#favorite movies gif tag
andfangs · 1 year
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Nicholas Hoult and his anime eyes as Robert Montague Renfield
Renfield (2023) dir. by Chris McKay
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casualavocados · 2 months
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You know what's out there? A series of higher tones. It's arranged by nature. It's governed by the laws of physics of the whole universe. It's an overtone, it's an energy, it's a wavelength. And if you're not riding it, good lordy, you'll never hear it.
AUGUST RUSH (2007) dir. Kirsten Sheriden
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
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A compilation of Felix Gillie (Peter Lorre) mispronouncing Waldo Trumbull's (Vincent Price) name. I love these guys.
Vincent Price and Peter Lorre - The Comedy of Terrors (1963)
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auroraknux · 1 year
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"Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together."
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hazel-callahan · 9 months
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to me, that's cinema.
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energon-goodies · 2 months
I had... well two ideas but one is more up my alley than the other atm, but if I wrote (and that's a huge if) a AU of Luis/Leon in The Crow (1990's version, not the one coming out) would anyone like, read that or be interested in it?? bc I have major brain rot about it
like Leon would be Eric, Luis takes the place of Shelly, Sarah is replaced by Sherry, and I am working on the rest 👀
highly recommend the movie too if u can stomach the content
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EDIT: to whom it may concern, if u have displayed interest, i have completed the fic! you may read it on ao3, but pls read the description and tags first bc the fic is just as explicit as the movie if not worse!
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he's the dragon
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new tag game !!!
what’s a criminally underrated ship that deserves more attention?
i’ll go first! i have two, actually.
thomas magnum x jonathan higgins
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2. bowser x kamek
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TAGS [let’s try and shine some light on our favorite underrated ships !!] :: @zeepziesdiary @redak-tedalt @pommigranite @defnotnoodle @siennafrxst @leosmasktails @bucket-of-nickels @dearestdracaena @asphyxiatedredherring @thisrottmnt +++ anyone who wants to join in !!!
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"Let's-a go."
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vtmbbot · 2 years
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“This will be a proper use of Zantetsuken!”
Ishikawa Goemon XIII in Lupin III: The First
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spooksalotnoel · 1 month
Relating to Chris Chambers
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There's a feeling I get when I relate to characters, when it comes to sbm I do definitely see myself in every character. Chris Chambers however, the forever feeling of being misunderstood. The feeling that the whole world is against you. You're just a kid, a kid in a world full of bullies. I feel smaller than most, and often I feel barely visible. In the movie Chris makes sure Gordie get far in life, constantly insisting that he (Chris) won't be anything. It's really easy to perceive that especially when you're always alone.
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in an attempt to not receive pity, he puts everyone first, attaches this "mask" and hopes nobody could possibly decipher what he's thinking. The fear of seeming weak in front of anyone, it's very important he was willing to open up to Gordie. Even goes on to say nobody would believe a Chambers kid when Gordie asks why he didn't tell the truth. There's a beauty in this. Trying to soak up every emotion to be as tough as his brother, in the fullness of time he confides in one person. Someone he trusted enough to tell everything to.
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Please never feel afraid to be the real you. People will say showing emotions won't solve anything but it's not true. Always look for your Gordie!
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thelassoway · 2 years
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Tumbledown (2015) dir. Sean Mewshaw Jason Sudeikis as Andrew McCabe
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tokkiheart · 2 years
Some Personal Favorite K-Dramas
This is just a lil list of K-Dramas that are among my current favorites to return to (and return to often). I don't have this list ordered in any particular way aside from pairing dramas that share a lead together. I'll include little bits as to why they're on the list and/or mini reviews.
This list may get updated as I go to add more dramas that I find to be rewatchable!
Shopaholic Louis (aka Shopping King Louie)
This is a K-Drama that I just adore, it's adorable rom-com fluff. There's not really much of a villain or anything and honestly it's just a great drama (in my opinion) to unwind to. The relationship between Louis and Bok-shil is just so adorable and wholesome, I can't help but smile at how cute they are and just how much they trust each other.
I feel like this drama is underrated, so I really want to recommend this to anyone who enjoys rom-coms and especially light ones that are just romantic fluff! ♥
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Doom At Your Service
Alright, so I do love this show and while I have re-watched it in it's entirety several times, I have now gotten to the point where I skip the 2nd lead female's love triangle when I re-watch it. I don't enjoy love triangles in general and since hers really doesn't impact the main plot of the show and also feels really slow and boring compared to the fantasy romance that is the main plot, it's really skippable in order to get to the parts that I do enjoy/want to see. Which is anything with Doom and Tak Dong-kyung.
This was the first Seo In-guk drama that I had ever watched where he was a lead (I first saw him in his cameo role in Abyss) and I think this and/or Shopaholic Louis were the reason that he became one of my biases.
Despite it's flaws, I would still recommend this! It's not perfect and I won't pretend like it is, but I think that it is a good show all the same and I really enjoy re-watching it. I would definitely recommend this if you happen to be a fan of any of the actors. Honestly, there's no shame in watching something just for a bias (I say this, but I'll still blush and be shy to admit when I want to watch something just because of 1 person).
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W: Two Worlds
I don't know if saying "I re-watch this show a lot" quite covers the amount of times and the frequency with which I re-watch this show. I have no idea what it is about this show, but despite (or in spite of) it's flaws, I always find myself coming back to it again and again. For whatever reason, I just adore it. I'm obsessed with W and I'm not entirely sure if I can or will ever be able to pin down why. I find the premise of the show interesting and extremely up my alley (as someone who also enjoys the isekai anime genre, this is basically a Korean live-action isekai).
This drama just has a special hold on my heart, to the point that if I see a good edit on YouTube or gif set, I instantly want to re-watch the show again.
I think I really just love the trope of "rebelling against the author" which is just a niche version of "rebelling against fate."
This happens to be the show that made Lee Jong-suk one of my biases as well as the first drama of his that I watched.
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While You Were Sleeping
This is another Lee Jong-suk drama that I love to re-watch, though I've re-watched it considerably fewer times than the previous three dramas on this list and even some that come after this one on the list. I haven't re-watched it that many times only because I've marked it as "dangerous to watch late at night.” This is because, with my ADHD and trouble modulating my volume when I'm enjoying something, I may laugh too loudly and could wake someone up.
I loved the premise of this show, I also consider it to be the only show with a love triangle that I actually like the handling of. Which is saying something because I really dislike love triangles.
Random Fun Fact: This show is actually available on Hulu! Quite hilariously, it is labeled as "Health & Wellness" and "Reality"...of which it is neither of those things lol Unless by "Reality" they mean live-action. This is a fact that makes me laugh and had to share.
Extra-ordinary You
This was the first K-Drama set in high school that I had ever watched and I do not regret it. I loved the premise and the execution of this show so much. As someone aspiring to be an author as well as someone who enjoys reading, I really loved the characters slandering the author of the comic book that they were a part of.
I really loved the friendship and romance between Ha-ru and Dan-oh, there were so many moments when Ha-ru made my heart flutter right alongside Dan-oh’s.
I also really loved the friendship between both Ha-ru, Dan-oh and Do-hwa. ❤️
I personally consider this show "ADHD friendly" since the episodes are about 30 minutes long and it also makes it easier to stop so you can go to sleep. Except I didn't stop to sleep when I first watched it, I binge-watched it through the night and into the morning (don’t make my mistakes lol).
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This was the third drama I had ever watched and while I haven't re-watched it lately, it used to be something that I re-watched a lot. I really enjoyed this show and I'll definitely come back and re-watch it again. It will forever be a marked improvement compared to the first drama I had ever watched.
Since this was the 3rd ever drama I'd seen, I was really confused why the "trailer" Netflix had showed a scene that was not in the show. Between the summary and clip, I really thought it was going to start out way different than it did lol
The humor in this show killed me so many times. The scene where Se-yeon is trying to explain that the dead body of the tall guy in the morgue is Cha Min will live rent free in my brain forever.
This happens to be the drama that made Ahn Hyo-seop one of my biases (and my first K-Drama bias too!).
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I Am Not A Robot
I found this show to be very interesting and funny, as well as cute. I have to say that the concept of being allergic to humans was probably the first thing that really drew me to this drama. I wanted to know how that was even possible lol
I came to really love the romance and the friendship that the leads formed as well as the friendship/camaraderie of the research team.
Admittedly, I've only re-watched this a handful of times, but I do still enjoy it and do come back to it. ♥ I really loved the humor and the heart in this show!
My Roommate Is A Gumiho
Admittedly, I haven't seen the webtoon that this show was based off of, so I don't know how good it is compared to the source material. That being said, I have a history of liking things independent from their source material (whether they were a good adaptation or not). Testament to this claim is the fact that as a kid I very unironically loved the movie adaptation of Eragon despite it being a very bad adaptation and having actually read the book.
I'm getting wildly off track though lol
I really love this show, I loved the premise and I loved the special effects, the humor, and the relationships. Hyeri did a great job as Lee Dam, the character was hilarious and the scenes of her rolling away and in general avoiding the 2nd male lead will always be worth re-watching the show again…even though I’m mainly there for the romance between her and Shin Woo-Yeo.
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Splash Splash Love
This is actually the first historical romance drama that I had ever watched! This show is really cute and funny, I really loved the premise and the plot.
As someone who has always had a bad relationship with math, I could relate to the female lead, on top of wanting to just... escape school.
I consider this show to be extremely ADHD friendly because there's literally only 2 episodes and they're both basically the length of a Disney movie or less. You can finish this show so fast and it's worth it.
This is something that I like to watch if I just need a quick little pick-me-up.
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Business Proposal
Another drama adapted from a webtoon that I also haven't read/seen.
I jumped on this purely because of Ahn Hyo-seop and it. did. not. disappoint. Oh my gosh, this show was just wonderful, I came running to Netflix whenever a new episode dropped and I enjoy re-watching it for much of the same reasons why I love re-watching Shopaholic Louis. It's fluffy, it's cute, it's also hilarious and it's just a really enjoyable show. ♥
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Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo
This is a K-Drama that I slept on for awhile. I honestly am not big into sports related stuff, but after seeing K-Drama edits on YouTube that included clips from this show (and finding out that Lee Jong-suk had a cameo in it), I decided to give it a chance and I do not regret doing that at all!
The cameo that I came for was worth it (in my opinion) and more importantly, I came to love the show. I really loved the gradual growth in the relationship between the male lead and the female lead. While I didn't initially like that he called her Chubs, I found myself not holding it against him and being glad he ultimately dropped it for the most part.
This show was packed with loads of humor and on top of it, it happened to check the boxes on some of my favorite tropes, so how could I not end up falling in love with it?
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Romance Is A Bonus Book
Admittedly, this drama is unusual for me. I mentioned before in my introduction post that I don't generally watch noona romances. The main reason that I gave this one a try was because of Lee Jong-suk and also because it involved books.
This show surprised me as I didn't expect to end up liking it as much as I did. I found the relationship between Eun-ho and Dan-i to be cute and wholesome, I really loved the way Eun-ho would support and cheer on Dan-i.
I found that the show left me with a very specific vibe, which was that of cozying up with a good book (specifically an old favorite) on a rainy day. Something about the show just felt comforting in that exact way and because of that, I re-watch this show whenever I feel like I'm in need of that.
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Semantic Error
Yet another webtoon-turned-kdrama that I haven't seen (although I have seen the ads for it). I watched this on the recommendation of a friend (though I had been interested in it for awhile, but hadn't started it because I was worried it wouldn't be as good as it sounded).
This is the first LGBTQ+ K-Drama that I've seen and I really enjoyed it, I found it funny, cute and the soundtrack was great! This is another show that I would classify as "ADHD Friendly" as the episodes are short enough that you can easily finish the show in less than a day (roughly 3 hours to be exact!) and the show kept my attention.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
At the time of writing this, I haven't yet finished this show. I still have 3 or 4 episodes left to go, BUT, this show is so good already that I know I'm going to end up re-watching it a lot. If nothing else than to re-watch the really cute and utterly wholesome relationship between Attorney Woo and Jun-ho. ♥
Seriously, this drama makes me want more dramas with wholesome love lines with characters with disabilities (portrayed well and accurately of course).
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inafieldofdaisies · 7 months
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Shining Vale (2022-) | Season 2, Episode 6, Chapter 14 – Chapter 14 – What's the Matter with Sandy?
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sunnyhedgie · 20 days
Spent all day trying to draw this thing, to not much avail.
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Not gonna lie, pretty sure I might not have it done before tomorrow (maybe the dead end of tomorrow? But more likely Sunday/Monday). I'm pretty bummed out that I won't have it done in time, but I really want to make sure it comes out nice. I hope everyone likes it as much as everyone's been liking the John Oliver- related art.
Johnny O./Animal Crossing drawing (in an AU I'm naming either Last Crossing Tonight or Late Night Crossing) will be quick to follow. (If not beforehand, doodling Toucan!John has actually been a lil' therapeutic.)
Tomorrow, though, I'll just be reblogging stuff pertaining to the thing I'm celebrating! It's nothing probably huge to some, but it is to me. It'll be pretty obvious real quick when I reblog posts! I'll fully explain why I'm celebrating when I post my finished drawing for it.
Regularly scheduled posts/queue resume partially on Sunday, fully on Monday.
🌠 Have a great night. 💜 🌠
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