#felix net i nika
im-smart-i-swear · 5 months
Today I come with a slightly more unusual request, which is, could I ask for a doodle of Manfred from you in some spare time? It doesn't have to be detailed or anything like that. I'm just curious to see what he would look like in your style (and I'm sure he would be wonderful). Of course if you don't want to, don't have time or any of those things then no problem ^^.
Cheers and have a great day!
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hiiii!!! sorry it took me so long to answer, life has been a bit hectic lately
anyway here are some manfred doodles!!! thats how he looks in my head
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prusin-senpai · 1 month
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Chose your fighter
Felix wsm to bardziej zasługuje na określenie "Infodumping"...
((inspiracja doodlami @im-smart-i-swear :D))
Characters from a series of shitty teen books "Felix, Net i Nika" with some cool sci-fi elements sometimes
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childhoodcrushpolls · 5 months
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submitted by anonymous
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jade--blooded · 1 year
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Mój Fanfik na Wattpadzie i AO3!
Na chwilę obecną ma 4 rozdziały z przewidzianych 6 i przechodzi przez mniejsze poprawki! Aktualizacje są niestety sporadyczne ze względu na natłok pracy i nauki w prywatnym życiu T~T
Fanfik stricte Felix x Net (i eventualnie nieco Laura x Nika w backgroundzie), więc jeśli nie odpowiada wam tematyka to nie polecam ㋛
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trzpiotka · 1 year
ja pierdole co niby było równościowego w Felix Net i Nika, przecież Nika miała Moce, była Magiczną Dziewczynką, a chłopaki byli odpowiednio super zdolnym fizykiem/inżynierem i informatykiem. i przy każdej możliwej okazji to podkreślanie że jest ładna xD 
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yuri-goth · 2 months
hi @charlottan, book tag game :3
Favorite books: It is so so hard for me to pick favourites. uhhhhhh... Night Watch by Pratchett, and honestly I could put a lot of Pratchett's books on here. but I won't. Wiedźmin Sapkowskiego, a lot of polish romanticism, satire, and war nonfiction; Sienkiewicz, Mickiewicz, Krasicki, Białoszewski, Borowski. A lot of Brandon Sanderson books; mistborn came to mind first
Favorite authors: a lot were mentioned above. Pratchett is probably the highest up there.
Favorite genres: fantasy, post-apocalyptic (or what I like to call: post post-apocalyptic) and historic nonfiction. Yuri.
Book(s) you’re currently reading: Sideways in time by Murray Leinster, After Sappho by Selby Wynn Schwartz, Macbeth by Shakespeare (plays count, shut up)
Books on your to read list: waaah too many to mention. I still have like 8 ones I've picked up from various used bookstores, my library holds currently are for The Terror by Dan Simmons, Hamlet (particularly choice audiobook), & The city and the city by China Miéville.
Books you loved as a child: Felix, Net i Nika Rafała Kosika, Animorphs by Katherine Applegate, Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Strrraszna Historia (various authors)
Preferred book length: with how I get INTO a book and refuse to put it down until it's over; I wanna say like. 100-150k words??? I dunno tho, I also like small books I can devour in one day, and I also like Project Books.
Books you couldn’t finish: I generally don't bother to remember things that I didn't enjoy or at least disliked in an interesting way. The most recent book I didn't finish was a 2 dollar used bookstore pickup Falling off the map: some lonely places of the world by Pico Iyer. the premise was amazing but then it just ended up being a bunch of British privileged takes on people the author clearly deemed as lesser. HOW IS ICELAND OR CUBA "FORGOTTEN"???? I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE TINY TOWNS, ACTUALLY INTERESTING THINGS, NOT WHOLE FUCKING CULTURES YOU FUC-
Fiction or nonfiction: as a Writer I lean fiction 95%, and as such read a lot of it and learn from a lot of it, but also as someone who was always interested in history of People's, not armies, I've read a lot of nonfiction; journals and such. Both are great, recently I've been on a larger nonfiction kick tho
Buy, borrow from library, or read online: I'm sadly also a buycel, I love physical books. However, I'm also huge on audiobooks, and used to use my kindle a lot. In reality my sortof. division would be: buy from used bookstores, borrow audiobooks from your local libraries, steal ebooks and put them onto a cracked eReader as last resort.
Author you’ve read the most of, but DON’T recommend: I dunno! I mean, hm. I don't know how the Witcher translations are, translating from a nice and juicy language into English is lossy as hell so those version gotta be mid and I would not recommend anyone learn Polish unless you have a damn good reason.
Favorite book character: Can I put a cop on here? cause first character I thought of was Vimes from Pratchett's city watch. He's complicated and a bastard. honestly, a lot of Pratchett's characters. Angua, Carrot, Vetinari even.
If you at some point stopped reading but then started again, what book/books got you into reading again: Gideon the ninth :) I used to read 2-4 books a week as a child, then depression hit, then immigration, money and space and house insecurity, and I stopped until pretty recently :) now I'm back babey
Tagging ANYONE in this, if you do do this, please tag me :)
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rapidhighway · 3 months
Felix Net i Nika Manfred omg I forgor about u...
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pummoosun · 7 months
Do you maybe have any agere headcanons for characters from Polish literature? I need to know if it's only me hehe🩷
Oooh, that's a good question! Now that I think about it, perhaps the main trio from Felix, Net i Nika! All of them being regressors! I think that would be very cute and it just like, makes sense to me haha~
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im-smart-i-swear · 4 months
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około dziesięć minut do nowego roku........ przeżyliśmy 2023, oby tak dalej!
Jako noworoczny prezent daję wam, użytkownikom tumblra, gówniany bazgroł
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kostucha00 · 1 year
Zjedzone: 1085 kcal
Spalone: 550 kcal
Bilans: 535 kcal
Przespane: 5 h
Znowu psychicznie trochę u mnie gorzej. Z ciałem, mam na myśli. Jakoś tak się czuję dzisiaj BARDZIEJ. Pulchniejsza. Czuję ten pełniejszy dół brzucha, czuję swoje uda, czuję ramiona. I jeszcze zjadłam ile zjadłam. Na logikę nie dużo, ale ja przecież nie myślę logicznie. Na w-f przebrałam się w toalecie, ćwiczyłam w dresach i dużej bluzie, której nie ściągnęłam, mimo że się zgrzałam. Nie miałam jak poćwiczyć w domu, bo wszyscy są, a ja nie lubię, kiedy ktoś się na mnie patrzy. Jutro wrócę o 14 najwcześniej, najpóźniej o 17 (zależy czy będzie zespół) i też nie będę miała jak poćwiczyć. Nawet w pokoju, bo dzielę z siostrą. (Btw zauważyłam, że ludzie często piszą o kimś bliskim używając pierwszej litery imienia i uważam że to totalnie zajebiste. Więc moja siostra to A., a przyjaciółka, która zgodziła się iść na żaby to I.). Może przy odrobinie szczęścia wybyje gdzieś jutro z koleżankami, ale teraz i tak ZAWSZE ktoś jest w domu, bo ojciec siedzi na bezrobociu.
Miałam nadzieję, że uda mi się dzisiaj iść szybciej spać, ale z jakiegoś powodu nie chcę. Mam budzik za siedem godzin, a mam jeszcze parę rzeczy do zrobienia (i to takich podstawowych, jak np umycie włosów albo spakowanie plecaka). Więcej, pomyślałam, że może poczytam w łóżku albo obejrzę film. Zaczynam podejrzewać, ��e podoba mi się to, że jestem tak zmęczona, że mogę wypić kawę i iść spać. Tak, to jest fajne, bo uwielbiam kawę i chce ją pić 24/7.
Ogólnie to dzisiaj strasznie się jaram, bo dowiedziałam się, że Rafał Kosik wznowił serię "Felix, Net i Nika". Nie wiem czy już za stara nie jestem, ale zaczytywałam się w tych książkach jako dzieciak i mam do nich ogromny sentyment, więc "Zero szans" ląduje na mojej comiesięcznej liście książek do kupienia na pierwszym miejscu.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Techno, Tommy and Wilbur's encounters with the gang of invisible people
by SamAtCloud
Techno was the first to kneel done and help whilst the brunette took a moment to fix his hair, picking.. A lot of pens?
- "Hey, is everything ok?" - Techno asked, handing the other his, what seemed to be, collection. Now being able to look a bit closer, he noted that they shared a few similarities with each other look wise, though the other had brown eyes whilst Techno had greyish blue ones, like his father.
- "Mhm ok. Thanks for turning on the bell." - He gathered some hair out of his face, before shooting a smile at the two.
- "It's no problem!" - Tommy grinned triumphantly, before furrowing his eyebrows. - "Wait, how did you know that it was us?"
- "Intuition." - He shrugged, before standing up alongside Techno.
Or, A seemingly normal yet quirky trio forms. However, it soon becomes apparent just how much they influence.... the fate of everybody they ever knew?
Words: 2449, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), mcyt
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Sci-Fi, kind of, Shenanigans, Our trio at school, Ik the age gap is small please don't attack me, Its for the sake od the concept, It is 1 am and author is brain rioting
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geminipdf · 2 years
1,25, 39, 43, 63, 95, 133
a book that is close to your heart
the wizard of earthsea and the dispossessed by ursula le guin are the closest i think <3
25. a book by your favourite author
i already answered with ursula le guin books so i'll go with james baldwin in this one - giovanni's room!
39. a book featuring your favourite character
hard question i have a lot of those...but the witcher i guess! geralt 💜 also inkheart comes to mind
43. a book that you have read more than three times
wizard of earthsea....i am so boring omg
63. a book that actually made you laugh out loud
i dont knooow. for some reason i thought of felix, net and nika...
95. your favourite coming of age novel
go tell it on the mountain and, for some reason, birdy by william wharton? although it's not really coming of age i think....
133. a book that you came across randomly and fell in love with
most recently it was the vegetarian by han kang. spotted it on my friend's bookshelf while i was living at her place for two months and decided to pick it up, loved it!
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jade--blooded · 4 months
Rozdział pięty Mixed Messages opublikowany!
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orange-photoproject · 2 years
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"Przemijamy. Stare ustępuje miejsca nowemu, w ten sposób świat posuwa się naprzód. Ale pamiętajmy o tych, którzy odchodzą-ta pamięć daje im nieśmiertelność"
- @rafal.kosik , Felix, Net i Nika oraz Pułapka Nieśmiertelności
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deathissolution · 11 hours
Ulubiona książka?
Kurcze, chyba Felix, Net i Nika i Pałac snów, kocham
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