#feral omega
going feral
i’ve mentioned feral alphas and omegas in a few posts before, but what does that mean? this post will discuss ferality,* its causes, common feral behaviors, and treatment.
*note: i will be using ‘ferality’ as opposed to the technically proper ‘ferity’ because the latter is based on the latin root and sounds pretentious, and the former is based on the english word and is more accessible
what is ferality?
ferality is a medical emergency caused most commonly by social isolation. it causes those afflicted to behave erratically, and is the most common cause of forced bites. it is one of the top ten causes of death for those over 80 years old. it is also called ‘loneliness disease’ or ‘bite fever,’ and is often euphemistically described as ‘losing oneself.’ in the past, more than a week of ferality was incurable. today, synthetic hormones and careful medically supervised management leads to over 90% of those afflicted to make a full recovery if treated before one week, and over 80% to regain most normal function if treated before two weeks. outcomes become less positive the longer someone experiences ferality, but there have only been 1,762 documented deaths directly from ferality in the US since 1980.
why does it happen?
humans in the omegaverse are pack animals not only because their ancestors saw practical advantages to living, hunting, and raising pups in groups, but because they were biologically dependent on one another. in simplest terms, interacting with pack aids the body in maintaining its optimal balance between the twelve dynamic (i.e., alpha, beta, and omega) hormones. prolonged lack of social support means that these hormones become unbalanced, leading the body to a state of multi-system disregulation.
ferality greatly reduces people’s access to the areas of the brain responsible for decision making, planning, empathy, and abstraction. it is the body’s desperate bid to regulate itself by any means necessary. those afflicted become impulsive, aggressive, and violent in some cases, so it is essential both for the afflicted person and those nearby that if you spot a feral person, you call emergency services immediately.
how do you spot it?
feral humans are fairly easy to spot based on their unusual, erratic, impulsive behavior. they may sniff the air (or other people) unsubtly, grab or touch things (or people) and fail to respond to spoken language. ferality is most commonly associated with inappropriate scent marking and biting for good reason: a feral person’s primary drive is to share scent with someone to help bring themselves back into balance. there are also some behaviors that can generally be attributed to the different dynamic sexes:
feral alphas tend to make aggressive eye contact as a posturing behavior
growling, snarling, and clicking at no one in particular
clenching and unclenching the fists and shifting from foot to foot
violence, especially toward other alphas
an acrid scent, like burning rubber or sulfur
feral betas’ eyes tend to shift rapidly, settling on nothing for very long
humming, clicking, huffing at no one in particular
similar to alphas, they clench and unclench the fists and shift from foot to foot
general restlessness, moving quickly
climbing and perching inappropriately (e.g. on tables, vehicles, or buildings)
a rotting scent, like old meat or milk
feral omegas tend to make glancing eye contact—they meet someone’s eyes, hold, and look away several times
whining, purring, and clicking at no one in particular
baring the neck indiscriminately in a bid to entice a bite
hiding/burrowing (e.g. under tables or in closets. there have been several cases of feral omegas in clothing stores nesting in the clothing racks)
a chemical scent, like bleach or ammonia
how is it treated?
if you spot someone afflicted by ferality, it is essential to call for an ambulance immediately.
treatment begins in the ambulance. typically, EMS technicians anesthetize the individual for everyone’s safety. once it is safe to do so, the technicians draw blood and begin measuring vital signs and hormone levels to ensure that the individual truly is feral. in the past 30 years, rapid tests have made measuring hormone levels faster than ever. these levels are recorded and passed off to hospital triage, along with a record of any emergency hormones administered.
the hospital then brings the individual to the feral ward, where they have an individual room and nesting material marked with synthetic pheromones of all three dynamics. if the individual has been feral for less than ~three days, typically this is enough to trigger their body to begin regulating itself. in some cases, the individual may need direct scent marking in order to jumpstart regulation. if it’s necessary, a nurse or technician will swab the individual’s face and neck with a cotton swab soaked in a synthetic pheromone solution.
in more moderate to severe cases, the individual may need further assistance regulating themselves. in these cases, the individual will receive intravenous hormones and extremely frequent monitoring.
typically, after a few days of hormone therapy, the individual’s body will have reached a state of equilibrium and will be able to maintain the balance itself again. however, in some severe cases, the individual’s body may be unable to maintain the balance. these people will need hormone therapy every other week indefinitely. in some cases (especially those where there is also malnutrition or other severe condition), the issue will resolve itself with time. in others, the hormone treatment is for life.
how is it prevented?
the best prevention is maintaining healthy pack bonds. if, for some reason, this is inaccessible, clinics, health departments, and hospitals typically have nesting materials marked with synthetic pheromones. in the past five years, some nesting material companies have begun offering materials marked with synthetic pheromones. in addition, matching agencies sometimes offer scent-marked clothing or nesting materials for sale, though this practice is judged fairly harshly.
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talk to me about feral omegas !!! omegas fighting alphas when another omega goes into heat !!! omegas defending their "territory" !! nesting omegas ready to bite anyone who enters their room !!
i'm tired of hearing about docile omegas, they're care takers they should be ready to fight at the drop of a hat !!
I am 100% for feral omegas! just chaos bringing omegas.
Omegas that are there to cause problems if you cross their boundaries!
I am a huge fan of Omegas growling when upset. I think it would probably be an uncommon thing just because omegas are treated in a certain way BUT that means that when it happens it is so much more shocking!
I'm thinking about older omegas that watch out for their younger counterparts. Like in a mall if an omega is distressed, a friendly feral grandma omega shows up to growl at people getting in the distressed omega's space.
I love the idea of omegas as caretakers but not passive! Omegas that break into their friend's house to drop off nesting supplies all the while being like "You have shit nesting stuff here you go also im going to be on your couch to make sure no one bugs you okay".
Thinking about omegas that scent mark everything they touch like possessive little monsters. You cannot lend them clothes unless you accept that they will return them completely covered in their scent.
My personal favourite type of feral adjacent omega is kinda bratty and mean but I also love the idea of aggressively supportive and caring feral omega.
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minks-country-club · 1 year
I absolutely love omega x omega and alpha x alpha. It's so underrated. Just imagine:
2 omegas in heat. They're cuddling and rubbing up on each other, everything is soft and sweet and squishy and cozy and they're both so pliant with each other. Omegas taking care of each other and because they're both omegas, its comforting to each other. Maybe they dont start out as a couple and dont end in a romantic relationship but they eventually find comfort in each other when one starts humping a leg or a pillow and the other is so desperate that they end up joining in and help them satiate their need.
2 alphas in a rut is just pure chaos. They wanna fuck and they wanna fuck hard. They wanna bite and claim and mate and impregnate and fuck some more. They wanna bury themselves in the other but neither of them are capable of giving up control and dominance. They fight to dominate whilst also being balls-deep in each other. It's worse because the smell of another alpha is threatening and makes their senses go into fight mode to dominate and claim but also protect themselves. So as they're trying to fuck, their instincts are telling them that the other alpha is a threat.
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greenbergwrites · 4 months
I am on my KNEES begging for another part to the feral omega steve and etienne prompt!!! it's so GOOD and I cannot stop thinking about it 😩 (please take this as inspiration and not pushing, I understand the creative juices are difficult to control ❤️)
I was very excited about feral Omegas yesterday, both this story and the original one, and had a whole bunch of ideas that I wanted to get started on today.
Unfortunately, my sleep aid is being wonky so I didn't get a good, deep sleep last night and my brain was rather hazy today. I did manage to cobble together what's below, even though it's not quite as many words as yesterday.
Hope you enjoy it, though!
Part One | Part Two
Bucky doesn’t want to think about what happens when the local Alphas arrive and so he doesn’t. There’s not much to be gained from dwelling on it, anyways.
Instead, he focuses on the Omegas.
He coaxes the feral Omega onto the gurney beside his blue-eyed companion. They cling to each other, their hands entwined, as he finds each of them a blanket to shield them from the cool weather. Once they’re bundled, he manages to scrounge up a couple of chocolate protein bars. He isn’t sure if they were left behind by the medical personnel or if it was something on hand to feed the other humans found in the warehouse. 
He supposes it doesn’t matter. 
Methodically, he unwraps two of them and hands one to each Omega. Pulling up a chair next to the gurney, he watches them both take hesitant bites. The feral Omega doesn’t seem to care much about the taste, but the blue-eyed one makes a face.
Bucky laughs softly.
“I know,” he murmurs, rubbing the boy’s arm through his blanket. “We’ll get you proper food soon. This is just to tide you over. Do you want some water? It helps.”
He takes a bottle from the table, unscrewing the cap and holding it out. The Omega doesn’t take the bottle from him; instead, he puts his lips around it, allowing Bucky to tip the water into his mouth.
The feral Omega pauses in decimating his protein bar, scowling at Bucky until he’s given the same treatment. After draining half the bottle, he goes back to his food.
Watching them settles something in Bucky’s chest. For the first time since he saw them, he doesn’t feel quite so suffocated. They’re warm in blankets he found, their hurts tended to at least partially by his hand, now eating the food that he’s provided. He’s taken care of them and because he did, they’ve calmed considerably.
That knowledge is a living thing under his skin, filling him with a primal sense of pride and satisfaction. This is what he was born for–what every Alpha was born for. To take care of an Omega.
He touches the blue-eyed Omega again, tilting his chin gently until the boy meets his gaze.
“Do you think you can tell me your names?” He asks softly. 
The feral one has been more vocal, technically, but for all his hissing and growling, he’s yet to speak an actual word. He might not be in a state of mind where words are possible, as unsavory as that thought is.
The blue-eyed Omega glances at his companion, who shrugs as he eats the last of his protein bar. It’s the most human gesture Bucky’s seen him display so far.
The Omega sets aside the remnants of his protein bar. He takes Bucky’s hand in his and turns it over, tracing his finger along Bucky’s palm.
Letters. He’s drawing letters.
S - T - E - V - E
“Steve,” Bucky says, once the Omega pauses and looks up at him. The boy nods and taps his own throat. 
His name is Steve.
He looks down and draws again.
E - T - I - E - N - N - E
“Etienne,” Bucky repeats, just to make sure he has it right.
Steve nods and points to the feral Omega.
Steve and Etienne.
Bucky smiles, touching Steve’s cheek.
“Thank you,” he murmurs.
Steve smiles shyly, nudging his fingers.
“Is there something wrong with your throat, Steve?” Bucky asks. “Did they do something to you?”
He shakes his head.
“You can talk?” Yes.
“You just don’t want to?” No.
Steve frowns, looking down at where his fingers still rest on Bucky’s palm. His lips part, breath hitching, but whatever he wants to convey seems too complicated a concept. He shakes his head again, his shoulders slumping. His scent isn’t sour, but it also isn’t as calm as it was a minute before.
Etienne snatches up his discarded protein bar, shoving it into Steve’s hands as he glares balefully at Bucky.
Bucky’s lips quirk. He doesn’t say anything as Etienne successfully distracts Steve from whatever is going through his head. As Steve starts to eat again, Etienne knocks their foreheads together. Steve’s answer is a small smile.
Once his scent has evened out again, Etienne turns his hard gaze back to Bucky.
Don’t do that again, he seems to say.
Bucky pats Etienne’s cheek.
“Don’t worry, pup,” he says softly. “I don’t want to upset him, either.”
Etienne harrumphs, turning his head to bite the meat of Bucky’s palm. He doesn’t sink his teeth in deep enough to break skin. If anything, he gnaws almost gently. 
It isn’t quite a playful gesture, though–-more like an acquiescence and a warning rolled into one. 
On the other side of the tent, a phone pings. Suddenly, Bucky’s reminded that they aren’t alone. The Enforcer is still there, though he’s given them space so that both Omegas can feel comfortable.
He turns just in time to see the Enforcer look up from his phone.
“The Alphas are here.”
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iamferal · 8 months
I am cringe but I am free… and I love it.
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sunnysideprincess · 1 year
Steve has only ever heard tall tales. On one side, of how feral Omegas are born from too much freedom, too much of outsider's touch and a weaker, submissive Alpha. He'd known those were nonsensical rumors to curb the fire that burned with Omega rights. On the other hand, some believed them to be made up stories. Feral Alphas were real and usual sightings, more often a result of an unexpected rutt. Cases reported for feral Omegas, however were two or three in a decade—mostly false. Sightings, none. Living witnesses, none.
Watching Tony crouch and growl at their guards, the limp body of his ward secure behind him, Steve thinks there's a reason for all of that. The bright red eyes, the fangs that ripped into the man's throat like tender meat and the putrid stench of death emanating from the generally cinnamon scented Omega—safe to say, no feral alpha would be any match for a feral Omega.
After, after it's done. After Harley blinks and calls out for his "mechanic". After, like a switch flipped, Tony grows limp and heavy, crawling towards the kid, dragged down by the foreign blood on his body and the still fading rampage. After Steve stares at the mangled corpses of the Hydra agents and lets out a soft chuckle.
"This sucks. No one's gonna believe me."
Tony looks at him, the residual red merging with his beautiful earthy hues. Steve wonders if he could remember it well to put it on a canvas.
"Sorry," Tony whispers, his voice hoarse as he cradles Harley close to his chest. "I'm sorry, but they hurt him-"
"They did. And they deserved what came to them for that."
The picture they paint—Steve recalls telling Tony about the man who wanted family, stability going into the ice. Thinking about Tony going feral for a child that isn't even his, bit by bit Steve thinks maybe that man is being revived. By the very person who stole his heart by flying a nuke to space.
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wefancywatch · 1 year
Tumblr media
George Clooney x Omega
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Your post about feral behavior in omegaverse makes me so happy, I love it a lot because I like to use it in writing. Do you think it’s a headspace that can be induced during great danger too? Or do you consider that a different thing entirely? I would love to hear your thoughts. I’ve always used it in situations of danger but I used the way you break it down a little just less advanced than how you explain it.
ooo this is a good question, thank you!! i think a similar headspace can be triggered by situations of extreme danger, but maybe without the dangerous hormonal regulation. it’s similar to the idea of a parent lifting a car off of their child. when someone needs to protect themselves, their pups, or their pack, there is a spike in certain hormones. in this state of hyperarousal, an individual might behave similarly to someone experiencing ferality.
i think the major difference is that when someone is feral, their drive is to connect. a forced bite from a feral alpha isn’t because they want to hurt someone, it’s because biting someone is a bonding behavior and their condition comes from a lack of social bonds. bonding bites are not considered a violent act any more than getting a shot at the doctor or getting a piercing.
when someone is in danger, however, their drive is to protect, attack, defend, or escape. when a feral omega bites someone because their packmate was threatened, their intention is to protect that packmate through violence. while the behavior might be similar (alpha posturing, beta zoomies/perching, omega hiding), the mechanism that causes it and the instinctive drive behind it are different.
people in that state of hyperarousal might still need medical support afterward, especially if they were in danger for a prolonged period of time. coming down from that sort of thing might send them into a state of psychological shock that would require support from both medical experts and the affected person’s pack.
thank you so much for your question!!! :D
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KalZod Drabble
May expand it into a full fledged fix at some point. My WIP folder is kinda full though
A/b/o, royalty, Krypton survived AU
Alpha!Kal, Omega!Zod, Feral Zod
(but if you know me you know that Omega Zod doesn't mean submissive, simpering Zod)
It was tradition for an alpha, on the cusp of their first rut, to be given an omega to mate with, to keep as their own.
Kal thought he had made it clear to his father that he had no interest in this tradition. He didn't want an omega. He liked them well enough, but all of the ones he was allowed to associate with, as the heir to the throne, were... Shallow, delicate things. And while he knew the military guild was mostly omegas, he didn't think he'd be given one of them. They were strong-willed, and independent. Not an ideal future consort.
Kal had thought his father understood he'd rather settle with a beta, or another alpha, but he could smell the omega as he stood in front of the door to his room. The omega was in heat, and distressed. Kal couldn't blame them, he was distressed, too.
He had spent the day feeling strangely on edge, and uncomfortably hot, and he just knew he was about to enter his first rut. It was a bit late, he was almost 20, and most alphas had their first right around the time they turned 18. He didn't want a rut, because he didn't want an omega, but his body had other plans, clearly.
Kal could faintly hear the omega snarling and growling through the thick door, and didn't know quite what to make of that. None of the omegas he knew would ever growl, much less snarl.
He opened the door, apprehensive and uncertain. And was only mildly surprised when a body slammed into him, sending him sprawling to the ground. What had surprised him, however, was the glimpse he had gotten of the omega's face before their face was buried in Kal's neck, vicious snarls giving way to content purrs.
After a moment, the omega moved down his body, dragging Kal into the room by his legs.
"Uh... General?" He questioned, keeping his voice soft, worried about setting off the older, clearly feral, Omega again.
"I take it you like your gift?"
Kal looked up, confusion clear on his face, into the smug face of his father, Emperor Jor-El.
"Wha-" Kal tried to ask his father what was going on, but he was cut off by a vicious snarl.
"Mine!" Zod hissed, throwing himself back on top of Kal, and snarling at the older El.
"Do enjoy yourself, Kal, and take care of General Zod, he's been on suppressants and denying himself this since before you were born," Jor waved as he shut the door, trapping Kal in his room with the feral General.
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bunnybea33 · 1 year
thanksgiving ice breakers and conversation starters
do u think jack the ripper was a woman/ what are ur jack the ripper theories
who here thinks women should have rights
what color is ur underwear
what are ur opinions on the current socioeconomic status of our country
somebody farted
who wants to watch kpop videos with me
what do u guys think are thanksgiving traditions in other countries
did u guys know that 1 in every 3 ppl are gay (looks around the table)
let’s all vote who the ugliest person here is
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greenbergwrites · 4 months
Green. I’m a starved man. I’ve been rereading your post about Steve and Etienne being feral and Bucky trying to take care of them. If you have anything in your beautiful brain about that to continue off of. I think I’d cry. Love and appreciate you for everything you do and have done <3
Real talk, the original story I’ve been trying to write all year has been a feral!Omega plot inspired by that very post. [I even kept the name Etienne for one of the minor characters 😂]
Feral!Omega is apparently my new fixation and I regret nothing. 
So yes, I will happily continue that story for you.
Original post here for anyone who needs a reminder.
The feral Omega can walk out of his cage under his own steam. His companion, still as quiet as ever, cannot. Along with whatever injury has him bleeding, there appears to be something wrong with his foot. 
Bucky kneels beside the boy, permitted reluctantly by his protector, pursing his lips as he looks it over. The feral Omega hovers just over his shoulder, that warning little grumble-hiss still in every breath he takes. Should Bucky do or say the wrong thing, he has no doubt the Omega will attack.
He tries to keep himself and his scent as calming as possible, but it’s not easy. The boy’s foot is bent at an unnatural angle and seeing such an injury on an Omega makes him want to rage. His anger would accomplish nothing but agitating the feral Omega and potentially scaring the silent one, so he tamps it down as best he can.
The Omega is too dirty for him to figure out of it’s an old injury that’s healed wrong or a newer one that can be more easily fixed. Either possibility is unacceptable–angled like it is, it has to be causing the Omega pain.
“We’ll get this fixed up in no time,” he murmurs to the boy, keeping his voice soft and soothing. “For now, will you permit me to carry you?”
The Omega blinks up at him with those big, blue eyes. There is an air of vulnerability to most Omegas, but it’s more intense with this one. His gaze is so open, so sad. Bucky wants to find everyone who’s responsible for that expression and hurt them slowly.
The Omega nods silently.
Carefully, Bucky scoops him up. The boy is so light, it’s almost sickening. He pauses, giving himself a moment to rest his cheek on the boy’s hair.
No one else will hurt you, he vows silently. 
He promised it aloud already, and he’s sure that neither of them believed him. He won’t fail them, though. He will make sure they’re safe.
The feral Omega vibrates with tension, as if wants to snatch his companion from Bucky’s arms and carry the boy himself. As small as the other Omega is, Bucky isn’t sure he’d succeed, though. Perhaps that’s what stops him.
“Follow me,” Bucky tells the feral one, his voice still soft. 
It doesn’t soothe this one quite like it soothes the Omega in his arms, but it doesn’t seem to hurt, either.
Outside, the rain hasn’t slowed. Most of the vehicles are gone now, as are most of the humans. Two black trucks and a single ambulance remain, all three parked near what appears to be a triage tent near the entrance to the warehouse. The Enforcer that guided Bucky inside is standing near it, holding open the flap to allow them inside.
The feral Omega darts forward, putting himself between the Enforcer and Bucky, snarling loud enough to be heard over the storm. It doesn’t seem to register to him that he’s being drowned by the rain.
Bucky sighs softly, shifting the Omega in his arms as he approaches their little bodyguard. He lets his fingers brush over the feral one’s damp arm.
“Enough,” he chides. “Get in the tent so we can all get out of the rain.”
The Omega glares at him, but after a glance to his companion, he reluctantly obeys. 
Inside, the tent is set up with a gurney, two chairs, and a rudimentary set of medical supplies. It’s also empty.
The Enforcer comes in behind them, letting the flap shut behind him.
“You said they don’t like humans,” he said, “but all the medical personnel on site are human. I have some training, but unless they’ll allow the others in, it’s all we have.”
Bucky nodded. “I think we can make do with the two of us.”
It takes quite a bit of coaxing, and more promises of safety from Bucky, but the feral Omega allows the Enforcer to help his companion. Bucky can take care of their superficial wounds, but the foot requires more training than he has. 
By the time Bucky’s found cleaned and bandaged their cuts, the Enforcer has cleaned the silent Omega’s foot and examined it. Now that the dirt is gone, Bucky can see that his foot is swollen and red, making the injury new.
He hates how relieved he is about it. The idea of an Omega being hurt at all is unthinkable, but at least they won’t have to re-break the bone to set it correctly. He isn’t sure the feral Omega would be able to stand that.
“I’m going to have to set it,” the Enforcer says apologetically, looking to the blue-eyed Omega. “It’s going to hurt, but only for a second.”
The Omega looks to Bucky, and Bucky can almost hear what he’s thinking.
You said I wouldn’t hurt anymore.
Or maybe that’s just his guilty conscience, promising something before he knew all the facts. 
Bucky touches the boy’s hair.
“If there were any other way,” he said, “we’d do that instead. But if we leave it, it’ll heal wrong and we’ll have to re-break it if you want to walk again. It’s up to you, but setting it now is better.”
Frankly, Bucky is surprised it hasn’t healed itself already. The fact that it’s still swollen and fresh is worrisome. Their kind don’t heal quite as quickly as the movies portray, but they do heal fast. It should be at least halfway there already.
The Omega looks back at the Enforcer and nods solemnly. His feral companion, though, snarls before the Enforcer can even touch him.
Bucky takes him by the arm, pulling him closer. The fact that the Omega lets him is a good sign, considering how hostile he is. He takes the feral Omega’s face in his hands, making sure the boy is looking at him.
“We have to do this,” he says firmly. “It’s what’s best for him. Hold on to me if you have to. Don’t look. Whatever it is you need, but you have to let this happen. Do you understand?”
For several long seconds, the Omega just stares at him, and Bucky worries that he doesn’t. That he’s too far gone to truly grasp what’s happening.
Then, thankfully, he nods. It’s small, and the boy’s breath is shaky, his gaze displaying fear for the first time. But still, he nods, and Bucky knows he isn’t so far gone.
“C’mere,” he says, gathering the feral Omega to him, and the boy buries his face in Bucky’s chest, his fingers gripping Bucky’s shirt tightly. 
Bucky shuffles them closer to the gurney, because he can’t allow one Omega to be comforted and leave the other bereft. He keeps one arm tightly around the feral Omega’s back and lays his other hand on the back of the silent Omega’s neck, squeezing lightly.
The silent Omega reaches up, grasping his wrist.
“Eyes on me,” Bucky orders him. When the Omega obeys, staring up at him, he tells the Enforcer, “Go on.”
It’s quick. A little jerk of the Enforcer’s hands, the snap of bone going back into place. The feral Omega jolts in his arms, trembling, and the blue-eyed Omega closes his eyes, his breath hitching almost imperceptibly. 
When it’s over, Bucky relaxes his hold on both Omegas. He sighs in relief, nuzzling first the feral Omega in his arms and then leaning down to do the same to his companion.
“Good,” he murmurs to them both. “You were both so good. I’m so proud of you.”
The blue-eyed Omega gazes up at him in wonder. He leans back until he’s resting against Bucky’s hip, pulling Bucky’s hand down to rest on his chest. He keeps holding onto it, clinging to Bucky as fiercely as his companion does.
The Enforcer reaches for something to bandage the ankle with. By the time it’s wrapped, both Omegas have calmed considerably, though neither of them have let go of Bucky yet. He doesn’t make them, either. They’ve been through hell, and whatever comfort they want, they deserve.
The Enforcer clears his throat awkwardly.
“Neither of them have a pack scent,” he says to Bucky. “Until they can tell us where they belong, the next step is to have a local pack foster them. We’ve already contacted the closest ones, their Alphas should be here soon.”
Bucky’s instinctive reaction is to protest. These Omegas are no one to him, not in any sort of way, even though it feels like the opposite.
They trusted him enough to let him get them out. They trusted him enough to allow the Enforcer into their space. They trusted him enough to allow pain, no matter how briefly, and to let him comfort them through it.
He swallows down that instinct, though, knowing that he has no right. 
Reluctantly, he nods and tries not to tighten his old on the Omegas.
“Okay,” he says, and the word tastes like ash on his tongue.
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iamferal · 7 months
The Troubles of Being Feral pt.60
Currently making the best damn cookies that my alpha will ever eat and as soon as they're back from work I'm shoving them down my dumbass alphas throat until they choke from my love and die from how good these Halloween themed cinnamon cookies are bitch
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padawansuggest · 6 months
Okay so I want to make an arranged marriage AU for Obi-Wan/Jango. But like. Instead of it being all ‘neither of us want this’ it’s a contract that they both willingly signed and honestly it was obsession at first sight.
Lemme explain.
See, Stewjon (ruled by King Yoda and his mess of adopted kids, so adoption is very common on the planet and they don’t even mind that Prince Jango already has kids) is a peaceful little world that cares about arts, parties, and farming. It’s a mixture of fun and practical. Most Mandalorians think it’s kinda shallow, but fun for party weekends to run off to. A lot of New Mandalorians that still hate the republic send their kids off to school there.
Obi-Wan is 25 minutes late to the meeting and Jango is all ‘you know what, I can handle not having to entertain him, clearly he’s got better things to do Lmao, this marriage will be easy’ and then the next minute someone flings open the meeting room doors, and you can just SEE Prince Qui-Gon’s face fall. He’s been toting the qualities of his baby son for the whole time they’ve been there, talking about the art degrees the kid has (Obi likes painting and sculpting in canon okay) and Jango is all ‘that’s great, he can paint his own wedding armor I’m sure it’ll be lovely’ and about how Obi-Wan is great with kids and loves to read ‘that’s great, he can entertain my father AND son at the same time’
And then the door slams open, and in comes a wild looking Xanatos, physically dragging a snarling young man who’s trying to bite through Xanatos’s wrist.
‘Oh my. He’s not normally so… violent.’
Anyways, Obi-Wan is eventually soothed into submission when Jango, who can’t stop laughing, asks if Obi-Wan really finds him so distasteful, cause he can just leave if so. Obi-Wan, after pulling his slightly bloody mouth off his brother’s arm with an air of dainty sweetness, just licks his chops and mentions Xanatos told him the Mandalorians would take away his pet Varactyl because they wouldn’t want Boga running around the city.
Jango just laughs even harder and tells him he can have whatever big dangerous pets he wants to. Obi-Wan gets up to go meet his new future husband and inform him that he would like a nexu. Jango says yes but also gifts him a new virodagger that makes Obi-Wan squeal about how pretty it is.
Jaster expected them to leave the planet with a very tenacious plan for breaking off the marriage but instead Jango is sighing lovingly and telling his new beloved that they shan’t be parted for much longer. Lovesick strill pups at first sight.
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squidkid15 · 2 months
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can't believe this is the first time I've drawn Omega and i chose to make it a shitpost
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thememerman · 1 year
I went into this on Twitter but I’m gonna go into again bc I don’t have a character limit over here 🧚
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he’s had this helmet since Aftermath. It was one of our first introductions to Imperial Crosshair and the things he was willing to do (and was at first forced to do) to get ahead and be seen as someone important to a higher cause. It represented his loyalty *screams* to the empire and the new goals he had that ended up separating him from the Batch in the s1 finale.
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and WHEN HE LOSES IT??? practically every trace of imperial Crosshair is gone too. he doesn’t care if Mayday is dead weight or not, he’s going to get him back to base or die trying. he doesn’t care about what the empire wants anymore. he doesn’t care about being a good soldier. he doesn’t care about orders. he’s more himself than he has been since the chip activated god only knows how long ago. he’s throwing everything to the wind because he cares, because he doesn’t want to be alone again, because he sees too much of the people he cares about *COUGHS* HUNTER AND CODY *COUGHS* in his brother and he can’t stand to lose him too. and then he does anyway. and Crosshair is so done and so broken that he’s literally willing to probably be executed for treason just to avenge Mayday’s death. he was ready to die right there on that godforsaken outpost and he’s not a commander anymore he’s barely even a soldier anymore it’s just. Crosshair. all alone. all over again
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