#feel good sunshine tuesday late night (lol)
sekallman · 1 year
short story? (fictional..I guess)
Tuesday, 1:45 pm
Today was a windy day on the East bay. My feet are crunching the blank ground beneath my feet. I’m wearing a jacket but it’s so cold! The wool socks I’m wearing are a bit wet, and that was when I remembered I had hot chocolate at home. As I was on my way home, I see these to people close together. What are they doing? Why are they kissing? Aren’t they a bit close? Are they friends? I don’t know what to think.
I spot someone else across the street, and I could sense their jealousy of the close two. Then I heard the the two say, “I love you, my sweet sunshine!”, at the same time, but it wasn’t exact.
They’re in love. Love! What utter bullshit. 
I hurried along the snow, almost frustrated. Okay, not almost, I was frustrated. I AM FRUSTRATED! Why am I so frustrated?! Oh I’m home. Great.
My stiff discolored hands reach for the doorknob. It’s so cold and metallic. As I open the oak doors to my home, I close it just as quickly. 
My mind is carrying a weight that I don’t to be true. I can’t fall in love. Well, at least, I don’t think so. Oh how I wish I could feel those wonderful feelings.
I enter my disheveled room, not prepared for anything, so I collapse onto my bed in all my warm clothes. 
Wednesday, 3 am
I’m hungry. My eyes are a bit blurry, so I rub them, so I can see once again. It’s 3 AM!! My stomach hurts, so I go to the kitchen, and look at my fridge.
It’s empty. Great! Just great.
I spot a remote to left and pick it to turn on my tv, then I hear my ringer go off. It’s my best friend, Jean. Well, I have a few best friends, and I love them so much. It’s not romantic...is there a word for that? ...I mean there can’t be...can there?
I pick up my phone and this is how the conversation goes:
Me: Fitz?! Isn’t it a bit late?
Fitz: lol Jet lol, why r u up at this time?
Me: I...I couldn’t sleep. 
Fitz: lol same.
Me: Fitz, I need help? 
Fitz: okay bestie! what u need help with?
Me: Well...I think I’m broken?!
Fitz: WOAH THERE!!! Who are you and what did you do to my bestie?!
Me: pfft...OH GOD it’s 4 am already!!!
Fitz: 9 pm over here baBY!
Me: I can’t fall in love...is that bad?
Fitz: Bro...why’d u thing it was wrong?
Me: because I’ve been told that I’ll fall in love with somebody, but it is yet to happen.
Fitz: u could be...aromantic? #noromo
Me: I’ve gotta feel a little attraction...right?
Fitz: Mate, calm ya tits, and look the damn thing up!
Me: okay okay...I WILL :{
Fitz: Good night Jet, you’re an amazing friend :O
Me: Thanks, gn
Fitz: ‘night
12 hours later
OH shit...I fell asleep with the tv on! And yesterday...oh GOD!!! I miss Fitz. They were such a good friend...and I guess I’ll take their advice...not that I want to. I open up my computer and start typing in “Signs I might be aromantic?” and “What does it mean to be aromantic?”, and lastly “Am I aro?”. I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole, but OOO!
Th-that’s me...THAT’S ME!! Fitz was right...I am aromantic.... Wait there’s other like me. THere’s a whole spectrum?! ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!! WHY aren’t we taught this earlier?! If only I found out sooner...then everything would have hurt less. Well, it’s not like I can change much, so I guess I’m glad I came to this strange conclusion?
So yeah yesterday was cold, but now I feel a bit warmer knowing a bit more about myself. So HAH! Take that world! I’m gonna soar beyond and create my own path because I don’t need to fall in love to be human. Why is it shown so much though? The media is weird. Okay....a lot of things are weird. 
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jemej3m · 4 years
(mobster/cop au) what did the foxes think Andrews husband would be like before they met Neil? Did they had a bet?
this is…..not what you asked. i went off on a tangent lol, but i aint sorry.
(also i, for some reason, just cannot write good betting scenarios. might be because gambling addictions are p.serious. i know its all in good fun though! so im sorry i couldn’t include it)
Getting information about Andrew was like pulling teeth, and this was news to no one. Seeing as Kevin was - probably, maybe, most likely - Andrew’s closest friend at the precinct (other than Renee. And Wymack, possibly), Dan and Matt seemed to look to him after the discovery that Andrew had a husband when they’d all been trapped in that basement. 
“Why would I know anything?” Kevin objected, when they’d approached him. 
“Because Renee won’t give up his secrets and I know you’re as curious as we are,” Matt supplied. 
“Well, I know nothing that y’all don’t already know. Apparently he’s married to a guy. I once overheard him talking on the phone to a Neil. Assuming that Andrew has no social life - which is an easy assumption to make - his husband is Neil.”
“Ooh,” Dan said, wiggling her eyebrows conspiratorially. “Mr Neil Minyard. Anything else?”
Kevin just shrugged. “Nope. Andrew’s a wall. You’ll never get anything more than that.” 
Dan crouched down behind the car, breathing heavily. “Fucking hell,” she muttered, as another round of bullets sprayed out. She hated shootouts. At least Matt was safe at the precinct: she’d been doing a patrol with Andrew and Renee when they’d been radioed. 
“Good that it’s a dead area,” Renee insisted, forever a ray of sunshine and goodness. How she and Andrew got along was a conspiracy to be marveled at, but it worked. “We shouldn’t be dealing with any civilian casualties.”
“Hey, coppers!” came a voice. “Fuck off! This ain’t your problem!” More bullets. 
Dan rolled her eyes, then flinched as the car they were all crouched behind was fired at. Andrew grunted, a furrow between his brows. 
“We told you to fuck off - !” the same guy yelled, before he was most definitely shot, making a gurgling noise in lieu of words. 
“Andrew, south east,” Renee called. Andrew got up on his knee and aimed quick: he was one of the sharpest shooters on the squad. Dan heard a female scream “Shit!” as the shooting quietened. 
“Nice shot,” she told the detective. He just grunted. “Right, clear out. Let’s never sign up to patrol this section of town on a Friday night again.” 
“Agreed,” Renee mumbled, holding her gun close. 
It seemed that whoever Andrew had shot got away: a pool of blood without a body remained evident on the path. The other group had abandoned their loud-mouthed friend, who was still writhing on the tar as the ambulance arrived. He’d only been shot in the arm, and it hadn’t hit bone. He’d be fine. 
“Alright,” Dan told her two officers. “How about we sign off?” 
They both grunted in agreement. 
It was Tuesday morning, and Andrew’s desk was empty for a second day in a row. Dan folded her arms and stalked towards Wymack’s office to demand that the captain give Minyard a call, but he held up a broad palm as she entered the room.
“Andrew’s cited a family emergency.”
Dan narrowed her eyes. “Sure.”
Wymack simply arched a brow at her. “His husband was shot. If you want to cross-check for me and give him a call, be my guest, Wilds.”
Dan slowly retreated out of the captain’s office. She wasn’t suicidal enough to give Minyard a ring, not under those circumstances. Wymack’s word was definitely good enough. 
She went back to her desk as Matt sidled up beside her, pressing a kiss to her hair. 
“No PDA at work,” she complained. 
“Shift’s over,” Matt pointed out, grinning. She rolled her eyes. “What should we get for dinner?”
“Not sure…” Dan trailed off as she watched Renee packing her desk, checking her watch rapidly and hastily slinging her bag over her shoulder. She pattered over to the bullpen’s kitchen and drew out a casserole dish from the freezer, lifting the foil to check its contents. With the dish held against her hip, she checked the freezer closed and made her way to the elevator. 
“Whatcha got there, Renee?” Matt piped up, helping the dish out of Renee’s hands when she’d dropped her phone. It wasn’t often that Renee got flustered: she hastily picked up the mobile and tucked her hair behind her ears. Dan noticed she was wearing lip gloss. 
“Well, since Neil’s been - sick,” she started. 
“Shot,” Matt supplied. Dan glared at him: he shrugged. “What? I read Captain’s lips.”
Renee snorted, taking the dish back now that she was more organised. “I offered to make dinner, and Andrew prefers punctuality. I just hope that Neil likes it: I’ve never made this quiche before.” she worried, quietly. “Andrew said he hates vegetables but will put up with them when they’re hidden away. And hopefully Allison will eat eggs, and cheese.”
“Allison?” Dan inquired. 
“Neil’s best friend,” Renee said, still distracted as she looked for her car keys. “Oh, heavens, I’m so late.” 
“Go,” Dan insisted. Renee smiled gratefully. “Tell Andrew we say hello.” She nodded and jogged towards the exit.
“And tell Neil to get shot less!” Matt added, unhelpfully. “I won’t keep doing his paperwork!” 
Dan laughed and leaned into her husband’s shoulder. She looked up at him, her chin brushing the crook of his neck. “Do you think Andrew will ever let us meet him?”
“Not sure,” Matt said. “It would probably completely ruin his cred as a stoic asshole. He’s probably a massive sap at heart.”
Dan smiled into the collar of Matt’s shirt. “Never put Andrew Minyard and sap in the same sentence again, babe.” 
Matt just laughed and looped a hand around her waist. 
“So,” Matt said, leaning against the edge of Minyard’s table. “How was your week off?”
“Great,” Minyard said flatly. “Go away.”
Matt ignored him and sat in the victim’s chair, leaning his chin on his hand. “You know, I’m pretty sure you and your husband have been married longer than Dan and I have. Do you have any anniversary suggestions?”
“Get a divorce,” Minyard grunted, looking at his report.
Matt grinned. “Don’t be like that. What did you and Neil do last time?”
“Nothing,” Minyard mumbled. Matt noticed his cheeks going red and rose up his eyebrows. Minyard noticed his look and scowled. “It was our anniversary this week and he was bedridden. Quit looking at me like that, Boyd.” 
“A January wedding,” Matt cooed. “Did you take photos in the snow?” 
“I will castrate you.” 
“Cool,” Matt said, airily. “Well, happy anniversary, Andrew. Tell Neil we said hi.”
“I won’t,” Andrew insisted. “Get lost.” 
Matt snorted and did as he was told. He’d intended to say hi to Renee, but she was over at Dan’s desk, so he sauntered over with his thumbs hooked into his pockets. 
“Hey, Renee,” he said, grinning. His fellow detective and his sergeant raised their eyebrows at him. “I’ve been thinking,” 
“You should be working,” his wife reminded him. 
“Andrew just had his anniversary, right? But they couldn’t do anything because Neil’s been bedridden. We should all pitch in for a gift. Maybe a weekend away?”
“That’s a lovely idea, Matt,” Renee said, grinning. 
“How the hell did you get that information out of him?” Dan said, incredulous. 
“I’ll email you some ideas: you know the two of them, best.” Matt rubbed his hands together. 
“Preferably not New York, not somewhere warm, or somewhere with lots of people,” Renee advised. “Neil is apparently forever antagonistic and it drives Andrew up the wall.”
“Sexy up the wall or angry up the wall? I don’t think we should be encouraging strenuous activity when Neil’s been recovering from a bullet wound.” Renee just laughed, neither confirming nor denying Matt’s inquired. She bid both of them good day and went back to her desk, ignoring Minyard’s inquisitive looks. 
“Why are you doing this?” Dan murmured. 
Matt shrugged. “Dunno. I feel like he deserves it.” 
Dan smiled at him. “Alright.” 
Kevin, Renee, Matt and Dan were all sitting in the breakroom. Andrew stormed in, bright and cheery as ever. It was a blissful Tuesday morning, sleet pelting down and temperatures well below freezing: As Andrew tugged off his scarf, revealing a wind-pinked nose and a fair amount of love bites just above his collar, he chucked a tin onto the table. 
“Who’s idea was it?” Andrew accused. 
Kevin watched Matt grin, looking up at Andrew. They were almost the same height even with Matt sitting down. “How were the mountains?” 
“Very pleasant,” Andrew muttered, peeved. “Neil baked those as thanks. I hope he poisoned them. You’re all the worst.” After a moment, and a reprimanding glance from Renee, he mumbled out a quiet “Thank you.”  and just as quickly as he’d come in, he turned to leave. He must have caught his reflection in the window, because he hastily tugged the scarf back around his neck, cheeks turned pink. 
Kevin huffed, looking to his colleagues. “Are you satisfied enough, now? I, for one, now know way more about him than I ever wanted to.” 
The Boyd-Wildses opposite him just grinned. 
ehheeheewill i ever post the renison + wedding thing? hopefully yes - if i dont run out of steam first. almost 2/3s of the way through my rbb and its taking longer than i thought!!!! also moving out of state, so a lot is happening rn and if that means i neglect ur asks and prompts i am very sorry!!!! 
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the-darklings · 5 years
—𝒔𝒐𝒇𝒕𝒍𝒚, 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚;
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pairing: detective loki x reader
word count: 1.4k+
summary: It would be endearing if it didn’t make him feel so uncomfortable.
notes: we’re here for sunshine!reader and mr stoic cuteness only. 
‘black coffee’ drabbles: | 01 | ...
gif credit: [x]
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“Would you like another—”
Shit. He’s being an asshole. He knows he is. 
But it’s hard to keep a steady tone when he can feel lingering anger scratching just under his skin. The way you jump slightly at hearing the sharpness of his refusal makes him feel almost guilty though. 
“Sorry,” he mutters shortly, tightly, and watches from the corner of his eye how you squint at him thoughtfully, nonplussed. “I don’t need another coffee right now. Thanks.”
You balance a coffee mug in your hand, steady, experienced, “Hard case?”
And just like two weeks ago, he gives you the exact same reply as then, “No,” he says, and find it difficult to hold back his frustration. “I would simply appreciate it if people gave me room to do my fucking job.”
You sigh quietly, and the sound makes him look up at you. Knowing this damn town, you likely already know what he’s referring to. This new case is about as fun as pulling out teeth with some pliers. But that thought brings back memories of another life, another nightmare long since forgotten. Or at least, that’s what he tells himself when his nightmares drag him from rest almost every night. 
“I’m sorry Mr Doughton is being difficult,” your hesitant voice breaks the silence, and there is genuine frustration to be found in the pinch of your mouth and the scrunching of your nose. “Sometimes people just like being a big problem, I guess. It’s not really fair on you though. You’re just trying to help. I’m really sorry.”
“You apologise too much,” he tells you firmly after a moment but only because it’s true. He’s noticed that you apologise far more often around the diner than you should. Especially when things are often the customers’ fault than your own, but you still choose to shoulder the blame. “It’s not like this is something you can change, nor is it your fault.”
You sway slightly from side to side—embarrassed at being called out most likely—and chuckle weakly. 
“Oh, um, habit,” you confess softly, smiling slightly, and it still startles him how genuine your smiles always are. Warm. He can almost feel the tension between his shoulder blades ease a touch the longer he looks at it. “Sure I can’t get you anything else? You’ve been sitting here for hours.”
Yes, he has. Because he likes it here at Joey’s Diner more than anywhere else in town. He’s unsure why, exactly. The atmosphere is welcoming. The food, and especially the coffee, are all great but... 
“I’m fine.”
Something flickers across your expression then—it’s so brief he almost misses it, but for a moment he can swear you look sad, and he doesn’t quite know what to make of that knowing stare before you blink and it’s gone. Your smile this time is less cheerful, but you nod your head and turn to go anyway. 
“Hey,” he calls out suddenly, not quite sure why, and feel at an even bigger loss when you pause and glance back at him, expectant. “Thanks for—thanks for this,” he explains, gesturing vaguely towards the remains of his first order.  
This time your smile is wider, closer to the bright beam he’s used to seeing, “Any time, detective.”
. . .
He loses track of time.
It’s easy in his line of work, and even easier when people involved in the case are being difficult, so he has to look for ways around certain obstacles.
“Hey, sorry to bother you but,” your familiar voice breaks through his concentration and he blinks rapidly, looking towards you. You stand in front of his booth awkwardly, cradling something carefully in your hands. “I can come back if you like—I just—”
“What is it?” he asks calmly, deciding to end your suffering now rather than prolong it. Besides, he’s curious what has you so nervous you suddenly have a hard time maintaining eye contact with him. 
Exhaling sharply, you shake your head briefly and shuffle a few steps closer, placing the object in your hands on the table. 
It’s a muffin. Bigger than the ones he’s used to seeing in supermarkets or cafes. It sits in front of him large and fluffy, openly inviting him to sink his teeth into it. He may not like sweets but this does look delicious. 
His gaze moves slowly upwards and meets yours steadily. 
“I—I baked it,” you explain hurriedly, and the worry in your voice is so clear it’s almost embarrassing. You would make a terrible liar, he can tell. In his line of work, people like you are a small miracle because your honest always trips you up. “More on the savoury side since I used—I used spice. You don’t have to try it but I thought—you haven’t had dinner and I still had one left and I figured it would be nice if you tried it since I know you don’t like sweets...sorry...”
You stop yourself after noticing the amused, patient look he’s directing your way, and a slight smile tugs his mouth upwards. The first one of the day, if he recalls correctly. He lets it fade slowly, and nods his head towards the empty seat on the other side of the booth. 
You hesitate, fiddling with your fingers, and glance around the otherwise empty diner. It’s late, it’s raining, and it’s a Tuesday night. Somehow the fact that it’s just him left doesn’t surprise him much. 
After another moment of hesitation, you carefully slide into the seat opposite and your wide-eyed stare would be funny if it wasn’t for the fact that you look like you’re about to be sick. 
“So this is your special, huh?” he says conversationally, hoping that small talk will ease your nerves a bit. “For when you have your own place? It looks nice.”
Your laugh sounds a touch closer to hysteria than usual, and your knuckles are straining under your skin as you peer at him nervously. “I’m sorry if you hate it,” you say softly, like an apology. For some strange reason, those words grate on him more than he would care to admit. “I’m still learning and—well not everything comes out good but you have to experiment, right?”
Your tone implies that you’re not looking for his verbal opinion so he simply nods his head once, blinking a few times, and takes the muffin into his hand. It’s still somewhat warm and he subtly inhales.
He gets the spice right away but it seems like a pleasant mix from what he can tell so far. He sincerely hopes it will not be spicy to a point he may have to spit it out right in front of you. That would probably not go down too well. 
You look like you’re holding your breath as he takes the first bite. He chews slowly, trying not to rush the experience while also mentally bracing himself for the worst. 
Thankfully, his doubts are unfounded. The heady taste washes over his senses and he pauses, chewing even slower, letting the taste register properly. Much like you, it’s warm—he can taste that spice alright—but it’s soothing kind of warmth. A pleasant mix between savoury and sweet he hasn’t tasted before. 
You stare. 
And then stare some more. 
His eyebrow arches and he takes another bite as if to prove his point. 
Your answering smile is so wide, so happy, it puts the sun to shame in its sheer intensity alone.
It would be endearing if it didn’t make him feel so uncomfortable. 
He’s not used to people being so open with him, so carefree. If it’s not his demeanour, then it’s the tattoos, and if it’s not the tattoos, then it’s the fact that he’s a detective. Something inevitably always causes people to put their guard up around him. He’s so used to searching deeper, to decoding people—and trying to break those walls down—that seeing someone sitting right in front of him like an open book is...surreal. Damn uncomfortable too.
You laugh, breathless, still grinning widely at him, “That—I’m so happy you like it. If you like I can make you some more? I know you don’t like the ones the diner sells but I’m sure I can bring mine in for you at least once a week. I mean—I’ll definitely try... if you like?” 
He swallows the bite he’s chewing, hums, his eyes snagging onto that beaming smile once again and he grunts half-heartedly, shrugging his shoulders. After a moment, he glances down at the table, blinking a few times as he stares at a random scribble in his notepad without really taking it in. 
“Sure, why not? I appreciate it.”
. . .
an: so I still feel terrible so I’m sorry if this is equally as terrible (and OOC). Wrote this in like an hour and with minimal editing, so feel free to yell any mistakes @ me. I just miss these two lots, and writing for fun in general lol :’))         
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skyfallensoldier · 3 years
Mobile Navigation || Rules & Mun ↓
DISCLAIMER: I just want to note here at the beginning that while I am considering this RP blog to be historically based, i.e. remaining true to the time period and overall details of John Laurens' biographical information and whatnot, I do not consider myself a historically accurate blog, not entirely. Historical fiction is a well known genre of literature and many, MANY creative liberties are taken within that genre. Think of this blog like you would if you saw an Anastasia Romanov blog. She's dead, we know she didn't survive, and she's been dead a long-ass time; so has Laurens. People still have included her in many works of fiction, even after her body was identified and it was proven she did not survive her family's massacre. I saw a romance book a couple of months ago where she survived that was recently published. Historical fiction, while a controversial thing at times, is a legitimate form of literature.
You don't have to tell me if you think John isn't acting exactly like the real man himself would have, I know that. I'm not going to call John my 'perfect sunshine boy cinnamon roll' or dismiss the privilege he was raised on due to his father, I'm aware he was a real person who had his own personality, virtues and prejudices. I won't deny that while he was certainly a progressive thinking man for the time he grew up in he definitely still had racist thoughts and actions that were indicative of his upbringing. But I'm not on here to debate modern, real life politics, or get into arguments about whether he was a good abolitionist or not. At the end of the day, this is still a hobby for me, and I'm writing for fun.
Basically, don't take it too seriously. I'm a 21st century bisexual woman writing from the POV of an 18th century (likely gay) male soldier, the way I write him is obviously not going to be a perfect representation of who he was. I know he wasn't an amazing, perfect person, but I've still chosen to write a fictionalized version of him for my own entertainment. Please try to respect that; thank you.
Mun Stuff
Name: Luna Gender: Female (She/Her or They/Them) D.o.B: July 23rd, 1996 Age: 24 Nationality: Canadian Sexuality: Bisexual Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) Activity: Daily BIOGRAPHY (SORT OF)
Hello, there! You can call me Luna! I've been interested in writing ever since I first got the internet when I was 14 and discovered FanFiction.Net and now I'm an aspiring author and Roleplay enthusiast. If you include acting/talking out DnD like games with friends then I've been 'roleplaying' since the fifth grade, but I like to think there's always room for improvement. If you ever want to chat I'd love to make a new friend or plot out a roleplay, so don't be afraid to shoot me an ask or send me a private message. Just because my muse can be a jackass doesn't mean I am! I’m a huge advocate for mental health, and if you ever need someone to talk to, please don’t ever hesitate to reach out! Some of my hobbies including literature and writing (of course), digging into mythology from various cultures, practicing solitary eclectic paganism/new age spirituality, drinking tea, and collecting crystals/minerals.
Please note that for the sake of disclosure, I am considered ‘Neurodivergent’, in that I suffer from ADHD, diagnosed at about age six, and have Anxiety and Depression which are directly tied to it. This doesn’t often effect my life on here, but I sometimes have an unpredictable sleep schedule (stay up all night, sleep in late into the morning, etc). I’m usually quick to reply to threads for the most part! I work every Tuesday and Thursday from 5pm to 7pm in addition to odd jobs here and there, during which time I won’t have access to the Internet. The rest of the week I’m on and off all day basically, so you can feel free to contact me any time.
RP Style
⭐️ Please use basic spelling/grammar/punctuation when you RP with me. I'm not a drill sergeant about these kinds of things, I know that typos happen, and if you have a vision problem or such we can absolutely find a way to work around that, I also have no problem roleplaying with people whose first language is not English, so that's totally fine and I’m happy to accomodate in whatever way I can, but it does make it a little difficult to play with you if I don't know what you're trying to say. For this reason I prefer if you not use any text shorthand (lol, idk, brb, jk, etc) unless our muses are messaging each other. Using it in the tags is fine.
⭐️ I roleplay Laurens in a past-tense 3rd Person Point of View (think story-telling format), and generally I don't use icons or text formatting unless I notice my partner does, then I will try to match their style (for example if you use icons and small-text, I will try to do the same, though because formatting isn't possible on mobile, any mobile replies might take longer to be posted than if I were on my laptop). If you have any issues with how I'm writing or need me to adjust my style for any reason don't be afraid to ask.
⭐️ If you spam me with messages over and over again about something I haven't replied to, chances are I'll drop the thread. I don't mind being reminded because I know Tumblr's notifications are notoriously unreliable sometimes, and humans can forget/lose things, but if you keep poking at me after I've acknowledged you the first and second time, I won't be pleased. Things can get busy on here, or in real life, or sometimes you're just lacking muse for that particular thread, y'know? It doesn't mean I hate you and don't want to RP, I'm almost always up for plotting, but muse tends to fluctuate.
⭐️ My ‘Discord’ is available to mutuals upon request. I don't mind roleplaying on there if Tumblr is being glitchy or you're just not feeling up to formatted/heavily plotted threads, sometimes Discord is fun in that you can do immediate replies without needing the effort of putting icons and formatting into it. I also have a Kik but I never use it. I don't RP in Tumblr's IMs, that's purely for OOC interaction.
⭐️ I also occasionally stream movies/TV shows in group chats or play “in character” Cards Against Humanity game nights, Among Us, etc. If you’re interested, lemme know, I’m always looking for more people to hang out with!
I have no actual triggers that I'm aware of, although snakes do creep me out (mostly shots of them coiled up or images of their pupils), but there are some things I will not roleplay personally for comfort reasons:
⭐️ Cannibalism. You can mention it, for example I won't freak out if someone tells my muse that somebody else ate a person (he might, assuming its not a Supernatural type verse), but I won't RP him engaging in cannibalism, not even in AUs (blood-drinking vampires are fine). I'm just not sure I could stomach writing about eating people. I managed to watch Hannibal, barely, but writing about it? Nah. I can handle lots of horror, gore and disturbing content but not this. Sorry.
⭐ Incest/Pedophilia. I do not SEXUALLY ship with characters under the age of 18. John is not attracted to children, and would never consider sleeping with someone much younger than him.
⭐ I will not write anything sexual with muns who are under 18 years old, even if your muse is an adult. I'll still ROLEPLAY with you if you are under 18 but probably no younger than 16 just because things tend to get explicit on my blogs and I don't want to be accused of corrupting the youth with my foul language and weird opinions, lol. Seriously though, this blog covers a lot of dark subjects and while I’m all for minors exploring that safely through writing rather than in real life, some people aren’t comfortable with interacting with under age people for legal or personal reasons, please respect that.
⭐ Necrophilia. Just... no. Vampire threads don't count, as they're undead and not 'dead dead'.
⭐ Rape. I won't write it with you. I'm okay with mentions of rape, with rape/sexual assault survivor/recovery plots, and even with one character intervening to rescue another from an attempted sexual assault (if an attempted assault does occur, it will be thoroughly tagged and under a cut). I'm fully open to discussing rape recovery/trauma plots as those are things that happen in real life, and it can be interesting to explore how a character reacts to trauma. But anything else is a no-go, sorry!
⭐ Please be aware that I write Laurens as a gay man. However! Because of the time period, violent homophobia and social stigma, he has slept with women before and may be seen flirting with or referencing relationships with women in the past. He is still gay, and still uninterested in being with women long term, he's simply closeted to all but a few individuals. So, unless your muse is Martha Manning (who Laurens DOES love in a manner, and he always will), shipping with female characters on here most likely isn't going to happen unless it's heavily plotted/developed and part of an overall plot, and you understand that it will not be a conventional sexual relationship. I'm sorry if that disappoints you but I've read Laurens as a gay male for so long I have trouble seeing him any other way.
⭐ I will not roleplay slavery plots. This is not up for debate. Roleplaying a highly fictionalized version of a long dead real person who existed during a troubling time is one thing, but I draw the line at that. For this reason, while I'll happily play with non-white muses, muses using non white faceclaims, and crossovers with characters of all sorts, I'll have to decline playing with any muse claiming to actually be writing slavery. There’s a difference between, say, roleplaying a character like Daenerys, a fictional character who was technically a slave-bride sold by her brother, and writing actual slavery from a very real, horrible time period. Slave ownership will of course be mentioned on this blog, that's unavoidable, but just like the mention of rape may happen on this blog from time to time, it will be in reference to a past event or speaking about the subject in general, not roleplaying a scene of it. Please respect this rule, I was hesitant to make this blog at first, because I know it makes some people uncomfortable, but I won't glorify such a horrible real thing that happened to so many people.
Just a head's up, unless I develop a bunch of chemistry with a particular portrayal of a muse I'm not likely to agree to being exclusives with anyone, unless perhaps it's a very niche or divergent character that has formed a good relationship of some sort with John and I'd have trouble interacting with other versions of that muse. For major characters I just feel it would be unfair to say no to someone who I click with in every other way, solely because I have already befriended someone else writing that character.
I will, however, discuss becoming mains with someone whom I've either developed or plotted out detailed storylines/interactions with regarding our specific portrayals of our characters. This means that I tend to reply to them quickly when I'm online, or may make little gifts (moodboards, aesthetic things, mini ficlets, whatever) for them unprompted, have a verse dedicated just to them, etc. Even if it seems like we haven't done much on Tumblr, there may be a lot of off-site development on Discord or whatnot that led to us plotting out intricate stories for our muses.
Current Mains:
Alexander Hamilton - @quillborn​
⭐️ Send private messages.
⭐️ Send my character asks/starters/memes.
⭐️ Tag me in things.
⭐️ Ask to plot or ship.
⭐️ Ask for angst, fluff, etc.
⭐️ Submit things to me & my muse.
⭐️ Do crack and other ridiculous things with me!
⭐️ Like my RP threads.
⭐️ Like my personal posts.
⭐️ Comment on my personal/OOC posts (if you want to).
⭐️ Comment on my crack threads.
⭐️ Instant Message (IM) me if you'd like to talk, whether we're friends already or not!
⭐️ Send hateful messages to me about other people and especially my mutuals; doesn't count if it's about the muse and not the person playing them, however. Also, if I’ve got beef with someone for whatever reason, don’t harass them/send hate to them on my behalf, please. I don’t condone anonymous abuse, attacking others, or harassment. I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself, I promise.
⭐️ Introduce yourself with ‘wanna ship?’ For one, I prefer if we’ve at least started a roleplay together, or have spoken OOC. Auto shipping doesn’t always work out and I hate promising people something only to realize there’s zero chemistry, because then I feel like I’m letting them down.
⭐️ Come into my inbox with just ‘wanna rp?’ and that’s it. Please at least have some idea of what you want to roleplay, it’s not very fun when someone approaches you to RP but then doesn’t offer up any suggestions at all. Remember, you are always free to send me memes, whether we’re mutuals or not, and hit me up for whatever plot you think might interest me! I want to hear about it!
⭐️ Spam me with "reminder" messages if I've already acknowledged you the first few times.
⭐️ Reblog my RP threads if you're not a participant in them.
⭐️ Send me anonymous OOC hate. Hate for Laurens is fine, it's just another form of roleplay.
⭐️ Kill off my character or severely injure/maim my character without permission or having plotted something involving that with me first.
⭐️ Follow me if you're a porn blog. I don't mind blogs that post NSFW content, or smut a lot, etc. I mean blogs that aren't for RP and are literally just a normal looking blog until you click on it and the header and first twenty posts are hardcore nudity and porn. I hate those things.
⭐️ Shame my ships.
⭐️ Complain about my tagging. I put my smut under a 'read more' without exception and tag them as "NSFW //" with two dashes. Things that are not necessarily graphic but still have sexual undertones go under "Suggestive //". I use these tags to avoid attracting attention from porn blogs and porn bots that track certain key words, as such I do not tag my content with "Smut" or trigger words such as "dick, oral, anal, nudity, etc", please block my NSFW and Suggestive tags if you're uncomfortable. Triggery subjects (mentions of rape, animal abuse, torture, mental illness) will be tagged under the name of said trigger with a space and two dashes, example: "Self Harm //", “Suicidal Ideation //” or "PTSD //".
⭐️ Godmod my character. If you’re not sure what is/isn’t okay, come talk to me! I don’t bite! If you’re looking for an example of god mod behavior, here: “X lunged at Laurens, taking him by surprise, and hit him square in the nose, causing blood to spurt.” It might not seem like a big deal but it means that you decided how your character’s actions affected my muse, and not only that, didn’t give him a chance to dodge or anything. Not cool.
⭐️ Ship with me without permission (sending in shippy asks is A-Ok if you're interested in exploring a ship between our muses, I'm talking about things like claiming that our muses are in a relationship without discussing it with me, referencing dates or sexual acts that never happened, etc. I ship mainly with chemistry otherwise things get boring fast.
⭐️ Assume/act like our characters know each other/are closely connected (friends/family/lovers) if we've never discussed it unless it is established in canon/history. This especially goes for original characters. I'm open to Laurens forming deep relationships with OCs obviously, but those have to be developed in character, not just assumed from the first interaction.
⭐️ Attempt to roleplay with me if you are not a roleplay blog/or if you're just trying to RP as "yourself." I don't do Character X Reader imagines stuff. I don't RP with 'fan' accounts, only RP blogs. You can still send asks so long as you're not trying to initiate an RP scenario. For example, asking Laurens what his hobbies are, asking for a blessing etc? That's fine. Spamming me with different actions "you" are talking to Laurens is weird. Stop that. I will also not RP with blogs that claim to roleplay as real life people, such as Markiplier, that's super creepy. This does NOT apply to "historical fiction" roleplay (obviously since that's what this blog is), which is considered its own genre of literature. I'm talking about the above where people will 'roleplay' as real life, currently alive people like YouTube celebrities and ship them with their friends, even if they've made it clear that they're uncomfortable with it. 
⭐️ Get angry at me for doing something you don't like if you don't even have a rules page for me to go by. It's not fair; you can't expect your partners to just read your mind and magically know how you feel. If something bothers you let me know, I’ll make a note about it so I avoid it during our interactions!
⭐️ Use me as a meme resource blog without ever interacting with me. I don't require "reblog karma" for you to follow me, partners are more than welcome to reblog from me, but if we never interact and I just occasionally see you reblog fifteen posts from my meme tag and then disappear again I'm not gonna be happy. Go to the source or to an archived blog no longer getting notifications, please!
⭐️ Reblog my Meta/Headcanons. If they're from a different blog it's fine but the ones I've personally written are for MY portrayal of Laurens. I work hard on most of my stuff and I'd prefer if you didn't reblog it, not because you aren't allowed to have the same headcanon ideas as me, but because then it ends up getting liked or reblogged by lots of other people, spamming my notifications, etc.
OCs & Multimuses
I love OCs and multi-muse blogs (I have my own multimuse sideblog over at @historyremembers, which has other 18th century characters including the Hamilton children and some OCs), so feel free to interact! That being said, please have an about page of some sort on your blog. I can't follow back blogs that have absolutely no information available regarding their character(s). I don't RP with OC children of Laurens. This is nothing personal, but I'm fairly certain he was gay in real life and prefer to play him that way, and he only had one child - who he never even got to meet - in real life, so it just wouldn't make sense to me for him to have other kids running around unless he'd adopted some. If you're a multimuse, I may not follow you back if I'm only familiar with two of your muses if you have a blog of fifteen characters, simply because I'd prefer to keep my dash clean and only have characters/fandoms I'm familiar with on it. I'll still RP with you if you have a character I'm interested in! I just might not follow back if the majority of your characters I do not know, I apologize for this.
If you’ve made it to the end of this, congrats! I know it couldn’t be easy (my ADHD brain was frustrated trying to just write all this up) but it’s necessary so there’s not misunderstandings on what I am/am not willing to RP. I won’t ask for a password since I trust most people to have the courtesy to at least skim the rules of those they want to RP with. 
Have a nice day!
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
14x16 Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
       * MASTERLIST of season 14 commentary * 
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14x16 : Don’t go into the Woods
Giulia: Them gay vibs
Nat: Sam
Giulia: And poor baby sam
Zee: No not Sam like that again
Nat: I like that it's focused on Sam
J:  I’m me again 
Giulia: I like Jack with powers!
* turns snake to ash *  
Giulia: Not like that!
Zee: Holy shit
Nat: I feel different now
Zee: Stronger
Nat: Ew
[Melodic Whistling ]
Giulia: Benny is that u babeh ?
Zee: Yeah. They ded
Kat: Of course they are
Guy: It was nothing. Just the wind.
Girl : Okay, that -- that wasn't the wind.
-she smart
Nat: Notice that in every movie the guy says that it's nothing?
- That tells a lot about men’s priorities. Creepy whistling in a desert park at night? that pussy tho.
Guy: Dad?
Barbara: Hi, sheriff
-Y I K E S
Giulia: But also….Come on let them have some back seat bingo
Zee: Guys are dumb. Think with the downstairs head
Nat: Why are you going away girl?
Kat: Because she’s dumb
Nat: Yeah. i would back out of that bathroom
Nat: i mean. Ew
Giulia: I would burn my hands in holy fire to sanitize them
Barbara: Oh, God.
Kat: Oh hell no
Zee: Every place is a bathroom IS SHE SITTING??
Nat: I would rather pee outside of the bathroom.
Kat: And she’s clearly sitting
Nat: she fucking is
Kat: Disgusting
Giulia: No woman would sit on that. THAT SO INACCURATE, who wrote that ep? *goes look at it* MEN, of course , a woman would never have wrote that girl sitting on that filth.
Giulia: Fuck that’s creepy
Giulia: Ba ba ba
Kat: So glad I stayed up to the middle of the night to watch this 🙄
Giulia: Ba barbara ann
Nat: stop giuls lol
Kat: Taaaake my hhhaaannnnndddd
Nat: So she ded
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Nat: sweet hope you can sleep
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Giulia: Aw look at that, the bunker looks so dark and empty. I hate it now.
D: Morning sunshine! What you looking at?
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Zee: This man is huge
Nat: Porn? Nip slips?
-sex tapes??
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S: The Internet is more than just naked people. You do know that, right?
Zee: Naked people
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D: Not my internet
Giulia: Not OUR internet. ( oh shit let me censor the nip word before tumblr freaks out)
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bla bla bla, girl, bla bla bite marks,animal attack. bla bla bla our kind of thing.
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Kat: Mah boys
D: I know you wanted to take some time...
Giulia: ‘I’m gOoD’ 
S: Honestly, I-I'm good.
D: ( u full of crap) All right. Well, let's hit it.
S: You got it. I'll grab Cass.
D: Mm. He actually left. Early this morning.
Giulia: *barely keeping in a squeal*  I’m not gonna go there
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...I went there
D: I don't know. Something about being cooped up in the bunker for a few weeks. We all need to stretch our legs. I get it.
Zee: What’s wrong with Deans hair?
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Nat: thank god i'm not the only one who notices. Thought it was just me
D: Uh...I don't want Jack on this.
D: His powers have gotten us in trouble in the past -- the security guard.
Dean is actually so right right now, but still....Jack alone?...mmm don’t like that
Kat: Look at the baby bean studying
J: Did you know Article 246 of the Haitian criminal code115  officially makes it against the law116 to turn a human into a zombie?
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D: Good
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Nat: Pre King hair
Kat: Too much gel?
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Giulia: Lots of wax I think, gel would be too shiny
J: And...you don't want me to come?
D: We don't want to leave the bunker empty. In case, uh, Mom or...some of the other Hunters call and need help, so... this place is long overdue for a restock. So, uh, your mission, should you choose to accept -- made you a list.
Look how uncomfortable Sam is. 
No ones lies like a Winchester lies.
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Nat: My mission is shopping
Zee: Beer again
S:  Twice? D:  Yeah.
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Nat: Will he get beer tho?
Kat: Is it your list?
Nat: He's only 2 years old
Zee: He got my shopping list
Kat: True
Zee: Shut up
D: We’ll be in touch. ( let yeeeeet the fuck out )
Sheriff: I don’t see how this is FBI business
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Giulia: Sheriff’s right tho
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Zee: That close up. Thank you
Nat processing Dean’s hair :
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Nat: Not liking that hair
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Kat: It’s weird
S: You know, do you mind if we take a look at the body?
Sheriff:  Do I have a choice?
-that sheriff has 0 fucks
D: Not really.
Dean has 0---> ∞  fucks
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Giulia: AHAHAH
Nat: Seriously?
S: How long you been doing this?
Zee: Cat like reflexes
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Kat: Lolol he jumpy
Nat: yeah of course lol
Nat: He scares easy he's getting old
-Another still of Dean’s hair for Nat
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Giulia: Jack so rigid tho
Kat: Hey it’s an improvement over season 4
Nat: groans
Zee: The kids again
Giulia: Ugh them again
Why in the fuck there the Ghostfacers tune . NO. Also weren’t they like...broken up or something
E: The ghostfacers are cool
- eeeh
Giulia: Bambi lol
Nat: Bambi
Zee: Bamby
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Kat: Why they forcing these kids on us?
Stacy: Are you lost?
- Lol like a puppy, I can see that, oh wait ....
Giulia: OMG
Ghostfacers : Winchesters still suck ass, though
Nat: Ghostfacers
E: Are they (Sam and Dean) fighting ghosts?
J ( with the worst neutral tone ever) : What’s a ghost?
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J: I don't like to lie.Like when you have to burp, but you can't burp.
Zee: It makes my stomach hurt
Nat: you can't burp
Nat: Dean should teach him
Zee: That among other things
Stacy walks closer with a smirk
Nat: What are these kids?
Kat: Apparently not
Stacy: Not anymore. [shows keys]
OH THANK GOD, I thought they wanted to break in or something. I don’t trust them.
I literally couldn’t care less about the sheriff and his son sorry, byee
Giulia: I’m sorry but am I ahead of yall ?
Kat: Idk are you?
Zee: Where are you ?
Nat: lol yeah, don't know?
Kat: I’m in the store
Nat: they're in the store
Zee: 12:13
Giulia: Yeah I’m a bit ahead
Nat: Zeta is ahead
Zee: I am?
Max: I mean, living with a bunch of dudes. Their whole place must smell like beer, Kleenex, and Old Spice.
Nat&Kat:  Old spice 🤣
- I can live with that, I don’t give a shit.
Zee: Zombies are real?
J: Well, no. Not really. It's kind of disappointing.  But there are other monsters.
Nat: Jack, don't tell them!!
J: Rugaru *chuckles* That’s a funny name. Yeah
Zee&Nat: Will you be my best friend ??
Max: Do you ever, like, hang out?
J: Well, we have movie nights on Tuesdays Dean usually picks. I've seen "Lost Boys" like 36 times.
Max: I mean with kids your own age.
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Nat: but 36 times?
- Eh it’s Dean what did you expect 
Nat: oh god
Giulia: I’m two
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Giulia: I don’t like him hang out with them
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Nat: #leavejackalone2k19 #STAYAWAYFROMJACK2K19
Giulia: No but wait , maybe being with kids will help him, now that he doesn’t have a soul
Max: Well, we're going to the Stoke place tomorrow, if you wanna chill. It's this old farmhouse outside of town. No one goes there.
Nat: I'll rip your lungs out if you hurt him
J: I think I’d like that
Kat: NO
Zee: Remove your spine and hit you with it
S: Kohonta.
D: Gesundheit.
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Nat: I can't get over the hair
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Kat: sweet mortal flesh lol
D: You think this is our Hot Lips?
S: I mean, according to the lore, Kohonta get so starving, they spit up stomach acid.
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Kat: Stop staring at it
Nat: tHe HaiR
Zee: Focus Nat
Kat: Stop it
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Giulia: I can’t
Kat: So many dead people
Giulia: Everytime there is whistling I just want to see Benny
Nat: iT's JuSt ThE WiNd
Giulia: Well that’s fucked up
Nat: That's not creepy
Zee: Now you run
Giulia: Who the fuck fall and stay down?!
Nat: Well, yeah THAT is. Really? saliva?
Wow the weather was shit that day of shooting. Did they get sick ?
Giulia: I feel like the sheriff knows something
Kat: Kinda seems like it
Nat: He probably experienced it again
Zee: They always do
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Nat: Sam's hair is good wet though
Zee: Sam wet is good
Kat: Sam looks good wet
Giulia: He does
Sheriff: Look, I don't care if you guys are the FBI. Nobody goes in those woods without my say-so.
Giulia: Sheriff is getting on my nerves
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Nat: I can't even focus, the damn hair
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D: Well, we should probably do what he says.
S: Oh, yeah. Definitely.
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Giulia: Awe they are cute
Nat: Third wheeling his way on the kitchen table
Zee: Is pussy block a thing? Like cock block?
E: If you two are going to kiss, can you go to the other room? I'm trying to work here.
Elliot is Sam
Giulia: NO
Kat: Oh Jack 🤦🏼‍♀
Nat: "Yeah, you invited me"
J: I like The Who.
Giulia & Kat: THE WHO
Giulia: Jack your Dean is showing
Stacy: Who?
-Oh shut up everybody knows who The Who are
Max: Oh, my aunt listens to them. They're...old.
J:  Well, Dean says any music made after 1979 "sucks ass."
Nat&Zee: Sucks ass
Max:  That's because Dean is also old.
Giulia: ... [with Misha tone when is done with Jared in the bloopers] Max is cancelled.
J: unless they've possessed a human. Then, they can look like me or you...or anybody.
Zee: He’s creeping them out.
Giulia: He’s gonna freak them out
Kat: He’s gonna scare the shit outta these kids
E: And you've seen one before?
J: I’ve killed one
Kat: What if they are possessed
Giulia: If I so hear one of them saying “let’s call a demon” imma throw tables
Max: [Chuckles] Yeah? How?
Giulia: Listen MAX IS TROUBLE
Kat: They all are
Zee: Demon killing 101
Nat: Baby Bean
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Nat: I'm glad it's dark and I don't see them hair
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Nat: oops, there they are
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Zee: Sam squint
Kat: The damn sheriff
Nat: What is wrong with that sheriff
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Giulia: ok but the sheriff sneaking to the Winchester tho.Like...badass
Nat: LiAR
Kat: Knew that was coming
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Giulia: There we go
Always remember Jo and her shotgun tho
Kat: That’s my boy
Nat: Jack, baby, just go home, alright?
Zee: Jack baby. Stop doing that
Giulia: Don t fucking use the powers
Nat: NO
Kat: Oh shit he’s gonna use magic
Zee: No no
Giulia: Mmm don t like that
Zee: Yeah. He’s fucking anakin
Giulia: Don t like that
Nat: Jack, if you don't listen to me I can not help you
Giulia: The brunette is the only smart one
Kat: He’s gonna lose control and stab someone
Nat: Yep
Giulia:  “The brunette is the only smart one” I WAS WRONG
Kat: Oh shit
Zee: Crap
Kat: Knew that was coming
Giulia: ok but honestly she went right through it
Nat: Jack baby, why don't you listen?
Giulia: He right she moved
Zee: Can’t he fix her?
Nat: They calling 911
Nat: He can't…..Oh he can
Giulia: Ok but FUCK STACY. Bitch could have stayed put
Zee: Look at him.
Nat: But like, does he still have a soul at all
Giulia: Who fucking go running around when someone is making a blade floating
Kat: Jack shouldn’t have been using his powers
E: I don't know... what you are. But stay away.
Giulia: Oh my heart hurts
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Nat: Yeah, like, didn't they teach the kids not to do that? right?
Zee: Common sense
Giulia: Ok but I mean...she could have turned around. She just went like ...to him
Kat: Yup he’s going dark side
Nat: She wanted to stop him
Giulia: Again...she run into the damn blade
Nat look at this!
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Zee: The way Dean says “thing” is my new sexuality
Nat: Doomed to roam the woods and whistling pfffffff
Giulia: Keeps the folks away Yeah how that ever worked
D: Like I said, we hunt these things.
Sheriff : What do you mean?
S: Kohonta, werewolves, demons.
Sheriff: Those are real?
D: Oh, yeah. Yeah. And we kill 'em.
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Nat: That smirk
Zee: The smirk. THE SMIRK
Nat: Almost make me forget the hair
Zee: What hair?
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Sheriff: Just the two of you?
S: We know what we're doing.
Sheriff wants to tell people.
Giulia: Put them on you tube.Yeah that sounds fun
S: It doesn't work like that. Even when they know how to fight,
Zee: People die People still die
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Giulia: Like..kids in spn are dumb as dirt. See...?
Nat: Dumb kid 2.0
Giulia: Dumb as dirt
Zee: Silver blade through the heart.
Giulia: Always silver blade of course
Zee: That works for a lot of things
Giulia: That’s not the meat he’s looking for
Kat: He wants the other other white meat
Nat: Every time I hear the whistling I think that the Saviours are here but then I realize that it's not The Walking Dead
Giulia: Like yeeeeah where u at NEGAN BB
Nat: my body is ready
Giulia: Mine too
Zee: Don’t go there ffs
Giulia: I wanna go right there
Nat: Raining = Wet hair.Wet boys
Giulia: Wow fuck that thing
Nat: lol how Dean carried him out with his bowlegged squat
Giulia: Nat! People are dying!
Nat: Oh give me a break
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Zee: I was just thinking of that
D: You don't like that, huh?
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Giulia: COME ON
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D: That was like full-on "Raiders."
Nat: Yeah like ew
Nat: What is this EP even
Zee: Green goo
Giulia: that’s me when I’ll meet Misha
Awe Sammy is worried about that dumb kid 
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Have some hair again Nat
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Giulia: I don t trust that wound on him tho
Kat: Thinking the same thing
S: He's your son. He deserves the truth.
Nat: Babies in Baby
D: Do what we always do.
Nat&Giulia: When in doubt...lie
Giulia: When in doubt bacon
Nat: when in doubt...eat
Zee: When in doubt , beer
Zee: Can I sit in the back seat ?
Giulia: Can I sit on him?
Zee: He wouldn’t be able to drive bitch
Giulia: He would don t worry
S: And do you think you really took care of it the right way?
D: Jack said he was fine.
Dean...he’s two
S: And when we were kids, how many times did we tell Dad that we were fine just to make him happy?
Nat: So will they go all Dad on Jack?
Giulia: I fucking hope so
J: How was the Hunt?
D:  Oh. Uh...disgusting.
J: I got the supplies. Except for the beer.
Dean like....THE FUCK BRO. you had one job.
J: I didn't have ID.
D: You have tons of IDs.
J:  They're fake.
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Dean’s like.... he’s your son.
S: Jack... listen bla bla bla bla bla bla 
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Meanwhile , Dean is having an existential crisis
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Zee: Tons of ids
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Nat: They're fake
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Giulia: We want to talk to you about your powers. That looks like THAT TALK
Nat: Will he tell them?
Zee: One of them at least
Nat: #worried dads
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D: we didn't want you coming along because we didn't want you using them.
S: Not yet. Not for now.
D: Before you go all X-Men. It was crappy of us not to tell you. You know, we were trying to be nice. 'Cause we care about you. But because we care about you, you deserve the truth.
S: You understand that?
Zee: He didn’t say it
Kat: He’s not gonna
S: I mean, anything happen while we were gone?
Kat: Oh he’s so going darkside
Giulia: fuck it
Nat: learned it from the best
Giulia: He’s a Winchester
Zee: Fuck Shit
Kat: Dun dun dun
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I’m with Dean on this... Imma get some beer. 
[ post episode]
Giulia: PROMO
Zee: Me neither
Kat: Ugh Nick and Anael? gagging noises
Zee: Well that left me a bittersweet taste in my mouth
Giulia: I like anael tho. She looks after herself, doing her thing, work it. yas gurl get it.
Zee: Such a kind spirit
Giulia: Look that was probably him with Donny ok? And I like Donny
Kat: To me, she doesn’t add anything. I don’t hate on her, just don’t know why she has to be on the show 🤷🏼‍♀
Giulia: Well that’s why she isn’t in it that much
Nat: i will watch the promo later. but what anael?
Giulia: Cas told her he needs to talk to god
Nat: but like i don’t get it? who plays god now?
Kat: No one? We don’t see him
Giulia: Ok but ...angels guys! We need more angels that are not dicks
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Giulia: scoffs
Nat: and why should anael know since she left heaven. if anything naomi should know
Giulia: But would naomi say shit to castiel without something back? And honestly ....that bitch made swiss cheese of his brain, I doubt he want to spend time with her
Nat: anael sure doesn’t have a great rep in heaven either
Giulia: Neither does Cas
Nat: fuck I’m late
Kat: Go work.
Kat: Get that money
Zee: Bring home the bacon
Giulia: Kick ass
Zee: Take names
Zee: Well that was a pleasure ladies. As always.
Giulia: Yas. Gonna go for a run now
Kat: Burn my calories for me please
Zee: Go to sleep babe
Giulia: Also ...yay I won't spend a lot on the commentary 🙌🏻
Zee: whispers I’ll need a couple of gifs. For... science. Ya know
Kat: The smirk
Giulia: I’ll make so many Dean’s hair gif just for @Nat
Zee: That’s plain wrong
Kat: Good, she’ll love that
Giulia: chuckles right?
Zee: That hair was all kinds of wrong
Nat: NO
Giulia: Too late
And y’all? did you hate those hair as much as we did? 
@wayward-angelgirl @destiel-honeypie     @mariekoukie6661     @dragontamerm      @closetspngirl   @rainflowermoon    @mattiecat      @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2   @jacks-word-of-the-day     @4evamc       @dammitsammy     @legendary-destiel   @winchesterprincessbride    @destielhoneybee    @castiellover20   @jacks-word-of-the-day  @ravenhg @evvvissticante  @legendary-destiel  @dustythewind 
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shinwonsaysomething · 5 years
Café de la Musique - Adachi Yuto
Words: 900 (I am not joking. Exactly 900 words) Genre: Fluff, OneShot
Summary: You work at a music café near the University of Art. You have a chrush on this tall japanes boy. Today you decide to follow your colleague Mandy’s adive and just go for it.  Request by @yutos-laugh: Hey sweetheart! Guess who lol 👀 I absolutely LOVED your fic about wooseok as an art student, and I was wondering if you could make something kinda similar for Yuto? You can change it up however you want, I just really liked the artistic component and cuteness of the story!! Ily and your writing sooo much!!! Also, I hope you have a marvelous day because you totally deserve it! ♥️🌹
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"I am so sorry!" you say as you swing the back door open. You were late for work, again. Your colleague Mandy greets you with a smirk. "Good afternoon sunshine, why are we late this time?" she says. You aren't able to talk yet, you just stand there panting. "I am.. so sorry.." you say again. "I missed... my bus... had to run... not in a good shape... kinda regret that ice cream.... from last night now..." you say while catching your breath. Mandy laughs at you. "Just be thankful I work today instead of mister grumpy pants".
She is right. Your boss is a total nightmare. You know your colleagues hate him too so you guys usually cover for each other to stay out of trouble. You quickly change into your work clothes. You guys have to wear an apron with the cafés name, "Café de la Musique", on it. You put on your name tag and put your hair in a ponytail. You have worked at the Café de la Musique for a long time. It is a café and a bar at night. The café is very well known among the music students of the University of Art nearby, because it is the only café that offers live music. usually the music students make the music, but also new started performers or singers make their debut in this café. At night there is a live band or singer of any genre. That is what this place makes so special.
"Ready for work?" Mandy asks you. "Yeah, totally. So what is the plan for today?". "Okay it is now... 3:30 pm and the boys of "Green Blood" will play around 4 pm. Today’s genre is rock with lyrics about nature and world peace". You nod and look around the café. "Any usuals today?" you ask. "Yes, that girl that played the piano last Tuesday morning, but I don't think the usual you want to see is here yet" Mandy says teasing. "Ow shut up" you say and hit her arm softly.
Mandy is talking about that beautiful Japanese boy that always comes to this café at the end of the day. It is probably a music student, because he always comes around the same time the classes end at the University of Art. When he first visited the Café de la Musique you immediately had a crush on him. It was not just because he was handsome, but it was his voice and his smile that made you fall for him. You still don't know his name. You only know what he usually drinks and that he writes in his notebook all the time. Well that and the fact he wears black a lot. Mandy gave him the code name "brown eyes".
"I think he kinda likes you too though. Maybe you should just go for it". "I don't know what you are talking about" you say sarcastically and stick out your tongue towards her. You go to work. A lot of students arrive around 7 pm, but you don't see 'brown eyes' yet. You start to feel a bit disappointed, but not for long. At 7:30 pm he walks into the café. You greet the boy with a smile. "Good afternoon, what can I get you today?". Your cheeks already turn a bit pink when he asked for the usual. "A large caramel cappuccino, coming right up". The boy wanted to wait as usual for his drink. "Please take a seat. I will bring it to you myself" you say with a smile. The boy laughs softly and thanks you for the service. He sits down and grabs his notebook.
As you bring the coffee, he is still working hard on something. He didn't hear you come, so he was a bit startled when you were standing next to him. "O sorry honey, I didn't mean to scare you. Here is your coffee" you say as you put down the cappuccino. You also put down a brownie, because you know he likes them. He usually orders them after he drank his coffee. The boy looks confused at you. "Ow don't worry.You are one of our most loyal guest, so this one is on me". "Thank you so much" he says with his low voice. You can see him smile as he looks down.
"I hope you enjoy your coffee and brownie, sir" you say and you wanted to walk back at the counter. The boy stopped you. "Y/n?" he says. You look surprised at him. "How do you know my name" you say with red cheeks. "uhmmm... i- it is on your name tag" he says. Your cheeks are now the colour of the most red tomato in the world. "O haha yeah of course, silly me" you say joking, "What can I do for you, sir?". He laughs "Please call me Yuto" he says.
"Okay, what can I do for you Yuto?" "I- I was wondering if... uhmm..." Yuto stutters a bit. You decide to follow Mandy's advice and say "I am free in hour, if you have time you can ask me your question then" you say and wink. Yuto laughs "Well I think I just got the answer to my question. I will wait here. Good luck with work Y/N". You just can't stop smiling and you laugh at his cheesiness. "See you in a hour then".
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littleleighxo · 3 years
3/9/2021 Mid Morning Thoughts 1/3 💕
Happy Tuesday Everyone! So sorry! I didn’t do part 3 of yesterday’s blog, to close my trilogy blog of the day. Was too tired! & still had my period cramps from pure hell also a headache. Which was promoted to saying “longest Monday ever”. SO I am back! How is everyone doing? Hope you all are doing ok & feeling good. It’s 57 & cloudy here in Ny, though it does feel like the ideal spring day. Looks like the sun, is trying to come out. Really hope it does! Love the warm, radiant, sunshine. Always makes me smile! & puts me in a cheery mood. This weekend, finally we turn the clocks forward!, Today I am going to do another trilogy blog, compared to a double blog entry, like yesterday. This morning, I woke up w/a sore throat & a sinus, headache. With cold chills ugh! But I will be, ok like I always say in almost every blog. Will be making myself a hot cup of matcha green tea, shortly with the works. Hopefully that would open my nasal & sinus cavity. Earlier this morning, I woke up to the vibration of my iPhone, buzzing against my pillow. Which was an incoming text from my friend Maria, sending me a screen shot from Apple Music, to the song “Inspiration” by Chicago. Asking me, if I remember when we did the cover & remake of this song back in December of 2006. Two weeks prior to the Christmas season. I replied back saying “oh my God Yes”. Lol! Then I said “Good times & SO damn funny too 😂”. Maria always been a morning person, since high school. Definitely the libra in her. Like I always say in one of many blogs. Lol! Then I went downstairs, to have breakfast I had a slice of toast w/butter w/some sliced up organic strawberries. Of course a hot cup of coffee too. Coffee is wake up fuel lol! Today, like everyday, calls for coffee & lots of it! The ideal & perfect motto! Love coffee! Lol! I do work out every morning, regardless of how much sleep I’ve had from the night before, like last night. I fell asleep, while watching The Simpsons on Disney Plus lol! Though I don’t get enough sleep, I am definitely a night owl. I need like 7 or 8 hours ideally. Now that would be only in a utopia society. This morning, I pushed myself to go on my indoor cycle, from feeling under the weather, like said earlier for my morning cardio & daily work out. I feel like working out in the morning is a perfect way to get your heart pumping & blood flowing. Ideal way to wake the body up too. Working out is a great way to start the day & great self care too for me. Plus a great stress reliever too. Always puts my mind at ease too. I do feel it in my legs, ass, tail bone & stomach after every work out. do listen to music as I work out too, it feels like I have an indoor Soul Cycle Studio in my own home lol! Today’s work out music, was various hits from the 90s. Loving & enjoying my new “knock off” AirPods from Amazon, highly do recommend it! SO worth the price! Late last night, I noticed that Premier Protein, launched a new flavor, which is chocolate peanut butter! As seen on Instagram. Can not wait to order it today, directly from Walmart. It reminds me of a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. Perfect for breakfast or anytime I want to have a meal, to be replaced mainly breakfast or lunch. Once, it finally comes I will tell you all about it, if you or your family ever want to order it for your daily in take & to consume. Love giving you all my raw authentic opinion, on products & things that I am loving & enjoying.. Like I said in my previous blog, this blog is unfiltered, unedited & now uncensored. SO Hi! Lol! Today from 2 to 5, the plumber is coming, cause our bathroom sink & bath tub is clogged. #OldHouseProblems. I defiantly I wrote a lot, like I always say in every single entry of my blogs. As always Keep the faith, be kind & subscribe, Be well & stay safe also healthy. Cause we are still in this pandemic. Plus please wear your mask, to stop the spread of COVID-19. Ps: Many, Many thanks to our essential workers for all their hard work hard work, ambition, determination, dedication & devotion is SO extremely noticed & appreciated! Much love everyone!! 💕
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deathwalking · 3 years
all of the domestic headcanon memes for alan too
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here we go again...
☾ Sleeping habits
stays up decently late... and probably wakes up around ten on his days off. if he’s working, he simply deals with the sleep deprivation.
☼ Favorite time of day
night time... easier to stalk people ( dylan ) 
☂ Favorite weather
sunshine, which they aren’t getting too much nowadays.
¿ Term for the TV device, whether it be “clicker”, “remote”, or something else
↪ Internet browsing activities
doesn’t spend a lot of time on the interwebs, but when he does, rest assured that it is fucked up. he enjoys fucked up things. 
☹ Response to a leaky faucet or other household problem
annoyance. if it’s his place, he leaves it for big sis to take care of. isn’t he helpful? 
♡ What their wedding invitations would look like
he would not in any way, shape, or form be responsible for that.
☃ What they wear around the house
regular clothes. t-shirt and shorts if it’s hot, pants if it’s not. simple man things.
♆ The worst kind of neighbor they could have, and how they deal with them
a loud one, and he would be very loud in response. and then write threatening letters. and then consider if it’s too obvious to murder your neighbor...
♨ Their cooking ability (or lack thereof)
terrible! he can make basic things but isn’t pressed about really learning to cook... so what if he lives off microwaveable food? what are you, the food police?
✂ How well they do yardwork (or blow up the lawnmower)
decently enough. much better at yardwork than he is with house chores.
♟ If they like board games, and how good they are at ‘em
he doesn’t like spending time with people, so board games are out. if he was forced into it, it kinda depends on the game... he might be okay at checkers.
✧ How clean their living space is now, and/or would be ideally
right now, probably in between clean and dirty. not pristine but you can still see the floor, you know? he’s not a freak, but he doesn’t leave everything laying around.
♜ Interior decorating aesthetic
he could not care less about aesthetics.
♘ Any pets they might have
him and pets don’t mix. he just simply wouldn’t take care of it.
☗ What you’d find in their cabinets
...plates? bowls? normal things? drugs? what are you, a cop?
⚒ What you’d find in their toolshed (if they’d have one)
backyard or garage, depending on the space.
▀ What they’d hide under the bed
photos. no i will not elaborate.
○ What tune their doorbell has, if not a standard ding-dong
standard ding-dong.
☺ What their welcome (or not-so-welcome) mat would say
“come back with a warrant.”
☻ How late they stay up
at least two or three... sometimes longer if he loses track of time.
♒ If they do their laundry in a timely manner
lol, no. laundry day is just whenever he feels like it.
☆ How they’d throw parties (what would go on at them, refreshments, etc)
he simply wouldn’t.
✓ What a typical Tuesday night looks like
gets home from work. watches television or browses the internet. goes to bed.
❥ How they’d invite you home for the night (yes, it could be a pickup line)
he simply wouldn’t. <3
0 notes
Solar Return Musings and other Stuff, May 27, 2020
Short note: These are just my solar return rantings and musings, so if you just need the energetic support to get through the crazy energies running around right now,  just go to the end of the post for an energetically-infused photo to fill you with love, hope, and courage =) have a great day! OK long-a$$ post coming right up lololol As of yesterday, I have entered my mid-30s, which I would have fretted over greatly have I not awakened to my infinite being-ness. Weirdly enough, priorities do change when a person reaches a certain point in life, and for the past 10 years, maybe more than than or something this body started its own awakening process. It felt weird just thinking about it because my brain took so much time before it awakened, so yeah basically I already manifested nearly ALL spiritual awakening symptoms and I still wasn't doing the work needed, I just though it was all work-stress. I had constant callings to meditate but I was too busy watching anime, movies, dramas, throwing too much of myself to my former uhm, life, stuff, insert words here. Fill in the blanks lol. And then everything just comes crashing down until I had nothing but my own shattered dreams. That's when I slowly started using binaural beats to induce something to happen to my body, or at the very least use my legs (they kinda died along with my hope and dreams back then).
Whew. That felt like a lifetime ago, but honestly it felt so far away even though I only started to consciously-awake 4 years ago or something? Maybe less? I really don't know. Then again, as many spiritually-woke people kept saying, these are interesting times, wherein you live inside a body with as many lifetimes as a buy-one-get a multitude free. Basically as long as a person consciously (or in my case my body freaking chose it for me, dang it) chooses to, anyone can live at least 2 or 3 lifetimes in the same body. I actually feel like I have lived 30+ years in a span of 10, I feel like after having so many losses, meeting so many people both nice and not, all the heck-ups that happened, it’s a miracle I am still alive. What’s even more amazing is that despite whatever hell on earth I experienced in the past 10 years, there were nice parts to be grateful for, like learning more metaphysical stuff, learning what needs to be healed and transmuted like traumas and other genetic stuff, regaining and embodying my old psychic self from my childhood days, establishing clear boundaries because unscrupulous people will DEFINITELY step all over wishy-washy, extremely-giving or doormat people, and whatever needs to be done in order to help clear not just my own morphic field but the mass consciousness energies as well. Seriously though, for me, my best takeaway was learning that I am actually able to channel energies, and if I didn't have a psychic friend to return whatever I channeled I would have doubted everything. So in a way, even though things were seriously slow-going, I guess I'm ok at this pace. It would be better if it was a lot faster though
Speaking of gratitude, I got fed up being ungrateful for quite a while, so for a change I just chose to find something to be thankful for, even if it's just one. I guess it started clearing my energies bit by bit. I couldn't do it all by myself though, so aside from channeling the energies on my own, I also started adjusting the flow of energies (chi or prana) in my own space by bringing in some fallen flowers (they just fall out of the plant even if they look perfectly fine), and I guess it sorta helped me manage my depressive states to a certain degree. In the beginning I honestly just wanted to see some other living thing other than myself and some lizards, or the occasional insects that pop in, and weirdly the flowers helped a lot, even if there were just 3 or even 1 of them in a bowl. I guess it became meditative for me to gather them in the afternoons, before night falls. The flowers resemble hibiscus but they change colors, from yellow in the morning as they bloom, to having red-orange petal tips in the late afternoon or dusk (I gather them during these times) to being fully red at night. After about 4 weeks of doing it daily, I found a trend on how many I can collect per day: Saturdays bring a lot, at most 9 (it's a day that promotes planting and other agricultural pursuits); Tuesdays bring at most, 3? (it is a Mars Day afterall); and the rest of the week ranges from 5 to 7 flowers. I did my best not to put too much attachment to the meanings, I just did my best to be grateful for how many I can pick in a day. As long as I get at least one per day, I'm all good.
Of course, on the day of my solar return, after having difficulty getting some work done (it was hot and humid and everything just feels fuzzy) I finally got out and decided to just check on my passionflower vines and see if I got any flowers from this weird hibiscus plant. As always, the passionflower vines went haywire with the growth again, and I have yet to figure out how to even manage them so they won't strangle the other plants nearby, including the weird hibiscus plant. Speaking of, here's the weird thing about the plant yesterday. It was a Tuesday so I was expecting to just get around 2 or 3, but I got a whopping 14, it was a miracle I was able to hold them in my hand. It felt like the universe gave me a nice birthday bouquet, and I just enjoyed the feeling as I gathered them while a rolling thunder passes over my head. It felt great. Even one of the other flowering plants that only bloom a handful of tiny flowers actually had so much flowers, so I guess it made me giddy. I guess it's nice to receive flowers from the universe, it was a gift that lifted up my spirits. Also it was a small reminder to just embrace my romantic-AF side lol So after thanking the universe for the nice flowers I collected all of the weird hibiscus flowers, gathered them into a bowl, and they looked like these:
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If you squint at the photo, the bowl looks like pizza lol but hey, that's a nice thing I could look forward to once citizen mobility becomes an actual thing. I mean, I'm not the only one who got stuck at home for their birthdays, there's like 2-3 months worth of birthdays that got stuck at home, among other things, so I truly feel for those who wanted to feel special even under quarantine. Yes the flower-bowl photo is also energetically-infused so if you're someone who didn't get to enjoy your special day due to the pandemic, please allow the loving energies of the flower bowl to fill you with universal love.
Other stuff I was able to be grateful for was getting a handful of birthday stuff, I mean, in times like these it's easy to expect people to take care more of themselves, and I honestly don't mind if people chose to just do their own thing today. My mother rarely makes birthday food (her birthday is 2 days ahead of mine so I normally just eat whatever is left of that lolol) but I got some fruit salad and it was great, but I think I had way too much and my tummy kept making U-turns. I also got some greetings from people that I care about, and it was nice. The thing about birthday energies is that it brings a lot of mixed emotions, and instead of enjoying the entire day, I had to transmute a lot of old traumas stuck in my head, in my body, all that stuff, to the point that I just decided to send my grateful replies to the messages I received like, today. I wouldn't wanna tie my low vibes with people who wished me well so I did the proactive approach and just cleared whatever low vibes I had. It took a long while, and by the time I was done, it was already midnight and I had to do some quick and soothing meditations just to feel great about myself. At times, whenever I had to do these things, I sometimes wished I never woke up in the first place. Unfortunately, this kind of awakening is like learning how to ride a bike, once you learn how to balance and move forward (hint: pushing the pedal faster makes falling down nearly-impossible lol), it’s forever bonded with your entire being.
Seriously, this whole conscious awakening business is not exactly all sunshine and rainbows, and I often find myself cringing whenever I come across a post or a video about spiritual awakening and the path of enlightenment as something all unicorns and ice cream sprinkles like I have to use ALL of my powers NOT to judge them. Because that's what they have at that given moment, and that is what they wanna share. As for me, even if my own experiences weren't 100% magical, they're not all that bad either. I just choose to embrace all of the experiences as stuff that helps me move forward, good or bad, ugly or beautiful, crappy or not, intentional or accidental, they are all for a better good. It's normal and OK to feel victimized every now and then, we have deep programmings that need to be rebooted so that we can enjoy everything in 3D, regardless of whether we got extremely lucky or extremely screwed. I mean, that's the weird thing about duality and playing that game: seeing both sides of the coin and accepting the fact that it's all the same coin is what brings back our lost power, instead of just choosing all that is light or all that is dark. Everything is connected and that is what sets people free. The only thing that people must consciously choose is to live in their own truth, otherwise choosing to live other people's truths will continuously run their lives, and that's what breaks people. I should know, I was stuck in that crap for a long time. Now I'm currently in limbo but I am doing my best to continuously connect to the higher dimensional realms, and to heal and increase my capacity to feel and receive universal energies so that I won't have to live someone else's life anymore. That's what I promised to do for myself and I am doing the best that I can to uphold that. I honestly don't know where I am right now but I am hoping to become a whole lot better in my own personal journey.
In relation to that idea, I am doing my best to be my own support group, cheerleader, therapist, and all that stuff because to be honest, for the next years and decades after this pandemic issue, there will be a call for independence, of being able to fix the self, because the energies are coming in to change the excessive interdependent natures of people. I mean, don't get me wrong, nothing bad about that right now and we will all continue to be dependent on others, and others will be dependent on us, but certain parts of humanity will start to go inwards, like finding the truth within themselves. Also, there will be a greater need to be kind, understanding, and forgiving to the self, more so than others. Denying the self's needs are what caused disorder in the first place, and universal energies are coming in right now to push people to be more selfish, in a healthy way, in a more abundant setting, because excess greed has taken a toll on the psyche of humanity for a very, very long time. And this time, the higher dimensional realms are ensuring that balance shall be achieved. So if you think this pandemic thing is the worst, well sorry to burst your bubble but more bumpy rides are ahead of us, and adjustments WILL be done to accommodate the new things that need to happen in this timeline, and beyond.
Oh glob, that's a lot of stuff lolol I guess that just flowed out of my hands, and I feel like I'm not even done yet. Oh well, I can always post something else, like I dunno, as needed? Anyway, for those who are only here for the energy-infused photo, here it is, to support your need for hope, love, and courage in these trying times:
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I hope you enjoy, just relax and let it come through your being. And if you’re wondering, yeah the cactus has a white bloom. Cute, right? Thank you so much for your time in dropping by this post, I know that times are changing really fast and it feels like we're at the mercy of the elements, but also know that despite things, the universe will always work in our favor, but first we must feel that we're worth that universal assistance, otherwise it's just going to stay outside the realm of our experiences. Our worthiness is more important now, than ever before. Because you are indeed, worthy. I pray that you become your truest and best self. Wishing you all the best, Mikazuki
PS. If you found the information in this post to be very helpful, insightful, and of great value to you and your own personal journey, please feel free to reblog, share and heart/like, or if you feel super-generous, energetic exchanges are welcomed! Please click here and use this email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much and be blessed!
PSS. If you’re interested to get a personal card and energetic reading, for inquires please send an email or an anonymous ask in this page. Thank you! =)
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imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 27} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
 Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received before this IWSY chapter was posted ^^)
Anonymous said: IWSY is the first fanfic I've been reading for so long! Seriously, this is a story like a drug. I'm that type of impatient reader, so I'm curious to know how long you plan to continue this story? When will my life be over?
Thank you for reading it for this amount of time!! But I’m really sorry, I can’t answer your questions because I don’t know myself. I get people always asking me this question but I honestly don’t know xD You guys will know when I do! It probably won’t be for too much longer; we’ll just have to see!! ^^
@btsfanficss said: I'm so excited for IWSY!! Thank you for your hard work and please remember to rest properly ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much bby!! I will try :) but this week is so busy for me and I am currently in London *sweats* lol I hope you have a great week and that you’ll enjoy the new chapter!!
Anonymous said: i binge read I wont stop you, my emotions were all over the place AND IM STILL NOT DONE. you are such a good writer omg. i love you and your writing😚
WAAAh thank you for binge reading it lol! thank you so much you’re so sweet and I love you too deary!! :D
Anonymous said: Girl, I'M READY *DRAMTICALLY GRABS TISSUES*   Ps: i read a lot of  filipino readers here. Hello guys *waves*  -fanfrmph
GRAB THE TISSUES AND HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS! hehe~ Actually I’ve always been interested to know where the majority of people who red my fanfiction live. I wish there was a way I could know without exposing people’s identities hehe~ I hope you’ll enjoy the update tonight love!
@mocking-butts said: It's Tuesday oh god oh god I'm not ready I'm going to sob mumsy what do i do it's Tuesday oh my goodness I'm going to die I'm not ready for this help meeee i hope im not going to die and sob my eyes out even though I will oh god.
aHHHHHH I hope you’ll like it my love please don’t cry!! :c
Anonymous said: heyyy, i just wanted to ask when is the new chapter coming? I rly enjoy reading the fanfic and the storyline is great, can't wait to see how will it develop in the future 🌌💟💟
I upload new chapters of IWSY every Tuesday evening between 9pm and 10pm UK Time (this is written at the beginning of every chapter^^) thank you so much for enjoying the story my love!!
@deangetoutofmyspleen said: ITS TUESDAY
Anonymous said: I'm actually fucking sobbing at this point
Me everyday tbh
@im-that-chesire-jax said: OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO GOOD. and I kept having theories about her changing and Yoongi being her master and I kept thinking "she's a domitor, she's special so what if she can't have a master?" AND IM SO HYPE AND EXCITED THAT I FINALLY PREDICTED SOMETHING. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WRITING I WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT YOU FOR AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE WRITING
Anonymous said: Hahahaha even tho Yoongi's the loml, i hope he gets the fucking revenge he deserves and y/n ruins him and his existence
We will see what happens!! Thank you so much for reading :D
*Jungkook voice* ohmygod!
Anonymous said: I know she's not actually bound to him, but my heart still aches for Jungkook and Taehyung because as far as they're aware, they've both lost the person the love and a person they care about. I'm happy Namjoon is feeling now, and as hopeless as it might be, in genuinely happy the there's still /something/ between Tae and Yoongi.
Yes - because they have no idea what she has just experienced! :( And of course, Yoongi may not be *good* like the other characters in the story, but he still has some empathy and love inside of him, or so it seems! Thank you so much for reading the chapter dear :)
@sundaymorningblues14 said: Wow. I am speechless, that was beautifully written. You truly have a gift! I absolutely loved the way you described the spirit (is that the right term?). I can't wait to see what the protagonist is going to do next! Thank you darling xx
Thank you so much beautiful ^^ I’m so so happy you loved how the sine nomine was described! You can refer to them however you wish - a spirit, a god, a power; whatever feels right to you! You’re so welcome and thank you very much for reading it *hug*
*screams with you* THANK YOU SO MUCH BABE! I didn’t mean tto hurt you though I am sorry :(
Anonymous said: Omg... THE FEEEEELLLLSSS MAN. How could u do this to me... I don't know what I'm feeling right now... I feel, almost... lost? You are an incredibly amazing writer and I feel blessed to be able to have read that and felt the way I did. Please continue on to make my, and many other people's lives happy with what you are writing xxx luv uuuuuu ☺️❤️
Don’t be lost - I’ll find you! *cheesy* Ahhhh thank you so much you’re really too kind to me but I am so happy that you got to feel all those emotions from the story. Thank you and I love you too dear ^^
@animeimmortal said: DO YOU HEAR MY HEART? IT STOPPED LIKE HALF WAY I am still so flipping amazed at all the scenery and detailed descriptions you put in there WHAT WAS WITH THAT ENDING but then again if thats a prank that she's just saying that for the lulz then I would honestly do the same 😊 i don't know what to expect in very excited about the next chapter ❤❤❤ much love
I’LL BRING YOU BACK TO LIFE HOLD UP~~~ I’m glad you liked the scenery and the detail, I personally really enjoyed writing that part. It felt very serene and calming to write it ^^ hehe, thank you so so much for reading my love!
Anonymous said: Questions: 1)What? 2)WHYISJIMINSTILLDEADYOUTOLDMEHEWAS- 3)Am I messing with Yoongi or....? 4) Hoseok's  gonna wake up and be like '...What the-' 5)Serrena's gonna come in and be like '...What in the-' 6)YAY JOONIE ISN'T DEAD 7)Why didn't I ask the gender ambiguous person if Jimin is deads?! 8)WhAt? 9)Can we be friends? 10)Do you know the Muffin Man? 11)Wow I asked a lot of questions, but you did this to yourself. 12)Some of these weren't even questions lol  LAST QUESTION: WHaT? - <3 Vampnip anon
Hello Vampnip anon! My, my! You have a lot of questions...but I guess you will have to wait until the next chapter to see if I answer them in it :3 BUT I CAN SAY RIGHT NOW THAT YES LET’S BE FRIENDS BECAUSE I KNOW THE MUFFIN MAN LET’S GO EAT MUFFINS :3
Anonymous said: I've literally just been sat, staring at my wall, for the past hour. This chapter gave me feelings I ain't never had before. I'm surprised I haven't burnt holes into my wall with how intense my thinking stare is 😂😘😘
I’m rather glad that you haven’t burnt holes into your wall, that would be rather unfortunate you and the landlord to find yourselves in that predicament D: This chapter gave you feelings you never had before? Well...perhaps I am a domitor - giving you feelings? *ba dum dum chiiii* excuse me my dad jokes are lame I’m leaving GOODNIGHT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING
Anonymous said: Idk man i want iwsy to end happy, but at the same time i want it to be angsty. KILLS ME IM EXCITED AF TO SEE HOW IT ENDS, IM READY
I wonder how it will end!!!??? :3
@mysr3 said: This Ch is OMG, took my breath away at every details- like a ray of light in darkness! Thank you so much! Cant wait to know what her motive is! Next CH is going to b on FiRE! JK at the end is pricelss! U r such a talented writer even I already said it but ill say again bc it fact! U r Awesome! Thank you for bringing such another wonderful scenario to us! I love you ❤ Plz take care of urself n Hope you have a good night/ good week n wish you all the luck in the world Love ღღღ
You’re so sweet I’m smiling like a complete idiot oh my god?? D: what did I do to deserve you, you little ray of sunshine?! hehe :3 I love you too and i also hope that you will take good care of yourself and have a great week!! :3
Anonymous said: I DONT EVEN CARE I JUST NEED CHIM CHIM TO BE ALIVE #savechimchim #praytothelord #heissocutehecantdie #immadieifsomeonedoesntsavehim
Anonymous said: No...just no...how could you do that to me... and then make me wait another week to find out what happens?!?!!?!?!!?!
Because...I’m evil...but I love you...:3 *runs away*
@namjoonismybias said: Oh my god IWSY was- I can't even😵 keep up the good work!😁✌️❤
Thank you so much for reading my little sugarplum!!
@deangetoutofmyspleen said: my mom thought i was dying, but i was actually just reading IWSY so yEP IM CRYING AND SCREAMING I LOVE THIS SERIES IM EMOTIONAL. i need more soodkckvkgkgkkh
OMG LOL SORRY MUM xD Thank you so much and I apologise if your mum had a heartattack cos she thought you were dying lolol :3
Anonymous said: You really are an incredible writer
*blush* you’re too kind, but thank you so much. Seriously.
Anonymous said: Damn damn damn. I knew it! I knew she was gonna be turned AND PREGNANT all at the same time mmhm mmhm. Y/N bout to fuck shit up. You had me dying at "you'll never walk alone" I was like no she didn't just go there. Excited for next week whioooop
YAY YOU GOT THE YOU’LL NEVER WALK ALONE REFERENCE YAAAAAY! ehehe :3 thank you so much my love, I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks too ^^
@snoopy198712 said: Please let some of her powers be able 2 bring Jimin back 2 life & let her be the one 2 either kill Yoongi or Turn him over so the other vampire can kill please allow Namjoon 2 be good please I love this story so much I wait every Tuesday luv it
I hope she’ll be able to do all that and that everything will work out fine in the end! :( but thank you so much for reading and I’m so happy that you look forward to it each week my love :)
@ohheyitsebonyrose said: AAAHHHH OMG SNEAKY SNEAKY Y/N!! Even though it breaks my heart it's good to know it's not because he's actually her master. Another great chapter again Sara!!
Sneaky lil fox! :3 Thank you so much my love, I’m really glad you enjoyed it! ^^
Anonymous said: Yeah just take my heart u already have my feelings take it all  --wifey anon 🐇 (cont.) For once I am not worried because I know YN knows exactly what she s doing  Also I cannot help but think about (Y/N) x Jungkook sex like yn can feel so much things it ll take this expérience to the next level I believe  --wifey anon 🐇
me: collector of souls, hearts and feelings :3 ANd yes! At least you know what her intentions are - despite the cliffhanger! And ooooooog you’re the first person to have mentioned that :3 yes!! I bet it will hehe~ thank you so so much for reading wifey anon! ^^
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG! OMG! OMG! It was fantastic! Despite the fact that you made me cry for a moment, it was still a perfect chapter. All the answers you provided, made a smile grow and widen in my face. And she becoming much more glorious and strong... I just loved it! I knew she would call him master, she's smart and I love her. Thanks for this amazing part of IWSY. Love you!!
I’m sorry for making you cry :( but thank you so much my love! and I love you too~ i’m so happy you liked it!
@doubletroublesince1994 said: I mean yeah, it's perfectly normal for me to read this at past midnight when my finals are just in 45 days and I also have an exam in physics and chemistry in 2 days (For which I'm not ready AT ALL)  THE THINGS YOU DO TO ME OH SARA
Awwwww babe I’m sorry your finals are so close! :( I APOLOGISE FOR ANY PAIN I’VE CAUSED YOU PLS DON’T HATE MEEEE
I love you too! You’re so so sweet thank you so much my dear ^^
Hopefully everything will work out in the next chapter :3 Thank you so much tall anon!
@rainbowluversunite2011 said: IWSY had me SCREAMINGG. I hate that i have to wait a week 😖 It's soooo good! It's amazing, i can't breath right oh lord. You're awesome btw. and so is your story 💜✨
You are awesome too my love! Thank you so much for reading and I’m really glad you enjoyed the update :D
I’m glad that this chapter could bring out all these feelings for you :3 that makes me super happy hehe! Thank you so so much my love ^^
NOPE NO DEAD FOR REAL hehe~ I love you too but I offer no mercy :P Thank you so much for reading the update my dear I’m glad you liked it!!
@clara-licht said: *woke up* *checked watch* Oh, it's 4.30 AM.... IWSY should be updated already. *read story* .....NOW I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WHOLE WEEK *tried to go back to sleep* *couldn't sleep due to excitement* Well there goes the rest of my rest XD Seriously though, the newest one left me shook. That last bit kinda excites me, what would Kook do about that? And how will Yoongs react? After all, domitors aren't tied to anyone, so that bit over there must be an act.
Oh my god I’m so sorry to hear that you couldn’t get back to sleep my dear :( But I’m glad that you enjoyed the update! And yes - how will Yoongi react D: I wonder! D: Thank you so much dear for reading :D
@fashionkilla124 said: I'm dying at the end if the new chapter cuz I know she GON BEAT HIS ASS 😂😂 YOU ALREADY KNOW ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN NEXT WEEK IM CRYING FROM LAUGHING SO HARD SEND HELP 😂😂💀💀
SHE’S GONNA BEAT HIM UP YAY hopefully :3 thank you so much love!
@pandafish said: ooohoh!!!!! why is she calling him master though?? i hope it's just a trick.  i wonder if she'll kill yoongi :O
You’ll just have to wait and see! :3
Anonymous said: Just a random question, Sara.... WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO END ON A CLIFFHANGER?! wait, but then again, leaving off on a cliff hangers gives all of us the opportunity to come up with mostly inaccurate theories about what will happen next... hmm, okay then, no complaints. IWSY part 27? (jeez it's been so long since the beginning, I'm starting to loose track...) anyways, pt 27 was really really good! Hah! Take that, Yoongi! Your little plan didn't work! I'm looking forward to next week!- army anon
Because, dear army anon, I am a bitch ^^ hehe~ And I love reading people’s inaccurate or accurate deductions so much :3 Thank you so much for thinking that the chapter was good dear, it means so much to me ^^
Anonymous said: please bring Jimin back, please!!! (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) he means so much to Taehyung!
He hasn’t even died and you want him to come back! lol
Anonymous said: daaaaaaamn sara, back at it again with the cliff-hangers. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 from now on i'm calling u the cliff-hanger goddess, featuring ur most notable work "i won't stop you [from cliff-hanging]" 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
I am satisfied with this title *smug face* :3
Anonymous said: "You will never walk alone" ahhhhhhh I'm crying for multiple reasons ... man I was waiting all week for that chapter and I'm not disappointed!!!! I'm so excited for more and I'm still on edge for next week and!! Your writing is so good!!! Thank you so much k thx bye <3
I’m so happy that you and a few other people seem to have gotten the reference that I slipped in there :3 hehe thank you so much for reading my love and I hope you enjoy the next part too! :D
@rahrah25 said: This chapter of "I Won't Stop You" was just  breathtaking I'm still in awe of how wonderfully and beautifully you read this chapter this is my favorite fanfic thank you for sharing your incredible work:) ❤❤
I’m smiling so much of my goodness c: thank you my love, your words mean the world to me! Thank you even more for reading my series^^
@purrfectcupof-tae said: Omg you used the "you never walk alone" phrase in IWSY and I'm just weak 😭 i love your writing and I hope to become just as great as you 💕
I did use the never walk alone phrase :3 thank you for picking up on it!! :3 And I am sure you are already a great writer - honestly, mine is mediocre at best :D thank you for your wonderful words regardless my love ^^
@mnmiyukiko18 said: Hun bun, I love you and your work so much... But I swear if Jimin dies in IWSY I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you.
I really hope he won’t die then! *scared face*
Anonymous said: I (an almost 20 year old) literally squeeled when I remembered it was IWSY Tuesday. And oh boy was I blessed this week. Chapter 27 was (literally, haha) an out of body experience. I am so in love with how you've developed this plot. And the sine nomine? Incredible. Unexpected. Amazing. It's clear how much thought and detail you've put into this series, and it is such a complete pleasure to read. Also, the JK stan in me is so ready for eternal power couple Y/N and Jungkook like HELL YEA. - 종달새 <3
I’m so thankful that you loved the sine nomine character - I was really hoping that it would be a nice, fresh organic arch to a vampire story! ETERNAL POWER COUPLE HELL YES LET’S GO! Thank you for always being such a sweetheart, I appreciate it more than words can describe - thank you ^^
@sinae said: I've been following along with I Won't Stop You for a while now and I am so amazed with your writing! I check every Tuesday for a new update because I am so curious as to where the story leads! This chapter was amazing as always, and I am so excited for the next one!! Thank you for sharing your writing! I hope you are doing wonderful♡ (Pls tell me Jimin is okay don't hurt me like this lol)
Ahh, thank you so much for following it for a long time ^^ Even tho it has been running for 27 weeks now! You’re welcome for the stories but thank you even more for reading them ^^ I hope you are also doing wonderfully love!!
Anonymous said: I hereby invite you to this poor army's funeral. She will be dearly missed after we found her screaming and sobbing in her room after reading the last chapter of IWSY.   Please bring flowers (and Jeon Jungkook if possible)
Listen; no funerals will be had because I refuse to let you die! I 100% wish I could bring you flowers and Jeon Jungkook~ Those two things could heal ANYONE’S broken heart I think!
Anonymous said: NOOOOOO I need the next chapter right N O W :( every chapter literally keeps me at the edge of my seat.... praying that this series will never end so I can have my weekly dose of fantasy ㅠㅠ -bunnykookie96
Hello bunnykookie96!! my fellow 96liner :D I wish I could give you the next chapter right now but...I don’t even have it written yet ::( I’m sorry!! but thank you so much for reading it dear ^^
@kookieslaugh said: wait wait wait, when y/n wakes up from her ''death'' is Jungkook slowly dying?? I mean he was in a fight with Seokjin and kind of got rly beat up? bc if he's slowly dying then so aM I!!! Btw I love I won't stop so much like you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to every Tuesday ahhhhh ❤️
Ahhh no, it was more like - her calling Yoongi her ‘master’ killed Jungkook on the inside because he doesn’t know what’s really going on ^^ Thank you so much sweetkins!!
@lostheretics said: shit is gettin real im jungshooked
me as fuck
@koreaisanaddiction said: MY THEORY WAS CORRECT!!!! so good this is an amazing chapter i want more!!!
YAY YOU GUESSED CORRECTLY!! Thank you so much for thinking it was amazing :D
@killingalltheflowers said: Omg this chapter was so beautiful. I have no words to describe it.. And I feel the badassness coming in the next chapter *^* AW I' M SO EXCITED!! YOU'RE THE BEST.
*sobs* thank you so much my love!
I’M TRULY SO HAPPY THAT YOU ENJOYED IT!!! Thank you so much beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: IM SCREAMING SARA OH MY GODNJSDKK IM A 3RD YEAR COLLEGE STUDENT AND I MAJOR IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE THE MOMENT I SEE SINE NOMINE I SCREAM youre prob aware of it but we use sine nomine [s.n] in cataloguing when theres no author mentioned in a book and sine loco [s.l] if theres no publisher stated sjsjsjsjsjs i just okay i flip my shit out im sorry anYWAY i mentioned last time i had some theory it didnt cover most of it so im still waiting for the next tHIS IS AN AWESOME UPDATE IM
Awwww yesssss! sine nomine is latin for ‘nameless’ so I wanted this powerful entity to have some kind of name. I thought that was most fitting ^^ hehe language is so amazing and how we use it, right? ^^ Thank you so much love and I hope you will be able to see if your theories are correct or not soon! :D
Anonymous said: Even tho my spring break ends this week, I can't fucking wait till next tuesday. Tuesdays are my favourite days of the week thanks to you ❤
My spring break will also end this week :( I’m still in London tho so it’s fun!! I’m so happy that Tuesdays are good days for you because of IWSY - thank you for being amazing and lovely :D
@xtigerlily said: I usually don't like to read anything longer than a oneshot but I'm hooked on I Wont Stop You. I can't stop thinking about it all day. You're a fantastic writer and i'm so glad I found your page :) keep it up!
Well I feel honoured that you gave IWSY a chance even thought it’s not a oneshot! Thank you so much!! :3
Anonymous said: holo Sara!! i've been wondering about this a lot. in IWSY, where did the names 'natum lamia' (i think thats how you spell it) and 'sine nomine' come from? did you learn Latin? :o
I don’t speak Latin fluently but I know some odd words here and there! But the reason as to why I have included Latin names in IWSY is because of the lore I chose to make as the background of my story. I didn’t just want to use English because I believe that the story would have lost it’s depth and feel! :D
@noceurash said: WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS BJFGH,, i love you very much bby but you've killed me eternally gdgh. Iwsy was good aaah , have a lovely day~~~~ ♡
I love you too and Im so sorry for killing you eternally :( But thank you so much my love and I hope you have a great day too!! ^^
@idgaf97 said: I just want to say I've been a long time reader of IWSY and I absolutely love it. I think it's one of the best stories I've read (fanfic or not.) Jungkook has always looked like a vampire prince to me lol. Much love from The States (Chicago)!
Thank you so much for being a long time reader! :3 And yes -- Jungkook has always given me Vampire vibes~~ Conversely, Taehyung has always given me Werewolf vibes lol I did write a oneshot smut about Werewolf!Taehyung :3 He’s such an adorable little puppy hehe ^^ And heeeeey Chicago! Thank you my love :D
Anonymous said: Sara, why the cliff-hanger? Oh god now im dying in here.whyyyyyyy
I don’t know I swear it’s my evil twin that does it :(
Anonymous said: Hi yes hello, I'd just like you to know that I just spent the whole day reading I Won't Stop You, and I have to say that you're an incredible writer!! I legit was reading it during my uni classes!! Anyway thank you for writing such a wonderful story and I'm looking forward to the future chapters :D (Jimin though :'(
Gah thank you so much sweetkins! And tut tut you should be focusing on Uni work you naughty student you (jk that’s like me everyday lol) Thank you so much for reading my story as it means a lot to me!! Good luck during your University classes :D
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