#fence of teeth
tsyllaes · 3 months
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The zahnenzaun, or fence of teeth, is a semi-mythical creature living in the Llayan Great Lake. It's seen rarely enough that nobody knows what it looks like, just general impressions of brown fins and the holy shit teeth fencing off that gaping maw. It has been known to attack people, lending credence to its existence, but it still has almost Loch Ness Monster standing among those who don't live on the Great Lake.
In reality, the zahnenzaun is a freshwater shark, a bit smaller than a great white and a bit of a cross between a wobbegong and an eel, not much more than a mouth with a tail. It lives on the lake bottom where it feeds on other bottom feeders, out where the water is quite deep. It's mostly an ambush predator, hiding amongst the seaweed before launching itself in that way sea creatures do and taking down its prey. Very occasionally, when it hasn't eaten in a while and it's REALLY hungry, it'll pursue its prey up to the surface and breach the surface with a great gnashing of teeth before disappearing back to the depths. If it sees a fisher's legs standing there in the shallows, then so much easier for the zahnenzaun. As with saltwater sharks, though, they don't like the taste of humans so they'll invariably spit them out and swim away.
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therealfailwhale · 2 months
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I genuinely CANNOT handle this like holy fuck
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candycatstuffs · 1 year
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youssefguedira · 11 months
have a little more fencing world champion joe. because it's worlds again and olympics soonish. enjoy
The clock on the nightstand changes from 01:36 to 01:37, and Joe sighs, rolling over to stare up at the ceiling. Nicky, beside him, shifts in his sleep but doesn't wake.
Joe, however, has been awake since at least 12:08, and feels far too restless to sleep. It's almost certainly jet lag: they're in Chicago for a little while, visiting Nile and her family, and largely trying to enjoy the last little bit of free time they have left until training begins again in earnest. Of course, Joe's kit bag is lying open at the foot of the bed, and Nicky's beside it: just because they're not formally training doesn't mean they won't need it at all.
Still, Joe can't sleep. He sighs again, and gives up on trying to do so entirely. Maybe he'll be able to find some time to rest tomorrow, though he doubts it. Nile's got a lot of things she wants to show them, and Joe would ordinarily be thrilled, if he wasn't so tired.
It'll pass, Andy told him, though she doesn't seem to have been affected by it at all. He's almost certain they'll meet her in the morning for breakfast and she'll be exactly as normal, as if they haven't just crossed multiple time zones. Even Nicky, who hadn't struggled nearly as much as Joe had, had begun to slow down some time around midday, but Andy had been fine.
He gets out of bed, careful not to wake Nicky, who's rolled onto his side facing the door. With nothing else to do, Joe makes his way to the little balcony attached to their room, picking up his phone from the nightstand on the way. The sliding door squeals a little when he opens it, but when he looks over at Nicky he hasn't even moved.
While it's certainly quieter than it had been before, the city is nowhere near silent. It's beautiful, though, and Joe takes a picture to send to his sister.
She texts him back immediately. Pretty, but isn't it like the middle of the night for you?
1 am, Joe responds. Jet lag.
His phone lights up with a call then, but not from Amira. He reads the contact name and answers, heart in his throat.
Oof, is Amira's response.
He almost drops his phone when he realises what they're calling him for.
By the time they hang up, his hands are shaking: he stays like that, phone still pressed to his ear even after the call has ended, for at least a few minutes.
Finally, at a loss for what else to do, he lowers his phone and goes back inside. Sits down on the edge of the bed.
The movement is just enough to wake Nicky, who blinks a few times before sliding into awareness all at once, the way he always does. He sits up, leaning against the headboard, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "Joe?" he asks, voice still slightly hoarse from sleep. He frowns when Joe doesn't answer straight away. "Is something wrong?"
"No," Joe says. Fidgets with his phone, screen now dark, still in his hands. "Uh. They want me for the Olympic team."
Nicky is silent for all of a split second before his expression breaks into a wide smile. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Joe can't keep himself from smiling now, either, as Nicky cups the back of Joe's neck with one hand, leans in to press their foreheads together. Joe closes his eyes.
"Of course they do, Joe," Nicky says then. "You're the best in the world right now. You're going to be incredible."
There are times when that doesn't quite feel real, even if it's been a while.
"You'll come with me?" Joe asks.
"Always," Nicky says. Then he pulls back and kisses Joe's cheek, his forehead, the space between his eyes, until Joe laughs.
"I love you," Nicky tells him.
They'd met fencing épée, of all things. Andy had invited the seven of them – they hadn't quite been friends yet, but Joe had known Quynh for a couple years by then, and Andy too, while Nicky had already known Nile – to train with her and Quynh for a while, and Joe couldn't possibly refuse, because Andy was both his friend and one of the best coaches in the world back then. She'd made them all switch to a weapon they didn't usually use, and Joe and Nicky had picked épée: Joe because he figured it would be easier than restricting his target area to the torso only, and Nicky because épée was far closer to foil than sabre. They'd been about evenly matched, and it had been – well, it had been fun.
Joe had left a week later with Nicky's number in his phone and a small, fluttering hope in his chest. And even if they hadn't kept in touch very well those first few months, when the World Championships came around, and Joe had qualified for the second time, Nicky had joined Andy to meet him at the airport, grinning widely when he caught sight of him.
The rest, as they say, is history.
"I love you too," Joe says.
"You want to tell the others?" Nicky asks.
Joe looks at him for a moment. Looks at the clock. "It's 1 am, Nicky. Andy will kill us both."
Nicky snorts. "In the morning, then?"
"In the morning," Joe agrees.
Neither of them end up going back to sleep until 4 am, and they're both exhausted at breakfast the next morning, but. It's worth it.
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kelleycubes · 1 year
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watch us watch a movie and not show it to you. you probably wont be able to even hear it.
but you know what you will be able to hear? us. noted Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 experts (and personal friends of mine) @jame7t and @leviathan-teeth join me on what will definitely be 1hr 29min of nonstop* fun.
smiles sweetly. laughs sadly. grins maliciously. TWITCH.TV/KELLEYCUBES
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forkpigeon3146 · 3 months
and so i will hold you at an arm's length
not because i do not like you
but rather because i love you so much
that i refuse to lose you
like those i have lost
when i held them close
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justafriendofxanders · 4 months
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sorry for the meme format that's apparently nearing a DECADE old but i unironically feel a shiver down my spine any time someone mentions buffy being rebooted
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watching nate in ted lasso is so surreal when you’ve originally known nick mohammed as the guy who did bits on 8 out of 10 cats does countdown. like what do you mean the same guy who’s on a redemption arc after betraying richmond fc is the same guy who made up lyrics to the jurassic park theme song????
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picorimori · 7 months
i hate to trash talk art programs because someone always comes out of the woodworks to tell me how an art program saved their grandma or some shit but I have to let the hate in my heart out somehow. i fucking hate procreate. i hate it so much. i long for the day drawing in it doesn't make me wanna pull out my teeth. i hate how everyone got ipads and procreate in ~2018-2020 and fucking swore by it (they did the same shit with csp every time it went on sale and then i bought it and hated that too). i hate it. its shit. when you resize lines it gets even more pixely than sai and i love sai but I hated that shit there too. i hate the lasso tool. i hate all the brushes. i hate that there isn't a proper selection tool. i hate that you can't manipulate the layer modes on 'folders'. i hate that everything is hidden in an instruction manual that doesn't exist in-app. i fucking hate this program i hate it so much. its been a year and i still hate it i fucking hate it here.
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theheadlessgroom · 3 months
"Salem's Lot," Wilhelm replied, as he reached over to the end table beside his chair, grabbing the book to pass to Emily; a black paperback edition with an eerie face printed on it, a drop of bright red blood dripping from the mouth an eye-catching speck of color on the otherwise eerie and mysterious cover, giving no hint as to the contents of the book, and what horrors awaited the reader.
"See, a young man comes home to his old hometown and finds out that someone bought the creepy old house on the hill," he explained; although he wasn't the biggest horror fan, it was clear he was enjoying it. "And the town has tons of skeletons in its closet that I think this Mr. Barlow character is going to exploit. It's very scary, it's made me sorta sleep with one eye open lately! I won't spoil it for you, lass, if you'd like to read it, but it's very good, I'm curious to know what the rest of this fellow's writing is like!"
"One of the nurses at the office read Carrie," June commented, adding, "She said it was frightening, but sad as well. I think Randall has it on hold at the library."
"I do," Randall nodded. "I saw the film, and I get a feeling the book's going to be very similar. I felt very sorry for Carrie-she was a tragic monster."
And besides-he could relate, having had to deal with his fair share of bullies when he was in high school...
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rabbithaver · 5 months
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aro-laurance-zvahl · 1 year
I think I need to rewatch MCD from the start and map out each arc as well as make notes of the important events and characters and their traits and relationships and dynamics so that I can like actual start reconstructing the series beyond vague dialogue snippets
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the-kneesbees · 10 months
do you think vampires just puncture your skin with their sharp teeth and drink your blood or are their teeth like straws? also do you think that turning into a vampire is just getting bitten,, losing so much blood you almost die, and then drinking vampire blood to become "undead" and turn into a vamp or do vampires have like venom in their teeth that turns you
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sxturdaysun · 8 months
tell tale sign that i'm down bad for a character is when i start trying to assign a waterparks song to them.
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shalebridgecradle · 10 months
TESFest, Day 3 - starlit/teeth - @tes-summer-fest summary: 754 words; PG; in which the Dragonborn, prior to the events of Skyrim, has some grievances with her closest neighbors. No content warnings. housekeeping note: Julan is on loan from Kateri. (He's only mentioned in this fic, but still, credit where it's due.) Eira's adoptive home of Alt Aruhn is a personal head canon / addition to Solstheim.
Master Neloth bent to inspect the fallen creature. “They’ve grown teeth now. How charming. Was this really worth interrupting my tea?”
Eira’s scarf slipped down to her chin; she didn’t bother tugging it back into place. All the better to scowl at the Telvanni wizard, as any sensible soul would never do. “They’re changing. Evolving. The gulakhans thought you’d wish to know.”
“They’d wish me to know every time an Ashlander stubbed their toe on a rock.”
She sucked in a deep breath–and regretted it almost immediately, coughing back up a breath full of hot ash. The storms were worse than ever this season; they left the air laden with silt for hours after they’d passed. Whether that was connected to the changes in the ash spawn, no one back home seemed to know. She tugged her scarf back up over her mouth and nose and took another breath. “Tel Mithryn hasn’t suffered any attacks recently?”
Neloth made a harumph sound at the back of his throat. He was otherwise preoccupied in prodding the ash spawn’s chest with a conjured staff. Ash flaked away to reveal the warm glow of its heart stone underneath. Eira shifted her weight away, back on her heels. The stone presented itself as a thrumming presence she could feel in her bones. It made her skin itch, even through layers of armor and furs.
“They do seem to prefer Alt Aruhn these days,” Neloth said, leaning back and dusting off his hands. The staff faded into the ether the moment he let it drop. “Softer target and all that. If the gulakhans want my advice, they should try building walls. Marvelous inventions, those.”
“That implies the ash spawn possess a basic level of intelligence,” she retorted, ignoring the slight. “Strategy.”
He bent to inspect the creature’s face up close. Its teeth were cracked, jagged points, all along its top jaw, like rows of stalactites. They hadn’t yet mastered stalagmites. “Or perhaps they believe Ashlander and Redoran taste better.”
“Less bitter, certainly.”
Neloth ignored her sarcasm. He extended a fingertip toward the ash spawn’s slack jaw, prodding it open further. Instead it fell off entirely, crumbling away in a shower of dust and ash. The rest of the body followed soon after. The heart stone winked out like a lantern, swiftly extinguished, before the creature crumpled away and mixed into the ashy soil and wind. 
Only a single tooth remained behind: a fine, sharpened point. Then the wind gusted down from the north and even that vanished.
“I do wish they wouldn’t do that.” Neloth rose back to his feet with a sigh and a creak of his knees. “It makes examining them rather difficult.” A motion of his hand; one of his retainers scurried forth to collect the dead heart stone, whisking it away to some laboratory or other. “Is there anything else? Your wise woman didn’t read my demise in her tea leaves again, I trust?”
“That is an error she’s unlikely to repeat.” Mostly because her aunt had suggested to her that she keep such predictions about their neighbor to herself, in future.
“Good. Then if you don’t mind, my own tea is surely quite cold by now.” He gestured to the faint indentation in the ash and snow where the ash spawn had been. “Should they discover opposable thumbs and begin to master rudimentary tools, do stop by again. Until then, tell the ashkhan to stop interrupting my tea time.”
Eira had to suppress a laugh. If Julan knew, he’d see to it that the old Telvanni wouldn’t be able to drink his tea uninterrupted for months. To Neloth, she merely inclined her head. Her raven hair slid forward and, luckily, hid the amusement shining in her dark blue eyes. “Of course, serjo.”
Neloth dismissed her with a wave of his hand and some muttering, as he marched back inside his tower, about the cheek of the youth these days. A few of the household retainers who had gathered almost–but not quite–out of earshot scattered out of the way as he went.
Eira waited until the door to Tel Mithryn swung firmly shut before she turned to go. Alt Aruhn was little more than a smudge in the far distance–down the hill and across the creek, visible mainly as a few plumes of smoke from hearth fires. The wind blew cold and crisp from the north with the promise of snow.
She sighed, tugging her scarf back up over her nose again. “Fetcher.”
It was going to be a long walk home.
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endoplasmian · 10 months
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unrestrained summer fun
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