of the way, breathing down his neck and waiting for Anakin to make any move at all… maybe he could find room to actually breathe. 
“Whatever you say, Skyguy! I’ll leave you and Obi-Wan alone,” she said very pointedly as she practically skipped out of the kitchen. 
They were finally, truly alone. 
“Don’t mind–” 
“Would you like–”
They both started their next sentence at the same time then laughed at the gaffe.
“Apologies, you first,” Obi-Wan said as he rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. Perhaps he was as nervous as Anakin felt? 
He put down his rolling pin and leaned against the table. “No, actually, you first. What were you going to ask?” 
“Oh,” Obi-Wan chuckled weakly. “It’s not important.” 
Anakin arched an eyebrow. “I’m sure that’s not true. What were you going to ask?” 
Something soft fluttered in Anakin’s chest as he watched Obi-Wan flex and crack his knuckles – a sure sign of nerves. His cheeks were also slightly flushed. It was probably just the heat of the kitchen, but Anakin preferred to believe otherwise.
“Well…” Obi-Wan stammered. “I was just… well, I was just wondering if you’d–”
“Yes!” Anakin said quickly, interrupting Obi-Wan. He didn’t need him to finish. He was taking his own leap now. 
Obi-Wan laughed. “You don’t even know what I wanted to ask!” 
Anakin walked around the table towards where Obi-Wan stood. He wiped his floury, buttery hands down his apron. He wasn’t as big a mess as usual, but it was more than he’d like when he was actually alone with Obi-Wan for the first time.  He imagined this moment going so much differently from this.  He stopped a few feet away then leaned against the table then folded his arms across his chest. It was now or never.
“Then if I am so mistaken, ask what you wanted to ask.” He didn’t know where this nerve came from.
“Would you like to go out to dinner sometime?” Obi-Wan asked with a gentle smile. Force, he was a handsome man , and Anakin was a goner. 
Anakin grinned. “Like I said… yes.” 
Obi-Wan barely had time to smile himself before Ahsoka and Shmi burst into the kitchen. 
“Finally!!” Ahsoka sighed and rolled her eyes. Shmi stood behind the girl smiling.
Anakin threw up his hands in a huff. “Can’t I have one moment alone!?”
“You can have a whole night alone,” Ahsoka said as she waggled her eyebrows. “With Obi-Wan!”  The poor man sputtered then tried to pass it off as clearing his throat. At least his mother laughed. 
“Well, then,” Obi-Wan said as he began to put his scarf back on, trying to recover from Ahsoka's cheekiness. “Can I come pick you up at say, 7pm? I know where you live.” Maybe Ahsoka actually did a good thing telling Obi-Wan where he lived. Even if he had still been a stranger at the time.
In another fit of boldness, Anakin reached out and helped rearrange Obi-Wan’s scarf. “Yes, you can,” he smiled as he smoothed down the knitted wool. But he froze when Obi-Wan reached up and touched his chin, most likely wiping away some rogue flour. Anakin didn’t even care anymore. His teeth could be full of spinach at this point, and he wouldn’t care. 
“Did you two already forget we were in here?” Ahsoka huffed. 
“Why are you still in here? Aren’t there customers or something?” Anakin waved his hands dismissively. She was like an annoying fly buzzing around at this point.  Shmi was even chuckling as she pulled Ahsoka out of the kitchen, finally leaving him and Obi-Wan alone again. 
“So…” Obi-Wan started with a small grin. “How long?” 
“How long?” Anakin was slightly confused.
“How long have you been sitting on ‘yes’?” he asked. 
“Since the first time I saw you.” At Anakin’s response, Obi-Wan’s eyebrows shot up. Clearly he had not been expecting that answer.
“When I came in for the baguette?” 
“No, the first time I saw you,” Anakin replied as he took a step closer.  He reached out and grabbed the lapels of Obi-Wan’s coat, rubbing his fingers along the heavy wool. “I guess you were on your way to work, but you stopped – only for a minute. You stood there and just stared at the window, like you were enchanted by whatever you saw.”
Obi-Wan thought for a moment then spoke again. “Anakin, that was the very first day I came by this shop. That’s been weeks!” 
Anakin looked up with a grin then shrugged. “You didn’t stop. Then suddenly you did.”
“Oh, Anakin…” 
What Anakin wouldn’t give to hear his name from that mouth for the rest of his life. 
“Anyway, I’d very much like to kiss you now.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes widened slightly. “Before our first date?” 
“Before our first date,” Anakin replied, tugging on Obi-Wan’s coat and pulling him closer. Their lips met in a tender kiss, and Anakin resisted the urge to moan as he felt Obi-Wan’s arms slip around his waist. He could most certainly get used to this. 
When they finally broke apart, Anakin laughed at the state of Obi-Wan’s torso. “Oops…” His coat was covered in a fine dusting of flour from when he had pulled Anakin close. 
“I can’t really walk into work like this. They’ll be able to guess immediately why I’m late.”
“Don’t go in at all,” Anakin brushed down the front of Obi-Wan’s coat. Mostly to get the flour off, but maybe also to feel the solid body underneath. “Stay here and let us teach you how to make some bread.” For as long as we both shall live.  
“I guess that sounds… loafly to me,” Obi-Wan said with a wink.
Anakin groaned as he dropped his head back, “Don’t make me rethink this date already.” He was trying to play it cool, but he couldn’t believe the pun. Maybe Obi-Wan was a bigger dork than he anticipated. 
Obi-Wan removed his coat and scarf again. “I thought you’d like that.”
Anakin walked across the room and found another apron, then brought it back and slipped it over Obi-Wan’s head and around his neck. The man’s cheeks were tinged pink, much to Anakin’s delight. 
“Ok, fine, I loved it…” He smiled as he tied the string around Obi-Wan’s waist.
Obi-Wan’s smile was lovely and infectious. Anakin couldn’t stop smiling at how this day was going nothing like he expected… and it was oh-so-much better. 
“Ok, well, get those cute buns over here and let’s make loaf,” Anakin groaned inwardly at his own terrible puns, but Obi-Wan seemed to love them. And that was all that mattered. 
He was half in love with the man already. 
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space-writes · 4 months
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Sorrow cares for an injured Vren, and lets slip an infernii pet-name for him.
Read on AO3 here / @ficwip
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Someone was singing to him. The voice drifted in and out, bright lines of a tune dancing through the black. Not in Mohaadi but with a similar lilting cadence, the snap of syllables like wood popping in the fire. Infernal.
Vren blinked awake with a groan. His entire body ached, and his ankle throbbed painfully—there was something wrapped tight around it, holding it immobile. Firelight flickered over the craggy wall of an unfamiliar cave, cold rock dug into his hips, and his head lay in Sorrow’s lap. He started up, made it halfway before a firm hand on his chest stopped him.
“Lie still. The enchantment needs time to work.”
“The one healing your broken ankle.”
It came back in a rush: undead on their heels, rotten muscle hauling the desiccated things after them at an unnatural pace. Racing up a narrow incline, the mountains of the Wilds huge and dark around them—Sorrow in the lead, infernii eyesight better in the dark, Vren stumbling and cursing and catching his foot on something unseen. Falling. Hard impact, a starburst of pain and then black.
“Lie still,” Sorrow insisted, pushing at him. He hurt too much to argue. He lay back down, and Sorrow quietly resumed his song. It looped over on itself, an endless, twining rhyme that lulled Vren’s senses. Sorrow’s fingers stroked through his hair, almost absently—how he managed it without getting his rings or his claws caught in the thick, dark tangles was a mystery.
Vren shifted slightly, and his ankle flared in protest. He winced; enchantment or not, broken was broken.
“What’re you singing?” he asked, wanting a distraction.
“Oh, a bit of my language you don’t know, clever ghost?” Sorrow chuckled at his sour expression. “You’d call it a lullaby, I think. The song for when children are restless.”
“I’m not a child.”
“No, but you are injured, tzeji, and that makes you restless. Hush and let the magic do as it needs.”
Sorrow’s hand stilled. The hard point of his tail tapped against the rocky floor, staccato and rhythmless. “I don’t know your word for it,” he said eventually. He was staring rather deliberately at the cave entrance, as if entranced by the dark beyond. Vren huffed.
“I hate it when you play stupid.”
“That’s all I do, is it not?”
“Then I’m going to assume it’s an insult, and an infernii custom to insult their children.”
Sorrow glared at him. “You are a wretched little man. It’s not an insult, it…” He sighed, returning his gaze to the cavemouth. The firelight glittered off the golden caps on his broken horns, burnishing the jagged edges. “It’s for one you care about. The closest you have is ‘sweetheart’, though that misses the nuance. As your human tongues often do.”
An ache took up in Vren’s heart, as if he’d bruised that in his tumble down the mountainside too. He found himself taking Sorrow’s hand.
“Then explain it to me, il’rahsin.”
A soft laugh. “Your turn to throw insults now?”
“Only the same way you insulted me.” The fingers in his tightened. “Tell me.”
And Sorrow did.
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Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph @sam-glade (ask to be +/-)
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nativestarwrites · 2 months
The word is Song for ficwip's Word Game Wednesday. I was sure I didn't have this in a wip, but turns out I have it in two and I couldn't decide which one to share so... decided not to pick. 😂
First one is from When Darkness Falls:
“Jamie…” Keeley flicks a switch on the radio and turns to face him fully. “When you were gone, Roy took it-” “I know!” Jamie snaps at her, “Do you really think I don’t know? I’m not stupid, the amount of time me and him spent together? He’s my best mate for fuck’s sake, you think I don’t look at him and know that he fucking grieved me?” “We all grieved you.” She reminds him quietly. “This-- you coming back, it never felt possible.” “But Roy never gave up.” He sing-songs back to her, too angry to hear good things about Roy right now.
And the second from the Post-Series Ted Lasso wip:
“Fuck. You.” Jamie repeats and slams the door as he storms out, hard enough to rattle the door frame, and it’s both satisfying and not enough. His hand is curled into a fist, his nails biting into the skin of his palm and it takes more than a few deep breaths while he tries to find his way out of this maze of a building before he can relax them. He’s still a mess of emotions when he finally steps out into the bright sunshine outside. It's a lot like walking out into another world, inside he’d felt closed in, it was too quiet, a forced stillness with the light muted by the windows and curtains. Now he could hear the bird song and traffic, feel the heat of the sun and the wind on his skin. But he can still hear his dad’s voice.
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blackwood4stucky · 1 month
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something flickering in the night | aspen blackwood
series: the call of darkness
james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers | mcu
🆃 | word count: 565 | complete
tags: alternate universe, bucky centric, pre-stucky
Go back to where you came from, sinner. Or die. — Bucky doesn't understand why he's being called a sinner, certain things just aren't his fault.
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bingo fills + event prompts
@anyfandomangstbingo | serial killer au
@anyfandomaubingo | stalker au
@buckybarnesevents: babb2023 | blackmail [december [prompt]
@eclipsingbingo | tears of joy
@fandombingo: rpf card | on the run
flight edition | alone maritime may | anonymous notes valentine’s edition | paranoid wild edition | cold as ice world book night edition | anxiety
@ficwip: level up | 3rd pov - present tense
@multifandom-flash: round 3 [3013] | the faceless
@stuckybingo [5080] | vision + diamond [april prompt]
@stuckygeekevents: stucky geek bingo [st1002] | on the run
sweet & spicy bingo: sweetheart bingo | call me
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read: ao3 | sqwa
mini playlist
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ceethewriter · 1 month
Been a while since I published a thing so here’s a little Barisi thing for a ficwip “write exactly 1000 words” prompt: hot tub.
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lunar-years · 10 days
Word Game Wednesday!
This week's @ficwip word is "friend." So naturally, here's another rjk fwb snippet :)
“I do,” she said, earnestly. “Trust me, I definitely want to shag you. This is really fucking hot. I just don’t want to—”  “To actually be with either one of us,” Roy finished grimly, no longer looking at either of them. Keeley’s face crumbled.  “Well…no. Not right now. No,” she repeated, so gently. “I don’t want to be with anyone. I think I need to just…figure it out for myself for a while, you know? And I understand if that changes things, here. We don’t have to do anything if it’s going to make things weird. Actually I rather wouldn't, if it's going to. That’s why I’m telling you. We’re finally all friends, and I don’t want to ruin that again by fucking you and having you think it means something that it doesn’t—"  She was looking right at Roy as she said it with an intensity that made Jamie feel a bit like an intruder, but he didn’t let it phase him. Whereas before she hadn't wanted to be with them and she hadn't been up for a shag, now she was game for one of the two, which was really a big step up, when he thought about it. Better than he could have hoped for. He held up his hand to speak, a gesture that was largely pointless because he was already talking, voice bright and eager and slicing through Roy's moroseness: “But if we promise not to make it weird, you do want to still fuck us, right?” She’d already said so, hadn’t she, but it was still good to ask, for clarification like.  
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quackquackcey · 19 days
Weekly WIP Snippet: "nature"
For @ficwip’s word ✨NATURE✨ this week!
...except none of my wips have the word "nature" in them apparently so I went with "natural" LMAO
Ft. stiles' attempt #43957 of flirting w/ derek & failing 🤠:
Derek crossed his arms. “‘We’? There is no ‘we’. This is my problem. Besides, I haven’t been to the beach since I was ten and that’s not changing anytime soon.”
“But it doesn’t have to be the ocean, does it?” mused Boyd. “There’s a lake nearby.”
Isaac snorted. “I think we’d know if there was some kraken-looking thing living in the lake.”
Stiles played with his bottom lip as he thought about the possibilities. “Mm…. Oh, I know!” he said with an inspired burst. “Maybe it’s some sort of experiment thing, like with the Dread Doctors. So it’s a tank of water, not a natural body of water.”
“Now that’s more plausible.” Derek glanced at Stiles and cocked an eyebrow. “I see you did learn something from the pre-FBI program.”
Stiles flashed a coquettish grin back that probably came out more show-offy than anything because he absolutely sucked at flirting—all he’d done since he’d come back home three days ago was get semi-annoyed glares and smacks on the back of the head.
A furrow creased in between Malia’s brows. “I’m confused. So basically, the new pack is conducting experiments on a sea monster in their secret lab that’s going to kill Derek?”
“Possibly,” said Kira.
“Probably,” muttered Isaac.
“Plausibly,” Stiles chimed in.
Allison let out a deep sigh. “Fantastic.”
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jamiesfootball · 6 months
If you decide on other words then here are some other word options: carry, work, bottle, message 🧡🧡
Thank you, friend. You have saved me from the struggle of making decisions with a headache
Carry (8 times)
Any second now, his soul was going to shiver up and scream, flee his body rather than put up with the excruciating sensation of being held. Until then it stayed stubbornly put. The leeching warmth and pressure grounded him, and the pillows and bedsheets did the rest as the aches and tensions he'd been carrying around slowly faded into the mattress.
Work (100+ times)
“Wait a minute! Come back! Please!“ the waiter popped back to their table with an equally frantic look on their face. The expression turned to confusion as Keeley made grabby fingers at the cheque. “Sorry, I just needed to grab this.” Receipt in hand, she turned back to Roy and explained, “It's for Barbara. Since I technically talked about work, it’s a work meal.”
Bottle (a confusing 42 times)
He could see the anger, could feel the heat of it pressing behind his eyes and between his ears and could taste it between his teeth, but it was like seeing it through the glass of a bottle. It came clear-headed and focused in a way that had only ever come naturally to him on the pitch, and he was so grateful for that he could scream. He was going to by Sharon Fieldstone all the flowers in the fucking world.
Message (only 10???)
When Roy checked his phone, he had four messages from Isaac: Is Jamie with you He won’t answer his phone I’m at his place but he ain’t answering and his car’s in the drive Coach?
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ghoste-catte · 8 months
hey!! good evening, if you are still doing the whole fanfic thing would you please (pretty please) do a fanfic where lee crosses paths with shikamaru and/or kiba doing the walk of shame to konoha??
I don't even know how old this prompt is but ... hey, anon! Here you go!
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Still catching up posting works from earlier this month, this was done for the @ficwip 1000 words challenge for the month of September!
Title: Walk of the Shameless
Rating: T
Fandom: Naruto
Warnings: None
Relationships: Gaara/Rock Lee, Shikamaru Nara/Temari
Characters: Rock Lee, Shikamaru Nara
Additional Tags: Humor, Walk of Shame
While definitely-not-sneaking back to Konoha after a night of passion, Lee encounters some unexpected faces.
Read ‘Walk of the Shameless’ here on Ao3!
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For the @ficwip word of the week: hot.
Royal Sussex Hospital or at least Jamie thought that was what the sign across the room read. Wherever the fuck that was.
Everything was still a bit fuzzy and if he concentrated on the words too long the letters blur together and made him nauseous. He squeezed his eyes closed as quickly as he opened them. Not only was the room unbearably bright despite the low lighting, the only thing, or person, he could see was Ted. Fuck that. Jamie wasn’t ready to be scolded yet, because he knew somehow it would be his fault. It always was.
Jamie shifted on the bed, trying not to draw attention to himself but his body betrayed him as a whimper escaped through his lips.
“Jamie? Do you want me to get a doctor?”
Jamie’s eyes opened unbidden, and another whimper followed. That was bad enough but then Ted’s concerned mustache swam into view. Something streams down his face and all Jamie can feel is white hot anger and pain. His head stabs with pain at each breath and seeing Ted’s stupidly concerned face is setting him on edge.
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eliotqueliot · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day, Queliot!
Chapter 3 of you want it darker? || dark king eliot is now live! As a Queliot gift for Valentine's Day!
This chapter does still focus on Eliot's grief, and Quentin's still technically dead (but not really/permanently?). But, as dark and angsty as this story can be, there's a strong emphasis on the Queliot love story. It feels essential to me. Hopefully you’ll agree! Big 🍑❤️ to all of you today (Happy Valentine’s Day, no matter when you read this!) (Yes, today this fic finally earns its E-rating!)
A big thank you to my collaborator @juliawickers❤️who in addition to all the support and inspiration, and creating the original concept, graphic, and fanmix❤️has made an edit for Ch. 2 and now a queliot au: you want it darker? || dark king eliot pin board with Ch. 3❤️
Summary for Chapter 3 specifically:
Eliot sees glimpses of Quentin everywhere. Hears his voice. Feels his phantom touch.
He knows it's really Q. And that no one will believe him. Telling Margo or Julia will only make them worry more.
Meanwhile, attempts to bring Quentin back continue to fail. Will a visit with an old friend help turn things around?
Thank you @queliotbingo! ❤️ This WIP as a whole will be marking my Resurrection/Reincarnation, Time Travel, Underworld squares
Thank you @ficwip for Hey, Sweetheart 2024! In addition to meeting the "sweetheart" challenge (several times!), Chapter 3 fits today's themes of 🗺️ Forest and 💕 mutual pining.
you want it darker? || dark king eliot (34561 words) by victoriaandalbert, EliotQueliot Chapters: 3/12 Fandom: The Magicians (TV), The Magicians - Lev Grossman Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson & Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson/Julia Wicker, Eliot Waugh & Julia Wicker, Quentin Coldwater & Julia Wicker, Quentin Coldwater & Margo Hanson, Quentin Coldwater & Theodore "Ted" Rupert Coldwater-Waugh & Eliot Waugh, Quentin Coldwater & Theodore "Ted" Coldwater Characters: Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Julia Wicker, Quentin Coldwater, Alice Quinn (The Magicians), Josh Hoberman, Fen (The Magicians), Rupert Chatwin | Dark King Sebastian, Jane Chatwin, 23rd Timeline William "Penny" Adiyodi, 40th Timeline William "Penny"Adiyodi, William "Penny" Adiyodi, Henry Fogg, 24th Timeline Alice Quinn (The Magicians), Kady Orloff-Diaz, Todd (The Magicians), Ted Coldwater, Hades (The Magicians), Theodore "Ted" Rupert Coldwater-Waugh, The Great Cock of the Darkling Wood, The Great Cock (The Magicians) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Canonical Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Violence, Blood and Violence, Soulmates, queliot, endgame queliot, Underworld, Resurrection, Dark Fantasy, Margo Hanson is a Good Friend, Julia Wicker is a Good Friend, Quentin Coldwater Lives, Depression, References to Depression, References to Shadeless Julia Wicker, Shadeless Eliot Waugh, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, Castle Whitespire, Mountain of Ghosts, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fillory (The Magicians), Goddess Julia Wicker, Crying, Fix-It, Alternate Universe, Suicidal Thoughts, Afterlife, Ghosts, Souls, True Love, royal husbands, Magic, Fairies, High King Eliot Waugh, High king Margo Hanson, King Quentin Coldwater, Queen Julia Wicker, Suicide Attempt, Lucid Dreaming Series: Part 2 of You Want It Darker? Series Summary:
Eliot finds among Jane Chatwin’s things perhaps a way to bring back Quentin—but it comes at an enormous personal cost: during the ritual, Eliot is stripped of his Shade completely. Violently ripping the reigning Dark King from the throne, Eliot assumes the mantle of Dark High King—a truly malevolent force who will do anything to get Quentin back. Even if it means he becomes somebody the man he loves won’t recognize when Eliot rescues Quentin from the Underworld. By any means necessary.
—summary from you want it darker? || dark king eliot [graphic + fanmix] by victoriaandalbert
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space-writes · 4 months
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Rune’s not so good with romantic words. He’s not so great with romantic gifts either. (inspired by this prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting)
Read on AO3 here / @ficwip
Since he woke on the Nautiloid, words have been difficult for Rune. Perhaps it’s the head-trauma and the parasite burrowing into his brain, or perhaps he’s always been a lumpen-tongued creature, unable to translate thought to coherent speech. So far he’s scraped by, bludgeoning his way through conversations like a back-alley boxer, bare-knuckled and brutal, but now he finds himself in need of more than a fistful of words.
Astarion gives him a headache with all the thoughts he can’t get from one side of his scarred skull to the other. Compliments and pet names and assurances flow from his—partner? bedmate? lover? friend?—companion like wine. Rune skips being drunk on it and goes straight to the hangover, unable to reciprocate. It’s infuriating. He killed a fucking orthon, why are a few affectionate words so damn difficult?
There are other ways to speak. Pictures say a thousand words, or so it goes. Items can be your voice, say what you can’t. Rune’s no painter, but he knows what Astarion enjoys.
His gut churns as he crosses the camp, his unspeakable words clasped in a clammy fist behind his back. Astarion glances up from his book, smile half-shadowed in the firelight. It makes him look Rune’s favourite kind of dangerous; a night-predator, eyes aglint and aglow.
“Need something?” he asks, setting his book aside, then blinks at the object Rune drops into his lap. “What’s this?”
“Affection,” Rune says. Astarion snorts a laugh.
“Darling, this is a knife. It still has blood on it.”
“You like knives. And blood.”
The snort becomes a full-bodied laugh, head thrown back, mouth wide enough to show red tongue, white fangs. The hollow core of Rune’s head turns in on itself, growling to cover the whimper of humiliation. Go somewhere dark, cut something open and crawl inside, this never happened, this never happened, this never happened. He starts to turn away—Astarion leaps up and catches his wrist.
“You’re right,” he says. “I do like knives. And blood.” Hesitation. “And you.”
Rune swallows. “I want to say things. To you. And I can’t.”
“Thus the knife.”
Astarion examines it for a moment, considering, then tosses it aside. It hits his discarded book and thumps off the cover—the sound reverberates in Rune’s head, but before it can crescendo to murderous levels of anguish, Astarion takes his face in both hands.
“Don’t worry so much about saying things, sweetheart.”
He pulls Rune into a kiss, and Rune grips his waist tight, holding him close. There’s a knot just left of his heart, a tangled, bloody skein of firelit eyes, the white arch of a brow, the shift of weight before the throw of a knife; of skin pale as bone and soft as silk, a sharp laugh and sharper teeth; of need and want and fear sunk in like claws.
Astarion draws back.
“I hear you,” he says. Taps Rune’s temple. “And even without these little go-betweens, you’re loud enough.” He puts his palm to Rune’s chest, over his heart. “I hear you, love.”
The knot unravels ever so slightly. Rune lays his hand over Astarion’s.
“So no knives?”
Astarion grins. “Well, I’ll never say no to a decent blade. I do so enjoy a good stabbing.”
Rune barks a laugh, and lets his vampire drag him into their tent, where they speak without words until the sun comes up.
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