#fic: above all else
justaz · 26 days
somehow some time magic goes wrong and young arthurs from different points in time are pulled into king arthur era. everyone kinda has this back and forth of who is going to watch the literal 8 month old. gwen and lancelot are pretty good at taking care of him, so is percival but he doesnt seem comfortable with it so no one forces him. elyan tried to hold him but baby!arthur started wailing after three seconds. leon is sorta good but he has like no idea how babies work or what they need so when baby!arthur found his sword and almost lobbed his own head off, leon was forbidden from taking care of the child. gaius is too old and busy researching how to reverse the issue. who the HELL would trust gwaine with a child? arthur has this Odd aversion to the child but no one pushes him on it. ofc merlin, magic incarnate, has this like aura or energy that draws all these innocent woodland creatures to him so obviously little arthur is also drawn to him. in fact, merlin seems to be the person he likes the most. and merlins a natural w kids apparently so hes often the one that baby!arthur is handed off to.
he complains about it at first but when baby!arthur breaks into a fit of giggles after merlin calls adult!arthur a clotpole, he has merlin wrapped around his little finger. merlin stops complaining but does let arthur know that the one thing he Will Not Do is change his diaper. arthur laughs and walks away. merlin talks to baby!arthur like they’ve been friends for years (bc they have). arthur points out that baby!arthur cant understand him and merlin retorts that its like how it normally is. merlin gets to perform magic in front of baby!arthur and he LOVES it
my point to this was merlin dotting on little versions of arthur is a way that no one ever really did for him growing up and adult!arthur seeing it and healing little pieces of his inner child as he watches merlin play games with baby!arthur and make sure he’s taken care of. it especially hits him when gaius finally finds a way to send baby!arthur back and while everyone seems torn between upset they have to say bye, they’re also relieved to get the baby back where hes supposed to be,, merlin is like choking back fat tears. everyone backs off to give them privacy and merlin just kisses baby!arthur’s forehead and whispers some encouraging and heartachingly sincere words that have adult!arthur choking back tears.
then BOOM the spell also backfires and while yes baby!arthur got back to where hes supposed to be, now theres toddler!arthur. he has this gravitational pull to gaius (can recognize him) and merlin (magic soulmates ofc he has an innate trust in the man). merlin is happy to have his little friend back and gaius goes back to the drawing board. now they have this little 2-3 year old toddling after them and blabbering something that sounds like english if you’re patient enough
(merlin makes another comment about how little arthur has changed over the years)
the cycle repeats, merlin and toddler!arthur get attached and adult!arthur watches and heals a bit more of his inner child. gaius finds another cure that falls through the same way and now they have child!arthur. he has a bit more of uther’s influence in him but hes still a child. he gets hurt and tries to fight back tears but merlin sees he’s in pain and tells him it’s okay to be hurt, to feel pain, to cry. child!arthur says in that stutter cry children do when they’re fighting back tears that his father says boys shouldn’t cry. merlin wipes a tear that slips down child!arthur’s face and whispers about how he cries and lets himself feel his sadness before picking himself back up and dusting himself off before getting back to it, that it doesn’t make him weak but stronger. adult!arthur hears this and this may not be the beginning of his deconstruction but it makes a tremendous amount of progress in him rewiring his brain away from his father’s toxic ways of thinking.
idk if they’d get a teen!arthur since gaius probably would’ve learned his lesson by then but if they did, we’d get to watch Merlin vs Arthur Showdown 2.0 as merlin humbles the young prince and i think that’d be funny. especially for gwaine since he didn’t get to see it happen the first time.
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drewlover · 9 months
clarisse has a fatal flaw of honor in this essay i will
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 8 months
oh my god oh my god oh my GODDDDDD i can’t BELIEVE i found these on my little rainy october thrift shop wander this morning. like, one would have been more MORE enough. but both?? at once??? i am quite simply floating and may never touch back down to earth
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something I’ve been thinking abt is how many people think Makoto is immune to despair. I don’t think he is. I think becoming the ultimate Hope was BECAUSE he felt despair. He wouldn’t have fully reached that point without Junko. Makoto becoming such a beacon was his last attempt to avoid completely falling and it wasn’t because he didn’t feel despair, it was because he was too damn stubborn to allow everything to go to waste and he refused to sacrifice his beliefs for someone else’s. His inner monologue tells me he DID experience the same new low the other suvivors did in the final trial, but at the point where he had the choice to give up and die, he looked at the others and he looked at Junko and he couldn’t allow it to happen, not out of self preservation, but because the idea that Junko would have control over their lives made him FURIOUS. and that utter refusal to die kicked in, wether luck or otherwise, and he made the concious effort for one last push while something in him was breaking. He had to be broken in order for the Ultimate Hope to come through so aggressively, bc it could only exist in the face of the Ultimate Despair. He snapped the same way she did, but in the other direction. In what could have been his final moments he chose to embody everything Junko wasn’t, and every single optimistic and luck fueled ideal in him suddenly charged forward and pushed him. It was a combination of the final straw and a choice. Makoto isn’t immune to feeling despair, he’s just too stubborn to fall into it of his own volition. I think that’s why I like that scene in DR3 so much. People were SO SHOCKED Makoto actually fell for the tape, that he actually became despair for a moment. I saw people getting mad or disappointed, saying it was pathetic and Makoto seemed to fall from some sort of pedestal for them. Honestly part of me wonders if that sort of mentality, which clearly people had in universe, affected Makoto a bit. Like he started to see himself as less of a person, subconsciously. Prompting him to take more risks, less self preservation, act way more bold. It seems he has to be reminded a lot not to put himself in danger by his friends, to not do something too reckless. All over the place I would see in regards to that scene either this frivolous ‘oh this was just angst drama with no meaning behind it’ or ‘he can do better than that. he’s so weak’ or ‘come on, there’s no way he’d fall into despair, he’s the Ultimate Hope!’ This kind of mentality, which was kind of ironic considering Ryota was there the entire time saying the same thing and treating Makoto the same way. Like Makoto was superhuman. Like Makoto didn’t feel despair the same way ‘normal people’ did. In a way that was also how Munakata saw Makoto. Makoto stopped being a PERSON to the world when he became Ultimate Hope, he became a concept, a belief system, much the same way Junko ascended beyond herself. But the difference is that treating Makoto that way is the opposite of the reason Makoto became such a representative for hope. He wasn’t doing something no one else could. He was doing something everyone had the chance to, he just… was a little more optimistic, a little more stubborn, a little more ‘gung-ho’ about things. He just took the lead where no one else did, where no one else knew they even COULD in the face of Junko’s unstoppable force. She had overcome the biggest threats and obstacles in the world, what could one person do? And the answer Makoto found was, anything. Everything. It doesn’t all rest on Makoto, he’s just the one that was inspired to try to do what seemed like the impossible. But as evidenced by the change in his friends after that trial, it’s clearly not something only Makoto is capable of. The others pulled out of despair thanks to Makoto, but it was their choice to do so.
“But… this world is so huge, and we’re so small. What can we do…? No, we can probably do anything. Yeah! We can do anything!”
#makoto naegi#Danganronpa character analysis#Danganronpa#danganronpa thh#danganronpa future arc#I fucking love Makoto Naegi man.#I think there’s a fine line of nuance to Makoto that’s easy to miss bc he doesn’t really make it known#he’s not a pushover and he’s not overpowered. he’s a people pleaser but he will say what needs to be said#he’s an immovable object and the exact opposite of Junko but he’s also just a normal guy who’s optimistic and (un)lucky#he isn’t invincible but he has immense power to his words the same way Junko did#if anything his superpower is being kind above all else. he’s compassionate to some of the worst people in the world.#he was even conpassionatr to an extent to Junko. he didnt want her to kill herself despite everything she’s done#and he still acknowledges that for years she was a classmate and friend.#I do think the more he learned abt what she did the more he’s come to actually hate her though#post the first game he always refers to her without a suffix to her name which is one of the most subtle rude things you can do#it means you have zero respect for the person you’re referring to#and he speaks about her with some venom he doesn’t use for anyone else in the future arc#he’s not incapable of feeling negative emotions#I really liked the future arc scene bc it showed that Makoto DID experience enough despair to have overcome him if he didn’t refuse#and that it still affects him deeply. people treat him like he’s either this perfect ideal Chad or this baby chick who’s so delicate#and no one really focuses on how makoto shoulders so much and yet is still vulnerable.#honestly that guy was DUE for a mental breakdown even without the tape. it would have happened eventually#I actually wrote one based on him finally hitting a breaking point after giving so much of himself away and keeping nothing for himself#that his issues that he shoves down constantly finally can’t be held down anymore. Hajime helps him bc he knows how that feels#it was a LONG time ago that I wrote that but honestly if I can remember where i was going w it I might finish it#it was initially an rp but I could make it a fic#anyway. the point is Makoto is SO much more complex than people give him credit for#the most fundamental thing about him is that he’s normal and that’s ok! that’s what helps him rise!
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kaissauce · 1 year
with every “kirby kills gods at any minor inconvenience” “kirby is a ruthless killer” “kirby is literally a god” “kirby is a complete unaware infant” joke, i write a word to my fic. that’s how i’ve been able to write so much
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percysoddity · 1 year
things from my fic-ideas doc that ✨just make sense✨
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artbychromo · 7 months
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@002yb HI hello oh my god
your tags absolutely made my dayyyy!!!! for once I had a free evening, but not the words to get across how much I LOVED LOVED reading all that!!!! so instead I scratched out this very rough thing... I could so imagine them falling to the ground all tangled up and in love!!!!!
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jamiethebee · 11 months
I know everyone likes the "Fenton parents are dead/evil" route to drive Danny to Gotham, but I propose: "the Fenton parents have to send Danny away to keep him safe/cut off contact (since they're technically contracted to the government and the GIW is the definition of shady and spies)"
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noodleblade · 5 months
idk if you've answered this before but why do you think ko and bd joined the decepticons? and how did they meet, before or after joining?
I'll be honest, I don't remember if I've answered an ask like this or wrote it in a fic that may or may not be published dklcnskdndklwdfnckls BUT
I'm sure there is different ways to go about it and I've read a few different takes, but I'm quite fond of the idea of them having met before joining and the two of them joining together.
Again, many ways they could have met, but I do like the idea of just pure happenstance. They met once at a bar or event or even in passing and Knock Out made a joke, Breakdown laughed and then they couldn't get each other out of their heads. I think their relationship developed quickly and deeply, unexpectedly so for both of them. But its that cliche way of having your other half and they both fall for each other deeply.
I stand by the headcanon that it was Knock Out who made the decision for them. His priority has always been looking after number 1. Before Breakdown, number 1 was him, but since meeting his partner...that number 1 slot became reserved for Breakdown instead. And Breakdown follows Knock Out, trusting him to cheat the system and find them the best option for them. I think Breakdown would personally be swayed by the Decepticon's initial campaign of peace too, and maybe cling to that despite Megatron's decisions in canon. Neutrality was probably the most comfortable for them but not necessarily the safest. The decepticons could provide safety, even if it meant having to fall back into line. There was shelter, energon, a potential for upward momentum in leadership.
I think in choosing the decepticons, it was picking the lesser of two evils. The autobots were out numbered and too many past ties made their position there tense. With the decepticons, while it was dysfunctional on its best day, it provided comfort they had been denied for too long. I think that's also evident with Knock Out readily swapping sides in the post-series movie. He's ties are not based of a moral judgement but a selfish one.
I wonder if Knock Out has a taste of regret in choosing this path, in picking the side that lead to Breakdown's death. Or, perhaps, he's compartmentalized it as a effect of the war and simply blames everyone to save his own conscious.
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kaelleid · 8 months
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Exactly 501 days since my last milestone post, my first fic in this fandom has hit 2,000 kudos.
When I posted it I never in my wildest dreams expected anywhere near this kind of response. It's been such a thrill and a source of joy, and it means so much to me. Thank you so much to everyone who kudos'd and commented and bookmarked, to @queuest for the extremely helpful and reassuring feedback, and especially to @bemusedlybespectacled for the inspiration.
This is the first fandom I've been active in since I was a teenager, which was 10+ years ago, and I don't think I would have stuck around here still Izzyposting if it wasn't for all of you being so kind and so lovely and so welcoming. Thank you 💕
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1tsjusty0u · 4 months
wow this has such majoras mask vibes! (guy who is currently playing majoras mask)
#this is about botw (an au for it)#just. if you take it as ganon hurting everyone else like hes been hurt (being trapped under tbe castle forgotten for ages and ages with nob#ody but himself and the people who trapped him directly above him. also corrupting the sheikah tech used against him (thats a stretch consi#dering the only way he was able to do that was that the king 10000 years ago was awful and buried the tech UNDER THE CASTLE while chasing t#he sheikah out)) + the eye motifs? (majoras eyes being indicators for bosses weak points and ganons malicw eyes) it just. huh#though in botw link doesnt really. well he sort of calls out to people (the champions which could be interesting for character arcs) but ot#herwise its kind of just. three people having a 2 v 1 in a ruined world that just ended up hurtinf all of them#literally nobody can turn back to what they had. not ganon in the past. not link (though i Do have feelings about pre cal link but thats al#l hcs so im not putting that here). and not zelda#and not the champions either (though the only ones grief we really see is miphas. maybe revali?)#its just. literally everything Is There Still.#the guardians. the older ruins like the forgotten temple. the great plateau#on one hand i see the destruction of the castle/monarchy great and will lead to good. but also People Died#deya village. the tabantha village. the characters couldve seen the time before the calamity as Great (even if it wasnt? it all depends! bu#t nostalgia and all that)#so. yeah.#i dunno what the thesis is here i just think its neat#also that one image i can stretch botws theme as much as i can concieve#this also gives me a fic idea. however i feel like i would be doing characters dirty in it
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ashton-slashton · 8 months
Currently writing about Lily making out with Collins in the hold and idk I think it's fixing me a little bit. I haven't written about Lily getting to have a fun little makeout sesh in literal years.
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innytoes · 2 months
Something less angstful
Title: I know you love me wearing nothing but your boots, or just Boots.
I know you love me wearing nothing but your boots
When Reggie inherited his Meemaw's farm, he was pretty worried that his partner wouldn't leave the city. Willie had his art, his friends, his cool job as a dancing waiter at one of the most exclusive clubs in town...
But Willie did. And he loved the farm, and the horses, and being able to see the stars. And most of all, he loved Reggie. Which he was going to show him, with a few props for emphasis.
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pastafossa · 9 months
Hi! I was just wondering if you got my other ask about a TRT au that I want to write. I want to get the ok from you before I start anything.
I went digging for your asks and found them!
First off I feel like Deadpool when he's talking about fourth walls. A fanfic about a fanfic??? that's like... DOUBLE FANFICS
Second off I'm absolutely DELIGHTED by the idea and also really honored that someone would want to do TRT fanfic??? Just got me like
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I am 100% ok with it! Anything that puts more fanfic into the world makes me happy tbh, AND it feels like a lovely continuation of the cycle that got *me* writing fic plus if i eventually take parts of trt and make it a real book as planned i would love if people ficced that IT'S THE CIIIIIIIIRCLE OF LIFE
There are only only two things I'd ask (applies to anyone else who may want to do TRT fanfic, which I'm fine with).
Proper credit back to TRT. If the fic's on AO3, then the 'This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work' option when posting is what to use, and that'll let it pop up at the bottom of TRT under the 'works inspired by this one'. If it'll be posted on Wattpad or Tumblr, a link to TRT on AO3 and an acknowledgment is all I'd ask!
This one isn't specific to your idea (which I looked over and am totally fine with!). This is more for anyone else: please do not try to finish TRT, in the sense of trying to write the next chapters. AUs are fine, Blip fics are fine (I admittedly have a Blip side fic planned but it'll be outside of the main TRT story), various adventures, Foggy musings on canon, shenanigans, NSFW or SFW scenes, whatever, are all fine! I only draw the line at 'Pasta hasn't updated in a bit so I'm going to write the next chapters and post it'.
Other than that, you are free to move about the cabin with my blessing! I'm super excited to see what you come up with!
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causticsunshine · 2 months
fully back in another ‘consuming animated media and intaking irl people content not pertaining to one direction’ era and gawd it feels so good
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padfootastic · 10 months
Day 1 - Prongsfoot Week 2023
massive thanks to the lovely Jen for organising another wonderful event for us!!! you're the best <3
What are the first 5 things that pop to mind when you think about Prongsfoot?
oooh okay, okay, not as easy as u think, this one. because the only thing that pops into mind when i think about pf is like. cacophonous screaming. incoherence. a teenage fangirl running around a room, arms waving madly, mind lost in the obsession. im uh. a bit unhinged for j&s, if u couldnt tell so far lol. but i'll try.
soulmates. in every world, they're connected to each other and they'll find each other. it's a comforting thought precisely because of how tragic canon j/s is.
unattainable. both of individually, and together, are so far out of most people's leagues its not even funny. they're an intimidatingly attractive couple, and they're almost always in the middle of an inside joke that no one else understands. their friendship is inherently exclusionary and it doesnt bother them at all
affectionate beyond belief. gosh they're a public menace. in any decent society, they'd get locked up for obscenity and 'offending sensibilities' and 'outraging the modesty of people' etc etc bc theyre SO all over each other all the time. its a problem.
jigsaw puzzle. they fit like one, filling in each other's cracks perfectly. at any given time, they're what the other needs, and both consciously and subconsciously at that. seeing them together is a treat bc they're so in sync its almost unreal. even...magical, one could say ;)
larger than life. they're not. a real couple ykno? its not a relationship you'd want in reality, nor does it make sense for that to happen. it's fantastical and amazing and not constrained by practical concerns. u dont have to worry yourself with minor issues bc these two are just. *that* intertwined. i dont know how to explain this one properly haha but just know, they're not a relatable couple nor do they try to be.
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