#fallout brainrot taking over and all that you know
citrlet · 1 month
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 24 days
Ruin My Reputation
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pairing : cooper howard (the ghoul) x (fem) reader
summary : he’s soft for you
warnings : blood, drug use kinda, talk of shooting
a/n : just something short and sweet so the fallout brainrot subsides.
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“You know damn well I hate when you show up like this.” You let your medical supplies clatter onto the table where the ghoul sits, waiting like a hurt dog. Eyes awfully resemblant of the animal.
It’s likely that the only reason he’s here, looking this run down, is cause he’s got no vials left. If you knew better, you’d hide yours. Or better yet, get rid of them all together.
“Now c’mon darlin’,” he pauses to sputter out a cough and take a deep breath, “I thought you loved seeing me.” Shakily, he grabs his hat off his head and places it on the table.
“I love you a whole lot more when I don’t have to worry about you showing up at my doorstep on the brink of death you old..” Your words trail off and whatever insult you were ready to throw at him is taken away by the stream of air you let slip past your lips.
“I told you to quit your worryin’, I ain’t gonna die on ‘ya.”
“Oh yeah? And what do you suppose it is you’re doing right now?”
“Well if you’d quit your yappin’ and get to fixin’ I’d be doing a whole lot better, wouldn’t I?” He offers an unwelcome smile, which disappears when he winces in his pain. You hand him a vial of his favorite yellow liquid before you get to unbuttoning his shirt. After downing the vial he opens his mouth again but you're quick to cast your eyes his way.
“Looks like I didn’t need your medical attention after all, huh? ‘S a damn shame.”
“Mhm, waste of my time. Well then, I’ll cut right to it, thought I told ‘ya not to come around anymore after the last time.” Your voice trails off as you disappear to the back room to grab him a shirt that isn’t littered with holes and dirt and a shit ton of blood. Most of which probably isn't even his. And he follows behind, limping, like he’s in a trance and can’t help himself.
You hear a grunt from the other room as you rummage through a small storage box of his discarded things. Anything he left over the months he had been making himself a frequent quest in your home was in this box. You wanted to burn it. All of it. Use those little bottles of yellow liquid as a fire starter and make him watch while you did it. But anytime you tried, you couldn’t actually bring yourself to part with the tiny symbols of his presence.
“We both know you didn’t mean that,” he appears in the doorway behind you, blocking your exit, “besides I always come to my girl for help when things get rough. She's got all the good chems.”
You throw the shirt into his arms, a bit harder than intended, but he catches it with the reflexes of a man who kills for a living. Because, well, he does. You’re not sure why but every comment is making you angrier about him being there. A chem stash, huh? That’s all he thought of you?
“I wish you wouldn’t. I ain’t got time to sit around and tend to you, wait for you to get all better and leave again.”
The shirt now hangs on his body loosely, buttons open, “Now what’s got you so sour tonight. Usually you're a lot kinder to little ol’ me.” He leans against the doorframe
“Maybe the fact that I’ve got a half dead cowboy making himself comfy in my home every two weeks doesn’t sit well with me. You ever think about that before you kick your dirty boots off on my carpet?” You pause to stare at him with a raised eyebrow, “Oh, which reminds me, you owe me a new carpet.”
“What’re you talking about, woman?”
“You got blood on my carpet.”
“It was already covered in blood and dirt anyway!”
“Well, you got more on it. I liked how it was. So now you owe me a new one.”
“Are you hearing yourself? Where would you like me to go for said carpet? Anything I find you is gonna look exactly the same as the one already sitting on your goddamn floor!” He moves in slowly, cautiously like he’s practiced the art a million times. “Now I know you’re not worried about that piece of fabric out there. What is the problem?”
He swoops in close, close enough to wrap his arms around your waist with his hands clasped together at the dip in your back. You don’t push him away, though you want to. Although, all you think about is how your gun is sitting merely 5 inches away on the end table beside you. You could shoot him, if you wanted. But you probably won't.
Cooper’s eyes find your avoidant ones, the rough pads of his fingers grabbing at your chin to make you look at him. He’d never raise his full hand to you, smart man. God knows you’d think he was moving in to slap you, and his hand would be gone before he could yell ‘yeehaw’.
“You know damn well that I worry about you Coop.” Your arm finds his forearm, tugging his hand away from your face, “I just want you to stay for once, so I won't have to worry about you dying in the middle of the wasteland somewhere.” His hands find the dip in your back again, running along your skin until they rest on your hips.
“Hey now, you know I can’t stay, I got business to take care of out there.”
“Yeah, it’s always business. Always. Well you know what, so do I. So go on and get ‘fore I shoot yer sorry ass.” You step away from him, pushing him out of your way but his hands are quick to find your hips again and pull you back to him. Works like magnets.
“Now you're just being dramatic.. Alright alright, if you ask me nicely I’ll stay for a little longer than usual.”
You stare at him, eyebrows flexed in annoyance but the rest of your face has seemingly cooled down. You don’t need to say anything, he’s already agreed. He looks down at you with a soft smirk, thumbs rubbing into your hip bones.
“You are the easiest woman to please in the whole wasteland.” You feel your eyebrows relax as one of his hands reaches up to cup your cheek in his rough palm. His lips part, gazing at you with deep adoration.
“Think you’re making me go soft darlin’, gonna ruin my damn reputation.”
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mrzombielover · 3 months
Hello! Perchance, ur request is still open? I'd love your take on something that's been rattling in my brain. If you can't disregard the rest of the message, no worries! 😊 Human!Adam x Angel!Reader, I'd love an obsessed Adam who grew close to the reader after the fallout of his relationship with the trio (Luci, Lilith, and Eve). After being kicked out of Eden, he separates from Eve for years which is when he meets, well, you.
omg hi yes reqs are open!! everyone reading this pls send me more adam stuff the brainrot is realll and i need him in a way that’s concerning to feminism
also i just wanted to say thank you again for all the kind words you leave on my slow ride series it is so sweet and motivating :,)))))
warnings: none || wc: 842
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When everyday in heaven is a perfect day, you tend to find yourself becoming bored. You fulfill your duties, chitchat with the other angels, eat your fill of the sweetest fruits and lay to sleep on the softest clouds. You can sunbathe, go for a swim, see your closest friends however much you prefer. Heaven is, well, perfect- it was designed to be. Everyone else is perfectly satisfied, you should be perfectly satisfied.
So why do you find your mind wandering?
When everything is perfect, you’ve found lately that you’re lacking a sense of fulfillment. Of purpose. And above all else, you’re bored.
This is when your habit started. It’s harmless, really, you just had an itch of curiosity that needed to be scratched. Sure, your job had basically nothing to do with the humans on earth, but they were so fun to watch.
There’s not many of them right now, but they’re all so fascinating, especially the little ones. You couldn’t fathom it, being mortal. Originally, you thought they lived such trivial lives, but upon closer inspection, they’re not so different from your own.
After the fall, they’re completely separated from you now. You wish there was a way for you to let them know that there were still angels watching over them.
Your favorite, though, is Adam. After eating the fruit of knowledge, he’s different. As to be expected, though, when he suddenly has knowledge of good and evil, concepts he couldn’t even fathom before.
He’s funny. It’s terrible, some of the things he says, and even worse that you find it amusing. He’s charming, in a way.
One day, you just can’t help yourself anymore. It hurts you to see them struggle. Since leaving the garden, they’ve known pain and suffering. Struggle. Hunger. And though you’ve never experienced those yourself, the thought brings you sadness. You can’t imagine suffering so, and there’s a sense of guilt because you know that you have the power to make things easier for them.
You feel such pity, watching them, so far away, as they lament about missing the garden. Adam says that, most of all, he misses the fruit. The berries here never seemed to be as sweet.
It’s no coincidence when, not long after, he discovers a bushel of all the fruits he’d missed. It nearly brings him to tears when he takes a bite, the sweetness on his tongue and juices rolling down his chin. And it’s not much, but the pride that blooms in your chest as you watch is the best thing you’ve felt in millennia.
So you leave more gifts for them. You ought to be more careful, you’re pretty sure you could get in trouble for this. But if you’re not actually talking to them it’s fine, right? That’s just a line you won’t cross.
“Holy fuck-“ You dropped the basket you were holding. “It’s you!”
That startled you. How had a human managed to sneak up on you??
“I knew it-!”
You quickly shush him, looking around anxiously.
“I’m really not supposed to be here,” You say quietly, but you crack a small smile. He smiles, too.
You straighten up, and you mean to leave, but then he grabs your arm.
“Wait!” You can feel the blood pumping beneath his mortal flesh against the skin of your arm, what a strange feeling. “You have to leave already?”
You pause, biting the inside of your cheek as you consider it. Oh, you really shouldn’t. But you’re missing the warmth from his touch on your arm already.
Though you know it’s wrong in every sense of the word, you figure a few minutes couldn’t hurt. So you sit with him. You tell him about heaven, how every day is perfect, how one day he’ll forget what any of this feels like. And he tells you about Lilith and Eve, and how lonely he is down here. You tell him you wish you could fix that, frustrated by your own incompetence.
“Trust me, you’ve done enough,” He laughs, but hes putting a hand on your shoulder reassuringly. The touch is innocent, but it (embarrassingly) takes a great effort to keep your wings still.
Adam doesn’t move his hand away this time, and you cautiously raise your hand and put it over his. You turn to look at his face, and his eyes flicker briefly to your lips.
Then he leans closer to you, and presses his lips against your own, in the same way you’ve watched other humans do. It’s an odd sensation, he’s so warm, and causes a feeling you’ve never felt to stir in your chest. and this time, your wings do flutter.
you’re utterly speechless when he pulls away, already longing for his touch again. but you’ve already spent too much time here, and on top of all the rules you’ve broken lately, that was probably a big one.
you stand up hastily, and you feel a pang of sadness at the look on his face.
“I’ll see you again, I promise,”
He can’t wait.
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reblogs + comments greatly appreciated :)
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello 👋
I've read some of your fics and I enjoy them a lot esp Taehoon.
I wanted to ask if you could do a fic about Taehoon getting into a serious fight with his s/o and how the would try to make up with them.
Genre: angst to fluff basically.
If you don't do angst then please discard this.
Thanks either way
I'll go by Black anon
Hey black anon. Thanks for the ask and reading my brainrot 🥰 the fight isn't serious serious, the angst isn't angst angst, and the fluff isn't fluff fluff but at least the DILF makes an appearance!
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Fall out
Taehoon says it's not that serious
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Hansu notices something is wrong when you didn't come round for the third day in a row.
He takes his glasses off and sighs.
"Whatever you've done Taehoon, just apologise."
"I haven't done shit, old man."
Taehoon throws his dad a scowl, before turning back and glaring at his phone.
For the last 20 minutes, he's been absentmindedly scrolling through photos of you both.
You always seem so happy in the photos. And well, you're happy in person too. But there's something special about how your eyes crinkle and face lights up. It really is worth a thousand words.
And Taehoon himself, if not candid, is usually posing with a smirk or a glare. Typical really. Yet very occasionally, in rare instances, the camera captures how he looks at you - like you're the whole world.
He wrinkles his nose at this. Are you serious? This is how he looks? Like a love sick idiot? Urgh.
God, tonight fucking sucks and this whole thing fucking sucks.
He wouldn't be in this predicament if he could just face his feelings. Who has he got to blame but himself.
Sure, you've been dating for a little while now. However the fallout happened a few days ago. You asked him to meet your parents, as most couples do; Taehoon had recoiled and dismissed you, despite how upset you were getting. He regretted the words as soon as he said them.
"But I see your dad all the time!"
"It's not the same."
"How is it not the same?"
"It just isn't."
"You can't just avoid my family forever,"
"What sort of boyfriend doesn't meet their partner's family at least once?"
"We've been together for 9 months-"
"We're not that serious."
"Oh. Right."
And you, feeling humiliated and rejected, didn't say anything else and left. You haven't spoken to him since.
Look, he knows his argument isn't ruled by logic and it doesn't make sense. Yes, you see his dad a lot but you hang around at the studio and his house a lot too. Of course you would see Hansu.
But Taehoon meeting your parents? It seems momentous. Like a huge milestone.
Like... You're someone special.
Like you're his and he's yours.
Like finally admitting that he loves-
Like knowing if he were to lose you, then it would hurt.
Or if he wasn't able to protect you, and you would be gone, then-
Well, what then.
He didn't think he had it in him to care for someone else after Dowoon. But you came along, wormed your way into his life and his heart, and now?
If anything happened, he knows he wouldnt be the same. That if you went, you would take a piece of him. That even with time, the emptiness would still never heal.
Taehoon knows his whole argument is stupid. Because all these things were true months ago and they're true right now.
That really, he upset you for no reason.
"Fine. FINE!" Hansu looks over at his son's outburst in surprise.
"I'll apolog- call Y/N.”
"You should get her some flowers too,"
"Dad. Shut it."
Hansu looks at Taehoon disapprovingly. Seriously, who raised this brat?
You wait on your doorstep, tapping your foot impatiently.
You're still mad at him (and embarrassed). But when could you ever say no to Taehoon? He asked to meet you, you reluctantly agreed, but this bastard hasn't even said a word yet.
"Don't interrupt," You weren't even saying anything! Taehoon throws you a glare just for good measure. But you notice the way he fidgets, and he never fidgets. He's self confident to the core.
"I didn't mean what I said. I-" did Taehoon actually gulp? "I'm serious about you. Pretty fucking serious, ok. And if meeting your family makes you happy then," he shrugs, "fine. Let's do it now."
Hold on. You think you hurt your neck from his whiplash.
You're torn between actually wanting to introduce your delinquent boyfriend finally to everyone, and wanting to grill him. It's not everyday Taehoon gets into his feelings.
The latter wins out.
"Wait," you cross your arms and continue blocking his way in, "why the change of heart?"
Taehoon glowers at you. He sees your relaxed stance, the way you have loosened up even as you're playing hard to get.
Whatever, he isn't a coward.
"You're the most important person to me. I want you to be happy."
Oh. If you weren't soft before, then you definitely are now. This man is going to be the death of you.
You reach out and pull his cheeks, smiling at him fondly. "You asshole."
"Cut it out," he bats at your hands half heartedly.
"Was that so hard?"
"Just let me in,"
"Don't you want me to say hi?"
"Don't you want to introduce your boyfriend?"
"Ack. Ok, fine fine." You finally let go and move aside.
... Something catches your eyes.
"Taehoon, you bought flowers?!"
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gaelnotgayle · 5 months
Paladin Danse and Gale Dekarios
I dont know if my brainrot is entering a whole new level of delusional but ive been reflecting about the fictional characters ive fallen for in the past and seeing some of their similarities (much to my dismay) but when i compared gale and danse i found that they, surprisingly, have a bit in common?
It started with the galextavxastarion fics ive read which had the same vibes as dansexsolexmaxson fics, which as i described to my friend "theyre so gay for each other they need another person in their relationship to balance it out". Now i didnt take that comparison too seriously, i was just basing it off the vibes that both relationships shared. But i guess thats when the seed was planted in my head.
First, gale and danse would sacrifice their life for forgiveness. Mystra for gale and the brotherhood (or maxson) for danse. Theyre both so selfless and driven by their beliefs that they would go so far as kill themselves in the name of their god/organization.
Second, they hold their identity so close to these entities. Magic to gale and the BOS to danse and this contributed to their almost unshakeable belief of sacrificing themselves for these entities. They wholeheartedly believe that they are nothing without these and that they are nothing more than magic or the brotherhood. They even become lost once you save them, explicitly telling the protagonist (aka the player) they dont know what they will do now that these large aspects of their life is gone.
Thirdly, now this isnt as serious as the first two but they both are very intellectual and have a tendency to hyperfixate on things. I believe that if they had a chance to meet (i think gale would have a heart attack learning of what happens in the fallout universe) they would spend hours discussing a lot of things. Danse would very happily teach gale about power armors and their mechanics and gale would teach danse the complexities of the weave. At first i brushed off the idea of the two ever being similar since danse is closed off and isnt very forthcoming with his emotions while gale isnt hesitant on wearing his heart on his sleeve but that was just the surface.
Fourth, puppy dog eyes. Thats all.
I know i could discuss these better or more in depth. Maybe i will someday? (After i get over the fact that preston garvey and wyll are similar as well) but yeah.... i have a type it seems...
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sgcairo · 2 years
Ship time Baizhu is married to the Gui pharmacist from the Bubu Pharmacy
They're happily married
Ooooooh my friend... you have opened the forbidden box of brainrot on this one.
Now, to preface my thoughts on this: My own headcanons and brainstuff can be read platonically or romantically, because I can't decide which one's more precious here. Probably both, but let's jump straight into it!
(This is also based partially on the Baizhu has Eleazar headcanons I've seen floating around, just for reference.)
-Baizhu doesn't leave the pharmacy often for a reason, as his body is much weaker than it used to be. He gets exhausted easily, and with Qiqi's poor memory, it's up to Gui to keep him from escaping. He's successful about 56% of the time. The other 44% is Baizhu sneaking out and having the residents of harbor escort him back, all scolding his ear off about taking better care of himself.
-When Baizhu is having a bad day or is too sick to tend to the shop, Gui picks up the slack and makes sure to check on him regularly (which includes bringing him some hot soup from Wanmin and brewing his favorite tea) and closes the shop early, just so he can make sure Baizhu isn't suffocating in the mound of pillows he usually burrows into. It's only near happened once, but once is enough to nearly traumatize Gui for life.
-Gui is always prepared for the weather because Baizhu either gets overheated or frozen over somehow, despite claiming that he can handle the weather. Parasol, coat- and prepared to carry Baizhu if he decides he doesn't want to walk or falls asleep somewhere. Changsheng says he looks stupid carrying all that junk, until Baizhu is wrapped up in an oversized coat, shaking in his boots.
-Baizhu has collapsed from exhaustion once or twice, which scared the life out of Gui, and ended with him staying overnight to take care of his crazy boss. Baizhu has had several fever dreams of Gui appearing out of the sky like the gods parting the clouds, and octopus creatures with Gui's face. He never mentioned it for a reason...
-Baizhu is always strangely somber after coming out of a serious bout of illness. His usual teasing nature is gone, replaced by a sullen look that can only be described as acceptance. He knows what will happen in the next few years, though it seems that he struggles to fully comprehend it each time. It only motivates his work to find this immortality solution faster, but not after a few days of sitting under the peach tree in the courtyard behind the pharmacy, watching the sky with empty eyes. If only there was more time.
Gui will make sure to guide him inside after a while, especially during the colder seasons, it wouldn't do for him to get sick again. Baizhu seems so small, so vulnerable that Gui can't help but stay in the house beyond the pharmacy, fixing meals and making sure that Baizhu continues to recover smoothly. When Baizhu questions him, he merely smiles and offers a cup of tea, he can't explain the tight feeling in his chest, seeing Baizhu so... solemn.
-Letters arrive from Pantalone every once in a while. Gui doesn't like Pantalone in the slightest, especially after the fallout between him and Baizhu. He just... got up and left, not even bothering to clean up the destruction in his wake. Baizhu is still heartbroken over it, and always seems so hopeful when he receives a letter. Gui hates to see it crushed by another lackluster, robotic response. The Harbinger definitely didn't write this, and he hates Pantalone for it. For everything. Baizhu would be happier, if he hadn't been so selfish.
But all he can do is watch.
-Gui's family always teases him about his very attractive boss. Baizhu is very polite in their eyes, not to mention charming. Little do they know the chaotic and arduous task that tracking him down through the harbor is Gui's job now, and his boss listens to a talking snake with questionable motivations. If only they knew...
There may or may not be more of these later.
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
the bleak primadonna au brainrot is real
I have loved your posts on characters' thoughts so far, but I haven't really seen Kakashi mentioned? How does he feel about the whole ordeal? How is he reacting to the fallout? What would he do if there was a civil war over it?
AHHHHHH, anon, thank you for validating bleak primadonna AU brainrot is real. I’m patient zero and it is wild how much I keep thinking about it, lol.
To be fair I hadn’t really considered Kakashi much in this AU until you asked. Except for the canonical “had he still been Hokage this wouldn’t have happened” type thing. But as a person also affected by the Incident and, again, living with the knowledge that he could have prevented this, there’s all that good classic Kakashi Guilt™
BECAUSE I do still stand by the idea that he would have given Shikako her justified revenge. BUT ALSO, another part of the reason for the brewing civil war is that some people think Shikako is the better Hokage candidate so there must be a part of Kakashi that is wondering what if he had chosen Shikako as his successor.
And, like, we have to imagine that when it came time for Kakashi to pass down the hat he did know that objectively Shikako is the better leader, administrator, mentor/guide, general, etc. etc. Of course as of canon DoS, Naruto is still out on his time skip training trip, but Shikako has gone full jounin with SQ’s world building of peace time jounin requirements and even before then we see the difference between Shikako taking the lead on missions versus Naruto being mission leader.
Although, again, haven’t consumed Boruto, so I don’t know if they ever explained what happens between teen Naruto to Hokage Naruto. He could still be genin ranked for all I know, although I would think that whatever powers that be that decide the next Hokage would want him to prove himself as a jounin. And while, arguably, wartime promotions are a thing (obviously child Kakashi didn’t have a civic leadership project considering his almost literal lone wolf vibe and also being a child) the whole point of a Hokage Naruto is that he wants/brought about a world of peace. Which is to say that we don’t necessarily know what Naruto will end up doing for his jounin civic leadership project or even if one is required of him, but I can’t imagine it’s more impressive/significant than the, essentially, multiple jounin civic leadership projects that Shikako has done/contributed to, etc.
All of that to say, if Kakashi were to be logical about his successor he would definitely consider/ask Shikako first—privately so as not to rub it in Naruto and Sasuke’s faces--then ask for her opinion on who it should be after she says no. Because obviously he knows about being a reluctant Hokage forced into a position he doesn’t want (he probably tried to pass down the hat even earlier, but it’s not until a certain age when his students are a more acceptable option that it becomes reasonable) and he would never want to do the same thing to his students. And of course at this point in time—post war/all threats dealt with—Shikako just wants to relax and come up with cool seals and not worry about any oncoming tragedy so she certainly doesn’t want to be Hokage. And moreover of course she wouldn’t want to steal Naruto’s dream. So she turns Kakashi down.
(And this is maybe something she thinks about, too. After everything. The hubris she had that even if she didn’t become Hokage that she could still guide/influence her friends into doing what she wanted/thought was correct. And how galling it must have been when Naruto refused her. O_O)
But back to Kakashi.
He wonders, maybe, if he should have… not MADE her take the hat per se, but been a little more convincing. Encouraged her toward it in a way that said, “Hey, I was the best option Konoha had at the time and I stepped up. I think you’re the best option Konoha has now and I want you to step up, too.” Because it’s not always about who WANTS it the most but who is BEST for the role.
(And also, for all that Naruto is arguably not great in the bleak primadonna AU, I don’t think he’d be resentful towards Shikako had she become Hokage. He would have been a little heart broken for a little bit, maybe, and always think about it wistfully, but I think he would have eventually come to terms with it and, like, re-contextualize his desire to be Hokage for what it really was (to be publicly respected and liked which he achieved before becoming Hokage anyway))
But, let’s move beyond Kakashi’s Guilt and Regrets™
If Sasuke is conflicted to the point of being neutral and staying in the village, I would want to do something different with Kakashi. In classic Kakashi fashion, he does turn the blame inwards, but he also has to never show it because now—with the exception of Gai—the only people he can be vulnerable about these types of things are his students who are at the heart of the issue (and also Sasuke who is already SO conflicted)
It’s a very fine line he is walking and I’m not sure if I’m even articulating it right, but basically I think he is a big Kako Heijo fan but also never acknowledges who Kako Heijo really is. Like, whenever possible, he goes to the midnight premieres of her movies but never reaches out to use his obvious connections to get merch or autographs or special seating or anything like that. Why would he? He’s just a fan of Kako Heijo. He has no other connection to her. Of course he never taught her, you must be confused, Kako Heijo is a civilian actress not a shinobi. Why are you being so weird. Oh, you must be thinking of my student Shikako Nara. I suppose they have similar names, but I don’t see how you’d get them confused.
Extreme denial is the way he’d go.
I also think, in order to prevent… hm… there’s probably another faction in the village who want Kakashi to be Hokage again instead. Like, a neutral faction or a faction who is also trying to prevent a civil war by seeking a third option or, like, the older generation who see both Shikako and Naruto as overdramatic upstarts because Kakashi shouldn’t have even given up the hat anyway. You keep it until you die (or are unable to fight. Actually, DOES something happen to Kakashi that would make him unable to fight? I did not read much of Shippuden.) But even if Kakashi thought it would work (it wouldn’t) I don’t think he’d want to be Hokage again. And if anything that would just be kicking the problem further down the line because he’d have to retire again eventually and his successors would still be Naruto and Shikako… and maybe Sasuke, although I feel like he’d want it even less?
Anyways… in order to prevent that, I think Kakashi really is leaning into the whole… I’m just a silly old man. Yes I used to be Hokage and one of the deadliest S-rank shinobi on the planet, but now I like to watch movies and play with my dogs, nothing to see here.
And so as not to seem one-sided in his personal but not professional support, I do think Kakashi gets closer to the Uzumaki family as, like, a strange uncle figure (which adds to Boruto’s weird double prince privilege vibe) so its not just them and the Hyuuga clan. But understandably it gets fraught when Naruto neglects his fatherly duties to be Hokage—which both Boruto and Himawari are sad about and only adds to the guilt that Kakashi points inward—and Kakashi doesn’t help him with that because 1) that’s not his job anymore, 2) he’s just a silly old man, and 3) if Kakashi helps Naruto professionally then what was the point of even passing the hat down, if he’s going to advise Naruto then he should have just kept it and maybe the Incident wouldn’t have happened and he wou—
Things get cyclical with Kakashi and his Guilt/Regret Spiraling™
When I say civil war, I don’t actually think there will be outright war and fighting. Most of the movement would be led by the ANY clans and most of that would be a peaceful secession from Konoha, possibly citing the original clan laws of why they joined Konoha in the first place, and sort of implying that there were contracts in place about clan responsibilities to the village and vice versa when Konoha was founded.
Now whether or not the other side accepts the secession peacefully is up in the air, but the ANY clans have been PLANNING and PREPARING for this for a long time so i would think that if it did come to actual battle, the ANY clans would have the foresight to have already evacuated all their noncombatants which puts more risk for the other side. And, sure, Naruto would kick Chouji’s ass—especially since, without Shikamaru, he and Ino aren’t as effective in battle as they were before and no way is Ino going to be able to mind jump a jinchuuriki—but by that point it gets kinda dicey since like… Naruto’s whole stance is that he brought peace to the Elemental Nations and also that Shikako straight up murdered who she wanted… so obviously it’s not hypocrisy per se, but it doesn’t look great in either direction for Naruto if he lets a third of his village leave or if he forces(?) a third of his village to stay under threat of imprisonment(?)
Kakashi knows this. And this is the one case where he is being proactive, competent Hound/former Hokage in that he is trying to reintegrate the ANY clans into the village without tipping anyone off about the plan to secede and also that he knows about the plan to secede. Or maybe he doesn’t really KNOW it per se, but I think he gets the vibe that something is happening to the ANY clans similar to what happened to the Uchiha clan and he’s trying to fix the problem the same way he would have fixed that without realizing that the ANY clans are isolating/diminishing their presence themselves rather than it being done to them by other people.
(Because if it comes to actual war, Kakashi knows what he’ll do. It’s what he’s always done. He’ll fight for Konoha. He’ll kill for Konoha. He doesn’t want to, but he will if it comes to that. But it won’t. Because the Hokage is Naruto and that’s what got them into this situation in the first place)
That being said, it really does depend on the Hyuuga Branch House on whether or not things turn to violence. Because if the ANY clans are able to recruit the Branch House they get that moral victory AND the majority of Konoha’s current most powerful bloodline which means that even if the other clans are willing to stay with Naruto’s village, much less fight for it, odds are not in their favor. But, if the ANY clans CAN’T recruit the Branch House, it then depends on whether they are willing to fight against their current best chance at removing the seal (because even if Shikako is currently off being Kako Heijo that doesn’t mean she won’t at some point go back to sealing. And she won’t look favorably on them if they mess with her clans) and even if they do fight, I can’t imagine they’re going to go all out. (And, also, I have to wonder if Akimichi physiology is at all a deterrent to the Hyuuga’s style? Like… does their bulk mean that more effort is required to hit the tenketsu?)
And, like, even if the ANY clans lose, at worst Naruto is going to imprison them (specifically Chouji and Ino and maybe Kinokawa as the leaders) because the whole situation even started because he doesn’t believe in capital punishment. And then, what, their clans are just supposed to fall back in line without being resentful? And then as if Kako Heijo won’t come out of retirement to prison break her childhood friends and her little brother. AND THEN! THAT JUST FURTHER PROVES THE FUTILITY OF NARUTO’S STANCE (but also does maybe now turn Shikako into an official S-rank nuke nin like the many Konoha S-rank nuke nin before her, but who’s going to go up against her, really, lol)
Oh Kakashi, so little of this is your fault, and yet I know he’s going to internalize all of it and just destroy himself emotionally while still being cool and casual externally.
Sorry for ranting, thank you for indulging me.
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shim0stan · 14 days
Greetings people of tumblr!!!
I’ve just started watching the new Fallout series and my Deathclaw brainrot is back—
Would anyone be interested in a plot with my slew of hyper intelligent Deathclaw OCs inspired by Fallout 4 and Goris and his clan from 2? I have dense lore and backstories that are all woven together and I think an interesting story could be made! OCs and canons are both welcome here! I am open to romantic, platonic and familial relationship dynamics. Here's what I got!
Years ago, a rouge scientist began to capture roaming Deathclaws and eggs as test subjects, injecting them with an experimental stimulant steroid that was initially meant to make human beings more resilient to radioactivity. Most of the Deathclaws perished, but the ones that survived thrived and seemed to become…more. gaining enhanced intellect and even speech, the scientist became fearful and tried to kill his creations. but one survived and got away with a large clutch of mixed eggs, including his own from his now deceased mate. Gorr fled into the wasteland, and to shelter the new brood, retreated into a series of underground cavern full of glowing crystals….Seven generations later, Gorr reigned as the clan elder, and they have a flourishing underground society, raising mutant goats, farming mushrooms, hunting mutant fish in the underground streams and giant rodents in the tunnels, totally aware of the world above the surface. My muses are as follows:
Rikko - The protagonist of my story here. He’s a young chameleon type Deathclaw with vitiligo and is the son of Jakra, the current alpha and Niri, the current matriarch and is next in line to take over as clan leader. He is the seven times great grandson of the wise and respected elder Gorr, though he just calls him gramps or grampa. He has a little sister named Toepa, and is a good big brother. He’s soft spoken, curious and gentle, but not very brave and still finding himself.
Shiza - One of two of Rikko's childhood best friends, a female albino. She’s strong willed and a wonderful sparrer and doesn’t take any shit from anyone. She tends to stand up for Rikko if anyone speaks negatively of him, because everyone in the clan knows not to fuck with her.
Zumo - The second childhood best friend. With a broken horn and some battle scars, he’s renowned in the clan for being an expert hunter and fisher despite his young age. He’s big, bulky and thinks mostly with his brawn, but he’s no bully and has a golden heart, standing up for what’s right and standing up for any of the younglings being bullied by older juveniles.
Kova - Jakra’s brother and Rikko’s uncle. Although initially seeming to be a good family member, once Rikko and his friends discover the world above in the Wasteland, Kova becomes obsessed with gaining and learning about human weapons and technology to prove Deathclaws as the superior species, to the point where he becomes a power hungry tyrant that splits the clan into two fractions. His followers who believe humans should be killed, and those that wish to remain peacefully under the ground.
I personally prefer discord to write (my @ is extinctioniism), and will only write with people 18+ for my own comfort as I am 24. I’m literate, to advanced literate, to even novella (I can break the nitro limit sometimes) if I’m feeling the story and muses. If you’re at all interested, please interact and I’ll contact you asap or dm me!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
So Roses. First of all I love me some royalty au’s. Especially, with succession struggles. So when you do get around to writing it, it will eat that shit up. That’s also what instantly hooked me on Stars royalty + space.
Anyway, you are once again creating an speaking story simply by flipping the overdone dynamics around. I can’t speak for Techno or Tommy, but so far none of SBI are royalty. It’s very fun to see Phil as the royal advisor (who definitely has his own agenda with all the secret messages). I do think he has a lot more power than you would think. He got his way very easily with Sam. Like he basically got permission to make the decision.
I’m gonna be honest, I was expecting Phil to try and push Wilbur as a potential heir, but I think he’s more trying to set up a puppet king situation. Like he wants Quackity at the palace because if he does become heir he’s more likely to take Wilbur as his advisor if he already knows him. Also I feel like the tnt duo is going to be off the charts in this story. It feels like it’s going to be childhood friends/rivals maybe both.
And then there’s Sam. Sam who doesn’t want to get married because he has Ponk, even if he could get married and keep him. I do think that’s very sweet, but that action has consequences. We’ll enjoy the fallout.
YEAHHH ngl spruce I was excited to post this partially bc i knew you were gonna be so game for it lmao
oh yeah phil's definitely got way more power than you'd think he would. the inspo for sandduo in this au came from house of the dragon actually, and while this won't make sense if you haven't seen it, at one point I was like "man what if Otto Hightower wasn't a total dick to Alicent and she was actually into his scheming and the two worked together when she was younger they'd be a very powerful father daughter duo" and then the idea of 'advisor to the king phil who has so many schemes of his own going on + wilbur his son working with him and learning from him' popped into my head. (that's where the inspo ends tho bc like. there aren't gonna be any marriage manipulation plots in this fic lol)
sam is not really a... forceful king to be honest. he relies a lot on phil for his advice, and the Consil's role also includes taking over for the king if he's sick or unavailable at a certain time. so the Consil is essentially the second most powerful person in the kingdom. also related to what you said at the end, he doesn't want to get married because he has ponk yes, but it's going to cause a lot of fallout. he doesn't really care though. when it comes to running the kingdom, he's more than happy to let phil do the hard stuff for him. but he has one line and he's gonna draw it there, succession crisis be damned
the thing is, wilbur as a potential heir would never work. because this is based (albeit loosely) off medieval royalty politics, which were all about blood. wilbur and phil don't have any blood ties to the royal family. wilbur could never be an heir because he's not blood-related to sam, unlike niki who is sam's cousin, and quackity who is his nephew. so yeah, that's off the table so what's phil gonna go for instead? second best option :)
ohhhh the tntduo is gonna be so fun in this fic. the main wilbur relationships I think I'm gonna focus on are (in no particular order): rainduo, crimeboys, tntduo, and sandduo (with a healthy dose of sweaterduo too)
you guys have no idea how much I've been brainrotting this I spent a ridiculous amount of time the other day figuring out what historical fashion trends are gonna be present in this hand wavy alternate universe medieval but not medieval era. I'm in DEEP
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ivorypiano · 2 years
rtc apocalypse au because @/yourdeepestfathoms fallout au reminded me those exist and im brainrotting all over again
okay uhm hear me out...so there's a hivemind that's basically taken over the earth + a bunch of natural disasters and nuclear waste accidents have kind of ruined everything.
we'll call this hivemind the cyclone
survivors are living in communities/mini cities that are all in alliances and are hostile to everyone outside of those alliances
because the main way this hivemind infects people is through a virus that weakens the body, and then you either die or the cyclone takes over your mind (i might call it the cassian virus so it stays connected to rtc...i dont like that name that much though so if anyone has any other ideas-)
And that's where Jane comes in! My girl Penny is out here with the virus, and the community she's living in has a policy where they kick people out once they've reached a dangerous stage of the virus. She was extremely close to joining the Cyclone but because of blunt head trauma it never happened (i havent come up with what thats from yet, maybe someone throws a rock at her idk).
Instead she wakes up with amnesia and wanders her way to Uranium (a community that was developing a cure but one of the head researchers got infected so a majority of people left). She couldn't remember her name and people started calling her Jane Doe, and the name stuck.
Her first friend is Ricky! Later when all the choir gets closer they go on an epic quest to find the cure for the virus :D
Ricky is transmasc in this au (sorry savannah fans)
uhhhh i don't want to get this too long so have some random exposition that will probably never be relevant:
Uranium is part of the 914 Alliance (lol get it), named after the 914 project (the virus cure Uranium was working on). It used to be called the 306 Alliance after the area code. Another community in the 914 alliance is Wonderville, operating out of the fairgrounds!
America is made up of a lot of big alliances named after the cities/state theyre based in (because it's america of course we'd do that
Communities are very common but are usually made of small groups spanning from 20-100 people. There are also many large cities of Cyclone members where they do like. stuff. Ok I don't actually know what the Cyclone's goal is yet, but they're supposed to be evil so if anyone has any ideas...?
Larger communities don't tend to last long either because of fighting with other communities or because of Cassian outbreaks
expect more to come because i have so many ideas now fdhsfhdkjshj
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istratasphere · 2 years
The way I went >:) at your second round of questions bc it means I have every right to bother you with more in return (if you want to answer them ofc)
35 for Casimir, 84 for Lavael, and 11 for whoever you want ^-^
Round two!!
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
It usually takes a significant amount of effort to get on Casimir’s nerves for obvious (to those of us who know them) reasons, the All-Seer’s persistence is so great an annoyance that almost everything else seems inconsequential. Even so, he’s not unshakeable. The fastest way to annoy him and to very quickly lose any goodwill he had towards you is by staring at him as, thanks to his patron’s influence, he has developed pretty severe scopophobia over time. They do their best to express their discomfort with it before most interactions to avoid any issues but actively ignoring their wishes is a one-way ticket to a very agitated warlock who, despite their typical apathy, is not unwilling to use their power to inflict an equal amount of distress and discomfort upon the offending party. 
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best? 
Pride, easily. I pretty much created Lavael with Pride at the forefront of his personality. He’s a man who came from absolutely nothing and managed to successfully claw his way to everything he thought he wanted. He gained access to a title, land, wealth, and the adoration of his newfound peers in a relatively short amount of time, that kind of smashing success combined with the lurking anxiety of losing it all if he slipped up brought out nothing but the worst in him. Fooling the entirety of high society into thinking he belonged among them is no small feat and the longer he kept up this deception successfully the more arrogant he became. He had gained the admiration and envy of his peers in equal measure and relished in every bit of it. After starting with so little and gaining so much, it’s not so much of a surprise that he turned out the way he did, it was just very unfortunate for everyone who ever had to interact with him for the entire time period before he started his character development.
(Over two years of character development have done wonders for his personality, he’s only a slight prick these days as opposed to how he was before.)
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
Surprise! The new character brainrot completely hijacked this one, time to meet my wizard in a more official capacity I guess??
Camellia Siltweiss carries a name that comes with the burden of great expectations. Many of her ancestors have already made their mark on the continent’s history. Her earliest ancestor founded a city that shares the name, another contributed valuable arcane discoveries to a university that now bears the name, her parents have ensured that the name will be listed amongst the most influential western leaders of the current era, and her siblings have already started to earn great renown in their respective fields. Needless to say, there may be some mild pressure to live up to the Siltweiss name. Luckily, she already has some plans in mind to make her mark. 
To any outsider, it would seem that Siltweiss is a thriving and prosperous city but those who live there are fully aware of the darkness that lurks beneath its surface. Unlike her family (and ironically), Camellia hasn’t turned a blind eye to the deep-rooted corruption plaguing her city. She has spent a significant amount of time drafting up drastic reforms with the intent to enact them as soon as she takes over the chancellery from her parents. She’s made plenty of preparations to deal with the fallout of her actions as well, you can’t really expect to completely overhaul a long-standing system without some outcry after all (especially from those who benefit most from it.) It’ll still be some time yet before she gets the chance to enact her plans but she’s more than willing to lie in wait. History is rarely made in a day after all, and she’s nothing if not patient.
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dwel13r · 3 months
¹   to the west, you can see stars in an open sky. for the first time in your life, you are looking at the outside world.       /      extremely low activity and low effort writing blog for 'the vault dweller' from fallout (1997). by sidney.
this is a roleplay blog for the protagonist of fallout 1. i don't format or have graphics and i only come on here when the brainrot takes me here. writing will be sporadic as this isn't my main rp blog but i am happy to give my discord to mutuals and write there. i'm much more active.
typical rules apply, check out @1ynns for those.
bethesda fallout critical. todd please stop putting super mutants on the west coast and disrespecting the narrative of the first game. please...
i'm a big fan of the esoteric and weird aspects of the first 2 fallouts as well as new vegas, and this blog will lean into them. any post fallout 1 verse will have the dweller as a sort of ghost-like figure and will lean into their status as a myth.
this blog writes in second person.
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for my version of the dweller, I like to lean into the idea of a person becoming a myth. they don't have a name and they have no clear face because people don't remember who they were, just what they did. people who did know them only remember the vague shape of them. in the wasteland and to their descendants they're known as 'the vault dweller' who came from vault 13 to find a waterchip and destroyed the master and the vats in the process. if you write any 2 or new vegas characters, they've likely heard the stories.
they had a name, but no one remembers it. known as 'the vault dweller', calls themself 'the wanderer'
they/them pronouns. there's dispute over whether the legendary figure was a man or a woman. (just as a note, I write them as non-binary but lacking the terms for it. they also don't care what people refer to them as)
they were 20 years old during the events of fallout 1. they should've been at the club i know. in post 1 verses they'll still appear at that age because again, they're a weird ghost-like figure.
in 2/3/4/nv verses, they'll be something like the mysterious stranger. you'll see them occasionally, you'll chat and they may give you some advice, but then they're gone.
the beginning of fallout 1 to the end was about a year, and there was about a year gap between the end of 1 and the founding of arroyo. i know the fallout bible indicates it was only a few months, but this just makes more sense to me.
during the course of their adventure all their companions died. ian at the watershed, katja at the glow, tycho at the cathedral, and dogmeat at mariposa.
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
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In response to this. I am replying in a new post bc I have the "no sense of brevity" flavor of ADHD so I know this is gonna get long.
@yramesoruniverse thank you so much for asking, as a matter of fact I do have some thoughts *cracks knuckles*
Let me preface this by saying I am not going to sit here and pretend I don't spend 90% of my waking hours ruminating on this. We all know what we're doing here. That being said, I have considered several variations on how I would love the 9-1-1 team to deliver this:
1. Let's call it the "Two Trapped Dads" scenario:
I implore you to consider the ANGST and POETRY of Buck and Eddie getting trapped somewhere, as civilians, and being forced to depend on each other in order to survive. The serve of this hypothetical scenario would be made more rich set in the context of them having had an argument, or just there being some kind of withstanding tension between the two that has been ignored and left to build to a nauseating degree.
(Side note: I love Buck and Eddie because when they fight it's never with any real animosity. It always stems from the terrifying magnitude of their Love for each other. It's not arguing, it's just them caring about each other very aggressively. Absolutely iconic.)
ANYWAY, in this scenario they careen into disaster over Christopher, as I see it playing out that for some reason they believe only one of them will be able to 100% make it out alive. I imagine the tension has been building since the guardianship bomb and Buck regresses to what he believes he does best, which is being a sacrificial lamb, which shoves their moment from 4x14 back into the forefront. It would force Eddie to not only seismically double down on what he said, but literally spell out to Buck what he means to Eddie, not just Christopher.
Buck: Obviously you're the one that's getting out, you have a son waiting for you.
Eddie: Screw that, you mean just as much to him as I do.
Buck: I'm irrelevant unless you're dead, Eddie, and there is no way I'm letting you die here today.
Eddie: You're such an idiot, Buck. How can you still not get it?
Buck: Get what?
Eddie: We're a family. All three of us. What did you think that whole will thing was about, anyway? Christopher and I . . . there's no us without you.
jfc someone stop me before I write an entire script, but I think you get the gist of this one.
2. Next we have the "Just-Tell-Me-What-You-WANT" scenario:
The Drama Queen in me is obsessed with this one. It would, unfortunately, require a significantly laid foundation between Buck and a love interest (Taylor ig? It's not important, tbh). Originally, I had this scenario flipped, but since we as a fandom have collectively established Eddie as the Pining Idiot in Love, we're gonna switch it up.
So, again, Buck would be progressing significantly in his relationship with [insert intentionally poorly-defined love interest here]. In the fallout of the guardianship scene, I can still see him struggling with how to untangle his Feelings about what Eddie said to him, and losing himself in the disingenuous familiarity of "Buck 1.0" (I am with Eddie in that I hate his software updates but it's canon material so there you go). The escalation of this hypothesis results in Buck contemplating taking the next step with Taylor or, more realistically, contemplating moving out of the city with her as she's been recruited for a promotion elsewhere. I could see Eddie coming over to Buck's place and them discussing this, because they discuss everything, and Eddie just getting more and more exasperated because Buck doesn't look happy but he won't stop and think, he's just barreling ahead as usual. And so Eddie calls him out.
I think it would be something like Eddie going, "What are you even doing? You obviously don't want this."
And Buck being like, "I'm not discussing what I want with you."
and Eddie just exploding, "What? What do you want, Buck? You never express what you really feel so just . . . what do you really want?"
And Buck just going fuck it and grabbing him and pressing years of want and need and love into Eddie's mouth and yeah *fans face* I'm FINE.
3. Finally, the "Wait-For-Me-To-Come-Home" scenario:
Ideally a season finale moment, paralleled to the other couples on the show. The episode would feature a series of calls relating to couples/families experiencing some degree of separation but always finding their way back to each other. At the end there's a montage of Bathena, Madney, Mavid, Henren etc. reuniting after some sort of contention and then it would stop on Buck alone in his apartment, sitting at his table identical to what we saw in Tsunami Pt. 2, completely overwhelmed by how quiet it is and how alone he feels. And maybe Buck is considering something he heard on one of the calls. Whatever the situation, it ends with him heading to Eddie's house and it's late, like two in the morning late, and the final scene is Buck knocking on Eddie's door looking wild-eyed and desperate and there's no dialogue, just them. And Eddie opens the door wider and steps back as Buck steps in and they just stand a breath's distance away, just staring at each other, and then Eddie closes the door and everything fades to black and *flings myself off a cliff*
Bonus: I call this the "Fever Dream" scenario because I dreamt it when I was, in fact, feverish and hallucinating after my second COVID vaccine:
Buck is out running an errand before going into work and ends up in a robbery situation where he obviously intervenes and ends up getting hurt. The episode would open with the 118 being unable to reach Buck and ragging on him, and the first call they respond to is, indeed, Buck on the verge of death. The rest of the episode would then show the sequence of events leading up to that moment and finish with Buck and Eddie in the back of the ambulance, and Buck just touches Eddie's face, or wraps his fist around the St. Christopher necklace hanging around Eddie's neck, and Eddie is Not Handling Things and then Buck flatlines in the back of the ambulance and jfjdsaldflja somebody stop me before I write a fic *flings myself off another cliff*
As you can see I haven't thought about this much at all. Also, you deserve a fucking award if you made it to the end of this.
I have buddie brainrot! They're actually ruining my life! I have lost control! I'm doing GREAT!!!
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galpalaven · 2 years
encanto oc brainrot below the cut because that is embarrozzing
thinkin bout my oc tia leonora and how the older grandkids probably saw the fallout when abuela found out she had no plans to birth any children and pretty much said in no uncertain terms that she wasn't fit to be part of the family. how abuela had seen her encouraging the kids to shirk their duties and play when they needed to be doing chores and wow its probably a good thing you're never having kids you'd be a horrible mother
but leonora was always happy to take the brunt of the blame bc she'd seen how alma was with her family and she knew that if it wasn't her then it was bruno and leonora would rather it be her any day
doesnt stop her from leaving when bruno seems to still feel like a failure because of the fact that they havent started a family and his mother is upset with his choices and all that - leonora decided to leave so bruno could find someone that better fit in with the family that could give him what he really wants, blablabla...
returning 15 years later to ask after bruno has everyone confused bc they assumed he left to be with her and shes just like no. uh no. he left?? and in this ~au~ abuela blames her for indulging mirabel and mirabel tries to be like no its my fault but tia leonora always takes the blame because it doesnt bother her, truly.
she tells mirabel about bruno from her POV, which is a very different perspective than the way everyone else saw him. She's got a piece of one of his visions in a locket she's been wearing for the past 15 years. she never married or anything even as she went traveling outside of the encanto in pursuit of education and adventure. she even brought back a bunch of presents - even has something for mirabel even though she wasnt even born when she left. "just had a feeling when i saw it. maybe some of the magic rubbed off on me before i left."
mirabel opens up about feeling like she's never good enough and leonora just laughs because she knows the feeling - but, she's happy to let abuela think whatever's going on is her fault, if she wants. "think that was always my place in the family when i had one - be the scapegoat so everyone else can breathe a little."
leonora never really had a family that loved each other like mirabel's so shes just happy to be of help to any of them - because she really did love them all. she loved julieta and pepa, she loved their kids, she loved being called tia leonora. if all she could ever be is a strange friend of the family that sometimes has lunch with people in town because abuela doesnt like her that's fine.
leonora herself isnt in the film much but bruno definitely gets flustered at the mention of her and mirabel's insistence that shes pretty sure shes still in love with him
at the end of the movie we get a little scene of her offering him a bunch of presents she's gotten him over the years, trying to get all the stories out at once but all he focuses on is the necklace she's wearing and he just
"youre still wearing it"
"i.. i never stopped."
"you left"
"i wanted you to get a chance at the life you wanted"
and he shakes his head because the only life he ever wanted was with her and hes so sorry--
and then she kisses him. and in the end scene they're dancing in the background
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ace-trainer-risu · 3 years
had really horrendous destiel brainrot today for some reason and all I could think about was this completely ridiculous crack concept that kept making me laugh hysterically while I was supposed to be working.
so basically i just started s12 of SPN and am amusing myself greatly by imagining that Mary is like [looking eyes emoji] at Dean Cas interactions and I was like...imagining her trying to talk to Dean about it like "Oh so...Castiel seems like a very nice angel...very...handsome" and how Dean would react to that and I realized that, oh my god, Dean's denial is so deep and vast that he'd just be like Oh Wow. Mom...is in Love With Cas.
like just...imagining Dean...trying to parent trap Cas and Mary...his denial working overtime to convince himself that This Is Good and he totally wants this to happen. He's like, well, Mom is perfect of course, and Cas is...CAS, he's so you know, Great, so for them to be together is perfect and right and the way it should be. They Deserve To Be Happy.
Sam is like You Are DEPRAVED. Are you POSSESSED. And Dean is like, Sammy, don't worry, it's not like Cas could ever replace Dad of course and Sam is just [screams internally] THAT IS NOT MY CONCERN hERE!
(but also just a tiny bit it is and there is like a teeny one percent part of him that's like DID YOU FUCK MY MOM CASTIEL.)
And Cas and Mary who...like each other fine, but are Not in love with each other are just like. completely mystified like literally have no capacity to understand what is occurring even though Cas HAS in fact seen The Parent Trap (Lindsay Lohan and Mary Kate and Ashley version, of course, b/c Cas exclusively has trashy taste in television and I love that for him). like they walk into the bunker one day and there's like candles and rose petals everywhere and Dean serves them pasta and then flees and they just. stare at each other. Mary's like. Do you even eat. And Cas is like. No.
like whenever dean talks to either of them he's like, Wow, Cas doesn't mom look great today? and poor Cas is just like "what." like NOTHING in his life has prepared Castiel to answer the question of whether a 30 year old human woman who is the mother of the man he's in love with "looks great today." Dean keeps being like SO Mom isn't Cas GREAT and Mary is internally like He's Fine but wants to encourage her son and unfortunately I'm pretty sure they didn't have PFLAG in 1970s Lawrence Kansas so she's always just like OHH YEAH he's great! He's the best! Love when he uh stabbed that demon the other day. That was uuhhhhhh very uhhhhhhhhhhhhh s-sexy? And Dean is like AHA PROOF while simultaneously feeling like he is going to die and Sam is in the background like. did you fuck my mom castiel.
*side note but Cas is genuinely sad and hurt like a little lost puppy that Sam is suddenly being lowkey very cold to him. He misses his buddy :(
[am imagining Kevin and Charlie and Bobby and Rufus up in heaven watching all of this and eating popcorn. No I know they never met alive BUT. hear me out. bestie squad. Charlie of course is a Destiel shipper. Obviously. Kevin doesn't so much ship it as view it as simple fact. annoying fact. every time Dean or Cas does something ridiculous he yells and throws popcorn. Bobby at first is like "what? no" but after three hours alone with Charlie he's fully Team Destiel. Rufus is merely there for the laffs. They have bets going on the outcome, Charlie is all-in on this ending with Dean and Cas kissing, Kevin is like no, they'll nEVER work it out, they're tOO DENSE.]
at some point Crowley and Rowena get dragged in for elaborate shenanigans of course and Rowena is like "Wait but isn't that poor wee angel in love with y-" and then Crowley kicks her and hisses "Don't RUIN this for me!!!" all of which Dean conveniently fails to notice even though it happens like two feet away from him. Crowley like, genuinely doesn't know what he wants to happen here and of course is very conflicted what with the, you know, HISTORY between him and both of them (what history? you mean when you pathetically pined over both of them and then they both rejected you? Rowena says rudely) but ALSO he desperately wants to see any and all ensuing chaos and fallout.
eventually it does all dramatically falls out and Mary is like WHAT the fuck is a parent trap (the first movie came out in the '60s but she did not see it) and Cas is like. Mary Kate and Ashley or Lindsay Lohan and Dean is like oh obviously Lindsay Lohan and Sam is having a very small quiet seizure so no one notices. and then like a week later Dean is like Wait Cas are you pissed at me? and Cas is just [screams internally] how could you think that I'm in love with your MOTHER instead of--- and dean is like [totally not having a panic attack] instead of who? and Cas is like very quiet you know who and Dean is like even more quiet who
and anyway long story short, Charlie takes the whole pot up in heaven.
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anonymouslyangsty · 3 years
I would love to hear about Taka secretly being the murderer instead of Toko!!
HEHEHEH I now have an excuse to talk about the Brainrot. Also gosh. This is real long. And kinda just a string of thoughts, though no more so than usual I guess. I got into this one
First and foremost, we got to establish how close to the Toko/Syo situation Taka would be in this case. For the sake of simplicity, we'll say it's another situation of Taka and Ishida being separate personalities, just like with Toko and Syo. I think there's definitely merit to them being the same person, but I'd have to think that over since...well I've never thought of this concept from that mindset before. 
Let's consider Taka not knowing. I like that it's kinda a metaphor to some degree? Because as kids, we all have a very black and white, pure idea of morality and justice. Don't steal from others, don't lie, don't hurt people, ect. And that clear cut morality is very much in line with Taka as a character. He follows the rules! All the time! Even in a death game he'll yell at you for running in the halls. And this morality of his is so pure and simple, to the point of being childish.
But morality is not black and white in the real word. It's complicated, with tons of different factors to consider more often than not. Is it already to steal if you'll starve otherwise? Is it alright to lie if the person you're lying to has bad intentions, even if they are a authority figure? Is it okay to hurt someone if doing so saves others? Morality isn't clear cut and sometimes rules need to be broken. But when we're immature, it's easy not to realize this. 
So having Taka not know about Ishida would be representative of this concept of immature vs mature morality. The immature morality, the black and white view, is unaware of the need for complexity. This would be Taka, because Taka seems unable to accept grey morally. His interactions with Mondo reflect that. When he thought Mondo was bad, he was totally bad. He was violent, lazy, and a criminal. When he decided Mondo was good, he was totally good. He was the perfect man, unable to do any harm, let alone kill someone. 
So Ishida would be the mature morality, the one who realizes that the idealistic views of the immature morality are just that, an ideal, not reality. Ishida would understand that Taka's belief that, if he can just bring his ideas and morals into politics everything can be solved, is wrong. Corruption runs deeper than Taka's willing or ready to confront. And even with all the hard work in the world, Kiyotaka isn't going to be able to solve everything. 
How do you solve society's issues when the avenues to legally solve it are corrupt? Who do you call when the cops abuse the people? When the billionaire has all the judges paid off? How can you uproot corruption when so many politicians benefit from it and strive to perpetuate it? 
You can't. And that's what Ishida's there for. Ishi is more of the revolutionary that Taka is, the one who's willing to break the rules to ultimately create a better world to live in. 
So yeah. Ishida is a murderer. He kills corrupt authority figures, those who'd would lie and bribe their way out of trouble if he didn't kill them. Because for far too long justice has only affected those who couldn't pay their way out of it. I guess he's kinda a Sparkling Justice kinda situation, motivation wise. 
His calling card would definitely be different from Syo's. He'd probably leave a file of all the crimes the politician was executed for. Nobody knows how he gets the info, since so much of it was covered up, but he has it. Along with this, his victims are always decapitated. This is in reference to the French Revolution, where the people rose up and used a guillotine on the ruling class. (I’m sure there’s a more Japanese appropriate revolution I could make reference of, but I don’t know what it is.)
Now actually, how does Ishida get all that info on his victims? Not sure fully myself, but he probably uses Takaaki's position as an officer to his benifit. I'm sure he can get a lot of confidential information by breaking into police files. He has his ways.
Also, it should be noted that someone like Mondo wouldn't become a target for Ishida. Ishida doesn't deal with petty criminals, or even serial killers. He deals with criminals that'll powerful enough to manipulate the justice system to their advantage. Ishida only kills those the law refuses to deal with. 
Unlike Toko and Syo, I think that Kiyotaka would be totally unaware of Ishida. I like the idea of Ishida attempting to protect Taka from what he does. Because Taka is everything Ishida fights for; to protect innocence by destroying corruption. So Ishida wouldn't want Taka to know about what he does. 
Perhaps fittingly, this isn't exactly a good thing. How can Taka grow as a person, learn to be a leader himself, if he isn't aware of the corrupt world he's getting into? Taka does need to evolve into mature morality, but Ishida won't let him in his desire to protect Taka. Ishida keeps Taka innocent and naive, which isn't always a good thing. 
Moving on, I want to talk about backstory for this AU. It's basically the same. Toranosuke's corrupt in his actions as Prime Minister, probably cheating many out of their livelihoods and ruining lives in the process. He's eventually found out, leaving him and his family in dept. As far as I know, Toranosuke never serves a prison sentence. I don't know why he didn't in canon, but I'm going to say he bribed his way out of it in this AU.
And all of this is...upsetting to Taka to say the least (I'm going to say Taka's like 8-10 at this point) . Because even if his father tries to hide it from him, Taka's aware of the fallout of what his grandfather did. The thousands who were cheated, the workers left jobless, the safety violations that were ignored. He knows what his grandfather did was wrong. And everybody, from the news reporters, to the people on the street, to even his own teachers, say Toranosuke should be imprisoned for what he did. 
The situation is terribly unfair. Why should everyone hate him because of what his grandfather did? Why should his dad have to work all day just because of Toranosuke? Why isn't his grandfather in jail if he did so many bad things?
Kiyotaka is a passionate boy, and while he's well behaved, that level of passion wouldn't be easy for a 10 year old's willpower to contain. I think that eventually the stress of everything becomes too much. The constant bullying at school, the fact that he never sees his father anymore, the fact that his mother left them after grandfather got in trouble. It's all a lot for a child. And Toranosuke, the man behind all that heartache, is still there. An old, withered man, just laying in bed while everyone else suffers for his mistakes.
It's not fair. It's not fair that the bad guy gets away with it, and Taka hates his grandfather so much for it. Perhaps if Toranosuke had spoken to him, had said anything in explanation for what he'd done, Taka could've dealt with it better. But he didn't, so Taka didn't.
I think Taka eventually does something drastic. It's not planned or calculated in any way, more like a child having the worst possible meltdown. Perhaps he pulls out his grandfather's life support, or he smothers the man with a pillow. Either way, Toranosuke Ishimaru dies at the hands of his grandson, a young boy who couldn't handle the stress the world put on him. 
And Taka's horrified when he realizes what he's done. Because he just killed someone, someone who had hurt so many people, but someone nonetheless. And regardless of how angry Taka was with his grandfather, he honestly didn't mean to kill the man. 
So Taka does what any terrified child would do. He runs as far away as possible, with absolutely no plan. And it's days later before anyone finds him and brings him home. He's completely catonic when Takaaki finally finds him. 
 Taka's fingerprints being on the crime scene wouldn't be suspicious, since he lives there and is in charge of taking care of Toranosuke while Takaaki's out. So it wouldn't be hard to assume someone came in, killed Toranosuke, then cleaned up any evidence before leaving. After all, Toronosuke was dead for hours before Takaaki returned home. 
It's possible that Takaaki knows what actually happened. I mean, Taka's still Taka. He'd probably confess what'd happened once he's less catonic. But, regardless of if Takaaki believes the confession, he sure as hell isn't going to accept it. 
It’s the only time Takaaki ever yelled at his son. Not out of anger, but a panicked terror of not knowing if his son was deeply traumatized and blaming himself. or if he was truly guilty of murdering Toranosuke. He makes Taka swear to never say he killed his grandfather again. 
And somewhere in the midst of all that issue, Ishida starts being a thing. Perhaps it comes from Taka’s immaturity; his childish views on morality are completely incompatible with what he’d done. And how he’s promised to never bring it up again, but that means that he can’t do the right thing and confess. It’s a horrific contradiction and a horrific situation. 
Perhaps Ishida is Taka’s means of coping with that. Taka doesn’t remember what happened on that day, but Ishida does. Ishida carries the burden of that day and, as Taka gets older, all the other deaths.
Does Takaaki know about his son’s vigilantism? Who knows. 
Anyway, as for in the death game. I would still say the murderer gets revealed in ch2, but I’m not quite sure how. There’s no way that Taka could tell anyone he’s Ishida (or whatever the media calls this ‘mysterious killer’), since he himself honestly doesn’t know. 
I feel like it would be possible for Togami to catch him however, assuming there’s info on his case in the library. When the secrets are passed out, Taka would probably be pretty vocal about his being a “total false accusation”. After all, there’s no way he killed his own grandfather! These so called secrets are clearly just slander, right?
Given how honest Taka’s shown himself to be, Togami might think that’s suspicious that he likely honestly doesn’t remember his secret happening. Which might be enough for him to connect Taka to the string of murders. After all, Toranosuke would fit the bill of the killer’s usual victims.
I guess to get Ishida to front, Togami would have to convince both the class and Taka that he’s the aformentioned murderer. It would be...A very bad time for Taka. Bringing up a lot of repressed memories. 
Also, gotta talk about Ishida a tad more! With Toko and Syo, the fact that they have such different personalities is part of the charm. So, it seems kinda lame to keep Ishida as “just Taka but loud and rude” like in canon. Not to mention that Ishida wasn’t made with Mondo in mind, so it wouldn’t make sense. 
My first thought is that Ishida is almost the total opposite of Taka. He’s still just as militant as Taka, but he’s far more serious, less expressive. He probably very openly consiters making Togami his next target for the whole mutilating a corpse thing, but decides not to on the grounds that he’s a minor (and also because they’re in a death game and Ishida doesn’t want to risk Taka dying)
Also I’m realizing that, if Togami sets up the killer like he does in canon...That means he cuts off Chihiro’s head….Ew
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