#fascinated by others giving the parent a future and reasons to live and that still can't outweigh their despair
jaggedjot · 17 days
Foreshadowing is opening the season with the tale of a child vampire whose physical otherness causes it to be rejected by its kin, before being killed when they deem it unable to live independently, and how their parent, who is as culpable for their fate as they are grief stricken by it, decides to follow them into death.
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calliesmemes · 11 days
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ASSORTED SENTENCE STARTERS pulled from various quotations I have seen on Pinterest while creating boards for my muses.
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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❛ Who’s a heretic now? ❜
❛ If I stay here, trouble will find me. ❜
❛ What’s it like to be so free? ❜
❛ I watched the whole world fall apart. ❜
❛ I am teaching myself how to be free. ❜
❛ The only solution is to stand and fight. ❜
❛ There’s something tragic about you. ❜
❛ You were never a saint. ❜
❛ To be a woman is to perform. ❜
❛ l speak in verses, prophecies, and curses. ❜
❛ Now I know what I was born for. ❜
❛ There’s a light in all of us, trying to get free. ❜
❛ There is nobody innocent here. ❜
❛ Look who’s digging their own grave. ❜
❛ Come a little closer, if you dare. ❜
❛ Family defines you, even if it demands sacrifice. ❜
❛ History does strange things to dead women. ❜
❛ I can’t believe the things I’ve done. ❜
❛ Hubris is a bitch. ❜
❛ It’s all in your head. ❜
❛ I keep my visions to myself. ❜
❛ We could be heroes. ❜
❛ Take my hand, and I’ll protect you. ❜
❛ Open your eyes. This is the revolution. ❜
❛ I am so much more than they told me I was. ❜
❛ Let me be your muse. ❜
❛ I’m not just a pretty girl. ❜
❛ Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back. ❜
❛ I wish I could be the perfect daughter. ❜
❛ I am not who I was before. ❜
❛ I won’t just be a puppet on a string. ❜
❛ If I can still breathe, I’m fine. ❜
❛ Straighten up, little soldier. ❜
❛ Am I a monster, or a victim myself? ❜
❛ This isn’t the way normal people live. ❜
❛ Your impression of me is wrong. ❜
❛ I wish I could let all this anger go. ❜
❛ I wasn’t born to be soft and quiet. ❜
❛ If I hadn’t fallen, I wouldn’t have met you. ❜
❛ Maybe there’s a hero in me after all. ❜
❛ I am happy anywhere that I can see the ocean. ❜
❛ They should be terrified of you. ❜
❛ I have seen the future. ❜
❛ Let go of the illusion that it could’ve been different. ❜
❛ My father is a good man. ❜
❛ I went to war with myself for you. ❜
❛ I care too much in a world that cares too little. ❜
❛ If it makes you happy, then it’s not a waste of time. ❜
❛ Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. ❜
❛ You make everyone around you feel seen. ❜
❛ If you feel nothing, then why are you shaking? ❜
❛ Let’s run somewhere far away. ❜
❛ You carry your last name like a burden. ❜
❛ You are at war, even in your dreams. ❜
❛ We met for a reason. ❜
❛ I designed my own catastrophe. ❜
❛ You and I are the same thing. ❜
❛ Never let another soul tell you what to fear. ❜
❛ I have always loved the sea. ❜
❛ I didn’t say I liked it — I said that it fascinated me. ❜
❛ You will never be forgiven. ❜
❛ No one ever really dies. ❜
❛ Your son is gone. ❜
❛ Death must exist for life to have meaning. ❜
❛ Your mouth is full of white lies. ❜
❛ Loving me is a death sentence. ❜
❛ There is a thunderstorm inside of you. ❜
❛ Beauty is a weapon. ❜
❛ You haven’t even seen my bad side yet. ❜
❛ How do I stop the guilt? ❜
❛ I am a victim of introspection. ❜
❛ Love is what gives me strength to survive. ❜
❛ There is nobody innocent here. ❜
❛ You’ve seen too much too young. ❜
❛ I am not of mortal men. ❜
❛ Tell me what it’s like to conquer. ❜
❛ I like who I’m becoming. A lot. ❜
❛ I don’t believe in promises anymore. ❜
❛ Parents kill more dreams than anybody. ❜
❛ You are woven into my veins. ❜
❛ You are a diamond. They can’t break you. ❜
❛ I must not hope. I must not cry. ❜
❛ It’s no wonder that you can’t sleep — you’re haunted. ❜
❛ You are made of destructive magic. ❜
❛ You are so unique. ❜
❛ I myself am a haunted house. ❜
❛ You comfort others with the words you want to hear. ❜
❛ You’ll find love, kid. It exists. ❜
❛ You talk like a book. ❜
❛ You are one of God’s few mistakes. ❜
❛ I’m not capable of saving you. ❜
❛ Curiosity often leads to trouble. ❜
❛ I have crossed oceans of time to find you. ❜
❛ I can do this. Even if I can’t, I have to. ❜
❛ I can’t go back there! ❜
❛ Forests have secrets. It’s practically what they’re for. ❜
❛ Can you remember who you were? ❜
❛ Are you proud of who you have become? ❜
❛ I see in you an old soul with young eyes. ❜
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rocketturtle4 · 5 months
The Sign and it's Magic and some WILD arse theories
This is not meta this is me cataloguing my brains current tracking of The Sign and it's magic - plus some wild ass theories I AM SO EXCITED (I also know nothing about the mythology/stories on which any of this is loosely based) (If anyone has done or does meta on this, particularly the magic stuff I am SUPER curious but not the best at scrolling tumblr rn so feel free to tag me)
Okay SO
So green eyed stabby boy got green eyed RIGHT AFTER Phayas necklace broke off so it's reasonable to conclude these thins are connected
He ?wasn't a willing vessel, did the Mors essence somehow sneak in with the purpose of killing Phaya
Then we had Tharn use magic while grasping HIS necklace (his necklace which I have NOT been paying enough attention to)
Phaya burned green eyed Mor (revealing his green eyes) AFTER the necklace got put back on, but I am PRETTY SURE Phaya has touched him before then, so that suggests something happened to awaken his powers, presumably the same thing that awakened Tharns (what is that thing? Stress? Proximity? Time?)
@plantsarepeopletoo pointed out we had water dream for Tharn and FIRE dream for Phaya which is FASCINATING especially with the reveal of the giant (?fire?) bird at the end of the ep that is presumably Phaya
Has the necklace been suppressing their powers? - things changed when Phaya's got broken and then Tharn ripped his off to throw that punches
Random Thoughts
Okay so we have been repeatedly told that Tharn did very bad things in his past life and the Karma of that means he should have died as a child, and is still constantly in danger (and maybe even his parents paid the partial price with their deaths...).
We know Green Eyes is possessive of him and currently the doctor, and presumably has always been the doctor and presumably knows who Tharn was. (Abbot seems to know this?)
Tharn is a ?water spirit, I know nothing. Seems to be not disimilar from a siren who lures men to their deaths
We had the cop dead in the second ep (I think) in the ocean, still not clear if suicide but that Phaya investigated and was then lured out to sea - siren links
Green Eyes is the water dragon
and then Phaya is a fire bird? pheonix?
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Wild Ass Theories
OKAY SO lets assume Past Tharn and Past Doctor are both water spirits/gods, they were bound together in some way (married? or the mythological inter-being equivelent?).
Past Tharn lured men to their deaths (siren thoughts, linked to the man who died and the fact that Phaya got lured out into the ocean - also might explain the bad karma)
Past Tharn lures in Fire spirit bird who is injured, something something something they fall in love.
Green eyes isn't okay with this for a multitude of reasons shit goes down and ?everyone dies
Details unknown, looks like we're getting backstory next ep
We do know that Past!Phaya is also someone past!Tharn wronged right? so maybe past!tharn betrayed his love in the end, and that is how they died... or maybe past!Tharn killed himself after his love died as a result of Tharns betrayal...Maybe even swearing that in his next life he would give his own life before letting him die again (thereby explaining the focus of the visions)
Did green eyes die at all then or has he been living on, waiting for his love (Tharn) to reincarnate?
Phaya seems to be getting at least some memories back, more than Tharn so far. Phaya remembers him as a siren and now he remembers his past self too at least a little. Of course this is a dream, it may well be only half remembered when he wakes.
Other Thoughts
Of course this show also has a whole crime thriller thing which I am loving and I have thoughts and questions about that too, but they're mostly magic related... (why the vision of Tharns dad at THAT moment? was the truck vision of his dad, cause the show seemed to imply it was though his visions are normally future. Although he also saw that girl die which was in the past and seemed to be about proximity and perhaps the strength of her emotions idk. So what about that proximity triggered the vision)
I think that's emptied my brain, thankfully, GOSH I LOVE THIS SHOW
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trashendence · 2 years
#mitchell the antithesis of Buck's sperm donation...
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this is a fairly recent hyperfixation of mine, one i’m very passionate about and that i hope makes sense.
so. a central point made in 5x06 is that mitchell doesn’t want nolan to know it’s his heart he is receiving. he wants his son to stay as far away from his life and memory as possible because nolan is a good kid and he deserves better than falling into the same patterns his father fell into. having mitchell’s dna and heart is somehow not enough to “contaminate” nolan, his choices, his future. but knowing could. knowing could drag him down with mitchell, bridge the years they spent apart in the worst of ways. and, really, this is the antithesis of why connor chose buck. connor chose buck because he is a good person who cares about others and he hopes his future kid can be a good person too, despite not having any - or very limited - direct contact with buck himself. buck’s dna somehow eases connor’s worries, makes him hope in a bright life, a good future, a biological legacy that shapes who his kid will be. but - and here’s the catch - what if buck subconsciously follows mitchell’s reasoning, instead? what if him wanting children is a dream tainted by the fear of contaminating them with what he perceives as his countless failures and his inability to be loved by someone who can simply choose not to? what if he’s mitchell and he’s giving a part of himself while trying to avoid giving all of himself? seeing himself as a sum of separate parts, once again. and still, it’s the very reason he was chosen.
and there is so much of eddie in everything here; eddie who is actively asked to be the keeper of mitchell’s secret while buck does not plan on telling him about his (at least not on purpose). it’s so fascinating that both secrets are just waiting to be revealed - nolan can literally read about the mayhem on the day of his transplant outside his hospital, about who caused it, and do simple math; connor’s child will probably know from their parents when they’re old enough; 2 seconds spent eavesdropping and buck’s secret is out too-. so is the act of donating life in semi-secret more about the fathers seeking redemption (from a cycle of absent parents they both suffered from, from other regrets) than it is about the secrecy itself?
(a redemption that, especially in buck’s case, not only asks him to remove himself from the happiness he desires in order for it to exist, but to pay even more so that someone else can be happy instead.)
@sorryalecwho’s majestic brain pointed out mitchell’s “me dying and him living maybe makes the world a better place” and called it the Evan Buckley Thesis in relation to daniel, the people he helps, eddie….eddie who’s the one to correct mitchell and ask him: “you think that’s a feel-good ending for him?” which- i’m still staring into the void thinking about that, thanks alec. trusting eddie to do the right thing for nolan was the last thing mitchell did and, under a layer of jokes about jerking off, buck thought eddie would’ve done the “right thing” for him too: trying to stop him. that, he got wrong because he didn’t factor in the importance eddie gives to choice, but buck’s premises were valid: eddie sympathizing with mitchell as a dad cannot work here because buck is not acting as a dad, he’s acting as a wounded son - and eddie will always protect the wounded son.
oh boy did i keep talking.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
can I get one large fries and uuuum Eric Surt from K Project reuniting with a sort of childhood friend he had at his abusive group, but both got away? (He thanks to Homra and they actually managed to run away?)
Or is that too specific and weird?
That’s not too specific or weird at all, my lovely anon! I actually really enjoy how specific it is and it’s a really fascinating scenario that I had fun thinking about! I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons, and just saying, but the way you worded the first part of your message made me laugh!
I feel like the two of them would have been among the youngest in Hikawa. And, even if his friend hadn’t been an orphan like Eric was, I feel the gang still would have treated them rather unkindly and they would have suffered some abuse at the hands of the gang’s higher-ups and possibly even by their own parents. They were another person who Hikawa used as fodder for their own petty wars because, to the gang, these children hadn’t earned their place in the gang and thus they didn’t deserve the same level of respect or even to really be thought of as human beings so the gang members treated them as dogs instead, at least until such point as they would have proved their actual use and provided a reason to be thought of as one of the actual gang members. Eric and his friend would have had to earn their place in Hikawa and the lengths the gang goes to make them earn those places are nightmarish.
Eric didn’t trust anyone while living with Hikawa so I don’t think the childhood friendship between the two would have been super close but there was still a sort of friendship there. They often had to work together and, honestly, it was strangely comforting to have someone else who knew what they were going through and who could understand their situation. Eric still would have been irritable and would have been harsh in his words to them but that person was probably the closest he had to someone he could rely on in Hikawa, though with how the gang worked, the gang’s leaders would have found it funny to keep trying to pit the two against each other so complete trust was impossible.
I feel Eric’s friend got away first, honestly, and their disappearing and the gang being completely unable to track them down probably made the gang’s actions towards Eric even more brutal and probably set about the actual events that led to Eric becoming a part of HOMRA. Eric does feel abandoned by them and kind of angry with them for not taking him with them, but at the same time, he’s a little glad they got away and he doesn’t begrudge them for taking the opportunity to leave.
Let’s be real here…every last shred of Hikawa was obliterated in the wake of Eric joining HOMRA. Even their name is destroyed because people will know not to ever speak of them, to pretend like the gang had never existed. And that complete absence of the gang, that wiping them from the world, allows not only Eric his freedom to build a new future with HOMRA, but it means that his friend no longer has to hide in fear of being discovered by the gang and can start to build a more public life for themselves.
It’s while his friend is working on building that new life of theirs that they’ll run into Eric, completely by chance. He’s really shocked and honestly a little scared to see them. He knew they were never a big fan of Hikawa and he knew what the gang did to his friend and that they had left prior to the destruction of the gang but at the same time, HOMRA had destroyed the only semblance of a family, and possibly even his friend’s actual biological family. He’s not sure if you’re there for revenge or not, because it is a possibility. He’s going to be on high alert for the first little while, especially since he knows that they were taught to lie as children and his friend had always been better at that then he was.
His friend would have to reassure him that they were not out for revenge and they’d have to prove it to him, giving him time to trust them. They’d have to take the first steps into rebuilding any kind of friendship with Eric.
That being said, even while he’s learning to trust his old friend and while he’s learning to be sure about their motives, Eric does think about them a lot and he does worry about them. He knows he’s been really lucky to find HOMRA after his life with the gang and he wonders if his friend has been so lucky, how they’re living, what they’re doing…he doesn’t ever really say anything to show his worry but those that know him will kind of easily guess what he’s feeling.
If his friend still hadn’t found a safety net, and once he could trust them, I do feel like he’d maybe want to bring them into HOMRA. He’d still be distant with them at first and would never lose his gruffness completely, and it would take a lot of time for him to get over the abandonment issues they kind of left him feeling when they disappeared, but he still wouldn’t feel right if he was the only one who discovered a safe place to live after their shared childhood.
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inloveforlokius · 5 months
hey, I wrote a Oneshot of an Oc of mine and Gil Pender
English is not my native language, in fact I am Brazilian. I will post the original version in Portuguese too but for now stick with the English version. There will probably be errors in the English language because I put most of the things for Google Translate to do in English (Don't judge me, I'm still newbie at this).
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Previously: Gil, on one of his trips to Paris in the 1920s, met a young attendant at a local cafe from the 20s who was walking along the narrow river Seine, known as Julye.
(the oc is of legal age)
Word count: 2611 words.
the denial of living in the present ♡
Gil Pender is an idiot man from Pasadena, California, in the United States and is about to marry an authoritarian preppy named Inez.
Since Gil got engaged to Inez, he has been having frequent panic attacks. He never understood the real meaning of his attacks, however, he thought it must be something about the book he was writing or his work as a Hollywood screenwriter.
Gil and Inez visited and stayed at a hotel in Paris.
The reason for this was that as Inêz's parents had done important business, the couple stayed for a while to enjoy the ride.
Inez was a beautiful and very intelligent woman, but she and her fiancé had almost nothing in common, the two were completely opposite people and not at all indifferent, Gil was always passionate about literature and the 20s, and dreamed of living in the City of Light after the wedding, more precisely in the rain as he told his fiancee, and he was willing to give up all his work as a screenwriter to become a writer, however, Inez wanted to live in Malibu, in the hot sand of California, after the wedding.
And although Gil loved his future wife there was something that made him feel out of place about her. Even when she had defended him from her own parents who criticized Gil about his illusions about politics and his choices.
But something happened as the couple's time in Paris went on.
In the blink of an eye, the two moved apart drastically, and of course the reason could have been that Inez had had a super crush since college on a man called Paul Bates, a kind of dashing gentleman who was going to give a lecture nearby. from Paris, And she stayed with this guy for a few nights in the meantime that Gil was taking his nightly "walks" to get even more inspired when he was going to write his romance.
However, Gil had no idea that she had kept the stupid pendant.
But Gil also had his secrets, for example: whenever (or almost every day) that Inez wanted to stay late somewhere with her parents or with Paul and Carol, he would always leave early and walk the streets of Paris until midnight and he did that instead of going to the Hotel Bristol where the two stayed waiting for Inez to return.
And when the clock struck midnight, a vintage car from the 1920s always passed by as if it were a taxi from the time and Gil always got into it because it would mean that he had gone to the year 1920, the year where he dreamed of living for so long. , it was a dream to be in Paris at that time where there were so many incredible artists and writers that he couldn't even describe, it was so spectacular.
And there he met the illustrious and talented F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein, Salvador Dali, Luis Boňuel, Man Ray, Ernest Hemingway and TS Eliot.
Gertrude Stein even read and evaluated the book that Gil Pender was finishing and it made his heart almost stop working with excitement.
EDuring these trips to 1920, Gil met a beautiful young girl, Adriana, he seemed to have liked or loved this young woman very much. She was known to be a prostitute and former lover of Picasso himself, but unfortunately, he himself realized that she was fascinated to other things like the golden age and I couldn't stop her from getting lost in another era trying desperately to fill her feeling of loneliness and emptiness.
Just like he did, but he would never admit it.
Gil discovered that Inez was probably cheating on him with Paul shortly after he returned to 2010 and he thought about this possibility with the help of words from one of his conversations with some of the best writers of the 1920s.
When he had the courage and discussed it with Inez, she simply admitted it after a while, causing the two to break up, as well as belittling him by calling him crazy, sick, among others.
Now, Gil no longer had Adriana, who lost her to the golden age, nor his ex-fiancée who left.
He was left ungrounded, confused, displaced but still free.
And now he was more anxious than ever walking around at 2 am in Paris in the 20th century...he knew he shouldn't be in another century trying desperately to escape all his morbid sadness that hit him like daggers in the back but therefore he he still couldn't stay definitively in 2010 knowing that he could live what he so longed to have.
He walked and walked while it was raining heavily on the narrow Seine River, he saw a young woman who made his eyes go a little wide and wide and made his heart flutter a little.
The beautiful lady was without any means of protection against the rain like Gil. She was wearing a loose and short black dress made of silk with satin gloves and black heels, she looked like she had just left a ball at that time, she had beautiful light blonde hair in the style of an almost classic Bob. like Marilyn Monroe.
The lady looks at Gil, seeing the man in a gray suit and red tie there looking at her fascinated, she approached him and spoke without hesitation, her voice was soft and sweet, as if it were a beautiful melody from Cole Porter's classic songs.
-Bonjour, you are lost? - she says looking at Gil, still unsure about the man.
- hey! Yes, I mean, no. -Gil says no with a fake, high-pitched laugh at the end of the sentence.
The woman nodded and turned to leave, but she stopped when she heard the man's voice again.
- Excuse me but are you American? - He asked hesitating while breathing faster. "What the hell got into you?" he mentally asked himself.
- no, I'm just a random Parisian but I learned to speak American English a few years ago - the woman smiles slightly, her red lipstick stands out on her adorable face .
- Could I know your name? - Gil asked, he had his hands in the pockets of the black dress pants he was wearing as he asked.
- well...my name is Julye, and would you be it? - Julye looks at him a little confused, the rain started to get thicker making the lady cross her arms and look down.
- oh, my name is Gil Pender - he speaks awkwardly and sees that Julye was bothered by the rain that had gotten heavier, he then went to her and guided her gentlemanly to under the bridge.
He was always taught by his mother to be a good gentleman, so he lightly puts his arm around Julye as they walk under the bridge out of the rain, she still looks at him suspiciously but with a hint of gratitude in her eyes. almost cyan blue.
- Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to make you less uncomfortable in this rain - Gil says, trying to clarify his intentions.
- Should I say thank you? - Julye says smiling sarcastically.
- I don't think it's necessary and if I may, why are you wearing that dress? It's cold today in Paris, you could catch a cold - Gil says with an air of doubt because although the woman looked stunning in the dress he didn't see the point in wearing it on this specific night.
- oh..well, I was in a bar before it started raining with Zelda and Scott - she says raising her face up to look at Gil, she was shorter than him.
-Zelda and Scott? Like the Fitzgeralds?
-Yes, themselves, do you know them? - Julye says looking into Gil's eyes when he asked.
- Yes! Yes, I've been out with them twice and I really admire Scott - he remembered, he was in 1920! He couldn't say how good Scott and Zelda were as if he were talking to someone in 2010 - but, well, on that note, what does a woman like you do?
-I'm an attendant at a local coffee shop, you should visit there, I work from nine in the morning to six in the afternoon - Julye says while looking away from Gil.
Gil blushed, the pretty girl invited him to go to the cafe where she works in such an adorable way? Yes, and it left him like a little pepper. Between that, he knew he could never go, especially because he only has access to Paris in the twentieth century from midnight to dawn... that is, he could never see it in his daily life.
- Thank you for the invitation, I will certainly go to the cafe - he says lying, The two then walked to a local bar out of the rain and in the meantime they talked about various things and Gil even forgot about his sadness about his and Inez's separation.
When the two arrived in front of the bar but didn't go in and instead they sat on a bench where the rain didn't hit and continued talking, and so much time passed that Julye ended up sleeping with her head on Gil's chest.
And certainly, Gil loved it and even stroked her hair while she slept. When he realized that it was going to dawn, he placed the lady on a bench and laid her down gently and placed his jacket on her, he left and as he walked through the streets, he realized that he had gone back to 2010, he looked back at that same place but he didn't even know. There was more bench, it was replaced by a large pole and the bar was now a jewelry store.
He gave a weak smile and sighed deeply - I'll see you again, I promise, Julye.
And so he did. Every day after midnight he goes back to 1920 just to look for the woman, he even knew her address so he could go to her house.
They talked about everything, Gil talked to Julye about cognitive actions and the fear of death that everyone has and at the end of the night, he always ends up leaving or sleeping on his shoulder. They understood each other, they talked about everything, literature, arts, artists, the future, their personal lives and more.
Julye didn't understand why Gil didn't want to see her during the day, they are friends and friends see each other during the day, she thought, so why is that?
On one of Gil's trips to 1920, he found Julye in a square near the elfiel tower. He hugged her and greeted her.
- Julye! It's good to see you - he says sweetly and smiles at her.
- Bonjour, Gil... - she says, leaving the hug, her eyes made it seem like she was in a dilemma.
- what happened? You look thrilled - Gil puts his hand on her shoulder and his face had such a softness that it would easily make someone tell him what he was hiding.
-I don't understand you sometimes. You say we are friends but we never meet during the day and you always disappear and then pretend that none of this happened... why is that? - Julye says a little angry and sad at the same time.
Gil pulls her and comforts her, and starts to talk - look... it's okay, I know I haven't been giving you explanations but I'm just trying not to hurt you and apparently I failed at that, I'm sorry - he says as he watches Julye lay on his chest.
- Look, you know when you have one kind of life during the day and at night it's like you're in another life? - Gil says, lifting Julye's face to look at her face to face.
- I think so... - Julye says quietly - so you kind of have two different lives?
-It's almost that, but I'll tell you something, when I'm here, with you I feel like this is my place - Gil smiles and Julye also smiles lightly caressing her cheek.
Even though Gil lied about some things, not all of them were lies, he really feels like when he's with Julye it's like he's in the right place.
The two stayed there, hugging each other, feeling the breeze of the wind, they were both in the early morning moonlight.
Gil sometimes wondered if he and Julye could be more than friends, but he never really persisted with that thought. .
He decided to lighten the mood by changing the route of his affairs.
- Julye, do you think I would be a good writer?
- Yes for sure! You are incredible at writing and if it is your passion then you should embrace it and not be afraid of failure - she says smiling, she has always supported Gil in all possible circumstances.
- Don't exaggerate, I'm not that good - Gil says and smiles seeing Julye pout.
- I disagree, you are very good at writing, you are like a poet - Julye says persisting in the idea - you should at least try to do what you like.
- Thank you, you really know how to keep me going - Gil smiles at her - that's what friends are for - Julye says and smiles too, she takes Gil's arm and the two walk down the sidewalk together.
- friends...yes, we are friends - Gil says walking with her.
At the end of the night, Julye turned to Gil and gave a smile that was pleasant to see.
- so this is where I say goodbye to you.
- Yes, I know, but first I want to test one of the theories Ernest Hemingway told me a while ago - Gil says, taking her hand.
-And what theory would that be? - She asked with a hint of curiosity.
Then Gil lightly pulled her by the waist until their lips connected.
He kissed her sweetly but firmly, Julye returned the kiss with the same soft intensity, placing her arms around Gil's neck and the two of them deepened the kiss, totally immense at the moment.
Julye bit Gil's lower lip, asking for passage and Gil gave in, making Julye slide her tongue into his mouth where their tongues meet, they now have their tongues almost dancing in Gil's mouth fighting for dominance.
They separate when they both become short of breath.
- so that was your theory? - Julye says breathlessly.
- Not exactly, but it made me realize and feel many things and one of the things I felt for those seconds when I kissed you was that I was able to dazzle immortality for a while - Gil says smiling, giving Julye a light peck.
It's like Ernest Hemingway said and believed that the moment two people who have a true passion kiss or have sexual relations, they can create a truce over the fear of dying and that's exactly what Gil felt with Julye, he managed for a few moments get a glimpse of what it's like to be immortal.
He felt like his heart was going to explode with so much love and he wanted to show Julye that day but time was about to run out so they said goodbye with a few more passionate kisses and sweet words of affirmation, and went each their way.
And Gil was still certain at that moment, he would still do and give all the love that Julye deserved.
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todomemolesta18 · 5 months
Millie backstory here's my take
So she grew up in a loving family and stable household. She love all of her family member and care for them. Since killing is so normalized she can kill without feeling guilt, death is something she didn't think too much she believe the strongest is the one who survive. Exterminator came in every year and it's kill all demon in every ring not just on pride even in the smallest part of hell the exterminator came to check in if there any a single demon left to kill. So seeing dead demon body she get used to it, she being trained by her father and mother for fighting hand to hand combat. So there's a time she win and there's a time she lose. She was dissapointed at losing at first and didn't take it very well but since the old lecture about how sometime winning wasn't everything. She reluctantly listen and to her suprise the advice was right she can still have fun in the competition. Her family and other imps in her hometown doesn't like any of the ars goetia royalty not only they are racist but also using the imp labor for free. So they not only hated nobility demon they even hate upper class imp who felt they are much more superior than middle class or lower class imp. Millie listen to her parents word so she too hated ars goetia and upper class imp. Millie despite living in a country she want to adventure to different rings and she don't wanna stuck in her hometown forever she want to see other world. Her parent didn't agree but after persuasion they agree. In the pride ring she met with moxxie they just pass at each other but soon they met each other more often. They become friend then lover and then get married. Millie find out moxxie come from rich family she hated the fact she's in relationship with him however moxxie treat him with respect and love. Moxxie is also the person who help millie when she looking for a job. They have different up bringing but they still love and understood each other. So when millie tell her family she's in relationship with moxxie her family dissaprove and even when moxxie came for dinner they refuse to have any conversation with him. So millie beg her family to atleast give him a chance to know him better they do it for the sake of her. So they start have small talk with moxxie. Moxxie is neurodivergent so he sometime like to infodump they are kinda annoyed but they tried and actually moxxie is genuinenly sweet so they don't actually like him they just start respecting him. So moxxie psyhically wasn't strong however he's intelligent fascinated he's future family in law. They start to like and respect him so he got their approval to married millie. So moxxie millie and her family have implicit biases against each other while they stereotype they think to certain extent is true that doesn't mean they deserve to be disrespected and suffer in the system that opporessed them. Moxxie also learn the reason why millie family doesn't like him it's not coming from pettyness or jealous it's coming from place of hurt.
Moxxie while he do work as assassin he's more hesitated to kill someone than millie. Despite there is horrible individual he believe there is better option than just killing but millie think differently some horrible individual deserve to get murder. Even though millie might accidentally kill someone who's innocent she think there's nothing wrong with that because like people are gonna die anyway. So they join i.m.p. in order to have money moxxie didn't like blitzo at all and for millie she like him but when blitzo was being disrespectful toward moxxie she draw the line at that. Moxxie criticized he's boss for not being a good planner or good leader. Millie almost kill him however moxxie tell millie death is too easy so then blitzo start to be less disrepsectful. Moxxie taught her how to insult someone so with that she can get people under their skin. Millie also taught some basic hand to hand combat, moxxie is her biggest cheerleader. She remember moxxie wearing cheerleader outfit and supporting her she found it very romantic. Millie is tomboy and moxxie have feminine trait he dressing up whatever he want depend on himself. Millie like that often moxxie cook, doing housechores she is impress with him. Moxxie did have talent in music but that's just more of he's hobby. Millie thinking her whole life purpose to kill she realize she can be anything beside killing she csn try other stuff too
Really good.
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lovely-necromancy · 2 years
The Moon and The Stars Ch2
Pairings: Marc Spector/Reader, Steven Grant/Reader, Jake Lockley/Reader
Word count: 6128
Content: gn!reader, autistic!reader, autistic!Marc/Jake/Steven, magic, slowish burn, show and comic depicted DID
You were on your way to Steven's – well the system's flat, Layla had managed to give you a basic run down on the boys' condition. And the arrangement they'd formed, a system that shares and co-fronts a single body instead of mad grabs for control that end up with someone blacking out during high stress situations. It may have been a little insincere but you couldn't help but be fascinated with them and their situation, three separate individuals leading their lives through one body. You made a mental note to do a bit of research into dissociative identity disorder; all you could really remember from your psychology class back in high school was how confident your teacher had been saying it didn't really exist and was more of an ailment attention seekers made. That had always rubbed you the wrong way, if it wasn't a “real” condition as he'd put it then there wouldn't have been a need to name it. Just furthered your belief that people are so quick to shoot down what they don't understand.
After Steven had finished his shift he'd lead you through the streets of London back to his building. Along the way you'd been relaying the bits and pieces of information you gathered on the time traveler.
“Wait – sorry back up, how d'you know he's autistic?” Steven stops you mid sentence.
Layla looks over at Steven exasperated, “Seriously Steven, that's the part you're stuck on. Not the time traveling seven year old on the loose?”
“I mean it's just this is a very strange situation to be involved with yea, lot stranger than what we normally handle. Don't get me wrong 's a lot nice than them too but...just...it's all...and then you,” you're walking backwards as you look at both of them, using your force field to nudge any on coming pedestrians out of your way.
Steven's impressed by the complete nonchalance you exude – he hears Marc's bubbling paranoia over it, Jake silent like usual. It's Jake's silence that puts him at ease, ironically, as though the protector of the system being keen with this situation somehow makes it bearable, less bonkers. Though he wishes he could have your level of confidence in all this, being able to go with the flow so instinctively that he and Layla seem to be along for the ride.
“Your future self told you he's autistic but never mentioned a location.” he's got an adorable pout on his face as his eyes dart to Layla's then back to you, “'s a bit fishy, innit?”
You can only offer a shrug to the confused Brit, “They never said explicitly he was autistic, I honestly just assumed. Which let's be real, long run is better to anticipate dealing with an autistic time traveling seven year old so we don't accidentally overwhelm him and trigger him to jump to another time.”
“Ok, no you do have a point, but what're the odds he's actually autistic?”
You stop walking, “Bruh I flunked statistics, but I'm autistic and from an experience standpoint I only date neurodivergent people so chances are pretty high. Even if I'm the only parent who's autistic that's still a huge likely hood given genetics.”
“You're autistic? You don't...you carry yourself...” his words fall flat because he isn't sure what he's trying to say.
“I get what you mean, and ditto dude.” you nod before looking behind you and facing them again, “Soooooo am I still in leading us for some reason?”
“Oh right, sorry. This way then.” Steven rushes in front guiding you to his flat, properly this time, you wait for Layla to move before falling into step with her.
Once the three of you are up in Steven's flat you can relax a little – not having to worry about stray pedestrians hearing some off remark from you three.
Layla pushes one of Steven's stray chairs from beneath the window over to the area with two other chairs – and one very cluttered desk. As you watch her move you can't help but notice how overflowing the small studio was with books. Books were practically coming out of the walls, hell they may have been supporting the entire unit structurally at this point. Had it not been for the improper stacking of the books you would have thought it was a storage room for the library. But the books were all stacked horizontally, much higher than the nine inch guideline you live by, shelves were practically buckling under the weight of all the textbooks, novels, and guides. Seems the stand alone shelf in the middle of the room was a new installation to the space if it's sparse shelves and tilted books are anything to go by.
You'd ask if this man owned any bookends but figure by the sheer number of books that they'd be useless anyway.
Steven pulls you from your internal musings, turning your head slightly letting him know you're listening without having to directly face him.
“What else can you tell us about this time traveler. Do we have a name, a description, anything?”
It's a valid question, one you wish you had answers to; unfortunately you don't have any more insight than what you've already told them.
“Nuh uh, all the info I had on Layla was pretty sparse itself, took me a minute to even place she was in England. Not to mention there was no mention of you three.” you aren't really sure if you should mention the system as a whole or as an individual. But that's the least of your concerns right now, especially since they haven't mentioned how you address them.
There's no big cue to signal when the switch happened, nothing like Hollywood would have you believe. One moment you're talking to the sweet British gift shop worker and next you find yourself in an argument with a grizzled frustrated American.
“We don't even have any identifiers for this kid, how do you expect us yo find him?”
Hearing the rising tone you whisper sharply, “I figure I'll know him when I see him or he sees me or Layla he'll come right on out.”, hoping it'll lower his volume as well – it works the human brain is funny that way. Rewarding whisper with a whisper.
“What does that even mean?!” his hands come up in front of him to gesture as if he's holding an imaginary box in between them.
“It means he has to know us, trust me I work with kids and all it takes is for one familiar face to get them settled.” you give a calm down gesture with your hands.
Marc pinches the bridge of his nose, “To make this easier, can you at least contact yourself and get a name, a basic description?”
Marc is trying his best to be understanding, you're just really frustrating to work with. He feels like he's back at basic with guys who couldn't even understand the orders they were given.
Shaking you head you can only offer and apologetic smile, “Something's blocking the connection. And we don't need a name, like I said I'll know him when I see him...like seventy four percent sure.”
Yup, you're a dumbass.
“You have some type of description then, we could get police involved, have a search for a missing kid.” Layla chimed in.
“No, we really can't.” shaking your head again, “Think about it a time traveling kid. A defenseless seven year old. How many governments do you think would be after him, and let's not ignore the mutant factions who'd try to claim him. No one can know he's out here, they'll likely exploit his powers the second they get him – or worse torture him and dissect him to figure out how they work so they can manufacture some syrup to start passing out like candy. We think one traveler is bad, try self righteous bastards, or Hydra. The timeline would be fucking screwed.”
Both Marc and Layla share a look, it's clear to at least Layla that even the one time traveler has set the gods into a fit, the thought of any more unsettles her. While you gave little to the mission you at least brought  up the point neither of them would have thought of. It's a way to lock themselves back into the goose chase, finding the kid and getting everything back to normal was the only option. Everything else was just too much of a headache to even comprehend.
There was still a question she had about the whole thing, judging from the clenching of his fists Marc had it too.
“Why me?”
A thoughtful hum left you as you cleared some old mugs off Steven's desk and away from the books haphazardly strewn about – old forgotten tea and books were just asking for trouble.
“My guess is we're friends in the future, but it's most likely that you're a better witch than I am. So you'll be able to locate him in no time.” you say as if it's the most casual thing in the world while rinsing off mugs before setting them in the sink.
Marc is silent as his eyes dart from you to Layla, since you fist appeared you've just been spewing out wild nonsensical explanations – but calling Layla a witch, proclaiming to be one as well was by far the wildest thing he's ever heard.
“A what?”
Looking at the American you sent an apologetic grimace to Layla, “Op, sorry did they not know?”
Layla had to shake herself free from her own confusion before she could respond.
“Uh, no. Because I'm not a witch. Where'd you get that idea?”
Another look shared between the couple when a realization hit, did you know about Moon Knight and Scarlett Scarab?
Marc was on edge as your head tilts to the side, a small pout lining your lips. “If you aren't a witch why am I here?”
“That's what we want to know.” the scowl seems to be a permanent fixture on Marc's face.
Layla elbows her ex-husband, trying to get him to reign in his paranoia, at least be less hostile to the person calling themselves a witch in front of them. They have no idea what you're capable of, no sense in provoking you to show them when they have no divinity to help them out at the moment. Not to mention you're the only lead they have, and while you haven't been the most helpful she feels you've been genuine and gave up any and all information you knew to help.
“Well,” you sigh picking up your backpack, “things just got a lot more complicated. I've got to make a call and see if I can't get any more information.” when you reach for the door Marc is quick to keep it shut, boxing you in between him and the wall.
“You said something was blocking the connection, why would you suddenly be able to reach them now?” he doesn't need to say 'you aren't leaving my sight', you hear him loud and clear, so does Layla.
“Marc!” she at least makes a weak attempt to scold him but you can tell she shares his sentiment.
You spin to face him and look directly into his dark eyes.
“Look, I have awful social skills ad a monotone voice. Despite that I genuinely just want to get back to my level of normal, to do that I have to find this kid ok? I don't know why specifically Layla was pointed out to me if she wasn't a witch but now that means I need to ask a higher power for help. I really doubt you want me giving just anyone a free pass to trash your apartment.”
The hand keeping the door closed recedes; being so close to the body you can feel the shift in energy. Marc isn't in front of you anymore, neither is Steven. There's a slight warmth in those brown eyes now, not as light as when Steven held them and not as harsh as when Marc glared at you.
“You're right, we don't want that. You've got thirty minutes to make your call. Alley out back is low traffic, you won't get interrupted.” there's a hint of a threat in there, a predator just asking for you to give chase.
You nod “I'll buzz when I'm downstairs.” and with that you leave the flat.
Jake waits by the door and listens to the sounds of your footsteps growing distant. He waits until he hears the elevator open, close, and clunkily move down the shaft before he heads to the fridge and gets himself one of the beers he's stashed behind some of Marc's. He can feel Layla's eyes on him the entire way from the front door all the way to when he plops down in the chair she set in the “living room”.
“I asked, he can't find them. If they can get a better connection than the god of time fucking let them, be doin' us a favor.” the apartment falls silent as Jake sips his beer.
It was a kindness that he gave you thirty five minutes instead.
In the alley you were working quickly to set up a small summoning circle. Clearing away the debris and trash loitering the alley, even going so far as to bring out a small handheld dust pan from your bag to clean up the dirt from the pavement. Disposing the dust in one of the bins nearby you return to your work station; setting about the crystals and candles around you in a circle, bringing out the offering dish you realize you hadn't thought to bring a cup when you'd packed. Oh, well you've only been given thirty minutes and you weren't going to waster them on stressing over a cup – besides wine came in a glass bottle so that had to count for something. Placing the wrap on the dish and setting the wine beside it you lit the candles.
With everything in place you settle into the center of the circle; hands on your knees and eyes closed you begin to meditate. It never takes long for the fuzzy sensation of floating to take over, your feet somehow feeling as though they are flying over head and detached from your body despite the fact that they are tucked under you. The warmth from the candles fade around you, at some point the light stops dancing behind your eye lids, a harsh wind blows over you.
Eyes shooting open you're greeted with the dark and desolate space of the void. The inky black essence breathing, alive as it ungulates all around you – a movement you can see the presence of motion from but not any solid mass to discern it's pattern. You call it breathing though -easier to describe, and it's the only thing that fits this space.
“Hello?” you half expected an echo effect, the distortion ended up more like the pressure you'd feel if you tried to speak and listen to it under water.
“I'd like to speak to the god of time, Lord Khonshu. If he's available...” how does one call up a god?
Despite your lack of experience your projection does the trick, it's only a moment of waiting before you're staring face to beak with said god.
“Hmmmm, it's been some time since a witch has been so bold as to call on me by name.” he leans back to inspect you.
Walks around you giving himself a small idea of who's just petitioned him. He stops back where he started once again staring down at you.
“Would you like to continue your petition or shall I let you know that I am unfortunately very aware of the your little traveler.” His talons tap on his staff in agitation.
His attitude doesn't get to you, you used to be diner pals with Loki. The Norse god had often disguised himself and messed with you for being able to correctly identify him each time he was at the diner, you never got the chance to tell him it was purely his order that gave him away. You didn't see many other people order a ham and egg croissant with ketchup.
“Oh, well guess this makes things simple huh?” it's an awkward pause for you, the god before you is not amused, “I wanted to ask if you could help locate him?”
“Of course you do.” you're given the impression that he's just rolled his eyes at you even without eyeballs. Weird.
In the next moment he's in your face.
“What do you think I've been busy doing? I haven't been able to pin point the anomaly and couldn't fathom why...until you called for my aid. Now, witch, do you know why that may be?”
You look to the right, like someone would even be there to help you out with this, before looking back to the skull headed god.
“Be....cause he's from ...the future...?” you say unsure.
Khonshu stands to his full height and rubs his temples – his skull? Was a temple a muscle?
He mutters something that sounds an awful lot like 'incompetent mortals' and 'how was this the species that made it this far' a few odd swears following after. The god composes himself before tapping his staff on the air, causing a ripple of force that pushes you back onto your butt as he stride over to your fallen form.
“It would appear the child has a cloak around them. I wonder who's done that... ah ah ah that was rhetorical don't you dare try to answer it.” his tone is dripping with accusation and venom. He knew the answer to all of his frustrations the moment he took your call, now you just needed to undo your work so he could get on with his.
You frown, it's deep and scrunches up your nose as you spit back, “Of course he's cloaked. He's a time traveler. I'm not about to let someone find him and use his powers.”
“And if you don't break the cloak I can not locate him. We risk him falling into someone's grasp still.” the bite is far from gone in his tone, though it's nearly drowned in urgency instead.
“You have no guarantee that someone isn't already nearby and waiting for him. You may not get there in time once it's dropped. Not to mention, even if I tried, I” you stress the pronoun, “didn't make it. It's probably out of my control to break.”
Khonshu heaves a sigh as he straightens out his posture, crossing his arms giving you a look of disdain.
“You humans were too simple minded for magic. The abilities reside in you, they always have and always will. They aren't obtained over the years, you simply were born with it”
You roll your eyes and huff, “So I'm perfectly proficient in magic then?”
“Do not get smart with me witchling.” it isn't lost on you that he's referring to your skill level. “Your sass will be your undoing.” Khonshu threatens.
“Well it's not fair for you to just assume that I know what the hell I'm doing, it's not like I've had someone guiding me through any of this.”
“And yet you called me on your first try. You mortals are limited only by the doubts you've placed within yourselves. We may be able to come to...an understanding of sorts. I am protector of travelers and you offer protective magic. As it stands you are containing it; attempting to tame it. Sooner or later it'll need to expand from those confines – the moment it does I expect your pathetic vessel will pop like a grape in the desert heat.”
It catches you off guard the soft tone in his voice, this meeting hadn't been entirely hostile but it's giving off the energy of an older sibling arguing over the chore list with you before mom gets home. His warning does not go unheard.
“So...I what, offer you protection and you guide me through releasing that energy?”
He gives a small puff of air, you could easily confuse it for laughter, it came out more of a 'caw' sound, “I require no protection, least not from you, little witch. I do have an avatar that is lacking my protection; keep watch over him for now in my absence. But, yes I can aid you with coexisting with you magic.”
This is all giving you a huge headache. Marc thought you were talking in circles, he'd absolutely loose it during this conversation.
Waving him off with an open palm you move the topic along.
“Ok, ok. Now what can I do to get your help in getting this child back home?”
“I believe I have been more than clear that you are to remove your cloaking magic. Once I locate him I can send him back.” he says briskly towering over you once again; whatever soft moment you had apparently over.
His intimidation tactics won't work on you, and you just pouting won't get you any where.
“Let me rephrase the equation then, we have a child from the future running around because he came here on accident through use of his own gifts. If we want to prevent any future traveling accidents we should attempt to help him figure out how to go back on his own. So he can-”
“Yes, yes,” he snaps interrupting you, “so he can then rectify any further mishaps on his part. I am not one of your little charges witch, fix your tone when speaking to me.”
“And you are not the first god I've dealt with, you certainly are turning into the rudest.” you're matching his energy at this point, it might not be the smartest move but this void amplifies everything it takes in, emotions included.
“Your child has run a muck through time, and you are too stubborn to let me fix it and get things back into their natural order.”
“With a gift like his it should automatically constitute as being within the realm of natural order. And we really should be focusing on teaching him to fix his own mistakes. How else will he learn not to run a muck through your domain? No one needs a repeat of the battle on Titan.”
While his skull can't emote in a similar way to a human face you understand the expression. A sneer at the bitter reminder, one that relaxes with a harsh and forceful breath.
“It would seem...we have a common enough goal in mind, witchling.” he addresses you with a nod, righting himself again, “You find that little traveler of yours and I shall help to guide him to his rightful time.”
You weren't sure what to do exactly, this was your first petitioning of a god – so long as asking Loki not to pour ketchup all over your breakfast didn't count. But by the rules you'd looked up prior Khonshu had just established the terms of the petition, ones you agreed to. For formality's sake you nod and give a small bow.
The god huffs in amusement, “You'll have much to learn, for now we don't have the luxury to teach you. The effort – albeit minimal is appreciated.”
Looking up you eye the god warily, “You say that like we'll be working together often.”
“You carry term and raise a time traveler in the future, did you expect I won't be present?”
He's a sassy bird.
The words fall from your lips before you can register them, “You're very sassy for a god.”
“And you are very bold for such a little witch.” As rocky as this meeting had started it ended on a good note, if the humor in his the was anything for you to judge.
You make to look around and find your exit when your chin is forcibly grabbed. Khonshu leers at something on your face as he moves it all around eyes piercing one spot, like he's looking through you. “Seems your child is the least of my concerns, tell me did you know you reek of anomalies?” He doesn't care what you have to say, whatever it is he sees tells him everything he needs to know as he continues on without letting you speak, “From now on you're under my protection as well. Let's try and keep your travel limited.”
“That's been the plan since I got here.”
He lashes out at your vitriol, “Yes, and how many times was it the plan before now?” there's a brief moment of pity when you flinch at his words. He's right and you both know it; the pity is gone as soon as it came, he drops your face as if it burned him.
Looks like there isn't any time to waster in finding the time traveler.
“Take us to the idiots, the sooner we collect them the sooner the other gods stop prodding me for explanations.”
You assume he means to end the summoning and get you back in the mortal plane. Though the comment about idiots gets stuck in your head and you're left picturing Layla and the system despite your best efforts to empty your mind and ground yourself. Soon you're thinking about the absolute chaos that is Steven's apartment as Khonshu continues speaking to you instructing you on how to proceed with getting out. Weirdly a rush of cold air passes over you, and although you were so unfocused you find your self back from the void.
It's disorienting coming back from the inky black of the void. There's light, color, and sounds coming from all around; it's scary how not hearing the pulse of humming electricity moving in the walls can unsettle you. The real disorienting factor is that you aren't in the alley anymore, whipping your head around you see you're back in Steven's apartment. All the stimulation has your head reeling and unable to process what's going on.
First glance told you you were alone in the apartment, until you see the hulking figure of Khonshu sneering at the fish tank. Seeing his size and floating bird skull of a head in the context of the real world is very jarring and just overwhelms you more. Everything looks small in comparison to him, in the void you didn't have a frame of reference for his size or the difference between you as you were kept near eye to eye for much of the encounter. On this plane he was nearly twice your height, and very imposing to look at.
You could barely make out the drumming of footsteps in the hall paired with muffled voices before keys fit into the lock. Jake and Layla had gone out looking for you after those thirty five minutes only to turn up with an empty alleyway and your backpack. They'd been out for nearly two hours before Marc said they needed to head to the apartment and plan their next moves, he'd seen your passport and had the idea to go to Hell's Kitchen to see if they could figure out anything more about you or find another lead to this time travel case.
As they get into the apartment they stop in the door way to see you dizzy and sitting on the floor, at least that's the part Layla hones in on as she makes her way to you, cautiously.
“There you are, where'd you go? We've been looking all over for you.” she kneeled down to your prone form and tried to steady your tremors.
“Layla get them outside, they look like they could use some air.” Marc's eyes were set hard on Khonshu standing just away from you two.
The bird bristles at the impertinence, “Oh the little witch will be fine. They came searching for my aid, as this matter falls to my dominion.”
“Wait they called you, you called Khonshu seriously?” Marc switches his focus back to you who is starting to look a little more lively than before.
“If you'd said this was your contact I'd have told you he knew nothing.”
“You wouldn't have told them anything imbecile. You don't even trust them.”
Layla wants to tell the two to quit bickering because you look like you're about to pass out. But you beat her to the punch when you ask if Marc's the witch.
Khonshu's gaze peels off his avatar so he can focus on you, “Don't fret little witch, these four are merely avatars. No real power without help of the gods who lent them theirs. We'll go more in depth with your studies once this debacle is put to rest.” He focuses again on Marc, “They've agreed to aid in protecting you in my absence. As my Moon Knight I expect you to get moving soon.”
His posture is rigid and stiff as he asks the god, “Where are we going?”
You nod as best you can, there hadn't been any progress in finding the kid or pinpointing his location.
An unamused expression radiates from his features as Khonshu looks down to you specifically, “It seems you're just as brainless as me avatar. Witchling, time travel effects the when, not the where. So, given the nature of your relationship...where would our little traveler be?”
You hadn't thought of it like that, but now that he has it seemed so obvious even in your overstimulated state.
The answer was obvious and the weight hit you like a train.
“Fuck he's in Manhattan!”
Marc having watched the exchange couldn't help but feel this was one of Khonshu's set ups, everything was going too well and in the god's favor. “Good you know where he is, you'll be able to find him by yourself, get Khonshu to send him back. Layla and I can take you airport, have a nice trip.”
“Marc Spector, you will be accompanying the witchling on the endeavor, as I said I'm entrusting my Moon Knight to oversee any obstacles that may impede the witch. You aren't entirely useless without my aid are you?”
You look to Layla who's watching everything with a furrowed brow, she hasn't said anything so this may be a normal occurrence between the two.
“What if you just came with me?” you had only meant to ask the woman but drew the other's attention.
“Absolutely not!” you flinch at the raise in Marc's tone.
“The Scarlet Scarab falls under Taweret's divinity, while she's welcome to join your company – it's my knight that needs to go.”
“I don't see why, it seems you've got an excellent candidate for an avatar right there.” he motions for you.
Khonshu is clearly done with the argument when he summons his staff and slams it down onto the apartment floor much like he did in the void, only this time no one gets blown backwards. You notice Marc's body relaxes a bit from the strict and rigid stance he held.
“Jake, see to it the witchling finds the little time miscreant and makes sure nothing gets in the way of sending him back where he came from.” the man nods to the god.
Khonshu turns to you, “Should my knight be inaccessible for the duration of your endeavor call upon me directly.” you shakily nod, feeling sick in a new context after having watched an alter get bullied out.
The trip to the airport was silent. It seemed Jake didn't talk much and Layla was busy getting three tickets to Manhattan. By some fortune from the gods, probably Khonshu, you did get the tickets for the next flight, seats next to each other too. Layla and Jake waited for you while your carry on got checked and once you regrouped you settled on an action plan.
Which was a better way to say hit up anything in Manhattan that you thought a seven year old with total control might like.
“You really think a seven year old boy would willingly go to the library?” Layla laughed without humor as you wrote it down in a small note book.
Looking up you gave a smile, “Yea, I mean he's my son and my entire job is based around making the library and reading fun for kids. It's probably a second home to him.”
“Mhmm, and the museums?”
“Steven liked museums as a kid.” Jake says looking at the options for the in flight movie.
He didn't add much, and you noticed Layla didn't do much to acknowledge the fact either. But you still stared the museums on your list. Not catching the glance Jake spared down at your notes.
“But really, New York has LEGO stores and the Pokemon Center, you really think a kid's going to choose these...educational,”
“Go ahead say boring, you were going to.” you tease.
She gives a smirk, “these boring places over the others?”
“Hey, I put Coney Island on here too.” it's strange trying to lift the mood up with strangers you've just met, strangers forced to interact with you at behest of a god.
“Put Yankee Stadium on there.”
With all seriousness you turn to the man on your left, “Absolutely the fuck not.”
He raises a brow, “You got the Brox Museum of Art, Stadium's right across, why not?”
“Because no child of mine would be caught dead in Yankee Stadium.”
He clicks his tongue at you, “You a fuckin' Mets fan.”
You close the book and stare at him before your hand motions glide in front and then you bring the gestured hand upturned to your chest, “Do I look like a Mets fan? No, the answer's no.” Shaking you head you straighten up your posture, “I have no baseball affiliation, love the sport but love making fun of the fan base so much more.”
“How's that work, liking a sport with no team?”
“Easy, if I'm invited to a game or catch it on TV I just chose who I'm rooting for, after a while you like start osmosising information about player. I think it's got a lot to do with World Cup years and each footie team being different every four years so I had to learn a lot in a short amount of time.”
“Ah, soccer's your sport?” you nod to him, “Got a team for that?”
“Manchester.” you say easily, and he snorts.
When you cut your eyes at him, “Steven's gonna say somethin' next time he sees you.”
“Fuck off I'm not takin' shit from a man who's team is Arsenal.” that gets Jake's attention and all his focus is on you. A chill runs down your spine and you feel trapped by the door again.
Layla asks the question that breaks his stare down, “How'd you know Steven's favorite team?”
“He just had that look about him, honestly didn't seem the Chelsea type.”
Jake having picked out his movie just rolled the interaction off and made a grab for his headphones, “He's more of a cricket fan anyway.” before you can question it he slides the headphones over his ears.
You look back over to Layla assuming that'd been the end of the conversation, “Don't mind Jake he...he can just be that way.” she's being honest but also seems uncertain on that fact.
You nod, you understand that this situation wasn't something either of them had signed up for.
She looks past you, over to Jake eyes glaring at the scene playing out on the monitor, sighing she leans back in her chair.
“You really have no idea why your future self told you to find me?”
“I have a hunch it's because we're best friends, so of course having Auntie Layla help search for missing son makes sense, no matter timeline.”
She hums in response.
“Job doesn't leave much time for a personal life.”
It's your turn to hum, “Yea, I have a few other...first responders as friends so trust me, I understand.”
“Nice way of putting it,” she laughs, and the energies start to feel lighter again.
Looking over you catch a familiar scene on the screen in front of Jake.
“Are you watching Twilight?”
You hadn't said it that loudly but Jake still heard and his brow furrowed harder, if that was even possible.
“Yea, and it's awful.”
Layla in a better mood can't help the teasing lit in her voice, “You can always turn it off.”
But Jake just shakes his head, “It's like a train wreck.”
You and Layla share a look before giggling to yourselves and leaving Jake to his movie. You have a feeling you'll hear all about it later.
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Sorry this is so long I had just thinking about this a lot and had to get it off my chest.
Let me make this clear, I don’t like little kids. They’re loud, they don’t understand personal space, they’re always sick, etc. Does that give me a valid reason to be an asshole to them? No the fuck it does not. I don’t care how much you hate kids, if you’re purposefully being an asshole to someone just for being younger than you and not having a level of understanding of the world around them the way you do, then I have some news for you. You’re an asshole. Kids, as annoying as they may be sometimes, are PEOPLE. Like real, living, breathing, autonomous, individuals with their own unique ways of thinking. And it is crucial that you respect that. 
I was at a Halloween event several months ago where there were lots of kids, and I was not happy about the way they approached people. They were loud, obnoxious, and did not respect people’s boundaries even after you’d tell them to leave you alone. However, they were only behaving this way because their parents allowed it. The parents at this event were being negligent, whiny little pricks who would rather drink beer until midnight than parent their fucking kids. You know, like they are OBLIGATED TO DO. So naturally, I wasn’t nearly as angry at the kids more so than I was at the parents. I showed them respect and talked to them like they were adults, not making them feel like they were stupid. When I understood the only reason they acted the way they did was because of their brainless parents, it was a lot easier to talk to them without this feeling of “oh my god get me the fuck out of here right now.” I was one of the only other teens at the party who treated the little ones this way, which I do not blame the other teens there for. We are not obligated to parent your kids. But because I had shown them just a basic level of respect, I was one of (if not *the* only one) they showed respect to. One kid in particular was really fascinated with my costume and thought it was so cool that I had hand made a Funtime Foxy cosplay for the occasion. This kid that was rough-housing and intruding on everybody else, was politely calming down and just talking with me, and really seemed to enjoy it. He was talking about his different ideas for costumes he thought I would enjoy making in the future, he didn’t talk with anyone else this way. “Oh yeah and (character) would be really cool! Because all the little details in (physical characteristic) would be a nice challenge to try to recreate and it would look so cool! You could use this (material,)” etc. 
My point is, you often underestimate the impact your actions and words have on people, especially those who are still learning about, and trying to get a grip on the world around them. I’m not saying you’re obligated to parent somebody else’s kid, but for the love of all things good, just be nice to them. Often when you show kids some basic respect and don’t make them feel like they’re “lesser” than you, or “stupid,” they’ll often reciprocate that respect. It pays to just use some common sense and treat people with some basic respect. You don’t have to like kids to not be a jerk to them. 
People who want to be parents, you better treat your kids like they are the most precious things in the world. If you don’t light up with joy when you think of raising kids, then don’t. If you’re considering having kids make sure you are in a place where you can financially and emotionally support them and yourself perfectly well, and make sure this is absolutely what you want. Nobody’s kid should ever have to feel unwanted. That is the most crushing, painful feeling in the world. So really make sure you are going to be there for them, 100% of the way, and make them feel loved and appreciated. You might have created them, or adopted them, but that doesn’t mean you should take them for granted. They didn’t ask to be born and they don’t owe you a thing. Have kids because you love them, because they complete your family, because your world is so much brighter with them in it, because you are willing to leave this world with one or more happy people than it had before.
Parents, your kids are not an extension of you. NEVER, take them for granted. You will never understand what they are going through, ever. No matter how hard you try. You physically cannot protect them from everything. You’ll only hurt them more if you try. The best thing you can do is reassure them that you WILL be there to support them. Instead of taking away the things that bring them happiness and motivation because they got a bad grade, congratulate them for trying their best. And remind them that their grades aren’t as important as their lives. If your kid is trying their best, which in almost all cases they are, and they come home with a bad grade, that says more about the teacher’s ability to teach than it does your kid’s ability to learn. If you wanna mess your kid up forever and cut them off from their friends because of a number on their paper, then don’t you dare mourn them when you are the reason they disappear. All kids deserve parents, very few parents actually deserve kids.
Kids are people. Treat them as such, for fucks sake. Never take life for granted, no matter how old or young that life may be. 
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Name: Tessaray “Tess” Selisteal
Age: 28
Occupation: Mega PizzaPlex STAFF, lead maintenance technician
Afton Robotics Animatronic Specialist
My Security Breach OC, Tess. Her story is below the cut, and warning, it's long.
Art by: Ozaya
From a very young age, Tessuray has had a fascination with all things robotic and mechanical. As a little girl she loved going to museums or county fairs to see the old machinery and watching how stuff went together and worked. From the moment she was old enough to hold a tool, no VCR or electronic housing case was safe from her curiosity. She was being raised by her paternal aunt, Becca, for some family drama reasons that Tess never really felt the need to ask about, but her aunt still felt like Tess deserved more than what their family could give her wandering mind. Becca never wanted to take the place of Tess’s birth mom, so she acted more like an older sister than a parent.
When Tess was 11, her school gave her and her class an aptitude test. This was a normal thing for the school to issue to the students as they left elementary school to show the kids how much they still had to learn and just how hard middle school was going to be, preparing them for more serious studies. When they got her results back they were abnormally high, so much so the school made a meeting and offered for Tess to skip 6th and 7th grade, and even do some dual enrolment classes in the highschool for the subjects she majorly excelled at. 
She thrived in the accelerated program, but tragedy struck when she had a bike accident over one weekend, landing her in the hospital. After a few tests, it was found she had some form of genetic weakness in her bones, primarily focused in her knees and hips. The doctors warned the small family Tess would very likely lose her ability to walk, and the chances of the condition affecting her other bones and joints as she got older was very high. This crushed them, and seeing how they didn’t live too far above the poverty line as it was, there was no way they could afford any of the experimental treatments a couple doctors offered them. As Tess stayed home a few weeks to heal and get used to using her new leg brace and wheelchair, she found a contest for young inventors. The child had to build something or write their own original code to be judged by a counsel, and the top prizes were scholarships to Afton Robotics technical schools. Needing no further encouragement then the gaudy advert, she immediately got to work.
Fearing her future mobility issues, she set out to make a robotic companion that would help her not only with daily living tasks, but also serve as a companion and emotional support. Aunt Becca helped come up with the early design, the two deciding a nonhuman/chimera of animals would be more fun, and they sculpted the proof of concept design out of air dry clay together. Tess created her own code, basing it’s build off not only some leaked early Fazbear animatronic code, but also some theoretic concepts that were believed to be the building blocks to sentient AI. She didn’t care how groundbreaking all that could be if it worked, she just wanted to make a cool robot friend that could actually keep up with her in conversation. When it came time to input personality settings and the base for the robot’s being, she copied down her own 13 year old self to the best of her ability, basically making a coded clone.
Due to her health, Tess couldn’t go to the physical location of the judging for the contest. Aunt Becca was able to get in contact with the company posting the ads and tried to set up permissions to have Tess video record her presentation and mail it in. What happened instead was they got a personal visit from Mr William Afton, inspired by her story and drive to create, he took a detour on his business trip to see her presentation. In an effort to seem grown up, Tess set the living room up to look like a meeting room from TV the best she could, using a large white sheet in place for a fancy white board, and did her best to stand during her presentation. At first Mr Afton was amused by the girl’s fire, but as her explanation went on and she showed her work, his smile changed. No longer was she just a cute cripple girl wanting to impress the important CEO, he now saw a tiny genius in the making, a little broken version of himself. 
Tess was heart broken when she tried to run her program, but her too simple computer set up just wasn’t powerful enough to run the code properly. When she turned to the man, with tears in her eyes, to apologize for wasting his time, she instead saw nothing but pride on his face. Mr Afton stood and shook her hand, nearly knocking her off her still shaky feet, and gleefully congratulated her on her work. He guaranteed she not only had a place at his schools, but he’d personally see to helping her get set up and tend to everything she needed to succeed. And he was true to this word. He moved Tess and Aunt Becca closer to the primary campus, the main technical college William saw to when not busy with the Fazbear brand. Tess flew through her remaining general studies, able to start her robotic classes along with people almost twice her age. She worked not only on her academics, but her body too. She didn’t want to be looked down on for her disability, or be held back in her potential because her bones hated her. She beat the odd the doctors laid out for her, and Mr Afton's financial contributions to her medical needs didn't hurt either. She made a personal rule to only use her knee brace on her worst leg (the right), and only use canes or wheelchairs in truly desperate times, days her bones just refused to let her pretend to be normal.
Her personal assistance robot, named Cekena, became her life's project. Over the years she improved the programming, and made hundreds of upgrades to her design and body. By the time Tess graduated, Cekena was fully self-sustaining and all but sentient, growing from the base programming of "code clone 13 year old Tess" into her own person totally separate from Tess herself. William Afton never stopped being involved with Tess’s growth, becoming a father figure to her she never knew she was severely lacking. William himself even came to see her as a sort of daughter he never had, and teasingly called Cekena his grandchild a time or two. Tess became one of William’s trusted animatronic specialists, a person he’d send to Fazbear franchise locations suspected to have AI forming sentience in order to check the validity of the claims, and help said bots adjust to their new personhood if need be.
She can speak a number of languages, but is only truly fluent in English. If asked, her list of languages would be (in descending order of fluency): English, Japanese, German, Spanish/French (she mixes them), Chinese and Korean. She's interested in Scots, Russian and some conlangs, but none stick beyond song lyrics.
She has ADHD, and a couple quirks stemming from that. She often taps her pointer finger rapidly on a hard surface when she's over stimulated or thinking. When sitting, she can't have both feet on the ground and will often pull one or both feet onto her chair. She bounces her knee when thinking while siting, and paces if thinking while standing. It's not that she can't be still, she just thinks with a clearer head if something is moving.
While she has no siblings of her own, due to William being like a father to her, she came to see William's son Michael as an older brother. Michael also works as an animatronic specialist for his father, doing much the same thing as Tess, however he is primarily stationed at Fazbear's flagship amusement park "Fazbear's Fun Park". 
Tess actually sees her robot Cekena as a sort of little sister rather than a daughter, very likely stemming from the fact she and her aunt have more of a sisterly relationship then a parent and child one.
Tess still has the air dry clay figure of Cekena's original design she made as a kid, and it now sits on a shelf in her home as if it were a baby picture of the robot herself. She is incredibly protective of this little figure.
The kids of the daycare have collectively, on their own, taken to calling Tess “the scary lady”. Seeing how Tess really doesn’t like kids, she rarely interacts with them and is mostly just seen by the kids hanging out on the balcony of her office or talking to Sun. At first Sun was against the nickname, insisting the kids call her “Miss Tess” or something, but after Tess herself acknowledged the nickname and that she was fine with it, Sun gave up. Now if a kid is being difficult, it’s not uncommon to hear Sun threaten to “get the scary lady down”, usually prompting better behavior and a giggle from the kids.
Tess doesn't like kids so much and is so uncomfortable around them, once she is permanently stationed at the mega pizza Plex it is officially written into her contract that she is never to be placed in charge of any child in any way at any time. There has been a couple of times that customers have attempted to leave their kid in her care, or have requested she watch over the daycare as an assistant was too busy to help them, but every time she vehemently refuses and will point them to that particular clause in her contract.
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Expiration Date
My visa to Neverland expired, so I am forced to grow up starting today. (Damnit!)
What is this “adulting” thingy?
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I thank God for another year, walking, running freely and using my purpose well in this world that seems to give me a hundred of reasons to give up. I would have given up this race, if it weren’t the support from my family and real friends. I would, if it weren’t defeating the purpose of my existence. Today is yet another day of thanking God and the pure lessons I have accumulated for the last 365 days as of this writing.
I am nearing thirty and with this comes the realization of so many things physically, emotionally and spiritually. Physically, nearing thirty can be saddening if you live up to the negative side that you are aging but since I am oozing with positivity, I am always on the brighter side of aging. After all, it is in this calm realization that you become a blessing to others, that aging is a gift that one must cherish and that aging is obliging you to become more comfortable with your skin, with your beliefs (no matter how radical it may be) and with your choices in life regardless of what other people may say. Aging is a gift, and if you decide to follow your own choices and decisions in life and standing up for it, then you are growing up.
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I love to be in this generation, especially when down-meaning friends and relatives try to ask me when I’m getting married and have kids, most especially! They can’t really try to understand that raising a kid right now is very expensive, especially if I am the mother! I may sound bizarre but I believe that the only acceptable reason to have kids is that you want to nurture and care for another being. That’s all. That’s all the good reasons. Not because you want someone to take care of you in your old age, not because you want them to take a certain career, to give you grandkids, to further your religion. None of that. To bring a child into this world with expectations makes it unethical to have one. It lays the foundation of emotional blackmail, like“I brought you in to this world and raised you, had you for this reason so give me that happiness.” No one owes you anything for the things you do out of your own will for your own sake not even your children. Likewise of getting married. I love my independence. It is scary for me, to live the rest of your life with someone full of uncertainties. I believe two people should get married because they love each other and decided to be together forever, no returns, no exchanges.  I am still fascinated with all the possibilities life might bring and many times, as I have seen, marriage can weigh a woman down. I am not yet ready to be submissive and I will live up to that choice and decision until now. And my success doesn’t include a marriage and a baby yet. I am putting a comma for those. Who knows in the middle of 2019 maybe? Yeah, so please, stop asking me when to get married and have a child, I am too selfish with my time now. I don’t want to cause emotional turmoil to my future children and husband. I am taking my time and learning from the best.
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I wish I will never grow old. I wish Nanay Ludy is still here, and my parents, Nanay Bebie and Tatay Pilar will live forever. I wish Kendra never gets old so we wouldn’t fight about a lot of things. I want her to stay by my side forever. More often than not, I wish to be in this age physically. I wish time will stop when I was just 22, having the good life and living each moment feeling invincible and not caring about what tomorrow might bring. There would be no pressure and I would be living in my own pace on my own right time. I used to sleep at 2am on my early and middle twenties, now sleeping at 9pm to get a full 7 hours of sleep to make way for a great workout first thing in the morning every week days (yeah, I cheat on weekends) is a real great achievement. Yeah, sure, I can sleep at 2am but I can’t endure the fatigue that goes along with it anymore. I want my skin to be radiant as long as they can be. Now, I have to do a beauty regimen at night, drink a lot of water and making exercise on top of my priority. I wanted to stay young, for my skin to never be damned due to over exposure from the sun, to drink 1 bottle of tequila with wine shots in between without dealing with any hangover the next day, to smoke as long as I can and never felt my lungs failing, to carry a 100L backpack while trotting from airports or ports for the rest of my life, to eat anything (especially ice creams, cakes and chocolates) without thinking of workout, to shop without thinking of the bills, to live in different places every time I had the chance, to speak more languages fluently, to be able to move and move far and wide and to just freeze in time. Age is just a number has been a mantra for the last 8 years but it is never true and YOLO (You Only Live Once) has a limit.
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Priorities have changed, and a year can bring so much unexpected and valuable lessons to be learned. I am now more forgiving. I respect my parents more and I have learned never to let them be mad because they are in their twilight zone. I don’t give a damn towards my detractors for I am sure of my beliefs, my actions and thoughts. We can’t please everybody and that they will have something to say even if I am doing my best to be better, it’s always like this in the Philippines, a toxic culture of judging people based on the opposite of what you believe and do. But I smile with radical thoughts in my mind. People should be left hanging of what is going on with your life (love life especially, hahahaha). I am done with my comprehensive exam, in God’s grace, the thesis stage for next semester. Looking back, I never in one way or another thought could reach such an achievement in my career until I fully love it. I am honestly tired of it and can’t wait to finish it so that real life could begin. I am working with the local government unit of Dalaguete for 17 months and it is beyond incomparable with teaching. I have learned so many things and that this job is a “thankless” job and one should never be in to it unless he or she has a full heart for service. Albeit this is a “thankless” job, my happiness swells up to the idea that I have helped people without expecting anything in return, and I consider that a success. When I go to far-flung areas in my hometown I felt valued, it’s as if I am a purveyor of dreams. If we, Dalaguetnons, do not support our children through education, then we sacrifice our imagination on the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams. I am happy of actually letting my dreams closer to the reality of others.
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I lost special people who taught me incredible lessons in life and a part of them made me who I am today. I thought 2017 was the most painful year that I have to go through, but this year has brought enumerable pain yet so much growth emotionally. It is like life played a joke for me to realize that I have emotions too, that I just can’t rely on logic alone but I have to be hurt to know what is more important in life. I lost Nanay Ludy, who was 64, Sarge’s sister, our second mother, who took care of us and devoted her life for 34 years to the family! I lost my closest nephew (Sarge’s side), Allen who is a pastor to cancer and he was just 23 years old. I lost Tim, who was 31, instantly and I was never prepared for that sudden jolt of pain. Indeed aging is not just decaying (Albom 2008). It is on the positive side that we are all going to die so we have to make the most of what life brings and using our purpose well in the service of others. Relationship matters and forming a real one without judgements and biases means it is to be kept either way from family, friends or that special someone. We should count the days to be of service to others, to be the “gift” and continue to inspire them by just simply being there for them. I know I have a long road to learn but at least I am taking my time and learning a lot and I believe learning is an every day journey.
I am nearing 30 and my successes don’t yet include a wedding or a baby.
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Instead, my success is the ability to witness the sun sets on different sides of the sky. It is the collection of languages under my tongue and the imprint of countries and places along my spine, so I can stand tall knowing the world is within me. My success is a heart that unfolds like a map to reveal the path towards God.
My success lies in the conviction I possess for what I want to do and WHY. It is the clarity I have about how to use my gifts of my purpose. My success is in the strength and resilience I’ve cultivated from showing up for myself every single day. It is in my audacity to escape my comfort zones and going the distance to follow my highest dreams. I may fail along the way but my success lies in the action of getting up and reassuring my footing to climb higher grounds in this mountain called life. Finally, my success is the ability to love especially to those who hated me for who I am in the outside context.
Success is being rich in all the ways that matter. May you be encouraged to cultivate the kind of wealth and success that truly fills and inspires you, no matter how untraditional or unconventional your path may be.
Here’s going to 30...
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Allow me before stretch marks, uneven skin tones, varicose veins and cellulites engulf my beautiful body! Hahahahah!
*Thank you Mother and Sarge for letting me extend longer in your house and still providing me with everything J like, EVERYTHING (except sakung iphone and allowance sa school). To my younger siblings who always understand that I eat a 3-piece chicken on ordinary times and additional 2 when I am super hungry. I so love you guys! 2019 is a must for an adventure to take!
*To my second parents, Nanay Bebie, for providing me with all fabulous things from bags, slippers up to dresses and Tatay Pilar for your unlimited supply of spontaneous cash and what-nots. Hahahaha!
*To Ate Darlene,  Ate Wawe-Kevin Bonner and the breakfast club, I love you guys! Thank you so much for the love dresses, chocolates, teas and lipsticks!
*Porch, you really are a plot twist.
*Sir Crisanto Toledo, you humbled me so much by giving me a No Grade in Spanish last summer. I have learned a lot from you and hope to continue re-training in Spain soon (charot lang hahahaha). You let me realize that no matter how good I am in my major subject, I should also be focus to the cognate subjects for they are a part of the Macro levels of Grad School.
*Glendie and Johnly, thank you for processing all my papers, cramming and filing in your assigned offices. I will be forever indebted by your love and concern for me to go to the next level. Thank you for encouraging me to push through it all.
*Shynette, Bea and Sheila, thank for laughing with me and bearing all the stress and pressures of Grad school. I so love  you girls.. Normalites gyud ta!
*To my MA COMM family, thank you for providing me an avenue to learn, explore, love and be loved in return.. Shima ngals! Haahaha.
*To my literature family with Doctor Cotejo, I so love you. Thank you for understanding my time and for never really asking my time most of the time! HAHAHAH. I appreciate you all for adjusting on my heavy schedules and just trying to make me feel comfortable in our Cebuano Bisaya class. In as much as I had fun, I have learned that relationships to colleagues are important no matter how burdensome the subject is.
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*To my LGU family, thank you for the incredible 15 months! It’s a short time and I am thankful for letting me grow
*Kram, I honestly can’t wait to start another adventure with you! God-willing, 2019 should be our year! HAHAHA!
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bankingmike · 2 years
TymeBank’s “Save What Matters” Survey lifts the lid on South Africans’ goals
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Saving for education, a house and creating generational wealth are priorities
Johannesburg, 23 August 2021
A TymeBank online survey of 1 585 respondents conducted in July provides insight into the aspirations of South Africans – and their ability to back those up with savings.
Respondents were asked which goals or ambitions they prioritise and why, and the extent to which they are actively saving to reach these goals.
When it comes to the things that money can buy, three aspirations are particularly important, say respondents – first education, then a house, followed by generational wealth. Given the financial difficulties many South Africans are facing, these goals are more attainable for some than for others. Amid the challenges, a surprising number of people are actively saving to make their goals a reality.
Education makes other goals achievable, say respondents
The majority of respondents (70.4%) value education above everything, with 41% actively saving towards this goal. Interestingly, education still ranks high for 67.2% of those without children, with 35% investing in their education, mainly to secure a better job and improve their income.
Buying a house is next in the order of priorities (57.5%). Respondents not only value the physical security that a home provides, but they also see it as an investment for themselves and their children. “If I am sick or too old to live in my own house, I can use the rent (income) to survive,” said one respondent. As much as people value home ownership, affordability is cited as the main reason why only 36.2% of those polled are actively saving to purchase a home or already have a bond. Those who can afford to do so are doing the right thing by paying off their bond as quickly as possible to take advantage of low interest rates.
Generational wealth (47.8%) ranks below education and home ownership for all respondents. While 27.1% of respondents indicate they are actively saving for their children, grandchildren and their retirement, feedback from respondents suggests this figure is higher, considering many who invest in education and are buying a home indicate they are doing so to secure a financial future for their offspring. As one respondent puts it: “Giving my children education is like giving them generational wealth.”
Side-hustles on the increase
With more South Africans struggling to make ends meet, it is no surprise that 37.5% of respondents are looking at a side-hustle or starting a new business. Retrenchments were cited by some respondents as an influencing factor; older respondents (pensioners and those nearing retirement)
indicated they were hoping to supplement their pension income.
Having a side-hustle or starting a business is a high priority for those with no children (44.8%), with 27.7% setting money aside for this purpose. While (35.3%) of parents attach importance to this option, only 19.8% are saving to make it a reality. Survey results suggest that investing in their children’s
education is a greater priority, so some trade-offs are required.
Health far more important than money
When it comes to preserving what matters, the majority of respondents (54.9%) prioritise their physical, mental and emotional health above everything, regardless of age. With Covid-19 top of mind, this should come as no surprise. For 27.6% of respondents, it is money that really counts. The
fact that there is little variation across the income spectrum, suggests the importance that people attach to money is not a function of how much they have.
While health and money are the top priorities for the majority of respondents, culture (6.9%) and community (6%) also matter.
TymeBank Head of Marketing Linda Appie said in response to the report: “The results of the survey paint a fascinating picture of the diversity of goals, aspirations and the pathways to their realisation amongst South Africans. A savings culture goes beyond money. It’s about understanding what’s important to you and committing to a goal. Whether your goal is saving money or something of cultural significance, what’s important is your commitment to something you truly care about.”
According to Appie, the insights are broadly aligned with the savings trends that the bank is seeing among its own customer base. “Children’s education and buying a house are some of the savings goals that customers using our TymeBank GoalSave offering name most frequently, but travel and
special occasions like weddings are also popular.”
The survey, conducted as part of TymeBank’s “Save What Matters” campaign, aims to show how driving a culture of saving can help us achieve the things that are most important to us.
*The cross-sectional survey was administered by The SpaceStation. Respondents were 18 years or older and reflected a diversity of gender, income, household structure and geographical spread. 57% were female and 43% male. 46.4% resided in Gauteng, 18.5% in the Western Cape and 11.5% in KwaZulu-Natal. 43.2% were married, 40% were single, and 16.8% were in a long-term relationship. 75% were either a parent or caregiver. Most respondents (21.7%) fell into the R10 001 – R20 000 monthly income bracket, followed by those earning R0 – R5 000 per month (21.2%) and R20 001 – R30 000 per month (15.5%).
About TymeBank
TymeBank is currently one of the world’s fastest-growing digital banks, with more than 4.3 million customers acquired since launching in February 2019. The bank is founded on simplicity, transparency and affordability and is designed to make digital banking accessible and affordable to all South Africans across the economic spectrum.
TymeBank is majority owned by Dr Patrice Motsepe’s African Rainbow Capital (‘ARC’). Recent investors include Tencent, internet and technology company based in China, and CDC Group, the UK’s development finance institution and impact investor. Other investors are UK based Apis Growth Fund II (‘Apis’), a fintech private equity fund based in the UK, JG Summit Holdings (JG Summit) a Philippines based conglomerate owned by the Gokongwei family, African Fig Tree (AFT), a ring-fenced vehicle established by the founders along with key individuals, and the Ethos AI Fund.
TymeBank is a member of the Tyme Group of companies with headquarters in Singapore. TymeBank and its sister company, Tyme, recently raised US$180 million, which is being deployed to enable growth both locally in South Africa and in the Philippines. TymeBank is currently one of the world’s fastest-growing digital banks, with more than 5 million customers acquired since launching in February 2019. The bank is founded on simplicity, transparency and affordability and is designed to make digital banking accessible and affordable to all South Africans across the economic spectrum.
TymeBank is a digital bank, that enables people to open a bank account onlineand provides low fee personal and business banking, internet banking, savings account, money transfer, medical aid, credit cardand Cell phone bankingproducts.  In addition to offering market-leading interest rates, the bankalso provides customers with digital payment facilities for airtime, dataand prepaid electricity.
TymeBank is majority owned by Dr Patrice Motsepe’s African Rainbow Capital (‘ARC’). Recent investors include Tencent, internet and technology company based in China, and CDC Group, the UK’s development finance institution and impact investor. Other investors are UK based Apis Growth Fund II (‘Apis’), a fintech private equity fund based in the UK, JG Summit Holdings (JG Summit) a Philippines based conglomerate owned by the Gokongwei family, African Fig Tree (AFT), a ring-fenced vehicle established by the founders along with key individuals, and the Ethos AI Fund.
TymeBank is a member of the Tyme Group of companies with headquarters in Singapore. TymeBank and its sister company, Tyme, recently raised US$180 million, which is being deployed to enable growth both locally in South Africa and in the Philippines.
For more information visit www.TymeBank.co.za or visit a TymeBank kiosk in over 500 Pick n Pay and Boxer stores nationwide.
About Tyme
Tyme is a multi-country digital banking group, focused on bridging the digital divide in emerging markets, by integrating into physical retail ecosystems. Headquartered in Singapore with offices in Hong Kong and Ho Chi Min City, Tyme designs, builds, and operates digital banks for the mass market, with a particular expertise in serving the under-served and under-banked populations in these countries. Tyme recognises the unique challenges of emerging markets digital banks and builds financial education, a high tech – high touch approach, and efficient cash management solutions to meet the unique needs of the emerging mass market in these countries. Tyme is now launching operations in Asia, based on its successful experience in South Africa. Tyme powers its deployments through its loosely coupled microservice platform, with its design and engineering team based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
For more information, please visit www.tyme.com
About ARC
African Rainbow Capital (ARC) is a black-owned and controlled investment holding company which focusses on the South African and African financial services industry and businesses that deliver exceptional returns on equity. The company is 100% owned by Ubuntu-Botho Investments, which was founded by Dr Patrice Motsepe in 2004, with the objective of building a world class financial services company. Ubuntu-Botho Investments became Sanlam’s anchor empowerment partner. In addition, another important objective of Ubuntu-Botho Investments, since its formation, was to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions and standards of living of poor, unemployed and marginalised South Africans.
ARC’s objective is to be a leading provider of financial services, covering the full spectrum of financial service needs, such as life insurance, healthcare, asset management, general financial services, short-term insurance, property and banking. This is achieved through building strategic partnerships, both in South Africa and further afield, by obtaining equity stakes in product providers.
For more information, please visit www.africanrainbowcapital.co.za
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cherrykindness · 3 years
let's make babies |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: you and harry are doing a live on instagram, you've drunk a lot of wine and now the world knows that the future Mrs. Styles is ready to make babies.
warnings: mostly cute, but the title tells you what you need to know 🤪
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"What is your favorite song from the Fine Line album?" Y/N read aloud, twirling in her right hand the second glass of wine of the evening, the one already halfway through. "Adore You and Watermelon Sugar, of course."
Harry giggled, rolling his eyes upon hearing his fiancée's statement.
"Y/N will always choose Adore You because it was obviously written for her." He accused. "She wouldn't give that answer under different circumstances."
The comments climbed up the screen continuously, most fans gushing about how cute Harry Styles and YN/LN could be while the other part was concerned with wringing even more information out of the slightly inebriated couple who had decided to do a surprise live one early Sunday morning.
As expected after being away for some time to begin filming Don't Worry, Darling in Southern California, Harry enjoyed a lazy weekend in the house he shared with his fiancée and her pets. The days were filled with late naps and relentless Netflix marathons, sublime and ethereal evenings, marked mostly by unexpected declarations and rounds of sex that used to last until the beams of light were shyly coming through the linen curtains. They were not a monotonous couple, so this order could easily be changed.
"Watermelon Sugar is nothing more than about my love for watermelons, don't get too creative." Harry replied to a fan while sporting a corner smile, the message standing out among the rest for its dozens of emojis and large print, questioning the singer about erotic content behind the lyrics of his latest hit. "I really don't know what you guys are talking about."
Y/N laughed, shaking her head before leaning it against her fiancé's chest, propped up on the soft white pillows that were spread practically all over the bed. The air conditioner was on at a minimal temperature and a light rain whipped on the panes of glass camouflaged by the cream-colored curtain, that being the projection of Y/N's favorite nights.
"You can tell them, I'm not shy." She joked, nudging her fiancé's waist.
"You know what it was written about and who it was written for." Harry replied, raising one of his eyebrows. "That's what matters."
It went without saying that much of Harry's newest album, as well as some of his earlier work, had been done in exclusive dedication to his future wife. Y/N had been the muse for a vast repertoire of romantic songs, and even though the singer preferred to keep the story behind his more explicit compositions a "secret", the relationship the two had shared for more than three years was already solid and known enough for the media and fans to distinguish hidden messages in small details.
"It's a song about what usually comes before the act of making babies." Y/N laughed as he pointed at the display. "Honestly, you guys are impossible."
"No, we make babies every day." Harry joked, making a funny motion with his eyebrows. "I would spend my entire career writing just about that."
"Harry!" The actress exclaimed incredulously, slapping her fiancé weakly on the chest. "Children might be watching this."
"You don't want to have babies with me?" He asked falsely offended, accepting the cup that Y/N offered him. "Because I want some babies with you."
Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes as she watched the internet freak out at the dialogue that had suddenly emerged. Since the beginning of the quarantine, it was kind of inevitable that the couple of artists would not become the darlings of all social media; they were fervently active with photos, videos, and lives that depicted step by step daily life in isolation, gaining more and more followers and making the media more and more fascinated by the relationship they both shared.
The wedding was scheduled for the summer of next year and it was perhaps the most anticipated event in the tabloids. Bets about what the model of Y/N's dress would be and lists presuming who would be selected for the short list of guests stood out among countless news stories about the famous people influencing pop culture today.
The possible arrival of a Styles baby was an inevitable topic in interviews. Harry and Niall were the only members of the ex-boyband that had not become fathers yet, and because they had maintained a solid relationship and were seen as one of the most enviable couples during the last four years, Y/N and Harry had gotten used to all this openly asked questions. They didn't mind, they even had fun with the montages and all the anxiety that dominated the whole internet, often mentioning the fandoms' efforts to represent them as such "cool" parents in perfectly edited pictures.
"No, guys, I'm not pregnant." Y/N amusingly clarified the doubt of dozens of new comments. "Please don't believe so many controversial news stories that appear out there. I was on twitter last week and saw several people theorizing about a possible pregnancy, most of the arguments based on a website that used photos from the set of How to Get Away with Murder in the season where I was actually playing a pregnant woman as Laurel." She laughed. "It's so funny! I know you guys love to guess these things, but we won't hide something so special when it actually happen, I promise."
"Especially because Y/N can hide absolutely nothing from anyone." Harry accused, leaving his drink on the corner table before settling into a comfortable position for the two of them. "Anyone who's a Marvel fan knows that. That's one of her most characteristic quirks."
"They gave me a fake script for the last two movies." Y/N agreed, shaking his head. "For me and Tom."
"We agreed to keep the engagement a secret for a while. The plan was to travel to Holmes Chapel to break the news to my family in person, but guess who got a call at ten o'clock at night from an angry Anne because she learned of her son's engagement from an interview Y/N gave the next day?"
Y/N gave a guilty smile, winking gracefully at the camera. "It was all James' fault! I'm sure he already suspected something, those questions were very suspicious."
"Of course the questions were suspicious, babe. You literally said you had a secret that involved both of us but that you couldn't tell because it was important that our families knew first."
"I thought he would think about a pregnancy or something!" The actress defended herself, feeling very convincing in her intonation bordering on obviousness. "That's a mania I can't get rid of, it's in my genes."
"Did you all hear that? Further proof that you guys don't have to worry about guessing when Y/N's pregnancy will be, I'm sure our baby will make sure to tell you everything while still in the womb, mom's genes will make sure of that."
"You are so funny, Harry Styles." Y/N sarcastically stated, holding back a giggle as countless messages with laughing emojis were frantically up. "Yeah, I know I talk a lot and all, but you have annoying quirks too."
It was obvious that live would be news the next day. Although they were completely open about matters concerning their relationship, nothing seemed better than receiving so much exclusive information from a Harry and S/N drunk on expensive wine.
"You wake up in a bad mood and you're dangerously sexy, that should be illegal."
Harry laughed, holding his fiancée's waist a little tighter as he felt her tumble a little further to the side, getting closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Y/N was dangerously weak for drinks, and the singer knew that the actress' body was already near its limit.
"You're the only sexy person here, love." He declared with a corner smile, evidently finding the whole situation funny. "Do you want to go to sleep now?"
"No." Y/N shook her head. "Can we watch some movie? Can we watch Sweet Home?"
"Of course, love." He murmured, giving the woman a quick kiss on the forehead.
Even though Harry knew that his fiancée was unlikely to make it past the five-minute mark of the episode, he made sure to restart the korean series at exactly the scene where she had stopped, the first chapter still halfway through after Y/N realized that it would be impossible to watch such a macabre work without a drop of alcohol in her blood.
She had been so excited by the taste of Argentinian wine and the idea of updating her fans after a few weeks away, that she had forgotten the main purpose of the live. Harry and Y/N had been apart for a few days due to the new movie the Brit was shooting in North America, all happening in an unrestrictedly careful manner due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic.
He was slowly migrating towards acting and the future Mrs. Styles couldn't be prouder. Y/N had felt on cloud nine when Harry had given her the news of his upcoming job, but her only pronouncement on the subject had been a succinct post on instagram. Just a photo of the couple on a trip to Germany with a simple heart emoji didn't seem enough for the actress' exhibitionist soul, and coming to that conclusion was the main reason she decided to invite him, already relatively changed, for a live appearance. Y/N wanted to go on and on about how much she loved that man and work on that whole honeyed speech that would bring her (once again) the title of "cutest bride of all time," but of course Harry had to come home from his trip with his favorite red wine and poison her with those sweet caresses that took her out of orbit, turning the degree of alcohol content into the least of her problems.
"You're going to kiss Florence." Y/N exclaimed suddenly, as if only now realizing that her fiancé would share the screen with Florence Pugh, one of her closest friends in that industry. "Kiss on the mouth."
The MacBook was still open and hundreds of new comments were going up every second, but Harry didn't bother one bit to warn her about the possibility of her becoming a meme the next day. He was having too much fun with the situation to worry.
"Are you jealous?"
"Yes." She stated with a pout. "I am jealous, I just don't know if I'm more jealous of her or of you."
"But you kiss me every day, babe." Harry laughed. "And you've been kissing other people's men for almost ten years." He joked.
"But I only think about you, I already told you that."
Harry shook his head negatively at the camera, knowing he was sharing with the fans the funniest side of his fiancée.
"I know that, honey." He assured, lightly stroking the actress' back. "I think we'd better turn off the TV and go to sleep now, I'm sure you'll have a terrible headache tomorrow."
The brit planned to bid his audience goodbye and put an end to that recording, but Y/N was drunk and her sense of right and wrong had already gone to space. Harry should have been quicker, however, because his fiancée's speech would be cause for new tags and the only subject for the interviewers for at least the next few months.
"I don't want to sleep, how about we make babies?"
That's what Watermelon Sugar was all about, after all.
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jayeray-hq · 3 years
Twin Kittens (Part 1)
Hey everyone! This is my part for the Paws and Claws Collab that was with @katslutski The theme of the collab was hybrids (puppy/kitty/bunny etc) so if you’re interested check it out!
Unfortunately as usual I got excessively wordy, so this is going to be split into three parts. This part alone is about 20K words and we're only about a third of the way through! so it definitely had to be split up.
If you like this feel free to check out my Atsumu or my Osamu masterlists!
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While there is no smut in this part there will be in the future thus this story is 18+ minors DNI please!
TW: Previous mentions of past abuse, gaslighting, verbal, death threats, hybrids have been treated like slaves before
This story is Fem Reader x Atsumu x Osamu but there will be no actual incest. While there will be a threesome at the end the boys won't ever touch one another sexually.
“Are you alright?” your neighbor Ojirou asked, a concerned look on his face as he watched you listlessly stir your drink with the straw, playing with the melting ice in the glass.
The two of you were actually good friends, having lived peacefully side by side for over five years now. You’d met on the very first day when you moved in, you’d been struggling to open the door with a large box in your arms and he’d rushed to the rescue. He and his hybrids diligent Kita, the blue merle border collie, and sly, sleek Suna the Siamese cat, had all pitched in to help you get moved in and settled. You’d been good friends with all three of them ever since.
It was his turn to host your traditional Friday night dinner, so you’d gone over to his apartment determined to enjoy yourself. However, something must’ve given away the rough day you’d had, because all three of them had been casting you concerned looks all night and trading glances when they thought you couldn’t see.
It was apparently Aran’s job to confront you about it, though both hybrids were looking at you expectantly. Well, Kita was looking at you expectantly, Suna was pretending not to pay attention, his phone in his hands, but you could see him watching out of the corner of his eye.
“What makes you think something’s wrong?” you asked determined to at least give it a try.
The stern look you got from Kita and the sympathetic smile from Ojiro told you how ultimately fruitless the effort had been, so you caved in with a sigh, pushing your glass away so you could slump face down on the table burying your head in your arms. You’d tell them, but that didn’t mean you wanted to be necessarily looking them in the eye when you did.
“You know how I went to that thing with some of my girl friends today?” you asked tiredly.
There were acknowledging hums all around even from Suna who you saw from the corner of your eye was no longer pretending to look at his phone and instead watching you like some rare breed of animal in a zoo doing something particularly fascinating.
“Well it was fun, great even,” you told them with a small quirk of your lips, “Right up until we started talking about significant others. Apparently two of them are getting married soon, one has a baby on the way, and the rest are in steady loving relationships or have openly declared they aren’t interested in that kind of thing. So guess who was the only sad single there?”
“Ah,” Ojirou acknowledged a well of sympathy in his voice.
“And of course once they found out, they were like ‘oh I think my husband has a brother’ or ‘oh I have this great friend from work you’d just love,” you ranted, earning a quiet snicker from Suna, which prompted you to lift your head up so you could dig back at the cat hybrid who looked to be having far too much fun at your expense.
“They even asked me why I didn’t date my nice neighbor, the one I’m always hanging out with,” you added on ruthlessly, ignoring Ojirou’s shocked sputters, “But I told them he was in a committed relationship. They were skeptical at first, but then I told them that I was sure because someone is extremely loud, enough that I’m forced to use headphones to drown out the yowling.”
Poor Ojirou was coughing, clearly dying of embarrassment, and even Kita had the faintest red tinge to his cheeks. Unfortunately, Suna, unbothered as ever, simply smirked at you, which confirmed some of your suspicions that he’d been doing it on purpose, the brat.
Heaving another forlorn sigh you decided to give up and give poor Ojirou a break, making a mental note to make it up to him somehow. The poor guy really didn’t deserve to be caught in the crossfire between you and Suna.
“So, I spent the time being relentlessly hounded until it was time to leave,” you continued on, pretending not to notice Kita patting Ojirou’s back sympathetically, “I tried to explain to them that I just don’t have the time and energy it takes to go out and start dating people, that work was taking up too much of my time, but they weren’t having any of it.”
“It sounds like a rough time,” Ojirou told you, with genuine sympathy, the man too kind even after you’d embarrassed the hell out of him, “like when I go home and baa-chan asks when I’m going to settle down and get married.”
Suna let out an involuntary hiss at that, and Kita’s shoulders stiffened up a bit. Even though hybrid-human relationships were accepted and even almost expected between them and their owners these days, it didn’t mean that everyone accepted them as ‘true’ relationships. There were a good chunk of people, mostly conservatives and the older generation who believed that human/human relationships were the only valid ones.
This was no doubt because of the fact that most hybrid children, once they hit eighteen chose to go to hybrid adoption centers rather than staying with their parents. This was partly because it was one of the few good ways to get out from under your parents roof.
Hybrid rights had come a long way from when they’d first been implemented a few decades ago, back when they were considered something of a toy and a pet, not better than a slave. However, they technically still required a human ‘owner’ to do things like go to school, find a job, or even be out in public unsupervised.
There were people working to change that of course, and you’d donated heavily to the cause and actively supported it, but change was slow going, so for now it was what it was. It didn’t help that there were a good deal of people around like Ojirou’s grandma who viewed hybrids as less than human, and would probably never acknowledge his relationship or any children they had, especially if the children were hybrids too.
It was something you’d listened to him vent about more than once, happy to lend him a listening ear, especially since he’d done the same for you plenty of times over the years.
“It wasn’t quite that bad,” you admitted, giving him your own sympathetic smile, “but it was rather depressing.”
“Do ya even want a companion like that?” Kita asked her reasonably, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard ya talk about wantin’ a relationship other than rantin’ about a few failed dates here and there. If ya don’t I don’t see why it should be a problem, and not any of their business either.”
“Except I think I kind of do,” you admitted with a grimace, to the practical dog-hybrid who always gave solid, dependable advice, “I never planned to spend the rest of my life alone you know? I just always put my career first figuring relationships could come later, when I had more time, but now I’m starting to wonder if later will ever come.”
“And ya don’t want to date?” Kita asked with a slight frown, “I’m sure ya could make time if ya really wanted to, we could change our dinners around fer a while maybe?”
“No way,” you protested immediately, “Dinners with you guys are my only bastion of sanity. Plus I’m not even sure I want to go out and meet people, frankly at this point I’m not even sure I know how. It just… gets a little lonely coming home to an empty apartment sometimes you know?”
“So why don’t you get a hybrid?” Ojirou asked, his tone eminently reasonable despite the shock of what he’d said.
“A hybrid?” you repeated a little dumbfounded, “Me?!”
“Well why not?” he defended, stroking his recently grown goatee with his thumb and forefinger, “You’re wealthy enough to afford one, it would solve your companionship issue, and you wouldn’t have to date anyone, just go to a hybrid adoption center and find someone you’re compatible with.”
When he put it like that it did sound reasonable, even if it wasn’t an idea that had ever occurred to you. A lot of your friends, not just Ojirou, had hybrid companions, one of the weddings discussed earlier that day was even to a hybrid even if it wouldn’t be official until they could get proper legislature passed. You just had never really considered it an option for yourself.
“Do you think I could?” you asked with a light frown, turning the idea over in your mind, the question directed more at Kita than anyone else, both because he was always the most reasonable of the three and because as a hybrid you thought he’d probably be more qualified to answer whether you were a fit ‘owner’.
However to your surprise it wasn’t Kita, but Suna who answered first informing you in his normal lazy drawl, “You’d do well with a hybrid I think, probably something lower energy, like a cat, and we’re pretty self-sufficient as you know, so you wouldn’t have to worry about leaving it home alone like you would a pet.”
“He’s right,” Kita agreed, after a thoughtful pause, “Personally I believe ya would do well with a hybrid, ya get along with us well enough. Plus if yer worried we can help ya look after them. Suna needs a playmate anyway, he’s been getting’ up ta too much mischief lately when Aran and I ain’t here.”
Suna didn’t even bother to protest, just shrugged, completely unbothered by the accusation. Figuring you might as well take advantage of the situation you asked a few more questions, all of which were answered by your friends who all had a lot of input on what kind of hybrid you should get.
You left that night with your head stuffed full of information, after telling them you needed time to think it over. Getting a hybrid was a lifechanging thing and you didn’t want to run off half-cocked. It had gotten you an approving nod from Kita and a supportive pat on the shoulder from Ojirou. Suna had simply given you a knowing smirk, as if the smug cat hybrid already knew exactly what you were going to do as you walked out the door.
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You stared up at the hybrid adoption center, not quite sure how you’d ended up here. For the last week or so, ever since Ojirou had brought it up you’d had hybrids on the brain. You’d found your eyes wandering to look at them when they passed you in the street and idly daydreaming in your down time what it might be like to have one waiting when you came home and fantasizing about what kind you might get.
Normally you were very focused and productive at work, but somehow, you’d found yourself scrolling through different sites, putting in research into what kind of facility you should visit and what you’d need to do. It had gotten bad enough that some of your coworkers had noticed your distraction, which was the final nail in the coffin.
You’d already known which center Ojirou had used to choose Kita and Suna, and so at the end of a particularly long day, quietly dreading heading home to your empty apartment you’d instead found yourself driving over to the center.
It was on the smaller side when it came to hybrid adoption centers, privately run and owned by Azumane Industries, a fashion line that created clothes that specifically catered to hybrids. Ojirou had, had nothing but good things to say, and so gathering your courage you left your car to head resolutely inside.
The lobby was rather quiet, only one other patron and two people manning the desks, both of whom looked up when you entered. You were a bit surprised to see the only two workers in sight were hybrids, one a silver cat of some type and the other clearly a German shepherd.
In hindsight it made a lot of sense to have hybrids be in charge of the adoption of other hybrids as they would likely know best how to match people up. However, you rarely saw that kind of practicality when it came to hybrids especially because you knew there was a lot of prejudice out there.
You offered the cat a hesitant smile, stepping up to the desk, the smile he gave back one that was both kind and welcoming as he introduced, “Welcome to Azumane Industries Hybrid Adoption Center. My name is Sugawara, how can I help you today?”
“I’m looking to adopt,” you admitted, unsure what else to say you tacked on, “My friend recommended this place to me, so here I am.”
“Well, we’ll take good care of you,” he assured you calmly, “Usually we do this by appointment, but you’re lucky. It’s a slow day and we have an opening, so I’d be happy to start the process with you if you’re willing.”
“Great,” you told him with a quiet sigh of relief, glad that he could fit you in. Honestly you should’ve known that a place like this would require a call ahead at least. It would’ve served you right for being so impulsive if they hadn’t been able to squeeze you in, “Just tell me what I need to do.”
Sugawara offered you a sly grin, one that reminded you of Suna as he promptly pushed a large stack of paperwork in your direction and handed you a pen. You grimaced at the sight of it but set to work, quietly filling out the forms one by one and handing each of them to Sugawara after so he could log them into his computer.
The forms reminded you of a loan or job application in a lot of ways, asking after your health, your income, your living situation, if you had a criminal record, any previous experience with hybrids etc. It took you quite a while to fill them all out, and by the end of it your wrist was sore and you’d signed your name more times than you cared to remember. However, since Sugawara had been filling in as you went you didn’t have to wait long to move on to the next step.
“Congratulations,” he told you with an amused smile, watching as you massaged your wrist, “You’ve been approved to adopt from our center, which means we now get to the fun part.”
“Fun part?” you questioned a little warily, having learned from Suna that a cat hybrid smiling at you didn’t necessarily mean good things for your sanity.
“Tell me about what kind of hybrid you’d like,” he told you leaning forward, elbows braced on the desk as he watched you intently, “Do you have any preferences? I’ve read all your information as we’ve gone along so I have some ideas, but I’d like to hear from you what you think you want.”
“I’m not sure where to start,” you admitted, feeling a little overwhelmed.
“That’s alright,” he assured you, “That’s what I’m here for. Let’s start with species, that’s always good and will narrow things down a bit.”
“I know I want a cat or dog hybrid,” you told him immediately glad to have some kind of answer for him, “Rabbit and rodent hybrids have heats and ruts too often for me to handle given how busy work keeps me.”
Heats and ruts were one of the big things that separated hybrids from humans and were part of the reason it was hard for them to find and hold down jobs. There were two kinds of hybrid within each species, alphas and omegas.
Alphas were usually more aggressive, stubborn, and willful. You needed to have a more dominant personality to have an alpha hybrid otherwise they’d walk all over you. Alphas also had a period called a rut, where their hormones skyrocketed and made them want to breed with anything and everything. It was a really uncomfortable time for them, and made them even more aggressive.
Omegas were generally more passive, quiet and compliant. They tended to be favored over Alpha hybrids as companions because of their more docile nature. They had periods called heats, which were similar to an Alphas rut, the only difference being they wanted to be bred rather than to breed. It made them needy and clingy the entire time.
Both heats and ruts lasted anywhere from a couple of days to a week depending on the species of hybrid. Dogs and cats had week long heats, but they only happened two to three times a year, whereas rabbit and rodent hybrids only lasted a few days, but happened every week and a half to two weeks.
You knew it wasn’t necessarily expected for a hybrid owner to stay home when their hybrid was in heat or rut, but you also knew it was those times that hybrids tended to be more reckless. Most of the research you did advised that you should if you could, even if you weren’t the one who was going to be sexually intimate with your hybrid. There were of course hybrid heat centers, where hybrids could go to find willing partners and get their needs taken care of, but you’d heard horror stories about places like that and didn’t want to use one unless you absolutely had to.
“There are medications to manage heats and ruts,” Sugawara pointed out reasonably, a slight frown on his face.
“I know,” you agreed, “But I did some research and it looks like most hybrids don’t like to take them because they have nasty side effects, like potential infertility, mood drops, and weight gain. If there’s a rodent or rabbit hybrid that wants to voluntarily take the medication then that could be fine, but I’ve heard only a few ever want to risk it.”
Sugawara looked surprised for a moment, then slowly nodded, “It’s good you’ve looked into things, and it’s nice to see someone who’s come prepared. I’ve heard a bit of that too, so no rabbits or rodents. Do you have any preference Alpha versus Omega?”
“Not really,” you admitted with a helpless shrug, feeling a little bad for not being able to narrow down the criteria for him, “I’m pretty open so long as they can fit into my lifestyle, are a little more independent, and think they’ll get along with me.”
“Well you’ll at least have lots of options,” Sugwara assured you, with a smile that told you he wasn’t off put by the fact that you didn’t know exactly what you wanted either, “Does that mean you don’t have a preference for breed either?”
“That’s right,” you agreed with a firm nod, “I just want someone who’s going to be compatible with me, everything else is secondary.”
“Okay,” he told you cheerfully, “I’m sure we can do that! Though it might take us a little bit to narrow things down. Since you aren’t picky you might as well come with me to start looking. Daichi can you manage the desk on your own?”
“Sure,” the german shepherd hybrid agreed, from where he’d been sitting quietly, keeping watch over the two of you and typing away on his computer, since there was literally no one else in the lobby, “Just keep a radio on you so I can call you back up here if it gets busy Suga.”
Your soon to be guide agreed with a smile, plucking one of the aforementioned radios up and attaching it to his belt, before standing up from the desk. He stretched in a very feline manner, then ushered you towards a door that led toward the back of the building, tail swishing peacefully behind him.
“Each species of hybrid has its own floor,” Sugawara explained as he led you through the hall, “Bunnies are on the top floor, rodents underneath them, cats on the second floor and dogs here on the first. Each floor has four separate wings, separated into categories depending on whether the hybrid in question is male or female, alpha or omega. These wings have private rooms in them and are connected by a shared space.”
“We’ll be going into the shared space,” he explained pausing outside one of the doors, “It’s where hybrids come both to hang out, and to meet people. If a hybrid isn’t interested in being adopted by a specific human they’ll simply return to their rooms until the human leaves. This way we ensure that no one gets coerced into adoption. We also keep a close eye on things with security cameras in the shared space, for both the safety of humans and hybrids. Before we enter the room, I need you to give me verbal consent to allow yourself to be filmed.”
“That’s fine,” you told him, more than a bit impressed with how thorough and organized the whole thing was, along with the lengths they went to, to ensure everyone’s comfort.
“Alright then, let’s introduce you to the dogs,” he teased, with a confident smile.
The minute the door opened, almost every head turned in your direction, making you feel a bit awkward and unsure. Some of the hybrids were in their human forms, ears and tails the only hint of their non-human status, while others were lounging around in their secondary animal form.
The animal form of a hybrid was indistinguishable from a normal animal of the same breed. The only thing that might give it away was the high level of intelligence. Your research told you that hybrids tended to act more on their instincts when in animal form, which could be both a good thing and a bad thing.
Case in point, the minute you entered with Sugawara one enormous grey and white speckled dog came bounding over barking his head off. He was absolutely huge, and only the madly wagging tail kept you from cringing back as he charged over, his barking immediately setting off a few of the others.
You got the wind knocked out of you a bit as he collided with you, though thankfully the door was behind you, and kept you from being knocked off your feet as he placed enormous paws on your shoulders, burying his face in your hair and sniffing enthusiastically. You froze, unsure exactly what to do in this situation, and more than a bit uncomfortable.
Luckily Sugawara immediately came to your rescue, shoving the big dog off as he scolded, “Bokuto! What have I told you about jumping up on our guests!”
The big dog immediately began to whine, tail tucked between his legs, and you wanted to feel bad for him, except you were still a bit unnerved.
“Sorry about him,” Sugawara apologized with a sigh, “He’s harmless I promise, just incredibly enthusiastic about new people.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him, hesitantly reaching out to Bokuto palms first to see if he might be interested, only to have him turn away. Unsure what to do you glanced at Sugawara, whose tail was swishing in clear agitation.
“Ignore him,” the silver haired cat hybrid told you, “He’s just sulking because he got scolded. In fact, better yet ignore all of them, since they can’t stop being rude and barking.”
This last bit, along with the fierce glare that accompanied it was leveled at the room in general, earning some sheepish looks from a couple of the dog hybrids who were in human form, and managing to quiet several of the barking ones who were in animal form.
“Come on,” he urged with one last flick of his tail, “I should’ve started you with the cats anyway. You seem like a cat person to me, and I assure you they’ll have much better manners. If you don’t find what you’re looking for there, we’ll come back, but let’s explore the cat option first and give them time to recall their manners.”
You allowed him to usher you out of the room and toward the elevator, trusting his judgment. It was funny that he’d said you were a cat person, as he was actually the third cat hybrid to have told you so, Suna being one and the Siamese hybrid of one of your coworkers being the other.
It took you less than a minute to get up to the next floor, and when Sugawara ushered you into the cat hybrid room you could immediately feel the difference. There was no noise for one, just a bunch of curious eyes turned in your direction, but it didn’t feel hostile at all.
Sugawara quickly introduced you to the cat hybrids, telling them you’d come to adopt and had ‘just been slobbered all over by the dog hybrids’ so if they could all ‘mind their manners’ that would be great. You were a little amused at the exasperated hybrid’s antics, and you weren’t the only one, if the quiet snickering from a hybrid with particularly messy hair was any indication. However you were also grateful to him for being so diligent as he introduced you to everyone.
Slowly, several cat hybrids meandered up to you, some in human form, some in cat form, though some also stayed in place clearly observing everything. You chatted lightly with the ones in human form, while letting the ones in cat form do as they pleased, answering their questions and asking a few of your own.
It was a much more relaxed experience, something you were infinitely grateful for after the sudden chaos of the dog hybrid room, and you had to wonder if the cat hybrids who’d pegged you as a cat person hadn’t been right after all. You were in the middle of quietly talking to a lovely female alpha hybrid named Shimizu when Sugawara’s radio blared to life. Apparently, the front had gotten rather busy and Daichi desperately needed his help.
“Will you be alright if I leave you here?” Sugawara asked you seriously, “This shouldn’t take too long, and Shimizu is more than capable of looking after you.”
“Sure,” you agreed, after a quick glance at the hybrid in question, who gave an acknowledging nod of her head, “I don’t mind.”
“Good,” he agreed with a bright grin, before rounding on the rest of the room, “And all the rest of you better behave or I’ll hear why!”
With one last warning glare around the room he turned on his heel and left, leaving you in Shimizu’s capable hands. The two of you continued to talk amiably as several cat hybrids came by in one form or another to sniff at you or listen in on the conversation from nearby. A number of them only came over for a few minutes, lingered a bit and then left, spreading back out to the room or going into the hallways that led to their private rooms, however a good chunk of them stayed nearby as well.
Chatting lightly with Shimizu and a few of the others you found you really liked the poised and graceful cat hybrid and might’ve looked into adopting her. Unfortunately, Shimizu quickly made it clear that she had some plans of her own, that included getting herself and her young and adorable munchkin kitten hybrid Yachi adopted by one of their frequent visitors.
She was however, more than happy to give her own opinion on some of the other hybrids around, most of whom seemed to respect both her and her opinion a lot. You were listening to Shimizu tell you a bit more about Yachi, who was watching from a safe distance, clearly anxious, but also unwilling to leave, when you felt something paw at your leg.
A quick glance down revealed a long haired fluffy looking cat, in shades of silver and white who was staring up at you expectantly. None of the other cat hybrids had actually dared to touch you, a few coming close, but none making actual moves to greet you.
A little intrigued you crouched down so you’d be closer to his eye level, and extended your hands for him the same way you did for Suna when he was in his cat form, giving him a choice about whether he wanted to be touched or not. The cat hybrid eyed your hands thoughtfully for a minute, before sauntering within reach, nudging his head against your palm.
Taking your cue you allowed yourself to pet him, gently rubbing at his silky ears and enjoying the feeling of his thick, plush coat. His back arched pressing closer into your hands, eyelids lowering in contentment as you carefully massaged your fingers through his fur in a way you knew Suna enjoyed.
A rumbling purr escaped his throat and you couldn’t help the pleased smile that crossed your lips at the sound as he pressed his way closer to your torso, entering the circle of your arms and keeping himself there. You were caught up in petting him for a moment and didn’t immediately notice, but after a few seconds you realized the room had gotten very quiet.
It had been quiet before, as cat hybrids didn’t make a lot of noise in general, but now it was almost deathly still outside the small purring sounds from the cat under your hands. You immediately froze and glanced up at Kiyoko who was watching the two of you with wide eyes.
“Is something wrong?” you asked, more than a bit concerned.
“You pet him,” Shimizu murmured, more to herself than to you.
“Should I not have?” you asked worriedly, moving to pull your hands away, “I’m sorry I didn’t realize. I pet my neighbor’s cat hybrid all the time when he’s in the mood for it.”
The cat hybrid under your hands made a noise of protest as you pulled your hands away, giving Shimizu what you assumed to be a rather annoyed look based on her baffled and slightly contrite expression.
“No,” she assured you quickly, “We like to be pet, physical affection is important to hybrids. It’s just that particular one doesn’t usually allow anyone to touch him.”
“Do you mind?” you asked the hybrid in question, holding out your hands again.
He gave an agreeing mew and pressed his head to your palm, which you assumed meant you could resume petting. The fur under your fingers was clearly well taken care of, soft and plush and you truly wouldn’t have minded continuing to pet him until he got sick of you.
However, you were interrupted by a furious yowling sound that immediately made you jump, your head snapping up to search for the source of the noise. It turned out to be another long haired fluffy cat, this one in shades of gold and white who came charging out of the halls and ran straight at you.
You didn’t even have a second to react as the cat that had been in your arms darted around to hide behind you. Not that it stopped the oncoming golden one who didn’t even bother to go around and instead went right over you, claws digging into your arm as he attempted to get at the silver one.
You let out a yelp of surprise and pain, as he launched himself off your shoulder at the silver cat behind you who immediately darted out of reach, running around you in dizzying circles with the golden one fast on his heels both of them yowling, hissing and spitting, clearly having some kind of argument.
It only took a moment for you to regain your bearings and decide you needed to put an end to whatever this was, since poor Shimizu didn’t look at all ready to step in, an utterly appalled look on her face. Luckily you had quick reflexes and managed to snag both cats around the middle and stand up quickly, the abrupt shift immediately silencing both, no doubt shocked by your interruption.
“I think that’s quite enough of that,” you scolded firmly, as you hefted the two carefully, keeping them firmly separated. They were a bit heavier than they looked but certainly not too much for you to keep aloft.
“You,” you scolded the golden one, gently shaking him, who had turned to stare up at you with wide copper colored eyes, “I don’t know what he did to you or why, but I’m sure whatever it was could’ve been resolved without the ruckus. I also don’t appreciate being climbed on or used as a spring board.
“And you,” you gently shook the silver one in turn, who looked equally surprised to be addressed, “I’m not sure if he deserved whatever you did or not, but you shouldn’t have been causing a ruckus either, and I don’t appreciate you using me as a shield.”
“From what I understand, in order to be here you have to be considered adults,” you continued firmly, “So I suggest you act like it, and figure this out between yourselves without dragging innocent bystanders into your mess!”
With that you loosened your grip, fully expecting both of them to jump to the floor. However, both continued to simply hang limply in your grasp, watching you with curious eyes that you realized rather abruptly were almost completely identical.
“Siblings huh?” you asked no one in particular, nodding to yourself, “I suppose that explains a lot.”
“Are you alright?” Shimizu asked you worriedly, “You’re bleeding.”
A quick glance at your arm showed you were indeed bleeding, small pinpricks of blood welling up from where the golden cat had dug his claws into you. It stung a bit, but you didn’t think it was too bad.
“I’m alright,” you assured her, kneeling down and releasing both cats, since they seemed disinclined to continue fighting, and you wanted your hands free, “Though I’d appreciate some disinfectant and some band aids if you’ve got them.”
“Of course,” Shimizu assured you with a quick nod, “Just let me get them and I’ll be right back.”
The elegant hybrid moved with enviable grace and speed as she exited the room, leaving you alone. A quick look around the room showed that almost every eye was now on you, and you heaved a sigh, not exactly pleased to be the center of attention, especially since none of them did anything but stare, none of them bothering to approach, just look.
You glanced down in surprise when you felt something touching your leg, only to find the golden cat headbutting your shin, rubbing his face against your calf affectionately as he twined his way through your legs.
“Does that mean you’re sorry,” you asked, crouching back down and offering your hands to the pretty, fluffy cat.
He immediately rubbed his face against your hands too, which you took as permission to continue your petting, rubbing your hand affectionately over his head and earning a happy purr from the feline who arched happily into your hands.
You were distracted from your petting by a paw, which came to rest on one of your wrists, the silver cat watching with obvious envy in his pretty copper colored eyes. Luckily for both of you, you had two hands, and you reached out to pet him too after assuring it was okay. The golden cat clearly wasn’t too happy about his brother’s presence, but didn’t kick up a fuss, instead pressing himself closer and becoming more insistent as he purred ever louder. The silver cat didn’t seemed to pay him any attention though, simply soaking up your attention and affection.
“Here,” Shimizu offered as she came back, first aid kit in hand, “Do you need any help getting bandaged up?”
You were about to accept her offer, as attempting to bandage your dominant arm was always a pain, when you felt something strange under your hand. You turned your attention back to the cat hybrids you’d been petting just in time to see the silver one shift, form becoming large, limbs extending, body lengthening and bulking up until he stood in front of you in human form.
You blinked, utterly startled as you stared up at him, taking in his appearance. He was incredibly handsome in his human form, with the same silvery grey hair as his fur in cat form in an undercut and bright bronze eyes that peered out at you from under heavy lids. He had a strong, slightly square jaw and thick eyebrows, with blunt cheekbones and cupids bow lips.
He was also surprisingly big, at least six feet tall, and maybe a bit more than that, with broad shoulders and a trim waist. He was wearing a simple black t-shirt that clung to his chest, showing off the definition of his muscles. To top it all off he had two cat ears poking out from his silvery hair and a fluffy tail that was slowly waving back and forth as he looked at you.
“I’ll do it,” he told the two of you, his voice pleasant and lightly accented, his hand held out to Kiyoko gesturing for her to pass him the first aid kit, “I’ll bandage ya up. It’s only fair since the moron who scratched ya is too busy bein’ pampered.”
That earned a hiss from the golden cat, who immediately began to shift under your hands. You watched in surprise and no small amount of awe as he turned into a carbon copy of the other man who’d appeared, only with golden hair, ears and tail. You’d realized the two were related, but you hadn’t realized they were identical twins. Twins were really rare for hybrids, even more rare than human twins. As such they were usually snapped up for adoption right away, so it was rare to see them in any sort of center.
“If ya hadn’t stolen my puddin’ I wouldn’t have chased ya and scratched her in the first place,” the golden cat hybrid hissed at his brother.
“Well if ya hadn’t eaten my onigiri, maybe I wouldn’t have had to eat yer puddin’” the silver haired one retorted, his tone and expression both flatter compared to his sibling who looked like he might lunge at his twin at any moment.
Not wanting to get in the middle of a literal cat fight you held your own hand out to Kiyoko, who gratefully placed the first aid kit in your hands, then plopped down to sit cross legged on the floor. Your sudden movement startled both cat hybrids who turned to look at you, but you pointedly ignored them as you worked on opening the kit, and pulling out the things you’d need.
“Here I got it,” the golden haired one told you, plopping down beside you, “That scrub ain’t right about a lot of things, but he is right about this. I scratched ya, and I should fix ya.”
You gratefully held your arm out to him, and watched as he gently dabbed the scratches with disinfectant, grimacing slightly at the sting. You were distracted enough by his careful movements that you almost didn’t notice the other twin, right up until he gently smeared Neosporin over the scratches, placing small bandages over the deeper punctures.
“Thank you,” you told them both when they finished, automatically reaching up to pet their heads, but then pausing as you realized the gesture might not be as welcome in their human form.
Your worries were quickly allayed through as the golden one practically fell into your palm, soft, happy purring noises leaving his mouth as you gently scratched the base of his ears. His twin however didn’t immediately move for you, and you turned concerned eyes on him, worried he might be offended. The minute he saw you looking though he immediately leaned forward, pressing his head to your palm, his own soft purrs leaving his throat as you carded your fingers through his hair.
“I’m back,” a familiar voice sang, the door to the room sliding open to reveal Sugawara, with a cheerful grin on his face, a grin that was immediately replaced by wide eyed shock as he saw you and the two hybrids who were nearly in your lap with how close they were pressing towards you.
However, shock melted into fury as his eyes saw the open first aid kit and the bandages on your arm, his words nearly a hiss as he demanded, “What happened?!”
Both hybrids immediately stiffened under your hands, drawing closer to you, either looking to protect you or looking for protection you weren’t sure. Either way you allowed it, rubbing your hands over the backs of their necks in a way that always seemed to sooth Suna as you answered, “We just had a bit of a mishap is all, but we’ve cleared it up.”
“Are you sure?” Sugawara demanded anxiously, “We were told when they were brought in that they’d had a bit of trouble before, but they never mentioned that they might attack humans.”
The golden-haired twin seemed to bristle, and if he were in cat form you were sure all his fur would be puffed out as he glared at Sugawara. His twin didn’t look nearly as bothered on the surface, but close as you were, you could see how tight the muscles in his neck and shoulders were as if he was about to spring forward at any moment.
Instinctively you pulled the golden twin toward you, tipping him over into your lap. Despite his size it wasn’t all that difficult given he’d been practically leaning all his weight on you. He let out a yelp of surprise, but stayed still as you buried your fingers in his hair, keeping his cheek pillowed on your thigh. Your other hand gently squeezed the back of the silver twin’s neck, both holding him still and reminding him of your presence.
“It wasn’t an attack, simply an accident,” you assured Sugawara, as you soothed your thumb over the tense muscles of the silver one’s neck, hoping to get him to relax, “A bit like what happened with the dog hybrid earlier.”
“If you’re sure,” Sugawara told you, watching your pet the twins with wide eyes, like he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing, “Does that mean you’ve decided to take them then? I know you were a little worried about adopting one hybrid so I never imagined you’d want two at once.”
“What?” you asked, a little overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of information, and the assumption he’d made.
“You’d have to take both of them,” Sugawara explained gently, “Admittedly sometimes twins are separated, but we don’t do that unless they want to be separated, and in this case both of them have stated they want to stay together.”
“That makes sense,” you agreed, with a smile. It was good that the center accommodated things like that, and you made a mental note to thank Ojirou for directing you to such an upstanding place.
“Should I get paperwork started?” Sugawara asked, with an answering smile, “If you’re taking the twins it will take a bit more work than usual, so I’d like to get started right away. No pressure though, you don’t have to make a decision today if you don’t want to.”
“I hadn’t really thought about adopting them,” you admitted, and felt both twins stiffen under your hands, so hurried to reassure them, “We haven’t had a chance to chat much yet. I’d like to talk to them a little bit first before we make any decisions.”
“Of course,” the kindly hybrid agreed with an understanding nod, “We’ll give the three of you some space and let you get to know one another a bit better.”
“Thank you,” you told him politely, waiting until he’d ushered Kiyoko a little bit away, clearly trying to give you some sense of privacy despite the fact that they were still well within earshot for hybrids, and likely interrogate the elegant female about what exactly had happened while he was gone.
“Do ya not want us,” the golden haired one asked you, once the two were gone, rolling over in your lap to peer up at you with wide copper eyes, the hint of a pout on his lips, and a little bit of hurt in his eyes.
“I don’t know yet,” you told him honestly, gently stroking his golden hair away from his eyes, “We don’t know each other, yet do we? Do you even know if you want to come with me?”
The two cat hybrids glanced at each other, clearly communicating silently with each other for a moment before turning back to you. The golden haired one had apparently been elected spokesperson because he was the one to admit, “We wouldn’t mind goin’ home with ya.”
“But you don’t even know my name, do you? And I don’t know yours either,” you pointed out, utterly baffled that they’d apparently already decided.
“I heard mister pleasant over there when he introduced ya,” the silver haired one told you with a shrug, “But if it matters so much to ya, I’m Miya Osamu and he’s Atsumu.”
“I can introduce myself ya know,” the golden haired on hissed, doing his best to glare at his brother, though you were sure the effect was entirely lost considering he was apparently refusing to move from your lap and was upside down, “And I didn’t get to hear yer name.”
“That’s because ya were sulkin’ in our room,” Osamu pointed out.
“And whose fault is that huh?” Atsumu demanded with a grimace.
“Yer own,” Osamu countered, looking utterly bored as he peered down at his brother. Atsumu made to lunge out of your lap, but was stopped by your hand pressed firmly to his forehead holding him in place. You took advantage of his moment of distraction to introduce yourself, gently rubbing behind his ears until he started purring again.
“And ya wonder why we want to go with ya,” Osamu told you sardonically, watching the two of you, “I ain’t ever seen anybody who could get ahold of Tsumu like that.”
“Do the two of you always squabble like that?” you asked, a little amused and a little concerned, “If I didn’t know better I would’ve thought one of you was a dog hybrid with how well you’re getting along right now.”
“It ain’t always so bad,” Osamu told you, turning his face away though you thought you saw the faintest hint of pink to his cheeks, “We’re just a little restless is all. We haven’t been here long so it’s just new, not as much freedom as we’re used to either bein’ cooped up for most of the day.”
“Surely they let you out if you want out,” you questioned, a little appalled that the center might be keeping hybrids like prisoners.
“Well sure,” Osamu answered turning back to you, his head tilted to the side as he studied you, “But there are only so many places a hybrid is allowed without an owner ya know.”
You winced slightly at the blunt statement, but couldn’t refute it. The law stated that all hybrids had to have a registered owner, and it was then up to that owner to set limits on the hybrid, about where they could go and what they could do. This was because if the hybrid caused any trouble, it was always on its owner to take responsibility which made things quite limited for them at times. There were lobbyists working to change that of course, as it was viewed as inhumane, but for now the law was the law.
“Did you have more freedom before here then?” you asked curiously, “I’ve heard this place is pretty good.”
“It’s not bad,” Atsumu piped in, his voice content and rumbly as he turned languid eyes in your direction, clearly not wanting to be left out of the conversation, “Better than the first center we were at when we first went up for adoption.”
“So you’ve been adopted before? Or did you just get moved from one of the other centers?” you asked curiously, only to have Atsumu go absolutely rigid under your hands as Osamu hissed at him, clearly angry with his brother, who’d apparently revealed something he shouldn’t if the way he shrank away instead of hissing back said anything.
You glanced between the two of them warily, unsure what to do as Atsumu pulled himself out of your lap so he could look at Osamu. The two of them were clearly communicating, both their tails swishing back and forth in clear agitation.
“We had an owner,” Osamu admitted at last, his words clearly careful as he peered at you from underneath the fringe of his hair, “But we didn’t get along with him so he surrendered us ta the shelter again and they sent us here.”
A part of you really wanted to ask why exactly they hadn’t gotten along with their old owner, but given the way Atsumu was refusing to meet your eyes, his nails practically digging into his thighs where he sat next to you, you got the feeling it would be kinder not to. Instead you carefully redirected the conversation back on topic and asked, “And what makes you think you’ll get along better with me than your previous owner?”
“Yer nothin’ like him,” Osamu told you bluntly, effectively shutting that avenue of conversation down.
“If you say so,” you told him calmly, holding his gaze until he glanced away, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
It was clearly a sensitive topic, and you didn’t want to push. You’d just met the two of them today after all, you certainly wouldn’t have liked it if they tried to pry into your past, fair was fair after all.
“What do you picture yourselves doing all day?” you asked instead, figuring you might as well.
“Doing?” Atsumu repeated confused, tilting his head in a manner that you couldn’t help but find rather adorable.
“I’ll be at work most of the day during the week,” you explained patiently, “Which means you’ll be by yourselves for quite a bit of time. You’d be more than welcome to laze around if you really wanted to, but I figured I’d ask.”
“What kind of things are we allowed to do?” Osamu asked slowly, a strange look on his face that you couldn’t quite interpret.
“Anything within reason,” you told him with a helpless shrug, “I have money, it’s not an issue, so long as it’s legal, and doesn’t have the potential to hurt me, you or anyone else then I see no reason to place restrictions. My neighbor has a dog-hybrid who works a small rice farm that Ojirou bought him, but his cat-hybrid Suna spends most of his time either lounging around their apartment or playing sports with some of the other hybrids who live in the neighborhood.”
“Which sport?” Atsumu asked, eyes bright, all hesitation forgotten in the face of this new information.
“Volleyball I think,” you told him with a shrug, “Ojirou and I have gone to watch a few games, though I don’t think it’s just volleyball either.”
If Atsumu had been a dog-hybrid you were sure his tail would’ve been wagging a hundred miles an hour with how eager he looked, copper eyes bright in his face as he told you, “I like volleyball. Do you think he’d let me play?”
“You’d have to take it up with Suna, but I don’t see why he wouldn’t,” you admitted cautiously, earning a happy smile from the hybrid.
“What about you Osamu?” you prompted gently, “Do you play too, or is there something else you’re interested in?”
The silver furred hybrid looked startled to be addressed, but then slowly admitted, “I like to cook.”
“That’s amazing,” you praised, “I live on take out a lot of the time, unless I’m headed over to Ojirou’s or Kita, his dog-hybrid makes an extra bento for me. I really should cook more, but I tend to be on the go a lot and don’t want to dedicate the time.”
“It’s a bit of a shame though,” you admitted, feeling more than a bit sheepish, “One of the best features of my apartment is the kitchen and I hardly ever use it.”
You continued to chat lightly with the twins learning quite a bit about the two of them in the process. Atsumu was definitely the louder twin, always eager and a bit blunt with his words, always saying the first thing that came to mind. Osamu was quieter than his twin, letting his golden furred brother do most of the talking for the two of them. He wasn’t necessarily shy per se, and would answer when spoken to, but he seemed content for the most part to quietly observe before adding his two cents in.
The two of them together were utterly charming, which made you wonder just how they hadn’t been adopted yet. You were fairly sure it must have something to do with the reason they’d been returned to their adoption center, though for the life of you, you couldn’t guess what that reason might’ve been.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Sugawara cut in gently, interrupting Atsumu telling you all about the last volleyball game he’d played in, “But the center is closing to visitors in a few minutes.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized immediately, hurriedly scrambling to your feet, feeling more than a bit guilty, “I hadn’t realized how late it had gotten.”
“That’s alright,” Sugawara assured you with a kind smile, “It sounds like the three of you are getting along well.”
“I think so,” you admitted, glancing at the twins who’d both risen to their feet as well, both of them far more graceful than you could ever hope to be.
Both of them were watching you, Atsumu with tentative hope clear on his face, and Osamu completely unreadable except for the agitated twitch of his tail which told you he wasn’t pleased your conversation had been interrupted.
“I’m glad,” Sugawara told you, “Do we have any kind of decision made?”
“I…” you started glancing between the twins, who were both looking at you. Gut instinct meant you wanted to say yes. You’d gotten along well and you thought you might continue to enjoy one another’s company. They seemed like they’d slot into your life pretty easily. However you were still a bit hesitant. Adopting one hybrid had seemed like a big deal, but adopting two?
Plus you’d only met them today. Maybe you were being overly cautious but a single day didn’t seem like nearly enough time to get to know someone before inviting them to live with you, no matter how much your heart urged you to say yes.
“Actually, it doesn’t matter,” Sugawara interrupted, an apologetic expression on his face, pulling you from your thoughts as he explained, “We wouldn’t have time to finish the paperwork before it’s time to close, so you wouldn’t be able to take them home with you anyway, not today at least.”
“But…!” Atsumu tried to protest, but quelled as Sugawara shot him a stern look.
“I think that it will be good for all of you to sleep on your decision,” the cat-hybrid told all three of you firmly, gently beginning to usher you from the room, before telling you, “You can come back tomorrow if you like. We’re open at the same times then.”
“Alright,” you agreed, following after him without a fuss, only to pause in your tracks at a heartbreaking mewling sound.
You turned around to see Atsumu staring after you with devastation written all over his handsome features, his hand outstretched like he was trying to reach out and physically stop you from leaving. Before you’d really thought about it your feet had carried you back, and you’d pulled the hybrid into your arms.
Atsumu clutched you tightly, burying his face in your neck and rubbing his cheek against yours in a move you recognized as scenting. You let him do as he pleased without protest, gently running your fingers through his soft golden hair. However, you were conscious of Sugawara waiting for you, so you gently extracted yourself after a few minutes.
Turning you saw Osamu watching you with an unreadable expression on his face, but you stepped toward him, offering your open arms anyway, waiting patiently. You were rewarded for that patience as he stepped into your hold, nuzzling at you the same way his twin had on the opposite side.
“I’ll come back,” you found yourself promising, “I have work tomorrow, but after I’ll be here.”
Osamu drew back and peered into your face, copper eyes boring into your own, clearly searching for something before nodding, “We’ll hold ya to that.”
You let Sugawara usher you out after that, but found yourself tearing up a bit as you followed after him. You desperately didn’t want to leave the twins behind. Somehow, someway you’d gotten terribly attached to them in just a few short hours.
Your sniffling apparently caught Sugawara’s attention, because he turned around and hurriedly fumbled a packet of tissues from one of his pockets.
“I’m sorry,” he told you apologetically, “I thought maybe you wanted more time to think things over. We can still do paperwork tonight if you want I don’t mind staying a bit late.”
You looked at him, startled that he’d apparently picked up on your hesitation as you gratefully accepted the tissues, dabbing at your eyes and blowing your nose before replying, “No, no you’re right. It’s not a decision I should make impulsively. I do want to think it over I just…”
You trailed off helplessly, unsure what to say or how to explain that you’d gotten incredibly attached and were currently having a crisis as your head and heart were at war with each other. However, Sugawara apparently understood as he nodded in clear sympathy.
“Don’t worry,” he assured you, “That’s completely understandable, adopting a hybrid is no small thing. Those troublesome twins will still be here waiting for you tomorrow, so take all the time you need to think it over.”
“I will,” you told him, then tacked on sincerely, “Thank you, for all your help today. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s my pleasure,” he told you with a bright, pleased smile as he walked you to the door, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow,” you agreed with a smile, letting yourself out and heading back for your car.
The drive home your thoughts were absolutely full of the twins, and what it might be like to have them with you. Your heart and your mind were at war with one another, your heart desperate to run back to the center as soon as it opened in the morning for the cat hybrids, and your head worrying about what it might mean to have both of them and why they’d been returned to the center by their previous owner.
You were so preoccupied with your thoughts that you almost didn’t notice Suna as you walked passed Ojirou’s door, headed to your own.
“What is that?” Suna demanded, his voice making you pause in your tracks.
“What is what?” you asked him baffled as he strode toward you nose in the air, clearly picking up something.
“You smell like hybrid,” he informed you his tone accusatory, watching you with narrowed golden eyes.
“Do I?” you asked mildly.
“You do,” he affirmed, “Doesn’t she Kita?”
“Doesn’t she what?” the collie hybrid asked, emerging from somewhere deeper in the apartment.
“Smell like hybrid,” Suna explained, his tail twitching languidly behind him and eyes alight with interest.
“You do,” Kita agreed, after carefully scenting the air, “Two of them actually.”
“Really?” Suna asked, clearly surprised, moving closer to sniff at you again, “You sure?”
You held still, too used to his behavior to be bothered by it, partly amused and partly annoyed at the cat hybrid who was clearly digging for information.
“Yes I’m sure,” Kita told him calmly, “They’re very similar, but there.”
“They’re identical twins,” you explained, figuring the jig was up anyway, and hoping maybe Ojirou or Kita would have some advice that might help you with your quandary.
“Ho?” Suna asked a purr of interest in his voice as he inhaled and nodded to himself, then asked slyly, “And what were you doing with these twins to have their scent on you so thoroughly?”
“Is Ojirou home?” you asked Kita, completely ignoring Suna’s question, earning a chuckle of amusement from the Siamese.
“He’s here,” Kita agreed, “Did you need to speak with him?”
“Both of you, if you have a minute?” you questioned hopefully.
“For you? Always,” Kita assured you kindly ushering you in.
“Oya, I think I’m hurt,” Suna told you as he followed along behind, a feline smirk on his face, “What about me? Don’t you want my advice too? After all they’re cat hybrids aren’t they?”
“They are,” you agreed with a huff as you plopped into your normal chair, “But are you going to give me good advice, or are you going to say whatever you think will be most amusing for you?”
“What’s this about cat-hybrids?” Ojirou asked, emerging from the hallway, where Kita had gone to fetch him.
“She’s thinking about adopting twin cat-hybrids,” Suna informed him before you had the chance to speak up, smug as the cat who got the canary.
“Are you really?” Ojirou questioned with a grin, taking his own seat.
“Yes,” you agreed, shooting the smug Siamese a look for interrupting and stealing your thunder, “I went to that adoption center you recommended today.”
“That’s great,” Ojirou told you, leaning forward in his chair eagerly, “How did it go?”
You explained your meeting with the twins, happily accepting the drink Kita pressed into your hands, which was your favorite, as the collie hybrid got everyone settled and then settled in himself to listen. You talked about how much you liked them, but your wariness about getting not one but two hybrids, and the strange issue with them having a previous owner and being so cagey about it.
“I can see why you’re wary about used goods,” Suna noted.
“Don’t call them that,” you snapped, despite the fact that you could hear the tinge of sarcasm in his voice and knew he didn’t really mean it, unable to help yourself, “people aren’t like items, and shouldn’t be treated like them.”
“She’s right,” Kita told the Siamese sternly, “Even as a joke, that was a rude way to refer to them.”
Suna slouched in his seat, looking thoroughly chastised as he admitted, “I know you don’t see them like that. You’ve always treated us just like normal people.”
“That’s because you are just like normal people,” you told him, stroking your fingers through his hair to let him know you forgave him, “Just with enhanced senses and a different set of instincts at times.”
“I don’t know why you think you need our advice,” Ojirou pointed out reasonably, “It sounds like you’ve pretty much already made up your mind, you clearly adore them already.”
“It’s just a lot,” you admitted, “Do you think I can handle twin hybrids? Especially since I’ve never even had one before? I mean, I’m not like you, none of my family ever had one growing up, and the only ones I really know are Kita, Suna, and a couple that come into the office with Tendou from time to time.”
“We’re not exactly children,” Kita reasoned, logically, “We don’t actually require all that much care outside of the basics, which I know you’re monetarily able to provide, and companionship, which is the whole reason you decided to seek out a hybrid in the first place. One or two, does it really matter? It might even be better as they’ll be able to keep each other company if they get lonely when you’re gone, and I see no reason we can’t help you look after them too.”
“You’d do that?” you asked the collie hybrid, surprised.
“Of course,” he agreed with a tiny smile, “We’re friends are we not?”
You smiled at him, touched, and extremely reassured by his ever cool logic. It did make sense, and quelled some of your worries, plus knowing the extremely reliable hybrid would help you out if you needed it was incredibly comforting.
“I wouldn’t worry about them being returned to their center,” Suna told you, surprisingly serious, “Hybrids get returned for all sorts of reasons, but most of the time its owner incompatibility rather than behavioral issues. Plus that center wouldn’t let you adopt them if they thought they’d give you trouble.”
“But Sugawara did say they’d heard the twins gave someone trouble,” you admitted, recalling the conversation with the worried cat-hybrid.
“Yes, but they didn’t give you trouble,” Suna pointed out, “We cat hybrids tend to make up our minds pretty quickly about people. It sounds like they decided they liked you, and unless something really terrible happens they’ll keep liking you, we’re terribly stubborn that way.”
“If you’re really worried you can always ask the center about it,” Ojirou told you, “They keep records, and would probably tell you, especially if it’s a concern about their adoptability.”
“I don’t want to pry into something and lose their trust,” you admitted, even as part of you was incredibly tempted to do just that.
“Then maybe try asking if the center if they think whatever the issue was, will be an issue with you,” Suna reasoned, “And if they say no then let it lie and adopt them, and if they say maybe or yes, then tell the twins you can’t accept them if they can’t tell you what the issue was.”
“That seems fair to me,” Kita agreed with a nod, “Just make sure you’re honest and tell them you asked, just in case.”
“Okay,” you agreed, letting out a relieved breath, “Okay that sounds really reasonable to me. It’s just… do you think I’m rushing into this too fast? I mean going to the center today was an impulse.”
“I don’t think so,” Ojirou assured her thoughtfully, “You’ve been thinking about it for a while, haven’t you?”
“She’s put so much thought into it she’s actually over thought it,” Suna interjected wryly before you had a chance to answer.
You made a face at him but couldn’t actually argue. He might have a point about overthinking it. Reassured you spent a good couple hours talking with your neighbor and the two hybrids as they answered more of your questions, and you told them about the twins.
Eventually however you headed home, determined now to get at least a little bit prepared for the arrival of your two new housemates tomorrow. Luckily it wasn’t dirty, but running a load of laundry and doing a little vacuuming never hurt anyone. You didn’t have a whole lot for them and didn’t know what kind of things they might have or need, but hopefully your office with pull out futon and guest bedroom would suffice for now until you could take them shopping.
Falling into bed that night you let yourself feel your excitement for the first time. You were adopting a hybrid, not just one but adorable twin hybrids. You couldn’t wait to bring them home and maybe put an end to your loneliness once and for all.
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Osamu glanced slowly around the room, trying not to look at his twin, the clock, or the doors to the main area of the shared living space the way Atsumu was. Yesterday had been a bit of a revelation. He’d never actually expected to approach the woman who’d shown up looking to adopt. After what happened with their last owner he’d never expected to ever actually want to be adopted again. However, somehow he’d found himself entranced by her, and he had no one but himself to blame.
When he’d initially strolled over, it was because he’d known via his bond to his older twin that he’d finally realized that Osamu had snagged his pudding for himself and was throwing a fit about it. He’d thought that his twin wouldn’t dare make a fuss if he was with a potential owner.
The rules of this place were pretty lax compared to the first center they’d lived in. It allowed them a lot more freedoms. It let them come and go from their rooms as they pleased rather than on a regimented schedule, and allowed them to turn down any potential adopter that they didn’t like, which had felt utterly shocking and unprecedented when he’d first been told about it. They gave them a small allowance they could spend or save as they chose, and even let them deal with their heats and ruts in whatever way they chose, including with other tenants so long as birth control was used.
It honestly felt like heaven compared to the first center they’d been at, and maybe even better than living with their previous owner even before everything had gone to shit. He wasn’t sure he’d even ever wanted to leave, which he’d been assured by several other tenants was also an option if he so desired.
However, the one rule that was the same between both centers was that they weren’t allowed to cause trouble with the humans that came looking to adopt. This was only good sense considering how much the law favored humans in cases of hybrid vs human issues. However, unlike the first center they’d lived, this one at least didn’t threaten to put them down if they misbehaved.
They’d been young back then, everyone in that center was, all of them below the age of twenty-one, because anyone who reached their twenty-second birthday disappeared and was never seen again. Thus he hadn’t known it was actually against the law to kill hybrids, none of them had known and the caretakers had perpetuated the rumor that those who reached twenty-two were killed instead of shipped off to other centers in order to make them that much more desperate to be adopted.
It had made him more than a bit bitter once he’d been with their new owner long enough to learn more about what was and wasn’t allowed when it came to human hybrid interactions. The man had actually found their previous beliefs amusing and had laughed at them more than once for being so naïve.
It was positively galling, and had made his hackles rise more than once. However he’d known better than to lash out and had better impulse control than Atsumu who’d been punished by their previous owner more than once for acting aggressively. Fortunately, Osamu had never liked being made fun of, and spite was a powerful motivator, meaning he’d practically memorized any and all of the laws that had to do with hybrids.
It meant the few times their owner had toed the line with Atsumu’s punishments that he’d been able to cite the law to pull him back, right up until their owner had decided he no longer cared and pushed too far, leading to them being removed from his home and put back up for adoption at this new center.
They had been here for just over a month and while several people had been interested in adopting the ‘rare gold and silver hybrid twins’ he had absolutely refused to engage with any of them. It was probably why that female alpha hybrid had been so shocked when he’d first approached.
He’d fully intended to just use the human to keep Atsumu at bay, right up until she’d crouched down and offered her hands to him and he’d gotten a whiff of her scent. He’d known from the few lessons their ma had bothered to teach them that hybrids relied a lot more on their sense of smell than humans did, and that scent was the basis of the instinct that told them who would be a good mate and who wouldn’t.
He’d originally thought compatibility could only be found with other hybrids, after all he’d met plenty of humans before both when he’d lived in the adoption centers and with his previous owner and never once had he gotten a hint of compatibility with any of them. He thought he could be forgiven for completely losing his head and giving over to his instincts as he caught the scent of the most compatible person he’d ever met.
Her scent was honestly indescribable, and his instincts had him purring within seconds as he tried to rub her scent all over himself. She’d obliged, petting him with fingers that had felt magical, her touch kind and soothing and perfect as she rubbed his ears, carded fingers through his fur and rubbed her hand along his back.
He’d been lost in a dizzy haze of touch and scent and probably would’ve remained that way if not for the fury of his brother, which had jolted him out of it. It had been like a bucket of cold water dumped over his head pulling him from his happy haze and reminding him of the whole reason he’d come up to the human in the first place.
He probably should’ve run off, but hadn’t been able to bring himself to move very far, instead darting around to hide behind her. He’d thought that once Atsumu saw her he’d stop and at least hold off attempting to get vengeance until later, but he’d overestimated his brother again, who was apparently more incensed than he’d guessed about the lost pudding.
Instinct had kicked in and before he’d really thought about it he was running away from his brother, darting around her legs in a game of chase that was both amusing and a bit annoying, especially when he could tell how much it was pissing his brother off, his sibling’s annoyance pulsing down their bond in waves of sparks.
He wasn’t sure how long it would’ve continued, as they’d actually run around like this until someone got tired before, usually Atsumu as he got fed up and didn’t have the patience to keep going. However, he’d suddenly found himself plucked right up into the air.
He’d been amused when she’d scolded Atsumu, though the amusement had faded a bit when she’d decided to scold him too, leaving him feeling properly chastised. He’d been more than a bit pissed off with his brother when he’d realized the nice smelling woman was bleeding because of him, though there’d also been a small frisson of fear, wondering what the consequences would be.
However, to his surprise she hadn’t actually seemed all that angry with either of them. Instead she’d immediately accepted Atsumu’s apologies as his brother, who’d managed to get a lungful of her scent had cuddled up to her. He could feel Atsumu’s deep interest in the human. His brother clearly also scented compatibility with her, which wasn’t surprising given they’d shared almost everything else in their lives.
He’d found himself more than a little bit jealous as he’d watched his brother soak up her attention. It had always been like that to an extent. Atsumu had always been the more outgoing one, the one who attracted attention, who wore his heart on his sleeve and somehow managed to win people over despite his often crass personality. Osamu had always kind of faded into the background as he was much quieter and had better control over his emotions, the silver to his gold, the shadow to his light.
Normally he didn’t mind, but this time being forgotten had stung. They’d always competed with each other, but most of the time he’d been humoring his brother, or simply hadn’t wanted Atsumu to win rather than wanting the prize of winning himself. This time though it had felt like more than that. No way was he going to let his brother steal her all to himself.
Before he’d really thought about it he’d reached out a paw, and to her credit she’d immediately offered him a sweet smile and resumed her wonderful petting. Atsumu hadn’t been pleased, but he hadn’t cared a bit.
It hadn’t surprised him at all that when Shimizu had come back with the first aid kit that Atsumu had insisted on taking over when he’d been the one to offer first. The two of them had continued to quietly compete over her attention as they fixed up her scratches, though he could at least feel his brother’s guilt for inflicting them on her in the first place, which did help sooth some of his annoyance with his older twin.
It was utterly gratifying that even when she had Atsumu literally in the palm of her hand, she’d still looked for him too. He’d tried to shove the feeling down and away, trying to remind himself that neither he nor his brother actually wanted another owner, but found it wasn’t working well. The combination of her scent and her fingers as she massaged her fingers through his hair enough to make him want to curl up in her lap and never leave.
He’d thought they might get in trouble when Sugawara returned. His fellow silver cat-hybrid belonged to the owner of the center, and took his job very seriously. He wouldn’t allow any of them to make trouble, and while he respected him, and admittedly envied him a bit for the clear trusting and loving relationship he had with his owner it didn’t stop him from wanting to claw his eyes out for bringing up their past in front of her.
Right when he was considering attempting to verbally eviscerate the other hybrid and damn the consequences his brother’s shock had pulled him from his thoughts, and he turned just in time to see her pull his twin into her lap. The feel of her hand gently squeezing his neck from behind practically made him limp with pleasure as Atsumu’s own bliss at being so close to her combined with his own to thoroughly distract the two of them, though not so much he didn’t notice her excusing their behavior and ensuring they didn’t get in trouble.
However, both of them had snapped to attention when the other hybrid had asked her if she wanted to adopt the two of them. He’d been able to feel his twin’s building hope, his impulsive brother apparently forgetting all about not wanting another owner, already clearly more than half in love with her despite not even knowing her for a day.
It was a trait he both hated and envied in his twin, the ability to be so impulsive, to move on so quickly and let go of past hurts. It wasn’t something he was capable of. He knew he was a grudge holder and far slower to trust than his brother was. He liked to think it served him well and kept him from being as naïve as Atsumu could be, though there were times it made things difficult too.
He’d been unsure whether he wanted her to state her intention to adopt them or not, right up until she’d said she hadn’t even considered it. It stung more than he’d expected, his own small hurt amplified by his brother’s though both of them had been somewhat soothed by her explanation that she wanted to know them better.
It was extremely reasonable and made him like her all the more, knowing she was the cautious type, more like him than like Atsumu, even if he simultaneously wished she’d been a little more impulsive just this one time and said yes instead. Though he found himself heartened by her honesty. That she’d actually asked them if they wanted to go with her rather than making any sort of assumption had settled things for him.
He hadn’t needed Atsumu’s silent pleading to forget their original plans to agree that maybe they should give this human a chance, though it did make it easier in the end to agree as he wasn’t the only one who wanted it.
They’d both tried to win her over, and though they’d accidentally fallen into squabbling more than once she’d handled it like a champ, not at all put off and even amused by it if the smile was any indication. However, despite the fact that they were the ones trying to win her over, it seemed every word she spoke was actually meant to win them over instead.
She was nothing like their previous owner, who’d been strict with his rules and harsh with his punishments. In fact she didn’t speak about punishments at all. He wasn’t naïve enough to think there wouldn’t be any if they misbehaved, but the freedoms she was offering in turn more than made up for anything she might throw their way.
The biggest hiccup had been when Atsumu mentioned their previous owner. The horror and guilt he’d felt from his twin was the only reason he’d managed to keep himself from doing more than hiss at him. His stomach had sunk when she’d gently pressed them for answers, but he knew they had to give her something.
He’d tried to give her as little as possible unwilling to volunteer the information, both because he hated even thinking about their time with their previous owner and because he was afraid she might somehow decide she didn’t want them because of it. In the end she’d changed the subject herself, and not brought it up again, but as she’d walked away from them with Sugawara, leaving them behind he’d wondered rather despairingly if that hadn’t been a mistake.
It didn’t matter that she’d turned around to comfort them when Atsumu had been unable to keep his heartbreak quiet. He’d known the minute she walked out the doors the chances of her coming back were slim to none. That was the other thing that remained consistent between this shelter and the last. Once a potential owner walked away claiming they needed to ‘think on it’ they never came back.
Still he hadn’t been able to turn away from her embrace, or to stop himself from scent marking the opposite side of your neck from the one his twin had claimed, laying his own personal stamp with the faint hope it would remind you to come back for them. However, no matter what you’d said, he couldn’t bring himself to hope. He knew hoping would only lead to more disappointment, and he wasn’t like Atsumu he wouldn’t be able to bounce back from it.
Not that his twin was making it easy on him. His brother’s hope was so fierce it was almost painful and he could feel the slightly desperate edge to it. He’d gotten attached to her, not that he could blame him, he was more attached than he wanted to be too. However unlike him, Atsumu had fill faith you were coming back, so much so he’d actually packed up his room into the bags they’d brought from his old place and was ready to go.
Nothing Osamu or any of the others, who also seemed to understand how small the chance was that she’d come back for them, said could sway him. The moment it had passed three o’clock Atsumu had brought hjs bags out to the shared living area and began to sit vigil, waiting for her to come back.
Stubborn as ever his twin had ignored all the pitying looks sent his way and the fact that slowly but surely time had slipped by, leaving just half an hour until they were supposed to close. Though his face was resolute, his brother wasn’t actually stupid and Osamu knew it was only stubborn pride keeping him in place. He could feel the slow onset of his twin’s hurt and despair as each minute ticked down.
He’d contemplated leaving him, going to his own room to wallow, but he knew he could never abandon his twin. They’d been through everything together, and he certainly wasn’t going to leave him now.
He was trying to figure out if he could coax his brother into leaving his post when the door swung open, revealing Sugawara, who had a wide beaming smile on his face. His fellow silver hybrid cast a quick glance behind him before ushering his follower into the room.
He barely caught a glimpse of her before his brother practically launched himself at her, but it was enough to freeze him in his place, because it was her. She’d actually come back after all.
His brother had wrapped himself around her, burying his face in her neck and clinging to her like favorite a stuffed toy, not that she seemed to mind, if the hands she was running over his hair and back meant anything. He couldn’t quite hear what they were saying, the words too quiet to hear over the sudden near painful hope and the rapid beat of his own heart at the thought that she’d come for them.
Atsumu’s joy was practically burning through him, combined with his restored faith and smug satisfaction that he’d been right all along about her coming back for them. It probably should’ve annoyed him, but he found that all he could really feel was a bone deep sort of relief.
“Where’s your brother?” she asked, as she finally managed to gently extract herself a bit from his twin’s embrace, though he noticed he didn’t let go entirely, one of his hands laced firmly with hers.
He immediately stood, letting himself fall back into his more human skin as he made his way toward them, not waiting for his brother to out him. She seemed to spot him immediately and the relieved smile on her face was enough to make his traitorous heart skip a beat.
“Osamu,” she greeted warmly, more warmly than he thought he’d ever been greeted by anyone before as she opened her free arm in an inviting gesture. It was maybe a little pathetic how readily he accepted that embrace, but he couldn’t bring himself to care, as he fell into her hold, face automatically nuzzling against the side of her neck that Atsumu had left unclaimed. A rumbling purr left his lips as he felt her press her face against his affectionately, as he allowed himself to cling to her for a bit.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she murmured to him quietly, her arm squeezing affectionately around his waist, genuine regret in her tone, “My boss made me stay a little longer than usual, and then there was an accident on the freeway. I called ahead though and Sugawara has almost all the paperwork done. I just need to collect the two of you, do some signing and we’ll go home okay?”
“Really? Yer takin’ us home?” he almost didn’t recognize his own voice given how weak it sounded, the quaver in it making him feel utterly ridiculous and overly emotional, something that was supposed to be his twin’s job, and frustrated him enough that he bit his lip nearly hard enough to bleed as he wrestled with himself, trying to get back in control of his emotions.
“Yeah, as long as you want to come, then I’ll gladly take you,” she offered with a gentle smile that made his heart squeeze nearly painfully in his chest, “Though there’s something I need to admit to first.”
He froze a little at that, staring at her anxiously as Atsumu also looked on, his blabbermouth brother finally silent and clearly wary. She carefully released him, though she still reached for his hand, peering between the two of them, anxious but also obviously determined. He allowed her to grasp her fingers, squeezing them automatically, anxiety making his heartrate skyrocket and bile rise in his throat.
“I asked the center about your previous owner,” she confessed, the words automatically making his heart drop, as he wondered numbly what they could’ve told her. Had she asked for the details? Was she afraid now? Had she changed her mind or decided to add some stipulations to their adoption?”
“I didn’t ask for details,” she clarified, her voice managing to cut through the haze of panic that had been rising in his chest, “All I asked was if they thought whatever had happened with your previous owner would cause trouble for me, or put any of us in any sort of danger.”
That didn’t actually sound so bad, and was even fairly reasonable the storm of hurt and anger that had been building behind his anxiety slowly dispersing the more he thought about it. He noticed that his grip on her hand had loosened a bit, and he retightened his hold, hoping the center had responded in a way that reassured her. Given that she was here, talking to them, he thought it wasn’t unreasonable to be hopeful.
“They said none of us would be in any danger, otherwise they never would’ve offered to take you both in, in the first place, and that they were sure you’d be alright with me,” she explained, her hand gently squeezing his in return.
He wasn’t sure if the bone deep relief he felt was his or his brother’s but he couldn’t bring himself to care, too caught up in the surging hope that followed it as she asked, “So, even knowing that I asked that, are the two of you still willing to come home with me?”
“O course we want to go with ya, right Samu?” his brother replied instantly, nuzzling into her neck insistently, clearly begging for attention, attention she seemed more than willing to give if the affectionate smile on her face was any indication. When she looked at him for confirmation all he could do was nod in agreement, unable to find the words for how very much he did want it and unwilling to sound ridiculous again.
The next half hour passed in a strange almost dream like haze, as he packed himself up, his smug brother clinging to her and gloating over how he was already finished, soaking up her attention as he made a mental note to get back at his annoying twin later. Once he finished packing all there really was, was a couple of signatures before he found himself in a nice car that was speeding along the highway.
Atsumu was chatting away in the front seat, practically bouncing as he asked their amused new owner anything that popped into his head as he tried to digest what had happened. Somehow, someway, they had an owner again.
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You smiled to yourself as you listened to Atsumu babble away happily in the seat next to you. The golden furred twin hadn’t stopped bouncing since you’d showed up at the shelter, clearly over the moon that you’d come back for him. Osamu was quiet in the back seat, and you might’ve been worried he was happy to come with you if not for the way he’d scent marked you, almost frantically his hand clutched tightly to yours as you’d signed the paperwork to take them home.
It was pretty clear both twins had thought you weren’t coming back for them, and it had broken your heart a bit, and made you even more resolute that you’d done the right thing for all of you. You’d been anxious the whole day to get back to them, not nearly as focused on work as you probably should’ve been, which had been part of the reason for your delay in the first place.
You’d panicked more than a bit when you’d encountered the accident on the way there, afraid that you’d break your promise to the twins. It had only been Sugawara’s kind voice, assuring you that he’d start the paperwork while you drove and even stay open late if necessary for you to get there, that had kept your guilt and panic at bay.
Now that you had them with you weren’t quite sure how you felt. Dazed that it was actually happening, excited for what the future might bring, and a little anxious about all the changes you’d have to make in your life even as you looked forward to those changes more than anything.
However, before you headed for home there were a couple things you needed to do first. Luckily you would hopefully find everything you needed in one place, at least for today. You wanted to give them time to settle in a bit, more shopping could come later when they’d decided what they needed.
“Where’s this?” Atsumu asked, pausing in his excited babble to look at you with confusion, as you pulled into the large parking lot, “Ya don’t live here do ya?”
“Don’t be stupid,” his brother huffed from the backseat, “Yer gonna make her think we’re some kind of bumpkins, ya know what a mall is Tsumu.”
“O course I know what a mall is,” Atsumu blustered, twisting around in his seat to glare at his twin, “I just thought maybe she had an apartment nearby is all. Who knows how rich people live?”
You huffed in amusement, reaching out without thought to ruffle his ears affectionately. The golden haired hybrid froze for a minute under your touch, and you wondered if you’d done something wrong, freezing as well, before a rumbling purr left his chest as he pressed his head further into your hand.
“You’re too cute,” you murmured almost to yourself as you gently scratched his ears and stroked your hand over his face and neck, unable to keep the smile from your lips.
“We’re only stopped here for a quick couple errands,” you explained to both twins, reluctantly pulling away from Atsumu who offered a pout but didn’t protest, “I noticed you don’t have as much as I thought you would, and I want to get you more comfortable collars to wear when we’re in public.”
Both twins hands immediately flew to the simple brown leather bands around their necks. All hybrids were required to wear collars in public to identify them as belonging to someone. The collars had a tag on them, which was essentially a small chip that had all their owner’s information in it, that when scanned would tell someone how to get in contact with their owner. It was to ensure they behaved and that if they didn’t their owner could be forced to take responsibility for their actions. Any hybrid who walked around without a collar immediately had the police called and was brought in and held until they could figure out why they were without.
You’d heard horror stories about the way such hybrids were treated, innocent hybrids who’d accidentally lost a collar somewhere and been so traumatized when they were finally returned to their owners that they were never the same again. Which of course was why you were determined it was never going to happen to your twins, even if a part of you balked at the idea of putting a symbol of ownership on another sentient being. Judging from the looks on their faces, Atsumu’s much easier to read than Osamu’s they’d heard stories too, and neither of them bothered to protest.
“Come on,” you urged gently, climbing out of the car yourself, “The sooner we get the unpleasant stuff done the sooner we get to the good stuff. I’ve got a couple things in mind I’d like to get you both as welcome home presents, but if there’s anything else you think you want or need feel free to ask.”
“Presents?” Atsumu asked eagerly, practically bounding out of the car.
“That’s right,” you agreed with a small laugh, watching him sulk a bit as he realized his brother had beaten him in securing your free hand, Osamu’s fingers laced with your own and a smug smirk on the silver hybrid’s face, “So keep close and let’s get going okay?”
Luckily the mall wasn’t too crowded, and while the twins got more then their fair share of admiring looks, doubtless both because of how good looking they were and how rare twin hybrids in general were, no one actually dared to approach your group, even as Atsumu practically bounced around glancing around the mall in fascination and reminding you more of an eager puppy than a supposedly slightly older cat hybrid.
Osamu was much more dignified and kept close to your side, though judging from his wide-eyed look that he couldn’t quite hide behind his stoic façade he was just as in awe as his brother. You were starting to get an impression of their previous owner and it was far from good.
You’d known that some owners kept their hybrids close to home, either because they were overly protective or possessive, and it had always rubbed you the wrong way. Ojirou had always allowed Kita and Suna to do as they pleased for the most part, treating them as capable adults and equals, more like roommates than the pets some treated their hybrids as and his was the example you were going to strive to follow.
It was why your errands today were so important, because while you would happily have let your twin hybrids run around as they pleased dressed however they pleased a collar was unfortunately the one thing they couldn’t be without, especially if they were going to go outside without you.
Luckily the mall was outfitted with several hybrid specialty stores and it didn’t take you long to find one dedicated entirely to collars. Both twins were a little wide eyed at the selection, and neither seemed to know quite what to say as you roamed through the aisles together looking at the selection.
Several of them made you grimace in outright distaste, the collars boasting accessories like inward facing spikes or tracking devices that would alert the owner if the hybrid tried to leave their home. It made you feel a little sick to your stomach, so you instead turned to the less intrusive ones.
“Do you see anything you like?” you asked the twins, squeezing Osamu’s hand affectionately, “You don’t have to wear collars in the house if you don’t want to, but you’re going to need them if you want to leave when I’m not home, which means you’ll probably be wearing them a lot, so make sure to pick something you like. You can even pick a couple if you want it to match your outfit for the day or whatever I don’t mind spending a little more to get a handful of chips programmed.”
Both twins blinked at you owlishly clearly startled by the offer, which made your heart hurt for them, even as they hesitantly turned back toward the displays, looking more closely than they had before.
“Do ya have any restrictions?” Osamu asked bluntly, not quite looking at you as he eyed a display of thick leather ones that didn’t look comfortable in the slightest.
“No,” you assured him, “I’m not the one who has to wear it.”
Osamu nodded slowly, and seemed to be taking his time as he perused the collars. You let him do as he liked, allowing him to lead. You’d only loosened your hold on him once, thinking he may like to wander the store like his brother and not have to tow you along with him, but the way his hand had reflexively tightened on yours in response had put paid to that assumption and you’d immediately re-laced your fingers together.
In the end Atsumu approached you first, holding a collar out to you hopefully. It actually looked like it was meant more for a dog hybrid, thick black leather with steel spikes on it, making it look fairly fierce. Personally you thought it was gaudy and was probably going to be uncomfortable, but you tried not to let your distaste show, after all you’d said anything they wanted and you’d meant it. Luckily in the end you didn’t need to say anything.
“What the hell is that?” Osamu demanded when he caught sight of the collar in his brother’s hands, the disgusted look on his face letting you know his feelings quite clearly.
“It’s a collar scrub, what else would it be?” Atsumu replied with a sneer for his twin you were beginning to think was automatic.
“I’m not the scrub you are,” the silver twin sneered, “Because only a scrub would wear somethin’ like that.”
“Oy,” Atsumu interjected, with a fierce glare, “She said we could have what we wanted.”
“Yeah but she probably thought ya had some sort of taste, she doesn’t know you well enough to know how scrubby ya are scrub,” Osamu hissed back.
“Alright guys,” you interjected gently, squeezing Osamu’s hand and reaching out to gently ruffle Atsumu’s ears, aware of the eyes of the cashier which had definitely turned in your direction given the twins were getting louder and louder by the second, “Let’s try to keep it to polite volume levels in public hmm?”
“Sorry,” both twins grumbled, identical pouts on their faces that made you giggle.
“It’s alright,” you assured them fondly, “Just try to be good okay?”
They nodded though Osamu clearly needed to get the last word in as he turned to you with pleading eyes, “Ya think it’s an abomination too don’t ya?”
“I said you could have whatever you wanted,” you told him diplomatically, “If this is what Atsumu likes, then of course he can have it.”
“Ha, see!” Osamu demanded of his twin, clearly seeing right through your attempt at diplomacy, “She thinks it’s ugly too!”
“Do ya really think it’s ugly?” Atsumu asked you sulkily eyeing the collar in his hands.
You’d known before that you were weak to pleading eyes, but it turned out you were even more weak to the pleading copper eyes of your hybrid, the thought that he might be sad tugging at your heartstrings.
“I just worry you’ll be uncomfortable,” you assured him, letting go of Osamu’s hand and gently cupping his face in your hands, rubbing your thumbs along his cheeks affectionately, the same way you did for one of the hybrids that occasionally came to your office to sulk when his owner brought him to work but didn’t pay attention to him.
Atsumu immediately leaned into your palms, heavy lidded eyes half-shut with bliss as you explained, “It’s summer right now, and there’s no padding so it will be hot, heavy and probably chafe. Plus didn’t you say you wanted to play volleyball? Won’t it get in the way? I can definitely get it for you if you like it, but maybe pick something else too, okay?”
“Kay,” your golden twin agreed, sounding completely and utterly content as he nuzzled into your hands, making your heart melt in your chest.
“What about this one?” Osamu offered, pulling your attention away from his brother.
He was holding a collar in his hands, one that actually looked more like a necklace a thin but sturdy looking cord of leather fastened with a silver chain in the front that clasped on both ends to a silver hoop that suspended a solid silver disc in the middle that on close inspection revealed that it housed the chip needed for identification.
“That looks really nice,” you praised, letting out a breath of relief at his choice. You weren’t a big fan of the collars in general, but seeing it look more like a necklace made it seem far more tolerable. Plus it was black and silver and thus would probably go with just about anything he chose to wear.
Letting go of Atsumu to take the collar from his twin, you completely missed the smug smirk directed over your shoulder by Osamu as you inspected it, though Atsumu certainly didn’t, giving his twin an annoyed glare above your head.
In the end, while Atsumu sulked and complained about it, he did actually put the original collar he’d offered back and go with Osamu’s choice, even though you offered to get him both. He refused, sulking slightly all the while, but remained insistent that he only needed the one, even though you ended up buying four collars total, so you could have two back-ups. Though he did insist on holding your hand to make up for the disappointment.
Luckily the manager didn’t seem to mind having to program all four collars, tapping away at the computer, while Atsumu sulked a bit by your side and Osamu somehow managed to all but radiate smug superiority. The cashier carefully ringing up your purchases for you as you pulled your wallet out.
“A word of advice?” the cashier offered as you waited for the programmed collars, surprising you with his forwardness.
“You’re too indulgent with them,” he continued on, not giving you the chance to refute the need for him to speak, “Hybrid’s need a firm hand. You’ll spoil them if you let them get away with raising their voices in public and causing a scene. Don’t ever let them forget their place.”
You felt more than saw both twins bristle on either side of you, and gently squeezed Atsumu’s hand, before laying your hand over the back of Osamu’s neck. You wouldn’t care a bit if they wanted to verbally eviscerate the man who was eying them with clear distaste, a distaste you were almost sure stemmed from jealousy given the lascivious looks he probably thought you hadn’t noticed levelled in your direction. Unfortunately, you also didn’t want them to get into trouble, and weren’t quite sure what the law said about how hybrids were allowed to defend themselves from humans, something you planned to rectify as soon as possible.
For now however you weren’t about to let the twins get in trouble and cut in your tone as cold as you could make it, “I don’t remember asking for your opinion, nor do I care about what you think in the least. I’ll treat them how I want to treat them, which means I’ll spoil and pamper them as much as I like. I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself in the future if you want to keep this business running. As it is I’ll be sending my complaint to your superiors. Let’s go guys, we can find other collars elsewhere. It’s not like they’re hard to find.”
“Wait! The chips are already programmed and you haven’t paid,” the manager protested, standing up from the computer looking utterly appalled.
“Should’ve thought of that before your employee opened his mouth, and decided to spew his unwanted bile everywhere,” you countered with a shrug, “I’d consider finding better employees in the future if I were you, or at least teach them to keep their mouths shut.”
“But the chips can’t be removed from these collars, they’ll be completely ruined,” the manager put in, sounding more than a bit despairing.
“I’m sorry,” you told her, feeling genuinely bad for the woman, after all it wasn’t her fault the other employee was an ass, “But that’s not my problem. I refuse to support any sort of business that would treat its customers like this.”
The glare she leveled on her fellow employee was utterly ferocious and had him cowering back in his seat. Not that you could blame her for being upset, each collar was about three hundred USD so the sale they were losing out on was enormous.
“I can offer you a discount?” she tried hopefully, “Fifty percent off?”
You tilted your head thoughtfully, but didn’t reply instead turning to look at the twins who’d clearly been more than ready to follow you out of the store, “What do you think?”
“Us?” Atsumu asked, clearly baffled.
“Yes, you,” you told him with a fond smile, “You’re the ones who got insulted, not me, and they’re your collars. I’m happy to buy you whatever you like from wherever you want it, whether that’s here or somewhere else.”
“Seventy-five percent off,” Osamu bargained from her other side, taking you by surprise. You turned to see him watching the manager with shrewd eyes, and when it looked like she would protest he added in, “Seventy-five percent off and we won’t leave bad reviews on every site we can or send letters of complaint to upper management.”
“Agreed,” the manager huffed, shooting another vicious look at her employee, one that clearly read that it would be coming out of his salary.
You huffed, amused at Osamu’s bargaining, gently massaging your thumb against the base of his neck affectionately before releasing both twins and moving to pay, only spending a quarter of what you’d originally planned.
“Nice work,” you praised the silver hybrid once the three of you were out of the store and out of earshot.
Osamu shot you a sly smirk, looking exceedingly pleased with himself as he walked beside you. Atsumu had claimed your hand this time, so he was carrying the bags, though it didn’t seem to bother him in the least.
“Now that, that’s taken care of, let’s go grab your gifts,” you told the twins, tugging them along to the PineApple store.
“Presents?” Atsumu asked eagerly, practically bounding along beside you, your intertwined hands swinging back and forth between you.
Laughing you simply pulled him with you into the store. Both twins were wide-eyed as you browsed through, clearly unused to the cutting edge technology on display, both of them exceedingly cautious with the expensive looking tech. It took some gentle urging, but eventually you managed to get phones and laptops picked out for each of them.
“Isn’t this too much,” Osamu asked you in an undertone, clearly worried as an employee walked Atsumu through getting his laptop set up. It turned out that of the twins Osamu was definitely more technically savvy and loved his new laptop, though Atsumu had already managed to download several apps and games on to his phone and was thoroughly enjoying them as well, “It’s expensive.”
“I have the money,” you assured him gently, “And besides, everyone has a phone these days. I want you guys to have them in case you get in trouble when I’m not home and need to reach me, like if you got lost or hurt or simply need a human to ensure you’re treated fairly. I’d feel awful if you needed me and I didn’t know.”
“The laptops are so you don’t get too bored at home, though I hope you’ll find things to enjoy outside the apartment too,” you continued, absently stroking your hand up and down his back.
“Will you be wanting hybrid trackers in the new phones?” the employee asked, her voice professional as she began to ring up your purchases.
You hesitated. On one hand you hated the idea of invading the twins privacy, and on the other you knew that you fully intended to let them roam as they pleased so wouldn’t it be better to have the tracker just in case? A quick glance showed that Osamu was impassive as ever, and even Atsumu just looked bored, not paying any attention whatsoever, instead tapping away at his new phone.
“What do you think?” you asked them, more than willing to hear their opinions on the matter.
“You’re the owner,” Osamu told her, apparently speaking for both of them as he gave an unconcerned shrug, which wasn’t helpful in the least.
You grimaced a bit trying to think of a compromise before finally pulling out your own phone and asking the employee, “Is there anyway to ensure all three of the phones will track each other?”
“Let me go ask,” she told you politely, turning away to go grab someone more knowledgeable.
“That’s fair right?” you asked hesitantly, “This way you know where I am too and can come find me if you need me.”
“Yeah,” Osamu agreed, giving you a look that you thought might be something as close to awe as you’d seen on the silver haired hybrid, “Yeah that’s fair.”
The employee quickly returned and confirmed they could indeed make all three phones track one another, and in the span of a few minutes managed to get your purchases complete. Feeling like that was probably enough for now, you led them back towards the car.
It was starting to get pretty late, and the minute you’d exited the mall Osamu’s stomach had given a loud rumbling growl. Atsumu had made fun of him for all of a minute, before his own stomach betrayed him. You’d shaken your head at their antics, but allowed a surprisingly eager Osamu to order whatever he wanted for carryout from the Chinese place near your apartment.
One quick stop for the food, and you finally managed to bring your new hybrids home. Both of them were a little quiet as you led them up to your apartment, staring around and clearly taking everything in. Either Ojirou, Kita and Suna weren’t home, or they’d decided to give you time to settle with the twins as they didn’t emerge from their apartment as you arrived in the hallway and fumbled the door open.
“Here we are,” you told them, hitting the lights, “Home sweet home.”
Both twins were laden with things, carrying their purchases, the food, and their things from the adoption center. Still looking at them was enough to make your heart clench. It had only taken one trip to bring everything up, but despite hybrids being stronger than normal humans it still made your heart clench to see how very little the twins actually had. Each of them only had a medium sized suitcase of things, and Atsumu had a worn volleyball but that was it aside from the things you’d bought them. It was something you were determined to fix for the future, but for now you’d make do.
“I know you’re hungry, so unless you want to settle in for a bit first we can eat and then I’ll show you around,” you offered.
The twins exchanged looks, but nodded in clear agreement. You pointed out the bathroom just in case, but then brought them to the kitchen, trying to show them where everything was as you pulled utensils from the drawers. Osamu clearly paid much more attention to her explanations than Atsumu did, though both diligently helped her set the table.
The food was really good, and thankfully sparked more conversation, even if it was more subdued than earlier, all of them worn out from the long day they’d had. Osamu was clearly very interested in food, and not just in eating it the way his brother was. You managed to coax out that he’d cooked for their previous owner from time to time, and told him that as long as he was careful he was more than free to use her kitchen and anything in it for whatever he wanted earning what felt like her first real smile from the silver haired twin.
Despite how tired they clearly were, both twins helped you clean up. For the first time since you’d first discovered the lovely little Chinese restaurant there weren’t actually any leftovers, the twins having consumed everything you said you didn’t want. As they worked you noted it really was kind of nice, even if things were quiet, to have the company as they went about their tasks.
“Alright, so I wasn’t sure if you’d want your own rooms or if you’d want to share,” you told them, gesturing for them to follow, “We’re going to have to do some shopping either way, since they’re your rooms and I want you to be able to personalize them any way you want, but I think they’re pretty equal in size.”
The twins stared at you, clearly surprised, glancing at each other, to the rooms you’d offered, to you, and back again, the gesture making her more than a bit nervous. You’d thought there was plenty of space for the two of them, but maybe they didn’t see it that way?
“We get our own rooms?” Atsumu asked at last, finally breaking the silence, his voice quiet and disbelieving, copper eyes huge in his face.
“If you want them, then of course they’re yours,” you assured him, concerned, “I still have to clean out my study, but I didn’t want to delay adopting you and I don’t think it will take too long. There’s a pull out futon in there, though you’re more than free to share if you want a bed, or I can take the futon and one of you can have my bed for now. I’ve certainly slept on the futon before and I don’t mind.”
“You’d give up your bed?” Osamu repeated, looking like you’d just smacked him over the head with a fish, more surprise on his face then you’d thought him capable of showing.
“Just until we find something for you,” you told him, a little puzzled at his surprise but with the sinking feeling that your suspicions about their former owner were correct.
“But, why?” Atsumu asked you, wide eyed and a little teary.
“Because, you’re mine now,” you assured him, unable to quite find the words you wanted to say, but hoping you were conveying your feelings at the very least, “And I’m going to do everything I can to keep you safe and happy.”
The sad mewling sound he made in response to your words was enough to break your heart, as he pitched forward squeezing you into his chest and burying his face in your shoulder. You pressed your cheek to his hair, rubbing his back soothingly with one arm even as you automatically opened the other one for his twin, a gesture that was slowly becoming more and more familiar to you.
Osamu didn’t sob the way his twin did, but the way he squeezed you tight let you know he was just as moved as Atsumu even if he was quieter about it. Seeing their genuine gratitude for what you felt was common courtesy broke your heart, but even as it ached and you did your best to soothe them you swore to yourself, to love and care for your new hybrids so they’d never want for anything ever again to be the best owner it was possible to be after all they deserved nothing less.
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173 notes · View notes
yumeyooa · 3 years
revenge is brutally sweet | jeon jungkook
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—jeon jungkook’s life so far has been going well. he’s the guitarist of the most famous band in the scene, he’s got the girl of his dreams, and everything he’s ever wished for is in the palm of his hands. what he doesn’t expect though, is to wake up one day in the middle of a controversy. what the controversy is, you may ask? a new band has been hitting the charts, and their lead singer is none other than you, a former member of the band and his ex-girlfriend.
➢  pairing: jeon jungkook x female! reader
➢ genre: angst | slight fluff | band au | slight highschool au | post breakup au | exes au | r 15 | guitarist! jungkook | vocalist! reader
➢ word count: 14.6k+
➢  warning: profanity | heavy drinking | toxic relationships | messy break-ups | self depriciation | bullying | messy closure | this is just very much super angsty
➢ love letter: AH SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG T_T I kinda drowned in midterms AHSHSHs but I hope you enjoy this fic <33 there’s more to this angsty collection to come so stay tuned!! 
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Life couldn’t be any better. 
This is what Jeon Jungkook constantly told himself every morning after his short, fifteen-minute shower while messily tousling his hair in an extra-soft towel as he takes in the dreary yet somehow vibrant view from his penthouse apartment, soaking in the sun’s rays. 
The city was busy, even though the sun had just risen and bloomed into full glory. The streets were filled with people rushing to get wherever they needed to be, cars driving past with the fervor of a shackled mad man on wheels. If Jungkook looked closer, he would have probably seen the black exhaust drifting in the air from the fumes of those ecologically damaging vehicles or the frantic looks on an office worker’s face as they hurriedly crossed the street obviously late for work. 
But alas, Jungkook couldn’t care less about the trials and tribulations of some strangers he didn’t even know. After all, his life was going great. In fact, he was literally walking on cloud nine at this point and felt like nothing had stopped him. 
Of course, it wasn’t always this way, which was why Jungkook appreciated his success tenfold. 
He, like every other success story, had started from the ground up. Music was something he had always dreamed of doing for the rest of his life. Ever since his grandfather had first shown him how to play the guitar, the melodies had wrapped their whimsical tunes around his heart and made themselves stay. It was fascinating to him how playing a couple of strings could produce such music that could move souls and bring smiles to people’s faces.
And ever since then, he was hooked. Every chance he got, he would play the guitar even if his parents tried to pry him off it. 
They wanted him to be a doctor after all, and there was no way in hell he was going to go by their wishes. While being a doctor was great, it didn’t ignite the same spark that music did, and for Jungkook, he would rather die than live a life without his flame running ablaze.
So, against his parent’s wishes, he pursued a career in music. It wasn’t easy, of course. At first, he had no support system for his dream. His friends and teachers ridiculed and discouraged him, saying that the future was bleak and he had no hopes of making it big. But if Jungkook knew anything about himself, it would most likely have to do with the fact that he was extremely stubborn and persistent, much to the disappointment of the adults in his life. 
So he continued. He continued reaching his dreams, joining every music-related activity he could at his age until he finally met Mr. Park.
Mr. Park was a bright man who came in one day as a replacement for their music teacher, who was an old lady who stuck to the classics and had a somewhat deceiving grading system. He came into class with disheveled hair, an unkempt tie, and when he turned around to write his name on the board, the whole class laughed as they could see his heart print underpants peeking through. 
But despite his clumsiness and seemingly carefree nature, Mr. Park was a master at his craft. He was the epitome of what a music teacher should be; exceptionally skilled, eloquent, and passionate about what he did. But Mr. Park had another talent that not many knew about, which was the eye for potential.
And Mr. Park saw potential in Jungkook.
He had taken Jungkook under his wing and taught him the ropes of music life. The keys of the piano, how notes were read, how symphonies were made. And the more Jungkook learned, the more he yearned for a life surrounding music. When he voiced his wishes to Mr. Park, expecting to receive the same rejection he had always known, he was pleasantly surprised to find out that he had his support.
Mr. Park was the very first person who saw that Jungkook could have a future in music. He was the very first person who showed Jungkook that there was a path for him to take that was far better than the path his parents laid out for him. A rocky path filled with trials and tribulations but ultimately reaped great rewards in the end. 
Like a moth drawn to its flame, Jungkook was attracted to the seemingly devastating path because somehow, amid the darkness, there was hope. Hope for a happier future, a future that wasn’t filled with regret and mourning but full of triumph and satisfaction. Jungkook would be a fool not to pursue the latter.
And thus, in hopes of finally seeing the light, Jungkook decided to start his own band. 
It didn’t start off right away, though. After all, no kid at his school wanted to be part of a band that, in the eyes of their parents, was a complete waste of time. Jungkook kept his small dream hidden deep within his heart, yet even so, it still burned with an unyielding passion. Even if years passed and no opportunity for him to start a band was in sight, Jungkook didn’t give up, knowing that his persistence would one day reap great rewards.
And finally, his chance came in the form of you. 
From the very beginning, Jungkook had always thought you were strange. In a prestigious school known for being the epitome of perfection and class, you were the odd one out, sticking out like a sore thumb with your disheveled appearance and undignified manner of carrying yourself. Almost immediately, you were set to be the outcast, ridiculed by your peers for your looks and mannerisms, even if, in Jungkook’s opinion, you weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary.
Unfortunately, the world is never kind to those who are different. 
Jungkook’s phone rings from where it is laid on his bedside table, the alarm blaring loudly, causing a shift in the once serene atmosphere of his apartment. Jungkook pays it no mind at first, choosing to finish drying his hair before finally picking up the phone, voice groggy and slightly annoyed from having his peaceful morning interrupted.
“Who is it?” He hastily asks, not meaning to sound as harsh. But could he really be blamed when it was 7 AM in the morning, and he wasn’t expected to show up to any scheduled event until noon?
“Jungkook!” An exasperated voice exclaims from the other side of his phone. It was Namjoon, his manager, Jungkook, quickly concludes. Although it was rare for him to call so early in the morning, especially in such a panicked state. Perhaps he forgot to inform him of a schedule? Although that was annoying, Jungkook wouldn’t really mind. After all, work made money. But if that were the case, it would have been odd for Namjoon to be so panicked about it. The man was known for being reasonably level-headed even in times of extreme stress, so perhaps it was something else entirely. 
“Did you read the news?” Namjoon quickly adds before Jungkook could ask what was wrong. At his question, Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, quickly sitting down on the side of his bed and grabbing his iPad from the same bedside desk, unplugging the charger along the way. 
“No,” he says as he types up the password into the Home Screen, laying his phone in between the juncture of his shoulder and ear. “Is there something I should be concerned about? I mean, it’s not like I got into a scandal or anything, right?”
Well, partly.
The moment Jungkook opens his Twitter, he’s surprised to see more notifications than usual. Of course, it was a given for him to have a ghastly amount of notifications as a celebrity. He did have a large fan base, after all. But the numbers on his screen far exceeded that of what he was used to, and amongst those notifications tagging his account, one article stood out amongst the rest, and the headline made his blood run cold.
“What the fuck?” He whispers, staring at the article in shock as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. “Am I seeing this right, Namjoon?”
The man on the other side of the phone is silent for a while before Jungkook hears a sigh. “Unfortunately, yes,” Namjoon says, and Jungkook can almost imagine the way he’s probably rubbing his temples together while sipping his cup of black coffee in his office out of stress and frustration
“(Y/N) is back,” he says, causing shivers to run down Jungkook’s spine. “And apparently Jungkook, she wrote a song about you.”
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 The day Jungkook finally mustered up the courage to talk to you for the first time was an experience, to say the least. For what felt like years, albeit it was only a few days, Jungkook had been observing you from the sidelines, watching as you were berated by his classmates, who apparently had nothing better to do with their time. 
A part of Jungkook always felt guilty for never standing up for you. He knew you needed a friend. Someone to confide in this hellish school that made it seem as if it were every man for himself. But he was a coward, raised and molded to never take a step outside the boundaries he had set for himself, like a doll.
Although, with Mr. Park's influence, Jungkook could finally break free from his shell, even if it were just a mere few steps. 
"Here," he says nervously, handing you a carton of banana milk that he had picked up from the nearest vending machine the moment he saw you storm out of the classroom in tears. Even then, your classmates had laughed, mocking how sensitive you were, which disgusted Jungkook. Didn't they have any ounce of shame for making a person cry like that?
You look up from where you sat on the school's staircase, eyes puffy from crying so hard, a stream of tears still flowing down your face. You looked like an absolute mess, and the sight only caused Jungkook's heart to clench even more. He sat beside you, albeit a bit distanced because he couldn't help but feel awkward. This was your first conversation, after all. 
You stare at him, not entirely understanding why he would extend kindness towards you. Was this a trick of fate? Was he doing this so you would someday do his bidding in the future? The kids of this school were scary, even scarier than the monsters that hid underneath your bed or the creatures that roamed around in the dead of night. Even amidst the light, they scared you, and you were terrified that the man offering you some banana milk would be just the same. 
"You don't have to take it if you don't want to," Jungkook says, after realizing you were staring at him warily, cautious over whether or not you would accept his gift. "Sweets always cheered me up whenever I feel down, and I thought maybe it would cheer you up too!" 
If anyone were to see your interaction, they would have burst out laughing from how awkward it was. You who were wary and cautious, and Jungkook who was awkward and shy. A stark difference between your usual timid behavior and Jungkook's confident act. In fact, if anyone else were to see this, they would have never believed their eyes. 
It was odd, after all. And you knew this very well. Which was why you were so confused at Jungkook's behavior. Why was he approaching you so kindly when everyone else ridiculed and shunned you out? You were different, someone who didn't deserve to be there. An imposter, an intruder. It didn't make sense for him to act friendly. 
"Don't take this the wrong way," Jungkook continues, setting down the banana milk in the space between the two of you as he fiddled with his fingers, a habit he had picked up over time. "I'm not doing this to mock you or make fun of you later down the line… I just really don't like the way they're treating you. It's not right."
You're stunned. Rightfully so. This was the first time someone had ever gone against what others did to you, despite him doing so behind the scenes. A weird sensation bubbles up from inside you, one you can't quite place. But what you do know is that amidst it all, there's warmth. Jungkook's words sounded genuine and sincere, not like the usual condescending tone you were used to hearing from the rest of your peers. 
He genuinely seemed to care. 
Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise when he sees you grab the carton of banana milk, opening the straw in pushing it through, taking a sip. You sheepishly stare down, not even bothering to look Jungkook in the eye before muttering. "I prefer strawberry milk… but this isn't that bad... I guess… Thanks…" 
His eyes gleam, happy that you've accepted his offering and watching with a content smile as a small smile of your own forms on your lips, a far cry from the mess you were mere moments ago. He had somehow managed to cheer you up, and that was better than anything Jungkook could ever ask for. 
"No problem. Next time I'll buy you a whole box of strawberry milk!" He exclaims, excited for what was about to unfold between the two of you. 
But he would have never expected this. 
And on this week's celebrity news: Former Vocalist of The 97, (L/N) (Y/N) debuts solo with her new single 'Move On', which fans speculate is a direct message to her ex-boyfriend and former bandmate Jeon Jungkook. 
"Fuck!" Jungkook exclaims, overcome with emotion, as he watches the news unfold in the conference room of his label. He had quickly made his way over the moment he saw the headline, confused, devastated, and most of all angry. 
What in the world were you thinking, dragging him down like that?
"Jungkook, calm down," Namjoon says from the other side of the room, trying to prevent Jungkook from destroying the room. Jungkook was strong. And if he really wanted to, he could turn the whole conference room upside down in a blink of an eye, and Namjoon really didn't want to deal with whatever consequence would follow should Jungkook actually decide that he'd destroy the conference room. 
"How the fuck do you expect me to be calm, Namjoon?" Jungkook asks, exasperated as he walks from one end of the room to the other. "This is going to ruin my fucking reputation. And it's all because that bitch is too bitter about our breakup that she decided to fucking write a song about it."
"Hey." Another voice calls out, stern and ready to scold. Jaehyun, the band's bassist, glares at Jungkook with as much disdain as he could muster, not believing the words that came out of Jungkook's mouth. "No matter how you feel about the situation. I'm not going to stand by and let you call (Y/N) a bitch. She was and still is our friend. Just because you're so caught up in your perfect reputation doesn't mean you have to bring others down in the process, Jeon." 
It was rare for Jaehyun to ever call Jungkook by his last name. The two were as close as could be, having been the best of friends for more than ten years and counting. Jungkook knew he could trust Jaehyun with his life and vice versa, so it shocked him to hear that his best friend was defending her. 
"But Jungkook has every reason to be mad, Jaehyun!" Another voice pops up, this time a more feminine one that has Jungkook's heart-melting just a bit. Eunha, his current girlfriend, and the one who was there for him when you left him. She was the band's current vocalist, and Jungkook couldn't feel any more grateful to have someone as supportive as her in his life.
"She's using a personal situation to make her more popular, all the while bringing us down in the process! There's nothing else to call her but a bitch when she's hurting the band she started with! Is that how she says thank you when the band's been nothing but good to her?
It's incredible, Jungkook thinks to himself, how he was able to find someone like Eunha. She was the most compassionate and understanding person in the world, a far cry from what you had become. Bitter, selfish, and downright ungrateful. You probably wrote that song out of spite just to get back at him when he did nothing wrong in the first place. You were crazy, and he was glad Eunha allowed him to see through all of your lies. 
"Shut the fuck up, will you?" Jungkook's eyes darted in surprise to Yugyeom, the band's drummer, who had just cursed at his girlfriend. He glares at the drummer, mad at the fact that the usual happy-go-lucky man was now acting bitter in front of his girlfriend, who had done nothing wrong. Were his bandmates woven that deep within your cruel lies?
"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Eunha asks, appalled, tears forming from the corners of her eyes, which only causes the anger within Jungkook to grow. How dare they. How dare they make Eunha cry when she was doing nothing but telling the truth?
"You heard me, Eunha," Yugyeom continues, paying no mind to the burning rage that was about to burst within Jungkook. "I said shut the fuck up. So what if (Y/N) wrote a song about Jungkook? Why does it matter? She has every right to. I mean, our next single is literally a song Jungkook wrote after the breakup, so why the fuck are you berating her for doing the same?"
"Because she's hurting our reputation!" Eunha exclaims, clearly frustrated at how Yugyeom and Jaehyun weren't getting her point. "And besides, she was the one in the wrong during the breakup. What right does she have to make a song about it?"
Jaehyun scoffs, glare intensifying, causing Jungkook to clench his fist at their hostility. "And how do you know that when you only heard Jungkook's side of the story and not (Y/N) 's? For all we know, Jungkook could also be in the wro—"
Before Jaehyun could finish his sentence, Jungkook explodes, immediately rushing over to where Jaehyun sat and grabbing him by the collar, causing the rest of the band and Namjoon to panic, trying to break them apart, while Eunha watches, scared. 
"You motherfucker," Jungkook curses, hand raised into a fist, ready to punch Jaehyun in the face with all the force he could muster. But before he could do so, Namjoon and Yugyeom immediately held him back, causing Jaehyun to let out shaky breaths as he glared at Jungkook, hurt, confused, and angry. "Why are you defending her? She was the one who hurt me! You're supposed to be my fucking best friend!"
"Maybe if you actually listened to what she had to say and what she was going through, then we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place," Jaehyun screamed back, anger slowly growing as each moment passed by. "You've always been like this Jungkook, self-centered and fucking mean. (Y/N) was right for wanting to leave."
"What did you say, you fucki—"
"Enough!" Namjoon screams, holding his ground. This had gotten out of hand, and it was beginning to stress him out, and clearly, that same stress was spreading through every single person in the room. This wasn't even supposed to be that big of a deal. All they were supposed to do was listen to the song you wrote, and come up with a statement, So why the hell did this turn into a full-blown fight?
Gosh, Namjoon needed a raise. 
"Jeon Jungkook calm the fuck down, or I'll have you on probation, you hear? The same goes for all of you. I don't want to hear any bullshit about who's right or wrong in the relationship. All I need is for us to listen to the song and figure out what we're going to tell the higher-ups. So stop acting like you're a bunch of teenagers and sit down."
Usually, Namjoon wasn't this scary. But there was a glint in his eyes that taunted the band. And they knew that in the heat of the moment, the best thing to do was to shut up and listen. Besides, he was right. The way they were going, no progress would have been made, leading to further complications. With a huff, Jungkook sits down, staring grumpily into space. He wasn't comfortable with what had just occurred, a frenzy of emotions bottling up inside him from the outburst.
Luckily for him, Eunha was quick to hold his hand into hers, soothing him enough to calm his nerves and mentally prepare himself for what was about to unfold. Because he knew he wasn't going to like it.
And true to his words, the moment Namjoon pressed play, he didn't like it. Not one bit. 
Jungkook couldn't quite pin why your song made his blood boil and heart clench. From an outsider's perspective, it was a good song. A really good song. As a musician himself, Jungkook would never deny that. You had a knack for creating some really great tunes that were out of this world, after all. It was the very thing that made him ask you to start a band with him in the first place. 
But there was just something about this piece in particular that seemed different. Your very aura was different, Jungkook concluded as he watched the video, listening to the way you screamed about how good it was that he was able to move on while you haven't. How you laced memories and fragments of your relationship and expertly wove them together to create a masterpiece that echoed into the very depths of his beating heart. 
It left a bitter taste in his mouth. Because amidst the chaos, you looked free. 
There was something beautiful about the way you were in the middle of a room up in flames, almost to the point where Jungkook knew that it was metaphorical. You liked metaphors. Jungkook remembers how long ago, when the band was just the two of you, you mentioned how metaphors brought out the beauty of the world. They made the ordinary extraordinary. They made the dull come to life. Metaphors were beauty itself, and that's precisely why you loved to play with them so much. 
It's funny to see how that part of you hadn't changed, even after how many years. 
"Jungkook?" Eunha calls out to him, a concerned look gracing over her face. "You okay?" 
Honestly speaking, Jungkook didn't know. The high of his anger had finally settled, and all Jungkook felt was a burning numbness scouring through his veins. It's laughable how mere hours ago, Jungkook was sure that today would be another great day to celebrate how amazing his life was. Yet, here he is, in the middle of a conference room, watching as you submerged yourself underwater at the last scene of your music video, feeling empty. 
He doesn't directly answer Eunha, afraid that if he were to say anything, unwanted words would slip from his lips, and he would unleash another round of chaos and hell. And he was too mentally exhausted to go through that again. So he merely nods, clasping Eunha's hand gently and sighing as Namjoon pauses the video, turning towards the group. 
"Well," Namjoon says, surveying the room to see the band's reactions. But who was he kidding? He knew damn well that the band wasn't nearly overjoyed seeing and hearing what their old friend had to say, especially Jungkook. The poor kid looked lost. "That's that. It looks too vague to be considered a song catered to Jungkook, so I'll inform the higher-ups that it has nothing to do wi--"
Suddenly, Jungkook stands up, causing a deafening silence to befall once more as everyone watches him with cautious eyes, afraid of what he was about to do. 
"I'm going to get a drink," is all he says, moving to head out the door. No one really says anything in protest, Yugyeom and Jaehyun still feeling the aftermath of the previous fight. Only Eunha seemed to be visibly bothered, scoffing at the rest of the team's reactions before quickly latching on to Jungkook's arm. 
"Babe, it's still early in the morning. At least let me accompany you?" She asks, that hopeful glint burning brightly in her eyes, to the point that it makes Jaehyun recline back in his seat uncomfortably, not liking the way she seemed so unnatural. You were never like that. And while Jaehyun knew it was wrong to make comparisons, he couldn't help it. 
You were his best friend just as much as Jungkook was. 
"I'll go alone," is all Jungkook whispers, shrugging Eunha off who is about to protest, but Namjoon is quick to shut her up with a gentle hand on her shoulder, shaking his head when she tries to chase after him. Jungkook needed to settle down and sort his thoughts through if he ever wanted a chance at getting through this situation with you. 
And maybe, just maybe, he could finally make amends. 
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“Do you have a dream?”
This was the question that started it all, Jungkook supposed. He remembers the very day you asked him that one decisive question that, looking back, changed both of your lives. For good or for worse, Jungkook wasn’t sure. But as he reminisces the memories of the past and tries to figure out where everything went wrong, he couldn’t help the gut-wrenching feeling that settles within him. It’s so upsetting, in fact, that the moment Jungkook arrives in the pub across the street, he immediately drowns himself in a bottle of soju. 
The two of you were spending the lunch break in the empty stairwell, the same place where the two of you first met and the same place where the two of you gradually started to hang out. It was a quiet space, free from the condescending eyes of the perfection-seeking kids you called classmates. It was a space where you and Jungkook could be free, even for just a little while. 
Sipping on his banana milk, Jungkook looks at you curiously. You were staring at the strawberry milk he had bought you, fiddling with it nervously, not even bothering to look him in the eye. He wonders what goes on through your mind, what thoughts dance around within its hollow crevices, shaking you up and causing you to become a nervous wreck. Especially when the question wasn’t as bad as you were probably thinking. 
“Hmm, do you want the honest answer or the answer everyone wants to hear?” He asks back, looking up at the ceiling. For an elite school, they didn’t do well to maintain the more hidden areas. Was that a sign that they really didn’t care about things that weren’t relevant to them? Maybe. Maybe not. Jungkook didn’t particularly care. It was just more bearable t stare at the ceiling than sit in awkward silence, 
“Honest,” you say after a few moments, much more confident than a few moments ago. After hanging out with you for a few months and observing you within the silence of your conversations, Jungkook somehow knows that no matter what he’d do, you would forever be shy. Regardless if you knew someone well or not, the first moments of conversation would always be parallel to a first meeting. It was a curious thing, honestly. But it was more intriguing once he realized that your confidence grew the more you spoke. 
In a way, it was kind of cute. 
“I wanna make music,” Jungkook says after snapping himself out of his trance. He once again averts his gaze from yours, but this time it wasn’t to avoid silence, but rather to think, to immerse himself in his thoughts. Because this was the first time, someone had asked him what he truly wanted to do with life. The first time someone wanted an honest answer from him, not a polished response set up to please his parents and peers. 
“Not the classical kind, though,” he continues, smiling softly to himself. “Not really fond of it as much as you think.” From the corner of his eyes, Jungkook can see you gaping at him in surprise, and it causes him to chuckle. You were never really expressive beyond the weary walls of the seemingly abandoned stairwell. To the rest of the student body, you were expressionless. Someone who took all the beatings and ridicules with a blank face. As if you were a doll, waiting to be ruined. 
But here, you were much more alive. Much more expressive than Jungkook was used to seeing. It was as if the (Y/N) beyond the worn steps of the stairwell was an entirely different person. A mask you placed upon yourself to protect your heart from the cruel reality you had come to face. And Jungkook was more than fascinated at the fact that you had brought that mask down for him. 
“If I could, I’d do rock, maybe even some metal If I got enough courage,” he continues, smiling to himself unknowingly giddy at the sight of you. “There’s just something different about it, you know? The music runs through your system and gets you all hyped up; you just can’t resist it. And when the beat drops, it’s as if your emotions are on an all-time high, and it weirdly makes you kind of free. It made me realize that this was what music was supposed to be, I guess.”
“Wow,” you mutter, after staying within the silence of your initial awe. “That’s... poetic.” Jungkook laughs at the look of disbelief in his face, shooting his empty carton of banana milk in the air and watching in satisfaction as it lands straight into the empty trash can just right down the corner before turning to you, a grin high on his lips. 
“Oh, come on,” he whines, rolling his eyes playfully. “Why do you sound so surprised? Do I not look like I’d be a good musician?”
“It’s not that!” You quickly exclaim in your defense, flailing your arms in the air to avert Jungkook’s thoughts about the situation. Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook was only joking, highly amused at your reactions, wanting to see more. “I just assumed you’d be more into sports, you know, since you’re so good at it? If you ask me, you kind of look like you’d do well in either football or basketball… so I just kind of assumed that was what you wanted to actually pursue. Not that wanting to pursue music is a bad thing! It’s great, it’s just that rock is kind of unexpected....” 
You were beginning to ramble at this point, the shy sheep from within you bursting forth as you fiddled with your thumbs nervously, anxious to see Jungkook’s reaction. Would he be mad at you for assuming things about him off the bat? Probably not, right? You did initiate the conversation by asking him what his dream was, after all. Wait, maybe this was your fault. Gosh, you should have just asked any other question that wasn’t as deep. 
This friendship thing was too difficult for your liking. 
As you bury yourself in your thoughts, Jungkook couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. It was small at first, almost going unheard by you who was so deeply consumed by the matters of your mind, but the more Jungkook laughed, the louder he got until he was full-on cackling, much to your dismay, confusion, and shock. 
“What’s so funny?” You ask frantically, trying to make sense of his actions. Did you say something wrong? As far as you knew, you hadn’t, but what if you had and accidentally crossed the line? You hoped not. You really didn’t want to screw any chance you had at having a real, genuine friend. But to your dismay, your questions remain unanswered as Jungkook continues to laugh, almost as if he wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon. 
“Hey!” You exclaim, pouting. “Stop laughing at me, Jungkook!”
“I-i’m sorry,” He says after a few more laughs, trying to wipe the tears that were beginning to form in his eyes. “I couldn’t help it,” He laughs again, although this time, it seems as if he’s calmed down, sporting a cheeky smile. “Your reactions are just something else!”
Jungkook watches as you become flustered, once more, much to his fascination and amusement. He’s never been the teasing type, or more like, he’s never had the opportunity to become the teasing type, especially with the perfect image he had to curate in front of his peers. But he liked this. He liked being friends with you. It made him all the more free. 
“What about you?” He suddenly asks after a while, feeling that it was high time to cut you some slack. You look up at him in confusion as if you had entirely forgotten why this entire conversation had happened in the first place. “Do you have a dream?”
It’s silent, yet this time, Jungkook notes, the silence is uncanny. It’s not the same comfortable silence that Jungkook is used to whenever he was hanging out with you. It was as if the silence had suddenly crashed down and enveloped the cheery atmosphere in its deceitful arms. A trap, if you will. 
And Jungkook was unsure whether he wanted to break free from it or stay there with you. 
But you take the first step, finally looking up to meet him in the eyes, and Jungkook can feel his heart sink just a tad bit from how empty and solemn they were. “I don’t think so,” is all you say, brushing off the concerned look on Jungkook’s face with a smile. “I’ve never really given it much thought. That’s why I asked,” you chuckle halfheartedly, staring up at the ceiling. “Although I think it would be nice,” you say, smiling a bit more genuinely. “You know, to have a dream?”
Jungkook doesn’t know what to say. How was he supposed to react to that, anyway? No matter how difficult his life was, he had always had a dream. It kept him going, made him push through no matter the difficulty. Dreams were the driving force of life. The hope amidst the darkness. To not have a dream, even just a small one, rattled Jungkook. 
It terrified him because now Jungkook realized that he knew nothing about you despite you being his first friend. He didn’t know the reason why you decided to become a living doll in the eyes of others. He didn’t understand why you subjected yourself to such suffering when, from the small talks you and Jungkook had with each other, you seemed to have a loving family. 
He wanted to help you, to be there for you. Because he wasn’t sure whether or not you were actually feeling lost. That’s what friends were for, right? Jungkook wasn’t exactly sure on how to do this whole friendship thing, but if there was one thing he did know, it was the fact that friends helped each other. 
And Jungkook would be damned if he couldn’t help you in any way that he could.
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Soju bottles littered the lone table that Jungkook sat upon. At this point, he wasn’t sure how many bottles he had drunk, but it sure was many, more than he could handle if he were, to be honest, but amidst his drunken state, he just couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
Why was he acting like this anyway? 
He was supposed to be happy. His band was one of the most successful ones out there. He had thousands, if not millions of fans, who supported him in everything he did. So why, just why was this insignificant matter affecting him so greatly?
Was it because it was you?
“Dear, are you alright?” The old woman, running the pub asks, concerned as she sets down a piping hot bowl of warm hangover soup, which has Jungkook’s mouth watering to the point where drool almost seeps out, mainly because he only had a bite of a sandwich on his way to the office which Eunha forcibly made him eat. But even so, he couldn’t bring himself to eat, especially with the array of emotions that were burning deep within him. “Do you need me to call someone for you?”
Jungkook stays silent, not even bothering to respond to the old lady, who only grows wearier at the lack of response. He didn’t mean to be rude. It was just that he couldn’t find the strength to actually do anything but wallow in his own misery. His thoughts were going on haywire, with no place to land in sight. 
What had he done to deserve this? He was sure he had done nothing wrong, so why were you doing this to him when all he had done was, be nothing but nice to you? He had supported you ever since the beginning, and this was how you repaid him?
He doesn’t notice how the old lady leaves to call someone from the company, despite him not saying anything. It was probably for the best anyway. He was too out of it to even ask for help. The old lady was right and kind for going out of her way to do this for him. Although it made sense, after all, this specific pub was where Jungkook had been drinking ever since he had reached adulthood. 
Maybe she would call Namjoon? It was likely, but Jungkook hoped not. He was sure that if Namjoon were to see his sorry state, he would scold him until his ears bled out. Although he couldn’t really blame Namjoon, if any manager were to see their client drinking away their woes like he was, they would probably freak out. Primarily since he was known for drinking at most two bottles. Jungkook just really didn’t want to deal with Namjoon right now, especially after what had transpired earlier. 
He hoped that she would call Eunha. Sweet, loveable Eunha, who was there for him when the shitshow that was his breakup with you went down. Even until now, Jungkook was still in the dark of why you had left him and the band, but Eunha was the one who stayed by his side. Ever since he had met her two years ago when she first entered the company, they had become the best of friends. And now she was his girlfriend, and he couldn’t be happier. 
All of a sudden, a familiar voice wafts through the empty pub. One that has Jungkook’s head whipping everywhere it could to figure out where it was coming from. It was sweet, melodic even. But at the same time, it had a hint of melancholy and freedom? Why was the voice so familiar? Where had he heard it before? 
Jungkook’s eyes darted around, trying to see if he could spot the culprit behind his dilemma until they finally landed on the wide TV that sat in the middle of the pub, presumably for their customer’s enjoyment. And lo and behold, in his eyes, he sees you. 
It was a local music show where famous stars would often find themselves performing to promote their new music. He assumed you were there to perform your new single, the one song that had him sitting here broken and destroyed with pride in your chest. Did you enjoy this?
Did you enjoy knowing that he was broken because of you?
He hated it. He hated how bright your smile was the moment he caught sight of the camera focusing on you as the hosts began their interview. You were brilliant, cheery, happy. And it sickened Jungkook to the core. Why did it seem like you were doing fine when he was here all bothered? How selfish could you possibly be? 
But as much as it hurts him, he can’t find it in himself to look away. It’s a strange sensation that Jungkook couldn’t quite explain. Why couldn’t he avert his eyes from you when all he’s been feeling today was pain? It didn’t make sense. But honestly, Jungkook couldn’t tell what made sense anymore. 
He watches you sing, hearing those blasted lyrics that made him rage just mere moments ago. Yet, this time, the lyrics made his heart clench. Perhaps it was the fact that your performance seemed more genuine because you were singing live. But why? Why were you singing those lyrics as if they had genuinely happened to you? Jungkook never caused you any pain, so why did it seem as if you were hurting more than him? 
The thoughts were too much. It was driving Jungkook crazy, and all he wanted to do was drown in them. He didn’t want to think. Thinking heightened the pain that brimmed deep within his chest. He just wanted to float in the ocean of his misery and stay there, hoping that someday he would land ashore and the pain would come to an end. 
Maybe if he took one more shot, it would help? 
He pours down the last remaining soju into his shot glass, not caring if it overflowed and spilled out on the table. Rationality was far out of his mind at this point. All Jungkook wanted to do was do anything that would make him feel numb. 
He raises the glass shakily, ready to feel the burning sensation of the alcohol run down his throat, that temporary relief that made him sink deep down into this endless cycle of emptiness. Yet, it doesn’t happen. 
A hand shoots down to stop his wrist. It’s a familiar yet unfamiliar hold, something Jungkook can’t quite place. Where has he felt this hold before? He looks up, his eyesight a bit blurry from his drunken state, so he squints, trying to see clearly. 
Who was it? Namjoon? Eunha? Heck, Jaehyun?
Turns out it was none of them. 
When his sight finally clears, he gasps in shock, breath hitching in his throat as he takes it all in. Because the person, whose hold was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time, wasn’t his manager, nor was it his girlfriend or best friend. 
It was you. 
The person, the old lady, had called to get him was you. 
Well, Jungkook be damned. 
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When you got the call from the old lady, you were on your way to your new studio after finishing up a schedule you had prior. The past few weeks have been busy for you. Leaving the band and Jungkook was no easy feat. It was a decision that you knew was a high-risk, high reward yet at the same time had higher chances of failure. 
After all, even if you hated to admit it. Without the band, you had nothing. 
Sure, there was the fame that came with all of the band’s success. You were the vocalist, after all. It was exhilarating knowing that millions out there would be listening to your voice, singing music you created with people you loved dearly. But in the midst of all of that, there was nothing. 
Jungkook, Jaehyun, and Yugyeom had everything going on for them. A backup plan in case the band didn’t succeed. A plan B, if you will. It made sense. They had privilege dripping from the palms of their hand, after all. Even if they had their own troubles and doubts, they didn’t have to worry about finding another way out because there already was a path laid out for them in the beginning. 
You went into all of this, risking everything. 
It was a choice that you had seemingly made on impulse if an outsider were to look back at the situation. When Jungkook had asked you to start a band with him, it was during another one of your many lunch dates, as you two had jokingly called it. Only this time, the two of you weren’t sitting on the cold and empty stairwell, but instead, you were in the old music room. 
“I can’t believe this,” Jungkook mumbles to himself as he cranks the rusted door of the old music room open. People barely used it nowadays, much to his disbelief yet relief at the same time. He couldn’t blame them though, the brand new music room was much more enchanting, filled with top-of-the-grade musical instruments than anyone would drool over. 
Well, at least it meant that he could have autonomy over the room (even though that wasn’t really the case). “You’re telling me that you never heard rock or metal before?” He gapes in disbelief as he sits on one of the dusty desks, looking at you with an outraged expression. You sheepishly enter behind him, taking a sip of your drink as you took a seat beside him. 
“You never asked,” is all you say, shrugging. Jungkook looks at you once more incredulously, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. “That’s because I assumed you would have known what rock and metal are! They’re like the greatest music genres of all time. How can you not know it?”
You shrug once more, not really having an answer. Well, you did, but it was probably stupid. After all, if this was his reaction to you not knowing about rock and metal. What would his response be if he were to find out that the only music you’d ever listened to was classical and nursery rhymes? Yeah, probably not a good idea. 
“Well, get ready then,” he exclaims, bringing out his phone, much to your surprise. Model student and Mr. Perfect Jeon Jungkook breaking a school rule? Who would have thought that you’d ever lived to see the day? “Because you’re about to experience an awakening, I tell you. A revolution!”
It’s amusing, really. You had never seen Jungkook as passionate as he was at the moment. Was this what it was like to have a dream? His eyes lit up as if sparkles were floating around him. As if he were about to step on cloud nine and enter paradise. He was bouncing his leg lightly in excitement, a goofy smile on his face that kind of reminded you of a bunny. 
Maybe having a dream wouldn’t be so bad, after all. 
He immediately scoots over to you once he has his phone ready, grabbing his earphones and plugging it into his phone, handing you the other ear. You hold it, a small smile on your face, and hook it unto your ear, not really knowing what to expect but excited all the same. After all, this was the music that made your best friend passionate and hopeful for the future. For sure, it wouldn’t be bad, right? 
Well, to say the least, it was an experience. An experience you couldn’t quite tell if you enjoyed or couldn’t fathom. It was entirely different from the music that you were used to. From the bright and soothing tones came ones that were heavy and thundered on your ears. Yet, in a way, it was exhilarating. 
You could see why Jungkook was attracted to this style of music. In a way, it was unhinged, a little more rebellious than the traditional types of music you were used to. But that didn’t mean it was worse. In fact, that’s what made it more exciting. Jungkook was right. In those few minutes that he had introduced you to the world of rock, you’ve gone through an array of emotions, from confusion to thrill and excitement of the highest level. The rollercoaster of new sensations was, to say the least, intoxicating, 
Because immediately you got hooked. 
“Wow,” you mutter, looking up at Jungkook, who was looking back at you with lively eyes. “That was… something else.” 
“Right?!” He exclaims, immediately jumping off the desk to grasp your hands in excitement; it was endearing to see. Jungkook rarely got riled up like this. Music truly brought out the best in him, you thought to yourself, watching as he continued to dangle your hands in his. “Isn’t rock just amazing? Oh, what I’d do to pick up an electric guitar and play,” He sighs, and you can tell from the far-away look on his face that he’s daydreaming about something and the sight warms your heart. 
“You should,” is all you say, startling Jungkook out of his trance. “I think you’d do absolutely great in music, Jungkook! You should go for it.” Jungkook looks at you, stunned. He blinks, trying to process what you had just said, before clasping your fingers a bit tighter, unsure of himself. 
“Really?” He mutters softly, “You really think I can do it?”
“Of course,” you encourage with a bright smile. “If it’s you, then you can do anything!”
It’s silent for a moment, with Jungkook deep in thought. But you don’t necessarily mind, as more than anything, you understood the weight of your words. Being Jungkook’s friend meant that you stuck by him through a lot of undesirable moments, moments that both of you promised to never speak of unless it was absolutely necessary. 
You knew how much he longed for his dreams. Ever since that rather inspiring conversation you had around a week ago, you knew just how much Jungkook bottled up his true passions and desires, even though there were moments wherein he would freely let them out. 
“Then you have to be there with me,” he says, eyes filled with determination. “I don’t think I can do this without you (Y/N).”
Looking back at it, you chuckle at how swooned you were with Jungkook’s words. It was crazy to think that he had swept you off your feet with a mere ten words that ultimately decided the course of a good chunk of your life. You let him, and for that, you were to blame, But that didn’t necessarily mean that you regretted your decision in its entirety. 
Suddenly, your phone rings from beside you, and you grab it from where it lay in your purse, only to see an old number that you hadn’t seen in a while. It’s been a year, you think, as you accept the call, pressing your phone to your ear. “Hello?”
“(Y/N) dear! It’s been such a long time!” You smile at the cheery sound present within the old lady’s voice, although you can’t deny that you hear a twinge of worry within it. You used to go to her pub every so often back when you were still in the band. And the old lady had been such a sweet soul, acting as some sort of parental figure to you and your bandmates through the years. 
“It’s good to hear from you again,” you mutter, pleasantly surprised at her sudden call but also a bit suspicious because you had no idea what she was calling for. “May I ask why you’re calling me?”
“Ah!” The old lady exclaims, and suddenly the initial chirp present within her fades into a frantic tone that has your eyebrows furrowing in confusion, not sure what to expect. “Do you mind picking up your boyfriend?”
You blink, confused and startled. “I’m sorry,” you say, still not processing it clearly. “What was that?”
You hear a sigh from the other side of the phone. It sounds tiring, exasperated even, Which shouldn’t be the case since the pub usually opens up later at night. It was only open during the day for company employees. And what sane person would cause trouble with this much sunlight out? 
“Your boyfriend dear,” the old lady continues, sounding absolutely done, yet at the same time, the concern was still there, and you swear you hear the sound of glass falling in the back, causing your eyebrows to furrow in worry. “He’s been drinking for hours, and this is more than he’s ever drunk!”
You stay silent, letting it all sink in. The only person she could have possibly been referring to was Jungkook. There was no doubt about that. After all, the old lady’s pub was where you and Jungkook would often find yourselves having late-night rendezvous, drinking the night away as you bonded over whatever life was throwing at you within those moments. 
But now, the pub gave you nothing but pain. 
“Grandma, I’m sorry to tell you this, but me and Jungkook aren’t—”
“—So you’ll come, yes? Thank you, dear! Truly a lifesaver!” 
She hangs up. You stare at your phone in disbelief, shocked at the predicament you had unknowingly gotten yourself into. What were you supposed to do now? The responsible thing to do was to probably phone Namjoon and tell him about the situation. But with what had just transpired earlier today with the release of your single last night and your performance this morning, you’re not so sure he would appreciate any sort of contact from you. 
With a sigh, you turn to head towards the pub. No matter how much you hated Jungkook for the way he treated you within the last few stages of your relationship, you couldn’t leave him alone to wallow in his misery (even though there was a part of you that was secretly glad that he was torn because of you). It would be too cruel of you. Especially considering that Jungkook had been a significant part of your life. 
Huh, guess you haven’t moved on as much as you thought you had. 
Even just reaching the pub brought back memories that you wish wouldn’t resurface. You and Jungkook used to wrestle over who would open the door for the other, and more often than not, Jungkook won. But you weren’t one to lose quickly, even to him. 
The familiar jingle that came with opening the door brought a pang of nostalgia to your heart. When you and Jungkook would enter the pub, just ten seconds after the jingle faded away, the old lady would come out of her quaint kitchen and say
“Welcome home— Oh, there you are, dear!”
Not exactly how you remembered it, but it was still familiar all the same. 
“Hello grandma, how are you?” You greet with a solemn smile, watching with fond eyes as the old lady comes up to clasp your hands within her own. “Oh dear, I haven’t seen you in forever. Why haven’t you visited in so long?” 
You’re not sure what to say. How are you supposed to tell her that you left and broke up with the man she asked you to pick up? That would put her in an awkward position, and you didn’t want to cause stress for the already weary lady. 
“Oh, never mind that,” she says, luckily dropping the subject. “Come in, come in, your boyfriend’s over there drinking in the corner. Did something happen? I’ve honestly never seen him drink this much before. At this rate, he’s going to finish my soju supply before I open up for the night!” 
You enter the main area, and immediately you’re hit with the familiar, comforting scent of alcohol and home-cooked meals, as odd as it sounds. Although the smell of alcohol was by far heavier in the air, and as you turn to look for the source, your eyes land in Jungkook.
And you’re, for lack of a better word, shocked.
It was almost as if he was drowning in an ocean of soju bottles, with some of the alcohol dripping off the table and into the ground or his clothes. Partly because he was pouring himself another shot, which you know he can’t take.
He could barely handle two bottles when the two of you were dating, so why did it feel like he was drinking more than ten. If he wasn’t stopped now, something majorly damaging could happen to him, and as much as you never wanted to speak to him, you couldn’t just ignore him when he was literally on the brink of life and death.
You stomp on over to where he’s at, hastily quickening your steps as he’s about to down his last shot, and before you can even think about what to do, your instincts act on their own, and your hand reaches out to him, stopping him.
No words are spoken. Rather, you can’t find the words to say as you watch with solemn eyes as Jungkook looks at his hand confused. He tries to shake it, to move his arm so he can bring the shot glass to his lips, but you remain firm in your grip, clasping just a bit harder so he wouldn’t push through with the shot. 
He looks around, following the trail left by your grasp until he meets your eyes, and already you can feel the whirlwind of emotions bubbling up inside you. This was the first time you and Jungkook have met after the breakup after leaving the band. You never expected the two of you to meet this way. Although, you supposed life was funny like that. It liked to throw unexpected situations in your face, especially in the most inappropriate times.
You watch as he squints, trying to make sense of who you were before he gasps, arm slacking, falling into the side as the alcohol from the shot glass splatters into the air. He squints once more as if trying to ensure that what he was seeing in front of him was real before stammering. 
“(Y/N)?” He whispers, broken, voice breaking. You try not to let your emotions show, knowing that if you do, he’d only lure you back into him, which was something you did not want at all. You were done. After many months, heck years of being torn apart by him, you couldn’t afford any more pain. It would break you even more than it already did, 
“Hey,” you whisper back, breath hitching as you watch the way Jungkook’s eyes widen at the sound of your voice, loud and clear for him to hear. Even with his drunken state, he can’t deny the pang of nostalgia that runs through his veins once he finally registers that it’s you standing before him. In the flesh. Not a vision on TV or a picture of you from his memories. 
It was you. 
“What are you doing here?” He slurs, trying to reach out to you, but you move away, refusing him any form of affection. Because you two were too far gone for that. 
“Grandma called,” is all you say, the disappointed look in Jungkook’s eyes not going unnoticed. “Asked me to pick you up. Said you’ve been drinking more than you used to and… I can see that.”
You gesture to the empty soju bottles that littered the table with a grimace, turning back to Jungkook only to hear him scoff and point a finger to you accusingly, although with his drunken state, his posture was way off. “Who do you think’s to blame?” He asks, sarcasm laced within his tone. You raise an eyebrow at that, choosing to let him continue before you could offer back any sarcastic remark of your own. 
“It’s you!” He continues, slamming his fist to the table, much to your surprise. “You and your stupid fucking song…. I mean, what the fuck is up that?”
“What the fuck is up with what, Jungkook?” You quip back, eyeing his fist cautiously in the case he would do something dangerous that would either injure him, you, or if worse comes to worst, both. 
“Don’t play dumb with me,” He continues, and Jungkook can feel the irritation, frustration, and fatigue build within him now that he’s finally gotten a chance to let all these raging emotions out. “You know what you did! Why’d you do it, huh?” His voice grows louder, causing you to flinch as you move your chair back just a bit. 
“Why’d you have to ruin my fucking reputation?” 
All of a sudden, it’s like something in you snaps. 
You can’t believe it. You can’t believe the audacity Jungkook had to say something as outrageous and stupid as what he just said. The emotions that were already burning up within you finally exploded as you stared at him with all the anger and disbelief you could muster. 
And here you thought he was drinking because he had finally realized all the wrongs he had done to you. What a fool you were. 
“Excuse me?” You say, exasperated. “What did you just fucking say?”
“I said what I said (Y/N),” Jungkook continued, not noticing the way rage was about to take you into its waiting arms, only to allow you to explode upon him with all the pent-up hurt that you’ve accumulated inside you. “You and your fucking song ruined the band any my reputation. Is this how you repay me after everything I’ve done for you?”
You blink. The words slowly make their way towards you as you try to process them, letting out a chuckle at how ridiculous his words were. “Are you being serious right now?” You say, scoffing at how there wasn’t an inch of regret on Jungkook’s face. “You’ve got to be joking, right?”
You want to give him the benefit of the doubt. You want to give him a chance to prove your ears, mind, and heart wrong. That he wasn’t actually thinking those absurd thoughts that had your gut-wrenching and your heartbreaking after already being broken. This couldn’t be the Jungkook that you knew, right? He wouldn’t be this cruel, right? 
“Do I look like I’m joking?” 
“You piece of shit.” You spat without even realizing it, surprising Jungkook. He’s sobered up just a little from your outburst, looking at you like a deer caught in headlights. For a moment, you regret speaking without any thought. But the more you try to rationalize it, the more the anger burns. This was unacceptable. 
“Reputation?” You scoff, looking at him incredulously. “You’re fucking worried about your reputation when there are bigger issues to be addressed here?” 
“(Y/N) I—”
“Shut up, Jungkook,” you say, cutting him off coldly. “You don’t get a say in this when all you’re worried about is your reputation over a broken relationship with someone you’ve grown up with for the past thirteen years!” 
Wide-eyed, Jungkook gapes at you, and you, in your disgruntled state, take this chance to get back at him, unleashing all the feelings you’ve buried deep inside you. 
“You dare ask me why I’m treating you this way when you’ve been nothing but nice to me?” You mock, his words hurting more than they should. “Do you even bother to ask yourself as to why I broke up with you in the first place, Jungkook? Why I left? Did you even bother to listen to my song?” 
His silence echoes throughout the pub, further shattering any lingering hope that you had about the situation. “No,” he says after a while, firm in his belief as he stared back at you, although his gaze seemed as if it could easily water away. “Didn’t think it was necessary; after all I did nothing wro—”
“—You treated me like shit for the last two years of our relationship, Jungkook. That’s what you did wrong.” You exclaim, not wanting to hear his excuses. “Are you really this blind to not know? To not see your own faults?”
How could he? You think to yourself, the unbearable pain of this revelation thrumming through every fibre of your being. It was painful. Painful to hear that he hadn’t even thought about the situation through your lens. He was too absorbed with what he had going for himself that he failed to see the world through your eyes, and it frustrated you to no end.
Because that breakup broke you like no other. 
Choosing to leave wasn’t an easy decision, by no means. You had risked everything to help support Jungkook in hopes that you would find a dream of your own. You joined the band, knowing that you would put your family’s safety and security at risk instead of pursuing a more stable career like starting a business or becoming a doctor.
You became selfish to follow Jungkook, so of course, you were attached. 
Jungkook, in a sense, was your world. You suppose, looking back at it now, that wasn’t the healthiest decision you took for yourself. But at that time, you could not help yourself. He was your first friend, your first love, your first everything. Jungkook showed you the ways of the world and then shattered it without a care. Of course, more than any other breakup, it would tear you apart.
Because to be honest, loving Jungkook made you happy. You remember when he first asked you out. Probably one of the best moments of your entire life. It happened after your band’s first major gig to open up the local summer festival. The two of you were still calming down from the high of the performance, excited, thrilled to have finally been given the opportunity in front of a bigger crowd. It felt surreal seeing the fascinated faces and happy smiles as they listen to your music.
Jungkook was right. This feeling was incredible.
“Holy shit. That was amazing,” Jaehyun laughs, hugging Yugyeom before turning to hug you and Jungkook. “I can’t believe we just did that!” 
“Do you think they liked us?” Yugyeom, ever the timid one asks. “I felt like I made a mistake somewhere along the second cho—“
“—Who cares, man?” Jungkook says, cutting Yugyeom off with a playful slap to the back. “We just fucking performed our first major gig. This isn’t time to be wallowing down on our mistakes. This is a time to celebrate!” 
You and Jaehyun hollered in agreement, following Jungkook as he dragged Yugyeom backstage where the four of you packed up, took a few commemorative pictures, and made your way towards the nearest convenience store to celebrate the night with some good old ramen, ice cream, and whatever your hearts desired.
It was a fun night, one filled with laughter as the four of you joked about whatever your mind could think of. Jungkook boasted about how he was right about their band getting somewhere, of how Jaehyun and Yugyeom, who were much more hesitant in joining the band, and after months of no progress, we’re beginning to regret it, had nothing to worry about. 
Jaehyun and Yugyeom even mustered up the courage to do a speed eating challenge, grabbing about her round of hot piping ramen and racing to see who could eat it the fastest, despite the heat burning their tongues both literally and figuratively.
It was a night where for once, the four of you didn’t have to worry about life outside of the band. Didn’t have to worry about the social pressure from school or home, Didn’t have to worry about stupid tests or becoming the best, for once the four of you could just be yourselves. Unapologetic and free.
When Jaehyun and Yugyeom decided to pack it up and head home, saying that if they didn’t arrive before their dreaded curfew, then their parents would literally send them to the pits of hell, you didn’t notice the way Jungkook grew silent. Maybe you did, but you were too preoccupied with the nauseated looks on Jaehyun and Yugyeom’s faces as they headed towards the public restroom to flush out the ramen in their system. 
“Hey (Y/N)?” Jungkook asks once Jaehyun and Yugyeom are nowhere to be seen. You hum in response, turning to look back at him, and immediately your eyes become overwhelmed with worry at the serious look on his face as he gazes up at the night sky, seemingly nervous and scared.
“Will you go out with me?”
It’s unexpected, a bomb to your heart if you could call it. You gasp the moment the words flow out of his mouth, staring at Jungkook in shock. Did he really just ask you out? 
You think it’s a joke. A cruel trick of nature. But by the way, Jungkook nervously fidgets from where he sits, and his eyes nervously dart around. Like they usually do during nerve-wracking situations like these, you knew in your heart that his words were true.
And you couldn’t be more overjoyed because you had fallen for Jeon Jungkook too. 
Throughout your many years of friendship, you had gotten to know Jungkook inside out. You were there when he threw a mini tantrum over missing first place in the final exam by one point, knowing that his parents would be disappointed in him. You were there when the two of you went out to buy his first-ever electric guitar after months of saving up money secretly. You were there for him when he was convincing Jaehyun and Yugyeom to join the band, even when he was about to get into a fight with Jaehyun over the matter.
And like clockwork, you had fallen.
It wasn’t particularly hard to do so. Jungkook had this certain charm to him, after all. He was an enigma. He could draw people into his rhythm like it was nothing and have them follow to the beat of his own drum. Sometimes you wondered if there was a hidden secret with the way he could so easily attract people, but the more you hung out, the more you realized that wasn’t the case at all. He was genuine in everything he did.
“Yes,” you say without hesitation, causing Jungkook to whip his head to face you in the blink of an eye, mouth slacking in shock. He blinks, you smile, and suddenly a smile of his own is forming on his face, reaching all the way into his eyes. 
“For real?” He whispers, not wanting this moment to slip away from his grasp. He was so close to having you in his arms, something he’s wanted for the longest time, that he was afraid that if he spoke any louder, he would ruin any chance he got. But your reassuring gaze and gentle hold immediately calm the raging wave of anxiety within him. “For real,” you affirm, and suddenly you’re in Jungkook’s embrace. 
It’s a warm embrace, one that has you returning it back with the same vigor, the same excitement bubbling in your chest. This marked the beginning of a new chapter for you and Jungkook, one where the two of you would walk down the unclear path you have chosen, still remaining by each other’s side, but this time, with hands intertwined.
You just wished it didn’t go up into flames like this.
You blink, snapping out of your trance as you gaze at Jungkook. Once more, seeing the way his lips were pursed into a thin line, his brows furrowed as if he had a lot going on through his mind. Which was only fitting. He had to, or else this wave of hurt and pain would only intensify and turn into something you would never be able to control. 
Remembering the happy moments was something you had promised yourself not to do, for it only brought you into another world of pain after looking at how the two of you were faring now. But in the midst of agony staring right at you, you couldn’t help but let yourself reminisce in hopes of relieving some of that anger and hurt so you wouldn’t do anything out of hand. 
“Tell me, Jungkook,” you finally say after a moment of silence, and you want to curse yourself for the way your voice cracks at the end. You had to be strong. You had to get through this. Because there was no way, you were going to let Jungkook ruin you once more. “How do you think our relationship was going within the last two years?”
Silence befalls the room for what feels like the millionth time, But this one is heavier than the last. Jungkook looks at you with such a severe gaze that you almost falter, forgetting the fact that he’s drunk with the way his eyes bore into yours. 
You dread his answer, not knowing what to expect. With the way, he was acting, and with all the things he’s said and done, you knew that his words would only hurt you even more from here on out. You clutch the fanfic of your sweater tightly, hanging on by a thread. 
But he says nothing.
The heavy silence lasts longer, and the more it persists, the more disappointment and disbelief creep into the cracked crevices of your already broken heart. Was he really going to act this way? Saying nothing at all? Did your relationship mean nothing to him in the past 2 years? 
“Unbelievable,” you mutter, letting out a scoff as your eyes scan his figure. He’s hunched up as if unsure of what to do, what to think, or what to say. There’s probably a flurry of emotions running through his mind, but you don’t pity him. You hope it continues to weigh heavy, as it did to you for the last three years. 
“I was miserable, Jungkook,” you whisper, recounting the memories you had buried deep within, afraid to open them up again at the cost of your already fragile happiness. But to be truly happy, one needs to let go of all the agony locked within. “Ever since Eunha came into our lives, you started treating me like a side character, as if I wasn’t your girlfriend.”
“And no,” you say sternly, already knowing what Jungkook was to say by the way his eyes widened and his mouth slacked, an arm up in protest for your words. “I’m not blaming Eunha entirely, contrary to what you may think. Sure, her arrival started it all. Sure, there were times where she acted so out of line that I wanted to slap her in the face n’s remind her who exactly she was talking to. But I couldn’t. Do you know why, Jungkook?” 
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you take a deep breath as you gather your thoughts. This was the first time you were finally going to let out all of your frustrations that’s been building up inside you for the past few years. It was a nerve-wracking feat, but a necessary one nonetheless, as even in those few moments of speaking, you were starting to feel just a bit more free. 
“Because I didn’t even know who I was anymore.”
Jungkook’s never been this confused in his life. 
It’s as if you had dropped a bomb on him without warning, causing him to be in a frenzy. What did you mean? How could you blame Eunha? Eunha was a sweet girl who could do no wrong. She was there for him whenever he needed that extra support, whenever he needed someone to ground him in this cruel, unforgiving world. 
She was there when you weren’t and was a constant in his life. How could such a sweet girl like her be the catalyst of this catastrophic situation? It had to be a joke.
“You’re lying,” he mutters, shaking his head in disbelief. The pain in his heart was coming back again, and just when he thought he had finally gotten rid of that after drowning in alcohol moments ago. This was your fault. You and your stupid song, your stupid lies. You were driving me crazy.
“I’m lying?” You ask, and Jungkook looks up to meet your eyes, feeling another burst of pain shoot through him at the agonizing expression on your face. Why did you look so hurt? He did nothing wrong. He didn’t hurt you. He couldn’t have. He had always been there for you. He was the reason you could do what you could in the first place. There was just no way that misery was because of him.
“Jungkook, did you even realize that with how much time you were spending with Eunha, you weren’t spending time with me anymore? Remember how you used to walk me home at midnight after your time at the studio and my radio show? You stopped doing that ever since she appeared.”
“For days, I stood outside the company for hours, waiting for you to bring me home because you promised that you’d never miss it for the world. And on the day that I finally decided to check up on you, worried that you might have been overworking yourself? I see you in the studio, laughing with Eunha.”
 Jungkook wanted to scream. He was stressed. He had to make music. Why couldn’t you understand that? 
“And when I confronted you about it? You shrugged me off, saying I was overly dramatic.”
You are. Jungkook insists in his head, thoughts spiraling. What’s wrong with him not bringing you home. Even if he was your boyfriend, he was not obligated to, right? You were supposed to understand him, right? That’s what lovers are supposed to do.
“I thought to myself, maybe you were right. Maybe I was overdramatic, so I did what you asked and shrugged me off. Yet, with each passing day, it felt like I was a stranger in your eyes. Do you even realize Jungkook that ever since Eunha came into our lives, we’ve only been on three dates?” 
You’re too demanding, his mind screams. Three dates? That was plenty for successful stars of your caliber. You had to understand that being under the limelight meant that he couldn’t reserve all the time in the world for you. 
His heart clenches painfully again, and Jungkook feels a sob hitch in his throat. 
“It hurt.” You cry, letting out the words that Jungkook wanted to say. “It hurt so much watching the love of my life and my best friend toss me to the side. Where was the you that promised that you’d always be there for me? Where was the you that promised to stay?” 
You’re crying now, tears streaming down your face as the words you’ve kept hidden for the longest time finally make their way out of your system. Every part of you was screaming in agony and pain, and you can feel the mended parts of your patched-up heart slowly break again. 
“Jungkook, I loved you. I loved you so much that I risked it all for you. I joined the band even though I wasn’t sure of our future because I saw how happy you were. You showed me what happiness could be, and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that, but at the same time, you showed me firsthand real pain and heartbreak. And I don’t think I can ever forgive you for doing that.” 
No. Why? You had to forgive him. You were his best friend. Stop. Stop speaking. Stop it. 
“I left because I wanted to keep what we still had within our memories.” You whisper, remembering the night you finally came to your decision. Remembering all the times you cried and broke down, not knowing what to do or where you should go. All the times where you forced yourself to put on a smile on your face and act as if everything was fine even though it wasn’t. 
“And I hoped that in leaving, we could pick up all the broken pieces and create something new with them. Maybe it would not have been a relationship as strong as the one we’ve had before. But at least it was something. And at least I would have still had a connection to you.”
You’re calm now, in a much better headspace than before. But that didn’t mean the ocean of despair that you surrounded yourself in dwindled in the slightest. It was still there, waiting in silence for the moment it could envelop you once more into its treacherous arms and drown you in its suffocating whispers. 
“But what the fuck is this?” 
You can feel the tides begin to sway, and you will yourself desperately to keep them down. With how the situation was unfolding, you needed to be the bigger person. For your sanity, For Jungkook’s, and for the closure that you both needed, which you weren’t sure would ever peacefully come to an end. 
“I never thought that you’d think of us like this Jungkook,” you whisper, and much to your horror, a tear slipped from the crevices of eyes as you hurriedly wiped them, standing up to grab your purse as you stood to leave the pub, not caring one bit if Jungkook got home safely or not, you were too overwhelmed to care. 
“I thought you loved me,” You whisper as you turn to look at him one final time, and all of a sudden, Jungkook is hit with wave after wave of sadness, anger, pain, frustration radiating from you. It suffocates him, and the only thought running through his head were questions of him hurting you? Was this really all his fault? 
“But I guess you only loved yourself.” A chuckle falls from your lips as you make your first step out of the door. Not paying mind to the old lady who looks at you with a worried gaze, you turn to open the door of the pub, only for someone else to beat you to it. 
Lo and Behold, It’s Eunha. 
“You,” She gasps as she takes in your disheveled and exhausted state. Although that immediate shock quickly disappears as she catches Jungkook’s equally petrified state from the corner of her eye. She then glares at you, but you honestly can’t find the energy within you to care.
Because this was never about her in the first place, even if in some way she plays a small part. 
“What did you do?” Eunha spats as she rushes past you to go to Jungkook, not even bothering to hear you out. You sigh, gathering the last remaining buts of courage within clenched fists, and make your way out of the door, leaving Jungkook, your broken heart, and the memories you two shared behind for good. 
Not caring what he would do with those fragments in the end. 
Eunha exclaims, immediately hooking her arms around him and hoisting him up into an embrace. “What happened? What did that bitch do?” But Jungkook doesn’t answer, thoroughly overwhelmed by the range of emotions that had just surpassed him from his conversation with you. 
Was it truly his fault? Was he the reason why things had turned out this way? There was no way right. He had treated you right, right? 
Jungkook tries to convince himself that he’s done nothing wrong, that he was perfectly innocent in this situation. But that nagging feeling deep within his mind and soul screams at him to finally realize the truth. He’s scared. He doesn’t want to know what lies beyond the bubble of happiness he had placed himself in. He doesn’t want to feel the agonizing pain he’s put himself through without realizing it. 
But not doing so would kill him more than knowing the truth ever will. 
So he opens the door to the truth and wallows in the misery of what he’s done. 
To be fair, there was some truth to Jungkook’s words. He had treated you like you were the most precious thing in the universe. And that was because, for the longest time, Jungkook did consider you highly special to him. You were his first friend, the first person he could confide his feelings in, the first person who showed him what love could be like. 
You grew up together, cried together, had your first drink together, stood on stage for the first time together. You had done just about everything together, and Jungkook cherished you more than anything in the world. 
In everything he did, he always tried to make you a part of it. Whether that meant buying your favorite drink or sending you pictures of whatever he was doing, Jungkook always wanted to help you see the world through his eyes because you deserved that much. 
Ice cream dates, sneaking out at night to have some chicken and beer, random dates at the local arcade, a stroll at the beach. You and Jungkook had practically done it all. So, where did it all fall apart? Where did Jungkook go wrong?
“Jungkook?” Eunha calls out, and Jungkook finally musters up the courage to look at Eunha, who was worriedly trying to get him to answer her. Her hold is familiar, something he’s been used to in the past two years, yet at the same time, something was missing within her warmth. An unexplainable feeling he couldn’t quite describe.
And then he realized it wasn’t you. 
Just when did he go astray? When did he start treating you like you weren’t the world to him? For sure, it wasn’t a singular moment. It was most definitely a culmination of many events that led up to his demise. But just how did it happen? 
He looks at Eunha’s worried eyes, those same eyes that he thought meant the world to him within those two years of your break up. Yet, for some reason, he just couldn’t look at them in the same way anymore. Not when there was this hollow emptiness in his heart that called out for you and only you, 
It was like a game of tug and war in his heart. He still loved Eunha; that much was for sure. But he couldn’t deny the love that he had for you as well. He remembered how Eunha was like a breath of fresh air for him. In the midst of all your nagging for him to take care of himself when he was working his ass off making new songs and dealing with management, Eunha was there to simply smile and encourage Jungkook. 
Like a fool, he got lured into Eunha’s charm and held onto it, not noticing that he was letting go of you in the process. 
His heart wails. It cries in pain and desperation of the love it has lost. Why did it have to be this way? Why was Jungkook such a fool? So consumed by his own selfishness, he abandoned the love you two shared and sought another, and now he was reaping what he had sown. 
You were gone. You would never come back. Whatever love you had between the two of you had left and died out. The world was cruel. It had given Jungkook so much hope yet took it away from him the moment he slipped up. Yet, he couldn’t really blame them. He couldn’t really blame you. 
Because he knew you had tried, he could see it in the way your eyes still cried out in pain when you see him. He could hear it in the agony of your voice as you sang passionately in your songs. He knew you did your best to pick up the fallen pieces and try to mend them back together. But all Jungkook did was rip them apart all over again. 
Life couldn’t have been any better for Jeon Jungkook until suddenly it was not. 
And he was the only one to blame. 
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© yumeyooa 2021. All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform aside from a03 and tumblr or by any means is NOT permitted and will be dealt with accordingly.
➢ taglist: @wearenot7withu @nadiaislas @bbydoejk​ 
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 years
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Deacon Billings (OC Ghostface)
Art (and playlist lmao) made by the very talented @vonclosen!
quick facts:
Deacon "Dea" "Ghostface" Billings
born in 1983, canon age (aka when he meets sidney between scream 3 & 4, ideally) is 27. as always, i have no idea what his birthday is, but he could be a capricorn?
5'11" and definitely has the energy of a guy who lies about being six foot one. thin, upper body strength only by necessity. brown hair bleached on top, sideburns, brown eyes. his tiredness, disheveled looks, and usually bitter expressions detract from his handsomeness
american of who's-even-keeping-track descent
die hard atheist, raised non-denominational christian
technically bisexual, but the object of his obsession is pretty much the pinnacle of his sexuality. incel tendencies.
born and raised in jacksonville, florida. still lived with his mom & step-dad there before he went after sidney. doesn't have a good relationship with his step-dad, strained relationship with his mom. no idea where his biological dad is
works at RadioShack in the regency square mall. he's always wanted a job building custom rigs, and he's really great with computers (more info on that in a sec), but he's basically just the guy who fixes your phone screen and asks you if you turned it off and on again... not a popular employee, as he's a bitch
in his free time, at first, he's an amateur hacker. he just enjoys causing chaos and being a fucking troll online with his "friends" (who are not very good friends). he can infect, brick, doxx, hack, and stalk at his leisure, but he usually uses those skills for fun or petty reasons.... at first. little shit. redditor energies. white guy podcaster energies. league player energies.
grew up hearing about sidney prescott and the Ghostface killings on the news. he's always been fascinated with stuff like columbine ... he has big school shooter energies in and after school. as he becomes more isolated, he slowly becomes more and more obsessed with sidney
him e-stalking sidney (and other girls) eventually teaches him a lot and escalates him from amateur hacker to something much darker - finally starts going by Ghostface online. he quickly figures out that he can make money from phishing, writing viruses, and catfishing/blackmail schemes. he has a deeply disturbing and intense online presence but in reality he's literally just some creep who works at RadioShack. very scary in its own way.
of course all this horrific bullshit comes from him being a fucking miserable person. he hates his life and himself. even when he feels like a big powerful guy online, in real life, he has no power, no future, no friends, and no prospects. he starts getting it into his head that he wants to be famous like billy loomis and stu macher were famous ... and if he dies while doing it, well, who cares?
decides he's going to go out in style. he drops everything and goes cross country to stalk sidney, not even telling his parents or his coworkers where he's going. they all have no clue where he could have gone, as he gave no indication that anything was wrong at all.
he harasses sidney online, on the phone, in person ... whole nine yards, he has really thought this through. honestly deep down tho? he doesn't want to kill her. at the beginning of his spree, he'd only killed a handful of people on his way cross country, and he threw up like a bitch the first couple times.
he wants her to kill him. he craves it. she's killed quite a few Ghostfaces at that point and though he doesn't go easy on her, she's a survivor.
but she doesn't kill him. when she realizes he's just some miserable douchebag who wants to do suicide by sidney, she decides not to give him the satisfaction. instead, she keeps him as a Ghostface to ward off other Ghostfaces. a decoy to either keep them away or kill them if they get too close. he knows the ins and outs of what it takes to stalk her, so he simply slams the doors behind him (as best he can)
his outfit is the typical Ghostface garb but made nicer: not polyester, a better fit, something he obviously worked on. he marks the robes with red hashmarks for every Ghostface (or other person, but sid wouldn't like that very much) he kills
very cheeky, as any Ghostface should be. taking selfies with his kills, making memes of them, posting them places, teasing the cops and his victims' families ... he loves all that shit.
I'll be posting any headcanons and stories I write with him here:
Slashers whose victim hurts their S/O
Slashers when their partner is angry
Deacon's favorite things
Hug blurb
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